Open Thread – Weekend 26 Oct 2024

Branches, Ivan Shishkin, late 1800s

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October 27, 2024 1:01 pm

I’d call past tomorrow but it’s the one day he’s not open.
Encouraging any cats who can to call in to Brunswick East Wine Bar and brighten up this poor man’s day.
Will make an effort to get there though.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rosie
Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
October 27, 2024 4:13 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Thanks Rosie. There’s a follow up posting on Insta. The original video was Thurs night and apparently he’s been absolutely overwhelmed with patrons and shoppers in the 48 hours since, including many making a trip up from the bagel belt to show support.

Personally I think he should make a police report of a hate crime and keep following up. Hopefully there’s cctv images of the blue haired harpy.

October 27, 2024 4:19 pm

I’m so glad about that, Perfidious. Tried to find some way of sending him a message of support, but not on any of those platforms.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 1:15 pm

LNP won’t act on Labor’s ‘blatant mistruths’: Crisafulli

Queensland Premier-Elect David Crisafulli has held his first press conference since winning the state…
David Crisafulli has declared the Liberal National Party had secured a “good majority” and insisted the vote “exceeded our expectations”.
Mr Crisafulli said overturning the Labor government after nearly a decade in office had been a “big hurdle to overcome”.
“It was like climbing a mountain weighed down with a backpack and in the sleeting snow,” he said.
The LNP leader said he would remind the Labor party in future years about the scare campaigns and “blatant mistruths” that had run during the past four weeks.
“There’s robust debate and conflicts of ideas, and then there’s just out and out blatant mistruths, and the latter can’t become part of modern politics,” he said.
He pointed to the abortion debate, and allegations the LNP would privatise hospitals, as examples of the “mistruths”.
“We won’t do what the former government alleged we were going to, and that’s important,” he said.

October 27, 2024 5:45 pm

Gee, like ‘blatant mistruths’ (we used to call them lies) have never featured in any political campaign before Queensland 2024.

What a maroon.

October 27, 2024 1:18 pm

Net zero strategy for defence? Are they really that fuking stooped? Yes because they are canbra pubes.

October 27, 2024 1:24 pm

It is hilarious when you see Democrat supporters saying Kamala should go on Rogan.
Rogan won’t allow a teleprompter in the room and she would be hopeless in a 2-3 hour conversation.

She has more chance of picking up votes if she goes and “works” in a MacDonalds for 16 minutes.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
October 27, 2024 1:27 pm

Oh dear oh bloody dear. I despair. Going the full Liebor Lite. From the Oz.

David Crisafulli has recommitted to Queensland’s target of net zero emissions by 2050, and said he would deliver a new plan for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics in 100 days.

Asked whether he would be more direct with Queenslanders as Premier than he was during the campaign – when he refused for weeks to say what his personal position was on abortion, or explain the state LNP’s rejection of nuclear power, or what option he’d prefer as a marquee Olympic stadium – Mr Crisafulli rejected the question.

October 27, 2024 1:31 pm

Yes as we feared. Time for advance to get to work.

October 27, 2024 1:36 pm

“The wife of Max Chandler Mather (leader of the Queensland Greens) celebrated Hamas rape and slaughter on October 7 as “amazing and inspiring.” ”

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
October 27, 2024 1:42 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Lest anyone misunderstand the ‘like’, I meant ‘like’ as ‘well done for exposing these sociopathic Stalininst pervert terrorist vermin for what they are.’

October 27, 2024 1:57 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Good heavens. I didn’t know about this murderous bitvh. It is not safe for her to walk amongst us – a camp guard level monster.

October 27, 2024 7:54 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Yet, if she were a male who looked at his watch while a female was speaking … The reason this was not front-page news is because the media and elites approve of her – she is one of them and will therefore be defended by them, regardless of the content of her speech. It’s not what the person says or does, it’s the individual themselves that matters. Insiders – Outsiders.

October 27, 2024 1:40 pm
October 27, 2024 1:40 pm

David Crisafulli has recommitted to Queensland’s target of net zero emissions by 2050…

It’s meaningless.
He knows he has to keep the coal and gas running indefinitely.

QLDers will not be forgiving if he breaks his promises on youth crime though.

Meanwhile, I’m hoping for a backbencher to introduce an abortion reform bill.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 2:26 pm
Reply to  Roger

Referendum – we need a Binding Referendum.
The only reason we aren’t getting one is that it empowers the electorate, and depowers the Politicians. (From Whom All Wisdom Flows Because They Are The Smartest Men in the Room.)

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
October 27, 2024 1:41 pm

Biden’s apology to native Americans has been interrupted by a Gazan protester. Our grievances are more grievous than yours!

Not exactly the best way to win friends and influence people.

October 27, 2024 1:45 pm

Delaware should apologise to Americans for the old perv.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2024 1:45 pm

Australian Defence Force Announces Net Zero Strategy

Zero emissions explosives and propellants.

Do you buy the certificates in advance, or after the battle? And how do you account for the emissions from your burning enemy?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 1:47 pm

LNP’s youth crime policy to be law by Christmas: Crisafulli

Premier-elect David Crisafulli has refused to say whether his shadow cabinet ministers would remain in the same positions in his new Liberal National Party government, as he had promised during the campaign.
Mr Crisafulli said he wanted “the opportunity to speak directly” to future ministers.
“I think that’s important to do that,” he said.
He said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese had been very generous with his time on Sunday morning and they had a 20 minute conversation. Mr Crisafulli said he had already brought up the federal government increasing its funding for infrastructure projects to 80-20, rather than the current 50-50 split.
Mr Crisafulli said there would be two parliamentary sittings before the end of the year, and said the LNP’s youth crime policy – including “adult time adult crime” – would be law by Christmas.

October 27, 2024 1:47 pm

Roger, I think it will be Robbie Katter. He put a ch 7 reporter in her place by the looks of the article below:

So by the bints logic being pregnant is code for shut you don’t have a say. He rightly asserts his opinion is different to hers and he’s allowed to have that.

October 27, 2024 1:57 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

I’d rather someone in the LNP put Crisafulli on the spot for once.

October 27, 2024 2:04 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Mr Miles confirmed he formerly tendered his resignation as Queensland premier on Sunday and said he wishes Mr Crisafulli ‘all the best’ in the position.

Oh dear, the work experience kiddies are it … formerly vs formally

October 27, 2024 1:48 pm

“The wife of Max Chandler Mather (leader of the Queensland Greens) celebrated Hamas rape and slaughter on October 7 as “amazing and inspiring.””

Stupid, vicious and heartless.

I fear the upbringing their baby will receive.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
October 27, 2024 1:49 pm

And stupid female lefties pretend the US is going to go full handmaid’s tale under Trump.

October 27, 2024 1:51 pm
October 27, 2024 1:52 pm

So cute. I remember my youngest wanted vestments for Christmas when he was five. Absolutely no place to buy them.

October 27, 2024 1:56 pm
October 27, 2024 2:26 pm

“Advance” have been running a campaign against the Greens for some time now. Slogan is “The Greens are not who they used to be.”.

I didn’t think much of it, but maybe the idea is getting some traction.

I still prefer “Greens – as insane as they always were” and maybe some voters are recognising the fact.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
October 27, 2024 5:11 pm
Reply to  Barry

They have always been insane but have got worse. The Rhiannon Stalinists, who have the upper hand, dismiss Bob Brown and his like as ‘Tree Tories’ – i.e. not far enough to the left.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:00 pm
Reply to  Old Lefty

Yes. Slogan should be ‘more insane than ever’

Far more dangerous too.

October 27, 2024 2:28 pm

Completely off thread.

I was just chatting on the phone to a friend with whom I undertook the joys of National service. He reminded me of an incident that would have someone jailed these days.

We had been deployed to Canungra to do the pre-deployment course – the name escapes me but it wasn’t much fun.

As part of the Government’s failed attempt to convince the Indonedians to love us, a bunch of Indon generals were invited to tour Canungra. As their three limos filed through the main gate it was noted that the prefix of each of the three numberplates was ‘NOG’.

We almost forgot that we were not enjoying ourselves.

October 28, 2024 11:34 pm
Reply to  bons

Battle Efficiency Course is the 3 weeks long torture course we did in 1970…

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 27, 2024 2:32 pm
October 27, 2024 3:53 pm
Reply to  Farmer Gez

Top men…

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 6:24 pm
Reply to  Farmer Gez

The People involved in this farce need to be propped against a wall and shot.
This is incompetence on such a scale as to be worthy of the ultimate sanction.

October 27, 2024 2:33 pm


Last edited 3 months ago by Lee
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:07 pm
Reply to  Mother Lode

lol. Even if he doesn’t win, we’ll always have something to remember him by.

It’s been a good trip. Onya, Donald.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 2:47 pm

Iran: Tehran mural shows blood-spattered photos of hostages with Hebrew caption ‘No hostage will be released’

Former Israeli hostage negotiator Gershon Baskin, who worked toward the release of Gilad Schalit in 2011, told the Telegraph that Sinwar’s death could mean “A moment of doom because there are rumors that Sinwar instructed people holding hostages that, should he be killed, they should kill their hostages.”…

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 27, 2024 2:59 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Two can play at that game, messy as it may be. “No terrorist sympathizer will have a home left when we are finished with Gaza. Scorched earth retribution is underway.” The majority of Gazans are complicit. Eff them.
And wasn’t Sinwar released to get Schalit back? Bad deal Mr. Baskin, hang your head in shame.

Last edited 3 months ago by Bungonia Bee
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 6:31 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Don’t forget that Israel has many thousands of their Jihadi prisoners.
Stick them in a tunnel and blow it out of the ground.

October 27, 2024 2:50 pm

Chris Rufo doesn’t stop.

How DEI ruined the NIH

October 27, 2024 5:25 pm
Reply to  JC

Trump faces a huge task of cleaning out the Augean stables if elected.

October 28, 2024 2:04 pm
Reply to  Lee

I think he will have a lot of volunteers to help him out with that.

October 27, 2024 2:51 pm

Fair dinkum the Herald Sun in Melbourne has a negative Trump story every day.Silent on Kamala.
J also see the Oz has a story by Nikki Gemmel on a new type of politician Tim Bloody Waltz fmd.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 27, 2024 2:55 pm
Reply to  Morsie

This is why Australians who are normally sensible can get entirely the wrong idea about US politics. Most of the Australian media are either left leaning or ignorant themselves.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:09 pm
Reply to  Morsie

Nothing about tampons, stolen valour and being a knucklehead in that lot of bilge.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 27, 2024 2:53 pm

Lidia Thorpe should be asked to “give back the money she stole from the taxpayer” on false pretences. She’s not even a kosher abo. Just a nutter.
Certainly not value as a senator. Thanks Greens, you idiots.

Last edited 3 months ago by Bungonia Bee
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:10 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Yep. Just another nutter.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 27, 2024 2:56 pm

Queensland is off to a good start!
Crisafulli sacked Mike Kaiser this morning. (He was head of the Qld public service)


October 27, 2024 3:14 pm

until they slash spending by 80% its mere deck chair shuffling

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 3:17 pm

Im a big fan of heads on sticks. Although it could have waited till Monday.

October 27, 2024 4:38 pm

Great start, corrupt POS will be picked up elsewhere though.

October 28, 2024 2:08 pm

That’s how you do it, get rid of the top dogs and put in your own boss. If there are mutinies then get rid of those. No need to get rid of everyone. Freeze hiring as well and thus stop empire building.

October 27, 2024 3:00 pm

Jacinta Allan Victoria is open for business.
In your dreams

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 3:03 pm

Knuckle Dragger

In the end it was all about children: feeding them sandwiches or locking them up.

Why not do both?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 6:34 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

What sort of sandwiches? Cheese and Vegemite?
Lock the little horrors up in the Great Sandy Desert Vegemite Mines, and make ’em provide their own vegemite.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 3:06 pm

Keep an eye on Jenrick. While Badenoch is the popular favourite for the leadership, Jenrick has more runs on the board.

Honestly I couldn’t despise that party more, including anyone who bothers to remain in it (with one or two honourable exceptions who aren’t able to effect any change and remain in it for old time’s sake or whatever). There are always those who talk a good game but they ultimately and uniformly end up Blairites when they’re in a position to put those big words into action. They are chameleons, quislings. Just flush the whole stinking turd. It is beyond saving and is a political and ideological enemy of conservatives and conservatism.

October 27, 2024 4:33 pm
Reply to  Oh come on

Worth keeping an eye on just the same.

Starmer doesn’t look like a two termer.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 3:08 pm

LNP’s youth crime policy to be law by Christmas: Crisafulli

As has been noted, NT showing the way. By a leader with balls.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 3:09 pm

Minor parties go backwards in surprise election shockAll three of Queensland’s bigger minor parties have gone backwards in a shock result few saw coming, with One Nation’s future as a political force now in question.

Courier Mail – Katter’s Australia Party, One Nation and the vooking Greens..

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
October 27, 2024 5:24 pm

Does the LNP still preference the ALP above PHON?

Pauline should retire when her senate stint is over. Become a commentator or retire somewhere quiet.

Her policies were probably more suitable to conservatives voters but they obviously don’t care.

Hence, we get the flip side of the coin every few terms.

The ALP will probably be back in QLD within two terms.

October 28, 2024 9:06 am

Well stupid is as stupid does. The non labor/greens voters had the opportunity through preferential voting to give first preference to PHON a sensible centre right party then LNP second a centre left party. You get what you vote for. Just don’t expect tooany changes to Labor policies.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 3:10 pm

More like

Australian Defence Force Announces Net Zero Lethality Strategy

October 27, 2024 3:12 pm

but yesterday we learned that there are limitations to this capability.

As in the number of planes they can get in the sky at any time they want?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 3:14 pm

Morsie at 3:00

Jacinta Allan Victoria is open for business.

In your dreams

This is the real problem. Investment and private construction dead for as far as the eye can see. Negative net migration. It will be ugly.

October 27, 2024 3:17 pm

I finally finished watching the 3 hr Rogan/Trump interview. It was worth it. I have now a better “handle” on the man than before. Of course he changes his demeanour and methodology with each interviewer he encounters. But he clearly respects Rogan, and vice versa. I heard details of Trump’s modus operandi during his Presidency that I had not heard before. His revelations about friends and foes were fascinating. Recommended for all those who do not trust the mass media, and still have enough of a faculty for critical thinking to be able to use this interview to further critique The Donald.

October 27, 2024 5:55 pm
Reply to  Vicki

I’m 1/2 through, it feels perfectly sincere to me, he does not pretend. It would be fascinating to hear a similar kind of interview with many others. I listened to Tucker interview Paul Maniforte during the week too, similarly the long form interview reveals a better idea of personality and motivation. Trump wants the best for people.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 3:22 pm

Say what you like about Candace Owens but she has been putting out some very interesting stuff about Kamala Harris’s heritage recently. She’s presented credible evidence that Kamala isn’t black, as in has no Afro-Jamaican heritage at all. The woman Kamala claims as being her grandmother was actually the lifelong family help. Her daddy’s Irish-Indian (and I think there is some Jewish heritage in the mix too) who can pass as black, appearance wise. Candace brings receipts for all of this – there are substantial genealogical records and other historical records from Jamaica that support these claims.

More circumstantially, it seems her mother was born into a very elite and exclusive caste that would be extremely unlikely to permit a daughter to marry a black man.

Last edited 3 months ago by Oh come on
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 3:22 pm
October 27, 2024 3:23 pm

One Nation’s future as a political force now in question.

At first sight – that is a great pity. Hanson has been a courageous and indefatigable advocate for Everyman in Oz. And she has grown wiser and even more courageous with the passing of time.

On the other hand, “keeping the bastards honest” may have had its day. Everyone knows there are a lot of bastards in that House – and we know who they are.

At the end of the day, giving one’s vote to One Nation just takes it away from the LNP who, as a primary Party, is the only chance Oz has got.

October 28, 2024 4:06 pm
Reply to  Vicki

God help us if you think a centre left party is the salvation for Australia

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2024 3:25 pm

I saw a clip on YouTube labelled ‘Beyonce Endorses Kamala Harris as Candidates Descend on Texas’. It was an ABC clip.

Against my natural aversion to anything ABC I girded my loins (and I bought brand new girdings and loins because I didn’t want to risk ‘loin-fatigue’ – many a man has been undone thus) to see if they were going to gloss over something worth noting: That while Kamala’s team had promoted the idea of a mini-concert at the rally, all Beyonce did was introduce Kamala. No singing. No wiggling her bott. Just introducing Kamala.

The ABC was thereby were able to ignore rally-goers leaving when they realised there was no show.

You would think people would be more circumspect after being duped by the promise that Taylor Swift would perform at a rally and she did not even turn up. But they are Democrat supporters after all, so smart does not really appear anywhere on their resumes – unless it is the name of a font.

They then characterised Trump’s rally as somewhere he was going to try a new tactic to exploit anger at the border crisis.

And absolutely no mention of the fact that more than just a rally, Trump’s sit down with Joe Rogan currently stands at 23.8 million views at just YouTube to this moment, and that is not counting all the videos that legions of commentators have put up containing clips on this bit or other of the whole.

The ABC would have you think Harris is in a good, at least competitive, position making it seem she is attracting excitement and Trump is just trying his same boring tricks.

And, of course, being an ABC story the comments where all this might come out have been turned off.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mother Lode
Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 3:25 pm

Damn. Looks like the Greens are going to hold their one seat after all.

October 27, 2024 3:30 pm
Reply to  Oh come on

On ALP preferences. Looks like the LNP strategy of putting the Greens last had some dividends.

October 27, 2024 3:37 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 27, 2024 3:40 pm


Your hypothesis of 200 top level comments per page is one I find hard to reconcile with observation. On that occasion there had only been 1 page of comments before the turn at 412. For the “200” hypothesis to be true each comment on the first page would need on average 1 reply comment under it. We know this is not the case, the vast majority of comments don’t get any nested replies.

I can accept it may be difference of counting top comments and not replies. Just not convinced on the figure of 200.

October 27, 2024 3:51 pm


Leftist nut job “comedian” Billy Eichner has a breakdown on TikTok, saying it’s “time to f*cking panic” for Democrats

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 6:11 pm
Reply to  Makka

The outright lies of it! Saying Trump is a convicted rapist, for instance. Delibately misreading Trump’s conviction for an accounting issue to do with ‘hush’ money in an old case that was just a beat up in the first place.

This guy is litterally begging for a shooter to try to take Trump out, and is signal to the sort of true derangement that this election and the mass media songsheet has produced.

October 27, 2024 3:58 pm

The one result from the Queensland election that really pleased me was Russell Field winning Capalaba. His son, son’s fiancee and unborn grandson were killed by a teenager in a stolen car and he decided to stand for parliament as an advocate for the rights of victims of crime. The sitting ALP member said words to the effect that Field was an out of area blow-in trading on his tragedy for votes. He walked back on his comment but I suspect the damage was done as Capalaba had one of the largest swings in the state.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 3:59 pm

I wonder if WordPress makes it easy to put in place a reverse-chronological pagination for comments so the first comment posted gets pushed onto the new page rather than the last, then there wouldn’t be the whole issue with comments posted just before the page turn being largely unread, as well as the inevitable slowdown in commenting running up to the new page turning

October 27, 2024 3:59 pm

I thought the US was providing re-fuelers.

October 27, 2024 4:09 pm

Breaking — Michigan Muslims endorse Donald J. Trump for president: “He promises peace not war!”

I just don’t get it! We’ve got a situation with Israel vs Iran, and Iran’s attack dogs. Between the two options, Kamaltoe would actually throw a slightly warmer smile towards the Arabs than Trump.He’s got a real soft spot for Israel and a serious case of mullah-mania. Sure, I know Iran is Shi’a, but still, it’s a head-scratcher!

October 27, 2024 4:09 pm

Excellent nested comment above by Rugbyskier:

On ALP preferences. Looks like the LNP strategy of putting the Greens last had some dividends.

Even the Stupid Frigging Liberals have finally woken up that if you give the Greens votes, including preferences, they win seats.

The Greens have been using preferences as a sneaky backdoor way if getting people who loathe them to vote for them.

Starve them of preferences and you starve them of seats. Kill the parasites and you make the country healthier.

October 27, 2024 4:38 pm
Reply to  Tom

I’ve recognised the danger of preferences and I always put the Greens last, despite what any how-to-vote card says and have done so since the late 90s.

In the Queensland election it looks like the LNP strategy of formally putting the Greens last on HTV cards resulted in the Greens losing South Brisbane, as the LNP finished third, and not picking up two inner city seats from the ALP where they finished ahead of the LNP. In Maiwar the Greens could retain the seat as the ALP finished third and their decision to preference the Greens ahead of the LNP could well deliver the seat to the Greens.

Last edited 3 months ago by rugbyskier
October 27, 2024 4:51 pm
Reply to  rugbyskier

Just had a look at the preliminary results in Maiwar and it looks like around a third of Labor voters preferenced the LNP ahead of the Greens, despite the HTV cards. It seems that some ALP voters recognise the danger of the Greens.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 5:55 pm
Reply to  Tom

Like always, taken a while but get there in the end.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 4:40 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Wasn’t the main design fault of the T-72 the location of the ammunition carousel under the crew compartment?

October 27, 2024 4:12 pm

Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 2:02 pm

Reply to  H B Bear
Which is why my advice is send it back to the States, and have a referendum on the issue with the results binding.
Best way to foil the Left. Just like the Voice Referendum. And do it with Nuclear Power, Immigration, and other contentious issues.
By a referendum, I presume that you mean something about a proposed amendment to the Constitution.

Amendments to the Constitution can only be about matters for which the Commonwealth is responsible under the existing Constitution. Abortion is not in that category, just as it isn’t in the US. It belongs to the States. So, can’t happen.

I don’t know how the Constitution could be amended in relation to nuclear power either. What did you have in mind?

As for immigration, while it is undoubtedly a Commonwealth responsibility, what would you put into the Constitution about it that had a hope of being passed?

‘Contentious issues’ are matters for the Parliament, not the Constitution.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 6:57 pm
Reply to  johanna

No, nothing to do with the Constitution.
An act of Parliament that allows the people to demand a course of action by whomever is in power.
Remember the WA Premier who said “I don’t care if 95% of the people want the death penalty brought back, it’s not going to happen?”
An act that allows a certain number of people to demand a referendum on a particular matter and forces the government to convince them otherwise, or resign and call a new election.
At the moment, we have a situation where both parties refuse to carry out the peoples wishes, and are just ignoring them. “The Voice” comes to mind – the States are going ahead with their own agenda of reparations and separate laws for certain people based on the colour of their skin.
This sort of political arrogance has to stop, and the people regain control of the Parliament – something that isn’t happening now.
We have a choice of 10% dogshit on our cornflakes, or 50% dogshit, and this is intolerable. We are limited to the choices our rulers allow us.
I don’t know about you, but I want the choice of No Dogshit.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 27, 2024 4:19 pm
Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 4:19 pm

it’s kind of odd that Israel hasn’t invested much or at all in medium-range ground-launched (or air launched but within Israel’s borders) cruise missiles capable of carrying conventional payloads. It has been known for many years that the standoff weapons Israel possesses that could strike Iran would need to be delivered by air and relatively close to Iran’s borders, with all of the attendant issues that presents regarding overflight permissions, refueling etc. The later block Tomahawks would do the trick. South Korea would probably sell Israel some of their medium range cruise missiles too.

October 27, 2024 4:20 pm

Leftist nut job “comedian” Billy Eichner has a breakdown on TikTok, saying it’s “time to f*cking panic” for Democrats.

He’s been living in a bubble. I’ve seen kamala talk and I’ve seen trump talk, and Billy Eichmer calls trump racist because it’s a term of abuse, not because it’s true.
Likewise, trump isn’t disintegrating.
Democrat supporters seem astonishingly out of contact with reality. Eichner being an example.

October 27, 2024 4:32 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Australians don’t realise that living in America is like living in a fantasy land if you get your information from mainstream media, especially network TV, which is 99% against Trump and the Republican party.

Fox News is the only US cable TV company that caters for the half of America that doesn’t vote Democrat. Most of the US news media long ago ditched the public interest and now simply barracks for the Dems.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 4:20 pm

Bolt: Lidia Thorpe exposes the fraud of the Welcome to CountryThese race rituals are increasingly preposterous and Lidia Thorpe became the latest to prove it when she abused King Charles.

Senator Lidia Thorpe didn’t just disqualify herself from sitting in Parliament by abusing King Charles. She also exposed the fraud of the Welcome to Country.
Largely overlooked in this furore is that Thorpe advanced on Charles, shouting “You are not my king! … You committed genocide against my people!”, just after he’d been given a Welcome to Country by Violet Sheridan, claiming to represent Canberra’s traditional owners.
Indeed, Charles had just said he’d been touched by the “moving Welcome to Country ceremony” from “the traditional owners of the lands on which we meet, the Ngunnawal people”.
Some welcome. Welcome to another smack in the face, white guy.
Mind you, Sheridan did accuse Thorpe of being “disrespectful”, adding: “Lidia Thorpe does not speak for me and my people, and I’m sure she doesn’t speak for a lot of First Nations people”.

But already I’m wondering: if even an “Aboriginal sovereignty” crusader like Thorpe can’t respect the “Welcome to Country”, why should anyone else?
There’s another embarrassment with this Welcome to what Charles called Ngunnawal country.
Another tribe, the Ngambri, also claims to “own” Canberra and is cranky the ACT government cut it out of this welcoming business, which can be a nice earner.
This brawl got so willing that the ACT last year formally apologised to the Ngambri for the “hurt and distress” in being wrongly excluded.
But it gets even sillier.
One guy doing Welcomes on behalf of the Ngambri has been Shane Mortimer, who’s said he grew up “in a life of privilege” until he was 34 and was told by his wife that one of his aunts in a family photograph looked Aboriginal.
Mortimer said he checked and found one of his 64 great-great-great-great grandparents was an Aboriginal woman who’d married a white pastoralist about 200 years ago. How Aboriginal is that!
Yet Mortimer has had to fight for recognition. He sued Professor Don Aitken, then chairman of the National Capital Authority, for $6m for saying Mortimer “looks about as Aboriginal as I do” after he’d performed a Welcome to Country at Parliament House.

If Lidia Thorpe can’t respect the Welcome to Country, why should anybody else?
Mortimer also refused to take part in an ACT Government Aboriginal genealogy project, denouncing it as racist: “I don’t have to prove who I am.”
He was again in the wars at the launch this year of a political group, Independents for Canberra. Sheridan turned her back on Mortimer as he spoke, claiming he “shares the same heritage” as her.
Which brings me back to Lidia Thorpe.
What of her own ancestry? Her father is white, as are many of her mother’s ancestors, yet she identifies exclusively as Aboriginal. Some may actually wonder: is she the coloniser or the colonised? Should she be the welcomed or welcomer at a Welcome to Country?
No, these race rituals are increasingly preposterous, and Thorpe is just the latest to prove it.
But there remains one urgent thing she must still prove – that she’s lawfully a senator.
When she told Charles “you are not my king” she broke the oath she swore under our Constitution in order to take her seat in parliament – to bear true allegiance to our then Queen and to her “heirs and successors”.
Thorpe last week briefly claimed she didn’t break her oath because she’d deliberately said “hairs” instead – something no one thought much of at the time, apparently assuming she was too thick to know how to pronounce it. Thorpe then admitted she’d mispronounced.
Either way, Charles is also the Queen’s “successor”, so the point remains that Thorpe publicly broke her oath.

October 27, 2024 5:33 pm

Mortimer sounds like another of these race grifters.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2024 4:22 pm

The Australian Jewish Association, of which I am a member, has released this in the last hour…

The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) criticized the decision, saying that while they did not support Owens’ “bizarre antisemitic conspiracy theories,” they saw the ban as a “flawed proposal” and one that went against Jewish values of free speech.

They also added that banning Owens may prove a “counter-productive pyrrhic victory.”

“Sometimes attempting to ban a speaker will an encourage ugly conspiracies that Jews seek to control who can speak, exercising undue power.

The AJA added that they were more concerned with the failure of the [Australian] Labor government to deal with the real antisemitism in the community, such as at universities, calling the Owens’ ban “a false appearance of acting against antisemitism, in effect throwing us a few crumbs while ignoring the big issues.”

Quite so. Thank you AJA. I don’t need to add anything to the AJA release above, it echoes how I feel about this decision. I don’t much care for Owens and her lunatic ravings (some of which make me laugh out loud, particularly her ignorant ravings about Jacob Frank) however I find Owens’ lunatic ravings a lot less threatening to me and other Australian Jews than the dangerous maniacal lunatic ravings being propagated by clerics and their followers in mosques across Western Sydney.

I’m not aware that Owens, for all her faults, has ever incited violence. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think so.

Meanwhile, last Sunday, in Sydney’s Hyde Park, a woman incited real violence against ‘Zionists’. I can report that no arrests were made and the NSWaffen Police did what they’re experts at when dealing with those who spruk hatred and violence towards Jews on our streets. They stood by and did nothing.

October 27, 2024 4:45 pm

“a false appearance of acting against antisemitism, in effect throwing us a few crumbs while ignoring the big issues.”

Exactly so.

October 27, 2024 4:28 pm


Your dude reckons they’re the best tank ever, whereas this dude reckons they’re pretty useless.

How do Russian tanks, such as the T-series and Armata, compare in combat performance to Western tanks like the Abrams and Challenger?

I could say poorly, but that demands poorly to do more heavy lifting than it should ever be asked to do. Truth is they don’t.

To the best of my knowledge there hasn’t been a single Abrams or Challenger lost in a tank dual with a Russian tank. Some have been lost in combat, but they have been taken out by air strikes, artillery or mines, not tanks. In fact as I understand it the Abrams outranges the best Russian gun by over half a mile and the Challenger still holds the longest ever single shot kill (on the move) at over 5000 mtrs, and that was against a T72.

What I think many including the Russians think losses of NATO equipment proves it is not as good as it really is. Unfortunately (or fortunately from the Russian perspective) Ukraine has only been supplied with pieces of the NATO Combined Arms ‘umbrella’ and has had restrictions placed on their use. If Russia was fighting NATO their air and artillery cover would be stripped away from them and I suspect Russian tanks would fair as well as they did in GWs1&2. Those that survived air attack would be cut to pieces before the range closed to where they could offer effective return fire.

Russia really only has 1 ace card, nukes, and they come with a whole nation and maybe civilisation ending bag of return whoop arse attached to them.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2024 4:31 pm

Just finished watching The Dirty Dozen on Focks.

Man, those guys never needed to reload.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 4:33 pm

Russia’s T-72 Is The Best Tank on Earth and Ukraine Knows It

I’m not sure why the article raises the Armata. I don’t think that tank has been combat tested. There haven’t been any credible reports from either side of Armatas being deployed in combat in Ukraine. It’s still a very new platform.

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 4:36 pm

The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) criticized the decision, saying that while they did not support Owens’ “bizarre antisemitic conspiracy theories,” they saw the ban as a “flawed proposal” and one that went against Jewish values of free speech.

Good for them. The correct (and a refreshing) approach.

Last edited 3 months ago by Oh come on
October 27, 2024 4:37 pm

He’s been living in a bubble. 

Well, he got out of his bubble and was “on the streets” and “the vibe was not good.” In fact, “it’s time to panic”. Kamal’s increasingly manic performances bears out the “panic”- so Demorat internal polling is taking it’s toll.

October 27, 2024 4:39 pm

What’s my take? He’s bullshitting. There’s no way the country could sustain current federal spending levels solely through tariffs.

Right, abolishing income tax completely and erecting huge tariffs would be monstrously irresponsible by any sane measure. You say later he might instead do some tariffs and some tax cuts. Agreed, he may do that.

Is there some sort of Laffer Curve equivalent where those two moves in concert would have a positive net effect, rather than what the textbooks say about it being a complete disaster from go to whoa?

I said a few days ago that to the extent that his economic plan was at all coherent or workable, it would tend to sink the world into recession. If there is some theory by which a sudden, jolting return to the American economic lever settings of 1905 would be beneficial, I haven’t heard it yet.

October 27, 2024 5:02 pm
Reply to  m0nty

stfu mUnty … it was just some old crap in a Joe Rogan interview

and here you are running around like you’re some sort of economist

do you ever stop wanking?

October 27, 2024 5:18 pm
Reply to  m0nty

rather than what the textbooks say about it

Quite. Best not to mention the textbooks if I were you.

October 27, 2024 5:27 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Is there some sort of Laffer Curve equivalent where those two moves in concert would have a positive net effect, rather than what the textbooks say about it being a complete disaster from go to whoa?


The analysis on tariffs generally shows that the overall loss of “surplus” to suppliers and consumers exceeds the tariff revenue raised.

But income taxes also have disincentive effects, so its possible it could outweigh it. In a sense, all revenue/income taxes are tariffs in some way, so the tariff argument applies to all of them.

To tax efficiently, look at the Georgist Single Tax.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
October 27, 2024 5:56 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Who needs ‘textbooks’, all the world can see how it played out between 2016 and 2020, and what happened after…

October 27, 2024 4:52 pm

m0ron , the gun economist, is in the house!

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 27, 2024 5:14 pm
Reply to  Makka


Oh come on
Oh come on
October 27, 2024 4:54 pm

Trump’s comments regarding tariffs are obviously a statement of intent rather than an actual policy outcome Trump is seeking to implement if elected.

It really isn’t difficult to interpret Trump’s exaggerations and marketing speak. In this instance: Trump is saying he will impose tariffs on imports to encourage industrial reshoring.

It’s a good idea, he should do it. The US has a large enough internal market to make it worth global producers currently selling manufactured goods into the US to set up shop or increase their manufacturing in the US. Pity we don’t. Now our industrial base has largely gone, it ain’t coming back.

October 27, 2024 5:02 pm

Interesting that you mentioned Laffer, as he actually commented on what some perceive as the inflationary impact of tariffs.
He argued that inflation isn’t a guaranteed result when considering the complexity of imported goods—unlike basic raw materials, such as steel, where the impact might be more direct.
One reason he cited was that import quantities would likely decrease following a tariff hike, but exports could also drop, leading to an increased supply of goods and services within the economy. He makes a strong point here.
Let’s face it: if any country could operate independently from international trade, it would be the U.S. Over the medium term, the U.S. doesn’t necessarily need to rely on trade with others.
However, the issue I see is that if relations with China deteriorate significantly, we could be in trouble. A serious slowdown in China would negatively impact us, especially given the large trade surplus we currently enjoy with them.

There’s a vid with Laffer actually talking about this.

My honest take is that if Trump wins, he’ll likely implement a broad-based tariff on imports. While there may be some retaliation, it probably won’t be severe. Trump would use the revenue to lower the corporate tax rate to 15% and solidify the previous tax cuts set to expire in 2026.
The savings that figures like Vivek, Musk, and others could generate would then be used to help reduce the deficit. He’s hoping that the economic growth resulting from these changes will also contribute to debt reduction.
Trump isn’t planning to deport 15 million undocumented immigrants and has partially walked back on that. He has stated he’ll build the wall to stem the flow of illegal entry. Additionally, he’s open to allowing those without a criminal record to stay, though they wouldn’t receive citizenship. However, he intends to take a firm stance against undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes. He’s also aware that if the economy becomes more domestically focused, it may pressure the workforce and, in turn, wage rates, given the current low unemployment.

My concern is how Trump’s approach to China might impact us. However, Trump being Trump, there’s a possibility that he could actually achieve a breakthrough in relations, potentially establishing a firmer and more honest foundation.

October 27, 2024 5:09 pm

BTW, who’s ‘this dude’ in your quotation? Reads like he’s coping re the Challenger 2, Abrams, and Leo 2.

Who’s your “guy” then? I suspect the only person “coping” here is you because if there’s any slop that’s offered fitting into your bias, you become very giddy with excitement.
Here’s some more analysis on this subject.

1. Armor and Protection

The Abrams tank boasts advanced composite armor, often reinforced with depleted uranium, which significantly enhances its protection against various types of rounds and projectiles. This armor can withstand hits from many anti-tank weapons that would penetrate a T-72’s armor.

The T-72, while also equipped with composite armor, is generally lighter and lacks the same degree of reinforced protection. In combat, T-72s have shown vulnerability to modern anti-tank weapons and are less resilient against high-impact rounds.

2. Firepower

The Abrams uses a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing a wide variety of advanced munitions, which is more powerful and accurate than the 125mm gun on most T-72 models. Western munitions designed for the Abrams, including armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) rounds, offer higher penetration capabilities.

The T-72’s gun, while still effective, has fewer modern ammunition options and generally produces less muzzle energy, leading to lower penetration compared to the Abrams.

3. Mobility and Powertrain

The Abrams is powered by a gas turbine engine, providing high horsepower and smooth acceleration, which is advantageous in maneuvering across difficult terrain. However, this engine consumes more fuel, making the Abrams more logistically demanding.

The T-72’s diesel engine is simpler and more fuel-efficient, making it easier to maintain and better suited for prolonged operations in areas with limited fuel supplies. The trade-off, though, is that the T-72 generally offers lower mobility and power-to-weight ratio.

4. Technological Advantages

The Abrams is equipped with advanced targeting and sensor systems, including thermal imaging, which enhances accuracy and operational capability in low-visibility conditions. This technology provides the Abrams with a significant edge in detecting and engaging targets before the enemy.

While the T-72 has undergone modern upgrades, its technology lags in comparison. Early T-72 models, which are still widely used, lack advanced targeting and night-vision systems found on the Abrams, reducing their effectiveness in modern combat settings.

In short, the Abrams outclasses the T-72 in terms of protection, firepower, and technology, but the T-72 is simpler, cheaper, and easier to produce and maintain. These qualities make the Abrams particularly effective in engagements with heavily armored opponents, while the T-72’s simplicity and efficiency have made it a widely used tank in various conflicts.

But the Russian tank is the best in the world.

I suspect that the Abrams is what a rich country would have as a tank and the T72 is the best that a relatively poor country came up with.

October 27, 2024 5:27 pm

Ah…takes me back to the good old days of Trucks v. Trains.

October 27, 2024 5:28 pm

I just want to clarify the point about what I recently heard from Trump about the issue of illegal immigration.
He wants to eliminate the flow of illegal immigration.

He will be very strict toward undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes or have criminal records in their countries of origin.

He’s stated that undocumented immigrants who have settled in, maintained steady jobs, and integrated into society will be given consideration, but they will not be eligible for citizenship.

October 27, 2024 5:38 pm
October 27, 2024 5:39 pm

Not sure if internet view are the room, but it would be nice.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:13 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Great to hear from him.

October 27, 2024 5:44 pm

My honest take is that if Trump wins, he’ll likely implement a broad-based tariff on imports. While there may be some retaliation, it probably won’t be severe. Trump would use the revenue to lower the corporate tax rate to 15% and solidify the previous tax cuts set to expire in 2026.

The savings that figures like Vivek, Musk, and others could generate would then be used to help reduce the deficit. He’s hoping that the economic growth resulting from these changes will also contribute to debt reduction.

It would start a trade war. China wasn’t born yesterday. They were playing the long game a thousand years ago.

There is this thing called Congress that would tend to limit Trump’s ability to swing the chainsaw. Even if Republicans hold the Speakership, the current house has shown how weak their majority is.

Cutting G would not result in GDP growth.

Trump isn’t planning to deport 15 million undocumented immigrants and has partially walked back on that. He has stated he’ll build the wall to stem the flow of illegal entry. Additionally, he’s open to allowing those without a criminal record to stay, though they wouldn’t receive citizenship. However, he intends to take a firm stance against undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes. He’s also aware that if the economy becomes more domestically focused, it may pressure the workforce and, in turn, wage rates, given the current low unemployment.

I am heartily sick of people assuming Trump won’t use the powers of the Presidency to do what he says he will do in a second term. This is magical thinking, the sort of wishcasting that got those Weimar dummkopfs in the scheisse.

(This statement does not contradict the one above about Congress – the President has the power to deport illegals but does not have direct power over setting the budget.)

Trump is not playing eleven-dimensional chess, JC. Don’t fall into the trap of working overtime to paint his prosaic dementia-fuelled narcissism as genius.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 27, 2024 7:35 pm
Reply to  m0nty

I am heartily sick of people assuming Trump won’t use the powers of the Presidency to do what he says he will do in a second term. 

So, you don’t want Trump to behave like Creepy Joe? Why not? Surely imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

October 27, 2024 9:51 pm
Reply to  m0nty

I am heartily sick of people assuming

he said, while making more idiotic assumptions

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2024 5:46 pm

takes me back to the good old days of Trucks v. Trains

Simpler times. Better times.

October 27, 2024 5:51 pm

It would start a trade war. China wasn’t born yesterday. They were playing the long game a thousand years ago.

It’s in a relatively weaker position considering the EU would join in.

There is this thing called Congress that would tend to limit Trump’s ability to swing the chainsaw.

Not necessarily on tariffs. The prez has broad powers in this regard.

Cutting G would not result in GDP growth.

Stop being an idiot all the time as it’s infuriating and people don’t deserve this level of imbecility to be thrust on them.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
October 27, 2024 6:00 pm
Reply to  JC

Why would the EU join in a trade war? It is not a NATO issue. They would sit back, enjoy the show and smoke a Gauloise.

Re the budget, I was talking a chainsaw to government spending. Trump has not campaigned on any specific cuts, and when Vivek/Elon get specific Congress would get very antsy. They can wave through tax cuts, but spending cuts are not really a Republican thing. Just look at the last forty years.

As for your anti-empirical ideological nonsense, LOL.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 6:02 pm
Reply to  JC

Stop being an idiot all the time as it’s infuriating and people don’t deserve this level of imbecility to be thrust on them.

Time for a pop up disclaimer or something. “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.”

October 27, 2024 5:54 pm

He has also said that he will go after the violent gangs using the military. The courts are going to go crazy.

I wonder if he will also go after the greatest threat to US prosperity, the cartels.

I imagine that Mexico’s new communist president will be experiencing some robust exchanges with Trump.

No country could or should tolerate having the source of societal breakdown parked just across its borders, and in Democrat Arizona.

October 27, 2024 5:57 pm

Simpler times. Better times.

More peaceful times.

October 27, 2024 6:09 pm

It’s interesting analysis. He’s basically saying that the adaptability, simplicity, reliability, and ease of maintenance make it a better tank overall compared to the Abrams in combat situations where (1) you can improve the weaknesses he identified of the T-72 through upgrades, and (2) other platforms (drones, artillery, and the like) are involved which mitigate the advantages of the Abrams.

That’s how you read the piece? Really.

It’s like saying the Abrams is the luxury SUV of tanks, while the Russian one is your old, reliable beater that just won’t die.

The Abrams is the rich man’s tank while the Russian is a poor man’s.

October 27, 2024 6:12 pm

Why would the EU join in a trade war? It is not a NATO issue. They would sit back, enjoy the show and smoke a Gauloise.

The EU hates Chinese trade.
If the Euroweanies get cold feet or get into dirty dealings, Trump could threaten them he’d walk from NATO.

October 27, 2024 6:18 pm

Great piss taking by dickless:

I am heartily sick of people assuming Trump won’t use the powers of the Presidency to do what he says he will do in a second term. This is magical thinking, the sort of wishcasting that got those Weimar dummkopfs in the scheisse.

What a classy way of saying Trump is Hitler which can’t be right because unlike Hitler and all leftoids Trump has functioning genitalia:

Hitler has only got one ball, Göring has two but very small, Himmler is rather sim’lar, But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all.


Don’t fall into the trap of working overtime to paint his prosaic dementia-fuelled narcissism as genius.

You mean what you and every other leftoid did with biden and now cackles. Good old dickless: the self awareness of a fart.

October 27, 2024 6:21 pm

Israel Struck Air Defenses Around Critical Iranian Energy Sites, Officials Say

October 27, 2024 6:23 pm

In Victoriastan, here is the latest edict:

The Victorian Government says it will fast-track the approval of what it deems innovative and sustainable, family-friendly townhouses and apartments in established suburbs.

From 2025, applications for new three-to-six storey residential developments will be assessed against a set of criteria, including the amenities offered in the building, whether its architectural design fits in with or enhances the local streetscape, and affordability.

Projects that meet those benchmarks and are deemed to be environmentally sustainable, are designed for families, are accessible and have communal spaces and gardens, will be fast-tracked through the planning process, reducing the time frame to approval from an average of 12 months to around four months.

I notice that ‘places people would choose to live’ is not on the list.

Readers will be well aware of the agendas of the architects on the payroll and even more of the town planners – they all dream of socialist fantasies where everyone harmoniously shares common spaces (like the kitchen in the office) and happily sacrifices personal space and privacy for the Greater Good.

Social engineering, land use engineering – they just keep trying to control us. Unfortunately, human preferences continue to spit in their collective faces.

Hey social engineers – how many rich people choose to live in a tiny flat over a railway station because it’s good for the environment?


October 27, 2024 6:35 pm
Reply to  johanna

Was an article in News yesterday about an economist opining people won’t buy apartments and preferred free standing houses.

The comments were savage from 3 angles, shoddy building of apartments & phoenixing building companies, body corporate fees/management and that families want a back yard.

My own experience was with Body Corporate managers just being a money making machine for 2 Bankers SMSF. 2 years and VCAT to get rid of them. I sold before we had the win as I’d had enough but supported the VCAT action to the end. Never again with units unless I own more than 75% of the lots.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 6:43 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Can’t escape the economic reality that buildings depreciate and land appreciates. Town planning can’t do anything about that.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2024 6:40 pm
Reply to  johanna

Strata laws are a mess. Nearly everyone has a strata horror story.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 8:00 pm
Reply to  johanna

Just wait until the ‘Communal Gardens’ become a place to work on the ’75 Holden that needs a new engine, or the place to grow a crop of ‘fruitless tomatoes’ or gets taken over by the new arab family on the fourth floor, who exclude everyone else and turn it into a dump.

October 27, 2024 6:23 pm
October 27, 2024 6:27 pm
Little Gidding
Little Gidding
October 27, 2024 8:11 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Pure evil.

October 27, 2024 6:29 pm

“1) So when I saw the first reports of this last night and read aircraft were used, I knew two things:
A) Aerial refueling was necessary.
B) Air defense suppression was necessary.
But rather than try to be “first” to say it, I decided to wait for more information. Let’s begin”

John H.
John H.
October 27, 2024 6:37 pm


 October 27, 2024 6:29 pm

“1) So when I saw the first reports of this last night and read aircraft were used, I knew two things:

A) Aerial refueling was necessary.

B) Air defense suppression was necessary.

But rather than try to be “first” to say it, I decided to wait for more information. Let’s begin”

Rosie that can’t be true because it is a picture of an F-35 and Dover Beach has declared the F-35 to be a dud.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 6:44 pm

Mortimer said he checked and found one of his 64 great-great-great-great grandparents was an Aboriginal woman who’d married a white pastoralist about 200 years ago. How Aboriginal is that!

We’ve just arrived back home from a heartwarming family occasion yesterday in my deceased brother’s son’s project home in Worrigee, in what some say is the less salubrious part of Nowra, where Hairy gets completely lost in the cul-de-sac sameness of it all. We were celebrating my sister’s continuing grasp on life as she fights mesothelioma in her 83rd year. Over 25 family members attended, with the exception of my daughter in Queensland, too busy to fly down, occupied with her husband doing the Saturday sports run for their three young ones. A shame re the big family photo op, the shots taken by the next door neighbour called in specially for the purpose, a huge tradie guy covered in tatts, whose antics for us to call ‘cheese, banana’ had everyone in a good mood. There’s always photoshop, we can put them in, said one of the younger generation re my daughter’s absence.

Even the crew from Newcastle turned up, absent the mother of my great-niece, my sister’s granddaughter, who was visiting Maori family in New Zealand. Everyone knew sis’s grand-daughter ‘Charlene’ was ‘Maori’ in her heritage via her mother, but no-one knew that she was also aboriginal via her father, my sister’s deceased son. I thought people knew and when I let that cat out of the bag, a good half of those present were very surprised. Charlene’s dad was aboriginal? Imagine that, said one, we just thought he was a bit olive skinned.

It was the response of the younger generation that surprised me. We’ve never made a thing about our aboriginal rellies, her father’s people whom I knew back in Mt. Druitt when sis first married into that family. Is she going to claim aboriginality now? they asked me. For her children? (my sis’s two little great-grand-sweeties running around with the dogs and the other kids)?

So this is how ‘aboriginality’ is being constructed these days? Many generations back someone married a dark-skinned aboriginal person who was likely even then to have had some admixture of European ancestry.

If it continues half of Australia will be aboriginals of the Lidia Thorpe type.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 27, 2024 7:52 pm

Anyone whose ancestors (any of them) lived outside the major cities in the 1800s has a high probability of Aboriginal ancestry of some degree. Up until the 1970s, this probably constituted more than half of all Australians.

Last edited 3 months ago by Boambee John
Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 27, 2024 8:01 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

Now do non-Aboriginal Australians of the same era.

October 27, 2024 7:54 pm

Take the sugar off the table.

Delta A
Delta A
October 27, 2024 7:54 pm

Good post, Elizabeth.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 8:11 pm
Reply to  Rosie

I’ll believe it when I see a stream of the bludgers getting off planes in their own countries.

October 27, 2024 6:48 pm

The Gimp’s view of Economics.

comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2024 7:33 pm
Reply to  Pogria

A modest amount of bread kills mosquitos.
First you feed the bread to noisy miners.
Then the noisy miners breed more noisy miners.
After a while there are no mosquitos.
All the extra noisy miners have eaten them.
This is an empirical scientific finding, n=1.

October 27, 2024 8:05 pm
Reply to  Pogria

I’m sure there was a Dog, the Bounty Hunter episode using a scaled-up version of this.

October 27, 2024 6:57 pm

It would start a trade war. China wasn’t born yesterday.

The trade war risk is highest if he doesn’t negotiate peace with Russia first; he doesn’t want BRICSpay to succeed.

October 27, 2024 7:01 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Bloody Brilliant!

October 27, 2024 7:05 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Best scriptwriters evah! 😀

October 27, 2024 7:10 pm

Wilders delivering. Will be interesting to see.

Every European leader is Wilders now.

Except Starmer.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 27, 2024 7:14 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 7:30 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Isn’t that the way Tories behave?

October 27, 2024 7:14 pm

Blood, Soil and Land AcknowledgementsThe Nazi origins of the latest woke trend.

October 25, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

October 27, 2024 7:43 pm
Reply to  Indolent

I would pay to see that in real time. 😀

Little Gidding
Little Gidding
October 27, 2024 11:29 pm
Reply to  Indolent

I so need a haha response to this.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 27, 2024 7:26 pm

Hopefully voters elsewhere around Oz are thinking the same way:

Voters in Queensland’s most crime-riddled suburbs made up their minds about ousting Labor well before election day, with a massive surge against them in pre-polling and postal votes.

The LNP’s hard on crime policies, including “Adult Crime, Adult Time” played a pivotal part in the party’s win of crucial seats statewide, including all three of Townsville’s marginal electorates – Thuringowa, Mundingburra and Townsville.

Thousands of residents in other areas impacted by juvenile crime, including Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Mackay and Mount Isa, also voted early against Labor.

LNP also gained the seat of Capalaba with candidate Russell Field, whose son, partner, and their unborn child were killed by a teenager in a stolen car in 2021.


Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
October 27, 2024 8:02 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Looks like corrective services is going to be the new growth industry in QLD.

I would think the recidivism rate amongst those young people is going to be close to 100% with longer and longer stays at His Majesty’s pleasure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 9:38 pm

Stand by for the first complaints that most of the young offenders are Indigenous..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2024 7:27 pm

Panicking liberals urge Kamala Harris to appear with Rogan

That’d be fun. A three hour epic word salad!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 7:28 pm

The argument about which is the better tank is silly.
It depends on the terrain, the way the weapon is used, the opposing forces, so many factors that trying to make comparisons is a waste of time.

October 27, 2024 7:37 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Horses for courses.

October 27, 2024 7:32 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2024 7:42 pm

Our family gathering was organised by ‘Rosalie’, my sister’s Sinhalese daughter, adopted forty years ago in Sri Lanka from the town where I lived for nearly a year with my first husband and my first born child. This beautiful woman looks Sinhalese but speaks and acts pure Australian, having been adopted at six weeks old by my sister and the third of her five husbands. She attended Canberra Girls Grammar and is on occasion bemused at who we all are. Our family, aunty, she says to me, especially with sis’s marriages, is like no other family.

I tell her we are like every other family, because we stick together. Sure, we’re diverse in ethnicity and lots of other things, but family is family.

We were all discussing how various people in the family had features similar to the older generations, some now deceased, and my nephew’s wife, who was catering for the whole show (with contributions from us and others) missed out – no-one said anyone, even her own kids, looked like her, or her side of the family.

No one looks like me, she lamented.
Me neither, said the Sinhalese Rosalie, laughing.
Yes, but you’ve got an excuse, said my nephew’s wife. In my case, my weak-kneed genes just haven’t made the cut.
They linked arms in their common cause.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2024 7:43 pm

Still no sighting of C.L I do hope he’s okay.

October 27, 2024 7:56 pm
Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2024 8:01 pm

There’s a follow up posting on Insta. The original video was Thurs night and apparently he’s been absolutely overwhelmed with patrons and shoppers in the 48 hours since, including many making a trip up from the bagel belt to show support.

Personally I think he should make a police report of a hate crime and keep following up. Hopefully there’s cctv images of the blue haired harpy.

Similar to Avner’s Jewish bakery here in Sydney’s Surry Hills receiving overwhelming support since it’s targeting two weeks ago by leftist//Muslim Nazi scum. Having said that, I know of Jewish businesses across Sydney that are receiving abusive phone calls and are being targeted online. It’s leaving a very bad taste in our mouths. Yesterday, in Shul, I ran into a member of Lewis family, who own Lewis Continental Kitchen. Last Sunday, Lewis Kitchen was targeted by arson in suspicious circumstances and completely gutted.

I hope people support Jewish business when they can. It helps Jews feel that they are not alone. For Sydney Cats there are wonderful bakeries and eateries, Avner’s, Grandma Moses, Kepos Kitchen (scrumptious Israeli food), Lewis Kitchen, Shuk, Sweet Chick (which makes the best chiffon cake around) and others.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2024 8:05 pm

Kamala Harris pedigree. The usual suspects.

October 27, 2024 8:08 pm

I hope people support Jewish business when they can. It helps Jews feel that they are not alone.

Perhaps Premier Minns could lead the way…

With reporters & cameras in tow.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2024 8:14 pm
Reply to  Roger

Best thing Minns could do would be to personally migrate to Yemen.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 27, 2024 9:04 pm
Reply to  Roger

Rudd patronised the Jewish chocolate group that was target by BDS whackos when Rudd was PM.

October 27, 2024 8:13 pm

From NFA’s 7:14 p.m. link:

The purpose of ideology is to seize power and impose social change with a false paradigm.

Land does not belong to races, but to those cultures that build civilizations atop it. Land does not make people, people make land. They cultivate it, develop it and make it accessible. A century or two goes by and some other people drive them out and do the same thing. Or not. A great civilization or culture becomes forever associated with the land, not because of ‘blood and soil’ nonsense, but because its culture reached beyond the land to change the world.

[My emphasis].

Last edited 3 months ago by Muddy
October 27, 2024 9:15 pm
Reply to  Muddy

My house is around a hundred years old. The land has been used for everything from Potato farming to growing Berries.
It’s mine now, and I am putting my own stamp on it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 27, 2024 8:15 pm

A lesson in certainty for Monty.
How they would have laughed in the 70’s if you said you could have strong GDP growth with low interest rates and low inflation.

October 27, 2024 8:22 pm
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 27, 2024 9:06 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Correct – design follows function demand which is always changing.

Differing roles, differing protocols for use.

October 27, 2024 8:27 pm


October 27, 2024 6:57 pm

It would start a trade war. China wasn’t born yesterday.

The trade war risk is highest if he doesn’t negotiate peace with Russia first; he doesn’t want BRICSpay to succeed.

Dogs, I’m not certain that would work this time around. The Demons have been blaming Russia for everything through hoaxes mostly. If Trump gets in, he’s only going to be there for four years and then what? Russia is more comfortable with the friends its chosen now – friends out of necessity.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 27, 2024 8:30 pm

It toock some digging to find it again. Posted on Sinc’s years back.

Great remix and clip.

The Cars – Drive (New 2022 Extended Version + Teri Garr Tribute)

Last edited 3 months ago by Steve Trickler
October 27, 2024 9:22 pm
Reply to  Steve trickler

God, I miss the eighties.

October 27, 2024 8:34 pm

14,000 Reasons to Doubt

America’s democracy is the envy of the world, according to Hillary Clinton. Pity about the way they run their elections

Roger Franklin

Oct 27 2024

October 27, 2024 9:00 pm

It’s likely someone has already posted this, so the usual apology … but via the RedState blog comes this anti-Kamala Harris ad. It’s a beauty:

From American Men to Kamala Harris: ‘It’s Not Us, It’s You.’

October 27, 2024 9:23 pm
Reply to  Muddy

It’s worth repeating, over and over and over.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 27, 2024 9:02 pm


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2024 9:08 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Messy area right now. Lots of fun biff going on on the other side of the Carpathians. Grudges at ten paces!

October 27, 2024 9:17 pm

Students Are SO PROUD Of Kamala Harris For… Well… They Don’t Know

young women and voting is an unmitigated disaster

October 27, 2024 10:00 pm
Reply to  Zippster

FMD. The West is stuffed.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 27, 2024 9:28 pm

“I wanna be a whale psychiatrist.” – Donald J Trump. @ 1:11:33

October 27, 2024 9:33 pm

Zippster, I watched the clip in your link, then I clicked on another link. Too damn good not to share.
Groucho Marx dealing with a Crazy-eyed contestant. Brilliant, if a little creepy.

October 27, 2024 9:38 pm

Spent the last week wrestling with a leak in the Model A petrol tank. Which given the tank sits above your groin, requires some attention.
Items required to disassemble or remove to repair a Model A petrol tank:
Instrument cluster.
Terminal box.
Engine bay bulkhead.
Top of gearbox.
Fuel lines.
Steering wheel.
Steering column.
Steering box.
Exhaust bolts.
Distributor linkages.
Choke rod.
Throttle linkages.
Tank support brackets.

Procedure to fix petrol tank leak:
Pour litre of degreaser and two metres of chain into tank.
Attach tank to missus or cement mixer.
Agitate missus/ cement mixer/ tank combination until interior of tank is free of rust and grime.
Flush tank.
Dry tank.
Seal inside of tank.
Pacify missus,
Reassemble car.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 28, 2024 12:26 pm
Reply to  Arky

Bloody good thing it was a simple job eh Arky?
Well, apart from the missus.
Diamonds work. Or if you’re a bit skint, a bottle of wine – or maybe a flagon.

October 27, 2024 10:01 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 28, 2024 11:37 am
Reply to  Indolent

Real world experience. Can’t be beaten.

Unless they cheat or Americans are dumber than we think.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 28, 2024 12:39 pm
Reply to  Indolent

I have a lot of time for Megyn Kelly. She is speaking truth about the whole transgender movement.
And one day these abused children will be grown up and the reality of their lives that have been ruined will become apparent.
They will wreak a horrible vengeance on the adults that abused their trust and their bodies.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2024 10:06 pm

No respect for Numbers Bob, over on Michael Smith…

Robert Wells said in reply to 1735099…
Total of 34.
Total, we don’t know who you are but sure as He’ll your not the guy that served under the service number you use to postal the errors and crsp you do.
There was no platoon commander name of Doug Gibbons in Vietnam. Only Doug Gibbons was in RAN
No sergeant name of Graham Collins
And what’s the go about 1971? Guy whose name fits service number you stole was in Vietnam Feb 70 to Dec 70.
Drop off, Total, you are a poser of worst kind.

October 27, 2024 10:33 pm

Doug was a platoon commander in Vietnam, and an accomplished man in a number of fields.

Unfortunately, Doug died early, some say as a consequence of his service.

October 28, 2024 10:40 am

I knew Doug Gibbons and Graham Collins personally so Robert Wells is wrong there. They both appear in the Vietnam Veterans roll. Drop off Robert Wells, you are a researcher of the worst kind

October 27, 2024 10:07 pm

The ever shrinking blog.

October 27, 2024 10:08 pm


This is the best thing you will see on the internet all day.

A Trump hater infiltrated Elon Musk’s rally, but Musk gracefully schooled him with an epic mic drop moment.

TRUMP HATER: “Trump did not and has not accepted the results of the 2020 election, one which has been called the most secure in the nation’s history by the former president’s own Department of Homeland Security. Similarly, I saw the violent disruption of the electoral vote count on the news during January 6th.

“So, I ask this as a first-time voter who wants to discern the truth. What would you say to comfort the concerns of young voters like me who are worried that voting for a second Trump presidency will lead to democratic backsliding?

@ElonMusk: “The media tries to characterize January 6th as some sort of violent insurrection, which is simply not the case. That is false … There have to be a lot of guns for it to be a violent insurrection.”

“It’s not as though the January 6th protesters had no merit. They had some merit. I disagree with the magnitude of what they did. But it’s not as though there were no issues [with the election].”

“Almost every country on Earth has voter ID requirements, but we don’t. Why? And why do the same people who demanded vaccine IDs for you to do anything say no ID for voting? Something doesn’t add up. It doesn’t add up. My firm opinion is that those who say Trump is a threat to democracy are themselves the threat to democracy.”

October 27, 2024 10:15 pm

Pick of WIP:

October 27, 2024 10:15 pm


When Amaryllis Fox Kennedy says the intel agencies are a threat to our country, she’s not guessing. She spent ten years as a CIA officer before running Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign. She’s now campaigning for Trump.

(0:00) The Ukraine War Scam
(9:50) Why Washington Doesn’t Care About Domestic Policy
(14:13) Intel Agencies Operating Within the Media
(19:48) How America’s War on Iraq Caused the Fall of Europe
(27:43) The Classified Documents About 9/11
(33:20) The Kennedy Assassinations
(36:21) Intel Agencies Working with Drug Cartels
(43:49) Our Politicians Are Controlled by the Intel Agencies
(57:12) The Impending EMP Crisis
(1:14:20) Why Biden Reversed Trump’s EMP Preparedness Measures
(1:26:31) The Media Blackout of Kennedy’s Campaign
(1:37:41) Bobby Kennedy Endorsing Trump

October 27, 2024 10:36 pm

The Tucker interview with Amaryllis Fox Kennedy is not to be missed.

October 27, 2024 10:51 pm
October 27, 2024 11:03 pm

Response to Pogria’s 9:15 p.m. post (for those who don’t like nesting comments):

Any compensation to indigenous people* should be based on the unimproved value of the land as at 1788. Every improvement to the land – including the land and facilities that surround it, and the technology to excavate underground resources – has been provided courtesy of ‘European’ civilisation.

*I’m NOT in favour of ANY compensation, but should such be necessary, it seems dishonest to apply to the valuation later improvements that the original inhabitants could not possibly have delivered.

Last edited 3 months ago by Muddy
October 27, 2024 11:55 pm

*I’m NOT in favour of ANY compensation, but should such be necessary, it seems dishonest to apply to the valuation later improvements that the original inhabitants could not possibly have delivered.

We should be charging them for the myriad benefits we have so far given them gratis.
Not those who have joined us and are now just Australians, but those who are demanding reparations.They owe us a lot more than we owe them.

Last edited 3 months ago by DrBeauGan
  1. The first 20mins of the All In podcast has the founders of Stripe (the Collison brothers) talking about their business…

  2. Would a Chinese flotilla be diverting our aircraft?They’re testing both us and the AUKUS Treaty. It’s remarkable that our political/media…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x