Go on, tell me about Kubotas or something.
Go on, tell me about Kubotas or something.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. He must have heard about Snowy 2.0 as well.
How would you suggest promoting your Gold Coast amateur porn career?
Elizabeth Holmes was just peaking a bit early, is all. A decade later and she’d be creaming off a cryptocurrency…
Bill Gates is doing actual harm to the whole cause of vaccination. He is now so despised and distrusted that people are not even vaccinating their children against childhood illnesses with well-tested and established vaccines. For the sake of medicine and worldwide health he should be told to shut up.
“never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake’
Sounds like BS. Most Sky after dark presenters are pro Israel, none more than Caroline Marcus, and are still working.
I think it’s as simple as that she had poor ratings. It didn’t help that she had an awkward time slot when most people were not home yet or busy with dinner preparations.
This has been vigorously denied by other Sky presenters – including those who are close friends.
I loved her dad and think Erin is a talented and bright woman. But I suspect she makes a lot of enemies, even on her side of politics.
Klnstas thinks its a T20
Yesterday’s baked ham tastes better today. Too moist yesterday.
Oh my lord.
Young Konstas is ramping the best bowler on the planet for sixes, and that’s when he’s not charging down the pitch at him – first session, Boxing Day Test with a new rock.
Evidently his game plan is to be more aggressive than the bloke he replaced (McSweeney). The kid’s 19 and fearless.
Not convinced the plan will work over time, but right this minute it’s going gangbusters.
Zulu, got a link?
Cant find it even with the search function of the submission library.
Nations are culturally appropriated horses&^%. This treaty BS will end up being a lawyer picnic and full of charlatans with fractional aboriginality squabbling over the mess it makes.
I’ve seen it before with native title, no-one was interested in Carmichael before Adani developed it, in fact I never saw an aboriginal out there even with the stockman. Now there a permanent camp with some grifter from Brisbane with very little if any connection to the area that the cops despite the trespass & WH&S violations will do nothing about.
Treaty, this is the future. The money won’t be enough to go around and there will be bracket creep.
Set of three volumes, “The Whole Truth and the Problem with Truth Telling” brought on – line.
I just see any treaty, being a demand for reparations in perpetuity, and leading to a legal dogfight of massive proportions.
Got it, yeah I don’t have that.
You’d think it would show up in the submission library of the official website though. Unless they don’t want you to read it…
They don’t want anyone to read it.
I too am watching the Grikkit while I cook for the ravenous hordes who descend tomorrow.
Good stuff! The fearlessness of youth.
Now the Indian pacemen are chirping Konstas, who responds by charging Siraj and flaying him through gully for four.
The kids is really, really getting under the call centre takers’ collective skin.
Excellent viewing.
Aaand he just put Bumrah over his head for six.
0/60. Only the second time in the last 16 Australian innings they’ve got to 50 without losing a pole.
The kid’s on 43, and on fire.
Pogs, I just read about your chooks and other birdies. So sad. The buggers kill for fun, not food.
Have you thought about installing an “floppy top” fence rather than baiting? I believe they are excellent for feral cats and foxes as they just can’t get enough purchase when they reach the top. Just a matter of an extension without a tension wire along the top.
No need to tell you to dig the bottom down another 300mm because tunnelling.
Hi Calli, thank you for your commiserations, much appreciated.
I have thought about an electric line 30cm below the top wire. If I use copper, the filthy scrotes will receive one hell of a jolt.
I hadn’t heard of the “floppy top”. Will research it, thanks for the tip.
I have 60cm vermin mesh around the perimeter. In over two years, not one fox has tried to dig under it. Too far back, they give up, fortunately.
As for poison, the locals use it in the lead up to, and during lambing. I am quite happy to do as the locals do.
Some very good news from Israel for our soldiers.
I don’t get cooked ham.
You can’t improve on perfection.
Just eat it cold.
50 from 52 balls, on debut. Then follows up with a flat boundary over midwicket.
It’s not a flat deck either.
Very, very good indeed.
Lol. “Not a flat deck”.
It f’ing well is.
Well played, Konstas. He can only
play what’s presented to him. But let’s not be f’ing ridiculous about it.
Love or dislike Erin Molan, she is certainly a chip off her old dad.
Going to Israel to very publicly meet with the leaders was exactly what Jim would have done.
If she causes even a twitch of disquiet on the part of the Jew hating pig she can have my vote.
We never missed her 5pm Friday hour, she had different and fabulous guests. I hope she podcasts some interviews because she has interesting contacts.
I liked Erin, but I preferred to listen to her rather than watch and listen. It is not cattiness, but those flapping man hands were a most annoying distraction.
A*rsehole Kohli. Suspend the grub.
Seen worse.
Rules are rules. Test cricket isn’t a pub match.
Good fun!
The Indians grow up with constant push & shove, young Konstas would make good time in Delhi traffic.
Read it if you dare, but it will offend too many who have stars in their eyes about India and its culture.
The culture we’re importing here by the bucketloads. And don’t you dare criticize it.
Konstas gone for 60, having shaken up the call takers tremendously.
Job done, son.
Jadega nearly got him lbw his previous over also. He needs a lot of net practice against lefty orthodox spinners. Do we have any?
No. But he’s not Robinson Crusoe there. Australian bats have almost all struggled against that sort of bowling for at least 40 years. Possible Chappell and Border ok. Mark Waugh, maybe.
Konstas in attitude reminds me of Steve Waugh a bit.
Reminds me of young Botham.
My take on the cricket reflects on the illiteracy of one of the channel 7 squawkers. Recently, we had, on the last ball of an over, “good to see they’re turning over the strike”. Just now “Labuschagne’s into double figures, at least he’s made 11″.
For Kamala quality nonsense, a message said (close to) ‘Over lunch we talk about the positive legacy Shane Warne has had on this Test”.
Well, I suppose it’s a product of a dumbed down educational experience.
That’s what we used to call “retaining the strike.”
I guess they know their market – inane cheering and casual racism as illustrated above.
Awww. Casual racist doesn’t like being called a casual racist.
And to think that Richie Benaud could produce, unscripted and live to air, a beautifully modulated complex sentence with whomever in the middle of it.
Beautiful day on the harbour for the race start.
Dad never missed a year to watch it, he loved the yachts.
Yachting and being able to enjoy quality surf on your doorstep in a major city is arguably the only reason to live in Sydney.
So clever.
Pope Frank driven from the temple. Brilliant.
Chuckle, nice.
As a lapsed but identified Catholic can’t disagree.
Nothing good ever comes out of South America.
Copied that! will have a larger one framed and hung on the wall.
Watching Ford vs Ferrari.
Looks like a car film for stupid people.
So far:
Introduces Carrol Shelby by having various characters say “Shelby” “Carol Shelby” for no real reason. That’s some authentic dialogue right there. I mean last time I saw some friends they just randomly said my name before making the point they wanted, and the last time I went to the doctor he prefaced his comments on my health by just randomly saying my full name. Great writing there.
Then Shelby is pulling away in a vintage Porsche in what looks like the late 1950s early 1960s, and right there up in the shot is what looks suspiciously like an after market, ugly black leather steering wheel.
Then there is one of the stupidest attempts at what I think is a cockney accent from Christian Bale.
Next Henry Ford III apparently shuts down the assembly line at one of his plants by hitting the sort of bright red cut out Stop button that didn’t come about until the mid 1980s, and the viewer is supposed to think ol Henry Ford III could possibly make himself heard in a factory that covers nearly four square kilometres. Utter rubbish.
Ten minutes into this shit show so far.
Why do you torment yourself so, Arky?
Ken Miles was from the West Midlands, so the accent presumably is supposed to be Brummie. Bale was born in Wales but most of his upbringing was spent in his father’s overseas postings.
I thinks you’re being a tad harsh on a film that was named on factual events, and the card looked fab.
Cars FFS
A great film. Those cheating Dagos and the slimy Ford racing manager got their comeuppance.
i have an old Volvo.
Sky did a rerun of Rowan Dean’s special on Barry Humphries. As I noticed about every retrospective they don’t dare talk about union rep Lance Boyle, whose monologue included saying that sometimes on a job they can have a bit of trouble with aboriginals declaring the jobsite to be sacred.
“A few crates of tinnies usually fixes that up” said Lance.
Lance’s taste for visiting whorehouses at the members’ expense is probably a bit close to the bone as well.
12 minutes in.
Two more scenes with Shelby that start with someone saying “Shelby”
Maybe the writers just liked writing “Shelby”. Like a magic incantation.
It’s some kind of car enthusiasts atavistic thrill seeking.
I have an old Volvo.
It was filmed in Georgia rather than Michigan. That was a bad start.
Looks like Konstas nailed his colours to the mast with “I’ll be back” aplomb.
December 26, 2024 1:22 pm
I thought it was fillemed in Technicolour.
You mean fillum’d!
Have been listening to James Lindsay lectures on Communism ( just finished episode 1) her famous “unburdened by what has been” “word salad” is actually a once sentence summary of a very turgid 3 paragraph statement by Karl Marx, who absolutely could not resist using a paragraph when a word would do.
19 minutes in.
Two more random “Carol Shelby’s” from characters who are talking directly to the man.
Car race, the English driver mechanic guy grows his ring and open ended spanner through his own windscreen.
In all my years I have never seen a mechanic or engineer ever throw any of his tools. Ever. Those are your tools of the trade.
The race. Shelby is watching the English dude/ mechanic / driver vie for first place, from the grandstand area around two corners and about a mile off, he is able to follow the action so well that he is able to mutter precisely when he should make his move “Not yet, not yet”, as if he were following the action on a TV screen. Whereas any time I have gone to a car or motorbike race the experience is one of watching the things fly past your vicinity with a roar and a blur. Which is why people position themselves next to a corner. You don’t see the race happening two corners away, let alone follow the individual action of one car. Stupid.
Throws, not grows.
They did have binoculars in those days.
I have an old Volvo
“In all my years I have never seen a mechanic or engineer ever throw any of his tools. Ever. Those are your tools of the trade”
I have. It was the funniest thing I saw all year. The bloke threw his hammer at a large loader tyre. It bounced back at him and clocked him on the forehead knocking him out.
I’m challenging you’: Brad Battin’s Boxing Day phone call to John PesuttoDamon Johnston
2 hours ago.
Updated 2 hours ago
Brad Battin has told John Pesutto he will challenge him for the leadership at Friday’s high-stakes meeting of Victorian Liberal MPs.
In a major development on Boxing Day, The Australian has confirmed Mr Battin telephoned the embattled opposition leader on Thursday morning to personally inform him he would be challenging for the top job.
The shadow police minister is the favourite to replace Mr Pesutto with supporters estimating he had 16 votes locked in.
The Liberal Party room could have as many as 31 members voting tomorrow if two absent MPs are allowed to vote remotely and ousted Liberal MP Moira Deeming is readmitted into the fold ahead of the spill.
“Brad has the numbers and will be challenging for the leadership, and he’s telephoned John this morning to tell him this,” a senior Liberal MP told The Australian.
Mr Battin’s camp is now confident it no longer needs the support of Liberal MPs grouped around shadow finance minister Jess Wilson and former Aussie tennis ace Sam Groth is expected to be the frontrunner to take over the deputy leadership.
The Boxing Day development came after The Australian reported Mr Pesutto was not expected to order a leadership spill in Friday’s meeting, in a strategy that challenges the conservative forces to blast the Victorian Liberal leader out.
Friday’s meeting is expected to vote in favour of welcoming Mrs Deeming back into the fold, but before that vote, there will be a show down over Mr Pesutto’s plans to allow two MPs away on holiday to vote remotely.
Mr Battin’s camp are opposed to this.
I had the fun of finding a reddit thread on this topic. They were bagging Mr. Pesutto as loony right wing, and worried he would be replaced by someone worse.
No one smoking in this movie.
In the 1960s.
30 minutes in.
Can’t hear what anyone is saying.
They are either mumbling or speaking Italian.
I have an old Volvo
Anyway, I found Ferrari vs Ford reasonably watchable. One of the better movies compared to so much of the rubbish around.
Yes, it had plenty to keep me watching.
I suffered adrenaline burns.
It was interesting seeing how Henry Ford II and Iacocca were portrayed.
Stuff Essendon – Michael Smith News
There are no words …
I’m cutting this shit away.
Time of death: 47 minutes.
If they aren’t telling the audience that this is Carol Shelby for the 50th time, they’re having one of the characters mumble rambling stupid exposition.
Modern writers: show, don’t tell. Show.
One of the signs of bad writing is unnecessarily repeating the same name over and over.
Election-Eve Coverup: Biden & the Art of Concealing Evidence
And leftists accuse Trump of being Xi’s man.
Note Hunter’s presence too.
Ford vs Ferrari, final thoughts:
An interesting bit of history that deserved better writing, and better casting so that the actors didn’t have to mumble their lines to obscure the fact that they were wrestling with the accents.
Also a sanitised version of the sixties.
I guess people like it because it is largely devoid of the nagging insane identity politics of recent Hollywood offerings, fair enough, but not enough to balance out the script, acting and lack of authenticity for me.
Daughter wants to watch the rest of the movie.
I’m going out.
Worth watching just to see the cars of that vintage. Especially the Ferraris.
Don’t worry about going out, Arky – the daughter will most likely chuck more petrol on you to keep the fire going…
I’m inspired because the 250hp trike in my shed needs a run. Supercar performance. 0-100 roughly 3.5 seconds.
Guess who is Noa Tishby’s Hanukkah pal.
There seems to be a special amount of goodwill this Christmas. No one fighting over scarce parking spaces at the beach this morning in Sydney. In fact, a young man covered in tats offered advice and help to an elderly friend parked next to us who was discussing his car’s heating problem with my husband. He got in friend’s car and showed him how to use the car’s diagnostics. He didn’t know that my husband had diagnosed the problem for friend – but that didn’t matter, as his genuine assistance was really nice.
Christmas Day in our area was unusually quiet. Fewer Xmas lights, and just fewer people in the streets, although traffic was chaotic. Was everyone just leaving town?
When is ice cream not ice cream?
When it is StreetsBlue Ribbon classic vanilla
Deliciously creamy vanilla
Nowhere on the labelling does it mention ice cream
But there is vegetable oil,emulsifier,stabilisers,flavours,colours,guar gum,Tara gum,locust beam gum
Apparently it is designed not to melt.
But what is it ?
It’s a gum confection. It started in the 80’s and is not ice cream made by the traditional method of freezing the ingredients while churning.
It’s smooth, creamy, but it ain’t ice cream.
Try making your own – it makes the gum ice cream look and taste like semi frozen snot.
Agree. But still better than that “ice-confectionary” rubbish.
Like Western Star spreadable. No mention of butter on the pack.
34% vegetable oil. Just checked.
I had a look at Aldi’s Kapiti ice cream. Here’s the list of ingredients…
Ice Cream [Fresh Cream (39%), Fresh Whole Milk (19%), Liquid Sugar, Reconstituted Skim Milk, Glucose Syrup (From Maize), Milk Solids, Stabilisers (Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum), Emulsifier (471), Vanilla Bean Seeds (<0.5%), Natural Flavour, Salt, Natural Colour (Annatto)].
So…it’s around 60% dairy, sugar and glucose (which looks like corn syrup). I can accept all the natural “gum” and emulsifier because that’s what gives it a shelf life and stops it splitting.
Not quite as good as making your own but good value at the price point. I’d give it to the grandchildren, but not the Blue Ribbon.
Calli As Aldi doesn’t make ice cream it is probably is Streets Blue Ribbon . Those ingredients are very similar.
A recent chat with someone whose brother makes bulk ice cream for a living revealed that they send the same-ish ice cream out to have it packed into the customers branded containers. He says the only supermarket brand he makes that dictates better quality ingredients in their ice-cream is Aldi.
Those cunning Chermans!
I have an old Volvo.
When it comes to Koli’s penalty, extra needs be added for his insipid shoulder charge. Rather, he might have picked the spot (x) on Konatas’ shoulder most liable to damage; lowered his shoulder and twisted it a split second before intended contact; and then driven it hard into the spot marked X. MCG fans expect nothing less.
Koli need not have feared a meaningful.penalty; anything like that would have caused the Indians to go home.
Heading to Victoria for a couple of weeks by road, lots of yummy Christmas leftovers in the esky. Lets see how much worse the Gregory Developmental rd is south of Belyando Crossing this year and the Carnavon Developmental rd at Rolleston before you hit the Carnavon Ranges.
Quick perusal of the traffic website tells me speed limit at Rolleston is down to 60km/h, so basically worse. NSW doesn’t look too bad apart from round Moree, which they were working on 12 months ago.
Don’t forget to practice delivering your approved opinions, pretty sure it’s illegal to go outside the group think.
60% voted no in Vicco
Sadly, the lower portion of the development road is still like driving over sand dunes. A bloody disgrase given the mass of road trains that use it constantly. It is dangerous by day and absolutely unsafe at night with the added sttraction of roos and stray cattle.
Ta forewarned.
Look I am all for the Adani mine and would hope they are paying for upkeep from the heavy haulage out of Emerald. The road needs a full pull up and base redone, the verges were that big of a step off that a small car would be scraping the bumper on what’s left of the bitumen. Seems they sealed the last dirt stretch and never maintained it. Here we are.
LOL and that was flouted as a second inland highway for HV’s when the Bruce is cut…
Rolleston or Emerald, those are the sort of towns I’d like to be in.
Spent a few very nice hours having lunch with friends. They had the cricket on. It was most enjoyable watching Labushagne receive a ball to the box.
Replays provided even more raucous outcries.
Nothing against Labushagne, it’s just funny watching bollock bombs.
Labushagne was hit a couple more times. We were all wondering if the Curry Bros had only recently watched “Bodyline”, seeing as they were so late to the technique. 😀
Then he snicked a hook shot on to his helmet for a boundary. Terribly scratchy and out of form. I was hoping he’d get out. Got going a bit better later on, but it was a painful watch early.
I recall Ian Chappell saying that the worst part of it is that everyone on the ground thinks it’s funny – except you!
Pissweak Channel 7. None of them willing to call 2/222.
Pogs, floppy top fencing is what they use on wildlife exclosures, ie keeping predators out. Google will give you some excellent diagrams.
The beauty of them is you don’t need extra equipment, like electric leads. The wire acts as a physical barrier because the predator’s weight just can’t be held long enough to shimmy over.
My inclination would be to have two perimeters (like in the Great Escape) with a No Fox Land in the middle. A fully enclosed coop (including mesh roof because predatory birds) and then the floppy top exclosure. If one of the mongrels happens to manage one fence, it will panic once it’s caught in the middle. Then it’s .22 time. Like you, I have zero mercy for foxes. I’ve witnessed their “work”.
I looked up Floppy Fencing. It would most likely do the job. The double fencing is the go if you start fresh. My chook yard has been a patch and go job on an old, enclosed berry patch. It had worked brilliantly for over two years, until the last eight weeks or so, starting with the crows, then the stinking fox.
I reckon I will go with two electric lines up high. It will be faster to erect and a little less expensive as I can do most of it myself. If I go for the floppy top, I will have to employ a bloke for a day or two.
I like .22s when I have time to aim. I like a double barrel kablammo! when in a hurry. A lot of satisfaction when you see the bits flying, like the religion of pieces when they self ignite. 😀
Thanks though for the tip. When I start afresh, that will be the way to go.
Pogria, the problem with a high “hot” wire is that most foxes will initially try to get through at the base of the fence. We have found that a hot wire about 8 inches from the ground stops both the attempt to dig under the fence OR to climb it.
They are damn smart animals. Even with our hot wire, our local fox figured out that the gate was not “wired”. It had a damn good go at climbing that, but was deterred by a wire section at the top of the gate folded down & back towards the ground!
You have to be one step ahead.
The expression on a graziers face when he found about a dozen newborn lambs with their tongues bitten out of their heads was enough for me to hate bloody foxes that did it – forever.
Headless body in topless MCG.
Bowled for 0 shouldering arms.
Ouch! Well bowled Mr Bumrah.
Grabbing defeat from jaws of victory as they say
Sweet ball from Bumrah takes out Head. Very deceptive, making Head misjudge the absent swing/seam.
I don’t think Bumrah is a chucker under the current rules (though omg that’s a low bar to clear).
But it seems he might think he does.
In Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane, his early balls raced through with a different trajectory… and he was a far more dangerous bowler. Once he got tired, those deliveries left his range and he wasn’t so much of a problem.
This game, he started with the less penetrating deliveries.
Still a dangerous bowler, but there’s a level he’s not reaching this game. Maybe he’s just more tired.
Oh, the context is that this game there are suggestions his action might be looked at.
Probably about the old 100 F mark in the centre of the MCG right now. Not good for fast bowlers!
Cooler than india!
True enough. Wasn’t
this morning, though. (And no, I’m not commenting in Konstas: Bumrah is still dangerous regardless of whether he uses his “effort” ball).
He’s more of a chucker than Meckiff ever was.
Sadly, the lower portion of the development road is still like driving over sand dunes. A bloody disgrase given the mass of road trains that use it constantly. It is dangerous by day and absolutely unsafe at night with the added sttraction of roos and stray cattle.
Bons, your comment reminded me of our drive from Cooktown to Hope Vale and Elim Beach. Not just stray cattle but brumbies which would suddenly just come out of the bush and onto the road.
Bumrah gets Marsh.
I’d swap out Marsh for Inglis in Sydney. Just for a look at him. Marsh doesn’t seem fully switched on this series.
Marsh should not play if not 100% fit.
That’s more like it.
Straya have now lost 3/9 in the last six overs.
3 quick wickets, just when it was looking good.
The Bureau of Mythology racks up another failed mission to convince Victorians/Australians there is something wrong with the weather.
Like the lone hot day last week, the Boxing Day forecast of 39C for Melbourne – revised down from 41C a few days ago — came up 10% short at 36C.
The error is always in the same direction: BoM never underestimates its forecast temperatures; they’re always exaggerated – I suspect because BoM knows it can rely on the news media to maximise public hysteria and lack of accountability for BoM’s inaccuracy.
Meanwhile, BoM’s daily rainfall forecasts are now calibrated in meaningless ranges like 1-25mm, which are useless for end users like farmers.
While BoM is a hotbed of climate ideology, the bottom line is that it is just not competent at the job we spend nearly half a billion dollars a year trusting it to be good at.
And scummy tricks like putting solar panels in a position to reflect onto the Stevenson Screen just proves they’re all a bullshit organisation.
Windy would do the same job if not better for the $500 million these pricks cost us.
Sell the BoM off for it’s real estate and let Windy do it.
(Except for Giles. That’d make a great Head Office for the ones we couldn’t sack.)
Forecast 31 here, made it to 28.7 C.
BoM’s models are overheated because of the luridly over the top 2XCO2 number they use.
Privatise it.
The error is always in the same direction: BoM never underestimates its forecast temperatures; they’re always exaggerated
Quite so. Climate Change propagandist joke.
To be fair, the cloud cover today kept the heat down.
Same tropical cyclone categories these days unfortunately.
Call these tropical storms BOM Cyclones. When they aren’t really one.
Some decades ago we used to get explanations as well as forecasts from BOM, things like that a heatwave was coming up due to sun’s events. The whole organisation now behaves like a group of people who don’t know what they are doing but hoping you won’t notice.
I just saw on YouTube that Starmer has ‘issued a warning to Donald Trump’. As if Trump would be worried by that despicable, effete, soft handed pommy lawyer.
If there’s one type I loathe and despise, it’s haughty, condescending poms.
Starmer has publicly stated he would take the WEF over Westminster.
That’s how disloyal the treasonous POS is.
He really is- toxic trash. The dead eyes and pudding face.
“We warn the Tsar …”
They won’t have this time a deep state that will conspire with others to undermine a US president. Trump was just too nice and trusting last time.
Carey for 31. We just got 300.
It was roundabout what I thought it would be at the start of the days play. Just different batsmen. See what happens tomorrow.
While fully embracing the “save da planet” CO2 lunacy and roundly abusing anyone who doesn’t follow in lockstep, the younger generation appear not to worry too much about rubbish dropping from their lifeless fingers.
Possibly because nothing much is happening in their lifeless heads.
It’s always someone else’s job.
Cite you a certain local club, who approached the local school to ask if the students would be interested in participating in a recycling program.
“Only if they were given time off school to do so” was the reply.
I’m as in favour of littering as the next person. Especially if it’s something a dolphin can choke on, and these idiots who think the planet needs saving shit me to tears.
We’ve been watching that series I Shouldn’t be Alive wherein half the people getting themselves stranded are idiots trying to save some endangered species.
There was one lot who got pinned down under their light aircraft in the African wilderness trying to do ecology on buffaloes, and another set of idiots who got lost in the snow in some former Soviet republic trying to hunt some rare sheep.
I commented to the girl: “These idiots are trying to save buffaloes and the other ones are trying to murder sheep. Just stay home and leave the bloody animals alone.
Bad enough what they are doing, but to put other peoples lives at risk to follow your strange arse ideas…
The best example of this sort of idiocy was the guy who wanted to live with the bears in Alaska and ended up being killed by them.
I saw that one.
Ate him and his girlfriend, left a tape of the sound of her telling the bear off.
I laughed out loud when I read that.
And no, it doesn’t make me a bad person.
Not as far as I’m concerned.
Isn’t that the attitude of the left in general? High ideals, but someone else has to get their hands dirty?
Albanese Government spends $174 million in taxpayers money on advertising to tell voters about its policiesKatina CurtisThe West Australian
Thu, 26 December 2024 2:49PM
Almost $174 million of taxpayer money was spent on ad campaigns last financial year — among the highest figures in two decades — with the Albanese Government being accused of “shameless self-promotion”.
Almost a quarter of that money was spent advertising key cost-of-living measures Labor is now using to convince voters it should get a second term.
The advertising push appears to have only increased since July with millions more contracted to raise awareness of Medicare urgent care clinics, cheaper medicines and fee-free TAFE — key cost-of-living measures in the Government’s plans, all of which were also promoted in the previous financial year.
Liberal frontbencher James Stevens, the Opposition’s watchdog on government waste, accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of wasting money on trying “to look like a good government, rather than actually being one”.
“It is outrageous that the Prime Minister thinks he can spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on shameless self-promotion,” Mr Stevens said.
“Anthony Albanese must explain how such an exorbitant advertising expense can possibly be considered ‘unavoidable spending’.”
Despicable grifters. Wasting our money to tell us how much they’re bribing us with even more of our own money
Lol! Steven Chavura on Sky describes the Libs as “the lepers with the most fingers”!
Well said!
Sadly, the lower portion of the development road is still like driving over sand dunes. A bloody disgrase given the mass of road trains that use it constantly. It is dangerous by day and absolutely unsafe at night with the added sttraction of roos and stray cattle.
FFS just reminded by the other half about the extra day spent in Roma after blowing a diff seal because of that road in January. After getting past the worst of it I pulled over and had a look underneath just after the Mazeppa State Forest near Clermont, where it was just a tiny drip. We nursed it from Clermont to Roma where the drip became a small flow that I had to top up twice and I just decided to get it fixed. Mechanic in the family informed me of worst case scenario that weren’t pretty when the next town could be 150km & no mobile service.
One wonders how much frickin damage our roads cause our car fleets! Then I look at cost per litre of fuel and want to figuratively speaking hoist MP’s/bureaucrats on to lampposts!
Hang on. What happened?
(Just back in from painting a mudguard).
Don’t shit me.
It’d be a worry of their policies were any good.
Meanwhile, Elbow seems to have entered a polling death spiral on a par with ScoMo in his final months.
I like how the NOOS media, which up ’til now, carried his water, are using pics of sleazy with his tongue hanging out.
One imagines that Dim Chalmers and Plibbers are considering their immediate futures while on their WEB.
11 Reasons why the “EV Transition” will NEVER happen | MGUY Australia
‘The Spell Was Shattered—And Here’s What The Spell Was’: Tucker Carlson Reacts To 2024 GOP Victory
I’m running for leader: Jess Wilson to take on Brad Battin for Victorian Liberal leadershipDamon Johnston
8 hours ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
Liberal MP Jess Wilson has launched a dramatic Boxing Day bid to challenge Brad Battin to replace embattled opposition leader John Pesutto.
In a statement released shortly before 7pm, the shadow finance minister revealed she would throw her hat into the ring despite party room numbers trending towards Mr Battin.
Ms Wilson, 34, was only elected to parliament two years in the seat of Kew, said she was best placed determined to hold the Allan Government to account.
“If a spill motion is successful tomorrow, I will be a candidate for Leader of the State
Parliamentary Liberal Party,” she said.
“I’m a proud Melburnian. I’m a proud Victorian. But it breaks my heart to see our city and our state struggling under the weight of an incompetent Labor Government that has trashed our economy and made it harder for families to get ahead.
“Holding Labor accountable for their economic vandalism, and its consequences, and
presenting a positive agenda to provide Victorians with a real choice at the next election is what is driving me to stand for the leadership.”
Ms Wilson’s dramatic last-ditch intervention sets the scene for an explosive meeting of Liberal MPs at 10am Friday at Parliament House.
So, where did she stand on Moira Deeming?
Seems she was in favor of the Voice..
If the comments are to be believed, she supported the expulsion of Moira Deeming.
Well, that is the touchstone here and if that’s the case she fails the test.
While Labor were trashing the economy she evidently backed Pesutto in allowing Andrews to set the agenda with his lies. That’s not how you hold a bad government to account.
That was my first thought. Nothing else matters.
Another 30 something Lawyer.
Can’t find any private sector experience, other than being a Frydenberg staffer, supported the voice so that’s a non starter there.
Empire striking back? Another rubbish sopping wet candidate to keep control?
Yep sounds like the discredited old guard
With a bit of luck Prosciutto will also be standing and the anti Batten vote will be split between those two clones of each other, thus giving Batten an easy majority. OTOH if she gets up we’re in for 10 more years of liars/slime and the compete disintegration of the SFLs. .
errr….sorry but I’m not sure. Vic liberals shit, or night on the piss and food poisoning curry shit?
She is running to keep the LINOs from straying too far and getting the deputy leader position as a compromise.
I guess I must be old, my parents left the shire when I was four and they bought a place in Bronte. Bronte Beach was our local beach, it’s a place I treasure. We would spend Christmas Day and Boxing Day on Bronte Beach, where the only attraction at the time was a fish and chip shop and milk bar, there were no cafes, nothing, it wasn’t ‘trendy’. The park was always filled with families, mainly Greeks and Italians, it’s now filled with Muslims.
I still recall the huge waves that hit Sydney and swallowed up Bronte Beach, back in 1970 or 1971, perhaps someone would remind me of yh year. I remember my father taking us down to have a look and I recall seeing the beach swallowed up by waves, the water splashing into the park and the little train that used to run (I think it still runs).
It was a simpler Australia, I reckon a better Australia. I know, I know, I’m prone to indulging in Proustian nostalgia but I do look back and yearn for that vanished Australia.
When my older brothers bought cars, occasionally they would take us to Kurnell. I have an old black and white photo of myself standing under a rocky overhang in my swimsuit, just about to bite into a boiled egg. Lol.
Boiled eggs were de rigeur as picnic food in the sixties. 😀
Citations sent me into the moderation bin. Take two, without references:
Hi Cassie, I asked perplexity.ai and got this. Does it sound right?
Oh dear, you’re in trouble now. Implications of age…
Australia as the best place to live in the entire world. Then it changed in 2007 and has been a shithole ever since.
Bronte Beach was on the news last night. Packed to the hilt with Pommy/Euro backpackers and whatnot. No mueslis.
I’d rather have an ex cop than another effing lawyer from a political dynasty.
She from political stock?
I can’t tell as the only online info on her is from whatever she wants you to see.
Try this doc
Ron Wilson (Australian politician) – Wikipedia
Bronte is Greek for thunder. The waves crashing on the beach sounded like thunder?
Wrong apparently
Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, Duke of Bronté.
“It was a simpler Australia, I reckon a better Australia. I know, I know, I’m prone to indulging in Proustian nostalgia but I do look back and yearn for that vanished Australia.”
Here in Adelaide you could even take a tram to Paradise! 😉
But seriously, the Australia of the past seems sadly to be gone forever. Deliberately destroyed, by mean spirited and vicious people.
How many kiwis did it take to make a tin of boot polish?
More for black than brown?
Kiwi Polish was the bomb. Even the later liquid version was fantastic for creating an excellent semi-gloss sheen on my riding boots.
The walk from Bondi to Bronte beach is wonderful. We try to do it every time we came up to Sydney and it never gets boring. The landscape reminds me just a little of the Sorrento and Portsea back beach… the waves swallowing up the rock ledges…
Very nice. Has me wondering if South Head to Cape Banks, hugging the coastline as much as possible, in a day is feasible. Just. Perhaps.
Stopping for swims would be an extra degree of difficulty.
Could always stop short at a convenient bus stop, at least.
The challenge for the Victorian Liberal leadership will be a three-cornered contest after former John Pesutto ally Jess Wilson threw her hat in the ring at the eleventh hour.
Shadow police minister Brad Battin called the current opposition leader on Thursday morning to confirm he would challenge the Liberal leader at a party room meeting on Friday. Wilson, a first-term and well-respected MP, said she would run against Battin because a unity deal to secure her as deputy leader had been struck off the table.
From “The Age.”
Oh, great. 🙁 ScoMo redux?
SloMo WAS the Jim Hacker PM. Somehow appropriate.
Unity deal from the UniParty. Echoes of Pony Girl.
Why are they always ‘well respected’?
The walk from Bondi to Bronte beach is wonderful.
It’s a gorgeous walk.
Joe Hildebrand yet again spouting off about something that doesn’t make sense. He has just declared himself half Catholic Irish on Sky’s Late Debate.
He can be half Irish but not half Catholic, he is either Catholic or not as it is a choice not a matter of genes.
I think he likes sitting on the fence. Maybe he’s afraid to get off.
I reckon he likes the feel of the fence up his date.
Just sounds like another Jane Hume type.
As opposed to “controversial” (e.g. Fatty Trump, Moira Deeming) or “embattled” (e.g. Giuseppe Prosciutto).
In other words, Milt, it’s the braindead lamestream meeja, doing what it does so spectacularly badly – trying to accurately report on, well, anything.
Sounds like everything was stitched up over lunch at the club – until it wasn’t. How Victoriastan Lieborals.
They have a pre-listed set of words, usage depending upon the relationship between the person being described and wokeism.
No capacity for independent thought.
The late Kevin Andrews really was well respected by anyone who had dealings with him. But the ABC/Fairfax axis hates his guts.
Even now, when the fallout is coming thick and fast about everyone in the media and in politics and in staff positions denying that Joe was not the full two bob, we still have almost the same situation regarding the other huge issue that the world faces.
The denial that the climate scam is a scam, denial that wind and solar can’t deliver, denial that we should go on using coal. Denial that nuclear is a live option. All of it has been perpetrated by the left/green politicians and knuckled under by the rest. It has been hugely supported by the complicit media and by assorted airhead celebs. It has become an article of faith in the religion that has largely replaced Christianity.
Rabz it’s the tired old cliches – they give me the pip which is another reasonwhy I don’t buy newspapers and I wouldn’t even pick up the Aged.
Just catching up on Sky and heard Danby say that the Teals whores are entrenched. I disagree, I think some are but I reckon at least half will be gone. Here are my Teal whore predictions……
The whore of Wentworth will hold the seat, largely due an electoral redistribution. She’s lost the Jewish vote, that’s gone but she’ll hold on…..just.
The whore of Warringah will hold on, she’ll be there in Warringah until she retires in 2055.
The whore of Mackellar is goneski. She’ll lose to James Brown (once married to Turdbull’s daughter, Daisy, but don’t hold that against him, he’s a good candidate).
The whore of North Sydney is already goneski, her electorate now carved up, some of it swallowed up by the electorate of Bradfield and some swallowed up by the electorate of Bennelong. The Liberals will hold Bradfield and will win back Bennelong at the next election.
The whore of Goldstein will be gone, Tim Wilson will win the electorate back.
I don’t know about the fatso whore of Kooyong, I would like to think that she’ll lose. Perhaps some Victorians here can enlighten me.
The whore of Curtin will lose. The Liberals will win back Curtin.
Do I think Svengali’s Simon’s other whores will win in seats he plans to target. No, I don’t think he’ll win anymore seats
Now I’ll caveat the above by saying I could be wrong.
Looked up “Teals” on Wikipedia where the page is titled “Teal independents.”
Yes, seriously.
I only ever think of them as “ducks”.
I think the whore of Kooyong will lose the seat. The seat has been redistributed and now includes a strong liberal voting part of Malvern and Toorak that was formerly a relatively minor enclave in Higgins which was lost to the liars at the last election. She has been advertising strongly in the area and has opened up a propaganda office in the Glenferrie Rd shopping centre but I think it will be enemy territory for her. Her opponent is a woman from a well established old liberal family which includes a former premier from the time when the libs were not so stupid.
‘Former ally’. Which means she’s stuck the knife in once already…
And has already stuck the knife into Battin as well because as she couldn’t be Number Two (as opposed to Number 22 which is where she is now), she wants to be Number One.
Amazing. The Vic Labor people must be pissing themselves laughing.
Reminds me of the skank that Abbot endorsed in Penrith, who immediately plunged a knife into his back. The people of Penrith dealt with that skank quickly. hahahahah
Wow get a load of this Bio and as I said apart from gifted positions (Prolly because of being a Young Lib) what appears token private sector experience. This could be the new Vic Opposition leader and a first term sitting member, probably the most inexperienced bio I’ve ever seen:
Jess Wilson was elected the Member for Kew at the November 2022 Victorian State Election.
Jess is the Shadow Minister for Early Childhood and Education, Shadow Minister for Finance, and Shadow Minister for Economic Reform and Regulation.
She has spent all of her life in Melbourne’s inner east, growing up with her parents Ron and Jo and younger sister Sarah in Mont Albert.
Jess attended Mont Albert Primary School and Strathcona Girls Grammar, followed by Monash University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (politics and history) and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University, and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the Australian National University. Jess is admitted as an Australian Lawyer in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
Jess has been a member and premiership player with Kew Box Hill Hockey Club for over 20 years and married her husband Aaron at St Dominic’s Church, Camberwell.
In 2012, Jess was selected as a Hansard Scholar, a program run by a leading think tank in the United Kingdom. This provided her with the opportunity to study and complete a dissertation at the London School of Economics and intern with a member of the House of Commons, working at the Palace of Westminster.
In 2017, Jess was awarded the Dame Elizabeth Couchman Scholarship which provided an opportunity to travel to the United States to write a research report on encouraging more women to enter politics.
Jess is an experienced public policy professional, having advised Australia’s largest employers and worked at the highest levels of government. She started her professional career at global professional services firm KPMG, focussing on regulatory policy and excise tax advice for clients in Australia, the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions. She then served as a Ministerial Adviser to a Federal Cabinet Minister.
Jess has spent most of her professional career in the private sector, most recently at the Business Council of Australia as the Executive Director of Policy and Company Secretary. In addition to leading policy development in the energy and climate change space, she led a team of policy experts across tax, regulatory reform, infrastructure, skills and education, digital and cyber security. Jess played a pivotal role in the Business Council’s initiatives including BizRebuild (a charitable trust formed to assist bushfire recovery efforts, chaired by a former Australian Governor-General), Strong Australia (a network to connect small and big business in regional Australia) and the business community’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Locally, Jess’ priorities include:
ensuring small businesses can thriveimproving our healthcare and emergency services systemproviding urgent mental health supportraising learning standards and improving facilities in our schoolstackling rising bills and keeping our essential services strongprotecting our local heritage and environment including taking strong action on climate change, andimproving public transport links.Jess loves taking her Cairn Terrier, Audrey, for walks across the many beautiful parks in the Kew Electorate and catching the latest releases with Aaron at Palace Cinemas in Balwyn.
Victoria is stuffed
you forgot to mention her supposed vote on the “voice”
But I can’t a Trump apprentice amongst the contenders
So another absolutely useless polimuppet?
Lawyer, Monash, LSE, ‘strong action on climate change’, more wimmin in politics- the worst of the worst. If she gets up, I’ll vote informal in the lower house.
”private sector” experience is basically working at that useless outfit the BCA.
and a life of using her connections. A total swamp dweller.
Daddy would have made sure of that
A tad damp indeed.
Nice lady.Would be great as kindergarten president.Opposition leader not to much
Please pass the chuck bucket.
BoM long ago replaced those old-fashioned thermometers that were consulted periodically during the day. They got new-fangled ones that registered the temperature every fraction of a second (or at least fairly continuously). This means that a very quick and fleeting blip upwards can become the maximum for the day.
This may be part of the “trend” upwards. That and “homogenisation”, an Orwellian bit of language.
Then the data should be there for averaging the temperature out on an hourly basis.
Except they don’t want that – they want the headline grabbing spikes that last 4 seconds.
Which proves they are propagandists – not weather recorders.
These are the same nongs who think that a Global Average Temperature has some meaning, when the gap between the daily maximum and minimum can approach 100 degrees C.
The nongs haven’t yet worked out that if they were – as they do with the time frames – they could also do the upper limits with area/volume.
The inside of an iron furnace is 2,500 f.
Therefore the maximum temperature for Australia yesterday was 2,500 f.
A week ago, Boxing Day was forecast at 44 C. Much hysteria ensued, until the estimated max was revised down to the high, then low 30s.
Today we enjoyed 22 C from 10:00 am on, a far cry from the fearful 44’s. Yet BoM can tell us what the scalding temp will be by the end of the century.
Bureau of Muppets.
Stolen. 😉
Have an old friend who originally trained as a meteorologist and late became a climate scientist, although not one to get hysterical about climate model outputs (now officially retired, but still turns up at WMO talkfests on occasion. He specialised in seasonal forecasts.
anyway, he said you were always better to forecast the worst, and if it turns out better people forget, whereas if you forecast a good outcome and it is a disaster, they never forget.
thus when he was forecasting he was always pessimistic.
This guy was one of the best weathermen I saw on TV:
Very direct regional Queensland style, wasn’t afraid to call out the hype especially during cyclone season. Also able to break it down into layman’s terms. Before the weatherzone tropical blogs and Oz Cyclone Chasers before they went to subscription only I learned a lot from him about Tropical weather.
I subscribe to ozcyclone chasers (now WeatherIQ).
always a very educational listen, although Nitso loves to waffle on to the point of repetitive tedium.
Omnia mutantur…
Adjusting to this oft unpleasant reality is one of the challenges of growing old.
From Jihad watch:
“Those who fired Erin Molan were alarmed by the complaints they received about her from the pro-Hamas segment of her audience.”
?If Sky has a pro-Hamas segment of its audience they would only be there to get upset and take notes, not to learn.
Looked up “Teals” on Wikipedia where the page is titled “Teal independents.”
Unlike John Pesutto and his staffers, I don’t regard Wikipedia as a reliable source for any serious facts.
Wikipedia is about as neutral as the ABC and the BBC.
December 26, 2024 7:15 pm
I don’t know about that.
Maybe not in Australia but in other places it goes full steam ahead.
Norway has more EVs than ICE cars already, and if I read it right, new car registrations from the 1st of Jan 2025 will be restricted to EV.
Despite electricity prices rising due mainly of exporting it to other EU countries.
And never mind that the lower the temperature the less performance from a battery operated car. But then again, Norwegians mostly have two cars now, one for virtue signalling and the other for actual transport.
It’s a good drive.
The amount of km’s this guy racks up each year is cazy. Back and forth, back and forth across Australia.
He loves it.
Road Train Adventures:
In this episode I pick up Michael from ?@DownieLive? and we see this journey across Australia through his eyes. Come with us as we explore the towns and cities we drive through and have a few laughs along the way.
I picked up this load from Melbourne and taking it all the way to a mine near Leinster, Western Australia.
Road Train Across Australia – Part 1 – Delivery to the Mines
when you drive to Vicco, if you go via the Hume, let us know and, if you are so inclined, we can grab a coffee at Goulburn or Collector. Whichever suits. I wouldn’t want to tempt you with the perils of Canbra!
Bungonia Bee may also be down that way. We can have a collective of Cats!
For a short while. 😀
I’ll bring the sardines and cream!
Ta but we’ll be well west of that way.
Bugger. 😀
Safe drinking water in Indigenous communities a responsibility of the government landlords, court rulesPaige Taylor
6 minutes ago
The Albanese government has been found ultimately responsible for keeping drinking water safe in Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory, in the latest legal decision that winds back the commonwealth’s long retreat from remote settlements and townships across Australia.
The landmark court ruling found the chief executive of NT Housing is liable for unsafe uranium levels in the water at Laramba, a community of 300 people on a commonwealth lease about 200km west of Alice Springs.
The Northern Territory’s Court of Appeal decision reverses an earlier finding that exonerated the federal government.
The commonwealth is the ultimate landlord of central Australian communities including Laramba, and it funds the NT government to build and maintain public housing in those communities.
Australian Lawyers for Remote Aboriginal Rights estimates 250,000 Indigenous people are currently unable to reliably access safe and healthy water.
Dan Kelly, who represented Laramba tenants in the water case, said the decision on Tuesday had implications for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.
“We know many communities are denied the most basic of human rights, which is access to clean and safe drinking water. The court’s decision makes clear that if government does not take action, they can be held to account,” Mr Kelly said.
“In more than 500 remote Indigenous communities across Australia drinking water isn’t routinely tested and often it isn’t safe to drink. The court’s decision has confirmed that Indigenous peoples have as much right as any other Australian to safe drinking water.”
In the past 13 months, government landlords have lost two significant court cases about their responsibilities to tenants in remote Aboriginal communities.
The first, also in the NT, was a High Court ruling in November 2023 that tenants of substandard public housing in the remote community of Santa Teresa were entitled to compensation. Like Laramba, the Santa Teresa community is also on a lease held by the commonwealth’s executive director of town leasing, and its houses are paid for with federal funds.
The case was brought by a woman in the community, 85km southeast of Alice Springs, who had no back door for five years.
The Santa Teresa decision prompted class action specialists Slater + Gordon to launch a massive civil case over dilapidated housing in Western Australia’s remote Aboriginal communities.
Under the action, which was filed in the Federal Court in August, the WA government is being sued for housing that was a commonwealth responsibility until 2018. That is when the commonwealth stopped paying for houses in remote Aboriginal communities in WA, Queensland and South Australia and handed over responsibility to the states.
By then the commonwealth had already ceased providing municipal and essential services to remote communities in WA.
In 2015, a debate over the commonwealth’s exit from remote communities led then prime minister Tony Abbott to call remote living a lifestyle choice.
Mr Abbott said at the time: “What we can’t do is endlessly subsidise lifestyle choices if those lifestyle choices are not conducive to the kind of full participation in Australian society that everyone should have.”
He made the remarks after then WA Liberal premier Colin Barnett contemplated the monumental cost of taking over housing in remote communities and instead flagged his intention to close up to 150 of the settlements. Mr Barnett proposed concentrating his government’s spending and resources in a small number of large communities with links to the mainstream economy. This policy was broadly adopted by the subsequent Labor McGowan government, which was elected in 2017, but progress has been slow.
When Covid-19 cases climbed in WA in mid-2020, the state’s smallest and most remote communities were inundated with Aboriginal people with familial connections. Many remain there.
Indigenous leaders have blamed a lack of investment in remote communities for the drift of Indigenous people into towns such as Alice Springs, where displaced adults and youths have contributed to alarming increases in crime.
Now, why would someone in an outback community have no back door?
No back door, no internal doors, no floor, no wardrobe doors, no kitchen cabinet doors, etc, etc, et al.
It’s not unknown for the “big men” in those communities to have two houses – one in your “whitefella” name, the other in your “tribal name.” You live in one, while the other is repaired…rinse and repeat..
I thought that went for all of them, not just the big men.
I thought they wanted to live their traditional lifestyle. Why is it now my problem and every other taxpayers’? I’m quickly coming to the conclusion that the judiciary is our greatest enemy.
Place them all on tenancy leases, tenant responsible for water rates and power costs, tenant responsible for damage caused to the house by negligence or bad behaviour.
It is a state government role to supply drinking water to communities, not the feds.
perhaps NT communities, but no others. This article expands fed responsibilities for race based reasons.
interesting story: cape communities have long relied on rainwater. However the state government in far off Brisbane decided for health reasons urban dwellers (including wee villages) can’t use rainwater for drinking. So forcing communities to go reticulated. However, the communities prefer rainwater and hijinks result.
So we’ll know tomorrow if this mediocrity will be the new Vicco ‘opposition’ leader. Sounds a nasty piece of work too.
She really should denounce her White Privilege before she throws down for the Leadership. haw!
A ‘you go girrrl’
How cool would it be to head up an international rescue organisation like Thunderbirds?
Why isn’t that a thing yet in 2024?
I always liked Thunderbird 2.
I never got in to Thunderbirds…
I reckon Musk would give it a crack, within genuine Thunderbirds…
Is Wilson the Kennett-Kroger anointed one I wonder?
Most likely.
A career of perpetual election losses await the SFLs if she gets up.
It shouldn’t be shocking because it’s pretty much par for the course, but I’m still a bit gob smacked when I see the absolute uselessness and lack of real world experience of the political class. I wonder what she means by ‘strong action on climate change’.
I will double down on making sure the plebs suffer.
The only thing shocking about this is that it’s been denied for so long.
Science Shock: CO2 is Good for the Planet, Peer-Reviewed Studies Suggest
Watch this get buried by the MSM, and denounced by the Klimate Skientists.
Here’s a small snapshot of Oz when we were still free, cool and accepting.
I miss the eighties.
Dunno – I got married in the Eighties…….
Dunno – I got married in the Eighties…….Five years later, the Creature From the Black Lagoon was gone, demanding half of everything I owned, in the name of a Family Law Court property settlement.
On the brighter side I met Mme Zulu in the Eighties, and we’ve been together since…
Forever a classic.
I haven’t seen this visual version.
Billy Joel – Piano Man (Original Video)
Damn! I remember it.
Fifty F**king years ago.
I can still sing every word.
It was certainly a great introduction to his career.
All the old school has footage run out. I love watching again though.
All we get today is sh*t from Tik Tok. D*ckheads on the streets.
It takes so much time to sync this all up.
David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”: A Mashup of Classic Movie Dance Scenes
David Bowie and Tina Turner…”Tonight.”
Better late than never.
Christmas Eve/Sarajevo (Timeless Version) … Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Just a hunch because US yields are backing up. I reckon the Chinese are selling the US bond market to offer Trump a new year Xmas present.
Bond dealers are concerned inflation will be higher, hence they require higher yields to compensate. The fed is in a pickle.
Tomorrow’s leadership spill in the Victorian SFL’s – but only if leader John Pesutto decides to allow a spill. (chortle)
Brad Battin: Grey hairs, former police officer, former small business operator (specifically, a bakery)
Jess Wilson: 34yo, Greenhorn rookie in parliament, been in Two years. Her wikipedia page (obviously heavily curated by Ms. Wilson herself) says she is;
1/. the only Victorian SFL to publicly support the voice,
her work history is
2/. an advisor to Josh Recessionberg
3/. a former Director of the Business Council of Australia. (no mention of what qualified her for that role, never mind how she managed to swing the directorship)
4/. nothing else.
Tough choice. (chortle)
Perhaps she is there in case prosciutto does fling in the towel and her wet colleagues have a choice
Victoriastan SloMo
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
Christian Adams.
Swamp dweller par excellence.
Toon of the morning.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Steve Kelley.
Pope Francis Warns of ‘Devastating Effects of Climate Change’
the nasty old turd is a sick joke
Just out of idol curiosity, was Wilson for or against Moira Deeming?
Someone yesterday on cat said against Moira and pro voice. I bet a renewables flog too.
Yep.Wants strong action on climate change whatever that means.
Means no electricity for you.
Thanks Tom.
Today’s Tele:
Tim Blair: Bronte Beach clean-up a small price to pay to see fun return to Sydney
?Scenes of garbage left on beaches by Christmas Day revellers have spawned outrage, but Tim Blair reckons Sydneysiders could learn a thing or two from the partying backpackers.
Yes, it would be nice if Bronte Beach backpackers all cleaned up after themselves.
Yes, it would be nice if the beachfront remained as pristine following a Christmas Day of backpacker partying as it was beforehand.
But let’s not throw out the babies with the beachwater here.
If local authorities clamp down too hard on the annual Bronte Beach backpacker bash, they risk crushing a fun new tradition before it’s even had a chance to take hold.
The fun is important, and we’ll get to that in a moment.
But first consider the huge revenue generated by backpackers in Sydney every summer, and the revenue generated specifically within the Bronte area on December 25.
Decorative antler sales alone would probably match Victoria’s entire yearly GDP. Local vendors of Christmas-themed bikinis are now on to their second Bentleys.
And if any enterprising Bronte kids are scuttling around today among the garbage, their can-return cash may cover a few terms of private school fees.
The expense to Bronte council of paying for beach rangers, lifesavers, security teams and the like would easily be covered many times over by short-term backpacker investments.
One must feel for nearby residents, of course. They shouldn’t expect their surroundings to become a full-on party zone.
Except that they do live on a Sydney beach. And it is summer. Plus there are holidays.
So anyone in and around Bronte Beach really should expect the good times to break out when the sun is up and the sand beckons.
And that is the whole point. Sydney has become a scolding and joyless city in recent times.
It is significant that the initial response to our Bronte party people was to decry their littering rather than rejoice in their exuberance.
Keep in mind, too, that those backpackers were joined by many young locals. Brits and Euros are teaching us how to have fun on our own turf.
Tim Blair
I love to see people having fun, especially at one of the best beaches in the world. I don’t love grubs who expect others to clean up after them.
The two things are quite different.
So I’ll happily scold away.
I stand with Calli.
Yep agree. You can have plenty of fun and still take your refuse away or bin it. It’s largely a generational thing.
We were hammered by Keep Australia Beautiful. Needs reprising.
Today, Boxing Day, in the brisk cold and because it is close by, we all went for a walk in Windsor Great Park before lunch, joining the throngs of Britishers of all nationalities from the look of it who were also out with their families in a pre-prandial excursion. Have to do something with these little children, you could hear them saying, for the little ones, all togged up in their warmest were rivalling the many dogs for the straining on the leash, darting everywhere and often too close to bogs and ponds. Some of the dogs had amusing little jackets on, and one actually had on four small plastic booties.
We came back for more of Hairy’s brother’s huge poached whole salmon, left over from Christmas Eve, and polished it off with small potatoes and salad. We shall destroy the rest of the Christmas turkey tonight. Yesterday it was served with great style, supremely carved by Hairy’s nephew, surrounded as tradition dictates by tiny pork sausages and some roasted stuffing balls, roast parsnip and potatoes, and ‘bread sauce’, a British invention par excellence. Plus gravy, ‘highly flavoured’ as the polite joke is always made, alluding to the Christmas carol of ‘highly favoured Lady’ and its schoolboy words.
We’ve just had arvo tea of home-made Christmas cake with marzipan and white snow icing, with little Christmas figurines on top. This whole street has hung silver balls from their small bushes and lit up their tress, and wisteria over the doorways has been threaded with tiny lights. Large and real Christmas trees are flashing gently in front paned bay windows. So pretty, in the darkening gloam of the afternoon. A Robin appears in the rear garden, flitting with other tiny birds in and out of the bird feeders that the bigger birds cannot reach. Scrabble is being played at the kitchen table and music comes from somewhere nearby.
Living high on the hog, and next stop: Hogmanay!
Take a bow Lizzie, at the moment you have outdone Tim Blair in upticks.
Sad news – two sailors have died on the way to Hobart in separate incidents, said to be the result of being hit by the boom in wild weather.
Reports vary, but up to 11 boats have already retired.
It must have been a hell of a night after the storm front hit them.
We caught a touch of it a few hours ago here with a substantial thunderstorm. What it would have been like in the more intense weather out at sea is difficult to imagine.
Yachties are crazy brave, IMHO.
Let me say now that I am very glad I found and packed my snowboots, which are waterproof and snug and good for Britain at this time of the year. I am sure they will also get good use in Scotland, which we will head towards on the day after tomorrow, taking two days to reach Fort William and then on to Inverlochy Castle for Hogmany festivities, once Hairy has been fitted out in Fort William for his hired kilt and sporran and jacket and other formal stuff,
I am being called downstairs now for a pre-dinner glass of Rose in the main sitting room, where we have been regularly gathering for familial chats. It is still littered with some of the presents from yesterday afternoon’s present exchange.
Hairy gave me some Versace Reve de Myrrh, which was very Christmas appropriate, in a substantial ‘Prestige’ swish black bottle with a gold top embossed with the Versace Medusa Head. No Three Kingss’ trifecta though: we missed out on buying Frankincense in Fujairah, where it was once a major export. Didn’t think I could easily get it back in Australia.
December 27, 2024 6:30 am
Sad news – two sailors have died on the way to Hobart in separate incidents, said to be the result of being hit by the boom in wild weather.
Johanna, just read this in the Paywallion:
Two sailors dead as tragedy strikes Sydney to Hobart race
Amanda Lulham
4 minutes ago
Two sailors have died in seperate incidents on a torrid first night of the Sydney to Hobart on the boats Flying Fish Arctos (NSW) and Bowline (SA).
The Race Committee were advised both crew members were hit by the boom late last night as the fleet sailed down the NSW coast.
These are the first deaths in the Sydney Hobart since six men lost their lives at sea in the stormy 1998 race.
Flying Fish Arctos was sailing approximately 30 nautical miles east/south-east of Ulladulla when the incident occurred. Fellow crew members performed CPR but were unable not revive their fellow crew.
Bowline was approximately 30nm east/north-east of Batemans Bay and crew members administered CPR. A short time later officers from the Marine Area Command were informed that CPR had been unsuccessful.
A fleet of 104 yachts started the Sydney to Hobart under blue skies at 1 pm on Boxing Day.
By late afternoon they were romping down the NSW coast at high-speed with the front runners well in front of record pace.
Then, in one of the most destructive – and expensive – nights in Sydney to Hobart history, wild winds and torrid conditions ripped the famous race apart, causing widespread damage and ending the race hopes of numerous favourites.
A number of yachts were dismasted and the race leader and line honours favourite Master Lock Comanche was forced to retire when her giant mainsail ripped.
In 1998 a Bass Strait bomb in the form of a deep depression over the racetrack.
Treacherous conditions sparked mass search and rescue missions, numerous yachts sank and multiple crews were rescued.
Six tragically lost their lives in one of Australia’s worst sporting disasters
Amanda Lulham
Sports Writer
Apparently there will be a press conference at 8.30 am.
The Race Committee were advised both crew members were hit by the boom late last night as the fleet sailed down the NSW coast……
Fellow crew members performed CPR but were unable not revive their fellow crew
CPR was originally developed just for ventilating victims of drowning and asphyxiation (ie *respiratory* arrest). Cardiac compressions were added later to provide just enough circulation to keep the brain going after *cardiac arrest* ….BUT survival required restoration of cardiac output, usually with a defibrillator.
CPR is not a magic cure for waking up dead people, and it DOES NOT WORK IN TRAUMA. Sadly, even a lot of EMS workers have not worked this out.
That was my first thought as a non- professional in this area, Duk, but the ‘do something’ feeling must have been strong in the circumstances.
Today in Sydney: hot, cloudy, everyone at home, not much solar going into the system but plenty of demand for air con.
Stand by for blackouts when you can’t even run a fan.
Thanks dickheads. Your climate scam isn’t about saving the planet, it is about hobbling the west.
Explain to me how the owners of a yacht get virtually no repercussions from a death yet business owners are the number one target for prosecution?
I’ll put it this way.
If I had a worker to voluntarily went out to move stock to higher ground with a huge storm imminent and the worker was killed by the storm, I’d be fined and/or imprisoned.
Those crewing are not employed by yacht owner or skipper. If yachties had same rules and regs as farmers or small business, they’d never be able to afford to sail. Come to think of it, nor would farmers, oh right?
Sport will be treated differently to paid employment. Each yacht will be covered by its own insurance, as well as the race as a whole. In addition, crew members will have indemnified the owner from any claim and participated at their own risk.
I’ll be Captain Obvious and say it’s a dangerous sport. The sea has a million ways to kill you and will try most of them at some time. One of my lasting memories as a little girl was Dad telling me, “never turn your back on the sea…it will sweep you away if you don’t watch out”.
From the Best Pie list.
Best Vegetarian / Vegan Pie
Forster Bakehouse (Forster, NSW) – Cauliflower Cashew Mornay Pie
Best Transgender Pie more like it.
Nailed it.
Except Calli that many professional sports claim to be a workplace now. Amateurs just have bad luck but professionals attract liability.
Gez – I think you’ll find that professional sportspeople are hired as contractors, not employees. This greatly (but not totally) limits the liability of the club or whoever runs the sport.
Any sport involving waterways and the sea is dangerous. Every year we get numerous drownings, people swept off rocks, brained by surfboards, bitten by sharks etc etc.
As for yachting, it just highlights how even more crazy brave those explorers who sailed vast distances into the unknown in tiny wooden boats were. They make the current crop, with their high tech boats and communications and navigation aids, look like cream puffs!
Not to take anything away from the explorers – Cook and even the much-maligned Bligh, who got a group of castaways in a small dinghy all the way to Batavia – were phenomenal sailors.
But there is a difference. Racers will push their boats to the limit, because it’s all about speed, whereas sailors trying to get from a to b will reduce the amount of sail, alter their course to reduce the strain, and go into a harbour if it’s safe to do so. That said, the conditions last night would test anyone.
It’s worth repeating. Excerpt from the full show.
Elon Musk Stuns Joe Rogan
I’ll take your word for it.
Tuck it and suck it. Some vegetarian stuff (particularly Indian) is delicious. Spinach and feta rolls are often better than their sausage counterparts.
Mr Tedious has a close shave.
Yemen on fire after massive Israeli air raid on capital and ports sparks raging infernos (26 Dec)
Well the Houthis are finding out that Israel is not going to pussy foot around like the Americans have been. I don’t know what the WHO boss was doing in Yemen but he’s a lucky man.
The WHO boss is a prick. Israel would have done the world a favour if the bombs had gone off a few seconds earlier.
Must add, WOO HOO!!! GO ISRAEL!!!
Evil arsehole.
The all-conquering Hootie-Tooties were only all-conquering because Biden decreed it be so.
Watch this space.
Hopefully a final update from the Grampians. Yesterdays conditions for firefighting were horrendous, with the strongest winds I have ever experienced on the back of a truck. The change is however now through and things have quietened down and the fires have stopped running (notwithstanding all the MSM *still* salivating telling us about all the ‘too late to leave now’ declarations even in towns many km away). There will be days to weeks of breakouts now, but the worst should be over.
Can I re-iterate, after yesterday, just how dangerous it is to be on the roads in heavy smoke during a fire. We had numerous fallen trees to dodge and one came down within a metre of our truck whilst we were cutting up another which blocked our path. We also got cornered into a ‘must go forward, cant go back’ position as the fire crossed the road around us and had to operate the crew protection sprays as we drove through it.
Duk, you are a brave, good and honourable Man.
Thank you for your service.
Also, truly grateful you and your fellow firies are okay.
Well done Duk. Hard, dangerous work. Volunteering for this seems to be diminishing, with many brigades now operated by + 50’s. Son in law is in a unit in NW Sydney. He is a comparative youngster.
Keep safe. I won’t say “enjoy the work” because it’s hard and hazardous, but there is a certain amount of satisfaction in being part of a solution rather than the problem.
Yep, saw a LOT more grey beards than young men on the trucks (yes, MEN, I only saw a handful of women out of the hundreds in yellow yesterday).
Tackling a running fire is the closest thing to combat you can get in the civilian world and is a priceless character and team building experience. Facing shared danger is what binds people together. Its a pity our modern safety culture does the opposite – outsourcing all responsibility to the state and emasculating people.
Gez’s analogy is sound.
Let’s say I am a hobby farmer in the example he puts forward. I don’t make a living out of it, but parts of the enterprise are conducted on a commercial basis – I sell produce, I employ labour etc. I engage a contractor to help move cattle in a storm he rolls the ATV or a tree branch falls on him and kills him.
Worksafe will be all over me like a cheap suit.
The yachties similarly operate on a semi-commercial basis. They don’t expect to make money, but they employ contractors, they accept sponsorships etc.
And being struck by a boom is an entirely predictable hazard and should be mitigated.
Imagine this conversation:-
Worksafe : “Why isn’t the boom set at 2.2 metres above deck level?”
Cap’n Pugwash : “Well, the boat wouldn’t go as fast if we did that.”
Worksafe : “Safety shouldn’t be compromised for speed and efficiency. You’re done mate.”
The farmer who says he left off a PTO guard or a roll-bar because it interfered with efficient operations is going to wear it if something goes wrong.
I’ve seen quite a few workplace “accidents”. Stupidity reigned supreme in all but one. How often do the employees get prosecuted? Never is the answer. These days Hi Viz makes you indestructible.
Thats a bit of a stretch. Outside a handful of boats it would be mates and volunteers. Have a walk around any yacht club on a Saturday afternoon.
And when you are out there enjoying the thrills of yacht racing in the ocean remember sh#t happens. Many a sailor has been hit with the boom sailing in yachts due to involuntary jibing especially in violent weather and sea state.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Yes, well.
Most of Yemen is starving so they need WHO programs so the Houthis can (try to) kill more Jews.
Population 34 million, can feed 4 million.
Of course they pogrommed their Jews, who’d lived there for millennia out in the 1950s.
Notice how the Jews were prevented from emigrating to Israel in the late 19th century because of their importance to the Yenemi economy?
We are about an hour West of the Grumpians and can confirm the wind yesterday was shit.
A few very intense swirling gusty squalls which could spread a fire miles in no time.
To get an idea of what the trees were doing, put some sticks of celery upright in a blender without a lid and turn it on.
Very prescient of me to engage the few remaining somewhat sober relatives to dismantle the Christmas lunch marquee on Christmas night.
I knew it! Our weather came from YOU!! (bloody imports).
I am 20km E of the park.
Those northerlies in Victoriastan are devil winds. If the place isn’t on fire the plane tree pollen is bad enough.
Arky is correct. Again.
The point ain’t employment classifications or wording of the insurance clauses- the point is, Lizard Legislators have been hissing that business owners and directors will be treated akin to murderers in cases of “industrial manslaughter”, with business-killing fines and career-ending exclusions deliberately inflated to seize the wealth and damn the lives of whichever poor fool dares employ a soul and provide a product.
Legislators cannot control how their legislation is used, interpreted and applied. This is where the judiciary comes in, if they say you’re guilty, you’re guilty and it will cost you millions to defend yourself. I would guess that our judiciary are all leftists and we are all screwed.
Taken to the extreme, all small businesses will go broke, or be destroyed by the legislation.
That’s the point – coffee shops run by unions – who will be immune from the legislation, and factories run by the government – who will also be immune to the legislation.
And who will cop it on the neck? The employees who will be guilty of not following Instruction From the Management: Rule 39, section 128, section (k) subsection xxiv.
The restaurants will have to close 1200 – 1400 and 1800 – 2000 so the waiters and cooks can go to lunch and dinner.
Apply the same rules to public service bosses.
Can you die from an ink stain on your finger?
I keep wondering if the last minute pitch by Jess Wilson has been set up to split the vote. She may as well be a Teals voter as far as I can tell. She was pro the Voice, is a Climate Change believer and voted against Moira Deeming being allowed back in the Party. Perhaps its a set-up so that when she fails the Libs can be further criticized for not being inclusive of women. Regardless she wouldn’t be getting my nod. And I’m a woman.
My guess would be that it’s more a Turnbull-like move a-la ScoMo to deny Dutton the leadership. Pesutto is simply trying to poison the well.
You’re right, mem. Jess Wilson is not a serious candidate, so she’s a surrogate for someone else’s ambition.
This is a straightforward contest between the SLF left and right — Wilson on the left and Brad Battin on the right.
Battin will win, but he may be saddled with a moderate (i.e., leftwing) deputy who will undermine him.
Sounds very similar to the LNP candidate for Monash. Her views are left wing according to her answers to me. Just another Teal we could do without and it looks like the girls with the same views are lining up as so called independents.
Wally Dali Johnson is right!
The best meat pies are to be found in Robertson NSW. Not far away from Macquarie Pass which descends to Albion Park. Superb.
This could start a stoush that leaves the truck vs trains donnybrook in the shade
So what were Tedros and the WHO staff doing in Yemen? My guess would be voluntarily acting as human shields to prevent Israeli and US reprisals for their attacks on Israel and the traffic through the Suez Canal. Of course he fled when he realised Israelis value their citizens more than corrupt NGO staff.
Trump is right, WHO no longer has anything to do with world health and everything to do with promoting anti-civilisation rogue nations. Cutting their funding is the way to go and let China and Russia finance them. They should also relocate their offices to Beijing to be close to their masters.
Tedros is a Marxist.
Yes been there many moons ago. Very good.
Mme Zulu is Bride Mk 2?
I did not know that.
I did. ZK2A is a survivor of “MAFS Mk1 – the Cleanout”.
Some girls are told quite blatantly – the first wedding is for money, the second for love.
My understanding is that Mme Zulu is undocumented and they are both happy with that arrangement.
If I remember Zulu correctly, Mrs Zulu and Zulu are not married. Although definitely committed to each other. 😀
SNAP! Everyone. lol
I see where you are going with this now Gez.
Having run a building company, the risk of injury was immense mainly because of worker stupidity and disobedience. Been sued for all that.
The moral of the tale – employ as few as you possibly can. The rest can be contractors with their own insurance. And even then a way will be found to bankrupt you.
If they want to make an example of you they will no matter how many safety meetings you have and supply of all safety gear including personal. Stupidity of an employee appears not to be a defence. Glad I have retired .
I’m waiting for Trump to charge the UN for all the back rent.
Calvin and Hobbs.
Only for the faint of heart and humourless..
We are now at the stage of beheadings in Syria. Thank you, GAE.
What is GAE? (just to help an uncool kid out here)
Global American Empire.
You expected something else?
Two tiered system in place at the MCG. Craddock writes:
There’s more. About how the rules of the game explicitly prohibit physical contact. Should have been suspended and fined.
And throw him out for the slow over rate as well. I know he isn’t captain but go hard.
Kohli is the biggest star in Indian cricket.
India controls the ICC.
Everyone got what they wanted. Kohli is untouchable. Q.E.D.
My typically measured and non defamatory comment to this effect was rejected by Teh Paywallian.
Humphrey, nowadays — sadly — the question you must ask yourself before you submit a reader contribution to the Paywallian is: would the Greenfilth approve?
Of the answer is no, it won’t be published.
Scroll the troll(s)!
The IDF can do better than that.
That seems to be the standard opinion. 😀
Give him a pager.
Donald Trump posted this epic troll on Christmas morning. 😀
He truly is THE Troll Master.
Barry not on a winning streak after the last 4 years.
Interesting watching the developing dispute among some MAGA folhk over Musk’s and Vivek’s support for mass Indian immigration. It’s in many ways a dispute between Bush era Republicans that turned MAGA in 2024 and 2015 OG MAGA.
I have an opinion on this.
I have never done a Sydney to Hobart although I have several family members who’ve done the race many times, and one who did the Sydney to Hobart race over many decades, along with participating in other international sailing regattas and races, such as that infamous Fastnet race back in 1979. None of these people are fainthearted or ignorant when it came to describing the risks of sailing, you are always at the mercy of the elements however my relative who did the 1979 Fastnet race would always describe those conditions as ‘demonic’. All these people were/are experienced ‘yachties’. I have a family member who is a world class sailor and I had a cousin who was on the terrible 1998/99 Sydney to Hobart.
The Sydney to Hobart is not some pleasant Saturday afternoon race, even when the weather conditions are ‘ideal’. Being on any body of water, on any craft, large or small, is always fraught with danger. It can even be dangerous sailing on Sydney Harbour. However that danger is magnified many times when a large or small sailing boat sails out of the heads. You are now exposed and isolated, even when there might be another sailing craft nearby.
Whilst I don’t get seasick and I don’t mind some little waves, as my relatives have described, even when you think you don’t get seasick, when you come face to face with swells and waves that are the height of houses and buildings, you start vomiting over the side.
As Johanna said….
As for yachting, it just highlights how even more crazy brave those explorers who sailed vast distances into the unknown in tiny wooden boats were.
Yes, the world as we know it was built by crazy brave men, it wasn’t built by inner-city Guardian reading milksops like the Jew hater Adam Bandt.
And now, of course, wait for the inevitable howls from ABC/Guardian types about how the Sydney to Hobart is a ‘rich man’s sport’. Here this, IT IS NOT…..and wait for the inevitable dribble about how our taxes shouldn’t be funding the rescues of sailing craft, yet these same hypocritical ABC/Guardian parasites are always happy to squander our taxes on their own follies.
Update on Vic Libs. Another contender for leader.
A third Victorian Liberal has put his hand up for the party’s leadership just hours before Friday morning’s showdown.
Mornington MP Chris Crewther emailed his colleagues at 12.47am to announce his candidacy for the Liberal leadership in the event of a successful spill motion against Opposition Leader John Pesutto. Chris Crewther’s profile. https://www.chriscrewther.com.au/about
December 27, 2024 8:27 am
Hopefully a final update from the Grampians. Yesterdays conditions for firefighting were horrendous, with the strongest winds I have ever experienced on the back of a truck. The change is however now through and things have quietened down and the fires have stopped running (notwithstanding all the MSM *still* salivating telling us about all the ‘too late to leave now’ declarations even in towns many km away). There will be days to weeks of breakouts now, but the worst should be over.
Can I re-iterate, after yesterday, just how dangerous it is to be on the roads in heavy smoke during a fire. We had numerous fallen trees to dodge and one came down within a metre of our truck whilst we were cutting up another which blocked our path. We also got cornered into a ‘must go forward, cant go back’ position as the fire crossed the road around us and had to operate the crew protection sprays as we drove through it.
You are a champion, Duk. Sleep well with good dreams.
Sincerely, Steve.
Another lawyer. My father was a mechanic sounds like my father was a toolmaker. Am I being unfair?
Although it’s minutely better than the single mum in public housing shtick.
So many greasy sleezey lawyers. Great way to make money without creating wealth.
I would have thought the more appropriate comparison for the yachties would be any commercial shipping operation on the sea. Further, not sure the yachties couldn’t be sued if they deliberately endangered the sailors lives by taking short cuts in equipment and practices. Moreover, since it is a race, what happens therein is to a great extent, the responsibility of the organisers not the individual yachts themselves.
Skippers would still be liable for negligence but many events on board (including being hit by a boom I expect) would be a voluntary assumption of risk by the crew. Our company did some work ages ago on a yacht that lost its keel after being repaired. A skipper would be liable for any negligence in this case as it would be entirely unknowable to the crew. Not sure what the end result was in that case. Sometimes accidents are just accidents.
I expect the VicLibs shall have some sort of run-off election. Eliminate those without support and then decide between the final two. I’m recalling when Dutton looked like he’d replace Turnbull and then late-starter ScoMo stole the prize.
At this stage, hopefully the new leader shall at least accept Moira D back into the fold. Not that that would be an indication of the run-around so much as slowing the decline.
NKP, the vote to reinstate Moira Deeming comes first — before the leadership vote.
I got that one.
Merry Christmas. From Xi.
One of the reasons delta wing aircraft stopped being built is that their radar cross section as they bank away from the radar sets is yuuge.
Unless they’re made out of 100% radar absorbing materiel, they will show up like dogs balls in any moderately radar covered battle space. In other words, any part of the world except the Antarctic.
That’s Three sound, valid, reasons to not vote for this feller.
From mem’s link to Chris Crewther.
My son spent 6 months writing procedures for the Insurance company he works for as a result of this Act. This is one of many reasons your Motor vehicle insurance rates have gone up
This guy belongs in the Greens or at least in Labor. He hasn’t got a conservative bone in his body.
The Gliberal Party is a broad church.
Watch the Vic SFL’s fk this up, again.
From the ANU too. Yuk.
Re. the Victorian Liberal leadership spill
The female politician should be asked how her policies will be different to that of the labor premier and where they align with traditional liberal party policies.
The very last thing on the SFL’s minds will be what is the best outcome for Victoria. As usual, their focus will be laser focused on “what’s in if for ME.”
And how they can say they tried, but still ended up in opposition skating along as usual.
Even midweek sailing can get a bit hairy. We lost a guy overboard and I spent some time only by being dragged along by a mainsheet the same day. I parted the boat by mutual agreement after that afternoon for more genteel pursuits. The guy now has a foiling monohull and a number of ex professional crew.
We were only in a 30 foot boat, a performance day sailer really in about 25 knots of strong sea breeze. Forces would be multiplied on a larger boat on the open ocean.
I used to own a Yot.
It sank.
I’m not a sailor, and I don’t have the skills or the finances to become one.
But I loved trying.
Yeah it is really a love/hate thing. The Wednesday afternoon guys all clearly lived for it. Plenty of tradesmen and some well worn boats amongst them. No one cared and they often beat the fleet.
I did some sailing on a 25 foot yacht on Sydney Harbor during my early twenties, and learned to avoid the boom when going about. I did some rope work under tutelage with the spinnaker and the mainsail, but really only went out about four times, becoming less keen on the man who was teaching me to sail. Now I am very timid on anything smaller than a cruise ship and the tenders to shore (these are actually lifeboats, I tell myself). Recently on a short Fiji cruise we had to go ashore in Zodiac floats that bounced along, and I found that rather challenging. I’m avoiding any cruise using Zodiacs now. 🙂
BREAKING — Moira Deeming has returned to the Liberal party room, suggesting MPs have voted to bring her in from the cold.
Half the job done.
They had to be shamed in front of the whole country to do the right thing.
As a measure of that…
Archaeologist documents 8,620 shipwrecks in Portuguese waters with 250 lost treasures (23 Dec)
And Portugal is not a big place. Few of those poor sailors would’ve survived.
Not to mention the first guy to head out of the harbour and go the other way.
Pesutto clean bowled.
Former police officer Brad Battin will replace John Pesutto as opposition leader after emerging victorious from Friday morning’s Liberal leadership showdown.
The Berwick MP’s successful third attempt at the leadership coincided with the party room voting to readmit exiled MP Moira Deeming just weeks after she won her defamation battle against Pesutto.
Sky has stated Brad Battin has won the leadership vote. Sam Groth as deputy.
Just having a look at the AEMO site:
Over 12 months, Ruinables 23% total.
Over 12 months, Carbins 71% total.
And they want to phase out Carbins?
I think – no, bugger it, I’m sure of it – the game plan is “Enough for the ruling classes, none for us”.
Rabz and Arky are right.
BREAKING — Brad Battin has been elected the new leader of the Victorian Liberal Party.
Battin supports increasing the age of criminal responsibility.[10][11]
That’s going to help with the kiddie gangs, isn’t it? Gangs such as those who allow 12 year olds in if they kill someone, as is seen in the Demonrat shitholes of New York, Washington, D.C, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, Denver, Philadelphia.
He may as well be Labor.
Looks like another graduate of the Soft Cock Policing Academy.
I see a pattern here, all of these politicians are university graduates. We should make it a condition, no more university educated political and, too dangerous to our health and prosperity. We should insists on previous jobs in private economy.
There’s always miracles. Ok, let’s now see if the SFL’s can get behind him to kick out this atrocious Labor govt.
Paywallian profile on the new Victorian SFL leader:
If the Victorian Liberal Party’s future lies in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, then Brad Battin is from central casting to lead the opposition into the 2026 state election.
The former copper and Baker’s Delight outlet owner is a real outer suburban guy who displays a pretty good “daggy dad” routine as a politician representing the people in his southeastern electorate covering areas such as Beaconsfield, Berwick and Clyde North.
The father-of-two has been a coach at the Berwick junior footy club, president of the Clematis Country Fire Authority brigade, been a fundraising chair for the Fred Hollows Foundation and since 2010 has been the MP for Gembrook and then Berwick.
The 49-year-old proudly sports large tattoos on both arms; on his left a Japanese-inspired tribute to his wife, Jo, and children.
On his right arm are two tattoos; one a tribute to his brother-in-law who died of asthma at just 18 and the second a tribute to people living with or lost to brain cancer.
As the shadow minister for police, Mr Battin often presents a serious appearance to the public and should he become opposition leader on Friday expect a no-nonsense approach to law-and-order issues as he pushes an agenda framed around zero tolerance for street crime, increased penalties and consistency in sentencing.
But aside from the serious business, as the local member in an electorate filled with suburban dads and mums, he’s also happy to have a laugh at his own expense.
As a pollie, he’s been dunked at showgrounds and even had a crack at catwalk fashion modelling clad in a tight black shirt.
Mr Battin wears his time in a police uniform – he was a senior constable specialising in local youth issues and liquor licensing – and small businessman, owning and operating a Baker’s Delight in Wheelers Hill, with pride.
“As a former police officer and small business owner, I’ve had many experiences that assist me in being your voice,” he promises locals on his website.
In his inaugural speech to parliament, Mr Battin made a point of stamping himself as a champion of small businesses and proudly spoke of his history as a state school student.
“As a small-business owner of a Bakers Delight store for three years, I understand the effects of governing and the impact of cost increases on these small to medium businesses … the Liberal philosophy is and always has been about reducing the taxation burden, reducing tax on families, on singles, on those on a fixed income and on businesses,” he says. “I am a proud member of the Liberal Party and the party’s values.
“I believe if you work hard, you should be rewarded. I believe in lean governments that interfere less with our lives and businesses. I believe in rewarding those who try rather than trying to put in limits and preventing attempts.”
Critics in the Liberal Party often describe him as being a leader of the “right-wing, Christian faction” whose politics will not help win votes in the inner-suburban heartland seats such as Hawthorn, Kew and Prahran.
On Thursday, one of his supporters described this characterisation as “simplistic crap”, saying he was a voice for small business, small government and outer suburban families.
Never been a better time to be an ex copper in politics.
Great news. The other two were absolute horrors. Worse than useless.
FFS, what do an ex plod and ex tennis player bring to the table as being suitable to run a State. The same applies to Union scum and just about everyone in any Parliament.
There’s more talent in an hour of reading the Cat than all the politicians in Aus. Not including myself unless a dictator is required.
He wasn’t just a cop.
That’s true, but he appears to have made his mark in “Youth Crime”, and wants to raise the age of juvenile responsibility.
If that doesn’t ring any alarm bells, you would have to be deaf to not hear them.
Owner of bakery doesn’t cut it.
Small business. Had to make payroll. Probably a directors guarantee with a house on the line. As good as anything.
Not being an ex staffer is a start.
And not being a lawyer or hold a BA in Pol Sci graduate helps too.
JA was an ex tennis player. He kept those Gladiators in line!
The public serpents run the state the government MPs are just the mouthpieces. How many MPs actually understand fully the legislation they vote for?
There appears to be a surprise leader in the Sydney to Hobart event.
Some bloke in a 20-foot Hartley is crushing it.
Battin is the leper with the most fingers. 😀
h/t Steven Chavura
It’s time to forget about Kew and prahran. Melton and Beaconsfield are the future.
From the Hun:
See you later, Missy. You either got some poor advice, or got a teensy bit for your little Kew booties.
Excellent. Speaking of which:
She was never out of the Liberal Party. She was out of the Parliamentary Liberal Party.
Typical sloppy churnalists.
Moira returns.
There are some valuable lessons here for conservatives and others on the right. Ya see, Moira Deeming was the recipient of outrageous slurs, nasty smears, and ridiculous lies, but when the muck was thrown her way, did she hide away and crouch in a corner, like some timid mouse? Did Moira wave a white flag and say….okay, okay, I’m gone?
No, Moira Deeming fought back. Moira Deeming stood up and said that nobody is going to call her a ‘Nazi’ or ‘Nazi affiliated’ and get away with it because it is untrue, it is a lie. The women who gathered on the steps of the Victorian state parliament back in March 2023 were not and are not Nazis. Just because a group of music hall Nazis turned up, in what was likely a deliberate act to smear the event, did not and does not make those women ‘Nazi’ or ‘Nazi affiliate’.
For years now progressive scum on the far-left and not so far-left have routinely called people on the right, such as Moira Deeming, Peter Dutton, Tony Abbott, CPAC attendees, Stephen Chavura, George Pell, Andrew Bolt, Pauline Hanson, people here on this blog and so many others……’Nazis’…..all because we might believe marriage is between a male and a female, all because we don’t believe in open borders, all because we don’t believe in man made climate change, all because we don’t believe in high immigration, all because we might vote Liberal or National or Libertarian or One Nation, all because we don’t believe a woman can have a penis, all because we don’t believe biological males should use female only spaces and so on…..you get the drift.
Moira Deeming fought back, ..and now she’s back in the party room.
As an aside, since ‘Monty’ has gone AWOL since the US election although I have no doubt he’s lurking here, I now wait for him to come on here and write that Moira Deeming is not a Nazi, and nor is Kellie-Jay Keen and nor is Ange Jones. But just like he was never able to do a mea culpa on these pages about the innocent Cardinal George Pell, he won’t do the right thing, we know that he’s a coward…..once a coward, always a coward.
The zeitgeist is changing, it changed on November 5 2024 and it changed with the Deeming Pesutto defamation court verdict. It’s time we all stepped up. As Donald Trump, after an miraculously avoiding a bullet on a Pennsylvania podium back in July 2024, was being pulled up by secret service detail, he threw his fist into the air and said…….
Fight, fight, fight
Moira Deeming fought. It’s time we all did.
That moment of Trump not cowering is what won him the election in spite of the still obvious cheating from the Demonrats. A moment like that is when people go, ‘I would have crumbled, he stood up’. Moira stood up. Showed more guts than any of the SFL’S.
Crewther should be shot with his own shit if he’s responsible for the Anti-Modern Salver gibber
HR departments all over the place are sending out “questionnaires” asking what we as a company are doing to combat Modern Slavery.
— Extract below —
Q: Do you have a Modern Slavery policy?
A: No
Q: Do you supply or utilise products from overseas?
A: Yes
Q: If Yes, what steps do you take to ensure that you comply to the Modern Slavery Act?
That’s the SFL “moderate” faction speaking — the same white ants who staged the 2015 SFL party room coup in Canberra that assassinated Tony Abbott and installed Malcolm Turnbull as PM. The same corrupt renewable energy subsidy miners who run the SFL machine in NSW.
They’re the unelectable rabble who got a loser like Giuseppe Proscuitto (h/t Rabz) elected to lead the Victorian SFLs in the first place.
Jess Wilson knocked out in the first round
because … a uterus and a law degree are not enough
Prosciutto is one on both counts. Jess Wilson can join the teal whores.
now now,
i never actually stated that Pesutto was just a cnut with law degree
though it appeared he was well practiced at both
Are you agreeing with me or not.
Utter nonsense. The real miracle isn’t just that Russian ships make it out of port without spontaneously sinking. More of a miracle is that they manage to wobble into port without the hull disintegrating.
the missus predicted Brad would get up about 6 months ago
nice darts, mole
I know, I saw the report above. Salami is finally gonesky.
You go girl.
This is the sort of shit my son’s company sent out to all their ‘preferred’ suppliers. IT built a database to hold the responses at great expense , and had to reprioritize other jobs ( that were to save the company money). Every insurance brand did the same thing ( note I said brand not group!). So Bert’s smash repairs would have received at least 6 from the group the son now works for, and if he is a supplier to other insurance companies…
Like I said, 1 reason you MV insurance has gone up.
A few weeks ago someone posted about VW imports being banned in the US last Feb until they replaced a Chinese chip, because the chip was made in the province where slavery is known to take place…
So we didn’t get Jacinta Allen with nicer pearls as deputy?
Right now tens of millions of US companies are panicking.
Millions Of Companies Must Register w/ Massive U.S. Database By Jan. 1 Due To Last-Minute Court Ruling (26 Dec)
Whatever website they have set up for these registrations is going to crash and burn so fiercely you’ll be able to see it from orbit. The mess is going to be total. And every time a government has a brain fart like this the cost of doing business goes up, and that gets passed onto the customer.
Further down, is video of Indians cooking.
Right up to the armpit! eeeewwww.
That’s good.
Not a smile cracked, sound effects of a busy street, flamboyant movements and the dude just watching on 😀
hahahahaha, I’m glad I still have excellent bladder control!
a long slow golf clap for Mr Pesutto
perhaps now there can be some credible opposition free from his petty school-girl tantrums
Time to head down to Sorrento for some couta boat racing never to be seen again. Resign some time in the new year when a by election won’t be an issue.
China. While we’ve been pushing PowerPoint and pretending the F-35 wasn’t obsolescent the day its design was approved, they’ve been bending metal. They just flew a 6th-generation prototype.
I’m sure they will get it to work. These are a people who can retrieve soil samples from Lunar Farside. Clearly they aren’t idiots.
The Aussies are definitely enjoying the spinners. I think we’ll need a few more runs. It’s good to see Smith get some form back. Starc just clubbed Bumrah for six.
A few weeks ago someone posted about VW imports being banned in the US last Feb until they replaced a Chinese chip, because the chip was made in the province where slavery is known to take place…
Actually nothing to do with slavery. Just another convenient non tariff barrier.
Crikkit news:
I note the call centre takers are wearing black armbands.
Presumably this is to commemorate the death of their sportsmanship.
Some former Prime Minister died, in case anyone is actually interested. Your casual racism is really wearing thick.
calli: December 26, 2024 4:33 pm
I knew something was afoot when I bought a brand “Connoisseurs” in the 80’s.
It was one of those conversations that occur when the Dearly Beloved has ‘a belly full of arms and legs’.
I leapt abord the Suzuki 750, and arrived back at the flat before I’d even left.
“OOOHH! Ice Cream! How did you guess?”
Lid does a slow trajectory into the side of the bin.
“What did you get for yourself?” Shoves finger into carton.
“Would you like a spoon?” says the Winston.
Winston returns with a spoon – a tablespoon to be precise.
The DB is sitting on the sofa, a tear trickling down her face.
“It’s not very nice.”
“Let me try.” says The Winston. When she handed it over, and I didn’t have to fight her for it, I knew something was wrong.
“The syrup is good, but it feels like something I coughed up after a night around the campfire.”
More tears.