Elite hatred meets divine justice
This clip is a perfect illustration of the depth of elite hatred, amplified by its organs, the media and universities, directed at working class Australians. The contempt, the cocksure attitude that the victims would find no sympathetic hearing by the media, and so on. And a reminder, that in the end, divine justice shines through.…
Table 5 is damning
Many thanks to Peter Smith for reminding me in his latest post of NSW Health’s Weekly Summary and the latest figures re COVID severity and vaccine status. I would recommend reading both the post and his links therein. I simply want to point out and emphasize Table 5 in the Weekly Summary, it is damning:…
Open Thread – Weekend 12 Feb 2022
Meme of the Day #15
Freedom Convoy Address to the Nation
Sober and level-headed. Update: 8 Feb –
Open Thread – Mon 7 Feb 2022
Meme of the Day #14
Meme of the Day #13
Guest Post: Rabz’ Radio Show 5 February 2022 – Ozzie Classics
Let’s have some of your favourite Ozzie tunes, people. For starters, here’s a tribute to poor ol’ Wheaters and the perfect Ozzie sunset tune
Cathollaxy #1
Let me focus the thread just a little bit. Setting aside the off-the-cuff remark re ‘low hanging fruit’, the criticism of Pius XII’s Munificentissimus Deus seems to offer some focus. Firstly, there is the criticism that there is no biblical basis for the Assumption of Mary, and secondly, there is criticism of the exercise of the…