Author: Peter Smith

  • Get vaxxed Fido or keep out

    I am getting used being part of the underclass in Sydney. I supposed that’s what happens to the Untouchables in India. You get used to it. Before you know it, being barred from your club for which you are still paying dues, walking past the crowded local pub, buying takeaway coffees sipped outside on whatever…

  • Persecution Without Objection

    Bolt to Dean expressing surprise that medical apartheid, segregation, selective persecution, had gone so smoothly in Sydney. Presumably he meant that there had been no riots in the streets. People throwing themselves in front of race horses. Dean to Bolt explaining that social media had carried a lot of objections and that Perrottet was on…

  • Apartheid Hits Home

    I wrote this yesterday: “I broke the law today (Tuesday). Sat in an oft-frequented café – the owner doesn’t check. But I ordered my coffee in a takeaway cup so that I could scarper if I saw the fuzz.” Today (Wednesday) I was kicked out, albeit with an apology. Only takeaway for me. Don’t blame…

  • Freedom Day aka Discrimination Day

    The great conservative Christian hope, Dominic Perrottet fails at his first hurdle. He becomes the first Australian political leader to ever mandate medically-based discrimination. Those infected who’ve been vaccinated can mingle in pubs, cafes and gyms. Those uninfected who haven’t been vaccinated can’t. Go figure. My first day on Monday of being unclean. Passed my…

  • Fair (Work) Lady says it all

    “The statements by politicians that those who are not vaccinated are a threat to public health and should be “locked out of society” and denied the ability to work are not measures to protect public health. They are not about public health and not justified because they do not address the actual risk of COVID.…

  • Covid passports must be date stamped

    In the Weekend Australian, Cameron Stewart, known Trump hater, wrote that, “an unvaccinated person is five times likelier to spread the virus.” No source for this definitive assertion. Typical of today’s shoddy journalism. I searched and found the likely source. It is a well-publicised CDC study dated 24 August. The study’s sample was 43,127 infections…

  • Memo to journos: Please don’t share your medical history

    Andrew Bolt, evening after evening touts vaccination. Overwhelmingly those in hospital for Covid are unvaxxed he says; those dying are unvaxxed and so on. And, too boot, he is on the record as effectively supporting medical apartheid. OK, he’s not nearly so far gone as Covid crazies like Greg Sheridan but it’s troubling nonetheless. Why…

  • To be jabbed or to be a pariah?

    A local real estate agent cold-called me today, as they do, to offer me a free valuation of my flat. Did she know of a place I could escape to if I were to sell, I asked? Some island haven perhaps, free of despotic Covid diktats. Anyway, I asked her to call back next year…

  • Jab-a-jab-jab. Are fetuses in the firing line?

    This is from the Australian Government’s “COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for people [men get preggers too, don’t you know] who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy,” dated 19 August 2021. Of the key points, this is central: “Real-world evidence has shown that Comirnaty [Pfizer] is safe for those who are pregnant and breastfeeding.” The “real-world…

  • Flying Blind

    Just read this pro-vaccine article about booster shots on the BBC’s website. Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at University College London, is extensively quoted. Quandaries abound. Are booster shots necessary, how well do they work, when should they be given, to whom, should the booster vaccine be different from the original, does the order matter…