Author: Rafe Champion

  • Its the wind droughts, stupid.

    Comment on this post. This demonstrates the outcome of the Iron Triangle of Power Supply and the corollary, that wind and solar will not work with existing technology. There must be continuous input to the grid, wind droughts and especially windless nights wreck the continuity and there is no feasible storage to bridge the gaps.…

  • Sheriff Popper cleaning up

    As noted, Cool Hand Karl is back, hanging out with his deputies in a smoke-free salon to drink weak tea, and shoot the breeze with Bach and Mozart playing in the background. Three of his contributions to mention here (1) the White Pill, (2) against wrecking markets by discretionary intervention, and (3) his exposure of…

  • Power on the brink

    More red flags are flying for the power supply and more badly-informed commentary from RenewEconom and the Fin Review. This (Friday) morning the wind supply was negligible in SA and Victoria, just like Wednesday which was reported on Climate Realism, a Heartland Institute site. This evening at sunset, wind in Victoria was generating 3% of…

  • Cool Hand Karl is back

    Sheriff Popper has come to town to gun down the historicists and restore law and order on the streets of the Open Society. He has opened a Facebook account, set up a substack and hangs out with his deputies in a smoke-free salon to drink weak tea, and shoot the breeze with Bach and Mozart…


    Wind-leading states show the way On Wednesday morning, before breakfast, South Australia and Victoria demonstrated why the net zero dream is actually a nightmare. The logic of the Iron Triangle of Power Supply signals that there must be a continuous delivery of power to the grid to meet demand. Ignore the peaks of wind and…

  • Jeff Grimshaw, NotKean for Hornsby

    Support Jeff Grimshaw, taking on the Green Blob Matt Kean for the seat of Hornsby in the NSW election. As the east coast of Australia stares down the barrel of blackouts and brown outs, with an electricity grid on the verge of imploding, the NSW Government continues to charge towards the precipice of an energy disaster.…

  • A few racy things

    The Voice within. Meet NIAA The Voice that we didn’t know about. Now we know, thanks to Rowan Dean. This is the National Indigenous Australians Agency. Your taxes at work! According to the NIAA’s annual report, last year Jody and her team spent nearly 290 million dollars on expenses. That’s a lot of dosh, so…

  • Rafe’s Roundup 13 March

    Drop in and see what is going on The Energy Realists   Jo Nova  Quadrant on line IPA Climate and energy program   CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre   Mannkal Foundation           Advance Australia   Taxpayers  Australian Inst for Progress The Conservative Vagabond  The Rathouse Rafe’s Readers If you want to buy from the reading list, be sure to…

  • Rafe’s Roundup 6 March

    The Energy Realists of Australia Jo Nova Quadrant on line IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian Inst for Progress The Conservative Vagabond The Rathouse and The Site of Kilmeny  Another Organization to Track CONNECT AUSTRALIA. Check them out, aiming to unite, not divide. Also I am Spartacus! Speak with one voice…

  • Roundup Feb 26

    Jo Nova honoured to be awarded the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award for 2023.  Previous winners include NASA Astronaut Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7), Dr Jay Lehr, Marc Morano, Christopher Monckton and Prof Fred Singer The Energy Realists of Australia Jo Nova Quadrant on line IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian…