“The task of the Marxist historian”
I’m all for de mortuis nil nisi bonum but there are limits. The obit for Stuart Macintyre in The Oz certainly is heavily weighted on the bonum side. And what is perhaps worth noting is that there is plenty in what was written even there that should make someone just a bit suspicious. Let me…
Understanding conservative thought
My article in the November Quadrant, Conservative Thought in the Time of Covid (Part II), has now been put online where anyone can read it. It is strictly a discussion of political philosophy from a conservative perspective, or from what I think ought to be a conservative perspective. This is not everyone’s interest since this is…
Novavax the vaccine for the vaxxine-hesitant
This is my kind of article: Novavax: the good vaccine. It’s not that most of us are in any sense “anti-vaxxers” but lots of us are very reluctant to take any of the currently existing experimental forms now on offer. But there is Novavax which many of us have been looking out for. Who can be…
Daniel Andrews’ Victoria: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences”
I hate to dwell on Daniel Andrews but he represents a measure of incompetence and stupidity that will be hard for any future premier to exceed. However, I am drawn to all this again by Nick Cater’s article in The Oz today whose title sets the scene: The tyranny of ineptitude drives more to the…
The real political extremists
She really is a fool of the highest order. Then there’s this: Andrews accuses PM of ‘pandering to extremists’. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has accused Prime Minister Scott Morrison of “pandering to extremists” in the wake of a large protest in Melbourne. On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Melbourne’s…
Where’s the evidence that these vaxxines are actually safe?
From Melbourne’s ‘freedom’ protest fever spreads across the country but I want you to notice this passage in particular. “No matter how much misinformation and propaganda you put out there, Victoria is going to win.” Dr Cumming has appeared regularly at the anti-government protests and has been promoting them online. She railed against the vaccination of…
Dealing with self-serving socialist nonentities
Two related stories about the phenomenal incompetence of the Andrews Government. First this: Victorian living standards fall for two consecutive years. Victorians’ living standards have fallen for two consecutive years, suffering the hardest hit in the country through the coronavirus recession, with signs it could take another year to get back to their pre-COVID levels. From…
Who’s better?
I didn’t say he was the new Winston Churchill. I said Scott Morrison is the best political leader in the world right now. Let’s compare him with that brace of Treble-J clowns: Jacinda, Joe and Justin. Scott Morrison is so far ahead of that crew of far-left grifters, I cannot believe there was any issue with…
Two weeks to flatten the curve
Came across a copy of the above “Horrible History” on the Frightful First World War. And indeed it was horrible and even now there is no settled theory on how it ever happened, although there is a near consensus that it never ought to have. But there on the back was this. The Frightful First World…
Scott Morrison is the best political leader in the world right now
All political leaders must deal with the world as they find it. They can shift some things, and change some views here and there. But over all, they have to take the world as they find it. Climate change is, in my view, an absolute hoax and I can say that whenever I like and…