Category: Uncategorized

  • Libs embrace nuclear power

    BUT WON’T LET GO OF INTERMITTENT ENERGY “PARTNERSHIP” Oh well, half a loaf! Peter Dutton is leading the Liberal team to demonstrate a bit of ticker to challenge the Labor narrative on The Voice and now he is taking up the Small Nuclear Reactor (SMR) option. He delivered a spirited address to the assembled IPA…

  • Site update

    I won’t bore you with the minutiae but the site’s current problem/s seem to be revolve around the theme (appearance of the website) and database issues. A temporary site upgrade (increasing the RAM) was made yesterday afternoon in order to see if that resolved the database issues. It appears to have somewhat as can be…

  • Roundup July

    WHAT THE USUAL SUSPECTS ARE DOING New on the list The Spectator Australia A scintillating roundup of news, opinion, politics, arts and letters. An outstanding array of columnists. The Energy Realists    Conservative Vagabond Jo Nova    The Monarchists Quadrant The Free Press Bettina Arndt Menzies IPA      The Sydney Institute Mannkal CIS   Taxpayers   Alexandra Marshall `   Australian Inst for…

  • Open Thread – Tues 4 July 2023

  • Free speech is hate speech, or Elon triggers Julie

    You may recall some years ago, when section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act was being debated in federal parliament, George Brandis, the then Attorney General, saying that people have a right to be bigoted. Of course, he came under attack from the usual suspects. He was right then and it is right now. But…

  • Careless, expensive & barely relevant

    Your taxes at work in a university centre of climate science excellence Looking at a preprint of a paper by Richardson et al on “compound solar and wind droughts” from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes at the University of NSW. The purpose of the study was to assess the risk…

  • Worldwide boom in stranded assets

    Remember the great booms and busts of history, the Dutch tulip mania, the South Sea Bubble? We will soon be privileged to see the mother of them all, the collapse of the climate and energy ponzi scheme. Buckle up! Look where the money is going! It seems that the ASX has surged this year (and…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 1 July 2023

  • Lets build communities

    Looking for another way to promote peace, freedom and prosperity, and good living generally in addition to looking to Government and Salvation by Political Action? The Conservative Vagabond makes the case for building communities. One of a series. Worth reading and thinking about what follows.

  • Open Thread – Tues 27 June 2023