Category: Uncategorized

  • The King Alfred the Great Awards

    These awards recall the memory of the warrior/educator/administrator and ruler Alfred, generally acknowledged as “the Great” (849-899) who expelled Danes from Wessex and eventually from England. He used to be known to every primary school child, if only for the legend that he went to sleep in a humble cottage while he was on the…

  • Guest Post: Muddy – Who Wrote That? Round 2

    Nothing except my faith in humanity has changed since the first round. To participate, nominate a Cat or Kitteh as the author of a specific quote. i.e. ‘48, Muddy.’ You can include the number and the quote itself if you wish, or just the number. All quotes have been sourced from an Open Thread. After…

  • Roundup June 12

    Our fellow travellers at work  The Energy Realists    Vagabond Jo Nova    The Monarchists Quadrant The Free Press Bettina Arndt Menzies IPA      The Sydney Institute Mannkal CIS   Taxpayers   Alexandra Marshall `   Australian Inst for Progress The Energy Realists (again). Check out the briefing notes that were sent to 800 state and federal reps and over a hundred journalists…

  • TGA in bed with Big Pharma

    How convenient

  • The ABC does not exist in a vacuum

    Gerard Henderson regularly and rightly criticises the ABC. A “staff collective” he calls it, which has not one single conservative commentator presenting a prominent show. I can’t speak first hand these days. I neither watch nor listen to the ABC. I suppose episodes of Four Corners, e.g., on the Trump “Russian collusion”, the 7.30 report…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 10 June 2023

  • May you live in interesting times

    You already probably know Mearsheimer’s view of the conflict, at least in respect of its cause, which he largely places at the feet of the US (and NATO) and the decision of Bush Jr. to move to have Georgia and Ukraine enter NATO. He again goes over this terrain but also looks at the prospects…

  • Brereton’s Backup

    Note: this article was written in January of 2021, after publication of the Brereton report. It didn’t find a publisher at that time. Cats may appreciate this and a companion article. Note that the Brereton report has been moved. The most interesting, and in many ways the most useful, part of the Brereton report is…

  • No officers were harmed in the making of this report

    Note: this article was written in January of 2021, after publication of the Brereton report. It didn’t find a publisher at that time. Cats may appreciate this and a companion article. Note that the Brereton report has been moved. It’s like this, in the gospel according to Brereton… All that said, it was at the…

  • Open Thread – Tues 6 June 2023