• Weekday Reading #6

    C. S Lewis: Talking about Bicycles If someone is complaining, it makes a good deal of difference whether they are complaining because they have never been Enchanted by the thing, or if they are complaining because they have been Disenchanted. [Suppose] you read an author in whom love is treated as lust and all war…

  • Scott Morrison is the best political leader in the world right now

    All political leaders must deal with the world as they find it. They can shift some things, and change some views here and there. But over all, they have to take the world as they find it. Climate change is, in my view, an absolute hoax and I can say that whenever I like and…

  • Chinese Morality Tale

    Saw an interesting graph in the Daily Telegraph (UK) the other day which purported to breakdown cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750 by country. How accurate this is, I don’t know? Assume it’s in the ballpark. Anyway liked the graph thought I’d share. The UK had all the emissions in the early years having kicked off…

  • Mater’s Musings #37: Grievance Day

    At the end of the second day of a module designed to teach the kids about The Great War (obviously designed to coincide with Remembrance Day), my son poses to me the following question just before dinner: “Dad, why did Aboriginals play such a big part in World War 1, and why were they treated…

  • Things you could not make up

    Kerry and Biden, the gift to China that just keeps giving. Xie said Beijing and Washington would work together on emissions reductions, and share technology and expertise on clean energy, decarbonisation and electrification to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. In 2020, according to The Guardian, the FBI identified Chinese technology theft as the biggest…

  • Weekday Reading #5

    Protect Children – Do Not Allow Them to Medically Transition (Natural Selections) In our lineage, we have had two sexes, with endocrinological systems that regulate our form, function, and development, for hundreds of millions of years. It is a system that is both ancient and complex. But hormones are now being pushed by doctors and…

  • Remembrance Day where there’s a lot to remember

    Watching the efforts of various state governments in dealing with Covid has, on this day especially, brought this to mind: The conscription issue in Australia. The Covid question at the moment centres on the question of what rights we individually have to refuse the experimental and often dangerous vaxxines that are now being made almost…

  • More farce at COP

    China is not the only country that is playing the useful green idiots of the west for suckers. China has done a great job of getting them on side by meaningless green gestures and now India has got into the game. First Mr Modi played hard to get, threatening to boycott the meeting, then he…

  • How can it be legal to force someone to take a medication that might end up doing them far more harm than good?

    I am prefacing the post I have already put up with the above question which was in my mind when I came across this: Apology from PM, compensation among demands in lockdown legal challenge. Court documents released to The Age show the applicants claim various public health orders were unconstitutional, beyond the legal power granted to federal…

  • Weekday Reading #4

    In Defense Of Cultural Christianity: As liberalism falters, the vestigial religious practices of post-Christian cultures could become functional parts of Christian politics once again  A European politician, known to cohabit with his girlfriend out of wedlock, triumphantly waves a rosary at a political rally. Another European leader, who presides over a deeply secularized post-Communist society,…

  1. “– 879 Hezbollah Terrorists died. – 291 Senior Commanders died. – 509 Blinded. – 1,735 injured in “reproductive organs.” –…

  2. “There are any number of one-teacher schools in remote and rural Queensland” Crap analogy. Remote primary schools are there to…

  3. I worked for a while in an itinerant support role in south-west and north-west Queensland in these schools. Assuming that…

  4. Silly question. As a former teacher, you should not need to be told that schools promote learning, thinking and refinement.…

  5. I don’t mind Trump “circling back” the bloke is on stage talking for around 75/100 minutes .. quite an achievement…