• The stolen climate debate

    Richard Lindzen is probably the dean of climate science. In this very short video he explains how the real science of climate was stolen by three groups of people in defiance of the majority opinion of genuine scientists associated with the IPPC. The reputable scientists who contribute to deliberations of the IPCC agree on the…

  • Why so keen?

    Why are so many Australian’s so keen to be part of a medical trial? A question for the ages, right? The answer is simple: they probably don’t know they are. Let’s start with the mother of all lies from our very own Health Department. What utter bullshit! A ‘Full Assessment’ (as most people would understand…

  • Opportunity cost

    I received a letter from an old friend who asked: I have a friend who is a writer and artist. One of his current projects is a novel. At one point he needs to explain opportunity cost. It recalled for me that you wrote a book for kids explaining the fundamental principles of economics. Would…

  • Persecution Without Objection

    Bolt to Dean expressing surprise that medical apartheid, segregation, selective persecution, had gone so smoothly in Sydney. Presumably he meant that there had been no riots in the streets. People throwing themselves in front of race horses. Dean to Bolt explaining that social media had carried a lot of objections and that Perrottet was on…

  • Read and weep for the green jobs in Australia

    The future of Australian industry is visible in Scotland where the green revolution was supposed to generate hundreds of thousands of new, well-paid green jobs. A longish piece but full of meat and a grim warning for us. In summary, the massive expansion of windfarms in Britain was funded by Britain and built in China…

  • Mater’s Musings #34: Bait and Switch

    I was speaking to a Health Professional the other day (one who is very preoccupied with reading medical papers), and it evolved into a friendly discussion about the vaccines and the mandate. It’s rare that such discussions remain civil nowadays, but he clearly didn’t support mandating medical procedures, so it was fruitful and light-hearted. What…

  • Guest Post: thefrollickingmole – In praise of massive taxes on the rich

    No I haven’t gone insane, I seriously praise the people who have released the Pandora Papers and want every truly wealthy person named to be exposed to swinging rates of tax, and the various vehicles used to protect income and wealth exposed to the tender, barbed, acid spewing red hot phallus of government.

  • The dangers of “vaccine-induced disease”

    This is a fascinating article, long but very well written and worth your time: The data is in, and we are now worse off than before the experimental shots. But this bit near the start is the most extraordinary. He is discussing a report that came out in 2018, before the rest of us had heard…

  • Apartheid Hits Home

    I wrote this yesterday: “I broke the law today (Tuesday). Sat in an oft-frequented café – the owner doesn’t check. But I ordered my coffee in a takeaway cup so that I could scarper if I saw the fuzz.” Today (Wednesday) I was kicked out, albeit with an apology. Only takeaway for me. Don’t blame…

  • Guest Post: Mother Lode -Playing with Children As If They Were Matches

    One of the things that people feel pleased about in the modern world is the extended childhood. A couple of centuries ago kids were expected to go out and help earn at quite a young age. Enlightened us consider this a reprehensible thing, and can scarce think other than those

  1. “It says ‘Energy Security: Where did we go in 10 years?’ Basically, nowhere. Of course we did. We went backwards.