• “Junta has turned Covid into a weapon”

    So there I was, sitting down to dinner, and finally turning to the paper, and there, in The Oz, after its idiotic coverage of the protests in Melbourne yesterday, I found this story with the above headline. Amazing, I said to myself, an actually accurate story of what went on. Afraid not. It was a…

  • To be jabbed or to be a pariah?

    A local real estate agent cold-called me today, as they do, to offer me a free valuation of my flat. Did she know of a place I could escape to if I were to sell, I asked? Some island haven perhaps, free of despotic Covid diktats. Anyway, I asked her to call back next year…

  • Guest Post: Bar Beach Swimmer – Who has the right to work?

    When and how does a citizen in a democracy lose his or her right to work?  Up until 18 months ago, the only reasonable answer to that question would have been because the person had been found guilty of a crime that carried a custodial sentence: with their freedom forfeited, gaol would have taken away all…

  • Fisking Ergas’s ‘Even true libertarians can support vax passports’

    In Even true libertarians can support vax passports, (The Australian, 17 Sept), Henry Ergas made a very peculiar argument from a purportedly libertarian perspective in favour of vaccine passports. What follows is a traditional fisking of the entire

  • Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – I have a dream

    I’m frequently told by people who know me well that I’m far too pessimistic and melancholic about the state of the west and particularly about Australia. Tuesday was another depressing day, actually it has been a depressing week. First was the news last week that Gavin Newsom won the California gubernatorial recall vote, despite his…

  • “This once thriving liberal democracy”

    If this is the best American members of Congress can do, they really should just keep their views to themselves: US Republicans call for sanctions against Australia over police treatment of protesters. There you find: What is taking place in Australia is unprecedented. This once thriving liberal democracy now more closely resembles a tyrannical regime.…

  • Mater’s Musings #30: Preventative or Punitive?

    From March 2018 (obviously before Covid), NSW Health has had a policy of ‘Mandatory’ vaccination for Category A healthcare workers. Agree or disagree with the policy, it must be said that at least they apply the policy equally to those who can’t have it, and those who won’t have it. At least on paper. It’s…

  • Guest Post: Bar Beach Swimmer – Where to for Christian Porter?

    Christian Porter is a bit like the “I’ll say nothing if you take me last” conservative; a strategy that he must now know does not work.  In fact, all it does is prime the ABC and its tag-team – twitter and the leftist ferals on it – to commence the hunt until inevitably, the prey…

  • Covid Nazis

    This is slightly edited taken from Law in Nazi Germany with only a single word change required to make the point: Unvaxxinted physicians were de-certified, and were no longer allowed to treat vaxxinated patients. The unvaxxinated were prohibited from cinemas, the opera, and concerts. Unvaxxinated children were banned from public schools. Robbing the unvaxxinated became legal.…

  • Guest Post: Twostix – May you live in interesting times

    Reading twitter, the media and professional class are absolutely shitting themselves at the sight of the working class organising and thousands of strong backed men marching. It’s all sneering “disgusted” and lots of nervous revulsion about “thugs”. They instinctively know that their class’s protector: this ugly new paramilitary police force, isn’t nearly strong enough to…

  1. It’s bizarre really. Israel could have avoided far more IDF casualties by conducting long distances war fare but to minimise…

  2. I mean, wasn’t Peter Costello head of Channel Nine during the Covid insanity? He remained silent when people questioned the…