• Mater’s Musings #3: “I see dead people!”…or do I?

    Yes, “subject to retrospective revision”. I get that. I can even forgive the 25 death adjustment for the 31 Aug-13 Sep period…just. I’m a forgiving bloke, after all. But that still leaves an adjustment of 128 fatalities, without explanation. That’s a lot of deaths, and a very significant adjustment. This is not a patient or…

  • Mater’s Musings #2: Why is it so?

    In line with the graph above, my figures say that the proportion of Covid cases admitted to ICUs halved between the 1st and 2nd ‘waves’. Vaccination? Nah, not even Trump worked that fast. Overwhelmed? Hardly! Guesses as to why, are now being collated. I’m open to all suggestions (except those involving nanobots).

  • Guest Post: A Bunyip Epistle

    This wonderful piece was sent to me earlier this evening and I, unfortunately, being out, missed it until now. Although it may be too late to beat that pot this evening, please give it a good going over tomorrow at 9pm, and then on until the lockdowns finish. Professor Bunyip writes: Bunyips as a broad…

  • Mater’s Musings #1: Why the difference in approach?

    This is a guest post by Mater, reposted with permission. When you hear the Premiers indicate that we will remain under house arrest until we have zero cases and no community transmission, please keep this in mind. The 2009 Swine flu (A(H1N1)pdm09) has been lurking around killing people during the flu season up to, and…

  • Whither the Right? or Wither the Right.

    This is the first of what I hope will be a series of posts on the future of the Right following the collapse of the old Right positions that have held sway, really, since the 1970s. Today, Arky has the floor. What is the Right? It is a widely assorted collection of people who can…

  • Open Thread – Sunday Evening 15 Aug 2021

    N.B. If you’re commenting here for the first time it goes into automoderation. Once I approve it it should appear immediately and without delay from then on. Also, can people let me know if they like or dislike the nested comment format. I think it saves having to quote replies to existing comments as you…

  • The shamelessness of Branch Covidian

    The drive to vaccinate by hook or by crook the entire country is entering a frenzied stage in Australia. Not only is the establishment of a second class citizenry being discussed in media for the unvaccinated without blushing, but the deaths of individuals are now cunningly exploited (h/t: C.L.) to try and install fear in…

  1. So… if you want to take a picture of the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches in the britches…

  2. Iran’s missile facilities are buried so deep underground currently impossible to destroy but the downside is the limited ability to…

  3. Exactly. It couldn’t be more obvious. We’re making waves for all the wrong reasons. age assurance as the trojan horse…