• Some thoughts on mothers, drag queens, trans, groomers & grooming

    Why are parents, and in particular mothers, taking their children to drag queen shows and drag queen story hours in public libraries? This phenomenon of provocative drag queens performing in front of children was unheard of as little as five years ago yet now, probably because we are living in the middle of a woke…

  • Rafe’s Roundup 6 March

    The Energy Realists of Australia Jo Nova Quadrant on line IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian Inst for Progress The Conservative Vagabond The Rathouse and The Site of Kilmeny  Another Organization to Track CONNECT AUSTRALIA. Check them out, aiming to unite, not divide. Also I am Spartacus! Speak with one voice…

  • Lying occasionally or for all seasons?

    I was with some friends on Friday. We had difficulty on agreeing what the proposed superannuation changes were, who they affected and by how much. Consolation came via the view that Chalmers appeared not to understand them either. The Prime Minister, of course, was caught lying.  I don’t make the charge lightly. Politicians often renege…

  • Rabz’ Radio Show March 2023: Rock Chicks

    This post will no doubt be seen as either a desperate attempt to ensure some gender balance or an exercise in unrepentant sexism. Quite frankly Cats, I couldn’t give a rodent’s. The definitive “Rock Chick” when I was growing up was one Suzi Quattro. All that leather and attitude, as well those heavy guitar chords…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 4 March 2023

    Place de la Madeleine, Édouard Cortès, early 1900s

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #60

    Not that it matters, but most of what follows is true Was the original disclaimer written by legendary screenwriter William Goldman at the beginning of the 1969 western classic Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid although the director George Roy Hill deleted the first five words when he noticed in previews that the caption was…

  • Nietzsche’s foreboding insight

    From the outset, it must be said that German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a troubled individual who suffered a wide range of afflictions during his relatively short life.   Having said that, in the preface to his work ‘On the Genealogy of Morality’, Nietzsche wrote: What if a regressive trait lurked in “the good…

  • Open Thread – Tue 28 Feb 2023

    Belisarius Begging for Alms, Jacques-Louis David, 1781

  • Roundup Feb 26

    Jo Nova honoured to be awarded the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award for 2023.  Previous winners include NASA Astronaut Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7), Dr Jay Lehr, Marc Morano, Christopher Monckton and Prof Fred Singer The Energy Realists of Australia Jo Nova Quadrant on line IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian…

  • No such thing as Russia…

    The backroom conversations and classified files of Foreign Ministries and Departments of State must be a wonderland of speculations and conditionals, of grand schemes and short-term crises. But, judging by the utterances of two former Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Poland’s Ministry is up there with the best of them. Take Radoslaw (Radek) Sikorski, Minister from…

  1. Amusingly, to me at least, the Coles under HQ in Tooronga – for non Melbourne people Tooronga is sort of…

  2. News out of left field: The ethnic Arab mayor of the US’s only Muslim majority city, Hamtramck MI (greater Detroit),…

  3. I remember that ad. They should have been forced to explain themselves to us on live TV, with an audience…

  4. No payment to the maaaates fund? More than a thousand e-scooters were packed up and transported out of Melbourne’s CBD…