• How helpful is Snowy2.0?

    Snowy2.0 is a pumped hydro scheme to store electric power for use during wind droughts. It is a massive project, costed near 2 billion when it was first announced by PM Turnbull. That was upgraded to 4 billion with power expected by 2024 but now the cost is approaching 8 billion with power expected in…

  • Censorious ages of sex and sexuality

    The Tavistock transgender clinic in London is to be shut down. Referrals had risen to over 5000 in 2021-22 compared with just 250 ten years earlier. There had also been a marked change in orientation, from men who wanted to be women to teenage girls wanting to be boys. We are talking here about chemical…

  • Mater’s Musings #54: “You’re the voice, try to understand it”

    Just as Hitler looked to American segregation for inspiration… This is of course not our German model republic, but the American Union where one endeavors to consult reason at least partially. The American Union, by principally refusing immigration to elements with poor health, and even simply excluding certain races from naturalization, acknowledges by slow beginnings…

  • Guest Post: thefrollickingmole – The New Year Zero Zealots

    In 1966 the execrable Mao gifted the word the cultural revolution, this was great for the “West” as it retarded Chinese industry by decades ensuring for at least 30 years China remained a near basket case. It kicked off with the denouncement of the “4 olds” Old Ideas Old Culture Old Customs Old Habits I’d…

  • Guest Post: Speedbox – Electric vehicles redux

    Every now and then I peak above the parapet and regale Cats with news from the EV front.  As a year has passed since the last update, I have girded my loins and offer the following for your information.  The major manufacturers have released assorted production comments in the past few months: Toyota – investment…

  • The other half of the rainbow

    Over the last few months Sydney has been drenched in rain, yet last week the rain stopped, and a blue sky broke through after days of dismal and gloomy grey, and I observed from my Sydney office the appearance of a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I looked at the rainbow with awe and was…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #31

    Is it safe ? A great anecdote in regards to the filming of Marathon Man, released in 1976, is the often quoted exchange between its two stars, Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier concerning their different approaches to acting. Hoffman, a disciple of method acting, is purported to have prepared for a scene where his character…

  1. In Silver Lining news: Energy entrepreneur says Australia’s solar and battery boom is a ‘clear and present danger’ Israel’s booby-trap…

  2. From the actual study … Both Pfizer vials had spike DNA loads above the TGA 10 ng DNA/dose guidance whentested…

  3. Beautiful afternoon. Go into front yard to play with the doggos. aaaaargh! First brown snake of the season. Of course,…