Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – Jabba Dabba Doo

There are many reasons why I love the Cat but perhaps the most important is that we have a forum where we can engage in robust and vociferous disagreements. 

Here on the Cat there’s been a lot of debate about whether “to jab” or “not to jab”.  Whilst it’s a personal decision and I don’t care either way, let me begin by saying that I have the utmost respect for those who choose to be jabbed and the utmost respect for those who choose not to be jabbed.  However, I decided to get the jab and I received my first AZ jab back in mid-August. I get the second jab in late October.  As many of you know I was, until recently, very much in the camp of the anti-jab….not because I’m an anti-vaxxer (I’m not, I have the flu shot every year) and not because I don’t believe the virus is real (it is) but because I’ve never bought into the hysteria of Covid and its accompanying porn and I’ve never been scared of the virus. I have worried about my elderly parents contracting the virus but mercifully they have been okay. I’ve watched in disbelief and incredulity how, over the last eighteen months, governments, health bureaucrats and the MSM have pushed lies, distorted truth, deliberately spread fear and forced state dictates on citizens, all reminiscent of fascism. Those of you who know me know that I’ve never bought into the hysteria and I still don’t buy into it. So, it begs the question, why have I succumbed?   

Since having the jab there’s a big part of me that feels I’ve capitulated to hysteria and fear. I’m angry that I’ve joined the masses and that I’ve given into Gladys, Scummo and tyranny.  But there are some important reasons why I’ve succumbed.  Firstly, I did it so that we can get the economy open. This situation cannot continue.  I have a special dispensation to work in our office here in Sydney and every morning I get on the bus and I see the forlorn state of this city, the businesses shut, the streets empty and I feel utterly depressed.  Secondly, my elderly father lives in Perth and I need to visit him. Western Australia is now a one-party state and ruled by madman called Daddy McClown and in order to visit my father I will need to be vaccinated. I remain opposed to vaccine passports within Australia but as Jupes wrote yesterday here on the Cat,

vaccine passports are coming. The process has already started. If you want to travel in future, you will need one.

Please understand my unhappiness at succumbing to this awful situation. I’m angry and I’ll register my anger when I next vote, it’ll be adios Scummo, Gladys and the Liberals. I’m furious about what’s happened to this country. I will always respect those who choose not to be jabbed but as Jupes wrote so eloquently yesterday, 

I have faced the fact that we anti-vaccers have lost and have joined the ranks of the weak and gullible.

Me too Jupes.

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September 16, 2021 7:28 am

Nobody should hold your vaccination decision against you, Cassie. The truth is, nobody should know what it even is, bar yourself and your Doctor. I thinks that’s the crux of the problem here.

Hand in hand with that is what Jupes also stated yesterday:

The tide will not turn on this, especially once more than half the people are vaccinated. Most people will have a vested interested in getting some benefit for their ‘sacrifice’. That vested interest will be at the expence of the unvaccinated.

That, in a nutshell, is where the problem lies. That is going to be the rub.

It a strange phenomenon when people see getting a vaccine (which is ostensibly to protect yourself) as a ‘sacrifice’. The reason they do so, is because deep down, in places not seen in polite society, they know that to have it, was to dive into the unknown. They know subconsciously that in the near term, medium term and into the future, it represents an unknown risk. There is no getting around the tailor made (and abridged) approval process for these vaccines. No one wants to admit this, but subconsciously some recipients are adopting the Starship Troopers mentality…Service/Sacrifice/Risk brings Citizenship.

I know a specialist in the area who had the shot, but was on a hair trigger for two weeks after each of them. Their paranoia wasn’t because they thought it was safe, or the complications ‘extremely’ rare. I’d suggest it was because they’d seen what can happen. Having successfully traversed that dangerous road (for now), some feel entitled to an elevated status. Some will wield this status mercilessly, with scant regard for previous norms.

Truth is, I’d rather not know what people have decided to do, but governments at all levels seem intent on making that position untenable.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2021 7:35 am

Don’t stress about it Cassie.
The vaccines may be quite fine in hindsight.
My wife is holding out until Novavax arrives. She’s had auto-immune responses to other shots and is genuinely and rightly concerned by forced jabs.
The fact that our government would bully someone like my wife is disgusting. Her selfless work and care for her family, friends, community and charities is matched by very few.
I’ve had the full vaccination for over a month and I’m fine. I just put it on the list of things that could kill me.

September 16, 2021 7:42 am

People who have chose to get vaccinated for their own private reasons, whatever they might be, don’t deserve to be called ‘weak and gullible’.

Our problem here has always been a government one.
The biggest malaise in our society is anointing government as saviour and Australia appears to have been doing that for a long time.
Look at the celebration of Gillard as the passer of the most ever legislation. At people of influence who think every problem they can imagine has a taxpayer fundable solution.

The only people I admire at the moment are the protestors coping massive fines and in some cases, gaol time for what they believe.
So don’t feel bad about getting vaccinated. Our ludicrous situation was in existence long before the vaccination option was on the table.
After all this circus, in Victoria at any rate,
I don’t know enough about NSW politics to opine, is all about winning the next election.
The overkill might eventually resolved at the ballot box, or we might vote for more of the same please.

September 16, 2021 8:04 am

Was at Bunnings yesterday and had forgotten my phone so had to sign in with pen and paper.

On the plus side, the didn’t demand my Proof of Slave Card for entry or proof of VX
On the minus, they expected full name, phone, and email address to be written on the slip.
Probably so they can better understand and reach their customers.

I expect soon they will offer financial, taxation, insurance and legal to go with their free medical advice.

September 16, 2021 8:04 am

Cassie, I do understand your reasoning. Thankfully I’m not in a position where I must travel for family reasons and am recently retired so there’s no work pressure on me at this point. However, there are a couple of points to make –

1. What makes you think they will live up to their promises about opening up to anything like what we had before no matter how many people succumb? QR codes and masks forever seem to be their way forward.

2. Admittedly this is a selfish one, but the more people who succumb the more pressure on those who don’t. However, I believe that in the long run that pressure will be on everyone to continue to get boosters or whatever other torture they come up with just to live a pseudo normal life. In my view, now is the only realistic time to make a stand, before they get their full digital control apparatus up.

3. And this is the big one, anyone taking this experimental drug is playing Russian Roulette with their health. It is perfectly obvious that, even without any world domination theories, the people producing this drug do NOT have our well being in mind. They are raking in the money on the basis of total indemnity for their actions and, apparently, including even fraud and malfeasance where they can bully this into their contract (I don’t know the status of Australia in this regard). This is a short excerpt from a talk by Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, I linked a couple of weeks ago. YouTube has unsurprisingly removed it, but this is the most relevant part. He’s not talking about Covid here but the changes he’s seeing in other disease numbers.

As previously stated, you can’t comply your way out of tyranny.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 16, 2021 8:05 am

To look at you as harshly as I can- and this is the sort of thing I’d never want to say to anyone’s face- you’ve bent the knee, because our will-to-power rulers have locked us down for longer, and with the awful hostages of absent friends, than your nerves could have held.

September 16, 2021 8:12 am

I have faced the fact that we anti-vaccers have lost and have joined the ranks of the weak and gullible.

People who refuse the jab for ethical or health reasons are not “anti-vaccers”.

That’s buying into the msm narrative which is seeking to discredit valid positions and those who hold them.

The next thing you know they’ll be calling those people murderers – mark my words.

The msm is disgraceful.

September 16, 2021 8:21 am

I agree. If your stance is because you have specific health issues that contraindicate currently available vaccines or your conscience forbids you because of the foetal cell line issue you aren’t an anti vaxxer, just a not this particular vaxxer.
pretty clear if enough people object, then there are rethinks about what are clearly political, not health decisions.

September 16, 2021 8:22 am

Or even if you are not convinced that these vaccines do what they are supposed to do.

September 16, 2021 8:30 am

I can understand the need to travel reasoning but it is based on blackmail not feelings .. I’m an OAP and my travelling O/S days are over so that is no concern to me ..
I have 3 grandies under 12 in Danistan and accept because of my never-give-in-to-blackmail stance I’ll be using phone-vid for quite a bit longer .. I also have another 4 grandees up in Gosford area, all under 7, who I haven’t seen since June because of GLADYS … last week my son, the Gosford Dad, told me he EXPECTED me to get jabbed if I wanted to see the kids anytime soon! .. I told him if he keeps that attitude up he wouldn’t need to worry cos I’d NEVER see them again! ..Fortunately, for both of us he backed down, very quickly ……!
I’m NOT getting jabbed simply because at 73 I’m not sick, haven’t felt sick and am a sight fitter & healthier than any of the specimens turning up on TV telling me what is good for me!
Then again if GLADYS can produce a talking head, over 70, who can back up being able to ride 150kms in a day, regularly, or swim 1 km x3 times a week (when allowed!) like I can then I might take some notice ………. UNTIL THEN …………!
Now I must be off … gotta ride 30kms (round trip) to see my youngest daughter who won’t drive to see me as she’s terrified she’ll exceed OUR, adjoining hot-spot, LGAs GLADYS rules and get stopped by Full-of-it’s STASI ……… ME … I don’t care …………!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 16, 2021 8:31 am

Am of similar thought. They have held a gun to the head of small business, school children, kids who want to play sport and the economy. One reason I got vaxed so that others may not have to. But mostly got vaxed so we can move on with our lives. 18months in this shithole Melbourne has become has done me in. I would gladly protest on Saturday but again the Xunts are ready to cripple us with fines my family can not afford. I am dispondant that Dans surveys of fellow Victorian is still telling him to stay on the current track. I joined to Lib party to assist in rid the state of this foul man. After 12months of no action by the Libs (let’s stick to the middle ground…oh ffs) I am appalled there is no democracy left in Victoria. Friends and family members are fully into this lockdown strategy. I feel as if I am living on another planet here. I would gladly move back to Qld but to be under another Labor Government crony puts a shadow over that option. We used to be such a great nation. Now …
Well that’s my morning rant. Back to work…from home…staying within 5kms…yabba dabba do!

September 16, 2021 8:33 am

I understand the impulse to ‘give in’ to vaccine coercion, or to get the jab because you felt it would protect you or your loved ones. My beloved son in law has taken it because the government has declared him to be a tier 1 worker, or some such tosh, and he will be out of work if he doesn’t get it. He has my three grandchildren to support. 🙂

What really upsets me is that this horrible situation was predictable, but is turning out to be worse than I expected.

When covid panic was in full swing in March last year, that was the time for our political ‘leaders’ to actually lead. Instead, they panicked.

It was time for the free press to fearlessly dig in for the truth, instead they became covid porn purveyors.

And it was time for Australians to demonstrate scepticism, or at least enough of us to gain some traction with the politicians worried about their jobs. Instead most of us allowed ourselves to be spooked into stampeding, now we’re heading for the cliff edge, and there’s still only a few cowboys trying to head the herd away from disaster.

With due respect to those who got jabbed for non-medical reasons, you’ve made it harder to stop the stampede. This mess we find ourselves in would have stopped in its tracks if half the population had said “no, f*** you” to the politicians and just ignored all the stupid lockdown and mask rules.

But we saw what happened to the few that stuck their heads up. It was, and is, brutal.

Same with the jab. If half the workforce refused to comply, that’s the end of it.

The extent to which the population has been manipulated is beyond frightening. In retrospect, it has been going on for years. I hope it is not too late to push back.

There are some hopeful signs that things are turning. Eg Ben Fordham’s ‘number crunching’ finally puts covid into perspective for radio listeners.

What is now worrying me is this: What if the vaxx doomsayers are correct about the possible long term side effects?

What if sufficiently large numbers of the vaxxed die from covid, get cancer or any of the other nasty things that could theoretically arise from the vaxx?

If this happens, and the population becomes aware of it, the current vaxxed/unvaxxed tension will be magnified a hundred fold.

Then what?

September 16, 2021 8:37 am

People who make rational decisions based on their circumstances are neither weak nor gullible.

My circumstances are different to yours. My decisions are and will be different to yours, in all manner of things.

No amount of bullying and nudging and shaming by the behemoth of government, or the leviathan of “society” will move me. It will shake me though, it already has.* And I’m detached from the worst of it, being retired and of a hermit-like bent. I would hate to be in a position where my livelihood depended on submission.

When an ethically acceptable option becomes available to me, I will take it. Not out of hope that it will do anything to “stop the virus”, but out of love for my husband who wants to do certain things before he is physically unable to. Personally, I think he is wrong and the hope he has for a return to freedom (particularly freedom of movement) is in vain.

* when you plant a tree, you don’t “overstake” it so it becomes dependent on outside support to withstand the wind. You tie it loosely so it can move around a bit and develop a camber in the trunk – it happens from within as it is buffeted. The overstaked tree will often snap at the first gust, once the support is removed.

September 16, 2021 8:41 am

The other thing that those who are vaccinated can do, particularly those who know in their hearts that they have been coerced and blackmailed – stand shoulder to shoulder with the unvaccinated in opposing a two tier system.

Like The Beloved who will identify with the unvaxxed golfer who can’t find a playing partner, rather than be part of a vaxxed “four”.

These little things mean a lot to people forced to the margins.

September 16, 2021 8:48 am

Indolent, you are right.
This IS the hill to die on.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2021 8:50 am

“The other thing that those who are vaccinated can do, particularly those who know in their hearts that they have been coerced and blackmailed – stand shoulder to shoulder with the unvaccinated in opposing a two tier system.

Like The Beloved who will identify with the unvaxxed golfer who can’t find a playing partner, rather than be part of a vaxxed “four”.

These little things mean a lot to people forced to the margins.”

I do stand with you Calli and others. As I wrote above I have the utmost respect for those who choose not to be vaccinated. I loathe the situation we’re in.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2021 8:58 am

“Truth is, I’d rather not know what people have decided to do, but governments at all levels seem intent on making that position untenable.”

Thanks Mater….and you’re right, the truth is that its nobody’s business but we’re obviously now living in an age where there’s no such thing as privacy and notions such as individual liberty have been thrown out the window. We had a work zoom call last Friday, there were ten of us on the call and I was quite shocked when my boss asked whether we’d been vaccinated. I didn’t answer despite having had my first because it’s none of his business. It was an outrageous question but I don’t think he was quite aware of just how intrusive he was being….people have lost all sense of reason, perspective and sensitivity and they’re not thinking of the consequences to such intrusiveness. They’ve just jumped on the bandwagon…a wagon that’s leading us to oblivion.

September 16, 2021 9:16 am

Just out of a webinar re harvest crew management for Vic.

No mandatory vaccines (yet) for single entry specified workers, BUT you must quarantine for 14 days.

Alternative is the multiple entry permit (eg transport) which does require vax.

All of NSW is still a declared “Red Zone”.

September 16, 2021 9:20 am

Cassie, you are in the best category of people: Those who have vaccinated but who are actively fighting on behalf of those who want to make a different choice.
It’s a shame that you have been forced into that position against your wishes.
I want to wait until the Novavax.
So does the wife, but it looks as if she will soon be in the same position as you.
I’m a pretty self contained unit. I don’t give a shit if I have to be in self imposed solitary until Novavax is available, but most aren’t like me.
The thing that is a worry right now is the move to go after school children. There seems to me to be little benefit to children in these vaxxes*. It seems to me that is a direct transfer of risk from adults onto our children, given how the effects of the cov and the vaxxes break down vis – a vis age groups.
*I’m not a doctor so not medical advice.

Major Elvis Newton
Major Elvis Newton
September 16, 2021 9:33 am

I don’t buy into the “civic duty” BS as a reason to get vaxxed, when most people don’t even know who their immediate neighbours are.

You’re not a superhero for getting a shot either so don’t pretend you wear a cape and have done so out of a sense of community. You did it for yourself. As is your right.

Vaccine mandates are a government construct. As are vaccine passports. No virus demands such abandonment of liberties, yet here we are.

September 16, 2021 9:33 am

Is it true that Pyne has been appointed as adviser to US Electric Boat Company and BAE Systems Submarines? Malcom apparently will be hired as Manager Government relations.
As much as I shudder in horror about an alliance with the imbicilic puffy Pommie commo, I can’t prevent myself from tap dancing around the house indulging in insane cackling over the collapse of the Turnbull/Pyne treasonous boondoggle.
What are the odds that Chrissie will seek compo?

September 16, 2021 9:36 am

I see scomo in his speech today said

For more than a century, we have stood together for the course of freedom, motivated by the beliefs we share.

Where do I stick my hand up and say well I don’t feel free in my own country. It’s either the vaccine or lockup. Where does natural immunity come into play, and individual freedom?

September 16, 2021 9:37 am

governments, health bureaucrats and the MSM have pushed lies, distorted truth, deliberately spread fear and forced state dictates on citizens

I was in a chat group on zoom last night – inner city, ‘educated’, intelligent – and inevitably the topic of Craig Kelly and invermectin came up. It was clear from the comments being made that not one of these people was aware that invermectin is anything other than a horse dewormer. Not one of them knew that it’s an approved medicine for humans. Mission accomplished, MSM!

September 16, 2021 9:37 am

Of all of the ABC’s most recent criminality, yesterday’s conspiracy with Turnbull to dox the Porter doners was from the deepest depths of the corporate sewer.

Mark M
Mark M
September 16, 2021 9:37 am

In 20 months we went from “lockdown for 14 days to flatten the curve” to “take the medicine or you can’t work and feed your family.”

Along that journey we all have seen many events reveal some questionable behaviour.

I only wish the jabbed and unjabbed a safe, healthy, long life.

Dividing our society is the #1 crime and our politicians are as guilty as heck.

Eighteen months until the next election?
Good luck Australia.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2021 9:40 am

“You’re not a superhero for getting a shot either so don’t pretend you wear a cape and have done so out of a sense of community. “

I’m not aware that anywhere in my piece have I pretended to be a cape wearing superhero.

Major Elvis Newton
Major Elvis Newton
September 16, 2021 9:44 am

My comment wasn’t directed at you Cassie, apologies if it seemed so.

I was mouthing off about the smug vaxxer a-holes who post their vax status avatars on social media like some badge of courage.

September 16, 2021 9:45 am

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy the subs second hand from the Taliban. Surely Joe left a few behind.

September 16, 2021 9:45 am

I’m struggling to articulate how infuriating and depressing my situation is given that I will not tolerate being forced into being administered one of these useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktails – ever.

With respect, Cassie, you have it bass-ackwards. Every one of the nine major governments in this country have zero legitimacy, as far as I’m concerned. Consequently, complying with their monstrous fascist idiocy is simply not negotiable.

I will not submit, especially when it comes to “playing Russian Roulette with my health”.

Illegitimate totalitarian governments must be overthrown, even if it is by a minority of the populace who’ve had enough. No stinking “government” or unelected unaccountable braindead bureaucratic mediocrities in this country have any right (nor did they ever have) to do any of the following:
– Place me under house arrest for months on end
– Stop me freely moving about Sydneystan
– Make me wear a face nappie at any time, let alone when I’m outside, FFS
– Prevent me freely travelling to other states or overseas
– Impose even more ridiculous restrictions on my life because I live in a particular part of Sydneystan
– Impose a curfew on those “LGAs of Obsession”
– Demand that I be administered a useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktail to go to work, to move around the city I live in or be forced into second class citizenship with ongoing restrictions on my rights and liberties

I am seething about this and will never forget or forgive what these deadshits have done to our lives and to this country.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2021 9:48 am

“With respect, Cassie, you have it bass-ackwards. Every one of the nine major governments in this country have zero legitimacy, as far as I’m concerned. Consequently, complying with their monstrous fascist idiocy is simply not negotiable.

I will not submit, especially when it comes to “playing Russian Roulette with my health”.”

Rabzy…I respect your decision.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2021 9:49 am

What if sufficiently large numbers of the vaxxed die from covid, get cancer or any of the other nasty things that could theoretically arise from the vaxx?

If this happens, and the population becomes aware of it, the current vaxxed/unvaxxed tension will be magnified a hundred fold.

HoP time?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2021 9:54 am

PS, with the vaxxed leading the charge.

September 16, 2021 9:59 am

Boambee John says:
September 16, 2021 at 9:49 am
HoP time?

I’m worried whose heads will be on the pikes.

From the tone of many comments in the Australian and the likes of Jackie, I fear it may be unvaxxed heads.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2021 10:01 am

“Boambee Johnsays:
September 16, 2021 at 9:54 am
PS, with the vaxxed leading the charge.”

Not me.

September 16, 2021 10:01 am

I fear it may be unvaxxed heads.

Nah. We’ll be needed for our T cells. 😀

September 16, 2021 10:06 am

Cassie, as someone who hasn’t seen his son for three years (trip planned for March last year had to be cancelled for obvious reasons) I can understand why seeing your dad is imperative and worth making the rolled-sleeve tribute to the State. I’ll do the same if it’s the only way I can get on a plane to see Ned, meet his new wife and give dispensable advice on fatherhood and the importance of a pastime in which the wife is not involved.

But all of the above is beside the point because our civic fathers will make a royal stuff-up of the vaccine passports. They f*** everything else they do, why should this be any different?

Then factor in the Israel precedent. The inoculated will lose their purported immunity within six months, more jabs will be declared essential and people, a few anyway, will grasp that they were buried in bullshit for two years as ‘breakthrough’ cases soar.

On top of that, the imminent collapse in the commercial property market will focus attention on the legacy of the Andrews/Morrison misrule (Andrews: I’m going to wreck the economy totally. Morrison: Good-o, I’ll write you another cheque to get on with it.)

So let the bastards posture and threaten. Sooner or later, as always, their grand plans will come unstuck. We’ll then be free to frolic in the rubble of the wreckage they have wrought.

a reader
a reader
September 16, 2021 10:06 am

I had to weigh up the risk. I considered the risk from COVID (bugger all for my age-group), the risk from Astra-Zeneca (more of a risk), the risk of my private health conditions (not affected by COVID but COVID response causing me major issues with treatment) but Gulag Gladys tyranny under the thumbs of Chant, Elliott and Health Hazzard was a much larger risk.

September 16, 2021 10:48 am

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy the subs second hand from the Taliban. Surely Joe left a few behind.

Thanks, Bons. Roared laughing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2021 11:05 am

September 16, 2021 at 9:59 am
Boambee John says:
September 16, 2021 at 9:49 am
HoP time?

I’m worried whose heads will be on the pikes.

From the tone of many comments in the Australian and the likes of Jackie, I fear it may be unvaxxed heads.

Not if large numbers of the vaxxed start dying from similar, hitherto unusual, medical problems, which was the premise of the original post. At that point it will be premiers, CHOs, media medical “experts”, and those who publicly drove the vax hysteria.

That Jo
That Jo
September 16, 2021 11:06 am

My blood runs cold at the thought of being forced to be jabbed. Right now I am ready to lose my job, my house, and I’ve taken my teenager out of school. It won’t be a pretty life, but it will be my choice.

Let’s see how I feel when my boss tells me there really is no choice. I will be waiting til the very last minute when I know the only choice I have is to lose everything I have worked for (career, house, stability), or to be injected.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 16, 2021 11:09 am

Like Shatterzzz, the other half and I have spent decades making sure that we’re healthy. We’re done so because, in his case, he has always worked in a field that takes a heavy toll – physically and mentally. And, for me, I have spent more time alone than with him, so I’ve needed to be physically and mentally able. Having done that, we believe that we’re in the best possible situation to decide our own health decisions.

On top of that we are looking to our futures. We would like to enjoy our retirement and do what we want to do, when that time arrives, and when it does, our physical condition will become very important to that enjoyment. What we’re after, and is our right, is to make our own choices sans deliberate hurt to anyone else – that is, to be able to pursue what we want out of life – our happiness.

Australians don’t have some clause written somewhere in some musty place, but we still believe in “the pursuit of happiness.” Happiness, while sought out by most of us, is very personal and singular in perspective. Which means that happiness requires autonomy: there is nothing coercive about happiness. But over a matter of months the right of the individual to make his/her own choices – to decide his/her own path to happiness – is being forcibly* taken away for, we are told, the common good.

We’re being asked [edit: is it a request or is it closer to an order?] to make the most intimate and permanent decisions about ourselves for someone/something else.

These are decisions that could potentially take away our long term health and happiness. We are being asked to throw that over for myriad things such as the economy or to ensure that other people don’t contract an illness and/or die. Yet, we all must know that, sooner or later, and since time immemorial, illness and death awaits us all. We are not immortal and never will be without the loss of something very important to us: our human-ness, which comes from our free will.

But it is not the economy or that “bloke down the road” we’re being asked to make a sacrifice for.
No, we’re being pressured to scupper ourselves for one group only: the political class. The “we’re all in the together” crap is to save the governments’ and bureaucrats’ arses. That is, to save a bunch of mendacious, self-serving, career rent-seekers from the odium of being found out. In a democracy, that is not good enough, and especially when there’s no actual volition in it. When the only key is compulsion. (And no matter how the government wants to frame it, we’re not at war).

At this stage the other half and me remain apart. We’ll see what happens. Currently, he’s there on his own and I’m here on my own and for the next few months that can’t/won’t change.

But one thing is clear, until a government representative knocks on our front door and forcibly sticks something in my arm, I will not take it+. I see this stand as no different to the poor people fighting back in the street demonstrations for their jobs and livelihoods. I support the actions being brought to the Supreme Court of NSW on mandatory vaccination and lockdowns. Also, I will take my business to those businesses who are happy to see the colour of my money and not my personal and private health status, and the rest can f*ck off. ?

*Paul Murray said “why does the government not admit that this is a mandatory vaccination rollout; everyone know it is so why not just say it?,” [edit: well, Paul, read your Constitution and spend an afternoon boning up on the last couple of thousand years of Western Thought, including what a modern democracy actually is.]

+I say these things not in any superior sense; I realise that there are thousands of our fellow Australians who need to feed their families and pay their bills and who are being put under the most extreme duress, and it makes me truly despondent.

Like thousands of others here in NSW, I am still in lockdown. It has been a hard and difficult experience and I have no wish to prolong it.

September 16, 2021 11:16 am


I am with you re Novavax

Cancer Ward Tuesday – Tuesday ENT clinic area normally crowded -zero people – Pathology testing previous day – crowded.

Only 1 other Cancer client with me – usually lots – only 6 further came in during the afternoon.

At least this time did not get asked if vaccinated, and did not hear the question at all around in Cancer Clinic Ward

Whole Family vaccinated, so lots of pressure, but have taking antivirals for over a year now and with bloods every 3 weeks able to keep an eye on things – Home Oximeter shows 97-99 – Oxygen reading Hospital Tuesday 97.6 and temp 36.5C – have Oxygen Regenerator at home – as I said to Nurse re how I was feeling after round 26 – “Fit & Healthy”


Report: 14 Israelis infected with COVID despite 3rd vaccine dose

9 days after Israel kicked off campaign for third vaccine dose, Health Ministry statistics reveal 2 people hospitalized despite booster shot

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 16, 2021 11:36 am

Same thoughts as Cassie at PJ Media.
It’s OK to Be Pro-Vaccine and Anti-Mandate—in Fact, It’s a Winning Message

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 16, 2021 12:03 pm

There is an article in the Australian headlined: NSW hospital face crisis as staff refuse COVI-19 jab

The comments are vitriolic and I believe it’s for the reasons that Mater set out in his excellent comment – people have taken a leap of faith into the unknown but they have no faith in who it is that asked them to leap.

This comment of mine was rejected so I’ll put it here:

What’s wrong with the COVID vaccine? doesn’t it confer immunity? Is that the problem? Because it doesn’t and everyone’s been conned?
Afterall it was a free choice to be vaccinated wasn’t it? As a citizen I do not expect or demand that another person be responsible for my choices in life, never have. Is it really the case that of all the virus-caused diseases that have befallen humanity since the beginning of recorded history, and extrairdinary advances in nefical science, this is the only virus for which there is no prophylaxis or even worse no early-onset treatment?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 16, 2021 12:05 pm

Oops some spelling mistakes -extraordinary advances in medical science – oh dear maybe the spelling was just too off

September 16, 2021 12:16 pm

Just Quote Vice President of America – Kamala Harris “My Body, My Choice”

Hypocrite Harris Pushes ‘My Body My Choice’ While Forcing Vaccine Mandates

Vice President Kamala Harris might be the most tone-deaf person to have ever held high office, and she put her foot in her mouth in an especially humiliating way this week. On Thursday, literally the same day that President Joe Biden proclaimed stringent and unconstitutional vaccine mandates that violate people’s right to medical choice, Harris gave an impassioned speech regarding women’s “not negotiable” right to “make decisions [regarding] their own bodies.”

It’s hardly a surprise that VP Harris, a tool of the pro-abortion Biden-Harris administration is lazily repeating the line “my body, my choice,” ad nauseam. But surely Harris should have considered how comments about personal choice in medicine would jar against her own administration’s vaccine mandates.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
September 16, 2021 12:17 pm

Tyrannies are always hierarchical.

The ruling powers, those who do their work for them, those who obey them and on down the list with various ‘rewards’ for the differing levels.

Then there are the scapegoats. The untouchables. Usually made such with the excuse of something unclean, unhealthy or inferior about them and they become the people to blame for anything that goes wrong.

I understand that Danistan is shutting down the CBD to the Freedom Untouchables, but is at present open to a large number of people from the U.S. filming, unmasked, to their hearts’ content.

What we see as hypocrisy, they see as the natural outworking of their victory.

September 16, 2021 12:28 pm

but Gulag Gladys tyranny under the thumbs of Chant, Elliott and Health Hazzard was a much larger risk.

Don’t forget Photios

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 16, 2021 12:35 pm

Mother Lodesays:

September 16, 2021 at 12:04 pm

Can I suggest that the first two nuclear submarines be named after Christopher Pyne and Adam Bandt?

HMAS Mincing Poodle and HMAS Overgrown Child?

Really want to push some buttons?
HMAS Chernobyl.
HMAS Three Mile Island.
HMAS Hiroshima.
HMAS Nagasaki.

September 16, 2021 12:40 pm

I’m totally with you Rabz – I’m in the same circumstances and feel exactly the same. (apologies also as I clicked inadvertently above the like hand). And shaterzz, I’m in a similar position to you though not an OAP, a little older and still operating my consulting business from home now in one of ‘those’ LGAs thanks to local government boundary changes a few couple of ago with which I totally disagreed. Like you I ride my bike most days (30km+) and as far as the f-ing distance goes, that’s my business not the government along with curfews (WTF) and muzzles. I won’t forget but unfortunately when I hear words slip from the likes of Chant (a singularly most unimpressive individual if ever there was one) about the New World Order, it becomes clearer by the day. As shown by the NSW government’s action this week to shut down the Legislative Council – why would that be?

Meanwhile I’m living with my wife and three grandchildren and their mum (refuge here from DV some years ago – another story) who are home schooling on line. One family member (and her two small children) wants nothing to do with me unless I get the (potential death) jab, another family member is holding out and so it goes on. A couple of the others have had the jab, some are overseas and the topic has caused friction in my home environment. When it comes to a two tier segregated society, this story Reason to Fear a Vaccine Mandate speaks volumes to some of the issues. I certainly thought about a likely Australian Apartheid future. What a state of affairs to have this tyranny imposed on what was once a wonderfully free society! Words cannot express my contempt, anguish and disgust at those who seek to impose this dystopia on us all… never mind the unclean, as if the “vaccinated” will ever be free…

And on the broader picture, from everything that I’ve read over the last two years and more, I think think this short 1.35 video clip of a Russian ex-Military Intelligence officer perhaps says it all. The full transcript of what he said about the Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda is fascinating and worth reading. Make of it what you will – I don’t agree with everything he says.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 16, 2021 12:41 pm

Well, sure, but, I find it disquietening, to say the least, that we have an accelerated process, a compromised review system, a censorious and tendentious media that promotes the vaccine and stifles any criticism, and an incompetent government and opposition overseeing it all

And compulsion.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 16, 2021 1:26 pm

The submarine decision is the correct one on two counts.
Both from an operational and a budgetary point of view.
The sad thing is, I don’t think there is another minister in this government capable of the level of clear-headed foresight and courage possessed by Dutton.
And this decision was only possible by him freezing the DoD bureaucrats out of his office.
Imagine the whiteanting if the Ild Guard had got a whiff of this. He now needs to fire those who will inevitably try to put a spoke in the wheels.

September 16, 2021 1:26 pm

And it was time for Australians to demonstrate scepticism,

Different Australia now.

September 16, 2021 1:35 pm

Bar Beach Swimmer says:
September 16, 2021 at 11:09 am

Excellent comment! Actually deserves a guest post all of its own.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
September 16, 2021 2:15 pm
Pete of perth
Pete of perth
September 16, 2021 2:36 pm

Wonder if the Blood Bank is worried about possible contamination from the mrna injections? They do ask if you have been jabbed when donating.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 16, 2021 3:12 pm

I sign in as old donkey dock, give the number of my local cop shop and the email of someone I don’t like very much.
It’s puerile but every little thing I do against tyranny gives me pleasure.

September 16, 2021 3:31 pm

Right now I’m in a fox hole with a small number of people who do not wish to be vaccinated with this shit concoction.

On Tuesday next week I throw the first grenade and give them the whole 9 yards.

Wish me luck.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 16, 2021 3:53 pm

Good luck.
btw, if you need some info on this stuff, did you see Latham’s tweet? If you’re interested, I put it up on Muddy’s last post.

September 16, 2021 4:20 pm

As horrific as it is, I don’t think anybody can blame those who capitulate.

I should say, there are things you can do to reduce the risk – dramatically so.

Pine needle tea, NAC, zinc, zeolite, C10 oil or CoQ10 and nattokinase, Vitamin D and iodine. They should all help reduce the spike protein reaction, graphene oxide reactions and clotting problems.

Of course, the data for the efficacy of vaccine detox is as unreliable as the data for vaccine efficacy – you either believe in the principle or you don’t. It’s worth noting that vaccine fascists hate people using detoxes though so they obviously believe they reduce the effects of the vaccine.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 16, 2021 5:03 pm

Best of luck RickW.
We are behind you.
Some further than others.

September 16, 2021 5:54 pm

Qld Health has directed that all ‘frontline’ staff not VictoryJabbed(TM) by 30 Sept are to be placed on compulsory leave (unless it’s just me?). My guess is that when my leave expires, I’ll be placed on permanent leave without pay, though I’m not sure of that (it would save them the paperwork of justifying a dismissal) I wonder how many will be so dislocated, and if it will affect service delivery enough to warrant a backdown?

Is it too late to kneel before Jacinda?

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 16, 2021 6:35 pm

Sure, but that comment above applied to a regime in which the vaccine was promoted but not compelled that given the circumstances I outlined would still be disquietening

I understand what you’re saying, Dover. But, worryingly, we’ve gone well past a benign(?) form of promotion.

September 16, 2021 6:42 pm

The current vaccines were developed to reduce symptoms of the Alpha version. They have no effectiveness against the Delta strain which, while being more infectious, is thankfully less deadly for most people, except those with major comorbidities. Watch this video if you haven’t seen it before and pass it on. Also this from Uttah Pradesh in India

September 16, 2021 6:43 pm
September 16, 2021 6:44 pm

At least some of our elected officials have a moral compass.

Shellharbour mayor won’t turn away unvaccinated people from council facilities

September 16, 2021 8:58 pm

Authoritarian governments ave killed far more people than Covid.

I had all my childhood “needles”, keep current on my tetanus, and order livestock vaccines by the thousand doses. I’m a believer in vaccines generally.

But I’m not going to trust people who are prepared to bully, manipulate, blackmail and outright lie to get me to take it. My father, grandfather and assorted uncles fought in two world wars so that we would never have to hear the words”papieres bitte!” in this country.
I will not make myself a serf.
I will not lightly acquiesce to bullying by non-elected medical bureaucrats and political Dictators. I do not use the word “dictator” lightly. It is the appropriate term for those who rule by their personal authority rather than the authority granted by Parliamentary debate and decision.

There is more at stake than just lockdowns or the mooted denial of access to certain venues and services. The historical record is full of “temporary measures” and “emergency powers” that have proven just too convenient for those in power to discard entirely.

We do have to argue that our Premiers are nascent Hitlers to point out that the original took supreme power by declaring a never-ending State of Emergency.

September 16, 2021 10:50 pm

We DON’T have to argue…..

September 17, 2021 2:19 am

The lies have been prescient, the psyops unrelenting, the tyranny ever mounting.

Our political and media class have perpetrated the greatest scam ever unleashed on mankind.

Facts no longer bear any significance, falsehoods are now the truth, and 2 + 2 now equals 5. A new Dark Age cloaks the ever flickering flame of our previous enlightenment.

We are doomed for our very existence, we wallow in search of our own demise, and we shun every lesson learned from our own history.

How on earth has every thinking person allowed this state of affairs to exist?

COVID-19 is a relatively benign disease. The average worldwide IFR is around 0.15%, nominally higher if over the age of 70 with any accompanying comorbidity, and appreciably lower (between 0.03 and 0.05%) for those under the age of 70 and in reasonable health. The average person has a better than 99.85% chance of surviving the disease should they contract it.

The “vaccine” panacea is an utter fallacy, and a blatant lie. The current evidence from every corner of the globe is that “vaccine” efficacy is slim to none existent. The “vaccines” do not prevent infection, nor the reinfection of others. Hundreds of thousands of the double “vaccinated” are contracting the disease, and many thousands are dying from it.

The mounting adverse effects of the “vaccines” is absolutely staggering, with multiple thousands of deaths, and millions of serious, indeed life disabling injuries reported by the various government reporting systems. It is astounding that almost nobody is aware that the “vaccines” are novel, experimental, are still undergoing Phase 3 trials, and are only permitted under “emergency use authorisation”. Just think about this last “fact” for one second:

-Our government has no idea what the mid to long term effects of the “vaccines” are.
-Our government knows that the adverse short term effects of the “vaccines” are off the scale compared to all previous vaccine metrics combined.
-Our government knows that the “vaccines” do not prevent infection nor reinfection.
-Contrary to all international codes, enshrined into law since Nuremberg, our government is coercing every able bodied person into accepting, without any serious informed consent, an experimental medication.
-Not withstanding any of the foregoing, for the first time in Australian history, our government is about to introduce medical apartheid, over a completely, and deliberately, fabricated set of lies.

The heinous act of introducing so called “vaccine passports” will be the pinnacle of the mountain of tyranny that has been imposed on us by our political elite since this utter shambles of a fake public health emergency began.

I find it hard to understand that we are having this discussion in 21st century Australia. There are many parallels that can be made to our country’s current dystopian State, and the regime of the German Third Reich of the 1930’s, and it is absolutely frightening, and in fact, horrifying to behold.

As a society, we are suffering from the madness of crowds. The national cognitive dissonance regarding the virus, and the utopian “vaccine” panacea is staggering. It is a stark reminder that a large majority of Australians have lost their collective minds.

God help us, as we appear to be unable to help ourselves.

September 17, 2021 7:48 am

The lies have been prescient, the psyops unrelenting, the tyranny ever mounting.

Our political and media class have perpetrated the greatest scam ever unleashed on mankind.

Facts no longer bear any significance, falsehoods are now the truth, and 2 + 2 now equals 5. A new Dark Age cloaks the ever flickering flame of our previous enlightenment.

We are doomed for our very existence, we wallow in search of our own demise, and we shun every lesson learned from our own history.

How on earth has every thinking person allowed this state of affairs to exist?

COVID-19 is a relatively benign disease. The average worldwide IFR is around 0.15%, nominally higher if over the age of 70 with any accompanying comorbidity, and appreciably lower (between 0.03 and 0.05%) for those under the age of 70 and in reasonable health. The average person has a better than 99.85% chance of surviving the disease should they contract it.

The “vaccine” panacea is an utter fallacy, and a blatant lie. The current evidence from every corner of the globe is that the “vaccine” efficacy is slim to none existent. The “vaccines” do not prevent infection, nor the reinfection of others. Hundreds of thousands of the double “vaccinated” are contracting the disease, and many thousands are dying from it.

The mounting adverse effects of the “vaccines” is absolutely staggering, with multiple thousands of deaths, and millions of serious, indeed life disabling injuries reported by the various government reporting systems. It is astounding that almost nobody is aware that the “vaccines” are novel, experimental, are still undergoing Phase 3 trials, and are only permitted under “emergency use authorisation”. Just think about this “fact” for one second:

-Our government has no idea what the mid to long term effects of the “vaccines” are.
-Our government knows that the adverse short term effects of the “vaccines” are off the scale compared to all previous vaccine metrics combined.
-Our government knows that the “vaccines” do not prevent infection nor reinfection.
-Contrary to all international codes, enshrined into law since Nuremberg, our government is coercing every able bodied person into accepting, without any serious informed consent, an experimental medication.
-Not withstanding any of the foregoing, for the first time in Australian history, our government is about to introduce medical apartheid, over a completely, and deliberately, fabricated set of lies.

The heinous act of introducing so called “vaccine passports” will be the pinnacle of the mountain of tyranny that has been imposed on us by our political elite since this utter shambles of a fake public health emergency began.

I find it hard to understand that we are having this discussion in 21st century Australia. There are many parallels that can be made to our country’s current dystopian State, and the regime of the German Third Reich of the 1930’s, and it is absolutely frightening, and in fact, horrifying to behold.

As a society, we are suffering from the madness of crowds. The national cognitive dissonance regarding the virus, and the “vaccine” panacea is staggering. Your current stance advocating the adoption of vaccine apartheid is a stark reminder that a large majority of Australians have lost their collective minds.

I’m afraid that this country is now finished as any form of liberal democracy. I’m truly saddened by this admission

September 17, 2021 8:11 am

The lies have been prescient, the psyops unrelenting, the tyranny ever mounting.

Our political and media class have perpetrated the greatest scam ever unleashed on mankind.

Facts no longer bear any significance, falsehoods are now the truth, and 2 + 2 now equals 5. A new Dark Age cloaks the ever flickering flame of our previous enlightenment.

We are doomed for our very existence, we wallow in search of our own demise, and we shun every lesson learned from our own history.

How on earth has every thinking person allowed this state of affairs to exist?

COVID-19 is a relatively benign disease. The average worldwide IFR is around 0.15%, nominally higher if over the age of 70 with any accompanying comorbidity, and appreciably lower (between 0.03 and 0.05%) for those under the age of 70 and in reasonable health. The average person has a better than 99.85% chance of surviving the disease should they contract it.

The “vaccine” panacea is an utter fallacy, and a blatant lie. The current evidence from every corner of the globe is that “vaccine” efficacy is slim to none existent. The “vaccines” do not prevent infection, nor the reinfection of others. Hundreds of thousands of the double “vaccinated” are contracting the disease, and many thousands are dying from it.

The mounting adverse effects of the “vaccines” is absolutely staggering, with multiple thousands of deaths, and millions of serious, indeed life disabling injuries reported by the various government reporting systems. It is astounding that almost nobody is aware that the “vaccines” are novel, experimental, are still undergoing Phase 3 trials, and are only permitted under “emergency use authorisation”. Just think about this last “fact” for one second:

-Our government has no idea what the mid to long term effects of the “vaccines” are.
-Our government knows that the adverse short term effects of the “vaccines” are off the scale compared to all previous vaccine metrics combined.
-Our government knows that the “vaccines” do not prevent infection nor reinfection.
-Contrary to all international codes, enshrined into law since Nuremberg, our government is coercing every able bodied person into accepting, without any serious informed consent, an experimental medication.
-Not withstanding any of the foregoing, for the first time in Australian history, our government is about to introduce medical apartheid, over a completely, and deliberately, fabricated set of lies.

The heinous act of introducing so called “vaccine passports” will be the pinnacle of the mountain of tyranny that has been imposed on us by our political elite since this utter shambles of a fake public health emergency began.

It is hard to fathom how we are having this discussion in 21st century Australia. There are many parallels that can be made to our country’s current dystopian State, and the regime of the German Third Reich of the 1930’s, and it is absolutely frightening, and in fact, horrifying to behold.

As a society, we are suffering from the madness of crowds. The national cognitive dissonance regarding the virus, and the “vaccine” panacea is staggering. It is a stark reminder that a large majority of Australians have lost their collective minds.

This country can no longer be classed as any form of liberal democracy. God help us, as we appear to be unable to help ourselves.

September 17, 2021 8:21 am

Dover, please remove my last two comments. I am new to your system and did not realise that I had posted them as I was editing my initial comment. Many thanks, Phil

September 17, 2021 11:43 am

Phil, great summary!

I’m trying to put together a bullet point one pager with reasons to fight the vaccine mandate (backed up with references of course!). I’m coming up with a list very similar to yours. Do you know of a go to site that may have put this sort of thing together already? My go to sites are all very detailed and I’m struggling to tease out the 30 sec version for marketing purposes but at the same time needing it to be, from a reference point of view, bulletproof.

Any thoughts?

September 17, 2021 12:55 pm

politichix. Try the Daily Skeptic, especially within the below the line comments on the various daily updates. The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse). The Slog, authored by John Ward. Nojabforme is a very good reference site and probably the best there is for all-round information, but be warned that it is living document and is updated on a regular basis. Hence, it takes some wading through, but definitely worth it for the source information alone.

Good luck.

September 17, 2021 1:49 pm


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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x