Open Thread – Weekend 18 Sept 2020

The Hunt by Night, Paolo Uccello, c. 1470

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September 18, 2021 7:28 am

please ignore the report comment on one of the toons. My phone occasionaly scrolls up as I go to tap on a link and I hit the wrong one.

September 18, 2021 7:35 am

The Munich radio station I listen to from time to time had an article on the hourly news bulletin about the French dummy spit over our decision to ditch their submarines and the defence agreement ‘mit der USA und Grossbritanien’. It’s certainly getting worldwide attention.

September 18, 2021 7:37 am

Fifteen unfinished buildings, which stood for seven years, were demolished at the same time and sent a large cloud of smoke into the air. Authorities decided to take action because the buildings had been abandoned for a long time and the basements were submerged in rain water. The total demolition area, measured by total floorspace and number of buildings, were reportedly the largest for a one-time demolition in China.

September 18, 2021 7:38 am

calli, Knight also seems to have fallen into the Rowe trap of drawing The Usurper with a bit of vigour and vitality instead of the dementia patient he is.

September 18, 2021 7:39 am

calli says:
September 18, 2021 at 7:15 am
“Leper” it is, then.

Calli, even before Covid churchgoers were considered odd. Why, everyone knew that spirituality is simply lighting scented candles.

September 18, 2021 7:40 am

When the drone footage of the fake ISIS-K drone strike is seen, it will show a bunch of kids meeting their father as he turned up home.
The US CIA/DoD/NSC/Whitehouse knew that.
Yet Mark Milley post seeing that footage said it was a “righteous strike”.
Yep he’s done.
Just a matter of time.
And if he makes any noise on the way out, they’ll hang the footage over him as collateral.
All to take the attention off the failed extraction from Afghanistan.
Pure evil.

September 18, 2021 7:51 am

For the record — STEVE WATERSON:
Just when we thought, for a precious moment, that the pop-eyed, angst-ridden halfwits posturing atop our political dungheap were backing out of our lives, here they come again with another nonsensical, divisive scheme to extend the torture as far as their tunnel ¬vision can see.
As we approach the arbitrary 70 or 80 per cent vaccination targets they have set to grant our conditional release from the restrictions which, don’t forget, they also set, their backroom teams have come up with a punishment for the remaining 20 per cent who for medical, philosophical or other reasons (and let’s, as a sop to the morally perfect, include wickedness and stupidity among them) refuse the injections.
Make no mistake, dissenters will be punished for disobedience. The NSW Premier indicated as much last week. “I don’t want people to think they can sit back and let everybody else do the hard work,” she said. “If you’re not vaccinated you will not have the freedom or the freedoms that vaccinated people have.”
In case you’re thinking we should go along with this in the hope society’s settings can return to normal, the Premier gave us a little glimpse of the future she has planned: “So long as Delta has presence in the world,” she said, “even if we had zero cases and we were at 80 per cent double-dose, you would still have to respect rules that exist around vaccinations, around social distancing, around mask-wearing.” So that’s that forever, then.
Her counterpart in Victoria was even more spitefully explicit. “There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated,” he said. “We are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated.”
Inconveniently, however, there are explicit laws against forcing medical intervention on people against their will, so with malign ingenuity our leaders turn punishment of the minority into reward for the majority, and conspire to outsource the policing of the new order to ordinary citizens.
No need for unflattering government edicts, just a robust suggestion that business owners and employers might like to devise their own sanctions, in a cowardly masterclass in buck-passing.
Demonise the unvaccinated, then say: “Don’t blame us for your loss of freedom, blame them!”
That our politicians and police should be actively encouraging a culture of informing is vile and unspeakable. I struggle to find the words to describe them, and when I do they’re not fit for a family newspaper. To be honest, they’re not fit for a sailors’ newspaper.
When a government says an abhorrent practice is not only permitted but encouraged, with expensive advertisements exhorting us to call the police hotline to dob in our neighbours, then there will always be a sickeningly large group who will obey with glee.
A Canadian historian, Robert Gellately, has studied the surviving files of the Gestapo, which reveal more than 80 per cent of their investigations were commenced in response to a denunciation by ordinary German citizens.
The Gestapo had only a few thousand members; there was no need for a massive Big Brother secret police force when local people were so eager to report their neighbours. Similar research has led to the same conclusions about similar regimes.
It’s confronting to abandon the illusion that we would have had the moral strength to stand up against the tyrannies of history, but face it: there are people in our society today who you could easily see in 1930s Berlin tugging on the sleeve of their local Gestapo officer and whispering, “Excuse me, commissar, but I think the people at number 24 might be Jewish.”
Yes I know, the first person to mention the Nazis loses the argument, but this one has looked unwinnable since the beginning, so what the hell.
A “vaccine passport” now looks to be a real possibility, presumably because sensible countries around the world have considered and swiftly rejected the idea.
It will divide our society into two categories (castes, if you prefer): the vaccinated, who are protected against the serious impact of coronavirus infection, and the unvaccinated, who are not.
Here’s where things become curious. We know, do we not, that vaccinated people can still catch and transmit the virus, including from each other; yet the passport plan assumes they are terrified of encountering an unvaccinated person, particularly in the hospitality arena, when logic suggests it should be precisely the other way round. The plan further seems to assume “unvaccinated” means the same as “infected”, an even more preposterous notion.
Try as I might, I cannot see what the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated. As I celebrate the protection of my double dose of AstraZeneca with a slap-up meal in a top restaurant, why should I worry about the people eating at the next table? I’m safe. Call me a monster, but I’ve never given a second’s consideration to the wellbeing of my fellow diners, sometimes even in my own home.
But like every other scheme our governments have invented in the past 18 months, this plan to enlist an army of amateur police officers hasn’t been thought through. Are bars and restaurants, already desperately struggling to maintain a skeleton staff, eager to pay someone to stand at the door to turn away customers who prefer not to divulge their medical history? Will the policy survive the departure of the table of 10 who have to leave because their guest of honour forgot his passport?
Are patrons really going to sue if they catch Covid after dining at your establishment? It will be a fascinating court case that attempts to establish who passed it on. Will restaurants be obliged to keep seating plans, with names, for 14 days? Must diners agree in advance to be genetically tested to confirm they were the source of infection?
Perhaps we could meet somewhere in the middle. A section for the unvaccinated to one side of the restaurant, with its own door, where unvaccinated waiters serve food and drinks on your own special crockery with designated cutlery and glassware. It was a very popular arrangement in 1950s Alabama, I hear. It’s the culinary extension of “social distancing”. Staying apart keeps us together.
We accept the unvaccinated might indeed be at increased risk of a bad reaction to the disease, but once they’ve had the chance to be vaccinated that’s their problem, and the risk is theirs to take.
So instead of a percentage, attainable or not, set a date by which we can be confident anyone who wants the vaccine has had the opportunity to receive it, then stop all the absurd restrictions and asinine regulations, all testing, and ideally all mention of the C-word.
But gotcha, the Chicken Littles cry. Open up and our hospitals will be overwhelmed, they say, although that hasn’t looked likely at any point, even before we had 70-odd per cent of the population vaccinated.
If it emerges that by some unknown mechanism the absence of a vaccine creates a spontaneous eruption of virus in your bloodstream, the response would be dramatic. When unvaccinated people start dying in droves, just watch those vaccination numbers leap. Within a couple of months of opening up they will contract Covid and recover, get seriously ill, die – or more likely scurry into the nearest pharmacy with sleeves rolled up. But as always, the modelling assumes that things will continue along a set trajectory, without allowing for human intelligence to modify behaviour.
And before we level accusations of selfishness at the unvaccinated, the fact they choose to take that risk should no more deny them hospital care than we should refuse to treat the consequences of any other risky behaviour: an injured motorcyclist, say, or a surfer with a spinal injury. Or, for that matter, the chain-smoking lung-cancer victim or fast-food and fizzy drink-addicted porker with diabetes and a bloated heart, barrelling along the footpath on their mobility scooter, Australian flag waving gallantly from its stern.
In fact, the lockdowns have probably created a few more fatties; perhaps we should institute a BMI passport to unlock the dessert section of the menu.
All the while the economy continues to haemorrhage money. It appears our governments’ base unit of currency in Australia is now the Billion, and we’re tipping hundreds of them down the drain with not much to show for them.
Friday’s official figures showed we have so far stuck 34,911,907 testing strips up people’s noses, to discover around 80,000 positive cases. That means 34.8 million of those tests were unnecessary; so at more than $100 each, we’ve spent $3.5bn on literally nothing.
How many hospitals might we have built with that money? How many CAT scanners, X-ray machines could we have bought? What cancer research might we have funded? How many lives – of children, young parents – might we thereby have saved?
And that’s just in the medical arena; imagine the vast network of tunnels the Victorian Premier could have paid for but not dug.
That $3.5bn is barely a rounding error amid the carnage our leaders have unleashed. Lives and livelihoods deliberately, knowingly destroyed; our schoolchildren’s prospects and mental health wilfully, cynically damaged; old people senselessly, cruelly forbidden human contact in their final months; a series of societal ticking time bombs that will detonate over the years to come.
We are getting vaccinated for another reason, of course: to escape restrictions imposed on us by our own governments and the unelected bureaucrats who advise them. It’s not a natural disaster, but completely man-made. Victoria is now generously creating pop-up mental-health clinics to deal with the despair caused by lockdowns. Let’s splash out some more of your money to relieve the pain we regret having to cause you.
That this institutional stupidity is not immediately apparent to everyone is a profound mystery, at least until you consider logic and numeracy might be alien to many of our compatriots. I don’t intend to be unkind about 12 million Australians, but that’s roughly how many are, by definition, of below-average intelligence. It’s not their fault; just the luck of the draw.
I’d bet everyone reading this newspaper would be comfortably in the top 10 per cent; few would have family, friends or colleagues sliding down towards the average, so think of the most stupid person you know and contemplate the fact that at least half of the electorate are more stupid than him or her. (Oh yes, it’s tempting to segue into a discussion about compulsory voting, but let’s save that for when we’ve dealt with Covid.)
The wildly hilarious – yet equally dispiriting – thing is that we leap at the tiny crumbs of our freedom our leaders scatter before us. Yay, five can go on a picnic (who else would love to see the high-level scientific and medical calculations that arrive at that number?), but only if they’re double vaccinated. Here, have another hour of exercise; thank you master, God bless you. It’s pitiful.
More risibly, if our premiers were to appear on television tomorrow morning and declare we no longer need to wear masks or stay at home, we’d throw them off without a second thought and invite our friends over for a barbie. All the months of fear and deadly danger would evaporate like the morning mist on the strength of their worthless say-so.
Maybe it’s not just the politicians and the intellectually challenged; our entire country is turning into the ant colony of The Once and Future King, whose motto was “Everything not forbidden is compulsory”.
We’ve put up with this utter insanity so meekly, followed palpably absurd rules so obediently, and for so long, we may have to accept we’re all idiots.

September 18, 2021 7:54 am

lotocoti says:
September 18, 2021 at 7:23 am
Wonders of wood and stone.


Look at modern architecture and you can see that it suffers from the same uglification disease as everything in public life today.

September 18, 2021 7:56 am

Waterson’s article is also a striking and logical refutation of yesterday’s Ergas tripe.

We may indeed have to accept that we’re all idiots, but it’s all an order of magnitude.

September 18, 2021 7:56 am

looks like the vaccines are (mostly) effective against the delta variant. Fda advisory panel refuses to green light booster shots for people over 16 new York post article

I guess that’s why the Israelis are giving booster shots and the two shot people will be considered unvaccinated at the end of this month.
Maybe some people in the FDA actually have a conscience and realise that there was really no testing on three or more shots.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 18, 2021 7:58 am

Thanks Tom-
and thanks to Piggsy on the dawn raid too. Good outside-the-box thinking at the Oz is hard to find, but where the hell would we be without Watterson, Dean, Yemini, Carlson, Steyn? Just abouyt the only journalists still working in Australia, with special props to Yemini for literally putting himself on the front line.

September 18, 2021 8:07 am

A mini Mater’s Musing:

Isn’t it funny how most of those applauding Israel’s hardline on “vaccine refusers” and the associated punishments for non-compliance, would otherwise be condemning Israel for their conscription policy?

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
September 18, 2021 8:08 am

Waterson’s article is perfect. 10/10. Heartening to read we are not alone.

Given what % our elections turn on, are our political class really so confident that publicly demonising even 10% of the population won’t be electoral poison for them? I mean, yes, it ultimately comes down to individual seats etc, but still.

September 18, 2021 8:11 am

Adom Piggot tells us to keep fighting. And our very own Flash Cat and Jupes gets a mention.
*Read it here.

* Sorry, link thingy refuses to cooperate when I’m on my phone.

September 18, 2021 8:11 am
September 18, 2021 8:16 am
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2021 8:16 am

Let’s see, we’re getting nuclear subs to protect us from:

– restrictions on movement
– arrest by order of unelected officials
– digital ID
– State sanction for failure to show ID
– Control of media
– Strict adherence to State policy
– no right to protest
– no right to assemble without permit
– restrictions on fraternisation
– right to refuse medical intervention
– loss of sovereignty over our bodies
– No defined right to privacy
– Suspension of democratic process
– rule by a self appointed clique
– State direction of trade and commerce
– State police crushing political dissent
– threats of general criminalisation
– coercion by the State
– apartheid policy
– restriction of religious worship

September 18, 2021 8:26 am

…all under Liberal leadership in NSW and at the Federal level.

They closed Parliament and rule by decree in Macquarie St for our own safety.

They’re the real heroes.

September 18, 2021 8:32 am

Why on earth wouldn’t the greens want cheap reliable clean safe nuclear energy?

Because they HATE anything and everything that’s cheap and reliable. Have a look at their record and policies. It’s 100% increasing the burden on people. They’re always gung ho for some fancy new pie in the sky process or product until it looks like it might actually work and then, somehow, it becomes totally unacceptable.

The only logical conclusion is that they hate people.

September 18, 2021 8:33 am

Farmer Gez says:
September 18, 2021 at 8:16 am
Let’s see, we’re getting nuclear subs to protect us from:

I’m starting to think that people in China now have more rights and freedoms than we do.

We have become a laughing stock and butt of jokes to the world. I have seen references to prison colony, prison island and even a prison continent. Well done ScoMo and premiers.

We can forget about our tourism industry probably for a generation. Who would want to visit here not knowing if they will ever be allowed to leave?

September 18, 2021 8:34 am

Spot on, Gez!

September 18, 2021 8:35 am

by Nic Rowan
9 . 17 . 21

September 18, 2021 8:36 am

Why on earth wouldn’t the greens want cheap reliable clean safe nuclear energy?

Bandt doesn’t like nuclear waste (some of which can be recycled), but seems blind where all these fucking batteries are going to go when they hit end of life in less than 10 years time.

September 18, 2021 8:42 am
September 18, 2021 8:48 am
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2021 8:48 am

Leftism is a psychosis.

Jane Caro
· Sep 13
So, the left are now the ‘unfun ones’ at a dinner party compared to the ‘larrikin right’. So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr? I’m heading to the second one @ABCthedrum

September 18, 2021 8:53 am

So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr?

It depends.

How sharp is the cutlery?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2021 9:01 am

Why on earth wouldn’t the greens want cheap reliable clean safe nuclear energy?

Many years ago, some member of the Slime (international, not local) likened a source of unlimited, clean energy to giving loaded machine guns to children. They hate ordinary people with a passion that is unbelievable. Misanthropists all.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 9:03 am

This is really good. Uploaded a few hours ago by Dave Rubin. Rubin speaks to Ezra Levant, Lauren Chen and David Freiheit (one half of Viva and Barnes), all Canadians….they speak about the awful situation in Canada (akin to here in Oz), the absolute joke that’s Justin Castro Trudeau (except there’s nothing funny about him)….and critically, how spineless, supine, craven and useless the Conservative opposition is in Canada. It’s just Trudeau lite. There’s a federal election in Canada on Monday….and here’s hoping the new party, the PPC (People’s Party of Canada) do well. Maxime Bernier, who set up the PPC, isn’t a cuck like Cory Bernardi.

Re the PPC…this touches on something that I have concerns about with the Palmer’s UAP….the PPC is like our Lib Dems…it’s a libertarian party with a conservative hue and it is not a one policy party….the PPC firmly opposes lockdowns (Bernier was arrested and jailed for twenty-four hours in June for having an outdoor rally), the PPC opposes vaccine passports, but it also speaks up loudly about other issues, such as free speech, cutting immigration, limited government, religious freedom and so on.

I really hope that the PPC win some ridings (Canada’s name for electorates). They’re running at between 8 to 10% in the polls. Should be interesting.

September 18, 2021 9:03 am

Have a look at their record and policies. It’s 100% increasing the burden on people.

With exemptions for themselves.

The Greens are the modern day Pharisees.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2021 9:03 am

Jane Caro
· Sep 13
So, the left are now the ‘unfun ones’ at a dinner party compared to the ‘larrikin right’. So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr? I’m heading to the second one @ABCthedrum

Good. I won’t run into you and be grossed out by the stink of hypocrisy.

September 18, 2021 9:05 am

Jane Caro
· Sep 13
So, the left are now the ‘unfun ones’ at a dinner party compared to the ‘larrikin right’. So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr? I’m heading to the second one @ABCthedrum

What I find very unfunny is that last bit, @ABCthedrum. We are paying for it so they can feel superior to us.

September 18, 2021 9:06 am

How sharp is the cutlery?

It depends.
Sharp will do a quick and clean cut.
Blunt will do a nasty, hard to repair tear.

September 18, 2021 9:06 am

Caro is one of the foulest abominations on the planet. Can’t she/he/it just fuck off back to
London. Macquarie alumnus too. That tenth rate intellectual cesspit.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:07 am

A drone strike can really ruin your day.

September 18, 2021 9:07 am

Oh god I hope the retarded chicken rooter in charge of Vic health goes in harder on the Setka boys.

Construction union defends tradies’ walk-off
The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has denied the actions by construction workers which blocked several major intersections and tram lines in Melbourne’s CBD were a protest.

The industry has been linked to a number of growing clusters, with the government earlier warning this week construction sites were “on notice” after documented compliance breaches.

Under the tightened rules, workers are being prioritised for vaccines and must have received at least one dose by Thursday, September 23, or they will not be allowed to work.

Travel in and out of Melbourne for work is also banned, while tea rooms have been closed to counter COVID spread.

Speaking to Nine Radio, CFMEU Victoria construction secretary John Setka said workers were “instructed to take all the tables and chairs out in the fresh air, social distance, follow all the protocols”.

“[These are] hard-working construction workers, [doing] pretty hard, dirty sort of work, and they can’t even sit in a smoko shed,” he said.

He said further COVID-19 restrictions on break rooms came as a surprise to the industry, which had been consulting with the Victorian state government to keep the sector operating safely.

“We’ve got staggered breaks … there’s blue team, red team, at all different times, so there’s not a whole crowd there, we’ve been following all these requirements for a long time,” Mr Setka said.

“To just make a decision like that with no consultation whatsoever was pretty appalling.”

Mr Setka said the rule change meant workers were left with little choice but to take action.

“You’ve got Metro Tunnel where there’s a thousand workers there, where do they expect them to then go and have their lunch break and smoko break?” he said.

“There’s a thousand people on one job, where do they go?”

Mr Weimar said tea rooms remained “a significant risk of transmission”, especially as people travelled from all across the city to construction sites.

He said people were “bending over backwards” and said those still able to work should recognise their privilege of being able to still work.

“If you can’t sit next to your mates while having a sandwich that doesn’t seem a huge burden to bear,” he said.

At a construction site near Princes Park in Melbourne’s inner north, “Mega” told the ABC he was fully vaccinated, but other people were angry about the new rules.

He said that included some of his colleagues who usually travelled from Geelong and will be out of work.

Lets look at this
Mr Weimar said tea rooms remained “a significant risk of transmission”

some Vic “essential workers”..

a member of Parliament and up to two staff to ensure minimal functioning of an electorate office; or
anyone required to ensure the Victorian Parliament can operate

All systems to support, maintenance and operation services required for DJCS and Victoria Police to support, maintain and operate Births, Deaths and Marriages, fixed traffic and mobile traffic cameras and Fines Victoria systems

feature film, television and documentary (excluding television commercials, student and corporate productions) that is already in physical production and operating as a closed set and post-production relating to it; or
National Performing Arts Company Dancing studios for the exclusive use of Company Dancers only

professional or high-performance sportsperson, workers that support the safe running of that person’s professional sport, and public broadcast personnel necessary for broadcasting the professional sport

public transport, including taxis, rideshare services, and other public passenger services

There are dozens of exemptions, somehow a mine crib room will not be a hub of infections (permitted) but the constructions ones will be.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:10 am

Some poor bastard announced as Carlton coach. Hope he asked for salary in advance.

September 18, 2021 9:10 am

The only facts we all know.

Our state borders have never been closed and crossed thousands of times a day by thousands of people many from declared hot spots for over 18 months.

There is a declared disease no one has been proven to have, with the same symptoms as a seasonal flu (which has mysteriously has disappeared). This disease has been declared by global socialist government, elected reps and unelected bureaucracies combined, long since marched through by western hating, human hating Climate cultist, emasculated socialists.
We know for a fact Greg Hunt is a highly awarded member of the WEF, headed by insane megalomaniacs, the chief being Klaus Schwab.
We know for the last 40 years not an edict from the UN has been ignored, and not a dam or development allowed as per those edicts.
Our parliament is ruled by globalists and has been for many years.
These globalists openly state what they have planned for us and it is happening precisely as stated.
We know for a fact that the politicians who have enacted this coup d’etat have kicked two parts of section 51 of our constitution to the curb, and also at least sections 109, 117 as well.
They are therefore an illegitimate government who have taken power by force.
We know that if a vaccine works, vaccine passports are not needed.
If a vaccine doesn’t work, vaccine passports are not needed.
We know that since the digital age and the introduction of the internet corporate MSM were dying quickly.
Yet somehow they are still cashed up and here when they should have been history by now, or at least as rare as a physical newspaper.
Funny that.
We have seen many obvious lies by the media..for example the usual practice of burning bodies in India as covid disaster.
We have seen them actual report nationally, with hand on heart, the death of a ninety year old.
It would surely be a fact to call that insane, and those lapping it up, hysterical.
Yet from these people some listen to the bullshit and decide that they may be telling some truths.

It is a fact that such a deadly virus, even with all those truckies kriss -crossing the nation, the entire time, if you turned the television off, you’d never know a pandemic was happening.
Because one isn’t, and hasn’t anywhere.
The seasonal flu has been renamed and globalists have introduced the New world order, which is just old Communism with much more control with modern technology.
Looking at the facts that you know for sure, that is the only conclusion to draw.
Thinking this is about a delta variant or the government being concerned for your health, while holding on to state of emergency powers for nearly two years, is cowardice.
It’s because you refuse to see the facts, because they are much more frightening than a cold virus.

September 18, 2021 9:12 am

So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr?

Who do you think can’t stop talking about politics? They are the boring ones.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 9:13 am

From Andy Ngo at the NY Post…on the latest re. the Wi Spa autogynephilia and all round pervert…

Wi Spa suspect still at large — has history of indecent exposure and masturbation
By Andy Ngo

September 17, 2021 3:18pm Updated

The person charged with indecent exposure at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles — a case that led to violent clashes between protesters and transgender activists — is still at large, as sordid new details of their criminal record have emerged.

A judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court issued a second arrest warrant for Darren Agee Merager, 52, on Sept. 8 after Merager failed to appear at a hearing related to six felony charges of indecent exposure in connection with a previous case at a West Hollywood swimming pool. Merager, a registered sex offender in California for two prior convictions of indecent exposure, identifies as a woman, but law enforcement sources said that’s a ruse to get into women’s-only areas. In the Wi Spa case, Merager is accused of exposing an erect penis to four women and a minor girl.

In an interview with The Post, Merager said of the warrant, “I consider this a kidnapping! My anonymity is being ruined in a slanderous way.”

Merager’s latest legal woes began on June 24, when a video uploaded on Instagram by “Cubana Angel” went viral. The video showed an irate woman complaining to staff at Wi Spa in Los Angeles’ Koreatown about a person exposing themselves in the women’s section. The incident led to weeks of violent rioting involving Antifa and opposing protesters.

Merager is accused of exposing an erect penis to four women and a minor girl at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles.

Though declared a “hoax” by some media outlets, Merager was eventually charged as the suspect on Aug. 30. Sources tell The Post that Merager had been banned by Wi Spa back in 2019 due to customer complaints of an erection in the women’s section, but Merager wasn’t recognized by the front desk in June because they were wearing a mask. (Wi Spa did not respond for comment.)

“I don’t remember being banned,” Merager says, adding there was one complaint but maintains it was meritless and based on transphobia.

Five females, including “Cubana Angel” and a minor girl, came forth as victims to the Los Angeles Police Department. They allege Merager was partially erect. In Merager’s ongoing West Hollywood Park swimming pool case, multiple women and minor girls also accuse Merager of being erect in the changing room.

Merager, who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs around 200 pounds, says the women are mistaking a large appendage for an erection.

“I don’t have a small penis but you can’t say that’s an erection,” Merager says. “What if you used the men’s room and someone said they don’t like the size or shape of your penis? That’s what they’re doing.”

This isn’t Merager’s first indecent exposure case. Merager was convicted in 2003 for looking through the window of an elderly woman’s home in Arcadia, Calif., while masturbating, illuminated by a flashlight. “I may have been somewhere I didn’t belong but I wasn’t doing it for [sexual] gratification and I wasn’t showing myself off,” Merager contests.

Merager says it was a mistake to plead guilty. When asked if they ever masturbated on the property, Merager said: “I don’t remember that night so I can’t comment. It was a long time ago.”

Merager has also been implicated in sex crime investigations that did not result in charges. In June 2018 while on parole for a burglary conviction, Merager was identified as a suspect in an alleged indecent exposure incident at a gasoline station in Burbank, Calif. According to the police report, three customers reported to the cashier that a person with no underwear wearing a seethrough fishnet-style outfit was exposing themselves at a pump. The responding officer reviewed the surveillance video which allegedly showed the person standing by the pump for over an hour and lifting their leg onto a curb to expose themselves. Merager was identified as the suspect because of the vehicle’s license plate.

“[My parole officer] investigated me the next day and I was 100 percent cleared,” Merager says. No victims came forward to law enforcement and the case was closed.

Then on Dec. 26, 2018, police responded to the Palm Springs Swim Center after the coaches of a high school girls’ water polo team called police. According to the incident report, one of the coaches said he aggressively confronted Merager after the school girls alerted him that Merager had exposed their penis in the women’s changing room.

“Merager advised he was only showering and did not masturbate or touch himself inappropriately,” reads the police report. “He said that he would defend himself if he is threatened. He said he needs to swim to do his physical therapy.”

Merager also told the officer that she is transgender and that her doctor told her to use the facilities she feels comfortable in. Merager was not arrested or charged.

Merager says the confrontations and police reports are evidence of “systemic transphobia.”

“Even if I was the worst person in the world, you’re allowed to access the facility [of your gender],” Merager says, adding that she is legally female in California. The state’s civil rights law prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression. However, Merager says the law is insufficient because trans people could be criminalized on accusations of indecent exposure for being nude in changing areas or spas.

Merager accuses “Cubana Angel” and the other women of lying to police and being motivated by hate.

Merager wouldn’t say when it would be “safe” to report to law enforcement. The search for Merager culminated in a dramatic felony stop on a vehicle in Monterey Park, Los Angeles County last week. Multiple officers and a support helicopter was sent to respond, but the driver wasn’t Merager — it was a family member.

“They’re having a tough time tracking me down. That’s good. They’ll find me when I turn myself in,” Merager said.

Whenever that happens, Merager expects to be jailed in a women’s facility.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

September 18, 2021 9:13 am

So, the left are now the ‘unfun ones’ at a dinner party compared to the ‘larrikin right’. So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr? I’m heading to the second one @ABCthedrum

I wouldn’t assume you’d be getting an invite, Jane.

Nobody likes a harridan.

September 18, 2021 9:16 am

Some poor bastard announced as Carlton coach. Hope he asked for salary in advance.

I am a professional mourner and part time Carlton fan.

I shall “Oof” for him.

September 18, 2021 9:18 am

Curiously enough not mentioned on the list of approved workers the brothels & sex clubs have a guideline allowing them to open.

The benny Hill side of my brain is asking me to point out that yes, there is a physical capacity limit for sex workers built in.

Understand density quotients and capacity limits about how many people can be in your workplace.

Not every lady is DVDA..

September 18, 2021 9:19 am

On Caro’s tweet – do people still have dinner parties? Sounds very Downton. Most normal people these days have barbecues on the al fresco. Might be an inner city thing.

Dean, Jones and Marr would be my picks if I had to. They’d be fun and have plenty to say about a vast range of subjects. Definitely something unique to offer, even if I didn’t agree.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:20 am

A Melbourne premiership will take some gloss off my enjoyment of watching Carltons decades in the wilderness.

September 18, 2021 9:21 am

Hey? Wanna get some sushi tonight?

September 18, 2021 9:22 am

The only logical conclusion is that they hate people.

The Greens want industrial civilisation to go away and a significant faction want the human race to go exteinct as the planet would be better off.
That’s why they don’t want any energy sources that actually work.

September 18, 2021 9:23 am

I wonder if brothels will refuse unvaxxed patrons?

On account of the dangers of communicable diseases.

Can’t be too careful.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:23 am

Getting invited to the right (that is Left) dinner parties is the main reason d’être of Left politics.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
September 18, 2021 9:23 am

Very pleased to see the positive reactions to Steve Waterson’s article in The Australian.

I didn’t post it, as I wasn’t sure about the “rules” re pasting a paywalled article, but I will now in future.

The following was his previous article, published back on August 21st – he has written a number of devastating critiques on a monthly basis. No other commentator has come to close to him in analysing and denouncing the madness of COVID in Australia.

It’s tedious for the youngsters, I know, but we of more advanced years love to reminisce about the olden days, when nobody was permitted to shirk from home and we had to try a little harder to get ahead. You’d put in the hours and a dab of sycophancy to climb the corporate ladder; even career criminals had to work their way up from petty crime to probation to a spell in prison.

We have it much easier these days: just ask Trong Duc Nguyen, the 31-year-old Cabramatta man who has gone straight to jail for two months after committing the hitherto unknown crime of travelling by train and bus from Sydney to Tenterfield. Small mercies, though; at least he didn’t travel the other way then write a mawkish song about it in New York.

Trong’s punishment this week for breaching a public health order was entirely reasonable, according to police, who said “it indicates the level of seriousness of the matter”. Lucky for Trong he didn’t have the virus. I may be mistaken, but I think that might carry the death penalty up Armidale way.

Enjoy this taste of what awaits us as the police state tightens its grip on our liberties. To drive home the seriousness of “doing the wrong thing”, the NSW Police Commissioner decided on-the-spot fines for health disobedience needed to be bumped up to $5000.

My sense is that $1000 was already enough to put people off going without their masks, but I suppose if you’re on $649,500 a year it does seem like a trifling sum. Doing the wrong thing isn’t a problem for his officers, however: “We have to shape the behaviour of people,” he told them in a recent video. “If you write a ticket and get it wrong,” he added, “I won’t hold you to account for that.”

Two weeks ago I watched people having their behaviour shaped at Bondi, as two mounted police rode their large horses south along the middle of the beach, stopping at the towels of two young mothers and their four toddlers, tiny beside the horses’ hoofs, to order them to pack up buckets and spades and leave the beach. Thanks for keeping us safe.

The madness toggles between sinister and comical. Especially hilarious are the comedy stylings of the bullying dolt who is turning Victoria into a post-apocalyptic wasteland: it’s acceptable to remove your useless mask to drink coffee on the street, he declares, but an offence to do so to drink alcohol. It must be excruciating for black-clad Melburnians, paralysed indecision warming their espresso martinis.

Victoria’s Health Minister, not to be outdone as a stand-up comedian, alerted citizens to a prostitute’s positive test. “If you have employed a sex worker in the St Kilda area,” he said on Wednesday, “you need to come forward and get tested.” Employed? What, to do some gardening? Imagine the negotiation: “I don’t mind mowing, but it’ll be an extra $50 if you want full weeding.”

NSW, once a dim glimmer of common sense, has fully embraced the lunacy, the Premier’s magical crystal ball (remember, the one that promised our two-week confinement would end on July 9) now recalibrating its predictions to say we’ll be freed on September 30. Oh, and let’s throw in an added curfew for the troublesome, recalcitrant westies; and an outdoor mask mandate to make sure everyone in the state, from Broken Hill to Ballina, Bourke to Bega, feels stupid and miserable (and coincidentally can be recognised as a renegade at long range by the fine-happy police).

Evidence worldwide shows the lockdown rules are nonsensical; curfews even more so, despite the Victorian Premier’s insistence that their value is “simply not up for debate”, which is presumably what he considers a more sophisticated version of “because I say so”.

Then he, his interstate counterparts and their bloated public sector cheer squads seek to dignify their incoherent ramblings with words like “strategy” and “policy”, picked up in some Management for Dummies handbook.

Sure, a few more weeks of lockdown is bearable if you have a secure job, a pretty garden, a good library and a well-stocked wine cellar; but it’s a very different experience if you’re on the 10th floor of a grim apartment block with three young kids and have just lost your weekly pay cheque.

Perhaps we could equalise the pain with what we might call “personal lockdown”. When I’m trapped in my house I have no idea what my neighbours across the road are up to, and I’m protected from their disease-ridden lungs because they’re not allowed to enter my home, cough over my food or wipe their runny noses on my handkerchief.

By the same token, it doesn’t affect me if they’re blithely eating from share plates in a restaurant or getting drunk with dodgy new friends in a crowded bar. More fool them if they want to risk infection.

So if you genuinely believe lockdown is the best way to ensure you live to relish another moody Scandinavian crime drama, don’t feel threatened by the idea of the country opening up. You are at perfect liberty to design and pitilessly enforce a bespoke lockdown for yourself and your dependants; set your imagination free and make it the most watertight since Alcatraz. Put the appropriate warning signs on your home – arm yourself if necessary – and your withdrawal from society would be respected, even welcomed. But leave the rest of us out of it.

Instead, we’re punished as though we were still in the classroom (unlike our schoolchildren), all in detention because one of the naughty pupils broke the rules; or worse, thanked and praised for “doing the right thing”, as though these idiots are capable of determining the difference between right and wrong. Just because they or their intellectually challenged health bureaucrats say something’s true, or (even less credibly) morally correct, doesn’t make it so.

Where do these buffoons find the audacity to tell us they’re “angry”, “disgusted” or “disappointed” with the citizens of their state, or country? If you think, premiers, that it’s appropriate to address your paymasters with that kind of supercilious, patronising language you have a profoundly flawed understanding of your relationship to the electorate.

We’re urged to get vaccinated as the only way out of this nightmare, as though the restrictions were imposed by some external enemy, while what’s really happening is that our leaders create this misery, steal our freedoms, then command us to obey their orders in order to regain them. We used to call this blackmail. Let’s get vaccinated if we are satisfied it will protect us from severe disease, but understand that’s the main reason for doing so, not to gratify and exculpate these petty dictators. It appears you will still be able to catch and transmit the virus, so leave the unvaccinated to their own devices.

Set a firm date for opening and make sure everyone who wants one can get the injection.

The amount of mental and physical energy wasted so far on this 18-month exercise is astounding, not to mention the truly astonishing financial cost, $350 billion (that we know of) and counting, and nothing to show for it.

A baby born here today picks up a $30,000 tab as a joining fee. Welcome to Australia, kid!

Many of us are witnessing the mental distress and deterioration of young adults, robbed now of almost two of the best years of their lives. The unalloyed joy of Friday and Saturday nights in your early 20s, the ridiculous, stimulating, fleeting friendships, the parties, adventures and triumphs; the first tentative steps towards a career, learning how to work with and appreciate colleagues; the lessons and mistakes that prepare you for the bigger challenges of the wide world; all are stripped from these fledgling lives in service of a vain, inane quest to master nature and eliminate a “deadly” virus that spares more than 99 per cent of its victims (and that’s making the preposterous assumption that the number of asymptomatic “cases” isn’t far higher than we know).

In China, the man in the street still knows nothing about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, and we haughtily condemn the Communist government for that evil cover-up; but our own governments are consulting the same playbook. We are not trusted to know what health advice or other research informs the decisions (I use the term as loosely as possible) our leaders make; everything is “cabinet in confidence”, even the minutes of the “national cabinet”, which isn’t a cabinet at all.

We have been leaked some of the figures, cynically suppressed by government, that quantify this mental-health disaster; and beside it the loss of a fairly small number of sick, elderly people is sad but insignificant. The increase in children’s depression, the growth of suicidal thoughts and acts, the self-harm, the eating disorders, the retreat into isolation and despair, the loneliness imposed on those who should be operating at maximum gregariousness and engagement, is wicked. There are many youthful rites of passage that you can’t just repeat a couple of years later: miss the school formal, the gap year, the overseas university exchange and they’re gone for ever.

Even more destructive, but less visible, is the impact on those who should have started school, but have missed the first couple of years of learning how to get along with their peers, particularly those not blessed with parents who acknowledge the value of education.

Unsocialised and unlettered, will they be accommodated when school returns, or abandoned? We thought child sacrifices died out with the Aztecs, but apparently not. Let’s hope they bring good rains, if not an end to the pandemic.

Towards the far outpost of life’s journey, we all know old people whose main treasure and delight in life is their family, and the precious contact they have previously taken for granted, as have all the generations before them. They’re not able to distract themselves with an hour’s vigorous exercise, and there’s little consolation when your hand’s on the exit door to be told things will be back to normal in a year or so. Some don’t have that year up their sleeve, and it’s an act of unspeakable cruelty to prevent them from spending their last days exactly as they want.

It may not be our governments’ intention to cause this damage, but it might as well be; just as it may not be their intention to destroy small business and impoverish one of the most productive sectors of society. It will be interesting to see if desperate protesters resurface this weekend to hurl themselves against the “wave of blue” the NSW Police Minister has smugly promised will meet them; there will surely come a point when people robbed of their livelihoods will have literally nothing left to lose.

So here we are, worse off than when all the hysteria began, a risible counterweight to the return to normality spreading all over the world, slumped into a manufactured psychosis. Australians are being deliberately and methodically terrified, while enforced isolation weakens our resilience.

It renders us more susceptible to the howls of panic, unchallenged by normal debate and conversation, forbidden to meet, discuss or express our disagreement.

We are turning on each other like medieval city states, while our basic human decency dissolves into brawls over toilet paper.

In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dismissed England’s corrupt and incompetent Rump Parliament with the words: “In the name of God, go!” A pity he’s not around today to remove the arses who polish the benches of our own parliaments.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 9:24 am

“Dean, Jones and Marr would be my picks if I had to.”

Mine too. I met David a few times many years ago. He’s pompous but quite interesting to talk to.

As for Tame….I’d rather have dinner with the leader of Hamas.

September 18, 2021 9:24 am

HBB, a coach has yet to be announced. They have picked up Brian Cook as their new CEO. As a Geelong person, i am not happy.

From Foxsports:

Cook’s appointment may make an approach to contracted Cats coach Chris Scott even more likely.

However, if this were to occur, then it’s party time.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2021 9:25 am


In fact, the lockdowns have probably created a few more fatties; perhaps we should institute a BMI passport to unlock the dessert section of the menu.

and this

Call me a monster, but I’ve never given a second’s consideration to the wellbeing of my fellow diners, sometimes even in my own home.

both show how to write satire so well for a laugh while also being most pointedly serious as in the Alabama stuff. What a great article, hard hitting on all of the key Cat discussion themes, especially the Stasi neighbours doing their snitching (one of mine I don’t know approached me the other day about doing a joint ‘snitch’ on some teenagers having a small party and I told them to get lost). Never forget that someone dobbed in Anne Frank and her family, and that Committees for Public Safety have been around for a long time even prior to the Frenchies giving it a go. Geneva under Calvinist pretentions was absolutely the classic case of a complete ‘whole of life’ misery regime. For instance, you could only go to the tavern to discuss religion and there was no drinking. That imposition lasted for three months only, because no-one went! Your kitchen table talk could be monitored by cadres at the door.

Both of these lines above in that beaut article struck a chord with me. I have been eating far too many chocky biccies during lockdown, and as for my fellow diners, I worry not about them unless I am cooking, where my fear of giving them salmonella means my chicken is always far too well done.

A great crop of toons this morning, Tom. Subs and things Aussie are very much in the international noos. Very enjoyable, some of course with imperfections as pointed out by fellow Cats above, but how good is the opportunity to add a tick to your faves? Love it, so easy!

September 18, 2021 9:25 am

Cassie, one of the Canadian speakers had an appropriate name. Freiheit is the German word for freedom.

September 18, 2021 9:26 am

Let’s see, we’re getting nuclear subs to protect us from:

Workers should do their very best to sabotage the project so we can be liberated by the CCP….

September 18, 2021 9:27 am

Most normal people these days have barbecues on the al fresco

Who am I kidding? These days? A barbecue on the al fresco would be phoned in to Crimestoppers by a “concerned” neighbour and the black helicopters would descend.

Clandestine dinner parties are the go. Just make sure the windows are blacked out and guests arrive in disguise. Masks would do the trick. And maybe a special coded door knock just to be sure.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:27 am

Hell will be finding yourself seated next to Pirate Pete for eternity. Purgatory is being given one of his books and having nothing else to read.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 9:28 am

“Cassie, one of the Canadian speakers had an appropriate name. Freiheit is the German word for freedom.”

Yes I know…because it’s also the Yiddish word for freedom. David is one of my lot. He also does a great podcast with Robert Barnes…highly recommended.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 9:28 am

So, the left are now the ‘unfun ones’ at a dinner party compared to the ‘larrikin right’. So, who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party? Alan Jones, Rowan Dean & Peta Credlin? Or Peter Fitzsimmons, Grace Tame and David Marr? I’m heading to the second one @ABCthedrum

Shorter Caro.
“I can’t abide diversity of opinion”.

September 18, 2021 9:29 am

The only logical conclusion is that they hate people.

At the heart of every Green is a frothing mouthed totalitarian craving to destroy the individual prosperity of others. Bolshevik scum.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:34 am

Ah OK. I sat next to Cook on my first al fresco breakfast in Port Melbourne about 20 years ago. A local place was very good but you needed to dress for the occasion. Cook did a lot of good work at the Weagles before the place became a drug emporium.

September 18, 2021 9:34 am

there is a physical capacity limit for sex workers built in

Andrews likes to watch when Fiona Patten runs around in parliament with a strap-on

nothing reasonable about the Reason Party

September 18, 2021 9:35 am

Hell will be finding yourself seated next to Pirate Pete for eternity.

‘Hell is other people.’

Sartre was a terrible person too; perhaps that gave him the idea?

September 18, 2021 9:37 am

In Vicco it’s sometimes a bit temping to feel sorry for the Lieboral opposition to psychopathic dicktator. But then I think of the trash the party endorses to represent us in Canbra eg Hunt and Tehan. WEF Hunt really is a poisonous little weasel.

September 18, 2021 9:40 am

A week before the SSN announcement, History Matters answered a totes coincidental question.

September 18, 2021 9:40 am

Remember Tehan’s condescending remarks about people studying instead of watching netflix. Now I understand why dad used to hate the liberal party.

September 18, 2021 9:42 am

Shorter Caro.
“I can’t abide diversity of opinion”.

That’s why she’s a regular on the ABC.

It reveals much about human nature that the prog-left have become that which they despised.

And they can’t see it.

September 18, 2021 9:45 am

Caro is so ugly to look at too.

September 18, 2021 9:45 am

Humphrey, I can’t find anything about a Blues coaching appointment. Tell us more.

They’ve only just got an administrative genius to run the joint (Brian Cook). AFAIK, Diesel and Parko are still beavering away in the coach hunt (and I trust them implicitly). That’s enough excitement for one week.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 9:48 am

Rowe’s cartoon is instructive.
I think they have just realised that this submarine decision is more Abbott than Morrison.

September 18, 2021 9:48 am

According to the CSIRO, most of the carbon dioxied emitted by Australia’s bushfires in 2019/20 was absorbed by algal blooms in the ocean that fed off the ash. Ain’t nature amazing?

Fun factoid for use when your’re next at a dinner party with a bunch of lefties!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 9:49 am


September 18, 2021 at 9:45 am

Humphrey, I can’t find anything about a Blues coaching appointment.

Left field rumour.
The AFL are leaning heavily on Caaarlton to give the job to Liz Ellis.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2021 9:50 am

VicPol have advertised that they are using the Weapons Act 1990 to enforce a total lockdown of central Melbourne.
Having your vehicle in the zone could see you charged with having a potential weapon.
Police have right to strip search and detain.

The officious cretins who occupy senior command at VicPol are setting out to criminalise any political dissent.

Those taking part in this protest will then be subject to their homes being searched without warrant and arrested for any breach of a direction.

We are in a police state.

September 18, 2021 9:51 am

I imagine that the current DA PARIS is wondering why he fought so hard to get the posting.
From a distance in Paris I watched our embassy being belted during the nuclear test contretemps – brutal. Pissed off Frogs play to the home audience and go in like a garlic chewing front rower.
Still, being defroged means I can refuse to eat horrible, flakey, greasy croissants on the grounds of patriotism.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 9:55 am

I may be mistaken. Half listening to the radio news in bed thinking about getting going which doesn’t help.

September 18, 2021 9:57 am

We are in a police state.

Still no sympathy whatsoever for VikPol. Warehouses of fks I couldn’t give for any of them.

September 18, 2021 9:59 am

We are in a police state.

According to Liberty Victoria all of these measujres constitute a “proportionate response”.

They did, however, express concern that such measures could become normalised and be used in the future against “responsible protests”.

With the Left it’s never the principle, it’s the side.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2021 10:04 am

“It depends.

How sharp is the cutlery?”

September 18, 2021 10:10 am

VicPol have advertised that they are using the Weapons Act 1990 to enforce a total lockdown of central Melbourne.
Having your vehicle in the zone could see you charged with having a potential weapon.
Police have right to strip search and detain.

The officious cretins who occupy senior command at VicPol are setting out to criminalise any political dissent.

Those taking part in this protest will then be subject to their homes being searched without warrant and arrested for any breach of a direction.

We are in a police state.

If… if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! ……….. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

If only people did something when it was easier to protest, or disobey…like maybe going to your cenotaph precisely because they told you not to, back in 2020.
While they still allowed you into the supermarket and the knock shop!

And to think all we have to do is disobey now and it’s all over.
Brave or slave.

This time I think it will be worse than becoming a slave.
They’re out to kill you.
You’re wrecking the bloody climate, after all.

September 18, 2021 10:12 am

Eyrie says:
September 18, 2021 at 9:22 am
The only logical conclusion is that they hate people.

The Greens want industrial civilisation to go away and a significant faction want the human race to go exteinct as the planet would be better off.
That’s why they don’t want any energy sources that actually work.

Of course, these misanthropes always consider themselves to be the only ones worthy of continued life.

September 18, 2021 10:13 am
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 10:14 am

Been said before. Waterson’s pieces are excellent.

Bereft of the cautious give-the-other-way-just-a-little-bit of so many others, yet without the strident REEEEEing Stonecutter conspiracy hinting.

This is a keeper:

Where do these buffoons find the audacity to tell us they’re “angry”, “disgusted” or “disappointed” with the citizens of their state, or country? If you think, premiers, that it’s appropriate to address your paymasters with that kind of supercilious, patronising language you have a profoundly flawed understanding of your relationship to the electorate.

Winston Smith
September 18, 2021 10:15 am

Wokdokta/Boambee John:

Unsure, reckon there are better places along the north NSW coat.

Some great spots along the Great Australian Bight – just one small problem…

September 18, 2021 10:17 am

Why do I get the impression that Leak Jr is not a fan of that fat mop headed imbecile?

In other shocking news, it’s unbelievable that ISIS with a special K turned out to be a fabrication of the dumbocrats and the braindead lamestream meeja. As if it wasn’t bleedingly obvious from the get go.

Those goat pleasuring men with beards and funny hats get the last laugh, again.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 18, 2021 10:17 am

Of course, these misanthropes always consider themselves to be the only ones worthy of continued life.

I think all Cats would greatly benefit from a vicarious reading of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six to see such a pack of misanthropic rich folk getting an appropriate comeuppance for their attempts to cull that debbil-debbil humanity, at the hands of the group of Counter-Terrorism operators their lethal machinations had sent scurrying all over the world (or at least Continental Europe)…


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 10:17 am

Talk yesterday of a national leader using the submarine announcement as a diversion from domestic issues?
Well, here he is:-

France recalls ambassadors to US, Australia over AUKUS nuclear submarines deal


France has recalled its ambassadors to the US and Australia for consultation, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced Friday, after Canberra ditched a deal to buy French submarines in favour of US vessels.

Mr Le Drian said in a statement that the decision was made to immediately recall the two French ambassadors due to “the exceptional seriousness of the announcements made on September 15 by Australia and the United States”.

September 18, 2021 10:18 am

Ahahahaha – new Freedom Rally location has been announced.
Corner of Bridge Rd &Church St, Richmond!!! 150m from my place!
Too easy bois!
Jack roadblocks outwitted

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 18, 2021 10:20 am

From a distance in Paris I watched our embassy being belted during the nuclear test contretemps – brutal.

Are you saying that the Frogs are a pack of toads, Bons?

Stands to reason- Irritate a frog and it will just puff up and squeal at you.

Toads (or at least our imports) tend to shoot poison at one’s eyes…

September 18, 2021 10:21 am

We are in a police state.

What do the Orpo do if you turn up with no ID, sufficient cash to avoid a vagrancy beef
and keep shtum when nicked.
Do they give your kidneys a tune up and send you on your way, or have you sectioned?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 10:24 am

VicPol have advertised that they are using the Weapons Act 1990 to enforce a total lockdown of central Melbourne.

Again, this is VicJack Inc twisting legislation for uses it was never intended for.

This won’t be coppers tipping cars out looking for nunchukas or bayonets or ballistic knives. There are specific classes of weapon in that legislation – prohibited weapons and controlled weapons. Prohibited weapons are the ones mentioned. A controlled weapon can, if you try hard enough, be a butter knife. The gentleman of advancing years in Queensland with his pocket knife will have fallen foul of this, because this legislation has essentially been replicated across States.

Because, our idiot Premiers have for quite some time been fans of ‘being in lockstep’. This is not a recent phenomenon.

The jacks will be looking for another category in the Weapons Control Act. ‘Offensive weapons’. This, according to the book, is anything capable of being adapted for use as a weapon. A baseball bat. A cricket stump. A chair leg. A belt, wrapped around your fist. You get the idea.

Example, taken to ridiculous lengths (which are usual lengths these days): You have a loose cricket stump rolling around in the back seat. You are stopped. Stump discovered. Unless you can demonstrate that you are in fact directly on your way to or from a cricket match at the time you are stopped – boom.

Offensive weapon. That’s how shit this is.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 10:24 am

yet without the strident REEEEEing Stonecutter conspiracy hinting.

Speaking of which, Ricardo Bosi has got a new video out.
Gone the full Faulty.
“In the future you will hear rumours. Incredible rumours. Some will be true and some will not.”
That covers all bases.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 10:25 am

The jacks will be looking for another category in the Weapons Control Act. ‘Offensive weapons’. This, according to the book, is anything capable of being adapted for use as a weapon. A baseball bat. A cricket stump. A chair leg. A belt, wrapped around your fist. You get the idea.

The car itself?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 18, 2021 10:28 am

@ Sancho-

Makes sense, in post-Gargasoulas Melbourne…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 10:28 am

France has recalled its ambassadors to the US and Australia for consultation

That can’t be right. You can’t leave the country.

Oh. Hang on.

September 18, 2021 10:28 am

Go and give ’em hell, Tails.

September 18, 2021 10:30 am

France recalls ambassadors to US, Australia

Sacré Bleu! 🙁

September 18, 2021 10:32 am

Oh no!

Our part time allies the French can’t spy on us anymore with HUMINT assets after we stopped buying them 30+ years of free lobster and champagne.

If they were as smart as Krauts, they’d be ingratiating themselves more.

September 18, 2021 10:33 am

VikPol air support already in the air above me

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 10:33 am

French recalling their ambassador is like getting a phone call from Justin Trudeau to say you are not invited to his birthday. Yeah, whatevs.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2021 10:35 am

Lookout VicPlod, isn’t Dick Pussy on the loose again?

September 18, 2021 10:36 am

aaarrghh! Does anyone know how to fix your keyboard so it doesn’t type the wrong characters? My quote marks are playing up and when I hit the apostrophe key I get the french áccent on the next letter.

It’s very annoying.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 10:37 am

I think – without Googling – it may have been Rumsfeld that once said the United States needs France like a deer hunter needs an accordion.

September 18, 2021 10:39 am

A bright young lady on Twitter.

There’s hope yet.

September 18, 2021 10:40 am

Rowe is mad; but then so are all lefties. My pick of the toons:

comment image

The vote in calishita is further proof of the power of the media in the West; it’s also tempting to say people are stupid but most people are not political and don’t bother unless it really affects them. I think most people realise the left are bad but don’t know how bad; but if a particular issue focuses their minds then they’ll vote with their feet: the coal elections federally and in the Upper Hunter demonstrate that. What flows from that is not the stupidity of the voters but the stupidity of the so-called conservative LNP who continually ignore the message. Stupid fucking LNP.

September 18, 2021 10:40 am

The political class has been at war with us since the 70s say 1974 when multiculturalism was imposed. In 2020 it became a hot war.

September 18, 2021 10:41 am
September 18, 2021 10:42 am

VikPol air support already in the air above me

It’s Strela time.

September 18, 2021 10:44 am

Is Joe Biden a war criminal yet?

September 18, 2021 10:45 am
September 18, 2021 10:45 am

Yep, it’s Happening. Just went for a drive. Crew already congregating, no police yet. But their is Stasi station not 50m from the corner ??

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 10:47 am

Did Bosi just say he wants people to ‘form battalions’?

September 18, 2021 10:49 am

Call your local dobber line and report hearing two people in the supermarket speaking ill of the premier. I know someone who has done it a number of times in Sicktoria, and each call was transferred to the police so details of the speechcrime could be taken down.

Meanwhile, I’ll take bets there’ll be no Ashes this year, the Aust Open will be spurned and the Grand Prix won’t go ahead for the third year in a row.

Just checked my passport. It’s a year out of date. First priority: get it renewed. Second priority: Buy one-way ticket elsewhere. Australia, you’re rooted.

September 18, 2021 10:50 am

Is it true Bosi had some sort of trumblite tantrum when he didn’t win Eden-Monaro?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 10:51 am


September 18, 2021 at 10:30 am

France recalls ambassadors to US, Australia

Sacré Bleu! 

That is the beauty of this decision.
The hand-wringing Foreign Affairies have been sidelined.
Imagine if they had announced “a review of the submarine purchase”.
We would have had three months of “yes buts” from the Frogs, Greens, retired lefty ambassadors, yada, yada.

September 18, 2021 10:51 am

Australian Government Department of Health
This video describes how vaccines work in the body after you receive a vaccination.

Safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines will offer protection against the virus, helping to prevent death and serious illness.

But how do they actually work?

Like other vaccines, such as the flu shot, COVID-19 vaccines will be given with a needle.

This triggers an immune response in the body – which is the body’s natural way of defending itself.

The vaccine will strengthen your immune system by training it to recognise and fight against the virus that causes COVID-19.

Vaccines may contain either killed or weakened versions of the virus that causes the disease – or a small part of the virus, such as a protein.

There is no risk that you will get the disease from a vaccine.

When your immune system recognises this virus, or parts of it, in the vaccine as being foreign, it responds by creating memory cells and antibodies that will protect you against future infection or disease.

As a result, you will be less likely to have severe COVID-19 symptoms after a vaccination.

To learn more, visit

The above is from an Australian Government Dept of Health video, “How vaccines work”.

The bit I bolded is clearly not true, in fact it’s an outright lie.

The italicised part is quite possibly untrue also.

Yet the MSM and big tech is censoring people for spreading misinformation.

September 18, 2021 10:52 am

Did Bosi just say he wants people to ‘form battalions’?

Maybe he was just quoting the French national anthem. Aux armes citoyens, formez vos batallions. Of course, the next bit in English is “we march, we march until their impure blood waters our furrows”.

September 18, 2021 10:53 am

Ok, bolding doesn’t work in quotes.

The bolded bit was;

“Vaccines may contain either killed or weakened versions of the virus that causes the disease – or a small part of the virus, such as a protein.”

Clearly lying.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 18, 2021 10:54 am

That bright young lady on Twitter makes exactly the same point as Steve Waterson, when he quotes Gulag Gladys:
“So long as Delta has presence in the world,” she said, “even if we had zero cases and we were at 80 per cent double-dose, you would still have to respect rules that exist around vaccinations, around social distancing, around mask-wearing.” So that’s that forever, then.

September 18, 2021 10:55 am

In in Australia, as in the US, it’s pull out all stops to wreck and destroy.

September 18, 2021 10:56 am

Did Bosi just say he wants people to ‘form battalions’?

If he did, he’d be way way way at the back.
But please donate.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 10:56 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

September 18, 2021 at 10:47 am

Did Bosi just say he wants people to ‘form battalions’?

I thought that is what he said.
He’s got a bad case of toy soldiers.

September 18, 2021 10:57 am

The Cathedral is trying on the term “hybrid immunity”.
That is, if you have had COVID & you are vaccinated, you somehow have super immunity.
No doubt Fauci will try it out on the Sunday talkshows to see if it takes.

September 18, 2021 10:57 am

Where are the usual suspects intoning ‘we have so much to learn from other cultures” now?
33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now Covid-free: State govt
Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent.

Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent. As per the state’s health bulletin, Uttar Pradesh reported only 11 new Covid-19 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. The fresh cases came out of 2.26 lakh samples that were tested in the last 24 hours. As of Friday, the state government has conducted 7.42 crore tests, according to the data published by Uttar Pradesh’s health department.

September 18, 2021 10:58 am

From Peter Campion.

Get a cheap Brother QL-800 sticker printer from Officeworks ($149) and download the White Rose designs from–translations-05-02

I particularly aim to stick them where people wait (picnic tables, traffic light intersections, men’s rooms) but mostly straight onto the QR code posters themselves.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 11:00 am

“Speaking of which, Ricardo Bosi has got a new video out.”

I’ve just looked at it. Words fail me….actually Ricardo lost it but I’ve known that for months, ever since he started banging on about “peterfiles”.

Seriously…..when the progressives zoom in on Bosi and others nuts, it doesn’t make the right look good.

Winston Smith
September 18, 2021 11:01 am


Mr Le Drian said the cancellation of the deal constituted “unacceptable behaviour between allies and partners…

The original deal and the subsequent duplicitous behaviour by the French has been their undoing. Australia is not quite the country hick they treated us as.
France worked hard to screw us over and now they are paying the price.
I hope Morrison has the balls to say “I’ll see you in court’ to the damages claim.

September 18, 2021 11:01 am

This is on the zombie biden:

Report: Taliban Beheaded Two Boys Aged 9 and 10 in Afghanistan (

In further news biden’s admin admit the drone attack was on one of the afghan supporters of the US and 9 of his family. What a disgrace. Biden should be hung.

September 18, 2021 11:02 am

This morning I was driving home from the groomers in the inner west of Sydney.
On the City West Link, just at at the Lilyfield light rail station NSW police had set up a check point.
I was waved through, but it looked like the line of cars that were pulled over appeared to have Hiluxes & Rangers type vehicles over represented.

It happened just so quickly.

September 18, 2021 11:03 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 18, 2021 at 11:00 am

What’s he done; he hasn’t gone down the lizard people route has he?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 11:03 am

when the progressives zoom in on Bosi and others nuts, it doesn’t make the right look good.


Hysterical activism is the greatest dead weight an otherwise noble cause can have.

September 18, 2021 11:03 am
September 18, 2021 11:03 am

Are you saying that the Frogs are a pack of toads, Bons?

Stands to reason- Irritate a frog and it will just puff up and squeal at you.

Because he has been summoned..

Wookatta widdle face..

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 18, 2021 11:04 am

Adapted From Michael Smith News.

VicPol = VicStapo

September 18, 2021 11:05 am

Clearly lying.

They’ve covered themselves for that, Eddy.

That magic little word – “may”.

September 18, 2021 11:05 am

This submarine distraction seems to be working a treat.
Don’t want the Chinese to invade us, they may act all tyrannical…………….

September 18, 2021 11:06 am

Irritate a frog and it will just puff up and squeal at you.

Chortle. I read that as “irradiate”. Moruroa style.

September 18, 2021 11:09 am

Fuck off France.

September 18, 2021 11:09 am

Hysterical activism is the greatest dead weight an otherwise noble cause can have.

Yet hysterical activism works perfectly well for the Left.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 11:12 am


September 18, 2021 at 10:56 am

Did Bosi just say he wants people to ‘form battalions’?

If he did, he’d be way way way at the back.
But please donate.

Yes, he does project a sort of general on his horse on the hill surveying the valley of death below.
But nice suit.

September 18, 2021 11:14 am

That piece on Afghan women is written by the wife of the former US ambassador to that country.

September 18, 2021 11:14 am

September 18, 2021 at 10:36 am
aaarrghh! Does anyone know how to fix your keyboard so it doesn’t type the wrong characters? My quote marks are playing up and when I hit the apostrophe key I get the french áccent on the next letter.

It’s very annoying.


Rabz, have you inadvertently switched to UK keyboard layout? That will do weird stuff like that. But I dunno how to fix it.

September 18, 2021 11:15 am

Man takes his own life after hotel quarantine
Natalie Wolfe
Natalie Wolfe

The family of a Queensland man are fighting for answers and change after he tragically took his own life less than a day after leaving two weeks of hotel quarantine last year.

Brendan Luxton, who was a childhood friend of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, took his own life on July 17, 2020, with the family telling The Courier-Mail their desperate pleas to Queensland Health were repeatedly ignored.

Mr Luxton had been grappling with mental health issues when he returned home to Brisbane to be supported by his family last year.

A year after his tragic death, Brendan’s sister Marita Corbett and younger brother Derek Luxton are calling for change after they witnessed their brother’s mental health severely deteriorate in his two weeks quarantine.

Mr Luxton (R) with his siblings.
Mr Luxton (R) with his siblings.

“The lack of compassion and common sense from this government is galling,” Ms Corbett said.
Three days into Mr Luxton’s quarantine, Ms Corbett realised her brother’s mental health was deteriorating and she started the exemption process.

Despite outlining an entire Covid safety plan, that would give Mr Luxton an entire floor of his sister’s house, and writing to Queensland Health that his “mental despair was … extreme and unbearable”, her requests were ignored.

Mr Luxton returned to his sister’s house after completing two weeks in hotel quarantine, taking his own life 24 hours after being released.

“It is staggering to me that despite outlining Brendan’s mental health history, and submitting a detailed Covid-safe plan, our application was just thrown on the pile,” Ms Corbett told The Courier-Mail.

“Dannii Minogue was granted an exemption to quarantine in a Gold Coast mansion, and it’s fine for NRL players to get special treatment, but ordinary Queenslanders get no help.”
Derek, Mr Luxton’s younger brother, said they believed if Brendan had been released from quarantine when they asked, he would still be alive today.

If you or someone you know needs assistance you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or at

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2021 11:15 am

“What’s he done; he hasn’t gone down the lizard people route has he?”

Given the trajectory he’s on, that’s coming.

September 18, 2021 11:17 am
September 18, 2021 11:18 am


Ive got the same setup on mine.
Space bar before the next letter after the ” should get rid of it.

so ” spacebar O stops the little tittle appearing.

September 18, 2021 11:20 am

Nicki Minaj is one of the best trolls on social media.
Bitch don’t care.

September 18, 2021 11:21 am

Nicki Minaj being cheered on by conservatives.
I love this simulation.

September 18, 2021 11:22 am

Do you think Bosi is wrong?
I see what you are getting at, and I don’t think he makes a good politician, but he is honorable and right.
We will not see freedom until these criminals are taken down, and that’s plainly obvious.
Voting them out …what a joke………I can guarantee they’ll all be massive winners of any farce and theatre of fraud we’d be calling an election.
I am a member of UAP, not Australia one, and have nothing to do with Bosi, I just get his emails and follow on gab.

September 18, 2021 11:22 am

Ignore the praying in the end if you want, people achieve, the big guy in the sky just observes.

September 18, 2021 11:26 am

Bosi is dumb enough to think most haven’t seen this shtick before.
But he’s smart enough to know that some haven’t seen this shtick before & will financially support “the cause”.

September 18, 2021 11:26 am

I’d don’t much care for the opinions of the progressive left but I don’t want to be associated with death to traitors (who I will be nominating, by the way) red shoes in tunnels types.
It’s the swayable middle we want on our side.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2021 11:27 am

Roger’s link to an article on Afghanistan Women is extremely well worth reading.

It points to the failures of a Western Feminist approach to the issue of women’s situation in Afghanistan overall, under the Pashtun type of tribalism a lot of which modern Islam itself has managed to throw off. Which doesn’t mean Islam provides women with a freedom treat, but that it is way better than the tribal Medievalism of the Taliban. Leave well alone now, is the view expressed in the article, and let Islamic polities deal with Afghanistan, not Western ones. They will do more to improve women’s situation in Afghanistan than our ‘feminised’ attempts have done with no reward for treasure spent there. Our failure has been to promote ‘liberated’ urban women as figureheads of change, who are now all fled to the West, and to ignore the truly dreadful health situation of most tribal situated and poor urban women; they die in Medieval droves in childbirth, bear children far too young and get beaten if the child they deliver is not a boy. Some women from Madrasa training schools are conditioned to accept this. Others accept merely because they have no option. Improving their health would do far more to improve their lives right now than anything else. Tribal barbarities can slowly diminish under a more ‘civilised’ Islamic influence from more moderate interpretations of Koranic law introduced from other Islamic polities. That is their best hope, the writer of this piece believes. We should butt out.

I agree.

September 18, 2021 11:27 am

Bosi belongs in the same category as Hanson & the chap with the buried AK’s.
They are the Stacy Keach chap from American History X.

September 18, 2021 11:28 am

FTB….c’mon, the guy is a man of principles, …..he’s just wound that together with italian emotion.
Do you think he’s just in it to make a quid?

September 18, 2021 11:28 am

What’s the alternative?
A benevolent dictatorship?
No thank you.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 18, 2021 11:28 am

Rabz, have you inadvertently switched to UK keyboard layout? That will do weird stuff like that. But I dunno how to fix it.

Rabz, if using a PC, go to settings, then languages to fix. If you’re using a laptop, it’s down on the toolbar, on the bottom left side.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2021 11:29 am

Sancho Panzer says:
September 18, 2021 at 10:25 am
The jacks will be looking for another category in the Weapons Control Act. ‘Offensive weapons’. This, according to the book, is anything capable of being adapted for use as a weapon. A baseball bat. A cricket stump. A chair leg. A belt, wrapped around your fist. You get the idea.
The car itself?

Yes Sancho.
Mentioned in the first lines of the notice.
Grandmas with their secateurs roaming the back streets looking for a cutting will be prime targets for the VicPugs.

Winston Smith
September 18, 2021 11:29 am


How sharp is the cutlery?

It depends.
Sharp will do a quick and clean cut.
Blunt will do a nasty, hard to repair tear.

How about a spoon?

September 18, 2021 11:31 am

VikPol air support already in the air above me

FlightRadar24 is hilarious

September 18, 2021 11:32 am

Oddly, you’ll wish for the death of traitors , notaclue.
I realise it’s not politically smart of Bosi, because there are many unprincipled people like yourself out there who run away from righteous talk.
So he is not going to get anywhere politically.
But it doesn’t make him wrong.
When it comes to right and wrong, he’s streets ahead of you.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2021 11:35 am

But he’s smart enough to know that some haven’t seen this shtick before & will financially support “the cause”.

As has been mentioned – this is Faulty-esque.

September 18, 2021 11:35 am

I thought that was a good article too Roger.
Typical progressive Western thinking that education and entering the workforce, ie being men, was the solution for tribal women in Afghanistan when what they really needed was a few of their own given basic health education and midwifery skills.

September 18, 2021 11:36 am

Are we going to link to the Bosi video so people can judge for themselves, or are we just doing that lefty thing of making that face and rolling our eyes so that everyone knows what to think of someone?

September 18, 2021 11:38 am

FlightRadar24 is hilarious

Flight path looks like a ball of string. *need popcorn emoji…now*

September 18, 2021 11:39 am

looks like a ball of string

your tax dollar at work

September 18, 2021 11:39 am

Here ya go Arky.

September 18, 2021 11:39 am

I had a colleague who would do that eye roll and “poo- yuck” expression when talking to you about other colleagues she wanted you to know weren’t to be trusted or taken seriously. Combined with a “Well, he / she would, wouldn’t he / she”. Or similar dismissive phrase.
One poisonous cow that one was.

September 18, 2021 11:41 am

I don’t wish for the death of anyone st ruth.
And having an arbitrary list of who’ve got to go, is literally Stalinesque.
Even church (leaders?) were on that list.
You do know that communists have ‘principles’?

September 18, 2021 11:42 am

It’s linked at Adam’s.
Last page.

September 18, 2021 11:46 am

The legal landscape was less complicated in NSW, Levy said, because the state does not have a Human Rights Act. In the states and territories that do – Victoria, the ACT and Queensland – legislators would have to consider the human rights implications of any rules which limited access to places on the basis of vaccine status.

This guy is a lying shill. How is NSW not subject to Federal law (ICCPR & IECSR)?

His characterisation of being free as an assault on immunocompromised people is a perverted inversion of true liberalism.

September 18, 2021 11:50 am

Thinking on what kids thru to young adults are missing out on because of lockdowns .. running around, playing, education, thinking about/starting careers ect … reminds me of the younger me .. the difference being I had a choice today’s Oz kids don’t!
I’m in my 70s now but way back when I was 19 I started drinking alcohol, generally, beer never developed any liking for spirits, and for some unfathomable reason believed that alcoholism could only occur thru drinking spirits not beer ..!
Needless to say by 22, I was averaging 20/30 schooners a day plus bottles/cans after closing 7 days a week, a fully imbibed, alcoholic nothing else mattered except the next drink and without going into a lot of detail about sleeping, rough, drinking casks of cheap vino simply because of volume versus cash devolving into metho/orange juice forays or what like was life as a .. derro ..
Then things went from drunk to worse .. at 29 I started to dislike the taste of the stuff .. at 1st it was more puzzlement than concern life went on as usual but several weeks into this feeling I started to have difficulty using my left arm/hand .. they just wouldn’t co-operate with whatever I wanted them to do but still the bells didn’t ring, after all, I was right handed and so my drinking arm was good …..
When my arm stopped working entirely was when even in my, normal, drunken stupor I realised I had a problem ..! no pain .. just a nuisance!
Once again so as not to labour on medical details .. end result .. early stage Cirrhosis of the Liver ..
specialist laid it on the line ..
we’ve caught it early enuf to reverse BUT the alcohol stops now .. there is NO 2nd chance .. drink and you will be dead in 3 to 6 months ,, guaranteed ……!
Walked out of that clinic, August 14th 1980 and I’ve never drank alcohol since .. treatment (weekly injections) took 2 years, the shakes lasted 6 months & the pink elephants across the ceiling 3 months .. all up I’d estimate 3 years to being what most folk take for granted ………. NORMAL!
The point I’m trying to make is that I lost 11 years of my life .. wasted, gone, never getting them back regardless of how long I live .. I wasn’t a dumbo I had a very good education and was/ am quite intelligent everything I did back then I am responsible for no one else had any say in what I did …… 11 years of no socializing, TV, newpapers or reading .. I had to start all over again spending hours in libraries reading old newspapers to catch up plus EAT I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a proper, sit down, meal prior to August 1980! .. Mind the main regret is ….. I never, even in my most drunken state, forgot what I’d dun the previous day even now I can still recall it all! Tho I tell folks I can’t when asked … I can!
I never had a career, as such, I drank myself out of work 6 weeks at a time by 24 I stopped bothering and went full-time drinking.
I made my choice poor tho it was but the gummints, State & Federal, are making choices for kids & youths that they shouldn’t have and it will have an effect maybe not immediate but somewhere down the track a lot of today’s kids are gonna pay for what is being dun today under the guise of BAT FLU .. The States & the Feds have got it wrong but rather than admit it they are gonna keep up the pretence that BAT FLU is more than what it is showing itself to be .. a variation of INFLUENZA ……..!

September 18, 2021 11:50 am

Ta, Calli.
Watched a bit.
He seems to be calling for non- violent civil disobedience in a particularly clumsy way.
I approve the non- violent part, but think he needs to take an angle grinder to some of the more lumpy parts of his presentation. i.e.: calling the treasonous swine among us “treasonous swine” is indelicate.

September 18, 2021 11:52 am

A more polite term for ‘treasonous swine” is required.
maybe “less than fully patriotic persons who ambulate on trotters”.

September 18, 2021 11:52 am

Any links to live streams of the freedom rallies?

September 18, 2021 11:53 am

Maybe also don’t have to go into fantasies about the eventual deading of said less than fully patriotic persons who ambulate on trotters.
Not helpful.

September 18, 2021 12:00 pm

Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that Vic Pol had helicopters in the air over Melbourne.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2021 12:03 pm

“So long as Delta has presence in the world,” she said, “even if we had zero cases and we were at 80 per cent double-dose, you would still have to respect rules that exist around vaccinations, around social distancing, around mask-wearing.” So that’s that forever, then.

98% coverage isn’t enough.

Brown [University] suspends in-person gatherings despite nearly 98% vaccination rate, no COVID outbreak (17 Sep)

Vaccinated students have also been told to wear masks inside their off-campus residences except when eating alone

Brown University has suspended in-person dining and student organization gatherings due to a slight uptick in positive asymptomatic COVID test results.

As of Sept. 14, there were 91 positive cases of COVID reported over the last seven days, a positivity rate of .7 percent, according to the university’s online data.

The campus also enjoys a vaccine rate of 97.9 percent among students and 95.5 among faculty and staff, the data show.

But student leaders have been told that “all student organization events, activities, and meetings must be held virtually.”

Brown is greener than the Greens and woker than a gold medal winning qwerty weightlifter. Emma Watson went in nutty and came out even nuttier.

September 18, 2021 12:03 pm

Any links to live streams of the freedom rallies?

Areff – I’m monitoring Topher Field’s site now. Good coverage in the past. I hope he’s on the ball today.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 18, 2021 12:09 pm

As for Tame….I’d rather have dinner with the leader of Hamas.

That little miss is extremely dangerous. Could her confected vitriol be a salve to something within her own being that has not be resolved and that she either seeks resolution or absolution by her belligerence and unvarnished malice? Who be the puppeteer?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2021 12:18 pm

Shaterzzz, thanks for sharing your story. There are so many ways to go awry in this world, alcoholic drug dependency being one of them. For some, giving it away is the only way out. Glad you got yourself back on track and glad that you have found this place, for so many different lives intersect here. Being interested in politics and in defeating the left is a sign of growing up after thoughtful consideration, something usually arrived at through reflection on lots of life experience.

I hope you stay Covid safe, however you determine that. Cirrhosis can sometimes put you behind the eight ball in health terms, especially with Covid infection (it is not just a ‘flu). Vaxx is up to you, but don’t forget zinc, vit D3 and vit C, as well as good nutrition generally. I guess you know by now though how to best care for yourself. A tough learning curve you’ve been on in your early years, as so many have been and many young people still are, especially in lockdowns which destroy young mental health.

September 18, 2021 12:20 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 12:22 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

September 18, 2021 at 11:35 am

But he’s smart enough to know that some haven’t seen this shtick before & will financially support “the cause”.
As has been mentioned – this is Faulty-esque.

The intro was straight out of Faulty’s Greatest Hits.
“The will be Big Rumours in the days, weeks and months ahead. Some will be true and some will not”.
I only listened to it on my way into town, but was there one specific mentioned in the whole five minutes.
Sorry, I am not swapping tue current batch of cynical wafflers for a batshit crazy waffler.
A line through AustraliaOne as an option for me.

September 18, 2021 12:24 pm

Speaking of unfortunate names

Actor in “Marple” Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? (TV Episode 2009) Poster
Marple (TV Series)

Full Cast & Crew

Sean Biggerstaff

September 18, 2021 12:24 pm

I’m from the gummint & I’m here to help .. LOL!

September 18, 2021 12:25 pm

France recalls ambassadors to US, Australia

And stay out !

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2021 12:25 pm

Brown University has suspended in-person dining and student organization gatherings due to a slight uptick in positive asymptomatic COVID test results.

They need to stop testing and get on with life.

Such nannies and wimps.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 18, 2021 12:27 pm

Testing. Wondering if it is me or the content that gets me moderated on the once or twice I have posted something here.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2021 12:27 pm

Sean Biggerstaff

Unfortunate? There’s many a man would not see it that way.

Free advertising. 😀

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2021 12:28 pm

Misanthropic lizard person shills against thorium nuke

Not for nothing that The Conversation is widely known as The Monologue. A mouthpiece for the Cathedral, nothing more nothing less. Saw a hit-piece on ivermectin there today, laughable in the face of the real world data.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 18, 2021 12:29 pm

Aha. Content. Far queue very much.
Stock up on CO2. There is a shortage.

September 18, 2021 12:32 pm
September 18, 2021 12:36 pm

Faulty’s Greatest Hits

1: something big is about to happen
2: vote the sitting member last

No love lost for me about the creep’s absence however, all very funny in retrospect.

The last 18mo … anything ‘big’ happen?

Last week here in the open forum so much discussion about who wasn’t getting voted for next election.


September 18, 2021 12:41 pm

Shit testing has found traces of Covid in Griffiths’ “wastewater”.

Just shoot me now.

September 18, 2021 12:47 pm

Interesting …

September 18, 2021 at 12:03 pm

Any links to live streams of the freedom rallies?

Areff – I’m monitoring Topher Field’s site now. Good coverage in the past. I hope he’s on the ball today.

I’m getting LOTS of, ‘won’t load’, ‘no internet’, behaviours & messages, even though my connections are running well with NO drop outs (I also live in one of those magic, super-fast, super-stable areas, which I take full advantage of), I’m just watching the internet tell me I have ‘no internet’ for The Cats, while other normie people pages keep ticking along.

Then I saw your reminder of the rallies of today. So I searched Topher’s site and AGAIN, ‘no internet’ FOR Topher, while the other pages HAVE INTERNET.
Cute hu.

September 18, 2021 12:48 pm

How is NSW not subject to Federal law (ICCPR & IECSR)?

Ask Peter Spencer Dot.

September 18, 2021 12:49 pm

Look, it’s probably a good thing. Imagine if every country town suddenly had traces of the virus. To my mind that means it is spreading painlessly among the general population, which is what needs to happen in the long run anyway. All we have done is hold up the spread. I know it will send every politician and every vaccinated person ballistic, but they KNOW everything don’t they, they can rescue each other. Like Tinta on another thread, I am also getting too cranky lately.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2021 12:50 pm

There was not one specific mentioned in Bosi’s five minute manifesto.

September 18, 2021 12:51 pm

September 18, 2021 at 11:35 am
I thought that was a good article too Roger.
Typical progressive Western thinking that education and entering the workforce, ie being men, was the solution for tribal women in Afghanistan when what they really needed was a few of their own given basic health education and midwifery skills.

They somehow never cottoned onto the fact that the best way to enhance womens status in a shit society was to make them more valuable to their men.
Eg: Maternal health sold as “your sons will be big strapping lads stronger and more handsome than a starved woman can produce”.
And after that is accepted ‘your daughters will be beautiful and spit out future mudjadeen like watermellon pips if your wife is fit and healthy”..

Even to the stage of ‘she will be able to fetch water from the well 2x as fast if we improve ‘x”.

But that would have been anathema to the Karening class of do gooders.

  1. OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x