It didn’t work with me. I support Israel doing whatever to protect her citizens and reclaim the portion of her…
It didn’t work with me. I support Israel doing whatever to protect her citizens and reclaim the portion of her…
Looks like things are heating up in Syria. Seems to be quite a bit of pushback against Jolani’s goons on…
That’s allota rooting.
I’m buying up sandbags and iodine.
Has anybody told the BOM? Still CAT 2 with 100 km winds instead of 90km and 140km gusts instead of…
Lest we forget. No pepper spray for the CFMEU workers having their teddybears picnic. The media lapped it up.
A cynic might conclude that Dan knew about it all along.
The more I look at that video, there is some highly trained shit going on with the black jacket/beanie dude. The copper who pepper sprayed him had a lucky escape.
Ninja dude wasn’t “staying in his lane”.
It’s pretty obvious that the coppers had also picked out their marks. Attempted “baton to the head” right at the start was an indicator. Take out the tallest dude in the white shirt.
It’s an age old Australian strategy if you happen to get in a brawl. Take out the biggest one, and/or the one with the biggest mouth. The rest will fold.
On a side note, I’m assuming plod were instructed not to carry firearms? This could have got really nasty if some Sheliah (or bloke) plod got really scared and feared for their life, and pulled out a pistol instead of a truncheon or pepper spray canister.
That would have definitely changed Australia forever. In an instant.
It’s bad enough that coppers are planning strategies to “kettle” peaceful protesters, let alone harass and intimidate the organisers.
It’s usually the union organisers intimidating the Police and Politicians in Victoria. And they are.
CFMEU “Teddy Bears Picnic”. No worries. Peaceful protesters. Pepper spray.
You really have to wonder what the hell is going on here. It suspiciously looks like an internal power struggle within Victoria Labour. There were plenty of tradies and unionists in the protest movement as well. It’s all a bit bizarre.
Tailgunner is the perfect example.
Paid up unionist tradie, plotting to bring down a Labor Government.
It must be hard sleeping in two beds at the same time. Although he is a “pants man”, so it’s probably not that much of a surprise.
Week In Pictures.
so the drug testers are the people to avoid.
Henry Ergas and Jack The Insider kindly keep away from sane non drug testing folk.
It’s Time to defund The Police.
It’d Time to Stop Paying Taxes For Moron Politicians and Bureaucrats to piss it against the wall.
It’s Time The ABC was shut down.
It’s Time The Filth Judges were thrown out.
It’s Time
It’s Time To Shut Down Perverted Education System
It’s Time to look out for Small Business
It’s Time To look out for ordinary Workers
It’s Time To Stop Funding Useless Universities
It’s Time To Cancel All Connections to MSM.
True, ‘dillo. In my country town, Plod have been invisible in the CBD where they might otherwise be harassing their friends, neighbours and relatives for breaking Da Roolz. They are less evident than they were pre-COVID. They don’t want to know.
In cities, Plod are anonymous, which makes bad behaviour much easier for them.
That clip of the old Sheliah (70 years old allegedly) getting steamrollered and pepper sprayed is unforgivable.
She might be an arsehole (age and sex doesn’t necessarily mean you are not an arsehole), but the cops should have known better. They are blokes and are apparently trained Police Officers.
Rule number one gentlemen. You don’t hit a sheliah that’s twice your age. Full stop. It’s not acceptable.
I’ve been tempted to crash tackle and pepper spray a few elderly drunken mad aunties over the years. But I didn’t. I’m a bloke half their age. And it was Christmas.
Yes, the Media will memory hole it, but as mentioned earlier, by stopping all public transport into the City (protest central; what protest, who cares, they’re always protesting some shit), The People poured out from Their Homes in the suburbs, Marching in a Great Body past the still too timid people in their not too shabby homes.
The People of Melbourne got to See For Themselves that they have support from their fellow Melbournians in standing up Against Andrews Tyranny.
The People won’t forget what they saw and it will make them see the Media’s usual lies with clearer eyes.
Farmer Gez 10.54pm : Dutton stand up. Give him a break he just brought rational thought to the Defence department and ditched Turnbull/Pynes bike pedal submarines.
You never strike a woman. Ever.
The Police should know this.
September 18, 2021 at 11:53 pm
Yes, it’s a special song for so many and wonderfully delivered by a beautiful lady with one of the most beautiful voices.
The people living in the city are supporting the Police. Suburbians marching into their Ivory Towers is the problem.
Coppers bashing and pepper spraying Grandmas is irrelevant.
None of this has anything to do with public health. The elite still swan around maskless, flying about the place on private jets, and enjoying the best parties.
It gives them a collective Woody.
BRS and Pell should be leading the protest movement. They understand the meaning of the word “persecution”.
When they take everything from you, there isn’t much to lose.
Joe Rogan is retweeting a lot of the clips from yesterday’s protests.
Unmasked Elites Served By Masked Servant Class w/Glenn Greenwald
Glenn joins Jimmy to rip apart AOC.
AOC has been on social media all week saying she’s the victim, but has never once addressed the issue of the Cathedral members not wearing masks, but forcing the help to wear them.
And Jonathan Swan is losing it on twitter at Richard Grenell & Glenn Greenwald calling him a cuck.
He’s come close to calling them both fags, but knows he can dog whistle only.
I’m also wondering if Setka’s private message to Andrews was along the lines of –
‘This is us not fighting you.
This is us only blocking your trams & cars for lunch.
Take it easy on our Members Saturday, who won’t block roads or make nuisances of themselves, or next, we’ll come out hard against you.’
Because for all the pepper spraying and some thug coppers being their natural thug selves, on the whole, they really didn’t do much to stop the Marchers.
Yes Topher explained how top heavy & slow, making, giving & responding to changing orders VicPol are, but still, with the horses & choppers & even just following the social media coverage they should have been able to to keep breaking up numbers before they got big and not, ultimately, Lead The Marchers To Their Great Victory, Breaking Out of The ‘Canyon Trap’.
No matter how many police & tradies have fallen for the Pro-Jab Pusher’s Propaganda, there are still enough free thinking humane beings amongst them who do not want to condemn their children & grandchildren to a Govt Drugging Tyranny that yes, KILLS HEATHY YOUNG PEOPLE, and well, if they can help the people win a few rounds, build up morale …
clearly yesterday’s protest is getting extensive coverage-David Escourt the Age 4.9 k retweets
Richard Impiombato
James Merlino ‘distancing’ himself from the road map? #laborspill #imdreamin’
Thanks for WIP, Tom. Sunday rolls around again…
Me with my family
At least they’re self aware
Oh, and this one. Perfect.
this time Paul Sakkal from the Age. Melbourne children back at school in October?
Jupes, I read Adam’s piece about resistance in which you featured. He disagreed with you and said why.
And you responded like a grown-up. Good man. We don’t all need to be on the same page.
Everyone is under tremendous pressure right now, some more than others. You had to make a decision that you didn’t like simply to get home. I think you made the right one in those circumstances. I sincerely hope you can be home by Christmas. Family means everything.
via Caroline DiRusso. Meanwhile the Herald Sun is claiming Andrews now wants 90 percent vaxx before reopening. #laborspill
I wonder if we’ll get to know the identity of the woman who was knocked over and sprayed? The vibe is that she is elderly.
Don’t trust the vibe. If she turns out to be much younger, it will lose force. More important is this – why did they knock over and spray anyone who was just standing there doing nothing? It was calculated and callous, and the subsequent spraying was malicious. Her age, while adding to the disgrace, has nothing to do with it.
Moral of the story – never, ever wear red to a demmo. Unless it’s an ER state sanctioned performance. Then it’s okay because they’re on your side.
Agree, calli, her age is irrelevant to the principle involved, although if it turns out she was elderly, it reflects even more badly on the cowardly thug who knocked her down.
Some threat, at any age.
As I said at Adam’s (now Bird-free, it seems, BTW) this creep should be drummed out of the job and jailed.
Joh, there’s a tendency to over-emote with these things, rather than adhere to first principles. It makes it easy for the Left to dismiss the whole because one strand is found wanting. They do it all the time.
It’s like another issue – Ivermectin and its efficacy in treating Covid. The entire thing is thrown out because some make claims about it that don’t stand up, rather than pushing it as part of a suite of treatments.
Sometimes I wonder if some of the wild claimants of this and that are really controlled opposition, set up to steer thoughts and feelings in the “correct” direction.
Melbourne Freedom Protest Highlights – 18.09.21
Sep 18, 2021
Real Rukshan
14.8K subscribers
Victoria Police ignored multiple pleas by Victorians to allow their peaceful protest against the Andrews government and lockdowns to continue without violence. People marching through Richmond were corralled and kettled by police throughout the day, setting the stage for tense confrontations and violent arrests.
Police had originally planned for a major protest within the CBD, and as per the request of CCP Shane Patton, the Andrews government agreed to shutdown all public transport and create a ring of police-checks around the city. Protesters however thwarted these plans by moving the location of the protest to Richmond instead, therefore catching the police off guard.
This video edit highlights some of the contrasting moments of the day.
A full live feed of unedited footage of my report is available at the following link:
Part 1: https://fb.watch/85COTf2NO2/
Part 2: https://fb.watch/85CPwVYgNW/
Part 3: https://fb.watch/85CQeiTZEe/
I’m glad Bird is sleeping it off. Poor DashCat was becoming a frothing monologue interspersed with the occasional rational comment. Mh and the others are true bricks, and more strength to their arms (and typing fingers).
“Mohammad Sadozai
7 hours ago (edited)
What is the objective of the police? like how is creating a wall resolving any issues? Is there hidden treasure on the other side? Its not like these protesters are vandalising or being violent, they are rightfully expressing their frustrations in these difficult times. The police should instead be joining the citizens and respect the citizens pain and suffering and ensuring nothing gets out of control, police are servants of the citizens and when you go against your own people this is what happens.”
Woke up this morning
To the risin’ sun
Mama always said you’d be
One of them pure bloods
I suspect that ‘steps have been taken’ re Bird over at Adam’s. There were a few hints along those lines over the last few days.
I hope so – the deluded blogwrecker was doing nobody any good – including himself – with the attention being paid to his rants.
In the last couple of days, I noticed that every time I flagged one of his anti-semitic comments, it was gone within the hour. Perhaps Adam has recruited some helpers, which he certainly needs when he is locked up with six kids in quarantine, poor bugger.
Tom – thanks for the WIP! Wow, even Leunig is getting fed up with woke. What’s the world coming to?
these women made me sick. The ‘mom’ is the worst.
Who’d have thought that Russell Brand would the voice of sanity and common sense.
I noticed that they scrubbed out his name. Copyright issues?
Latham Tame Pell disgraceful.
110% or death!
what gets me is the experts now claiming the mRNA vaxes were never designed to prevent spread. what.the.fuck!!! what.a.load.of.bullshit!!!
big pharma+big government=big fascism
Wow – just saw the footage of the poor li’l piggies in Melbourne being trampled underfoot.
My day has been made.
Actually Zippy, with 66% vaccine efficacy, we need about 133% of the population vaccinated to get the magical 80% vaccination rate to achieve herd immunity.
It’s impossible.
Our polliemuppets, who are not very bright when it comes to common sense, have been well and truly snookered by Big Pharma. Notice how the bar keeps rising, and only more jabs are the ‘solution.’
By now even the dimmest of them must realise that they have painted themselves into a corner. Although, given the very human capacity for self-deception, perhaps not.
Those of us who will be recognisable by our shaggy hair, ragged clothes and bare feet this summer, thanks to being banned from certain retail outlets, could form a new political party – The Lepers.
Those awful protestors brutalising police according to SKY.
Has there ever been a more useless dishonest prick behind a microphone than Chris Smith?
Explains the grovelling.
The Pure Bloods.
We can defeat the Muggles.
The real trump card for the medical fascism establishment is to restrict franchise for the unvaccinated – because rights “need to be balanced”, as they demand.
Zippy, honestly I don’t think they were, they just leveraged people’s traditional presumption of what a vaccine does. Of course, now more people are querying this, CDC have had to change the definition of ‘vaccine’ to match the new reality.
I can’t for the life of me find the links again now, but reading suggested that basically they’ve repurposed treatments developed for the US military to temporarily suppress (months) viral biological agents so they can keep troops in the field. The usual internet caveats apply, but this would seem to align with the diminishing ‘benefit’ observed.
Then goes on to suggest that the injectable ‘hydrogels’ being used to deliver the ‘vaccine’ were originally developed by DARPA, with one of the uses being to facilitate injectable bio-tech sensors that would live signal basic clinical changes such as temp, bloods
etc – a bit like internalising those diabetic monitoring patches. Started to lose me a bit at that point, but still plausible I guess.
One for BoN …
Yes, the lady they’d just knocked on her arse was an imminent threat to the two heroes who pepper sprayed her.
Has munty been defending this “necessary action against violent fascists” over at Phat Pussy?
This has to be stopped. There is absolutely no benefit to children, only risk of permanent injury and death. What has happened to this country?
Children cannot give legal (never mind informed) consent.
And this is how an older, Australian, person is treated. How many examples have there been of this that we just haven’t heard about?
It is outright murder
Test (again). Lurking, but trying not to scroll so many pages.
Collective insanity. It all happened so quickly, as well.
Not that quickly.
‘God is dead’.
The Pill.
‘A clump of cells’.
After Birth ‘abortion’.
Child ‘euthanasia’.
Now here we are, permanently disabling & killing our children so we can ‘fit in’ & have a ‘better’ life.
P.S. God is Not dead.
Like the right not to have a vaccine.
The ultimate principle is sovereignty over ones own body.
Side effects may or may not be a real thing.
However the more fringe theories are easily attacked and discredited by the pro vax crowd thus discrediting the ultimate principle.
Watching the footage of the police lines being broken yesterday, is instructive.
Anybody with any experience and an eye for detail would be forced to conclude that the police were not the target for violence. If you watch closely (and rewind a couple of times) you’ll notice that those who got ‘put down’ were also the ones who were swinging wild round-houses at people, only moments before…despite it being obvious that the line had broken.
One can only assume these ‘hero’ coppers were angry that their authority had been flouted, and were keen to prove a point by jawing a few protesters. The protesters were looking after one another, and to do so meant temporarily bringing down a couple of the more aggressive jacks. The down jacks were neither stomped, nor set upon. Had ill-intent been the aim, those coppers could have been minced by the crowd. They were extremely vulnerable, mainly because of using unnecessary and stupid tactics against a crowd (did they were Leonidas at the Hot Gates?). What did they think they were going to do once they had them locked in the ‘canyon’? There was only one outcome, and it came to pass.
The jacks who stepped aside, when the inevitable happened, were left completely alone. At one point, a big copper was clearly stuck in the middle and was looking to pick up his equipment. The crowd flowed around him like water around a rock. It was reminiscent of a scene from World War Z, whereby the Zombies ignored the terminally ill human.
No. Violence against the police was clearly not the intent here. It was merely trapped animals surging to get free, and doing only that which was required to do so.
Stupid move by VicPol.
Hahaha. Rowan Dean is introducing Sky Outsiders in French.
For decades the left has been on about rights without responsibility and now that we have a fair dinkum human rights issue of the state coercing people to take a drug still in the experimental stage, they suddenly discover the ‘need for balance’. It’s pathetic.
Albino’s comment at 8:31 is a perfect case in point. You have a plausible theory, ie. a weapon and its pre-developed “cure” then we get into the “nano wriggler” territory.
So, as we shrug off the bizarre, we have a tendency to dismiss the lot. As granny would say, we throw the baby out with the bath water.
Someone at Breitbart made the point that the Right is expected to endlessly apologise for what some nutter said, while the Left is never held to account for outright lying and racism.
They need to stop apologising and get on the front foot. When asked the gotcha questions, they should attack, not defend. Trump showed them how.
Oh, but according to Henry Ergas and the rest of the bowtie set, he was crude and uncouth.
Yes, Joh. The temptation is to preface your opinion (say, on vaccination) with, “I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but…”.
Just stop. Don’t do it. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don’t buy into the ready-made nutter slot prepared just for you.
And Jupes, stop beating up on yourself.
You did what you were forced to do.
It happens when you get caught in certain circumstances. You know this.
So who had
Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend’s Testicles
On their doomlotto ’21 entry?
Police are NOT THE REAL VICTIMS of the horrific violence today
Australian defence policy circa 2008.
Why open up your flank to an attack when your frontal assault is so solid?
Every time I have argued the “my right to choose” line I have not failed to win the point.
Unfortunately a lot of people react as if seeing it for the first time.
Justice Clarence Thomas credits Catholic nuns’ anti-racist example
By Kevin J. Jones, Denver Newsroom, Sep 18, 2021
Thomas spoke of his second grade teacher Sister Mary Dolorosa’s catechism lessons, during which she would ask the class why God had created them.
“In unison our class of about 40 kids would answer loudly, reciting the Baltimore Catechism: ‘God created me to know love and serve him in this life and to be happy with him in the next,’” he said.
“Through many years of school and extensive reading since then, I have yet to hear a better explanation of why we are here. It was the motivating truth of my childhood and remains a central truth today,” he said.
Is Fauci A LIAR?
Russell Brand
sTAN Grant chokes down Winnie the Xis load…
In the ‘post-American world’, has Australia backed the right global superpower?
When you start by quoting “piggeries in a Muslim country that I sold for a profit” Keating you know it will be something special.
The US alliance has been the bedrock of Australia’s security. But is that still the case? Former prime minister Paul Keating doesn’t think so.
Reacting to the submarine announcement, Keating said it was a “further dramatic loss of Australian sovereignty”. The US couldn’t beat the Taliban, he said — how could it win a war with China?
Keating asked if it is time Australia pursued an independent path.
Then there is this blinding bit of logic..
America does not drive the global economy, China does. China will usurp the US outright as the world’s biggest economy by the end of the decade.
In other words America does still drive the global economy NOW, but a projection suggests China will take over.
Much like pre WW1 Germany was supposed to overtake Empire sea power?
In Europe, nations are adopting a more selective and cautious approach to China. The European Union seeks to be what’s been described as a “third pillar” in the world, offsetting the US-China rivalry.
The purity of eunuchs’ then?
China is a great power and demands to be treated as such. It is not a democracy but that doesn’t mean its rise is not legitimate. So, what do we do about it?
Stan is all in for treating people who dissent Tiananmen style??
Some argue that the world should accommodate Beijing. But that risks overlooking the excesses of Xi Jinping’s China — violations against ethnic minorities, a crackdown on dissent and democracy.
Well if camps which apparently include activities like forced sterilization of unwanted minorities dont make your rise illegitimate then what does??
Most of us have seen the footage of the elderly lady being pushed over & pepper sprayed by those, threatened, but soooooo brave plod …. this is it in SLOW MOTION .. the threat to plod, just doing their job shows the real fear of the daily hazards plod face …… sarc ….!
A song for Jupes to sing when he is out and about:-
Are there Super Straight & Pureblood dating apps?
The fully paid up consultant to a Chinese Bank, that Keating? The one who couldn’t possibly have a conflict of interest when it comes to China.
So sad.
boo hoo
Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.
Victoria Police Commander Mark Galliott condemned the protestors and their violent behaviour.
“What we saw today was a group of protestors that came together, not to protest freedoms, but simply to take on and have a fight with police,” Commander Galliott said.
He said police officers suffered broken bones and severe facial injuries as a result of the clashes.
“Policemen and [police]women getting trampled, which they do not come to work for. They’re here to help and [to] keep the community safe. What we don’t come to work for is getting trampled, assaulted and end up going home with broken bones.”
Hell no.
That’s what you do to other people. For sh*ts and giggles.
Adjusted for population, the weekly vaccinations in Victoria lags NSW by 12%.
Considering that rates slow as you get to higher saturation, this again points to the inept health management in Victoria.
1st dose 71.2%
2nd 43.5%
1st 81.9%
2nd 51.9%
Sally Capp wants Melbourne cbd vaccine passport sooner. Good luck with that.
Gruinaid readers discover they love the state.
All it took was was a strawman hate figure and a lick of boot leather.
The cost to front line police alone for this public menace is unacceptable. Participation let alone organisation of this public waste of everyone’s time should result in gaol time.
The picture of protestors in Melbourne fighting with Police is not one of ‘Mum and Dad anti-vaxxers’ or anti-lockdowns. It is the far right, neo-Nazis and it is organised.
Just looked at Aussie Cossack and his pride in his Russian (from the Soviets) wife. We used to call them New Australians, and these two do the name proud. They are carrying on the traditions of self-help and freedom with the mateship that the Old Australians of my day used to have in spades. Not all is lost.
For which Stairman Dan will blame Scummo for redirecting all ‘his’ doses to NSW.
By way of contrast Qld had on ‘open’ day at their mass Vax hubs yesterday using all the extra doses they had been supplied with last week. Most centres ran out.
Dan already has blamed every one else.
Then in the next breath said there were plenty of appointments available.
You can walk into many pharmacies now and get an az, for free.
So, Mark Galliott, do protesters go to a protest expecting to be knocked down and pepper-sprayed while they are just standing in the street?
You dickhead.
It is interesting that they chose not to use horses and AKs shooting at the public this time. Perhaps the footage being all over the international internet gave them pause.
Bad PR is much more important than anything else.
Oh yeah?? A seventy year old lady flat on her back on the ground being pepper-sprayed (or colour-sprayed) in the face, her arms protecting her eyes, by two very young cops who are clearly enjoying themselves. This is not policing. This is war and the police are the thuggish blue-shirts.
Sadly that’s me too.
Does the bold function work?
Yay! It didn’t last night.
Reposting for those who missed it.
Possum energy!
Can’t watch or read any of my preferred alternative media sites these days without comments about how bad Australia is. I used to wonder if they even knew we existed. Not any more.
“Australia is turning into East Germany. This appears to be deliberate and the politicians are clearly using COVID to impose totalitarianism. …
The Australian police are absolutely disgusting. They have become indistinguishable from the Nazi soldiers incapable of thinking for themselves and just following orders no matter what they say. The police in Australia have shown they are the most anti-democratic force next to Venezuela. None of this inspires confidence for international investment in Australia.”
Martin also has a private blog post titled, “Australia in serious trouble.”
LOL Don’t get me started, Calli.
And in other news, Pfizer is recalling ALL stocks of its popular anti-smoking drug Chantix after it was found to contain high levels of chemical that can cause cancer.
The week before last he was squealing about stolen vaccines.
Next thing Elf Minister Mogadon Martin is saying “roll up, roll up, plenty of spare appointments”.
A journo asks Dan Xi-Man about a big new allocation of vax, “Well thanks for telling me. No-one told me. That’s great news. Pity I wasn’t told.”
Except his Elf department and Mogadon Martin had been involved in extensive written correspondence about it for a week.
More footage I see, I agree with Mater’s assessment above. Protesters corralled into a road cutting obvious for ease of mass arrests but they weren’t going to be penned this time hence someone organised the wedge to break through. Looks purely defensive. Wonder where the VKS pepperball weapons were today? Were they consciously left in the station this time or were they all in the city and unable to be moved in time?
Aussie Cossack has close up footage of the OC sprayed lady up. Actually looks worse, she was no threat when on the ground. The Leading Constable and Senior Sergeant involved are clearly identifiable. I am at the opinion now they should be named and their district of posting be leaked. Shame them.
Pretty obvious its not a good idea to stand in the cutting on Barkers Rd stopping peaceful marchers then, vikpol
I’ll believe this when I see it:
FIREWORKS: Next Week Will Be Explosive – Indications Mounting that Both Arizona and Georgia 2020 Valid Election Results May Move These States to Trump NEXT WEEK
Yea Lizzie Aussie Cossacks latest video was a great advertisement for getting a Russian Bride. But there again why would they come to this Stalinesque police state?
exactly, rule of law is only for the proles!
Lizzie, after your condescending and egregious health advice to shatterz yesterday, I’m amazed that you show your face.
A commenter describes his story about his life 50 years ago, and you are in like Flynn with admonitions about how he should live and a bunch of your personal favourite remedies.
Your relatives must find your absence (apart from the money) a big relief.
BTW, still waiting for you to let us know when was the last time anyone paid you to be an ‘epidemeologist’ which you claimed to be when you signed the Barrington thing.
Doing a couple of units at uni more than half a century ago doesn’t count, BTW.
Emperor Xi may be an arsewipe, but he is a rational arsewipe, surrounded by a large boxed set of rational arsewipes. They are all trying to cement personal wealth, power, and a place in history by transforming the lives of the huge third world portion of China.
The game has to continue.
The disadvantage of the Communist centrally planned system is that it is all terribly personal for the Leadership when things don’t work out. See: Gang of Four and the constant parade of Provincial/enterprise leaders disappearing into the ‘re-education’ system and an unmarked grave.
The CCP knows absolutely that the US doesn’t need to ‘win’ a war with China for the regime to collapse under its own weight.
Is it true that a variant of a virus is weaker than the original?
On a more cheerful note, do people know that James Delingpole has become a Christian?
I spent a lovely 1 hr and 46 mins yesterday listening to his interview with Medieval History Prof Rachel Fulton Brown (ex. Presbyterian turned Catholic) talking about all things history, Tolkien, Lewis, Christian, Logos & myth and yes, the mess and evil of today – hard to get away from that, isn’t it?
Highly recommended if, like me, they are things you love to ponder.
Anti-Biden flags with profanity going up in the front yards of homes in Cape Coral
The AZ vaxx has been thoroughly demonised by the left vs the Pfizer in order to pull down Morrison, aided in this by the dismal Dr. Young in Qld (from ‘the friends of Pfizer’ faction) and by the regulatory authority being all over the place on their endorsing or disendorsing of the AZ vaxx for particular ages. Meanwhile, Britain was storming ahead with AZ for all over 18 where it is proving to offer a longer-term and perhaps better immunity than the Pfizer.
There is plentiful AZ vaxx, but its value is undersold: its main deleterious and rare side-effect has become far more treatable (thrombosis with thrombocytopenia) in contrast to the Pfizer’s rare but concerning effect on the heart in young people which may produce longer term damage. I’m quite glad my 18 year old grandson opted for AZ. Of my three sons, one has opted for Pfizer and two for the AZ. They all made their own decisions over the past four months (one son’s first AZ is happening tomorrow). I told them to research and make up their own minds re getting vaxxed or not, saying I would not advise one way or the other re taking the vaxx or the choice of vaxx. For health reasons I was deliberately late getting my own vaxx anyway, to the horror of my medical sister who wanted me to get it two weeks after my major abdominal surgery. Far too early, I decided.
I don’t want to set off again those who don’t want an RNA vaxx (I understand why) but I note again that no vaxx has ever been without some side-effects, including deaths. Suit yourself on this. I did.
Quite an apt comparison. If there is ever a change of Government in Victoria, VicPol will need rebuilding from the ground up.
FMD, this photo of 2 wallopers spraying the 70 year old woman who had been knocked to the ground is the pits:
Cry me a river, bozo. We’ll soon have armed forces personnel saying this; emasculated clowns.
Even if true it won’t make a jot of difference to who sits in the White House as all the required formalities have been followed. Unless your googlefu is better than mine I cannot see a mechanism to overturn the Electoral College and Congressional votes, and I do not believe those cowards in the Supremes will want to hear a case.
ps my four-hour abdominal surgery put me at far greater risk of death from anaesthesia and other possible complications than the AZ vaxx has done. Sometimes it’s a case of gird up and do what you have to do. Same with the vaxx for me in my own assessment of my personal relative risk there.
We are the ‘community’.
I’ve sent this to my mates o/s who will diligently pass on through family and friends. The general response has been : wtff!
Melbourne Tyranny in Slow Motion WWRFF 4
But shes Russian.
That just means at some stage she will die of some horrible wasting disease/war/murdered /in the snow and you live the rest of your life only half alive as you wait to join her.
/yes Ive read Dostoyevsky why do you ask?
When they say ‘community’ they mean a very distinct group of it: the urban professional and bureaucratic class.
It will go viral internationally to add to the other Covid policing stains on our reputation, and so it should. That poor lady is being assaulted while pinned down on top of her Australian flag! She is obviously old, you can tell from her ankles, which have the creases of age (don’t ask how I know!).
Mornin fellow pure bloods .
And it was one of those 2 wallopers that violently pushed her to the ground – the video of this incident is even worse. Hope she is OK and sues for assault.
Here is the cop who knocked over the 70 yo lady
Even if true it won’t make a jot of difference to who sits in the White House as all the required formalities have been followed. Unless your googlefu is better than mine I cannot see a mechanism to overturn the Electoral College and Congressional votes, and I do not believe those cowards in the Supremes will want to hear a case.
There is a mechanism but the mechanism is both US houses must vote to over-turn the result and since the demorats control both houses it won’t happen. If however the GOP take both houses in the mid-terms it may become interesting.
Gab – Probably true in general given natural selection, but not always true. For example a mutated strain which is more infectious could also be more deadly – because the greater infectiousness overcomes the reduction in transmission with the deaths of hosts. But then that strain would tend thereafter to attenuate and become less deadly in order to maximise transmission even more. Swine flu of 2009 seems an example.
Great to hear about Delingpole. I suppose when you’ve already made yourself a bête noire of the Left becoming a Christian isn’t going to qualitatively change that very much. The head explosions would be fun though.
actually he’s the pepper spray guy
Yet in the midst of an outbreak and a lockdown BEFORE there was a vaxx to offer some protection we had the Australian police ‘taking a knee’ and refusing to intervene in any way with an unauthorised protest, merely coralling the walkers and doing nothing more. The hypocrisy is what really salts the wounds of lockdown.
ABC and other media luvvies are all worked up and excited about The Dear Leader’s roadmap to freedom for Victoria to be announced today.
The nitpicking details will be quite a thrill I’m sure.
Can’t manage a state but can manage the attendees at your dinner table.
Talk about false equivalence. I assume that your surgery was necessary. Getting a jab is not.
As for ‘four hour’ surgery, I’m taking a time check here. My hysterectomy took about 20 minutes. What were they doing, reconstructing your entire reproductive system with sequins and lace edgings? Bullshit.
In some places the second and third wave of the ‘flu pandemic 1918-20 was cruelly both more infectious and even more virulent. This can happen particularly when a virus is not contained to a given area, as in a world-wide pandemic, as environmental circumstances for it are also highly variable, yet new variants can be easily transmitted due to human economic transactions over wide areas, as well as other travel.
September 19, 2021 at 10:28 am
Yup it actually was the Snr Sergeant that put her on the ground. Way over the top and 2nd thing is those two were inviting trouble being so dislocated from their line. If the crowd had been intent on violence they would have been chewed up and spat out as bloody messes…
Lizzie – I think you underestimate the Christianity aspect. Pfizer would be the choice for Christians who can get it, and Christians tend to be more attuned to doing what the government asks them to do, in accordance with the Bible. But a cohort of Christians will not accept AZ, ever, because of religious conviction.
None of this will be reported or analysed in the media though, of course, not even in Murdoch press (which is getting worse and worse, from what I see of the Tele and Sky News).
Eventually viruses do play themselves out, thanks to our very robust immune protections.
Fingers-crossed for this one. Hope they haven’t fiddled around with the natural one too much.
The general rule is that variants gain in rate of contagion, but weaken in strength.
There is a name and badge number of the officer mentioned on Telegram (Melbourne Freedom Rally page). It may or may not be accurate.
Absolutely. Point taken, Bruce. I did not consider it and I should have done, especially as it has been discussed here quite a lot. I respect people who stick to their principles on this, as on other things.
good mornin’ defiled bloods
I’m still amused at WA premier who considers the double-vaxxed too dangerous to be allowed into the state.
Thanks, Sancho. So it begs the question why the hysteria about the delta variant.
I wonder if Constable Gaybar Mustache would like an old school street sign put up near his station.
johanna, earlier:
Yes they are. The wearing of masks makes anonymity a trigger to perhaps do stuff you ordinarily might not. This works for everyone, and is dependent on what you’re doing at the time.
Because the best definition of ‘integrity’ I’ve ever heard of is ‘It’s what you do when nobody’s looking’, this could easily have worked the other way for VicJack Inc – ie purposely NOT ripping phones from nannas’ hands in parks and chasing punters off beaches – but they didn’t.
They came out and said they had no interest in charging toddlers in playgrounds though, so there’s that.
I Memed, might try a couple of others, this ones a little wordy.
Pepper spray lady with top cops sooking added.
one more
Kill button working overtime this morning on 3AW.
Lizzie – I agree with your original thesis too, was just adding to it. Dems were lining up to condemn the vaccines in the run up to the 2020 election.
Here the letter from the archbishops of Sydney – Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox – was ignored by the government but would have circulated quietly and very widely I suspect. The letter also pointed out the rubella vaccine issue, which primed the situation quite some years ago. I was asked about that by one of the ladies in our church at the time, and I verified it by checking the patents carefully. Social media is a way for such things to be discussed and disseminated by quiet Christians who don’t want to make a fuss. Yet such concerns seem invisible to our masters, who for example would never ever use pig cells to make a vaccine.
I wouldn’t be surprised if 5-10% of the population have reservations based on this issue. Which is a big number when you are trying to get to 80 or even 90% coverage. It would be much more in the US of course, since it is such a hot button topic. But AZ is Pommy, and they don’t seem to have the wisdom to avoid such problems before the fact.
Only as you’ve asked, I was given a rolling six month ‘wait and see’ period regarding significant ovarian cysts and changes, with what I considered to be insufficient ongoing monitoring by continual MRI’s and/or ultrasounds. We had been through this sort of ‘watchful waiting’ advice with Hairy’s prostate cancer, and had rejected it then too in favour of brachytherapy, a choice never regretted.
I decided I needed the gold standard of investigation immediately in case it became too late – which has to be abdominal surgery, oophorectomy and an abdominal wash for pathology. Oophorectomy has to be very carefully performed in order to not spread cancerous cells if there is a suspicion of cancer, which there was. It takes time. It is not just whipping out a uterus. I also had a cervical mass which needed removal.
My anaesthesia was for four hours as noted on my discharge papers. One whole hour of that was painstaking removal of adhesions due to a childhood ruptured appendix. The operation was performed under four ‘keyhole’ insertions and this was thus not the easiest – I had given signed permission for further cuts to be made if necessary.
You think you know so much and are so quick to the draw regarding whatever I say.
You are so wrong all the time. When will you ever learn? Never, I suspect.
Entirely fixated
Mole – how about “we’re protecting the country from little old ladies”?
Yes. Shame that Christians had no equivalent of the ‘pig fat on the shells’ that seems to have occurred during the Indian Mutiny in 1857. Modernity has pushed Christian religous considerations into recess; whereas the lack of modernity in other religions still has a grip on religious violence.
An interesting interview on Outsiders with an Argentina-born Australian lawyer who has emigrated to Florida because he saw too many similarities between the 1976-83 military dictatorship in Argentina and what is happening now in Australia. He said the final straw was the fact that too many Australians were supportive of the authoritarian measures.
Mater, just now:
Yup. Respeck mah authoritah, from isolated clowns with zero situational awareness. The phrase ‘but I used my mother’s voice’ is again appropriate.
Absolutely, with plenty of very similar overseas cases (particularly in Britain) to compare with where coppers have been beaten to death. This was merely ‘out of the way, fuckhead’.
Thermopylae did come to mind, yes. I mentioned the stupid tactics before so won’t go all over it again.
The police should recognise this for what it is, because it is the very same thing that is drummed into them at initial training and routinely throughout their time in that job.
That is – the use of force must be avoided where possible, and when used must be proportionate to the aim. It must be reasonable in the circumstances and not unnecessary.
Compare the actions of the protesters in breaking the jacks’ lines with the couple of heroes knocking over an elderly woman and then spraying her. I know which group I’d rather defend.
It’s an interesting bookend to what we saw at the event they didn’t want us to enter all those years ago, when they did nothings as protestors took swings at us as we did the end run around them.
Same mentality. They’ve been this way for quite some time.
In other words, as usual, you lied about four hour surgery.
Entirely predictable.
Poor Hairy.
A quick but important question:
Has anyone come across this: Information Paper regarding Non-Consent to Mandatory or Coerced COVID-19 Injections (Including Discussions on the COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 Situation and Vaccines in General) by Simon Forrest?
It’s a 112 page document in PDF format. I am genuinely interested in any feedback regarding its perceived validity. Thank you.
(If the link does not work, it can be found roughly half way down this page).
My apologies if this has already been dealt with and I have missed it.
Lord save us from ovarian cysts.
The name of the pepper spray guy is Ziggy Hyle.
I am sure I heard his friends calling out to him “Zig …”
This is the image that should be shown whenever plod claims .. upholding the law ..!
A lot of Christians don’t know about it Bruce. The Beloved had to bring it yo our own minister’s attention, who then passed it higher up.
The instruction came back – there is sufficient distance between the abortion and the use of the foetal material to make it okay to have the AZ, but must defer to individual consciences.
I can’t begin to tell you how sad I was at this woolly thinking. There is a lot of “distance” between today and the tanning of human skin too. Doesn’t mean it’s okay to have a wallet made out of the scraps.
Bruce of Newcastle
Dark times are upon us.
Manage your risk: the days of 1 or 2 children are over if you want to leave a legacy.
Marry Early. (yes Dot, even you)
Have many children
Raise them to understand their role in carrying the family line
Fight with your life to defend the purity of their blood.
I’m glad to have lived through the most peaceful 5 decades of world history. It couldn’t last. The tipping point has been reached. As soon as bespoke infective agents became a reality, the luxury of not having to have 10 children to get 2 grandchildren was gone.
Now we are left to rely on the vigour of our genetics to thwart genocide. It’s as if all the medical advances of the last 100 years are rendered irrelevant as self replicating bioweapons proliferate. Antibiotics, transplants, cell therapy – all meaningless if you die before you are five.
Allow me to disagree, Commander Bozo who nobody has ever heard of but who is guaranteed to have have office jobs in direct proximity to the top bosses for the past 15 years at least because you used the standard boilerplate recommended-by-Media-Branch line in that presser.
That is exactly what you come to work for, because being injured at work is not only an occupational hazard (if you are, in fact, doing your job) but necessary if you do it hard enough to protect the people you are paid to protect.
Not that long ago there were six cop hospitalisations across Melbourne on any decent arvo or night shift.
Also, ‘hospitalisation’ includes an ED visit while on duty to get several stitches across a knuckle or two because you surprised a bloke with a knife thieving shit out of other people’s cars in a train station carpark and who then made you run for a bit, and who then decided to turn and fight when it was too late to do both.
Seriously, it’s everyday stuff. Or should be.
There are no covid vaxes on the market that have not been abortion-tainted.
Definitely No1 of the three, mole.
Short and to the point. And unmistakably Australian. Good work and I’m saving it.
And the clearest indicator you can get that the jacks have become an arm of government.
They should, in fact, be anything but. Enraging.
Just picking a line from our resident snob and elitist:
Under what circumstances would less than the ‘gold standard’ be acceptable? You mentioned ‘in case.’
BTW, could you let us know who doesn’t deserve the ‘gold standard’ that you are apparently entitled to?
Gibbon or Josephus, I forget which, recorded what happened when Caligula ordered the Procurator of Judea to set up a statue to himself inside the Jerusalem Temple. That’s in Christian tradition too, although I suspect not as well-known as in Jewish tradition. Fifty thousand Jewish people bared their necks to the Procurator, who then decided he had a bit of a problem on his hands. Between a rock and a hard place. So he wrote a letter to his boss asking “what do I do” and put it on a very slow boat to Rome. Fortunately the Praetorians offed the Emperor before the answer came back…
Teaching the horse to sing sometimes work!
his cop id is 44758
Works, not work. Grr. The thief of Baghdad reputedly worked very hard singing to the Sultan’s horse though.
Oh for crying out loud, go back to the other Cat where this sort of thing is acceptable.
I assessed my own risk with both the surgery and the vaxx. That is the point.
I have my discharge notes and the horrendous four hour anesthesia bill for validation.
You got nothin’
Heads up for follower/watchers of A League fitba .. KAYO/Foxtel have lost the rights ..
The new Oz streamer PARAMOUNT will be showing all A League mens & womens games for the next few years …….
No…Lizzie is neither a snob nor an elitist.
Lame pics courtesy Mark.
Old and busted: Peels principles of policing.
New and hot: Serve the government of the day/us and them.
9 Policing Principles
1: To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.
2: To recognize always that the power of the police to fulfill their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behavior, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
3: To recognize always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing cooperation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.
4: To recognize always that the extent to which the cooperation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.
5: To seek and preserve public favor, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humor, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.
6: To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public cooperation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.
7: To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
8: To recognize always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.
9: To recognize always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.
Mole – The first one is awesome!
My bride had a go at all this restoration earlier in the year. Took a bit longer than four hours.
Couldn’t agree more, IR.
As much as I approve Vicpol’s policy of pepper spraying old hags, I cannot approve their general thuggery and anti- freedom policy.
What was that about scrolling? This same person lectures others about scrolling Bird yet is fixated on Lizzie. Perhaps she should practice what she preaches.
Lizzie is a peasant who unexpectedly found herself amongst folk two classes above her lowly station.
She knows deep down she is way out of her depth, and spends her life trying to self justify.
Most of us don’t care. Just scroll.
Heres the mememaker site, very easy to use.
If this is all about protecting people from the “deadly Delta”, why are we compressing people into tight spaces and forcing a breach of social distancing?
Zipster says:
September 19, 2021 at 11:12 am
Here is the cop who knocked over the 70 yo lady
I think it’s a bit premature to assume the gender of the person on the ground or that of the pepper spray enthusiasts.
I’ll wait until they self identify.
Damn straight Arky. Y’all reckon this place needs a spray clean?
Hasn’t been around long enough. In all likelihood his first rodeo. Apparently.
No excuse. Indefensible.
Chris Smith – yes. Given his bio, why would Sky have hired him? He makes Hinch appear stable.
Government media advisor paid by the private sector. Absolutely no capacity to challenge orthodoxy.
Now that you mention it, it does smell like mothballs and potpourri in here.
Sorry, IR, but I would like to point out something important about ovarian cysts.
The ONLY way in which a woman can definitively tell if her post-menopausal ovarian cysts are cancerous is to have her ovaries carefully removed for pathology. Biopsies can be done but would risk tracking any cancerous cells through the abdomen. The NHS has a protocol for various forms of monitoring of such cysts which basically consists of repreating a blood test (which only picks up one sort of ovarian cancer) or ultrasounds. MRI’s are deemed too expensive for monitory. An MRI proved in my case to be far more useful concerning a cervical mass and its relationship to my left ovary than the ultrasound was. The Gold Standard in diagnostics for this cancer is abdominal surgery. The NHS are against this preferring the ‘watchful waiting’ approach, and this is largely because they are cost counting and saving. Meanwhile, as recent articles on ovarian cancer have noted, women’s lives are lost due to the lack of any early good diagnostic test. Half of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will be dead within a year, because they are diagnosed at a late stage of this silent and insidious disease. I took the Gold Standard because I am both informed and willing to pay for private health insurance. I had many out-of-pocket expenses but that is par for the elective course. Had I been a public patient in Australia I may well have been given this operation under Medicare, depending on the treating medical specialist’s opinion, but would probably have had to do a waiting period first.
Thanks for the link, Mole.
This sums up this morning’s fracas perfectly. 😀
How to kill a football code: put it on pay TV.
Old hags. The natural enemy of the geezer.
Even I, however, think smashing their heads onto tram tracks a step too far.
Is the pepper spraying worse than the pregnant and resting* woman assault, or head bashing of the teenage girl in Carlton or [insert 500 other examples here] ?
Given the an honest copper hasn’t charged a fellow public servant for any of the above (alleged) crimes, I’m guessing that this is how things are going to be from now on.
Dear, sweet Lizzie has got her Mean Girls lined up, I see.
Four hours in surgery, which she claimed while looking for sympathy. Ooops.
Well then a bit of this and a bit of that. I was traumatised, perhaps three hours?
Interspersion – how dare you be mean to my friend?
I’ve done a bit of checking about surgery timescales, and am having trouble finding anything remotely matching Lizzie’s alleged experience.
Perhaps she could enlighten us.
I can just see her with Hairy – I felt so threatened, I was so afraid. Tears glistening.
I would confine myself to a “Shut up old woman, or I’ll pepper spay ya”.
I don’t know why they won’t let me visit the old folks home anymore.
Pepper spray.
Pepper spay would be a completely different procedure.
Fixated shmixated.
There was a very good display on that issue, in the National Army Museum, in London a few years ago. Those cartridges were coated with a mixture of beeswax and tallow – the “pork fat/cows fat” was all rumour to incite mutiny.
“and this is because my mum wouldn’t let me go to the concert!” [sound of boot repeatedly hitting skull]
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
September 19, 2021 at 9:51 am
It is the far right, neo-Nazis and it is organised.
Oh yeah?? A seventy year old lady flat on her back on the ground being pepper-sprayed (or colour-sprayed) in the face, her arms protecting her eyes, by two very young cops who are clearly enjoying themselves. This is not policing. This is war and the police are the thuggish blue-shirts.
Don’t wish to be excessively pedantic Lizzie, but this is the Vicstapo. They have already adopted the black shirts.
“Beautiful valley of lava.”
Iceland’s volcanic eruption the longest in half a century (18 Sep)
It’s what Icelanders call a “tourist volcano” albeit one without tourists, because of the coof. They must be ropeable about that.
Sunday morning on ABC radio Victoria.
Artist explaining her inspiration for her line of stripper underwear.
A stripper assaulted on stage in NY said
“I wish my pussy could bite”
Family fare.
I’ve just done it over with the Glen 20, guys, which works on germs I don’t like.
You need have no fear. I didn’t use the potpourri variety.
I was also the same epid-expert that scoffed at all you mongs as I got on the boat during the beginning of the Worst Pandemic Evah
It’s in the eye of the beholder, Bruce. Iceland consists mainly of black rocks.
The drive in from the airport is a doozy. Acclimatising.
Is everyone sending a copy of that video to Scotty?
Please send troops to protect us from the Vikstapo?