vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Downgraded to cat 1.
I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land. Very slow indeed. Perhaps he’s waiting for…
Lizzie, the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie…
I don’t really care, Gimp.
this is exactly the division that digital fascists want.
Meanwhile, Pro-Abortionists, including those personally invested in the abortion industry, are not denied the sacraments and ‘better’ yet, they don’t even have to confess & and repent before they do.
The bastard thing will be shacked up in your wardrobe tomorrow.
This happened to me a week or so ago.
Crossing major divided highway.
Three lanes both ways.
I am crossing on the “downstream” side of one carriageway. Got distracted by something to my left.
Next thing a car turning right was fucking nearly on top of me. I gave the driver a spray and she said something back, but I couldn’t tell what it was because the bint was wearing a mask … in the car.
Occurred to me later. I reckon she was having a crack at me because I wasn’t wearing no mask.
Send more stairs and chicken trucks!
Walked the streets thee days in a row.
Met many lost souls all looking for a critical mass that was to form a rally.
But no.
Today met up with people on social media. They were all over the place, wandered 30 ks.
Communication is thwarted since messaging by citizens is incitement.
Perhaps not so for a politician.
Maybe Craig Kelly is interested.
The everyday thing needs a fulcrum.
absolutely. One has to join all the dots. there’s only so many viruses that are highly contagious and theres only so many spike proteins that attach to them.
now there’s one less useable as a bioweapon.
Victorian Jesuit Catholics control The Viktorian Judiciary, which includes the VikKok police.
Someone has no idea about the sacrament of confession.
But do go on.
Anti-lockdown protesters forced out of Melbourne and into the suburbs | 7NEWS
so apparently there were half a dozen protestors at northcote
so 100 stormtroopers swooped down on the vermin
Old Dogs, Children, and Watermelon Wine
as a supposed ‘woman’ you know all about the sacrament of confession????
you must be in a Gnostic church.
do you have those ‘dream catcher’ thingies???
This is simply extraordinary
It should be spread far and wide. It was made several months ago and everything that’s happened since simply goes to confirm that he’s absolutely right.
It’s part of the continuing and stepped up TERROR.
Masses of VIOLENT Police appearing anywhere, at any time for public displays to show that no one, anywhere, at any time, is safe from their spontaneous brutality.
So it’s not VicPol.
Its ok Rosie
I thought you were a Christian Catholic.
more violence from pigs
Calls for International Intervention to protect Aussies from Police Brutality & Government Terror
Aussie Cossack
my mistake
The (majority) media are leg humpers. I was going to call them government dogs, but I love dogs.
There’s a reason why you frequently only see politicians form the waist up: below the waist, there’s a media person madly humping each leg. (I wish someone would draw a cartoon of that).
Ha. From Shy Ted’s link:
AlL your mercenaries Belong to uS.
Youtube has restricted that to sign-in views only. So they’re keeping track of who is and isn’t a fan of Aussie Cossack.
can a vikkok sog walk through the bush???
can I have a go at ‘training them’?????
IIRC, back when they were merely bent, they slotted some poor schlub for nicking a packet of Tim Tams.
Now that they’re the Sword and Shield of the Party too, going all 101 won’t be no thing at all.
can a vikkok sog walk through the city??
the greatest corruption of a book to movie I have ever seen was “Dune”.
There is no way to convey Herbert’s thoughts to film.
“Starship Troopers” was a rancidly awful film as well.
I want one.
Andrews has declared war on his own citizens.
he controls the judiciary and police.
good luck Victoria.
“My grandfather, a very good farmer, got the family out of the Ukraine a year before they were locked down to starve.
Before that he fought against the Red Russians.”
So he fought for the white army. Did he tell you about the pogroms?
Should, but they are now arresting people for simply having their phones visible and answering questions with assaults.
“Starship Troopers” as directed by Paul Verhoeven, is an object lesson in film to all Imperial Guard players why you never leave the Motor Pool without A) At least 2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks, B) At least one Hellhound and C) Make sure you have enough Heavy Bolters and Autocannons to whittle the bugs down before they hit lasgun (and shortly after, Charge) range…
Meet the kids collecting COVID-19 data in Australia | FULL INTERVIEW
SIX News Australia
Same here Muddy. I thought I was signed in but apparently not. Watched his other video today with no problems. Can’t remember my password & couldn’t be bothered resetting yet.
Anyone able give a brief synopsis of what was alleged to have happened?
John Elliot was a FILTHY ARSEHOLE
Starship Troopers: Humans have mastered space travel, but infantry weaponry hasn’t progressed past the 1950s?
Meanwhile in Paris…
Um, what?
just another brutal police take down this time in western sydney
seems fascism is contagious
What is the real story about the “vaccine vandals!”?
I know the police have been agent provocateurs in the last few days so I am not buying it.
Pleasingly high levels of outdoor mask non-compliance in inner Melbourne today. Full Dan-level compliance still probably running at about 60-70% in ultra woke Abbotsford (though that’s way below the normal Labor/Greens vote at election time) but across Studley Park Bridge in and around the parkland it would have been 40% at the very most.
Hopefully this trend will continue as the weather improves, and hopefully Maximum Leader, Sutton, Patton et hoc generis will try to enforce full compliance, thus pissing off people who know full well that outdoor mask wearing is just repression for the sake of it.
Read a few good articles in the SMH today.
Starship Troopers is a great book, but best read in close conjunction with The Forever War.
Apparently Heinlen and Haldeman, despite having very different perspectives on things, got on well and admired each others’ work.
Wouldn’t be allowed today. One of them would be cancelled for not condemning the other.
Not well, apparently.
Yeah ok, now get this…
Okay, anyone got a “hologram phone” yet???
“Read a few good articles in the SMH today.”
Dot, whatever your dealer is supplying I want some.
Off camera the roles are reversed.
Why didn’t they use Mortein?
Not Vikpol?
It’s Vikpol. Complete fucking wankers.
Predator patch:
In all fairness, practically slugthrowers presently in widespread use are only (marginally) lightened and production-streamlined derivatives of 1950s-era kit.
And even more draw their heritage back to the era 1890-1910…
September 24, 2021 at 9:00 pm
Starship Troopers: Humans have mastered space travel, but infantry weaponry hasn’t progressed past the 1950s?
You don’t get that waterfall of brass any other way!
Budget only stretched to Pea-Beu, I suspect…
Haldeman’s still around. Does an online commentary.
Heinlein has been gone many a year. I hesitatingly admit to doing an Honours dissertation on his later works about 30 years back. While there are some great SF ideas, there is lots of cringeworthy sex bits. His obsession with nubile females was the least of it.
If more people had cringy obsessions with nubile females, we might not have suffered Marxism…
Have I earned a Liberty Quote yet?
Or do I keep trying?
What is the national cabinet and what authority does it exercise?
Think about it. They have been called Cabinet Ministers. It has never been claimed they are “Executive Councillors” only.
When did we vote for this?
“Read a few good articles in the SMH today.”
If it is Vic Pol it is very unprofessional. However taunting protesters and shooting indiscriminately is not very professional as well. I won’t even start on the last weeks over the top violence or commission of GBH or use of non lethal means on red zones. The force at the moment are a bunch of power drunk cowboys and the leadership are walking past the standards they are meant to uphold.
Limbrick seems to be the only level head in Spring st so he needs to start calling for a Fitzgerald type commission on the lot and the Vic Pol ranks need to be decimated. Sooner or later with the footage in hand some of these victims are going to get visits from Ambulance chasers when the dust settles, then it will start to get expensive for Victorian taxpayers.
I am telling you, the penny is dropping at the SMH.
The Australian community has proved remarkably compliant during the coronavirus pandemic. Some hesitancy about AstraZeneca notwithstanding, we are lagging in our vaccination rate not primarily because of the public’s resistance or reluctance but because of the faults in the rollout. With improvements in that, and a combination of the positive and negative incentives of the vaccine passport, we can probably reach a vaccination level high enough to keep the community safe without having to go further down the road of compulsion.
Michelle Grattan is professorial fellow at the University of Canberra.
This is encouraging.
John Elliot is and was a despicable karnt.
There are no jolly old time stories about the filth.
Yes. Excellent.
Please the read the articles.
This again is encouraging.
It also makes me think that a lot of the pro vaccine guys aren’t awful Karens, they’re just risk averse.
Another alternative is actually testing for covid immunity.
Good, about time. Kelly calls for a judicial inquiry…
Notice how gutless Guy has said dot or even Tim Smith.
Did this ever happen or not?
Othering citizens by the Govts of Australia with a certification isn’t in any way encouraging. It is thuggery, intimidation, victimization and outright totalitarian.
I quite liked it. Many scenes are on Youtube, which is often an indication of a lot of goodness. The Guild navigator was cool. I also especially liked the personal shields, which given the state of CGI art then were marvelous. Sting was a nice choice for Feyd-Rautha.
I think I’ve read Dune a dozen times at least.
Again I think Verhoeven’s take wasn’t that bad. It was fun, especially the arse-cannons. What I got from it was exactly the opposite of what he intended though, so there’s that. 😀
Read it a dozen times too.
I always do that! We’re living in the Forever War, which I’ve also read a dozen times thereabouts, where mythical enemies require the entire planet to submit to totalitarianism for the Cause, and everyone is required to be qwerty. It’s creepy how accurate that book is, except for the absence of aliens. I wonder if the US DoD’s current fixation about UFOs has anything in it…?
Btw, I read SFs like tragics watch Sound of Music. Over and over. Currently re-reading Hells Faire by Ringo, which is a road trip by an 8000 tonne piece of self-propelled artillery called Bun-Bun. Best novel he’s written!
Shut them down. Let their fortunes burn. Salt their lands.
Mr McCormack now represents nothing and no one. What’s the point of representing the food bowl if you came up as a conservative newspaper editor, only to turn out to be a left wing douche?
“Notice how gutless Guy has said dot or even Tim Smith.”
I think Tim Smith is even worse than Guy.
Yes obviously I agree but otherwise having lefty luminaries suggest at all that options involving no coercion should be considered is very good.
Indeed Dotster.
Possibly the most off the mark comment ever registered on any Catallaxy, past, present and emerging.
I am starting to think Beryl, Anna, Sneakers, Gooner, Dummo, Dumbdrews are all bluffing.
They can’t get the stupid vaccine app to work and their intellectuals are flying kites to end the surveillance stuff.
Pigs, don’t you ever feel rather out of your depth here?
What is the real story about the “vaccine vandals!”?
I know the police have been agent provocateurs in the last few days so I am not buying it.
It could not possibly have been a greater travesty than was the fillum traducing of “Kings in Grass Castles”
For almost Forty years the Kadaitcha Man of the Yorta Yorta has us all fooled.
Then last night, irrevocable proof that his curses are lethal after all.
Hello, is this the based Based department?
I am looking for an old, undead, black necromancer who can kill old white Liberal Party politicians through natural causes.
If Nagash isn’t there, I’ll speak to Arkhan.
er she is entirely in support of the social credit ‘passport’, what she is talking about is universal vaccine mandates
social credit passports,
you ticket to citizenship rights!
these “passports” credit a non-citizen class
Think about it, Zippy.
We are close to getting a vaccine passport. Apparently. If these dumb retards can make it work.
We are nowhere near formally having a social credit passport.
I think we should sit tight and let the left try to walk us out of the COVID passports and to an issue they’ll lose and we can fight against better.
John H. says:
September 24, 2021 at 7:58 pm
The DW youtube channel has a lot of good mini doco’s.
The kind of thing the ABC should be doing.
If there are any Christian Cats lurking, are there any decent arguments for/against vaccine passports for church attendance? If you know of any could you please provide links. Thanks.
The vaccine passport is pure coercion. It is essentially a visa allowing you to have a life.
Pay that one, Sal.
No, it isn’t. The vaccine passport is the end game. As long as that’s in prospect our whole way of life is at risk. Did you watch Dr. Yeadon’s presentation? Or Naomi Wolf’s for that matter? Total and absolute control of each individual is what they want and the vaccine passport is the delivery system.
FlyingPigs says:
September 24, 2021 at 8:23 pm
Victorian Jesuit Catholics control The Viktorian Judiciary, which includes the VikKok police.
Podium for most retarded thing said at the Dover Cat.
Back peddle harder JC.
Abortion used to be illegal.
Now it’s something that feeds industries you’re happy to boast of being personally invested in.
Police bashing Victorians in the street for the shear terror of it, used to be illegal, now it backs the Jab industry that is also tied to the abortion industry.
You’re also happy to be a Pro-Jabber.
China has a massive industry in harvesting human organs to order.
How long before buying directly from then also becomes legal in this Global Age of The Great Reset?
About when you may really need a heart … to live, not only to feel human?
See, I do have a sense of humour as those who know me well know.
Oh but you joke about monstrous things, insisting they’re not real, when you know damn well they are.
You and many like you do that all the time and so the monstrous things trundle along, largely unimpeded, all the while making big money that always finds it’s way into the market.
And if that also means chopping up healthy babies, children & adults for their parts, hey, it’s only business, right.
If Nagash isn’t there, I’ll speak to Arkhan.
John Arkan was on the Coffs Harbour Council at one stage. Contact him there.
Sal, sal. Please help
September 24, 2021 at 9:53 pm
If there are any Christian Cats lurking, are there any decent arguments for/against vaccine passports for church attendance? If you know of any could you please provide links. Thanks.
Timothy on not dividing the people of Christ?
Starship Troopers was an excellent novel.
Starship Troopers was an excellent movie.
They didn’t have much to do with each other, but both thoroughly enjoyable.
what articles?
“My grandfather, a very good farmer, got the family out of the Ukraine a year before they were locked down to starve.
Before that he fought against the Red Russians.”
Tell us Nongy…did your granddaddy fight in the White Army against the Reds?
Oh and how did granddaddy leave Stalin’s Ukraine in 1931?
you’re dreaming
The Sal Sal, please help shtick reminds me of this ad played on US TV in the 90s.
“And if that also means chopping up healthy babies, children & adults for their parts, hey, it’s only business, right.”
I’m sorry…but this doesn’t come from the mind of a healthy mind.
It’s ironic that what is now prevailing in the states under the state health acts is more oppressive then Martial Law, which could only be called by the feds. Watching tanks in the victoristan streets shows that. Cops having no restraints in their assaults on citizens also shows that. Endless lockdowns and forced medical procedures shows that.
However the real standout is at the very least a sizeable minority of the citizens don’t mind.
For me the next test is what happens when the vaccination rate passes the magic 70%. I anticipate many qualifications such as hotspots which haven’t got the 70%, a new variant which necessitates boosters or even new vaccines, racial differences etc all of which justifies maintaining the lockdowns.
Also lurking is climate change which I can see getting intermingled with whatever state the virus is currently in so that if the virus is tapering off the same social constraints will continue because climate change requires them.
Thanks MT.
I will now hoe into my Rx often given to Homer Paxton and Steve from Brisbane.
Sweet, sweet Thorazine and Clonazepam.
I’m done here tonight.
It doesn’t work, apparently.
The rest, yes, I am an eternal optimist.
“this doesn’t come from the mind of a healthy mind.”
I should have written……this doesn’t come from a normal mind.
I don’t know about other states, but making the Medicare app/health ecosystem talk to the Service NSW app is pretty easy.
If anyone has heard of Plaid, it’s a similar kind of interface that has been plugged into both.
I took advantage of my freedom … 🙂
Calli – Heb 10:25
Jesus was kind to lepers too. Unvaccinated people aren’t even diseased, so rejecting them is worse than rejecting a leper.
no! … there’s whisky in the jar
Tell us Nongy…did your granddaddy fight in the White Army against the Reds?
Fun fact, some Aussies fought with the White Russians.
Russian history is fascinating.
The story of the Czech division in Russia would be something you couldn’t possibly believe if it wasn’t so well documented.
“Fun fact, some Aussies fought with the White Russians.”
Yes…I knew that.
I won’t kneel … 🙂
Oh, why would I do that, USSR?
I did, did I? I boasted about investing in abortion, did I? Your middle name is KGB, USSR you dishonest rat. I said I was toying with the idea of putting some money into biotech.
No, I’m not happy, nor am I unhappy. I don’t really think about it much. Jabbing is a personal decision and if you choose not , I don’t give a shit. Having said that, I’m guessing you’re grossly obese, USSR. That’s because you appear to spend most of your waking hours in front of a screen collecting or peddling conspiracy theories. Covid appears to be the sickness of the fatties, so I’d watch out if I were you and remain in the basement.
Yea, people suspect this and?
Dunno, haven’t really thought about it.
Yea, you’ve always been a laugh a minute.
This is insane.
Can I ask… Let’s be hypothetical for a sec. If the Chinese chopped you up and boned you, would they get 120 kilos including the fat? Just curious.
yes. I wouldn’t read too much into it. I’ll be joining any local protests if it’s implemented, at this stage we have to assume it will be.
The Reds also had non-Russians fighting for them. Many ex-POW’s from the old Austrian-Hungarian empire fought for the Reds……the soldiers who shot the tsar and his family were mainly non-Russians…and one them was probably Hungarian Imre Nagy…who later was leader of the Hungarian revolution in 1956.
I was in town today & didn’t leave the office until almost 7pm.
I saw a group of about 20 skate boarders & roller bladers going nuts on at the bottom of Martin Place.
I thought it was a protest, but probably just a some smart kids realising the streets are empty & what better time to take advantage of it.
Yes, I did say roller bladers.
But there were a lot more skate boarders than them.
there are plenty of pundits to tell you where in a field to properly locate your mind,
my issue is that the Grattans of this world are there to show you how far in the field you’re allowed to wander.
Oh give me land, lots of land, and the starry skies above
Don’t fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don’t fence me in
Let me be by myself in the evening breeze
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please
Don’t fence me in
“USSR you dishonest rat.”
You’re being far too generous JC.
Naaa, ya think?
Biotech = abortion industry.
the only difference so far is rubber vs real bullets
September 24, 2021 at 9:59 pm
How may I help you, needy one?
Uncle Sal is here to help.
Interesting, Cassie, that’s the first I’d heard of that, thank you.
What’s the head of Tourism Victoria going to do for the next couple of years?
Come to Melbourne, get cracked over the head by VicPlod.
Some opportunities here:
Workshop Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme – 12 October
You are invited to join Shantell Bailey from Newcastle Legal Aid Civil Office and Josephine Adamson from Hunter Community Legal Centre for an education workshop via Zoom about assisting clients to identify if they are eligible to apply for the Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme to be held on Tuesday 12 October 2021 from 11:00am until about noon.
The Scheme provides ex-gratia payments of $75,000 to Stolen Generations survivors who are eligible for the Scheme and also provides one-off payments of $7,000 to Stolen Generation survivors to assist with future funeral costs. Applicants of the Scheme can also request a personal apology from the Minister.
The presentation will include:
• Information about accessing the Scheme
• Helping clients to identify if they are eligible for the Scheme
• Referring clients for assistance to apply for the Scheme or get help with a review if their application has been declined
• Further assistance that can be provided for clients after they received a payment
The Stolen Generations Repatriations Scheme closes on 1 July 2022, so we highly encourage anyone who works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients who may be interested in this training and learning more to join us.
There is no RSVP required, however if you have any questions about this training please contact Shantell Bailey at Legal Aid at [email protected] or on (02) 4908 6128
Trigger warning – Please note this training relates to assisting survivors of the Stolen Generations and that this may be triggering for survivors as well as their families or people who have worked closely with survivors
The doco pulls no punches, the first 5 minutes makes it clear that the theme is Big Pharma is too powerful and too dangerous.
I enjoy European movies and news. My impression is that they are more wary of corporate power than in Aus. No Aus news outlet would have the courage to do that sort of doco.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 24, 2021 at 10:22 pm
the soldiers who shot the tsar and his family were mainly non-Russians…and one them was probably Hungarian Imre Nagy…who later was leader of the Hungarian revolution in 1956.
Interesting, Cassie, that’s the first I’d heard of that, thank you.”
Yurovsky, who was the imperial family’s goaler, when preparing for the murders, was forced to to choose non-Russians POW’s because the Russian guards flatly refused to kill the children.
Glenn Greenwald on AOC voting “present” on the Iron Dome vote.
Greenwald has one big blindspot.
He’s full Pali.
But he does give it to AOC which is delicious.
Hey, Miss Ellie – I can only give you everythang … 🙂
“Greenwald has one big blindspot.
He’s full Pali.
But he does give it to AOC which is delicious.”
I know…that’s when Greenwald depresses me…but he does so much good so I’ll forgive him.
My impression is that they are more wary of corporate power than in Aus.
The FTC has never pursued a US tech company for anything that wasn’t already being pursued by the EU.
Bluddee Hell – a JC epic of the Kanye oeuvre – is this the end of days, I asks ya? 😕
Same with Jimmy Dore, Cassie.
They are just so soft headed when it comes to the Pali’s.
It was obviously a sarc, mocking The Rones. We all know that and of course you do too.
We want to know though, why you’re always either hanging around like a fart in a airplane or directly trying to cover for The Rones whenever he gets himself into trouble with his idiocy and bigotry?
If you’re looking for money, I’m sure he’ll lend you some as he’s even offered 5 crackers to the Faultmeister. Dude, if you’re hard up just start a Go Fund me page and I’m sure people will chip as no one wants to see you starve. I won’t though because you’re a bigoted dirtbag and I’m not God. I don’t forgive.
September 24, 2021 at 10:31 pm
Same with Jimmy Dore, Cassie.
They are just so soft headed when it comes to the Pali’s.”
Yep…..and I also like Dore too.
Cassie, if you have a reference or a source, I’d be obliged – it would make good reading.
I’m sure you can find biotech companies that don’t use aborted babies tissue.
Which is what I’ll be looking at soon.
I guess if you invest in something which is based on treating certain humans as non- human, the risk there is that the money you make can be taken off you because such an outlook makes all decisions about who is or isn’t human arbitrary.
It is on the same continuum as the CCP transplant stuff, because that is about de-humanising and commodifying people too.
Therefore it’s in one’s own interest not to encourage such, because you’re doing it to make money, but if people can be reclassified as non- people for profit, then the money you have is now only your own until such time as you get reclassified as a non- human.
But here’s where it gets very, very difficult: Once society operates on that basis, it becomes almost impossible to untangle yourself from it. You live in a society that allows this. The consequences permeate all through everything. Difficult, difficult stuff.
I’d be very interested in J.C. and SRR thrashing this out, so go to it. try to keep the hair pulling and eye gouging to a strict minimum.
In exchange for Max, I give you Bodyjar – Not the Same.
(Subtitled: Ode to my lost Country).
like a fart in a airplane
There should be a detector on planes & I am sure they could do it.
It someone farts & aren’t in the toilet, they should be ejected from the plane.
The worst trip in my life was a flight between Dubai or Abu Dhabi to Sydney.
This fat little arab spent half the flight eating potato chips with his mouth open & the other half farting.
Filthy little creature.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 24, 2021 at 10:34 pm
Yurovsky, who was the imperial family’s goaler, when preparing for the murders, was forced to to choose non-Russians POW’s because the Russian guards flatly refused to kill the children.
Cassie, if you have a reference or a source, I’d be obliged – it would make good reading.”
The Fate of the Romanovs by Greg King & Penny Wilson. Pretty sure it was in this book…..I read it about fifteen years ago.
A bit rough I thought about the comment by the porcine flyer @8:58pm about the departed Jack Elliott.
But, then again, he was president of Caaarrton.
I swear that arab ate four bags of chips.
I think I still have PTSD anytime I hear someone open a bag of chips (which is rarely).
only saw this today … https://twitter.com/AussieVal10/status/1441003582547890178
Rabbitohs flogged the silver spoons.
Be playing the Storm next week
Conversely, there’s no reason to read articles, watch news, listen to dissenting viewpoints, consider the infirm, nothing. You just need to get back to first principles.
Does our government have a constitutional power (let alone moral imperative) to segregate citizens into anything other than free men and detained convicts? No.
Does our government have a constitutional power, or moral imperative, to compel other citizens to discriminate amongst their fellow citizens as anything other than free men or detained convicts? No, of course not, even without considering the first.
I’m baffled that anyone has to have this spelled out for them.
Take what you want …
Guess who’s going to gaol tonight?
Told him, “Stop all of that red cap, we goin’ home”
Not me with all of these sins, castin’ stones
This might be the return of The Throne (Throne)
Hova and Yeezus, like Moses and Jesus
You are not in control of my thesis
Guess who’s goin’ to jail tonight? 🙁
I’d never invest in one biotech firm as you need a bundle of them to spread the risk. That’s why I mentioned ETF’s earlier.
But honestly, I’m appalled by the censorious tone here.
This is a life saving industry that will reduce human suffering and prolong life over oceans of time. It’s wonderful. However, I’m being told I’d be investing in the abortion industry and I’m evil.
At least this is what that obese cow , USSR is suggesting. Ironically, this is the style of the accusations that used to come out of the Leninist playbook. The slob says she’s Russian , so go figure. 🙂
But on a serious note, this sort of censoriousness is what you’d expect from leftists of today and not from the right. We need to be careful not falling into that trap.
we roller bladed down the north sydney side of the harbour bridge approach when it was closed to traffic for its anniversary. was like skiing a bitumen mountain. foolishly we started a race and started going straight down the big hill, terminal speed was absurdly high, from memory we estimated it at well over 80kph. it was fucking fast. on roller blades. on bitumen. one of the guys got the death wobbles but kept it together. we were all tucked right down to get maximum speed but the road was so rough I was bouncing all over the place. any fall would have meant broken limbs. my legs were shaking when we finally reach the bottom of that multi kilometre hill.
so we took a bus back up and did it again and again.
Thanks, Cassie – I’ll bag a copy.
A Goil, singing … 🙂
Or more accurately…
Do you think they have Vikpol on some sort of juice?
How else do you get so many to simultaneously act like complete fuckwits?
Zipster on holidays.
So the evergrande stuff is coming about because china wants to redirect capital from building tofu-dreg housing into industrial capacity. Apparently it doesn’t have enough industrial capacity…. China is preparing for war.
The WSJ ran a piece about this a few years ago. Apparently it has something to do with being so high up.
I go freaking crazy at 30,000 feet hating people that annoy me. If someone like that fat little Arab annoyed me like he did you I feel like getting up and choking the fucker dead. There should be a law or (lack of a law) that if you murder someone at 30K feet, you won’t be charged.
MatrixTransform says:
September 24, 2021 at 10:42 pm
Another one for the Dover List.
(I cannot think of strong enough words for the leg-humping parasitic media who have and continue to enable this. Anti-Australian all of them).
With whom though? If it’s with the US it would likely turn nuclear. With us? Naaaa although they’re threatening us every other day.
The US has a corrupt, demented president otherwise they should be doing what they can to turn Russia into a strong Western ally. I don’t get how they allowed Russia to fall into the Chinese camp. Trump was aware of this, but of course, in order to paint the opponent with a gross lie, the demonrats had to ruin any relationship with Russia.
Irrelevant. If they do wrong they must be punished. The Purdue matter was an atrocious example of not so Big Pharma lying and concealing data for the sake of profit. It’s not the only one, the doco I linked too provided evidence of Big Pharma concealing data for the sake of profit. There is even a phrase for it, “the bottom file drawer”. They practice “enriched enrollment” which involves choosing the patients to obtain the best possible result. The original Prozac studies were so positive it was ridiculous and latter proved to be a product of manipulating data. The keep tweaking drugs to obtain new patents. In the USA it has been estimated they spend more advertising than R&D.
If you are concerned about the censorious tone then perhaps it is because you’ve never bothered to learn about the dirty tricks played in that industry. We need it but we need it cleaned up.
The trap is people like you who object to any criticism of the industry.
Norm obliterates a teacher heckler.
Rule one of heckling.
I can’t say I’ve listed to much of Kanye, but the sound is pretty wicked so far.
pity iphones or gopros weren’t invented back then
I might have to spend some time exploring Kanye. Interesting. Thanks.
Have you listened to any NF? His How could you leave us? is pretty solid (not the same production quality as Kanye though). WARNING: Not to be watched/listened to if you’re feeling fragile.
Norm obliterates a teacher heckler.
Hear what he said about OJ Simpson and Madonna.
Notice in that clip of guy filming getting thumped the fat lump by the bike rack in a grey-ish top and jeans. He appears to say something to the cops, who then rush the photographerr.
Topher captured another in an orange top being stopped by a cop, flashing his freddy and being allowed to proceed.
Nah, rosie (she ain’t), is a super Catholic, so super Catholic she left her old church for one that did Latin mass.
Now her Pope would rather they not do Latin mass, so she’s shut up about how important that was to her.
Her Pope also told Bishops not to deny the Eucharist to unrepentant, Abortion Industry Investors, so that’s also ok by notafan of God’s Word over her Pope, rosie.
Funny how nota rose by any name took it upon herself to ‘uncatholic’ Daniel Andrews even though he still claims the faith, but doesn’t have a problem with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and a whole host of those Abortion loving Political “Catholics”, still receiving the Eucharist while being so unrepentant they don’t even have to bother with confession, cos it’s cool by her Pope.
Way past my bedtime again.
As always, remember: We need you, so stick around.
Okay John H, allow me back peddle and agree with you that the pharma sector is pure evil and that instead of helping people by reducing pain and suffering and actually saving lives it does the opposite. Pharma increases pain and suffering and kills millions of people,
Explain, how you any different to regular garden variety leftist twat peddling every evil conspiracy in the book?
I take it all this are just claims and there’s no evidence except accusations. Actually, not just evidence, but real fucking proof.
Nah, he just up and left everything they couldn’t carry because he thought it would a lark.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
Victoria Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, Calls Anyone Concerned About Untested Vaccination Side-Effects Irrational Whack Jobs
let them to take massive mortgages on overpriced houses in Parkdale at less than 3%
I’m not your librarian. Purdue was dragged through the courts. Charges were laid against some executives but were little more than a slap on the wrist. The fine was pitiful, less than a month’s profits. It has recently gone into bankruptcy to avoid further litigation.
Don’t erect straw men with the “pure evil” remark. I never said that. You don’t care about these matters, you don’t care that people have died because Big Pharma engaged in corrupt practices. You only care about how much money you can make out of them. See how easy it is to erect straw men? Though in your case I expect that may well be true because your responses indicate you have never bothered to read a single word about the issue. So spare me you your stupid demands because you are too lazy and hence too ignorant to recognise what many have long recognised.
For two introductions get off your lazy arse and read “Dopesick Nation” and watch the DW doco. You’ll find plenty of evidence in both.
Does anyone know what’s happened with this court case brought by Glenn Floyd against Brett Sutton in July?
Is this the one which was settled? He’s being accused of criminal behaviour here.
That aint news pilgrim.
And it is gunna be a doozee.
September 24, 2021 at 10:51 pm
(Among the literacy-challenged are those who are unable to conceptualise that some people read, & read lots)
If you make a big claim, either provide evidence and prove it or just you know, fuck off.
Oh so they weren’t as bad as you make out?
And this is evidence is it? Firms go broke for a number of reasons.
I’m not erecting anything of the sort. you insinuated yourself into a discussion dealing with biotech and you tried to turn it into some cheap Friday night horror movie painting ALL pharma and biotech as evil.
You most certainly did try to insinuate that, otherwise why raise oddball assertions?
Again with the mind reading crap. Actually, you know what, no, I’m no saint or holly man of some sort. I don’t really care. Anyone who feigns care like you is a bullshit artist.
Yep. If they make lots of money, it means they’re making and creating great products.
You said yourself that Purdue has filed for bankruptcy which is exactly how firms that do bad things are dealt with. So what fucking more do you want to see? That’s how capitalism is supposed to work. If you don’t like it then fuck off to North Korea or some shithole like that and live there.
No thanks. Zero interest. I’m more than aware there are rotten people who at times do rotten things. It doesn’t surprise me. Unlike you though, I wouldn’t paint an entire industry as evil, which is exactly what you’ve done, you clown.
Here’s a weird thing JC:
Up until 2020 all the leftists thought Big Pharma was the devil incarnate. Hollywood made movies about it. There was no way they would support things like vaccine mandates or the suppression of doctor’s rights to treat off label.
Then, this year, all that became cool, and Big Pharma couldn’t be questioned or you were a science denier.
It’s all very, very strange.
Maybe the old left were at least partly right to be suspicious of these things.
I can’t square the demonisation of treatments with the stated aim of saving lives.
I’ve never liked transplant technology, because even if you accept it’s OK for donated organs it will never stop at freely donated because the demand will always far outstrip supply, and I believe that in the end, we’ll find it’s easier to reclassify people as non- human in order to satisfy that demand, rather than invest in alternatives to transplant technology.
Using aborted fetal tissue to produce hybrid critters for experiment is another problem. Blurring the lines between human an non- human.
Done under Christian social norms it’s bad enough. But we’re well into a new atheistic epoch. If they can murder a full term baby with Downes syndrome now, if they are growing human ears on the back of mice now, if they are making it illegal for private hospitals to prevent euthanasia practitioners entry now, if they’re talking about leaving babies that survive abortions in a dish while the doctor and “mother” have a discussion about what to do, now, if they testing just about damn near everything on fetal cells now. Where the hell does it all go in five years? Ten years?
The question isn’t what might I personally accept or not accept to save my life.
Because these decisions operate at a society level. What I do has zero effect on that. It’s like the voting thing. No one single vote has ever changed an election result.
The decision to go down the route of transplants rather than artificial organs or finding technology to repair organs. Or just accepting that for all of us at some point our time is up.
The point is, the profit motive is good, the best, if it works within a christian moral framework.
it’s not so good if companies can find a profit in murder and push and push at bounds of the acceptable in order to get there in cohoots with Planned Parenthood, cultural marxists and the lunatic, atheistic left.
My brother is genetic engineer. He has a doctorate. Some of the research they do is amazingly dystopian. He is also a full blown sociopath, and I say that as a brother, so I know it. These are not the people you want pushing at the bounds of who is classified human and who isn’t, when there is money to be made pushing it and pushing it and pushing it a bit more.
I did dumbass. You just couldn’t bothered looking at the relevant material. I know your game. It is the same with everyone here. That facile, puerile I’ll comment last and win game. FOAD.
The “file drawer” phenomenon: suppressing clinical evidence
“Unsettling circularity”: Clinical trial enrichment and the evidentiary politics of chronic pain
I didn’t do that you lying shit.
You should be a drug dealer. Cocaine is a hellofa drug.
Happy Saturday, Cats!
Got another 4,000t of Death Gluten (H2 this time, so nicer on JC’s inner workings than most…) to go traffick.
As Freddie once famously declared, “The Show Must Go On…”
You made big claims without a shred of evidence and then when asked to provide backup to the claims you say that you’re not a librarian. Well , fuck off.
Oh, I should be looking for the relevant material because you made a series of claims. Claims, incidentally that had zero to do with the original discussion, which was about passively investing in biotech through ETFs.
Oh lordie, the mind reading again. Seriously, will you just fuck off with the mind reading.
I have zero interest in worrying about Purdue’s bankruptcy and even less about caring about what you care so much about, or purport to. If you don’t like… really don’t like pharma, stay the fuck away from chemist stores and stick with herbal teas, which are sure to cure everything.
While there are some great SF ideas, there is lots of cringeworthy sex bits. His obsession with nubile females was the least of it.
Is there something wrong with an obsession with nubile females?
Asking for a friend.
Big day. Big evening.
Some of the six year olds got stuck in the woodchipper, and I had to poke them through with an eight foot reo rod I found. Then the belts started slipping and I had to change them out, and then the IG Farben barrels they sent didn’t have the right sealing straps.
Working for the man. Wouldn’t be dead for quids though.
New OT.
John H
Out of curiosity, the discussion began about investing in biotech passively through ETF’s. What relevance does any of your claims have to do with this?
First, I hope you now refrain from pulling your, ‘How dare you insult a Jew! Don’t you know I’m a Jew, you Jew hater!’, act, on people you want to silence from now on.
The way you treat and speak of people who suffered what you only read in books (and obviously learned not an ounce of human compassion or humility from), is worse than arrogant. It is heartless.
My mother was born in 1927. Her farther got them all out in 1928, knowing it was to soon become impossible to leave.
Doing so meant taking bugger all & selling less, because any sign of preparing to leave meant being stopped before you started.
Now do feel free to carry on with your bloody stupid school girl name calling and geeing your equally deep partners in human debasement to join in with you, but I am done with all of you now that you’ve all gone to so much trouble to prove there isn’t a drop of honest good faith in any of your missives.
Top Ender:
He lost me with “The Door Into Summer”.
He went seriously weird there – and not in a pleasant way.
We didn’t – the bastards are just making it up as they go.
None of our institutions are functioning as they should, the High Court doesn’t give a shit about our Constitution, Parliament only sits when an unelected bureaucrat says it’s OK, the coppers are running amuck and the whole bloody thing is going tits up.
Which is what they want – chaos.
They think they are in control and can turn the screws whichever way they want. It’s a very dangerous frame of mind to be in – thinking one is in control while denying the evidence that one is not.
More lies from srr who clearly never ceased building the dossier during her four year absence.
I changed parishes about three years ago but not to an exclusive Latin mass parish, of which Melbourne has only one.
If you’d kept up you would be aware that Archbishop Comensoli has maintained the Latin mass in the Melbourne diocese.
If you have evidence that Dan Andrews is active in a parish please produce it.
As for Biden Pelosi etc, I have commented about them in the past, but will not do so on a daily basis to please one of the resident nut cases.
Pope Francis made the point that no abortion supporting ‘Catholic’ politician has approached him to receive Holy Communion, perhaps his view about being pastors not politicians is a good one.
You seem to have no grasp on the fact that Catholic sacraments are first and foremost about a Catholic’s relationship with God, who even an empty vessel like you should realise isn’t fooled by liars.
https://www.catholicdoors.com/faq/qu345.htm perhaps you should spend a little more time with your bible instead of lying about other people.
Yes, I read the articles.
These are not reasonable arguments as they sidestep the issue.
This is the sort of sleazy prevarication I expect from the media – hedge the argument with only those options they think we should have, and then call us unreasonable when we refuse their choices.
Where do I fit in this scenario where I am just a cranky old coot who wants the government to just piss off and leave me alone?
No place for me in their social credit world, just the options I’m allowed to have.
‘Follow the money’ trumps ‘Follow the science’. Every. Time.
Bloke nails it:
New Fred, peeps.
Life is hard for any wild creature, Bruce, although as you note some have it worse than others in the eternal hunt for food to stay alive. We humans were like this too in the hunter-gatherer stage, and often made it worse for ourselves by our social organisation, which doomed some to food and others to near starvation or callous death. Learning to create our own food sources enabled us to survive and thrive – except where we did the same thing as before and knocked some out of the sharing.
So where you can, be kind. A creature fed can show you that your little kindness matters. I feel the same way about some of my birdies, especially those who have some disablement, such as a torn wing or crook feet. Then, if and when they don’t return, I know that the big black crow is well fed.
You do realise how sad it is that you felt both that you needed to say this, and that you you knew you had a mob here who would enjoy that humour, but not at all in a good humoured way?
Maybe I should just put them off Chesterton, The History Guy, Lotus Eaters, Rukshan, Topher, The Bible, and countless other valuable productions I care to share, just to keep their minds down where they’re more comfortable.
I use the word mob, deliberately & correctly, as a mob is, what a mob does.
One lies about the target, the others in the mob take the lie unquestioningly and run with it like flaming torches & pitchforks out for blood.
JC’s “fat” lie being the latest example of countless bald faced lies, that the admitted, not too slender anymore, ladies, simply couldn’t resist, but alas unlike the lie they liked to mock, the truth will likely only fuel their womanly hate for another woman all the more.
I’m short, but I have a short torso & long legs. I have chubbed up during lockdown, I’m now a size 8-10 instead of a size 6-8.
“JC’s “fat” lie being the latest example of countless bald faced lies, that the admitted, not too slender anymore, ladies, simply couldn’t resist, but alas unlike the lie they liked to mock, the truth will likely only fuel their womanly hate for another woman all the more.”
God you’re a moron. I suspect JC has a firmer grasp on the truth and reality that you do.
Winston Smithsays:
September 25, 2021 at 5:03 am
Top Ender:
Heinlein has been gone many a year. I hesitatingly admit to doing an Honours dissertation on his later works about 30 years back. While there are some great SF ideas, there is lots of cringeworthy sex bits. His obsession with nubile females was the least of it.
He lost me with “The Door Into Summer”.
He went seriously weird there – and not in a pleasant way.
It does have Heinlein’s favourite sexual fantasy of using time travel to successfully realise an attraction to an underage girl. Other then that its full of Heinlein’s usual engineering potpourri. Heinlein was a natural story-teller and could make asinine plots totally convincing but his sense of his own mortality and interesting sexuality got the better of him in his later novels. But there is no doubt overall he is maybe the top S-F writer of all time.
“Her farther got them all out in 1928, knowing it was to soon become impossible to leave.”
You’re a liar, the famine began in 1932….earlier you said your grandfather left one year before the “great hunger”. And the borders were shut by Lenin. It would have been near impossible for anyone to leave…..even in 1928.
As for this line “‘How dare you insult a Jew! Don’t you know I’m a Jew, you Jew hater!’,”….clearly you have an unhealthy obsession with Jews…because that’s probably hereditary.
Oh and just remember, as Judge Judy says, that if you tell the truth you don’t have to have a good memory.
Just piss off. you’re actually a fetid disgrace.
struth says:
September 25, 2021 at 9:23 am
Not just Melbourne.
[the report’s actually by the nice, non-shouty Mario Malik]
Again, like everything in the Globalist takeover, things are done to different degrees in different places, everyone believing, ‘it can’t be that bad, people are paranoid’, until the changes hit those once blasé pocket’s when those people then only get worked up about their own situation, until suddenly, there are no more safe pockets.
New peeps, Fred!
(Did I get that right?)
Keith, after 2 years of work pretty much has his 150 year old planer up and running. If you want to see some great industrial Revolution flat belt action, skip to the last 4 minutes:
Stew Peters, what’s in the vax?