Open Thread- Monday 27 Sept 2021

Forest Sunrise, Albert Bierstadt, late 19th Century

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Cassie of Sydney
September 30, 2021 8:32 am

“My vote with clear sky behind has to go to Photios”

I’m inclined to agree. He’s certainly destroyed the Liberal party.

September 30, 2021 8:33 am


Brilliant, Iotocoti.

September 30, 2021 8:35 am

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops Truth Bomb On Australian Response To COVID, Questions if Diplomatic Relations Should Be Reviewed
September 29, 2021 | Sundance

Every word he says is true. And this is Morrison’s response –

Prime Minister Scott Morrison defended Australia’s response to COVID, arguing “cultural differences” were behind the different approaches. “I think we are different societies. I mean, we‘re great friends and we share beliefs and values that we hold dear … but in Australia, when it comes to public health, we’re a very pragmatic nation,” Mr Morrison told US network CBS. “And I can tell you, the virus doesn’t care what you believe. The virus cares about how it can come and take your life.”

What gives him the right to decide for me? These people need to be hung.

September 30, 2021 8:42 am

What have we witnessed?
All sorts of things.
God complexes.
Decisions driven by ideology and political
Abuse of power.
I’m sure there are more.
But it’s all been on par with what too many people vote for, and believe, Western Australia and Queensland have given stark witness to that.
I’m not seeing anything new.
(Oh I forgot the abomination of same sex marriage off the list of things my dad would have despised.)
And until Australia becomes a Christian nation, not the nation of atheists* she is now, nothing will change, half the people doing the shrieking are part of the problem.
*including the constructive atheists

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 30, 2021 8:43 am

Australia’s leading causes of death, 2020

In 2020 there were 161,300 deaths, a decrease from 2019. 
Ischaemic heart diseases were the leading cause of death, accounting for 10.3% of all deaths. 
Deaths from the top five leading causes all decreased from 2019.
The top five leading causes of death have remained the same since 2011.
There were 898 deaths from COVID-19, ranking as the 38th leading cause of death.

In 2020: 

The leading cause of death was ischaemic heart diseases (IHD).
Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease was the second leading cause of death. People who died from dementia had a high median age at death of 89.1.
Cerebrovascular diseases, lung cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases rounded out the top five leading causes. 
Deaths from the five leading causes all decreased from 2019.
There were 55 deaths due to influenza. Influenza and pneumonia dropped to the 17th leading cause of death (down from the 9th leading cause in 2019). The ranking of influenza and pneumonia is influenced by the severity of the flu season. 
Suicide was the 15th leading cause of death. People who died from suicide had median age at death of 43.5.
COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death, with 898 deaths recorded through the civil registration system. 

ABS figures:

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 30, 2021 8:43 am

The virus cares about how it can come and take your life.”

Just like the flu used to do – to vulnerable people.
But apparently the flu doesn’t do that anymore. Because Covid.

Talking shit again ScoMo.

September 30, 2021 8:44 am

Morrison is probably right.
Australians don’t care enough about specific freedoms like Americans do.

September 30, 2021 8:44 am

Christian Adam’s toon. Peerless.
Brilliantly subtle, with just the right hint of nasty.
It will be difficult to beat.

September 30, 2021 8:46 am

Badly underpowered and the critical elements of the powertrain were overtaxed and under-engineered.

As I understand it, firms like ZF and Maybach supplied the components they were contracted for. When the proposed vehicles went from 35 and 45 tonnes to 45 and 56 tonnes, new requirements weren’t issued.
IIRC ZF developed a revolutionary new electro-mechanical slush box* up to the job,
but the nasties weren’t prepared to pay for it.
*The father of the modern automatic gearbox.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 30, 2021 8:48 am

Rex A

After your recent comments, I went over to Phat Pussy to have a look.

In a way, it’s a bit sad. munty seems to have been chased away from his own blog by those two obsessives Stepford and Non Compos Mentis, who are now simply reacting to open insults posted by you and JC.

That said, my sympathy for the fat fascist fool is limited. He delighted in trying to derail threads on the old Cat with his own obsessions – the unarmed “insurrection”, the non-existence of electoral fraud, Ante-Fa, and so many more.

September 30, 2021 8:53 am

Morrison is probably right.
Australians don’t care enough about specific freedoms like Americans do.

Yes, we just love to have the police assault us in the name of keeping us safe.

September 30, 2021 8:54 am

Is Gladys coping the same kind of flak as 4000 icu beds Andrews?

even the AMA are criticising Dan, not looking very good .

September 30, 2021 8:57 am
September 30, 2021 9:01 am

For some bizarre reason vic dhhs doesn’t count all vaccine doses given, only the ones via government hubs.
The total doses given yesterday in Victoria was actually 90,066 according to federal government website.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 30, 2021 9:03 am

1438 cases in Vic today.
100 more and he’ll top NSW’s worse day.
The fig leaf has dropped off TaliDan’s gold plated system.

September 30, 2021 9:06 am
September 30, 2021 9:06 am

I have no doubt that the covid vaccines significantly reduce the risks of hospitalisation and ALREADY LOW RISK of death and I believe the evidence is there to support my view.


people are still carrying on like this is a viral bubonic plague, it’s no worst than a viral pneumonia.

September 30, 2021 9:07 am

block quote fail

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 30, 2021 9:07 am

September 30, 2021 at 8:07 am
Quelle surprise! …..
The Mail Online isn’t taking comments on this story .. wonder why ..?

Am wondering perhaps the man assaulted by the coward might have been intellectually impaired as well – he’s was certainly medically impaired afterwards. Why also are they asking for witnesses to come forward = weren’t there a number of police officers present who witnessed the assault – or is their word not good enough or are they not to be trusted. What a world —

As for Gladys the Hag — her soul must be a shrivelled black blog –imagine threatening businesses if their staff is not vaxxed or if they serve un-vaxxed customers — where’s the law Gladys that says that businesses must have all their staff vaxxed where’s the law Gladys == oh there isn’t one? is there?

September 30, 2021 9:08 am

Snap schlockdowns as administered by Dunderhead Dan working a treat (again).

Vic numbers surge to 1438, five deaths*

He’s as prone to extreme wrongology as mUttley.

*From the Oz.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 30, 2021 9:09 am

‘blog = blob’ I shouldn’t comment when totally irate.

September 30, 2021 9:13 am

Barking Toadsays:
September 30, 2021 at 8:16 am
TE @ 8:06am


Top movie

I stopped watching not long after the ‘shoot the prisoner” scene.

September 30, 2021 9:18 am

Generally, salty language is to be avoided, but just now, with Each Way Mitchell lying through his teeth about what (didn’t) go on at The Shrine, there’s no obscenity too foul to describe the bastard.

And, oh the irony. He’s complained about demonstratiors “disrespecting” the mainstream media, of which he is part. Then he displays exactly why the hacks are loathed by burying listeners of Melbourne’s top-rated radio station in an avalanche of lies.

September 30, 2021 9:20 am

in another bizarre twist…

Go before you go.
(Currently negotiating royalties with Visit Victoria.)

September 30, 2021 9:23 am

Actually, Morrison really outed himself in that response to DeSantis. No longer can he pretend he’s a poor, helpless lamb outsmarted by those wicked premiers. As we have known from the start, he’s fully on board with what is happening and he now seems to be out and proud about it. I can only hope he gets what he deserves, but what did WE ever do to deserve this?

September 30, 2021 9:23 am

Hopefully another one biting the dust
ireland back to normal on 22 October?

September 30, 2021 9:25 am

Oh dear, poor Winnie..
If you’re unfamiliar, Winnie the Pooh is a brainless bear who lives in the forest and slowly makes the world bad. He has beady serpent eyes and zero genitals, which is something we know because he never wears any pants or undergarments. In fact, he’s practically bragging about not having a penis. But even if he did have a penis, he wouldn’t know it, because his fat belly would keep him from seeing anything below his sad bear tits. It makes me mad just thinking about it. This bear, he just wanders around eating honey out of a jar with his bare hands like a fat savage. I hate it.

Arkys twin.
(the writer, not Winnie)

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 30, 2021 9:30 am

If I cut and paste everything on the innernet to somewhere else on the innernet and back again, does the innernet double in size?

Just look up and see the increasing amount of cloud over the world.

September 30, 2021 9:33 am
September 30, 2021 9:36 am

Thanks Beaugy for the video above.

September 30, 2021 9:36 am
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 30, 2021 9:36 am

Release the dogs of war.
It’s time that Vikplod bashed a few grannies.
That always scares the corona away!

September 30, 2021 9:42 am

If you feel like watching something akin to Battle Royale, but with a higher body count,
Squid Game from Korea could be the show for you.

September 30, 2021 9:44 am

September 30, 2021 at 9:09 am
in another bizarre twist golf and tennis are allowed in Melbourne but club toilet facilities must remain closed.

Is there a crabs epidemic in Melbourne?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 30, 2021 9:44 am

Farmer Gezsays:
September 30, 2021 at 9:03 am
1438 cases in Vic today.
100 more and he’ll top NSW’s worse day.
Victoria’s only got about 80% of NSW’s population, so although NSW still has line honours we’ve won on handicap.
Go Dan!!!

September 30, 2021 9:46 am

Non-partisan, genuine journalism.

I’m sorry but I have no idea what this means anymore.

September 30, 2021 9:46 am

And until Australia becomes a Christian nation, not the nation of atheists* she is now, nothing will change, half the people doing the shrieking are part of the problem.

This is truth.

No country on earth is godless for long. Every successful society has some sort of religion and respect for that religion. Ours is Christianity. Either we jettison the materialist hubris and idolisation of the state and Science! and find the way back to humility before the god of our forefathers, or go the way of thousands of once were something turned shit societies that died awful internal deaths and were replaced by religious, cohesive societies, I.e ours.

September 30, 2021 9:47 am

Lol, Mole.

It’s a satirical piece…isn’t it?

These days it’s hard to be sure. The writer is clearly Eyore.

September 30, 2021 9:49 am

Comrade Citizens, Google Subsidiary YouTube Bans Any Content or Discussion Critical of Vaccines
September 29, 2021 | Sundance

Google has made a big move today to block any public discussion of vaccines, side-effects or efficacy. Within an announcement on YouTube [LINK HERE], the Google subsidiary has changed its policy and will now block any content that is critical of vaccines.

September 30, 2021 9:51 am
September 30, 2021 9:53 am

Politics is downstream from culture conservacorp ‘conservatives’ like to whinge, but culture is down stream from spiritual health and religion of a people.

People need to inherently feel that there is something higher than the state, than the authorities. When people forget that, the state and authorities become the highest entity in their existance and become their god. We are at that moment.

Which is not to say that everyone has to be devout TradCaths attending latin mass, it is to say that most people should hold in their hearts a belief and respect for our god and the religious institutions that represent Christianity in our society. Like we did until five minutes ago.

And for ‘conservative’ atheists / agnostics, if for nothing else than up until recently the religious institutions provided a powerful bulwark against the lunacy of the state. Now we can demonstrably see what an atheistic secular ‘enlightened’ society looks like.

It looks like this. Every time. The total domination of man by the state apparatus, the total idolisation of that apparatus by the people looking to replace the god that was banned with a new one.

And this is just the beginning.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
September 30, 2021 9:54 am

Google has made a big move today to block any public discussion of vaccines, side-effects or efficacy. Within an announcement on YouTube [LINK HERE], the Google subsidiary has changed its policy and will now block any content that is critical of vaccines.

Here is lies libertarian fallacy that private property is absolute. Their web site, their rules – fails when it interacts with the public.
If the state is prohibited from this type of censorship, what gives non-state actors the authority to censor?

September 30, 2021 9:57 am

Youtube’s censorship opens up opportunities for competitors.

It again exposes the teeny figleaf of “platform” over its “publisher” privates.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 30, 2021 9:57 am

Victoria’s only got about 80% of NSW’s population, so although NSW still has line honours we’ve won on handicap.
Go Dan!!!

Not really
Gladys is heading up the Derwent to Hobart, Dan’s run aground near King Island on his way to Devonport.

September 30, 2021 9:58 am
September 30, 2021 10:00 am

From my own experience of living in Australia, I look back and I can honestly pinpoint the date things started to go bad.
From 1994.
When they took the guns.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
September 30, 2021 10:00 am

September 30, 2021 at 7:41 am
On Tuesday, I ordered two things online.

Good luck with Australia Post. I’ve been waiting 17 days for a small parcel which only has to be delivered across 2 suburbs. I contacted them yesterday and got a standard reply that if it hasn’t been delivered within another 15 days they’d go and have a little look for it. No more online shopping for this little bear.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 10:01 am

follow your forefathers and get the jab to protect the rest of us.

Are they saying that we are balking because we distrust vaccinations in general – which would be comparable to the smallpox and polio jobs? Because then they clearly do not, or will not, understand the point.

Besides which, the scourge of these earlier sicknesses was there to see.

It is the vaccines based on a technology more novel than the virus. Most vaccines rely upon the body to respond as it has since forever. The way a body builder does repeated exercise and eats certain foods because the bodies natural response is to build muscle bulk. When working out, and without extra especial exercises, the increases breathing, the heart speeds up, circulation shifts away from digestion – in short, the whole body naturally recalibrates.

The new vaccines, on the other hand, are more like steroids. It is a shortcut that tricks the body. Yes, steroids will increase muscle mass, but the tricked body responds inappropriately, and ultimately even psychotically.

The mRNA vaccines are tricking the cells into something the rest of the body is not ready for or even familiar with. The feedbacks that it uses to keep in equilibrium are bypassed. If carefully done it can probably be made to work. Things like blood transfusions and organ transplants are properly done can save lives or add years. But the first attempts were failures because the bodies inner working were not fully understood.

I would wager that mRNA treatments will bestow a cornucopia of benefits on humanity. Tagging cancer cells so the immune system can fight more effectively is one possibility that would be revolutionary. But it needs to be trialed to find what works and what creates new problems.

When Edward Jenner created the smallpox vaccine he tried it on a few individuals and monitored progress. He did not raid the village and poke everyone there under threat of being locked up in their own home or unemployed. And he at least was working with a known existing cowpox virus that was known to be mild. He in fact had plenty of testing for his vaccine – centuries of milk maids.

September 30, 2021 10:02 am

Comrade Citizens, Google Subsidiary YouTube Bans Any Content or Discussion Critical of Vaccines

two vaccine good! four vaccine better!

September 30, 2021 10:02 am

Oz Pravda

YouTube will block all anti-vaccine content, moving beyond its ban on false information about COVID vaccines to include content that contains misinformation about other approved vaccines, it says.

The ABC helpfully provides examples to illustrate the term ‘all anti-vaccine content’.

Examples of content that won’t be allowed on YouTube include claims that the flu vaccine causes infertility and that the MMR shot, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella, can cause autism, according to YouTube’s policies.

Curiously no example of anti-Covid vaccine content is given. Maybe it’s not a problem.

Less curiously, no mention of YouTube’s parent company’s significant investment in AstraZeneca.

September 30, 2021 10:07 am

Australia’s leading causes of death, 2020

In 2020 there were 161,300 deaths, a decrease from 2019.
Ischaemic heart diseases were the leading cause of death, accounting for 10.3% of all deaths.
Deaths from the top five leading causes all decreased from 2019.
The top five leading causes of death have remained the same since 2011.
There were 898 deaths from COVID-19, ranking as the 38th leading cause of death.

Just reformatting so I can steal from TE.

September 30, 2021 10:08 am

with the mining museum at Gympie.
Exclusively WWI gear from local veterans and the militia light horse

Was there yesterday, both museums well worth a look, but my eyes got sad when I saw some of their railway exhibit, and the skipway to the poppet head is closed for renovations. They are doing a steamfest in conjunction with the Rattler in 2 weeks

Cassie of Sydney
September 30, 2021 10:09 am

Jeff Kennett to Malturd..

“On Twitter, Mr Kennett described Mr Turnbull as “the most friendless, despicable individual” and said the contract should never have been entered into in the first place.

“You signed the contract for the French submarines. It had no strategic values for Australia, using old technology,” he wrote.

“Its costs have blown out to over $90bn and was years late for delivery.”

Mr Kennett accused Mr Turnbull of using “every occasion” since leaving federal politics to “discredit those who gave you that opportunity.”

But Mr Turnbull hit back, telling Mr Kennett to “wake up” and read his speech.

“The costs did not blow up,” he wrote.”

Methinks Jeff Kennett has nailed the Turd.

September 30, 2021 10:11 am

I have no doubt that the covid vaccines significantly reduce the risks of hospitalisation and ALREADY LOW RISK of death and I believe the evidence is there to support my view.

This is the evil of notafan that makes me react.

When you are told that you can be a positive case and be asymptomatic without having the jab, then there is no evidence that can support her view above.
None, and that is a logical fact.
She may be trying to convince herself that she hasn’t been suckered in to helping lower the population of the planet to save it from Climate Change, she may be trying to justify her actions resulting from hyterics, ………but knowing that one fact means there is no evidence, and they can’t produce any.
LOGIC is the first casualty in the mind of the hysterical.
And in the meantime, talking absolute shit like that, when we need to hold the line, may weaken someone’s resolve as they are under great preasure to be jabbed.
Totally unethical, irresponsible, immature, and to be honest, in these dark times, traitorous.

September 30, 2021 10:12 am

From Gladys’ presser:

NSW Police have indicated it won’t be policing vaccination passports, and Health Minister Brad Hazzard on Tuesday said businesses would not be punished over rule-breakers.

The premier denied that meant no one would be enforcing the restrictions, arguing there were incentives for individuals and businesses to do the right thing.

“For a large venue with hundreds of people in there, we would expect a staff member to be checking that as people come in. For very small premises, that expectation is less,” she said.

What are these “incentives”, pray tell? Are they cash payments, a pat on the head, what…exactly?

Encouraging a nation of dobbers. We are East Germany.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 30, 2021 10:13 am

From 1994.
When they took the guns.

After the Port Arfur massacre?
Which was in April 1996?

September 30, 2021 10:15 am

Our forefathers fought and died in conflict to keep us safe.

This is about half a step away in logic from religious human sacrifice.
They’re worshipping the sacrificed in the same way as the Incas or the Druids.
I really, really don’t want to be stashed into their little shrines in order to satisfy their religious beliefs.
It’s weird how as the example of Jesus on the cross sacrificed for our sins has gone out of fashion, and as people no longer care about the meaning behind God sparing Isaac, human sacrifice has again become central to their doctrine.
Celebrate abortion. aborting your baby makes your life as a celebrity possible.
Sacrifice your young men to mechanised death. Young men blown apart ensures my safety.
The rolling back of superstition and abominable practices had little if anything to do with scientific or technical progress.
How the solemn commemoration of war is being transformed by these atheists into something else is gruesomely fascinating.

September 30, 2021 10:17 am

Was it, I was wrong then.
1996 after Port ARFFFFER as you say.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 30, 2021 10:17 am

… Winnie the Pooh is a brainless bear …

Typical bearism.

September 30, 2021 10:18 am

There were 55 deaths due to influenza. Influenza and pneumonia dropped to the 17th leading cause of death (down from the 9th leading cause in 2019). The ranking of influenza and pneumonia is influenced by the severity of the flu season.
Suicide was the 15th leading cause of death. People who died from suicide had median age at death of 43.5.
COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death, with 898 deaths recorded through the civil registration system.

The bolded is a misleading. There were 2287 deaths due to influenza and pneumonia. Get the flu; die from pneumonia is how it goes.

More deadly than the Chicom pox (at no 38 on the hit parade).

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
September 30, 2021 10:18 am

someone tell Tasmania we don’t care

Actually, Rosie, some people do.

September 30, 2021 10:18 am

Woops, the first sentence should be bolded.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
September 30, 2021 10:19 am

Winnie the Pooh is a brainless bear …

He’s stuffed with fluff – what do you expect? At least he has an excuse.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 30, 2021 10:26 am

Not really
Gladys is heading up the Derwent to Hobart, Dan’s run aground near King Island on his way to Devonport.

No, no.
He’s approaching Nadi radioing that Fiji was always the destination.
Can’t figure out if he is Captain Queeg or Captain Bligh.

September 30, 2021 10:29 am

Yes, yes. Very brainless.

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”

Quite a stupid bear really. Fortunately we are much, much smarter. 🙂

September 30, 2021 10:34 am

Our forefathers fought and died in conflict to keep us safe.

To keep us safe from what again?

They were fighting authoritarian governments and the totalitarian social movements driving them, from one end of the world to the other.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 30, 2021 10:35 am

“the most friendless, despicable individual”

More to add to the list of descriptions of the LLOYD.

September 30, 2021 10:37 am

And by the way, if you have been paying attention the whole point of digital tyranny is the police won’t have to “police things”
Why do you think the NSW top pig makes the claim he won’t be policing it?

We fucking post things which are obviously not conspiracy theories.
Their plans come out of their own mouths.
Hiding in plain site.
The psychologists they employ to do this to us are having a ball.
Like Boris (WEF graduate)chanting Cars, coal, cash, to be abolished.
Unjabbed, un- booster jabbed for the twentieth time, with no cash, how are you going to buy from a place you are not allowed in?
Eventually, you haven’t paid your 100 social credits a week tax for your dog’s climate wrecking farts, your card won’t work.
Everything from drones to facial recognition etc.
Watching the gullible get led along by liars is as depressing as it is astonishing.

There will never be enough police for the level of digital tyranny they have planned for us, and due to the technology, won’t be needed.
And they have all the time in the world to play silly buggers, restricting then slightly releasing and playing with minds, turning us against each other…which will be the policing.
Because they are outside of the rule of law and democracy.
A constant state of emergency is a communist tyranny.
The only way, out of this won’t be at a sham election.

September 30, 2021 10:37 am

“I’ve been told that if someone doesn’t get the vax, they WILL DIE!”

I’ll go one better, “your already dead!!!”
**cue Colberts vaccine dance**

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
September 30, 2021 10:38 am

A release from the NSW Minister for Health and Medical Research and bearing the signature of Brad Hazzard was put out yesterday giving certain exemptions for lawn bowling. It contains 2 grammatical errors – ‘lawn’ is spelled ‘law’ and ‘except’ has become ‘accept’. I know they’re busy but geez, it’s not a good look.

local oaf
September 30, 2021 10:39 am

in another bizarre twist golf and tennis are allowed in Melbourne but club toilet facilities must remain closed.

This is clearly homophobic isn’t it? Or transphobic, or misogynist?

Those despicable straight white men can piss anywhere, even sacred shrines – why are the virtuous being punished so cruelly?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 30, 2021 10:40 am

Palachook allows the NRL grand final to go ahead at Lang Park
But crowd limited to 75% of capacity.
So 40,000 seated cheek by jowl can’t infect but 50,000 would?
Would love to see the chief harridan Jeanette demonstrate the medical science behind that decision.

September 30, 2021 10:40 am

Our forefathers died to keep us free and living in democracy.
Safety is why we are in this mess.
We have been one of the most, if not THE most safety psychotic nation on earth, and is one of the many reasons we are going down hard.

September 30, 2021 10:48 am

Google has made a big move today to block any public discussion of vaccines, side-effects or efficacy.

Interesting … Dr Campbell has recently been mildly critical of some of the vaxx policies and – whilst explicitly saying he is not endorsing / recommending – has provided evidence that runs counter to the narrative. [He was scathing of Australia’s Ivermectin policy recently]. His last video was about vaccines being incorrectly administered … they hit blood vessels and that is wrong. While that prob does not challenge the narrative… the paper he was reviewing also suggested that:

Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model

Intravenous SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Administration Induced Grossly Visible Pathology in Heart

He was releasing YouTube videos on a daily cadence and sometimes more often. That has stopped.

September 30, 2021 10:50 am

Ellen I’m sure you do.
I’m just sick and tired of posturing premiers.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 30, 2021 10:52 am

“I’ve been told that if someone doesn’t get the vax, they WILL DIE!”

The Borg.

Resistance is useless. You will be vaxxenenenated.

September 30, 2021 10:54 am

They were fighting authoritarian governments and the totalitarian social movements driving them, from one end of the world to the other.

hardly a one off fight

September 30, 2021 10:55 am

twostix says:
September 30, 2021 at 9:46 am

And until Australia becomes a Christian nation, not the nation of atheists* she is now, nothing will change, half the people doing the shrieking are part of the problem.

This is truth.

No country on earth is godless for long. Every successful society has some sort of religion and respect for that religion. Ours is Christianity. Either we jettison the materialist hubris and idolisation of the state and Science! and find the way back to humility before the god of our forefathers, or go the way of thousands of once were something turned shit societies that died awful internal deaths and were replaced by religious, cohesive societies, I.e ours.

This why I both lament what’s going on in the politics of Christian Churches and take heart in how many are calling for The Church to drive out the wolves & feed the sheep.

It’s also why I have no trust in those who attack anyone who points out the problems caused by not removing wolves who sit in high positions in the Church.

They know not doing so only serves to keep scattered & lost sheep from returning to the fold.

September 30, 2021 10:56 am

Now I’ve had my comment altered and being reacted to by mr imanongtoo.
Believing the vaccine is effective in reducing the risk of death and hospitalisation is not ‘evil’ you grandstanding jackanapes.

September 30, 2021 10:57 am

What are the odds that DictatorDan is going to blame the Vic COVID case spike on the protests?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 10:58 am

I stopped watching not long after the ‘shoot the prisoner” scene.

Good. Because the last set-piece of ‘1 disabled Sherman fights off an entire SS Battalion’ is just a little bit bullshit and kinda spoils the immersion…

September 30, 2021 10:59 am

Would love to see the chief harridan Jeanette demonstrate the medical science behind that decision.

Better still, I’d love to see Doctor Jenny go through the crowd telling
various tatted up Rabbitoh gronks “No seat for you.”

September 30, 2021 11:02 am

Believing the vaccine is effective in reducing the risk of death and hospitalisation is not ‘evil’ you grandstanding jackanapes.

Yes, that’s true…but…

Just keep in mind:

1. It is a lot less effective than most vaccines.
2. Hospitalisation & death are low anyway, & conflated with old age and other comorbidities.

September 30, 2021 11:03 am

Rubbish srr.
You are highly motivated by hatred of the Church that’s why you repeatedly lie and claim the Pope is pro abortion and the Catholic Church profits from the abortion industry.
Nothing you say could in any way turn people to Christ.
The church is for sinners and had survived 2000 years of good bad and indifferent leaders thanks to the Holy Spirit.
The vast majority of practising Catholics don’t spend day day and night wringing their hands about what the Pope said this week. Or even people considering returning to or joining the church.
We leave that to people like you.

September 30, 2021 11:05 am

P says:
September 30, 2021 at 9:49 am

Comrade Citizens, Google Subsidiary YouTube Bans Any Content or Discussion Critical of Vaccines
September 29, 2021 | Sundance

Google has made a big move today to block any public discussion of vaccines, side-effects or efficacy. Within an announcement on YouTube [LINK HERE], the Google subsidiary has changed its policy and will now block any content that is critical of vaccines.

Oh good, so that means we can all go the hack against Global Business & Political Leaders forcing (God knows what they really contain & do), Jabs on us. 😉 🙂

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
September 30, 2021 11:05 am

Lockdowns keep people inside.

What do most people do when inside all day? Watch television.

What’s on TV? Constant brainwashing about the dreaded ChicomPox.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 11:07 am

Rex A

After your recent comments, I went over to Phat Pussy to have a look.

In a way, it’s a bit sad. munty seems to have been chased away from his own blog by those two obsessives Stepford and Non Compos Mentis, who are now simply reacting to open insults posted by you and JC.

Yep. And even they have gone quiet now.

If m0nty was as brave and ‘libertarian’ as he proclaims to be, banning both off his blog would be a boon. I may not like the man’s behaviour and politics, but I dislike incessant vibe-checking for the sake of political purity even less.

September 30, 2021 11:08 am

Believing the vaccine is effective in reducing the risk of death and hospitalisation is not ‘evil’ you grandstanding jackanapes.

No. It’s just gullibility.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 11:09 am

Last Tuesday (21st September) I ordered something from a Sydney shop which but which dispatches stock from Victoria.

So far, so good.

The delivery date was given as between 23rd and 29th. A window of one week. Considering they were prepared to offer an early date of just two days from delivery 29th looked like an extremely pessimistic possibility. Each stage of the workflow would have its own time which adds up to the total but the chances of one of them blowing out by days seemed improbable. They would surely have enough Covid data to incorporate into their estimates.

So I have been watching the tracking. The parcel was showing as sitting in some AusPost tard farm in Victoria for days, but finally the tracking was updated to ‘In Transit’ on Tuesday so it seemed possible I might get my parcel on the 29th. The tracking even said ‘Expected today’ yesterday.

This morning it says ‘Expected yesterday’. I went onto the site to check and now it says it might take another 5 days. Right up until yesterday it seemed OK to them, today up to 5 more days.

Blanket numbers. No actual monitoring or keeping track. Obviously their tracking app is useless.

Here is the bonus annoying thing. When I wanted to the ‘contact’ tab, instead of having one of their gnomes propped up in a chair with a keyboard so you have an online typed conversation, they have a ‘chatbot’. It will only take the most basic information and then direct you to the web pages the failure of which drove you to try to make contact in the first place.

I just want to find out if it is coming today so, if it is not, I can nip out to the shops.

Anyway, glad to have vented now.

September 30, 2021 11:14 am

jupes says:
September 30, 2021 at 11:08 am
Believing the vaccine is effective in reducing the risk of death and hospitalisation is not ‘evil’ you grandstanding jackanapes.
No. It’s just gullibility.

I’m happy to entertain the thought that the treatment (I hesitate to call it a vaccine just because I’m told to) may have some beneficial amelioration effects. Stats coming out of Israel might show that.

However, the “vaccines” are a classic case of over-selling and under-performing, anathema to any business.

The fact that the salesmen have resorted to threats and coercion and silencing of critics takes them way beyond the realm of snake-oil and into something far more sinister.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 11:14 am

t I like incessant vibe-checking for the sake of political purity even less.

Accidental Double-Negative.

Vibe-checking is bad.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 30, 2021 11:18 am


It again exposes the teeny figleaf of “platform” over its “publisher” privates.

It’s OK< Calli, their "publisher" privates are still tiny enough to be covered by the figleaf.

September 30, 2021 11:20 am

Au cointreau, my dear BJ.

The fact that they are publishers rather than platforms is enough to satisfy even the exacting requirements of Lambie-Leste.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 30, 2021 11:24 am

Au cointreau

Nope. I finished that in the first day of lockdown.
Now looking at the 2 year old ruby port.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 30, 2021 11:25 am

September 30, 2021 at 9:58 am
Gray Connolly on prguy getting desperate

I often wonder if Perry the Verry Tedioua One, aka Terry Pedersen, is actually prguy.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 11:28 am

Apparently Aussie Post will not take any calls in person unless it is about medication deliveries or passports.

Non-Covid medication volume will have increased a bit, I suppose, as people who would have popped to the pharmacy will receive in a parcel. But I doubt medicines were ever really that big a part of their business. Most people get medicines from a local pharmacy which would continue to be supplied in the same way as before. Pallets on the backs of trucks or in refrigerated trucks. Not one by one.

I expect the reason they are not taken general public calls is that there would be more than usual. So the easiest thing is to withdraw the service more or less all together.

Just something else to be annoyed by.

September 30, 2021 11:31 am

When even the Guardian mocks you:

The premier has indicated that the government is considering bringing forward some freedoms to the 80% double-dose mark, and not the 1 December mark.

She has not said what those freedoms are, just that they are thinking about it. Like a teaser trailer before the main trailer.

Yep. This disgusting excuse for a “leader” is thinking about letting us out…oh no, she isn’t…well, she might be…maybe.

Loathsome, useless, capricious. You would never have her as a friend. Like Nero, and every other half-baked power-hungry lunatic since, she’s set up the kindling, lit the fire and even has a useful fall guy to blame.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 30, 2021 11:32 am


He’s approaching Nadi radioing that Fiji was always the destination.
Can’t figure out if he is Captain Queeg or Captain Bligh.

Must have been Queeg, Bligh was an excellent navigator.

September 30, 2021 11:34 am

Surprise surprise B1 & B2 get their excuse to muzzle up regional Qld…

September 30, 2021 11:35 am

Dover, I’ve sent you an email.

September 30, 2021 11:38 am

More Science:

Victoria to reduce Pfizer interval time

Andrews has announced that the government is set to reduce the Pfizer interval in state hubs to 3 weeks as of 4 October.

He says that 88,000 Moderna doses will be transferred from the pharmacy network to state hubs as they couldn’t be used up fast enough.

Three week interval? Why?

No one wants the Moderna?

Use-by date approaching?

I thought Andrews claimed there wasn’t enough “vaccine” to go around. Did he lie?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 30, 2021 11:40 am

“I’ve been told that if someone doesn’t get the vax, they WILL DIE!”

A measure of how crazily overhyping the Covid Crud has been there’s a Gallup poll out.

US Adults’ Estimates Of COVID Hospitalization Risk Depends On Party, Vaxx Status: Gallup (28 Sep)

How the Public Understands Hospitalization Risk

For both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, very few adults reported a correct answer, which is less than one percent. See the discussion in the appendix for details about the correct hospitalization rates and efficacy estimates. Only 8% of U.S. adults gave correct answers for the unvaccinated population and 38% for the vaccinated population.

Partisanship was a strong predictor of accuracy, but party accuracy varied by whether the respondent was assessing the risk of the vaccinated or unvaccinated populations.

For unvaccinated hospitalization risk, 2% of Democrats responded correctly, compared with 16% of Republicans. In fact, 41% of Democrats replied that at least 50% of unvaccinated people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19.

So nearly half of lefties think that half of all unvaccinated people contracting Covid will have to be hospitalized. The reality is less than 1% of them do. And the number of vaccinated people who catch Covid who have to be hospitalized is also less than 1%.

But tell that to the spooked sheep and all you’ll get will be blank looks.

September 30, 2021 11:41 am

The fact that the salesmen have resorted to threats and coercion and silencing of critics takes them way beyond the realm of snake-oil and into something far more sinister.

Re-listening to the last Dr Campbell vid – it is clear that the mRNA Vaxx if in the bloodstream WILL damage the heart. [He say’s that it is “logical” that this is the case]. And they still push it.

We now have Moderna being provided … which has been banned in Japan in the last month or two.

And being FORCED on to small kids … where it may be likely that the risk of getting the vaxx into the bloodstream (smaller muscle mass) is greater.

There is SO much unexplained in this constant maniacal push for vaccination…

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 30, 2021 11:41 am

When even the Guardian mocks you:
The criticisms are valid, but if a Labor premier said exactly the same things the Grauniad would be vociferously applauding.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 30, 2021 11:41 am

Barking Toadsays:

September 30, 2021 at 10:40 am

Palachook allows the NRL grand final to go ahead at Lang Park
But crowd limited to 75% of capacity.
So 40,000 seated cheek by jowl can’t infect but 50,000 would?

Ha, ha, yes.
When they restricted numbers at sporting events in Melbournibad they packed the restricted number into one side of the ground.
If you believe in the transmission characteristics of the virus, logically you spread people around the available space.
But that would increase AFL stadium cleaning costs, so …

September 30, 2021 11:46 am

Jack Posobiec
Dr. Fauci says ‘fully vaccinated’ now includes booster shots

September 30, 2021 11:50 am

Victoria to reduce Pfizer interval time

Andrews has announced that the government is set to reduce the Pfizer interval in state hubs to 3 weeks as of 4 October.

There are MULTIPLE studies / recommendations AGAINST reducing the interval between vaxx jabs. If it is shortened there chances are that it actually reduces efficacy.

September 30, 2021 11:50 am

sfw says:
September 30, 2021 at 8:07 am
Two of children (twins) had their birthday last Saturday, I posted cards and lotto tickets to them the previous Monday, the cards didn’t get to the daughter in South Melbourne till yesterday Wednesday – nine days, and the the card to my son in Tooborac is yet to arrive. We’re 320km from Melbourne, what is going on at Australia Post?

Mail was faster when it travelled by horse-drawn coaches. Ain’t progress grand?

September 30, 2021 11:52 am

Aussie Cossack speaks to Bike representative….

September 30, 2021 11:52 am

We always wondered why some women stayed in an abusive relationship.
Australia as a nation……..FMD.

You can entertain any thought you like Calli, but that is just hope.
The facts are you can apparently be covid positive and asymptomatic when unjabbed!
Asymptomatic, or with varying sniffles and coughs all the way to death from the severe boogie monster death suffered by those ten years over the average age of human life!
Then the same people tell you the death jab only lessens the symptoms.
The first statement means the second can’t be measured.
That’s just fact.
That’s logic.
Like men can’t become women.
It is very hard for many to resist the enormous pressure to take their lethal injection to save the planet.
Knowing these unarguable facts, is it not sinister to come on here spouting the provable bullshit that Notafan is dribbling…..that these lethal injections may save you, when she knows people are under enormous pressure to get the Gates lethal injection, and she’s claiming they could help ease the symptoms of what is actually a seasonal cold, but many are still brainwashed to be in deathly fear of?

September 30, 2021 11:52 am

Or maybe even a bikie.

September 30, 2021 11:53 am

What are the odds that DictatorDan is going to blame the Vic COVID case spike on the protests?

Don’t go giving the Bat Eared Mong ideas!

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 30, 2021 11:54 am

From Peter V’landys re NRL grand final:
“People who bought the tickets last will unfortunately be the ones to miss out. That’s how we will work out reducing the crowd numbers. We feel bad for the people who have bought tickets but it’s out of our control.”
No mention yet of the number of upset ticket buyers.
It won’t matter to the politicians though. Melbourne lost two opportunities to host the AFL grand final and still many people support Chairman Dan. I assume the number of disgruntled ticket holders will be less than the number of gruntled voters who approve of PonyGirl’s “protective” stance.

September 30, 2021 11:54 am

However, the “vaccines” are a classic case of over-selling and under-performing, anathema to any business.

The fact that the salesmen have resorted to threats and coercion and silencing of critics takes them way beyond the realm of snake-oil and into something far more sinister.


Nine months ago people were being banned en-masse from Youtube, Facebook and howled and derided for as little as merely saying “we don’t think these vaccines are going to be 98% effective”, “don’t offer protection against mutations” and “these vaccines don’t seem to prevent transmission based on the initial data coming out”. They were being banned for saying these things because the FDA, the WHO, the TGA, etc had all looked at “The Data(tm)”, provided to them by Pfizer et-al and loudly and publicly agreed that ‘Yes! 98% effective! Prevents transmission, two jabs and it’s all over, no questions allowed! We stake all of your lives on it!’.

Now nine months later what people were being banned and abused over a the start of the year, is the absolute mainstream accepted truth. Nowhere near 98% – they don’t even talk about that anymore – Israel says as low as 35% – 40%, doesn’t prevent transmission or often even hospitalisation, doesn’t handle mutations and worse, seems to wear off after just six – nine months. And without the slightest bit of introspection as to how they could be so wrong, the entire science / media / pharma / political apparatus has simply moved on to literally letting the Pfizer CEO explain that you’ll be getting Pfizer boosters and lockdowns and require a licence to live life, forever.

Anyone who has any exposure to this industry knows this well warn path all too well. I’ve posted much about Tamiflu, about Pandremix, which followed identical arcs in the 2009 ‘pandemic’. Of emergency approval, mass hype, opinion influencers engaged, huge money spent by national governments, blacklisting and blocking people raising concerns, then four-five years later…oops, sorry, worthless at best, ruined a few thousand lives at worst. Sorry not sorry, but wait, here’s our latest product, check out the data on this one!

September 30, 2021 11:57 am

Struth highlighted 1994(actually 1996) as a turning point.

I think this observation is correct. From then on, SAFETY, real or imagined, had primacy over all other considerations.

Right now we’re locked down, out of work, assaulted and ultimately force medicated for Da SAFETY.

September 30, 2021 11:58 am

Looking at houses.
Austfailure is full of incontinent people.
There can be no other reason for people desiring places with 3+ shitters.
One had 5, count them, 5 porcelain thrones for 5 bedrooms.

My question.
What volumes or types of food are you eating that youd say “gunna need more crappers than that”?

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
September 30, 2021 11:58 am

I’m just sick and tired of posturing premiers.

Me too, Rosie. We joke that without any ‘cases’ down here, poor old Gutwein is suffering from ‘attention deficit disorder’. A couple of weeks ago he made some announcement about having to wear masks in crowds of 1000+ or something.

Here is Tas you rarely ever see masks; they do have those check-in things but no one fusses if you don’t use them, we’re locked in but not at all locked down -what’s a poor premier to do?

But for all that, I was shaking with rage this morning. The Liberals are disgusting, and my poor Tassie rep got a tongue lashing. Morrison, Gladys, Gutwein – all so-called Liberals.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 30, 2021 12:01 pm

Mail was faster when it travelled by horse-drawn coaches. Ain’t progress grand?

Crossie, you made me aware of my advancing senility when my first thought on reading your post was “Ah, The Castlereagh Line”.
Perhaps it’s not senility but rather a pining for the good ole days.

September 30, 2021 12:08 pm

There are MULTIPLE studies / recommendations AGAINST reducing the interval between vaxx jabs. If it is shortened there chances are that it actually reduces efficacy.

Yes but the second round kickbacks arrive sooner.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 30, 2021 12:16 pm

There can be no other reason for people desiring places with 3+ shitters.

Gets around the seat up seat down thing.
Just don’t label them Ladies & Gents.
Big trouble as that would be qwertyist.

September 30, 2021 12:17 pm

Notice, against the backdrop of all this talk of ‘boosters’, that there is no longer any talk of ‘mutations’?

Three months ago all it was was talk, talk, talk about ominous ‘mutations’ to push the idea of ‘boosters’. “The vaccines work against the original strain and delta” they said “but may not be effective against the next one” they prepped and sold.

Now they’re not even bothering with that. They’re pushing boosters just for the sake of boosters. The real reason is because they’re learning the vaccine’s effects, as minor as they are compared to what was promised, also wear off. Not even against the one single ‘mutation’. People who got ‘jabbed’ six months ago are becoming vulnerable again.

Your public health officials already know all of this. They are seeing all of the data from advanced early vaccinated countries. They are watching Israel with fear in their hearts. They are having meetings about it all daily.

And this is why they’re shitting themselves and telling you you’re not allowed to go free, ever. Because they staked the entire nation on this, on a promise that they made based on their authority and reputation, and they’ve been absolutely had.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 30, 2021 12:18 pm

Now looking at the 2 year old ruby port.

So. Only a short step away from sitting in a piss-puddle and shouting abuse at passing grog dragons.

September 30, 2021 12:19 pm

The fact that the salesmen have resorted to threats and coercion and silencing of critics takes them way beyond the realm of snake-oil and into something far more sinister.

The REAL tin-foil hat conspiracy is based on the fact that the mRNA vaccines are predominantly used in the western world. And these are also the nations where Ivermectin and the like is strictly verboten. If there are long term effects from these mRNA vaxxes, then the West has essentially committed suicide. [literally – not just economically]

The snake-oil salesmen … like GulagGlad and DikDan … are just useful idiots wrapping the proverbial rope / noose around the West’s neck.

September 30, 2021 12:20 pm

Janette Young the economics minister should have the last say about all this NRL jelly belly stuff. It’s bringing money into QLD , that’s good enuff.
I only wish that the PM Janette Young would challenge the States , we are a Nation.

September 30, 2021 12:22 pm

In a just world we’d have offered the psuedo-‘vaccination’ to old people and ill people, told them they’ll have to take it every six months if they want its protection as it’s pretty shithouse but it’s the best we have, and moved on.

That’s where we will get back to eventually, maybe.

Or maybe we’ll end up in a dystopian medical tyranny where the above is forced upon all of us at the point of a gun, young / old / healthy / sick, as it is being right now.

September 30, 2021 12:23 pm

Blame for Vic case spike already apportioned.
Grand final get togethers account for around 500 apparently confirmed via contact tracing and data collection
Naughty naughty people.

September 30, 2021 12:32 pm

What are the odds Brisbane goes into lockdown next week when the footy is over?

September 30, 2021 12:36 pm

Workers Who Maintain Supply Chains Warn of Worldwide ‘System Collapse’

Due to Covid restrictions. Is this the next step? Let us starve for the good of our health?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 30, 2021 12:42 pm


September 30, 2021 at 12:23 pm

Blame for Vic case spike already apportioned.
Grand final get togethers account for around 500 apparently confirmed via contact tracing and data collection
Naughty naughty people.

No, no.
Nanny Neil knows someone “high up” in the medical profession.
Reckons it is too soon to tell because it takes 10-14 days for infections to show up, so it must be the protests last week (which were 7-9 days before the numbers being reported).

September 30, 2021 12:45 pm

Your public health officials already know all of this. They are seeing all of the data from advanced early vaccinated countries. They are watching Israel with fear in their hearts. They are having meetings about it all daily.

I’d say the public health officials are also having meetings every day about the dangers of the vaxx. They know that if anything actually comes out, the Gov’ts will point the finger at them coz “szience” they have been following. And they will hang.

The dangers were known in late 2020. CDC documented the vaccines dangerous side-effects. If you read the list (p16) then it is everything we are seeing and what MSM / Youtube etc] are supressing/hiding.

September 30, 2021 12:46 pm

The ABC’s current go to “expert” epidemiologist is Professor Mary-Louise McLaws, who urges lockdowns at the first sniffle.

She’s often introduced as a former WHO adviser. So I checked her CV; the only thing she appears to be an expert in is hygiene and infection control in the hospital setting with a focus on hand washing.

Yes, seriously. That’s the work she was doing in SE Asia with the WHO. Training nurses to wash their hands properly.

Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
September 30, 2021 12:56 pm

My workplace just had a survey re vaccine status and your desire to get injected etc. They do give the – prefer not to say option. One question sticks out, (paraphrased as I can no longer check) Are you concerned working with unvaccinated people? My employer has stated that injections wil not be mandatory.

September 30, 2021 12:59 pm

Yes, seriously. That’s the work she was doing in SE Asia with the WHO. Training nurses to wash their hands properly.

That’s the problem with modern politics. They just hire anyone that wears a white coat and is willing to push the narrative, label them a szince exzpert and if anyone dares question: [are you a denier!?] . They also have a convenient idiot to blame if things go belly up: [Not my fault! I acted on the best szience advice!].

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 1:03 pm

One question sticks out, (paraphrased as I can no longer check) Are you concerned working with unvaccinated people?

Should be another question:

Do you know what a vaccine does?

Or, perhaps just for interest sake:

If you have been vaccinated, did you do so for medical reasons or to escape lockdowns?

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
September 30, 2021 1:05 pm

They also have a convenient idiot to blame if things go belly up: [Not my fault! I acted on the best szience advice!].

To which we reply, who hired the advisers, and what due diligence did they provide to prove the advisers were providing accurate advice. Or were they hired on the basis of sycophancy or relationship.
Just like the false Nuremberg defence, “I was only following advice” will be the 21st centuries trial excuse.

September 30, 2021 1:11 pm

That’s right, the pollies are all shitting themselves.
This is world wide and the minds of billions of people have to be completely fucked with.
This has nothing to do with the great reset.
No way.

Just gullible pollies who made mistakes and now are looking for a way out….sure.
Good Lord.

It’s all conspiracy theories I tells ya.

Cassie of Sydney
September 30, 2021 1:13 pm

From The Oz

Journalist and TV presenter Jessica Rowe bows to social media critics, deletes podcast with Senator Pauline Hanson


Journalist and TV presenter Jessica Rowe bowed to critics on social media attacking her for doing a podcast with Senator Pauline Hanson by requesting the interview be removed late on Wednesday night.

The move came after a Twitter pile-on which included Australian of the Year Grace Tame, and saw Senator Hanson accuse social media “bullies” of “intimidation”.

“The cardinal sin that Jessica Rowe made was to show the real human side of Pauline Hanson,” Senator Hanson said.

“My political opponents live in fear of anything that might show people the caricature of me they present to their followers is a crude lie.

“So the usual woke suspects freaked out and made it their mission to bully a female host who openly admits to struggling with mental health issues brought on by keyboard warriors.

“Jessica and I discussed this very issue of social media harassment and bullying in the podcast and while I’m disappointed that Jess succumbed to their online intimidation, I understand why she pulled the episode. I don’t agree with her pulling it down, but I get it.

“Online bullying is a scourge. Serial culprits should be ashamed of themselves for the deliberate intimidation, targeted harassment and stress they put on Jessica Rowe.”

Rowe, 51, has a podcast dubbed “The Jess Rowe Big Talk Show”, on the LiSNTR network.

She suffered severe online backlash on Wednesday after posting a tweet promoting her half an hour chat with the Queensland senator. Among the critics was Tame.

Rowe posted at 12.42pm: “My latest podcast guest is @PaulineHansonOz. She talks love, raising kids & why she keeps going”, but shortly after she tweeted the comment and link to her podcast she suffered outrage online.

Tame retweeted Rowe’s comments and wrote, “This is how discrimination and hate is subtly enabled and normalised.

“Everyone’s entitled to their own views, but not all views should be valorised by promoting their source.

“Pauline doesn’t need help to be heard, but those whose oppression she’s both driven and reinforced to do.”

Rowe was trending for hours online before tweeting at 10.20pm on Wednesday night, “I’ve listened to your comments & asked @LiSTNRau to take down the Pauline Hanson interview”.

In a statement she issued online she wrote: “There has been much reaction and comment to my podcast conversation with Pauline Hanson today.

“Pauline’s political views are the opposite of mine. I have never agreed with her on those issues. Never will.

“Kindness is at the heart of who I am.”

She went on to acknowledge Grace Tame and Australian actor Nakkaih Lui who criticised Rowe and said: “I want to thank them especially for their candour. I’ve asked LISTNR to remove the episode ASAP.”

On a podcast on Thursday, with broadcaster Marcus Paul, Senator Hanson said she received an email on Wednesday night to tell her the chat with Jessica Rowe would be deleted.

“We had a great chat, we had a laugh, god she’s a funny woman, she’s a character,” Senator Hanson said.

“I spoke about my knitting, my gardening and reading, just on those sorts of things, why did I get into it and that’s a bit of a conversation, what’s keeps me going.

“You listen to the people that really matter to you, your loved ones, your family, the friends that you respect, you take note of these people, these keyboard warriors, why would you worry what they say and she’s done exactly that.”

She said she wasn’t happy with the podcast being deleted but understood given Rowe admitted she suffers from depression.

Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) chief content officer Dave Cameron said they were supportive of Rowe and her request to have the content deleted. SCA owns LiSTNR.

“That was a conversation that went late into the evening yesterday and to be honest we are really supportive of Jess of what she wanted to do and how she wanted to go with what unfolded yesterday,” he said.

“We are about talent needs and wants first and foremost, we certainly weren’t going to push her into a situation where she was going to be made to feel more uncomfortable over the coming week or so, it’s just not worth it.”

Mr Cameron said when it comes to social media backlash, “sometimes you have to follow general sentiment”.

“There’s times when you can fight against it but that really is the world we live in where there’s instant feedback that can become loud and divisive and it’s up to businesses as to how they react to that,” he said.

One Nation Member of the NSW Legislative Council Mark Latham also tweeted, “Jessica Rowe, the ‘journalist’ who only broadcasts material with which her friends agree.”

Ms Rowe said ““Kindness is at the heart of who I am.”…LOL….sure Ms Rowe, anyone who describes herself like that is a narcissist. But let me tell you what you really are Ms Rowe, since you have willingly capitulated to an angry mob of unhinged progressive maggots, you are not brave, you are not decent and you are not a woman with any integrity.

As for Grace Tame, a nasty, nasty piece of work, there’s a word I’ve used in the above paragraph which describes her perfectly.

September 30, 2021 1:26 pm

“rosie says:
September 30, 2021 at 11:03 am
Rubbish srr.

You are highly motivated by hatred of the Church” [that’s a Lie, as you know, but then we know who loves a lie] “that’s why you repeatedly lie and claim the Pope is pro abortion and the Catholic Church profits from the abortion industry.”[two more lies, and you denying the damage it does for the Pope to tell Bishop’s not to deny the Eucharist to Unrepentant people such as Pelosi & Co. who do make a lot of money from the Abortion Industry.
But what do you care, being such a ‘perfect sinner’ who really doesn’t want those you lie about daily, pulling you aside after church & asking why you do, and to please stop.]

September 30, 2021 1:32 pm

Don Boudreaux (Cafe Hayek) swallowed a bloody dictionary, but wow he makes good points.

One accusation commonly hurled at those of us who advocate for free markets is that we mistake the mere formal availability of choice for the real availability of choice. A worker, it is said, of course has the formal right to quit his job, but this right is alleged to be meaningless in practice because the worker will suffer grievously if he chooses to quit. The worker, in other words, is alleged to be in extremis and, therefore, is being exploited by his employer who knows that this worker has no real option but to keep the job. Market outcomes are thereby alleged to be unjust and deserving of no deference because they are the result not of real choices but of choices made in extremis.

But if this reason for denouncing market outcomes is valid, then it applies with at least equal force to outcomes engineered by government. By putting individuals in extremis, government denies to them real choice. And if the possibility of finding another job is, as is said by market opponents, to be only an illusion of real choice and control over one’s fate, then so too, surely, is the possibility of a citizen affecting government policy by voting also an illusion of real choice and control over one’s fate.

I don’t have to explain to readers of this column that I reject the notion that market choices are made in extremis. These choices are, I believe, very real and meaningful. But it’s flabbergasting that many of the market opponents who denounce the market on the grounds that the choices it leaves open to individuals are not real – that these choices are largely made by people in extremis – look upon the outcomes of government coercion with such fondness and favor.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 1:33 pm

The reason they cannot listen to Pauline is because then they will realise she is not the bogeyman they pretend and some of her points are a bit more difficult to answer than they are able to fathom.

And I am not particularly a Pauline fan.

September 30, 2021 1:55 pm

Absolutely ropeable! Just found out from my youngest daughter that another daughter (in Danistan) has booked one of my grandsons’ in for his 1st jab next Wednesday .. he turns 12 on Monday …….!

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
September 30, 2021 1:58 pm


No virus can survive an elongated period of immersion in alcohol.
I am testing this theory.

Prove me wrong.

Old bloke
Old bloke
September 30, 2021 2:01 pm

Rorschach says:
September 30, 2021 at 12:19 pm

The REAL tin-foil hat conspiracy is based on the fact that the mRNA vaccines are predominantly used in the western world. And these are also the nations where Ivermectin and the like is strictly verboten. If there are long term effects from these mRNA vaxxes, then the West has essentially committed suicide. [literally – not just economically]

The snake-oil salesmen … like GulagGlad and DikDan … are just useful idiots wrapping the proverbial rope / noose around the West’s neck.

Good observation Rorschach. The Bible said that the combined Israelites would number around 1 Billion people towards the end of this era and they are found mainly in Western Europe, Scandinavia and the Anglosphere (the House of Israel) and in the land of Israel and the diaspora (the House of Judah). These are the people who are being double jabbed, triple jabbed, locked down, and denied proper medical treatment.

Everywhere else in the world people go about their business and are largely unaffected by this manufactured pandemic. If they contract the virus they have access to effective anti viral treatments.

This was all foretold, and I’m afraid to say it’s only going to get worse, much worse, before it’s all bought to an end. The good news is that the Good Guy does win in the end, though there will be only a few of us left to see that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 30, 2021 2:03 pm

The worker, in other words, is alleged to be in extremis and, therefore, is being exploited by his employer who knows that this worker has no real option but to keep the job.

Unions used to exist for this exact reason: representing the persecuted worker and bringing to bear counterbalancing strength. But now the unions have united with the bosses against the workers.

I was amused in Coles this morning that on the in-store radio an ad for the Education Union came on. They were justifying why they want a pay rise. They must be smarting that furious parents right now aren’t getting the service they are paying for in their taxes.

September 30, 2021 2:08 pm

Two of children (twins) had their birthday last Saturday, I posted cards and lotto tickets to them the previous Monday, the cards didn’t get to the daughter in South Melbourne till yesterday Wednesday – nine days, and the the card to my son in Tooborac is yet to arrive. We’re 320km from Melbourne, what is going on at Australia Post?
Rather than risk sending money by post, & getting there in time, GladyHell to Danistan, I transferred a grandson’s burfday prezzie direct to his bank account expecting it to go quick-smart ..
the withdrawal registered out of my a/c immediately!
1st up I getz an email from said bank (Comm Netbank) that as I haven’t sent money to this a/c before there will be a delay whist they check it out .. then they sent me a security number by text to prove is me and begin the process .. 2, bloody, days later it lands in his account ..
Not bad for a system that should be an instantaneous A to B movement …….!

Cassie of Sydney
September 30, 2021 2:15 pm

If I had to choose between having a chat with either Pauline Hanson or Grace Tame, I’d choose…Pauline Hanson.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 2:22 pm

Grace Tame is an ‘advocate’ for ‘survivors’. She loves the life of glamour though.

A second rate Antipodean Megan Markle looking for her knock-off Harry.

September 30, 2021 2:26 pm

Your public health officials already know all of this. They are seeing all of the data from advanced early vaccinated countries. They are watching Israel with fear in their hearts. They are having meetings about it all daily.

Visiting doc today, are you vaccinated? No. Why don’t you want to get vaccinated? Israel. Ummm yeah….

September 30, 2021 2:29 pm

Absolutely ropeable! Just found out from my youngest daughter that another daughter (in Danistan) has booked one of my grandsons’ in for his 1st jab next Wednesday .. he turns 12 on Monday …….!

Time to lock and load! These people are fucking insane.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
September 30, 2021 2:31 pm

shatterzzz says:
September 30, 2021 at 2:08 pm

shatterzzz – I do phone banking with Heritage – when I transfer to Comm Bank (grandkids…), I am given 2 choices – Within 2 business days (Traditional t/fer) or Within 2 hours (NPP faster payment) which has always been immediate. If it is to a new account, Heritage send me a txt msg with a code to enter into the transaction.

I don’t get a choice with on-line PC banking – always the 2+ days method.

September 30, 2021 2:32 pm

They must be smarting that furious parents right now aren’t getting the service they are paying for in their taxes.

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t realised that “education” is the biggest sheltered workshop on the planet.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
September 30, 2021 2:36 pm

Time to lock and load! These people are fucking insane.

The ones pushing this on kids (all the way down to 6 months old) need a fair trial followed by execution by crucifixion.

That includes parents who are supposed to protect their children, whatever the cost.

September 30, 2021 2:36 pm

The worker, in other words, is alleged to be in extremis and, therefore, is being exploited by his employer who knows that this worker has no real option but to keep the job.

It is a perfect example why there needs to be true competition for a free market to work. If there is only one or two available employers, then yes – the worker may be exploited and there is a need for a counterbalance force like a Union. If however the worker is underpaid for the quality of the service they provide, then where there are dozens even hundreds of available employment opportunities, then the worker has the upper hand.

When Teddy R brought the robber barons to heel with his various anti-trust actions – he earnt his spot on Mt Rushmore. I was so hoping that Trump would do the same … the Deep State is the Robber Barons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

For at the moment, the great reset is just elimination all competition as it exists. And that is the doom of the West and will lead to the enslavement of the populace [even of many of those who think themselves as the elite now!]

September 30, 2021 2:43 pm

“twostix says:
September 30, 2021 at 9:53 am

Politics is downstream from culture conservacorp ‘conservatives’ like to whinge, but culture is down stream from spiritual health and religion of a people.

These Catholics agree and wrap up this report with just that.

Catholic — News Report — Upside Down, Down Under

Sep 30, 2021
Church Militant

September 30, 2021 2:46 pm

If I had to choose between having a chat with either Pauline Hanson or Grace Tame, I’d choose…Pauline Hanson.

Cassie, I’d like a “chat” with Grace Tame.

Probably short and sweet. 😀

September 30, 2021 2:49 pm

A second rate Antipodean Megan Markle looking for her knock-off Harry.
I thought Gracie batted for the Wong Chap’s team?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 2:50 pm

Gaetz rips the bastard generals new arses:

Other people get thrown in the brig, but Milley and Austen just go on ‘failing up’.

Nicely put.

I dearly wish we had people in high profile positions who had that much flair when speaking extemporaneously. The British have them too.

Our leaders and their minions slowly plod, delivering a word or two between ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’, and never spitted and roasted as they deserve.

John H.
John H.
September 30, 2021 2:52 pm

A parliamentary inquiry has heard the government’s COVIDSafe app has now cost taxpayers more than $9m despite being rarely used to assist contract tracers in their efforts.

9 mil for an app!?

September 30, 2021 2:54 pm

I don’t get a choice with on-line PC banking – always the 2+ days method.
My usual transfers are to myself from Netbank to NAB debit card ( TAB accepts debit cards but not savings a/c) they are always dun within 15 minutes so I’d assumed this one would be the same ……

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 30, 2021 2:59 pm

There can be no other reason for people desiring places with 3+ shitters.

People tell themselves all sorts of bullshit as to why they need to move house. A mate (well actually his wife, which is a clue) reckons they need to move because their son doesn’t want to share a bathroom with his two sisters.

September 30, 2021 3:00 pm

Absolutely ropeable! Just found out from my youngest daughter that another daughter (in Danistan) has booked one of my grandsons’ in for his 1st jab next Wednesday .. he turns 12 on Monday …….!
Time to lock and load! These people are fucking insane.

Problem is I haven’t seen the Danistan grandees in 12 months .. if I go to war then it might be a lot longer .. realistically, I have to .. suck it up Princess! .. goes against the grain but ……..!

September 30, 2021 3:06 pm

cohenite says:
September 30, 2021 at 2:20 pm

Gaetz rips the bastard generals new arses:

Yep, all good for entertainment value, but that’s all there is. Milley should be in jail and the other idiot unemployed. Nothing will happen.

September 30, 2021 3:10 pm

Grace Tame is an ‘advocate’ for ‘survivors’. She loves the life of glamour though.

A second rate Antipodean Megan Markle looking for her knock-off Harry.

Wife – Grace Tame

Spencer Breslin married his longtime girlfriend Grace Tame, who is an artist and yoga trainer. The lovebirds tied the knot in 2017 in presence of dear ones. The duo were introduced through a mutual friend and got close slowly.

September 30, 2021 3:11 pm

Excellent choice for Comptroller of the Currency – a backer of the old Soviet Union.

President Biden checked off another progressive identity box last week by nominating Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency. Some Trump appointees were ridiculed for having supported the elimination of their agencies. Ms. Omarova wants to eliminate the banks she’s being appointed to regulate.

The Cornell University law school professor’s radical ideas might make even Bernie Sanders blush. She graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was superior, and that U.S. banking should be remade in the Gosbank’s image.

“Until I came to the US, I couldn’t imagine that things like gender pay gap still existed in today’s world. Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best,’” she tweeted in 2019. After Twitter users criticized her ignorance, she added a caveat: “I never claimed women and men were treated absolutely equally in every facet of Soviet life. But people’s salaries were set (by the state) in a gender-blind manner. And all women got very generous maternity benefits. Both things are still a pipe dream in our society!”

Sure, there was a Gulag, and no private property, but maternity benefits!

It’s actually funny to watch this sad excuse of an administration.

September 30, 2021 3:17 pm

If I had to choose between having a chat with either Pauline Hanson or Grace Tame, I’d choose…Pauline Hanson.

What an ugly trollop Tame has become. “Celebrity rape victim” is not something I’d want on my CV if I was a chick.

Can you imagine the sort of betamales and bull dykes who now hang around her? She’s a carnival ride in a circus freak show.

September 30, 2021 3:21 pm

Hilarious – University of Kent Antifa just happened to stumble over a swastika painted on a building wall.
Lots of nashing and renting followed by a ceremonial cleanzing of the wall “purifying the campus against fascism”.
The only problem aside from the obviously staged nature of the whole thing was that the idiots painted the swastika back to front. A common error committed by dedicated fascists!

September 30, 2021 3:21 pm

$9 mil for an app!?

Good ol’ big stupid government.

When too much squandermonkey profligacy is barely enough.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 30, 2021 3:25 pm

What an ugly trollop Tame has become. “Celebrity rape victim” is not something I’d want on my CV if I was a chick

It’s either that or MKR contestant (Disclosure I actually am acquainted with an MKR contestant).

September 30, 2021 3:26 pm

At least Hiden is doing an excellent job with energy supplies.

No kidding, if there’s one thing you read today, read the op-ed piece below in the WSJ. Read it and keep this in mind.

The current price of petrol at the pump is around (I think A$1.75 a lit). Now imagine a currency depreciation from here to the mid 60s and and oil price hike to US 90 bucks a barrel. If our currency takes a serious whack and heads into the say mid sixties and oil goes to 90 bucks a barrel, we’ll be paying A$1.75 X (70 cents/65 cents + US$90/74.75) = A$2.27 a liter!

Crude prices hit $80 a barrel on Tuesday, and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) warned oil could skyrocket without increased investment in new production. So much for the claim that the death of fossil fuels is nigh.

Europe’s climate follies have created fuel shortages and price spikes that are rippling through global energy markets. Demand for liquefied natural gas in Europe has soared due to waning wind production, the shutdown of coal and nuclear plants, and lower Russian gas deliveries. But there’s not enough LNG to supply Europe and the world.

Asia and Europe are having to burn more coal to keep their lights on. But coal is also in short supply, and factories in China are shutting down as local governments ration power. Gas-powered generators in Asia are switching to burning oil, which is also pushing up crude prices.

Goldman Sachs projects that crude could hit $90 a barrel by year end, which could add 10 to 20 cents a gallon to gasoline prices at the pump. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday assured Americans that the Administration is speaking “to international partners, including OPEC” about “doing more to support the recovery.” How about encouraging more U.S. production?

OPEC and Russia are gradually ramping up supply, but U.S. oil production remains 15% below pre-pandemic levels. About 20% of production in the Gulf of Mexico remains knocked out from Hurricane Ida. Even before the storm, U.S. oil and gas producers were curtailing investment amid a hostile political climate.

On Monday energy companies scrapped a 116-mile pipeline to deliver gas from Pennsylvania to New Jersey due to regulatory obstructions. Pipeline blockades by Democratic states in the Northeast have depressed gas prices and investment in the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania. One ironic result is that, with gas in short supply, New York and New Jersey may wind up burning more oil for electricity this winter.

Meantime, permits issued by the Interior Department for drilling on federal land declined to 171 in August from 671 in April. Democrats’ $3.5 trillion-plus spending bill includes royalty and fee increases that would make U.S. oil and gas producers globally uncompetitive. Less U.S. production will make global oil and gas prices higher for longer than necessary.

OPEC and Russia might compensate for reduced U.S. supply. But there could still be an enormous oil shortage if U.S. and European giants scale back global production under pressure from green investors. That’s the takeaway from OPEC’s annual report on Tuesday, which projects $11.8 trillion in new oil investment will be needed through 2045 to meet demand growth and compensate for production declines at existing fields.

OPEC estimates that global oil demand will increase 28% over the next two decades from pre-pandemic levels as low-income countries industrialize. Even as the West pushes renewables and electric cars, oil and gas are forecast to make up roughly the same share of global energy in 2045 as they do today. Nigerians and Guatemalans won’t be driving Teslas.

OPEC predicts the Middle East will make up 57% of crude exports by 2045, up from 48% in 2019. Liberals will dismiss the OPEC report as self-serving, but today’s energy shortages and price spikes are a blaring reminder that the world needs more, not less, oil and natural gas.

September 30, 2021 3:29 pm

Queensland’s gormless Health Minister is getting desperate:

“The Queensland Ambulance Services is standing up a new pop-up 24-hour testing clinic at Eight Mile Plains [in Logan] at 51 McKechnie Drive,” Ms D’Ath said.

“If you have the slightest symptoms, even just a headache, please come forward and get tested.

“Now all of the Queensland Health community vaccination centres across Queensland are walk-in centres — you do not need a booking.”

Got a headache? You need to rush off and get tested for COVID asap, says the Minister, for whom expense is apparently no object, let alone science.

People waiting for treatment in Queensland hospitals might disagree.

September 30, 2021 3:31 pm

Does anyone remember when pensions & the dole started being paid directly into bank accounts rather than sending cheques?

Because way back then lots of people warned it would lead today when the “unpersoned” would be shut out buying & selling and the even worse to come.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 30, 2021 3:34 pm

Disclosure I actually am acquainted with an MKR contestant

Don’t sweat it, Bear.

There is no judgement here.

We keep that for this other website where we heap opprobrium on anyone we find here, but behind their backs.

Hell, did I just type that out loud?

September 30, 2021 3:41 pm

OPEC and Russia are gradually ramping up supply, but U.S. oil production remains 15% below pre-pandemic levels.

The Biden White House junta is exactly what you’d expect of a bunch of Marxist radicals who’ve never organised anything more than a hate campaign on Twitter.

September 30, 2021 3:43 pm

If the fuel price gets much higher in Europe, then it becomes attractive for the Singapore refineries to ship directly there.

We then get into a bidding war.

Since we’ve closed the majority of refining capacity in this country and banned exploration, we are then comprehensively fucked.

September 30, 2021 3:45 pm

Has anyone else noticed the outburst of movies and series focused on orthodox J’ish groups.
Each one that I have seen features the repressed/trapped ofthodox wife, the tyrannical father/rabbi/husband.
No anti-sematism involved. No, no no, none of that. “How could’ve even suggest such a thing

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 30, 2021 3:46 pm

I have no doubt that the covid vaccines significantly reduce the risks of hospitalisation and ALREADY LOW RISK of death and I believe the evidence is there to support my view.

As the flames consume your corporeal person, be comforted in the knowledge that the evidence indeed supports your view:

UK Jan 21
Vaccination Rate: ~5%
Hospitalisation Rate: ~7.2%
Case Fatality Rate: ~2.1%

UK Jul-Sep 21
Vaccination Rate: 60%+
Hospitalisation Rate: ~2.4%
Case Fatality Rate: ~0.4%

[Disclaimer: COW, Whore to Socialism, Catamite to Klaus Schwab]

September 30, 2021 3:47 pm

‘Post’button accidently tapped beforeceditingcand correcting. GRRR!

September 30, 2021 3:48 pm

What are the odds Brisbane goes into lockdown next week when the footy is over?

Indeed, it will come to pass. A mate called me while having a beer at the Croc Bar in Cairns. Reckons the tourist industry is devastated. He never seen anything like it even during the downturn. Quiet as too.

He was looking at vacant lots on northern beaches as he is looking a building sometime in future. Prices though crazy. He looked at a lot high $400K this morn, no access and crazy steep ground. Didn’t even bother contacting the agent.

Last thing he mentioned was the amount of Brisbane car dealer stickers he saw. Not happy as he stated they (SEQ) have f#@&ed Queensland now they’ll f@#& up the north by moving here…

September 30, 2021 3:49 pm

johanna says:
September 30, 2021 at 3:29 pm
Got a headache? You need to rush off and get tested for COVID asap, says the Minister, for whom expense is apparently no object, let alone science.

People waiting for treatment in Queensland hospitals might disagree.

Not only Qld hospitals.

After the latest results from my bowel screen along with my medical history & current health, my doctor prioritised me for scope & colonoscopy, months later with my doctor being on the hospital’s case & I’m still waiting.

It’s things like this on top of other lockdown damage done, that effects already health hampered sleep and has one searching around for other options.

Evil arseholes however, have no qualms about using such situations to demonstrate just how ruthlessly the ‘unpersoned’ will always be treated by the compliance pushing mob, but then they never have any qualms about inventing lies & repeating them about their ‘unpersoned’ targets which is literally the work of the father of the lie, so it’s no surprise to me.

September 30, 2021 3:52 pm

More COVID deaths are needed to cover up fraudulent Energy Poverty fuck ups.

September 30, 2021 3:58 pm

Aussie Cossack at court. This guy is good value:

September 30, 2021 3:58 pm

For the past 10 days, my local IGA supermarket hasn’t been able to sell bread, except for white sliced loaf. I can’t get any of the grain bread I normally buy.

The blokes out the back say it’s because of production problems at Tip Top bakeries caused by staff shortages as a result of Kung Flu scares.

This is in inner country Victoria supplied by supermarket delivery systems from Melbourne depots.
Is anyone else noticing supermarket supply issues?

September 30, 2021 4:00 pm

Dr Faustus
I’ll see you in hell.

September 30, 2021 4:00 pm

The only massive cold hole the Southern Hemisphere has is Antarctica.

Most of The Northern Hemisphere are fking cold holes in their own right.

Fk ’em and their twisted fking Extinction Crap.

Why do you think so many traveled South of The Equator or live within 10 degrees of it.

September 30, 2021 4:04 pm

when we use a word it mean precisely what we want it to mean

“As the proportion of the population who are vaccinated increases, the numbers of cases who are fully vaccinated will increase but this does not mean the vaccines are not working,” NSW Heath noted in the surveillance report.

September 30, 2021 4:05 pm

Norway has energy independence and free of Covid crap.

China has fkd itself being too busy taking over the world.

September 30, 2021 4:07 pm

Pension and dole cheques?
Most sinister
I suspect that was changed because of a) cost and b) rampant fraud

September 30, 2021 4:08 pm

Can’t wait to see massive artillery fortifications on America’s Northern and Southern borders.

September 30, 2021 4:09 pm

I posted a comment on the OZ and suggested that journos ask politicians and public servants one simple question, the answer to which will again demonstrate that we are not all in this together.The simple question, prompted by a look in the mirror was “Who cuts your hair?”
Comment rejected.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 30, 2021 4:10 pm

Jessica Rowe, frank and fearless chernerlist.

Southern Cross Australia.

Cowards. Cowards all.

September 30, 2021 4:11 pm

rosie says:
September 30, 2021 at 4:07 pm

Pension and dole cheques?

completely bypassing the point the point that was made.

September 30, 2021 4:12 pm

Jewish movie The Chosen with Rod Steiger, (one of my favourite actors) made in the early 80’s. Top quality, worth a look.

September 30, 2021 4:19 pm

I would smack fkg mong Morrison in the face for net zero.

And I would kick the arzhole Joyce fair up his despicable klacker for the same.

September 30, 2021 4:20 pm


Tony Abbott said Melbourne’s anti-vaccination protesters were largely harmless and criticised police for being heavy-handed.

1 6 7 8 9 10 15
  1. There is always a lot of discussion of the antipathy or hatred for Jews by the Muslims. What isn’t mentioned…

  2. There is ample evidence to support your theory. Researchers have repeatedly found that the influence of Christian missionaries in a…

  3. The German establishment has been the longest serving non-royal or church ‘uniparty’ in history – since 1865. Sure, they had…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x