Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
Can’t even see Macquarie Bank
A citizen journo posted some stats on twitter last year saying Macquarie now employs more former public servants as consultants etc than former politicians.
The stats were disputed but what does that tell you regarding the decision making in Australia.
Introducing load consonance: a smooth brain policy impact.
1) The off peak price signal vanishes;
2) A new ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse enters the productive economy. “Sorry I’m 10 hours late Guv, I was kept at the last job and couldn’t get me fukn charger on…”
Mrs D had some items drop shipped to several of her customers. They arrived in Oz during the first week of September, and were delivered to several Sydney suburbs yesterday.
Not Keen.
In fact I’m not keen on kean.
Boom tsch…I’m here all week…try the filet mignon…
October 4, 2021 at 10:08 am
Wow Barillaro jumps ship. Why am I getting this niggling feeling the NSW Libs are about to take a hard left ward tack.”
Barilaro was pretty left himself on a number of social issues. He supported those ghastly abortion laws two years ago.
Words fail.
My sympathies, areff.
First time a #RoyalNavy warship had transited through the #TaiwanStrait !
Areff, that is disgusting. The hireling in non-action.
Pity she didn’t have this Australian priest!
If you’re Catholic and don’t pray the Rosary daily, you are catholic in name only.
With Photios setting the sails it doesn’t matter who is holding the tiller.
I have hope for Perrottet. The right people are annoyed.
“I have hope for Perrottet. The right people are annoyed.”
I also do.
I still don’t understand this media mourning of the end of Gladys’s reign. Almost everyone I know, granted that is not a large number, is glad she is gone. I keep hearing the expression “got her comeuppance” a lot. Yet our media unanimously sing her praises.
In the past at least half if not more of the media were expressing opinions I agreed with. In the last two years there has been a seismic shift and they have floated off on their own landmass. Now they are not able to see if any of us even exist let alone how we think or feel.
Lizzie, my understanding of the reduced capacity issue is that the Chook decreed a 25% reduction in people allowed in; then V’landys said the NRL would allow in ticket holders on a first-bought first-in basis (giving refunds to the last-in group); and then the stadium worked out how to seat those allowed in. Leaving one section empty makes for ease of cleaning after the game.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been a plebeian revolution taking place on the night – team supporters moving to sit with their crowd and enjoy the game together. Totally ignoring the Chook and stadium directives.
As a Catholic I prefer to be guided by the Catholic church who is guided by the Holy Spirit (God)
But hey, I’m an apostate.
Who on earth is sending Beryl Gladischlockian flowers???!!
Zipster – clearly now at the top of many peoples “To Do” list. Not sure how much longer they can kick it down the road.
I got a not great vibe from Perrott announcement.
First was the black masked gimp standing behind him. Dreadful.
Second he seems a nice fellow but he has to close his eyes to make his points. It’s the trait of a nervous policy wonk thinker not of a leader.
I think he’ll rely on the charismatic gimp he had there to do any sort of head kicking and serious negotiating and will end up his puppet. Seen it happen many times with mostly socially adjusted big brain IT goons who after floating towards the top, end up managing – and quickly being managed by some cool non IT manager that ends up under them.
Hope I’m wrong.
Lots of Sydney golf clubs have non-playing memberships.
I suppose it’s similar to churches having non-believing members.
Who on earth is sending Beryl Gladischlockian flowers???!!
Rusted on Liberal voting retards.
He’ll fall into a sinecure somewhere.
I can’t see a career politician not having a well paid exit strategy.
Gab, Mum said the rosary every night and was buried with her beads.
In the end, rather than send her off from the non-denom memorial park chapel, I called the parish we attended in Yarraville when I was a kid. The priest there could not have been more accommodating, immediately agreeing to do both funeral and burial and, like you, evincing disgust that the Altona priest couldn’t be bothered going to the trouble of attending to his pastoral duties.
Interesting: the Yarraville priest is the son of a former Quadrant contributor on military matters. Lovely bloke, and further proof that trust is more likely to produce an honest dividend when invested in a conservative.
I knew that Brazil was the biggest coffee producer in the world.
I had no idea that Vietnam was the second biggest producer.
Scoff scoff
talk about a non-issue
just install a solar farm, wind gen, and a battery
everybody at the end of the line will benefit.
it’s for the greater good
A reshuffle will certainly happen but I am not confident that policies will change.
I hope you follow her excellent example.
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.
There needs to be a “Health” minister who isn’t elderly, obese, with a respiratory condition so bad that he had to carry a puffer with him.
What a pig of a priest, areff.
CL posted about the ‘It’s too late’ script that is being recited on Australian media.
The US went through that back in July:
Etc, etc, etc.
I’d say at a certain percentage of first dose vaccination the pandemic response action plan says kick off a “begging” media campaign.
areff, my parish priest is youngish and very strongly opposes what is happening. He is a very good pastoral leader. I find the generation of priests who were ordained in 60s and 70s as a group are not as committed.
Well done, you. I am so glad you managed to find a good churchman.
You wouldn’t have wanted that false priest anywhere near your mum anyway.
Ridgeback Biotherapeutics is the partner of Merck who developed the Merck-mectin treatment.
The white anting of Ridgeback has already begun.
Amazing how other Big Pharma are now saintly with all their sins forgiven.
But now, Ridgeback is the devil with all it’s previous failings amplified.
I saw a nurse on the news last night saying just that and I thought how interesting, no name of the nurse or the hospital she works in. Our media are despicable.
In Vic they are pushing for better benefits and hero bonus. They are protecting us from “apocalyptic” outcomes here, doncha know.
Another one of those pesky freedoms
liberty demands the state respect religion at the spectator
Says it all, Gab. Beautiful.
Words for the ages from down the ages. It is good they are still remembered and used.
In Vic they are pushing for better benefits and hero bonus. They are protecting us from “apocalyptic” outcomes here, doncha know.
Hero bonus for empty wards & tiktok videos ?
And tweeting how the CFMEU were blocking ambulances from getting across the Westgate bridge?
Remember that?
Pope mandates vaccination: 3 members of the Swiss Guard resign
Large fleet of Chinese fishing vessels encroaches on South American waters at Galapagos Islands
Look at how the ABC and friends are pointing at Dom Perrottet’s Catholicism ( must be an extremist because he has six children) as a great negative.
A certain someone even raised the hideous spectre of Opus Dei.
Apparently separation of church and state now means ‘no Christians shall be suffered to be in public office’.
This shit turned up in my email just now…
What if I’m not fully vaccinated at the 70% target?
Unvaccinated people, or those who have only received one vaccine dose will not be able to do everything a fully vaccinated person can do, you will not be able to:
• visit friends or family in their homes
• access non-critical retail
• attend weddings with more than 5 guests
• go back to some workplaces
• go out to pubs, or visit other premises which are open only to vaccinated customers.
The above is for NSW btw
We are not obliged to ”obey” the pope in all matters. Never have been.
– Cardinal Burke
nah … time to be honest
Granted that when the person in question suggests you’re a ‘good little Cherman’ it upsets you.
Would that be because that the spirit of how it was said, it could well turn out to be true?
Putting words in other people’s mouths as you’ve been doing , well, it makes you sound like a good little cheman too.
You can infer or ascribe all sorts of motive all you like but in the absence of a reply from the person in question, you’re just shouting at the wind
and look at you trying to smear a working guy for simply having a job.
fuck me … gunner got the sack right?
got another job … stood down by edict right now as well.
what the fuck is wrong in your head?
Krokodil Tränen
Alas, Gab, I lost the faith quite some time ago. Not lapsed and bitter — agnostic most of the time, atheist when God turns against the Bulldogs, as happened two weekends ago.
Where’s the regulation?
It didn’t exist last night
The State can and does support & even decree by law, a parent’s ‘right’ to “Transition” their children or use them as human guinea pigs For The State, but The State denies a parent the Right & Duty to Protect their children from The State supported life threatening experimentation and even murder.
Yes, remember, a father can’t stop their Born Alive ‘aborted’ babies from being left to die, even when full term & healthy.
The State ONLY supports the mothers’ “Right” to murder the children of men, not the fathers’ Right & Duty to protect them.
Just as soon, parents will have NO Right to protect even their babies from having Jabs forced into them.
And the state of the world only came to this hellish point because The Church wasn’t only M.I.A. but actively smoothed the way for The Abortion Industry & all it’s related abominations to not only be accepted but become celebrated & even revered … unlike Holy Communion in their now Closed Churches.
Sixty plus years ago, driving with the family & the priest, my Grandfather got into an argument with the priest. A ding-dong roaring argument that the priest was losing badly and thought to end by the smarmy, condescending, chuckle punctuated question, “Old man, why are you burning up so much?”
To which my Grandfather replied, “Why aren’t you burning?”
That there are any faithful remaining in The Church, isn’t due to generations of white washing the sins of the wolves allowed to roam in Her, but thanks to God for not leaving us without those who refuse to call raving wolves, ‘holy’.
May the tears and prayers of your mother bear fruit in future, Areff.
Laws of Garage Thermodynamics have hereby been repealed
October 4, 2021 at 9:48 am
In a just world, this guy would get a bullet in the head
In a world of poetic justice he’d die of a jab-caused clot. A very painful one.
I agree, he is a very painful clot, but what makes you think that he has actually been jabbed?
Cardinal Burke nails it.
pretty sure he borrowed the concept from you and just put it into nicer sounding words, mate
Is that related to Garage N a z i s m?
When Mum was found dead at the end of the bed the new priest at whose church she had worshipped for 40 years refused to come to her home to say the prayer for the dead. He also declined to have the funeral there, actually saying it would be “a lot of trouble” — deep cleaning the church after the service etc., — for just 10 people.
Very sorry to hear of this utterly un-Christian act.
Would it be a fair assumption that the new priest is of neither Polish nor Vietnamese ethnicity?
Fauci is just another one of these foul geriatrics who want to wreck their respective countries before they go pop.
as I type this, sirens outside, probably near the IGA.
you don’t have freedom of choice
which is something Gunner recognizes but apparently you don’t
They are chanting Tom Brady’s name as he trots back onto the field at Foxborough.
The last time I heard that was when Ron Gibbs returned to Brookvale for the first time.
Did someone suggest that we agree with the Pope on all things sacred and profane?
Smearing people who have been vaccinated in good faith as cooperating with evil because you think so?
Also no.
As for ussr and the my dad had an argument with a priest therefore the Catholic church is evil.
We heard your meaningless story the first time and repeated, the story remains equally unconvincing.
Noone ever claimed sinlessness for priests either.
But keep telling us Pope Francis is pro abortion and that the Church profits from the abortion industry though, that’s a winner.
I believe it’s called the No True Cherman fallacy
The 1st Law says that rebuilding your garage after you’ve burnt it down is expensive.
Everyone here has ‘issues’ with the vaccine and Covid 19. Nothing is clear cut. Sancho said he was weighing up his options, as we all do. Rosie has simply examined some of the issues. You don’t have to agree about the various politics of this epidemic nor its science. It is not uni-dimensional.
I don’t think we should tear each other apart on this blog about it. Take it to the real enablers, the compliant media personalities. Even Gunner, who did lose his cool quite badly the other nite, should just come back in and share his experiences again with us. Emotions have run high, but that’s not surprising, given the political outrages around us.
just install a solar farm, wind gen, and a battery
Mate of mine who has bought a property has done just that. 20 Kw solar array, 33 Kw-h of batteries (lead acid, sealed) and 7 KVA Kubota diesel generator. So far the solar/ battery has never run out.
Our workman just told a nosy biddy working at the supermarket that she didn’t need to see his tick as it’s an invasion of his privacy and his word should be good enough.
He doesn’t live in the town so he’s not concerned and he’s one big unit.
Daily Mail.
A couple of questions.
Is your business going to boycott clients who impose vax passports?
If not, do you think you forfeit any moral authority to question others who use a vax passport?
Because providing an essential service to a client who enforces vax passports is enabling and validating the system, is it not?
In fact, do you think I have a legitimate right to ask those questions or not?
I haven’t seen gunner’s tirade but I know this; no matter what is said and done, you cannot hold it against him for wanting to keep employed in this horrid Victorian environment. Nobody here really knows his financial circumstances. There are more than enough real bludgers and perpetual parasites about that deserve real opprobrium.
She can’t help herself.
New South Wales is ‘rudderless’ without Gladys Berejiklian
When you are sailing directly to hell, losing your rudder is a plus. I like Sharri but she really does have a blind spot sometimes.
Pope mandates vaccination: 3 members of the Swiss Guard resign
Oh, these guys:
Lt Col. Tom Kratman managed to work a tribute to those guys into “The Tuloriad”. Set in Ringo’s Posleen universe but the story is told from the Posleen pov.
The separation of church and state has proven itself to be a double edged sword.
Originally intended to protect Christians from unwarranted state interference in their affairs, it has long since become a weapon in the Left’s hands to exclude Christianity from the public square.
One flinch from Mr. Perrottet and, sensing weakness, the prog-left will pursue him relentlessly in order to bring him down. I hope he realises this.
First time a #RoyalNavy warship had transited through the #TaiwanStrait !
How language has been corrupted. I automatically read that as Transitioned and wondered how it worked. Everyone hacks their nuts of at the same time halfway through the passage?! 🙂
To be fair the guy was a billionaire already when he was elected.
Lol. They’ve just sung Happy Birthday for the third time. No one wants to go home.
The champers must run out eventually.
We can’t say we are sick of hearing how the vaccine is baddddd (which i never actually said, though it’s true enough, I am)
I said given the current uptake by the ‘sheeple’ saying everyone is gunna die of vaxx poisoning isn’t going to be much of a vote winner at future elections and you might be better off focusing on stuff like ending free for all state of emergency powers, mandatory vaccines, that kind of thing.
And you know, having been on the receiving end of almost daily shouty shutuppings this kind of weenywhinerwhinging is risible.
Every army needs its machine-gun fodder, so it might be unproductive if we banish Gunner prematurely.
I hope so too Roger.
You should go and have a look.
Old thread last Friday night.
Equally, can you hold it against someone who wants resume employment after a cumulative nine months off even if it involves a state sanction pre-qualification (be that a vax passport, a union ticket, whatever)?
mate, I gotta tell ya that after you 3 day spazz chuck over sweet fuck all, that I will not be handing you bullets.
so fuck off with your leading questions
What it comes down to is I do … got your problems x10 … hold onto yr pearls nanna
just got an email from a 60 storey customer that there’s a covid case in the joint.
2 of were there last week as well.
Maybe it’s a dementia support group?
* 2 of us were there
All that tells me is journos these days don’t have any grasp of history. On the other hand reminding nice Mr Xi about the Opium Wars probably isn’t helpful right now.
I will start answering in good faith
at exactly the time
you start asking in good faith
No way Gunner should be banished.
Lol Muddy. I might need their help some time down the track.
Boambee: Actually, the can’t-be-bothered priest is not only of Polish background, he’s actually ordained Polish Orthodox, which I didn’t know existed until one of Mum’s friends told me.
The former priest, who buried Dad in 2012, was Vietnamese — another lovely bloke but you couldn’t understand a word he said.
No. Take me first. I’m more expendable in front of a gun. Gunner is not banished.
He’s on the right side in all of this and still has plenty of grunt in him.
Okay, Sharri is sending Gladys flowers.
If Orkopolous transitions, maybe he and Gladys can be cellys.
Good toons; Garrison probably the best with the L-col in jail while traitors like milley strut around.
In other news:
Watch: Dr. Campbell Reveals the Reason Behind India’s Ivermectin Blackout
Baby in “Roe v. Wade” Case was Never Aborted and Just Came Out Publicly
I wouldn’t. This economy here is so fkd up it’s everyone for themselves on how they handle all this. I get it that some think the noble thing to do is go out in blaze of glory and say fk the “system”. But I’m betting the “system” (passports)is going to prevail for the foreseeable future here, no matter what the self sacrificers do. That presents a myriad of choices for everyone in the system.
I decided to double vax for my own personal reasons but I’m adamant it’s an individual choice and abhor the way we are being coerced into it. It sickens me. The politics, lies and deceit around covid and the vax just sickens me.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
October 4, 2021 at 11:25 am
She can’t help herself.”
I watched Sharri last night and it was a good programme but I had to laugh. She’s obviously outraged at ICAC and how it arbitrarily exercises its powers and smears people. I am as well but last night Sharri was harping on about “presumption of innocence” and how ICAC unfairly smears people and that there’s no recourse. She’s right, it’s an outrage but I do wonder if Sharri is someone who applies the same standard of innocent until proven guilty to Pell, Porter and other MEN. I don’t recall her getting hot under the collar or outraged at how Pell was crucified or when Porter was smeared. Sharri’s a hypocrite.
But can you move as quickly as Gunner, Lizzie? We’ll be seeking a distraction so that we princesses and princes can escape to safety.
I wasn’t suggesting that anyone be ‘banned.’ It was an attempt to lighten the mood.
I wonder when we as a nation will really get round to believing that ‘cases’ don’t matter.
In other countries, they’re at that stage already. We’re just starting to accommodate to the idea that it may even exist here, let alone accepting it as normal.
Neil ‘Apparatchik’ Mitchell just asked 3AW listeners: “If you’re not going to get tested, how will you know if you’re infected.”
Hey, Ms Reinhart, how about buying some Melbourne wavelength and seeing if there’s an Australian Rush Limbaugh out there? As Roger Ailes noticed, there’s a huge ignored and unserviced market just waiting to be tapped.
Anyone in fear of losing their job, you need to watch this:
Look, I’ve just finished my Monday interpretive dance class. You should see me go.
My fancy moves alone would be enough of a distraction for even the lesser Royals to escape. 🙂
October 4, 2021 at 11:39 am
Boambee: Actually, the can’t-be-bothered priest is not only of Polish background, he’s actually ordained Polish Orthodox, which I didn’t know existed until one of Mum’s friends told me.
Thanks. I am surprised.
Some prime new waterfront being formed in La Palma
Matrix at 11:33.
I take that as you saying that I don’t have the right to question your approach to vax passports in your business.
That is fine by me.
“Mind your own business” is a perfectly valid response to any question around this.
From either side of the debate.
Sharri is a full of blind spots, the only thing she can see clearly is what happened in Wuhan. I find her inexplicable.
Cassie – I wouldn’t say that, more that she has a blindness about some things. Much like Miranda Devine, who was quite wet a lot of the time when she was at the Tele. But these days you could easily mistake Miranda for a vengeful angel, at least when she’s on the US political beat.
You’re supposed to be intelligent, so why do you act as if you aren’t?
Is it because you believe your audience isn’t?
I don’t pretend to like or trust those I see doing ‘whatever it takes’ to help push a State Agenda.
I stopped giving notafan/rosie the benefit of the doubt years ago, when she proved to put her hate of someone above making any argument in good faith.
Just as I have noted those who will spew any bullshit just to be seen to be on the same side as The Bullies, as obviously untrustworthy.
You see, standing up for yourself against a Mob of bullshitting Bullies, is not bullying.
I’m sure you know that, just as I’m sure you believe those you aim to appeal to are, “too stupid”, to understand.
Smart people who act stupid = disingenuous manipulators at best.
More likely ‘Greek Catholic’, aka ‘Uniate’, areff.
Polish-Ruthenian Orthodox who accepted papal authority in the Union of Brest-Litovsk (hence Uniate). They kept Eastern rites but accepted Roman canon law etc. (hence Greek Catholic); if he’s serving in a Roman Rite parish he is “bi-ritual”.
Thanks for that, Roger. Whatever his ordinate, he’s still a shit.
She’s young; she has c. 15 years of miseducation to overcome and many historical lacunae to fill.
I’ll pencil you in for the sacrificial diversion role, Lizzie. If it all works out, we’ll raise a statue of you or something. Not a big one, mind you. Or maybe we’ll spray paint your name somewhere.
In Sydney 2GB is also trying its best to drive away listeners.
Our biggest problem is that we are all paying exorbitant amounts of money on the ABC so that the lefties can get their views expounded for free. What’s more, that money is being used to malign and insult us at every opportunity. There will be no justice until that vipers’ nest is not either shut down or cleaned out.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
October 4, 2021 at 11:52 am
Cassie – I wouldn’t say that, more that she has a blindness about some things. Much like Miranda Devine, who was quite wet a lot of the time when she was at the Tele. But these days you could easily mistake Miranda for a vengeful angel, at least when she’s on the US political beat.”
Gosh, don’t remind me of Miranda’s infatuation with Turdbull. I think her Turnbull fellating was because she was disappointed with Abbott.
Don’t think he’s thought that one through, not entirely. 😀
It’s a terrible disease when most people who catch it don’t notice.
Nobody likes a dobber, but I would have been sorely tempted to report him to the bishop, if only because he’ll try the same thing plus other evasions of doing his duty in the future. Clergy like that do a lot of damage to people – it’s called spiritual abuse by neglect.
At this point my intention, as previously stated, is to comply with the wishes of any Stasi I deal with.
When they tell me that I cannot enter, I will say “fine’ and walk out.
When they ask if I’m vVXnated my reply will be, “that is my personal medical information”
If somebody asks why I’m not VXnated I will tell them that VXnation centre refused to do it.
I waver sometimes but always land back at the same place. Fuck ’em
As far as I can tell, none of this is Law
Every business in this state should, in my opinion, just say yeah, nah mate, not doing that.
October 4, 2021 at 11:53 am”
LOL…try harder. Nongbat the dingbat….a hypocrite…oh and quite the vulgarian.
“Michelle” from RPH, says that it’s the “absolute truth” that young persons are begging for the jab, even as the gastronasal nasal tubes go in and the iron lungs are pressurised.
I know she’s a nurse, because of the ER pyjama scrub top.
And I know she’s lying, because as “and that’s the absolute truth” comes out of her mouth, she slow-blinks, turns her head away, and one shoulder rises.
“Sharri is a full of blind spots, the only thing she can see clearly is what happened in Wuhan. I find her inexplicable.”
I also do. In July, after the Sydney protests, she described them as selfish…the same person who supported the BLM protests last year.
However, she is capable of doing real investigative journalism….something sadly lacking at their ABC, at Nine and at most other MSM outlets.
Well there was a time when I was quite keen to catch up with TG. Not any more and that was before he threatened me.
Anybody got that Benny Hill music?
Concerning vaccination in Australia and around the world, I see people everywhere starting to distrust each other and tear each other apart.
It should be very simple, take the vaccine if you wish and not be discriminated against for choosing either option.
Also, the only reason anyone should really have to get vaccinated is if they are concerned about covid itself.
How many people have been vaccinated for any number of coercive reasons, vs those who are worried about catching covid?
the only thing she can see clearly is what happened in Wuhan
Good on her for investigating further & reporting it.
But she’s been giving the document dumps from someone in Bannon’s circle.
Hey, Ms Reinhart, how about buying some Melbourne wavelength and seeing if there’s an Australian Rush Limbaugh out there? As Roger Ailes noticed, there’s a huge ignored and unserviced market just waiting to be tapped.
A few yank commentators, Dan Bongino, in particular, along with Watters and Gutfeld, have got it; you can’t be reasonable with the left. Most conservative media outlets degenerate over-time because they give air time to lefties and assume there can be a discussion with the bastards. You can’t because they’re fucking fanatics. To start a conservative outlet you have to start hard and intolerant of the leftie viewpoint; they’ve had their chance and they have fucked the West. But no rich bitch, even Gina, is going to go that route, unfortunately. The point is right though: there is a huge potential market for a conservative outlet. Sky is precariously balanced with fucktards like reece and other lefties on the station. One of the most popular DJs on 2SM was Dean Makin who was pro-Trump and anti every shit idea the lefties peddled; he got done over by some of the more balanced guys on the station, although the little leftie poppy has also gone.
Struggling with severe anxiety at the moment, but I don’t think it’s the lockdowns. I think it’s the mandatory covid passports that has depressed me no end.
This is the pointy end of that hideous ideology, socialism, heading to its inevitable conclusion. The mass psychosis of hatred of others, expressed towards non-socialists, unvaxxed, white people and the nihilist garbage of climate mitigation as a proxy for depopulation has worn me down.
The passing of my father and brother at this time of year does not help my mood.
Not giving.
Notes for the observant-
If a “nurse” is trotted out at a press conference, and she is inexplicably dressed for a shift, she’s a plant, and there’s probably nothing to worry about. Parading these trumped-up taliswomans will devalue the trust in the brand, and I’ve got no doubt that a few working proles are very sh!tty about this sort of stunt.
Likewise, the TV doctor, with a white frock coat and stethoscope around the neck, is trying to sell you something.
And a signlanguage performer aside a pollie’s podium no longer means “better pay attention deafies, there’s something about to go down here”. It probably means trying to pump up a routine announcement, if not elevate a worry to a crisis, and promote an advice up to a command.
Shy Ted, clocked that! Friggin’ hilarious, the UK version of the Darth’s Theme bugler in Paris.
I’m taking a guitar and kazoo to my next* protest, for sure.
(*also my first… we’ll see)
That’s because the Media (MS & Social), got the memo long ago –
“Those who resist anything we sell will be Unpersoned.
Ignore them.
They no longer matter.”
Report on the Ace radio news that “experts” have put forward the idea of a tax on the unvaccinated to cover extra health costs. Minister Hunt rejected the idea.
I posted that possibility not long ago. It’s not hard to predict what totalitarian progressives might do.
Understandable, Milton. I wasn’t impressed with that either (from the position of a bystander, I mean).
“It should be very simple, take the vaccine if you wish and not be discriminated against for choosing either option.”
Beery, eat well, exercise, get some sun (when the health nazis let you), load up on the vitamin D.
Turn off the news.
Read Plato & Seneca.
You’ll be on top the world before you know it.
You persist in tuning in.
What sort of masochism is this?
Heard their “news” driving around in the car.
Reporting Newspoll on the AUKUS treaty.
The actual figures?
Make us more secure – 46%
Make no difference – 29%
Make us less secure – 14%
Don’t know – 11%
Headlines we could have written:-
Or possibly pick up the table below in the poll where 75% of people think Chai-ner is a serious threat to our security.
“The Beer whisperersays:
October 4, 2021 at 12:09 pm”
Beery, look after yourself and here’s hoping we can all get together again for drinks soon.
Absolutely right.
The passing of my father and brother at this time of year does not help my mood.
You have many brothers and sisters, and probably a few parents here. Stick with us.
Ok tell me to get fucked and I’ll tell you to go and eat a dick or suchlike but threatening to thump someone is a bridge too far imo.
You persist in tuning in.
What sort of masochism is this?
Heard their “news” driving around in the car.
Reporting Newspoll on the AUKUS treaty.
That’s exactly right. I had the car radio pre set to 3AW from the days when I listened to Tom Eliot. I removed it last week lest I press the wrong button and have Mitchell polluting my car.
Full blown pay-day lending is being advertised on Foxtel.
I’m old enough to remember when predatory lending practices were effectively regulated to the darkest corners of the Australian economy.
Sky News host Sharri Markson says New South Wales has been left “rudderless” after the shock resignation of Premier Gladys Berejiklian.
Why is it that so many folk never seem to associate TAX PAYER funds as their money? All these outpourings of sorrow and victimization for GLADYS as if she has been hard dun by!
She quit to ensure that she gets her pension and shady dealings out, almost, intact .. if she’d been pushed she’d have. probably, forfeited lotza money!
Also the reality of normal folk would have been arrested and charged and possibly remanded for embezzlement doesn’t happen when your a politician. For some, unfathomable, reason even if it is all proven politicians, generally, get to walk away and still end up with some private benefactor ensuring they have some form of employment guaranteeing their, usual, lifestyle isn’t too much affected ………!
Stay strong Beery, there are many of us out here who stand with you.
They still have that old Health Minister, Catherine King (now “Shadow” Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development from 2.6.2019. = stranglehold of a State) … someone who even PRIME MINISTER Julia GILLARD cowed beneath.
Beery – It’s real. I feel it every time I go to the shops, like this morning. Young checkout chick looks at me and politely says step back to the end of the checkout and I will push your items to you. I was too close. It’s a public holiday and she’s about 16. Her chances of being harmed by bat crud are nil point nil.
Talking with my old mum yesterday, she feels it too. Psychological pressure beating down endlessly. And she was a girl during WW2 with bombs going off. She had her first vaccine injection a week or so ago, it went well fortunately. But she’s suffering that she can’t even go to a coffee shop with a friend.
I’ll add this because it’s pertinent:
From Matthew 6:25-34. I like to think that I help God with verse 26. 😀
I knew that Brazil was the biggest coffee producer in the world.
I had no idea that Vietnam was the second biggest producer.
And then there’s ETHIOPIA .. next time they have a, bleeding heart, appeal, shirley, channeling a bit of Marie Antoinette will be appropriate ……. LET THE DRINK COFFEE …. lol!
Is Monty celebrating Melbourne being the most locked down city on the planet? I hope he is feeling safe.
It really blows my mind that they charge you for TV and still inflict advertisements on you. Don’t know why people tolerate it.
Thanks, bern. Will get some sun soon.
Au contraire, it will make a HUGE difference. They’re telling us it’s temporary but what they’re really doing is testing the water. If compliance is high, they won’t hesitate to bring it in on a permanent basis (they can always find an excuse) and then lookout. We’ll be exactly where Israel is now, compliant one day, millions outlawed the next on little more than a flick of a switch. If we don’t want permanent, total control over our lives then this is the time to show it.
Pay day lending eh?
r/ASX_Bets eh?
Thanks also Bruce and Major.
The darkness is real. Your words are light.
Dear oh dear.
As a non-Christian, let me say that it goes beyond that. If I had been in a position to do anything to effect Mrs Areff Senior’s or Areff’s wishes at that time, I would have done so. It is simple humanity, simple courtesy, simple respect.
This ‘priest’ is a real dud as a human being, let alone as a priest.
I don’t know if anyone has posted this earlier; if they have, sorry.
Reporter claims racing fans chanting “f..k Joe Biden!” are saying “let’s go Brandon”:
Why is punching down on Catholics given a pass?
Will we have karaoke in the NWO? Where everyone will be treated equally?
Yes, yes we will.
Thanks Cassie and John too. The thought of catching up lightens my mood.
The family curse is something I’ve kept from here, but it’s as much a part of me as my love of the human spirit for freedom, exploration and creativity. It’s my family that keeps me going, and Catallaxy is part of my extended family. That’s why I keep coming back, along with familiarity with sanity, unlike the trench warfare of Twitter.
these are the sitting members sane Victorian should vote last at next state election and don’t forget the infamous gang of three in the upper house
I’m glad I’m not Catholic, because I can defend them without accusations of self-interest. These are fallen protestants who kept nothing from Protestantism but a hatred of Catholics.
Who listens anyway?
Asking for help.
Can someone lend me their Ferrari, wife and a kilo of Cocaine?
Don’t worry, it will only be temporary.
Liebor pollies always pass ICAC and go directly to gaol. 😛
Neil ‘Apparatchik’ Mitchell just asked 3AW listeners: “If you’re not going to get tested, how will you know if you’re infected.”
When hasn’t it been?
Look, I really need to get high, laid and do some serious burnouts.
It’s for everyone’s safety.
and Catallaxy is part of my extended family
Jeebers Beery, it’s not that bad is it?
Anyone in fear of losing their job, you need to watch this:
Any normal, decent person would be depressed about the state of the country and the treachery of our politico-media class. As if the country wasn’t in serious trouble before this latest assault on the demos. In my view it’s correct to be depressed and angry. That anger needs to be used against those responsible for this attack on freedom and small business. The depression needs to be overcome and not break you which is one of their tactics. How I despise of pollimuppetts, pubic serpents and germalists. Parasites trying to kill the host.
This too shall pass.
Sounds about right. I’m this one.
Any normal, decent person would be depressed about the state of the country and the treachery of our politico-media class.
I am thoroughly black pilled, but I am not depressed.
Makka over the page.
I think NSW has admitted that passports are a short-term carrot/stick.
Dan and PalaceChook?
I am not so sure.
I am leaning towards vax.
Have been for a while and I am probably only brand differentiating right now.
But, yes, the passport thing shits me as well, not only for what it is, but the way the Nurse Covid-Karens have been gleefully declaring that the unwashed need to be kept out of “their” hospitals.
Sheesh! I sure messed up that post.
I meant to support Indolent at 12.37 pm by referring to Gab’s earlier post and comment.
Seems like Mitchell is saying we should all get regular COVID tests.
That’s silly.
That would mean > 570,000 tests per day in NSW, and at least 1710 “cases” a day, off the false positives.
I just can’t win.
The missus just spoke to her boss.
He was all “Don’t worry we won’t force you to get the vaccine, blah blah blah”.
Now she’s all relieved and happy and wanting to have a huge conversation with me about it.
The passport will be an interesting test for Perrottet. It’s discriminatory and evil, and has plenty of historic iterations of which he will be all too well aware.
I suppose it’s a relief.
It would have been a huge hassle to find another woman.
This too shall pass.
In NSW, it will.
First it was 70%…then walked back to 80%…then even when they set the unattainable goal on 90%, look out that’s going to happen too.
And that’s for 16 years old and above.
At the rate NSW parents are getting the 12-15 cohort jabbed, it’s going to drag the 12 year old & above cohort to well over 90%.
Arky, let her talk and make the occasional umming sound and nod a bit.
The Beloved does it all the time. So accomplished he can even do it in his sleep.
Generational Rambler rules, as handed from great many grandfathers
Rule#1 – Never cede any freedom to government.
Rule #2 – Any freedom ceded to government will never be returned. (see Rule #1)
And people say the Church is not inclusive.
Anyone in fear of losing their job, you need to watch this:
Thanks Delta- she’s quite a girl. Very impressive.
Just got off a video call to the grandees in DANISTAN, the eldest of the 3 turned 12 today .. damn these state gummints! .. sure, I can ring whenever I want but at 73 what I want is to spend time with them and also the 4 up on the Central Coast not get downcast after video calls .. 12 months since I last touched the Melbourne ones & 3 going on 4 months since Gosford …… duuuuuuuuh!
And to make matters worse reading all the feel-sorry and we-luvs-ya GLADYS drivel across the media & blogs is/has not improved my temprement at all!
Did I mention .. I HATE POLITICIANS, CMOs and anyone else that sez ..
and the even more despicable ………. IT’S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!
Covid tests are popular this afternoon. First time I’ve seen a queue at this particular testing station, and the idiots are banked up on the
very major road leading into the side street.
Sorry I picked up the 29% figure in my post earlier.
The fact that it is 14% against makes the skewing of the news even worse.
The actual figures?
Make us more secure – 46%
Make no difference – 29%
Make us less secure – 14%
Don’t know – 11%
Headlines we could have written:-
The only people that should be tested are those that are symptomatic. If positive, they should isolate until their symptoms diminish. Those in their household should be given a home kit similar to that distributed in Uttar Pradesh. Given the time of year, they should spend as much time outside as they can breathing fresh air and exposing themselves to the sun. The current mania for testing, isolating when potentially exposed, is ridiculous in the current circumstance.
I looked him up earlier DB, found the minutes of the meeting that mentioned the biritual request .
Some pretty abrupt notes on that document about a couple of other priests .
Must have been from a long time ago because it mentioned a priest who I know is long dead.
If one were to make a turducken out of the current crop, where would you start?
Would you insert Beresjerklian into Andrews, then Andrews into Morrison?
Probably Morrison first, because there are no bones to remove.
I thought she looked distinctly uneasy a couple of times with Trump, and I note that the superleft Wentworth Courier, doing a piece on her as a local, showed a pic of her in her office, where very noticably on her desk in front of view are some lefty books including one labelled ‘Paul Keating’. She obviously wants to present a more left face to these troops.
Without naming names, is this a large corporate?
I suspect a few directors have been having a quiet chat with QCs and getting some frightening advice about the liabilities attached to mandated vaxes.
Big morning.
This must be the bonhomie everyone was looking for.
It is strange what people choose to protest about. Perhaps we should still be raging against metadata.
Unlawful metadata access is easy when we’re flogging a dead law
COVID-19 Causes Long-Term Blood Cell Changes
Is Perrottet a, as the WA Libs would say, a “solid citizen?”
And it will fail.
As cases increase, the inevitable closure of supermarkets will happen as whole shifts are sent home.
And all with no Federal government money propping things up.
Colesworth will lobby and their lobbying will be heard.
I am leaning towards vax.
I’m going the other way .. the more they push it the further from it I get! .. in the beginning I was ambivalent … sure. I’m in the vulnerable age bracket (73) but I’m fit & healthy, haven’t needed a prescription for anything since my Cancer treatment(s) finished 10 years ago .. only seen a quack once in all the intervening years and that was for stitches after an accident so, all-in-all, healthy BUT when they started on their masks, QR-ing, lockdowns and whatever else that was it for me .. even if the, bloody, prick comes thru as the ultimate cure ( after booster #23 .. LOL!) I’ll still not be getting it … enuf is enuf .. 4 adult kids all vaxxed and GLADYS/DAN worshippers to the extent that the 2 of 8 grandees over 12 are vaxxed ( or will be come Wednesday) plus kids ringing me wiv the … It’s-for-your-own-good spiel has only driven me further into the non vax fold!
Shatterzzz, I have three beautiful little grandees in the chook pen. Haven’t seen two of the other three too much in lockdown either, but I catch up with the two year old who lives more than 5km away when his father braves the fines and brings him to us. This madness must end. And soon.
It’s up there.
But they’d be rooted without her.
She basically runs it.
She’s like that office lady at school that no teacher can get anything actually done without.
They’re lucky I keep her partly distracted, otherwise she would take over the whole thing.
Colesworth will lobby and their lobbying will be heard.
At least their profits won’t be affected .. Thank God! .. just a matter of putting another coupla dozen products up between 10 & 50 cents( like any other week) and the pain is contained .. LOL!
Is anyone actually taking on mandated vax in any court in Australia?
Asking for a friend.
She is indeed, Miltonf.
To clarify, Gab posted the comment and the link at 11.47 am. It’s certainly worth looking at.
Sorry Delta meant to give you thumbs up and reported you instead. Apologies to you and Dover.
I thought she looked distinctly uneasy a couple of times with Trump,
Most people are when engaging with property developers from Queens.
Ivermectin may not be that hard to get despite the media splash re customs and their seizures. Young bloke in Ballarat is putting it about that he just received a shipment of 20 litres and doesn’t mind sharing.
The New Puritans are aghast that a Papist will be premier.
They’ll be calling for a reintroduction of the Penal Laws next.