Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
Clash Report@clashreportEnd of an era.U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth to European countries:I’m here today to directly and unambiguously express that…
All 3 FDA-authorized COVID shot companies now employ former FDA commissioners
JC – You tell me about trading and I’ll tell you about science and Christianity ok?
Ok I’m forced to quote some quick science:
The Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, codenamed AZD1222,[5] and sold under the brand names Covishield[19] and Vaxzevria[1][20] among others, is a viral vector vaccine for prevention of COVID-19. Developed in the United Kingdom by the Oxford University and British-Swedish company AstraZeneca,[21][22][23] using as a vector the modified chimpanzee adenovirus ChAdOx1.[24] … To manufacture the vaccine the virus is propagated on HEK 293 cell lines and then purified multiple times to completely remove the cell culture.[64]
Viral vector vaccine:
Viral vector vaccines use a modified version of one virus as a vector to deliver to a cell a nucleic acid coding for an antigen for another infectious agent.
In the AZ case it delivers the mRNA coding the spike protein, ie same as Pfizer and Moderna. The spike protein is then displayed on that cell’s coat.
HEK 293:
Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, also often referred to as HEK 293, HEK-293, 293 cells, or less precisely as HEK cells, are a specific immortalised cell line derived from an aborted fetus or human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture taken from a female fetus in 1973.[1][2]
Influenza vaccine:
Most flu vaccines are grown by vaccine manufacturers in fertilized chicken eggs.[167][165] … After the 48-hour incubation period, the top of the egg is cracked and the ten milliliters of allantoic fluid is removed, from which about fifteen micrograms of the flu vaccine can be obtained. At this point, the viruses have been weakened or killed and the viral antigen is purified and placed inside vials, syringes, or nasal sprayers.[172]
These are from the respective wikis. As I said your cardio guy has rendered this down to something an imbecile might understand, eg you.
The fetal culture has been causing extreme difficulties in parts of Christianity for a very long time, since it is used for the MMR vaccine (rubella component). Big Pharma could easily develop a similar cell line from cord blood or reconstituted stem cells. It is a tell how they regard Christians that they have not done so, whereas they would never ever use pig cells in producing their products.
Coincidence is not causation.
So we should see about 500 deaths from adverse reactions.
Not quite classical vaccines after all. When the dust settles in a few years, we are going to see some very angry people methinks.
Gaol. The fascist criminals that have obliterated our perception of life in a free country, will temporarily exist there.
After a break from the lengthy public floggings and shortly before they are hanged from their necks until dead.
After which, HOP Time will be righteously administered.
You know it makes sense. 🙂
Yes it does fucking matter, because the West and Australia in particular have wrecked their economies.
Take a look though. I’ve not been talking about this crap much at all. I’ve been trying to change the subject. The site is fixated on the Chinese bioweapon. Why blame me?
Gab, yes, have now.
Yes, but if I get to spend Christmas in Paris it was worth it.
And JC it took me about 15 minutes to research this, select out the essential bits from four relevant wikis, write it up as a comment, format it and put it on the OT with explanatory bits included.
You could’ve done this yourself if you’d bothered. Now go soak your head or something. Sheesh, sometimes you are thicker than that metal asteroid NASA wants to visit.
Here we go again. The most current flu vaccine was NOT made using chicken eggs. It was made along the same lines as the AZ covid shot.
Protest against mandatory vaccinations in Perth earns rebuke from Australian Medical Association’s WA president
Some people are “pro-disease”? Well, some doctors like this Duncan-Smith quack are “pro-deception”. And some (most) doctors are enthusiastic to use young children as guinea pigs for experimental therapeutic products that are already known to be dangerous and sometimes fatal.
I struggle to express the extent to which I despise the AMA.
It doesn’t have the same cachet.
Australia is a great place Calli, it’s just that the tenants have forgotten to take out the garbage lately.
I’m not, mate.
We are talking about the most monumentally destructive self inflicted insanity since WW1.
Your quoting of various fabricated stats does somewhat seem to err, reek of some sort of justification.
None of us could ever have predicted this global lunacy. Talk about left field.
When you have no existential threats to your existence, hey, why not invent one?
The AZ vaccine is a live adenovirus which delivers the same mRNA as the Pfizer and Moderna ones do.
The AZ vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector which has been genetically modified so it can’t replicate in humans. This is not how Pfizer or Moderna work..
I saw that Farmer Gez.
A lot of the stuff they posted matches up with Vic dhs official data. Shrug.
To be honest I think the total numbers in Victoria are too low to take too much notice of.
I’m going to stubbornly stick to
A highly vaccinated population reduces the reproduction rate of covid,
The vaccinated are less likely to catch covid in the first place or get very sick from covid than the unvaxxed,
Therefore the vaxxed are less likely to further spread covid,
getting vaxed doesn’t cause you to get covid
claims that unspecified side effects are going to kill the entire vaxxed population in a few months time are mere malicious scaremongering.
But most of all
Let’s go Andrews.
My brother’s three exes certainly are not.
He socialised with ex number one and her new hubby and went around to do their gardening when the new man was terminally ill.
He started a lucrative business with ex number two, on the condition that she didn’t evah use ‘that voice’ again.
Ex-wife three is now in a nursing home with dementia. Brother visits her a least once a fortnight.
Just one of the many reasons I love him.
Off to the Shire. An annual event now imperilled by cartoon clowns.
Regarding my straw poll above, on positive vs negative experiences with pigs:
It appears to be roughly a 50/50 split.
This excludes an entry where the “experiences” include various exchanges of bodily fluids.
50/50 is better than expected.
Result can therefore be ignored.
Brahmin Class is a better descriptor, Rabz.
And shorter.
You have to write your letter on your computer or phone, ?, then save it. The saved thingy is called a file . When you click/tap on the button, it lets you choose the file you have just saved. Remember the name and place it was saved to! Your file,when specified on your machine, is then uploaded to the gummint site.
You could send them dirty pictures if you wanted.
Can anyone really expect restaurants and other business in the City of Sydney to pick up. No. Today with beautiful weather few people ventured into the CBD. Street all around the city were quiet. Maybe the backyard BBQ has after four months lockdown now become entrenched into the psyche of Sydneysiders. Even suburban restaurants attained less than average numbers both Sat night and today.
Much has been destroyed by this ridiculous 4mth lockdown.
I hope people are taking names and saving quotes and public health announcements. The medical terrorists and the institutions they belong to must never be allowed to forget what they have done – they must never be afforded any authority to opine on medical matters again. They should be stripped of their credentials. And, frankly, many of them deserve to be in prison.
police stop priest performing last rites murdered UK MP
The saddest thing is that the young and once bulletproof now worry about getting sick. All you have to do is glance at social media and there it is.
The ones who don’t buy it are languishing and dipping into melancholy. They are the ones whose lives have been stolen.
I can’t stop thinking about Woolfe’s comment this morning and that poor young man.
And I’ve had this earworm. Turn up the volume.
Eggactly, as Doc H said. It’s basically a repurposed flu vaccine.
Nine days ago the unvaccinated group in hospital was 65%. Now they tell us it’s 89%.
Unless you’ve almost completely changed the cohort sampled, this makes no sense. Trends don’t jump like that.
Did some paving yesterday. Buggered my back.
Just went for a walk.
Returned and spent some time on the couch going: “Owwww. Owwww. Owwwwwwwww” over and over again.
The girls are used to this and think it’s funny.
Why don’t you go to the influenza vaccine wiki, smartarse, and look at the next section then.
Which I did.
Now consider that the words “Most flu vaccines” commences the section I quoted. Do you understand the English language or have you spent too much time in America?
None of them are mRNA based with the data I can readily obtain (the information is sparse and I’d have to do a patent search I think for the methods). The essential approach is the same though, which is to present an inactivated flu virus, or its coat, to the immune system in the blood stream. That is like Novavax, but NOT like AZ, Pfizer, J&J or Moderna.
Go suck eggs JC. Not ones with flu infections but.
Does anyone know how many covid deaths were recorded today in NSW?
According to the Oz, five were not jabbed.
If, in a gun-to-my-head scenario in which I had get vaxxed but had a choice of which vax to take (a scenario that doesn’t seem so far-fetched in the current climate), I think I’d go with the upcoming Novavax shot. In all honesty, I’d prefer one of the inactivated virus vaccines which I doubt will ever be available here. These seem to be the lowest risk type of vaccine.
No, just the opposite. It’s people spruiking the vaxx to all and sundry that are overegging it. Secondly, you need to look at number vaxxed 4 weeks ago not 2, and the proportion of positive cases vaxxed and unvaxxed and how that goes to completion, recovery or death. Thirdly, I’m fine with the latter where the absolute risk of death is miniscule, 1 in 10000 or less, which it is for most people.
Eggactly, as Doc H said. It’s basically a repurposed flu vaccine.
Sigh. Now I see why we’re so rooted in this country. Our leaders have even less understanding of these things than JC has. And JC’s understanding of such things is so stupid I think “stupid” is going to have to be redefined.
October 17, 2021 at 5:57 pm
“The AZ vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector which has been genetically modified so it can’t replicate in humans. This is not how Pfizer or Moderna work..”
Eggactly, as Doc H said. It’s basically a repurposed flu vaccine.
As a matter of logic proposition 2 doesn’t necessarily follow from proposition 1.
Do you know of any flu vaxx which is made the same way as AZ?
I don’t understand why you’re so angry. No, I didn’t read your wiki page. I had no need to as I am well versed in modern vaccine technology. The AZ is made along more traditional lines than the other two majors. Your comments are just nitpicking and another example of appeal to authority.
And I’m so fed up I forgot to blockquote JC’s dumb stupid imbecilic brain-dead nutty words.
And who would trust the numbers, anyway. Remember the narrative now is that ‘Covid is a pandemic of the unvaccinated’, and they need the numbers to prop this up.
The good news is that on my walk I had an idea for a post.
In that 12 min video re Israel linked earlier today David Schomburg said, among other very interesting things, that the Israel government is mendaciously saying that the majority of people in hospitals with Covid are unvaxxed, even if they’ve had two shots but not the booster. Apparently, what we currently refer to as full vaccination no longer counts. And that goes for their vax passport too, of course. Just look at Israel to see where we’re heading if we don’t pull them up.
I am very very angry because I am being told infantile stuff from a guy who has never done science, who isn’t a Christian, yet who thinks he knows it all. I have worked in science R&D for decades and have serious experience. You do not. It’s like arguing with a four year old.
Left Authoritarianism vs. Right Authoritarianism.
Translating it from my brain onto the blog now.
From chicken eggs? No.
However, the AZ vaccine was made in a similar, though not totally identical way flu vaccines are. The latest flu vaccine was also made in the same way as the AZ.
Neilson, why are you getting involved? I would have thought you’d still be in hospital as a result of the beating you took from our last interaction. Stay out of these discussions because you’re not equipped to handle them.
Nah. They will still vote for the free stuff, that’s what they will pay attention to.
Biden received more than 80 million votes.
I think we can safely assume anything published by the MSM or the “government” anywhere is probably false. The distinction is by degree.
They forced us down the rabbit hole.
LOL. The last time I did some paving (2012?), the quads were so bloody sore the next day I could barely walk. But not yet so sore that I couldn’t help but get into a contretemps with poor ol’ Bird (on the dead Cat) that evening.
Oh, Rabz!
That took me way, way back to when we were a-courtin’, driving (anywhere) on a Sunday afternoon in the Morris Isis, checking out secluded spots where we could stop and … , then home in time for Sunday night church where all our teenage sins were conveniently forgiven.
Thanks for the memory trip.
I would have thought you’d still be in hospital as a result of the beating you took from our last interaction.
No, the doctors said that my split sides from laughing at you just required stitches and refraining from vigorous physical activity for a while.
The video you link to has a picture of a C47 – in RAAF colours.
And the earth is square.
Yes I did. I was actually an excellent scientist up to 11th grade, but then realized it wasn’t high paying so I tossed it. Thank God , I was right again.
WTF? What, I’m a Muslim, Buddhist, satantist? Of course I’m a Christian, you noggin head.
I do know a huge amount of stuff.
Brucie, you worked in a lab? Okay.
Here’s the point though, the AZ resembles more the traditional way vaxxes are made than the other two majors. This means you’re wrong. I’m sorry, but you can appeal to however much authority you want, but you’re wrong.
Als0, it’s fucking way past your bed time as you need to be tucked in by 3 Pm at the latest.
As opposed to flat. There will be no bizarre conspiracy hypotheses among us Cats.
JC – Springsteen videos – now. 🙂
I can’t remember where, but I read an article a few months back from Israel that last year and early this with the Pfizer foll out there , Israel really fkd up the administration of jabs. And that they were giving the 2nd shot a few days or a week after the first rendering it largely ineffective. The article was basically saying the bulk of new cases were from that fkd up era and now the “booster” was to put that right. What I’d like to see then are the stats from that newly boster jab cohort.
They’re are some seriously creepy doctors out there. How abortion ‘doctors’ sleep at night amazes me. The medical profession can be a magnet for psychopaths. I note Dr Duncan-Smith is a cosmetic surgeon. ‘Pro-disease’ eh- that’s an odd accusation to throw about.
Just as well. To go with my earlier music link, I was going to go to Grace Slick and “White Rabbit”.
the AZ resembles more the traditional way vaxxes are made than the other two majors. This means you’re wrong.
As a matter of logic proposition 2 doesn’t follow from proposition 1. That’s twice.
I blame the state education system. Josemite Çam was allowed to spend far too much time at Melbourne High bullying little punks like Jon Faine and not made to spend enough time doing the “clear thinking” component of the old HSC English.
JC – I’ve met few people as invincibly ignorant as you. They tend to be Greens. On the other hand you can trade rather well. I’ve never told you how to suck eggs trading.
That’s unusual.
The Oz is allowing anti-Islamic comments under the Sir David Amess murder story.
Great comment, Winnie.
How many times can I listen to Brucie ( name coincidence, right?) in his London concert.
His sister is really cute, though in a New Jersey kinda way. I guess, any port in the storm on a rainy Friday night, right?
Steve Marriott…so much talent and energy in such a diminutive frame.
October 17, 2021 at 11:02 am:
The most troubling aspect – to me – is this:
The proposed system is to be managed by the Oversight Authority. Sections 87 and 88 give the Oversight Authority complete control of the implementation of the system. Furthermore, section 89 provides that the Oversight Authority “is not subject to direction”.
Section 156 allows the Oversight Authority to delegate “all or any of the Oversight Authority’s powers” to members of the Australian Public Service.
Section 153 provides protection to the Oversight Authority and delegates against civil legal action for damages caused by the “good faith” implementation of the powers under the Act.
“is not subject to direction” can only mean it is a parallel government, like the National Cabinet and is not able to have Parliamentary oversight?
So any Public Servant can be made an officer of the Oversight Authority and have immunity to all actions?
This is Australias Enabling Act – a parallel Government with no control by the citizenry.
Is there any evidence anywhere that current flu vaxx is a viral vector vaccine? I’ve seen paper looking into developments of a viral vector vaxx but not anything stating they are commercially available. And following the video I posted earlier AZ also use lipid nanoparticles when injecting the vaxx.
Thank you, Beaugy. That’s exactly what I wanted to know.
As for the dirty pictures; they can pay for them like everyone else does.
Nine News: Whale caught in shark net off Whale Beach.
Rog – the Small Faces were awesome, as you’d no doubt agree.
It’s all too beautiful … 🙂
Tin Soldier
No, its actually called a reward.
Biden received more than 80 million votes.
I wonder how many votes the Internationalist Mongs that terrorise Australia actually got?
October 17, 2021 at 5:56 pm
police stop priest performing last rites murdered UK MP
That’s seriously fucked.
Enjoying head prefect and BoN’s spat.
My understanding based on years of reading Marvel comics is that AZ is more conventional then Pfizer and Moderna. AZ uses adenovirus vector technology, in this instance a deactivated chimp flu virus, to which is attached a deactivated gene from the chunk spike protein which produces the antibody response.
The Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA technology. This is old tech but new in that it has not been used for this purpose before. This tech rewrites existing genetic info in the person so that antibodies are created without exposure to the chunk virus.
As far as I know none of the vaccines, including the J&J vaccine which is like the AZ, use aborted foetal tissue.
Don’t forget the real villains in this are the chunks and their owned US POTUS and associated arseholes like fauchi. Big pharma and shithead medial officers and cuck pollies are secondary players.
says here that viral vector vaccines had been tested in clinical research for influenza, among other diseases.
Nein News tonight:
“Cat stuck in a tree – and remains there because all the fireys have selfishly resigned”
“Prime Monster Goose Morristeen announces the abolition of all of the remaining rights of Ozzies”
“You will love your seventh jab or else – how I became a toxic chemical cocktail junkeee”
“Standartenführer Schwab gifts Australia with a visit to monitor Ozzies’ compliance”
And on and on and on … 🙁
Oh yes, one of my favourite bands of the period; as Mod bands went I preferred them to the Who.
Word was that later Marriott was slated by Keith to replace Mick Taylor in the Rolling Stones but Jagger was afraid of being upstaged by him.
You are right cohenite
Foetal cells were used in earlier development stage for astrazeneca, then removed and in testing for the others but none of the vaccines contain foetal cells.
Old School Conservativesays:
October 17, 2021 at 6:27 pm
That’s unusual.
The Oz is allowing anti-Islamic comments under the Sir David Amess murder story.
Can you put up a few examples to cheer us up.
After this unbelievable shit we all need cheering up:
It’s a credible explanation, accounting for both Josemite Çam’s strengths and weaknesses. But BoN is right, our pollies are even lower on the scale of careful thinking. A sobering thought.
“It might be a time to remind everyone that this all started with ’15 days to slow the spread’. Once you complied, they went a little further.
Now, we’re discussing whether the “unvaccinated” deserve to have access to healthcare.
You travel fast on a slippery slope.”
Young Americans for Liberty, h/t Instapundit.
Applies to Australia in spades.
Nein News tonight: You mean the Costello news.
Scott Morrison is an enigma. The more you see and hear him, the more you realise that you don’t really know anything about him.
I am going to call this digital identity bill and the cybercrime bill the start of fascism.
When are Australians going to wake the fuck up?
“Scott Morrison is an enigma. The more you see and hear him, the more you realise that you don’t really know anything about him.”
Scott Morrison is an enigma. The more you see and hear him, the more you realise that you don’t really like anything about him.
1. Too many who believe, follow, practice, Islam are taught evil it is not fit to be allowed in to any modern nation , the cost of One decent human is far too much of a price to pay to allow this religion in a modern socioty.
2. How many lone wolves are there ?
3. If it’s non-globalist Davos concocted ideas like ‘Trump’ or ‘populism’ or ‘right-wing whateverism’ our democracy must be protected with extreme measures from these alleged pernicious threats.
But if the threat instead is an immigrant terrorist then the response changes to democracy itself will just have to change.
4. let me guess. Nothing to do with Islam, just a lone wolf with mental issues.
5. It was an islamic terrorist attack…….and all precautions required to prevent terrorist attacks need to be taken.
Perhaps the work experience kid is on moderator duty.
California as it used to be – before the full on advent of Hollyweird as a (monstrous) concept.
I knew exactly who SM was a few years or so back when he was on the Ray H show. Ray H was completely despicable and out of order, but it did not exonerate SM lying.
Not that that was my period…I came on the scene a bit later.
But ’60s music was just so inventive and creative compared to the ’70s.
You’ve lived a sheltered life, Bruce.
Then how do you explain the charts covering multiple countries in this item?
Counterintuitive: More Vaccinations Leads To More Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths
Winston Smithsays:
October 17, 2021 at 6:34 pm
Sections 87 and 88 give the Oversight Authority complete control of the implementation of the system. Furthermore, section 89 provides that the Oversight Authority “is not subject to direction”.
That might not be intended as fascism. It may just mean that the Minister responsible for administering the Act can’t tell the OA what to do. If so, the intention may not be bad – think a Sam Dastyari clone as “Minister for Digital Identity”. It shouldn’t mean that Parliament can’t summon them to appear before a Parliamentary Committee, let alone stop Parliament passing amending legislation to clip their wings. Of course Parliament is a weak reed, but this Bill can’t solve that.
But even if I’m right that does just punt the unaccountability from an elected spiv to an unelected one, so your basic premise is sound.
Section 153 provides protection to the Oversight Authority and delegates against civil legal action for damages caused by the “good faith” implementation of the powers under the Act.
This one looks pretty dreadful. Of course we’ve got the covid full legal immunity for all vaxx pushers precedent, so “the proles will just have to suck it up if we cause a catastrophe” was an odds on favourite to become normalised in legislation. Is there any provision for any alternative means of redress for a prole?
Baba says:
October 17, 2021 at 5:40 pm
Sancho Panzer says:
October 17, 2021 at 5:30 pm
Fish. Friday. Halibut.
Sancho is very fishy. Confirmed!
Congratulations Baba – you’ve given Sancho Panzer / Professor Higgins / Leigh Lowe something to carp on about endlessly every day for the next 3+ months.
I knew exactly who SM was a few years or so back when he was on the Ray H show. Ray H was completely despicable and out of order, but it did not exonerate SM lying.
I was a bit puzzled by this, then I realised you weren’t talking about Steve Marriott.
Brucie, go back and read what I said eggsactly. I said that the do – my cardio- referred to it as a repurposed flu vax. At this stage, despite all your screaming, hollering and foot stomping he appears to be right and you’re wrong.
Brucie, you told me that doofus Eyrie was a really smart fucker. He ended up 0 for 5 in the 5 arguments he had with me. Basically, he’s an idiot. A complete fool who thinks bias is a substitute for science.
More than that, I dunno what to tell you other than it’s way past your bedtime.
I agree but as all my teenage years were in the ’50s I reckon the greatest change was Buddy Holly who set the pace for that which was to come.
Right up to the weather, which is all I turn it on for, where some bimbette was telling us with a straight face that for every 1 degree warming there’s more cloud cover (or something) and lots more rain, therefore the threat of floods. What was that again about “even the rain that falls”? I guess that will be reprised during the next El Nino.
That is probably due to the vaccinated dying like flies.
There’s two ways out of hospital.
I’m seeing the opposite from raw data – hospitalizations and deaths in UK and Oz. In relation to case numbers.
Spot on, P.
Buddy Holly inspired so many, including The Beatles and even the early Stones covered Not Fade Away.
A rare gift for writing a sublime melody and matching it with perfect lyrics.
And a Strat man, Rabz!
Bluddee hell – communist degenerates …
You boys are talking bout my generation.
Buddy Holly – Everyday HQ Stereo
He’s just being his usual self. The drive by at Eyrie is a tell. JC is a technical ignoramus with an ego of a politician.
The original and the best, thanks, Rog. Tobacco Sunbursts.
The following may or may not be of interest to anyone researching the topic:
National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce.
Bluddee hell – now I’ve done it -when too much of the underground is barely enough … 🙂
As a sciency guy, what is your view on the theory that the vaxes contain “aluminum carbon life forms” which can be detected by airport security scanners?
For anyone who needs cheering up.
Eddie Condon’s Sheik of Araby
I love just about every version of this song, including the pianola one, but this is my favourite. It gets the red corpuscles moving.
FFS man, the argument isn’t with me. The argument is technically between you and my cardio. I was humble enough to state that I was told such and such. You’re now angry with me for what exactly – that I mentioned a dude with a PhD in microbiology explained something to me, which I related here. Even the celebrated climate scientist and Nobel prize winner (for science – Cronkite – says you’re wrong, wrong and wrong . He suggests that I’m correct.
I still don’t understand why you’re going apeshit.
As for Eyrie. Your pal is currently 0 for 5 and nothing you say is going to change that. Get off your fake donkey and try to be a little more humble.
Used to have one.
Sold it.
There’s a NSW senator called Hollie Hughes on the TV.
I would suggest that’s not her real name. It’s strikingly similar to Sam Kekovich in a wig, albeit his black and white stripey blouse is just fine.
Hughes. Kekovich. Confirmed.
JC, the AZ is a chimp adenovirus vector vaccine that is loaded with some covid DNA.
The covid DNA causes your cells to make covid spike protein which stimulates antibody production.
Flu vaccines are usually inactivated flu viruses that stimulate antibody production directly.
Some say that the viral DNA can become incorporated into the human genome. Possibly your doctor has had some chimp DNA incorporated into his neurones. If he asks you for a banana or throws some faeces at you during your next consult, maybe you should consider getting a second opinion.
Hollie Hughes- two bludge ‘degrees’=>staffer for Heffernan and Fiovaranti-Wells=>Senate. All that is wrong with politics in Australia.
Leave me out of it head prefect. Now say you’re sorry and put up some real estate porn.
That’s interesting, eddy, but how much different are these two vaccines to each other in terms of how they are made?
I have one of those, an American Strat that I bought it NYC.
Haven’t had it out in years, but since I’ll have heaps of time on my hands soon, it will be a good time to pick it up again.
Sancho – I’ve never met an aluminum carbon life form, unless you mean JC, whose brain is like a Coke can full of vitreous graphite.
I had a Tobacco Sunburst Tele with binding that I traded for the Strat, Rog. However, it was made in Japan and the fittings were poor quality – for example, the tuning pegs were an awful soviet grey metal. On my American standard, the equivalent fittings are all shiny chrome.
However, the owner of the shop gave me $800 bucks off the cost the strat ($1,700, fiftieth anniversary Fender with special gold sticker on the back of the headstock), so it was all good. 🙂
Fender don’t make American Standards anymore. Why is beyond me.
They call out to be played, Eddy. Enjoy!
The other week, I spoke to you about our need to change where we’re looking for real estate.
Instead of the Amalfi coast I’m heading off to cuomo. Nothing beats a house on the lake for the summer. Nothing.
Anyway we’ve got the boat for the Med.
And no, im not leaving your comments out.
If Costello were a PM he would have been the same as Turnbull and ScoMo, small-minded, egotistical and vengeful. At least we dodged that one.
Maybe you need to get another cardio guy, JC.
One who doesn’t talk to you in small words like you’re a moron.
On the other hand I suspect they’d all do that.
AZ vaccines are produced in a special facility in the remote Hebrides. Teams of elite post-doc students cloned from the mixed DNA of Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins and Boris Johnson use ultra magnifying microscopes to assemble the vaccines by hand.
Flu vaccines are just knocked out by the millions at Macedonian troll farms.
You had the AZ, right?
Yes, BoN, we should all be more humble when in the presence of JC. You must admit, his chutzpah is impressive. Claiming he defeated Eyrie 5/5 is just one example.
Most people taking on someone with twice their brains and ten times their education would feel a little outclassed, but not Josemite Çam.
Replaced by the Professional Series, apparently.
I haven’t played one so I can’t comment.
All the major American guitar companies, with the possible exception of PRS, have been impacted by poor sales in recent years, leading to streamlining of their offerings. One of the explanations is that the Asian made models have been getting so good they’ve been taking sales away from the lower tier American & Mexican (in the case of Fender) models.
Johnnie Ray was also a path-setter for what was come.
Bruce at 7:46.
I’ll take that as a “No, aluminum carbon life forms are not a thing”.
I am looking forward to that.
Yes, but I would have preferred Moderna as it’s classier. AZ is for riff raff, as I’ve said before.
Crossie it wasn’t until some years after their reign that I realized how bad for Australia Howard and Costello were. Costello’s refusal to take the fight to Krudd was a sign.
Rog – there’s also a critical mass out there of second hand ones that you’d want.
I know enough about him to realise that he is completely untrustworthy. Anybody who votes for him deserves everything they get but the rest of us do not.
Our two Queen Bees are super agitated tonight.
True. An dthe interwebs has made that marketplace so accessible.
But at one point I decided I’d rather be a player than a collector.
That limits me to 2 acoustics and 3 electrics atm.
Most of the time I play my PRS electric, so I could probably off load my other 2 (a Tele and AGretsch, plus the SG that I’ve loaned to my son but he’s not playing it) and not really miss them. It’s not as though I’m a session player who needs several tonal options, after all. And it’s surpising what tones you can get out of one guitar and a good tube amp with some of the digital interfaces available these days.
Anyway, the good wife is beseeching me to come to dinner.
No doubt we’ll get back to this topic again!
In April 1955 I went to see Johnnie Ray at the old stadium in Rushcutters Bay. For a 15yr old sitting up in the bleachers it was a great experience.
For me the highlight was the supporting act Stan Freberg.
Do you remember him?
Little Blue Riding Hood
Oh yes!
The golden tones of the Fender.
Is there anything more sublime?
All good, Squire.
Well for a start I never claimed I defeated clunkhead 5/5 , doc. I said it was
0/5 my way. 5/5 is a draw, no?
You’re a man of science who claims he can count (in between being too timid getting a leg over a hooker in Havana). Go examine my claims for the 0/5 win and if you’re able to refute any then let’s discuss.
You can’t though which is why mere ad hom is all you can do.
As for education… I achieved eggsactly what I needed in order to get a job in the line of work I ended up in. As for smarts… I dunno.. working on Wall Street for 16 years and earning a decent living that suggests I’m pretty dumb, yea?
I scored JC vs Eyrie, 4 to JC and one tie.
Gee thanks, Panzers – LOL … 🙂
Bulkshit Sanchez. There was no tie. It was 0/5 fave.
I don’t think you’re stupid, JC. The thing is, we’re all pig ignorant and know bugger all about almost everything. But BoN, Eyrie and I have found this out, and you haven’t.
I didn’t really score the JC vs Eyrie thing.
But I am scared of JC.
For those around in ’55 we had our own sense of humour:
Stan Freberg – The Yellow Rose Of Texas
So t be scared, Sanchez. Man up.
What are you thanking me for?
Sancho – Aluminum doesn’t mesh well with sigma-bonded organic compounds, like the stuff people are built of. Boron and silicon are better. I can’t even think of any biochemicals which use aluminium. Magnesium is used in chlorophyll, zinc is used in DNA reading, but aluminium isn’t in any enzymes I know of. Nor is lithium. Both are very hard acids under HSAB theory. They’re the top two.
The owner of a few local supermarkets reckons the new idea floating is the linking of the vax passport with your credit card.
It’s only a matter of time until complete compliance by way of banks ceding your financial affairs to government mandate.
ANZ – ANZeneca
October 17, 2021 at 8:14 pm”
I’m hoping the Sydney CBD is busier this week. I noticed that on Friday there were more people in the city. Here’s hoping more venture into the office this week as we won’t have to wear masks inside any more.
Fingers crossed.
Hard not to be scared of you JC.
Please don’t start a stoush with me.
I can change my score to 5-0 if that helps.
They steal my money off me and there will be reprisals. Just sayin’.
Sydney’s Darling Harbour and The Rocks are areas that rely a lot on tourism. These areas are also frequented by metropolitan residents mainly because of events or attractions going on in the City, although many just come there for the ambience.
Today the streets were devoid of persons hence the disappointment of restaurants and staff.
At the other end of town Saturday night was good.
Oh really.? Actually I’m probably the only person who lives this way and walks the walk. I was criticised quite often for changing my mind when I believe I’m wrong. I’m very adaptable and humble.
Ckunkhead eyrie was trying to get me banned from here because he’s a fucking weasel.
But, getting back to humility. Go back to the 0/5 and explain who got it right.
Let me be very clear, doc. I believe everyone gets up in the morning the same way , dress in a similar way . No one’s intelligence or supposed smarts makes me in awe of them.
They’ve already stolen enough, and I’m cross about it, but I’ve gone along with the pretence that they’re giving me roads and armed forces and the rule of law in exchange. Once that’s so obviously fake that nobody believes it, things will change. No more doctor nice guy.
I think the BoN – JC Stoush is gonna make the legendary Truck v Train Wars look like a picnic in the park.
Go both you great things…….
What the – Miley Cyrus in Vegas, butchering Heaven or Las Vegas.
I first heard this song in our ’78 Ford Fairmount while driving from LA to Vegas in the spring of ’93.
Magickal stuff. 🙂
From Australian Government data that I’ve run:
From the period 18 Jul 21 to 26 Sep 21 (which saw the Double Vax percentage go from 11.0% to 41.7%, and the single vax percentage go from 28.4% to 62.7%) there has been a slight upwards trend of the hospitalisation of all age groups below 70 years of age. These are from the latest datasets released.
Even to be generous, you’d say it has been completely stable (definitely no downward trend). Surely given that 70 years old over the same period, but that population represents hundreds of cases, not tens of thousands.
We see a similar trend in the ICU cases, but the data for the elderly is more erratic because the numbers are so small.
Summary: The vax doesn’t seem to be having a noticeable effect (hospitalisations/ICU) for age groups below 70 years old. In fact, it could be said to be making it worse, but not dramatically.
Just for those that are interested.
Of course not. Because you can’t and would be humiliated into agreeing with my count.
No biggie
I’m much, much humbler than you are, JC. And much, much more modest, too.
Go on, tell me I’m wrong. 🙂
That monstrous piece of Kitsch. But you knew that already.
Don’t know what happened with that post but my point is that surely given the <70 age groups represent the vast majority of the population, during the period the double vax rate jumped 30% across the nation, we'd expect a drop in their hospitalisation rates for Covid?
We haven't. We have the opposite, thought it's not dramatic.
Can’t say I do P.
Indeed, but we do not like to brag about it, I tells ya. 🙂
I need to think it through, Mater, but I just wanted to flag a question.
Does the vaccination program by age group impact your analysis?
I mean, people were vaccinated on an “oldest first” basis, then working down through the age groups.
This bloke is interesting if you have 49 mins available. Our money is all false, so he tells me. If you feel like parting with your false money, I’ll help you remove that burden.
:Global-Breach of the Trust. Live Broadcast Thursday 6th May 2021. – Mark Christopher.
Rabz says:
October 17, 2021 at 8:38 pm
I’m very ‘umble
Indeed, but we do not like to brag about it, I tells ya. ?
Rabz – Humility is my greatest virtue…
Of course not. Wouldn’t dream of it.
Rebuilding your axles kingpin bores on a lathe:
Wrong, no? Bullshitting, sure!
I never claimed the AZ was a repurposed flu shot. I said that my cardio had described it this way, which incidentally is an honest and humble way of making a claim. I also suggested to Brucie that the guy has a Phd in microbiology and learned his trade (cardio)at one of the best teaching hospitals in NYC.
I carefully explained that I wasn’t paraphrasing but was described to me in those exact words.
Did I claim to be an expert in this area of science or any science for that matter. Nope I didn’t. All I did was to say that someone with some expertise in the field described it as such.
Brucie goes nuts. Then you back him up making all sorts of bullshit claims and assertions doc. However, it’s you , brucie and the clunkhead who are humble and know your limitations..according to you. Doc. Are you drunk?
OldOzzie posted this on another thread:
You can’t make this up. What a money spinner.
A visit to the vomitorium.
Stan Freberg voiced various classic Warner Bros cartoon characters, including Marvin the Martian and Junior Bear; he did a lot of other things as well.
It might, I’m only working with the data they let me have…and they are forever changing it around.
However, I see it this way. 30% of the Australian population would need to incorporate a massive number of the under 70s (given it represents about 85% of the Australian population). From that, I’d expect even a slight reduction of the hospitalisation numbers if the vaccine was doing as claimed.
There is not one age group below 70 (in decade blocks) which is demonstrating this.
Caveat: Given that they are not keen on giving us decent data, I am forced to use what I can to test the claims. Whilst not ideal, I think the contention about seeing a reduction, is solid (though not precise). The claim that it’s primarily unvaxxed in hospital seems dubious, as that group is getting a lot smaller, very quickly, but the hospital numbers are steady (at best).
As more data becomes available each fortnight (it has a certain amount of lag), I’ll be interested to see where it goes.
JC can’t be too far off getting “Rooster” into play. Haven’t seen it for a while. I’m not gonna warn you guys again. Don’t go full “Rooster” JC.
1956 Stan Freberg – The Great Pretender
Mater, can you point me to exactly where to find the data is for the number of adverse reactions/deaths in Aust?
thank you.
I’ve offloaded all guitars, apart from one of each which I’ve been paid for playing, which happens to be the most robust lot.
70’s Yamaha FG-150, red label. Scuffed and dented, but precious.
90’s Fender Jazzmaster, japanese, red sparkle and giveashit orange tortoiseshell pickguard. Indestructible.
80’s Rickenbacker 4001, in black and white. Not easy to play, but robust and wide open woody tone. I landed on the Jazzmaster because bass playing had geared me u to pull the precision out of any girl’s guitar which I picked up, so long scale and heavy strings.
I see you have clarified already Mater.
There is possibly another factor at play in Victoria at least, as far as hospitalisation goes.
I wonder if Hunchback and Sutton have lowered the threshold for hospitalisation to artificially increase admissions create pressure on ScoMo for hospital funding.
Bluddee hell – the man himself, gettin’ bluesy with a Stones’ standard …
And when I say hospitalisation numbers are steady, I mean by age group.
0-9: 3.4% of cases
10-19: 3.4% of cases
20-29: 8.5% of cases
One other thing Doc. I also had an expert in the field totally refute what clunkhead was saying about damaging mRNA. I posted the comment. As I said, the guy I had refute his crap is actually a world renowned virologist.
Let me know if you want it posted again as this makes up one of the 0/5 wins I clocked against your knight.
Wally – you are now a fully paid up member of the Cat’s Guitar Collective.
Dom Perrottet announces number seven is on the way!
Yes, I see the possibility that that lever has been available for use during the entire 20 months of this fucking rock show…for whatever effect they needed at the time.
High hospitalisation = more panic = push lever.
Low hospitalisation = lockdowns are working = pull lever.
As so on…
Err, JC – she’s on fire, Squire. You know you want some.
Of course I wouldn’t. You don’t though.
But the fact remains, they are now using hospitalisation rates to guilt people into vaccination, so we need to concentrate on that now. Case Fatality Rate is yesterday’s news, because deaths don’t really ‘swamp’ the public health system…so their guilt factor is limited.
Lol. Where is the Rooster. I really used to get him so angry. Such a freaking goodie goodie too.
I haven’t got any virtues. I’m far too humble. Besides, when I was dragged up, we couldn’t afford them.
true story
No thanks. And Eyrie isn’t my knight. I’m too poor to afford one, I have to make do with daze.
Really? Yet you’re taking the word of a metallurgist about the AZ against a Phd in micro-biology. It’s not me. Yet you call yourself humble. Doc, get the fuck out of here, metaphorically speaking.
Health departments seem to be full of twisted mongs:
Not sure what exact data you are after (or to what fidelity), but here would be a start.
There is a filterable register for each adverse event. I’ll try to find it again, but it’s difficult to use.
FIFO sex assault inquiry: BHP bosses Brandon Craig and Jessica Farrell to face grilling at parliamentary probe
Danielle Le MessurierThe West Australian
Sun, 17 October 2021 5:32PM
BHP bosses will front a landmark parliamentary inquiry into sexual harassment in WA’s resources sector this week, as MPs plan more hearings than first expected amid intensifying public scrutiny of the issue.
The Big Australian is the first among the major miners to appear before the inquiry, which was launched by deputy Liberal leader and committee chairwoman Libby Mettam in June after The West Australian’s exclusive reports — that started with BHP — on a spate of alleged sex attacks at WA mine sites.
There have been four allegations of sexual assault at BHP WA mine sites, including a fly-in, fly-out worker being charged with two counts of rape over an incident at the company’s Mulla Mulla village in the Pilbara last November.
BHP WA iron ore asset president Brandon Craig and Nickel West asset president Jessica Farrell will face questions on Wednesday on behalf of the Australian mining giant.
It is expected they will be grilled on what the miner is doing to stamp out unsavoury behaviour, including upgrades to BHP camp security and broader mechanisms to address the movement between sites of perpetrators of sexual harassment.
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA will also give evidence to the inquiry on Wednesday.
It is understood the parliamentary committee will travel to mine sites to speak to workers themselves and hold additional hearings — outside of Wednesdays during sitting weeks — to ensure they hear from everyone. A report is due to be tabled on April 28 next year.
In its submission to the inquiry, BHP revealed it had sacked 48 workers in the past two years for sexual harassment at its WA mine sites following 73 “substantiated” reports.
“We unequivocally and sincerely apologise to anyone who has experienced this behaviour in our workplace,” Mr Craig said in a statement ahead of the inquiry.
“There is no place in BHP for those who seek to harass or assault women, and we will take the actions necessary to rid this behaviour from our workplaces.”
Addressing shareholders at the company’s London annual meeting last Thursday, BHP boss Mike Henry said the company had boosted its education and on-site security initiatives with a further $300 million committed for security improvements in 2022.
He said this was in addition to limiting alcohol consumption at Australian camps and launching a dedicated support service to help anyone in its workforce impacted by sexual assault or harassment.
Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group are also among the big miners that will be hauled in for questioning.
mildly amusing