I rather take issue with the statement that Judaism is racially based A certain Austrian would vehemently disagree with you.
I rather take issue with the statement that Judaism is racially based A certain Austrian would vehemently disagree with you.
Bruce of Newcastle March 14, 2025 8:42 pm Reply to Steve trickler (The story is of course about flying into a…
Being a “landlord” is a form of masochism. Never again.
If I recall, the Captain told the passengers that ‘all 4 engines have failed’, apologised for the inconvenience, and assured…
It really is the luck of the draw. I did a Business Class Flight around the World in July 2018…
Settle down JC.
That includes the bone.
Anything much less than that is practically vegan.
That’s just nasty Delta. What did I do to deserve the tormenting.
Fried with bacon and they are lush
…and roasted brussel sprouts.
Vile weed.
Steak always always at room temperature.
Heat a BIG frypan to something resembling the sun’s surface. Steak in. Sear the bugger and leave it there. Do not fiddle with the poor thing, it’s suffering enough. Turn steak. Repeat torture, but for a shorter time.*
Remove steak onto warm plate and cover loosely with foil. Rest it. Really rest it. Like it’s in a nursing home and is having a nap.
Meanwhile, use the frypan with all its crusty goodness for sauce.
If you’re doing an oven roast, same process with the monster piece in the baking pan – the seared lot can then go in the oven. I like to do it low and slow once it’s seared. The meat thermometer will tell you when it’s done.
* time will depend on thickness and cut, natch.
Fried with bacon finished with a light sprinkle of grated pecorino
How is it possible? How do you fall out of the car on a slowish turn?
Scotch left to room temp
oiled and salted
done on cast iron to medium-rare (3 maybe 4 minutes a side)
French green peppercorns in the pan grits, splash of whisky/brandy/rum/port, add pouring cream and reduce
Home-made chips
Broccoli roasted with sage, garlic, and olive oil
Don’t smoke them. Eat them.
Even better with a tad of garlic and a sprinkle of balsamic vingar.
Tom, every so often the big mushrooms turn up at the supermarket. I have two big, meaty monsters in the fridge right now. The Beloved hunted and gathered them.
Matrix, you are my brother-in-cookery.
Yes, I also use alcohol when cooking.
Sometimes I add it to the food.
h/t WC Fields
Fifteen years ago a woman in deep psychosis walked along a beach in Carnarvon dragging along a tired little three year old boy by the hand. She had no ID, having just arrived hitching a lift from Perth, and all the child knew well was his first name. My name is Oscar, he told them. He also knew, because we’d coached him, that he had a ‘daddy’ and a ‘grandma’. The police finally chased up my son in Perth where he and I had been frantically trying for days to find this woman, his ex-partner, who had absconded with his son. The Royal Flying Doctor Service delivered Oscar back to my son while once more the mother recovered in a locked ward. I flew back to Sydney from one of more than several transcontinental rescue missions. Don’t get me started on the WA Welfare bureaucracy. They kill children.
This Carnarvon talk has resurfaced some of those memories for me, an unbearable sadness. My grandson is now eighteen and a fine young man but he had a difficult early life and childhood. Always, it is the police who do the best work for families, at the frontline, but even their bureaucracies can fail to coordinate information.
Is that the slash-ampersand thingy again?
On their ABCcess as an advertisement for Marc “taxpayer teat for life” Fennells podcast “All the things the British stole”.
Fire them all
Real quote
I walked into triple j when I was 20 and the fact that they haven’t fired me in the last decade has been both an absolute shock and probably a testament to how cheap I am to employ.
It may have only been a little 2-minute piece of radio that I made but I still count myself so lucky.
And has suckled deeply on Aunties withered dugs ever since.
Sal, why don’t you write a report for WorkSafe or whatever you call it up there. At the very least we should be piling them up with paperwork. Also, if they are being inundated with such reports they will have to explain their conduct to the court if discovery finds large numbers of like reports and the OHS bureau decided to do nothing about it.
With people spoiling good food with vegetables and crappy wine.
I’m out here.
We had them growing every spring and autumn on our KI property. Huge! One that I measured was just under 30cms diameter.
Excellent for mushroom soup, but they had to be picked very soon after forming, or even while still closed, because the bugs were on to them in a flash.
Marbled sirloin, green pepper sauce, small boiled potatoes, red onions and green capsicum.
His only problem with red meat is that (a) I’m a fat bastid already, and (b) red meat has a high calorific value and (c) I eat far too much of it.
He’s also one of Australia’s leading cardiologist researchers, working through the Heart Research Institute. He is interested in the effects of low-dose colchicine (normally prescribed for gout) for the prevention of certain heart disease by reducing inflammation.
”We all know …”
Peter Doshi 5 min bitchute video on critical thinking in the time of covid.
He is an editor at the BMJ and we need more like him.
Thought there were enough wankers in Queensland however posted on Michael Smith news was latest edict from Queensland Health Give yourself a hand extolling the health benefits of masturbation and how to tell your kids
No thing wrong with the message but hardly the government’s job to give you permission.
Snap, Calli
‘spoke try this then
big handful of green beans
about 4 or 5 cloves of garlic finely sliced
a handful of finely sliced shallots (not spring onions…shallots)
a teaspoon or two of sambal oelek
a scant teaspoon of salt
peanut oil
hot pan, then oil then beans.
let them sizzle and crackle
chuck sambal and garlic and salt on
stir so it doesnt stick or burn
a minute later chuck in shallots
another minute
then pour the lot on top of crushed and roasted spuds
Over at CL’s place:
If only we had the courage not to blink.
I eat a lot of grass that has been naturally fermented and processed into a high protein, delicious food, easy to digest and tastes great. The entire process is solar powered, can’t figure out why the greens and PETA don’t like it.
I really like this Youngkin bloke who kicked demorat arse in Virginia. There is a lesson to be learnt from him: he is a conservative who campaigned on social issues and who strongly espoused conservative values for those social issues. Are you listening you gobsmacked coward scomo.
What’s wrong JC? You don’t like cows?
Democrats learned in Virginia that you can only fuck with peoples kids so much.
Come on, Driller’s run off his feet busy these days with running the business. He doesn’t have an atom of a second to spare.
how can you try out for those shows if you can’t cook a decent steak.
That soft sobbing you can all hear is Arky….. the man who married the only Asian lady in the world that cant cook….
Pork Belly for dinner tonight… pan fried in oil…. mmmmmm…
Breaking back in to the old alma mater and burning a blazer in protest….
A former student from an elite all-boys Melbourne private institution says he was the victim of homophobia at the school, which fostered a culture of misogyny and racism.
James Robinson broke into St Kevin’s College, located in the wealthy suburb of Toorak, this week and burned his old blazer to protest its culture.
“This week, Jordy De Goey, who attended my same-sex Catholic high school, was arrested in New York for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a dancefloor. Unsurprising, given my school’s culture,” he said in a post on Instagram.
“I broke into the school yesterday to protest. Something snapped in me this time,” he said.
“The patriarchal culture I saw inside the school gates burst out and made its way to New York, my new home for the last five years. (Allegedly) assaulting someone in a city, where many in my queer community, like me, are rape and sexual assault survivors.”
John, I dunno. I don’t want reminding where it came from. Meat comes from the fridge.
Steak (or more correctly roast beef).
I know this sounds arse first to front, but it goes like this.
Can use any cut (eye fillet, scotch, whatever).
Bring meat to room temperature.
Put it in an oven set to 75C (not 175 but 75).
Cook it until it reaches 55C – 60C internal temp using meat thermometer. This will take a few hours depending on size.
Take it out and sear it in a pan.
Wrap it in layers of foil and a teatowel and rest it for minimum 30 minutes (preferably an hour).
Rare pink but not leaking blood.
Especially in most of South America – Brazil, Argentina, Montevideo, Chile.
They don’t do vegies at all in some of their grand open bbq grills.
You want dinner, here’s a huge plate of meat. Sauces optional.
Ahhh…that’s granny’s solid fuel stove bung it in, go to church, come home to Sunday roast recipe, Sancho.
Low…low…low…pull the cooked thing out, turn up the heat and roast off everything else including her pride and joy – Yorkshire pudding!
Methodists worked up an appetite singing all those immensely long hymns.
Steak is main.
They serve sausage and meatballs as side dishes.
You go girl.
The good old reverse sear, panzer.
I’ve done that for a thicker piece of beef a few times.
Not too shabby.
This weekend. Your place. I’ll bring shiraz.
Well, since we’re talking food (again), may I recommend this French apple tart, star of the family dins last Sunday.
may I recommend this French apple tart,
Desserts are the devil.
Try again.
I don’t think that’s something that we ever discussed with our children. Might have alluded or it came up in a jokey conversation somewhere as they got older (we are not prudes) but it’s the sort of thing they got the details about from elsewhere than us, their parents. After all, parents do have to maintain their dignity. It’s certainly not something that we would like teachers or ‘sex educators’ to discuss with our young children. It seems awfully intrusive to do that. Kids will find out in their own ways.
I know that I taught myself all about it. I’ve even written about that in Quadrant. 😀
Googs it: French apple tart with creme patissiere.
Real Estate Porn
You know, you can criticize Melbourne, but it does have Australia’s finest homes.
This Italianate mansion is just beautiful…. and just incomparable.
Top Ender thats a special “my cat is green therefore my nostrils wobble” level of logic the vagina dodger is using there.
victim of homophobia at the school, which fostered a culture of misogyny and racism.
Homophobia made you hate women and other races???
“This week, Jordy De Goey, who attended my same-sex Catholic high school, was arrested in New York for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a dancefloor. Unsurprising, given my school’s culture
So this school releases 200 or so people every year who will assault a girl on a dancefloor??
where many in my queer community, like me, are rape and sexual assault survivors.”
Hmmmm, what link is there between that educational institution and your “communities” rape crisis? Are there hordes of homophobic school leavers running round bumming unsuspecting gay chaps against their will?
Seems a little unlikely.
Try a bit of anchovy butter on a steak, adds a layer of depth and saltiness.
Awful JC, just awful.
Okay. After this no more food talk. This is my pork belly recipe. No-fail.
Prepare the pork the day before by scoring it with a gem razor blade. Wipe off skin and salt it. Wipe it a lot over the next day and keep salting it. You want the skin dry as dust. The fridge will help too. Keep it uncovered.
The cider cooks down in the second stage. I wrap the lower, meaty side with foil in the resting phase, top exposed so it doesn’t soften up the crackling. You pull the thyme out and reduce the cider down while it’s resting. Add butter for sheen.
Cut the piece through the crackling with scissors because you’re never going to get a knife through it. Then cut the underlying tender meat with a knife. You’ll end up with delicious pieces of creamy meat topped with a crunch of crackling.
Oh, yes!
That’s me… providing I have an army of gardeners, cleaners, painters and pool boys (preferably Italian, in keeping with the ambience of the place).
I had absolutely no knowledge whatever of the little girl’s ancestry, and not the slightest interest. What has that to do with anything? Like everyone else, I was hoping she’d be found safe, and that was my entire interest in the case.
I’m made to want to protect children, especially little girls. And it doesn’t depend on their ancestry. Yes, these people are sick.
From Spiked. BloJo is moronic toff and a piece of shit.
Boris Johnson was put on the spot this week when he was asked if he thought Net Zero should be put to a referendum. This followed a YouGov survey that suggested a plurality supported going to the people. Owing his premiership to another referendum, he was put in the uneasy position of saying consulting the will of the people this time around probably wasn’t a good idea: ‘I think this country has probably had enough referendums to be getting on with for a while.’
Marty Robbins Lyrics
“A Hundred And Sixty Acres”
A Hundred and Sixty Acres – Marty Robbins || with lyrics (????/????)
I got a hundred and sixty acres in the valley
Got a hundred and sixty acres of the best
Got an old stove there that’ll cook three square
And a bunk where I can lay me down to rest.
Up at dawn to greet the sun
I’ve forgotten what a care or worry means
Head for home when day is done
With my pocket money jinglin’ in my jeans.
I’ve got a hundred and sixty acres full of sunshine
Got a hundred and sixty million stars above
Got an old paint hoss, I’m the guy who’s boss
On the hundred and sixty acres that I love!
Up at dawn to greet the sun
I’ve forgotten what a care or worry means
Head for home when day is done
With my pocket money jinglin’ in my jeans.
I’ve got a hundred and sixty acres full of sunshine
Got a hundred and sixty million stars above
Got an old paint hoss, I’m the guy who’s boss
On the hundred and sixty acres that I love!
Got an old paint hoss, I’m the guy who’s boss
On the hundred and sixty acres that I love!
Bern, Lizzie…and anyone else who lives in Wentworth…have you received an email from Soggy Lettuce Leaf Dave Sharma?
“Online Community Forum with Dr Alan Finkel AO – Our Plan for Net Zero – the Australian Way –
I’m sending an email back to him tonight…direct to him…
Hi Dave, I won’t be joining your pretentious and elitist online forum with Dr Alan Finkel AO but I thought you might be interested in my plan for the Liberal Party of Australia at the election next year….
Net zero emissions = net zero seats for the Liberal party – the Cassie way
Cassie FLPV (former Liberal Party voter)
WA kidnapper is obsessed with dolls….
Love your work Cassie.
My second son seems to have recovered today from a two-day bad, happening ten days after his second Pfizer jab. He’s been quite sick with a thumping headache, even thanked me profusely via text today for the socially distanced Panadol drop. His wrists both went rather arthritic with painful joints. Unusually for the jab, he also complained of a sore throat. Hairy thinks he probably had Covid because he lives in Redfern where it is running around freely. I hope you didn’t tell him to take a Covid test, Hairy admonishes. Well, I did, but he didn’t anyway, I say. Good, says Hairy. No need for that. Luckily, I should add, this son lives alone and doesn’t go out much.
“James Robinson broke into St Kevin’s College, located in the wealthy suburb of Toorak, this week and burned his old blazer to protest its culture.”
What an attention seeker. I hope he’ll be charged.
“Jesinda Franklin says the story highlights how much Australia doesn’t care about ATSI kids.”
We used to care for them, educating them, making it as sure as practicable that they had a safe place to live. For our pains, we were accused of stealing them.
How about the ATSI (actually, I suspect that it is mostly an A problem, into which the TSIs are collectively lumped) elders, who we are assured are so wise and benevolent, don’t take a bit of responsibility to those they presume to lord over?
Bern, really, you don’t like it? It’s not a mock as it goes back to the 1880s. Personal preference is … a personal thing though.
Speaking of pommy toffs. It’s interesting how the saxe-coburg tampons spent decades pretending to empathize with regular citizens only to let the mask slip when they felt it was no longer required. They has gone from quaint and somewhat irrelevant (and expensive) to something rather sinister.
You know, you can criticize Melbourne, but it does have Australia’s finest homes.
No. Try this which is the second best house in Singleton. I’ve been pissed at this house many times.
Perfect roast lamb…
Lamb leg (shoulder is better IMHO).
Stab repeatedly with sharp thin knife
Insert slices of garlic cloves in the stabs.
Mince up some more garlic, chilli salt & pepper, add just enough oil to make it into a paste.
Smear that over the top of the lamb.
The place the meat onto a very large sheet of baking paper about 40cm or more long
Add about 2 tablespoons of viet fish sauce to the bottom of the tray/baking paper. Wrap the meat in the paper, dont lose the sauce, you want that in there to keep it moist & tasty.
Tuck the ends in so the juices are all stuck in with the meat, no need to tie it, just tuck the ends in or add another layer of paper crossways.
Stick in the over at 100 for about an hour and a half.
Take out of the paper, there should be a heap of juice/fat in the tray now.
Give it a blast on about 180 for 20 minutes to 1/2 hr, get the outside nicely browned. You could do your spuds now but i prefer to do them after the blast.
Take the roast out and chuck a bit of foil over it and do the spuds/carrots, Brussel sprouts in the remaining juices, might have to add a bit of oil.
Then carve & serve.
its really, really good.
Apart from E II R, the only one who seems reasonably sane is Anne.
My wife had her 2nd fizzer jab and has been crook all day.
Sore arm, bad headache, flu like symptoms.
And they want us to have a booster? There is a madness pandemic in this country
JC, I could smell the mould growing in that house from here.
Just imagine it.
That’s why you need lots of glass & lots of fresh air.
Maybe they could knock it down & build something more functional.
Also needs a basketball court.
More food pron.
Brekkie Creek Hotel bacon sauce:
• 200g bacon (eye and tail) – coarsely minced
• Qtr cup soy sauce
• Qtr cup water
All ingredients into a pan, simmer until reduced to thick and glossy.
Serve over hot jacket potato, next to a medium rare scotch fillet. Sliced ripe tomatoes acceptable.
No. Don’t thank me.
BJ- I even have my doubts about E II R now.
Nothing from Sharma, Cassie.
I notice the Commissioner refrained from holding a press conference announcing that the parents are their chief and only suspects.
Best recipe possibly on the Cat.
Next stop – a gig as a Labor staffer, waving the poofery flag to break through the pink ceiling.
That, or a HR advocate job at Qantas.
One for JC.
I’ll have my carp:
Blue…very, very, very rare.
St. Kevin, incidentally, is the patron saint of blackbirds.
Racist whiteprick. Now that’s something to burn your blazer over, before Mummy and StepDaddy embrace you and call you stunning and brave.
November 4, 2021 at 6:27 pm
40 acres is ¼ mile by ¼ mile.
(Fun farming fact)
Which brings me to the best Dad joke ever:
‘This is my stepladder. I’m really attached to it, maybe because I never knew my real ladder.’
You guys have the best recipes! Bacon sauce! Mmmmm.
Love the Singleton house. It even has a Ha-ha. I wonder who designed the original garden.
I’m going to try the lamb with the viet fish sauce too. Best fish sauce there is – I would never have that Thai stuff.
Own up! Which cat gave a thumbs up to this pathetic non-joke?
St. Cyril the Lesser is the patron saint of currawongs, which are like blackbirds except for their fluffy white underpants. Currawongs, one and all, are members of the Ankh-Morpork Thieves Guild.
Crows btw, are all Ankh-Morpork Assassin Guild members, on account of their fine black silk suits.
dan andrews charged with treason, it’s happening
I added another up-tick. Just to annoy. 😀
All this foody talk reminds me of the Cat’s resident chef, Pauly. Around 2013-14. He was good value.
November 4, 2021 at 7:12 pm
Keep getting error messages.
Well I didn’t run it past the Committee, Delta.
That’s the risk you run by submitting non-approved content.
COVID Karen wants you dead. She does.
Twitter doesn’t like you moley?
It isn’t genuine, rosie. Unfortunately.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaark, he’s given the game away! 😀
It’s funny because it’s pathetic.
She got the dose with the nanna wrigglers. You can tell.
Bloody gunzels…
Not to labour the point JC, but for an Itie place it lacks the column work you’d expect.
Why bother with what they’ve done.
You want the lot, columns everywhere even places they’re not structurally needed.
Our latest grand daughter – one day old as I type – came home today and our son was keen to introduce his 60kg dog to her. He wants him to bond well to his little girl. He – the dog – has gone totally dotty over her and is surprisingly gentle. Rushes up to check on her every time she squeaks a boo. An extra layer of protection as she grows up. These days, you need it.
November 4, 2021 at 6:43 pm
BJ- I even have my doubts about E II R now.
I think she became a bit lost after Phil da Greek died. He might have done more than is appreciated to keep her steady.
You’d be surprised how many twitteri are taking it seriously calli.
Unsealed and everything.
The Queen takes her duties very seriously. One of those duties is not contesting government policy in public. She has some input when Bills are being drafted, but her power is strictly limited by constitutional convention.
My dinner tonight:
Preparation: Go to IGA. Select 1 Luv-A-Duck package of cooked A L’Orange duck legs. Remove from packaging with sharp knife. Place on folded sheet of alfoil under grill.
Cooking: prize apart two duck legs, switch on grill. Sit and read something not too absorbing* until smell of burning triggers. Turn over duck legs with a fork.
Pour out one glass of Bowen’s Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, drink until triggered by smell of burning.
Switch off grill, empty duck legs onto plate, add orange squish from alfoil, top up glass with more BECS.
Eat. Use fingers when convenient. Lick fingers afterwards. Lick orange squish off plate.
Top up glass again.
Smoke cigar after washing hands and face.
Farken hell.
Putin is more of a western liberal democrat than western journalists.
* catallaxy files works fine.
1. Where are the 50,000 sealed indictments against Democrats?
2. Is it Muellerween yet?
Just one of the unusual things about the Cleo Smith abduction.
Cleo was in a tent by herself that she was too short to exit from.
That’s really unusual.
A little girl, by herself in the wilderness, in the dark, no way to get out of the tent.
Doesn’t sound like much of a camping trip for Cleo.
AJ’s final Skynews hour just started now………………………….
Son’s house at 52 Sackville st Kew Marshall White . His tennis court runs the right way and in a better area than Paterson St .
James Robinson broke into St Kevin’s College, located in the wealthy suburb of Toorak, this week and burned his old blazer to protest its culture.
Why did he still have his blazer if he thought the “culture” was so dreadful?
Here we go.
What a loss Jones will be. Fuck Sky.
It says expression of interest close on 6 December.
I hereby express interest in this property.
You may not be able to understand this, but normal people do not put their young relatives in holes in the ground on a fun family vacation.
you just can’t beat bacon recipes
more pork. Having tried every variation of crispy skin pork belly including the complicated overnight chinese ones, this is the only recipe I use now and is also the easiest:
with one of those meat tenderisers with lots of little knives. go over the skin side of a nice piece of pork belly several times until it is well and truly perforated. we are talking holes every millimeter type of perforation.
sprinkle a bit of salt on the skin side.
sprinkle some herbs and spices on the bottom side . chinese 5 spice with garlic works well. you can even lay it on top of a real herb twigs like rosemary.
cook 65C for 6 hrs skin side up. if your oven doesn’t go that low you can do 75C or higher but will have to experiment with time.
fire up the oven top grill. mine needs to be about 80% setting. crisp skin side up till it all crackles nicely about 5-7 mins give or take. if your piece of pork is not flat then cut it so you have similar flat pieces otherwise parts will burn while others won’t crisp. pull out pieces as they crackle up. if you pull them out soon as they crackle they will be light and crispy with the meat tender and juicy. don’t over crisp them as the skin goes hard and chewy.
serve with mustard or other sauce.
Dr Beau, you must get with the lingo.
That “burning” smell was….caramelisation. 😀
That’s my excuse anyway.
Oh. Expressions of interest in buying it?
Who am I, Gina Rineheart? Jesus wept.
I was expressing interest in getting into and pinching all the good stuff. Bound to be at least one Maserati in the shed as well. Mate of mine in Thomastown can get me a price.
Cops are taking theit time laying Charges.
Saw Knuckle Dragger’s explanation of that, which wasn’t too bad but left out this:
Most cops aren’t too bad, they’re not going to hang a bloke if he’s not a thug.
I gather that the ethnicity of the alleged offender charged in the Cleo case is off limits in the MSM.
The race card is being played to the limit.
James Robinson charged for breaking and entering? The Andrews-Setka-Patten Stalinist pervert thuggocracy will give him a medal and a lucrative career in the taxpayer’s test.
LOL. The Cat’s Inspector Clouseau. “Eees sis your minkey?”
Teat, not test. Damn autocorrect!
The inventor of autocorrect died today. May he rust in piss.
The MSM have got a lot of problems here.
Was Cleo Smith under Family Court Orders?
Domestic Violence Protection Orders?
How well was she being looked after by her mother?
Had the dreaded Welfare ever been around to the house?
Answers may or may not be palatable [for The Narrative] so it’s better not to go there.
All these recipes gives me an idea. Instead of having them sit hard to find on an OT, send them to me via email on contacts page, with a photo if available, and I’ll post them individually once or twice weekly.
Dunno but I suspect a few people at the ALS won’t have any trouble meeting their billable hours this month. He’s in more trouble than the early settlers as they say.
Could get Pussefied.
I see NSW is to have an inquiry into historical hay hate crimes while there is still time to find the perpetrators. Fair enough: a crime is a crime.
But will the same logic apply to pimps and patrons the beats at the Wall and elsewhere, the boy brothels at Porkeys and Castellos ‘nightclubs’, and to Richard Neville’s pederast mates on the ABC? If not, why not?
Sneakers McGowan takes the opportunity to inject his snivelling hide into the Cleo Smith story with a personal visit.
No doubt he’ll be showing up at the homes of every family who have a tragic story involving a child.
They say patriotism is the last resort of a scoundrel, not even close.
Newcatallaxy Good Housekeeping Page.
The marginalised and shunned will eat well, at least.
About time.
Wasn’t there a Gosford Boys Home for Girls out there years ago?
Ed Casesays:
November 4, 2021 at 8:24 pm
I have no information to suggest anything. But every photo of Cleo Smith shows a healthy looking, happy child. And all photos look to be recent.
Ed Case is what his name tells you he is.
The photo on the front page of todays Oz shows Cleo looking happy and well looked after.
She’s been living at someone else’s [a stranger?] house for 18 days.
Fuck off Gypsum-snorter.
And eat your mutton.
With crystalline salt.
Or the policemen and their traffic paddles will get you…
Evening all Minimbah House you can see it from the New England Hwy Whittingham and even Golden Hwy around the Singleton Army Camp, think it went for $1.1mil last time it sold.
Rumour I hear is it needs a lot of work. Very run down inside.
Biggest steak I had was at the Palace Motel at Childers (Built on the Backpacker Fire site). 1.2kg monster and I finished the lot.
Four competing regimes.. Substack..
Not sure I agree, but an interesting if slightly lean take.
last one
perfect roast chicken.
cut out spine and butterfly flat a good quality chicken and place both on a shallow pan. squash some garlic cloves (no need to peel them) and put under chicken in the pan. I also like to use fresh rosemary and thyme under the chicken. can use chicken straight from the fridge too.
I use 2 meater wireless thermometers. stick one probe deep in the breast at one end and the 2nd probe in the other breast at the opposite end. both probes parallel to pan. place pan+chicken, breast side facing into a preheated 200C fan forced oven, legs facing door.
cook at 200C till one thermometer reaches 54C. around 30ish mins. rotate pan 180 degrees, legs now facing in and breast side towards door and continue cooking till the 2nd thermometer hits 54C.
pull out of oven onto a heat proof surface. let sit 30 mins, don’t skip the resting, the temp will continue to rise to 60C+ for the breast to be done. there is no need to cover the chicken.
The only way to roast a chicken is using the barbecue rotisserie – cooking for 1 1/2 hours at 350 degs.
The only way to roast a chicken is using the barbecue rotisserie
Sure…if you’re gay.
Those meat thermometers are cool.
I’ve tested out a few with the bluetooth so you can check on your phone.
It’s full on Star Trek.
PS, just kidding JC.
Lol Bern.
Rotisserie chook is really good .
A few tips for Porterhouse fans:
If you’re looking to go on the Meat Diet and save yourself a lot of dosh, as well as save the environment, you’ll be eating rare steaks at least 40 ml thick.
Porterhouse is covered in Fascia under the fat, and while that melts with roasting it doesn’t fry well.
The trick is to give it a good bashing with a heavy pot.
That flattens the fat layer out so when you sear that side the Fascia melts.
The steak will look a bit thin and sad after the bashing but cooking puffs it up again.
5 minutes in the oven at 220 C completesthe process, let it stand on the counter another 5, season with pepper, there’s all your vitamins, minerals and fat to keep you going, 20 minutes from start to finish.
Channel surfing.
Watchmen is on.
The ultimate cut.
One of the best movies ever made.
Ed’s bit about the tent Cleo was in was wrong in every particular. Not one of his speculations was correct.
He then follows with freestyle wrongology. The Eminem of on the spot rap battle wrongology.
Rorschach in Watchmen is one of my favourite characters of all time.
Can of beer up the bum chook cooked on a covered bbq is pretty good. Paprika and salt/ pepper on the skin.
The secret is making sure the chook is dead first.
It was in the Australian.
The mother said Cleo wasn’t tall enough to undo the zipper on the tent so someone else must have done it.
That tells you 2 things:
Cleo was alone in the tent and she couldn’t get out.
That chick reminds me of this scene.
Crazy eyes!
The magistrate replied: “It’s an open court”
What magnificent an adjective is that!
And the pity that it fast is moving low,
An advantage to our climes that forthright note,
That our long, long history did come to know.
The family tent had a dividing section between parents and kids.
Anything else you want to be a Mong about or have you reached your quota for the day?
And to think the Grigsock was crying not 2 days ago about the apparent lack of mutton.
Now he’s singing the praises of Fascia-A layer of rubbery connective tissue on Porterhouse steak!
I’m not actually sure what Grigory identifies as meat.
Skin, and suits made thereof, on the other hand…
Just noticed the end of the “LGB” rap music video.
Voiceover: “I’m Joe Biden and I’ve forgotten this message”
Marx McClown up for a selfie wid da bwave kiddy, who will be just a ga-ga at the big handsome premier and his common-touch teddy? That’s a bit uncharitable.
He’s obviously getting “debriefed” about the police’s use of mobile phone tracking data, and formulating a “I’ll tell you what I know” speech a la V for Vendetta, to present it as the necessary new norm.
I have no information to suggest anything. But every photo of Cleo Smith shows a healthy looking, happy child. And all photos look to be recent.
+file footage of Cleo in family photos.
There are only 2 kids, Cleo and a baby.
Cleo was left with the baby in her section of the tent?
That’s possible, but unlikely.
Breaking in the Oz:
A man has been charged over the abduction of Cleo Smith in Western Australia.
The Western Australia Police Force has charged Carnarvon man Terry Darrell Kelly, 36, with the abduction of the four-year-old.
Mr Kelly appeared briefly in the dock of the Carnarvon courthouse shortly after 4.15pm local time (7pm AEDT).
Western Australian police announced that the 36-year-old Carnarvon man had been charged with various offences, including one count of forcibly take a child under 16.
[background omitted]
Mr Kelly uttered several outbursts during the special late-afternoon hearing, including: “I’m coming for you!”
Barefoot and wearing a back t-shirt, he appeared to be pointing to where media was sitting in the public gallery.
He also asked the judge: “What the f*ck are the media doing here?”
The magistrate replied: “It’s an open court”.
Mater, if you’re still about; phone call received, the Union is looking into those points. Will let you know if there are any developments.
Jeez, Ed Case.
99.9999% of people are delighted that little Cleo has been found safe and well, and all you can do is toss out totally unfounded speculations about child abuse and protection orders.
You utter grub.
BBS, don’t you go comin’ in heah and droppin’ rhymes ’bout matters of LAW like you is Horace and we is Hilda!!!!
ie, source please my learned friend?
Says Grigory, the clairvoyant.
Fuck off and chew on your steak’s fascia, before the Cat chews yours…
Doc Beaugan
Likewise, Doc.
But from the comment, it means a lot to that person – which tells you something about them.
Wally Dalisays:
November 4, 2021 at 9:20 pm
BBS, don’t you go comin’ in heah and droppin’ rhymes ’bout matters of LAW like you is Horace and we is Hilda!!!!
ie, source please my learned friend?
t’would be moi.
He also asked the judge: “What the f*ck are the media doing here?”
The proper statement, of course : You have no standing !!
Doc Faustus:
D you know if they stll tap akeg at the bar for lunch?
Used to go there often for lunch when I was doing pipeline work.
4 Schooners in 30 minutes – back to work…
And you’ve built yourself a Strawman.
Of course there are Family Court Orders.
Cleo’s dad lives at Mandurah, that’s a fair way from Carnarvon, so unless he doesn’t care much about his daughter, which I say is exteremely unlikely, there are other Court Orders.
The Public are entitled to know these things, but the Media isn’t going there
now I’ve got the uncharitable suspicion that you are Ern Malley, and we are Angry Penguins…
Nice projection you got there, Grigory.
Pity it’s already on fire…
All that bullshit means nothing.
Go away and eat your fascia before it goes cold, and all you can taste is the crystalline salt.
And an excellent idea it is, dover.
Wally Dalisays:
November 4, 2021 at 9:33 pm
Dave, sorry about that.
I understand; I should’ve put my name to it BEFORE you were gracious enough to commend it.
(If ever I do it again, will advise in advance).
Oh, and Grigory:
Cleo was allowed into the reactor compartments of US Navy submarines…
Nuclear subs have chimneys?
Timothy Neilsen:
Dress up nights after the full body waxing.
Stop being wrong.
Sincerely: the universe.
They also run on steam…
Red meat discussion earlier.
The three mortal sins of red meat:
1. Meat out of fridge straight in to pan or oven;
2. Insufficient rest time (ten minutes is not it).
3. Listening to the salt Nazis. Pour it on.
Steak and chips with my youngster tonight, winner’s dinner as she’s been put up to PEAC.
Bullock rump- hot griddle- ninety seconds, salt and turn x5, last turn onto the chip tray and rest for five.
Ate it all up, and it was a generous slab too.
Tom & Calli,
We get the big flat field ‘shrooms up here nearly all the time, also a variety of large brown-skinned ones. Loved picking them after rain as a kid.
As to favourite streak – make it grass-fed Brangus T-bone from one of my clients (on-farm butchered), with some of those field mushrooms sautéed in butter with garlic. Unbeatable! Throw in a jacket spud cut up and topped with butter and chives to round out.
Red meat:
Kill a Six or Seven year old Hereford Ox (either bullock or cow) that has fattened quickly after a drought.
Bleed it as well as you can by hand.
Dress the carcase.
Hang it in the coolroom for a year or so.
Then eat it.
What’s that?
Mr Kelly beat you to it?
Living the dream!
how about some pork loin and back ribs slow cooked in the smoker?
or …
we did a beef bolar blade roast the other day.
6 hours low and slow
the last 3hrs on a bed of onion, red pepper chili and beef stock
knocked up a BBQ sauce outta blitzed veggie, Worcestershire sauce, Valentina’s hot sauce, a bit of sugar, and pan juices.
omfg … was good
FMD It seems that Jones has been dumped in favour of Piers Morgan.
There is no way I will be watching that pompous pommy twat.
I may be a pooftah-pansy Mexican city slicker, but is it possible for a cow to be an ox?
I mean, an ox is a castrated male bovine, right?
What’s going on up there in Queensssland?
Can cows identify as oxen?
Ed October:
This may come as a shock to a Brisvegas shut-in, but there are many, many kids living with parents and their BFs/GFs etc without having court orders in play. Weird, huh?
Actually, they’re not.
At today’s Senate Homeland Security Committee, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) threw his support behind an amendment introduced by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to complete the border wall.
There’s one identifying as their Premier, so anything’s possible.
‘Your Answer’s Not Making Any Sense’: Ted Cruz Grills CVS Exec About Shoplifting In San Francisco
At today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Ben Dugan, Retail Crime And Corporate Investigations at CVS Health, about whether decriminalizing shoplifting at a certain dollar amount has led to an increase in theft.
No. Got an invite to something a few months ago, but given the letters Hairy and I write him I guess he has given up on us.
An old and still very left friend of ours in Sydney’s salubrious East is mumbling online about making a run against the Liberals in some Federal electorate; mentioning Wentworth. When he says ‘against’, he means more left and more green, Steggall style, in an ‘Independents’ putsch. Now this is really stretching the friendship a bit. Mostly we’ve avoided politics in our increasingly rare interactions but I don’t think we can avoid this one. I may have to drop him a finalising line saying we are barracking against the Libs too, but from the other side of things. Net zero 50 can and must be defeated. In this way are lifelong friendships dead in the water.
That would be tough eating.
Mostly gristle.
‘Did You Know What You Were Doing?’: Ted Cruz Grills Judicial Nominee Over His Record
If I disagree with a friend’s opinion, I tell him, or her, so. I’m prepared to discover I’m wrong and if I do, I change my mind. If they can’t do the same, they aren’t worth knowing.
China in Focus – NTD
00:52 Chinese star accuses ex-official of sexual assault
03:23 Food buying frenzy in eastern China
05:19 Beijing locals stockpile, officials deny shortage
05:56 Chinese media reports fake news on Taiwan
06:53 Local explains difficulty leaving a virus-hit city
09:25 Chinese students ages 3-11 made to get the jab
11:35 Yahoo pulls out of Chinese market
13:57 EU lawmakers make 1st official visit to Taiwan
16:24 Interview: Michael Pillsbury on China
19:37 U.S., EU launch global methane pledge
One could ask what role Joe Burns has had to play in all of this.
The answer is almost certainly “nothing” but it doesn’t stop me “just putting it out there”.
what chaos is china trying to spread now??
ox, (Bos taurus, or B. taurus primigenius), a domesticated form of the large horned mammals that once moved in herds across North America and Europe (whence they have disappeared) and Asia and Africa, where some still exist in the wild state. South America and Australia have no wild oxen. Oxen are members of the Bovidae family.
The castrated male of B. taurus is a docile form especially useful as a draft animal in many less developed parts of the world. Oxen are also used for food in some areas.
Male or female – cows & bulls = females & male oxen
The ABC is first with the big scoop:
‘Let’s Go Brandon’ is all over US politics. The real meaning is not as innocent as it seems
Not in rural Australia Fat Tony.
Ox, Bullocks, Oxen is a castrated male.
No-one who has been anywhere near a cattleyard in Australia refers to female bovines as anything but cows or heifers.
A Vietnamese billionaire – there’s something wrong there, I just can’t put my finger on it……