Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
Great. Then I dont have to pay as much Tax. Also, fatties, smokers, motorbike riders, etc etc shouldnt get treatment either. After all, it was their choice if they get sick or injured.
What a fucking unhinged lunatic. However I wouldn’t put it past the fascist assholes running the place.
Hi Muddy.
Thanks for your contributions especially at 1:51. My grandfather was in the sappers. 1st Field company engineers, no.29. Landed with the first wave of infantry at Gallipoli.
Lest we forget.
For the goldbugs,
Spot price of gold up another 1.8% in the last 24 hours.
$A2555 per ounce.
Stood on the beach at ANZAC Cove, looking up at the sand dunes, and thinking ” Yeah, full pack and all the gear, Turkish machine guns going hairless, fvck that for a game of darts.”
You can see it can’t you; while you were ramped after being sent to a hospital far away, you’re told to sign over your heart, lungs, liver, kidney, eyes and anything else, as surety before you can get any more treatment, because your last booster stopped covering you as “fully vaccinated”, an hour ago.
And before anyone cries, “unhinged, far fetched”, remember, EVERYTHING that’s ‘normal’ now, “could never happen”, a blink ago.
This report is starting to do the rounds of the net ln the US. Maybe the beginning of the “walk back”.
Unfortunately the governments here will keep going full bore ahead for 90% vaccination.
I had a chat to the local GP about Novax a couple of days ago and he informed me that he doesn’t expect it to be released until next year, maybe early, maybe later. Someone here mentioned the other night that a doctor relative I think, told him that it won’t be released here at all.
Bearing in mind that info and the fact that here in QLD a friend of a friend has been refused a knee replacement unless vaccinated, I have very very reluctantly decided to have the Pfizer as I am in the group considered at risk. Also from 17th December, unless the chook has enormous pressure applied, lock outs from just about anything except food will be enforced, for those not jabbed.
Two things stood out: How cold it was at that time of day in April, & though rugged and 3-dimensional, how small the entire Gallipoli battlefield was.
No Christian gentleman would allow those venomous pseudo vaccines.
Much less have that poison injected into him.
Prove me wrong.
Sing the blue berets you pogo.
Never served.
Cos I love Bearing …
Crazy feminist lady gets dumped by GHOST boyfriend!
Nov 11, 2021
My great uncle (my grandfather’s brother) signed up at Walgett 1915 and at the first battle of Amman, 27 March 2018, suffered GSW to leg.
Fair comment, Sal – you can stand on the sandhills at ANZAC Cove , and see the memorials showing just how far the Anzac’s got inland.
Two anecdotes, if I may – the largest and most prominent memorial in the ANZAC area of operations is to the New Zealanders, on Chunuk Bair – the plaque reads “From the uttermost ends of the Earth they came” – all the New Zealanders I know say that’s a right and proper thing.
Standing in the Turkish cemetery, listening to a puzzled voice, with a very pronounced American accent “There’s no crosses on these graves, Grover. They never put crosses on the graves of these brave men. No crosses on their graves.”
The awestriking standout that grabs you at Chanuk Bair is how high & steep, and how long, is the climb.
I reckon the New Zealanders climbed 2,000 feet (not all of it vertical) then fought a bitter & savage hand-to-hand battle.
I knocked up just looking at where they’d had to climb.
I had a mate flew Souix in Vietnam.
In a more perfect world he would have been awarded something for bravery,
I took it up years ago for a DFMor AFM.
Flunkies knocked it back
Bob Askew, those that know know what you did.
‘I Will Send Them To Delaware’: DeSantis Proposes Sending Undocumented Migrants To Biden Home State
What struck me was just how far it was from Chanauk Bair to the shore of the Dardanelles. Four, five hundred meters? Fvck, you guys nearly made it…
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host reacts to the ‘intentional perversion of justice’ from the prosecution. #FoxNews #Tucker
Rex Anger – ZZ?
Maybe the Rule of Law might not actually be dead in the USA after all.
Vaggzine in Belgium – 100 per cent of ICU?
China in Focus – NTD
00:50 China property bonds dive, fears of ripple effect
03:02 Chinese developer fantasia reeling under debt
03:47 Evergrande debt pressure grows amid missed payouts
04:40 Goldman Sachs buying Chinese real estate debt
05:30 WH extends national emergencies: China
06:54 Fashion brands moving production out of Asia
09:07 U.S. drone makers try to rely less on China
11:12 FDA reports 100+ drug shortages nationwide
13:04 Blinken: U.S. and allies would defend Taiwan
13:35 U.S. lawmakers visit Taiwan on military plane
14:46 Chinese army gifts vaccines to foreign militaries
15:56 21 Chinese provinces have had virus cases
17:41 Authorities force citizens to drink unknown brew
19:20 Social media post lashes Xi’s diplomatic disasters
Catholic — Headlines — November 11th, 2021
Nov 11, 2021
Church Militant
Priest sentenced for child porn & sex trafficking used confession to extort material from victims … Vatican banning Trad Latin Mass on the Holiest Days of the Liturgical Year … “A Church of Serious Crime” … and more …
Oh God. He’s “Dardanelling” now. Liz can you take the rones with you and just stick it under your arm?
STFU, you sour idiot.
The world does not revolve around your unpleasant personality.
Grow the fuck up.
Not so long ago the ABC was claiming the problem in Western Sydney was climate change.
Pretty obvious the real problem was concrete jungling.
I’ve been driving a bit more in the inner east these last few weeks, all the major roads seem to have been rezoned for high density developments, with either new building started and groups of abandoned four/ five single family dwellings awaiting demolition.
I’m hoping my new town house neighbours enjoy their long hot summer.
town houses development heat Island effect Australian suburbs , at the ABC
6 to 8 weeks?
“Novavax (NVAX) is getting some momentum for its two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, starting with a series of emergency use fillings globally and the first authorization in Indonesia this month.
The company is on track to file with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by the end of the year, and has already called for a meeting with the agency to move forward, according to CEO Stanley Erck.
Erck told Yahoo Finance Live on Wednesday that the company expects to hear back from the FDA “very soon” and believes Novavax could receive up to five authorizations in the coming 6-8 weeks globally. But a majority of its distribution of actual doses is likely to start at the beginning of 2022″
novavax asks for fda meeting
BTW in the Australian enthusiasm to get everyone vaccinated I just can’t see the federal government refusing to let first timers get Novavax.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Warren Brown.
Warren Brown #2.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Dave Brown.
Patrick Blower.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Patrick Cross.
Steve Kelley.
Thank you Tom
It was an over rated place full of creeps weirdows when I lived there and it’s only got worse. ACT close second.
Mater’s Musings #37: Grievance Day
Novovax comes with a passport as well.
Lithuania is our destiny.
I think it was posted before but deserves another shot.
Kyle Rittenhouse shooting a clear case of self-defense: Devine
Fuck off you boring dickhead. Both of you morons would destroy this blog with your boring drunken bullshit. Fuck off, both of you. Seriously, just go away.
Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM)
I’ve been watching this stock like forever. It’s the Chilean lithium miner – the largest producer in the world. I bought it a couple of time as a trade about 10 years ago. I look at it to get a feel where the car ev business is heading. The stock is on it’s all time highs even though new production has been coming from Africa.
Hey Tom,
thanks for the toons. They were particularly good today. Even Rowe was acceptable.
I know this is September but very much on point – what a warrior mother
This may be a dumb question. If banks are offering zero or near zero rates on deposits why would anyone lend them anything other than enough to cover expenses etc? So I suppose that bank deposits both long and short term wouldn’t come anywhere close to financing the banks lending, even with fractional reserve systems. So where do the banks get the money they lend out?, What am I missing?
Pfizer CEO, fish rotting from the head down:
I enjoyed Warren #2.
Parachuting into Newcastle in a kilt! Chortle.
That Yahoo news site publishes the most anti-freedom stuff it can What it says about Novavax may be totally unreliable. They parroted the totally suspect Politico story verbatim – look up whop owns politico. They’ve been fluffing Pfizer nonstop.
He lives!
Looks like it was all standing (no falling necessary).
Albert Bourla head of Pfizer is a Greek veterinarian — little wonder he treats human beings with monstrous disdain.
Maybe one for “John H”?
From 2014!
Everybody’s pay must be deposited into a bank account therefore banks are guaranteed that amount at any time.
Democracy = the bureaucracy
He couldn’t have made it plainer.
Dave Rubin has uploaded this re. Kyle Rittenhouse.
The American MSM are filth….but then again so is the Australian MSM
Well, made the sad but inevitable decision on the dog and booked him in for tomorrow, Saturday, he’s fairly comfortable but can’t stand without help and I have to admit at my age, 73, lugging a 45kg animal around ain’t a picnic .. eating like a horse, with the subsequent outpour(s), makes for a lotta luggin’ .. LOL! Plus with the rain here I’ve got him in the kitchen/dining room, biggest clear space room area and the tiles make for easier clean-up .. gonna need a thorough effort tomorrow afternoon ..!
Then again, this ain’t about me it’s about, WEMBLEY, a Labrador just turned 14 (hadn’t realised he was that old until I pulled his paperwork out, yesterday!) .. Never been a problem, luvved kids and spent 8 years as a blood donor so did his bit .. but now it’s time .. probably, a month later than it should be but that is down to me and my to my stupidity letting my sentiment surpass his quality of life ..!
The final ignominy tho .. is I can’t take him thru the door cos I’m UNCLEAN so my daughter will walk him thru those final steps ..
Apparently, my money is acceptable BUT my presence is not! ..
GLADYS, dum parrot-head, BRADBURY …
The Covidian Cult | James Delingpole & CJ Hopkins | Delingpod Clips
Nov 12, 2021
The James Delingpole Channel
Yes, but for those wanting to flee the country, this might be a palatable solution to the genetic vax’s.
Catholic — News Report — The Not-So-Secret Power Broker
[Blackrock; also in bed with China]
Nov 12, 2021
Church Militant
Oh Shatterz,
I am so sorry you won’t be there for your boys’ ticket to the rainbow bridge. Yellow Labs, God love ’em, nothing stops them eating, nothing gets in the way of a decent or even indecent feed. Your have been so fortunate, 14 years is an awesome age for a lab.
Catholic — News Report — Brussels vs. Warsaw
Nov 12, 2021
Church Militant
Catholic — News Report — 2021 or 1984?
Premiered 92 minutes ago
Church Militant
Catholic — News Report — ‘Bidenflation’
Nov 12, 2021
Church Militant
shatterzzz, my heart breaks for you. Dogs are our best buddies. You have given him the best life and he loves you for it.
Maybe ask the vet if they will do a home visit. Or the vets-on-call service. So that you can be with him.
That is so sad that you can’t say goodbye to one of the family but how many final goodbyes weren’t said, final hugs and kisses not given because of the overreach of the ineptocracy which has turned our once free country into a prison island. Feel so much for you because we were lucky enough to say our last goodbyes to our dog Tilly in November last year before the mass psychosis was inflicted.
I don’t read anything else at yahoo, just looked for novavax articles.
They interviewed the novavax ceo Stanley Erck.
You can watch the interview.
I have to assume he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to what is happening with novavax.
here’s Stanley
I liked Fitzroy Crossing – interesting hospital and unusual cases.
Did three 3 month contracts there (IMSMC) and came back with lots of stories…
First time I’ve seen a naked Proud Warrior with Traditional Star Picket using it on his friends.
He may have been guzzling firewater beforehand.
And the local pub had a room at the back with chairs and tables bolted to the concrete floor for ease of cleaning I assume, when they used the fire hose in the morning…
Thanks rosie
Gotta admit when it comes to tickets on yourself .. CNN buys ’em by the pallet-load .. LOL!
From the Oz…I can’t see the full piece because I’m not yet at work…
“Abbott calls on ‘quiet’ culture warriors
Tony Abbott has declared ‘it is time for the quiet Australians to speak up’ and for centre-right political leaders to become cultural warriors.”
Well, here’s my reply to Tone…..
Hi Tone, nice to see you speak up and blurt out the bleeding obvious but please forgive me for dredging up the past, I need to ask you, sincerely, why didn’t you “speak up” about this eight years ago? I remember when, in September 2013, you were elected PM in a landslide, the likes of which we’ll probably never see again. But I then quickly noticed how you, like a mouse, went into hiding after the election and then the following ominous signs appeared…
1. You quickly slapped “quiet Australians” in the face by appointing former Oz Democrat leader Natasha Stott-Despoja to a plum position…so Tone, is that how you fight a culture war?
2. You refused to accept the resignation of Quentin Bryce as GG, despite the fact that her son-in-law became Labor leader, thus making her position untenable. You played nice, well Tone, being nice doesn’t win wars…military or culturally.
3. You and your government stayed quiet over the Bill Shorten rape allegation. Now whilst that might have been the right thing to do in 2014, I ask the question…..”considering what’s ensued with Christian Porter and how the left never miss an opportunity to use lies and fabrications to destroy political opponents, would you do the same again?” Because Tone, if you say “yes”…..then your new found “cultural warrior” words are just bullshit.
4. Speaking of Porter, you and your government refused to deal with the ABC…thus further enabling its out of control bias.
5. You allowed the MSM to dictate a nasty narrative about you, you were comatose in the face of MSM lies and smears…..where was your “cultural warrior” in the face of this?
6. Tone, I’m curious as to why you didn’t take legal action against GetUp after its infamous lifesaving advertisement back in April 2019, an advertisement which both smeared and defamed you. Get back to lecturing me me when you actually want to practice being a “cultural warrior”….instead of just parroting words.
So Tone, just a few thoughts about your noble call for “cultural warriors”, I agree 100% however many of us here on this site, we “quiet Australian Cats” have long been cultural warriors. Yet we also stupidly and naively once looked to you and others in the Liberal and National parties to speak up for us, to fight these cultural wars yet all we’ve seen over the last decade is supine appeasement from you and others.
Anyway perhaps I’m being too harsh on you…you’re a decent bloke and I’m pleased you’ve seen the light about “quiet Australians” and “cultural warriors”. But I hate to disappoint you, you’re eight years too late and that ship has sailed.
Shatterzzz, horrible about your old mate. We’ve all been there and understand.
Joanna’s idea is a good one. Can you see if your vet can do a home visit? If not, and worst comes to the worst and you have to leave him, can you ask your daughter to sit with him as the deed is done? That means the old fellow can have his head patted right up until the end.
That sentence should be in bold, all CAPITALS, in red, 140 point size, be surrounded by a circle of arrows all pointing to it and should also be flanked on either side by the Norwegian women’s water polo team.
To be thrown on the Captain Obvious pile of why dergs are good boys (the Hun):
Good dog. Good dog.
Special Report: The Scranton Cesspool
Premiered Nov 10, 2021
Church Militant
The Dean/Danielle Laidley pics from the Ballan Cup are out on FB.
A collection of selfies. Comments open.
Yes. That’s what happens here. Home visit. All very quiet and dignified.
Exactly, Cassie, well put.
I’d also ask why he didn’t push on with the 18C deletion. Sure, it looked like it wouldn’t pass, but those who would have voted it down are the ones who’d be left looking wrong to the people Abbot seems to want to stand up now. Very weak political move to abandon that.
We have been standing up, but it’s difficult to get traction when common sense is derided as old-fashioned, far-right and whatever other insulting tags the media and the unthinking like to attach to us.
The LNP just do not seem to understand the very people they think they’re “representing”. Really, they have no idea. Useless grifters. Worse than useless, actually.
Yeah, eight years too late Tony.
The best way to think of the news media is that it has become a political party to the left of the ALP that barracks for the loony left 10% of the population that votes for the Greens.
Conscientious journalism that represents the public interest is now a microscopic niche. There’s a book in that.
“British Anti-Semites play chase-the-Jew on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.”
Israeli Ambassador Flees British University
Nov 12, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
Why Does Church Contain Evil People? An Enemy Has Done This!
Streamed live on Nov 9, 2021
Dr Taylor Marshall
Dr. Taylor Marshall reads Saint Matthew 13:24-30 and explains how Christ teaches that the field (the church) will be infiltrated with bad seeds producing, not wheat, but cockle (weeds or tares).
sfw at 6:44 – banks are big borrowers themselves. A significant part of their operations is maintaining their own treasury and cost of funds. Australian banks borrow on international capital markets in AUD and more commonly USD. That is how we will import US inflation and why the RBA will just be another onlooker when interest rates start to rise.
Conscientious journalism that represents the public interest is now a microscopic niche. There’s a book in that.
There was a book from the very late 80s or early 90s called ‘the courtisans’ about the trash in the Canbra press gallery.
Anyway perhaps I’m being too harsh on you…you’re a decent bloke and I’m pleased you’ve seen the light about “quiet Australians” and “cultural warriors”. But I hate to disappoint you, you’re eight years too late and that ship has sailed.
The time of the “quiet cultural warriors” is gone; now is the time for noisy cultural warriors.
November 12, 2021 at 8:29 am
Thanks Bushkid….I neglected 18C, my apologies. Tone Abbott, the great cultural warrior, just sat back and allowed the wets in the party to steamroll that one. Brandis, Bishop, Turdbull and other dripping wets all put the kybosh on that.
I guess that’s why I just can’t help feeling a tad angry when Abbott, eight years after the party, tries to stir up the “quiet Australian” and “cultural warriors”….I suspect only to vote Liberal. I sense he probably knows the fury felt by many of us now former Liberal/National voters. As I wrote above, like something out of a Fellini film set on the eve of World War I, the ship has sailed and and we, former Liberal/National voters are on that ship lost and we’re gonna watch the electoral carnage from afar.
Thanks HB, makes sense and sounds ominous at the same time. So where do the super funds etc get these 10%+ returns?
Cassie, excellent, Abbot speaks well and I think he means well but he folded at every opportunity to be strong, he left with massive super and financial security and now tells us what we should be doing. Aside from him being a massive failure his weakness gifted us Turnbull and Morrison and created the conditions that see us where we are today. A pox on him.
Together they won the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in dismantling apartheid and paving the way for a democratic South Africa
“Yep, that worked out well.”
See Firefly episode “Our Mrs Reynolds”. Opens with Mal sitting naked on a rock on a desolate moon having had his ship, clothes and weapons stolen by “Mrs Reynolds”.
just in:
November 11, 2021: the day the great war against the private sector was won
Stephen Spartacus The Spectator Australia 12 November 2021
Without the slightest hint of irony, the Australian Bureau of Statistics yesterday released the latest Employment and Earnings, Public Sector data for Australia. On the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Australians learned about how many people work for our bureaucratic leviathan. The data showed the war was over. The Australian private sector has clearly been defeated. The war is over and government has, as in the old joke about auditors, come in and bayoneted the wounded. For all the economic damage of Covid, it is party, party, party in the public, public sector.
To paraphrase the words of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin to his friends), a single private sector destroyed job is a tragedy; a million destroyed jobs is a statistic. So, let’s go to the statistics.
In the 12 months to end June 2021, the number of public sector employees across the three levels of Australian (Commonwealth, State and Local) government increased by 3% to 2.1 million.
Yes. In a country where the working age population is 12.5 million, 2.1 million people work for the government. One in six people.
Let’s put that in context:
It’s four times the population of Tasmania.
Nine times the population of the Northern Territory.
Five times the population of the ACT.
One and a half times the population of Adelaide.
More than the population of Perth.
But as bad as this sounds, it’s really worse. Much, much worse.
These numbers don’t include overseas posted diplomats or those in the military. It does not include “off-balance sheet” employees such as those working for government business enterprises such as the NBN, Australia Post or the Clean Energy Finance Corporation or various state government (still) owned energy companies.
Excluded also are ABC and SBS staff and those whose jobs only exist because of government such as lobbyists and the compliance industrial complex. For the cherry top, it does not include those in the multi-billion-dollar consulting industry that feeds off the taxpayers. That includes you, KPMG.
There is of course no aggregate data on such “jobs” people, but Australians should not be surprised if one in three or four adult Australians work for or because of Government.
Give the collective near two trillion dollars of combined Commonwealth and State government debt, it is clear that our governments have outgrown the private sector and have decided to confiscate from the future, from our children, grandchildren and beyond. A whole new meaning to intergenerational equity.
Yet notwithstanding the expanding rings of government-related employment, the collective cash wages and salaries increased for these 2.1 million public servants by 5% to $183 billion. Billion with a B.
And notably also, these numbers don’t include post 1 July 2021 pay rises or new roles created. Nor does this include all the additional on-costs associated such as rent, insurance, Cartier watches or chartered planes to Glasgow or Paris.
But Victorians should fret not. Its public sector had a great pandemic.
Victorian public sector total wages and salaries increased by 9% reflecting both increased costs and an extra 19,000 public servants. This compared very well with a national (State and Territory) wages and salaries increase of 5%.
Did the Victorian economy grow by 9%? No. Did the Victorian population grow by 9%? No. But the cost of the Victorian public sector grew that much. So many achievements for the Andrews government to be proud of in addition to the world’s longest citizen lockdown (or was that lock up?).
In another positive sign for the prospects for Australia’s private sector, it is reported that business, accounting and finance graduates are flooding to work for the public sector. Sort of ironic that there are fewer business or finance jobs in business or finance any more.
Australians are like slow boiling frogs. We are on the road to Venezuela without noticing. Or is that Venez-stralia.
Norm Macdonald: The Image of God
Nov 12, 2021
In his more serious moments, the late comedian Norm Macdonald discussed God, suffering, the Bible, Christianity, and the soul. In this video, David Wood examines Norm’s comments about the Christian doctrine that human beings are created in the image of God, and that Christ is the mediator.
#NormMacDonald #ImageOfGod
No idea of the truth/ source of this .. as I copied it from another blog …
Detectives in Victoria Police’s fraud squad urged force command to consider arresting and prosecuting up to 16 Andrews government MPs over the “red shirts” rorting affair, according to highly sensitive internal police briefings, but their plan was knocked back by senior officers.
The secret police files from late 2018, the contents of which have been confirmed by three whistleblowers, reveal that detectives were directed by high-ranking officers to make sure that 16 named members of Parliament “not be arrested, photographed, searched if they are interviewed”.
The files also stated the intervention by senior police was to remain a secret.
Cardiologist Medical Doctor who Wanted to Punch Anti-Vaxxers in the Face DEAD After COVID Booster Shot
Presumably you are talking about a growth or balanced type fund. They hold bank shares directly that get inflated by the same central bank actions that suppress the returns on deposits.
Cash and bond funds would be well under 10%.
Super funds really only get special tax laws. They can only make the same sort of investments as the rest of us.
Sweet baby cheeses.
Can sport help save the planet?
Starring everyone’s favourite soy infused once-was-captain of the Twinkle Toed Dilettantes.
Well said
Lots of irrational stuff going on, like this today:
Gene Simmons Lashes Out at Unvaccinated: ‘You Are an Enemy’ (11 Nov)
Keeping It Stupid Simmons.
Cassie, brilliant!
I always appreciate your comments even more when you go the point-by-point route. It really makes what you say forceful and the message sinks in even harder.
Don’t forget, he locked up Pauline Hanson. Nothing he says now is even remotely believable. Even if he were to sacrifice himself by putting a bullet through Dictator Dans’ head for the greater good, I wouldn’t believe him.
“That sentence should be in bold, all CAPITALS, in red, 140 point size, be surrounded by a circle of arrows all pointing to it and should also be flanked on either side by the Norwegian women’s water polo team.
Bravo! That is a just and fitting description for Cassie’s comment. We could have the two together as handouts at the next protest. Truth and ridicule are the Pollies worst enemy.
What Shaterzzz said – vicpol well and truly in Labors pocket. Corrupt pollies, corrupt cops, not taking money but pleasing their masters by failure or omission, possibly commission.
Not a joke.
NZ man dies of gunshot wounds and COVID.
But mostly COVID, according to the rules.
Good comment Cassie. Abbott was the biggest failure this century as PM. All the other PM’s were failures too begin with. People here blame Credlin for much of his failure. Not in my book. He had no idea what he was going to do once he got the top job. Every other PM said hey I’ll do whatever I like. Stopping the boat deaths was the one thing he got right and every day in parliament he should have belted the Scumliars with it. Along the lines a question to Leader of the opposition, “on day 125 of the previous govt. how many people died on boats? Get every minister answering questions saying I’ll have to get back to you on that and on day 126 of your previous govt. how many people died in boats? It takes whatever point scoring the opposition has to zero. They stop asking Gotcha questions after a while. On a similar point I always thought our previous “Host” as much as I admired him for the Old Cat, seemed to lose the will to live so to speak after the failure of so much potential to materialise. His beloved Bombers had more chance of a flag than the Great Negotiator. More charge in a flat energiser.
What a quaint old fashioned idea, that banks lend out money they are actually in possession of.
Today’s funding comes from pixels on a screen and a promise to repay on the never-never.
The Catch Up.
Bruce of Newcastle,
that is indeed sad news about Gene Simmons. I had long admired him as he always spoke out against cancel culture, BLM, Antifa etc, every nasty curse afflicting us today.
His climbing onto the vax tumbrill I really did not expect.
Hells bells Cassie that was an enormous barrage you launched at Tony.
Well done and if you hear those sentiments being quoted on grapevines around town, I have unashamedly stolen your words.
Anyone want to point out the sheer foulness of this bit of mcclown knob gobbling from their ABCcess??
WA’s COVID-free status will attract international university students to Perth
Western Australia’s relative safety from COVID-19 will form a key part of its push for international students, but the sector’s recovery still hangs in the balance.
For the first time since borders closed at the start of the pandemic, international students will be allowed into WA when the state reopens early next year.
International students, from countries with large covid case numbers, will almost certainly be allowed more freedom of movement than the pureblood Australians.
Ms Ellery is confident many international students will come to WA in time for semester 1 of 2022, which is due to begin in late February.
“I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t [return], they’re enrolled now and the universities want them back on campus, they have visas and they’re waiting for flights,” she said.
“The view expressed at the meeting yesterday was semester 2 is looking great and semester 1 is a bonus.
“If you were a mum or dad sitting in Singapore or anywhere else, thinking about where you might want to send your 18- or 19-year-old to get the best education, Western Australia is one of the safest places in the world to do that,” she told ABC Radio Perth.
However in a remarkable near first the ABccess story also paints a different picture.
Survey finds Australia no longer ‘open and welcoming’
But a survey of more than 1,000 education agents from 70 countries by education provider Navitas paints a different picture.
“Australia continues to trail in being open and welcoming, and is no longer being considered safe and stable,” the organisation’s head of strategic insights and analytics, Jon Chew, wrote.
“Australia lags behind both the UK and the US on the ‘safe and stable’ measure for the first time since the pandemic took hold.
“Australia has now lost whatever limited reputational advantages it enjoyed during COVID-19.”
Well done All levels of Australian governance, you have demonstrated you are pricks to the extent people would rather go to Resident Bainworms or UKlowntowns country than ours.
Grey Ranga,
Trumble was our previous host’s F1 goat. Unfortunately, instead of taking the slings and arrows good naturedly as they were meant, he doubled down on said goat and ended up with a paddock full of feral goats.
Thanx for all the advice on the dog/vet situation .. daughter rang to verify yesterday’s call & has been told the message came across, slightly, dented .. apparently, being UNCLEAN I can’t enter thru the main door/reception area (might come into contact with vaxxed & endanger them, I suppose!) but as they have a back entrance I can use that so I will be there for the final farewell ..!
Spotted in Spring Street holding his resume.
So, all in all Cassie, how do you rate Tony Abbott?
So what is causing the upward trend in
Respiratory Medicine admissions?
(You might have to manually select the RM speciality.)
There is only one true way to make money and that is to create something of value to someone else. Not what I think it is worth, that’s what governments and councils charge for services. The hardest part is not in the creation but in keeping others from appropriating the funds from your effort for themselves. Paying a minimum of tax 20-25% is fine to keep the the hordes at bay and infrastructure to support the nation. Anymore is in the realms of usury.
Maybe ask the vet if they will do a home visit. Or the vets-on-call service. So that you can be with him.
As long as the vet isnt this chap…
Stinks losing a doggo, they are the best people.
Oh Shatterzzz that is great news!!!
I am sad you are losing your best mate, but you need to be there for him and for yourself.
Tony Abott did not jail Pauline Hanson. Peter Beattie Labor Premier of Queensland jailed Pauline Hansen.
300 KM West of Paris……..
On the Kaliphate of McClown…
I wonder whats causing this crisis??
A nurse at Hedland Health Campus in WA’s Pilbara says staff shortages are so “extreme” she says expects to delay inducing birth in pregnant women.
“We are sometimes … expected to not “establish” a woman so we can care for two [other] women in labour,” the nurse said.
A nurse at the Pilbara’s other major hospital, Karratha Health Campus, also used the survey to report “unsafe” staffing levels, saying at one point there was no nurse monitoring patients in the emergency department waiting room.
“We had no triage nurse one day over the weekend and the ward clerk was left to call the shift coordinator each time there was a triage,” the nurse said.
“This is extremely unsafe with no nurse monitoring the patients in the waiting room.”
At the other end of the state, at Bunbury Health Campus, staff reported receiving multiple text messages a day, effectively begging them to cover extra shifts.
“Country WA relies on a lot of staff that come from overseas and interstate and whilst initially we could deal with some of the sort of changes in the willingness of staff to travel, over 20 months [of COVID] it’s become more and more challenging to access the supply pipeline that we normally do,” he said.
And there it is, because we cant import 2nd world nurses to paper over the cracks we cant even produce or keep the number of relatively low level health professionals we need.
Also the article is extremely quiet on the losses of purebloods who have left rather than be forced to comply to keep their jobs.
The Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) says they expect to have “between 400 and 700 resignations” as vaccinate mandates come into force.
From today, healthcare workers who want to access tier one facilities such as Intensive Care Units or emergency departments, must have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
ANF Secretary Mark Olson says the resignations will not change the union’s position as one of only two unions Australia-wide to support vaccine mandates.
“I know the average number of resignations for September is around 52 to 55,” he told Liam Bartlett on 6PR Mornings.
“We’ve had 210 last month.
“We know that around 150 have resigned in relation to this particular issue.
“We had around 100 the previous month, and I’m expecting, all up, we’ll probably have between 400 and 700 resignations.
“It doesn’t change our position.”
Nomad Capitalist says that Australian citizenship became transactional (and not just Australian to be fair).
He has a lot of good material on his channel. If I had 7 figure investments laying around I’d use his company right now.
Another good video about Australia is titled “Australia Isn’t a Free Country Anymore”. I can’t put more links in the same post, so you’d have to look for it.
The stench of tyranny is wafting across the suburbs …
Tooling about on YouTube (as ya do) I see Amnesty International is on another one of their campaigns.
They ask how well you know Australian History, and the first question is “Has Australia Day always been on 26 January?”
“A-ha!” thinks I. This is about changing the date of Australia Day. (Small clue flashing the Aboriginal flag on the opening challenge.)
I think you can be a pretty decent Australian without knowing how far back the association of the celebration and the day go. In fact if I saw someone having a barbeque with the kids on 26th January who had no idea how far back the day was selected, I would feel far more at ease with them than their neighbour who said the proper date should be 8 May and barbecues cannot be tradition since they did not have barbecues in 1852.
It is not that 26 January has to be the day. What these people want is government and its departments to declare that is should not be 26 January. That day is bad. What happened on that day is something to be ashamed of.
Well, I am not ashamed.
Amnesty International may have started out with noble intentions. They may still do a whole lot of good in some places. But in Australia at least they do seem to lack discernment and damage the brand.
Sort of like Claire Lehmann and Quillette then.
Giraffe lovers, of which the Cat has quite a few, will be dismayed to learn of three zoo specimens that passed away after being jabbed.
Loved it! Good combination of deserved smugness and sarcasm.
So it wasn’t the apricots then?
Areff, it’s coming up as ”video is private” and won’t link to the video
While not disagreeing with your take on Abbott I think the question to ask is how did the elitist whiteanter in chief garner so much support for himself?
It’s now obvious the whole party was at least 50% rotted back then.
Amnesty International may have started out with noble intentions.
I gunna stop you right there.
Harvest operations suspended over the entire eastern states.
Shades of the 2010/11 harvest when most farmers didn’t have a chance to harvest anything before it was down graded.
“Australia Isn’t a Free Country Anymore”
It’s just too good to leave it without the link.
Remember, this guy wants dictatorial powers. Of course he does.
Fun little article.
Applies to Austfailure in spades.
Britain has pioneered and is now a world leader in a phenomenon that might be called legalized corruption or corruption without breaking the law. This allows private looting of funds raised by taxation and government borrowing on an unprecedented scale. Combined with the moral and intellectual corruption of such services as the police, who indulge in para-police activities such as eliminating hatred from the human breast while ignoring burglaries, arson, and assault, value for money has become a concept without meaning or application.
I regret to say that I think that Mrs. Thatcher, blamed for so much, was unwittingly responsible for this situation, at least for getting the ball rolling. She found the British public service inefficient and left it inefficient and corrupt. This was because she had a faith in management as a science that could be applied by any manager to any organization. She failed to distinguish between business and businesslike. Naturally, public organisms ought to be businesslike, but so long as they are paid from public funds, they are not real businesses. Those bureaucrats who ran them, however, soon arrogated to themselves the perquisites of real businessmen, as they conceived them, without ceasing to be public service bureaucrats. And the most talentless of them proved to be, in the pursuit of his own interests, infinitely more intelligent, or at any rate more cunning (and ruthless), than Mrs. Thatcher.
Further to the urban heat effect article I posted in the early hours have to point out the bleeding obvious that all those high density developments require lots of electricity to function.
Thank goodness for renewable energy.
The EU is fining Poland €1,000,000 per day for telling them to get stuffed.
Does the EU want Poland to be the next one out?
The EU needs to remember the Yamal gas pipeline runs through Poland.
…was formed by Communists who had fought in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War, for the sole purpose of lawfaring their fellow travellers out of Spanish jails.
They were ‘convinced’ to widen their remit a little by hard-leftists in the British Labour Party after WW2, if they wished to attract any form of Comintern support. As such, while theybpretend to be on the side of all political prisoners to attract the goodwill and donations of useful idiots and normies, their only interest is in fellow Leftwits.
Australia Isn’t a Free Country Anymore
It never was. It is just that camo has come off now.
Harvesting frosted wheat, here in the Wild West -parts of the paddock go two tonnes to the hectare, parts go zilch..
Harvesting frosted wheat
Going to be a lot of cheap fodder grain around.
Go long on feedlots.
Also is frosted better or worse than
1; Steel cut
2: Nickel infused rolled
3: Gently irradiated in the bowels of a white suuuuub!!
4: Pooped out by a bison before being hand rolled on the inner thigh of a dusky indian maiden?
Cesspool is right – the Scranton Bishop needs a good, thorough investigation.
We thought the Church had taken steps to deal with the illegal and immoral actions of some of its clergy. Busted for soliciting sex from what he assumed was a fifteen year old boy?
(A major player was chucked out of a prestigious Seminary for embezzling funds from the Church, and still gets promoted?)
Just pathetic.
One of the twitter pundits I follow has slammed Andrews Meddick, Ratman, and Patton over the pandemic legislation.
What about the entire Labor party at Victorian and federal level, none of whom had said a single word about it?
Or anything else about the abuse of Victorians over the last 20 months.
I don’t know shit about such things.
I’ll have to defer to “Special Ed” .
And Belarus.
Belarus Could Cut Key Gas Transit Pipeline To Western Europe: “We Deliver Heat & They Threaten Us?” (11 Nov)
Since Belarus is currently fighting a small undeclared war against Poland it may be about to get quite cold in the EU, what with winter coming on and all.
Sorry, Gab. Just checked the link and you’re right. It is listed as private. Having done further checks, I’m dubious about the story. It’s refuted by Newsweek fact checkers, for what that and they are worth, but the zoo has also denied the giraffes were vaccinated in any way.
What to believe these days? It’s enough to0 make your head ache.
Winston, it is abysmal.
Ven. Fulton Sheen had it right:
The curious origins of Amnesty International
Animal justice loony Meddick was one rural ABC yesterday claiming he was being threatened online.
Slimy turd invoked The Insurrection and murders of MP’s in the UK.
No coincidence that Sutton and the Mong are trying the same trick. Criticism is violence.
Magna Carta Meddick also claimed that you couldn’t grant people access to a court during a pandemic crisis, it’s too slow.
Pure scum.
Terry McCrann, Paywallian:
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Your economic and financial future is in the hands of an incestuous combine of the most spineless and most incompetent people on the planet on the one hand and the greediest on the other.
The first group are the people at the Fed – the Federal Reserve Board and its Federal Reserve Bank members – who have spent the year literally and utterly incompetently not seeing the rising inflation all around them in the US, and then pretending the inflation wasn’t real.
The second group is of course those ‘masters of the universe’ that infest – and that word is used very deliberately – lower Manhattan, mid-town, indeed anywhere there are $US10m, and higher, condos, and Long Island and in particular its eastern end.
A competent Fed that was actually prepared to do its job and discharge its responsibilities would have long since abandoned its QE money-printing and already raised its policy interest rate by at least two full percentage points.
It hasn’t done so because it is thoroughly incompetent and has long since disgracefully sold out to Wall St.
To have done so would have sent Wall St plunging (and, I might add, our market as well), slashing trillions of dollars from the values of US equities – and US bonds – and contemporaneously upended the multi-million dollar salaries of all the Wall St ‘mates’. To repeat what I wrote last week after the Fed’s latest exercise in spineless incompetence at its policy meeting, all you really need to know about the Fed, was captured in Wall St’s response overnight Wednesday to that stunning 0.9 per cent monthly inflation.
Annualised, that’s inflation of more than 10 per cent! For the whole 2021 year it will top 7 per cent.
The longer the bubble lasts the bigger the ultimate bust.
In late September, the Fed was ‘forecasting’ 2021 inflation would ‘only’ be 4.2 per cent. Utter incompetence; it makes our Treasury’s budget forecasts look good. So traders looked at the number and yawned. The Dow eased just 240 points – all-but a rounding error for a Dow at 36,000.
Those traders know that the Fed will continue to sell out the vast bulk of the American people – from those earning $US15 an hour and are struggling to survive with soaring prices of life-necessities like food and heating, up to an including the rapidly vanishing ranks of ‘middle America’ that might be earning between $US40 to $US100 an hour.
The Fed will continue to sell them out to the aforesaid Wall St vermin, who earn anywhere from $US1000 to $US100,000-an-hour, riding the Fed-created and sustained biggest bubble in world history.
Faced with the very real and rising inflation, last week the Fed only committed to the gentlest of QE-tapering – it will still keep printing $US100bn of new money a month, further pumping the market, and left its interest rate at zero.
A competent Fed, a responsible Fed, would have responded to the inflation number with a 180-degree U-turn: immediately abandoning all QE and raising its policy rate by 50 points. That would have sent the Dow down – 5000 points? 10,000 points?
No, that would not have been catastrophic; it would have been a return not to, but only towards, sanity.
Don’t worry, short-term. There’s not the slightest prospect of the Fed doing anything even the tiniest bit responsible. It will bend over backwards to keep the bubble bubbling.
But worry, really worry, long–term. The longer the bubble lasts the bigger the ultimate bust.
And that’s before, thinking about China – the China that has saved both the global economy and help boost Wall St and other markets.
That China is clearly disintegrating. What exactly is replacing it, nobody knows, but it is not going to be good.
Anybody who claims to tell you is a charlatan.
Davey Boy:
If one looks at the bureaucracy as a parasite, it will coninue to grow, no matter what effect it has on the host.
If the parasite was sentient, and knew its demands would kill the host in a years time, it would still continue to consume the host on the 363rd day.
Like the scorpion and the frog, it is in its nature to do so. It can do no less.
Two tonnes? FMD!!
Not per acre.
My Dad died 26 years ago, and no-one has boasted yield to me since. His best ever was fresh green peas harvesting 125 tonnes on 100 acres, and I am talking freezer peas not stock feed. It was really great when they produced a wheat variety we could grow below the edge of the wheat belt, as the pea companies went out of business just after that.
My condolences to those harvesting frosted wheat. Hope your revenue evens out enough to get by or better.
you are correct, insofar as Beattie gaoling Pauline. However, Tony Abbot, with much advice from John Howard, changed the rules regarding party donations, numbers and a few other things, which placed Pauline on the wrong side of the law. The whole thing was a stitch-up from start to finish.
A full copy of the article from another source.
My lying eyes tell me inflation in Australia right now is running at 10-15%.
Specifically, the high-ranking officer who told the other high-ranking officers to direct the detectives to do that was……
Shane Patton.
It is obvious too me hardly anyone here knows where wealth comes from? Have people become so lazy they can’t do anything for themselves and think it is someone else’s responsibility and also remember there is not one bureaucrat that can give you anything that they have not already taken from you. Something to dwell on.
Crops are still safe in most the Wimmera. Too green for damage.
A cool wet spring and we’re 150% of our normal rainfall. More climate Change please.
My lying eyes tell me inflation in Australia right now is running at 10-15%.
By my calculations from the official numbers it has been the equivalent of just over 5% compounded since the intro of decimal currency.
There are many Registered Nurses in administrative positions, or administrative positions held by RNs.
Are they being called in for shiftwork, or are they too valuable in their positions?
And what if many of those RNs jumped at the opportunities to get out of the grinding shiftwork, or were kicked upstairs in order to get them off the wards? 😉
In spastics gunna spastic news,…
Perth airport will become the first in the country to acknowledge the Indigenous names of Australian destinations on boarding gate signs.
The West Australian newspaper reports that boarding gates at the airport’s domestic terminals will rotate between the commonly used place name and the name used by the traditional custodians.
For example, a flight to Adelaide will now read as both Adelaide and Kaurna country.
This will be rolled out across terminal 1, terminal 3 and terminal 4.
Separate but equal?
Yeah but which language group is the most correct for which destination? Particularly where there are several for the general area?
It’s not like they are a discrete bloc of scrappy Quebecuois who are so vehemently French, that they are more French than the French are nowadays…
Or are some activist descendants more equal than others?
“Scomo, classic scomo” I loled, funny .
The article goes on to point out that one terminal features a “Welcome to Country.”
Australian citizens are not welcome in WA but international students with papers of who knows what provenance are perfectly fine. I can see the elites and the billionaires encouraging that but why are Western Australians standing for this?
So no one will know where they’re going and no one will be allowed to arrive because gulag.
Oh. What is an airport supposed to be for, again? I’ve forgotten.
Btw, on the subject of such things BHP has now gone full green fascist.
‘Science supports this’: Unvaccinated BHP workers stood down *
* That’s as the headline appears on the Sky Aust main page. And no, the “science” doesn’t support this. Bloody liars.
Got one here. Baise-moi, une rose appeller un autre mot… Said like you would say ‘Ain’t it absoid, the wings is on the boid’.
Those refined west Europeans don’t seem to realise how vulnerable they are to fuel shortages. Russians need not cut them off from gas supplies when Poland can do it for them. Redirecting the pipelines through the other Visegrad countries will do no good as Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians are also not happy with Brussels.
Benny cockmongler law and is fag hag busy rubbing bodily fluids over themselves about Gay-b-c ( their own words) bidding big for the Mari gras.
Then going through a roll call of perverts from the abc who have “ participated”.
I predict many, many confused travellers wandering about Pert airport wondering where “Oggaloonga” is and what gate they should go to for boarding the aircraft to Geraldton.
The place is a dog’s breakfast now, imagine the chaos when these idiots change the destination boards.
Because Sneakers was elected with a thumping majority, based on panic, parochialism, pissweak opposition and a platform of ‘[W]Apes Togevva Stronk!’
But the average Sandgroper (despite what Channel 7 and the West Australian tell them), likely did not agree to being locked down at the start of every long weekend and school holiday period from February to August (when the most virulemt amd contagious variant evaaaaaaah! successfully only infected the one dude that came into hotel quarantine, his partner and one solitary fellow sitting 20 metres away from them in a crowded restaurant), being perpetually denied access to the rest of the country (let alone the world) and finally threatened with job loss and exclusion from society if they did not comply with Sneakers’ demands everyone be vaccinated (in phases, mind. So people like me have already had to take the gene therapy under duress) by January 31st in order to maybe have the borders opened. And then accept the expectation of masks and social distancing in public forever when they finally do.*
And Sneakers has 3 more years unchallenged. He may well cop a landslide defeat come 2024-25, but virus or not, there is a lot of ruin that his government can inflict before then.
Most Sandgropers may not be happy, but what choice do they have in the matter? Sneakers has a de facto one party State, strongly captured media and public institutions and a highly compliant Union movement.
Small acts of individual civil disobedience and lackadaisical enforcement by sympathetic police and public servants is about all we have got.
* Because 1 and one-quarter terms in more or less unchallenged power has clearly not been enough to clean out the deadwood in the WA Public Health system, restore service delivery, quality and staff morale and stop the Ambulance Ramping.
Cats who dare to visit Sandgroperstan, please make sure your private insurance is up to date, and preference going into the St John of God hospitals if you can. While WA Health is staffed with a lot of truly wonderful frontline people who will go out of their way to care for you, their system will try to eject you as fast as it can. Whether you are recovered from your injury/illness or not.
Some are starting to…
The price of Spain’s electricity increases twelve times more during natural gas shortages (Phys.org, 11 Nov)
How amazingly amazing! At night time and when the wind isn’t blowing these sophisticated European cosmopolitan elite peoples still seem to want electricity on tap to charge their phones and their Teslas. Weird huh?
My view:
the tumbril for the initiator of the direction.
the high ranking officers get 25 years for perverting things
the plods who followed the direction get instant dismissal with confiscation of their employer super contributions
not too fussed about the parliamentarians at this stage, no charges if they resign immediately.
that all seems fair to me.
I would have said ‘wired…’
I think you’ll find that, if you interrogate the statistics, the current heavy rainfall is just part of the averages returning to normal after the millennium drought. I would be surprised if we have fully caught up.
Amazing- The CFMEU gets all righteous and tub-thumpy in Liberal-run NSW over vaccination mandates, stands over its own in Victoria and somehow miraculously keeps finding better things to do with itself in WA.
I somehow cannot help thinking that the CFMEU is not really all that interested in all workers’ welfare…
Hear, hear!
““We also know that international travellers in particular are fascinated by Aboriginal culture and want to understand and experience it first-hand.””
For a couple of years during the eighties, I worked weekends at a tourist farm on the outskirts of Sydney. It had trail riding, which was my job, sheep shearing, dairy, working dog demos etc. You get the gist. One year, the owners decided to built an extra building and cover the walls with aboriginal art, didgeridoos, spears, even some live painted Abos. They owners had been told that this would bring in extra tourist dollars.
It died in the arse so fast. We used to get bus loads of laughing Japanese who only wanted to sit on a horse for the only time in their life, and take tons of photos. They all lined up to have their photos taken with the working dogs, loved the shearing and the milking demos, had absolutely NO INTEREST in the native stuff. Even the locals who would bring their kids for a picnic and a pony ride could not be bothered. What they couldn’t resell of the native stuff ended in the rubbish tip.
We would often have tourists from other western countries also. South Americans also. Not one was interested. The rest of the world is not interested in our natives. Perth Airport is onto a loser.
That was good twostix.
Rex I have abone to pick aout you. Last night yuo used the word Rooster. This word has been deemed or at least should be as use for JC only. How else are we going to know when Foghorn Leghorn oh I mean JC, is on the edge when anyone can start throwing about Rooster on a whim. If it happens again I’ll have to ask you to come to my office to drink Malt Whisky and talk about choo choo’s especially the zigzag up Gooseberry Hill.
I think the tourist enterprises that push this stuff might also be vehicles for collecting government funding.
Expect nothing else from the head coach.
Yep. Been 140mm since 1 Nov here in Central NSW and still raining. Getting messy. Canola starting to fall down, cannot be windrowed, wheat in northern and much of central NSW will be in serious danger of sprouting in the head, making it useless for milling or anything other than stock feed.
Yes, reminder of 2010 harvest. Barley will be stained, sprouted and useless for malting, only feed grade now.
Fun times. But that is farming – swings and roundabouts.
Just had an altercation with an Climate Change protester in Pitt Street Mall. I went for a walk at lunchtime. The ER protester, a man in his 60s, approached me waving a placard and asked if he could have a word. He said that there is a climate emergency so I stopped……
I asked….”Do you have car and do you fly in an airplane?”
He answered…..”yes”
I replied…..”you’re a hypocrite”.
He replied (I kid you not)….”I don’t want live in the stone age”.
Seriously, I didn’t know whether to whether to laugh or cry…..so I laughed. He didn’t like it very much.
Oh and I noticed that all the “protesters” were white (it reeked of whiteness) and were either young university types or middle-aged men and women who looked like former teachers, ex-ABC and former public servants…in other words….SCUM.
Cassie, you are a gem.
Someone asked me the other day which TV channel was airing the new series of DEXTER ..
It’s a PARAMOUNT streamer exclusive …… weekly on Sunday night .. episode 1 out now …..
Doesn’t every uni grad ceremony have to start with a corroboree now ? Didge droning, foot stomping and red loin cloths. If only those medieval monks speaking Latin in their monasteries had known about the splendours of life around Ayers Rock.
Shilling for an actual Communist (or fascist, if we are going to be honest about China) is so gauche these days, after all.
Better to find a new ‘old’ front organisation instead, as despite our society being all about ‘out and proud,’ some people just cannot abide being seen in public without their political fig leaf(s)…
Iron Fury.
Intense tank battles and quirky Russian humour.
This was evidence before IBAC on Wednesday 10 November. Somyurek has employed a guy in his office who failed to win the seat he contested for the ALP at the 2018 election.
MR CARR: Let’s move on from too much detail about this. We’ve established that you employed Manoj and that part of that was in an appreciation of his numbers; correct?
MR SOMYUREK: No. It was an appreciation of the fact that he was left without a job because he chased a dream. He went from $160,000 a year to zero.
MR CARR: So it was just pure pity?
MR SOMYUREK: Well, it was altruism on that one.
MR CARR: It’s very easy to be beneficent with – – –
MR SOMYUREK: Yes, I understand what you’re going to say.
MR CARR: With taxpayer funds, isn’t it?
MR SOMYUREK: Yeah, I think – I understand what you’re saying,
This is the first time I have seen an understanding of what the spending of most taxpayer funds morally entails.
It’s not like they are a discrete bloc of scrappy Quebecuois who are so vehemently French, that they are more French than the French are nowadays…
And yet, particularly in the First World War, les Quebecois were strangely reluctant to sign up to help la Belle France. Only one of 48 Canadian infantry battalions during WW I was French-Canadian. Another had to be disbanded for lack of Francophone reinforcements.
I like your posts and comments Cassie. Most of the can be analysed, interpreted to be condensed into one word. Correct every time.
Hear hear GreyRanga at 2.59 pm 🙂
An old piece of science fiction written by a highly competent chemistry professor which shows a slightly cynical grasp of human nature: Nordenholt’s Million by JJ Connington. Warmly recommended. Available on Kindle and pretty much nowhere else.