About 100 percent?
About 100 percent?
Refurbish coal plants, don’t close them. Of course, only where the governments retained ownership of the power stations is this…
Too many bad actors in too many places. “Never in the 236-year political history of the United States has there…
Hopefully a grid wide blackout before the election. It’s the only thing that’ll smack reality into people.
Embedded in this piece on possible election manipulation in Wisconsin you’ll find a disturbing bit about the left never sleeping…
Because this shithole still has more money than their shithole.
That’s ok, I don’t dwell on such things, and I don’t like myself very much either, atm.
I’ve never asked or allowed one of my people to do something that I wouldn’t first be willing to do. I am not going to all of a sudden dispose of a life time commitment, especially when it comes to my children. Holding to it has nearly killed me on multiple occasions, and I don’t expect that this’ll be any different.
I’ll have to live with my choice within that particular moral dilemma, but Dan (and Scomo) are going to have to live with my seething anger, too.
Half of Tasmania is functionally illiterate. If child services took action there would be no one left. Another Stolen Generation.
Mater – try being a stroke victim (ostensibly for not taking your blood pressure medication) and telling people you are not vaccinated. Hard to keep the audience.
Reading the comments from “The Age”, you’d think Jacquie Lambie was the greatest thing ever to hit the Senate..
Awwwww. Mater has been unfriended.
Can we get a check in from the Dept of Veteran Affairs on their opinion of lambie’s commitment to responsibility?
I think the word they used was “malingering”
12 months prison aye. Long time.
Being adult means taking ownership of ones own health.
So that fat bitch needs to take some lessons.
Lunch at Pellegrines and a protest.
A fine day out in Melbournibad.
Lambie. She’s…nasty, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, boorish, rude and churlish.
November 22, 2021 at 5:26 pm
Good on you, sfw.
You join an elite group of Cats who put their money where their principles are. I wish you well.
In my considered opinion, this man is a lunatic.
“If you are anti-mandate you are anti-vax whatever your personal vaccination status.” Or to put it another way, if you are anti-dictatorship, you are anti-vax. You can count me among the latter.
‘Stuff it, shove it’: a furious Michael Gunner calls out those against vaccine mandates
“The Liberal Party of Australia has NEVER believed in free speech.”
This is not new.
The Cats who know me know that I’m not a very affable or likeable bloke, at the best of times.
Like I said, seems to play a character for the inner city middle class. Exposes the true nature of the working class, redemptive story, adopted their enlightened world view and now Tells It Like It Is to their enemies (the working class).
Keep this man talking, please!
This could be equally applicable to National Service, in preparation for potential future conflict.
Do you think The Age collective would be nodding in agreement?
Who are you and what have you done with Mater?
Indolent says:
November 22, 2021 at 6:32 pm
In my considered opinion, this man is a lunatic.
“If you are anti-mandate you are anti-vax whatever your personal vaccination status.”
Not only a lunatic but full of hate – he’d have no problems using concentration camps for the “unvaxxed”
calli says:
November 22, 2021 at 6:41 pm
I’m not a very affable or likeable bloke
Who are you and what have you done with Mater?
Too late calli – the nanny wrigglers have taken hold…he is lost. 🙁
She is their useful idiot right now but as soon as she is no longer useful they will kick her aside. My guess is when she loses her senate seat she will no longer be of interest to The Age clique.
“Reading the comments from “The Age”, you’d think Jacquie Lambie was the greatest thing ever to hit the Senate..”
That’s because she attacked someone the left loathe…..Pauline Hanson. Remember how the left and in particular their ABC fawned over Clive Palmer from 2013 to 2016…..particularly when Abbott was still PM? Remember how Mark Scott, then MD of their ABC, had Clive as his special guest at the midwinter ball…it was all designed to belittle and humiliate Abbott. Clive was treated like the best thing since sliced bread.
Anti-vax is the new climate denier. I saw the media building that label up with multiple consecutive nasty contrived campaigns against “anti-vaxxers” back in 2019. I deliberately started a devils advocate campaign on old catallaxy to goad people into outing how deep the programmed reaction to ‘anti-vaxxers’ runs.
Runs deep man.
Vaccine Nazis was the theme. I knew we were in trouble by the hysterical response to it by some people on this very site. The people were ripe for a demagogue harvest.
And here we are.
What is it with the eyes of these people? It’s pure resentment and evil.
BTW, please view the clip and downvote it. Comments are closed, of course. Let’s ratio them like the Sunrise vile “Unvaxxed and Christmas’ advice.
Maybe I over generalised. Bob certainly doesn’t like me much, at the very least 😉
Nice of him to confirm that the vaccines have nothing to do with this whole power grab thing.
Any military type Cats help out? Lambie was chasing a pension from DVA – she was drawing a Centrelink
disability pension, yet somehow she’s physically capable of campaigning for the Senate, and sitting there?
Fauci Says Babies, Toddlers Eligible For COVID Jabs In Q1 2022
This psycho really is the devil incarnate.
But a trained Military Police person?
Lowest rank in MPs is full corporal so she went straight to her ceiling rank.
Promotion after that is very slow, indeed.
November 22, 2021 at 8:43 am
Without researching it, who knows?
You can bet on this tho:
Any adverse results woulda been buried.
The older victims are approaching 70 , it was obly banned due to faked research by Dr McBride, so it was prescribed for Morning Sickness for at least 10 years, Family Doctors must have made a connection, but crickets.
And that was 20+ before MediBank, at a time when GPs still had some indepence from Government.
She got busted back to private for drunken brawling.
Happens to us all.
November 22, 2021 at 6:47 pm
Who are you and what have you done with Mater?
Maybe I over generalised. Bob certainly doesn’t like me much, at the very least ?”
I like you Mater.
Miss Anthropistsays:
November 22, 2021 at 6:54 pm
Lambie has a touch of the digger ethos in her then.
Have any ex Military Pensioners ever served as MPs or Senators?
I’d be extremely surprised if there wasn’t at least 25.
I’ve been looking at the NSW Health numbers some more and by gee, by gingo, are they cooked. These numbers would make the tax returns of the Dodgy Brothers look positively scrupulous. I’m going to write this up for tomorrow but they made me wonder last week about a dimension of their tallying by removing under 11s from the unvaxxed category because, obviously, they can’t be vaxxed as yet, and well, under 9s only already account for over 10% of total cases. But they only did this with their Week 41 report in Nov and only backdated it to 25 Sept, and guess what, that in itself accounted already for just over a third of unvaxxed cases. But guess what else rolled out only on 13 Sept? You guessed it, the beginning of the vaxx campaign for 12-15 year olds. COVID cases in this age group run about the same as 0-9 so you can just imagine what removing 12-15 years does to the number of unvaxxed cases being counted here as a measure of the effectiveness of vaxxing.
This is just the most dodgy stuff being done here by NSW Health as a part of a PR campaign for vaxxing.
A pension comes with a gold card. You may have to wait until you’re seventy to get it, being a rich bastard.
You can still work but there are limitations and conditions. She may have what used to be a white card. They all gold now, but with conditions.
With Centrelink she could work, just lowers her pension.
Avi has just uploaded this from Saturday….this is really good…….
Egg boy seems to have grown up…he was at the protest (not the Antifa one).
Please watch.
Late 2019 I wondered what they had planned with the massive ‘anti vaxxer’ campaign that year. I idly thought they were setting up to make “no jab no play” mandatory for everyone born after 1996 (who have always lived in this system of jab jab jab certificate s and AIR mandatory registration) right into their adult hood.
Didn’t think they’d expand it to everyone alive.
I vehemently disagree. Mater is very kind and gallant to old ladies who are challenged in the height department.
Bob’s opinion is worth less than seagull crap.
Can anyone tell me how they test accurately for COVID ?
Except it’s historically incorrect.
Here’s the heavily spun Real Story from Jacobin Magazine:
70 dead from “an improperly administered Tuberculosis Vaccine” in 1930, known as The Lubeck Disaster.
Many decades of Mandatory Vaccination was extremely unpopular in Germany, the Nazis reversed course on Mandates.
And, as my Granny would have said, common as muck.*
* pronounced mook.
She got busted back to private for drunken brawling.
That must have happened when she was with the Tyre Biters.
Minimum rank in screws is full corporal and as Zulu said, it is back stabbing to get any higher
No ed, I wasn’t talking about the Nazis, vaccine spruikers in the media became Vaccine Nazis due to the often orgasmic outbursts of hate against “anti-vaxxers” and what they’d like to see done to them..
Discharged on medical grounds, and drawing a military disability pension – what used to be called TPI?
All the best sfw, enjoy expressing yourself!
The older victims are approaching 70 , it was obly banned due to faked research by Dr McBride,
McBride got into trouble years later for faking research on some other drug, but this is the first I’ve seen suggesting he faked any thalidomide research.
Any link or source?
Quercetin was almost labelled vitamin P.
Jacquie Lambie is our Janice Soprano.
The Waukesha mass murderer of grannies and kids was a black beneficiary of soros bail laws. 10 to 1 it’s a media driven response to Rittenhouse; and 10:1 the media mongrels who advocated this sort of violent response will take no responsibility. Rittenhouse really has to sue these grubs blind.
DVA pension? Over to NamBob.
The media and authorities in the West really are traitors. The black Waukesha mass murderer will get all sorts of concessions and the mental illness standby will be rolled out just as it is with the regular muzzie terrorist acts:
UK: Liverpool jihad suicide bomber started buying bomb parts in April, had ‘periods of mental illness’
Germany: Muslim migrant stabs four people, authorities say he could be ‘Islamic extremist,’ put him in psych ward
TPI is the highest level of DVA. Totally Permanently Incapacitated. It’s printed on your gold card.
There are lower levels of pension. If you apply when you turn 70 you will get a pension much less than TPI.
Under the old system you could also get a payment on a white card. Wasn’t much.
The over the top reaction means we are in the right. Because these losers want to trample all over human rights, it subconsciously disturbs them. They are in the wrong, we have the moral high ground.
An AWFUL woman.
You wouldn’t be able to campaign as a TPI. Maximum 8hrs work per fortnight. In a different job than when you went TPI.
You would lose your TPI allowance. You probably would keep your gold card pension.
Any of the techies here have a view on this:
Standards Australia have formally published the updated solar installation standard, which largely removes the requirement to install rooftop DC isolators.
My hunch about the Rotterdam anti-lockdown riot was correct: mainly ethnic minorities involved.
The prog-left is finding out too late that imported proles are not as malleable as local ones.
They were exactly the points I made on Michael Smith’s blog this afternoon.
duh!!! of course, its not a law its an “order” from an unelected bugmen
Well done! I’ll vote for you!!!
According to some people if you drink yourself to death it’s someone else’s fault:
AN elderly man quarantining at Howard Springs has died from apparent alcohol poisoning overnight on Monday, the man’s friends have told the NT News.
Lucas Malasti, who met the 77-year-old during repatriation from overseas, said he had brought a duty free bottle of vodka with him to Howard Springs and drank the whole thing in one go.
“This gentleman travelled with my friend from Singapore and he got a bottle of duty free vodka in Singapore,” he said. “He skolled a bottle of vodka, went to his room and was stone dead the next morning.”
Mr Malasti said he understood the man had been travelling home from the UK to see his son who was living in Western Australia.
Another man who had been travelling with the 77-year-old, who did not wish to be named, said he believed the NT government had failed in its duty of care by not searching the man’s bags for any alcohol.
“This is a dry area and we believe that if he didn’t have that (vodka) he would be still with us,” he said. “Bag searches and stuff like that should have been carried out.”
Tell me when they allowed free speech????
Regarding the aforementioned Senator Lambie, there was something else quite nasty which she said recently that now seems somewhat prophetic.
She was speaking about the wicked unvaxxed and how “we’re going to hunt you down” or words to that effect. Who was the “we” she mentioned?
I wonder if Corporal Lambie, Military Police, was referring to her former colleagues in arms as the Military Police are now exercising with the civilian police, stopping cars, checking identities, etc. in north Queensland.
Military police exercise with police unsettling Charters Towers residents
Groomer Schools 1: The Long Cultural Marxist History of Sex Education
The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 54
Through brand names like “comprehensive sex education” and one of its parent programs, “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL),” our government schools have been turned into Groomer Schools, and parents are beginning to notice. What many will not understand, however, is that this isn’t just a fluke of our weird and increasingly degenerate times. It is, in fact, a long-purposed Marxist project reaching back into the early 20th century. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James Lindsay as he explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs. If you want an explanation for how sexually explicit materials, gender ideology, pornography, and strippers have made their way into our government schools, including for young children, this is a must-hear.
“I was an LDP member, I respect them especially the Vic ones. Just that are low energy, I asked Limbrick several times to take a more active stance at the height of Dans lockdowns, his response was “Do you want me to break the law?”.”
I think Limbrick has done a sterling job. I also think Limbrick and the Lib Dems will be around long after the UAP.
Get the right judge and he’s probably right. New Landcruisers all round.
Didn’t Lambie have DVA chasing her for their money back? Not sure of the reason.
‘A Totalitarian Slave State’: Tom Cotton Details Human Rights Abuses By China
Military Police playing at Civpol?
I suppose decking the meatheads and running away is a lost art.
November 22, 2021 at 5:26 pm
Just got an email re UAP preselection, I’m on a shortlist, phone interview late tomorrow arvo.
Good luck!
And remember, during your political career you’ll always get lots of helpful advice on this site ?
From memory, they had her under surveillance, concluded she was malingering, fought her claim for years, then changed their minds and allowed it.
We can be your focus group!
What would be on the ballot paper though?
Safe For Work, like in the attachments?
So F#cking What, like in the 90’s?
Sebastien Ffyfe-Whittington, like in the Home Counties?
Rex Anger:
I would prefer the votes were all counted in by a 24 hour deadline.
Any arriving after that would not be counted.
Unfortunately that could be challenged Constitutionally.
Do your own research, Timothy.
McBride investigated Debendox in the 1980s, it was also a Morning Sicknees drug and his published findings either caused the drug to be withdrawn or killed it’s marketability, or both, I forget which.
Enter the ABCs Dr Norman Swan, who proved that McBride faked some of the research.
McBride was forced to retire from Foundation 41 and lived on another 30 years out of the limelight.
Swan revisited McBride’s research on Thalidomide and found that he had fudged some stuff there too.
Of course it was too late to rehabilitate Thalidomide as a Morning Sickness drug, but Big Pharma, thru the hand of Swan, had got Square with McBride.
The entire Thalidomide story sounds incredible, but doctors gave Premmies pure Oxygen in the US for about 20 years before it was halted.
Tens of Thousands of Babies were blinded for life.
Cassie, the LDP in Vic have done well, the problem is that they could’ve done much better. They are supporting the rallies but they’re leading from behind. There was a point earlier in the year where any politician could’ve called for a protest at parliament house and they would’ve had a huge response. But they wouldn’t because it is “against the law”. So eventually the people without any real leadership coalesced into protest groups, now belatedly the LDP and others are tacking on. Too little, too late, they could’ve lead the revolt against Dan but “it is against the law”.
The older victims are approaching 70 , it was only banned due to faked research by Dr McBride,
McBride got into trouble years later for faking research on some other drug, but this is the first I’ve seen suggesting he faked any thalidomide research.
McBride identified the link between thalidomide and birth defects and was rightly credited for it. The problem arose when success went to his head and he became obsessed with finding other drugs that also caused birth defects. He set his sights on a tablet called Debendox which had been used for years and was quite effective for pregnancy morning sickness . There was no convincing evidence that it caused birth defects but the manufacturer took it off the market because of the risk of litigation and the cost of defending any claims.
That prick consigned generations of pregnant women to months of misery.
What I call the McBride syndrome still exists in the world of medical research.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, repeatedly. Governments throughout the western world are losing or have lost legitimacy. There’s a seismic change occurring, but what comes out of it I don’t know. A Heinlein style system? Dictatorships? Buggered if I know….
LDP’s got a good constitution, but I’m not saying that it should stand unaltered forever.
LDP has some good pollies, but don’t count on them forever. Leyonhjelm was great value for a while, but let himself down on the way out. I don’t really dig Newman, and Kelly was a lost opportunity for recruitment. Fierravanti-Wells and Canavan should be actively courted.
Remains to be seen how membership might grow, and that’s where the growing power should be.
Unfortunately, UAP have the momentum for this stage of the “electoral cycle”. A Cat-style sweepstakes should be set up for defections inside 12 months.
Oh FFS not Heinlein again
Took us ten days to get him out of our system the last time he was mentioned
I much prefer the idea that the election laws mandate pistols at dawn.
All that matters is that UAP-PHON-LDP gain as many seats as possible and ALP-GRN-LN/P lose as many seats as possible.
Nothing else matters.
Do you really need convincing evidence when the risk is gross deformity to a baby?
Apply the risk matrix.:
Potential Hazard: Catastrophic
Well, we don’t know, but we spent a shitload of dosh inventing this crap, would you like a sling?
Morning Sickness is a symptom, not a disease.
Pregnancy isn’t a disease either, though you could be forgiven for assuming it is.
Don’t think I’d like to be a TCS during hostilities – they’d be a very high priority target for infiltrators seeking to disrupt resupply convoys.
Many good men and more than a few women served and died so that subsequent generations could have government hold their hand and lead them through life from the cradle to the grave.
We are not worthy of their sacrifice.
They’re not real feels, they’re just gullible plebs: The Age
I guess getting a sex change operation which means you would then be downgraded to Base Operations only, because resupply of your medications wouldn’t be guaranteed.
Way back when, I used to work with an expat Pom, who was a veteran of the Normandy campaign. He said it was there he encountered the only “Redcaps” he ever had any respect for – the TCS directing conveys at crossroads, etc who had a high casualty rate from German artillery fire.
I note Morrison has rebuffed a cross-party attempt to have Commonwealth health directives subject to parliamentary scrutiny up to and including disallowance measures.
It’s a pity Steve Kates doesn’t hang about on the OTs; he might learn something about the West’s “greatest political leader”.
No. All that matters is that every HOR member loses their seat. A couple of election cycles of that and the Uniparty will be much more responsive to the proles. If the UAP-PHON-LDP pick up seats that’s a bonus.
New research suggests Delta strain ‘drove itself to extinction’ in Japan
We Owe Them (the elites) NOTHING.
Good job.
It would only be used for grandstanding by Labor and The Greens.
Imagine if the Directive was to halt the Vaxxy Program and destroy the remaining stocks.?
Straight to the Committee, some clown would accuse Scotty of having blood on his hands.
Do you not want to know more?
Er…the proposal came from a Liberal-Labor working group.
Parliamentary oversight of the Executive…what a bad idea!
Be that as it may…a penny for your thoughts on the AUKUS announcement re subs made today?
Winston Smith,
A job like TCS would have suited me. Usually so far to the rear they have to send their laundry forward.
Generally. In continental warfare crossroads aren’t generally a nice place to hang around.
But if I had been a meat head I would have even less mates than I do now.
I’ve just finished watching Ashes in the Snow on DVD. It’s a fictional story (based on a novel) of a family of Lithuanians exiled to Siberia late in the Second World War.
I’m not convinced that history repeats, in terms of ‘stop, rewind, play.’ I think that it slumbers, or hibernates, perhaps.
No surprises.
There’s also going to be a Senate Inquiry over the ABC being less than complimentary to Neville Wran and a few other shady characters.
It repeats against different backgrounds; at least since 1789 it does.
Which Heinlein system? He wrote of many.
Starship Troopers. What a great movie. Saw it on free to air the other day in Hospital.
Book was ok too.
More head kickers than meat heads.
My Dad told me that they were recruited by other Military Police who had to break up and arrest troops involved in pub brawls and the like. If they saw a soldier knock someone down, and then start kicking the downed bloke’s head, then he was transferred to the Military Police.
Swan revisited McBride’s research on Thalidomide and found that he had fudged some stuff there too.
Really? What was “fudged”?
Was it “faked research” as you first claimed, or something else which you’re now shifting the goalposts to?
What could possibly go wrong?
I’m trying to think which was my favourite scene in Starship Troopers.
Agreed. Let’s keep it simple. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Winston Smith,
Have you tried reading one of those charts such as you put up on an IPad? I can guarantee you hours of fun.
I am not gruntled.
Murray on Sky!
Dedicated Pfizer agent.
CNN wouldn’t touch the creep.
I was told that, if you were mean enough to knock a cripple off his crutches, and kick him, you were transferred to the Military Police.
The Punisher – Dirty Laundry
Hey Dan, sweety.
I ain’t an extremist. In fact, I am really ordinary and boring.
But you are making lots of us transition.
You’ll learn my pronouns next Saturday.
For military history nerds:
Modern War in an Ancient Land, Volumes I and II (Afghanistan).
PDF format. I think the download is free, but cannot confirm that yet.
Give it a rest Timothy.
You asked me a question, I assumed good faith and answered you.
If you now choose to act the goat, go for your life, no one’s stopping you.
Righto, Gypsum-snorter…
You get any more [crystalline] salty, you might poison yourself…
Yes, the downloads are free, and both volumes are substantial: 436 pages and 580 pages.
Clarification: Both volumes together cover the period 2001 to 2014 only.
If you’re in VIC might be worth while letting Rod Barton MP know that nothing has changed since last week when he spoke against the Pandemic bill. Twitter whispers say his legs are wobbling. And tell him to stay strong.
Battalions used to have Regimental Police, who were the aforementioned head kickers and selected because the other grunts were extremely unlikely to mouth off at them if there was a contretemps at the boozer or similar to the point where the RPs were summoned.
They weren’t the MPs though. Known as the ‘No Mates Corps’, they were hardly ever seen in my experience*. Saw a couple of open-topped landrovers lurking about from time to time. Red berets. Generally inspid-looking. We thought they were best left alone though, if for no other reason than we didn’t know what they could or couldn’t do to us.
*Quite a while ago now.
One of the newbies asked what the “R.P.” stood for, on the armband…
“Rotten Prick” said a voice, from among the crowd.
Governments throughout the western world are losing or have lost legitimacy. There’s a seismic change occurring, but what comes out of it I don’t know.
Given the damage governments have done, anarchy has had an undeservedly bad rap.
Austria Lock Up the Unvaccinated
[Old Habits Die Hard]
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
13 hours ago
Twitter shows the driver of the red SUV as a genuine domestic terrorist.
But even Fox isn’t touching it yet.
Over 20 arrests.
Multiple states.
Child sex convictions.
Who holds the high ground?
@ Muddy-
Those PDFs you linked are not paywalled, nor locked.
Cheers mate. These look like an interesting bit of Kindle-fodder. They’ll go nicely as a downtime read at some stage. 🙂
It could be for their own good!
Remember only the UnVaxxinated possess Organs worth harvesting, and Austria is a pretty lawless place these days.
On the other hand …
Speaking of military police, a lot of armies have had such types stationed in the rear of the very front line, to prevent anyone turning around and making off in an assault.
Somewhere I have an Australian WWII field manual, which advised officers if they encountered such behaviour, to unholster their pistol and shoot the first one, to “discourage any others”.
The destruction of Bamiyan Buddhas: How the Taliban obliterated the 6th-century monuments to deny their own past
Does parliamentary privilege allow one to slug TBM in the face?
Ladies night anyone?
A CASUARINA shopper was allegedly threatened with a knife while defending a retail worker from teenage thieves.
NT Police said three youths were arrested in connection to a robbery at a shop in Casuarina Square shopping centre.
The NT News understands that a Lovisa store worker was allegedly assaulted and shopping centre security were put on alert after a trio attempted to steal from the jewellery store.
NT Police alleged one of the young offenders assaulted the worker, and when a male customer tried to intervene a knife was pulled on him.
Police said the trio ran off after the alleged assault.
Three female youths were arrested and put into custody a short time later.
Police said investigations into the Casuarina Square shopping centre were continuing.
Begs the question doesn’t it? It seems pretty obvious to me that the current systems of universal voting franchise are not working. How do you limit it to worthy people without it being corrupted by some who see power in expanding the franchise? In a lot of ways I can see a benevolent dictatorship being about the best form of government.
Locked to me.
post the link at AdamCat please.
personally I would glass Afghanistan and most of Northern Pakistan.
SARS-CoV-2 causing DNA damage? New hypothesis proposed – COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 19
But they wouldn’t because it is “against the law”.
They are all definitely leading from behind.
The whole vaccine mandate issue is almost passed, almost everyone who didn’t want it has been screwed into submission.
At least The People aren’t forgetting what was done to them.
Give it a rest Timothy.
You asked me a question, I assumed good faith and answered you.
If you now choose to act the goat, go for your life, no one’s stopping you.
So the answer is that you were shifting the goalposts in an attempt to cover up that your original comment that McBride has “faked research” on thalidomide was bogus.
The destruction of Bamiyan Buddhas: How the Taliban obliterated the 6th-century monuments to deny their own past
I don’t understand why the didn’t save them by turning the area into a drone powered meat grinder. The logic of the jihadi’s is such that you could have killed almost every last one of them, like moths to a flame.
Ed Case reckons it was inappropriate for me to wear a Black T-Shirt to the anti-mandate protest on Saturday. Apparently it’s the colour of Anarchy.
How many people do you estimate took photos of my shirt, and commented on it’s appropriateness?
Enough of this talk about RPs. Someone was made the RP Sgt for a while because of his boxing and rugby prowess. Not because his gentle irony was mistaken for biting sarcasm.
The singing fist of correction only had to be used a couple of times and good manners and orderly conduct were the order of the day.
Marvellous chap. Absolutely marvellous. Nature’s gentleman.
Timothy McBride fudged the research because it was obvious to a perspective person that sometimes you don’t need a randomised double blinded study to see the bloody obvious and children’s lives were at stake. Unfortunately medicine still thinks such studies are a gold standard. That’s nonsense, I don’t like Popper’s falsification method but if I understand Quine correctly I prefer his more “holistic” approach to determining the veracity of an idea. That is, it is the body of evidence we need to look at, not whether a single study falsifies a theory; though that is still an important consideration. I trust Dover Beach will correct me if I am wrong about Quine’s epistemology.
McBride was punished while Big Pharma has time and again being caught out fudging data and the fines barely touch their profits.
British Army was supposed to have had “battle police” in the very front lines during “Wobbly Wobbly 1′ to prevent anyone turning round and making off.
They say black is slimming. I have not found that to be true.
It must be, they keep stopping me for photos.
In 1978 it was a very beautiful, friendly place.
Mountains, desert, snow-capped peaks in the distance, poplar lined melt-water fed creek irrigating rich fields, fresh hot naan out of the brick oven for breakfast.
All under the gaze of the Buddhas.
gunna be funny when the first AUKUS submarine floats into Sydney Harbour in 2050 and no one is there to greet them.
Or pay for it.
The French should be so lucky.
How many people do you estimate took photos of my shirt, and commented on it’s appropriateness?
At least 25 took photos, who knows how many observed it and gave it a nod of approval!
It’s not about the colour, it’s the content that counts!
Done, FP.
In 1978 it was a very beautiful, friendly place.
Mountains, desert, snow-capped peaks in the distance, poplar lined melt-water fed creek irrigating rich fields, fresh hot naan out of the brick oven for breakfast.
On a flight from Herat to Kandahar I went to the back of the aircraft to get a few scenery snaps. In the end I didn’t stop taking photographs for the whole flight. Spectacular country.
The Pashtun have only a short past in Afghanistan.
The Hazara were the majority until the British funded and armed the Pashtun to make War on them, in the 1880s.
2/3 of the Hazara were murdered.
The reason for the destruction of the buddhas was to destroy the Hazara past and to promote the myth that the Pashtun have always ruled Afghanistan.
is mater that bastard in a black shirt???
And the six impossibly deep blue lakes of Band-e Amir. Surrounded by hillsides full of marine fossils.
John H.says:
November 22, 2021 at 10:22 pm
Timothy McBride fudged the research
Thalidomide research?
Or the other one which came later?
In fact did he do “research” on thalidomide at all? Or did he just publish his observations?
Only two bullshits per post, Grigory?
What an utter disappointment you are today.
I want to see 3 new and non-recycled gypsum-fuelled wrongologies or speculations in every post you make here tomorrow, or I will report you to your Commissars for your work-shyness and lack of Revolutionary fervour.
(Always remember to whip your trolls for peak performance, Cats… 🙂 )
You are likely right, Ed.
I did, for one. Very flattering shirt with an even better message. And I wasn’t aware there was a dress code, I must not have been paying attention.
love your work Ed Case.
Charlemagne’s mother has a lot to answer for the way she raised her son.
Where is your proof of that, Grigory?
The Pashtun and Hazara are both Persian-derived, the former the latter descending from Mongol and Turkic settlers.
Both have existed in Afghanistan for 9-10,000 years or so.
In fact the Hazara are still more prevalent in numbers in Afghanistan (despite the Pashtuns’ best efforts), they are just slightly less inclined towards murdering and conquering their neighbours with the backing of Pakistan.
So fuck off and begone with your latest attempt to mendaciously shit on 3 lots of far better people than you, Pashtun, Hazara and British alike.
Yes. For 10 days. From a week after the ‘mass shooting’. The hotel manager, a really top bloke, was in the army reserve and went on duty every night. I often wonder what happened to him.
The Pashtun and Hazara are both Persian-derived, the latter descending from Mongol and Turkic settlers in Persia.
thanks muddy
Josh Frydenberg on Nanna Mitchell this morning. What a fraud.
No, the Gypsum-snorter is not.
The Taliban wiped the statues because they deemed them idolatrous, aside from the fact they are not of Islam
A close reading of the Koran will reveal that making any form of image of Allah, the Prophet or any other living being is strictly forbidden.
This is why the Arabs and their descendents have historically gone so hard on mosaics and geometric patterns. And even then, much of that in Saudi Arabia got wiped out by the Sunni-aligned House of Saud and the Wahhabis in the 30s, because it was made by the Shia-aligned Hashemites they had driven out.
Bitchy schoolgirl cliques have got nothing on the violent pettiness of the descendants of the two feuding brothers wanted to be the Caliph (functional ruler) of Islam after Mo carked it.
It’s only Monday and there is already a buzz about the march this Saturday. Love it.
The reason for the destruction of the buddhas was to destroy the Hazara past and to promote the myth that the Pashtun have always ruled Afghanistan.
Nope. The Twin Buddhas and the Twin Towers were destroyed for the same reason: they indicated a time before and after islam. Islam prescribes that nothing precedes the vile fucking thing and no other future exists. You want nihilism, you got all there is right there.
Why didn’t the Moslem Hazaras destroy the Buddhas?
Is it because they knew their ancestors carved them pre Islamic conversion?
what Rex said.
Personally I would glass Mecca.
The heart damaging shot mandates are far from over. The passports were brought in to ensure the 6 monthly game of Russian roulette. The vax’d must protest passports and mandates as much as the unvax’d.
Say what you like about the moosleys. At least they haven’t yet had a Communist caliph.
Likely because the original carvers paid their jizya religious tax to their Muslim occupiers, and then subsequent generations of muslims didn’t much care.
You will note that there is as much variation in expressions of ‘piety’ and devotion (read ‘Rules Lawyering’) across Muslim peoples worldwide. The Taliban being one of the more fascistic examples.
total fucking gibberish for a start.
Watts, Volts, Watts … was this written by a retard?
the fuck you need 1000Vdc for?
isolation points?
only a mong will be pulling apart 1kV dc connectors
Sorry Cats, I forgot to include a cheeky analogy in my post at 11.14pm.
Let me try again:
You will note that there is as much variation in expressions of ‘piety’ and devotion (read ‘Rules Lawyering’) across Muslim peoples worldwide, as there are in most other organised religions. And particularly towards any football code or team you care to name.
Don’t click here if you don’t want to see a possessed person.
These are the people calling normal people “whackos”.
You know why? Because you’re living in hell world.
That’s why.
That is perfect Baba.
Love it.
@Baba & FlyingPigs
To be honest, there is no way that any Muslim would become Caliph (Assuming you could get them all to act together, somehow) if they were Communist.
Simply because Islam will never tolerate the competition… 🙂
The only way out of this is to return to the god of our fathers.
We’ll continue living in this Babylonian demon possessed cult ridden hell until we all do you know.
Josh is in the wrong job, he should not be a politician. Most of the current crop are the same. Real politicians will gauge what the voters want and deliver as much as possible in exchange for votes. Nobody is asking the politicians to actually believe the same as the voters, just to deliver on their promises.
The current crop are telling the voters that they stink and then ask for their votes. They are not frauds, just stupid. Why would anyone vote for stupid politicians?
Who needs horror movies when it’s right there on the 6:30 news?
Twostix says:
November 22, 2021 at 11:22 pm
Don’t click here if you don’t want to see a possessed person.
I only could watch for a couple of seconds – did it projectile vomit thick green pea soup?
They all start out as benevolent.
Rex A
Moosley stuff is the actual origin of centralized control.
Socialism, Communism, Democrats, whatever you want to call it, it is all about control.
And we are the peasants… if we survive.
Rex Anger says
Why would you need one when you had the other?
Crossie says:
November 22, 2021 at 11:30 pm
…The current crop are telling the voters that they stink and then ask for their votes.
In all honesty, they are all acting (around the world as well) as though our votes do not matter – there will be no more free/fair elections.
Dan XiMan will hammer through his Enabling Act & VikPol will shoot protestors.
The other states will follow – Parrot Head is just a puppet, carrying on the good works of Glad Bags.
PalaceChook will follow – the fuckwit in the NT is deranged and dangerous & Sneakers McClown will follow suit.
And Scummo is the instigator and leader of all this – I wonder what his reward will be? (On Earth that is, there’s not much doubt regarding his long term reward). Unfortunately for Scummo, his puppeteers will not be able to trust someone who sold out his own people and country, so he will probably get a walk downstairs to that room with the tiled floor & drains.
Crossie says:
November 22, 2021 at 11:33 pm
Who needs horror movies when it’s right there on the 6:30 news?
Thanks Crossie – I’m gonna have that fucking tune in my head for hours now. 🙁
people, unfortunately, are slowly working it out.
your problem people, is your neighbour
Lambie’s revolting head has filled my timeline on Twitter all day. Bloody awful.
history rhymes
Yep, did you go a bit south of Kandahar? To where the desert sand shifts abruptly to red?
Well, yes.
But I’ve yet to see a Marxist who could handle the truth that their beloved Saint Karl was an envious, malevolent plagiarising little squit with delusions of grandeur and totalitarian power fantasies. And whose utter misreading of the social and historical events that shaped his time makes our resident wrongologist Grigsock look like a savant.
I cannot think of a single other plagiarist who is ultimately responsible for 120+ million deaths and ongoing immeasurable human misery and suffering in the 130-odd years since his pulp-fiction was first published.
The best thing about Afghanistan is that it has no trains. Or train drivers.
Baba says:
November 23, 2021 at 12:05 am
The best thing about Afghanistan is that it has no trains. Or train drivers.
And so it starts…..
I’ll let Rex the Angry deal with this – me going to bed
Sic him Rex.
The people who created a fuckhead called Mo actually plagiarized the entire Jewish Torah and The Christian Bible and have spent nigh on 1500 years to eliminate everyone that does not believe what they say.
They, Mo’s mob, have wiped out fucking billions.
Did you not know how Hitler was supported by Mo’s mob???
I did. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem gave his blessing (and I think, funds) to raising an Arab Battalion of the Waffen-SS.
There is that. I think they kinda leave Marx’s 120+ million in 130 years in the shade…
Not a problem, my good Sir!
@ Baba:
Read and weep, Baby! 😀
Iron rails tether everything to the world.
Everything… 0_0