Yes. It’s pathetic and petty. But it’s what he gets off on.
Yes. It’s pathetic and petty. But it’s what he gets off on.
Here? :
Freed hostage’s mother: She was held in UNRWA facilities and denied medical treatment
Welcome to the club, Matrix.
Yum. Eat the fat. It is very good for you.
I think the only way to stop these burglaries is for the local white residents do a couple of them themselves. Skin colour needs to be clearly identifiable.
And what about all the Deltas?
Just put some in a breakfast cereal or something.
The Nazis did it first but with real human skin taken from the millions they murdered in the camps. They also made lightshades out of them.
The Nazis were known to send people who broke animal welfare laws to concentration camps.
GO WOKE, GO BROKE .. seems the SALVOS have had 2nd thoughts about lecturing whitey! .. LOL!
Ooo! Ooo! I’ve got one more for the Omicron variant being the biggest and baddest virus evaaaaah:
Omicron will cheerfully arrange for his minions to fleece you of billions and billions of dollars to ‘re-engineer’ a nuclear submarine to take diesel-electric propulsion, give you no practical timeline for completion and no assurance that the final product will work as intended (and that’s aside from the notorious leaky information security practices said minions engage in), and then throw a massive tantrum, recall his ambassadors and fling shit at everyone for weeks when a better deal is arranged between you and your mates. And you then have to deal with Omicron, all his minions and a disturbing number of your own bugmen all sooking and sulking about it for months afterwards.
AUKUS Boomer shots for everyone now! It’s the only way to be sure against the PLA and more spreadable PLA-N variants of the Chinese Communist [Party] virus…
I hope this bill gets filibusted good and hard.
Amusing moment just now. Car full of poly guys arrives. They come door knocking us in our street. So I answer. Poly guy looks meaningfully at all the Cafe Bruce foliage and asks hopefully do you want tree service? Give good price! Must be a slow week.
So I says to him come with me. Go to front yard and take him to where he can see salubrious Cafe penthouse, and I say see there – a baby kookaburra came from there yesterday! He looks confused, I don’t think this has ever happened to him before. By now we’re surrounded by six or eight noisy miners perched on fences and tree branches. One lands on the grass about a metre from his feet. Definitely never seen anything like it before, brains were audibly creaking in adjustment in skull. So says I hey, got that tree trimmed and me and neighbour got that one done couple years ago, but no thanks. The trees are fine. Very confused poly guy wanders off looking very confused…
the proles not dying fast enough
Flyingduk, was it you who received a visit from the police for hurting Josh Teagues feelings, or did you merely post the article? I missed most of the exchanges that day, so never really caught up with the story.
SBS Food: Still running Jamie bloody Oliver. I’d rather watch ‘Bob Carr’s Hot Wok.’
Polys have to eat too, Bruce! (smiley face)
DO we have filibusters in state government? I thought that was only in America.
How to run a lathe by Southbend Lathe Works, one the largest manufacturer of lathes in the world. Image stabilised.
(Great looking machines, they actually hired a well known industrial designer to do the styling, can’t remember their name. Clones also built by Hercus in Adelaide, Sheraton in Melbourne and Purcell in Sydney. The Aussie ones are actually the amongst the best versions built, they increased the pressure angle on the gears and the problem of broken gear teeth virtually disappeared.)
What’s a ”poly guy”, Bruce?
Flyingduk, was it you who received a visit from the police for hurting Josh Teagues feelings, or did you merely post the article? /em>
Delta, it was, there is a video link to the visit in one of the topics.
Polyarborist? A lover of many trees? 😉
“Boosters in the UK will now move from 6 months to 3 months”.
Ain’t that science wonderful stuff.
Bruce, you need to train your Avian Attack Squadrons more thoroughly.
I propose musical stimulus. This might do the trick… 😉
I wonder if they are the same ones in WA? When a friend accepted their offer to trim fronds off a palm tree out the front of his house, the arseholes cut it off at ground level, then threatened violence if he didn’t pay up on the spot.
No names, stolen car.
Knuckle Dragger:
If he had not been Aboriginal, he would have been a nobody.
It’s as simple as that.
And this, Cats, is why we should be grateful I never tried out for and got into the RAAF.
If it wasn’t this for fighters, I might got into terrible trouble for clumsily scatting this while trying to thread my way between trees, mountains and powerlines for the gnarliest approach and landing one could imagine in a Hercules or Caribou. Or that new C-27J thing they now have.
Or it could have been much, much worse…
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
Try again
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
Daily Mail
DAN WOOTTON: If we don’t stand up to our hysterical Omicron overlords now then I fear our future as a free people is lost forever
Very big. Great at paddling canoes over long ocean distances. Good at doing trees too. Me and neighbour clubbed together couple years ago to trim a big gum tree on his boundary which was tilting alarmingly in direction of my house. He got some poly guys to give it curry, which they did with alacrity and competence.
There’s been a long running story here with intrepid poly escapers from the penitentiary known as Western Sydney.
Tree loppers cop $30k in COVID fines days after they were busted doorknocking in Newcastle (2 Sep)
Sydney tree lopper makes teary apology to Newcastle from COVID-19 hospital bed (3 Sep)
Sydney tree loppers arrested for allegedly ignoring police orders to stay out of Hunter region (10 Sep)
It’s been a lot of fun! The ABC was quite careful to avoid description but you can see a photo in the Tele equivalent story.
Island hop our way to freedom?! Located in Oz, VH rego!
Hun a few minutes ago.
“Poly” guy. Got it now. Similar to “Mela” guy or “Micro” guy.
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
These fuckers need to understand what they’re playing with.
There will be Nuremberg 2.0 and there will be justice!
my wife listens, why not yours? is she married to the fucking government or what?
I think they’re great. Fine examples of the free market capitalist spirit! Also one of my colleagues was a Samoan with a PhD in metallurgy and the build of a Test front rower. In summer we’d go for golf after work and he could hit the ball off the tee a truly staggering distance.
Jeez, mate.
That’s no good.
I’m not a praying man, but one for your missus.
None for you until I get a box of your sprogs used tissues.
the left are terrified of an uprising, a) they want a monopoly on violence b) they know they are history when it comes
my wife listens, why not yours?
That’s a big question! 🙂
Highly educated and completely lacking in commonsense.
Oops, I think I meant “entrepreneurial” rather than “free market capitalist”. Minor point I guess.
Sadly I don’t think there will, they might go out of fashion and stop getting invites to those insipid chat shows at worst.
A fate almost as Worse Than Death…
If the most recent worldwide anti-mandate (And broadly anti-Leftwit) protests are anything to go by, the teeming masses of angry proles and Cats have got the better flags…
the left are terrified of an uprising, a) they want a monopoly on violence b) they know they are history when it comes
Has Dickhead Dan realised that his turtles and 700 assault rifles aren’t going to do shit?
None for you until I get a box of your sprogs used tissues.
I will let him know that his snotty tissues could buy a lot of clockwork trains!
O’Micron named after a family of Oyrishman with very small whatevers.
There is something to be said for keelhauling as a means to extract a confession.
Keelhauling could be a lot of fun in places like the Mary river (NT).
That’s all it would take?
There used to be a saying in the olden days,
The smarter, the dumber!
Rick you must be married to my wife. Can’t tell her anything. Does your wife break things all the time?
Thanks, rickw.
Lara Logan on Dr. Fauci: “He Doesn’t Represent Science – He Represents Megelethe
h/t theconservativetreehouse
Once more P
Ahah! The bat earred mongele !
Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Doctor.
A round of applause for P please.
Did you know that keelhauling, hanging from the yardarm at sunset, and flogging, are still recognized as punishment in the Royal Australian Navy?
Gab, I think it’s only in the broad sense of stretching out the process through questions, etc. but I may be wrong.
Scott Mengeleson?
Speaking of which, a bunch of academic types have decided the Macquarie Dictionary’s Word of the Year for 2021 is “strollout”.
They write…
“Strollout has two levels: at one level it’s got a transparency and a play on words, but at that deeper level, when you think about the significance of it . . . it’s a really important marker for this time in Australia’s history. –THE COMMITTEE”
File under “Covid Derangement Syndrome” and cross-reference to “The Left politicises everything.”
I voted for wokescold, which I suspect didn’t win because there are a few on THE COMMITTEE.
It can’t be very PC to refer to them as mongs anymore. Conflating heritage and facial characteristics from the northern regions of China with chromosome abnormalities seems like it must be a sin. Probably why it is so satisfying.
Scoldywoke is more fluid, Roger. Easier to put in a song or rime.
The Navy isn’t the same since they stopped the rum ration.
I like it!
It’s playfulness lends itself to use in ridicule.
Can you believe that? Symes, the Vic A-G, says that the bill has nothing to do with the bill even though the bill when passed will empower the government to extend existing mandates that will require even those that have suffered adverse reactions to continue taking the vaxx or else be excluded from society.
I might jump in here.
1) I’m reasonably sure capital punishment has never been applicable in the RAN, unless it is in RAN units under RN command.
2) Flogging has never been a punishment – ditto exception.
3) The RAN has never had a rum ration.
4) Keelhauling has never been a punishment in RN or RAN ships.
5) Homosexual relations was a disciplinary offence until the mid-1990s.
That is all.
And the young sailors visit to the golden rivet, getting rid of hammocks was a mistake too.
I don’t know, i heard about some weird shit going on in the junior officers cabin flat at sea.
I was taking the Michael, Top Ender…
Whereas now approval of them is compulsory.
TE no.5 is it now compulsory?
Dear Sir, I am glad to hear that your studio audience disapproves of the last skit as strongly as I. As a naval officer I abhor the implication that the Royal Navy is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the RAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area. And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs? Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.”
Scoldywoke, shirley gender fluid. Wots that dipping from you? SCOLDYWOKE.
Sorry got a bit carried away.
On a more serious note, I was reading the report about some of the sheer bastardy that used to go on at HMAS Leeuwin.
My older brother to Leeuwin in 1978 as a JR, he never saw anything untoward, just a bunch of post pubescent testosterone driven 15 year olds.
Did Dickhead Dan’s bill get passed?
Twostix upthread mentioned the possibility that some who have previously held to the covid narrative consensus are now trying to pivot away from it.
The essayist and novelist Paul Kingsnorth has done just that.
He writes, “As someone who began this pandemic journey cautiously cleaving to the Thesis, but who has tipped towards Antithesis as the Narrative has unspooled and the dishonesty of its proponents has become clear, I can explain my own fears easily enough.
We are in a revolutionary moment. Societies are being transformed, with no public discussion and no consent, into a version of a Silicon Valley nerd’s wet dreams. Unless we can reach some form of synthesis soon — unless the sheeple can address the fears of the covidiots, and vice versa — then we risk being blinded to where the real power lies, and what is being constructed around us as we bicker and insult and pontificate.
Covid has been both revelation and accelerant. Now the direction of travel is increasingly clear. Unless we actively refuse it, our future looks like a QR code flickering across a human face forever.”
The golden rivet?
The ABC runs tributes to David Dilaithngu without once mentioning his domestic violence conviction.
Golden pass not granted to the big mob.
Incl. in today’s Weekday Reading.
Stating the bleeding obvious.
Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19: Study
Thanks, TE. Always good to have accurate information from an expert.
You’re ahead of me…it’s good stuff.
South African Doc Who Discovered Omicron Variant Says the ‘Hype’ Is Unwarranted
No, you can follow debate, etc. here and here.
Rick, perhaps you wife might be interested in this –
From Near Death in a Hospital to Happy at Home, a Father Is Saved by His Daughter and Ivermectin
I wonder why.
Doctor Sounds Alarm: Stillbirths Explode in Canada
It’s a myth that the first rivet driven into the keel was a golden rivet, it was an excuse to chase a young junior sailor on their first ship arounf the engine room harassing them
@ Indolent-
Of all the things that could (and should) be flooded across every electronic media space worldwide on higher rotation than [Insert latest pop song by X Artist or Y Band here] right now, that S.A. doctor’s reporting about the utter nothingness of Omicron is it…
MEP Demand Answers: ‘When Will Vaccine Deaths Be Counted’
I seem to remember an inquiry by a judge, in 1971 -Rapke (?) that lifted the lid on some pretty disgusting practices, but exonerated all the officers there.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closuresays:
November 30, 2021 at 4:17 pm
“Poly” guy. Got it now. Similar to “Mela” guy or “Micro” guy.
AKA Black knees (Melanesia), Many knees (Polynesia) and Little knees (Micronesia).
This is a new one.
Over 100,000 reports of psychiatric disorders after COVID vaccination
UK sees 44% increase in child deaths after jab rollout for young teens, data shows
Thanks Dover and thanks Indolent!
Who is the lady speaking in Vic Parl now? Making some good points…
“Victoria has had longest lockdowns, harshest laws and worst outcomes of anywhere in Oz..”
Top Ender
5) Homosexual relations was a disciplinary offence until the mid-1990s
Is there any truth to the story of a murder (apparently involving homosexuality) on one of our County Class (possibly Australia) during WW II? Allegedly, the Captain was only prevented from heading out into international waters to convene a court martial on board by a direct order from Navy HQ. Part of the story was that he intended the court martial to end up with some yardarm work.
Jenkins Inquiry: One in three parliamentary staffers sexually harassed
The vast majority of them obviously members of the liars:
Just watching tonight’s NBN local news…flooding.
Washed up and taking shelter in a shed…a bedraggled fox. The bimbette presenter preens about it being “returned to the wild” as the waters recede.
Words fail.
I believe it was a small number of leading seamen and petty officers.
As always, some people aren’t suited to a leadership position.
Anither question for Top Ender.
Story I heard from an engineer officer. One of the Type 12s in Malaysia, an officer and a stoker caught in flagrante. Hauled before the Captain, the stoker had the book thrown at him, the officer got a light punishment.
The next morning, in letters a metre or so high, along the outboard side was “There’s a law for the rich and a law for the poor”. The deck watch pleaded “I see nothing”. The officer was flown straight home – nasty things can happen on a ship at sea, and the stokers were a clannish gang.
This was supposed to be in my last comment.
I don’t know, i heard about some weird shit going on in the junior officers cabin flat at sea.
Yes, indeed. It will lever the Escape key, so it finally escapes to the space bar and gets drunk on (o)Micronitas and pukes all over the keyboard rending it unusable for replying in the Cat threads.
Oh humanities!
I don’t think any Captain would be that bold, in WWII, and even in more recent times, sometimes things are left to a gentle word to the Chief MAA, (Chief Coxn), mess president or Killick of the mess to undertake below deck discipline.
One of the outcomes of #metoo was that judging by a fairly small sample, many men concluded that their good moral behaviour was a complete waste of life. Some of the loveliest-looking and indeed many of them highly-respected women turned out to have been knowingly and willingly participating in prostitution for movie roles, or going along with it by their colleagues.
Implication is that what high-status women claim they want from us men, is bullshit. They want the exercise of power on their behalf, money and merch.
If you can’t deliver, fuck off and be a good boy.
If that’s the case, the only honourable option for him is to come out with the truth. To say that he’s done such and such and the government/VicPol are blackmailing me. It could actually save him in the next election (depending on what it is they are blackmailing him with, of course).
In which context I call attention to Emma Stone’s anti-christian, homosexuality whitewashing movies. Really? Higher ethics than your nasty slander movie against Margaret Court, or denigration of American Christians in Easy A?
The Victorian Attorney-General looks about 13 years old…
Vic Parl having a dinner break now FYI…
Recruits are more educated these days with higher expectations. There was a time in living memory that an eighteen recruit could have been working for four years at starvation money.
The Services were a step up. Full adult pay at eighteen. Promotion. Housing.
Three squares a day.
By golly some of the lads were good at digging holes. Living like pigs in the jungle or the bush was a bearable hardship.
Now you have youngsters. With an HSC. Never done a skerrick of work. Can’t boil water. It’s a bigger transition for them. No Service cooks. No cheap drinking. Gym queens training themselves the wrong way and making themselves more susceptible to injuries. And more psychopaths seem to be getting in.
I think the longer you have been away from war the more bullshit and make work creeps in
And the assessors at DVA are scum. The other staff there are decent but the assessors all seem to have very unfortunate personalities.. I’ve had to deal with them on behalf of others No wonder people neck themselves. I’ve dealt with them on behalf of myself and if it had been face to face I would have decked them
I enjoyed my time in the Army. I have my TPI and a pension so I’m not doing it tough. And I have a missus 30 years younger than myself. Not that it’s your business. I just like the world to know.
Of course I’ve had a different and interesting career path since leaving. But enough about me.
I suppose in the Navy homosexuality was dealt with under the Captain’s table?
Man oh man America produces some solid individuals.
Imagine any of the fag liberal party having 1/100 of the dose of conviction the Arizona Attorney General has in that video.
Australia’s middle class can’t produce any. Dan Andrews – probably what an Australian would think of if you asked who is a ‘tough’ politician’s ‘confidence’ is a put-on and simply bitter spiteful nastiness and latent violent bullying masquerading as confidence.
No, the American middle class do something well with their boys that produces men like this.
I bet the four members of Pond-scum Inc. who have flushed Victorians down the crapper are not even in the House listening to the debate. Limbrick and Crozier holding the floor.
So as Victoria debates a bill that increases fines for breaching health orders….
Snouts in the trough!
Great vid Twosticks!!! 😛
It does, but they have no interest in going into the morally deranged world of party politics, which is quite different here from the US, where an individual can still have an impact.
Look I don’t know whether this is representative of others who live in Melbourne but it does provide some hope. I was told that a Melbourne friend has been red-pilled and she has transformed from someone who was a rabid leftist and Dan the Man fan, who was always mouthing the latest progressive shibboleths to now loathing Dan and Labor. Nice to hear. I hope there are more of them.
It’s hard getting them to swallow, Cassie.
Polygon, an absent parrot.
It had to come.
Only one thing to be said about that.
You Silly Twisted Boy, You…
That Cats don’t wish to know about all that, etc…
Righto, leftwits…
Polyhedron, a mate with a funny name who fell in the water and didn’t come back out?
the republic has already fallen, the rot has set in
a treatise on her profound stupidity
AOC’s greatness. That list of attributes (spurious as they may be) still rank higher than “toned arms” when it comes to cobbling together compliments.
Are they conditioning us for introduction of Soma?
Leatherface approves.
Part of it is they are not weeding out those unsuited to military life, it is not for everyone and that should have been at the front of their minds in recruit training, Also there are people joining for the wrong reason, it has become a box ticking exercise with a fitness component, that does not prepare them for a 6 to 9 month deployment, including peacetime deployments.
From a Naval perspective, communal harmony below decks has been cast aside for a touchy feely approach better suited to a corporate HR dept. Time between ports used to be 4 to over 50 days now non-warlike deployment is 4 to 10 days between ports and as a result those sailors are not prepared for extended time in defence watches or closed up at station
When it came to the 2 Army postings i had (1Mil, 1AVN), dress, conduct, bearing, discipline, professionalism and also being physically fit was at the forefront.
Defence in the modern age has forgotten what their mission statement originally was and they are trying to act like a corporation with a nanny HR department not a defence force.
Sadly i believe this rot started back in the mid to late 1990’s
I think the freedom marches are influential, especially for long suffering Melbournians .
“the republic has already fallen, the rot has set in”
Correct. The scenario in Houellebecq’s “Submission” is inevitable….what will happen is that the left will side with Islamists.
Houellebecq is a seer, just like Orwell was.
These backyard, tax dodging outfits give quality think tanks with a proven track record of quality research and policy advice like Teh <Ponds Institute a bad name
Yes BJ, to the HMAS Australia murder. I have some stuff somewhere about it, but IIRR there has been a book published fairly recently about the trial and possible proceedings.
The other one I don’t know about BJ.
but IIRR there has been a book published fairly recently about the trial and possible proceedings.
Houellebecq doesn’t hold back. Doesn’t give a shit about the Mo Bros.
November 30, 2021 at 7:12 pm
I think the freedom marches are influential, especially for long suffering Melbournians .”
I hope so, I was certainly heartened to hear that she’d swallowed a red-pill. I’d actually got to a stage where I wasn’t enjoying her company and I was avoiding her whenever she was in Sydney visiting relatives (not a frequent occurrence in the age of Covid). When she was in Sydney in November 2020 after her father died, at the minyan (prayers) she laughingly introduced me to someone as her “far-right” friend. I was not amused.
Only because there ain’t many of them these days. The endless ADF advertisements on TV are a tell: there ain’t enough suitable warm bodies out there. And for service arms like submariners the idea of no Facebook for weeks upon weeks would horrify a lot of kids these days.
Hence more robots/drones is a really good idea. They won’t go to sea, but a data centre in Perth near to all those coffee shops and nice bars? That fits the psyche muuuuch better.
The rot started when Whitlam took Conscription off the books in 1973.
When every bloke is a chance of being Called Up he’s got incentive to own and learn to use weapons and to keep himself in reasonable nick.
With the All Volunteer Army, well, you can kick the can down the road a bit more.
The golden rivet?
A skerrick of truth in that.
Apparently a lot of old Luggers used to have a gold coin placed under one of the main support beams.
Why on earth would someone with any of the values defense supposedly look for join the military these days? You waste so much time equity and diversity PC crap! Hell, they make it quite clear enlisting someone from Africa is far more valued than any mere white male who wants to serve the country.
Top Endersays:
November 30, 2021 at 7:33 pm
The other one I don’t know about BJ.
Thanks for the responses.
The Malaysia matter would have been kept low key, few not on the ship would have known of it at the time. I heard about it in office chatter around ten years after the event. The interesting bit was the sailors’ solidarity, from the stokers to the overnight deck watch. I wonder would that apply now. In some ways, I hope so.
More from Paul Craig Roberts on Covid Vaccines.
5) Homosexual relations was a disciplinary offence until the mid-1990s.
Ok sailor !
I don’t disagree with you, to a point.
There is an saying, willing volunteers make better fighters than unwilling conscripts.
AOC applied for the job via The Young Turks network.
They selected her to primary an establishment Democrat in one of the safest blue seats in the Congress.
There was nothing organic about it.
Travellers wearing full PPE on planes are quite retarded.
From the Quadrant article.
Out of frustration, he contacted two Republican members of Congress — Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Jim Jordan — but still nothing.
Could have picked two worse GOP members?
Jim Jordan is so fake.
Talks MAGA, but votes Big Tech & Big Pharma every single time.
Greenwald, Taibbi, Tim Pool are all over his weaselling.
Could you imagine being in the same platoon as “Numbers” Bob?
Bruce of N
Hence more robots/drones is a really good idea. They won’t go to sea, but a data centre in Perth near to all those coffee shops and nice bars? That fits the psyche muuuuch better.
Four parent SSNs, and a dozen or so robots subs controlled from the parents (standing back) might be a useful introduction into service under AUKUS?
Why on earth would someone with any of the values defense supposedly look for join the military these days?
I think the more salient point is what the fuck are we defending?
The right of Scumo and Dickhead Dan to fuck us at will?
we have them too … a Tongan that likes to cut down trees.
… always $1500 easy as, Bro
This is million dollar question.
I suspect the “real men” that still exist in this country would be avoiding the police force and military like the plague.
Men are becoming very aware how they are considered disposable and are degraded by society.
Why would you fight to defend such a country and it’s people who actively despise their mere existence?
We are not duty bound to defend that which is actively hostile toward us.
Daily Mail.
“Victoria has had longest lockdowns, harshest laws and worst outcomes of anywhere in Oz..”
These things happen when you have a Narcissistic Mong running the show.
David Limerick and Catherine Cummings featuring in grilling the ALPolytes in the Victorian LC chambers. Answers for points such as why no blood testing for antibodies or rapid tests for workers not getting great answers…
Kill The Bill website got memory holed:
Answers coming back from the ALPolytes also feature lots of ums and ahhs, too.
Muddy (if it’s not already tabled): ALPolytes: a party member who can be counted on not to deviate from the narrative like it’s a religion.
Our Yassie can dream on.
I have not the slightest hesitation in putting my name to anything I would say to her, or about her.
She shat all over ANZAC Day, I believe this was a deliberate act to “stick it to” Australia. She was on the [couldn’t be bothered to look up which] ANZAC Day board & thus ruddy well knew exactly what she was saying, & had timed it for maximum impact and maximum offensiveness.
This was disgraceful, disgusting, & waaaay beyond mere disrespectful.
I’m ashamed she ever came near Australia & believe we’d be better off if she & her family had remained in whatever UN run shithole refugee camp they’d been in.
I’m glad she’s no longer in Australia & hope she never returns.
I’m bitter that any, never mind so much, of our hard-earned money was squandered on her.
Not one word of the above about her is racist, bigoted, sexist, aimed at her religion, or wishes harm or death up on her.
Though I wouldn’t be exactly broken-hearted were she to experience misfortune.
But we wouldn’t be defending them, we’d be defending Australia.
Thaty’sw the thing that Thatcher couldn’t comprehend when Enoch Powell told her he would fight for Britain even if it was under a Communist Government.
Miss Anthropist, your mention of the Captains table reminded me of the Good Ship Venus
“The Captains wife was Mabel
And whenever she was able
She lay prostrate
Beneath the mate
Under the Captain’s table”
No naughty verses thank you.
Yassmin Abdel-Magied. Could it be that the UK is not rolling out the red carpet to the extent she deserves.
Wait until we get nuclear subs, capable of staying underwater for months.
(I have watched Vigil so am an instant expert on nuclear subs.)
Link? Reference?
Do your own research, Zulu.
Nicholas Reece looks like a porn star with that moustache.
You make the claim, you back it up.
I resigned from RAAF last Friday, precisely so I *can* fight for my country…. Verbally at present, anyhow.
Australia is worth fighting for. The politicians and bureaucrats are not.
*thunderous applause*
Yassie did make us laugh once, who could forget her wild claim on Q&A back in 2017….
““Excuse me, Islam, to me, is one of the most… is THE most feminist religion, right?”
“We got equal rights well before the Europeans. We don’t take our husband’s last names because we ain’t their property, right?”
That was a corker. I wonder if Yassie ever opened her big fat ugly mouth to say anything about Afghani fathers marrying off their nine year old daughters to men in their sixties? I suppose to her that’s very feminist. And Yassie has always been silent about honour killings, about FGM, about child marriage and about the forced wearing of the hijab…all rampant in her very feminist religion. I guess that’s why the left love her, the same left that won’t give a platform to ex-Muslim women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a victim of FGM) or Yasmine Mohammed, they’d rather spruik the cartoon Yassie because the left and Yassie don’t like the truth.
Anyway, Yassie ended up shitting all over herself which is why she had to run away and she can stay away.
It’s right next to ‘gypsum is toxic in water’.
There is no ‘conspiracy’.
What is Australia?
It is certainly not the country now that it once was…
What do you defend if what you once valued about your country no longer exists?
Perhaps, like a condemned building, no amount of repair work can fix it?
Sometimes all that can be done is to demolish what once was and build over the ashes…
Also, do not mistake what I say as part of the so called “build back better” I mean in terms of what the founding fathers of the U.S. stated, that is the Responsibility of the people to tear down a corrupt government and replace it once it has lost its way.
The real problem is, the people have also lost their way…
If you’ve got a burr in your britches about my comment, you’re free to refute it.
Why does anyone give a platform to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she’s an obvious grifter.
“Why does anyone give a platform to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she’s an obvious grifter.”
I don’t think so. Enough trolling for the day, go to bed Ed.
And he was wrong.
Values don’t exist in some “transcendental realm, beyond space and time”, as he stated.
Ask Solzhenitsyn.
Powell would have fought for Britain under a Communist government…mainly because he’d have had the point of a bayonet rubbing between his shoulder blades and a round up the spout waiting to follow it in, if he didn’t. Fuck all to do with transcendental values.
Without the values, Australia is merely a nine letter word…and a whole lot of substandard soil.
This is what happens when you let 19 year old first year uni dunderheads have access to the internet.
You could, except he’s dead.
His written Work suggests that he did share Enoch Powell’s views about his own Country, since he joined the Red Army as a young man and fought against the German Invasion of 1941.
Uh huh.
Do you reckon he still shared this view after he got out of the gulag, Junior?
And arrested by that same regime, 1942, and imprisoned. What he subsequently wrote about that regime is highly relevant.
Might be worth you taking the time to read it in detail. On balance, he seemed to think the Germans less evil.
Correction: 1945
Relevant to what?
Are you suggesting that if he’s had his time over, he wouldn’t have joined the Red Army to defend his Country?
Because if you are, you’re inventing an imaginary Solzenitsyn who expresses your Worldview.
Perhaps he did.
That’s irrelevant though, since at no time did he ever express misgivings or regret about his service in the Red Army.
And if you had read Solzenitsyn more carefully, you would know that he held the Russians as a People directly responsible for the catastrophe that was the Bolshevik regime.
People are creatures of habit.
Habits of mind.
I reckon 99.9% of people never challenge their habits.
Never ask themselves “What if I’m wrong”? Or even “What have I got wrong”?
No one wants to be TOLD they’re wrong.
Being wrong means work.
“You’re wrong” = “Do work”.
People get away with a lifetime of being wrong about almost everything because our systems have so much built in tolerances. They only have to be right about a tiny subset of crap relevant to themselves,
That an entire complex of politicians, scientists, academics, educators, media and citizens are completely wrong about something that is going to fuck us all is astounding.
Solzhenitsyn iirc, considered that he had been informed on to the spooks so someone could get their hands on a silver cigarette case he had!
He wrote quite convincingly on exactly which people survived the gulag and which didn’t.
Those with strong religious convictions, Baptists and Muslims were sustained by their faith.
Atheists and communists died before all the others. Starved to death while wasting every last ounce of their strength begging for paper and pens to write letters to the authorities……
Surely some terrible mistake has been made, I shouldn’t be in here with these Fascists. I’m a good communist after all.
Ed? Are you reading this?
You’re getting away with it.
Not seeing people get smashed for poor decisions is partly to blame.
Always the dole to fall back on so you don’t have to consider treating others like shit.
Eat lard and mainline Fanta, Medicare will pick up the slack.
Spawn kids and daddy government will pay for them.
Etc etc…
By smoothing away the worst rough edges in life we have liberated our worst excesses.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all on the Cat. IIRC, it was jupes who recommended “Limeburners”, and that’s proof that Australians can distill decent single malt.
There was some awefull rubbish, masquerading as “single malt”, that was fit only to treat fungal infections in human beings, and blowfly strike in Merino sheep.
That was the legacy of the Whitlam Government..
Not your best work Groogs. You’re better than this.
no he’s not
Thefrollickingmole says:
November 30, 2021 at 10:44 pm
Once upon a time, charity was privatised through churches and other institutions. Always ready to help but with a little accountability through the face-to-face contact. Now, big-government daddy’s gonna pay for your crashed life.
Musical accompaniment for the post, in case Rabz is around.
This is a short clip of Dr. David Martin not mincing his words.
Children are being murdered, and we are pretending like that’s one of the issues.
They are people of faith, Arky. Like so many, including you. Just not your faith.
One of my grandfather’s brothers spent two years “with his swag on his back, during the Great Depression.
He volunteered for the AIF – “Six bob a day, a pair of trousers with the ar$e still in them, and the first pair of new boots I ever owned.”
North Africa – Ruin Ridge and El Alamein – New Guinea.