John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Sancho was not dead.
Sancho was merely absent on sick leave and fishing leave.
His death was a figment of the fevered imagination of the Road Warrior coupled with a dash of wishful thinking.
Don’t forget “Piss Up at Hanging Rock.”
But I bet Sandmann will, after he gets himself educated, because he is that kind of person, having that kind of parents, living in that kind of community. Will be interesting to see.
You’d hope so.
The thing is, it wasn’t the initial reporting which did the media organisations in.
It was the doubling down even after it became obvious it was a set-up.
But, again, no adults in charge and a paralysis when it comes to the “downtrodden minority” narrative.
Had they apologised within 24 hours, they would have got away with the apology and maybe a small ex-gratia donation to his school.
AVN Judicial Review Fund:
What a shit-stain of a country and a tyrant of a premier.
I was perplexed as to why you had returned. This shit has got another 2 years in it. It will only end with bloodshed.
Really interesting story – especially the part about the Italian fuel supplies being destroyed instead of going for the ships etc. The opposite of the Japanese Pearl Harbour operation where vital dock facilities were ignored by pilots in favour of ‘glory shots’.
I doubt I’ll ever understand why the Axis didn’t strike into North Africa and cut off the Suez pipeline even as they suffered from critical fuel shortages themselves, and left Russia alone while they got scarce minerals from them.
When did The Çat first day this?
At least 20 months ago.
Miss Anthropistsays:
December 18, 2021 at 2:03 am
Spent the best part of the day getting admitted to hospital. It seems my Chrissy Surprise is another amputation.
Thanks Santa.
Good luck…
Does anyone know if the Cossack is going to go after SMH for the Putin funding lies?
Winston, excuse my ignorance, but how is the logo on your avatar going to provoke people.
I think you said the other day that you had it on a t-shirt and it caused some aggro?
December 18, 2021 at 8:21 am
I’m just going to come out and say it.
Billy Ocean, Luther Vandross, Bobby Caldwell, David Bowie, Bill Withers and Prince were all better than Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson was music via committee.
A more talented committee than SAW (Sam Fox/Kylie etc) but a committee none the less.
they are talking about a “non-binary” James Bond, wokeism is mass psychosis
“What fucking idiot goes with the minimum fire suppression and burns down $1 million in kit and crop for the want of a couple of thousand dollars worth of basic firefighting gear”
Drove past Dad’s harvesting setup yesterday. Bins, auger, second tractor, header and tractor all in the one area protected by the 15,000L fire unit.
Does anyone know if the Cossack is going to go after SMH for the Putin funding lies?
He’s lawyered up and has already give MSM some blood noses. Why the hell wouldn’t he?
US Gun Sales Bonanza:
Actually, I’ll wager it’s approved next week, now that the TGA can point to some other body that’s approved it. Might not be until the EU regulator EMA approves it, which could be next week, though.
Craven cowards and buck passing, smooth brains that they are.
Adem Somyurek MP (@AdemSomyurek) Tweeted:
I present to you one of the biggest preselection atrocities ever committed by the ALP but consistent with inner city elitist lefty arrogance. Marx wrote in reference to the poor: ‘they can’t represent themselves they must be represented’. That’s the modern ALP run by the Left https://t.co/2BFVdWTZ1w
A sensible bloke.
Actually it doesn’t cost anything because every prudent farmer would have that gear as part of his normal complement of equipment. Just a bit of time each day to get it in position.
Almost every summer when driving from Rancho Sancho to the big smoke, I see a tiny burnt patch of stubble somewhere in the middle of a paddock.
Clearly a small outbreak which they have got onto quickly.
Once it gets beyond a few hundred square metres it gets hard to contain.
Having the fire pump and water tank back at the ranch isn’t going to cut it, even in fairly benign conditions.
A tiny bit of preparation and planning …
If i can rig one of these up to tow a chaser bin you will be home and hosed for fires in the paddock.
Oshkosh for the win.
Sandmann represented everything the howler monkeys in the media are not, but the trigger wasn’t the embarrassed smile…it was his hat.
He dared, dared to buy a MAGA hat. A young person who should be fully woke supporting Trump. He was a class enemy at all levels of his being, especially his race. Add that to being on excursion from a Christian school and the die was cast.
Every commentator tried to outdo each other in hysterical rhetoric, damning the boy to hell. Even our own ABC, calling him the “face of evil”. So blind was the self-righteous scolding, so impervious the political partisanship, so odious the ever mounting “calls” for censure, they forgot they were witch hunting a sixteen year old boy. All they saw was Trump in that hat, no one else. And he had to be destroyed.
His own wretched school tried to disown him.
I hope he goes on to a stellar career in whatever field he chooses, even if it’s something humble like mowing lawns or building sheds. And also becomes a great husband and dad.
They might approve it, but I’ll eat my hat if they let it be used for a first dose.
That would be rewarding the filthy unvaxxed people who selfishly refused to do the right thing.
Imagine the screams of rage from all those who were forced to take the mRNA crap on pain of losing their job!
I think the other take away from the Sandmann disgrace is how keen the left are to destroy young men and boys. Look at Triggs and the QUT students.
And…I have been looking up the wonderful history of injections, after that story about Sir Christopher Wren.
Turns out the Romans did use syringes, but only to deliver ointments and such. There was a bit of subcutaneous stuff and aspiration but not much else. Another guy used a vacuum tube to remove cataracts, a technique still used today.
It was Wren who tried the first intravenous injection using a pig bladder and a goose quill – into a hound. It was an attempt at anaesthesia. Apparently it worked. Then others started injecting other stuff into humans and some perished. So the whole thing died in the guts for a couple of hundred years.
Deserves more than a dickless uptick!
areff says:
December 18, 2021 at 11:38 am
On another note, I wonder how the TGA will foil the use of the Novavax in Australia now that it has been approved by WHO?
According to the SMH and quoting Hunt (I searched for it, dated 6/12) approval (emergency?) should be before the end of the year.
Reference was made to the sizeable number who are holding back for it. (Is there a special bonus for these arseh*les if we get to 100% coverage so they’re going to relent on Novavax?)
Carry On Constable
And Constable Constable’s best line…”I thought I heard a murder!”
On the silent stuff…The Plank
Wolfman Oz:
The greatest tragedy to ever hit the cinema was when they put carpet in.
You could no longer hear a box of Maltesers bounce down the rows of seats.
Sad days.
Jaffas down the aisle. Even better if there were stairs!
Roll-roll-roll-clonk! Repeat all the way down. 🙂
#3380938, posted on March 28, 2020 at 3:09 pm
From the Daily Wire –
Still a few to go, I wonder if the young man will end up a Billionaire?
This part needs to be more prominent – I had to go hunting for it, and it’s the most important part. It shouldn’t be behind the door with the sign “Beware of the Leopards.”
OK – $20.
Old workshop completely cleared out except for a case of beers for the bloke in the factory at the front, he let me use his skip bin. An unvaxxed and by now rather pissed of Croatian!
Had been there for over 10 years. Lots of good memories there making stuff with the kids and cooking the occasional pancake, which was a Saturday morning special activity for a while!
I don’t think I said ‘aggro’ but never the less, I did expect some to arc up at the implied suggestion “they were the Baddies”.
Some don’t like a truth that shows themselves in a bad light.
That was me paraphrasing from memory.
I might have missed something, but what is the significance of the logo?
Whilst this is in Digital Combat Simulator, it does give an idea of threat posed by older generation aircraft when deployed over home turf allowing light fuel and armament loads.
A4 Skyhawk V F-14A Tomcat.
Maybe Ronnie should have swallowed up large numbers of Skyhawks when they become obsolete around the globe?!
People around the world are sick of this shit:
Drove past Dad’s harvesting setup yesterday. Bins, auger, second tractor, header and tractor all in the one area protected by the 15,000L fire unit.
Safe if you’re there when the fire starts.
Wrong! There were Jaffas.
Lost my job.
That doesn’t bother me though. What does bother me is that I now live in country where I am not allowed to go home. I am not sick, yet I am being treated like I am a danger to my fellow citizens. Worse, (apparently) the majority of those citizens agree with the tyrant’s orders.
Yeah, true.
I did acknowledge that a cropping paddock is not like a shed or factory where you can mitigate and neutralize fire risks.
But just having a 15 litre knapsack and a thermos full of warm tea as your only source of quenching liquids out in the paddock is not ideal.
The reason I asked about Cossack and the SMH is that I would be keen to contribute if he sets up a fund.
Litigation, sadly, has become a critical resource for free democrats.
Just saw a promo for tonight’s 7 News.
Bunch of teens waving their phones in celebration of their compliance to the Ukranian’s diktats.
There is no future if these bots are the future.
A journalist actually doing his job – seven times Boris Johnson promised ‘a route back to normality.’
Well done, Nat! Of course, he works for Breitbart, not The Times. You’d be lucky to find a proper journalist there these days.
Something completely different … Good table manners.
Cops lose guns, lots of them, no one to blame:
Sancho Panzer:
The “Mogen David” or six pointed star made from two equilateral triangles which have the same center and are placed in opposite directions.
The Star was made compulsory in Nazi Occupied Europe for all Jews, so they could be readily identified by the “Pureblooded” Aryan races, as Jews were portrayed as carriers of diseases both physical and moral.
In the camps the two triangles were made in two different colours which were a code for their ‘crimes’.
The BioHazard symbol in the middle was my addition to bring into focus our current moral crisis while linking with the previous.
Gotcha Winston.
Mak Siccar:
All us kids were let in free, so we could afford the superior confectionary – Maltesers.
(Puts nose in air, saunters off with a superior mien.)
Peoples – our beloved Cassie is struggling – please post some messages of support on this thread.
As many as possible – she will read them.
Russell Brand. A victory in India. Protest is the only way forward.
“WOAH!!!” The Media Don’t Want You To Know THESE PROTESTORS WON!!!”
Probably not as many as the US in Afghanistan though. So there’s that …
@ Local Oaf-
Take from one who did, that I no longer care. My heart hasn’t exploded, so there we are.
My peeve is that I should never have been made to take the damned stuff in the first instance. Risky concoctions and suspect evidence or not. And any action I take subsequently will be with this thought firmly in mind.
Anyone who wants to whine about mRNA vs. protein subunit when the issue was forcing people to comply with a flawed mandate in the first place, is as smooth-brained and petty as the bugmen that threatened to cost us everything because either nobody believed their act, or a majority of the at-risk had been exposed and developed immunity without prior written approval from them…
As a kid I seriously resented coming home from school to work on the harvest while my ‘day rag’ mates were at the beach or chasing shielas.
Dad had experienced a paddock fire (from the neighbour’s place), and was a tyrant. In the days of the tractor dragged headers and no cabs, it was hard, hot and thirsty but he made no concessions.
The old fire ute was always moved up (it had an open tank, a Lister pump, and one of those big red bottles on wheels).
We were never allowed to stop in the paddock for any length of time, lunch was a changeover and Mum’s great arvos were consumed on the run.
Greasing (remember that) had to be done on the access track which had been mowed. At knock-off everything was lined-up on the track and (usually me) had to wait there for quite a while.
Hilariously, he burned down the hey shed when he put the mower in there without letting it cool down. It was not good policy to mention the event however.
All of which brings back the hated memory of bagging the seed wheat, dirty, itchy and heavy lifting.
How’s the knee going?
I used to work in a hospital where they used those passive knee bending machines. They looked painful. CPM I think they were called.
You should be getting plenty of pain relief before using them – are you?
Demand it and don’t take any shit off them.
Are the bastards still locking you up and isolating?
Are you being held incommunicardo or can you talk to us?
Any indications when you will be freed from quarantine? Was the first test positive or negative?
Regardless, stand strong, you have many supporters keen to see you back posting regularly, and confronting Sharma in the street.
Hope the physio is helping your recovery.
They’re tapping into something deep seated with these mandates.
Almost every sci- fi franchise has an episode or two dealing with plague or outbreaks.
Think the film “Alien” as Ripley refuses to let John Hurt onboard with the face sucker, but Tom Skerritt over rides her and we as an audience got”Doh”!
The original Star Trek had a number of these episodes, including the dirty space hippies episode where McCoy chides the hippy leader for not quarantining. The Next Generation has one episode where the Enterprise tows the last surviving spaceship from an exodus originating in a plague riddled planet away from an inhabited federation planet, while the planet’s leader begs Pickard to blow up the plague ship. It is to be noted that the originator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenbury was one of these progressive utopian who foresaw a world without money or possessions
The entire zombie genre is all about killing the “infected” and keeping them at a safe distance, preferable decapitated.
At the expense of embarrassing myself with an improper use of the Hebrew…
Kol Hakavod, Cassie. Be well and blessed.
Very interesting comments on the state of politics in Britain at the moment.
Farage reacts to shock defeat in North Shropshire.
Farage reacts to shock defeat in North Shropshire.
The locality with the fewest English Roses on the planet, unsurprisingly.
Oh hang on – the Torrys* got their terrace sized backsides kicked … 🙂
*The correct braindead collectivist speling, evidentlee.
That would br ‘hay’.
Gab! Excellent video, my knuckles were smarting at remembered rappings.
Everything is exactly as I was taught…definitely Continental, down to the breaking of the bread. The only departure was that Mum always wanted me to eat with the fork tines down, never up like a spoon. The only time I was allowed to turn the fork was when I had it in my right hand and only for the last remaining un-pick-upable morsel.
Even then, it was better to leave that tiny little bit…
Oh, how times have changed!
You would be surprised as to how many fools regard a 15 litre knapsack and a thermos full of warm tea as adequate….
They really are an irrelevance – except of course for the greenfilth, tapping into, as they do, the 10% of the population that is barking bloody mad.
Cassie, we miss you. And your marksmanship.
Come back fully loaded please. Soon.
Thanks, Pedro! 🙂
I once doused a grinding fire with the contents of a half-drunk Pepsi can.
Horses for courses, Cats*… 🙂
*I have put out small lineside fires with a 15 litre knapsack, though. But my best was 2 half-empty water jerries for a 50+ sq. metre slow-burning pine needle fire at Majura Range. The call to Range Control elicited 5 off-road fire trucks and a helicopter. And a section of we mere diggers had put it out with the contents of our water bottles and whatever partially expended storage vessels we had to hand.
Agree 100%
They might think they have 90% of the population onside, but I’d guess half of them were bullied/terrorised into complying.
There’s a huge amount of barely suppressed rage in the country – going to be a lot of angry people at the ballot box pretty soon!
Labour scored 9% in North Shropshire,. proof that there’s idiots in the least likely places.,
LibDems sure to be covering up a few rentboy BumSex scandals too.
+ Infinity.
Don’t believe a word the polls or the media or Party spokesmongs say. Especially in as Narrative-controlled a place as fair Sandgroperstan…
I am always in awe of folks ability to create fantastic memes but, occasionally, a simple answer on Twitter really deserves wide publicity .. enjoy! .. LOL!
You’ll live Squire, if that’s any consolation …
Why woulde you think that they might think that, you’ve got only their word that it’s 90%
I was in a shop in a leafy suburb this morning, they had a sign up stating that they will not be asking for Proof Of Vaccination.
Okay, but that’s half of a very poorly informed group of people, not half of 90% of the adult population.
Fuck off Grigory.
Janey said when she just five years old … 🙂
She could construct more sensible sentences than a monstrous ol’ dinobore …
There’s a huge amount of barely suppressed rage in the country – going to be a lot of angry people at the ballot box pretty soon!
Assuming they don’t crack and go bullet box before that.
It’s right about now that existing in a Kampuchean Jungle doesn’t seem so bad.
Denounced by many of my family as an unclean leper and banned from next week’s traditional Christmas lunch.
Hot on the heels of being banned from my work’s Christmas party last Thursday.
My brother’s ears will hopefully be ringing until his departure from this planet.
The only sensible member of my family I’ve been able to discuss this idiocy with is my beloved cousin, she who remains source of wise counsel.
Following on from the movie blather earlier I sometimes look at a few of the old TV programs such as The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents. This one is from Alfred; it stars a young Steve McQueen and an old Peter Lorre and I defy anyone not to be chewing their fingernails by the end. It’s short, less then 30 minutes:
Hey Gremlins – I know you think you’re under orders, but kindly stop removing words from my comments, I tells ya!
So Rabz, you can go and have dinner at a restaurant but can’t have dinner with family?
Are they nuts?
Stick with it Cassie.
And don’t be frugal with the painkillers.
They’re there to be used.
From the Gateway Pundit:
This is why I’ve called this a Moral Crisis rather than a Health Crisis.
If you’ve got COVID please mail me some! What the Little Bloke brought home from school was a fizzer!
WTH? Millions of Migrants Denied COVID Shots Because Manufacturers Fear Lawsuits OVER SIDE EFFECTS
This is starting to sound a bit sinister…
The movies that have been priming us up for this sh*t are ones like “Contagion” and “Outbreak” and “Twelve Monkeys”.
They were top of the pops in early 2020 so people could re-read the primer.
It reminded me of the early 80’s when nuclear war was the armageddon. Every second movie was about either the lead up or post apocalyptic dystopia.
It’s all propaganda. Like abortion legislation and coathanger alleys and AIDS/SSM and the wonderfulness of being gay. The media doesn’t follow the zeitgeist, it creates it.
Denounced by many of my family as an unclean leper and banned from next week’s traditional Christmas lunch.
Hot on the heels of being banned from my work’s Christmas party last Thursday.
Minds through the MSM propaganda shredder. WTF?!
Give it up Rick, you are immune. Accept it.
At this point you could indulge in a three way with Faucci and a pangolin while drinking uncooked bat soup and walk away hale and hearty.
They’re nuts and banned. Neither of which they seem able to comprehend. Unsurprisingly.
Dividing friends, family and society.
They’ll soon be stomping around in <a href="“>a pair these, if they aren’t already.
Rabz, do you have somewhere to go for Christmas? Please don’t spend it alone.
Virginia Hospital Provides Update After Court Holds It in Contempt
I made a meme of Rickw waiting to get infected a few days back on this thread. Which brings to mind, do we have any antigen testing plus stats calc. to see what the likely extent of spread is beyond the PCR testing?
Thanks, calli – I will draw much strength from being alone on that day.
For goodness’ sake, I’ve never remotely had to make a sacrifice in my life. Thanks to this indescribable idiocy, Cassie will still be stuck in a small hospital room by herself on that day.
It’s her that we should be thinking of.
Get well soon Cassie! My knees are slightly dicky from bicycle but not too bad. The idea is to control the wear rate on everything until you are about 120 whereupon all your various bits will spontaneously and finally fall apart and explode in every direction at the speed of light or something.
As to Rabz, your Janey vid leads me to this one, which is also a San Francisco anthem right now.
as Jews were portrayed as carriers of diseases
Ewww miss he got Jewties!!!
/I denounce myself for that one…
err, Not that I’m having a go and thanks for the wishes, you wondrous woman.
There’s a huge amount of barely suppressed rage in the country – going to be a lot of angry people at the ballot box pretty soon!
+ Infinity.
So a really smart move for Scummo to go with Jabs & Jobs
Cassie, best wishes for a quick improvement and then post haste to being back here at the Cat.
kind regards,
Cops lose guns, lots of them, no one to blame
The Mongs at Vikpol have now had one of my stolen rifles for 3 months. I guarantee that it will be:
1) Accidentally cut up.
2) Legally sold.
3) Illegally sold.
Farm got done over again while I was on COVID isolation (yay), I guarantee same crew. Had the local copper out yesterday to look things over, he was frankly amazed that they had recovered one.
The local motherfuckers who have been doing this are sooner or later going to break in when I’m there…..
If only. Sadly, it appears we are a minority.
Glass half full Cassie.
You’re not “in isolation”.
You’ve been “upgraded to a private suite”.
Better than even DVA Gold Card whingers get at Toowoomba Base Hospital.
(In Winstons best Mexican sleazy voice)
I pay you good money for your used tissues, leetle lady!
Fresh is best!
Errr… No.
They are shit-scared of being firebombed by the Neo-Red Guards paid for by Georgy Sore-Arse and the communists pulling the strings of the Democrat Party and its ‘donations’ and patronage machines…
Hang in there Cassie. I’ve had an acl reco & another time I snapped my left foot off so it was pointing backwards. Yor recovery will get easier. Sending you some tropical fnq vibes.
From Mark’s Cat, heading ‘News You will Never Hear.’
Remember this come the Revolution!
Gee, does this mean they are against coercion now??
Controlling what someone wears and who they see, limiting access to money, tracking their location and incessant texting and phone calls are all behaviours that constitute coercive control.
More on the feud between Musk and those slags warren and reid:
Speakman is a simp and a cuck.
Controlling what someone wears and who they see, limiting access to money, tracking their location and incessant texting and phone calls are all behaviours that constitute coercive control.
Oh, like what VicGov does?
We are being legislated to use Bumble and ghost women.
That is horrific on a societal level.
“Bumble”? “Ghost Women”?
I’d rather Miss Ellie.
I haven’t had a joint replacement. However, it seems the common story is that it is shit for the initial few days, but no regrets after that.
What ever became of Ellie in the end?
The above is a template for allegations in Family Law Trials.
Is it common behaviour?
Wander down to your local Family Court branch between Tuesday and Friday next year and sit in on a few Trials.
Every evil GoldDigger is Ingrid Bergman and every other Husband is Charles Boyer.
Pretty sure she eloped with Bird.
err, not giving a rodent’s. There’s only one Ellie on this planet that is worth acknowledging …
Deserving of each other, they were …
I was released from Covid isolation late yesterday afternoon. The two test results came back within hours so the hospital administrator came to my room to tell me. And it goes without saying…..of course…..that I tested NEGATIVE. My sister had also rung the hospital to complain about my situation. Somebody fucked up. I was rather hysterical on Friday morning and on Thursday night. I’m not one for hysteria but the pain as well as being confined to my room was debilitating to my mental health and I was crying a lot.
The pain is bad and I’m on a lot of pain killers. These are making me drowsy. Today I had some physio which is helping but I have moments where I regret the whole thing…..even though people keep telling me that there’s light on the horizon…however all I can see and feel is a thick London fog and I am yet to see a dim light flickering in the fog.
And thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. And goodnight.
Jabs‘n Grothe.
I think there’s a winning slogan there somewhere.
Anyone with young children will have unvaxxed Christmas dinner participants.
I’m at a loss as to why anyone would ban unvaxxed adults.
Is Cassie now in two weeks isolation?
It’s ridiculous.
Speaking of Bird, it appears he is enjoying unfettered posting rights as the anti-Semite in residence at the Furniture Store.
Oh, better news.
Get well soon.
Cassie, I’ve had a partial and the Beloved a bilateral. It hurts like blazes.
It will stop. Make sure they’re giving you adequate pain relief. Do not be “brave”. Take the pills, the injections, whatever.
The Palacechook 80% Freedom Plan – now fully 36 hours old – is paying big social dividends.
New Farm Coles has been cleaned out of bogroll and the rice/pasta/tuna stocks seriously depleted.
Apparently lots of masked shoppers of low trust appearance descended late this morning.
So very sorry, Cassie. What everyone else said about the painkillers…take them…plenty and often.
Wishing you a rapid storming past the worst bits to the high ground of pain free walking. Much love.
PS: Dave Sharma is particularly morose. Must be missing you!
Bruce – Janeys are the best and allegedly, a state of mind.
Get well soon Cassie. You really are one of the best posters here. I always enjoy your forthright comments about the phonies and parasites that are the NSW lieboral party!
Just remember once the legs are back working you will be able to kick the bat eared Mong down the stairs and claim the Strangelove defence
It wasn’t me your honour, it was my evil limbs!
Apart from the two films I previously mentioned – Soylent Green (brainwashing, zombification) and Gataca (blood segregation) – the film that’s been running through my mind a lot lately is The Fugitive. There was big pharma committing murder to prevent exposure of the side effects of a new drug expected to make millions for them.
You could dial the number of actual victims up to the millions now, bearing in mind that the virus was likely deliberately released, the vaccine has serious side effects which were known prior to release, hospital treatment protocols are life threatening and the fact that everything possible was and is being done to prevent the use of known effective therapeutics. And, of course, the suspicious deaths of multiple people who looked like they might be a threat to them.
In the film, the good guy won. In real life?
Quite so.
A relative of mine was in for an op two-three years ago.
The humourless doctor on his rounds noted that he hadn’t used the drug pump very much.
“No” he says. “I’m saving it to take home.”
Awkward silence.
Doctor quietly backs away.
I guess it might not have been the first time he had heard that, and not as a joke.
So they say!
Be prepared for a titanium knee to the nuts, Dave.
Oh, and ask if then can make you a proper old chook and put the knees on backwards
The Three Thousand …
Cassie, if you get lucky the painkillers can lead to spectacular dreams of Coleridge proportions.
Not exactly.
They banished his flatulates to their own section of ‘Area 51,’ and even then most of it was so egregious that they fragged it without any further consideration. Bird now moping and bitching that some evil ‘Globalist’ conspiracy has allegedly taken full editorial control of all Catallaxy spin-offs.
For some reason, Mike Curb’s Congregation keeps coming to mind…
But no Shermans for Bird. Bird, for all his faults and failings, is not worthy of Shermans.
Also “Omega Man” and “I Am Legend”.
Disease movies annoy me, so I haven’t watched either of them, nor Contagion and Outbreak.
Liked 12 Monkeys though. But it was really a time travel movie.
Very, very sad to read that, Cassie. But we all have down times, even the strongest among us. And you, of course are in that number.
Time for a bit of ‘bugger! This is all too much.’ Lie back and feel sorry for yourself for a while. For as long as you need. It might seem unlikely at the moment, but before long you will charge back, refreshed and ready to go again. You’re just that sort of girl.
In the meantime, know that many are wishing you all the best and eagerly awaiting your next posts.
Not to mention Miss Allegra “Bill Lawreyesque Nose” Spender.
err, as one does. 🙂
Or The Constant Gardener. Pfizer’s bastardry in West Africa in (only mildly geographically transplanted allegory…
Get well soon Cassie . . . we all love your forthright and pointed posts ??
Greenfilth*. We really need them in our lives, apparently.
Except when we don’t, which would be all the time. 🙁
*Spot the personage who isn’t white, middle class and evidently stroogling to make ends meet – oh that’s right – we cannot.
Mmm…looks like using Hebrew gets you into the moderation folder.
Hang in there, Cassie.
Refu’ah shelemah!
Like his stuff although he can be a bit wussy.
Which lets me do this one:
Kiss From A Rose
I am not going to try roast Jana Hocking, she was lied to, as were millions of others of millennial women.
Hint: men don’t like being ignored once they show interest.
It is ridiculous because she is quite pretty and could have gotten a husband by now if she didn’t follow this silly “advice”.
More damage to society made by cretins (who wrote that “advice” book).
Now the Liberal Party of NSW is destroying any reason why men want to even approach women let alone have a relationship.
And by te way, anyone else from Victoria getting calls from NSW a Victorian Govt initiative for you to be able to monitor your electricity usage ?
I’ve had about half-a-dozen such calls where I’ve politely told them to fuck off !
That’s wicked, Rabz.
Wish you lived in SA. We’d love to have you come for Christmas lunch and stay for the guitar, banjo, piano, harmonica, mandolin, ukulele jams later.
Oh, and the invitation is extended to any South Aussies who are barred from family dos.
Look – seriously – these greenfilth imbeciles – WTF?
“I’m really concerned about the future of the planet, because if it wasn’t supposedly in danger I’d be anther bored Beastern Shruburbs Hausfrau, I tells ya!”
“That troublesome Cassie woman – she thinks she can just stomp around bus stops in this sacred place telling us we’re idiots!”
“I’m not having it”
“She has no plans for making Wentworth 110% Carbon Frei, I tells ya!”
This incoherent idiocy, is apparently a seat winning strategy.
Stop the bus – I want off.
No self-respecting Green (not even the paid rent-a-ferals they have on speed dial) would ever be caught dead on a mere bus.
Public Transport is for those dirty proles. Not the nomenklatura…
Rex – that’s why Cassie and myself use it when we need to.
We do not willingly identify with the nomenklatura.
Public Transport is for those dirty proles. Not the nomenklatura…
That’s what fascinates me in a nasty way about leftism- it’s a project by the private school edjucated. Concern for the working man and his family was probably only feigned and they don’t even bother with that any more. I still have some sympathy for the old industrial left (to some extent).
Model trains is a hobby for all ages and sexes- In engages the mind, hones the body and keeps folks safely occupied.
Wallets (discretionary income) impoverished, lives enriched.
Spread The Word…
It’s Good Enough For Rod Stewart…
Via Rabz
Thanks to this indescribable idiocy, Cassie will still be stuck in a small hospital room by herself on that day.
Have I missed something? Has Cassie got her test results back?
Cassie, get well soon.
Would you could watch some pictures of celebrities to cheer you up? Tim Paine selfies perhaps ?
Speakman is a simp and a cuck.
You flatter him.
For poor ol’ ‘bern …
When the shouteeness gets too much – they’re all off to gaol, I tells ya! 🙂
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 18, 2021 at 7:34 pm
I was released from Covid isolation late yesterday afternoon.
Great news.
Yes, all the best Cassie.
BJ – it’s a sensitive subject, Squire.
And again – I’m not here to speak for her.
Cool – Cass is free at last …
la ville de l’amour et de la lumière
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now) says:
December 18, 2021 at 8:14 pm
All the time. Dan wants to be your Daddy. LED lightbulbs, a doover to track your power usage and, I think, solar freebies. All paid for by Dan. (Well, actually a future version of you if you cannot escape this mismanaged state.)
Mark Dice is one of the best shit-stirrers going. Here he is wearing a Rastafarian with false dreadlocks talking to black dudes about cultural appropriation. The only reason he gets away with it is because of his deadpan manner. Plus the fact he’s about 6’4″ and 240lbs.
Blah. What an ‘orrible concept …
December 18, 2021 at 8:11 pm
Greenfilth*. We really need them in our lives, apparently.
Except when we don’t, which would be all the time. ?
*Spot the personage who isn’t white, middle class and evidently stroogling to make ends meet – oh that’s right – we cannot.
White supremacy personified!
PS, only the wealthy can afford to be socialists.
Not the nomenklatura…
You’re zombie virus negative?
What a bummer.
You can keep your soggy used tissues.
I’ve had about half-a-dozen such calls where I’ve politely told them to fuck off !
There’s your mistake, being polite!
I hung up on one such call. The caller phoned back, highly insulted that I had suggested (before hanging up) that he was pushing a scam.
err, peoples might be wondering why there was a regrettable outburst in french above.
It’s because the Assabge* stole my online history and offloaded it to Macadamian Condom Farmers. 😕
That’s not a tale you tell lightly to your family at Christmas, if the Extra testicle Lizard Peoples were to allow you.
*Deliberate – to keep his Ecuadorian broom closet dwelling identity secret, I don’t tells ya!
Where’s the vomit emoji when you really need it?
When BloJo said ‘get Brexit done’ it was a bit of a three card trick.
Considerably more indecipherable.
You may as well be talking Cambodian.
At this point you could indulge in a three way with Faucci and a pangolin while drinking uncooked bat soup and walk away hale and hearty.
You could have told me this sooner, it was truly awful….
But it’s a government approved scam!
Pink bats without the charred bodies (as far as I know, at least). Delivered to you by the ever growing grifter class.
Spread The Word…
It’s Good Enough For Rod Stewart…
That’s incredible work!
If you want reptilians, I have an awesome Billy Ocean muzak vidya to show you.
You forgot the free hot water upgrade.
Pol – evidently it’s the time of the year when languishin’ in a jungle is about all I’m allowed.
If you care to join me, there will be many philosophical discussions, we would hope.
Poor ol’ Arks will not be mentioned, nor will these cuddly li’l creatures.
After enlisting in December 1941, just five days before his 20th birthday, he was posted to Darwin where he trained as a signaller/cipher operator.
He then joined the Commandos and was deployed to East Timor with the 2/4th Independent Company, attached to the legendary Sparrow Force headquarters.
Ellwood followed a similar path as Leonard Siffleet, who also became a Special Forces signaller. Siffleet was also captured, while serving with M Special Force in New Guinea. From there their paths differ.
Siffleet featured in an infamous photograph, taken a sword stroke before a Japanese officer beheaded him, soon followed by the two Papuans captured with him.
Poms follow on!
either or. Hmm I might be eligible…
Waterfront …
From a spicy source.
California Soul … 🙂
rosie says:
December 18, 2021 at 9:09 pm
True, that, although I’ve only been called about that one once so far and I hung up before hearing the details. I then thought of my Mum’s hot water service which is close to 30 years old.
I’m sure they’ll call again…
I wanna get into it man
You know, like a sex masheen, man …
Yo – pure as, peoples! 🙂
Oh, if it’s rolled into solar it may not be worth the effort. The foliage at Mum’s would render it a waste of time!
Rabz says:
December 18, 2021 at 9:14 pm
My kids don’t need Shazam for that one… 🙂
The original and the best.
A soundtrack for these sacred cultural garments … 🙂
Proper audio quality …
The clarity …
We are so stuffed