Open Thread – Mon 20 Dec 2021

The Annunciation, Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1898

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December 20, 2021 1:00 pm

address the source of the problem: the education system

Tudge was at least making noises about that.

Until he was sidelined.

Reckon? How come Abbott won in a landslide in 2013 on stop illegal immigration and the CO2 tax?

Border sovereignty is non-negotiable for the Australian public – even Labor has had to adjust to that – not least because the public know that the welfare state is guaranteed thereby: lose control of the borders and all bets are off.

Abbott had to introduce a practical program to “combat climate change” in liue of the carbon tax to assuage those for whom this is an issue.

And, lastly, just consider the reaction to Hockey’s “horror budget” which had only relatively minor budgetary reforms.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 20, 2021 1:00 pm

We’ll see more of this growing out of the networks established to sell under-the-counter cigarettes at half to two-thirds the cost of the taxed variety.

I remember reading about the Bolsheviks, after the revolution and looking to impose their utopia, gathered up all the land records and deeds and set fire to them – freeing the serfs from their suzerain lords and cutting the wealthy off from decadent indolent lives of luxury.

Of course the next morning the peasants got up, went to their workplaces and kept working, doffing caps to their masters who still lived in big houses and ruled their domain.

The Bolsheviks really believed the system would fall over if you just tore up the papers where arrangements were recorded.

December 20, 2021 1:02 pm

Way to miss the point, Jorge.

December 20, 2021 1:03 pm

Top Australian doctor, Dr Zoe Hyde

She’s not a patch on Frank and Billy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 1:03 pm

Cancel culture reaches a peak with war on ‘racist’ mountains

A cable car at Squaw Valley, which is now being renamed. Picture: Nathan Kendal

By Alistair Dawber
The Times
An hour ago December 20, 2021

More than a thousand places and monuments may be renamed as America tries to wipe out offensive place names.

Racist and sexist place names are found throughout the US after white settlers took over land that had been occupied by indigenous peoples.

In Colorado, for example, a state board is considering proposals to rename at least 20 natural features, including Redskin Mountain and Negro Mesa. The state’s geographic naming advisory board has ruled that Chinaman Gulch should be Yan Sing Gulch, from the Cantonese words meaning “resilience”.

The state has changed Squaw Mountain, a pejorative term for a Native American woman, to Mestaa’ehehe Mountain, in honour of a 19th-century Cheyenne translator.

“Words mean ideas,” Randy Wheelock, a member of the Colorado county commissioners’ board told The Washington Post. “These new words that we learn will connect us to the real history.”

In California, an initiative has been announced to “redress discriminatory names” for state parks.

In June, 16 places in Texas were renamed to remove the word “negro”. Similar changes are planned in Nevada and Utah.

Deb Haaland, interior secretary and the first Native American to serve in the US cabinet, said last month that the word “squaw” was derogatory and ordered that it be removed from more than 650 names of federal sites. “Racist terms have no place in our vernacular or on our federal lands,” she said.

Changing place names can take years, especially in the face of opposition or when there is a debate over a new name. Haaland hopes to accelerate the federal process but final approval rests with the US Board on Geographic Names, which was formed in 1890 to standardise maps across America.

Jennifer Runyon, a researcher at the board, said that it had received 430 proposals in the year to October to change offensive names including Mulatto Run in Virginia, Sambo Creek in Pennsylvania and Dead Indian Mountain in Oregon.

“A lot of the names did override a name given by a tribal group,” she said. “They had names for those places.”

There are rules that have come into force over the years. The n-word is banned, as are pejorative references to Japanese people. Squaw is the latest term added to the banned list.

Some critics see the ban as an example of “cancel culture”, similar to the removal of Confederate statues.

Last year, a referendum was held in Mississippi on the design of the state flag, replacing one that included the Confederate battle flag. Almost three quarters of voters approved the new design, although they were not given the chance to vote to keep their old flag.

December 20, 2021 1:04 pm

Friend in WA (2 x jab) very very upset for her daughter in NSW (3 x jab) who cannot go home for Christmas. They all got the jabs because they believed the lie govt and media told them that having the jabs means life will return to normal.
Sadly, the penny hasn’t dropped for any of them.

Asutralians are alone in the Western world in their naive blind faith in Big Tech and Big Government. Go any day to a supermarket forecourt or Dan Murphy’s and watch the lemmings lining up to send their personal health details to a Green-voting bureaucrat in Canberra or a coder in Silicon Valley who hates democracy and sends all his/her political donations to antifa/BLM.

December 20, 2021 1:05 pm

[Palaszczuk] said she strongly recommended wearing masks in indoor settings, but it would not be mandated.

We are inflicted with politicians who opine on medical science and CHOs who offer up their personal views as medical advice.

God help us, for no one else can it seems.

December 20, 2021 1:06 pm

Does that mean last week’s mandate is over?

I think it just means they’re not expanding it.

It doesn’t currently cover pubs, clubs and theme parks. Because there’s no unvaccinated people to punish there.

December 20, 2021 1:11 pm

Right. I went for a shop yesterday but didn’t wear a mask. Nobody cared at the bakery I went to but a youngish Karen at a Kwiki-Mart said, “so, did you check in.”
I have never checked in anywhere and never will.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 1:13 pm

Listening to Palacechook’s presser on the increasing Covid cases.

The reptiles are being extraordinarily uppitty- asking whether her ‘Open the Gates’ strategy has already failed her subjects.

In return, Our Lady of Queensland Hospitals for Queenslanders is getting shitty:

“This is what we expected all along…”

“For Heaven’s sake, all we are asking is for people to wear a mask – that’s not much, is it?

So, a plan coming together.

December 20, 2021 1:18 pm

Queensland’s new chief quack has accidentally broken the CHO code of ssshhh conduct:

Qld CHO: 66 patients are in hospital ‘but only one of them is there for medical reasons’.

“There are other reasons why patients might be in hospital with COVID-19 such as isolating them from sick relatives, etc. We are increasingly managing patients with COVID-19 in their homes.”

“And quite a number of patients have been shifted to home care in the last few days.

“In fact, there are 32 cases currently being cared for in their home or in another suitable residence.”

I speculated months ago that a lot of ‘covid patients’ were just being warehoused in hospitals – with the added advantage that it bolstered the official number.

Thanks for confirming, Johnny Boy.

December 20, 2021 1:27 pm

I speculated months ago that a lot of ‘covid patients’ were just being warehoused in hospitals

QLD had a policy of admitting all covid positive cases to hospital until fairly recently.

Gerrard is at least revoking some of the sillier/more sinister orders.

December 20, 2021 1:28 pm

“twostix says:
December 20, 2021 at 12:11 pm
The immense global public health bureaucratic class saw that the people were compliant and decided to go all in on their long dreamed of ‘new normal’ (a utopian vision of a data driven, ‘scientific’ state of mass surveillance, and control to create perfect illness and crime free cities – using their much admired Chinese autocratic method of governance) and here we are.

This 15 minute short film is so on point with the real world, it had to be comedic … or you wouldn’t stop crying …

A man lives in a society where citizens police each other with their mobile phones. | Utopia

December 20, 2021 1:28 pm

Re Tom’s Toons, this is the Davey effort:

It shits me that some moron can lump Trump in with the world’s dictators. Boris not so much.

December 20, 2021 1:28 pm

In return, Our Lady of Queensland Hospitals for Queenslanders is getting shitty

She’s starting to crack already?

And we’re only a week in.

Pass the popcorn!

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
December 20, 2021 1:28 pm

In the big smoke (Perth) for the weekend.

Nobody wearing masks, no “social distancing”. lots of QR code thingys posted everywhere but hardly anyone using them.

The only place that insisted on QR check in that I went to was the Perth Mint. The very pleasant lady on the gate wouldn’t unlock the gate until until you showed her your phone.

I showed her the screenshot of the green tick I made months ago, lo and behold the gate swung open.

local oaf
December 20, 2021 1:35 pm

the electorate is moving incrementally leftwards and has been for decades.

I don’t think the electorate is moving leftward, the media’s representation of the people has moved leftward.

Stupid politicians believe what the media tell them.

December 20, 2021 1:36 pm

Just adding my 50c worth (adjusted for inflation), Roger

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 1:42 pm

Palaszczuk] said she strongly recommended wearing masks in indoor settings, but it would not be mandated.

Does that mean last week’s mandate is over?

No. I didn’t hear it that way.

As I understand things, masks are mandatory for all in any of the wens and rookeries where the unjabbed are permitted.

Our Lady of Perpetual Clarity was suggesting that there is an important health benefit in wearing a mask in the indoor places reserved for the finer folk.

The ship of State is being moved around to face the headwind that vaccination doesn’t do much to prevent infection.

December 20, 2021 1:43 pm

Just adding my 50c worth (adjusted for inflation), Roger

OK…but their behaviour was so offensive because they are part of a government apparatus that at that very time was inflicting the worst privations since the war on ordinary Britons, including forcing people to die alone in hospital bereft of the comforts of family or clergy. And not a hint of remorse until they were uncovered. And now they are considering impising the same restrictions all over again. They disgust me.

December 20, 2021 1:45 pm

WEF – Stakeholder Capitalism

Seems Japan is on board – CEO of NEC, Mistubishi etc.

local oaf
December 20, 2021 1:46 pm

Delta A says:
December 20, 2021 at 12:27 pm

Maybe I have too much spare time, but I wonder about things,

You’re a funny guy, oaf.

Actually what I think will happen is, the US will have devalued their currency so much that wrought iron will be used for coins and all presidents will look black in the future.
Affirmative action!

December 20, 2021 1:47 pm

Sure, point taken.

I thought the word ‘parties’ deliberately inflammatory from the press.

December 20, 2021 1:51 pm

“Data from the UK confirm that two vaccine doses now provide little protection from symptomatic infection caused by the omicron variant,” she shared.

lying bint.

The data from the UK shows us Omicron is nothing to be afraid of.

somewhere between 37 and 137k cases, with 104 hospitalisations and 12 deaths.

December 20, 2021 1:52 pm

But legalisation doesn’t undo networks of organised criminals or undo their corrupting influences

In Australia, some of the biggest crooks have been cops.

You know what to do…defund the police!

Seriously though, Victoria needs to be split apart and be forced to purge the police, judiciary and legal profession.

December 20, 2021 1:54 pm

I don’t think the electorate is moving leftward, the media’s representation of the people has moved leftward.

Try and take big government away from Australians and watch what happens.

We’re never going back to the pre-war era of personal responsibility and small government…ever.

That’s what I meant by incrementally moving leftwards for decades.

December 20, 2021 1:57 pm

We’re never going back to the pre-war era of personal responsibility and small government…ever.

I hope you’re wrong.

December 20, 2021 1:59 pm

“Zoe” is the gen Y “Karen”

Karens’ tend to be boomer or gen X

December 20, 2021 2:03 pm

I hope you’re wrong.

I think the only thing that will bring it about is some external or internal shock that will make the present system untenable either politically or financially.

Otherwise we’ve passed de Tocqueville’s point where the electorate will continue to vote themselves largesses from the public purse. I don’t think the Australian electorate is as profligate as many others are in that regard but they’re essentially happy with the trade off of relatively high personal taxes for a big service providing government.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 2:09 pm

I speculated months ago that a lot of ‘covid patients’ were just being warehoused in hospitals…

And you were correct:

Dr Gerrard said the state government was changing the way it dealt with COVID cases.

“Previously we have been admitting all patients with COVID-19 to hospitals in Queensland, mostly for infection-control purposes,” he said.

“We are moving away from that model and we are clearing beds to allow capacity in the coming weeks, should we require it.

“At this stage, we have no-one in intensive care in our hospitals.”

So, only counting Covid cases in hospital and emptying hospitals of Covid patients.

A two benefits in one strategy. What a good idea.
[Apologies to the super-trustworthy Sensodyne chap.]

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
December 20, 2021 2:13 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 20, 2021 at 1:03 pm

Last year, a referendum was held in Mississippi on the design of the state flag, replacing one that included the Confederate battle flag. Almost three quarters of voters approved the new design, although they were not given the chance to vote to keep their old flag.

Democracy, “progressive” style.

December 20, 2021 2:23 pm

We’re never going back to the pre-war era of personal responsibility and small government…ever.

not in our lifetime, the bureaucracy has bloated beyond critical mass, the public has been conditioned to receive compensation for all life’s little problems, gaianism crossed with wokeism is the new state cult

December 20, 2021 2:27 pm

Steve Smith declared both Aussie innings at nine down. Nathan Lyon twice denied a Test hundred.

December 20, 2021 2:34 pm

@Bruce (@Tinta)
there is no examination of the safety of ivermectin
Funny enough, there is. The TGA published a study many years ago – when IVM was approved to treat scabies. Super safe!
Or if you think that’s too radical, search the TGA web site for “scabies and Ivermectin” – I lost the URL.

December 20, 2021 2:36 pm

Without comment.

FMD Dover! Put a warning on those posts. That cannot be unseen.

December 20, 2021 2:37 pm

December 20, 2021 at 2:23 pm
We’re never going back to the pre-war era of personal responsibility and small government…ever.

not in our lifetime, the bureaucracy has bloated beyond critical mass, the public has been conditioned to receive compensation for all life’s little problems, gaianism crossed with wokeism is the new state cult

We are heading to a new world order when big companies run things. Bit like the East India Company.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 2:39 pm

The only place that insisted on QR check in that I went to was the Perth Mint

I would have signed in as “Ray Mickleberg.”

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 2:40 pm


What exactly does the ABC’s correspondent in the USA do?

They go to the Ideologically Correct parties to find out what’s happening.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 20, 2021 2:41 pm

The data from the UK shows us Omicron is nothing to be afraid of.

One of my family is exasperated by the Premier’s decision not to put NSW back into lockdown. But she is putting on a brave face. Even made the comment that if she gets it she will just have disinfectant injected into her, or have UV light shone inside.

Almost two years and they are still trotting out that nonsense – but I suppose hating Trump is very re-assuring. I would not be surprised if, at Christmas, she tells people she was going to serve a plastic turkey like George Bush.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 2:44 pm

ABC spent about $2.6 million in the 2020-21 financial year on external legal costs
ABC journalist Louise Milligan has been involved in two defamation cases in 2021 as the public broadcaster’s external legal bill soars.

Sophie Elsworth
Media Writer
8:07PM December 19, 2021

The ABC’s external legal bills nearly tripled in the past financial year as several high-profile ­defamation proceedings left the public broadcaster facing spiralling costs.

In the 2020-2021 financial year, the ABC spent $2.595m on external legal fees, climbing from $901,000 in the previous financial year.

The sharp spike in costs was revealed last week in the return of questions on notice that had been put to ABC managing director David Anderson at a Senate Estimates hearing in November.

The amount spent on engaging lawyers in the 2020-21 financial year is the highest in the past three financial years — in the 2018-19 financial year, the ABC spent $1.489m on external legal costs.

Despite the rising legal expenses, the ABC would not disclose a breakdown of costs or provide legal invoices because it said the information was the “subject of a claim of legal professional privilege and contains commercial in-confidence information”.

The costs revealed in the questions on notice do not include any internal legal expenses for the ABC.

Mr Anderson said at multiple Senate estimates hearings this year the broadcaster was facing extensive costs for engaging external lawyers on two high-profile cases involving Four Corners ­investigative journalist Louise Milligan.

She was involved in the defamation case earlier in the year in relation to her reporting on rape allegations against former federal Attorney-General Christian ­Porter.

No charges were ever laid against Mr Porter and the ABC said in June its legal expenses in the case had amounted to $780,000.

The ABC spent $680,000 defending the matter and agreed to pay $100,000 to Porter’s solicitor Rebekah Giles.

The public broadcaster will also end up spending at least $200,000 in the defamation proceedings brought against Milligan after she used her private Twitter account to falsely post about federal Liberal MP Andrew Laming, whom she accused of “upskirting” a woman.

No charges were laid in relation to the matter.

Mr Anderson said he made the decision to indemnify Milligan in the Laming case despite her making the posts in her own time, and on her own social media account.

The ABC engaged Sydney-based external legal firm Bird & Bird to represent Milligan in the proceedings.

“I had made that decision, I did not seek the board’s approval, nor would I in matters of a similar nature where I am duty-bound to discharge my duties,” Mr Anderson said in October.

The ABC paid the federal MP $79,000 in damages and covered the cost of both Milligan and Dr Laming’s legal expenses. The costs could potentially double if fringe benefits tax is deemed to apply to the legal case meaning the total liability to the taxpayer could blow out to $400,000.

Determination as to whether FBT will apply in this matter is expected to be finalised early in the new year.

At Senate estimates in November, Mr Anderson also confirmed the public broadcaster had 36 lawyers on staff – with 28 in the legal team and eight in the business affairs division.

He defended the size of the in-house legal team: “They do not just do litigation disputes. They do prepublication and training for programs that are about to be published.”

However Mr Anderson did admit there was a problem retaining lawyers at the ABC, telling Estimates: “I wouldn’t normally reveal this but people are being offered jobs, and we’ve got a few vacancies we are trying to fill.”

The ABC budgets about $7m a year for legal expenses and this doesn’t include work the public broadcaster does outside of the media organisation.

The ABC would not respond to questions from The Australian.

December 20, 2021 2:45 pm

December 20, 2021 at 1:54 pm
I don’t think the electorate is moving leftward, the media’s representation of the people has moved leftward.

Try and take big government away from Australians and watch what happens.

We’re never going back to the pre-war era of personal responsibility and small government…ever.

That’s what I meant by incrementally moving leftwards for decades.

That wouldn’t happen to coincide with the push for more and more immigration would it?

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 2:54 pm


Agenda 21 in 10 minutes. Absolutely terrifying.
“People Are Completely Unaware Of This” – Something is Going On…

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m suspicious of expensive videos like this. I mean it must have cost a fair bit to hire the actors, the sets, etc.
It’s too damn slick.

December 20, 2021 2:56 pm

Well, that was fun. Just had my long-put-off eye test, picked out some new frames and [drumroll] got a haircut at a non vaxx demanding hairdressers.

It was really strange – all these mask wearing oddballs glaring at me as I strolled about the shopping centre. I thought they’d be over it by now but, no, they’re sticking with their cult. They must like it.

The hairdresser told me that one male customer attacked her for not masking up – a kindly gentleman zoomed in to protect her from the raving lunatic. He hadn’t thought through the fact that she was the one with the scissors. This is where we are right now.

An old lady asked my permission to go maskless into Bunnings. This is the second time someone has done this to me. I must have a look of authority or something. 😀

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 20, 2021 2:58 pm

Seriously though, Victoria needs to be split apart and be forced to purge the police, judiciary and legal profession.

In my garage, I think I have the ideal medieval tool to split the Vik police, judiciary and legal profession apart.
When can I start?

December 20, 2021 3:01 pm

The Beloved also had his eyes tested. He asked the optometrist if he wanted him to wear a mask. The optometrist said no, I’m not wearing one, why should you? And also that we were all going to get a dose of the stupid thing so why try to avoid the inevitable?


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2021 3:18 pm

The ABC’s external legal bills nearly tripled in the past financial year as several high-profile ­defamation proceedings left the public broadcaster facing spiralling costs.

Anyone notice how quiet the Heston Russel affair suddenly went?

I’d imagine a few more million to add to the legal bills for 2021-22 before long. Maybe a Walkley for Mark Willacy in recognition of his slanders of SASR and 2CDO operators, but tht’s a bit of a Pyrrhic victory in the face of the reputational damage the ABC has inflicted on itself these last few years.

Normies will be noticing…

December 20, 2021 3:24 pm

It was really strange – all these mask wearing oddballs glaring at me as I strolled about the shopping centre. I thought they’d be over it by now but, no, they’re sticking with their cult. They must like it.

I popped ovet to the local shopping centre this morning and thought I’d missed a, new, dum parrot-head edict when I realise masks were back up to 90% .. dropped off to maybe 50% during last week but way up again! …
Then again, out here in Wetherill Park, NSW the SE Asians seem to have fallen in luv with face nappies, walking, shopping, driving, probably, sleeping a swell! .. LOL!

Cassie of Sydney
December 20, 2021 3:32 pm

“He defended the size of the in-house legal team: “They do not just do litigation disputes. They do prepublication and training for programs that are about to be published.””

Well clearly the “in-house legal team” were asleep when previewing the Luna Park and Juanita Neilson documentaries.

December 20, 2021 3:38 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 3:38 pm


Otherwise we’ve passed de Tocqueville’s point where the electorate will continue to vote themselves largesses from the public purse. I don’t think the Australian electorate is as profligate as many others are in that regard but they’re essentially happy with the trade off of relatively high personal taxes for a big service providing government.

Then the only way to improve the situation is to force improvements to the appalling inefficiency of government services. Dot’s suggestion of breaking up Victoria (and add in all the large states) and reforming the institutions of the state would be a useful start point.

December 20, 2021 3:39 pm

Seen elsewhere …

IMAGINE we were living in medieval times…. and you’d been invited to a royal banquet. ? ? ?

The ones in charge were extremely keen to get you to drink the wine. They were very insistent. ?

You’d probably assume the wine was poisoned.

“Drink this wonderful wine.”

“No thank you.”

“Be a good guest! Drink the wine. We uncorked it especially. It’s a beautiful and rare vintage.”

“No thank you. I appreciate the offer though.”

“Drink the wine. It’s very expensive but you can have a glass for free, and we’ll give you an extra plate of supper.”

“No I’m fine as I am.”

“Drink the wine and we’ll feed your entire village for a week and reduce your taxes.”

“Wow all that for wine? What’s in it? Still, no thank you.”

“We’ll make you a Duke.”

“Very generous but no thanks I’m content in my home.”

“You are not anti-wine are you????”

“No I just don’t feel like drinking this wine this evening.”

“Drink the damn wine or we’ll stop you working.”


You notice they’re getting desperate now.

“We’ll ban you from markets.”

“Wow your tone has changed.”

“Now you need to drink 3 glasses or we’ll stop you riding your horse or seeing your family for the next year.”

“Wait, what? 3 glasses? Can’t see my family?”

“Did we say 3 glasses? We meant 3 bottles.”

“3 bottles?”

“Yes…every few months we want you to drink 3 bottles of this particular wine we’ve prepared indefinitely for the next years.”


Yes, or we’ll try you for treason.”

“Ok what is IN this damn wine that you are trying SO HARD to get everyone to drink it?”

“We can’t tell you. Trade secret.”

“It’s poisoned isn’t it?”

“’s…ummm…it’s just really really good for you. It’s um, special healing wine.”

“Then why all the threats?”

“We just need you to… I mean we strongly encourage you to drink the wine so you don’t miss out.”

“But the Earl drank a glass and collapsed.”


“No…like he was fine then had a glass then keeled over…he’s still on the floor writhing. Look at him! His face is blue and he’s clawing at his chest.”

“Coincidence. Guards…please escort the Earl to his chambers. He’s had too much wine.”

“I knew it was the wine! What about the rest of the court? Half of them also collapsed after the wine.”

“Those guests got ill from something else. Probably the chicken.”

“All at the same time?”

“You sure do ask a lot of questions! Guards! Guards… get this man his wine.”

“I don’t want it. What if something happens to me after drinking it?”

“We’re not liable for that.”

“Not liable for the wine you produce? I definitely don’t want it.”

“Drink your wine so everyone else doesn’t get a hangover.”

“Huh? That makes no sense. Maybe if they didn’t keep DRINKING they wouldn’t get HUNGOVER in the first place?”

“Look at these paintings of people drinking wine all over the gallery. Look how happy they look.”

“Paintings? Look, I don’t drink wine. I don’t want the wine. Even the idea of drinking this wine leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

“Ah no matter if you don’t want to drink it.”

“Ok good. Let’s drop the subject now”

“You don’t have to drink it. We can pump it directly into your veins. You won’t even have to taste it”

“Wait, into my veins? Are you serious? I don’t want your damn wine!”


THIS is how absurd the conversation is getting now.

Anytime anyone tries so hard to pressure you into something: it’s rarely if EVER because it serves YOUR best interests or because it’s good for you. More likely it’s in THEIR best interests.

December 20, 2021 3:41 pm

An old lady asked my permission to go maskless into Bunnings. This is the second time someone has done this to me. I must have a look of authority or something.

Next time ask them to roll over and bark like a dog before they can go maskless.
Just for giggles

December 20, 2021 3:42 pm

Then again, out here in Wetherill Park, NSW the SE Asians seem to have fallen in luv with face nappies, walking, shopping, driving…

There’s an Asian doctor in the media today warning that unless NSW cancels Christmas yada yada yada.

Might have something to do with it, although it seems SE Asians are quite attached to their masks in any case.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2021 3:44 pm

Might have something to do with it, although it seems SE Asians are quite attached to their masks in any case.

Old, generational cultural affiliation. Particularly for people who grew up in smoggy capital cities.

Adopting the filter mask for protection for/from others’ respiratory diseases was a simple adaptation.

December 20, 2021 3:45 pm

Then the only way to improve the situation is to force improvements to the appalling inefficiency of government services. Dot’s suggestion of breaking up Victoria (and add in all the large states) and reforming the institutions of the state would be a useful start point.

If we’re stuck with big government we’d best hope for Red Toryism or similar.

Labor is a proven disaster.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 3:48 pm


We are heading to a new world order when big companies run things. Bit like the East India Company.

It is passing strange that the fascist left, which used to riot over globalisation and screech in outrage about “Big Business” is now in bed with globalisation and corporatism, while their opponents favour something much more like Arthur Calwell campaigned for.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 3:55 pm


Pre-COVID and the 2020 US election I used to think that no matter how awful our politicians are we can ride it out as the bureaucracy will run the country on auto-pilot until the insanity passes. Now I think that even good politicians cannot fight the unelected bureaucracy once it goes rogue.

This is what happens when a bureaucracy gets too big. It becomes arrogant and aloof.
The only way out is to purge it.
I could remove half of the departments and half of the public service payroll whilst increasing productivity, standing on my head.
It just takes the will to do it and that is what is lacking.
During a crisis it is doable.
First though, we need a crisis.

December 20, 2021 3:55 pm

It is passing strange that the fascist left, which used to riot over globalisation and screech in outrage about “Big Business” is now in bed with globalisation and corporatism

There is no principle the Left will not disavow to attain power.

December 20, 2021 4:03 pm

Well, holding Broad & Anderson back for Adelaide worked well.

December 20, 2021 4:12 pm

Pentatonix – just in time for Christmas.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2021 4:14 pm

Razey says

I disagree. They are part of it. If they wanted to shut it down, all they need to do is tell the truth.

Too late for the truth. Whatever it might have been.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2021 4:26 pm

Friend in WA (2 x jab) very very upset for her daughter in NSW (3 x jab) who cannot go home for Christmas. They all got the jabs because they believed the lie govt and media told them that having the jabs means life will return to normal.

These are the people who will matter politically. They haven’t really started to shift but I expect they will (eventually).

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 4:34 pm


Not great. It’s clear he went to hospital once in the 2 years he was at the front. Took me a while but it appears it was a bad case of Scabies! LOL.

Did they treat it with ivermectin?

December 20, 2021 4:35 pm

Old, generational cultural affiliation. Particularly for people who grew up in smoggy capital cities.

No one EVER wore masks out here before the BAT FLU rules came in …….

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2021 4:38 pm

Stupid boy!
Twenty year old nephew broke his nose at basketball. Off to the doctor for examination and needs fixing. Doctor says he would give him endone for the pain. The goof says “That’s fifty bucks a tab on the street.”
Doctor says “You can have Panadol then.”

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2021 4:39 pm

Did they treat it with ivermectin?

Carbolic soap and washing one’s clothing in kerosene was the solution at the time, I think.

By 1941-2 in the Western Desert, the heavily motorised and mechanised Allied 8th Army had the use of high-octane gasoline as disinfectant, cleaning agent and cooking fire fuel down to a very fine art…


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2021 4:41 pm

Old, generational cultural affiliation. Particularly for people who grew up in smoggy capital cities.

No one EVER wore masks out here before the BAT FLU rules came in …….

No no, shatterzzz.

I meant SE Asia.

Smoggy, smoky Beijing and Tokyo down to Smoggy, smoky Bangkok and Singapore to Smoggy, smoky Taipei and Manila.

Some people more so than others. Same with the regular bird flus and other nasties that popped up outside town and followed the spluttering, sniffly farming folk into the coty markets.

December 20, 2021 4:47 pm

Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act appears to be dead on arrival thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin pulling his support.

Does Joe have the ticker to stick around for 3 years as a lame duck?

December 20, 2021 4:50 pm

Arky says:
December 20, 2021 at 10:15 am

Only lefties could manage to produce weed so inefficiently that illegal operators, who are always at risk of being busted and losing all their gear, can grow the stuff for half the price the government-regulated shops charge.


Puts the lie to the libertarian theory that legalisation is the answer.
Crims don’t go away just because you made the thing they were doing legal.
For sure, it could be true that prohibition has an initial accelerating effect on organised crime. But legalisation doesn’t undo networks of organised criminals or undo their corrupting influences.

What a completely idiotic comment from the thought leader. Insufferably stupid.

Libertarians wouldn’t be for legislation unless it was for total and complete deregulation. Going from complete prohibition to a form of semi-regulation such a obtaining approval to sell the junk and raising a tax on the sale is not based on libertarian principles.

We had this debate on old Catallaxy about a decade ago when the Greens wanted to introduce a similar format in the consumption of various drugs that are currently illicit. It wasn’t libertarian in the slightest.

Also, just like Prohibition, which ushered in criminal activity, it’s very difficult to remove criminality from weed growing and distribution if the tax rate and the regulatory hurdles are set too high.

Stupid is as stupid does.

December 20, 2021 4:51 pm

Arkymedes struck thought.. again. Please let it stop.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 4:52 pm

By 1941-2 in the Western Desert, the heavily motorised and mechanised Allied 8th Army had the use of high-octane gasoline as disinfectant, cleaning agent and cooking fire fuel down to a very fine art…

I read one account of that campaign that claimed that the Allied fuel containers that that gasoline was carried in were so flimsy that thirty percent of all that gasoline was lost – the German “Jerry can” was far superior.

December 20, 2021 4:56 pm

Zulu, many apologies. I meant to press older comments and accidentally reported yours. Dover, my bad.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2021 4:57 pm

I read one account of that campaign that claimed that the Allied fuel containers that that gasoline was carried in were so flimsy that thirty percent of all that gasoline was lost – the German “Jerry can” was far superior.

And so the legend began, and continues to this day.

A great and essential piece of gear, a century later.

December 20, 2021 5:04 pm

Rang up a pub I was thinking of going to have lunch at on Wednesday with a mate I used to work with.

“No, we’re not checking for vaccine status, but you have to QR code to get in.”

OK, I said – any other restrictions?

“Yes, if you’re unvaccinated you have to wear a face nappie.”

So that pub is off the list. What utter lunacy.

December 20, 2021 5:05 pm

Here’s the libertarian view of selling weed. No regulation and no excise selling through stores or even in person. If you want to set up selling weed, go right ahead and if previous so called crims are scaled to provide a cheaper product then so be it. That would be the libertarian view and not some made up hallucinatory crapology for people are mentally incapable of understanding an ideology. This is frankly as stupid as the we-make-nafink-bullshit. Unreal.

December 20, 2021 5:06 pm

Hey P,

the horse race caller was an absolute hoot. The horse called “leave them kids alone”, brought to mind this Classic.

Rather appropriate for these times, I believe. Thanks for the clip P.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:11 pm

If you want to set up selling weed, go right ahead and if previous so called crims are scaled to provide a cheaper product then so be it.

That’s more or less the system that happens anyway.
Buy drugs on credit and can’t pay, legs broken.
Your Libertarianism is Survival of The Fittest.

December 20, 2021 5:11 pm

Might have something to do with it, although it seems SE Asians are quite attached to their masks in any case.

They have nothing to lose because they all look the same with or without masks.

December 20, 2021 5:14 pm

Chile is going to be fucked. They almost made it. Sad.

December 20, 2021 5:15 pm

So that pub is off the list. What utter lunacy.

Eventually, the pubs will work out that acting as the government Stasi is costing them customers they’ll never get back.

It will be too late for most of them. And the Stupid Fucking Liberals. If only the Perrottet regime wasn’t controlled by woke fascists from the Michael Photios machine.

Governments have never encountered a problem they couldn’t make worse.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 5:16 pm

Man who murdered Rebels bikie boss Nick Martin faces sentencing hearing

Angie Raphael
NCA NewsWire
16 minutes ago December 20, 2021

The sniper who assassinated Rebels bikie boss Nick Martin in front of horrified children thoroughly researched and watched his victim before eventually firing a fatal shot from more than 300m away.

The 35-year-old former soldier, who cannot be identified, was offered $150,000 to kill Mr Martin, although he did not get the full amount, the West Australian Supreme Court heard on Monday.

Mr Martin was with his family at the busy Perth Motorplex in Kwinana on December 12 last year when he suddenly exclaimed: “I’ve been shot.”

He died a short time later in hospital.

Former Bandidos bikie member Ricky Chapman was also injured in the shooting.

Detectives from Taskforce Ravello finally arrested the killer about three months later and he eventually pleaded guilty to four charges, including murder.

As prosecutor Justin Whalley read out the facts in court on Monday, one of Mr Martin’s family members walked out in tears.

His father also quietly but angrily called out to the killer and raised a fist at him, before supporters and security intervened then briefly led the emotional man out of court until he calmed down and could return to his seat.

Mr Whalley said the killer had early last year been volunteering with Shadows of Hope, which is self-described as “the world’s most fearless charity”, with some of their work involving opening medical clinics and anti-human trafficking raids.

The man was contacted by Rebel turned Comanchero bikie David James Pye, who allegedly wanted Mr Martin dead because Mr Martin had a hit out on him.

Communicating via an encrypted app, the man and Mr Pye later met up in August 2020 and allegedly discussed ways to kill Mr Martin, the court heard.

The man was initially allegedly offered $10,000 for expenses to plan the murder, including surveillance, internet searches, driving past Mr Martin’s home and using a drone to assess the level of security at the victim’s home.

He also assessed the layout of Perth Motorplex, while Mr Martin was there — positioning himself just 10m away from the victim — and at other times when Mr Martin was not there.

Mr Whalley said the man further removed a ramp to improve his line of sight, fired 200 rounds at a small target to practice, and changed the wheels and registration for his vehicle.

Having cut a hole in the fence, the man wore camouflage and crawled into his position then watched Mr Martin through his magnifier scope for up to 15 minutes.

A single round was then fired from about 335m away, which struck Mr Martin in the chest.

The bullet exited Mr Martin’s lower back and hit Mr Chapman in his leg, then his arm.

Mr Pye later allegedly told the shooter the balance of the $150,000 was available to pick up, but it was not the full amount expected.

The court heard Mr Pye allegedly said to him: “The other person didn’t kick in. It is what it is.”

Police later found the man’s cash buried in PVC pipes in bushland.

The court also heard the man was allegedly offered $800,000 then revised down to $600,000 to kill Raymond Cilli, who was believed to be in Thailand, but he never made a decision on whether to do it.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 20, 2021 5:17 pm

No wonder we’re going down the academic gurgler:

almost half the nation’s maths and foreign-language teachers are not qualified in the subjects they teach, education editor Natasha Bita revealed on Saturday. And one in five science teachers had no training in science at university. (The Oz)

My only question is whether we have been dumbed down deliberately or just slid here because it was an easy option.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 5:17 pm

There’s a third option between burial and cremation.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:18 pm

I’ll tell you what, I woulda expected Restaurants that demand to see the Green Tick before allowing entry to take a big hit.
Like fuck they took a hit, the places are on fire.
It appears that a helluva lot of people take this Fake Pandemic extremely seriously and were just waiting for the unvaxxed to be excluded to start eating out again.

December 20, 2021 5:19 pm

Libertarians supported the redefinition of marriage. I would have been fine with them arguing their case for the government having no interest in marriage, but they didn’t. They ended up shoulder to shoulder with the Left’s marriage program.

Some libertarians did and some didn’t. Argue the immediate point though, which is about weed. No libertarian worth this description would support taxing and regulating the sale of weed. If you regulate too heavily and tax it up the shit-house, of course that would cause contraband. Look at tobacco here and the increase sale of chop. You don’t need a freaking libertarian to explain this as any sensible economist would tell you.
Lastly, as I said, you had prohibition in the sale and consumption of weed, which caused criminality to fill the vacuum. Now Arkymedes is shocked there’s contraband in existence when the sale is highly regulated and highly taxed. It’s like some people have never understood even the most basic level of economics.

December 20, 2021 5:22 pm

almost half the nation’s maths and foreign-language teachers are not qualified in the subjects they teach, education editor Natasha Bita revealed on Saturday. And one in five science teachers had no training in science at university. (The Oz)

Remember when we were going to be ‘the clever country’?

December 20, 2021 5:23 pm

It appears that a helluva lot of people take this Fake Pandemic extremely seriously and were just waiting for the unvaxxed to be excluded to start eating out again.

Not long before they don’t want them at supermarkets either, I expect.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:30 pm

Lastly, as I said, you had prohibition in the sale and consumption of weed, which caused criminality to fill the vacuum.

That’s not correct.
Cannabis was taxed, around 1926 the Department collecting the Tax refused to accept it and issue receipts.
That was the end of commercial cultivation.
Around 1942 there was massive demand for fibre rope, so the Treasury started accepting the Tax again.
With the cessation of hostilities in 1945 the need for rope declined and plastics were invented.
So it’s a Tax Issue in America, not a Prohibition Issue
The idea that Cannabis oughtn’t be Taxed is Fruity.
Why shouldn’t it be Taxed?

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:33 pm

Not long before they don’t want them at supermarkets either, I expect.

If the evidence I saw today holds up, I’d say the Supermarkets are robbing themselves by not demanding a Green Tick for entry.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 5:35 pm

Man who murdered Rebels bikie boss Nick Martin faces sentencing hearing

At least 18 years up the creek.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
December 20, 2021 5:36 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:36 pm

In a Coles today, there was only 1 of about 12 Self Service checkouts that accepted Cash.
Gift Voucher [whatever those are] are now money.

December 20, 2021 5:37 pm

Of course they would support it.

Do you really think that libertarians would oppose the legalization of weed under any regulatory regime?

No they would wouldn’t, although I don’t speak for every libertarian. I’ll direct you to the discussions on the old Cat when the Greens introduced a similar policy on drugs. There was no support from libertarians. Here’s your stumbling block. What do you think libertarians would say about those selling outside the tax and regulatory umbrella? Of course they would consider any idea of legal sanctions to be ridiculous. Therefore by default, libertarians wouldn’t support any high taxing highly regulated regime. It wouldn’t work and we would support those contrabanding too.

Set that aside, any legalization is going to occur under the same rubric as that of alcohol and tobacco so they are either going to support that, some regime more liberal regime that would also apply to alcohol and tobacco, or not at all.

Okay. Again let me repeat that if you set the costs of doing business too high then contraband appears. As a libertarian, I have zero problem with those selling moonshine or drugs to other adults. Zero.

December 20, 2021 5:38 pm

Shut up Ed. Stop ruining discussions and annoying everyone.

December 20, 2021 5:39 pm

dover0beach says:
December 20, 2021 at 5:28 pm

Some libertarians did and some didn’t.

Official Libertarianism in Australia supported the redefinition of marriage. Most did, some didn’t.

What’s official libertarianism? Who are most and who are some?

December 20, 2021 5:40 pm

They ended up shoulder to shoulder with the Left’s marriage program.

This is bit of a cheap shot and really undeserving.

What have conservatives done in Australia since the Family Law Act was passed?

December 20, 2021 5:42 pm

Had to laugh.

ABC’s legal bills went through the roof caused by defamatory milliganism.

The ABC’s external legal bills nearly tripled in the past financial year as several high-profile ­defamation proceedings left the public broadcaster facing spiralling costs.

In the 2020-2021 financial year, the ABC spent $2.595m on external legal fees, climbing from $901,000 in the previous financial year.

The sharp spike in costs was revealed last week in the return of questions on notice that had been put to ABC managing director David Anderson at a Senate Estimates hearing in November.

Let’s just hope it’s no relation, for the sake of the taxpayer.

The ABC engaged Sydney-based external legal firm Bird & Bird to represent Milligan in the proceedings.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 5:42 pm

Mother Lode:

The Bolsheviks really believed the system would fall over if you just tore up the papers where arrangements were recorded.

It’s a Leftist vulnerability – change the meaning of a word and you change reality.
Many others…

December 20, 2021 5:43 pm

Libertarians supported the redefinition of marriage.

JC is right. Some libertarians supported redefining marriage, notably dot did.

I don’t know if I’m a libertarian or not; I’m definitely not conservative, and I loathe lefties. Basically, I want a government so small it could be dragged upstairs and drowned in the bathtub. And if ppl want to poison themselves, I’m inclined to let them if they’re not children.

December 20, 2021 5:44 pm

Do you really think that libertarians would oppose the legalization of weed under any regulatory regime?

Yes I do. The model where your doc prescribes and it is still illegal is horrible.

Decriminalisation can actually be worse than being a minor offence and having lax cops.

Let the facts speak for themselves.

Drug-related deaths have remained below the EU average since 2001
The proportion of prisoners sentenced for drugs has fallen from 40% to 15%
Rates of drug use have remained consistently below the EU average

I suggest full legalisation would be better.

December 20, 2021 5:44 pm

Is she even a medical doctor?
Can’t find any quals anywhere.
Doesn’t look like it.
Nope, just the usual interests for these types.

Apparently she is into anal swabs. And we all know what anal swabs lead to.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 5:45 pm

As a libertarian, I have zero problem with those selling moonshine or drugs to other adults. Zero.

People blinded by Moonshine, killed by smoking weedicide [paraquat] sprayed on drug crops?
Brain the Missus with a hammer while on the roids?
That already happens without the Libertarian Imprimatur.

December 20, 2021 5:48 pm

Oh, FFS:

For many observers, it’s been puzzling trying to understand the myriad forces at play in the regular anti-vaccine mandate rallies in the Perth CBD.

At these rallies, nurses in scrubs, people in high-vis vests and parents with small children march alongside people in Donald Trump caps and QAnon t-shirts.

They wave upside-down flags and hold signs with messages like “stop the tyranny”, “reveal the truth” and “ban the mandates”.
LIVE UPDATES: Read our blog for the latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic

Curtin University political extremism researcher Ben Rich said the WA government’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy had galvanised people who had concerns about health, as well as government intrusion on their personal and economic freedoms.

“The protests have demonstrated a much more diverse set of characters and groups than we would have traditionally associated with the anti-vax movement in past times here in Australia,” he said.

Dr Rich is the co-director of the Curtin Extremism Research Network, a group of academics from diverse backgrounds focused on studying cultural extremism, including anti-vaccination movements.

“They make people feel part of something and they are part of an exciting story, an exciting narrative,” he said.

“They’re standing up to power.”

On it drones, even citing Trump as being partially responsible, and, predictably, conflating nutcase anti-vaxxers with people who are concerned about this particular issue.

It demonstrates that the protests have had an effect. We now have the leftist technique of analysing people’s mental health at a distance and thereby consigning them as deserving of either pity or punishment. They pulled this one out of the back pocket because there had to be an official ‘explanation’ for public consumption for these ordinary peeps getting out on the street..

Go, demonstrators, go! You have forced them to respond. Much to their embarrassment, you are not the usual Socialist Left rabble, whose collective psyche they have never shown the slightest interest in.

Oh, and I note that Lizzie has recovered from her latest tantrum, discovering that holding her breath until she was blue was not of much interest to most people here. The blog chugged away just fine without her.

Alas! Woe and betide! Aw, shucks! Phooey! But, but, but …

So, she snuck back in (for the umpteenth time after the umpteenth pseudo-flounce) under the pretense of supporting Cassie.

Her poor husband. But, I suppose that he is used to it.

December 20, 2021 5:48 pm

So Ed – are you going to go full Singapore/Daesh (executions, i.e., killing people) for drug crimes to “save lives” or accept people will always take drugs and no intervention has the lowest cost (proven time and time again)?

If prohibition works, it should have worked with alcohol in the USA and USSR.

December 20, 2021 5:49 pm

I don’t know if I’m a libertarian or not; I’m definitely not conservative, and I loathe lefties. Basically, I want a government so small it could be dragged upstairs and drowned in the bathtub. And if ppl want to poison themselves, I’m inclined to let them if they’re not children.

Then you’re basically libertarian, Doc.

December 20, 2021 5:49 pm

Format fail.


December 20, 2021 5:49 pm

They would bellyache about legal sanctions but nevertheless support people going into a licensed store and buying weed off the shelf under a same/similar regime as alcohol and tobacco.

Because good is the enemy of the best.

December 20, 2021 5:50 pm

Jesus christ people, who is upticking Ed? You’re a comedian, whomever you are!

December 20, 2021 5:51 pm


It happened by default, John Howard redefined marriage.

Now, what have John Howard, yourself, Cory, Pauline…etc ever done about the anti male, anti civilisational family law?

December 20, 2021 5:52 pm

Dot, you realise you can uptick your own comments…I experimented et voila!

Then I confessed because the burden of guilt was too much to bear. 😀

December 20, 2021 5:54 pm

They would bellyache about legal sanctions but nevertheless support people going into a licensed store and buying weed off the shelf under a same/similar regime as alcohol and tobacco.

Of course they would. Go for it. Of course we would also support anyone wanting to sell weed away from the regulated/taxed regime. This is not a binary position. Libertarians can support both. Of course regulatory/taxing regime is better than outright prohibition. That doesn’t mean Libertarians wouldn’t support contraband. If a government is too stupid (redundant, I know) to set up a regime that is too highly taxed and regulated then that’s the government’s problem. The free market does what it does best, which is to satisfy demand at the lowest possible price.

December 20, 2021 5:55 pm

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because brand conservatives in this country are liberals.

They are centre left and have been since Fraser capitulated the country to the long march. You abuse the term “liberal” because (IIRC) you lived in the US for a while. The Liberals are/were to the left of the US Dems until the last electoral cycle over there.

December 20, 2021 5:55 pm

Excellent interview with Ron DeSantis.

Ron DeSantis: Floridians know there will be no lockdowns

December 20, 2021 5:56 pm

Dot says:
December 20, 2021 at 5:50 pm

Jesus christ people, who is upticking Ed? You’re a comedian, whomever you are!

It’s Ed himself.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 5:59 pm

Mr Ed

If the evidence I saw today holds up, I’d say the Supermarkets are robbing themselves by not demanding a Green Tick for entry.

What evidence was that?

December 20, 2021 6:04 pm

dot, you need to stop worrying about the innocence of liberalism. She has always been a tart.

You forget how bad some of the European rulers really were. They were monsters. Some git will meme the French revolution right now – how can such a large scale orgy of violence ever happen? The French were oppressed by an incompetent, out of touch and broke government for decades. The last Bourbons didn’t know they were monsters. So you may even say they were simple beasts.

Being anti lockdown and anti mandate is by definition, a liberal movement (a real one).

What are you going to do? Just wait it out and hope being a good person helps you out?

You can call yourself whatever you like, but if you are critical of government and conclude (correctly) that intervention generally causes a net loss, you become a libertarian, even a marginal, non committed one. In the least, sympathetic.

December 20, 2021 6:08 pm

Ed Casesays:
December 20, 2021 at 5:33 pm
Not long before they don’t want them at supermarkets either, I expect.

If the evidence I saw today holds up, I’d say the Supermarkets are robbing themselves by not demanding a Green Tick for entry.

And these vax’d fukwits would probably think Omicron is only carried by the unvax’d.

This is the stupidity we are up against. However, we don’t need all of them, only some of them need to vote independent to cause problems for the elites.

December 20, 2021 6:09 pm

Ain’t profit wonderful? .. bought a 32gb micro SD card for one of the Grandees Chrissie prez at JB HI .. $14 .. (they wer echeaper than both Big W/Office Works) last week I bought a 256gb card for my laptop on Ebay … $12.99 incl postage .. 32gb was $5.99 but too close to Xmas to go that way again! .. duuuuuh!

December 20, 2021 6:11 pm

Libertarian Imprimatur

for sure, that’s the dumbest thing I’ll hear before Christmas

but then Ed does post nearly everyday so we’ll see about that

December 20, 2021 6:11 pm

December 20, 2021 at 6:04 pm
Being anti lockdown and anti mandate is by definition, a liberal movement (a real one).

You’d think the LWNJ’s would support anti mandates/lockdowns. I mean they support tranny’s, gay marriage etc, but freedom from medical tyranny, no way!

December 20, 2021 6:18 pm

In the least, sympathetic.

Libertarian curious

December 20, 2021 6:18 pm

but then Ed does post nearly everyday so we’ll see about that


December 20, 2021 6:18 pm

My only question is whether we have been dumbed down deliberately or just slid here because it was an easy option.

I think, originally, like a lot of gummint ideas, they tested it out as the easy option and when there was no/very little outcry they adopted it as the standard model .. seems to be the norm for to a lot of, across the board, gummint decisions …… plus the added bonus, to job figures, of lotz more public serpents for a lot less accountability ….

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 6:25 pm

If prohibition works, it should have worked with alcohol in the USA and USSR.

Okay, you’ve made 3 statements, all contradictory, most straight up wrong.
Let’s unpack the crazy:

Of course Prohibition worked.
The Mob went from robbing widows in the Bowery to living on 5th Avenue in the space of 14 years.
Never any Prohibition on Alcohol in the USSR, Vodka was $1.25 a bottle for years.
Prohibition was called the Volstead Act, made law in 1919, repealed in 1933.
Volstead was defeated in 1920 and the Democrats lost in a Landslide, so perhaps the voters didn’t think much of Volstead’s Act.
Dot, try to think of Prohibition as the BLM Riots, except it lasted 14 years
The people who Enacted it were rewarded in 1933 for promising to Repeal it.
Covered in Once Upon A Time In America.
Donald Sutherland was great in that picture.

December 20, 2021 6:25 pm

areff says:

December 20, 2021 at 11:58 am
But legalisation doesn’t undo networks of organised criminals or undo their corrupting influences.

We’ll see more of this growing out of the networks established to sell under-the-counter cigarettes at half to two-thirds the cost of the taxed variety

Precisely so.
While the legalisation of drugs will do little to eliminate criminal enterprises, they’ll simultaneously create more of them by taxing alcohol and tobacco into the black market.
They’re idiots both ways.

December 20, 2021 6:28 pm

you’ve made 3 statements, all contradictory, most straight up wrong.

Ed, when you kicked your gypsum habit did you get a job as a bong-tester?

December 20, 2021 6:31 pm

Emergency National Cabinet meeting tomorrow apparently

… turn those PCR machines up to 11

December 20, 2021 6:34 pm

They’re idiots both ways.

Stavrogin, grabs the mike, drops the best one-liner, and is gone faster than the Delta Variant

December 20, 2021 6:34 pm

Just been listening to a bunch of tradies finding out that one of their number has succeeded in getting his girlfriend pregnant. Apparently, it is good news,

What is interesting is that, on one hand, it is all about his one-shot potency (because he travels a lot) and on the other, it is all about how often he bonks the SO, hence her getting pregnant.

Whether at home or away, he is a stud!

December 20, 2021 6:35 pm

dot, you need to stop worrying about the innocence of liberalism. She has always been a tart.

I hate throwing a bomb and then running but little time today… I got 3 years into my PhD on the history of libertarianism in Australia, first chapter and literature review completed and then had to abandon it. The biggest problem I found with Libertarianism was its name. Many on the Left (perhaps more on the left than the right) refer to themselves as “Libertarian” as they want government out of marriage, drugs, sex and all other vices. Those who call themselves “Libertarian” on the right want government out of taxing, businesses, red tape etc.. “Purist Libertarianism,” as I defined it seeks out both of those sides.

And that’s why I am a conservative, and not a Libertarian.

December 20, 2021 6:35 pm

turn those PCR machines up to 11

That would be fine. They’ll be turned up to “sure thing” 42.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 6:36 pm

While the legalisation of drugs will do little to eliminate criminal enterprises, they’ll simultaneously create more of them by taxing alcohol and tobacco into the black market.
They’re idiots both ways.

Alcohol over the bar in Pubs has been taxed to drive the drinkers out of the pubs and into their homes since tax on takeaways went down in real terms.
Governments always lie, and if we get aqGovernment of Independents from the next Election, they’ll lie too.
Basically, smoking tobacco has health consequences down the track, but it sharpens the senses and the reaction time too.
That’s why the Armed Services promoted it.
At some point about 45 years ago, Governments decided that they only required dumb people who didn’t socialise, so the war on pubs and smoking began.
Create Criminal Black Markets?
When did Government ever care about that?

December 20, 2021 6:36 pm

December 20, 2021 at 6:34 pm
Just been listening to a bunch of tradies finding out that one of their number has succeeded in getting his girlfriend pregnant. Apparently, it is good news,

What is interesting is that, on one hand, it is all about his one-shot potency (because he travels a lot) and on the other, it is all about how often he bonks the SO, hence her getting pregnant.

Whether at home or away, he is a stud!

Bang. Straight to the top of the Resume.

December 20, 2021 6:36 pm

“They Sydney Push” is a prime example of a “Libertarian movement” in Australia if Cats want to read more.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 6:38 pm

Bob Ellis was a Libertarian?
That explains a few things.

December 20, 2021 6:40 pm

I thought he was a libertine.

An extremely unattractive one.

December 20, 2021 6:50 pm

December 20, 2021 at 6:40 pm
I thought he was a libertine.

An extremely unattractive one.

December 20, 2021 6:52 pm

Spent the day lifting and scrubbing pavers
Spending some time on the couch now going “Ow. Owwww. Owwwwww”.
Talk to you all again if I live.

December 20, 2021 6:52 pm

Lol, yes! You are most unattractive man!

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 6:53 pm

What’s your best Deadlift?

December 20, 2021 6:54 pm

Marieke Hardy thought Bob Ellis was the sexiest man on earth. That is why she always wore her hair in pig tails and used red lipstick. He still wasn’t interested. Oh God, I feel nauseous. erp, sorry….

December 20, 2021 6:54 pm

Talk to you all again if I live.

there’s a fella that needs an Aspro
… and a pressure cleaner

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 6:57 pm

Marieke Hardy thought Bob Ellis was the sexiest man on earth.

He was described as resembling a “jaded tomcat.”

December 20, 2021 7:01 pm

Our kid is here for Xmas and heading back to the US for work at the end of the month. Anyway , she really made me laugh. A year ago, she was working for a tech company and still keeps in touch with her friends there. A pal told her about the travails the head of tech engineering had to go through just before Thanksgiving. He had to force the group reporting to him to go out for drinks. They’re so (partially) autistic/aspergers and antisocial they didn’t want to go out. Drinks, apparently was a real life experience as they didn’t talk to each other as their sociability was zero. Some wear Nike flip flops with socks to work.

December 20, 2021 7:02 pm


I have seen a jaded tom cat. We have them come in from the bush during and after the breeding season for a drink out of the dog bowl. They really did look like Ellis. Especially in that photo where he is having a beer with Mike Rann. Because these cats were feral and pissed everywhere, we shot them. Mercy killings.

December 20, 2021 7:02 pm

Then you’re basically libertarian, Doc.

As long as I don’t have to join a club, I’m OK with being called a libertarian.

The only group I wanted to join was the patriarchal society, but I haven’t been able to find their address.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 20, 2021 7:03 pm

Bob Ellis was a Libertarian?
There were quite a few of them. Some (mainly male) were probably just hangers-on for the chance of a bit of free sex.
Mentioned in dispatches were such luminaries as Les Murray and Frank Moorhouse.
There was a very good novel by (I think) Craig McGregor that revolved around the Push group and their favourite pubs. Can’t find the reference at the moment, read it many years ago. Had some sexy moments well done, not crass like the railway engineer/climate alarmist, believable.

Cassie of Sydney
December 20, 2021 7:06 pm

“That is why she always wore her hair in pig tails and used red lipstick. He still wasn’t interested. “

That’s because Hardy was too old. Had she been an underage adolescent wearing pig tails…..he might well have been interested.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 20, 2021 7:07 pm

You are most unattractive man!
Thanks for that reminder, Calli.
Fast Forward!
Svetta and Viktor.
She also said in one “Body Talk” segment, “I have heard your body talk, Viktor, and once was enough”.

December 20, 2021 7:08 pm

Some wear Nike flip flops with socks to work.

yeah … that’s big tell

December 20, 2021 7:08 pm

Do I recall correctly that Ellis was a disgusting slob having sex with underage girls who were the daughters of some of his female colleagues.

Cassie of Sydney
December 20, 2021 7:10 pm

“Do I recall correctly that Ellis was a disgusting slob having sex with underage girls who were the daughters of some of his female colleagues.”


December 20, 2021 7:11 pm

I read one account of that campaign that claimed that the Allied fuel containers that that gasoline was carried in were so flimsy that thirty percent of all that gasoline was lost – the German “Jerry can” was far superior.

IIRC the allied fuel containers were actually called “flimsy’s”. The Jerry can’s were ultimately copied because they were so good. Quite a bit of detail in the Jerry Can design and manufacture, the pressing should be such that it makes the weld seam for the two halves recessed below the bottom and side surfaces, therefore protecting it from damage and wear. Also the shape of the stamping in the sides must be such that it imparts strength whilst allowing movement for absorbing pressure.

December 20, 2021 7:12 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 7:14 pm

Libertarians are fine people but they tend to abandon stuff like fiscal responsibility whenever it lets them further their cherished social stuff. Very vulnerable to Conquest’s 2nd Law. Also the Left has a long history of fielding fake libertarians to suck in the punters fed up with the major parties. Many minor parties like the Science Party and the Animal Justice Party seem quite libertarian, but their policies are in lock-step with the Greens. The Dems regularly put up fake Libertarian 3rd candidates in elections, and here we now have the latest spate of “Voices For” fakes.

There is no political centre ground anymore, the Overton window has split in two. Either you go one way or the other, and the Left is a sure fire path to Venezuela.

December 20, 2021 7:14 pm

That’s because Hardy was too old. Had she been an underage adolescent wearing pig tails…..he might well have been interested.

I just had a flash. If the two of them had kissed, it would have been a twofer of the old saying “lipstick on a pig”.

Oh bugger! I’m going to be sick again…

Good luck with the knee. Don’t believe anybody who tells you you’ll be good as new in six weeks. I did. Had no end of trouble until I spoke to the Doc.

December 20, 2021 7:16 pm

Libertarians are fine people but they tend to abandon stuff like fiscal responsibility whenever it lets them further their cherished social stuff.

Another genius.

December 20, 2021 7:17 pm

oops, sorry Cassie, I did not mean you won’t get better soon, just that, take it easy and do the exercises they give you. Don’t be in a rush. That way lay Dragons!

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 7:17 pm

To be fair to Bob Ellis, this Alleged porking of 2 silly sixteen year olds happened when he was about 27, not the bloated raddled Ellis of his later years.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 7:18 pm

That’s because Hardy was too old. Had she been an underage adolescent wearing pig tails…..he might well have been interested.

Didn’t Tim Blair lift the lid on some of Bob Ellis’s shenanigans with under aged girls, in the “Daily Tele” a couple of years ago?

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 20, 2021 7:22 pm

Didn’t Tim Blair used to have a blog where hundreds of people commented every day?
Whatever happened to That?

December 20, 2021 7:22 pm

All good then Ed. To be fair.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
December 20, 2021 7:23 pm

“Man who murdered Rebels bikie boss Nick Martin faces sentencing hearing.”

I’ll take a punt and guess that some ex-military Cats who were sent to kill people they didn’t know, didn’t really have an argument with but who did the job because the Government thought there needed to be some cleaning up done might thing this bloke at least deserves a “Mentioned in Dispatches”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 7:25 pm

Playwright Dorothy Hewett’s daughters say their mother’s men used them for sex

Rosemary Neill
Senior Writer, Review
12:00AM June 9, 2018

It’s easy enough to see why people might have envied the Lilley girls. Rozanna and Kate, daughters of celebrated playwright Dorothy Hewett and merchant seaman turned author Merv Lilley, spent their adol­escence and early teenage years at the heart of the 1970s bohemian arts scene — meeting the famous and feted at parties, rehearsals and film shoots; winning roles in high-profile films or radio plays with which their mother or her associates were involved.

Swaggering, starry identities — among them Brett Whiteley, Patrick White, Martin Sharp, Bob Ellis and British photographer David ­Hamilton — passed through the girls’ lives; many illustrious names from the theatre, film, literary and visual art worlds were frequent visit­ors to the family terrace in Woollahra in Sydney’s east.

Rozanna, now a 55-year-old anthropologist, author and autism researcher, characterises the Lilley family’s home as a “party house”. Her older sister Kate, 57, a poet and associate professor of English at the University of ­Sydney, is far more blunt. “It was just — as an acquaintance says — like a brothel without payment.”

Four decades on, these daughters of true ­believers say they were casualties of a predatory sexual code within the 70s libertarian arts ­culture that saw underage and teenage girls as “fair game”. “People liked having us at a party. We were these nubile girls, we were interesting jailbait objects,” says Kate, who claims she was sexually assaulted by a film producer at 15 and raped by a visiting poet several months later.

While the #MeToo movement has ­unearthed many grave allegations of sexual miscon­duct within the arts and entertainment business in recent months, the Lilley sisters’ story has an unsettling twist: both agree it was their mother, a revered feminist and left-wing radical, who encouraged their early ­sexualisation.

Indeed, Kate maintains the abuse she and her younger sister endured was “facilitated” by Hewett, while Rozanna recalls how “my mum partly built her profile on these stories of being outrageous. People referred to her sometimes as being a female Don Juan. We were brought up thinking that was something to emulate; it was something to be. I would say she basically ­encouraged that … Mum had a strong belief that sex was good and she saw herself as having been ­constrained by Victorian parents. I think she genuinely believed she was offering this ­unfettered, uninhibited lifestyle to us.”

December 20, 2021 7:27 pm

A repeat for those who missed it, the story of the day really:

Sen. Joe Manchin has pulled his support for Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

This was Biden’s ‘Great Society’ keystone policy.

If it doesn’t get up, it makes Biden a lame duck president for the next 3 years.

December 20, 2021 7:30 pm

Didn’t Tim Blair used to have a blog where hundreds of people commented every day?
Whatever happened to That?

He got bought out by the media.

December 20, 2021 7:31 pm

December 20, 2021 at 7:27 pm
A repeat for those who missed it, the story of the day really:

Sen. Joe Manchin has pulled his support for Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

This was Biden’s ‘Great Society’ keystone policy.

If it doesn’t get up, it makes Biden a lame duck president for the next 3 years.

lol, for a sec I read ‘lame dick’.

December 20, 2021 7:34 pm

December 20, 2021 at 7:12 pm
Australia Covid19 Theatrics…

It’s a complete farce. When are Australians going to wake up?

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 7:36 pm

Please check your emails…

December 20, 2021 7:39 pm

I definitely think the demorats will pull something between now and the mid-terms to either delay/abolish those elections or corrupt them in some way:

Biden Nominee Thinks US Elections Are Anti-Democratic

local oaf
December 20, 2021 7:53 pm

Didn’t Tim Blair used to have a blog where hundreds of people commented every day?
Whatever happened to That?

Blair’s Spleenville blog was very popular in its day. He went to the Tele site and eventually behind the paywall which was the end of that as a popular hangout for non left people.

December 20, 2021 8:02 pm

Each one of the cinematic versions of Mr Darcy’s first proposal to Elizabeth, the one she rejects. For some reason they include a Norwegian one; the last is the best of course:

December 20, 2021 8:03 pm

Biden Nominee Thinks US Elections Are Anti-Democratic

Ho is right, Cronkite. The senate and the electoral college are anti-democratic/ anti-majoritarian and with good reason, because the Founders were very much opposed to a democracy in favor or a republic. He is right…. and thank God it is anti-democratic.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 8:05 pm

Has anyone heard of this?
Graphene based super and ultracapacitors could be used to smooth out voltage changes in wind and PV generators – replacing the turbine stabilising effect of the big coal/nuke plants.

December 20, 2021 8:05 pm

Morrison has called a snap National Cabinet meeting tomorrow.

The horses are restless.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 8:06 pm

Didn’t Tim Blair used to have a blog where hundreds of people commented every day?
Whatever happened to That?

Blair is on the wrong side from the Murdoch kiddies, who presently have the DT regurgitating both climate rubbish and the vax party line in goosestep. But they know he is the core of the subscription base and they dare not fire him. So there’s an impasse. I think Tim is pretty fed up with all this, but his salary must be quite substantial.

Take the money son, while you can, and get a few licks in when the opportunities present themselves. It’s all anyone can do in the circumstances.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 20, 2021 8:09 pm

Peter M at 7.01am:
If (as hoped) the Democrats are wiped out electorally in the mid-terms, Australians who rely on the ABC for news from the USA will be completely bewildered. What exactly does the ABC’s correspondent in the USA do?
There is no way they are going to allow the 2022 or 2024 to proceed in a seemly manner.
Already the BBB bill is being kicked to the kerb while a more important (in the near and the long term) voting bill is being gestated.

December 20, 2021 8:11 pm

Biden Nominee Thinks US Elections Are Anti-Democratic

As if they wouldn’t install their own checks on populism if they were ever in a position to do so.

Particularly in red states.

December 20, 2021 8:20 pm

At this stage it’s my personal belief that there has never been civil protests of the magnitude we’re seeing in my 55+ years

I still believe that around 5% are awake, 5% are waking up and the rest are no longer sound asleep, but some are stirring. Obviously many are still sound asleep.

So I think that means that facts, science and evidence based argument is gaining the verbal/narrative ascendency. The lies are being exposed.

Anyone who thinks they know what comes next doesn’t know what they don’t know.

What a time to be alive!

I was hoping these years were much more simpler and comfortable. Couldn’t be any further the opposite way.

Merry Christmas to you all.

December 20, 2021 8:20 pm

Just watching the carol service from the cathedral in Melbourne.
‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ kicks off with a didge accompaniment. Some lady gives a welcome to country.
Thank the Lord for the Phillipino and the Tongan choirs who sing beautifully and don’t mess with white Christian tradition.

December 20, 2021 8:21 pm

Does anyone have the background to the apparent police overreach in relation to the New Earth Cafe covid fines?
Any media coverage I can find is anti the Cafe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 8:23 pm

December 20, 2021 at 6:08 pm
Ed Casesays:
December 20, 2021 at 5:33 pm
Not long before they don’t want them at supermarkets either, I expect.

If the evidence I saw today holds up, I’d say the Supermarkets are robbing themselves by not demanding a Green Tick for entry.

And these vax’d fukwits would probably think Omicron is only carried by the unvax’d.

This is the stupidity we are up against. However, we don’t need all of them, only some of them need to vote independent to cause problems for the elites.

The stupidity is by Mr Ed, who offers no description of “the evidence [he] saw today”.

December 20, 2021 8:24 pm

The young women who hurled abuse at our local protest on Saturday (claiming to be mothers protecting their children) were highly organised and sang from the same song book.
Generally, they were consistently too young to be concerned Mums. Out of the local Uni I guess.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 8:27 pm

Covered in Once Upon A Time In America.
Donald Sutherland was great in that picture.

Mr Ed regards Hollyweird as a source of unbiased historical information. ROFLMAO!

December 20, 2021 8:29 pm

Ed Case @ 6.25 pm, Donald Sutherland was not in Once Upon A Time in America.
Do I have to check everything you say?
Actually I didn’t have to check that as I have seen said movie several times, and KNEW that Donald Sutherland wasn’t in it.

December 20, 2021 8:32 pm

Just read on the vic COVID site about venues, etc:
‘People under the age of 18 years are considered fully vaccinated.’
The implications are terrifying.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 8:35 pm

Ed Casesays:
December 20, 2021 at 7:22 pm
Didn’t Tim Blair used to have a blog where hundreds of people commented every day?
Whatever happened to That?

Murdered by moderators?

December 20, 2021 8:35 pm

Does anyone have the background to the apparent police overreach in relation to the New Earth Cafe covid fines?

QPol dropped the fines under pressure.

The legal bills remain.

Rebel Media via Avi has a link to make a donation towards them.

  1. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  2. So many promises being made why not throw in Gladiators as well. Could be a 2nd career path for NRL…

  3. Our American guest lives in Portland, which has been traditionally Democrat country, blue as blue, and I had thought them…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x