John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Yes and some say it’s partly driven by survival instinct. My point is don’t let others exploit it.
Well said, Roger.
Particularly where they can fly…
Top of page, but missed the big 3 treble-0.
Ah well…
I pinched this answer from Steve Sailer’s blog:
So, it appears that Dot is WhiteKnighting, jumping on another Bandwagon and joining a Pile On.
In other words, pretty standard fare for any day ending in Y.
Winston, Salvatore-
there’s a specific Norwegian grain spirit which only comes good after the casks roll around the lower decks of a ship. Liniems Akvavit- I think to be certified it needs to cross the equator at sea.
It’s a bit rubbish though, more or less Norwegian Sailor Jerry.
Swedish Nubbar, that’s the real stuff.
Why does “peaceful protest” always involves burning buildings these days? Surely we have street wise police officers to protect us from this sort of thing.
But no. Law breaking i.e. setting fires on the steps of a building was “something [the police] had agreed with”. The police agreed with the lawbreakers. And guess what? “It then became a little bit out of hand”. Who are these geniuses running the police these days? Couldn’t be diversity hires by any chance could they?
Chances are Grigory, you may have looked mildly less foolish by not typing that.
Now, how is your 5,000 word thesis on the difference between ‘race’ and ‘culture’ going?
jupes I call BS on Linda Champions statement but this is obviously how they are going to spin their way out of it.
Has all the hallmarks of the ACL bomber smoke screen by the same organisation incidentally…
Leftwits redefining language as a means of demonstrating their unaccountable power, jupes.
A guerrilla or insurgent would refer to it as either a distraction or an attack on key (symbolic) infrastructure.
Just another police organisation riddled with partisan activists and corruptes folk.
Ommunism* …
Pol – you’ve done it again, Squire. 🙂
*aka Oumamamowism
Ever read much about the Hilton Bombing?
This stuff has been going on for a while.
Poisoned, most likely.
The funny thing is, Dot, is that capitalism isn’t even an ideology.
“I wanna make lots of money and I’m prepared to work for it” isn’t anywhere remotely close to an actual ideology.
Typically, the ABC is not reporting the tweet from Greens Senator Thorpe (since deleted) cheering the Old Parliament House fire. It is, let’s not forget, a shrieking, sectarian propaganda organ for the Stalinist wing of the Greens.
Unvaccinated workers who were fired now suddenly being begged to return
I don’t know but why is that relevant? I’m wondering why I must be motivated to not take the vaxx?
And yet no one outside of Moree has any idea that a pub was bombed by an angry aborigine a year or so prior to that.
The Feral Police couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery, or a root in a brothel.
Their staggering incompetence and dishonesty after the ACL bombing defies description.
They make Inspector Clouseau and the Keystone Cops look like definitive examples of efficient effective policing.
Don’t expect anyone to be held accountable (i.e. crooks, cops and the sanctimonious enablers) for this latest example of flagrant lawlessness in the ACT.
Quite frankly I wish they’d all subject themselves to an out of control smoking ceremony in the forecourt of this inexcusable neo-brutalist monstrosity shortly before my beloved B52 is piloted over it, dropping its mighty payload of justice on behalf of long suffering Ozzie taxpayers across this wide brown land.
Dr. Robert Malone was kicked out of Twatter after recommending this video
I can understand why. This presentation is devastating.
I wonder why Grigs brought up the Hilton bombing in any case?
That was supporters of an ousted/banned sect in India conspiring to try and murder the Indian PM at the 1978 Sydney CHOGM convention.
Nothing to do with latter-day nuffnuffs and race-hustlers trying to incompetently copy their BLM and Antifa thought leaders by gratuitous acts of arson and criminal vandalism.
I guess Grigs just bombed out on his research again?
Glum Megan this evening after aged knee met rock hard ground on this morning’s constitutional. It appears one does not grow out of complete klutziness, mostly due to poor depth perception. At least I tripped on a decent sized rock rather than the usual crack in the footpath. To say nothing of resistentialism directing its spitefulness in my direction once again.
Giving it the RICE treatment and wondering if I should be worried about the definite clunking noise/sensation that has become apparent as the day has worn on.
Take regular exercise, they said. It’s good for your health, they said. Balderdash, I say. Those health bureaucrats have their dangerous fingers in a lot of pies nowadays.
The AFP.
Any thoughts on their competence and independence?
Which, due to their entirely unsurprising incompetence (again), resulted in the tragic needless deaths of two garbologists peacefully going about their important work.
But yeah, Fraser, Fraser Fraser and the Yagoona three.
*Isn’t one of them now a respected quackademic at Sydney Monoversity?
*Isn’t one of them now a respected quackademic at Sydney Monoversity?
Yep. There is nothing decent or respectable about tertiary ejucashun now.
A cop was also killed iirc.
A bloke brags of having 15 year old sex slaves he tided up, a cat almost feels sorry for him, another cat doesn’t start cackling pizza & red shoes … none of this is surprising … what follows …
Collectivists in the seventies. Making monocellular organisms that spend their time on this earth existing under rocks look like Einstein.
Not that their utterly preposterous offspring are any better, of course.
Correct. One General Duties NSWPOL fellow and the two garbos who picked up and emptied the bin containing the bomb- Timer was short.
But it did spur the development of two of the best counter-terror teams the Australian government has never used due to its own authorities being too politically scared or too clueless to do so. While then rushing to cover their arses by accusing the operatorsof both SASR and 2 Commando Regiment (who formed these teams) of being particularly bloodthirsty and just not nice…
Got the flick, and was last heard of suing the University.
If you are stupid enough to take Grigory’s mendacity at face value, Mrs Faulty, then you have problems.
Sigh. Fine. Since your ego needs stroking because of a particularly terrible outbreak of Relevance Deprivation Syndrome:
Pizza. It is delicious.
Red Shoes. I have never owned a pair. I fear they would scuff and get too blackened.
Now, fade back into irrelevancy and go whinge about not being able to post Rumble hyperlinks.
Shit. Sorry I’m late.
Pizza and red shoes. In tunnels.
Protesters have been occupying the steps of Old Parliament House, which houses the Museum of Australian Democracy, over the past fortnight. They include well-known influencers from the “freedom movement” who oppose vaccine mandates and lockdowns, as well as people claiming to be sovereign citizens who believe federal and state governments are invalid.
Although many appeared to be staying at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, which has swelled in size in recent days, the embassy condemned the actions of protesters on Thursday.”
“That [smoking ceremony] is something that we had agreed with, with a lot of the members who were attending each day as part of a peaceful protest,” ACT Police operations commander Linda Champion told reporters. “It then became a little bit out of hand, and then ACT Police went to respond and that’s when it was greatly exacerbated.”
Hmm, must look up the meaning of “inconsistent” on the internet.
Snap, KD.
I forgot about the tunnels.
The West Australian state rail network has not had one since the closure of the old Bellevue line to Northam in 1966 and its replacement by the Avon Valley route.
(I don’t count the ones the Perth Metro network uses- Too many Sparks…)
I can’t post my tunnel clip.
Clearly, Big Tunnel has identified me and wants me dead.
Yeah right, I’m white knighting?
Watson is a bimbo.
All of those blokes who died in wars who died as virgins (some of the 17 year olds) don’t count apparently.
Hilarious how USSR/Mengele ends up accusing me of something terrible.
Stick to the red shoes and cheese pizzas.
Not exactly.
Sydney has some good takes on the world, particularly the madnesses of the misogynist, misandrist Left and their predilections for the very young.
If anyone should be blamed, go for the anonymous Superchat person who made a point of buying themselves the camera time to provoke it.
Daily Mail. Good old Albo strikes again..anyone know how to link to image?
Sheesh, “leading indigenous academic” Langton is a turd.
Child rape and child prostitution comes from alchohol… ok right, no underlying cultural norms then.
So ban full strength alchohol sales, that’ll see it sorted.
Professor Langton, who has worked with the commonwealth government and 51 other prominent Australians to design a proposal for the Indigenous voice
What’s the Voice going to do for the kids in the slums of Kununurra then Marcia? What’s your grifting career of working and designing and proposing and voicing and movie guest star acting on the side going to come to?
Dr Dickenballz needs a medal.
Dear Marcia.
Is there an identifying feature of most of these “ Kimberly people” we could use rather than a blanket ban on everyone?
Could it be a minority of one group which is exciting your wish to ban this substance based on location?
She’s not Anita Heiss.
Barbara Amiel has published a memoir.
Somewhere between Chips Cannon and Jeffrey Epstein.
If you haven’t done so watch Serpent on a Netflix.
It’s about the serial killer Charles Sobhraj.
But more astonishing it’s about the lengths that a Dutch junior diplomat, Herman Knippenberg, went to track the bastard down.
It’s about taking responsibility.
Knippenberg took on responsibility for something that was outside his actual duties because of being at the autopsy off two Dutch backpackers burnt alive by Sobhraj.
The hurdles put in his way were daunting.
I’m a jaded and cynical old bastard, so I always wonder how much of anyone’s story is self serving, but nevertheless this is one hell of a story.
The phrase I. Am. Inevitable.
Made manifest.
Show some respect – if there is ever an Aboriginal “voice to Parliament”, she’ll be on it – she and Bruce Pascoe.
I’ve got a pretty good idea how.
Got the article hyperlink, Zulu?
Instant Regret! Men’s Life Coach Jack Murphy Has MELTDOWN When Asked By Sydney Watson About Article
Yeah you are.
Why? Rhetorical.
I believe Watson was fully aware of Murphy’s writings.
Such as –
“I’ve had sex slaves, little girls and tied them all up.”
The issue isn’t how many boys & men died virgins fighting in wars.
A lot of girls & women would have rather died virgins than be defiled before death.
The issue, here & now is, why are so many so keen to be constantly publicly seen on the side of the child rapists to the point where they love ganging up together to mock the survivors of child rapists & child sex slave traders.
ARE … the answers don’t make for a happy, carefree blog … ah, I’ll leave you to your preferred company.
Quora is as nearly as bad as the baby rabies feminists of Medium.
TLDR: this woman won’t be having kids parties any time soon.
She’s a bullshit artist because she claimed to be 21 years old at a 24 hour McDonalds where she was a security guard (a woman working alone too at night). There just aren’t many of these around and they haven’t been around for that long. Her timeline doesn’t add up, she claims to have had rheumatism “as she aged” then got swine flu as she was immunocompromised.
What’s the point?
People like this lie and spread misinformation to push an agenda. They’re low IQ idiots and not officially part of any agenda they support, but they’re devious and sociopathic liars.
And who told you to think this, Mrs.Faulty?
And why do you believe it?
And what do the rhetorical posturings of a man without a chest have to do with your preferred predilections?
There is nothing quite like the sugar rush of claiming victimhood on behalf of others, is there Mrs Faulty?
Have fun with Mr Faulty and Struth over at the Furniture Store. The place must be turning into a regular Thunderdome with all 3 of you prophets and prophetesses of doom and disaster all comparing how big your respective victimhoods are…
Oh – YOU BELIEVE? That clearly proves it!
Why don’t you call the FBI then, champ?
WTF has this got to do with anything you bloody lunatic?
I also forgot to mention the mean-spirited smallness of projecting on people some really nasty accusations because they picked you for being a shoury, attention-seeking and credulous fool very early on…
No. That’s not the issue at all.
Jack Murphy is a fraud. That is all.
Disregarding your disgusting libel, child abuse is dealt with harshly in the West.
That has never happened. Fuck off madam and make it quick.
And while we’re at it Mrs Faulty, I put that link up on this here Open Thread the best part of 2 hours ago while explaining the matter to Cassie.
This is not even an original entry into the matter on your part, let alone providing any new information.
So spack off and stop trying to make it all about you.
@ Zulu-
The original images from Duckduckgo were not sharp enough, but the link to the Daily Mail article from here has it all laid out:
Hello Srr.
I hope all is well with you.
Arky: IIRC Knippenberg at some point quit the diplomatic service & migrated to NZ, where he now lives in retirement.
IIRC (& I may be skewed) the tracking down & jailing of Sobraj almost perfectly matched the timeline of Knippenberg’s career.
(Sobhraj, IIRC was jailed & released & jailed & released a few times, for the backpacker murders. I think it was Nepal that eventually banged him up properly.)
I am disappointed.
Bird promised a followup to his bullshit tonight, and yet all I got was srr flinging red shoes and empty pizza boxes* at me, before scuttling away to hide in her tunnel again.
And not a single cosmic skull was dug.
What a crap Thursday that was… 🙁
* And not even a single scrap of pineapple in any of it. I mean- I literally can’t even right now…
Yes, and he was an escape artist.
His accomplice Ajay, just disappeared.
Earlier this afternoon I read an interesting piece about the vid showing President Brandon being tricked into saying, “Let’s go Brandon”. He was totally oblivious to what it meant and how widespread it’s become. The piece was basically concerned that President Brandon is so closeted by his staff that he appears to be living in a bubble of ignorance.
Ignore the histrionics.
Brandon is in serious mental decline and the MSN won’t report it.
Thanks Arky. At the time Sohbraj’s name was enough to chill me to the bones, sorta like a Carlos the Jackal type.
I haven’t paid much attention in the intervening years, until I watched about the first half of the Netflix series.
Was completely unaware of Knippenberg’s role in it, or even of his existence.
He certainly took doggedness to a new level.
Wow, the Dersh gets stuck into Desmond Tutu really hard and unrelenting.
To paraphrase
I had no idea.
@ JC-
The African National Congress was a traditionally Communist organisation, and campaigned on this ideal amongst its Black African popular base. But the party softened up its image a little in order to appear like a unifying party that could actually govern for all, after the apartheid system was dismantled and political reconciliation was sought formSouth Africa in the late 80s. But all their little lefty peccadilloes like unquestioning support for the PLO and automatic hatred of Israel, etc. was just casually ignored. Ditto the massed looting of South Africa’s institutions and procurement contracts, attempts to forcibly redistribute farming land and steadily escalating racial violence over the last 31 years.
The lockdowns since the start of 2020 have been the last straw under ANC government- The rail system has been almost completely stripped of overhead electical cables, copper signal wires and even the actual rails themselves. Rampant rorting and selling ESKOM stones half-mixed in with coal has led to all manner of equipment damage and nationwide rolling blackouts. And there was that big outbreak of mass-looting last year as well.
The western leftist intelligentsia and media have lomg tongue-bathed the ANC’s major players and turned a blind eye towards the cronyism, racketeering, profiteering, corruption and mess 31 years of near-unchallenged rule by Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Kgalema Motlanthe, Jacob Zuma and now Cyril Ramaphosa has wrought on the nation.
Greetings from Rome.
Trip here was much the same as normal, a bit of fiddling in Melbourne getting my EU declaration completed, no-one cared in Dubai and Italy looked briefly at my paper vax passport and pcr test results and within 30 seconds I was in.
Those fancy masks are mandatory on public transport so I spend the 1€20 and bought one, I’m not tangling with Italian police. The streets and restaurants of mid afternoon were as crowded as I remember them, with people queuing for restaurant tables and lots of American accents to be heard.
There were also queues for covid tests and vaccinations at various tents in the piazzas, mostly young people in them, possibly not locals.
Only absence I noticed where the soldiers that are usually stationed in piazza Santa Maria de Trastevere.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Morten Morland.
Brian Adcock.
Michael Ramirez.
Steve Kelley.
Patrick Cross.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Gary Varvel.
Henry Payne.
Bishop poo poo always stuck me as a grotesque narcissist
Sorry Tom it must be the graduated lenses .
Yet another devastating and accurate analysis, imho, of this country’s PM.
The de-platforming of Robert Malone by Twitter is causing rage and concern. He has been by far the most prolific provider of clinical studies & generally good data on Covid, early treatment and the opinions of dissenting virologists since the plague began.
I understand he is providing all his material on Telegram, but despite installing it on my computer, the damn thing won’t open. I have the same problem with Rumble.
The point is – the masters of propaganda amongst the forces of darkness are getting nervous with the movement against the Vax.
I bit the bullet and got a dedicated pair of reading glasses. They are on and off like a strippers panties. But they are brilliant. Just another chapter in my general decline.
Any advance on six?
Netherlands Announces Plan To Dole Out 6 Vaccine Doses (30 Dec)
So Dutch people who’ve had two vaccinations and a booster already now are expected to have another three boosters. Oh. So what’s going to happen when that doesn’t work?
Bruce of Newcastle says:
December 31, 2021 at 6:57 am
I wonder what happens to the immune system, if we try to substitute it with vax?
Any immunologists here?
I can’t stand bifocal glasses and so wear one set for reading and one for distance. I’m constantly changing them but they work better than bi’s. The only problem is my wife hates it because I often have one pair pulled up on my forehead and the other pair on my eyes. She says I look like an idiot, I suppose it’s true.
Dr. Bhakdi – a retired medico prof from a German university – did a video interview very early on which detailed all the bad effects of mRNA vaccines, and he stressed that the more shots you have the worse it would probably become. He was labelled as misinformation then, just as Malone is being targeted now.
Paging Dr Gargooglery MD QC.
JC, if you are over 35 you are usually safe from jury selection. It is infuriating that our legal system allows you to be flicked on the basis of looks, but that is how the scam runs.
But, it can happen. I was shocked when I was selected on my fourth and last panelling.
I was even more shocked when the the prosecuter outlined the case. You don’t realise that you live in a bubble until you attend a supreme court case.
This one involved a young sister of a certain religious persuasion being kidnapped by her brother and SIL because she was suspected of bringing shame upon the family.
The physical and mental torture and humiliation (incl being urinated upon by both) inflicted upon the kid was something that you wouldn’t read in the sleaziest novel.
Suddenly a phone call. Come in for the judge to stand you down and direct you.
It just ended, no explanation. It was a chastening experience.
Greetings from Rome.
If you managed to escape the Australian Idiocracy, my suggestion would be to stay away for as long as possible!
We are truly reaching the ‘why would you bother’ stage.
New study finds booster protection against Omicron drops at 10 weeks
I have this REALLY close relation who has been bouncing around NSW for the last two weeks.
He tells me that he’s managed to do so whilst only being forced to QR code into five locations. Apparently and allegedly they stood over him and watched him do it in those five places.
Of those miserly five check ins, this bloke just received two separate notifications of Covid contact.
Why do I tell you this? Well, from a statists point of view it indicates that Covid has exploded, and the only reason they don’t know that half the state has it, is the limiting factor of testing.
They have lost control. We know it. They know it. Nobody has the testicular fortitude to call an end to the cinematic facade and declare it a non-notifiable disease. Not knowing it’s present doesn’t mean it isn’t.
Watching the State Premiers make their announcements is like watching Hitler in his bunker announce the pending German victory.
I was a foreman on a civil jury in the early 80’s. Turkish woman hit by car and seeking damages. She had been hit, however she wasn’t injured nearly as much as she claimed but deserved something. I tried to ask the judge if the figure we awarded included costs or not. The tipstaff refused to pass on the question, he stated that we were not to ask any questions. I also wanted some guidance on how costs are calculated etc, again refusal. The tipstaff told us to just make and award. We could’ve awarded 100 million if we wanted to.
We decided on $10,000.0 I stood up anounced the amount. No one said anything, both sides just stood up for the judge to leave then they left. I don’t know how criminal trials work but this one was a farce.
Posted by Matrix, worth reposting:
Holland goes for six.
Six. What is there left to say…
”But, but at least I will be safe for 10 weeks and by then the government will let me know what I have to do next. The government will save us from death”.
(Just channeling most Australians).
They have lost control. We know it. They know it. Nobody has the testicular fortitude to call an end to the cinematic facade and declare it a non-notifiable disease.
When the facade finally collapses. Nuremberg 2.0 starts. They know this, which is why they will pretend it’s covid business as usual as long as possible.
Permanently suspended on Twitter…
and how to find me.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Other social media links are:
My website is:
Thanks Will for Dilbert. Never saw it until you posted, has it always been about business culture coz I certainly recognise the culture.
Not an immunologist but, based on multiple presentations by well credentialed doctors, I would suggest AIDS. That is, after all, what happens when the immune system is impaired.
Permanently suspended on Twitter…
and how to find me.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
At least one country has. South Africa?
I believe Watson was fully aware of Murphy’s writings.
Such as –
“I’ve had sex slaves, little girls and tied them all up.”
Murphy grifted his way into the conservative sphere and sadly no one bothered to check his bonafides except a few autists who found a lot of disturbing shit on an unread blog that was about 7 years old. They then made some nice bullets and handed them to Sydney.
The most revealing thing in all this is Tim Pools handling of it. White knighting Murphy says that something is horribly wrong under that beanie.
Rex A
I guess Grigs just bombed out on his research again?
His Google-fu has collapsed lately, many, many egregious errors coming through.
The legal system is not a justice system, it’s a club. The first time I appeared in court over a traffic incident of which was me being young and naive, I told the truth and the police lied. Magistrate threw the book at me. That’s the way it goes. When the police giving evidence turned to sit down gave a big smirk. Next time I appeared over a minor problem I lied, got off. Gave the cops a big smile. Never have put up with their bullshit since. Tell them nothing except see you in court. They hate that coz it means work.
Will the NYT start asking some questions about how safe COVID vaccines are now that they’ve lost an editor?
Nobody has the testicular fortitude to call an end to the cinematic facade and declare it a non-notifiable disease.
I’d prefer it become a non-profitable or loss making disease. Then we could all get back to work.
Biden Just Blew Up His Argument for Federal Mandates and People Are Noticing
Meanwhile in Tasmania, the Greens leader has achieved special notoriety:
The premier is sitting back and allowing Omicron to rip through the community by refusing to close the state border, according to Greens leader Cassy O’Connor.
Ms O’Connor, who has got into the habit of wearing two masks at once, said the sudden surge in Covid cases was proof that Peter Gutwein had opened the borders too soon.
She said the Greens were demanding Mr Gutwein to admit he was wrong and to “pull up the drawbridge” before Omicron spreads even further.
Just like everywhere else.
US shatters COVID case records, as experts predict infection rates will continue to grow
“Murphy grifted his way into the conservative sphere and sadly no one bothered to check his bonafides except a few autists who found a lot of disturbing shit on an unread blog that was about 7 years old. They then made some nice bullets and handed them to Sydney.”
It isn’t the first time this has happened and it won’t be the last time. Clearly Jack isn’t that bright or he’s drenched in hubris and he thought he was untouchable. I’m reminded of Milo. I find it funny how the likes of Murphy and Milo aren’t brought down by the left, they’re brought down by others on the right.
Just trying to piece together the Murphy stuff. Is he some modern day Richard Neville, only this time it’s the conservatives that are running interference?
After Biden Failed to ‘Shutdown the Virus,’ the Leftist Elite Have a New Narrative on COVID
What’s the issue with Milo?
Never heard of him until I watched that Sydney Watson panel. I must live under a rock.
they’re finally accepting the reality that government can’t control the spread of a highly contagious disease.
This will take another 12 months in Australia because Mong.
Will the NYT start asking some questions about how safe COVID vaccines are now that they’ve lost an editor?
Hell no! There’s no such thing as to many sacrifices to Moloch!
In clown world covid karen notafan now flies to Rome flashing her fancy vaccine passport that she said would never exist, then would never get, then would get but never use except for emergencies, for the vaccine she said she’d not take, while young healthy Australian s and Italians are banned from their own society in a way she said mocked as a conspiracy theory when it was first predicted.
In clown world covid karen notafan now flies to Rome
That’s not the worst part.
The worst part comes next, where she keeps posting up her travelogue about the buff eyetie cops, the enchanting quietness of fresh snowfall, and discovering a gorgeous trattoria just on the corner next to her pension where a one-armed war hero nonno makes candied orange peel merengues in a woodfired oven, fresh every morning, and takes a shine to her.
Ferkin’ melodramatic Italians. How different the last two years could have been, if batflu had only first broken out in a down-to-earth country like Japan or South Africa.
Our very own Irma Grese.
I remember the howls of jowl wobbling indignation when I said back in January we’d soon have a situation where old covid Karen’s are going on the european grand tour, flashing their (back then according to then ‘conspiracy theory’) vaccine ‘passports’ to enter Italian coffee shops while young people who were locked up purely for their benefit, remain locked up and banned from life.
It’s just the perfect bookend to the year of the clown, and the perfect end to the age of the boomer.
Odd Police behaviour at Old Parliament House before the fire (let’s scuttle off and see what they do)
Don’t worry.
Fizzer’s got your back.
In Trastevere healthy young Italians are everywhere, enjoying themselves, just as they always have, just like all the healthy young Australians of my acquaintance.
I was always very explicit about my willingness to comply with vaccination requirements to travel internationally on the basis that sovereign countries have the right to determine who enters their countries and the manner in which they do so, and the extreme foolishness of going out of your way to get a serious illness in a foreign country.
I’ve never cowered in fear because covid and I sort of think coming to Italy, even now, underscores that.
Still a predictable response from one of the resident rumplestiltskins.
Now I just need another to insist that posting at x time or y time proves I’m faking it and am not in Europe at all.
I’m planning to be pretend to be here for a couple of months.
Let’s Go Brandon NASCAR Team, Brandonbilt Motorsports, Announces New Sponsor That Will Drive Leftists Bananas
December 30, 2021 | Sundance
David Starkey demolishes the Richard 3 story . Sorry if it has been posted before.
Tell us about the confessionals in Rome.
December 31, 2021 at 9:01 am
David Starkey demolishes the Richard 3 story . Sorry if it has been posted before.
Thanks….just watched it. I was about to post the link.
Starkey, as always, is superb.
The whole story is utterly ludicrous.
There are young people who would kill to get out of Melbourne and escape overseas on a one way ticket out of this country.
Too bad they have principles and are now bankrupt.
I’m staying in what might be loosely described as a cupboard under the stairs, described as a ground floor studio apartment it’s actually in the basement with a little window that opens at street level.
Very basis as you would expect in 16 sq metres but Rome is expensive and even more so at New Year’s.
Still other that trip trapping on those stairs, tucked up at the back of Trastevere just below that big hill sort of behind the Vatican it’s quiet enough.
Suits me.
Oh God. Another travelogue. Get flouncing.
So we have a situation where Rosie waves from Italy whilst another Cat has been denied permission (yet again) by the Australian government to leave this country, with his kids, and return to his country of birth for a family reunion.
Clown universe.
I’m looking forward to your observations on Italy, rosie.
Like jupes in France, it’s good to have someone on the spot rather than relying on the press for reports.
Yes it is. And it’s fuelled by all the usual foulness – stupidity, hatred, jealousy, greed and fear.
China tell their footballers they must have their tattoos REMOVED ‘to set a good example for society’, as young players are banned from playing for the national team if they are inked
Cricket and travel
Close contacts:
So QR codes and contact tracing is over starting today…right?
Milo didn’t have a Chaturbate account doing bisexual porn and profess to teach straight men how to be “alpha”.
Murphy had a good grift going. He actually interviewed Scott Adams.
I am not actually judging this guy for his past. The grift was telling other men, Hey look at my prop beard, I am more of a man than you, give me money…
It’s not about him changing or not (people can change). He was never genuine.
[Tim Pool was actually being bit of a dick about the younger g/f thing, watch the whole segment and you’ll see. Murphy gave a dumb explanation, but it is something feminists claim all of the time.]
Sounds as if more boomers are heading off, and the devil take the hindmost.
I’m interested to hear what the weather is like, Rosie, in terms of how comfortable it is to be outside and so on. Italy is on our list, although She Who Must Be Obeyed has been there before.
Thank you – I’ll bookmark it for later viewing. Always enjoyed David Starkey’s work.
Depends on which state or territory you are asking about. It’s different depending where you live … because the virus behaves differently (that ”wiley virus” ~ h/t Dan Andrews) and does different things in different place. It just behaves that way because it’s all about da science!
21,151 cases of virus NSW.
Egg timing family members to 3hrs 59 mins.
Wear a mask . That will confuse teh virus.
Calling out rank and vulgar individual hypocrisy is the antidote to clown world.
But don’t tell anyone, it might interfere with a well deserved european grand tour and upset proponents of the cult of nice.
Most people I know re vaccinated and they don’t have AIDS.
Stop it. Just stop, get some help.
“Milo didn’t have a Chaturbate account doing bisexual porn and profess to teach straight men how to be “alpha”.”
I agree….however my point was that Milo was brought down by others on the right. He wasn’t brought down by the left.
“I am not actually judging this guy for his past. The grift was telling other men, Hey look at my prop beard, I am more of a man than you, give me money…”
Agree again, from what I’ve been reading this morning about Murphy I think the problem is that he refuses to address the issue. He’s doubled down….not a good look. He’s lost all credibility. Most people are willing to forgive and all he has to do is disown what he wrote and ask for forgiveness….but he hasn’t and likely never will.
Climate modelling finds undocumented migrants will suffer increasing dehydration while trying to evade authorities in the desert.
US per capita “carbon emissions”- 15 tonnes per annum.
Mexicans- 4 tonnes.
Maybe- just maybe- it would be better for both Gaia and “migrants” to secure the border.
Haven’t masks been debated before – they are ineffective, even the “surgical” ones? The virus can get through?
The only real benefit is limiting coughing or sneezing as areosol vectors for all infectious respiratory diseases.
I get the point but I suggest the ROI is very low and handwashing and voluntary isolation of sick people would work better.
“Thank you – I’ll bookmark it for later viewing. Always enjoyed David Starkey’s work.”
Starkey is the foremost living Tudor historian.
I’ve never understood the desire to absolve Richard III of his monstrous crimes. Richard clearly arranged the murder of his young nephews.
Richard’s crime even shocked his contemporaries.
The AFP are divided into two parts – the ACT Police, who do the general running around things uniforms do, and the Feds who have offices around the country and overseas.
The Feds are more hardwired into other organisations like the ACIC and Austrac, and historically have been useful with intel and so on for the bigger drug importations, child sex trafficking across borders and the like.
However, both are political beasts which is the absolute last thing a police force should be. They are regarded by Canberra as an arm of government, and behave accordingly.
They are monumentally afraid of offending people, in part because of the routine arse-kickings handed out by their hierarchy who regularly appear in Estimates hearing and the like to be set upon by Senators who have zero idea of what they’re talking about (think Sarah Sea-Patrol).
Their thought process when considering doing something involves political implications in the first instance, rather than a crook or crooks ending up in the bin. They are known in the industry as ‘plastics’, in part due to the gigantic A4 sized name tags they used to wear. They are very heavily funded, and have an unending supply of expensive toys.
There are good operators in there somewhere, but also quite a few who transfer there from other police forces for effective retirement and the generous super.
Let the gal have her fun in life. She wanted to be in Rome and sounds like she’s enjoying it. Let her be.
Dude seriously, get a fucking grip as you’re starting to sound like the unhappy Greta. Don’t become the site’s Greta.
I can see that rosie will get an avalanche of criticism in the next few weeks, similar to Lizzie when she decided to push off on a cruise early last year.
The difference – all Lizzie’s critics were giving her stick about the oh so deadly virus and how stupid she was and what a terrible drain she would be on the economy should she have to be repatriated at our expense. All the high falutin’ stuff about personal choice and autonomy flew out the window. As it turned out, she paid her way home and we were the richer for her observations as she navigated her way through the early stages of the fauxdemic.
Now we know the virus’ deadliness was (mostly) hokum to enable a raft of cultural changes including the stealing of a US Presidential election. We know that the vaccines are pretty much useless, even when topped up with yet more of the same. We now see “vaccination” as an attempt to control populations by some governments.
When I disclosed my own vaccination, the great raft of criticism at DashCat came from a single hostile commenter posing as a number of different entities. It was comical in its transparency and malice. Here, the commentary on rosie will be of the Thunbergian “how dare you!” variety. How dare you do something that I don’t like!
There are plenty of people here who have taken the shot for their own reasons, some may seem frivolous, some not so much. Others have stood staunchly by their principles not to do so at great loss to themselves. They are all individual decisions, not made lightly, and I respect them.
Whenever we see commenters handing out their broad brush predictions of the future, it pays to remind ourselves – it’s only the ones that come true that are remembered, not the ones that perish by the wayside.
Snap, JC!
I suspect that was a rhetorical question.
December 31, 2021 at 9:37 am”
Well said.
Watch WA hit the skids big time as a Covid naive population gets the Omi.
Sweden was right first time and remains right if you watch the stats.
They slowly allowed the young and fit to get an early dose and now they’re mostly immune. The elderly and sick should have always been the only target for direct intervention.
December 31, 2021 at 9:37 am”
Thank you Calli.
Rome is wonderful. It’s unique. If you have a wife make sure you have a healthy bank account though.
Rome is my third favourite city.
New York
They’re my faves.
‘only the ones that come true that are remembered’
Soooo the vaxxed aren’t all going to die within 18 to 48 months, backdated to October 2021?
the missus pointed out this morning that pharmacies have been breaking up the RA Test two-packs and selling each individual test for 20 bucks.
I suppose they’re just spreading the love.
It’s not the person that is criticised but the principle which that person chooses to represent, in the breach, as it happens. And it is a very slender breach, granted. Yet there it is.
O’Micron – Irish unit of measure
Anyone else disappointed they didn’t get a Murder Tug for Christmas?
Is Omnicrop that hazardous though Gez?
Every variant, A, B, G, D, o, L… only trips up the seriously comorbid, and even then only the reasonably elderly.
My worst fear is that o will creep through the population, who will pick up the testing rates, and it’ll be very tightly managed with the compliant proles…
And Fortress WA Zero Covid will become the gold standard. Twelve more years of Sneakers, and a permanently pro-intervention populace.
Total fire ban, for chuck’s steak.
like I said before notafan, you’re a bad actor.
you should give up performing arts cos yr really awful at it.
So this omnicon is an all round run of the mill flu which you will probably get again but may be rebranded with another Greek letter, depending on the feelz at the time.
If Rosie wants to go to Rome good luck to her. A bit of venomous jealousy round here
O Sole Mio
Until they end up like some isolated Amazonian tribe that gets wiped out by an Anthropologist with a cold sore.
A Murder tug would be quite useful at Rottnest. Especially if someone is on your mooring.
Sooooo, we’ve gone from 2 weeks to lower the curve to, We’re all gonna die, stay home for 2 years and destroy the economy to, Meeeh, its just a cold, let it rip.
Anyone pissed off?
I couldn’t give a fuck if she flew to the moon. Beware of attributing motives to others.
You don’t know that.
Repent while the going’s good.
Don’t really mind travel logs. Intimate personal diaries on the other hand are rather obnoxious.
David Boon has the lung pox. Tasmanians on tenterhooks.
Intimate personal diaries day in day out that is
I’m looking forward to hearing how notafans creaking old mother is going.
You know, the one she said young families must accept all that has transpired for or we’re hateful unchristian murderers.
In a sick twist of irony it was Italy that notafan used as the gold standard of covid doooom when she was blackmailing anyone who was saying “whoa hold on old girl, if we give the government this power it will unleash hell, and maybe this isn’t nearly as bad as they’re making out”.
“Stupid selfish conspiracy theorist, Italians are dying in the streets! Open air morgues! Global Pandemic!” She squealed for a month.
18 months later she leaves the tyranny she helped usher in and heads over there for a coffee.
Good for her
Wait until Dr David Starkey meets the “Rome didn’t exist” lady!
Melbourne coffee is much better, so I doubt she went there for the coffee.
Good to see, you’re so worried about her mother as only yesterday you wanted all old folks dead.
2022 will be a great year.
Warhammer Fantasy tipped to come back.
Pizza Hut Priazzo will come back if we lobby hard enough.
ALP/GRN/LNP vote can possibly fall off a cliff you keep on donating to the LDP and PHON, I assume big Clive has UAP covered.
It’s just Stix giving his inner Greta a burst. That’s all. No biggie.
Hope so Dot
Rome is one of those places that doesn’t disappoint
How’s the relationship with the folks? 🙂
Well, ok, call it jealousy. But there is an argument at play which is not met with dismissive ad homs. For, some weeks ago the story was that on principle some persons would not enter a church where the unvaccinated could not go. Of course, that principle might still apply if we hear that St Peter’s or Maria Maggiore or the restaurant just above the Trastevere basement is a no go. And if we hear tell of the keeping of company with healthy young Italians who are shunned because they do not flash green ticks. And so on. The argument that was is no longer. Whatever it is that has changed has not been named. Naming it might be an ok thing to do.
I draw the line at bathroom renovation posts. Speaking of which, I expect the NDIS are all down the South Coast which won’t help my progress home much. Looks like I should start preparations for the 3 year anniversary. When the opportunity cost is literally being dead I am prepared to cut them some slack.
Also if someone was thinking of changing their mind on a Lloyd’s Open Form.
I wanna know how old the anti-boomer’s kids are.
Was it a stroke? You’re as cynical as ever so if was a stroke, it didn’t much impact your mental facilities.
Best coffee I ever had was from the cafe near Ogalo on Oxford Street near the old gayest gay bar in the world (Club 169, next to Stonewall) where I did security (very briefly).
First coffee I ever had in Melbin when I was a pup on a bucks party trip was great and the quality never dipped.
Good on Rosie for finally being able to leave this shit hole called Australia. I wish I could. I hope she enjoys Rome and has a relaxing time.
My sister and brother-in-law had to cancel their Tassie trip. They were due to fly to Hobart on Monday 27 December. Last Friday morning, on Christmas Eve, they lined up for almost three hours to get the mandatory Covid test at Homebush……..because in order to fly to Tassie you needed to have a test 72 hours prior to arrival. They NEVER received the Covid test results until late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning 29 December. Fucking joke. As my sister said, they would have been better off booking a holiday to Hawaii.
But you know what….we here in Oz have been confined by our political overlords on a prison planet…like something out of Dr Who or Lost in Space….a whole continent imprisoned. Most Australians have been denied overseas travel until the last month or two….a prohibition that was uniquely Australian, no other western country did this to its citizens. Yet we’ve witnessed the usual parasitic scum fly in and out and we’ve sat back and said and done nothing. It isn’t Rosie who we should be angry at, it’s the scum that infest our political and chattering classes. Just remember how Scumbag Morrison took time out of his G7 summit schedule in Cornwall back in June to trace his Cornish ancestry.
Yeah…just look at the smirking Scumbag in the picture in the link….not a lot of social distancing going on there.
And just remember, the likes of Nicole Kidman, Rebel Wilson and other Hollywood scum have been allowed to fly in and out of the country and quarantine in their plush mansions….not in some dingy hotel/motel room. I know what its like to be imprisoned in a hospital room for three full days, I nearly went crazy yet I had it lucky compared to some, there have been people confined to small hotel rooms for two weeks. And just remember how many of our political and chattering scum flew to Glasgow on private jets to hobnob with other hypocrites.
I still can’t fly to WA to see my father. Jupes has been stuck in Hobart because of Maggot McClown.
Anyway, I hope Rosie has a wonderful time.
N.S.W.? In any case it makes absolutely no sense to QR code if contact tracing is dropped for other than residential confirmed cases. Not that that would stop them.