John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Seems odd that they do something like a “sinusoidal scrape” to test for a lung infection, amirite?
AGDH says at least 6 months immunity after COVID so vaccine can be deferred for 6 months.
Incidentally, I wonder if the 50000 Victorians intend to apply for exemptions – while the exemptions last.
Anyone else get a 500 Internal Server error recently? I emailed the Dover Beach to ensure safe harbour…
123and Bush,
Certainly is serious shift snapping off something that would cause the oceans to rise.
Imagine the relief that ice sheet will feel!
How’s recovery btw?
Cannot believe this shit!
Day 14 of “self-isolation”, only 3 hrs 43 minutes left until it’s all over — and the pricks send a “sign-in-now-with-a-selfie-and-prove where-you-are-message”.
I did, with a finger, now let’s see if I get a please explain phone call!!
Don’t ever let the bastards grind you down, mate!
So far, so good!
All good.
Looks like I’ll be a double amputee for the rest of my life though. Not too bad as I already was a raspberry ripple.
Actually the doctors are happy. I’ll be happy when I don’t have to shower with a plastic bag over my foot. I’m able to get around as well as I could.
Thanks for asking.
October 27, 2021
They’re going after Dr Scott Jensen’s medical license for the fifth time for simply speaking common sense during the plandemic.
Listen how they’re treating health specialists, all in the name of “health”!
[video] https://gettr.com/post/pf95b81e3f
Not long back home from the SCG and can report close to zero mask wearing apart from the bar where a lame attempt of enforcement was rather casually accepted.
A Frenchman once said that the English invented cricket because they had no concept of eternity *; well Usman K has found himself in that paradise where he has all the time in the world.Sachin Tendulkar has said that he “saw” where he hit the ball before before it was even released when he was at his best.
* maybe 7 @1/2 hours on those plastic seats is a glimpse of an eternity of hell.
DOT most people don’t even know what thermal paste is let alone issues matching RAM frequency to the CPU for optimisation.
There is a considerable degree of house repairs that the owner can do but there is also a cost\benefit analysis to consider. All the relevant learning for a one off job is very inefficient and often the first time we do something we don’t get it quite right. That’s the difference with experts, they know the little tricks that are so often not in the books.
I rarely see a doctor so I’m expecting when I finally have to go to the doctor it is going to be something very serious. (: Doctors can have access to data through imaging and bloods that we cannot access. The bloods aren’t that difficult to understand but imaging is much more challenging than that crap on TV shows. The challenge with medicine isn’t the treatment it is the diagnosis. Do you know how to diagnose congestive heart failure? I’m a bit worried because I experience occasional orthostatic hyp0tension and my resting pulse is about 61. Not bradycardia but I am surprised given my lifestyle that my resting is rated as excellent. I may have developed “athlete’s heart” from the fitness crazy days.
The best way we can treat our conditions is not to get them. It’s called compression morbidity. The two healthiest people I know are in their mid 70’s, have no meds, excellent bloods, and have been very careful about their dietary and lifestyle issues. We rely on each other to share insights and information. I’m lucky I don’t have chronic issues and here’s hoping when the big one hits me it is fast and furious. I will go out blazing!
It can be very difficult to know exactly what to do. For eg how many people wasted money on D supplements because of poor Mg status? Or end up with copper deficiency pathologies because they kept taking zinc but not a copper supplement?
Broadly, I take your point but where that strategy fails is often at the time we are too sick to treat ourselves.
I don’t have a problem with home schooling because the first thing I would ask them is, “Can you use advanced search in Google?”
Miss A
Had a shit day at work.
One of our chaps tried to remove an eye with a tire.
RFDS to the rescue with a sea level flight to Perth.
Wasn’t a good injury to try and treat.
“ let’s have a look in your eye… yup RFDS time”
Nice younger bloke as well, find out if he loses the eye tomorrow.
So it seems, Vicki. Apologies, it was over a year I think since I looked at material from either of them.
They are both genuinely credentialled scientists, but have gone off any regular path of enquiry which has thrown some doubt on what they say. ‘Fact checkers’ do not like them. Not necessarily a point against them, but a cause for moderate caution re some of their claims.
Tough job you have there, Mole. Debrief here or elsewhere whenever.
Everyday you could find yourself in someone’s worst day ever.
Hairy tells me on Friday they watched a guy strip down to his undies, pour beer into his shoe, and skoll it from that. There is apparently a name for this practice, but I have forgotten it.
There was a ‘no skolling’ rule where you purchased drinks. Hairy says every so often there and also elsewhere in the stadium someone would stand up and do a big skoll, and the crowd would chant skoll, skoll, skoll, which brought security in to check it all out, too late of course.
They had a spare ticket but I politely declined even though they said I coud take a book. 🙂
It’s always the nice kids it happens to.
I hope he’s going to be ok.
Distressing all around when this sort of thing happens.
Was it a split rim? They’re bastards.
Cassie, Flying Duk was an anaesthesiologist who refused to be vaxxed and lost his job.
I am wondering if he has been called back into service, given the general shortage of medical staff.
Wow. Just wow.
Lefties gotta lie.
In times gone by the coppers were menacing right wingers.
It is amazing that the BLM lot got away with so much. Wokery is a protected species but take heart DB I think the tide has turned. So many comedians are speaking out against cancel culture and safe spaces. Chapelle goes to town on transgenders which is why he is being attacked but those attacks aren’t working. I honestly think they overshot so much that there is a not so quiet revolt against their extremism. For example I recently caught a few snippets of interviews with Denzel Washington and when the journalists asked him about BLM and racism generally he always goes to the same place – it starts with family. His point is that many of the problems faced by Blacks are about the loss of fathers and a poor family life. Yeah OK I’ll admit my bias towards that because I’ve been making the same argument about indigenous people here. It’s just common sense, albeit backed up by sociological, psychological, and neurodevelopmental research.
Week In Pictures.
Most excellent funnies Tom.
The OAC run of funnies is hysterical.
USB if you are not using a cloud service.
The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic
Only a matter of time
Thanks Tom!
Holy cow! That was close!
Just had a lightning strike, all the roos scattered and smell of fried air. No fried roos that I can see. Fortunately no one teeing off.
Get in whilst the going is good.
I always found that there was no better time to go to the mess tent than during a rocket/mortar attack. Whilst most everyone is in the bunkers, the queues are non-existent, the food is plentiful and you don’t have some fat cook screaming “TWO SLICES ONLY!”. A truely peaceful period to dine…ironically.
Get out there and give it a whack.
I know. Kind of late.
Thomas Aquinas gave the roundness of the earth is it example of a scientific truth in his Summa Theologica.
Columbus was actually proven wrong by his journey. It came down to a difference in estimate of the size of the earth. He thought the earth was smaller and thought India would be closer than other opinions held. He really thought he had travelled all the way to India.
So the reality is that rather than proven himself right, he was proved himself wrong – and his naysayers right.
Ratty RATs.
Antigen tests miss nearly half of COVID-19 cases (8 Jan)
Good enough for government work, and Albo will give you them for nothing. Which is roughly what they seem to be worth.
There used to be a term that they used for this… Fake but accurate.
So even if story was a hoax or a fabrication, it represented a dire reality as if it was a true story. Of course it makes you wonder why they didn’t just present the true stories.
One example, as I recall, was the National Guard letters accusing George W Bush of being a terrible servicemen, drunk and dissolute. There was absolutely no substance to watch at all and the forgery discovered very quickly. That Maddow cow and Kieth Olbermann we’re particularly dedicated to the lie and paid the price – other smarter people had already declared them ‘fake but accurate’ so they could sneer at Bush as if he was true.
You can really see the facts are no defence against these people.
I suppose it is because they were misusing the word ‘accurate’ when what they should’ve said was that it was what they wished was true, because then they would be able to use it to attack their hated enemies.
Really, I don’t think it’s clear whether either PCRs or RATs can distinguish between Covid & any corona virus viz the common cold. Indeed, could it pick up remnant dead virus cells after recovery?
It’s a very curious contention put to the public by Pharma and the Gov that even though the efficacy of Covid vaccines for infection and transmission wane quickly, they still retain the ability to keep you from becoming seriously ill.
Even more absurd as a justification when they start jabbing kids who almost never face the prospect of becoming seriously ill.
Neil Oliver:
Nigel Farage – The truth about Novak Djokovic
My closest call on the golf course came at Royal Wembley when one of the 30m tuarts came down on the hole ahead of us. Some minor forestry operations required to find somewhere to tee up. I imagine it was a rude shock for the possums.
It’s been publicly admitted that the PCR can’t. That’s why flu completely disappeared for a couple of years.
Doc that was on Rogan last month has a protocol:
Dr Peter McCullough Protocol
Some of the treatments are difficult to source, but most vitamins are available in some form from a supermarket.
Make of it what you will and be sure to do your own research before taking anything of course!
James Webb telescope completes epic deployment sequence
Good work.
His best ever. Not to be missed.
so an upper respiratory tract infection aka common cold.
Replacement Macca is worse than Macca.
I knew this would happen.
Steve Kirsch – Strength in numbers.
Jan 23, 2022 is Free Speech Day for doctors and other healthcare providers
Half of the 44,000 cases in Vic today self reported through a RAT.
I think we can safely assume these people are not self employed.
BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December
Over 1,000 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals say the vaccines are dangerous
Nope. As revealed here many times, PCR tests with cycle counts over about 25 have high false positive rates.
RATs are more realistic as they require a material amount of virus to signal a positive, more aligned with an infectious concentration.
Protesters rally in Beirut against Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated
It’s been publicly admitted that the PCR can’t. That’s why flu completely disappeared for a couple of years.
Remember all the arguments here about why the flu had magically disappeared?
I don’t give a RATs 😉
Maybe the big brains can do more on this, but it looks a lot like every RNA shot doubles the risk of myocarditis in males under 40. So it get exponentially worse each time.
And they want to stick children with this shit.
Imagine if public servants could self-diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome back in the day.
If you are in any doubt about the danger to health posed by these gene “vaccines” here are 1,000 research papers that argue the case.
Yes -these are opinions, scientific or otherwise – but they are substantial to the counter argument.
Print them off to show to contemptuous and sanctimonious doubters.
Except God.
95.58% of Omicron in Germany are Vaccinated
Do we have consensus?
Is the earth a sphere?
BTW I don’t endorse the comments of the post above (https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/) . I have provided the link because of the scientific articles listed.
I’m imagining Calli walking around the course, hair standing on end and the clubs sounding like a lightsaber when swung.
Nope. It is pear shaped.
From scanning yesterday afternoon’s activities, it would appear Razey has succumbed to the undeniable appeal of tentacle porn.
Cluster Fuck shaped.
I mentioned yesterday that I personally knew one person who had a serious vaxx injury but no one in Australia with Covid.
All changed! Last night, an ex work colleague and now fortnightly drinks partner (subject to science advised lockdowns and border closures) advised he has tested positive.
The new NY mayor makes his brother a NYPD deputy commissioner on $US242k per year plus benefits.
His brothers previous job?
Used to oversee parking at a college.
Laugh it up, NYer’s.
Looks like Cruz was nothing more than controlled opposition. The Goldman Sucks connection was always a bit of a give away.
Sancho Panzersays:
January 9, 2022 at 9:54 am
Do we have consensus?
Is the earth a sphere?
To be pedantic, it is an oblate spheroid.
Saveusnow tells us:
Nano metamaterials associated with 5G urban radar data gathering capability?
I’m convinced.
In other important news, Pat Cummins’ stocks as Australian captain sharply spiked when he declared Australia’s innings closed with Pom ‘spinner’ Jack Leach on a hat trick.
Good drills that man.
Djokovic had covid in December? That’s odd. He had it according to numerous news reports in June 2020.
like a rugby or afl football?
I have also discovered something else. Among vaccine true believers a serious vaxx injury in the family can engender the degree of shame once triggered by having an AIDS infected family member back in the ’80’s.
Do. Not. Tell. Anyone. Keep. It. A. Secret.
It really messes with their heads.
My BiL (not in Australia) had a very serious case of Beta variant in January last year. Two weeks ago his adult daughters caught Omicron and as he was involved in their care took a PCR test. A positive result but absolutely no illness or symptoms.
So after two years, I now know of a friend who has the virus.
Nothing like a rugby ball, a soccer ball with the top and bottom slightly flattened.
At the risk of reviving a controversial topic …
There always has to be one.
When one fuckwit out fuckwits another.
“Australians taking wickets in the virus”
“detailed programmatic specificity”
Nope. God would never make anything like a soccer ball. A golf ball, maybe.
A golf ball, maybe.
A celestial lychee
It is a matter of undisputed fact that 68,000 years ago Aboriginal astronomers knew that the earth was shaped not unlike a kangaroo testicle.
Do I have to offer proof?
Albo: the reef will be safe with us! That’s $163m thanks.
And just when you think you may a leg up at the midterms out pops a scarecrow. FMD
correction: the reefer will be safe with us*
* Where’s my Thai pass?
Winston I think you should be able to migrate the data with an Ethernet cable. Don’t know about the settings coz I still can’t make W10 the way I had XP working. Which was perfect. Still have an XP laptop. It runs faster than my new desktop because no bloatware and I stripped Out all the crap from XP. They make the computers faster only to fill them with crap software. You have to make the computers recognise each other. Not hard to do.
XP SP3 was the best OS Microsoft made.
Alex Carey was selected to replace the unfairly pilloried, although due to retire anyway Tim Paine largely because he had experience keeping to the current battery of Australian quicks. Carey’s competitor, Josh Inglis, did not.
I am yet to be convinced Carey is a Test keeper (despite just taking one off Hameed’s edge, once again from Boland). England have again found out to their detriment that using keepers better at batting than keeping, and who fail at both do nobody any favours.
No, I am not advocating for the return of ‘Wadey’.
What is this “mess tent” and “bunkers” you speak of on active service?
Some new fangled development I suppose.
‘I believe the Jews are behind this.’
OMG OMFG! Bird! Get in here!
What is it with morons and blaming Jews for it being night time when they want daytime. My mother was anti-semite, mind you she blamed everyone when the Oblate Spheroid didn’t revolve around her. She had a Jewish name along with a brother and cousins also. I wondered if in the past there was a Jewish connection.
Note that he recommends heparin.
That is the basis of the nasal spray currently being trialled in Melbourne.
Just how many people has covid actually killed?
Take the supposed death toll.
Remove all those who had merely tested positive at the time of their death, rather than been killed by it.
Remove all those only declared positive as a result of excessive cycles of PCR testing.
Remove all those the PCR falsely detected who had viruses other than covid.
How many are left?
Darn right Eyrie.
Bird has joined the GOP.
Watch the Dem media complex run with this.
If it’s true that is and not some sort of troll.
From memory the change the CDC made to the definition of vaccinations was really to see that the helped rather than prevented infection.
By that lowered standard they could still claim the mRNA vaccines were indeed vaccines.
No need for nanoparticles. No need for 5G transmitters.
I have an ancient Toshiba laptop given to me as part of my redundancy package in 2003. The battery no longer works but it runs beautifully on XP, fires up perfectly and has built in CD drive.
The kids laugh but it can, under certain circumstances, outperform the 2015 MacBook Air which is definitely showing its age. Switching between the two can trip one up if one is not paying attention to the individual quirks of the operating systems.
Eyrie says:
January 9, 2022 at 10:36 am
True, and I still use it in Virtual mode for legacy software, but Win7 wasn’t far behind.
And another thing…we are increasingly subject to rules, orders, by-laws and declarations that stem from delegated legislation, e.g. the powers exercised by CHOs & police commissioners over the last two years.
While such legislation has its place, its increasing use by governments is vesting power in bureaucracies rather than parliaments, which are answerable to the electorate and subject to the rule of law. It has the potential to subvert the Westminster system.
This is another development in which the Liberals & Labor are in lockstep.
If Craig Kelly and other independents are serious about preserving our democracy and find themselves with significant representation in Canberra following the next election, they should look at introducing safeguards and checks on delegated legislation.
It’s gone way past ‘potential’.
The Cathedral at play.
feelthebern: Eric Adams has always been a suspect commodity. When he was a cop — he didn’t make too many arrests, mind you — he devoted most of his energy to running a grievance group for his fellow dusky constables, The Guardians.
He was an ally of Al Sharpton, despised Giuiliani and could find racist whiteness in a bottle of milk.
The pundits here who see only “ex-cop” and think ‘good man’ can’t tell sh*t from a swan.
Here’s a good but partial accounting of the scams and scandals for which Adams is best known to New Yorkers. Notice his shameless re-hyping of the Tawana Brawley rape hoax, which did more to poison race relations in the Apple than a street full of front yards filled with burning crosses.
While ever the Poms have kids this ornery,I reckon the future for them looks bright.
Below is my favourite comment from the above article;
Flyinby Bridgette_A • 7 hours ago
A few elected officials dragged out into the street and left in a field like is happening in Kazakhstan is a good start.
This Aussie XI are a much more cohesive, happier unit for Paine’s departure. I’m very pleased he is gone, primarily because we was an atrociously pathetic skipper, and nothingburger bat and keeper. His antics at sledging were vomitous culminating in the appalling loss to India in the last embarrassment.
CA did their utmost to distract squirrel for Paine. Bunch of grubs.
Bolsinaro disrespects Trudeau
Socialist Distancing lol
Forget the story, just get a load of the fucker’s name
Here’s a good but partial accounting of the scams and scandals for which Adams is best known to New Yorkers. Notice his shameless re-hyping of the Tawana Brawley rape hoax, which did more to poison race relations in the Apple than a street full of front yards filled with burning crosses.
Nicely put. Read like a line from Philip Marlowe.
Expect rates to increase, or at least to remain high.
Waiting for the headlines of Mayor/ex Mayor Eric Adams caught with his fingers in the till.
Perhaps serious vaxx injuries will also become a badge of honour over time.
What’s the deal with Scott Boland and the smear of white grease across his nose?
Abos don’t get sunburnt anyway, so is a looking like an idiot a condition of being selected?
Concensus seems to be earth is an oblate spheroid. OK, but you can’t deny some parts of it are flat.
incoherent ramblersays:
January 9, 2022 at 10:09 am
it is an oblate spheroid
like a rugby or afl football?
More like a slightly squashed soccer ball.
There is now no doubt that Stan Grant has no sense of irony. This from his latest article:
… and no, he is not talking about the USA.
Forget the story, just get a load of the fucker’s name
I Ferken Derya to pronounce it.
There used to be a Consensus of opinion between the State and the People up into the late 1950s in Queensland
The State controlled some staple food prices, controlled Petrol, Beer, Bread prices, everyone was happy.
Hawke resurrected Consensus in the 1980s, but his consensus was that workers were never going to get another pay rise [see: Pilots Strike]
and he would ask business pretty please not to jack prices up.
The Media thought that was a great idea, a bit like they reckon compulsory vaxxing is a great idea now.
Is Stan Grant a BoatPeople handwringer like Clive Palmer and Ian Chappell too?
No different than the Branch Covidian’s belief that the clot shots are ‘safe’ and ‘effective’.
This is about sovereignty. The cornerstone of sovereignty is borders. If a nation cannot defend its borders, it is not a nation.
Hmmmm. “First Nations” couldn’t defend their borders. Does that make them “First Non-Nations”?
Weren’t you chastising some commenter about racism last night?
Just the Covid vaccines or all vaccines?
More details required for this item.
Highlighting a person’s name that’s a couple of yards long you consider racist? The fuck! You idiot, stop annoying people.
Regarding the flying duk question: the below was the last I have seen of the flying duk’s postings:
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:06 am
Seriously though, this can only end with violence around the world.
Correct …. for anyone who tells me ‘I am afraid this will end in violence’, I reply [No, no, no no- Arky]
Arky says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:11 am
It’s a fine line people.
Stay on the hoping their cocks drop off side of that line.
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:12 am
If it was merely corruption (Pfizer & co with the governments/politicians) then these “vaxxines” would be bought and could just sit in warehouses somewhere without being used.
Indeed, they REALLLLLY want that stuff in your arm … no excuses will be allowed
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:13 am
Bye Arky ….
If anyone has seen anything later from the Duk, please advise. His treatment suggestions for COVID were worth reading.
Regarding the flying duk question: the below was the last I have seen of the flying duk’s postings:
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:06 am
Seriously though, this can only end with violence around the world.
Correct …. for anyone who tells me ‘I am afraid this will end in violence’, I reply [No, no, no no- Arky]
Arky says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:11 am
It’s a fine line people.
Stay on the hoping their cocks drop off side of that line.
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:12 am
If it was merely corruption (Pfizer & co with the governments/politicians) then these “vaxxines” would be bought and could just sit in warehouses somewhere without being used.
Indeed, they REALLLLLY want that stuff in your arm … no excuses will be allowed
flyingduk says:
December 3, 2021 at 11:13 am
Bye Arky ….
If anyone has seen anything later from the Duk, please advise. His treatment suggestions for COVID were worth reading.
Greeny just got Crawleyie!
77 out of 96, reminds me of a few innings Brian Lara played.
That twitter was so good.
Excellent article by Joel Kotkin.I hope his optimism is justified
What are the chances this witch has 2 or 3 boxes of RAT kits at home? She could have got old mate’s address and sent him some via Uber.
“Fat Tonysays:
January 9, 2022 at 11:50 am”
So was flyingduk censored by the Great Censor?
Sometimes, too often .. duuuh! .. being Geordie born & bred can be trying .. verrry trying! .. bundled out of the FA Cup by a third tier (league 1) opponent .. The richest club in the Premier League and at this rate we will, definitely, be the wealthiest ever in the Championship … FFS!
But on a much happier note .. yesterday’s foray into Mascot was a huge success even if Customs did confiscate a penknife off my keyring (been on for years and had forgotten it was there .. lol!)
Ha ha ha. Good get BJ.
Yeah, but how many clueless old duffers are there in Melbourne?
3 million?
She can’t send them all starter packs.
She coulda said
” Listen, codger, gargle with half a Tsp of BiCarb in a glass of warm water on arising and you’ll be sweet.”
Hey, it’s no more of a lie than anything else she’s ever said.
Fats , Cassie
I suspect the censoring didn’t occur on the open thread. It almost almost certainlu on Thought Leader’s near genius threads.
Bruce Pascoe was unavailable for comment.
January 9, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Fats , Cassie
I suspect the censoring didn’t occur on the open thread. It almost almost certainlu on Thought Leader’s near genius threads.”
My second son, a man in his forties, has an autoimmune reaction causing severe sinovitis in both wrists and other problems which commenced a week after his second Pfizer injection. He has had no problems of this sort previously, no rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis of any sort, and no strain injuries or pain in his wrists ever before. Getting it medically recognised has been something else again. He has been on the dole and has a bipolar disorder for which he refuses medication. No MRI unless you pay for it, and not even offered until I told him he must get an MRI referral grudgingly made by his lazy GP: $320 for each wrist, which I paid. Otherwise it would have remained undiagnosed, no-one had ordered ultrasounds or blood tests, but it still remains untreated, even for the extreme pain of it.
No doctor he has seen will say it relates to the vaxx even though my sister, a GP and then Specialist of many years standing (now retired) says it is very likely to be from the vaxx. However, he is not her patient, she didn’t see him at Christmas, she lives way down on the South Coast and she has dropped her Provider number, thus she cannot assist him with any medical claim or even help getting proper treatment. He has been sent home from Emergency, with no diagnosis nor onward referral, and told to take Panadol, which doesn’t come close to halting the severe pain he is in. They X-rayed his worst wrist for fracture; there was no fracture: a strange thing to do with a bilateral presentation anyway, imho. His GP simply dissembles and says he knows nothing about vaxx reactions and shows him the door.
He is panicing now about having to provide medical evidence along with his birth certificate to apply for government compensation (which I doubt he will get). I am paying $25 for his hospital records, and $134 to Service NSW for a fast-track certified copy of his birth certificate (when he was homeless he lost all his ID). At least it is a signal that I support him, along with giving him extra funds to get him some ready-made food delivered as he can’t even lift a saucepan. I already pay his internet and phone bills and some of his electricity bills. Sadly, in mid-December he had just started employment in a telephone sales role, trying to pull himself back into normal life, but has been unable to continue it as he would wish to. There is no doubt he has suffered badly from this vaxx; no one in the family doubts that nor wishes to hide their sympathy (although his three siblings and others have been fairly unsympathetic to him in the past).
Vaxx injury? Don’t even mention it to doctors as they don’t want to know. Too much trouble?
Happy kids. Good to see. But you do know ones a ranga?
Otherwise thanks for sharing. Love their huge smiles.
What would happen if everyone self-reported a positive home PCR test?
Cassie of Sydney says:
January 9, 2022 at 11:56 am
“Fat Tonysays:
January 9, 2022 at 11:50 am”
So was flyingduk censored by the Great Censor?
It was Arky’s thread of the 3rd December
Mr father’s autoimmune reaction remained undiagnosed until mum and I read the riot act and had him referred on to a dermatologist. At least his is treatable.
Tomorrow the two lambs go for their boosters. Willingly and still trusting the sh*ts that have caused so much damage. And there isn’t a thing I can do about it.
Still have an XP laptop. It runs faster than my new desktop because no bloatware and I stripped Out all the crap from XP.
My 2012 HP laptop started to labour after I updated w7 to W10 in 2019 so I formatted the HD and installed Linux Mint .. been running perfectly ever since .. battery showing no signs of age .. fingers crossed .. use it mainly for downloading & casting to the TV these days .. saves having to move machines around the house ..
Arky, I hope you are OK, enjoying a break from here, and wil be back when you are ready.
Look, I’ll go into bat for Arky, on a limited basis:
His problem was that he banned people who are essential harmless, though stupid, but allowed comments from total Fuckwits, then arsekissed the fuckwit if he mildly censored the “comment”.
Result was that he just looked weak, then the hounds attacked.
His own fault, trying to suck up to people who will never respect him anyway, no matter what he says or does.
Arky was, and still is, under a lot of pressure. The fire was likely the last straw. He did the right thing to absent himself and get it back together.
If Dr Duk is lurking, I’m sure he understands. He looked to me to be that type of man.
It’s important to take some time out if it all gets too much.
calli says:
January 9, 2022 at 12:26 pm
Arky was, and still is, under a lot of pressure. The fire was likely the last straw. He did the right thing to absent himself and get it back together.
If Dr Duk is lurking, I’m sure he understands. He looked to me to be that type of man.
It’s important to take some time out if it all gets too much.
Calli – I agree. I posted the above without comment.
There was some discussion last night about the Duk and what I posted was the last that I had read of the flying duk’s contributions.
I doubt if Arky’s erratic censoring had any influence on Flying Duk, who was well able to state his case anywhere on the OT or other threads or on other sites and who may now have his own reasons for staying quiet. Arky’s censoring had more to do with Arky’s own problems, for which I am glad he took some time out, but his loss to this site is a sad one and I hope he returns.
I’ve decided to come to this site as I see fit, not as others do, and to lessen its role in my life in general, for I have much to do elsewhere. Arky could do the same.
A career limiting rabbit hole for hospital doctors.
Stats for failed England Opener Haseeb Hameed:
Even Harris did better than that.
Plus he hasn’t taken a catch.
Was due for my final (10 years) clearance test for Non Hodgins Lymphoma Cancer at Nepean Hospital BUT can’t have it because I’m UNCLEAN .. Thankfully, I’m well past worrying about whether I have it or not as I’ve been in better health for the past seven or so years than I was in my 30s (74 now) so I’m not, in the least, concerned for me but this sort of discrimination must be affecting lotza folk who aren’t so sure of their post serious problem(s) health status ….
Soooo, your compelled to pay , compulsory, health care levy thru taxation but your not as entitled to access treatment as others …
Another happy, successful woman tells men why they are wrong again:
Hold up.
How many women are net taxpayers or are employed in make work civil servant or diversity hires jobs?
It’s a scam. Men need to be traditional and BETTER than their grandfathers.
Women can choose their lifestyle, have others pay for it and expect to be treated like their grandmothers?
Something does not add up. Send this mess to forensic accounting, stat.
In my daughters’ own words.
The next big trend in mental health treatments? Psychedelic therapy
Just great, a new form of psychotherapy which allows you to create a different fantasy about yourself. Well if that makes you feel better so be it.
It gets better.
Women don’t need men.
Something does not add up.
That’s not legal. I’d be dobbing them into the relevant authorities.
Stupidest sentence I’ve read in quite a while.
And they really believe it!
Before you take psychedelics, keep this in mind:
Tolkien (Catholic) > Lewis (Anglican) > Rowling (Calvinism).
(They were all converts, which is interesting).
A world where women run everything is a world where nothing runs.
Buttler has taken one “speccie” and dropped several sitters.
The speccie was made for TV. Coming at knee height, full stretch dive, snagged in one hand. Looks great but nowhere near as hard as taking an inside edge off a spinner standing up to the stumps.
His stand-in (Pope) is not a keeper. His style owes more to Hungry Hungry Hippo than crickit.
Certainly no need for these.
Things like this are (unwitting?) supports for public health policy that still appears to believe that high levels of vaccination is somehow going to stop Rona circulating – and that certainly believes that vaccinating children is OK.
No need for the good and great to address the actual issues when they can simply release ‘US QAnon sketchy shit’ distraction squirrels on anything other than the current dogma.
Mater’s Mischief #8: He’s come good since leaving the job
Barry McCracken
‘We’ll Piss You Off!’ – Massive Protest in France Against Macron Following His Dehumanizing Comments on Unvaxxed
“Dehumanise” is exactly the right word to describe what Macron did. He should be charged with inciting violence.
So, not in the Chest Wall but in the Organs of the chest;
Heart, Lungs, Glands?
It must be the swimming, shatterzzz!
With all the ks you do, have you a goal in mind, say ocean swimming events?
It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out
Biden’s contribution to the dehumanisation effort. As Neil Oliver said, this is all choreographed.
That would explain why I didn’t see the Duk-stoush.
Once we went to censoring out-of-step opinion I didn’t bother going there.
Safe and effective.
With all the ks you do, have you a goal in mind, say ocean swimming events?
I wish .. LOL! .. BIG difference between ocean and pool swimming .. pool is nice & flat & back & forth but ocean with wave movement/tides really hammers you .. 2 to 3kms in the pool no real hassle but 500 mtres in open water near finishes me .. LOL!
Not if he insists on chopping opposing opinion rather than debating it (or ignoring it at least).
I wasn’t aware of the Duk-chopping.
This is for the health
Wack job conspiracy theories are NOT the way to argue against this crap!!?
Say it ain’t so!
Cathedral deploys the antibodies.
FACT FOCUS: Unfounded theory used to dismiss COVID measures (8 Jan)
Any article that starts with those two words in caps reeks of Snopes-like propaganda. And mass formation psychosis is nothing like hypnosis.
Methinks there’s a disturbance in the force and the dark side is getting antsy.
The Jewish Pope.
You know it makes sense.
Who exactly is this “prominent Utah Republican”?
According to QLD Health Queensland has exactly 18000 new Covid cases. They should know that a number ending in 00 or 0000 has no credibility.
That’s not legal. I’d be dobbing them into the relevant authorities.
As I said I’ don’t really care, cos I’m fine, but I’m guessing these decisions are happening because the relevant authority is OK with them …!
Pierre Delecto, for sure.
Who exactly is this “prominent Utah Republican”?
Romney ……
And finally some good news, my patient wont lose an eye after all…
A sensational save by plucky England, after Jonny Bairstow’s heroic first innings scatters the Aussie bowling.
I think that’s how it will go.
Good news.
If you feel your job enervating that’s natural. But news like that makes it worthwhile. Keep up the good work.
A question Lizzie.
Last week you got very wound up about the possibility of litigation arising from blog commentary which is “actionable”.
What are your thoughts on blog hosts removing key qualifying sentences from comments, which completely changes the meaning of the comment, and with no visible audit trail?
Very courageous prediction, Minister.
I’m hoping to come back in my next life as a sub editor.
Aspirational, I know.
I’m back swimming after I have an operation cancelled in September *.
I’ve trained up people that had misgivings about waves and surf. I’ve seen good pool swimmers panic when the water gets deep and they get cured with a bit of help.
This season will be over when I can get in the water again.
However if you want to train over winter for next season give me a bell. Open water is great.
*psychopathic power queens in Health. It’s not the best when the public system gets its claws in you.
October 27, 2021
The issue appears to keep coming back to these school boards, professional and regulatory associations and similar.
These need to be cleaned out of the ideologues that infest them and are using them to their own ends.
You’re moving to Bangalore?
Who exactly is this “prominent Utah Republican”?
My newsfeed tells me:
Never heard of him; but he seems a bit of a ‘reproductive system of women’ himself.
Ran saves Australia from an embarrassing loss
Graeme hasn’t moved to Utah then?
This might not be the best re-election strategy, Manu.
Rain saves Australia from an embarrassing loss
Coming to Victoria soon:
The Paris of the Deccan plateau – it’s a great choice. (In case I just miss the cut and come back as a street dog.)
However if you want to train over winter for next season give me a bell. Open water is great.
Thanx but I live a fair distance from the ocean .. open sea swimming a year is countable on one hand mainly outings with grandees .. which is why I’m not great at it .. LOL! ..
as I tell the kids when you reach my age the main aim is to get from one end of the pool to the other without sinking .. I’m fortunate enuf, at the moment, to be an oldie that can manage that quite a few times when I try .. speed is, definitely, not a factor in my swimming .. these days I’m on a 90second 50 metre average ……
Disease is caused by catching germs from someone else. Science says so. And just ignore any kind of proof that it’s bullshit n
How Do You See the World? People With Creative Personalities Really Do See the Things Differently
People can change in the OCEAN dimensions (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) but typically need some prompting to do so. Drugs are one form of prompting and creative individuals like to indulge. So here’s the strange thing about human beings. There are a number of people who now argue altered states of consciousness constitute a 4th biological drive. They are late to the party because in his excellent book, Intoxication, decades ago Seigel made the same argument. They are all wrong. Biological drives are to serve survival. Altered states of consciousness do the opposite but I accept the point that one way or the other human beings try to alter their consciousness. The popular choice today is alcohol, a drug so boring I don’t why people bother with it.
I’m not interested in specific altered states of consciousness but I would desperately like to know why we seek these experiences.
KD earlier on wicket-keepers.
I thought Wadey deserved a go, but he has had that and wasn’t up to it.
I couldn’t believe a factor in his selection was his “aggression in the field”.
So, picked as a sledger.
Selectors for two decades have picked blokes who average 35 (and regularly grass catches) over blokes who average 25 but miss nothing.
How many tests turn on those extra twenty runs?
Furthermore, quite often the 35 average is built on second innings junk runs against B-grade competition.
I wouldn’t be too certain about that:
Next level Nanowrigglers.
Watching High Noon on Fox classics 2. I like the situational and tactical waterless Hary Cooper shows.
Someone must have done a FIBUA course.
Waterless? Awareness. Bloody autocorrect.
Covers off; 7 overs off.
England finding at least some some form and fight late in theseries suggests they really missed those state games in which they could acclimatise to local conditions. A few warm ups on Brisbane suburban pitches was better than nothing, but not by much.
Carey’s safe for the Ashes I think.
However, the subcontinent is a graveyard for keepers who are batsmen who keep a bit.
If I was Josh Inglis I’d be making sure my gloves were nice and supple.