Swedish journalist said tonight that all information is being kept within the “authorities” wall of secrecy.
Swedish journalist said tonight that all information is being kept within the “authorities” wall of secrecy.
FMD. Based on JC’s land tax problems just did a comparison of Victoriastan and WA – $750k property, absentee landlord,…
Upthread, and apropos of wet lettuce leaves: What federal criminal law is he talking about? And even if they pass…
I know its time consuming but lets keep the fire in the belly bubbling – don’t use USAID at all,…
Too busy? Was she out for a drive?
Back to work tomorrow.
Quiet here
Insomnia -but I made the top 3
” The lives of unvaccinated people will be miserable ” said Chris Perry -head of the Queensland AMA. Doesnt the Hippocratic oath say something like ” first, do no harm “. So we have had delta – now omicron -then flurona -and apparently a new strain of delta/ omicron. People are getting sick -most of our Church members were away yesterday with the couf. But it is being used as a smokescreen -while our free agency is under attack like never before. satans end game is total control. And he is achieving it while we sleepwalk . At camp three on Mt Stupid -making a thrust for the summit.
Johannes Leak. PS: Like everything else spawned by the left, the Sydney Festival boycott, led by “comedian” Tom Ballard, is about hatred and bigotry.
Peter Broelman.
Morten Morland. More here.
Graeme Bandeira.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Steve Breen.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Ben Garrison.
Leak on fire.
Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God
I disagree with the premiss but the overall theory has merit.
And totaly unrelated what is ‘soft-soaping’?
Sanchez, last night and on the subject of McAvaney-style bullfight commentary:
‘You just feel that if the sticko could get three more sticks into the bull he’d be back in the game….’
‘Geez, if you looked at that bull you’d think that’s the blackest bull you’ve ever seen. I reckon the blackest since Bueno Taco in 1932….’
On a side note, the Looney Tunes with Bugs Bunny as the matador would be in the top three cartoons of that or any type ever created.
My autowreck appears to be related to JC’s.
Headline in The Hun:
‘Covid So Widespread Doctors Finding It By Accident’
Well, duh.
Sex and the City is now woke crap, says Spiked magazine…link
Unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable.
Barnaby fucking Joyce on the teev saying:
‘We’ve all got to live with Covid and get on with our lives’ in reference to supermarket workers and general plebs of that type that keep them fed.
But, on the tennis bloke:
‘We have to have one rule for everyone.’
Like Federal Parliamentarians, Joyce? Once again, with feeling:
Quite so. Any liking and sympathy I once had for Barnapus has evaporated….like the Aral Sea, never to return.
Well over 1.9 million cases here now.
Apparently the UK is starting to ‘taper’.
And my museo failed to open at 4 as promised.
Now I’ll never see the Roman road with a medieval road on top.
Who would have thought in 2022 we would be looking to Novak Djokovic to defend freedom?
January 10, 2022 at 4:15 am
Johannes Leak. PS: Like everything else spawned by the left, the Sydney Festival boycott, led by “comedian” Tom Ballard, is about hatred and bigotry.”
Thanks Tom. As always, Leak has nailed it. I always like it when those parasites on the progressive left out themselves for what they are….Jew haters. And all of this confirms my theory that the most menacing anti-Semites aren’t the pimply faced, sun starved, Swastika obsessed incel teenagers hiding in their mother’s basement, it is these verminous, hypocritical progressive parasites like Ballard and his fellow travellers.
And further on Ballard, given that he’s a gay man, he’s care for “Palestine” is rather touching. So I’d just love for him to go and live in Gaza or in Ramallah and campaign openly for gay rights. I’m sure many of us would happily organise a collection box to pay for his airfare to Gaza. The thing is though, the slimy, hypocritical, untalented, unfunny anti-Semite Ballard would last five minutes in Gaza and would quickly jump, faster than a speeding bullet, over the border to that evil, waaaaaacist, colonialist LGBTQRSTI friendly, Zionist city called Tel Aviv.
” he’s care”
his care. Oy vey.
Out and about for the day.
Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
The Australian:
Major retailers including Coles and Woolworths are reporting staff shortages of up to 35 per cent at their distribution centres due to state-imposed Covid-19 isolation requirements forcing the nation into a deepening supply chain crisis for essential goods including food and pharmaceuticals.
We are being governed by idiots and time servers.
Thanks Tom. Anyone having trouble choosing between De Santis and Cruz for next Prez has been assisted by Cruz and his miss-speaking.
It’s said that Pompeo is considering a run as well.
I don’t know this Ballard fellow. Never heard of him. Nothing remarkable about that, although I have not heard about him from anyone. He may be just one of the ‘comedians’ that the ABC keeps on speed dial for when one is needed, and perhaps writes a column occasionally or does the odd stand up.
But this boycott is now the only thing I know about him, so I feel funny describing him as a comedian. As for the rest whose names are not even listed, this political act is the highest profile they may well ever achieve. The high point of, for example, singer’s fame not being singing should be considered an embarrassment.
“Vaccination is our way out of this”
Ted Cruz, ripped to shreds this week by Tucker Carlson, is as slippery and untrustworthy as Lindsay Graham, a Never Trumper who cheered when the Dems stole the 2020 election as it removed the GOP’s need to differentiate itself from the DNC and restored the lucrative Washington corruption gravy train.
“Thanks Tom. Anyone having trouble choosing between De Santis and Cruz for next Prez has been assisted by Cruz and his miss-speaking.”
Cruz was always slippery…like an eel.
I hope De Santis runs.
Monday morning and me too tired to think of there being a new thread.
Old thread will do for me though.
Pile-ons, bullfights, Black Madonnas. Got it all. 🙂
Oh … and Camargue horses and Chappaquiddick.
Yes. Backed by Trump rather than Trump being on the list.
Sad to say it, but there is too much baggage around Trump.
Most of it unfair, but it will stick.
Best to give a younger man a solid chance to do some MAGA.
Covid is just about everywhere now.
Lots of people in the local towns infected and everyday your closer to a positive.
We visited the relos yesterday and a message came through that one of the assembled had been in a fire truck with a positive case a few days ago.
The lad informed us he was feeling a bit off. You cannot avoid this.
Your – you’re
Pompeo losing a lot of weight has fuelled speculation that he is also gearing up for a run.
Trump will have to pick carefully if he doesn’t run himself.
De Santis has a better hands-on record than Pompeo.
My dance class leader’s adult kids and grandkids have all had Covid in the last two weeks.
One of my sons has had it. Another has a vaccine injury.
Covid chooks are coming home to roost in Australia now.
Hopefully at the tail end of a diminished virus with rapid spread.
Best possible outcome.
The State of Florida isn’t in a sharing mood these days, especially for peeing in the wind.
Without very solid majorities in both Houses of Congress De Santis would be wasted in DC.
And God only knows what Florida would end up with as his replacement for Governor.
You cannot avoid this.
Please advise the National Cabinet of imbeciles.
It’s interesting how the self proclaimed hard hitting bringers of truth like Bolt a Credlin still keep the Christmas break sacred amid the growing chaos.
Not all that dedicated really.
Go-fund-me – Send Ballard to Gaza.
I’d contribute if it entailed him giving a Gay Pride speech there.
Do we have to ask his permission first? If so, let’s see what he says.
In 2021, we were looking to members of the CFMEU.
Weird times.
speaking of sending Ballard to Gaza, always reminds me of the Poofters 4 Palestine at Mardi Gras.
Too bad not one of them is game enough to actually spend some time there.
There are many people here that have achieved and experienced more then you, L that don’t attract that same reaction. You should consider what other don’t do other instead of seeking flimsy excuses.
CFMEU members did and do not have the bread, unlike Djokovic. I hope it makes a difference.
Bugger wrong thread.
Ah, posts need proofing. Mine, at least.
Soft soaping is basically bullshitting and cajoling in support of some cause, usually to gain personal advantage.
In some cases it can be actionable.
Tom Ballard is small fry. The heavy guns have already fired:
Sydney festival opened on Thursday night hours after the withdrawal of another of its program highlights, Tropical Fuck Storm.
Tropical Fuck Storm: an emblem of deep and knowledgeable engagement with the Palestinian issue.
Although this is a blast from the past, perhaps Ballard could ask the ABCess to revive it as a platform for himself. Now that he is out a paying gig.
Note also, it was the members of the CFMEU, in defiance of the organisation.
From the old thread.
Dick ‘Ed
Add in an armed Cop with Shoot to Kill Orders and a coupla teams will vax an entire suburb in a fortnite.
Even the corrupted Vicco judicial system might find difficulty swallowing a defence of “I shot her because she was resisting injection with a vaccine of dubious effectiveness Your Honour. It was to save her life Your Honour”.
Get your hand off it Dick.
Lizzie on the old fred:-
Go back and read JC’s comment.
That was referring to someone else.
Jesus, you have raised that a few times now.
Listen. People here (including myself) have lost family members in tragic circumstances over the last few months, or suffered debilitating health setbacks.
They don’t lay into people here over it.
Recently four kids in Melbourne’s west died in a house fire.
It’s a fucking car for Christ’s sake.
Yes, some emotional attachment, but still an inanimate object.
Be thankful no-one died and move on.
The instigator of which you managed to omit from that very long story.
Pro tips.
.1 Stop white knighting the undeserving.
.2 Try not to simultaneously couple “let it go” with “Lizzie’s last word”.
In Alternative Government news:
May contain traces of unintentional irony.
Least effective treatment for Covid:
Always the plan.
CHOs simultaneously crash the booster gap to five, then four months and drop the age limit to create a shortage and bottlenecks.
Cheers Sancho
Are you trying to soft-soap me?
Rex Anger, thanks for clearing up the spelling of Hanna Reitsch’s name.
I can see how she got roped into supporting the Nazi regime. Become useful to them at a time when doing so lets you do what you love at a time when the field is undergoing huge advances.
FYI, all Catallaxians. This just arrived in my inbox under the Great Barrington Declaration logo. The new initiative of Collateral Global sounds well worth supporting.
How many vaccines does this bloke
800 million for 26 million people?
What the ……
“For the record”, I never said nor even went close to implying you did.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
January 10, 2022 at 8:12 am
I hope De Santis runs.
Yes. Backed by Trump rather than Trump being on the list.
Sad to say it, but there is too much baggage around Trump.
Most of it unfair, but it will stick.
Best to give a younger man a solid chance to do some MAGA.
Fully agree !
Don’t see why it was addressed to me in that case. I don’t read this place thoroughly.
Did JC mean Arky? If so, why not say so?
re Arky, my only point is that he has been on a knife edge and let’s not tip him over it.
As Calli says, water under the bridge.
Sancho, I’d also add that he had to rescue his own daughter from the fire, as far as I know.
Pretty horrible stuff. Plus we’ve seen Arky here toss in a good well-paying job for the sake of his principles, and then try to carve out some other source of income and self-validation by testing his luck making videos interviewing on science, and videos (for profit) re his hobby car (now a burnt out wreck). His commitment to this site means we bear some responsibility to him, that’s all.
Sorry if that is a ‘last word’. Last words are stupid because they rarely apply.
Many people add things as time goes by.
gotta go. I have an online dance class to attend. It’s in real time and waits for no woman.
Ordinarily, I’d agree but mostly pertaining to his age, however this is special. Trump needs to run and win as a form a payback to the left. There’s water under the bridge but it’s not moving until he’s re-elected for the lies and the cheating committed against him. Payback is a bitch.
No Sancho, I suspected something similar like blatant cognitive dishonesty such ‘I have never threatened anyone’ but wasn’t certain.
I leave the gross gerbiling up to the experts, still bad habits can be infectious.
Joe and Hunter are attracted to the corrupt and powerful like bees to honey. Or is it the other way around?
The COVID-19 crisis will end when Government stops “helping” us.
Governments are the very definition of ‘passion fingers’.
Got a bit odd, the open thread, this morning.
I can only assume you’ve all got the same rubbish weather I’m experiencing, this morning.
It’s crumbling.
As opposed to utter crap, which it was the first time around.
Trump should continue playing the stalking horse for the next 2 years.
Suck up all the media attention and keep the Dems guessing while a suitable alternative is quietly vetted and extensive preparation of the battlefield takes place.
Obviously, a large portion of that effort should focus on effectively attacking the Dem vote cheating methods, otherwise it’s all a waste of time, political collateral, and money.
Then the real candidate needs to be presented, by Trump.
Regarding the “Arts End” of Australian Kultcha:
EVERYONE should see a Hungarian movie by István Szabó, called “Mephisto”. No. it’s not a about the captured WW1 A7V tank at the Queensland museum. More about the utter corruptibility and corruption of the “artistic” class.
There was a good reason that Stalin openly declared that he wanted a movie “industry” like Hollywood. He actually got it, posthumously, but it is still in Whoreliwood.
Bespoke, I think you are a fraud. Bag your head. Not interested in you or your opinions.
Posobiec on Tim Pool explaining how “Glee” was a “plague ship of wokeness” was good value.
From the comments:
*Also Glee existed pre Y2K, it was called Popular and got cancelled fairly quickly.
*Jack is wrong – the writers did come from academia. The long March happened decades ago.
JC, Hairy is like you, holding out for a huge Trump electoral validation due to the steal.
It is a tempting position and one many very solid men feel committed to hold.
Realpolitik suggests that won’t happen and it is best to try to get the socialists out.
That should be the main aim now.
Get it while you can:
My online class has been cancelled. Along with the sticky awful weather, that sucks too.
The letter attached to this report should be sent to every politician an appropriate note telling them that they will be held accountable for what happens to our kids.
There’s a jonestown habit starting to creep into the political caste of calling everyone elses kids “our kids” when they announce some new child abuse policy.
My kids you sick whackos.
Oh! Kanaduh!
Apparently, in that benighted dungheap, you are not counted as vaccinated for the first 14 days after the second booster. However, if you die you are therefore “unvaccinated”, but with COVID. This means anyone killed immediately by the vaccine gets counted as someone who could have been saved if only they had been vaccinated.
Coming soon to a festering pile near you?
Apologies, JC. Looks like a mix up in referents and you were addressing me re Arky or someone else?
You are a bonus to this site. I’ve no beef with you in particular and mostly hold my fire.
Bespoke, who acts like an out-of-control termite undermining everything, is quite deliberately obtuse and confounding, in fact often a complete liar. In this, he is simply a blight on the site. He’s done his worst on me, regularly, and deserves no quarter at all. Won’t get any from me.
Made a couple of comments this morning. One was innocuous – the other about the couf being a smokescreen for an attack on free agency. Reasonable surely but no -disappeared ” like a fart in the wind “. I can understand that new commentaters should have their comments moderated but censorship – on Catallaxy -WTF.
Has this forum now become a closed shop with furious agreement one with another.
If so why bother. Too many people making a dash for the summit of Mt Stupid.
Well. Progress.
Couldn’t agree more, collective ownership is past misguided and a segue to a police state, as well as abrogating personal responsibility and sovereignty.
..but only an unvaxxie would say that!
No and it won’t, gossip girl.
This needs a Papa Nurgle and Daemonette of Slaanesh meme, stat.
Very Interesting Marionette Strings Visible in South Dakota, There Are No Coincidences of This Scale
January 9, 2022 | Sundance
Governor Kristi Noem is the Koch Brothers version of Nikki Haley. A Wall Street donor favorite and open border immigration advocate who has been positioned to be a potential Republican candidate for 2024.
Brown nose might be a better idiom.
Haley is far worse. Noem, for all her flaws, is much better. If they need to slight Noem, don’t do it by analogy.
Thanks twostix for picking up on that idiom.
It has irked me for years. It is false, contrived and quite frankly I find the term “our kids” being used by TV presenters, newspaper staff and talking (fat)heads to be forced, inauthentic and NQR.
Hey bespoke, I like the GG description.
Can’t be as munted as the past week.
Only noticed the water views Saturday arvo.
Although I doubt they’ll add to property values.
Which benighted dungheap would that be?
So many to choose from.
Our dams will never fill again.
Ghost cities.
Perpetual drought.
I see Claire Lehmann is out today on Twitter criticizing the idea of ‘mass formation’. Notice how she immediately begins to criticize any idea that gains a purchase in undermining the prevailing COVID narrative? I do.
It means we are over the target.
She’s over, basically.
Might be better to ignore her.
Instead of introducing new child abuse policies, why don’t they review policies which are contributing to the problem? If they are really interested in protecting children and supporting families, that is.
A short read. Take from this what you will.
that was a very good read. Here’s hoping this interesting part of the article really runs;
“It is a commonplace observation, but a true one: Since the vaccines began to fail in August, the vaccinators have been progressing through the proverbial five stages of grief. They spent a lot of time in denial, before becoming very angry and punitive. Then they began bargaining, hoping that SARS-2 would go away after four doses, or after five, with just the right dosing intervals, with a return to double masking, with child vaccinations. Now they appear to be drifting finally into depression and acceptance. They have realised, not a second too soon, that there is nothing to be done.”
Trump should endorse the Democrat’s contender for president in 2024.
That should confuse the ratbags.
California is simultaneously in terrible drought while experiencing their highest precipitation ever at the moment. The contortions from the usual suspects are fun.
On the other hand the ghost cities thing is real.
Californians fleeing for Texas so fast U-Haul runs out of trucks for them: report (7 Jan)
Keep the Foreign Correspondent reports coming Rosie.
Always wanted to go to Sardinia (and other Mediterranean islands – Malta, Sicily, Corsica).
Are you going to any other islands?
“Dr Tim Flannery, the 2007 Australian of the Year, is the most famous environmentalist in the country and was one of the first people to warn of the dangers of climate change.
Fitz: Tim, despite the flak, you talk as a prophet ahead of your time. Most sensible people will now concede you were right on warning of the dangers of climate change and the denialists were wrong. Do you feel tragically vindicated?
Tim: Yes [paraphrased – R.].”
SMH, 21 Oct 2021
Notre Dame protected by sandbags in WW1. Some other great pic there too.
I like you. I have one condition though.
Just to help you figure out who might be the subject of commentary, when JC says “Thought Leader” he is definitely referring to Arky.
Not that you are not also a Thought Leader.
You definitely are.
It’s just that JC hasn’t nick-named you as such.
It was always a controlled platform dover, like TPUSA.
Instead of introducing new child abuse policies, why don’t they review policies which are contributing to the problem?
That would involve admitting to an earlier error, thus compromising their claims to infallibility. Even if the “advice” to adopt the faulty policies came from the bureaucracy, they took it.
The only chance is if the faulty policies can clearly be attributed to their predecessors, and they voted against them in Parliament.
“Dr Tim Flannery, the 2007 Australian of the Year, is the most infamous environmentalist in the country and was one of the first people to warn of the dangers of climate change.
It is now clear that your analysis was completely wrong. Aren’t you embarrassed?”
I watched the NSW announcement of the vaccine for little children.
Side effects they said include fever, headache and a sore arm for a week. So it’s literally worse than catching the cold.
They’re giving a treatment worse than the disease to little children.
Apparently you can “choose a side” yet still be independent.
Like FitzSimons’ loaded statement above, due these people – among the smartest in their own eyes – ever listen to themselves?
Yeah, as I linked yesterday the Cathedral talking points have been roneoed and circulated. We’re going to be slimed all week with this goo.
Designer vaccines target particular and specific aspects of viral action, allowing other factors to evolve and proliferate.
Our bodies vary. At birth some are handed a lemon, others a robust tank. Natural immunity for those with it brings out troops that can confront many aspects of a viral attack. If you have it it’s most likely been tested and proved over years of allowing flues, colds and fevers to pass through with minor inconvenience. If you haven’t you could choose to get vaccinated.
Flannery broke the cardinal rule of Great Prognosticators: he became specific.
Make your call as big as possible, never say ‘What’ or ‘When’, and you can claim victory under the most challenging circumstances.
Iron Rule.
Do dew wop wop.
(Roger and rambler – Are we working as back-up singers?)
Yes, I think you’re right but I don’t think its so much ‘controlled’ as still wedded to the prevailing global liberal narrative. But the effect is nonetheless the same.
There was no easy link for me to use to copy this article, so I am quoting in full because I think it is important. It is from an article in Conservative Woman which quotes nurses and paramedics in Australia who are seeing appalling vaccine injuries which they are unable to report for fear of losing their jobs.
Incidentally, one of the nurses explained the staff shortage in hospitals as partly because they are paying above award wages to nurses in fax centres.
Faulty Syndrome.
BJ, I think it’s just fear of making tough decisions that may be unpopular.
So they introduce a “new policy” to give the appearance of doing something about an issue.
The “new policy” almost invariably exacerbates the problem.
There is no panacea, but a good start would be adopting policies that support the traditional family and retrenching policies that underwrite poor outcomes (to use the jargon!).
It’s lead or nothing.
[vocal exercises in background]
Keep those foreign reports coming Dame Notafan, glad you got your final european grand tour in! Say hello to the over 50’s in Italy who the Italian government are about to point a gun and and get forced to get vaccinated for your benefit.
I’d ask you to report in on the mass Italian protests in response ruining your well deserved trip to the Coffee Cluber’s mecca but thankfully they cracked down on them and they’re banned.
Just remember to keep those doses up to date!
Coles and Woolworths are reporting staff shortages
Meat cabinet stripped bare last night at Coles and only half-stocked this morning. Plenty of toilet paper, but no paper towels. Oh, and the cat food Elsie, Scourge of Mice, favours was down to the last two bags.
Also, no garlic prawns (on skewers or otherwise). National crisis developing
In the Navy you can sail the seven seas!
(Via Instapundit.)
You do know that you can make garlic prawns yourself, right?
The two main ingredients are, unsurprisingly, prawns and garlic.
I never buy marinated prawns.
Too hard to get a whiff if they are on the turn.
Oh, and the cat food Elsie, Scourge of Mice, favours was down to the last two bags.
I spent an hour this morning driving to coles and woolies out of my area to buy the fleabags favourite din dins. Am starting to re-evaluate my purpose in life. 😉
You lasted ten minutes, L.
It’s easy become obsessive online so I’ll keep that in mind, cheers.
One thing though if L want’s me to ‘stay out of her lane’ she ought not swerve into mine drunk with sanctimony.
I reckon we will have floods.
Hot days.
Cold days.
Windy days.
Rainy days,
Dry days,
Calm days.
Cheese was mostly gone too when I went to Coles this morning. Lots of toasted cheese sangas on the menu for quarantine! There was a fair bit of mince fortunately, or my currawongs would have to learn about dog log.
But they said the vax was effective?
Bob Moran was the Daily Telegraph illustrator. He was sacked for not being injected. A brave man of principle, unlike his employer.
Vicki, a few weeks ago at a public meeting in Toowoomba an ED doc stood up and said he was sick of seeing vax injuries come in.
Two to three months ago real estate lady in Killarny with us got to talking and her sister worked as nurse in the covid ward of a hospital on the coast. Treated a couple of real covid cases but the rest were vax injuries. She was resigning rather than getting jabbed as was real estate lady.
Then there is the Brit funeral director and his experience gels with the Indiana insurance company experience.
Am starting to re-evaluate my purpose in life.
You still haven’t learned that cats are space aliens who came to Earth to enslave humanity – and won?
Haven’t heard anything from Maximum Leader yet.
Probably out the back of the court house with a brown paper bag.
Tanya Gold on the moral bankruptcy of the BBC (et. al.):
She’s honest enough to admit her own, much smaller, role in enabling him too. She’s a journalist worth reading.
Not so. I simply think for myself. More a maverick than a leader of anything.
lol. Says the worst driver on the Cat, Blind Freddie Dodgem, throwing up bile.
Oh noes. Don’t tell me Fussy Cat Grain Free Kibbles are scarce.
Attapuss will never cope.
He throws them up in equal parts to digesting them, but them’s the breaks.
So he tells me as he mwowls for more while I pine-o-clean the floorboards.
After a mop up with kitchen paper, which is now scarce too?
oops, I didn’t mean you were creepy, I was only trying to be funny. I should have used this one.
Just having coffee with my lawyer.
He reckons that is actionable.
He said, “That is totes actionable. So actionable it is not funny. I doubt I have seen anything more actionable.”
Fussy Cat Meat Sachets are often also scarce in these times of panic buying.
Cats come first in most people’s stocking up.
Don’t fret cat ladies.
As the late, great Dr Hugh Wirth used to say, “No animal has ever starved in the presence of food.”
If they get antsy that it isn’t the “right food”, take it away.
Then watch them bolt it down the next day.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
January 10, 2022 at 11:27 am
Meat cabinet stripped bare last night at Coles
The meatworks can’t get enough staff to run the chains.
Once you pull 20% of staff out to isolate you effectively shut firm the business.
Are they still paying $500 to stay home after a positive test?
If so, when combined with self reported DIY rapid tests, that has yuuuge potential for rorting.
lol, Leigh.
Blind Freddie is as actionable as Mrs. Bucket.
Might be one of those ‘don’t go there’ moments for you.
Any cafe lawyer you don’t pay gives you advice worth nothing too.
Renegades – Born in the USA By: Barack Obama, Bruce Springsteen
That was the subtle point which seems to have been missed.
Probably worth about the same as dinner party legal advice telling you that you had a case against Johanna.
Is there any ship cruises leaving this wide brown land?
One? Somewhere? Please.
thank God for dogs! My two boys will eat anything and when the spoilt pussies turn up their noses, two hairy little rockets swoop in and hoover every crumb.
Personally, the further I can stay away from lawyers the better.
Oh, except for Cassie’s partner and my own two kids. But that’s different.
Vax-Unvax – What Does the Science Say? By: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Brian Hooker
Is there anything quite as pathetic as two pillars of the new establishment casting themselves as renegades for a commercial venture?
Climate in Crisis – Who’s Causing It, Who’s Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It’s Too Late
By: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dick Russell, David Talbot.
Looks like the Djoker case is going very badly for Scumo and his evangelists in Border Farce.
The judge asks “what more could this man have done?”
Bob Saget brown bread.
Bob Saget dead, 65.
Triple vaxxed AOC has come down with coof.
Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tests positive to COVID (10 Jan)
There’s a sort of perfection about this event which feeds right into Blair’s Law, viz “the ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.”
It is as if someone has flicked a switch because over the last 3 months Scomo is on a hiding to nothing. That’s one big Happy New Year for me.
I don’t mention Johanna at dinner parties. Never wanted to take legal action against her either.
I am currently feeling very mellow towards her. Thinking about her life and her quiet little hidden plaint I noted that she would not be missed here only coming in infrequently: that is all very sad. Of course she would be missed here, she’s a fixture and far more liked than I am. Luckily, I have Hairy, who is scathing about blogs and upticking. It must be difficult for Johanna to cope with ongoing severe arthritis while working out life’s next financial step re housing and home, yet still keeping busy with motel gardening. I’d cede my place here readily to her if she really felt there was not room enough for us both.
Good article on how the Parliament House fire commemorates ten years since the Tent Embassy’s 40th anniversary and how a Gillard staffer tipped off activists that Gillard and Abbott would be nearby and it was Abbott’s intention to shut it down (false claim):
Is there anything quite as pathetic
It’s the power of myth, Roger. One of the ways we indirectly learn is via storytelling. Look at gerbil worming/extra-cream climate: The storytelling has been superbly effective. Why has the audience engaged so wholly with the story in this instance?
John H, I follow you comments a lot. I was wondering, how much copper is required on a daily basis when taking zinc?
He said, “That is totes actionable. So actionable it is not funny. I doubt I have seen anything more actionable.”
Reminds me of Lionel Murphy, asked by the Great Gough (sarc) whether something could be argued before the High Court, he pretty much agreed that anything could be argued before the High Court, but implied it might not be successful. Anything might be actionable, whether the action will be successful is another matter.
To clarify. Joh made the quiet little plaint about not being missed, which no-one commented on, and I noted it, didn’t say anything, but perhaps I should have.
Cameron Smith wins the Tour event in Hawaii. Top four finishers are at 125 under par. Matt Jones third.
Sancho Panzersays:
January 10, 2022 at 8:53 am
Lizzie on the old fred:-
For the record: I have never threatened anyone on threads. I don’t pretend to own this site. I don’t ‘choose sides’ in stouches
Go back and read JC’s comment.
That was referring to someone else.
Not again.
No one misses me and frankly, I don’t blame them.
Stories are indeed important.
It’s also important that if they’re presented as non-fiction that they are true.
Was just on the phone to a friend, chat wandered onto the pox, (she is a XXX vaxxed believer), informed me that news last night stated that 17 young people dead of the pox. I mentioned that I had heard that it was 15 ill from said pox, and all were stabbed. Also, all were old. After we had finished discussing the supermarket supply chains, (she is all for everybody starving as long as no one who has tested positive is allowed anywhere near her), started screaming at me that I was the one who mentioned the dead people.
I said NO, you mentioned them, YOU heard it on your beloved MSM yesterday. I hadn’t read anything about 17 dead on my “stupid” news as he calls it.
Also told her that Omicron came into Australia via the fully stabbed on a flight from abroad, she demanded to know from where I heard that outrageous lie! I told her it was headline news on her beloved MSM. Look it up, you have a computer. LOL
Thought about mentioning the stab screws with your short term memory, but thought better of it. She is an okay friend whose dog is best mates with my two. Also, is retired, hypochondriac and hasn’t any hobbies. The perfect sort of person to fall under the spell of a cult.
Also, this whole phone call was happening while she was wandering around a supermarket not knowing if anyone near her was diseased. The first casualty of this made up pox has always been logic.
“Triple vaxxed AOC has come down with coof”
That’ll teach her to go to Florida.
Djoker: “Do you expect me to talk?”
ScoMo: “No, Mr Djokovic. I expect you to die.”
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
January 10, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Triple vaxxed AOC has come down with coof.
Kung Flu is having a hard time lately, first Bananaby, then Turdball, now AOC. What has this poor virus done to deserve this?
Gab, that isn’t true. And your work on Twitter is very amusing.
Excellent point Muddy. Too often lost on some political junkies who think reason and evidence is what persuades people. That only works for a minority of people. For the rest, story telling is much more powerful.
Aww, shucks, Dover. You ain’t so bad yerself. xx
(? ?° ??? ?°)?
Yeah, maybe.
Which is what bugged me about it.
Why throw it in at all?
It smelt very strongly of someone perceiving that an adversary has limited resources and then making litigation noises to scare them off, knowing that the case was frivolous and vexatious, but would cost the other party money they didn’t have.
You know, lawfare.
The sort of thing which causes lots of angst and hand-wringing over at Quadrant.
If you had zero intent of doing anything, why raise it at all?
HTML for harrumph.
Oh C.L., I always miss you! xxxooxxx
Here we go.
Seems you dont need to be clot shotted to enter hospitals or aged care anymore, just need a negative RAT test.
Visitors in hospitals must have received two doses of the vaccine or must return a negative RAT result before entering. Adult visitors who are not fully vaccinated must wear an N95 mask during their visit. Standard face masks continue to be mandated for children aged 8 and above.
How to say that 16 our of 18 deaths were vaccinated…
No information about the other 16. Why?
The Australian.
“Is there any ship cruises leaving this wide brown land?”
I thought I could get out by leaving from NZ. Except you can’t get to NZ.
John H
For the rest, story telling is much more powerful.
Hence the heavy emphasis on the left in having a consistent “narrative” (at the same time as leftist historians decry the use of narrative history, and emphasise “themes” – indigenous, refugees, “invasion”).
“No setting is more vulnerable than hospitals and aged care, and that’s why visitors to hospitals will be required to
have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine or return a negative Rapid Antigen Test.”
So if a negative test is good enough for hospitals, why is a neg test acceptable for work?
Come May, I expect ScoMo to be squeezed out of the window.