FMD. Based on JC’s land tax problems just did a comparison of Victoriastan and WA – $750k property, absentee landlord,…
FMD. Based on JC’s land tax problems just did a comparison of Victoriastan and WA – $750k property, absentee landlord,…
Upthread, and apropos of wet lettuce leaves: What federal criminal law is he talking about? And even if they pass…
I know its time consuming but lets keep the fire in the belly bubbling – don’t use USAID at all,…
Too busy? Was she out for a drive?
feelthebern February 5, 2025 3:26 pm“Vaccine manufacturers often operate on very slim profit margins. Keep in mind, Elizabeth Warren wanted the DOJ…
This LGBTQ thing is going to explode heads.
The fact that there is an exemption or a proposed one at all sucks.
Do you put it past low IQ Morrison to do something exceptionally stupid because “protection of the community”?
I don’t think we have evil people doing dumb things. I think we have dumb people doing evil things.
Frank says:
January 14, 2022 at 12:27 pm
Maybe Mr Conroy should wear his red jocks on his face to stop being infected by sniffles.
There is a market for covid masks in the style of a pair of y-fronts.
These are a bit more practicle and stylish than the y-fronts.
No need to waist an important and noble resource on something so trivial.
No assistance necessary.
Never interrupt your enemy when he fscking things up. (h/t Napo)
Honest-to-goodness comment about the graders though, Bespoke.
There is no way you wouldn’t have them in your plant fleet if you are taking any construction site and road/culvert/berm/airfield/FARP build and rebuild requirements seriously.
UPDATE: Aha! They live! Albeit an unarmoured specimen. Am sure there are uparmoured ones round the place, though.
If an unjabbed farmer wants to deliver his grain into a CBH site from now on the law says he can’t?
Same rules in Vic this harvest.
They handed out QR stickers for your truck and you were meant to scan in on each load.
About zero.
Every now and then the bosses would come around and tell the staff to mask up but they never went near the drivers.
So long as they weren’t farted in before he grabbed them on the way out the door…
Of course it was illegal.
lotocoti, Branson is using a 747 to launch rather small satellites. A hypersonic 747 could launch somewhat larger ones. These have their place as you can launch offshore, etc. but when you want to get serious you need serious infrastructure on the ground. Musk calls the launch and catch tower for Startship/Superheavy “Stage Zero”.
Even your hypersonic 747 would only be able to use a few special airports.
Could discussion of Starship here:
Scroll down to “Starship is still not understood”.
That should read “good” not “Could”
Sounds about right.
The apparently apathetic and laissez-faire nature of the Australian psyche, despite occasional public galvanisations and manipulation into action, ultimately renders dictatorship unworkable in this country…
Rex Anger says: January 14, 2022 at 1:33 pm
Don’t bet the farm on that Rex.
They’re low IQ, devoid of imagination, & actually believe their own bullshit.
They’re on a par with indian call centres, yet are totally unaware of how low they are on the totem pole of value to society.
Most of ’em would starve to death if their handbook didn’t have a page telling them to “secure rations for yourself by 17:00 each evening”
They’re capable of strip searching some poor bint in exactly those circumstances, for no reason other than it is step 4/. on their checklist. They’d do it & be autistically totally unable to comprehend why anybody may take issue with it.
Lunch break on shed construction! More like a water break, no room for food!
Banana boat sunscreen has a weird reaction with iron grinding dust. Turns a bright red orange. Sort of Trump colour!
Rex, I use a 672 just like the one you posted but mine doesn’t have all the pretty camo paint on it, just shitloads of red dust and mud when we get a couple of mms of wet stuff. 6 wheel drive and as of yet I haven’t managed to get it bogged.
Firstly, whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? You know…that old fashioned notion that someone is “innocent until proven guilty”?
‘course it’s old fashioned .. presumption died out in 2019 pre-BAT FLU ..
Since 2020 BAT FLU the merest hint/suggestion/accusation of anything untoward or not to media/gummint liking is GUILTY .. no ifs, no buts .. followed by verdict & sentence ……!
…while the man in the dark glasses, hat and overcoat takes notice of who stops clapping first.
My point about tradies is that many people think they will be falling all over themselves to be paid cash.
Generally they are not.
Firstly because they know that some clients want a yuuge discount (way more than 10%) for cash, which means the client is pocketing any tax benefit, not the tradie, but the tradie wears the tax evasion exposure.
Secondly, the offer often comes after there is a lot of documentation around about the real quoted price.
And, thirdly, as the bloke who reckons it was more trouble than it is worth put it, “What am I going to do with it? Pay my blokes cash every other week, then have one of them go me for ‘unpaid wages’ down the track. Pay cash to my suppliers? A nuisance for everybody and the timber yard doesn’t discount for cash. Or I’ve got fifty large laying around the house for months.”
I think he also had one eye on the one client in ten or twenty who is never happy and decides to put him in to the ATO after the event.
As I say, the exception is the odd $200-$300 repair callout.
I have never built a house so I’ll take your word for it – big home and car repair jobs, they seem fine as long as they have enough business to mix it in with.
It’s easy to fall head over heals with America.
Very true and all the more reason to be mightily pissed off with what happened in 20-21.
Dan Andrews very nervously announces what conspiracy theorists were called ‘hysterical’ for stating as obvious twelve months ago.
On ‘doses’:
“Let’s just assume it’s a six month thing, and let’s just assume it’s for everybody. After six months the app on your phone will tell you you need a booster and you’ll be prompted to go and get a booster shot….it’s about the maintenance of your vaccination status….that’s why the vaccinated economy is important because those shots are going to be just as important as your first and second…
to participate in that vaccinated economy you’ll have to have your booster shot“.
Welcome to your new life as government mandated junkies.
Them asking for cash is indeed rare.
Those who do believe 10% discount is a good deal.
Unless the discount is 40% a business is financially better off paying full price. Mention of such a discount is usually not well received by a tradesman & can lead to quite some ill-will.
I’m waiting for the part when, one by one, they spontaneously rise to their feet; the slow clap growing into thunderous applause and cheering.
…while the man in the dark glasses, hat and overcoat takes notice of who stops clapping first.
Why its all lies, lies i tell you.
The best thing about looking at old Stalanist turds, most got to see their brain jumping out of the front of their head thanks to the psychos they kept in power.
Have just gotten my first (coerced) Pfizer jab… **vomit**
If I start to sound like KRudd or Turncoat please point me to the door… and, if you don’t hear from me, you know something’s happened…
A colleague of mine told me he has a magnet on his fridge with a “cute quote” from Stalin.
I asked him why he didn’t have an Adolf one?
Not impressed…
PeterW, if you believe there are no light fingered firefighters or cops
I’ve no experienc eof what firies do or don’t do but to claim plod are “holier than thou” is just a straight out djoke ….. LOL!
30 years in a drug riddled NSW Housing Commission estate and seeing various plod, happily, taking there cut in broad daylight without a care who is watching tends to, slightly, discourage the “we is plod and we is here to protect & serve” agenda served up by gummint & media ……. LOL!
My point about tradies is that many people think they will be falling all over themselves to be paid cash.
Generally they are not.
Fingernail technicians and front bum waxers * dont even have an eftpos in the shop.
All cash.
All rung through on the till at the basic rate.
Poor buggers, they struggle to make a profit, barely scraping by*
*Thats a trade in the new blowjob economy!
*As far as the ATO know.
and seeing various plod, happily, taking there cut in broad daylight
I thought that was detectives and up, not the uniformed jobsworths…
Every tradie, even in the multiple $1,000s’s loves cash. As long as we stick to unwritten rule of 10% discount, all good! Screw the government.
There are plenty of Dolf quotes most commies would heartily endorse, provided they weren’t aware of the source.
Might be a good market opportunity. Manufacture tons of appealing gadgets with warm fuzzy anti-capitalist quotes from the Austrian, rake in the dosh and watch the fun.
Sancho…. ffs, you’re reaching all over the place like a pissdrunk wreck trying to find another patron to ron to mooch off, in a way which suggests a whole lotta inexperience with the real world.
.1 forget your “but muh pressurized feelings”, a supplier is not obliged to discount for anything. You even mention contract terms- slapping your own head yet?
.2 a supplier is obliged to do lotsa taxy stuff for employees, subcontractors, other suppliers- but no customer is obliged to inform the ATO.
3. I forgot what 3 was, but seriously, get a life.
.4 a supplier can still enter a cash transaction into the books. Der.
Does the magnet stick to your arm Lysander?
Anyone who grew up with a White Russian friend would very soon be disabused of any naivete in regard to comrade Stalin and his mates if the subject happened to come up.
Accepting cash?
Two words.
Tax audit.
Have just gotten my first (coerced) Pfizer jab… **vomit**
Commiserations, what a fucking country…..
Now we’re reaching the end game.
This was always about making the ‘vaccination economy’. Aka the ‘new normal’.
You “green tick” will go yellow a month before your ‘booster’ is required, and if you don’t get it you will be automatically become an unvaccinated anti-vaxxer. The system will be completely automated, there’ll be no more great protests or resistance because it’s not going to be a premier standing up and ordering everyone to do it, it’s just going to be a beep from your phone and that’s it, no more life for you.
Which means two things: People who bought some time getting the first two ‘jabs’ only bought some time. Eventually you’re going to have to face your fate and choose to be permanently part of the ‘vaccination economy’ or an unvaccinated outcast like us.
The “vaccinated economy” aka ‘lockouts’ is never, ever, going to end. And I’m going to say that the Victorian, NSW Oct to Dec, NT and WA right now are examples of the full fruition of what they want to get to permanently.
The “passports” are a government licence to go out in public, they’re a compliance test.
I thought that was detectives and up, not the uniformed jobsworths…
This is Fairfield .. we don’t qualify for defectives unless it’s, guaranteed, media turn-out level crime ..
Ask him why a man with such ideas would let Beria rape random women as Uday Hussein would.
All true Wally, however as Calli says, if someone tells the ATO you’re “accepting cash” you’ll get your chance to explain as part of your response to a multi-page list of questions presented to you after they’ve conducted a tax audit.
Are you guys telling me that Mike Nolan may not give the best legal and financial advice?
There’s nothing so permanent as a temporary government programme.
Terrible that you were made to get that shot.
And, more to the point, policy is you no longer get likes from me.
It might be harsh but it is fair.
Dot at 11:58 – Victoriastan is so far gone they practically need at South Africa Truth & Reconciliation Commission and start again. Sack the entire VicPlod and judiciary.
Beria rape random women
too old.. Beria was a pedo medved’
Beria’s hobby is kidnapping, abusing, and raping women and girls as young as seven years old. He would have his NKVD officers bring him victims or select them off the streets himself. At least three of his victims are seen on-screen, two being middle-aged and the other still in adolescence.
A happy ending though.
You wound one up, didn’t you… 😉
I know they get a work out at pukka semi regularly. But not too often because the contractors for the road maintenance get hissy.
Weird moment in a meeting where a guy – a bit of a covid karen himself – dials in, announces he has tested positive for covid but happily feels totally fine and will keep working, then essentially almost gets brow beaten into admitting that he doesn’t feel fine and must take a week off by everyone in the meeting. The meeting literally did not want to hear that he feels ok.
Holy shit this place is getting crazy.
Joe Root wins the toss in Hobart and elects to field.
True, but if I were a Victorian I think I’d like a bit of justice before the reconciliation takes place.
Will the vax mandates EVER end? Thumbs up if it’s no.
Rex Anger says: January 14, 2022 at 3:02 pm
They’re too dumb to wind up.
I know the beast well, they’re one of my most regular clients.
.. and yep, they can be as slow to pay as anybody else, had to impound some of their equipment at one stage, took about 2 yrs to get paid on that job.
For no reason other than they really are just that hopeless.
They’re difficult to deal with, because they’re so dumb.
Roger- can’t see it ever happening. Getting back to zero might be the best you are going to get.
LOL. Albanese and the Thai massage…
Pauline Hanson’s latest Please Explain goes there:
A colleague of mine told me he has a magnet on his fridge with a “cute quote” from Stalin.
Like those idiots who wear Che Guevara T-shirts.
So Joe Rogan has been very gracious re the Aussie Zepps.
To summarise, Zepps said the incidence of myocarditis is higher in youth COVID infections than it is in youth vaccination recipients.
Rogan said that wasn’t the case.
Zepps said that was the case.
My take would be if it was that high in youth COVID infections, that news would have been broadcast non stop for the past 6 months.
One of the most vivid memories I have of my paternal grandmother was her abusing in a mix of Russian, Hungarian and German, and chasing the local ALP candidate down the road waving her walking stick when knocked on the door canvassing.
Next election truly the crossroads for Victoriastanis. More so than any other jurisdiction. WA and Qld not far behind.
PS Josh Zepps is Henri Szeps kid but he changed his stage name since moving to the US.
Best are when they are teachers.
Che had a very special place for them. In front of a wall. Wearing a blindfold.
My haematologist appointment has been cancelled because the Adelaide Cancer Centre requires all patients to be fully vaxxed. Ditto for the local Clinpath where I have blood tests every month.
A tad anxious about this, because my appointments include physical examinations to check for trouble indicators. But I’m not having their bloody* injections!
*First time I’ve sworn on The Cat. Please excuse. I’m feeling quite aggro atm.
Especially out and proud gay teachers.
Mother Lode says: January 14, 2022 at 3:16 pm
They don’t take it well if reminded that he took “poofter-bashing” to the next level; Shooting them out of hand.
..and I’m surprised you’d wear a shirt that plasters such an anti-gay micro-aggression all over your torso.
The thing is we’re not Russia; leaders can’t just get rid of people without proving malfeasance.
Which means it would take several terms of government for a Liberal leader to clean out Victoria’s Augean stables. He’d have to be very popular and very committed.
Be quick if you want to see welcome to country at the cricket
The outcome is already known. Victorians move the bat-eared c*nt.
Love the fuckhead, I mean.
Question is if there’s enough people left in the state that are against this crap. I’m convinced those that are the doers and go getters that drive things have either left or are going to leave. For the most part those that are staying are the ones who want daddy government to govern them harder.
Snap. The horrified reaction when they check out my assertion that Che was extremely homophobic.
Reduces the number of shirts being worn by 1 every time.
Private clinics?
As a suggestion, Delta, it might be worth getting your GP to contact SA Health to arrange for alternative care. If the same situation pertains as in QLD, they cannot refuse unvaccinated patients.
Hope it works out quickly; as a cancer patient you don’t need any extra stress.
Doctors aren’t exactly covering themselves in glory in all of this, are they?
“Dot, I’m listening to the Adam Curry/Rogan podcast.
I’ve never heard of the Zepps chap until I saw the clip.
Will now have to put it on the to listen list.”
Josh Zepps…or more accurately Josh Szeps is a mediocre wanker dickhead who’s been trying for years to crack the bigtime in the USA and he also likes to ingratiate himself with people who are far better and much more intelligent than he is. Zepps’ shtick for years has been him trying to promote the idea that he’s some kind of free thinking libertarian…..when all he is a unintelligent, hard left, progressive gay dick. A few years ago I attended a conference here in Sydney where the speakers were the Weinstein brothers (Eric and Bret), Douglas Murray, Majaad Nawaz and Sam Harris. Zepps was the moderator. When it came to the audience standing up to ask questions, he was vicious and rude to people who asked pertinent questions about the “indigenous industry” and “cancel culture”. In other words, he doesn’t think outside his wanky progressive box.
Zepps/Szeps is a fake and fraud.
The outcome is already known. Victorians move the bat-eared c*nt.
Love the fuckhead, I mean.
more sweeping statements, do sand gropers love mcclown filth too?
Snap, Diogenes.
New “Services WA” app logo has a yellow map of said wretched state, with a white oval void within. Dunno what it means, apart from a six fiigure paycheque to whoever drew it up.. . but, it’s perfect for a swastika to be placed in the middle.
I’d like to get some waterproof vinyl stickers for quick application, but no online suppliers seem to be keen to supply.
So, if i get a roll from the newsagents and do my own kreutz hatching…. is having and distributing said items potentially a hate crime?
All it took was a 4′ Irish Italian gorilla tanking elk meat, DMT and training in Tae Kwon Do and BJJ to take down Zepps.
Miss A
it doesn’t matter if you don’t like my posts anymore because I got coerced into getting the poison.
I don’t like my posts anyway.
Do banana benders love pleasure chook?
Yep. I agree. The mandates will NEVER come off, even when the pandemic is gone in 10 years time. You will still be mandated to work.
Hmm, I also see he ‘married’ Sean and they bought twins in Minneapolis. These are the talking heads of the ruling class.
Do the poms love blowjob?
If memory serves she won with about 39% of the primary vote.
After being behind in the polls for 12 months.
Well, from the first couple of overs, there seems to be more swinging at Bellerive Oval than at a Prince’s party.*
*Too soon?
“Hmm, I also see he ‘married’ Sean and they bought twins in Minneapolis. These are the talking heads of the ruling class.”
I was about to make that comment….thanks DB.
Great news! Bacon is good for you.
Being outcast from the power hungry loony state is fine with me. I’ll manage.
I’m going to be an outlaw. Marx McClown is going to make my life difficult, I’ll do what I can to make his impossible.
France is just shy of 8 million current cases with 3985 in serious or critical condition.
Peak omicron.
Whatever Alex Hawke decides re Novax, watch Morrison distance himself from the decision and, if necessary, leave him twisting slowly in the wind.
Go for it Delta.
DrB, good for you sir! Well done!
(I wish I could but I don’t have the luxury of such a move and if I did I’d be on Centrelink benefits {which as a matter of principle I would refuse to receive anyway… it’ll be a requirement to be vax’d to get those too soon})
Doubt it would be needed for the dole. It would simply just raise the crime rate, people have to survive one way or another.
(I wish I could but I don’t have the luxury of such a move and if I did I’d be on Centrelink benefits {which as a matter of principle I would refuse to receive anyway… it’ll be a requirement to be vax’d to get those too soon})
my situation and my sentiment as well
As I say, I can’t see it happening.
Nope…Andrews is in for a long time.
Ok in NSW and SA they (coorectly) kicked Labor and just got more of the same plus more.
Rex Anger says:
January 14, 2022 at 12:20 pm
…That is not how the game has ever worked.
What we’ve had for the past 2 years is not how the game has ever worked either, so what’s your point?
A serious bushfire or flooding event where say NZ, PNG or Indonesia offers some medical and engineering teams to Australia as good neighbours and these are accepted
This has been going on for yonks – what’s changed that required new legislation?
We are not a vassal state being propped up by the PLA, a la Communist Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968. Not by a long shot.
I think that point is rather debatable – just how many of our pollies are owned by the CCP?
… fears of the PLA turning up to occupy us because Canberra has asked Beijing to deploy them since the PM feels he cannot keep Australia in check is far-fetched to the point of ridicule.
Ok – what’s going on in the Solomons at the moment… Also, there is nothing to indicate that Scummo is not the driving force behind what has been going on in this country for the past 2 years.
Do you really think that POS is going to undo all the crap that’s been forced on the Australian people?
Not much of a case Rex.
I have not linked in to the blog for a day or so, but many Cats will be aware that attention has been drawn to VAERS statistics which show spikes in adverse reactions in some batches of the US gene “vaccines”.
This data is going to prove pivotal, I think, in uncovering what has been happening “behind the scenes”in the production of these vaccines.
Dr. Mike Yeodon has appeared on a video with Reiner Fuellmich, Prof Wodarq & others in which much interesting discussion (mostly commentary from Yeodon) on the production process & why some batches may be toxic. Amongst other things, Yeodon dismisses the often raised issue of poor vaccine storage when he explains that this would only lessen the efficacy, not produce toxicity.
This is the source of the data from VAERS:
Our friend had a brain operation to remove a cancerous tumor. Mostly likely it’s the knock-on effect from breast and later , bone cancer.
She’s okay and lost a ton of weight even though she was wafer thin anyway. This amazes me though. She is currently undergoing a daily dose of chemo for 6 weeks and 4 weeks of radiation therapy, daily as well. Jesus lord, this sounds absolutely horrifying. She feels okay at the moment because the therapy just started but it builds up!
I never realized chemo and radiation could be so intense – daily for 6 and 4 weeks was unthinkable to me.
It’s certainly not for the faint hearted, JC.
Re the production process for the “vaccines” – Dr. Yeodon describes the gene sequencing and the addition of the additives (adjutants, lipids etc) & refers to the possibility of (deliberate?) alteration of the gene sequencing. in some batches.
LOL. Albanese and the Thai massage…
Pauline Hanson’s latest Please Explain goes there:
Very good. Everyone who doesn’t vote for our Pauline needs a pineapple up the clacker.
Pauline deserves comfort and luxury after the way she has been treated
What was that N word?
New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Sunday defended his decision to name his brother, former NYPD police officer Bernard Adams, as a deputy NYPD commissioner.
Though he acknowledged a city ethics panel will “make the determination” on whether there’s a conflict of interest over bringing on his brother for the job, Adams argued it’s necessary given the threat he faces from “white supremacy.”
Bernard Adams — currently assistant director for parking at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he’s worked since 2011
On our return to Sydney in the last few days we have found that a couple of friends have contracted Covid. In both cases the blokes came down quite heavily (not sure if Delta or Omicron), while the wives were relatively unaffected. However, this seems at odds with the news on Covid cases in general in NSW – which is a milder infection than before.
She’s a little trooper, Roger. As tough as they come. She’s very funny as she’s an inner city leftie and we always squabble with both our spouses and others tense in terms of where the discussion will lead.
When we firstmet, we were exchanging bios and she told me her dad fly a bomber over Germany and she considered it mass murder. I defended her dad and explained to her he was a freaking hero, but she wouldn’t have any of it. I was defending her dad while she as on the other side !
turns out the ornamental grape over the back patio delivers real sultana grapes
viva La Nina
Earlier on this thread there was a heated debate about Pope Francis and his spruiking of “social justice” doctrines. This from Powerline blog…
It’s hardly news any more that mainline Protestant denominations (Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc) have been shrinking fast in proportion as they’ve become politicized adjuncts of leftism, transforming themselves into the Church of What’s Happening Now instead of ministering to the horizon of eternity. Meanwhile, evangelical denominations continue to thrive and grow rapidly, not just here in the U.S., but around the world.
But what about the Catholic Church? Many parishes have also become politicized, while many have resisted. I used to say that you could tell a Catholic parish to avoid by one simple screen: find out if it offers a “guitar mass.” There seemed to be a reasonably robust correlation between guitar mass and tracts on “liberation theology” (aka, Marxism with salsa).
The Wall Street Journal yesterday reported on how evangelical denominations, especially Pentecostals, are booming in Latin America, and may soon outnumber Catholics, which would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago.
The story includes this delicious detail that I think is a large part of the cause of this shift:
The rise of liberation theology in the 1960s and ’70s, a time when the Catholic Church in Latin America increasingly stressed its mission as one of social justice, in some cases drawing on Marxist ideas, failed to counter the appeal of Protestant faiths. Or, in the words of a now-legendary quip, variously attributed to Catholic and Protestant sources: “The Catholic Church opted for the poor and the poor opted for the Pentecostals.”
Whittaker Chambers (a Quaker) once wrote that “There is only one fully logical conservative position in the West—that of the Catholic Church. . . The Church is the only true counterrevolutionary force.” As such, I think this additional detail in the WSJ article would cheer him:
A more recent movement is in militant conservative Catholicism which stresses apologetics, or the defense of Catholic doctrine. A major leader is the Brazilian Rev. Paulo Ricardo, a priest with 1.5 million followers on Facebook who has condemned liberation theology as heresy and enthusiastically supported elements of Mr. Bolsonaro’s agenda such as relaxed laws on gun ownership.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Go Father Ricardo!
Pretty unanimous. If you’re retired you’ll probably be able to survive. But those too young will have a life of poverty.
Really sounds like the lesbian bitch is going to have another go. She’s baaaack.
“Really sounds like the lesbian bitch is going to have another go. She’s baaaack.”
That was a step too far even for the Dems.
Eric Adams demotes brother after giving him high-ranking NYPD post (12 Jan)
Although I suppose $210k is more than a parking attendant gets each year. Mayor Adams might not have chosen a great head of security though.
People can look it up. I was very hesitant from the very beginning about this dude when I heard he was Argentinian. The place is a leftist debacle and unfortunately the people are very supportive of a continuing debacle. This pope isn’t very bright and he’s a statist imbecile.
Optimism- buying a pint at the Hobart Test.
I recommend a life of crime. It’s what I’m planning.
Surprised this hasn’t been taken down
Heard on a podcast earlier this morning that South Korea’s fusion experimental reactor, produced more energy than it used for just over 30 seconds.We’re getting there. When eventually fusion gets a head of steam ( pun intended) it should go down as the greatest human technological achievement in history.
Bignose Bergolio is not a holy man, he is not the pope of my Catholic faith.
The comfortable fiction that Alex Hawke is actually making the decision, with Scummo as an anxious onlooker.
Wow JC, that’s pretty fucking amazing!!!
All perfectly normal. Add in the cash from foreign governments and it makes it a perfectly normal family.
Tinta; was almost a moment of hope…
Newsreader accidentally announces Pope’s death.
Then he would really been a Biden fan.
Prediction: Hawk will let him stay, then resign. (With a big cash bonus).
Pretty unanimous. If you’re retired you’ll probably be able to survive. But those too young will have a life of poverty.
Yep .. I’m mid 70s on the OAP and other than all these BAT FLU edicts being a nuisance I’ve not been bothered overall .. neve rbeen sick, not vaxxed, never QR-ed and only wear the mask up in case of fines never for health .. few times I’ve been bailed up over QR I just shrug and go elsewhere .. if they don’t need my money someone else does! .. on the upside .. got that used to lockdowns I very rarely window shop anymore just groceries, fruit &, occasional, op-shopping (books) ..
saving a bloody fortune! .. LOL!
Basically, unless BRADBURY/successor starts threatening the OAP cash-flow there is little they can do to me anymore …..
The Obama years gave the fascist left a taste for what it could do if it regained control of the federal government after the Trump aberration.
The cabal running the Biden presidency is now using the Justice Department to criminalise anyone opposing its plan to change America forever into a one-party anti-democratic communist dictatorship. Tucker Carlson Tonight.
– Vaccinated little tennis player admits he wants unvaccinated people punished so he and the hysterical mob he joined don’t look like a fools.
. Hmmmm it will happen though, as it does to us all and I have no worries because I like the heat don’t know about Bergoglio
I never realized chemo and radiation could be so intense – daily for 6 and 4 weeks was unthinkable to me.
Because my Cancer diagnosis was o late (my fault) I did 8 days straight chemo .. thankfully, they kept me in hospital ‘cos it was all a blur .. I was well out of it for at least a fortnight .. then when I stabilized it went to once a fortnightly for 3 months as an out-patient .. 6 weeks & DAILY …. WOOF! .. RESPECT +++
shatterzzz, I heard right as I asked wifey to repeat it, but could she have got it wrong though. 6 + 4 weeks daily of chemo and radiotherapy sounds very very harsh.
Could be worse
“Ricky Gervais has called Pope Francis’ comments about people choosing to have pets instead of children ‘stupid’.
The head of the Catholic Church, 85, recently expressed concern over global birth rates and suggested pets are ‘taking the place of children’ while branding it ‘a form of selfishness’.
Asked about the comments, Ricky, 60, – who is vocal about his atheism – told The Radio Times Podcast: ‘I think what he believes in is ridiculous.”
Pope upsets Ricky Gervais
Prediction: Hawke will slow-walk the paperwork dropped off by Djokovic’s lawyers and triple check the overseas information via DFAT.
Bearing in mind Covid, time difference, and language issues, this could take, oh, at least two weeks – probably nearer three.
Procedural fairness is far too sacred to rush. A Judge told him that.
I recommend a life of crime. It’s what I’m planning.
Like the old joke:
Son: I’m planning on going in to organised crime as a career.
Dad: Public or private?
Ricky is so brave.
Fusion reactors sound great but current efforts use D-D or D-T fusion. The energy comes off as neutrons which collide with the chamber wall material to give up their energy as heat which can be used to boil water etc, the usual power station cycle.
Unfortunately they also transmute the material of the walls into radioactive elements and they also weaken them so the chamber walls need replacing fairly often leaving a fairly large amount of low to medium level nuclear waste to dispose of. It isn’t as nasty as current uranium fueled stations but there is more of it but look for the anti-nuke and green crowd to take action against fusion once it becomes feasible as a power source.
Ya know, I am getting tired of people complaining about Morrison and Albo.
There is construction going on all round the country. Couldn’t we sedate them with chloroform and dump them in a pit right before a concrete pour?
Once gone we would not have to complain about them any more.
The only objection I can think of is that in the future archaeologists might stumble upon the concrete and fill the voids their decomposition has left – as they did in Pompeii – and conclude that we were all dickheads.
I like the cut of your jib.
My guess is the next federal election is a make or break for Australia.
If the two major traitor parties hold the sway over the country then it is game over.
Here’s more about the fusion test in South Korea in Science.. Frankly, I have real doubts about the Chinese announcement.
Even if they didnt, the damage done will take decades to repair, if even possible.
Was it the one that says “Dark humour is like food, not everybody gets it.”
Che was extremely homophobic
Also didn’t think much of black people.
Roger – “Nope…Andrews is in for a long time.”
It doesn’t matter whether Andrews wins the next election, the effin useless Libs are fully on board with him, things will stay the same. Have you ever heard of a Liberal Gov anywhere repealing legislation that they voted against in parliament? When the Libs under Ballieu and Napthine finally got up what did they do? Did they repeal anything? Did they take steps to reduse/stop/counteract and of the stacking of the judiciary or public service? No, the Libs will do nothing, it’s worked for years and is the easy way out. I piss on both parties.
Building a home good enough to raise children in is now artificially expensive.
Also, women have been lied to about fertility until they hit 60.
The Pope has valid concerns, but he’s not reading the waters right.
Norm Macdonald obliterated Zepps in the most cringeworthy interview ever.
I didn’t realise who it was until I googled Zepps.
Zepps got really uncomfortable when Norm zeroed in on Rolf Harris.
Pommy bowlers revelling in the home like conditions in Tassie.
Just remember, McClown killed the chance of our Test quicks making the most of a high pace WA wicket.
I hope the Sandgroper cricket fans are lapping up becoming the backwater of international cricket. Maybe a nice game with Afghanistan or a ladies series would help ease the embarrassment.
Daughter is visiting and we’re having an excellent whinge. She hasn’t seen the disgusting McGowan interview with Aboriginal woman interpreter. Please, can someone post it for us?
It’s only a model.
Dominic Perrottet: NSW hospitalisations, ICU admissions tracking better than best case scenario in modelling (14 Jan)
Duh! If climate models and Covid models were human they’d all be blonde bimbos.
Youngest daughter down with sore throat, runny nose .. classic flu but being woke rushed off to get tested .. awaiting result! .. told her to forget she has seen me twice this week so I’d better be off her ‘contact’ list .. or else! .. I’m UNCLEAN, well and every intention of staying that way …….!
Kid hasn’t thought it thru tho .. she has two grandees from Danistan staying over with her and middle daughter flying up tonight with 3rd grandee to pck ’em up & take them home Sunday so a “positive” and “iso” is the last thing anyone needs … all she had to do was wait until Sunday if she wanted a test .. she’s working from home anyway so no need to panic … Duuuuh!
Update: Best Man found the clip for us. It was blocked by twitter. Back to our whinge.
Ah yeah, that was the schtick.
There is construction going on all round the country. Couldn’t we sedate them with chloroform and dump them in a pit right before a concrete pour?
Once gone we would not have to complain about them any more.
Im more the Damnatio memoriae type.
There will be nothing but blank pages in the history books for about a decade.
January 14, 2022 at 5:16 pm
My guess is the next federal election is a make or break for Australia.
If the two major traitor parties hold the sway over the country then it is game over.
No chance of an upset .. the pair of them have set it up so one or the other gets gummint for near whenever .. the best outcome thru this election will be several minor party seats in the Lower House with balance of power and a dogsbody mix in the Senate to stir things up .. &, hopefully, a result like this laying the groundwork for future change ……!
Yep, pretty much. I’d never heard of him and saw the clips this morning. He is one of those ones that cannot hide it but bless, still thinks the act is working since he is smart and no-one else can see through it. His online bio is all Huffington Post and ABC so the man has a pedigree for being a sneak.
Isn’t elective surgery on hold in NSW?
I’m sure those waiting will be very happy to see covid hospitalisations decrease enough to get a bed for themselves.
Dot – Maybe they just haven’t met the right man.
Red hot lover??? (13 Jan)
She’s thinking of suing him. Be interesting to be a lawyer working on that court case. Be very hard to keep a straight face during it.
How sciency of “I’m a scienist”.
Science models, economic models are used as representations to develop and or conceive a collections of thoughts and ideas to see if we can figure out what is going on.
There are good and bad ones, but to rubbish the idea of creating a model is just stoopid.
Red hot lover??? (13 Jan)
The weird thing is, he puts the sauce in before he suits up.
I don’t know Dot.
Are you suggesting Ricky Gervais can’t afford to have children?
I get the impression that is middle to upper professionals Pope Francis is addressing.
He, rightly, wouldn’t have a clue about Australian housing costs.
I respect your argument but..
Science models, economic models are used as representations to develop and or conceive a collections of thoughts and ideas to see if we can figure out what is going on.
This man still has a job.
[Imperial College epidemiologist Neil] Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. He also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die. There were fewer than 200 deaths. . . .
In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. In the U.K., there were only 177 deaths from BSE.
In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009.
In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the U.K.
Last March, Ferguson admitted that his Imperial College model of the COVID-19 disease was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a feared influenza pandemic, rather than a coronavirus. Ferguson declined to release his original code so other scientists could check his results. He only released a heavily revised set of code last week, after a six-week delay.
So the real scandal is: Why did anyone ever listen to this guy?
When I got off the train in Sassari there was a lovely African family at a bus stop, I’m guessing children aged 5, 3, 2 and a tiny newborn in a bundle on mum’s back.
Some people must be managing financially.
Sure, there are frauds and bullshit artists all over the science and economics landscape. They will create bullshit models in order too ummm bullshit. However, the idea of modeling isn’t and shouldn’t be controversial as its simply an analysis tool, that’s all. If you use bullshit data or bullshit parameters, you end up with bullshit. We know that.
To simply criticize modelling for the sake of it, is just as bad as it’s fraudulent because it’s misleading.
Not only does he still have a job, he has an OBE.
This is one significant reason why Western countries are in decline.
People in positions of power and authority rarely pay for their mistakes.
Some people must be managing financially.
Jeebers…where to begin?
Also, how much say did she have in having the kids?
Hard to believe that Rogan got duped.
The study was from last August which means pre Omnicron and we won’t even mention the latest studies regarding boosters, young men and myocarditis.
Of course, the MSM now have a new hero.
That’s the thing Aaron, after two days of the media pile on the data will be what’s important.
Zepps might get the Rogan bump, but if he wants to go back he won’t lean into it.
Well, my Djokovic model was a couple of parameters out of whack.
He’s been booted.
Onya Alex.
Not a shred of credibility left.
Say the job is correctly priced at $100k, with a profit of $15k included.
The client says “How about 10% off for cash?” (No-one is going to bother doing it without a discount unless they simply have a lot of dirty cash to unload).
The tradie agrees and as you say puts it through the books.
He has now dropped his profit from $15k to $5k for what exactly?
The whole point of cash is to not declare the revenue to the ATO. Otherwise it simply doesn’t make sense.
Some people must be managing financially.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali could not be reached for comment.
I wonder where Australia’s Grand Slam will end up.
Beijing or Shanghai?
In Melbourne we call that a gang of African youths.
Roger has sort of said it for me.
Frauds and charlatans and outright spivs are burrowed in like ticks and despite repeated lies/errors are still referred to as though they are credible.
Ie: The same mongs who brought us the GFC are now reinflating a near identical bubble, using the same agencies that underwrote the first crisis. While claiming it wont happen again.
During normal times, the government ties remain a bit more hidden, but nonetheless important. According to their congressional charters:
The president of the United States appoints five of the 18 members of the organizations’ boards of directors.
The secretary of the Treasury is authorized to buy up to $2.25 billion of securities from each company to support its liquidity.
Both companies are exempt from state and local taxes.
Both companies are regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).12
How many people in government “oversight” went to jail again?
Beijing or Shanghai?
Hong Kong initially.
I don’t know how much ‘say’ she had, all I know is that they looked well dressed, well fed, well behaved and happy.
Four children isn’t exactly an outrage.
I’ve also seen quite a few large Catholic families at mass, here in Europe and home in Australia which I would describe in much the same way.
Having children does involve some sacrifice. I suspect Pope Francis was spot on in relation to a certain class of pet owner, it has nothing to do with affordability.
Djoker’s visa cancelled a second time by the happy clapper minister.
Back to court.
These people have no sense of proportion.
They are so far gone next election it’s not even up for debate.
He could appeal again…but really, why bother?
Whatever the merits of the case, he’ll be rueing those errors in the paperwork.
•1 Port Moresby .
Razey, if you get the gap go, this place is fkd, it will take decades & monstrous upheaval to put this bullshit right.
I tried, but wifey insisted we must stay because of the kids,my opinion is they are grown up & they must live their own lives, now the door is closing on escaping this prison society & if you can escape where can you go unless you have the poison?
This bullshit will never end until people start breaking things & that only happens when real hunger starts & that seems to be on the cards.
Good luck Razey.
“Novak Djokovic’s visa has been cancelled “in the public interest” just days before the Australian Open tournament is set to begin.
Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has announced his decision just before 6pm on Friday.
“Today I exercised my power under section 133C(3) of the Migration Act to cancel the visa held by Mr Novak Djokovic on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so,” he said by written statement.
“In making this decision, I carefully considered information provided to me by the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Border Force and Mr Djokovic.
“The Morrison Government is firmly committed to protecting Australia’s borders, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.””
This country is a fucking joke.
I hope we lose the Open.
Pardon the language but I’m fucking cranky.
Because political factors outweigh all others in their decision making.
Dear Dr B – how can I help?
Coles management held a conference call today hosted by an investment bank.
It was focused on the supply chain issues.
Coles said while their “in-store fulfilment” was under pressure, they said their distribution centres were managing.
They also said they’ve used their data “capabilities” (read harvesting) to promote online shopping to existing Coles customers.
The cynic in me thinks that the big retailers are leaning into some of the current issues to get more people showing on-line.
If the cancellation holds, he’s banned for three years. The world number one.
How can you hold a Grand Slam without the number one?
I think the Open should be awarded to Tokyo or Seoul.
Oh, but we have Tom Hanks and other random celebs in Brissy. So there’s that.
The Djokovic saga is a disgrace.
Australia is double down clown world.
Of course giving exemptions to unvaxxed international visitors while mandating them for citizens to work is a fabulous look too.
on health and good order grounds*
* He makes us look like spastic mongoloids.
Happily, TA already has offices in both Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Lucrative consultancy fees to be had.
Should make the transition seamless.
If a tradie accepts too much cash it causes problems when
a Applying for a loan
b Selling the business
If it is not on the books it can’t help with the above
However a 50/50 split may have worked
has he even got any protests left?
he should walk … and leave the AO an obvious mess
The hysteria at the moment is a million times greater than the peak of delta.
Even a couple of fence sitters are wide eyed at some of this shit they’re seeing and hearing around them which is good.
“Can’t they hear the CHO saying it’s mild?”.
The answer is no. It’s a mob and it’s gotten out of the demagogue politicians control.
Morrison know it.
No great loss…
Waiter!! Where’s my order?
Customers can get impatient at Cafe Bruce. That’s why the head chef has a security screen door.
Peoples! 🙂
Cassie, look on the bright side, the world will laugh at us even more.
330 000 000 Chinese tennis fans say “No.”
Neither are growing markets for tennis.
The players don’t want to come to Australia.
China wants the prestige of being part of the Grand Slam.
If the opportunity presents itself, China will pay more than anyone else could conceive.
Absolutely weak. Right when governments all over the world dump their bad announcements.
No politician named Alex ever came to much good.
The grounds for the order to deport Djokovic, health, good order and public interest, are conveyed without any illustration of how the grounds have been breached.
That mincing lisping queen in WA has been allowed to set a very ugly precedent.
Not happy (not that I have the misfortune to exist there). 😡