I think this is an appropriate way to end the day: Brian Cox Warns: Quantum Computers Just Unlocked the Tachyonic…
I think this is an appropriate way to end the day: Brian Cox Warns: Quantum Computers Just Unlocked the Tachyonic…
Of course it is good entertainment. That is what it is supposed to be.
And box sets of the Peter Fitzsimmons collection
China would have a little poo if Iran became openly nuclear under its watch. It could expect that Japan and…
Any wonder why all four US Presidents that have been assassinated have been Republican? JFK
1911 Harvester decision, failure of Conscription votes in 1916, attempt to nationalise the Banks, 1948, Vietnam involvement, Malayan Emergency, Menzies, MediBank, 1974, Family Court 1975, Human Rights and EOC, 1975, PAYE Tax, Fraser Govt, GST, 1998, Various Gun Buybacks, Military involvement in Bougainville, Hawke Government, Eat Timor Deployment,Howard Government, Somalia Deployment, Keating, Iraq & Afghanistan, Howard …
There’s plenty there, and don’t forget:
I am outta here!
Nothing’s gonna stop me!
(Subject to exit visas, pilots dropping dead on short final
– complete with lockjaw of the arm on the stick – being harassed by the media, a being marked man by the Feds)
Listen to the excuses.
Fuck, it sounds like pre-schoolers cracking the shits with mum and running away from home.
We’ve done all the “You’re not the boss of me” and “I hate you” and have packed up our Thomas the Tank Engine backpacks and headed off. We are now at the corner of the street, not sure which way to go. The little one says, “I’m hungry. Did you bring something to eat?”. The older one suggests they return home and set out tomorrow after breakfast.
That is where the Great Escape From the Shithole is right now.
“mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to limited regulatory experience with mRNA immunotherapies.
To our knowledge, other than our COVID-19 vaccine and MRNA-1273, no mRNA immunotherapies have been approved or received emergency use authorization or conditional marketing authorization to date by the FDA, the EMA or other comparable regulatory authority”.
Tip of the iceberg.
sec listing Pfizer.
Fine work from Lyon. Comes in at 10 and smashes three sixes and a four. Well done sir!
The first of those referendums took place in 1916, the second in 1917.
Oops, England now all out for 188. More Fleet Street pain on the morrow.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
January 15, 2022 at 8:12 pm
Yes, it looks like a whopper of an eruption but hopefully the volcano quietens down and damage to low lying ground is minor. Video footage shows some (relatively) small surges but not too bad.
Also thanks to Roger for the data.
So, are you suggesting that the Great Escape From the Shithole should be postponed indefinitely because some governmental barrier might pop up?
Indomitable spirit of the bronzed Anzacs, right there.
Hi Dumbo
Your mate made plenty of unsupported allegations:
1. Nina Straight [who?] said something about Gore Vidal
2.One of gaylord William F. Buckley’s sons [who?]said something about a secret dossier which doesn’t exist anymore since he destroyed it
If you’re on an unsupported assertions Jihad, Dumbo, take it up with your mates first.
Was riding treadly yesterday and passed a guy walking in an UNTAET tee-shirt. Certainly a vet from his looks. Respect.
they aren’t even burying them in hyperbowls.
not even a blip mate
… but don’t listen to me.
‘fuck wood I no ?
Actually handed down in November 1907. History isn’t your strong point, is it, Grogs?
It’s on the Parliamentary tapes, champ.
Oh dear!
Dick Ed
So your argument is “He done it first”?
Now, about those actual facts? If the whole thing was only gossip, why did you add to the gossip, and then demand that your bit of gossip be refuted?
Dick Ed!
Speedbox – I’ve previously linked the Royal Society official report on the Krakatoa eruption. I’ll do so again because it is fascinating and shows what can happen with a sea level volcano.
The eruption of Krakatoa, and subsequent phenomena (1888)
A pair for that ridiculous mongmidget, plus a spilled soda whilst in the armchair at first slip.
Oh. So happy. So very happy.
Word is, all hell is going to break loose on that front about 18 months from October 2021.
I wrote that in less than 2 minutes off the top of my head, you spent half an hour Gooooglin’ the list because you haven’t got a clue.
3 SDs of IQ difference, and you’re on the double digits side.
Somebody take Tony Blair’s knighthood off him and give it to Stuart Broad.
Can you refute it, Dumbo?
Don’t bother with second hand reports.
I’m pretty sure Lizzie was there.
I don’t think KD likes David Warner.
A suspicion I have.
Single digits, Septimus? You poor thing.
You’re dumber than a Tasmanian scallop.
Some of us learn these things at school, Grogarly.
Ed relying on his intellect and firm grasp of things that just aren’t so to make an allegation against Buckley.
The only reference a search reveals is from the pedo Ed quoted before, Vidal.
Good god Quora is full of bullshit artists.
Jo Choto
MA from University of Leeds
Answered Oct 19
I have an IQ of 160. My nephew has an IQ of 40. We are both autistic. We both really like chocolate. We both like going to the movies together. We both really like going out for Indian food. We both like to take short walks. We both like to make funny comments about people on reality TV. We both aren’t bothered by cold weather. We both are kind and care about other people. We both can read words fluently and with ease. We both have a tendency to worry quite a lot. We both play out scenarios in our heads and sometimes out loud. We both have interests about which we are quite passionate. We both like to sit quietly without talking. We both find joy in very small, simple things. We both love our family. We both like to laugh. Sure, we have differences too, but I can’t say that they matter.
Just got my pay packet this arvo for a bit of fill-in boating during the week.
1.5 kg crayfish.
Are they smarter or dumber than the average scallop?
Ed Casesays:
January 15, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Can you refute it, Dumbo?
Dick ED
Why would I waste my time trying to track down a bit of unsubstantiated gossip? If you have actual evidence, present it, otherwise, get back into your basement.
Ed the man with the smoothest brain in the tribe is pretending ( or ignorant) that Vidal wasn’t accused by members of his own family.
Ms Straight he disparaged being one of them…
So which is it Mongo, pig shit ignorant or lying?
Sancho – The Poms hunted up and interviewed all the surviving seafarers they could find. Krakatau is between Sumatra and Java and in 1883 was a sort of naval superhighway. There were dozens of ships. The interview transcripts are seriously scary. Many survived but it would have been like being in Hell. Some ships only stayed afloat because the seamen could shovel volcanic ash off the deck fast enough to stop the sheer weight of rock from sinking them.
To my shame, I do have a blue beret here somewhere
Oh my lordy wordy.
3 SDs of IQ are 45 points, Dot.
So what you’re saying is that Zulu has an IQ between 46 and 55, which places him as either an Imbecile [IQ 46] or a Moron [IQ 55].
He would struggle to put his pants on with that sort of impairment.
Labu-Shagnee hasn’t covered himself in glory this match either.
Ease off on the sophistry.
However, govt barriers can take some getting around.
Eg, scarpering from Ozshithole-o-stan, after Slomo has refused you an “exemption to travel internationally” requires more planning than simply purchasing an air-ticket to Bidenland, you may hafta get out by tunneling under the wall, or rowing a boat to Timor, or something.
Perhaps once WestOz secedes it’ll be easier, just slip over there & the escapee is free to join the wider world.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you horrible mob.
I think the Aussie selectors may have to start looking to the future for openers. As good as he has been – and he has been very good (KD), Warner is not the player he was four or five years ago.
Smith and Labuschagne will be around for a few years you would think. Head looks like a test player now and Green is coming good. Just need a couple of openers.
cheers Zulu
Two for Five. FMD.
The openers have forgotten why they are there. Take the shine off the ball, defend to stumps and stay at the crease until the pommy quicks are vomiting blood.
Not flashing a bat at everything that comes their way so they look good on the replays.
This is why I like the cheap seats. Low expectations has its advantages. Plus free pineapple pizza.
You’d never heard of William F. Buckley before this afternoon, WHSO Suck.
Keep on Gooooglin’, Champ, tho you don’t appear to be much good at it.
Well, Sal, last week Razey said he had it covered off and was worried they might close the loophole in the future.
His words, not mine.
As I say, a lot of big talk about the Great Escape from the Shithole but we are now at the corner of the street with no muesli bars in the Thomas the Tank Engine backpack and having second thoughts.
Suck up!
Ed strapping himself in to hunt the Whiiite Vidaaaal!!!
You think the bit about Vidal helping set up NAMBLA might have been a hint…
Ed makes another link free assertion.
It’s super ineffectual!!!
44 in first innings ain’t to be sniffed at and he did very well last test.
Pink balls in the hands of Pom bowlers in Tassie conditions at night would be tough.
This is 16-year-old Rhee Jones who received the second dose from Pfizer in October 2021
I don’t reckon Usman is the answer at #1 or #2 either.
Hopefully Pucovski stops being hit on the noggin.
Which explains the sheer degree of utter fail on display in your post, Grigory…
No. Not Burnso, but it’s a problem. Pucovski, like it or not can’t be counted on as a long term option.
Makeshift openers, as was realised with Joe (nephew of Ed and son of Neil).
Potential up and comers are Bryce Street and Henry Hunt. They’re both still a ways off I think. I’d like to see James Seymour who’s played a handful of games for Vic get a run. He’s 28 and if he improves as expected over the next year or so he’s a genuine chance for a long term gig.
What I meant was he was dropped on 2 in the first dig, and then played like he needed a bell in the ball for the first hour.
His technique against late swing/cut off the track is not great.
Different when it isn’t a dead flat track.
Should have read makeshift openers (etc etc) are bullshit at Test level.
3 SDs of IQ are 45 points, Dot.
What mean did you use?
Wonder why Bob Carr spent all that money to drive around New York in a limo with him talking about literature.
So we can conclude the day by saying Johanna’s early morning post about bitching bellyachers was spot on.
Yeah, he needs to come in at 4 or 5.
That is what appears to work best.
I’d get Smith to face the new ball with Warner. It’d be fitting punishment. 😀
FIFO critics, modern day Germs Greers, are my particular dislike.
Yes KD.
If you are looking at Warner, Khawaja and Labushagne as your top three in England, your number four needs to have the pads on at 11:00 a.m.
I do.
Usman is not the answer for anything.
It gets a bit recursive if you want to complain about all the complainers though.
That’s every State Premier making it hard to have labour mobility.
Attacking labour mobility is always a terrible idea.
Well we’ve had ridiculous assertions that it’s not possible to leave even if you want to.
Labushagne did very well on the last tour to England. Very well indeed.
Another glorious day here.
Ran out of books in Cagliari and being a budget traveller am not shelling out €13 for a recent release I might not even like.
Alternativing between struggling through a children Jules Verne in French two years on holiday? I found in the apartment and Mansfield Park, on line, which is the only Austen I think I haven’t read, which I am loving.
Sancho, fair dinkum, that’s every Australian Test batsman for half a century.
One of my fun memories is a high school match, I think I was 16. Mate of mine was bowling and he did one which went from leg stump to first slip, which I chased, just reached and nicked. I’d never seen a ball move in the air like that!
Turn around later, was flatting at uni with a guy who was A Grade in the Sydney church comp (so maybe B grade). There was a set of nets just across the road from the house we were renting! Those days I somehow cracked the secret and could bowl inswing and outswing at will. Good practice for him, but his stumps took a pounding. Sadly a few years later the knack left and I couldn’t do it any more. Dunno why.
Davey had to carry Harris on his shoulders the first 4 Tests, the Ashes are held now so who cares if he got a Pair?
Pucovski suffered a severe concussion as a junior footballer and that’s the source of ongoing problems.[according to The Australian]
You and Bob Massie!
Oooh, yeah.
It drilled a hole in the molar and started to tweak the nerve with ice-cold tweezers.
And not just bitching and bellyaching.
Bunging on the bravado for the peanut gallery.
Prodigious swing?
Two piece ball vs four piece ball.
How the hell did you get out of the country?
Jane Halton says the value of Australian restrictions is questionable when Australia (not surprisingly) has (much) higher infection rates than the US and the UK.
weariness at the ABC
It’s a mystery Señor Panzer.
Last innings for Khawaja.
ScoBo for the century!
I find the idea of Boland protecting Travis Head as utterly ridiculous.
What happened to the complimentary red shoes, and your choice of tunnel?
Cafe fun. I’ve made a new friend.
Took a while but I worked out that mum is the daughter of regular elderly lady brushtail. Years since daughter has been at the Cafe but she immediately remembered me. And she has a kid who is now my friend! Bread is powerful stuff.
Meanwhile, also lurking was another scion of elderly lady brushtail: this guy. He’s keen. I think he likes his sister. And anything else remotely female. She though told him to F off, which was amusing. At least he got half a carrot for his troubles.
Ya thinking about the other mob, Rex.
What can a single catastrophic reaction tell us about the Pfizer vaccine?
A lot more than you think…
The cheap seats purpose is to keep the entitled prima donna’s in there place.
Dr. Peter McCullough: Official COVID ‘narrative has crumbled’
The stunning increase in myocarditis rates after the vaccines rolled out
Yes, jupes.
If the answer is Usman, you’re asking the wrong question.
And as for Labushagne in the first innings, I doubt I have seen a more embarrassing dismissal in Test cricket.
Ending up on his knees two feet outside off stump and losing leg and middle.
Well, he got more bat on it in two overs than Uzzie did in 40 balls.
Just curious – do you think this has something to do with large corporations buying up residential property and creating a housing shortage/rental boom? Along with the millions coming across the border?
‘most embarrassing dismissal in Test cricket.’
By a street. Tried to do a Marnus standard Peter Garrett impersonation of batting, attempted what I think was a BBL ramp shot, knocked his bat onto his own pad trying to do it and fell over.
Langer should have backhanded him all the way back to his hotel room and kept him there.
I have lorikeets and soldier birds coming to our balcony for a free feed.
Well free for them. I get the lorikeet food in in bulk. For bird food.
As I say, a lot of big talk about the Great Escape from the Shithole but we are now at the corner of the street with no muesli bars in the Thomas the Tank Engine backpack and having second thoughts.
It takes a lot of time, effort and risk to pull it off you fucking arsehole.
We have possums around, Bruce, but since enclosing the terrace they can’t get into our place as their only access previously was coming up the Jacaranda and onto the terrace. They are still active at ground level though and also in the ‘orchard’ garden down the cliff. They seem to do well enough crawling through the netting on the vegetable patches down there.
Meanwhile this season’s little Currawong fledgie, the one who has stayed close to home, is braving up and comes for a feed along with mum and grandma. So many other birds around here, including a baby kooka (who gets some mince sometimes) and family, but we only regularly feed the Currawongs because they have nested for two seasons within arms reach of us. There is so much natural food around for the birdlife in this neck of the harborside, due to big gardens and national parks, that most species can fend well for themselves, including the myriad of Currawongs. Our few keep me on the hop as it is. Mum’s there, calls Hairy, ensconsed on the open verandah reading his book (he’s enthralled with my Christmas present to him, the Quadrant book about the politics of beating the French to the Great South Land). An hour later, Grandma’s there, he says, and later in the day it’s come quick, fledgie’s crash landed on the ledge and is looking hungry.
As do I – but we need to continue watching what is happening just so we can bear witness to the reality.
In much the same way that General Eisenhower made Germans walk through the concentration/extermination camps after the war so no one could deny their existence.
I have no idea what he was trying to do, but the Russian judge marked him down.
What he did do, though, was become so arrogant that he ‘just knew’ where it was going to be bowled.
Except he didn’t.
It’s a big shithole.
The biggest.
What’s to pull off?
Pack up, buy a ticket and go.
No brainer.
Given that it is The Biggest Shithole.
Except that Justin 2.0 is a kinder, gentler coach.
Yelling at fuckwits just wasn’t on.
We’ve got to make Australians look at their shit splattered ablutions blocks.
The person which was the well deserved main subject of that blister has been quacking on for weeks about leaving.
Been on the agenda for twenty years he says.
Can get citizenship rights in the destination country via his missus, he says.
Better move quick before ScoMo closes the loophole, he says.
Well great.
Do it instead of grandstanding about it.
Piss or get off the pot.
I’ve just finished watching back-to-back Escape to the Country on free-to-air Sat’dy nite Ch 7. That’s my sort of ‘escape’, vicarous will do for the moment, from the comfort of my study/TV room with 7kg of Attapuss draped on me as he considers appropriate . Hairy watches the crikit on the big screen with the Foxtel. They’re all the same, says Hairy about my choice of relaxation. Yep, I say, just like the crikit.
dear me, lost an ‘i’ there in vicarious.
Wtf were you searching for?
Why does an Irishman watch cricket?
I thought they loathed it.
I suspect it is a joke about today’s word of the day …
During the First World War, British propaganda had been made of claims that the Germans were boiling down the corpses of their soldiers to make soap and fertilizer. The whole exercise backfired rather badly. Eisenhower was making doubly sure that there was to be no repeat.
Very good Irish friend of mine described cricket as an Imperialist game, invented by the British to keep lesser races in submission..
We are now in the realm of “Something horrible has happened” and most of us are putting our hands over our faces, but peeking between our fingers.
Nah. I’m not that old. I did blog about being on the top of Yasur Volcano on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu in 2013 when it was having a serious grumble. Was seventy-one then, but very fit, mostly young people doing it. Climbed up the ash pathway to the rim which was unfenced and about 6ft wide. Advice was if you saw a ball of fire coming at you, step sideways not back, or you’d tumble down the ashy slope all the way down to where the adventure wagon in was parked. No safety gear at all then, now some sites say you get a yellow tin hat. Yasur did a big growl causing local damage in 2021 apparently. And when I saw what happened to those cruise ship passengers at the White Island volcano off New Zealand in 2019 I decided no more active volcanos for me. Yasur had already put me off. When Hairy went down inside the core of an ‘extinct’ volcano in Iceland in 2016, I didn’t go. Nothing volcanic in Iceland is extinct, was my view.
you know most recently, that people came here to escape shit holes.
torn and ravaged by communism or fascism … like there’s a difference between those.
watch now as your judiciary are corrupted and cannot stand apart from the executive
enjoy the shit-hole-ification while the nudge units nudge nudge nudge and joke
take off your tin-foil Akubra and enjoy the glow of another sunset in a wind-drought.
and shoot the brushies if they go anywhere near your nectarines.
Dunno how that works when the ‘lesser races’ kick Pommy arse more often than not.
That is the role of the English in sport.
To invent games that the rest of the world can then whup their arses at.
Jupes, may I steal that line, and use it, next time I see my mad mate?
At Christmas 2016 Hairy and I did a four-hour snowshoe return walk across two frozen snowy lakes in Banf in Canada, separated by a wooded hill. Just us and a guide, who carried a little picnic before we tackled the return journey. I’d turned 75 that July. We kept stum about that or the tour company wouldn’t have allowed me on the trip. Under seventies only. Told the guide at the end and he kissed me! But you know that because I’ve brag-blogged that tale here before, so this is for newbies.
Age is just a number, even if you could remember Krakatoa. Which I can’t.
However, no-one lives forever, so do what you can while you can. Every year extra is limiting, which is why I am pissed off about Covid panics taking some very good years of my later age.
We are off again in late April to the UK for five weeks and will do some narrow-boating, church saving, and may do fell walking in the Scottish highlands with Hairy’s brother. 🙂
Two “i’s” in vicarious.
Two “f’s” in Banff.
Yasur on Tanna.
Will you need a visa to leave Australia?
I only lost one of them in vicarious. You can still see with only one eye.
and ffs, yes, two effing effs in Banff.
don’t let you babies grow up to be cowboys
By April I’m hoping all you will need is a current passport, a plane ticket and a Thomas the Tank backpack.
I like it when they get a vulcanoligist or geologist on the news to talk eruptions.
“We also believe an eruption of the neighbouring volcano Mt XYZ is imminent”.
(In his world “imminent” means sometime in the next 5,000 years).
No idea. We’re dual citizens, may make a difference.
More worried that we won’t get back in than getting out.
You always need a visa (acronym thingo) for the US, which we’re doing in October.
If necessary we will live in furrin climes till Covid madness ceases.
Money where the mouth is sort of thing. Except my mouth has largely said I like it here OK.
I fel of a clif in Banf.
Mansfield Park is so entertaining.
Almost laugh out loud hilarious.
but plane crashes are rare?
Leaving is easy.
We will factor in time for screw-ups on return.
Have to see. Following your current progress avidly, Rosie. Hairy’s read your reports and other things and said in May we stay in the UK, lots to do and see there, rather than trying to hassle with Europe’s on and off madness.
Bumpf I bet sanchos’ never’ even been in banph
Sancho Panzer,
Have a snort of approval for that.
Those caused by pilots having a stiff-arm catatonic seizure on short final in an Airbus certainly are.
As rare as rocking horse shit.
I just said an intelligible sentence in French.
Go me.
how many volcanos erupting right now do you reckon?
Admittedly it was
Excuse me, the bill, please?
The Thomas the Tank Engine backpack was just an illustrative device for telling a story.
I don’t think the government will mandate themed backpacks for overseas travel.
Oh good, I really want a Barbapapa one.
I refused to believe that any place on God’s green Earth was named “Banff”, until we went there.
Robert Menzies, when the greatest Prime Minister this country has ever had, was flying to Western Australia. He asked the navigator where the aircraft was located,
“Over the town of Mukinbudin.” was the reply.
“I refuse to believe that any town in the Commonwealth of Australia is named “Mukinbudin.” Menzies answered.
No, no.
Don’t divert.
The sook upthread advanced “pilots having a particular type of seizure in a particular type of aircraft during a precise 20 second flight phase” as a valid reason for someone to be fearful about emigrating.
If that is a genuinely held belief, just maybe a lot of his other beliefs are unadulterated paranoia built on fiction as well.
My point to him was, either just do it or don’t do it and then shut up about it.
Stop alternating between self aggrandisement about the impending emigration and ‘woe is me’ helplessness that there is some tiny barrier in the way
Hairy is an English gentleman as well as an Irishman at heart. He has to be drunk to be really Irish.
At a very swank castle hotel in Ireland he pissed in the driveway on the hated Protestant Ascendancy.
And I bet he’s sorry ’bout that too, eh?
The original? Or the copy?
Has anyone else been to the Protestant temple in Noumea? Best service I’ve been to. Couldn’t follow the French so nothing disagreeable was thundered. The singing was worth going for.
The communion wine was excellent. If I hadn’t stood out like a sore thumb I would have gone around a few times.
This was before injected pilots made flying Russian Roulette.
There were a few no longer posting here, who did indeed packed up and went, but it was mostly work related not being pissed off by the current situation.
Nobby and Mark A springs to mind, Jupes also worked overseas and got back recently.
Oops, I was meaning to reply to the post saying it’s easy to just pack up and go, I don’t think it’s as simple as that.
No matter how pissed up you are, you still have to prepare your move thoroughly.
Admittedly, pilots suddenly go stiff in the arm doesn’t cut it as an excuse, not to go through with it.
Week In Pictures.
Interesting to see the tsunami hit Aus.
Here’s Port Kembla, the Gold Coast, and Norfolk Island.
Care of http://www.ioc-sealevelmonitoring.org/map.php
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ response to WaPo writer/editor calling his Covid response ‘criminal’ is perfection
On the subject of packing up and moving (and how easy it is), there’s at least one Cat who has been trying for a very long time.
Managed (relatively recently) to get permission to go alone, but not allowed to take the kids.
Now that may have changed since Christmas, but it’s clear that the government has not been allowing easy emigration from this country, so can we give it a rest and find yet another topic to ride into the ground?
Even if the government is now ‘allowing’ it under certain circumstances, the fact that you need to seek permission from the government, should preclude this as a whacking stick on this blog.
Trump never stopped any of the Lefties from leaving. I can guarantee you, our government did.
End of.
bespoke says:
Apologies for the belated reply to your post the other night, it was the last para that bamboozled me.
All is good.
I certainly know people whose parents or grandparents got out of eastern Europe by sneaking across the border or going on a holiday and not returning.
it’s clear that the government has not been allowing easy emigration
but it’s still doable if you really want to
You mean leaving the kids and wife behind?
Shades of Middle Eastern refugees in that option.
miltonf says:
January 16, 2022 at 6:59 am
Bit hard to sneak around the borders here. Doable if you got the cash, but then why would you?
Well I thought the discussion was in regard to getting away from totalitarian regimes. Don’t get me wrong I despise the political-meja establishment here and want their death grip broken. I don’t blame Australians for it anymore than I blame Russians for Stalin.
Eden in NSW struck by 40 cm wave from the Tongan eruption.
Annihilated, according to the news.
Cheers Gaborsays
This is so funny, and so NOT unexpected. LOL
Not really, as far as I can tell.
It seemed more like a vehicle to bully anyone who was talking about it as an option.
The overwhelming majority of people on this blog are criticising this government, the state of this country and are future direction. However, anyone who had the temerity to that they were thinking of moving away, just had the reticle focused on them.
‘Tedious and boring’ was the charge. Fuck, if we alienated and destroyed every instance of tedious, repetitive and boring on this blog. We’d significantly lighten the load on Dover.
Just another reason the shave off a minority on this blog, and kick the absolute snot out of them, for amusement. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”, comes to mind.
A tennis tournament with crowds doesn’t lead to transmission presumably.
Can you die of stupidity?
Immigration Minister saying that “as a high profile un-vaccinated individual … Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission”.
It seemed more like a vehicle to bully anyone who was talking about it as an option.
I don’t like my country being called a shithole- it’s a wonderful place built on hard work and innovation (not the empty the empty canbra slogan)
thinking of moving away
yeah well I’ve thought of moving away too but I don’t hold Australia or Australians or Victorians in contempt as some here do.
Just another reason the shave off a minority on this blog, and kick the absolute snot out of them, for amusement.
That’s interesting
The big fear is that if Djokovic is permitted to play tennis in Australia, then thousands of vaccinated people watching on TV will suddenly become unvaccinated. Like whores becoming virgins again. It’s all voodoo and magic.
So now we’ve established that if you’re unlucky enough to be a Catholic priest, a British royal, a right-wing/conservative/Liberal/National white male politician, you will now be declared “guilty until proven innocent”. A thousand years of common law has been flushed down the toilet…all to appease the left, your guilt is presumed because of your sex, your politics and on your station in life. Innocent until proven guilty is now only reserved for progressives and leftists…like Bill Shorten. So, you will be stripped of your titles, you will be smeared and shamed and your name and your guilt, even before a trial, will be trumpeted by the world’s MSM, social media sewers and public opinion as “guilty, guilty, guilty”.
But what if, as in the case of Cardinal George Pell, you’re found innocent, which is what happened on 7 April 2020 when the High Court of Australia quashed his convictions – 7-0. Will the MSM, social media sewers and public opinion right a wrong, will they scream “innocence” with the same passion and furore that they went about when proclaiming this person’s guilt? Will the titles, the perks and the public dignity be reinstated?
Remember how Cardinal Pell was dumped from Qantas’ Chairman’s Lounge? Has his membership been reinstated?
Remember how Cardinal Pell was unceremoniously dumped by Richmond Football Club (a club he once played for and a club he loved) as Vice Patron and ambassador? Has this been reinstated?
The answer to both is no.
So if Prince Andrew is cleared of all wrongdoing, will his titles be reinstated?
The answer will be no.
Great world we live in.
Was a wonderful place. Now people have a chill run down their spine when they see the police, and are forced to show a certificate of compliance at a cafe. Nothings permanent, despite the laudable work of our forefathers. Anything can be destroyed. Much has been.
Oh, I 100% agree with you, but that didn’t enter into the criteria for who got slaughtered yesterday, just those looking at options who haven’t managed to action any.
then thousands of vaccinated people watching on TV will suddenly become unvaccinated.
Considering the new third jab mandate timelines, this is more true than funny.
I think you’ve misinterpreted what I was saying. It’s not a statement of intent. It’s what I observed yesterday…and more generally, of late.
January 16, 2022 at 7:30 am”
Excellent comment Mater.
Making a shotgun for Diwali:
“yeah well I’ve thought of moving away too but I don’t hold Australia or Australians or Victorians in contempt as some here do.”
What about if they’re members of the Liberal party?
Jo Nova has written a definitive piece on the Djokovic saga. Great read.
Was a wonderful place. Now people have a chill run down their spine when they see the police, and are forced to show a certificate of compliance at a cafe. Nothings permanent, despite the laudable work of our forefathers. Anything can be destroyed. Much has been.
Still lots of great people out there (still a lot of deadshits and morons too unfortunately), still wonderful to take a drive out through Ararat and Stawell- like the garden of Eden. Worth fighting for- not sure if we can vote our way out of this. People seem to be waking up, I hope enough do. I can’t tell you how much I hate the meja for the evil they have been an accomplice to.
More Sunrise newsfeed:
‘Millions of people told to stay out of the ocean’
Attention Mildura, Kalgoorlie and Birdsville residents. Stay out of the ocean.
Anyone in Toowoomba – surf’s up, dudes.
What about if they’re members of the Liberal party?
well that would have included me once
Mater, I saw two types of “get me out of here types” yesterday.
Repetitive showboaters and those who sincerely want to explore their options. The response from the former was so disgraceful and hysterical it had to be removed.
I don’t think any of the criticism was aimed at the latter. I is difficult to up stakes and move countries especially with a family. I’ve done it, and it was hard enough in good times and with company help.
Milton, this is not a direct go at your comment (which I agree with BTW), more an apropos of nothing.
I went out and about like this the other day, and stopped in at some places to get some (takeaway) food and have a look around. Do you know the feeling I had? One of walking around in enemy territory. It was completely unconscious, and very reminiscent of my time in Fallujah, Ramadi, Khowst, Kabul…
The sensation of being ultra vigilant, looking around at each and every individual and asking myself;
“Who’s going to approach me about putting a mask on?”.
“Who’s going to ask me for a Vax Certificate?”
“Who’s scowling at me?”
“Who’s likely to ring the police and report me?”
“Do all these people unnecessarily wearing a mask outside see me as their enemy?”
“Where/who is the risk coming from?”
No such thoughts have ever been in my mind since leaving the military, especially in Australia.
The government has done this to us.
Scrub one of those “types”.
One coffee just doesn’t suffice.
Looming problem
And because it’s Sunday
Thanks Tom. There were some excellent ones in there, hard to choose only two.
This is exactly why the left side of politics wins. Generally they achieve power before purity spiraling, “conservatives” constantly do it and even when they have power are pathetically limp wristed in exercising it. How many things can be pointed to where conservatives had opportunity and did nothing, or have flat out done the work of the left? Gay marriage springs to mind for example.
You know that area now has the blessings of diversity like Nigerian organised crime? It is absolutely not the quiet country town of 20 or 30 years ago. It’s still got a lot of the old problems, but added new ones without much in the way of opportunity or development for anyone living there.
No such thoughts have ever been in my mind since leaving the military, especially in Australia.
The government has done this to us.
yes I know and they can’t be allowed to get away with it
That hypervigilance creeps up on me too. It’s the masks, more than anything.
They are dehumanising and demeaning.
Calli at 0813- spot on. I often think about the betrayal of Rhodesia and hope it doesn’t come to that here but there are shades of it.
Immigration Minister saying that
Yeah, it’s really funny since he’s unlikely to be vaccinated himself and neither are the Judges hearing the matter.
But the Bottom Line always remains:
Scotty won the Politics, and Labor’s fucked for another 3 years
How’s the Soy Latte?
Do tears make it taste any better?
“The sensation of being ultra vigilant, looking around at each and every individual and asking myself;
“Who’s going to approach me about putting a mask on?”.
“Who’s going to ask me for a Vax Certificate?”
“Who’s scowling at me?”
“Who’s likely to ring the police and report me?”
“Do all these people unnecessarily wearing a mask outside see me as their enemy?”
“Where/who is the risk coming from?””
I’m reminded of an incident last July, at the height of the lockdown here in Sydney, when I was on a bus going into the office (I had a special dispensation to work in the office). I had got onto the bus and my mask was under my nose, I was struggling to breathe. Anyway this young women sitting near me got up to get off the bus and she stood before me and told me to put my mask on properly.
I told her to get fucked.
You know that area now has the blessings of diversity like Nigerian organised crime?
Which shows how broken government is in Australia. Canbra is the enemy.
Anyone in Toowoomba – surf’s up, dudes.
Bring on the global warming sea level rise. I’d like a surf beach at the bottom of the range at Port Withcott.
I was at a market in outer Melbourne yesterday and much more than half didn’t have face nappies on.
““conservatives” constantly do it and even when they have power are pathetically limp wristed in exercising it. How many things can be pointed to where conservatives had opportunity and did nothing, or have flat out done the work of the left? Gay marriage springs to mind for example.”
Well said Bluey. Back in 2014, Abbott (always the nice guy) and the Liberals decided to stay shtum re. Shorten and the “allegation”. As far as I’m concerned that a huge mistake. Until the right learn to fight back and yes…fight dirty…nothing will change.
there were some unbelievably great funnies on Powerline today. Thanks Tom.
This is my favourite.
People seem to forget that when Abbott became health minister he described the abortion rates as a ‘national tragedy’. He was given ‘the treatment’. It’s instructive to consider episodes where a politician is courageous and honest and how he is brought into line. The meja is main player in such episodes.
Abbott made a Statement to the House to the effect that he wouldn’t be pursuing it.
Not a bad decision, in hindsight, since Labor probably had the Porter Material ready to go if he’d decided to play dirty anyway.
Except that Abbott was never honest or Courageous, he was a chancer.
Decrying Abortion Rates loses the Women’s vote, right or wrong, it’s that simple.
Once chancers have that fact pointed out to them, they suddenly go very quiet on Abortion.
Funny, that?
I do.
Not all of course.
But in my experience over 50% can be.
Head Case is wrong, as usual.
We’ve got to where we are by tolerating shit people because they are the shit people on “OUR” side.
It is no different from institutions tolerating pedos because outing them would be bad for their organisation.
We need to get rid of ALL the scum… and hiding/tolerating/protecting frauds and predators is NOT nice.
Why the need to vigilant? just go about your business until something happens otherwise you end up in the rabbit hole.
A call to have some perspective isn’t a bad thing in a place with people turning the dial up for entertainment.
We saw how “courageous” Abbott was when he went gutless on us and refused to live up the the principles he espoused before he was PM.
Courage is doing the Right Thing AFTER you know that the consequences will hurt.