BBC reputation shredded confirmed.
BBC reputation shredded confirmed.
https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2025/03/well-done-that-man-lest-we-forget.html Bedouin Muslim soldier in the I.D.F .murdered by the Palis.
If by ‘1979 Corolla’ you mean, so far, the land bridge to Crimea, NATO reduced to a dead letter, and…
Ugly. With squeaky voices.
This is like the invasion itself. It’s a strange logic. Apparently Ukraine invited Russia to invade, and their president asked…
If that happens, JC, the worry is he’ll take everyone else with him. Biden and the EU must back off.
Look Gold is a store of wealth.. I have my doubts it is but lets go with that, but it’s not a currency or at least not easy to use as a digital currency. Presumably Russia holds the gold inside Russian borders. How with the payment be made in gold? Russian planes flying the gold to make payments? It would be impossibly shambolic and never work.
Don’t worry, the Generals ignored Nixon.
As far as I understand this, this is standard Russian doctrine. It’s telling the West to calm the hell down, and don’t get involved too drastically. It’s an attempt to deescalate the situation. It’s like A while fist-fighting B showing their gun to C when they’ve looked at a knife.
Can you carefully explain what is disgusting with opining about arming Ukraine. Last time I read, it was Putin’s military that crossed the border shooting the place up.
Maybe they don’t want their country invaded? How dare they take up arms!
Don’t worry, Putin doesn’t recognise international law anyway.
That latter part has been quietly happening in the background since 2014.
Not every US or NATO service member sent to a Baltic or Black Sea Republic (or other nation in receipt of western military aid) goes to carry a rifle in the general direction of belligerents for the cameras.
Trainers and reloads alike are a standard part and parcel of weapons deals. Particularly where the delivered weapon system or variant of is new and unfamiliar to the customer.
Real Clear Politics –
MacGregor: U.S. Should “Stop Shipping Weapons And Stop Encouraging Ukrainians To Die In A Hopeless Endeavor”
I agree absolutely Dover. The media are disgusting people with nothing to recommend them. They don’t know what they are talking about, lie with impunity and have less integrity than street harlots. They have proved this beyond doubt over the the last six years. Just one example, the Daily Mail alleging Melania Trump had been a call girl.
Putin has placed his nuke assets on red alert.
Since reading this this morning, I’ve had a sick feeling in my stomach.
Presumably Russia holds the gold inside Russian borders. How with the payment be made in gold? Russian planes flying the gold to make payments
Ha. Perhaps look at all the countries that move around the SWIFT. India and UAE have famously had separate ‘payment’ systems. UAE was created by smuggling and selling gold. It is still a ‘bank’ and clearing house for all the wars of the middle east. The little fishing village, Dubai, next to a desert didn’t make its money from oil. Chinese will be happy to take gold.
Oh hang on a sec.. what countries didn’t immediately condemn Russia?
By giving him a smoke?
Maybe it was a menthol.
Wouldn’t Rotterdam be the number one target?
So have I.
Why Bern?
My hunch is Berlin because of WW2 pay back and the German disclosure they are openly arming the Ukrainians. That’s all.
Why telegraph supplying the fucks. You could do it later, but not now.
Rotterdam is the biggest port by a fair margin.
And if still the case, which I’m not sure anymore, one of the biggest oil storage hubs in Europe.
Hackers are working to punish Putin, theatening an unprecedented cyberwar that will cripple his websites and expose all his secrets.
I read that at first as hookers. It just shows how much the wussia dossier and the pee-pee tapes have ingrained themselves into the social consciousness.
Wouldn’t it be bizarre if Russia dropped a bomb on Europe at the same time its gas is still getting pumped west?
British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said she supports Britons going to Ukraine in order to take up arms against Russia.-with a bit of luck that vile waste of space will go there too. How I loathe the pommy establishment.
Every cancelled soccer match brings joy to the collective soul.
Polishing an old metal stand yesterday I accidentally had the womens’ NRL on in the background. I have never watched it before and would not have done so deliberately after having been forced to watch a couple of farcical AFLW circuses.
The NRL women? were rather impressive. Fast, agile, good ball skills and copped the hits. Their goal kicked banged them in from the sideline every time. It won’t convert me to NRL, but it was light years ahead of the AFLW.
They were all muscle-bound gym rats but not unattractive.
Sounds like 2022 to me… 🙂
British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said she supports Britons going to Ukraine in order to take up arms against Russia
Now is the time for cooler heads.
This isn’t Syria.
It’s a nuclear armed joint.
Where’s Brucie?
He’s made some great calls on battery technology. He’s been 100%. Wrong!
The last time I was there, yes, some thirty tank farms, handling over 90 million tonnes a year.
Let’s just say it gets there in time before this is over. Are they trained to use those weapons? Do they have the available infrastructure to maintain and employ them? Do you want to make this situation worse by bogging it down in a conventional/ guerilla war where Russia heightens their deployment and tactics? Is Russia a Bear or a paper tiger? If its a Bear, sending arms to Ukraine only delays the inevitable and/or risks escalating the situation. If it’s a paper tiger, this will be over in a couple of weeks anyway once the military situation fails to achieve its goals and their economic outlook tanks.
The science wrongologist.
Never give up your nukes.
Sending defensive weaponry to the Ukraine is exactly the right thing to do, but it’s not without risk. Fuck Putin.
Weren’t we arresting people that went to fight in Syria?
What ‘defensive’ weaponry are they sending?
Andrew Forrest, shyster-in-chief, is now TheirABC’s hero because:
There’s a bit of a ‘gap’ between $114m and $3bn, though.
No mention of the amount of government subsidies involved, either.
And, how do wind turbines make ‘green hydrogen’ – whatever that is?
Talk about stenographers – not a single question is asked about the Press Release they faithfully reproduced.
Correct. I keep the family nuclears in a secure location.
Seems to me the political-media class are really enjoying this and are finding it hard to pretend not to.
Anti-tank, surface to air missiles for a start. However, for a defender every weapon is theoretically defensive.
Why isn’t ScoMo talking about the strategic oil reserve deal he did with Trump?
He announced it in 2020 just after oil went negative at expiry.
Now oil is just under $US100/b.
How much is in it?
What’s the marked to market profit?
Or why doesn’t he sell it?
It sits in the US anyway.
It’s not like it’s ever coming to Australia.
Water electrolysis, with all the required electrical energy provided solely by ‘ruinable’ generation.
As compared to existing methods that involve steam reformation of methane or burning coal or natural gas and using other recombinative solutions.
Abbott has an op-ed in this morning’s WSJ.
And used only in the most sparing or dire circumstances. And never against people
The Landsraad would never tolerate that…
Followed by this:
When they are not railing about inequalidee, they are sucking up to ‘Australia’s richest man’ if he follows the pardy line.
Apart from being hypocrites of the first water, they are amazingly naive, unlike Forrest.
I heard on the news coming home from Stitch n’ Bitch – helmets and body armour.
Apologies if this has already been posted.
Future President of Ukraine plays piano with his cock:
Put it away, Grigory.
Aussie Twitter Antifas yesterday were comparing Zelenskiy larping in Camos to Scotty kicking back with his wife in a cafe.
Perhaps they might also compare Scotty to a President playing the piano with his cock?
There was hilarity when Germany sent 5000 helmets to Ukraine.
So we’re one step up from hilarious.
What will deter the West is when Putin starts releasing the KGB/GRU/FSB files on our politicians and others.
Someone ask him about Uyghurs.
What will deter the West is when Putin starts releasing the KGB/GRU/FSB files on our politicians and others.
Yes! I think there may be a lot of Australian names. How come it’s been hidden for the last 30 years?
Put it away, Grigory.
Before I tie it up like a balloon poodle and force-feed you a 3L bottle of Coke…
Rex Anger:
Your link -#2022IsLikeLookingLeftAndRightToCrossTheStreet,ThenGettingHitInTheHeadByAFallingMIRV
– Doesn’t work.
Great trolling by the Ruskies:
As well as the cities listed, the Space Station passes over Canberra every day, an hour or two before dawn at this time of the year.
I wonder how that came about?
And how did the superbrains in charge in Washington miss it?
I don’t think it’s a serious threat, more a reminder of how slack and lazy the US and NATO have become.
That probably means it’s already airburst… 😉
yeah. But can he push the big red button with it?
A few thoughts on Russia Ukraine invasion. Old Vlad has had years to plan this. I can’t help thinking each day they would have mapped out expected responses and counter offensive measures. The talk of nukes is one out of the playbook. Make the other side think you are crazy to make them think twice about their next move. Nixon did this to Ho Chi Minh and the Chinese. As soon as Nixon was out of the way the NV made their move.
Although I doubt Vlad was expecting Slowmo to pull his Aussie Tourist visa. That would have unsettled Vlads morning vodka.
Because a mid level bureaucrat in 1990 may just become important in 2022, and that honeytrap in Beijing or Moscow way back then may just come in handy…
Fair Shake
The only thing predictable about war and how it unfolds is unpredictability.
They’re out.
BP quits Russia in up to $25 billion hit after Ukraine invasion
I don’t believe Putin would be so stupid to nuke anyone. As I said before, the western establishment are finding it hard to pretend they’re not loving it.
Because a mid level bureaucrat in 1990 may just become important in 2022, and that honeytrap in Beijing or Moscow way back then may just come in handy…
ah ok
I’m also thinking of names like Evatt and Cairns.
I wonder what Britain would do if any of them were captured by Russian forces?
Probably disavow all knowledge of them.
The only interest I have in this war is my fear that it might interfere with the delivery of my cigars from Cuba. They’re currently gone from Leipzig, but where I just don’t know. DHL haven’t updated since Saturday.
It’s a worry.
It’s easy to avoid Ed Case by scrolling past. A bit harder when people copy/paste & reply to him.
Please think of others when copying his drivel. 😉
There are reports that Putin is mentally unwell and acting crazed. This is likely to be Western intel propaganda, but it could also be true. We DON’T know.
You kidding?
I thought my threats were getting pretty inventive.
I’m feeling unloved now, Sal. 🙁
You’d think someone with an AO for services to Netty would look before they shoot.
It is enjabbening.
And a looney in the WH helps.
Isn’t the pommy slag inciting people to become illegal combatants or least inciting weak minds to put their lives in danger? TBH after they played ‘candle in the wind’ Westminster Abbey, I decided England wasn’t a serious country anymore.
Head Prefect when is your flight to Kiev? you brave keyboard fighter you.
Zelensky will give you a free AK….Off you pop.
If anyone shoots down the plane carrying my smokes, I’ll be really, really cross.
For no reason other than Lotocoti’s awesome Ukraine video and Twiggy’s hypocrisy I am reminded of SF&F author Piers Anthony.
Two particular lesser known novels:
Macroscope (1969)
Steppe (1976)
Both fine reads, as are many of his others. I recently reread the Battle Circle trilogy. The protagonist in Steppe, despite the blurbs you see on Amazon and elsewhere, is an Uighur. His novel is where I first heard of those people some decades ago when I first read the book.
Macroscope is also quite prescient of the current era of surveillance.
We DON’T know.
What was so astonishing about his remarks, the danger from the ISS or his reference to Alzheimers? Both would be huge news to anyone plugged into the US legacy media.
Immediately commence a combined media and legal campaign to repatriate them cuz they diddun know wut they wuz dooink?
Football (in all its sporting, cultural and political iterations) truly is a national pastime for the UK…
Did you pick your banana quota today?
Rex Anger says: February 28, 2022 at 5:39 pm
You’re unloved because a law prohibiting the Nazi (Roman) salute has accidentally included hand signals for traffic control, this means traffic cops cannot direct traffic without a pair of ping-pong bats, and you are in real trouble when driving your 1962 Bedford delivery lorry, coz if you do not indicate ‘right turn’ you’ll be ticketed for failing to indicate & lose your licence, or if you do indicate, you’ll be arrested for giving a ‘Nazi salute’ & will go to jail.
Your wave to me just now better have been with a ping-pong bat, lest Plod run you in!
HP, couldn’t get out there flooded here.
Are you going to hunt down Putin on your own?
JC says: February 28, 2022 at 5:39 pm
Shouldn’t you be busy putting down a bet?
You got called, & you squibbed out, you gutless p.o.s.
Don’t dare comment to your betters, coward.
And when are you starting your new career as an electrical fitter, Dribbles?
Remember to take your tinfoil hat off before you start working around the sparky bits- Electricity cares not for whomever you think really controls the Central Banks…
Very courageous, Minister.
(She’s one of the favourites to replace Bozo if/when he goes.)
Even Better!
Heehee! 😀
The biggest threats to our civilisation come from within, not without.
Choo choo man, I start fitting those turn indicators next week.
Apparently they don’t need wiring up they are the type that just flick up, so dumb fuck train drivers don’t have to listen to that clicking sound.
This is the sort of arrant nonsense being unquestioningly regurgitated by the media, never questioned as to the logic of whatever the latest pronouncement is, be it by the senile US incumbent or any of our own homegrown bureaucrats, CHOs or politicians.
It’s gaslighting on a grand scale, on a scale that is actually dangerous as well as insulting, and yet it’s never questioned or disputed, never analysed for plausibility or accuracy before being broadcast to an increasingly confused, scared and disengaged population.
The situation between Ukraine and Russia is yet another example of abysmal quality journalism and reporting. Social media posts are being taken as gospel, memes from years before are unquestioningly reported as truth, even video game images being used to build a myth FFS. The general public around the world has no hope of understanding what is actually going on, and governments are buying into the pre-determined “narrative” yet again. We’re seeing the same
“lockstep” happening again as we did with covid.
Beware the deliberate shaping of public opinion. Did nobody learn anything from the covid media psyop? Question everything before you jump in boots and all.
As someone noted upthread: Are we seeing another archduke assassination? The implications of incautious response by our government and others are truly frightening.
That nazi salute law that prevents hand signals for traffic, is the reason vehicles were fitted with that metal hand on a lever on the driver’s door.
So hath speaketh Sir Edgar Casement.
Pommy guys have been in Ukraine for at least a month training the locals to use the NLAW.
British military show Ukrainian army how to use anti-tank weapons against Russia (25 Jan)
Going on some of the vids floating around on the net the Ukrainians quite like them.
We ready have a persistent audible click on our speedos.
Your anklebiting is really ineffective, Dribbles. You need to eat more of your bananas to counteract your low energy levels…
2018, ABC headline:
From Neo-Nazi to militant: The foreign fighters in Ukraine who Australia’s laws won’t stop
In just four years you’re all neo-nazis now LOL.
Also a warning for any retarded skinheads or leftwing retards who head on over to do globohomo’s bidding, reality comes at you quickly…
Biden Claims Success But People “Psychologically” Can’t “Feel Happy”
It’s gaslighting on a grand scale, on a scale that is actually dangerous as well as insulting, and yet it’s never questioned or disputed, never analysed for plausibility or accuracy before being broadcast to an increasingly confused, scared and disengaged population.
correct- part of the slide into totalitarianism with an incontinent old crook at the top of the rotten, decaying pile
I offered the bet with my rules. The idea that I/others would accept anyone representing you determining the direction of a bet is laughable, you filthy fucking fraud. A fraud until the end. Those genes took a while to cook up through the generations. I wonder if those betting machines are checked. I wouldn’t trust you in a pink fit.
The little girl in a sleeveless top in the Ukraine in February, are people really that silly?
Choo choo man, my anklebiting is so ineffective it has you jumping at every post I make whether it is aimed at you or anybody else.
Now get back to gaggle to find some uninteresting shit to post…..wanker.
I just like making you swear and run away.
And I seem to be very good at it. 🙂
I read an article & now I’m all sick of the current situation again.
First three paragraphs.
Celebrations have been taking place in the self-declared Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in what is almost universally recognized Ukraine. Having declared independence eight years ago, events have now forced Russia’s hand in which these two nascent entities are now recognized by Moscow, with all the protections that come with it. One cannot help but understand why these people are celebrating.
Another celebration is taking place in the USA. The State Department has achieved its main objective of seeing Nordstream 2 put on ice. American LNG producers are now popping champagne bottles as they can envision huge stacks of cash to be made by overcharging Europeans desperate for gas.
The Military-Industrial Complex is chuffed as well, as the arms will continue to pour into Ukraine and into the NATO armies in its periphery.
Russia’s strategy to destroy Ukraine army going to plan:
If this is correct, it looks like they are securing the south east along the Dnieper from Mykolaiv-Kherson to the Dnieper Bend and then across to Kharkov, and they’re encircling Kiev for political purposes. Then they will use those areas aside of the Donbass at the negotiating table but they will beginning with wanting everything west of the Dnieper.
Frequently, sillier.
Orwell wrote that British who joined the International Brigades and went to Spain were long watched with suspicion by the government when they came back.
Which is natural, because they come back to live in peaceful towns and cities as mercenary radicalised killers with a head full of foreign garbage, foreign contacts and extreme gore experiences. Also a strange sort of dual allegiance. They naturally forever cast themselves as a misfit to people in a peaceful society after doing something like that outside of the cover and connection of their nation (I.e in a normal war with their peers and national propaganda telling everyone they’re ok, did the right thing, protected the nation, etc).
How have I run away you absolute numbnut?
Here is my view on the current situation in Ukraine.
I suspect a fair number of Poms will also be fighting with the Russians given the announcements from Kadyrov and his mufti.
Interestingly a number of Russian-heritage Israelis appear to want to fight for Ukraine.
Meet the Israelis heading to Ukraine to fight (Arutz Sheva, 27 Feb)
Reminiscent of the Spanish Civil War with people flocking in from all over the world.
Dnieper from Mykolaiv-Kherson to the Dnieper Bend and then across to Kharkov
Dover, does the topography support that?
they are the hollow men, they whisper like rats’ feet on broken glass in our dry cellar
Volkswagen hopes to introduce solid-state batteries into its EVs by 2024
Toyota were meant to have them in 2020. Hasn’t happened. “Hopes” is an interesting engineering term.
Let me know when I can order some cells under normal commercial terms. There are some really good battery scams going on with OPM. Anything still in the lab right now is a 2027 release for public use and amybe NET 2030.
Good advice. Mr Kim working on that right now.
I think Putin has every reason to keep his nukes on high alert. He’s facing a demented fool who is being manipulated by the neo-cons in the Deep State. They might just think they can nuke Putin and get away with it.
For no reason other than Lotocoti’s awesome Ukraine video and Twiggy’s hypocrisy I am reminded of SF&F author Piers Anthony
Piers is hit and miss but much better then Stephen Baxter who if possible has swallowed more of the green poison then Kim Stanley Robinson.
There are only two types of golf clubs. Ones with too much money and ones with not enough money. LKGC falls into the former. Bit hilly for old buggers.
Welp, if you stick to your usual pattern (Initial smartarse snark aimed at someone you don’t like, followed by 7 or 8 increasingly whiny and sweary attempts to riposte the folks rolling you in reply before you disappear for 24 hours or so) , then you have maybe 3 or so more sweary, whiny anklebites left in you before we see you again this time Tuesday…
Eyrie, recall when I criticized the lack of flight into space by Branson and Musk and you suggested I keep my mouth shut because it was coming. I suggest you try this about battery technology.
The incel was predicting the demise of Tesla only a few years ago when the stock price was about $35 a share. That’s hasn’t worked out well. There’s a ton of money being thrown at this. If you or the incel think it’s wrong then short those stocks, otherwise remain silent.
Oh dear.
Straight up you show how far back your bitter enmity towards Carl Benjamin goes.
He hasn’t been fat for a very long time (in fact he looks very good now!), since he decided to add improving his health to so many of the improvements he’s cared & worked to make.
Far from pretentious, he always admitted he didn’t know enough about all sorts of things so set about to learn and share what he learned and how & why he’s come to shift his opinions on important things.
He’s a very likable & approachable example of the value of making yourself a better man for the sake of your loved ones & future generations, who inspire other young men to do likewise.
You hate that so much you lie about it & say it’s bad.
Oh I know, you bitter clingers can’t let go of your handy poisons (“parasite” in this case), but you also have an impeccable record of mis-quoting out of all context, those you hate.
As I’m only one of millions who’s also heard him acknowledge the intrinsic value of human beings as something we must keep sacred, I can only presume that you didn’t take to one of his hard talk bant’s well, it probably being too close to your own feelings about yourself at the time.
It is hard to enumerate the many ways in which this is wrong. And from the Foreign Secretary, not some fringe backbencher.
Still, with Flophead supposedly in charge, what can you expect?
I take it you’ve never been clubbing in Manchester in January.
OK choo choo man I surrender to your superior intellect.
Now fuck off & drive a train.
How Yuri ended up in Emergency with a thirty round mag
jammed up his wossaname.
Ed Casesays:
February 28, 2022 at 5:04 pm
Aussie Twitter Antifas yesterday were comparing Zelenskiy larping in Camos to Scotty kicking back with his wife in a cafe.
Perhaps they might also compare Scotty to a President playing the piano with his cock?
Hang on, hang on, Dick Ed has previously babbled on about “Scotty’s” political brilliance, playing Albo like a Strad, outwitting all on the left. Has he had a revelation, or is the real Dick Ed now coming out of his shell?
There are also reports that the Thief in Chief is mentally stable. Must be true.
Getting very uncomfortable Latrine x Sheriff of Rottingham vibes here.
Mrs Benjamin better have sharpened her lovelorn-suitor-fending-off stick…
See you tomorrow, Dribbles!
Try to bring something more energetic than your usual next time! 😀
Along the Dnieper, yes, from the Bend across to Kharkov, I don’t know. Probably not, but it’s not a defensive line really so much as something to bargain with.
9 iron
The latter is most useful. I like Fallout New Vegas a lot, although I prefer Fallout 3 better for the wonderful atmosphere and 50’s culture stuff. Sadly I put out my old clubs for the council pickup day last year, they lasted on grassy verge only a few hours before they were salvaged by someone. I hope a kid has fun with them.
The biggest threat to our civilisation comes not from being militarily weak but from being mentally weak.
Choo choo man are you going?
Don’t forget to bring more of you uninteresting gaggle shit for me to scroll past you boring idiot.
Ukrainian MP gave the game away. She says they are fighting for the NEW WORLD ORDER
Get off the stove you bitter old mill USSR, scrub yourself until the black comes off. I haven’t “sold out” you whacko, Carl Benjamin outed himself as a dumb fucker so I don’t listen to his pretentious shit anymore.
YOU keep on bringing it back up.
Come on now. If you keep bringing it up, debate the issue instead of fellating fatso (“Sargon of Akkad”).
Tell me why Lamaitre, Mother Theresa, John Paul II, … Athelstan, Mendel and Copernicus all were, as fatso puts it, parasites… because they didn’t have kids.
recall when I criticized the lack of flight into space by Branson and Musk
Musk has been launching into orbit since 2008. Branson has carnival roller coaster ride on a highly dangerous contraption. Some bad design choices were made early on with it. He also has an air launched small sat launcher which works which may get customers and make money.
Embarrassing. 😀
AK magazines (OG AK47 thru 74/101/103) all have a lip and catch system that secures them to the weapon. To apply the magazine, you line the catch at the front with the muzzle side of the magazine well, and rotate the magazine back towards the trigger guard so it engages a spring-loaded lever.
To remove the magazine, you depress the lever and rotate the magazine away from you.
Our heroic derp-fender here did not correctly insert and secure his magazine. I thought the angle looked weird on the telly, as an AK mag should look like this.
The biggest threat to our civilisation comes not from being militarily weak but from being mentally weak.
All the military in the world is no good with the *will* to use it. Applies in many fields. Or as Mrs Eyrie says “ya gotta wanna”.
Miss me already? 😀
I’ve come to the conclusion after battling local council today-Everything our government does is to ensure at the end of the day we have less.
She’s encouraging Brits to break the law. Admittedly the UK authorities have been rather selective in how they’ve applied that law, but English IS brides are languishing in Syria for less (not that I’ve much sympathy for them).
If you or the incel think it’s wrong then short those stocks, otherwise remain silent.
Orders others to remain silent after having a MamaMia style hysterical spazz out over Russia.
What a fucking deadshit you are, Kerry Spacker.
It seems my battered poodle is smarting at being called as a fake.
Easy to fix, grow a dick & balls, put your money where your mouth is.
You won’t, coz you’re a gutless chickenshit – whose mouth made a statement his chequebook can’t cover.
Not people!
But hey, I was wildly pessimistic. You’re trying to brush off every battery advance there’s been since the first Tesla, which was 220 miles vs now 400 miles for the model S.
That gave me the giggles. 🙂
Who thinks they’re more useful to society than Newton or Tesla because they’ve had kids?
Look. Tesla was so useful to us because he was an incel and he married a pet pigeon basically.
There are millions of Australians who live in households of three generations where no one has worked a day in their life.
I won’t belittle them but I am not going to conclude they’re pulling more weight for all of us than the luminaries I mentioned.
All of you appear to be wetting your pants over something that really doesn’t concern us. The west is being undermined at every turn, our country is is full of indigenous and other violence, our backyard has the Chinese bribing every pollie they can and you’re worried about Ukraine? We should remain neutral, it has nothing to do with us. The only reason for getting involved would be that if we didn’t it would threaten the US/Aus defence relationship. We can’t defend ourselves and need the US, if that means we sacrifice our young men, then so be it. It’s horrible but better than getting into a SE Asia war on our own.
You’re a fraud and you’re the coward. You’re unable to speak to the person directly, which why I picked you up earlier for the way you trolled Mr Ed. You disgust me and also quite a few people here.
You’re also a fraud and anyone using poker machines you have control over must have rocks in their head.
You’re genetically incapable of being anything other than a fraud.
I am going to learn to drive a train, they give yo handling instructions on an AK 47 …OG AK47 thru 74/101/103 , could come in handy.
The Dwarf of Wall Street’s mouth dug a hole his chequebook can’t dig him out of.
He’s all noise when it comes to mouthing off via a keyboard.
But nowhere to be found when it’s time man up & back the mouth.
It was your choice – now you wear the title.
I own you.
Oh we’re incapable of coming up our own put downs, so Driller steals stupid Evil’s. You’re such a fucking fraud driller. No wonder you’re pals with Adonis.
You don’t even own the chair you sit your fat arse on let alone anything else. You fraud.
Bidding online for a grain cleaner, only half an hour to go and I’m top bid.
Sounds good but the last few minutes after the time clock is activated sees the real players.
These online auctions are worse than the real thing as they keep resetting the timer after the supposed finish.
The digital hammer is bogus.
Dwarf of Wall Street, you squibbed when it counted.
Now piss off you gutless piece of shit.
You’re a nothing…
Entirely true SFW, except the Cat wouldn’t be the Cat if we couldn’t discuss the issues of the day.
Ukrainian MP gave the game away. She says they are fighting for the NEW WORLD ORDER
Some things get lost in translation. Oh…. we weren’t meant to say that bit!!!
Go clean the water out of the bar, or can’t you even afford a mop these days. You filthy degenerate fraud.
Pays better than licking windows, Dribbles…
Does anyone know if there are any covid court cases left to try in this dystopia? Why the Fuck are mandates illegal now in NZ but not here? I’m bloody annoyed.
Just noted a question Quora:
“Why didn’t Hitler use the Channel Tunnel to invade Britain in 1940?”
I doubt anyone would believe me that this question would be asked, so here’s a link.
This persons vote is equal to yours.
Dwarf of Wall Street:
I told you earlier, no need for words.
Put your money up. You were so sure of your mouth.
Money up, or you’re agreeing that you’re a blowhard (& a coward)
Thus far, you are admitting to being a coward & a blowhard.
Get back in touch if you’re able to grow a dick & balls and put up the money your mouth dug you into.
Piece of cowardly shit. Blowharding all over this page, when you’re called you squib. Pathetic.
We discuss the issues of the day?!
I thought we all came here for the electronic equivalent of Ecky-Thump…
I take it you’ve never been clubbing in Manchester in January.
One of the world’s most dangerous sports.
Driller tried to peddle the lie that he was audited four times in a year by the ATO and unless it was prior to 2000, one of the supposed audits was in an area that had become redundant. This is what the blowhard was trying to bullshit. Another example of narcissistic blowharding and just like the GST Driller’s comedy hour.
no doubt he’s stroking a cat and laughing maniacally
explains everything
Also a pun guaranteed to upset even the most genteel of animal lovers…
“except the Cat wouldn’t be the Cat if we couldn’t discuss the issues of the day.”
Isn’t this what the Cat is supposed to be for?
Dwarf of Wall Street, if it is a lie, you’ll clean up big on the bet.
It is now wallet time.
No more talk. You have been made a fair offer to bet your certainty.
Money talks, Bullshit walks.
Which will you do?
Yep, did a double take myself as the mag didn’t look curved enough, but some googling shows that the AK 74 does have a less curved mag than the 47s we are used to.
since the first Tesla, which was 220 miles vs now 400 miles for the model S.
Primarily because they put in a larger battery pack.
The questioner might be a mong (or just trolling), but the piss-taking answers are quite glorious.
And every one of them Cat-worthy. 🙂
All of you appear to be wetting your pants over something that really doesn’t concern us.
It’s our vile polticians/meja whipping up hysteria that’s pissing me off.
Regarding the US, I doubt if we can rely on them anything now. It’s not 1966 anymore. LJB was a turd but a giant compared to the old thief.
For the record: I made the Dwarf a fair offer of a bet.
Four Million Australian Dollars.
This is his chance to use his oft repeated threats to crush other commenters with superior financial muscle.
Y’know, like this:
It seems he’s not so sure of himself when faced with a realistic offer to take him up.
This time not trolling in the 3rd person, Driller? What happened? Embarrassed a little?
Yea, 4 audits just like it was next to impossible to figure GST on bets. You freaking ridiculous blowhard fraud.
Plagiarizes stupid Evil and now me.
Obviously, you wouldn’t own one, so borrow a mop and go dry out the bar, you fraud.
I can only assume large amounts of alcoholic fortification are required.
Driller doesn’t have 4 dollars to his name.
Let the bread delivery terrorist try it out.
You fraud.
No need for talk.
Put money up. If all your ‘knowledge’ is correct, you’ll win serious money.
What could go wrong? You know everything, rite?
There are reports that Putin is mentally unwell and acting crazed. This is likely to be Western intel propaganda, but it could also be true. We DON’T know.
Putin’s possible insanity and Biden’s know dementia/insanity. #AccidentalWW3
You think the way the US uses its allies doesn’t concern us?
I sure hope JC’s trading software was intelligent.
I see yapping chihuahua runnystruth has been having the time of his life today.
You fraud, Driller. You pathetic fraud.
Driller is Clive Palmer behind the anon.
I sure hope you’re the only person in a glider, Champ.
I see blustering words. I do not see money put up.
I own him.
You don’t even own the pixels. STFU and go dry out the bar. Enough.
Wow, the blowhard who hasn’t the cojones to show the money, says I haven’t any.
He’s not very good at this.
You bigmouthed, you got called, you squibbed.
Game over.
I couldn’t read more than a couple of paragraphs of TA’s piece because of the paywall.
But I have questions.
Why is NATO apparently so determined to antagonise Russia by creeping closer and closer to the Russian borders?
What benefit to the west was there getting Ukraine inside?
Is it some sort of we are morally superior and people must live like us, whether they like it or not?
The sort of thinking that unleashed ‘Arab Spring’ to disastrous consequences?
You don’t have any money. Banks will NOT lend to you because you’re a dreadful risk and by the way you’ve conducted yourself here, they aren’t wrong. You’re totally dishonest and a fraud. Please go away.
Converted convent in melbournistan looks nice:
Although the Noosa Hinterland pile for about the same price probably better.
Plagiarizes stupid Evil and now me.
As long as my agent is tracking the royalties, plagiarise away!
Looks like the usual repetitive slanging match between the usual suspects, fascinating to them and irrelevant to everybody else.
I’m off to watch a movie, while giving the scrolling finger a rest.
Why is NATO apparently so determined to antagonise Russia by creeping closer and closer to the Russian borders?
They want a war- that’s their business. I also suspect they’re upset that Russia hasn’t bought into the mukkie ‘gender fluidity’ filth.
CPAC have had a conference in Florida over the last few days. Anyway, shock, gasp, horror, there were a few speakers who said America should stay out of what’s going on in Ukraine. Fair enough, that’s free speech…isn’t it? Anyone with a basic knowledge of American history knows that both the GOP and Demonrats have always had people who support American isolationism. You can agree or disagree with their words.
Tonight I made the mistake of watching Credlin the Cretin. I need to make sure I never watch the nauseating mediocrity ever again. She basically “dissed” on CPAC USA for allowing such speakers to speak. So much for free speech. Credlin the Cretin clearly doesn’t believe in free speech, and once again I’m reminded how she really thinks she’s the smartest person in the room…..she isn’t…..and I strongly suspect that her control over Abbott lead to his early demise. She’s nauseating….an utterly repulsive mediocrity.
Cassie, you have to stop watching Skah.
As of midnight tonight, I’ve been Skah clean for two whole months.
Former fusion scientist on why we won’t have fusion power by 2040
How about reality. Stalin took those countries over after the Yalta carve up. Poland , Hungary, Czechs and the rest don’t want anything to do with Russia and have begged the west to join their defensive grouping – NATO.
Good for them.
She basically “dissed” on CPAC USA for allowing such speakers to speak.
effing unbelievable- just proves she’s part of the problem
It doesn’t hurt. You don’t want to fall asleep outside though. Moderation required there.
Anyone else watching the second season of Raised by Wolves; and if so do they want to venture an explanation of what the fuck it’s about.
Abbott’s pronouncements on Ukraine have also been mere neo-con boilerplate.
The ROOT CAUSES Of Alzheimer’s Disease & How To PREVENT IT
cohenite, I have no idea.
If there is a series 3, I will not be watching it.
February 28, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Cassie, you have to stop watching Skah.
As of midnight tonight, I’ve been Skah clean for two whole months.”
Well you see Bern, I like Kenny, I like Panahi and I like Outsiders…but that’s it.
And Bolt……he’s just a frigging dolt. Bolt the Dolt is what I’ll call him in the future. Is it too much to want some serious analysis about what’s going on in Ukraine…yet all we get is hysterical spin…it’s a disgrace. It just confirms to me that journalism is dead.
NATO was set up to contain the Soviet Union which ceased to exist over 30 years ago. Why does NATO still exist?
John H, MIT tech review was saying that fusion is an AI issue more than anything else now.
I don’t pretend to understand much of it.
But the article I was reading said that AI will deliver fusion reactors.
Free speech went out the window a while ago.
I must be in a coma, because I can’t recall all those boring attacks on Liz and the countless exchanges.
Don’t the majority of people in Eastern Ukraine not want to be part of the Ukraine?
Why can’t those regions be independent states too?
“How about reality. Stalin took those countries over after the Yalta carve up. Poland , Hungary, Czechs and the rest don’t want anything to do with Russia and have begged the west to join their defensive grouping – NATO.”
JC, those countries are already members of NATO…as are the Baltic states.
Only watched 2/001 so far. Already lacking something series one had.
(Not just the SFX budget.)