Open Thread – Weekend 12 March 2022

The Jägerzeile in Vienna, Rudolf von Alt, 1844

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March 12, 2022 6:13 pm

It’s the Mother of the Bride’s old standby.

Especially in hot weather – the florist removes the stamens from the open flowers, but over the course of the day the closed ones start to open, complete with stamens. And the greasy pollen goes everywhere.

March 12, 2022 6:14 pm

Calli And a Community Service Announcement – watch out for Lawn Army Worm. It is polishing its knives and forks and getting ready to eat. They’re like the marabunta in The Naked Jungle.

Used to spray when living in Singleton from spring till late summer, first doses 2 weeks apart then 4-6 weeks after. Amazing what used to come to the top days later, the beetles and grubs later on…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 6:14 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 12, 2022 at 6:08 pm

I see Grigs has found a troll source as prone to gratuitous exaggeration for outrageous effect as he is.

Do they pay in gypsum, Griggy?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 12, 2022 6:19 pm

I am aware that this may polarise – nay, alienate – sections of the community.

Today I purchased a new timepiece/chronometer/watch.

Citizen. On special. $150. I expect this to last for at least the eight years the last watch got to before it died last night.

I have yet to determine whether the hands glow in the dark. Exciting times.

March 12, 2022 6:21 pm


Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 6:23 pm

“* $3.3 billion for Their ABC
* The Net Zero pledge
* Pre-convicting Brittany Higgins’ supposed attacker.
* Saying nothing about the Pell tragedy
* Underwriting every act of self-harm by the premiers
* Believing nitwits like Stuart Robert are worthwhile candidates

Karma coming up fast.”

Well said areff. May I add a few more?

The outrageous senate censure of Bettina Arndt
Craig Kelly
The handling of the Christian Porter and Alan Tudge affairs.

All this Billy Bunter of a PM and his motley government have done is to get down on their knees every day and appease the left.

Oh and whilst I’m on the subject of Tudge, remember how he has been treated by Morrison. Tudge was one of the more competent ministers, which no doubt is why the left were out to destroy him. Courtesy of Four Corners, we learn he had a “liaison” with a po-faced mediocrity before the Turdbull bonk ban, sure it was foolish and for that he paid a heavy price, his marriage ended. An investigation was launched last year and Morrison should have insisted that Tudge not stand down but no, no, Tudge was thrown to the wolves. Meanwhile the “investigation” ensued. I smelt a rat when the po-faced mediocrity appeared before the MSM in Canberra accompanied by the ghastly Senator Hanson-Dung and Zali Steggall. Wow I thought, you can really judge a person’s character by who she chooses to associate with. It was pretty clear to me that this was a political assassination but who cares, it’s only a man’s career that has been destroyed. And then we get the results of the investigation and it appears that the woman involved with Tudge is not quite the pure, innocent, feminist victim at all, in fact when I read Albrechtsen’s piece in last Saturday’s Oz I was reminded of Fatal Attraction.

This afternoon I went for a walk along Oxford Street and there was a man holding UAP placards outside Paddington Markets. I stopped for a chat with him and he said it was nice that someone was being civil to him, he explained that all morning he’d been regularly abused by people walking past him…he’d been called “fascist” and “far-right”…you know the usual insults. I explained to him that Wentworth was a very hypocritical electorate and particularly Paddo and Woollahra, people live in their mansions and virtue signal about net zero emissions whilst they drive their huge SUVs, always nearly running over people, and they plan their next skiing trip overseas. He also told me how a man came up and threatened to report him to the AEC because the election hadn’t been called yet and thus he had no right to be standing there with UAP placards! So the AUP man asked the man if he was also annoyed and concerned about the many Allegra Spender posters now found all over Wentworth and that if he’s going to report him to the AEC then he must also report Spender. The abusive man then scuttled away.

I told the UAP man that the Lib Dems will get my vote but I’ll put the UAP second. Sharma will be at the bottom. It’ll be….

Karma Sharma.

March 12, 2022 6:24 pm

I have this funny feeling that maybe, just maybe the Russian Army guys know about the mud and have planned accordingly. Ya think?

March 12, 2022 6:27 pm

Knuckle Dragger:
March 12, 2022 at 6:19 pm

Today I purchased a new timepiece/chronometer/watch.

Citizen. On special. $150. I expect this to last for at least the eight years the last watch got to before it died last night.

I have yet to determine whether the hands glow in the dark. Exciting times.

The hands on my Bvlgari Ergon glow in the dark. For about ten minutes. After it’s been left in direct sunlight for six hours. Doesn’t keep time for shit though.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 12, 2022 6:31 pm

Old blokesays:

March 12, 2022 at 5:32 pm

Helen says:
March 12, 2022 at 2:35 pm

Good points Helen, those remote communities would be very depressing and dangerous places to live. Rather than just close them down would it be possible for individual families to be assisted to relocate to the towns and cities where there are opportunities to better yourself

Cultural genocide!

March 12, 2022 6:35 pm

I have this funny feeling that maybe, just maybe the Russian Army guys know about the mud and have planned accordingly. Ya think?

Especially in Ukraine, which is largely black soil. Knee deep in sticky goo until May.

Winston Smith
March 12, 2022 6:36 pm

Rex Anger:

Blackout-proof firmware, Winston.
You’d be foolish not to have one. ?

I have six + a Braille version.
Just in case.

March 12, 2022 6:38 pm

I am aware that this may polarise – nay, alienate – sections of the community.

Watch snobs, KD. You are among them. Myself included.

However, I didn’t wear a watch for decades (between the age of 20 to 40) considering them to be “Jewellery”. My cheapest watch is a Casio, bought while waiting for an ol’ Tag to be cleaned out and have the battery replaced. $150 at the time. Aesthetically pleasing as well.

Back to three now, one of which is this timeless* masterpiece of minimalism. Jupes sent me a video about it recently, featuring some hipster extolling its virtues. $780 back in 2010.

My favourite watch is my TAG Carrera Calibre, purchased back in 2015 for $2,500, now retails for $4,100. It never gets worn unless I’m in a suit. Which is why it hasn’t been worn for two years. Fully automatic, as an added bonus.


March 12, 2022 6:44 pm

There’s nothing wrong with Citizen watches, KD.

They’re an innovative company that serves the whole spectrum of the watch market and their Japanese made Chronomasters are highly desired by watch afficionados…but also highly expensive.

They even own a few of the high end Swiss brands.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 12, 2022 6:44 pm

India says it accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan because of a “technical malfunction” during routine maintenance, giving its version of events after Pakistan summoned India’s envoy to protest.

Wow, someone is absolutely trying to start WW3 by any means necessary.

March 12, 2022 6:46 pm

March 12, 2022 at 3:52 pm
The ALP must be worried, clearly chucking money at us if they have guys ringing up individual voters.

And interestingly, in my previously Blue Ribbon State Liberal seat (always held by the Libs since its creation in 1969). the sitting member, Josh Teague (the one who sent SAPOL round to ‘ask’ me to be more careful about my COVID emails) has preferenced the GREENS second!!

His ticket is Liberal – Greens – Labor – Family First – Nationals.

My word from those in the know is that he KNOWS he is done, partly due to the freedom friendly minors, and this is a fuck you to them.

Personally, I will find it delicious to see my nemesis go from First Term MP – Attorney General – Speaker – smear on the bowl, in a single term :), and that will be his career over. We all know Labor is winning the next election here in SA. Hopefully with an obstructive ‘freedom friendly’ Senate.

Heh. If Labor get in, you will be even more screwed ducky. Just look at every shit Labor state.

March 12, 2022 6:50 pm

His ticket is Liberal – Greens – Labor – Family First – Nationals.

fuck me!

the soon-to-be-ousted get to delegate preferences on the way out the door?

is this true? I would have thought that was a party-room decision

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 12, 2022 6:53 pm

There’s nothing wrong with Citizen watches, KD.

Damn straight Roger. I also chose Citizen because as a Citizen of The People myself, I am advertising my status and nobody can accuse me of not standing and fighting.

Out and proud. Stunning and brave.

I bet the loudest tub-thumpers here wear Swatches.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 12, 2022 6:54 pm

I have this funny feeling that maybe, just maybe the Russian Army guys know about the mud and have planned accordingly. Ya think?

You would’ve thought so. Seriously large number of vids around of apparently Riussian* armoured vehicles and trucks stuck. I saw one report that the territorials and SF were preferentially going for support vehicles, to prevent extraction.

Two things seem to’ve contributed – the weather has been warmer than usual and China allegedly requested Putin delay the invasion until after the Winter Olympics. Oh and the third thing was that the Kiev reservoirs were emptied very rapidly to flood the NW sector. And the Ukrainians were quite efficient about blowing bridges, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

(* I think the Ukrainians have been keeping theirs well out of the way, which makes sense as the Russians are doing 200 air sorties a day.)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 6:56 pm

Thousands of people still on ‘racist’ work for the dole
Cameron Gooley
By Cameron Gooley
March 12, 2022 — 5.03pm

Tens of thousands of remote welfare recipients are still voluntarily participating in the federal government’s controversial work for the dole program, prompting concerns from the Greens that some people may not realise it is no longer mandatory.

The Community Development Program (CDP) runs for welfare recipients in more than 1000 remote communities across roughly 75 per cent of Australia’s landmass. It operates in every state and territory except Victoria, Tasmania, and the ACT.

As part of their mutual obligations, recipients were required to do 20 hours of work like activities a week or risk having their payments cut.

That requirement was dropped after last year’s budget, but new figures supplied by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) show that 26,368 people have attended a CDP activity as of last Monday. That’s more than half of the 42,514 people on the program.

“I’d like to understand how they’ve communicated the voluntary capacity of this program and I think there’d be a lot of people that wouldn’t know,” said Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe, the party’s First Nations spokeswoman.

“Blackfellas are the last ones to hear what’s going on in our own communities because of the way all governments have treated us … we’re not prioritised when it comes to providing that information in the languages that we need.”

A spokeswoman for Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt responded that the NIAA had worked with CDP providers to ensure the changes were clearly communicated to participants.

“CDP providers have developed strong relationships with job seekers and their communities, which allowed them to effectively communicate the changes,” she said.

However, Senator Thorpe – a DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman – said if people on the program were voluntarily working they should be employed with proper pay and conditions, not simply work for welfare payments.

“A lot of these programs that I’ve known of are about work crews doing work on Country which is what our people like to do anyway, so there could be elements of some of that work that fits with culture,” she said.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Also there were a lot of reports on the first couple days that the Russians expected to be welcomed with open arms. Perhaps they really did think that.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 12, 2022 6:58 pm


March 12, 2022 at 6:01 pm

Sancho Panzer:
March 12, 2022 at 5:22 pm

Kill everything to a depth of two metres and start again.

True, it will do that, but all them dead critters act as lawn fertiliser, so really it’s a twofer.

Bwah ha ha ha ha.
The grubs attracted Indian Mynahs.
The treatments are all touted as ‘vironmental friendly and won’t harm the birds and bees.
I asked the young bloke in the shop if they had one which kills birds as well.
Puzzled look.

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 7:00 pm

“His ticket is Liberal – Greens – Labor – Family First – Nationals.”

I remember back in 2018, at the Wentworth by-election, the Liberals preferenced the Australian Liberty Alliance last…even behind the Greens. I was furious. Nothing surprises me with the Liberals, nothing. It’ll be interesting to see where they preference the LDP in the House of Reps here in Wentworth.

March 12, 2022 7:02 pm

I bet the loudest tub-thumpers here wear Swatches.

Longines, 25 years and still running. Got so cold last winter that when I took it off for a week it started running very slowly.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 7:05 pm

Blackfellas are the last ones to hear what’s going on in our own communities because of the way all governments have treated us … we’re not prioritised when it comes to providing that information in the languages that we need.”

Had hoped that the likes of Jacinta Price, in the Senate, with knowledge of what actually happens in Aboriginal Australia, would help counteract the demented honkings of the likes of Lydia Thorpe.

March 12, 2022 7:05 pm

Damn straight Roger. I also chose Citizen because as a Citizen of The People myself, I am advertising my status and nobody can accuse me of not standing and fighting.

Indeed! I’ve always liked the name.

When I was growing up my aunt, who used to jet about internationally when that was a luxury, as it will be again (but I digress), bought me a few Citizen watches from Japan over the years and I’ve always taken an interest in the company since.

March 12, 2022 7:06 pm

Oh and the third thing was that the Kiev reservoirs were emptied very rapidly to flood the NW sector. And the Ukrainians were quite efficient about blowing bridges, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

All things you just totally do if you are winning. The Ukes are screwed. It is just a matter of how much destruction they want to inflict on themselves.

March 12, 2022 7:07 pm

Very sad.

“Especially in these last moments, we see mass murder in the besieged city of Mariupol. This city, which was founded by the Greek community as the ‘City of Mary,’ has been transformed into a cemetery for tens of thousands of people.”

He went on: “Yesterday we saw horrific scenes of the bombarding of a maternity ward as well as scenes of mass graves, common burials, where hundreds of lifeless bodies are laid to rest.”

“For almost two weeks the city is under complete siege. People are dying from hunger. People are dying from the cold. On their heads there are falling on rockets, shells, bombs,” the 51-year-old major archbishop commented.

“Today we must remember them and, in their name, speak to the conscience of the whole world. We beseech you: Open humanitarian corridors! Give women, children, and the elderly an opportunity to leave this cold, besieged city. Give us the opportunity to send food and medicine there. Give us an opportunity to rescue people.”

March 12, 2022 7:09 pm

Citizen sounds like it could have pinko overtones. The watches are perfectly fine no doubt. True commie revolutionaries opt for Rolex.

Delta A
Delta A
March 12, 2022 7:09 pm

I bet the loudest tub-thumpers here wear Swatches.

Longines, 25 years and still running.

The Sun.



The Sun.

All else is superfluous.

March 12, 2022 7:18 pm

Sancho Panzer:
March 12, 2022 at 6:58 pm

The grubs attracted Indian Mynahs.
The treatments are all touted as ‘vironmental friendly and won’t harm the birds and bees.
I asked the young bloke in the shop if they had one which kills birds as well.
Puzzled look.

The 12ga works on mynahs, so I once heard from a distant acquaintance. But of course I wouldn’t know myself.

March 12, 2022 7:20 pm

Citizen sounds like it could have pinko overtones.

You might be mistaking it for Comrade? The name reflects a demcoratic ethos. The company was jointly founded by a Swiss and a Japanese who wanted a good watch to be available to every citizen.

March 12, 2022 7:24 pm

Rabz: Disappointed that you sing the praises of your electronic Tag Heuer. The only watches worth strapping on are mechanical as they represent the highpoint of old fashioned, hands-on craftsmanship.

I inherited dad’s 70-year-old Tudor, which loses about a second day and is a thing of beauty. And when I want some eye candy it’s a Raymond Weill, the prettiest watch I’ve ever owned.

Watch people are a funny lot, I admit.

March 12, 2022 7:25 pm

Cassie, I would also add to your list the failure to move censure against Lydia Thorpe for attacking the very office she holds after the old Parliament House fire. Would have thought Sen Hughes would have been spearheading that, unless her hubris late last year was for show.

March 12, 2022 7:25 pm

Is elevenses before or after brunch?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 7:28 pm

All things you just totally do if you are winning.

No, all the things a pragmatic defender does in the face of an apparent decapitation strike.

Stabilise your fronts, limit your territorial losses and fight like hell to regain the initiative.

And blown bridges, soggy quagmires and so forth are why God invented Combat Engineers (and don’t those boozy arseholes love to remind us of it)… :/

March 12, 2022 7:28 pm

The company was jointly founded by a Swiss and a Japanese who wanted a good watch to be available to every citizen.

Got to admit, that does sound like a bit of a pinko ethos.
Scuttles off.

March 12, 2022 7:30 pm

Kelly Beaver from Ipsos said she was shocked
Nice beaver.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 7:31 pm

The only watches worth strapping on are mechanical as they represent the highpoint of old fashioned, hands-on craftsmanship.

Wake me up when you’ve invested in a proper mechanical fob watch, heathens… 😛

(Tissot, baby!* For the special-est of special occasions. And when dressed in period-appropriate Guard and Driver getup).

* OK. I bought it for me, but it’s really being taken care of for the next generation of little Angers…

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Watches: I used to tell the time by the sun. Was never more than 10 minutes off. My boss at the time used to bask in some reflected glory by engineering a situation where in front of others he’d ask me the time, I’d have a squint at the sky & reply.

Wowed ’em every time.
Alas this skill has atrophied now I’ve an indoor job.

Wore a pocket watch for years, it saved me once by absorbing the brunt of a helluva kick in the gizzard, however this wrecked the watch.

Now I just ask someone the time. I’ve a feeling from some of the body language that being asked the time by a stranger isn’t a very familiar experience for many people.

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 7:33 pm

March 12, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Cassie, I would also add to your list the failure to move censure against Lydia Thorpe for attacking the very office she holds after the old Parliament House fire. Would have thought Sen Hughes would have been spearheading that, unless her hubris late last year was for show.”

Yeah, I waited for a censure move too but the the Liberals couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.

March 12, 2022 7:33 pm

The only watches worth strapping on are mechanical as they represent the highpoint of old fashioned, hands-on craftsmanship.

I tend to agree, and my current watch is automatic, but Citizen makes a watch that is powered by sunlight and corrects itself by connecting to an atomic clock in Germany. That’s pretty cool!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 7:35 pm

Kelly Beaver from Ipsos said she was shocked

Angry beavers?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 12, 2022 7:36 pm

Andrei Martyanov says the Nazis are shooting civilians who attempt to leave by the corridor.
On March 3, Zelenskyy signed a Law making all citizens and legal residents into soldiers until Martial Law is lifted.
The Catholic Newsagency sounds a bit dodgy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 12, 2022 7:41 pm

All things you just totally do if you are winning. The Ukes are screwed. It is just a matter of how much destruction they want to inflict on themselves.

Yes they’re screwed. I think they’re trying make it mutual, with some success so far (if you can call it success). Mr Putin for example has cut down his demands to just a constitutional change to stay forever neutral and to recognize Donbas and Crimea. That’s a lot less than the original stuff like regime change and “de-nazification”.

The problem is the same that Czechoslovakia had, since they had a decent army even though Germany’s was bigger. They chose to kowtow. Ukraine, which is much bigger with worse terrain, chose to defend like Poland, who was also bigger. It didn’t go well for Poland but it never was going to. Didn’t stop them fighting though.

The other thing is that the 2014 campaigns showed the UGS that Russia was a serious threat. So they did a lot of preparation, such as rotate conscripts through the combat zone. That meant there were something like 900,000 guys with some sort of minimal combat zone experience. And there doesn’t seem to be signs of basic equipment shortages, although that might be covered up. The infantry firearms though seem to be from all over and pretty good quality. As you know in the first day they even handed out a reported 18,000 to whoever wanted one. Which suggests they had been stockpiling. I don’t know about ammunition though, that’s one area it’s very hard to stockpile enough of.

This week I’ve been seeing increasing mentions of the Russo-Japanese War on strategy threads. As you recall it was supposed to be a short victorious war with the well equipped and well trained Russian Army and Navy rapidly forcing much smaller Japan to surrender. Instead Japan won and Russia very nearly collapsed in the 1905 Revolution. Something like that may be what the Ukrainian General Staff are playing for.

March 12, 2022 7:41 pm

I tend to agree, and my current watch is automatic, but Citizen makes a watch that is powered by sunlight and corrects itself by connecting to an atomic clock in Germany. That’s pretty cool!

Oh, and if that gets blown up in another internecine European war there’s a back up in Colorado.

If that goes too, telling the time is the least of your worries.

March 12, 2022 7:41 pm

Bought one those Hun-connected watches (different brand) for my son’s 18th birthday.

He lost it within three days.

March 12, 2022 7:46 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 7:46 pm

March 12, 2022 at 6:50 pm
His ticket is Liberal – Greens – Labor – Family First – Nationals.

fuck me!

the soon-to-be-ousted get to delegate preferences on the way out the door?

Reminder: Tell everyone you know that a How to Vote card is best regarded as suitable material for a shopping list. Where you send your preferences is entirely and completely your decision.

March 12, 2022 7:47 pm

Cassie: great post. As to Liberal uselessness, never forget the Senate’s rebuke of Hanson for turning up in a burka. The spectacle of George Brandis choking back theatrical tears as he extolled the “sacred garment” (his words) was appalling then and only grows worse in memory.

March 12, 2022 7:48 pm

This week I’ve been seeing increasing mentions of the Russo-Japanese War on strategy threads.

Notable that Japan has renewed its dispute with Russia over the Kurils this week.

Never let a crisis go to waste!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 7:48 pm

Where you send your preferences is entirely and completely your decision.

You would be surprised at the number of people who don’t know that.

March 12, 2022 7:51 pm

My Fossil is still going strong and pays my bills at the checkout. And it has a choice of faces. So boo to all of you who paid thousands of bucks just to tell the time.

March 12, 2022 7:51 pm

Where you send your preferences is entirely and completely your decision


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 12, 2022 7:53 pm

Your watch can have a battery if it’s a Grand Seiko spring drive. Otherwise you should go and sit with the pod coffee drinkers.

March 12, 2022 7:55 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 12, 2022 at 7:41 pm
All things you just totally do if you are winning. The Ukes are screwed. It is just a matter of how much destruction they want to inflict on themselves.

Yes they’re screwed. I think they’re trying make it mutual, with some success so far (if you can call it success). Mr Putin for example has cut down his demands to just a constitutional change to stay forever neutral and to recognize Donbas and Crimea. That’s a lot less than the original stuff like regime change and “de-nazification”.

The problem is the same that Czechoslovakia had, since they had a decent army even though Germany’s was bigger. They chose to kowtow. Ukraine, which is much bigger with worse terrain, chose to defend like Poland, who was also bigger. It didn’t go well for Poland but it never was going to. Didn’t stop them fighting though.

Ukraine is flat as a pancake. There is no natural defensive line other than the Dnieper river. This is a military resource war of attrition which Ukraine can’t ultimately win without NATO troops on the ground. In the end there will be some uneasy truce agreed, but the main damage(?) is to the world order and the information this has given to China. With Soros openly begging for Vlad and Xi to be removed pretty much confirms the one world gov plans are dead in the water. There will ultimately be two competing systems dueling it out that will probably end up in global conflagration, disease, famine and death.

March 12, 2022 7:57 pm

The spectacle of George Brandis choking back theatrical tears as he extolled the “sacred garment”

What an idiot. Muslims would regard that as idolatry.

March 12, 2022 8:00 pm

The spectacle of George Brandis choking back theatrical tears as he extolled the “sacred garment” (his words) was appalling then and only grows worse in memory.

and added bonus of “bigots will be bigots.” Wilfully torpedoing the changes to s18(c).

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 8:07 pm

March 12, 2022 at 7:47 pm
Cassie: great post. As to Liberal uselessness, never forget the Senate’s rebuke of Hanson for turning up in a burka. The spectacle of George Brandis choking back theatrical tears as he extolled the “sacred garment” (his words) was appalling then and only grows worse in memory.”

Thank you areff.

I still love Pauline’s burka stunt. That lady has balls.

As for Brandis calling the burka “sacred”….faaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrkkkkkkk…..that still makes me furious. It’s a tool of oppression and subjugation to repress women…….no doubt Brandis thinks FGM is a sacred rite.

March 12, 2022 8:11 pm

I am not gonna hammer drill while wearing a spring drive watch
and the pod-people can buy everything they want except good taste

March 12, 2022 8:12 pm

RSBN @RSBNetwork
Mar 10
Very interesting…

Sen. Dan Sullivan exposes the Democrat Corruption within the War on US Energy
[video clip]

March 12, 2022 8:12 pm

Yes they’re screwed. I think they’re trying make it mutual, with some success so far (if you can call it success). Mr Putin for example has cut down his demands to just a constitutional change to stay forever neutral and to recognize Donbas and Crimea. That’s a lot less than the original stuff like regime change and “de-nazification”.


That looks close to Putin being a loser.

If he just wanted to stop shelling, unannounced airstrikes and PGM missiles could have done the job.

Who knows. At the end of April, he might appoint himself governor of the Kharkiv Oblast.

March 12, 2022 8:12 pm

I have a very pretty Bertha watch but I only ever wear it when I’m travelling.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 12, 2022 8:13 pm

Where you send your preferences is entirely and completely your decision.

You would be surprised at the number of people who don’t know that.

1 in 200?
People mostly know who they’re voting for, it’s a Party.
Why do they usually follow their Party’s How To Vote?
Because it saves time fucking around in the booth.
Are there people who spend 25 minutes numbering each of the 147 names on a Senate Ballot?
Yeah, they’re the types that spend their day at the State Library Reading Room wearing a beret.

March 12, 2022 8:14 pm

With Soros openly begging for Vlad and Xi to be removed pretty much confirms the one world gov plans are dead in the water.

One of the more sensible aspects of Bush Sr.’s vision was that Russia would be an ally and partner of the US. The actions of his successors have instead pushed it into the orbit of China.

March 12, 2022 8:14 pm

Ed Case … worth his weight in gypsum

March 12, 2022 8:15 pm

With Soros openly begging for Vlad and Xi to be removed pretty much confirms the one world gov plans are dead in the water.

Calm down glowie.

2017. Vlad and Klaus Schwab had a dialogue in English at the WEF Davos forum.

Schwab big noted the young leaders programme penetrating half of the Russian cabinet and Vlad agreed it was a valuable programme.

March 12, 2022 8:16 pm

Where did you dig it out, Doc?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:16 pm

This is a military resource war of attrition which Ukraine can’t ultimately win without NATO troops on the ground.

Who told you that?

This isn’t the Red Army of old rolling in entire Fronts to drown the Germans in a sea of men and materiel.

And Marshall Mud has been doing as good a job of keeping things relatively static and stable as Saint Javelin…

March 12, 2022 8:17 pm

I watched normie news last night and they said Putin had done a false flag terroristic attack or was planning one.

Thanks, Operation Mockingbird.

March 12, 2022 8:18 pm

Reading that earlier post about Josh Teague, the name sounded familiar. He is the son of a former a SA lieboral senator. Another dynasty. We are not a democracy at all. The Americans are certainly finding out they’re not either.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:18 pm

Are there people who spend 25 minutes numbering each of the 147 names on a Senate Ballot?

Last few elections told you to go only as far as 50, Grigs.

Don’t ‘tard on me.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 12, 2022 8:22 pm

Ukraine is flat as a pancake. There is no natural defensive line other than the Dnieper river. This is a military resource war of attrition which Ukraine can’t ultimately win without NATO troops on the ground. In the end there will be some uneasy truce agreed, but the main damage(?) is to the world order and the information this has given to China.

I agree, but not about NATO boots on the ground. Ukraine has lots of manpower, what NATO has is miniscule compared. And useless. The weapons though, they’re certainly finding their way to Ukraine, over 17,000 AT missiles and manpads so far apparently. Apart from the Germans’ risible gift of literally mouldy East German missiles most of them are modern.

China and Taiwan will be watching very closely and I suspect massive orders for infantry portable missiles are being typed up in Taipei as we speak.

The terrain is flat, but off road it is difficult for vehicles right now. Off road, especially in the forests, is good for infantry infiltration and patrol tactics. Australian infantry have a long held tradition of patrolling incessantly. I’m not seeing that in the Russian tactical mix.

The difference too with Poland in 1939 is that good fast armour was new and there weren’t any counters to it except artillery. And the Luftwaffe was the counter to the artillery.

Now the balance of power has changed. The flood of easy to use AT and AA man-portable fire and forget missiles means that air support is dangerous and armour is much more vulnerable. Thus the situation Ukraine was in is better for defense than Poland had in 1939.

Again there’re some similarities with Syria, in that Syria backs onto Turkey so that a large amount of weaponry found its way to the various forces. That wasn’t possible in Poland, which had no adjacent friends. Russia actually then was like Ukraine now since Lend-Lease provided vast quantities of weapons that the Germans couldn’t stop getting into Russian hands (although they famously tried with capital ships and air attacks upon the Murmansk convoys).

I really wish this hadn’t happened since Russia was doing so well. Mr Putin had the EU by the short and curlies via energy policy and had been using the money to build the country up. Now all that is gone in a couple weeks. It’s a shame.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 8:23 pm

Three .40 cal Glock rounds at point blank range into Arnold Walker.

Lived 70 minutes after being shot, and possibly would have survived if the local medical staff hadn’t been airlifted out of town because of fears for their safety before Arnold met his maker.

Police might have to rethink the Glock and go back to the good ol’ days and go back to something a little more capable.

March 12, 2022 8:26 pm

Schwab big noted the young leaders programme penetrating half of the Russian cabinet and Vlad agreed it was a valuable programme.

I think that party is over, dot.

Incidentally, one of the themes at Davos in 2021 was “Preparing for Deglobalisation”.

March 12, 2022 8:27 pm

TheJefCaswll @TheJefCaswll
· 2h
Yeah. Seems as though the “Prince of the poke” has disappeared from society. The underwhelming Dr. Fraud is is MIA. Anyone want to take a guess where he has been rat holed up at?

??DjRock70 @DjRock70
· 14h
Doubling & tripling down with More lies!!!
It started with Obama as a Senator in 2005. That seem to be a busy year for the government Hmm
[image of item]

Posted on 5:26 AM · Mar 12th, 2022

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 8:27 pm


With Soros openly begging for Vlad and Xi to be removed pretty much confirms the one world gov plans are dead in the water.

Soros should watch out for Bulgarians with umbrellas, and check for nerve agent on his doorknob. He has made two ruthless enemies.

March 12, 2022 8:28 pm

Where did you dig it out, Doc?

David Jones in Perth, iirc.

It even tells me jokes. Incredibly bad ones.

March 12, 2022 8:28 pm

your electronic Tag Heuer

arefff – again, I’m trying to be practical here. My battery powered TAG is worn purely for convenience. Heavy metal band for starters and a large metal surrounded face – all 39mm of it. Works well when wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

My most favourite watches are in the comment above. Dress Watches, to be worn only when suited up.

Thanks to bat flu, I have no idea when this might happen again. Will need to get the suits dry cleaned and we’ll go from there.

I’ll don one of them again when taking my beloved Miss Ellie out for dinner. 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 8:30 pm

Three .40 cal Glock rounds at point blank range into Arnold Walker.

Stopped him farting in church, as my late father used to say.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 8:32 pm

Are there people who spend 25 minutes numbering each of the 147 names on a Senate Ballot?

Only those as stupid as you, Dick. Others read the instructions (or already know) that a much lesser number is all that is required for a valid Senate vote.

But do keep voting above the line, Dick Head. It saves you actually trying to think.

March 12, 2022 8:33 pm

“Very soon there will be hundreds of health officials saying,
‘It was your choice, no one made you take it.’”

– Dr Robert Malone
virologist and immunologist
Posted on 4:44 PM · Mar 12th, 2022

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:34 pm

Speaking of reliable time pieces…

Check this one out! 😀

March 12, 2022 8:37 pm

he extolled the “sacred garment”

Bluddee hell – I possess some sacred cultural garments, being my collection of Levis’ Jackets*.

Whatever the brandis was babbling on about above, his most sacred items are the jars of his piss he stocks in a cabinet somewhere (according to a Cat who posited that hypothesis many moons ago).

But yeah, we all have a right to be big bigotty bigots, eh, George …

*The Burgundy Cord bought in Venice Beach, 1993 for $40US being the most sacred. 🙂

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 8:37 pm


Police might have to rethink the Glock and go back to the good ol’ days and go back to something a little more capable.

The .45 M1911 was designed after the Philippine Insurrection, to take down a charging, hopped up, insurrectionist, preferably with one shot.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 8:39 pm

Schwab big noted the young leaders programme penetrating half of the Russian cabinet and Vlad agreed it was a valuable programme.

After Soros calling for his murder, Vlad now knows whom in his Cabinet to have arrested?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 8:43 pm

The .45 M1911 was designed after the Philippine Insurrection, to take down a charging, hopped up, insurrectionist, preferably with one shot.


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:43 pm

The .45 M1911 was designed after the Philippine Insurrection, to take down a charging, hopped up, insurrectionist, preferably with one shot.


.38 Super was designed for M1911 frames during the ‘Motor Bandit’ era in the US. Designed with the penetrative power the relatively slow .45ACP was found to lack.

It went through car doors.

March 12, 2022 8:45 pm

“Biden Admin Begins Nuke Talks With Iran”

RSBN @RSBNetwork
· Mar 10

Senator Risch: “Mr. President, you’re the only one in America doing business with the Russians. Stop doing business with the Russians. Don’t have them negotiating for us. Walk on this deal.”
[video clip]

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 8:45 pm

38 Super was designed for M1911 frames during the ‘Motor Bandit’ era in the US. Designed with the penetrative power the relatively slow .45ACP was found to lack.


March 12, 2022 8:45 pm


I hate being right all the time. Boomers really aren’t the sharpest are they. Haha.

Davos freezes out Putin and Russian oligarchs

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 8:46 pm

Dirty Harry didn’t have to worry about villains getting up again after he shot them with a Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum.

March 12, 2022 8:47 pm

A man should aspire to own at least three watches. A dress watch, a swimmable watch and an everyday watch. The problem is, once he has achieved that, it is too late and excuses are made for needing just one more. I’m currently at seven and I’ve convinced the darling wife to have two.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 12, 2022 8:53 pm

I think those rejected minimalist demands simply established that any settlement was too much for Zelensky, and push any future ‘settlement’ in a maximalist direction; certainly now that the sanctions regime is being established.

Looks like it, although Zelensky was reported at the start of this week to be open to some of it.

… Zelensky said he is open to “compromise” on the status of two breakaway pro-Russian territories that President Vladimir Putin recognized as independent just before unleashing the invasion on February 24.

“I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago after we understood that …NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine,” Zelensky said in an interview aired Monday night on ABC News.

“The alliance is afraid of controversial things, and confrontation with Russia,” the president added.

What that means of course is not clear. Is it Donbas and Crimea or Donetsk and Luhansk? Negotiations since then appear not to be getting anywhere though and UN and EU calls for a ceasefire have gone nowhere too.

As I said before it makes sense that the Russians will want to take Mariupol as it is a key link between Crimea and Russia. So they could be stalling. Once they get it Mr Putin may make a more solid offer. It could work since he could spin it as a victory and avoid losing the Presidency. Another possibility is he wants to take Odessa also, to cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea coast, but I’m not seeing much sign of that on the ground.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 8:54 pm

Dirty Harry didn’t have to worry about villains getting up again after he shot them with a Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum.

On the other hand, there was the 9MM Browning – supposedly issued to officers, to enable them to commit suicide in an honorable fashion…….

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:54 pm

I hate being right all the time.

About what, Glowie?

We are still waiting for your long-promised move to Japan, the overthrow of TeH ElItE by The People and their imprisonment in Strith’s DeAtH CaMpS, and you actually being able to coherently trash-talk folks in the Queen’s English.

The shilling for Vlad Bae is just something else to be put up with…

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 8:56 pm

Blokes night tonight.
Posts about guns, watches and war acceptable.

My dress watch.

March 12, 2022 8:56 pm

The two competing systems will be a degenerate West and their poodles and the BRICS and what ever countries attach to them. After the US is finally destroyed and broken up, China will assume their rightful place as the seat of power.

March 12, 2022 8:57 pm

Andrew Forrest just donated $1000,000 to flood appeal.
Small change.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 8:58 pm

“A solution which attempts to separate the Ukraine entirely from the rest of Russia is bound to incur their resentment and opposition, and can be maintained, in the last analysis, only by force.”

A shame then, that this was what the Ukrainians themselves wanted in 1990 when the Soviet Empire collapsed.

Or are we all rushing to shit on them post-facto for their apparent crimes against our anti-Western Elite sensibilities today?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 12, 2022 8:59 pm

Last service on my automatic watch cost about twice the cost of my quartz beater. Snobbery has its price. Fortunately most of my old 80s crap is now vintage and starting to appreciate. Thanks millennials.

March 12, 2022 8:59 pm

??Liquidation of Azov in Mariupol??
At the disposal of the wargonzo project was a video showing the destruction of the base of neo-Nazis from Azov, along with personal vehicles and military equipment. We are talking about the object of militants in the Left Bank district of Mariupol, not far from Pobeda Avenue. As in many other cases, here the militants used civilian infrastructure buildings, in particular, a former sports boarding school, as locations. However, the video clearly shows both guns and detonating ammunition depots. This video once again confirms that the main tactic of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Battalions is to use civilian resources as a human shield.

March 12, 2022 9:02 pm

Posts about guns, watches and war acceptable.

Mmm. Watches are a sensitive subject for me right now.
Somewhere in my travels, the bezel insert (ceramic) on my Rado Captain Cook fell off.
Too expensive a watch for that to happen.
Have reverted to my trusty Seiko skx013.

I like the Ball line-up.

March 12, 2022 9:04 pm

Are you going to be arrested Sancho? Not if St Ruth’s stormtroopers go looking for me where he thinks I live.


Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 9:04 pm

I have worn one of these Seikos as a daily beater for over 30 years, tough as an old boot and cooler than Steve McQueen, still keeps time, but I have to admit it has never been in more than a foot of water: Divers watch

March 12, 2022 9:04 pm

Some friendly advice. It’s best not to post when you’re drunk.

March 12, 2022 9:06 pm

On matters tick tok, our three generation inherited mantle clock which I loathe but which she of a higher order considers to be of great family significance, has died finally.
Bloody awful thing ticked like a diesel bus and regularly groaned like me at the gym.
I was forced to take it to the clockery where the very personable young man asked me whether I realy wanted it restored. “Not a chance” say I in hushed tones.
$27 later it has a cheap battery operated Chinese mechanism, and I am a smug hero explaining the breakthroughs in Swiss movements that result in impressive silent and accurate operation.
If she announces “I miss the tick”, I’m dead.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 9:06 pm

Posts about guns, watches and war acceptable.


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 12, 2022 9:06 pm

When people ask you the time do you say “I’ll just have a Captain Cook?”

March 12, 2022 9:07 pm

Pedro, the SKX family of watches has been discontinued and are now becoming collectible.
Robert Redford wears a 009 in All Is Lost. Genuine divers’ watches and considered bullet-proof.

March 12, 2022 9:07 pm

Heh. If Labor get in, you will be even more screwed ducky. Just look at every shit Labor state.

Granted, but my ‘to do’ list starts with my local (‘Liberal’) MP, then Scomo, then then next set of overlords… First things first.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 12, 2022 9:07 pm

i am livid that I can’t find a clip from New Statesman starring Rik Mayall, in the episode where he’s trying to impress everyone with his phenomenally expensive watch.
Right near the end of the episode someone finally notices it and says:
“My goodness Mr B’stard, if you don’t mind me saying so” [Mayal looking gratified] “that’s an incredibly vulgar watch you’re wearing”.

March 12, 2022 9:08 pm

Posted with some brief comments … 🙂

There are concepts that need to be energised about and concepts that just are the best.

The goil above is the best.

March 12, 2022 9:10 pm

When people ask you the time do you say “I’ll just have a Captain Cook?”

LOL. Funny thing about that range: when Rado introduced it a few years ago, some watchies tried to woke-ban the name because in America Cook is a baddie apparently. Ignorant idiots.

March 12, 2022 9:10 pm

Stopped him farting in church, as my late father used to say.

‘(his) future ain’t what it used to be..’

To quote mine!

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 12, 2022 9:12 pm

March 12, 2022 at 9:08 pm
Posted with some brief comments … ?

There are concepts that need to be energised about and concepts that just are the best.

The goil above is the best.

How much for me NOT to dob you in to Miss Ellie for this betrayal?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 12, 2022 9:12 pm

Pedro, more than acceptable as a beater. I have a Seiko5 doing similar service. Case is nothing much to write home about but I can read it without my glasses – which is a tick from me.

March 12, 2022 9:12 pm

I have been out all day so did not have time to reply to Cassie this morning. I do not think Trump is perfect or anywhere close, I am perfectly aware of his personal faults however, he still has the best chance as a Republican to win the next presidential election.

I prefer Trump to any of the previous presidents for one simple reason – money. While he was the president my superannuation account went up and up. Since Biden was installed it’s been going down and down.

This brings me to Trump critics like Dreher whom we discussed this morning. People who contributed to defeating Trump have also contributed to me losing money.

March 12, 2022 9:13 pm

Palaszczuk lobs at flood telethon to donate a few million to the cause.
The generosity of our politicians knows no limits.

March 12, 2022 9:14 pm

The New Statesman

Featuring Alan B’Stard, inspired by a certain Heaven 17 song …

March 12, 2022 9:14 pm

Rabz, is voting still open for your next musical episode?

March 12, 2022 9:15 pm

Thankfully the fashion for oversized pieces of wrist furniture seems to have subsided.

March 12, 2022 9:16 pm

Just like the degenerate West, the arrogance of a few of the posters here knows no limits.

March 12, 2022 9:16 pm

I have worn one of these Seikos as a daily beater for over 30 years, tough as an old boot and cooler than Steve McQueen, still keeps time, but I have to admit it has never been in more than a foot of water:

I owned a recreational training dive shop in Hawaii for a couple of years in the 1980’s. I was teaching a course one day when I saw half of a solid stainless steel watchband, similar to the ones manufactured for personal fit in Subic Bay for military divers, sticking out of the sand so I grabbed it and pulled out a Seiko dive watch similar to yours. The bezel had been eaten away but it was still working. The second hand was jumping 2 seconds at a time so the battery had almost run out. I had it restored with a new bezel and battery and still have it.

Great watches…

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 9:17 pm

“One of the more sensible aspects of Bush Sr.’s vision was that Russia would be an ally and partner of the US.”

In his discussion overnight with Colin Brazier on GB News, the always erudite Peter Hitchens argues that the West should have set up a plan similar to the Marshall Plan (or European Recovery Program) to assist Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, just like they did with Germany after World War II and just like they assisted Japan with reconstruction after occupying the country in 1945. The West could have and should have helped Russia after the collapse….particularly advising on how to set up democratic institutions but they did nothing. It was a lost opportunity and I think we’re paying the price now.

Instead Russia, after the collapse, was left destitute and had to fend for itself. The collapse of the Soviet Union might have been great for the West but it wasn’t that great for Russians and other citizens of the Soviet Union. Hitchens recalls visiting Russia in the early to mid 1990s and seeing destitute men and women, many who’d been scientists, doctors, military men, teachers, impoverished and selling furniture, crockery and white goods on the streets of Moscow and St Petersburg. Putin himself worked as a taxi driver to earn money. Such penury must have left an impression on a proud people, particularly on a man like Putin. After Yeltsin’s sozzled tenure as leader, when Russia became a joke, it took Putin’s steady and strong leadership for Russia and Russians to regain some strength and dignity. Whilst I think Russians like strong leadership, I do think that if the West had played its cards right back in the early 1990s, things might have been different, very different.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 9:17 pm

CL. I think I paid something like $150 for my Seiko back in the day, but I needed a strong reliable watch for work and this one fit the bill. It has a faded bezel and many nicks and scratches on the case, but the sapphire crystal is pristine and it accurate to about a minute a week.

Never going to be sold.

There is an interesting range of mid priced mens watches at the Melbourne Watch Company site ranging from about$400 -$900. I bought a green Fitzroy GMT from them, still in the box no no review, but worth a browse of the range.

March 12, 2022 9:18 pm

How much for me NOT to dob you in to Miss Ellie for this betrayal?

Err, um, commos tortured me. I don’t give a rodent’s backside about that li’l hussey, I tells ya!*

*Told to both women, with equally equal doses of sincerity. 🙂

March 12, 2022 9:20 pm

Been wearing my “no name” Chicom job off Ebay ($1.95 including postage) for 3 years now, one battery change since cost more than the watch .. LOL! .. keeps near perfect time .. loses about a minute a fortnight …

March 12, 2022 9:21 pm

Can’t wear a watch. Maybe a wind up now as I tend not to hit people when working doors and I have high static electricity in my body. Makes lcd screens go milky. Couldn’t use an early iPhone for the same reason, even now I can point without touching the screen and it will quite often trigger usually when I need it not to. Used to be able to tell the time from the sun, got out of habit and now don’t care.

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 9:23 pm

March 12, 2022 at 9:12 pm”

I understand that Crossie, I just think you were a little hard on Dreher who is someone I respect and whose opinions I like.

March 12, 2022 9:23 pm

Cassie, Bush 41 didn’t have time to put together something like a Marshall Plan for Russia. Clinton who replaced him in 1992 was keen to cash in the “peace dividend” rather than spend money on Russia. What was even worse there was a stream of carpetbaggers going to Russia to exploit it rather than help it.

March 12, 2022 9:25 pm

Crossie – it’s been narrowed down to the following:

.1 Soul
.2 Disco
.3 The 1960s
.4 The Nineties

It’s a once a month event, peoples. The last poll was indecisive – thanks to certain cats employing “fortifying techniques”, as used by the Dumbocrats in the US.

Crossie – yours is the casting vote – which one of the four above?

It will be the theme for April’s Radio Show. 🙂

March 12, 2022 9:26 pm

Had a casio watch for diving, ok in the water but not out. Funny thing, got a cheap watch thrown in with the purchase of a good tape measure. It was ok to wear for a couple of weeks no problem, then the strap fell apart.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 9:26 pm

Most automatic watches can’t compete with digital chronometers for ultra accuracy.

A dirt cheap Casio digital will keep as good if not better time than a Rolex costing tens of thousands of dollars.

But that’s not the point. Wearing a classy and expensive watch is a bloke’s version of the gals flashing a huge diamond ring at all and sundry. 🙂

March 12, 2022 9:26 pm

*pretends to be Crossie*

Disco! 😀

March 12, 2022 9:28 pm

I think my impersonation technique needs refining.

March 12, 2022 9:29 pm


March 12, 2022 9:29 pm

LOL. Funny thing about that range: when Rado introduced it a few years ago, some watchies tried to woke-ban the name because in America Cook is a baddie apparently. Ignorant idiots.

Cook is a baddie in Australia too. Fired a gun at an Abo who had thrown a spear at him. This started the genocide and the intergenerational trauma still be experienced by First Nations people.

In reality of course, Cook was arguably the greatest man of the 18th century, who discovered the East Coast of Australia before clocks were accurate enough to measure longitude. For his second and third voyages he did have a copy of Harrison’s marine clock so was able to sail much more accurately and safely (Hawaiian natives notwithstanding).

Funny that the Swiss would name a watch after an English explorer but there you go. Audemars Piguet named their iconic Royal Oak sports watch after a British battleship sunk at Scapa Flow by a U boat. Maybe the Swiss pine for things maritime.

March 12, 2022 9:30 pm

How can the poll be indecisive when Pogria and myself voted for the 60’s hundreds of times.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 12, 2022 9:32 pm

Sunset at Casa Pedro.

Dinner awaits, and the resident hound has got those soulful eyes he uses when his guts are rumbling.

‘Nite Cats.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 9:32 pm

Also consider that the 1948 report ws written at the very height of Stalin’s USSR, paranoid, bombastic and embittered by its perception it alone had shouldered the burden of the war against Germany.

And made every indication, from the sacking of Berlin to the rush to set up Moscow-subservient client states in every nation it liberated, that it was quite eager to have its own way. No matter the cost.

One could argue there was a great deal of “Let the Wookie Win” diplomacy going on at the time, as there was every indication the Red Army might keep on coming. A-bomb or no A-bomb (of which there were almost none at the time).

In response to Hitchens’ moralising about post-WW2 aid to Eastern Europe, remember that all of the new Soviet-aligned regimes of the nations the Polish, Czech and Hungarian etc. exiles had fought for immediately exterminated, imprisoned or re-exiled the populations who sought to return home from the UK and US. And the Soviet Union publicly thumbed its nose at any foreign co-operation or assistance not on its terms alone. It was their victory of their system. And nobody was going to challenge or dilute it.

Russia today is not the Soviet Union, but to take the hyper-conciliatory attitude a war-weary and economically exhausted Western Europe extended a punchy Communist regime whose forces in the field in 1948 outnumbered all comers by orders of magnitude and dress it up as pro- Vlad Bae today because FUCK US! FUCK OUR SOCIETY! FUCK OUR MSM! And FUCK ANYONE who considers any nuance beyond FUCK US!, is to not fully consider the situation then and now, and engage in the same simplistic thinking people are reflexively rejecting when our own media and politicians do it on Ukraine’s behalf.

Shitty as it is, our society is all we are ever going to have.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 12, 2022 9:34 pm

. I explained to him that Wentworth was a very hypocritical electorate and particularly Paddo and Woollahra, people live in their mansions and virtue signal about net zero emissions whilst they drive their huge SUVs, always nearly running over people, and they plan their next skiing trip overseas. 

Cassie, it was my melancholy duty to visit in-laws and their bratty spawn in that very electorate recently.
Couldn’t agree more.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 9:35 pm

Just like the degenerate West, the arrogance of a few of the posters here knows no limits.

Nice display of self-awareness there, Glowie.

Shame it detracts from your act, though…

March 12, 2022 9:36 pm

Jupes the Spanish mapped the East cost of Australia before Cook. I have a book about it. When my mates grandfather was a boy he saw the remains of a Spanish galleon in the sandhills at Apollo Bay in Victoria.

March 12, 2022 9:36 pm

On watches. I had an expensive Seiko Solar. It carked it, couldn’t get it to recharge.

Now have a cheap Citizen battery. Good little unit.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 12, 2022 9:37 pm

What’s the LDP Policy on Drag Queen Story Hour?
[a] meh
[b] Live and let live
[c] Get with the program, Boomer
[d] All of the above

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 9:41 pm

Shitty as it is, our society is all we are ever going to have.

And if those who want to save it, or at least want to preserve the memory of what it was at its best, are willing and even eager to jump on the anti-society bandwagons rampaging through the polity at present, then those who set out to debase and destroy it have won. Worse, they’ve won in our minds as well as theirs.

Propaganda only ever works on those who want to believe it, Cats.

March 12, 2022 9:41 pm

just one more

I only have half a dozen … Yema Spacegraf

accidentally used the company credit card for that one.

wrote it down as tools->precision chronometer

March 12, 2022 9:41 pm

err, ahem, Ranga, “fortifying techniques” …

The sixties will get their chance. It is the most important decade in the history of contemporary music after all.


All of the above were there, in obvious or nascent form.

My favourite is Psychedelia. There is nothing like consuming a whole bunch of psychotropic drugs, parking yourself on your arse while guzzling some alcoholic beverages, smokin’ some reefer and tuning out, man. While watching the walls transform themselves into another dimension.

Then you are Captain America, fresh from offloading some product to the Spector and heading off to get on down with some aesthetically pleasing bits o’ that in a graveyard.

As one does. 🙂

March 12, 2022 9:41 pm

Had a casio watch for diving, ok in the water but not out.

Did a bit of diving for work back in the day. We were issued Casio G-Shocks. Perfect watch for the water and field. Tough as.

Like Pedro, now I wear watches more for form than function. Gone is the G-Shock to be replaced with (increasingly) expensive automatic watches.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 9:42 pm

Jupes the Spanish mapped the East cost of Australia before Cook. I have a book about it. When my mates grandfather was a boy he saw the remains of a Spanish galleon in the sandhills at Apollo Bay in Victoria.

I thought that was the Portuguese? In any event, Cook was the one who claimed the East coast of Australia for the British Crown, when several others had taken one look at the West Coast, and sailed away in disgust.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 9:42 pm

March 12, 2022 at 9:16 pm
Just like the degenerate West, the arrogance of a few of the posters here knows no limits.

Are you talking about yourself?

March 12, 2022 9:43 pm

Rabz, it has to be disco. During its heyday I had babies so going dancing at discos was out of the question but we went to a lot of house parties of friends with small kids where we played the music and danced while the kids ran around until they tired out and fell asleep.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 9:47 pm

when several others had taken one look at the West Coast, and sailed away in disgust.

In its defence, the West Coast of Australia is not much to look at. All sand and scrub and quokkas.

I’m unsurprised Wilhelm de Vlamingh left a copper plate, shrugged his shoulders and carried on towards Timor.

Mind you, had things gone differently, they might have cornered the market on Quokka Selfies long before it was fashionable. 🙂

March 12, 2022 9:48 pm

The outskirts of Altamont, 1969:

Garry Garcia, an undenied personage and the Lesh:

“Hells Angels are beating up on musicians, man? It isn’t right, I tells ya!”

“That’s just wasted my last dose of acid, man”

They then scurry off to a nearby helicopter … 😕

March 12, 2022 9:49 pm

When asked for the time, no one lies.

March 12, 2022 9:50 pm

Don’t know what you see in Kate’s Bush, Rabz. Mates sister used to look like her, now a little old lady living in the Lakes district in the UK. Hardly recognised her when she visited. Now Debbie Harry? Dave Gilmore helped Crate Bush get going after seeing her on a talent show. Not many people know that.

March 12, 2022 9:51 pm

unidentified, FFS

March 12, 2022 9:53 pm

Ranga – Dinosaur Dave and the Kate essaying “Love and Anger” …

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 9:53 pm

Are you denying Garry Garcia, Rabz? 🙂

He won’t like that…

March 12, 2022 9:56 pm

Crossie – disco it shall be.

April 2 2020, the Radio Show – Disco

Done and dusted.

March 12, 2022 9:56 pm

Regarding watches, had a lovely Timex with huge digital display taking up the whole screen. Wish I had one now that my eyesight is getting iffy.

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 9:57 pm

“I thought that was the Portuguese? In any event, Cook was the one who claimed the East coast of Australia for the British Crown, when several others had taken one look at the West Coast, and sailed away in disgust.”

Correct…it was possibly the Portuguese but I’m not aware that it’s conclusive. And if the Portuguese did visit, they didn’t map the eastern coastline like James Cook did.

March 12, 2022 9:58 pm

Thanks Rabz, I’ll be there with my mirror ball and collection of 45s.

March 12, 2022 9:58 pm

ZK2A that waswhy it was kept secret as the world was divided between the Spanish and the Portuguese. The Spanish thought they were in the Portuguese part. Very interesting book. One of the more interesting things in it, Cook had NZ kauri masts and spars as spares and when he lost a mast in a storm in the Tasman sailed straight to Maryborough to restep the new mast.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 9:59 pm

In its defence, the West Coast of Australia is not much to look at. All sand and scrub and quokkas.

William Dampier was most uncharitable about the West Coast of Australia, and the inhabitants thereof.

March 12, 2022 9:59 pm

For the very persuasive Crossie – You’d better … 🙂

Cassie of Sydney
March 12, 2022 9:59 pm

Captain James Cook is one of my heroes. An amazing man. The fact that his legacy is now trashed by leftist scum is a disgrace and shows just how far this country has fallen.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 10:01 pm

“Love and Anger”

Is not a pretty sight. Much clueless bewilderment, terrible poetry and some pretty damn good home cooking.

And a terrible ultimatum regarding the soot-belching beasts I tame like Denise does…

“Love me, love my Steam Trains!”

Oh, wait… 🙁

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 10:02 pm

Very interesting book

Have you read “The Secret Discovery of Australia ” by Kenneth MacIntyre? He poses the theory that Cook was using Portuguese charts.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2022 10:03 pm


And if the Portuguese did visit, they didn’t map the eastern coastline like James Cook did.

And if the Mahogany Ship wreck exists, perhaps they didn’t get home to tell the tale?

March 12, 2022 10:03 pm

Rabz, always loved that headdress.

March 12, 2022 10:03 pm

April 2 2022

Blah …

March 12, 2022 10:04 pm

Let’s not waste all the best disco links now, save them for 2nd April.

March 12, 2022 10:06 pm

Let’s have a bit o’ soul

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 10:06 pm

Captain James Cook is one of my heroes. An amazing man

I’ve been to Whitby……

March 12, 2022 10:08 pm

Cassie, Cook had a chronometer which the Spanish didn’t, so the longitude looked as we know it.

March 12, 2022 10:09 pm

All two of them Crossie?

March 12, 2022 10:13 pm

A Glock chambered in 10 mm auto is possibly the best pistol round ballistically.

No, cops aren’t going to walk around with a Taurus Judge.

March 12, 2022 10:16 pm

ZK2A, I think that was it, must have mixed up the Portuguese with the Spanish, I might get away with it if I don’t mention the war. I’ve got it somewhere on a bookcase. For Ken Worth’s benefit this is no admission I could possibly been mistaken.

March 12, 2022 10:16 pm

A man with a large proboscis, trying to describe infatuation – and doing a very bad job of it. 😕

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 10:17 pm

This is an excerpt from Kenneth Slessor’s 1931 poem about Cook’s third voyage chronometers:
Five visions of Captain Cook

Two chronometers the captain had,
One by Arnold that ran like mad,
One by Kendal in a walnut case,
Poor devoted creature with a hangdog face.

Arnold always hurried with a crazed click-click
Dancing over Greenwich like a lunatic,
Kendal panted faithfully his watch-dog beat,
Climbing out of Yesterday with sticky little feet.

Arnold choked with appetite to wolf up time,
Madly round the numerals his hands would climb,
His cogs rushed over and his wheels ran miles,
Dragging Captain Cook to the Sandwich Isles.

But Kendal dawdled in the tombstoned past,
With a sentimental prejudice to going fast,
And he thought very often of a haberdasher’s door
And a yellow-haired boy who would knock no more.

All through the night-time, clock talked to clock,
In the captain’s cabin, tock-tock-tock,
One ticked fast and one ticked slow,
And Time went over them a hundred years ago.

March 12, 2022 10:19 pm

March 12, 2022 at 9:16 pm
Just like the degenerate West, the arrogance of a few of the posters here knows no limits.

Yes, disagreeing with razey and USSR.

The ultimate crime!

March 12, 2022 10:20 pm

The average American is more concerned by price hikes at home than arming the Azov Battalion.
“FULL INTERVIEW: Caleb Maupin on the truth behind the media smokescreen over #Ukraine
George Galloway

March 12, 2022 10:20 pm

Ranga – you will not know what tunes await you on April 2.

Disco was mighty prevalent back in the day.

I had to exist through it, after all. Punk hit us like an earthquake.

March 12, 2022 10:20 pm

Did people see the Endeavour has most likely been found in Newport Rhode Island just recently.

March 12, 2022 10:21 pm

March 12, 2022 at 8:56 pm
The two competing systems will be a degenerate West and their poodles and the BRICS and what ever countries attach to them. After the US is finally destroyed and broken up, China will assume their rightful place as the seat of power.

Oh do fuck off you CCP scum.

Are you that smug Chinese official on twitter with the punchable face?

China has rightfully been called here by China sceptics as a truly sick and predatory society.

March 12, 2022 10:22 pm

That’s the problem Rabz, I do.

March 12, 2022 10:23 pm

After the US is finally destroyed

I hope China is partitioned and Mandarin dies as a language.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 10:24 pm

Rabz, always loved that headdress.

I had a terrible moment whete I thought I had seen where inspiration for the Teletubbies came from. 🙁

I swear they were putting something in the water at Ragdoll Productions when they came up with that, then Boohbah and In the Night Garden, too…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 10:25 pm


Isn’t that where you eat too many doughnuts?

March 12, 2022 10:31 pm

The Hooks – gettin’ on down … 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 12, 2022 10:31 pm

Did people see the Endeavour has most likely been found in Newport Rhode Island just recently.

Read that with interest.

March 12, 2022 10:32 pm

India…caste system…dalits…corruption envied in a Ukrainian power plant credit union…

The moral leadership of Brazil, Russia, India and China…

I thought “razey” was glowposting, but I thought (wrongly) he was one of our glowies.

Fuck me dead. I will take the ups of western morality along with the downs as well over the perversions of the BRICs.

All. Friggin’. Day.

March 12, 2022 10:32 pm


Mar 12, 2022
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 12, 2022 10:35 pm

No, cops aren’t going to walk around with a Taurus Judge.

Don’t you go saying bad things about Matebas.

It was good enough for Togusa, it’d be good enough for me…

March 12, 2022 10:37 pm

Skyhooks were something else, Shirl give them an edge visually but the music clinched the deal.

  1. Posted on a previous thread about reading a history of World War 1 on the Western Front, that made the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x