Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…
Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…
What does it mean to be a penitent? It means to be struck, suddenly, with the weight of your own…
It’s not a good look, I’ll say that.
Re any nuclear deal brokered by Russia with Iran: What does Russia get out of it beyond non-proliferation? From Iran?…
Garn: Every Real Estate Agent Ever: 2… | Garn.
Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky
Mar 12, 2022
Gonzalo Lira
Make sure ‘Moskau’ and Boney M.’s ‘Rasputin’ get in at least once every hour.
Gotta keep all the folks rooting for Vlad Bae onside.
Even if their Slav meme game is so nonexistent as to betray a disturbing lack of dedication to their chosen cause… 😉
This one is a family favourite and no party is complete without it, my sisters and I all love this song.
I still love Pauline’s burka stunt. That lady has balls.
The size of church bells
Some Psychedelia, Cats.
An ‘omage to the Barret (Syd) … 😕
Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky
Gonzalo Lira
More than any kind of music I’m a fan of instrumentals, Shadows, Ventures, surf music, Herb Alpert, even works going back into the 50s. When I need cheering up it’s instrumentals without the distraction of words.
Psychedelia? How about Psychotic reaction?
I had heard that tale but I thought the ship was supposed to be Portugese.
When you are broke, you will rebel.
It’s an incredibly simple statement.
Holy cow that is a genuine cool story (bro).
Was there ever an effort to preserve that?
Armadillo, do you mean when you have nothing to lose? That is a dangerous place.
The Dukes O’ Stratosphere:
This is Psychedelia … 😕
Family member is seeing Bongo Starkie playing Shyhooks music tonight.
IIRC, there was an ongoing controversy about the timber the ship was built from – one school of thought was that it was built from Australian hardwood.
The story is the ship disappeared under sand dunes in a huge wind storm in the 1800’s and was never located again.
About the Russian Humanitarian Corridors
Mar 11, 2022
Gonzalo Lira
Filmed noon March 11, 2022. Thumbnail is location.
Walk on by …
What about this psychedelia?
If it is real, it is probably preserved – later generations can find it and analyse it.
I am a bit dubious about that galleon story.
I haven’t been there in a few years, but I doubt you could hide anything bigger than a 10′ tinny along Apollo Bay beach.
Unless the topography has changed significantly since the early days.
Or this version of Walk on by?
Now It’s Official…They’re Lying To Us About Russia
Rebel Capitalist
Good Luck Finding out the Truth on Ukrainian Biolabs
[There Are NO LABS
OK Maybe Some]
Mar 12, 2022
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
1 minute ago
“They’re not Biolabs they are Biological Researcher Facilities.”
So in other words they’re Biolabs.”
“Twice Removed
1 minute ago
There are no biolabs.
Okay, but we aren’t affiliated with them.
Okay, but nothing bad is going on there.
Okay, but bad things are actually good things.
Stop asking.”
#When you are broke, you will rebel.
The crunch is about to hit.
Everyone is about to find out exactly where their “taxpayer dollars” went.
This won’t be pretty.
Grey Ranga:
In 1984 I was working in RNS A&E and a bloke came in with chest pain. We tried to do an ECG but it was hopeless. I noticed he was wearing one of them new fangled watches with the LCDisplay. Just on a hunch, I asked him if he had a normal watch. No, he said, I can’t wear them because they stop when I put them on.
IIRC (and I’m no electrics person) he said someone had told him he had a high electrical potential.
Have no idea what that means – maybe someone can enlighten us?
Being critical of the scripted CIA bullshit story that is Ukraine The Brave doesn’t make somebody a Putin lover. And saying the West is preferable even at its worst – as compared to Russia and China – is a sad, low bar (not that anyone IS actually saying they prefer either of the aforementioned shit-holes).
I mean this in a collective sense. Everyone knows. They can see what’s happening.
Where did Zelensky get the $1.6bn in his bank account? It’s a lot of money for a comedian.
George Galloway
just spit it out son if you got something to say
But the reflex action is now so binary that there are folks here uncritically regurgitating Russian media propaganda out of revulsion for their own.
We have at least one Glowie here who does, and that aforementioned revulsion at the fascism we are experiencing is making people more inclined to engage in apologetics for Vlad Bae’s.
No-one is without sin here.
Inflation Is About To Get A Lot Worse
It’s quite common with airline pilots of older days. Pretty much a lot of them died of brain tumours. They all had good watches.
No. On Cook’s first voyage – the one he discovered the East Coast of Australia – Cook navigated without a chronometer. From wiki:
Sounds like a fun thing to do on a boat. Too bad if there were clouds about.
On his second and third voyages he did use a marine chronometer. From wiki again:
Most likely, Cook was unable to afford Harrison’s chronometer for his first voyage because the clock cost about 1/3 the price of the ship. They were very expensive bits of kit back in the day.
Cough. Cough.
Weren’t Cook’s voyages funded by the UK’s navy which would have meant the UK government?
There’s something here:
I very much doubt the King himself would have funded the voyage. More likely the above is a way of describing the UK government funded the voyage. I think, but not sure.
A friend who worked for a major company found that here was around 1 in 200 or so who could walk into a place and crash all the computers.
None of the standard static protections etc. worked.
This was back in the day of brick batteries for ‘mobile’ phones.
They couldn’t ‘fix’ all the people (not knowing who the people were until it was too late), so had to fix the technology.
And yeah, I to am one of those who can’t wear most watches and doesn’t have to touch touch screens.
The only really annoying thing is how in certain weather great bolts of blue static will shoot across some supermarket isles to hit me, not anyone else closer, and they don’t tickle. The kids always thought it was funny though.
Mind you, I also had my life saved by ball lightning once. Appeared out of nowhere at the nick of time, tossed my assailant many feet away, slamming them into a wall, cool and tame with me.
Last I heard ball lightning (Saint Elmo’s Fire), remains a mystery to science. I’m cool with that. 🙂
Stop that, you naughty man.
Or I’ll set Arky’s Model A on you…
Actually ‘dillo, I’m regretting that I didn’t typo and write No-one here is without sine.
An entire textbook’s worth of trigonometry puns went begging. And a few good opportunities to go off on a tangent.
I am ashamed… 🙁
it’s why struth is right.
regime change biatchez and now henceforth, yr negotiating with commies
what? Youse thought it would be a revolution?
nah … your continued access to well, everything, is contingent on compliance
According to wiki, the Admiralty commissioned the first voyage with additional funding from the Royal Society. It would seem neither were keen to fund an expensive clock. Maybe they weren’t sure that Cook would return. Once he proved himself, they bought him the clock.
Another reason he didn’t get a clock on the first voyage is that there weren’t enough of them to go around. It took Harrison six years to design and build his clock. Copies – like the one built by Kendall for Cook – probably took less time to build but they wouldn’t have been rolling off the production line. Just look how beautiful they are. Just a big pocket watch really.
Tucker: This could very easily get worse
“Inflation is a tax on the poor”. Or so they say.
It’s actually a tax on small business owners.
The Government doles the out money to the unemployed, destitute and “drug fucked” on a regular basis. You need to think, “why do that”?
Everything is “fine and dandy”, right up until a certain point in time.
Shit will hit the fan. Humans are collectively humane.
This is a very interesting read, and she looks like she’s aged 28 years instead of only eight. Not surprising, considering …
January 16, 2014
State Department: Implications of the Crisis in Ukraine
By Victoria Nuland, Department of State
Captain Cook, on top of his accomplishments as a navigator, explorer and cartographer, was made an FRS for his work on preventing scurvy.
Regardless of the propaganda, none of these kids should be killed here.
The missus is going for a job in the university
where did all the previous staff go?
why did her PhD super get the arse?
because of the balls and intersectional-dodging?
why is the dept hollowed out?
why is the crazy lesbian whose PhD is in post-structural dance theory in charge now?
is the missus black enough?
did she pay enough attention to Marx and Foucault?
is her thesis about women?
is this real?
she feels the pressure …. youse all do
go on
cut yr dicks off
enjoy the bugs
nom nom nom
It’s usually the wealthy that go into conflict. It’s the poor who end up in the body bags.
Some accountability is long overdue.
According to the current Curriculum, he was an invader.
one more booster
the devil went down to georgia
I get the impression the current Curriculum is about as exciting as an episode of Married At First Sight.
Tasteless, telegraphed, terribly written and time-wasting.
No wonder the chitlins come out basically illiterate. Who’d be excited to learn about any of that and how it relates to themes like ‘sustainability,’ magical Aboriginal thinking and how Australia aligns with (to a child’s perspective) seemingly alien societies in Asia they’ve never seen or experienced? No heroes, no challenges (that’s apparently discriminatory) and nothing to inspire a young turk to greater things.
Late night Fiddling on the Cat… 🙂
Happened a long time ago, sadly.
(I wonder how he’s doing in his dotage?)
I agree – it ain’t looking good on the inflation front.
Defcon Europe L2
Defcon USA L4
Testing to see if it works…
rex … yr so funny
you go tank girl
It’s not as if there is a “good side” and a “bad side” to pick in this Ukraine conflict.
What’s raging at the moment is a propaganda war.
What should be blindingly obvious to all is that the US military elite are wearing lipstick and high heels.
Houston, we have a problem.
don’t know why this appeared. Classic two Ronnies
Not just in your head. For real. Uh huh.
Absolutely plausible. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been in mortal danger and had my life saved by Mother Nature.
I too have had my many assailants killed by lightning, flying bits of corrugated iron from a cyclone, flash flooding in canyons that parted for me like the Red Sea, avalanches, landslides, army ants and flocks of plovers.
One time Aquaman saved me from a shark. Beheaded it with a sawfish tusk.
I hold grave fears that this may become the subject of mocking, sneering and scoffing.
Week In Pictures.
Why oh why do you give more free ammo?
The bad news: the Players Championship won’t finish until Monday or Tuesday. The good news: the weather in north Florida is clearing and there’s not much bad stuff on the radar for Saturday and Sunday (US time).
Now that is very persuasive /s considering that there is money in books
the most likely explanation for the Mahogany ship (which disappeared under the sand and has never been found, despite numerous expeditions) is that it is a boat from an American whaler (who were active in Bass Strait at that time).
Further to my comment yesterday that it’s all over, check Tucker Carlson’s monologue, which Andrea Widburg introduces at American Thinker, saying it’s probably his best ever. It’s certainly scary.
Ah, but so would, “Good morning, interesting topic you cats raised.”, however, I don’t hold fears, grave or otherwise, especially of irrelevant noise makers.
Anyway, ignore me (you can do it if your really try), and just look into ball lightning, it’s a fascinating subject that still has science baffled, not in the least in the way it’s formation can’t be predicted or how it can both, explosively burn, and pass through people & things without a mark.
It’s the sort of thing not easily forgotten by the many who’ve experienced it.
Still, there are some so mean spirited that they won’t believe The Southern Lights have been seen as far north as Melbourne because it makes them feel better than having missed out on seeing something glorious that others have seen.
Sancho Panzersays:
March 12, 2022 at 11:01 pm
The story is the ship disappeared under sand dunes in a huge wind storm in the 1800’s and was never located again.
I thought the so-called “Mahogany Ship” was near Warnnambool, not Apollo Bay?
I do static electricity really well. Put me on an acrylic carpet and whammo! Those who were there in the 70’s – Fisher Library, Sydney Uni. Notorious for zappage.
Why oh why do mean spirited arseholes have to try to reduce the wonders that make life the blessing that it is, down, to fit their tiny, sterile, hope hating beings?
Real people have real lives that don’t stay within narrow, miserable, approved narrative selling limits.
Knuckle Dragger boasts that he can’t be killed, it’s all good.
Meanwhile I’m one of a number of friends who joke about being members of the, ‘Hard To Kill Club’, while being grateful for the times we, “should have been dead”, but survived “against all odds”.
And that’s just it; we are grateful and don’t take our extra time for granted, nor do we try to claim some personal super power, but know that every breath is a gift & every day above ground is indeed a good day.
The Whaling Museum in Nantucket has a most amazing collection of maps, many have bits of a southern land on them, very early. Very Very Early. I think some early Chinese maps also have bits of southern lands on them also. It just took a long time to get all the bits put together, and send out a search party.
Looks like it
It works.
Thanks Tom.
Captain Cook, on top of his accomplishments as a navigator, explorer and cartographer, was made an FRS for his work on preventing scurvy.
I’m told the scurvy prevention thing was already known by Dutch mariners. Don’t know the veracity of that.
Not to take anything away from Cook’s accomplishments in the great age of global sea exploration.
Hasn’t helped much, we’re still totally lost and clueless.
On such matters I see that Hazzard and Chant want to ban singing in church again.
Must be Sunday.
I don’t think they know where they are or where to go either.
I know exactly where they can go though.
NSW Health recommends reintroduction of mask mandate and dancing ban to ‘not at all keen’ Brad Hazzard (12 Mar)
I can only relate what my mate said about his Grandfather, ” that it was the shape of a Galleon”.
JC, not having a crack at you but you seem confident that there’s no inflation in the future. It’s here now and looks to be getting worse. Have you any thoughts on this? If it is short term why?
They’re yapping about “case numbers” again. So what. Everyone’s going to get it.
The vaxx program has failed and they don’t want to admit it.
I notice there are no howls of indignation surrounding this, apparent, outbreak of Encephalitis being referred to as Japanese but when BAT FLU was Chicom/Wuhan described it had to be changed to Covid 19 so as not discriminate and create “hurty” feelings …..!
I’ll see if I can find the book, may be a problem as renovating at the moment.
Yeah, Biden really is the perfect Creepy President for this age of the perversely bitter & arrogant who’ve chosen to put their faith in ‘the science’ that tells them humans are evil and only those who accept ‘trans-humanism’ & control by a humanity hating, Global Govt, will have the ‘right’ to exist.
You don’t do static electricity really well until you spend all day winding miles of
sixteen and 35mm film through your thumb and index finger.
All these years later I’m still carrying a residual charge.
Well, struth has consistently warned us that, ‘they ain’t done using those powers they gave themselves over us’, while most mocked & wrongly declared the tyranny over.
Maybe it should be renamed to the Transylvania virus.
China Says America Drawn to Bat Coronavirus Research Because of Vampire Movies (11 Mar)
On the other hand given all the different versions of Batman that’ve come out lately maybe it should be the Gotham City virus.
Yes SFW, how bad am I not to have predicted a sudden 25% cut in oil and about the same in wheat supplies, along with more important commodities.
The price increases we’re seeing are the result of another supply shock and the price increases isn’t inflation in traditional sense but a change in relative proves and a market indicator to produce more.
If long term inflation was screaming higher bond yields would be much higher than 2%.
Be patient ffs, because never in our lives have we seen a pandemic and our reaction going for a period of two years and then another supply shock brought on by war.
The world these days is an incredibly flexible operation and the adversity will be met with flexibility.
How’s the gal situation going for you?
They’re laughing at us now.
And why wouldn’t they? They’ve won a the first war without firing a single shot.
That comes later.
Hailey Bieber is hospitalized after suffering ‘stroke-like symptoms’ due to developing a ‘small blood clot’ in her brain following COVID
Re. scurvy, my understanding is that both the Portuguese and Spanish, as far back in the 1500s, understood that foods such as citrus fruits prevented scurvy. I suspect that one of the reasons why scurvy continued to be a problem is that crew health wasn’t highly valued.
What was remarkable with Captain James Cook is that, beginning with his first voyage from 1768 to 1771 (as well as his later voyages), he never lost a single crew member to scurvy. However the good health of Cook’s crew wasn’t just due to foods such as sauerkraut and citrus, it was also due to Cook’s management and insistence on cleanliness, strict discipline, as well as stocking up on fresh food when they visited a port. And there was another more obscure reason why Cook’s crew had such good health on his long voyages, this is from Wiki…
“Cook prohibited the consumption of salt fat skimmed from the ship’s copper boiling pans, then a common practice elsewhere in the Navy. In contact with air, the copper formed compounds that prevented the absorption of vitamins by the intestines.”
Yep, again, struth has consistently warned us that, ‘they ain’t done using those powers they gave themselves over us’, while most mocked & wrongly declared the tyranny over.
BTW, has anyone heard of mass unemployment of Covid Marshall’s or are they simply becoming general Compliance Officers for the next phases of Totalitarian Control?
Hailey Bieber’s husband had covid so, naturally, so suffers stroke like symptoms at age 25.
she suffers
March 13, 2022 at 8:11 am
They’re yapping about “case numbers” again. So what. Everyone’s going to get it.
The vaxx program has failed and they don’t want to admit it.”
What’s the bet that the fascists in NSW Health want to lock us all down again.
Read my lips…..
Fascinating in a very disgusting sort of way. People in those days ate anything .
I presume the crew used it like dripping. On the hard tack. Brrrrrr.
Cook is remembered at Anchorage, too. Lovely memorial to him overlooking the inlet. If only he hadn’t escaped the cold there for tropical climes.
“I presume the crew used it like dripping. On the hard tack. Brrrrrr.
Yep…however as ghastly as it sounds it was probably quite tasty and comforting to the crew.
Cook is remembered at Anchorage, too. Lovely memorial to him overlooking the inlet. If only he hadn’t escaped the cold there for tropical climes.
It’s funny that about the only place where this great man and his legacy is hated is Hawaii, the place of his death.
THEY LUST FOR WAR: 42 GOP Senators Including Mitch McConnell Call on Joe Biden to Send MiGs to Ukraine to Bomb Russians
LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Florence, SC 3/12/22 @ 7PM ET
Why Russia’s Brutal War In Ukraine Could Sink China
The jig is up. They’ll have to have many…many deaths to warrant it. Which they won’t get, the ghouls.
The taste of power is addictive to some. Chant is one of them, but there are more, particularly the low intelligence voodoo epidemiology “experts”. If ever there was a trashed area of science, that’s it. They’ll be examining chicken entrails soon.
NSW Health staff meeting.
March 13, 2022 at 8:46 am
There are no known direct descendants of Captain Cook. Disaster stuck the Cook family and their children. Two died in infancy and their only daughter passed at the age of 4. Captain Cook died in 1779, with his son Nathanial being lost at sea only 8 months later.”
Correct….and what was sad is that James Cook’s wife Elizabeth, outlived him by over fifty years.
They were made of stronger stuff then.
Majority of Americans Sense Something Doesn’t Add Up in the Media Ukraine Narrative
March 12, 2022 | Sundance | 227 Comments
The bad news is the propaganda from the global media and intelligence apparatus is astronomical surrounding the Ukraine narrative. The good news is that most Americans can sense the background manipulation, even if they cannot quite put a finger on it.
You can see the general sense of distrust across the broad spectrum of discussions online and in almost all social media platforms. The majority of people sense something just doesn’t add up. While the people who follow political events closely are the ones who can see the more specific details of the manipulation. Those who were paying closest attention, in the 2014 Ukraine story line, are the ones who see the same methods deployed.
To get a sense of where the close political following group are, I asked the question last night. The results are not surprising to the high-info crowd, but the responses have stunned the moderate observers:
[Image of poll at link below]
The roughly 3:1 ratio is remaining consistent [updated results here- https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1502458173835382795%5D. What this shows us is the diminished power of the Mainstream Media, despite almost every outlet parroting the exact same talking points. The drumbeat of U.S. and global media propaganda is falling upon increasingly deaf ears.
Perhaps this outcome should not be surprising, given the nature of the institutional deployment of the same Ukranian propaganda playbook by western government and media, and yet it is. The psychological bombardment by every aligned public-private corporate, multinational and government entity, is extreme. Yet people can see through it. That says something very positive about the current outlook of people toward government.
Unfortunately, amid the echo chamber that is globalist government, and amid the detachment of national politicians to the perspectives of the citizens they claim to represent, the disconnect between the people and the ruling self-described ‘elites’ is a recipe for either massive change or a more overt totalitarian effort by government officials who will never concede to the will of the majority. That is our current status.
“I have worn one of these Seikos as a daily beater for over 30 years…”
I am still using my Citizen Eco-Drive after more than 30 years too (closing in on 40 actually). Only needs about 2 mins in direct sunlight every day to keep on keeping on. Never had the cover off it, keeps good time. 30m Water resistant, and even has an alarm and a stop watch. And it has HANDS!
Very tough and has copped more abuse than it should have. Other than a few scratches on the glass if you look hard, the titanium case is perfect. I threw it in the drawer for about 5 years at one point, after which it required about 2 hours of sunlight to revive itself.
Was a very expensive watch at the time, but worth every cent.
Re static electricity, I get zapped y everything in my house on windy days. I have a scrap of latex nearby to use to touch metallic surfaces on those days.
As for Brad Hazzard and Kerry Chant and their instructions to stop singing, they are suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome. Outside of an epidemic nobody wants to know about them therefore “Epidemics ‘R Us”.
When Dominic took over I expected him to pull them into line but they seem to have captured him just as they did Gladys.
I hope Zachary Rolfe is on time for work tomorrow morning.
And I presume he brought a uniform up with him.
The question is which police station to report to.
What’s the name of the place where they keep daubing his statues in red paint?
Macca joins The Green Left Weekly Radio (now Half) Hour) formerly known as AM somewhere beyond the pale. 6am News then off.
It’s getting worse. C’mon Ita.
As I was saying …
UN Warns Individualistic Conservatives Threaten the Planet
Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.
IPCC WGII 6, the latest alphabet soup report that no one read, directs the blame for the imminent destruction of the planet at “resistance from individuals with conservative political ideologies” and “individualistic worldviews” who oppose “regulation”.
As everyone knows, using your power to silence people wins the argument every time.
The Global Times is a heady mix of pisstake, talking points for useful idiots in the West, and megaphone diplomacy. It tag teams with ‘experts’ ‘netizens’ and the Chinese troll farm.
Occasionally they reel in a simpleton.
Even my doctor said yesterday that it’s good for most of us to get omicron to acquire immunity. As a doctor you would think Kerry Chant would know that and pushing isolation is preventing mass immunity which is malpractice.
Rowan Dean is a neocon. Shilling for war.
Who knew?
Rowan Dean basically saying that the West should declare a no fly zone over Ukraine (despite Ukraine not being a NATO member) and then shooting down a Russian plane. Hmm….I wonder what would ensue?
Rowan Dean has lost his mind.
“egg_ says:
March 12, 2022 at 9:54 pm
Biden’s Biolabs Exposed ReeEEeE Stream 03-11-22
Salty Cracker
(On Rumble – YouTube has been yanked by Salty, as usual)”
Neil Oliver: We are kept in a permanent state of fear and uncertainty – one crisis after another
James Morrow and Rita Panahi trying to speak some sense.
Rowan Dean is spruiking nuclear war.
I am speechless.
Interesting post.
Russia’s future is shaping up to be a vassal state to China – and a partial replacement of Australia as a source of gas, coal, and bulk agricultural commodities.
Looks good for now, but Russia is yet to experience the full impact of ‘win-win’.
traitors in the white house
“mh says:
March 13, 2022 at 12:08 am
Max Blumenthal: US is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Feb 5, 2018
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Uf7aooxvE “
March 12, 2022 at 10:08 pm
Cassie, Cook had a chronometer which the Spanish didn’t, so the longitude looked as we know it.
Jimmy Cook didn’t have a chronometer when he poked along up our East Coast, he used Neville Maskelyne’s lunar distance tables for Maskelyne was the astronomer royal and arch enemy of John Harrison who invented the chronometer. When we in surveillance got GPS we found that Jim Cook’s charts were remarkably accurate in the main but there were some inaccuracies sometimes. I put that down to the moon not being visible to Jim Cook at those times, and that was the great drawback of the lunar distance tables for the moon is not always visible. In any event Maskelyne did all in his power to stuff Harrison around. In memory of James Cook and John Harrison I once stood below Maskelyne’s portrait in the Greenwich Observatory and addressed his portrait out loud and told him what a bastard I thought him to be much to the surprise of bystanders. Harrison couldn’t of course because Maskelyne ran the show, but this old bloke who knew his navigation could, and did call him a bastard.
He could be just talking about a bit of well directed ball lightning.
Have Victorian Cat’s notice the Victorian Mongocracy’s ongoing advertisements for “survive the heat, drink water!” Your Mong Taxes at work.
The Dutch, who up until then were notorious for their indifference to the health of their crews, founded Capetown, and established gardens there to prevent scurvy.
I hate neocons.
You idiot, Cassie.
Your version of what Rowan Dean said (and wants) is a fantasy.
March 13, 2022 at 9:33 am
You idiot, Cassie.
Your version of what Rowan Dean said (and wants) is a fantasy.”
Am I hearing things?
I have never been troubled by scurvy.
I put it down to the orange in the Bundy and Fanta cans.
Although I have never been out for more than five days.
If you want a good biography of Captain James Cook go for Alistair MacLean’s book.
He was a big adventure novelist but he wrote it out of admiration for the man. Available on secondhand sites like this.
ABC News Washington correspondent hits thumb instead of nail:
The real story:
Russia was once designated by Bush 41 as a partner in establishing a (trigger alert) new world order.
So how did the neo-cons drive it to war and China?
When Dominic took over I expected him to pull them into line but they seem to have captured him just as they did Gladys
When there is no accountability, after the Ruby Princess they became untouchable.
How dare you!
May you be struck down by St Elmo’s fire!
And scurvy for good measure!
I have a photo of the Southern Aurora sent by to me a friend who lives at Inverloch on the coast to the east of Melbourne. It can definitely be seen from there in the right conditions.
What’s your take on what Rowan Dean said?
He is a fool if he ever goes back to policing, given what he just went through.
What I said above about Rowan may have been hyperbolic however I found his ranting simplistic about Ukraine and a no fly zone which is why both Rita and James tried to inject some sense.
Discussion of early navigation techniques overnight.
“Longitude” by Dava Sobel is a good read on the development of reliable naval timepieces to accurately determine longitude.
I don’t mind being called out for being wrong but I certainly found Rowan’s take this morning highly simplistic.
Times change and not for the better.
Back in the ’60s they were enamoured of him, hence Captain James Kirk, and Cook’s “ambition leads me … farther than any other man has been before me” becoming “where no man has gone before”.
Alistair MacLean wrote the best biography of Cook, however Rob Mundle has written a shorter biography, as well as biographies of Bligh, Flinders and accounts of the discovery of the West Coast, the sailing of the First Fleet (delayed a day, because half of the sailors were too drunk to work…) and the immigrant ships to Australia.
I remember a very green sky at night in Adelaide as a kid.
Bushkid, that is a diversion by ussr.
No-one doubts the existence of various atmospheric phenonema like the Southern lights.
What we do doubt is some sort of divine intervention utilising ball lightning to take out an “assailant” of ussr.
This is the end result of twenty years of “internet toppering”.
I’m not sure about the context of Dean’s nuke comment, however I read an argument that in the old Cold War days we would be telling the Sovs in no uncertain terms that if they crossed the line, they would be nuked.
My concern is that the opposite is now occurring . The Russian turd is well aware we wouldn’t turn Russia into glass.
Trump apparently threatened both the Russian and Chinese turds with nuke retribution if they tried anything during his watch. Nothing happened.
On Sky Outsiders this morning, Rowan Dean simply said the Biden White House had not been sucked into promoting a no-fly zone over Ukraine as that would potentially create World War Three.
But Dean criticised Biden’s Obamesque equivocation about Putin and America’s refusal to specify limits to Russian behaviour. For example, president Trump had bluntly warned Putin he would bomb Moscow if Putin invaded Ukraine.
Yes, late to the party, but just have to say it.
Tom’s WIP link had me laughing off my morning news gloom.
There’s something really really wrong with her mental state.
And blue flashes travelling across several “isles” in the supermarket.
Totes plausible.
Aaannd … in 3.2.1, cue “cloud seeding brings record floods to stop my Kenworth getting to the protests“.
Dr Faustussays:
March 13, 2022 at 9:25 am
Indolent says:
March 13, 2022 at 8:46 am
Why Russia’s Brutal War In Ukraine Could Sink China
Interesting post.
Russia’s future is shaping up to be a vassal state to China – and a partial replacement of Australia as a source of gas, coal, and bulk agricultural commodities.
Looks good for now, but Russia is yet to experience the full impact of ‘win-win’.
Next Step: China will “request” that certain “unequal”(ie, unfavourable to a weakened China a century or more ago) treaties be “re-negotiated”. This will involve re-alignment of borders in Siberia. Recall that China and the Soviet Union came close to war along the border along the Ussuri River in 1969.
Putin might regret turning to China for support. They have long memories for perceived slights, and an insatiable demand for revenge.
“hzhousewife says:
March 13, 2022 at 8:32 am
That CovidMedicalNetwork letter is 52 pages ! It is thorough and hard hitting, and the government surely cannot shadow-ban all the medicos and academics involved. Spread it far and wide folks!”
Hailey Bieber’s stroke, does meth use factor as a comorbidity there. Not sure about her but hubby was rumoured to have form in that area.
How credible was anything Trump ever said?
He’d say one day he was withdrawing Troops, next day some General would say that’s not happening.
March 13, 2022 at 9:28 am
Have Victorian Cat’s notice the Victorian Mongocracy’s ongoing advertisements for “survive the heat, drink water!” Your Mong Taxes at work.
Don’t tell Living the (Wet) Dream. He/she/ze refuses to accept that taxpayer funded advertising has any influence on the economic survival of MSM outlets.
why are virtue signalling companies continuing to punish ordinary Russians with withdrawal of services the government must be completely indifferent to?
Putin has already warned them that No-Fly will be treated as an Act Of War by wherever the planes embarked from.
Poland, the Baltic Statelets, they’ve all got the message.
I saw a 3-part series on Cook hosted by Sam Neil some time ago.
Lots of woke sentimentality mixed in with good photography of Cook’s landfalls and accurate descriptions of his voyages.
A hazy memory of the show has many NZers complaining long and loud about the destruction of their homeland following Cook.
All Cook’s fault of course.
I remember having an argument with a certain liberal politician on social media where he claimed public companies are modern day churches whose share holder responsibilities include such things as supporting same sex marriage and other political issues as the CEO deems appropriate.
Pretending that companies relationships with shareholders (and staff) is the same as that of a community of believers is such utter tosh.
This kind of interference in geopolitics is going to cause long term damage.
Have you been on the stupid pills again, SpongeBob?
Here’s how it works, Dumbo:
State Government shovels cash to MainScreamMedia/gets favorable coverage in return.
THE Pfizer data, which has finally started to be released to the public, is currently under the spotlight, however, the revelation that the FDA were aware of almost 158,000 adverse events from the vaccine before it was granted “Emergency Use Authorisation” has shocked the world.
My comment had zilch to do with “internet toppering”, it was merely to relate a fact.
As to the predictably inane carry on by the usual suspects about ball lightning and its existence, effects, and any individual’s experience of it (or whatever comment exercises the tiny minds of some on any given day, often for the entire day), I could possibly care less – but I doubt it. I have better things to do with my time.
Best comment ever on transgenderism. “I too, was a man trapped inside a woman’s body. Then I was born.”
Japanese encephalitis Australia to buy 130000 vaccine doses
Ed Casesays:
March 13, 2022 at 10:06 am
Putin has already warned them that No-Fly will be treated as an Act Of War by wherever the planes embarked from.
Poland, the Baltic Statelets, they’ve all got the message.
You’re glowing even brighter than Razey!
Such a pity these books are not in general circuation for boys these days. I have some of my Dad’s childhood books, stories of derring-do and exploration abound.
Japanese encephalitis vaccine, boosters required at 12 to 24 months
Biden’s “minor incursion” gaffe greenlighted Putin’s move into the Donbas; he’s decided he’d like a land bridge to Crimea in the south too which makes sense from Russia’s strategic viewpoint.
The trouble with specifiying limits or drawing red lines is you have to have the means and the will to enforce them. As Viktor Orban has realised, NATO notwithstanding, the red line is not going to be drawn east of Berlin. Countries like his need to be able to defend themselves as a deterrent against Russian aggression.
Fair comment.
I still think Rowan’s analysis very simplistic.
JC at 9:50.
There sure is.
The ranting about the doubting Thomas’s not believing in the Southern Lights was after ussr copped a bit of mild ragging for posting this at one minute past witching hour this morning:-
If you don’t believe ball lightning can become a sentient being to protect God’s chosen ones, what else don’t you believe?
This door is hanging by one rusty screw in one hinge.
Liar & dobber in chief still desperately re-writing others words to sell his teams BS.
Now lets everyone here forget everything ‘freakish’ that ever happened for our benefit to any of us or those we know, just to make the bitter loser feel better.
Essential job skills in Australia in the 21st century..
No worries Bushkid.
Just pointing out that ussr was trying to divert a takedown of her ridiculous “sentient ball lightning” story by accusing KD and others of being non-believers in known phenomena like the Southern Lights.
Ed Casesays:
March 13, 2022 at 10:10 am
… refuses to accept that taxpayer funded advertising has any influence on the economic survival of MSM outlets.
Have you been on the stupid pills again, SpongeBob?
Here’s how it works, Dumbo:
State Government shovels cash to MainScreamMedia/gets favorable coverage in return.
DickWit Ed
If you had actually read the earlier traffic (admittedly, it was on another thread, so probably beyond your perception), you would know that I was making the case that government advertising does indeed obtain “favourable coverage in return”. Living the (Wet) Dream was rejecting the idea.
This should have been clear enough in the phrasing I used, but we must allow for your limited ability at reading comprehension.
Poor SpongeBob.
Not a vet, but it sounds like Hydatids.
Chief among Warlpiri concerns is the Northern Territory police. Mr Granites said communities wanted officers and police stations “because we need them”, but the guns should be locked away.
Are the axes and spears going to be locked away?
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken about “a slippage in our democracies” and the rise of authoritarian leaders, in relation to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. This, without a single hint of irony.
Russell Brand
Now Rowan’s editorial in the second half of Outsiders is superb, particularly about how the West’s catastrophic pursuit of renewables and net zero has emboldened Putin.
Difficult times ahead for the game of Rugby.
Dr Paul McCrory (an Australian) was the lead author and chair of the Concussion in Sport Group advising many sporting codes in many countries. His advice led to today’s rugby Head Injury Assessment protocols and many severe sanctions for attacking the head of another player during play.
McCrory has been accused of extensive plagiarism and has resigned.
Many questions are now raised – did the plagiarism lead to faulty protocols? Are the protocols OK because the plagiarised research was solid?
Concussion and brain injury are very important and the scientific base of ruling body decisions have to be based of the best scientific evidence around.
The NT cops confiscated the axes and spears years ago.
What’s the death toll of Abos killed by cops in the NT over the last 60 years?
‘The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance,’ Harris said.
Check out the video here at 1:27.
Is she suggesting that Ukraine is a member of NATO?
The real trouble is that now with a very weak, demented numbnut president , if he makes a threat like that, Putin may not believe him and pushes forward. That’s how you end up in nuclear war. Through a bunch of miscalculations and cheating in the 20 elections.
Pretty sure not winning looks like this.
Vlad’s frontal aviation might be getting needled to death below 5000′, but contrary to the Sandboxx video linked to yesterday, the Russians own all the airspace above that.
Hard to say…
First you’d have to explain to her what NATO is.
The NT cops confiscated the axes and spears years ago.
Well that’s ok then. Axes are impossible to obtain and spears are impossible to make, so once they were confiscated years ago no Aboriginal could ever possibly be in possession of one ever again.
What’s the death toll of Abos killed by cops in the NT over the last 60 years?
Do your own research.
Another one for to he trophy cabinet. More Russian Lebensraum theories brought to you by Eurasian Supremacists.
Like this one .
The two competing systems will be a degenerate West and their poodles and the BRICS and what ever countries attach to them. After the US is finally destroyed and broken up, China will assume their rightful place as the seat of power.
A definite Trump supporter here with Razey! A rock ribbed conservative!
An explanation.
Have your kids or grandkids ever watched Dragonball Z?
Was the power level over 9000?
Joe Biden totally didn’t steal the 2020 election
Oh for father’s sake!
That sort interference and great damage has been going on since before we were ‘gifted’ the internet for online ‘friends’ to super-charge the gaslighting propaganda power that Radio, TV & other media had been pumping into our lives daily.
Tic Toc!
The US Govt just bragged about recruiting Tic Toc “Influencers” To Influence the opinions of the public back to buying US Govt BS.
Still, that’s nothing compared to all the “Influencers”/Propagandists who from the beginning of the World Wide Web of Deception, have been ‘befriending’ people into believing the new lies designed to continue the work of the old & broken lies.
Funny, I remember when cats were incensed at Gillard bragging about her Social Media Army, until I pointed out that they were only the latest, known recruits and that Govts have been using Social Media to sell lies from the get go.
What’s the LDP Policy on Drag Queen Story Hour?
Redlines work both ways. Putin, and others (NSC as far back as 1948), have warned, or noted, that Ukraine entering NATO (or drawn out of Russia’s sphere of influence) crossed a redline.
On the broader point, I tend to agree with Cassie that Dean’s view was overly simplistic. He even appeared to be saying that Putin has military objectives further west of Ukraine.
Today in virology :
I’m more hopeful about ‘the West’ in a multipolar world than I am about it leading a unipolar one.
We don’t believe in foreign aid – Americans don’t need Australian imperialism to make their own decisions.