I turned off Blithering Blot. He should send his son to fight for Zelensky in Ukraine.
I turned off Blithering Blot. He should send his son to fight for Zelensky in Ukraine.
For many, many years I have thinking that something is not quite right in the head with Charles.
Quite. With the additional frisson of meeting up with the gang beforehand. Artful Dodger he ain’t. And this isn’t pickpocketing.
The irony is when the UK is no longer the UK but an Islamic caliphate and his neck is on…
Rita Panahi: Feminists go missing after Peter Garrett’s ugly attack against Gina Rinehart The sisterhood who see misogyny everywhere, including…
You being up some gold, but that last thing was horseshit.
Be still my beating heart! .. Oooh! the excitement as of March 20 OAPs are getting, what BRADBURY calls a “cost of living pressure” reliever ( in reality OUR normal March increase!) ..
Yes! fellow OAPs wealth beyond your expectations is coming your way .. $10.10cents a week .. ya noze ya wantz too ..
VOTE 1 BRADBURY .. he luvs us ..! .. FFS!
If true, throws further shade on Russian military might
I was looking at their tanks and APC’s. All seem to have relatively narrow “German Style” tracks. None of them have the wide type of the T-34 and it’s contemporaries.
Seems they might have forgotten many of the lessons they learned.
And Gorky Park.
Correct, but if my limited experience with civil matters is any guide, the first few court appearances will do nothing more than set the date for the next appearance.
Those with past experience in court proceedings know that you are allowed three move-ups before a final appearance .. the trick is using up all three extends the lenght of time between the offence and the reality of “justice” .. in other words time dims the memory and the world has moved on so in most cases, not all depending on the level of the “crime”, results in a verdict leaning more towards the offender ..
It is weird how progressives feel obliged to blurt out political opinion not as part of the discussion, but as a challenge almost. They are staking out space. “Everybody be warned. You must accommodate me and I will be ruthless in forcing progressiveness upon you.” Everyone is put on notice that they must walk on egg shells.
I think it is a bit like ants and the way they receive instructions and are regulated by pheromones issuing from the queen’s butt. They exchange them constantly and promiscuously. The pheromones (or talking points) have no power on their own. They do not take controls of an ant’s muscles or tissues – they have no virtue of their own. They do not exert control on other species. They are a code, and as long as the ants are surrounded with the familiar scent they will behave one way or alter their behaviour accordingly.
Not really. I can disbelieve in fairies at the bottom of the garden without having a deep certainty that they aren’t there. I just don’t see any good reason to think they are.
romney the corruptocrat should be in jail
Well, that was a quick scroll past a lot of desperate wish casting for a more rapid fall of the good guys and manic desires that no one look back at how things are turning against ‘the tough guys’ they threw their lot in with.
The Swamp Creatures aren’t only the crocs, snakes & snapping turtles but all the little blood sucking leaches … suddenly feeling a salting …
Call me an optimist, but I’ve always believed Trump knew The Swamp was Global.
That he beat the DC Swamp AND it’s International Backers in the first place was either a dumb luck miracle or the result of very long term, very careful planning.
Note exhibit 1 –
That man has been doing deals, testing & being tested, all around the world since decades before any ‘joking’ hint at running for President.
A stint of not screwing over those he’d gained the trust of before becoming POTUS, after he got the keys to the White House, would have only worked to strengthen the bonds he’d made as a civilian with those who shared a Global Swamp Draining vision.
In the mean time, Swamp Creatures around the world exposed themselves to the good people of their own Nations by celebrating ‘The Steal’ like cackling witches & thuggish monsters who no longer hide the fact that they are coming after everything we own and our children.
Our Liberal party member thought he’s have a bit of a go at truckies (yawn) again.
The mighty road warrior and his outstretched finger.
Oops, that back fired on him pretty quick.
Remember, this is always about keeping the subject off what his party is doing to the Australian people.
So, boy he went to work writing what could only be described as word walls of self admiration at the heroic things he said at the last Liberal party meeting he went to in Double Bay.
Bringing it back to a classic talking point he knew would have people commenting about….Pell.
Meanwhile, Australia is falling hard and fast with Morrison and Hunt going their hardest for Klaus and Soros.
Combine that with the scoffing regarding the massively increasing deaths from the jab, and it really is quite a sick little blog these days.
“but I’m still alive so it’s all bullshit”
If you can’t see that as insane.
Or you scoff at camps being built by tyrannical governments in the process of killing their citizens as we speak…….
And then there’s the hypocrisy.
Figures later apologised for what he said, but originally claimed that he didn’t care what happened to those who helped bring in an apartheid system.
It got called Nasty.
Of course those that helped bring in the system are beyond reproach…….
Until reality is accepted, there will be no winning.
Sane people, like Kneel, accept what the overwhelming evidence is now showing, as governments even admit it.
But most are not sane.
You don’t want to know. No jabbed journalists want to know.
That includes the Panahis and the Morrows at Sky.
It’s sad for sane people to sit and watch Rita explain away Kitchen’s death on stress from the Labor party.
Kitchens was a very healthy youngish woman who had recently lost weight and was looking great.
But sad denialists found she’d eaten those deadly twisties when she was a kid, and even smoked those lollie smokes called fags……..It’s a wonder she made it to 52.
There is much mental sickness here, and there has been from March 2020.
Missed the point.
Cassie’s story was about someone making an attack on Abbott’s personal qualities based on zero evidence, which she correctly pulled him up on.
Worth mentioning again:
The Kremlin has warned Western states that arms shipments to Ukraine are a legitimate military target.
We’re likely one incident away from a general war.
The heading is wrong but the outcomes correct. Energy crisis is the correct cause not war. Green means death.
Personal attacks on Abbott.
You know, like Fat Cloive used to do on Q&A in between sucking Snowcone.
Pray tell, Ken Worth, how did my account of the Incident on the Hume “backfire”?
I don’t believe that, like Keating, he’s making money from being on the board of a Chinese bank.
For sale .. one Harbour Bridge .. slightly used but in good nick .. nice little earner from gummint guaranteed toll payments ! .. LOL!
The Gospel for today’s Mass – Luke 6:36-38.
Dr Duk earlier:-
Hey sfw.
Any thoughts?
It sounds exactly what you said you’d do to me when I recounted my tale of the dickhead truckie yesterday.
What was the phrase?
Give me “a hamburger with the lot”?
Which I believe is parlance for “greatly exaggerating minor offences, creating derivative offences from a single event or simply inventing charges”.
Your hypothetical “hamburger with the lot” doesn’t sound a lot different to what Duk experienced.
‘nearly’ can indicate that it was in fact driving skills which saved that ‘vulnerable road user’ – not a worker? what made him vulnerable, aimless wandering? I suppose too, that if a road user-worker is vulnerable, something awry, negligent, with that having been allowed by his employer in the first place, making it that it was the car driver who was vulnerable.
Speaking of, I see the big issues are already being examined by our beloved braindead lamstream meeja.
Spender is a one dimensional hypocritical fraudulent imbecile. A perfect fit for modern politics.
America, You’re About To Be Poor—So Please Don’t Lash Out At Us
Gonzalo Lira
At just three meters wide, 2022 EB5 was around just half the size of an average male giraffe, which grows to be around five-six meters in height. As such, it was unlikely to do any damage if it had impacted the planet.
Thanks JC. It seems we can add the average male giraffe as a unit of length, to the ABC’s African elephant unit of mass and their Olympic Swimming Pool unit of volume.
If only they could come up with a decent time unit we could have a completely new measurement system.
Award Winning American Journalist Shot dead By Russians sounds better than
Freelance Clicker Making War Porn Bucks Discovers Old NYT Photo Id Isn’t Magic.
I guess.
“the electorate of Wankworth”
A very appropriate description. I know, I live in the electorate.
When you have the same idiots madly, repeatedly, posting the same idiocy, it’s to bury things posted earlier that they don’t want others scrolling back to & are desperate to keep attention diverted away from.
Here’s what none of those busy noise makers are talking about. Part 1.
Understanding why, is the bitter red pill too many keep spitting out and keep trying to hide from everyone else.
“Spender is a one dimensional hypocritical fraudulent imbecile.”
Still way too kind.
Explain to me exactly how you do this in the real world.
Award Winning American Journalist Shot dead By Russians sounds better than
Freelance Clicker Making War Porn Bucks Discovers Old NYT Photo Id Isn’t Magic.
I guess.
How about Pressitute killed pointlessly while producing propaganda?
Here’s what none of those busy noise makers are talking about. Part 2.
Understanding why, is the bitter red pill too many keep spitting out and keep trying to hide from everyone else.
It’s also worth remembering that the WA senate election rerun was all so that a screeching chronic masturbator and drug addict from New Zealand could be dumped back into the senate, only to be subsequently turfed out for breaching Section 44.
Great moments in bureaucratic incompetence part eleventy gazillion.
I’ve wondered about agnostics. Sure, they don’t know whether God exists or not. But do they regard the two possibilities as equally likely? None of us have certain knowledge of the matter, or indeed most other matters, except the raving nutters who indeed have their certainties, much to the concern of the rest of us who are made uncomfortable by zealots.
My position on God is that of Laplace: ‘Je n’avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là.’
Huge food crisis hits Russia.
The verdict is in…
ABC RN AM: Climate change caused the floods. Aided and abetted by Scott Morrison.
I hope he didn’t expect a political dividend in return for that extra funding he tossed them.
Explain to me exactly how you do this in the real world.
Easy. Install smart meters. Invite all who have an account to signify their support for green electricity or not. In the event of lack of generation over demand, cut off those people first.
Farmer Gez, all of this is orchestrated by the WEF. The Davos elites.
The war , the lot.
They provoked the bear, and he took the bait.
It’s tiring when sane people are dealing with the insane, (I’m not calling you insane) but the WEF are hiding in plain sight and decreed that this is what was going to happen.
And no one WANTS to know.
Klaus said it back at the start.
And when we’ve all had enough of the horrors only starting to befall us, we’ll accept the New world order and our roasted cockroaches with thankful hearts.
The classic destroy it all to rebuild back a socialist utopia.
Except this time, they really have the technology to enslave us like never before.
Except this time, they really have the technology to enslave us like never before.
Enslaved people usually must rely on external forces which take action against their slavemasters.
Running a resistance in a total surveillance and control state is nearly impossible.
Then why do you keep banging on about him?
Quite, given said ‘vulnerable road user’ (who was actually an angry 120kg traffic warden) ran deliberately into the path of my vehicle at an unmarked (no cones, no signs, no batts) ‘traffic control’ AND I still managed to not hit him is another indicator that I was NOT driving dangerously!
It only made sense when the political bail conditions were rolled out
1 ) To cease participating in the Canberra Protests
2) To leave the ACT and not return until trial
As long as they try to stab on duty cops tooled up with 9/10 mm automatic pistols.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
Mother Lode, that was the parallel.
Cassie’s work colleague just threw “Abbott” into the mix, completely out of context as a virtue signal.
Same as the Pell reference at the dinner I was at. Totally out of nowhere, and clearly it usually gets nods all round.
petrol prices have not risen in russia
Has the “traffic warden” been identified?
Uniparty lickspittle?
One of my favourite actors, William Hurt, has died.
My absolute favourite role of his was as “Arkady Renko”, in Gorky Park.
Lots of fantasizing after watching repeats over the years. 71 is far too young.
Struth, if the WEF had the power you attribute to them we’d be living under a one world government by now.
The truth of the matter is their world is falling apart as we speak, and was cracking up even before this unnecessary war began.
And they know it. One of the themes of last year’s virtual Davos conference was “adapting to deglobalisation”.
Imagine being a doctor in a tiny specialty.
Imagine seeing a 80 fold increase in presentations.
Imagine not being concerned by the 8o fold increase but rather the lack of ‘resources” to process these people.
Now imagine that there are no physical signs or symptoms, nothing objectively measurable to diagnose the condition.
Welcome to Victoria’s cock/tit loppers inc.
“In Victoria in 2011, there were just over 10 new referrals to the Royal Children’s Hospital of young people aged under 18; in 2020, a decade later, that number was just under 500, and last year in 2021 it was over 800,” Dr Pang says.
“It is little wonder that gender clinics are struggling to keep up with demand.”
Heres some evidence a girl should be surgically and chemically mutilated..
“As a three-year-old, I was refusing to go to the bathroom with the other girls in my kindergarten group,” Louis says.
‘I obviously didn’t have the language at that age to describe why, but I just remember the fact that I wouldn’t go.”
Now 17 years old, Louis identifies as non-binary, and says the signs their gender was outside the binary were always there.
“It’s such a cliche thing to say, ‘oh I just always knew’, but I did,” they say.
“Young people are supported to explore and affirm their gender identity by clinicians, underpinned by a belief that gender diversity represents a normal part of human variation,” Dr Pang says.
FMD, full neon sirens blaring code 4 clownworld…
Rosie says her experience shows that questioning your gender does not have to be a daunting, life-long decision.
“If you feel like a guy then become a guy if that’s what you want, and it doesn’t have to be forever,” she says.
““Arkady Renko”, in Gorky Park”
Yep…me too. I’ll suppose they’ll ban Gorky Park now.
It was a rare instance where the movie was as good as the book (by Martin Cruz Smith). I think it was his best btw.
Andrews, Gunner, Hazzard all realised they have no dicks?
I think you mean Him, not him. But I don’t. I was amused by someone opining that He doesn’t want to be worshipped. This sounds quite reasonable to me, if I created a computer simulation of creatures which had the disposition to keep telling me ‘BeauGan, you are wonderful’ you’d conclude I was mad as a haddock.
“Agree- the US disgusts me now. The latest sickening thing to come out of ‘the land of the free’ is the destruction of the computer repairman who given hunter filth’s laptop to fix.”
On the plus side, the policeman who shot Mikhala Bryant (black girl with a knife about to stab another black girl) – grand jury declined to indict him. He still faces internal investigation to ensure he “followed procedure”. Still, he appears to be getting his due process (which, when someone dies, it is important to follow) and certainly the lack of an indictment is encouraging.
I thought I had a low opinion of the Greens.
Directed by Michael Apted, screenplay by Dennis Potter and actors who se performaces were so good they enabled the viewer to suspend disbelief despite their various English accents when they were playing Russians. It was a compelling film at the time and still bears rewatching today.
All the news fit to vomit:
Iran hits US bases in Iraq with 12 missiles. Biden continues with nuclear deal
Good summary of chunk virus deaths
Hunter biden and his scumbag dad connected to Ukrainian biolabs
How’s the bolt of lightening working out today, USSR? Has it struck any of your enemies?
Yep…me too. I’ll suppose they’ll ban Gorky Park now.
If they try to ban it, they have to be reminded that it was filmed in Stockholm and Helsinki as the Soviet Government at the time time wouldn’t allow filming in the real Gorky Park.
Sigh… they probably will ban it anyway.
“Did Abbott shut off electricity to Greens voters?
How very totalitarian. How would Abbott or any Coalition government be able to work out who precisely voted Greens? Will there be a knock on the door? Even in Bandt’s electorate of Melbourne there are Liberal voters, albeit not many. Are they to have their electricity shut off….all for the crime of living in an electorate that votes in a Greens MP?
Oh and given the logic, you clearly would have no problem with hospitals denying treatment to the unjabbed.
Here’s what none of those busy noise makers are talking about. Part 3.
Understanding why, is the bitter red pill too many keep spitting out and keep trying to hide from everyone else.
The Enjabbening Has NOT Stopped.
There is always another ‘new bug’ to terrorise the world with.
Just ask those who know how ‘smart’ it was to, ‘Invest, Invest In BioTech!’.
Those hundreds of labs the US is involved with around the world, are only those the US is involved with.
It’s going to take a lot more maiming & killing to convince the world that the Global Social Credit, Tracking & Tracing, Travel & Spending Passport is ‘good for them’ … ‘so let’s not talk about any of it unless it’s to mercilessly mock any who do’, is the order for the Global Army of Online Propagandists.
Why is a bio lab in Ukraine something to watch even if Bunter Hiden was involved in the funding?
We know the Hiden’s are crooks but why are they evil ? If assertion is that they were making bioweapons that’s a little hard to believe.
Zipster gets caught not looking at a link.
A really amazing protest. Very large.
The privations that some Muscovites are undergoing are terrible.
Ok one Muscovite. But he’s suffering, really suffering.
oops, forgot “Body Heat”. mmmmmmmmmmm
I can think of a good reason to set up biolabs in Ukraine.
If their Ed system is good, there is plenty of cheap labor to do research.
I did look at it and had a good lol
I am told in some place petrol prices and most prices are down. the ruble may be taking a hit on international markets but its not causing internal inflation.
March 14, 2022 at 10:08 am
My position on God is that of Laplace: ‘Je n’avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là.’
To each his own and to which Napoleon replies
‘Ah! c’est une belle hypothèse; ça explique beaucoup de choses.’
I guess Napoleon was one of those despicable zealots
Reverential capitalisation of nouns and pronouns designating God is a pious custom but it is not required or even advisable if one is communicating in modern written English.
The earliest Hebrew & Greek texts of the biblical writings do not do so. Hebrew only had capitals, and while Greek had upper and lower case the manscripts are all written in upper case.
So it would seem God did not inspire the iblcial authors to distinguish his name(s) in any special way. The well know Hebrew circumlocution used when reading the holy name of God was, again, a pious custom adopted well after the biblical texts of the Hebrew scriptures were written in order to avoid blasphemy.
biblical authors
There was a feel good story the other day about an alleged actress and model*’s
psyche shredding journey to get sterilised because s/h/it was terrified of getting knocked up.
Happily, a quack who was prepared to do everyone a favour was eventually found.
*An elbow model, presumably.
March 14, 2022 at 10:08 am
My position on God is that of Laplace: ‘Je n’avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là.’
To each his own and to which Napoleon replies
‘Ah! c’est une belle hypothèse; ça explique beaucoup de choses.’
I guess Napoleon was one of those despicable zealots
One major reason these kind of very nasty black money deals are established in dodgy jurisdictions is that the opportunity for skimming a % off the “funding” rivers of money is all the more effective. So, it’s not so much the lab and it’s activities, it’s the transactional exploitation that make it attractive. Are you saying “The Big Guy” has plausible deniability? Bullshit to that.
Why is a bio lab in Ukraine something to watch even if Bunter Hiden was involved in the funding?
Fair dinkum head prefect; after the world wide cluster fuck of the chunk virus which had US involvement through fauci and gain of function -making the fucking thing infectious to humans- who knows what shit biden and his sprog were and are up to. The point is its just another example of what a corrupt piece of shit biden is. This lump of shit is literally destroying the US and the world as I guide you once again to enlightenment.
“The privations that some Muscovites are undergoing are terrible.”
Russians have endured far worse.
Gorky Park, great movie. Ian McDairmid who played the Dr with the reconstructed head was the Emperor in Star Wars.
Indeed, but they are mostly dead. The current generation are a different breed. These sanctions will cause Putin a lot of problems eventually with the punters. He knows all this of course. Both sides are making “negotiating” and “meeting” noises now. Serious attempts at a settlement within around 10 days I expect.
That wasn’t Napoleon, that was LaGrange. And the belle hypothèse doesn’t explain so many things, it explains everything. The things that happen and the things that don’t. That’s what’s wrong with it.
We, more than most countries on earth have been living under these arseholes for decades.
We are so dumb that we think the traitors in our parliaments are going against the wishes of the people to appease the insignificant “Greens” party.
That’s how ignorant we are as a nation.
If we don’t submit, they have no power at all.
They’ve made some big blues, and the war is not won.
But I am repeating what their intent is, and that they’ve been intending to take the west by 2021, them moved to 2030……but now because of Trump, they pulled this plandemic….which is exactly what it was.
They won’t get the whole world, because the yanks won’t fold, and power is too decentralised there.
They also are still armed, and they are Christian.
The Austrians have pushed their PM back from fining the unnjabbed…they were going to kill him.
What concerns me is the little funny farm in the Southern hemishere. The Land of the compliant and, the not too bright.
Our government , like Canada, has been the most captured and marched through by these pricks for decades, shutting the joint down.
They won’t (I hope) get the entire Angloshere, but they are firmly in control here, in NZ and Canada.
The traitors here doing the bidding of their masters is far more important to us than a far away war.
Without them, we could feed and fuel ourselves many times over with the war raging.
That won’t be allowed to happen.
The last 40 odd years should be enough proof, all the money printing, allowing coal to be used in China but not here,…..etc,etc,etc..that we are not getting back our nation without a fight.
While most are deluding themselves that anything is wrong.
I believe that quote was pressed out of context and wouldn’t have troubled a classical theist because they had established the point anyway (second causes, etc.)
Fine actors too: Lee Marvin as a baddie and an emperor as the forensic scientist! They looked like they were having fun.
Accents are overrated – The Hunt For the Red October being an excellent example. A Kiwi and a Scot doing Russian Navy officers!
The wiki reminds me William Hurt was in Lost in Space opposite the excellent Gary Oldman. Another mind bending SF not unlike Altered States. Very very different from the TV show we grew up with but fascinating.
Martin Cruz Smith, I have all his books, favourite being Stallion Gate.
Unless those the world believes least likely to (such as those assumed to only be slavers and slave classes), cared to establish a resistance well in advance of an ultimate clampdown.
Another big fan of Gorky Park here – seen it several times and still enjoy it. The scene at the end where the mink escape into the snow is breathtaking.
Yet, it never gets mentioned when the MSM talk about Hurt’s work, must be one of those cases where the critics look down down their noses while the punters love it.
He was a remarkably talented actor with a wide range. Also, he kept his mouth shut (AFAIK) in terms of telling others how they should live and what they should believe.
Vale, John Hurt.
US politics and the Six Degrees of Burisma.
A view from a Ukrainian on the ground which contains good information and analysis, even though one might be less sure than he is about the bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol.
I can think of a good reason to set up biolabs in Ukraine.
If their Ed system is good, there is plenty of cheap labor to do research.
There’s plenty of places that fit that bill that aren’t on the edge of Russia. One equipment supplier I know did all their engineering out of La Coruna in Spain because living and housing was cheap.
Ranga gets a snap for Ian McDiarmid, so I have to put up this video of he and William Hurt doing faces:
Ian McDiarmid as Prof. Andreev in Gorky Park
“Promise me I can have your face, when the breath has left your body.”
Not 52, but close enough:
Or were they sables? It’s a few years since I saw the film. Not a lot of difference between them in practical terms – beautiful fur, nasty temperament, many sharp teeth. 🙂
That was a very interesting video. Thankyou.
Haha, Cassie, you didn’t watch the video either?
Yes, Russians have endured far worse. That’s entirely true…
Unfortunately my liking for Kubrickian black humour gets me into trouble sometimes. It’s a fine line between horror and hilarity, as Yossarian would attest to. I’ve been praying for the war to end.
Johanna, Vale William Hurt. Not to be confused with Ken Worth brain hurt.
Sables, as I recall it.
And yes they were Sable.
grey Ranga….obviously jabbed and starting to shit himself……….takes it out on the messenger.
Zipster – apology! I would not be surprised if fuel prices are down in Russia. When Trudy came in and prevented a pipeline being built from Alberta to the coast the price of oil ex-Calgary fell to ridiculously low levels. ‘Way lower than WTI because the producers couldn’t get their product to market. Russia now is a bit like Alberta, but there will be no opposition to pipelines to China. Take a while to build them, but then the spice will flow and flow.
When I went past a servo yesterday ULP was $2.10/L. It’d really really nice, ScoMo, if you encouraged a bit of oil production here. Just saying.
True, but I’ve got more sympathy for the young Russians stuck in Bali and Thailand without access to funds. And I’d wager most of them are against the war. Collective justice from Western corporates.
Isn’t there a UN Convention, prohibiting collective punishment? Oh, sorry, that only applies if eeeevvvviilll conservatives (extreme right wing fascists on progressive-speak) are proposing the action.
Always with the coincidences!
Cassie at 10:36.
All good points.
There is no way of practically identifying Green voters and, even if we did, do we want arbitrary and collective punishments dished out on the basis of political preference or personal choice?
Isn’t that what we have been railing against for the last two years?
And the parting shot captures that perfectly:-
Take it to the Furniture Store, Figures.
I found it hard to watch all the way through.
What a difference 50 years of voting Democrat makes:
Roger at 10:18.
It’s a mystery.
They hunger for World Domination and Absolute Power.
They control the World Bank, the UN, national, regional and local governments, large corporations, the military and the CWA.
And still they hesitate.
Not until 2030.
It says so on their plan.
LPGA star Nelly Korda, 23, sidelined undisclosed amount of time after blood-clot diagnosis
Tom Brady is back.
Hated retirement.
Flyingduk, I really think you should go with yelling “you have no standing” as your defence.
I believe it worked well for others.
They haven’t hesitated for a second.
It takes a while to pull off this shit while ignorant frogs like you don’t realise the water’s getting hot
Directed by Michael Apted, screenplay by Dennis Potter and actors who se performaces were so good they enabled the viewer to suspend disbelief despite their various English accents when they were playing Russians.
In “Enemy at the Gates” Bob Hoskins was brilliant as Nitika Sergeyevich Kruschev complete with Brit working Class accent.
“Enemy at the Gates”
Worst sex scene in movie history.
Also something that ZeroHedge did a lot of detailed articles about, way back when it was happening.
Of course sharing those articles only had certain cats start madly hissing, spitting, shitting and demanding that no one should ever read ZeroHedge.
Scott ‘Two Fists of Iron’ Morrison – 6’2” of lean muscle – squints into the Australian sunlight at a lone Bottle Tree.
Tips back his Stetson, waves away a fly, spits a squirt of ‘bacca juice – and growls with a voice like a Kenworth changing up into 18th: “Boys, Ah feel it in mah waters; set the rig, we’re wild-cattin’ right here…”
Struth, if the WEF had the power you attribute to them we’d be living under a one world government by now.
Reminds me of so-called “progressives” discussing the CIA in the 1970s/1980s. If the CIA had been half as omnipotent as the lefties screeched, and 10% as ruthless, all of those screeching lefties would have long since been eliminated.
Ditto with Dan Brown and the da Vinci Code, which some readers took seriously. Again, if there was any truth in the story, Dan Brown would have suffered an unfortunate accident, and his notes and drafts would have disappeared long before publication.
There is no way of practically identifying Green voters
Maybe not Green voters but those who sign up for green electricity should be given smart meters and turned off first in the event of power shortages. Tell them up front when they sign up for the connection. See how many are prepared to live by what they profess. Would tell the governments how many voters *really* want green unreliables.
Anyone wondered what God’s personal pronouns are? He, Him, They, Them… I suppose if you are into personal pronouns then you are unlikely to believe in God. Just a thought.
I’d counsel against using the phrase “no standing”.
It might prompt Constable Hamburger-With-The-Lot to add to the charge sheet.
“Enemy at the Gates”
Worst sex scene in movie history.
There was a sex scene?
Stated aims……so yes.
(It’s the only way to save the world from climate change, you see)
They even locked you in your own house and made you take a death jab.
And now , while awaiting your heart attack or stroke or whatever VAIDS disease you catch, they make you show your good Nazi pass to do basic things you were once free to do.
So right down to little old you.
And yet you scoff.
This is exactly what I mean about mental sickness.
Done by 2030.
God’s personal pronouns
gros fromage.
Well, that is a better idea.
A voluntary scheme.
And give them all the stickers and paraphernalia to signal their virtue.
Imagine having two classes of green power consumers?
The (ahem) “purebloods” and the second class “offsets”.
And everyone in the street would see whose lights stayed on.
Has someone here been scoffing?
Come on, guys.
We’ve talked about this.
To deny that the globalists want global governance is being a complete wack job.
You know they do.
You know who they are.
Your mental sickness won’t let you admit it.
Someone was asking about hospitalisations/deaths amongst vaxxed and unvaxxed in the UK. Here it is.
The burger:
Anecdotally and allegedly and apparently, this was a thing where a crook – not a regular punter, but an actual crook – with an extensive existing history, AND who is busted red-handed doing additional bad stuff is hit with not only the substantive charges relating to the matter at hand, but also a host of alternatives.
For example – a prolific burglar, and in relation to one burglary may or may not have (historically and allegedly) received not just a blister for the burg, but also:
Criminal Damage – for damage to the place during the burglary;
Theft – for pinching stuff doing the burg;
Handling Stolen Goods – if caught with the proceeds;
Possess Property Suspected of Being Proceeds of Crime – a lesser version of Handle, with a lesser burden of proof;
Obtain Property by Deception – for when the crook sells the proceeds at Cashies, purporting the goods as his own; and
So on and so on. There are more, but that is the guts of it.
Some of the alternatives are later dropped in exchange for a plea of guilty to the substantive offences. The (alleged) beauty of the Burger was during the remand process. As mentioned, this is (should be) only used for proper crooks, and it allows for a raft of charges to be brought before an after hours bail justice to enable a greater chance of the crook getting remanded – and thus off the street – and thus unable to do more bad stuff to good people, even if only for the short term.
Totally unsuitable for traffic-based offending, unless the offender is an actual proper crook who happened to be driving a shitbox.
Inventing charges is different. That used to be called ‘bricking’. Apparently.
Fighting this diabolical covid as best I can.
I’m off to cart ewes to lambing paddocks.
Will I infect the kelpies?
Disaster! Kochie has the crud.
Who’s who of Aussie TV exposed to Covid as Sunrise host David ‘Kochie’ Koch tests POSITIVE the day after flood appeal telethon featuring top stars from Seven, Nine and Ten (14 Mar)
There’s no mention at all of vaccinations or boosters in the story which means he’s obviously double vaccinated and boosterized.
Remember late 2021 when the media was pushing for pets to get jabbed?
And some punters were all for it.
And they get to vote.
Anecdotally and allegedly and apparently, this was a thing where a crook – not a regular punter, but an actual crook – with an extensive existing history, AND who is busted red-handed doing additional bad stuff is hit with not only the substantive charges relating to the matter at hand, but also a host of alternatives.
Don’t know if they still do it but the pleading guilty to umpteen extra burglaries in exchange for the more serious stuff being dropped to mitigate the final sentence .. deals with the offender and improves the ” station” clean-up record ……..
How does Eyrie’s link effect you , sneerers?
It’s all bullshit isn’t …….made up rubbish.
Of course.
This was posted before the Dr. Coleman presentation from 1994. After watching that you should have no doubt at all that it’s genuine.
And why should it be difficult to believe when they are knowingly coercing us to take a so-called vaccine which is admitted to have caused more injury and death in the last two years than all other vaccines in history combined. This is not even disputed. And still the pressure to take it is on. Why do you think that is?
You’ve got a cold, not the black plague.
F.Duk… perhaps the Chewbacca defense may be a last resort if things go to sh*t
There’s no mention at all of vaccinations or boosters in the story which means he’s obviously double vaccinated and boosterized.
This is Kochie! .. gotta have had at least the 3 standard shots & 4 boosters to keep himself well ahead of the rival breakfast pack .. LOL!
Wrong and wrong. ..messenger? Shrieking jibbering idiot.
Fighting this diabolical covid as best I can.
I’m off to cart ewes to lambing paddocks.
Will I infect the kelpies?
Ringing RSPCA now! .. won’t anyone think of the animals .. LOL!
Hmmm –
William Hurt, known for ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman,’ ‘Broadcast News,’ dies at 71
“Enemy at the Gates”
Worst sex scene in movie history.
There was a mosin nagant 91/30 PU in the background, it was almost perfect.
How many hours was he retired this time?
He’s fun!
Hopefully he’ll take Gronk with him wherever he now goes.
Gronk is fun too.
Probably hurts a lot, but he loves the game.
William Hurt was a in a surprisingly good movie called “Mr Brooks”.
I say surprisingly because Kevin Costner was a lead in a non-western, non-apocalyptic, non-baseball movie.
Remember late 2021 when the media was pushing for pets to get jabbed?
And some punters were all for it.
And they get to vote.
That’s how a Mongocracy works!
Haven’t yet heard that vaccines cause metastatic prostate cancer.
Shot 256 times?
I’m being too hard on Kevin Costner.
Tin Cup is a great movie.
Struth says:
March 14, 2022 at 12:22 pm
Fighting this diabolical covid as best I can.
I’m off to cart ewes to lambing paddocks.
Will I infect the kelpies?
You’ve got a cold, not the black plague.
But I’ve been very careless by not getting the booster. Last jab was 2nd August, so I’m now officially a danger to myself and the whole community.
It’s people like me that overrun the hospitals and kill the elderly.
The bubonic plague was a dawdle compared to this.
Well, that is a better idea.
A voluntary scheme.
And give them all the stickers and paraphernalia to signal their virtue.
“If my lights and milk are off it’s because I love the planet!”
The WEB. Currently about two months in usual time.
Quite so, BJ.
I seem to remember when Victoria Police had a Special Branch gathering intel on “subversives”.
Every second academic or left-leaning local councillor was convinced their phone was tapped and they had a Special Branch file.
When Cain was elected in the ’80’s there was pressure to release the files.
It came as quite a shock when large numbers of the oppressed (including several prominent ALPBC personalities) found there was no file with their name on it.
They couldn’t even find their name in files of others.
Of course, it then became clear.
All the files of the really, really important subversives had been covertly secreted away before the document release.
And I think there was even a suggestion that they had been handed to the CIA.
The left were totally obsessed with the CIA post The Rissoling of Gough.
Ungracious Grace is in the news again.
Grace Tame hospitalised after ‘losing control’ (DT, 14 Mar, paywalled)
It’s all Scott Morrison’s fault though.
‘Shape shifter’ Grace Tame mocks Scott Morrison again in catty tweet alluding to that infamous ‘side-eye’ she gave the PM – after revealing she was hospitalised for ‘losing control’ of her mental health (Daily Mail, 14 Mar)
Or something. Maybe AOTY segues straight into RDS.
Not possible, that honour goes to Showgirls.
March 14, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Thanks Eyrie,
Not sure whether you were responding to me but I did ask about it a while ago.
Takeaway seems to be that, so far as can be ascertained to date, up-to-date-with-boosters isn’t currently outperforming unvaxxed, and jabbed-but-late-for-boosters is worst of all.
Long term effects obviously still unknown, but not a great advert for the vaxxes.
If anyone has noticed my absence.
My pacemaker has been needing adjustment for weeks.
Hopefully it gets done tomorrow.
In the meantime I am always tired and can’t concentrate.
I’ve had one fall due to hypoxia.Alcohol may or may not have beeen involved.
Until recently I would have rung my cardiologist and had the problem fixed in one visit.
Now I have had to go through a whole rigmarole.
Health care is a very bad joke these days and getting worse.
What a thing to do to an old digger etc.
KD at 12:14.
I am aware of the “hamburger with the lot” approach to genuine crooks.
I have heard it said that there is a rare breed of crook who, once he gets going on a drive around of various crime scenes, gets an uncontrollable urge to admit to anything and everything.
Who knows what induces this behaviour?
At which point some wag will say, “Ask him about the Beaumont children”.
But, yes.
Anyone who advocates “hamburgers” for minor or non-existent traffic offences is probably the type who would grab a phone off an old lady in a park, or arrest a pregnant woman in her kitchen for a Facebook post.
I give in, Will.
I’ll play your stupid frigging game.
What do you call stupidity piled on top of even more stupidity?
The Leaning Tower of Stupid?
Gone With the Stupid?
Saving Private Stupid?
There’s Something Stupid About Alice?
We need to re-think indigenous policing.
We should start by giving all indigenous girls a hand gun at age 5 & training them how to use it.
So obvious even Trevor Noah can work it out:
after revealing she was hospitalised for ‘losing control’ of her mental health
A pretty common lefty problem.
I still can’t believe Fat Cloive has pre-selected 13 COWS as candidates for the Federal House of Representatives in Queensssland.
Out of thirty seats.
They should be making sammitches for the blokes at UAP meetings.
What a pooftah pansy!
Thank you very much for reminding me about the sex scene in “Enemy At The Gates.
I was mentally scarred when I first saw it knowing how appalling the pair of them would have smelt. Still am and now you pricks remind me of it every few posts.
Hell hasn’t got a fire hot enough for youse.
“When I went past a servo yesterday ULP was $2.10/L”
yeah, LPG has jumped too – from 90c/L to 110c/L.
$60/week to $73/week.
Good to see you’re back, Miss A.
Haven’t yet heard that vaccines cause metastatic prostate cancer.
Look up Dr Ryan Cole. He’s been seeing more cancers in his pathology lab since the jabs started.
After 2 years of neglecting medical care, patients are flooding clinics—and many conditions are now dire (MedXpress, 12 Mar)
I know myself, I dread making an appointment to get scripts since my GP is a vax nazi. So far gotten out of trouble with telehealth and e-scripts to the local pharmacy. But who wants to go to a GP when they are terrified of the unvaxxed, and the vaxxed are terrified to get the disease from hell in the waiting room? It’s nuts.
I fear GPs have gone the same way as teachers. Teachers have found that they rather like not teaching dirty disgusting diseased students, and GPs seem to dislike treating sick people these days.
Has Grace Tame commented about Walker’s former partner?
Old and busted: Far right neo garage nazis calling for lebanstraum.
New and hot: Far right neo garage nazis calling for prioritizing cost of living issues over “saving the planet”…
A loose but hugely influential hard-right coalition has cohered, buoyed up by our exit from the EU, and now determined to use questions about living costs and energy security to destroy any meaningful prospect of climate action.
For those with a subscription Courier Mail has a poll about extending Chief Health Officer emergency powers. Over 200 comments so far.
Seems the Qld Human Rights Commissioner has finally spoken up after a 2 year sleep.
Meanwhile it looks like Health Minister has Covid.
The media pylon ™ about the onion was an eye opener.
To be fair, so would I. The clientele might start to resemble a never ending parade of snivelling mewling curs, all needy and manipulative with Slater and Gordon on speed dial.
I would say he has – at least to me, he appears much more focused than before.
He should go for President because he now knows the depths of the depravity the Democrats will go to to win.
It will take years to root out the cancer, but if he takes Ron DeSantis as his VP, that will be a winning ticket.
” Natural causes
Shot 256 times?”
No, no – shot 256 times is clearly suicide, not natural causes!
Boambee John says:
March 14, 2022 at 12:06 pm
Ditto with Dan Brown and the da Vinci Code, which some readers took seriously. Again, if there was any truth in the story, Dan Brown would have suffered an unfortunate accident, and his notes and drafts would have disappeared long before publication.
I actually liked the da Vince Code (book and movie). I thought is was clever story creation as Brown sprinkled some known historical facts (and plenty of speculation) into an otherwise made-up story. But yes, some people thought it was a ‘textbook’ or the movie was a documentary.
Then, on the other hand, some people read/watch the MSM news every day and think they are informed and up-to-date with local and world events.
Just caught 11 really decent sized whiting off the pier near the beach house. All this in the space of 1 1/2 hours. I think Port Phil is going to be teeming with fish as they’ve stopped all commercial fishing in the bay. The Andrews’ sisters did this to suck up to blue collar anglers as there was no logical reason to end commercial fishing. Even the greens were against stopping commercial fishing in the bay as they believed it was eminently sustainable.
I suspect the Bay will be filled to the brim with fish over the next few years.
Kia Sportage wins 2022 Drive Car of the Year
The Kia Sportage has been crowned the 2022 Drive Car of the Year. And it is fair to say it has moved on from the no-frills runabout your aunt used to drive.
Eyrie, just stop the crap. A statistical anomaly like that is a curiosity and nothing can be concluded such a thing. It could also likely be a statistical cluster over such short period of time.
Look, stop posting crap from medical doctors as they know shit about examining stats.
Perfect opportunity lost.
“I suspect the bay will be filled to the bream with fish …”
Fresh whiting.
A question for the ages.
.. from such…
Another question for the ages.
I just cleaned the fuckers. Very fresh fish don’t smell.. fishy.
You know, the life of a fish must be absolutely fucking terrifying 24/7.
It is little understood that epidemiology draws far more from statistics and mathematics than it does from clinical medicine and pathology practice.
La Tame’s former spouse. Seems like there might be a story involved.
There is a top fish shop which we go to whenever we go down to Coastal Town for appointments etc.
The fish is always really fresh.
We always choose a local species.
Sea bream is a fantastic fish (if someone else does the knife work) and is about one-third the price of flathead or whiting.
Some say* … it is ‘scoreboard pressure’.
Whatever that is.
* Said in a Jeremy Clarkson voice.
It could be anything.
Did they win the pathology contract for Golden Years Retirement Home from the lab down the road?
A guy in a lab saying, “Jeez, I am seeing a lot of XYZ” is not evidence.
Dr Ryan Cole owns several path labs in Idaho. Try looking up what he says instead of mouthing off in wilful pig ignorance.
John Cleese
The Daily Mail article you referred to.
I notice the top person on the ‘victim’ Totem Pole was the first to confiscate his mike.
Leopard skin prints are never a good look, but when combined with morbid fatness they are awful.
Yep, I almost NEVER see a GP but was forced to last week to apply for a vax exemption after my recent +PCR.
First, I had to wait in the car before being snuck in so as the vaxxed didnt have to see me. I then had to endure the looks of horror from my (thoroughly vaxxed) GP when he discovered I was unkleen. He wanted to lecture me on vaccines protecting grandma, to which I countered ‘grandma dies anyway – we know that from the flu shot and we know that from COVID’.
Then I let slip why I was there – to get an exemption – which again horrified him. He appears to be unaware that recovery from respiratory viruses 1) proves you can do it 2) prevents you getting it again.
Then had to step him point by point through the vax exemption form (which I had printed in advance, prefilled as much as possible and copied and highlighted the relevant ATAGI points as well).
As a parting shot, he wanted to give me a cholesterol test form. I replied ‘no, I have read the evidence thoroughly, I dont believe in the cholesterol hypothesis in relation to heart disease, I have read Ancell Keyes BS early paper and its incompetent at best, fraudulent more likely….
At which point, he gave up … and they nice lady at the counter bulk billed me for the half hour harrangue!
Only problem is – that was a week ago and my ‘get out of jail tick’ is yet to appear on my ‘electronic health record’ (if it ever does, it will be the only thing on it – I only signed up to get the vax exemption, and will then delete it again.)
Your taxes at work!
Eyrie, it doesn’t matter what Dr. Ryan Cole owns.
A statical cluster over one fucking year is a curiosity and not evidence. Weren’t you taught this is at weather divining school? Stop posting garbage merely because it satisfies your bias. That’s what the incel does too and it’s very annoying.
The US Military medical surveillance system is reporting up to 1000% increases in large range of cancers – thats one hell of a ‘cluster’.
Remove all energy taxes, including excise.
Whichever major party had this on their platform would romp in the next fed election.
About 30 years ago I lived across the road from author Paul Mann (The Beirut Contract, Season of the Monsoon and about 15 other titles).
Anyway, he used to go to extraordinary lengths to gather facts and first-hand experience when researching for a new book. He travelled extensively around the world, went as a correspondent to assorted war zones, ‘hitched a ride’ on US warships (with Defence Dept appvl) and anything else he needed.
He once told me that some readers are incredibly well informed and that details that purport to be facts in a book must be exactly that. If stated facts about, say, an aircraft carrier are wrong, then you will loose that reader forever – it won’t matter how good the rest of the story is as the reader will dismiss the author as not having credibility.
Thus, good fiction writers will often weave known facts into the much larger fictional story.
By the way, Paul’s other claim to fame is that he was once the editor of Australian Playboy. He relocated to Canada about 25 years ago.
“A guy in a lab saying, “Jeez, I am seeing a lot of XYZ” is not evidence.”
Of course it is – it’s anecdotal though, so not very strong.
And in no way indicative of cause.
Perhaps he’s seeing the result of telling people they are so at risk of being killed they have to stay locked in their house for months, and that hospitals are over-whelmed with the dead and dying. That might tend to make people who would otherwise say “Heh – that’s odd, better go and see the Doc” say “I ain’t going anywhere near where there might be sick people – it can wait”. Even more so when you realise people missed cancer treatments – they knew they were sick, they had a treatment regime, and they ignored it because they thought COVID would kill them first.
Who can say?
Thanks, Duk.
Who can remember when fuel was less than 44 cpl?
JC & Co. have been loudly & proudly invested in Bio Tech for years.
They’ve loudly & proudly promoted faith in their products for years.
This is not the time to put their (anonymous), word above that of doctors healing patients instead of obeying Govt (not medical), mandates and so, killing people instead.
Why are you trying to upset the Kenworth King like that?
He is resolutely convinced that it is the only source of road network funding in this entire country. And it must be good, because he thinks the railways steal it all.
I mean, his highways he once was so heroic on must surely not be SuBsIdIsEd by every other State and Federal taxpayer and Local Council ratepayer whether they drive on them or not, surely? Because taxation is passive-aggressive theft behind your back, or something…
Back off JC.
I see a Great Ball of Lightning in your future!