I’m fairly staggered at the sense of entitlement sometimes – I was told by one of my siblings that “There…
I’m fairly staggered at the sense of entitlement sometimes – I was told by one of my siblings that “There…
My oath.
And you are still a dickhead and left wing wanker.
Hey, dickhead, Donald Trump is President of the USA!
I’m fairly staggered at the sense of entitlement sometimes – I was told by one of my siblings that “There…
Just back at a Casa Pedro after a long and fruitless search to buy some chocolate ice cream. (Don’t ask, I have my reasons).
200km and about ten shops later, still no choc ice cream. Gone the same way as dunny roll. Vanished.
Is there a rumour that it cures Covid or something?
Urban warfare is a horror. Even the coalition hated that in Iraq. The Russians probably have very little training in urban warfare and it is showing.
Chris Reason from Seven has big brass balls.
Best wishes sir.
Jussie Smollett out for the appeal, he wouldn’t have even had time to make it into the general population. Hopefully they increase the sentence.
It is one thing to know the tactics, another thing entirely to be proficient in them.
I have no doubt that the training doctrine exists in the Russians’ library, but unless your subunits practice it relentlessly and work together on a very regular basis, then the only way you learn and ‘git gud’ is through shattered bodies and burning wrecks.
Grozny all over again.
Pedro, where the fuck are you living that you cannot find ice cream within a 100km radius?
Let’s leave the military situation to one side, why would Zelensky be putting NATO membership off the table if he were winning?
Does Zelensky really need me to be throwing laurels his way? I think the current adulation he’s receiving is more than enough.
The guy he’s interviewing is a mayor of some place I can’t recall, Kharkov or Kiev. Towering guy. I’ve seen him several times, but name escapes.
Sneakers and his minions told everyone to ‘stock up’ for Covid.
I suspect that the first suggestion of a ‘proper’ manflu outbreak in WA (the modelling suggests it is meant to be about now thru to Easter), the internet is gonna go down, too. And we might see a curious uptick in the birthrate come December/January.
Everything is in place for the Netflix-N-Chill Variant…
John H
Some of the smug Russophiles believe the advances Russia has made suggests they’re winning the war. However, there are reports Russian supply lines are fucked. Also taking ground is one this, but holding it especially in an urban setting is a 5:1 ratio. Russia doesn’t have the resources for that.
Also, can someone explain how the fuck Russia has now lost 4 generals? It is possible the Ukrainians have killed them, but it’s unlikely. They could also have been fragged by their own side from the lower ranks. More likely, Putin thinks they fucked up and had them liquidated. What winning side loses generals at this rate?
dover0beach says:
March 17, 2022 at 1:31 pm
Money talks.
Money, money, money. The leader of the pack. Pretty much everything is controlled or influenced by money.
Russia made a set of proposals to Ukraine and they were rejected by the Ukraine. Do you have any comment about this or is sovereignty just a little muddy, as you suggested the other day. Muddy, when the entire fucking world recognizes Ukraine as a nation, but according to you, it’s kinda muddy.
I think it might be a challenge the PLA could conceivably take on, should they decide to ‘re-unite’ their ‘rebellious’ province any time in the near future and the invasion efforts get stymied while still in the Strait, or go sideways on the beach-heads.
But 4 in 28-odd days will still be a steep goal to beat.
Actually it is quite likely & very plausible that they’ve been killed in action.
One of the enduring myths is that generals are not casualties, the diametric opposite is true, generals often are casualties at a higher proportionate rate than any other rank.
Britain lost generals at the rate of one every ten days during WWII. For the whole six years of the war. By that yardstick, 4 generals in 3 weeks, during a hard fought campaign is not outside the norm.
Compared to what? He’s acted like a leader whereas your bloke, Mr Muscles is pictured conferring with his cabinet in this mode. Mr. Bear Hunter.Pathetic.
Oh yea, it’s quite plausible, just like it’s quite plausible you run a successful thriving business. Plausible, but also very unlikely.
The US was warring away for 20 years. How many generals did the Americans lose, or how many did America’s NATO helpers lose in the MidEast?
“I’m still at the loss why you’re throwing rocks at the Ukraine president and remaining silent about the aggressor.”
Zelensky is a puppet and a very corrupt one at that. Once again I’ll preface my comment by saying that I don’t support Putin’s invasion and yes I think Putin is a nasty man but I also think Biden is a nasty and very corrupt individual. I thought he’d perhaps only move on the Donbas region, just like he did with Crimea, which historically always belonged to Russia and which I thought (and still do) that Russia had a valid claim to. I was wrong. The plain truth is that since 2014 Russia has had legitimate gripes with the behaviour of the Ukrainian government, US involvement in Ukraine, Ukrainian corruption and the dangling of the NATO carrot. The bottom line is that Ukraine cannot be a member of NATO, it should have seen its future as a country like Finland.
My sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people. However Zelensky and the Ukrainian government need to own some responsibility for this quagmire.
That’s no yardstick, you clown as it was a different time. We’re talking about present day, not a war 80 odd years ago. You ridiculous historician.
Part 2
March 17, 2022 at 2:18 pm
What a stupid comment.
Deaths due to enemy action? None, as far as I know.
Sackings for inability to complete their tasks, or political incompatibility? Several.
You need to start looking towards Iraq’s own military in the late insurgency to ISIS-era before you start finding Staff Officer fatalities.
JC says: March 17, 2022 at 2:19 pm
Actually it is correct.
Your comment is stupid.
Stay in your lane (i.e. mindless abuse of others)
Facts are not your area of expertise.
I’d like to see putin and Zelensky go mano a mano. They’re about the same size. They could be both stripped to their boxer shorts, searched for poison under the fingernails and other secreted weapons and then let loose. I reckon Zelensky would tell a joke to distract putin and then go for the gonads. Putin looks like a biter and a scratcher, so perhaps gloves and a mouth-guard should be mandatory.
Rex Anger says: March 17, 2022 at 2:21 pm
You may wish to update your information Rex.
Strictly speaking, they are.
‘Z’-marked vehicles stooging all over your sovereign territory, bomb craters, humanitarian crises and a survival fight everyone secretly dreads and simultaneously rejoices at, but actually wishes to mever see in their lifetimes, seems to be quite effective at holding people politically to account. On all sides.
Vitali Klitschko – Mayor of Kiev and former world champion boxer.
I’m only going by assertions that Zelensky is corrupt as I’ve yet to see evidence. However, Putin is not exactly Francis of Assisi unless we’re to believe he’s worth $US200 billion by investing the Russian equivalent of his 401K/ Superannuation in great stocks. He’s officially on about 150K a year so again, it’s possible that over 20 years Putin’s stock picking prowess has made him $US200 billion from the 15% of the salary he sacrifices toward his retirement account. That could happen I guess but it’s unlikely.
This is not directed to you Cassie, but how about the Russophiles stop referring to Zelensky’s corruption without at least zeroing on Putin’s. That is unless someone is going to suggest Putin is as clean as a whistle.
I’m searching, and struggling to find records of US Generals killed in action from 2001 to present.
Where is your source, so that I can chase it down directly?
I would advise it to stop taking calls from the US and find a solution.
russia has asked for de-nazification, a bit of a sticking point with the nazis
Tim Gill @Timinator88
Very Telling
Putin: “I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me too. They are now trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some hostile actions of Russia. That from your wallet you need to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. It’s all a lie!
And the truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of actions by the ruling elites in the West. Their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens, they are obsessed with their selfish interests and super profits.”
[video clip]
Oh yea, why?
Heck, I’d go as low as Staff Ranks (COL and up). It is hard because most tallies only look at KIA/WIA/MIA, and do not break down by any further demographic- Understandable, as ORs, NCOs and Junior and Field-Grade Officers (LT, CAPT, MAJ) tend to be the majority of such lists. SNCOs and Regimental Commanders (LTCOL) less so, due to their relative distance from the fighting and lower frequency of exposure in any form of non-manoeuvre warfare.
Just musing.
But I think the Russians performance shows the limits of a largely conscript army.
They may be quite ok dug in, or advancing behind a load of tanks to mop up, but pretty ordinary at advancing WITH the tanks or conducting attacks themselves (unless pre flattened with artillery).
The Russians have some great full time troops and SF types, but they lost the tip of that spear with the botched airport attack where they were supposed to have lost whole planeloads to air defenses.
And on the other side of the coin the Ukrainians are punching above their weight showing a largely conscript force can be effective in defense if it has sufficient man portable anti armor and anti air with it.
Rex, a simple google for “US general killed in action” or “US general KIA Afghanistan” or somesuch will bring up General Harold Greene.
AFAIK he’s the first (& only) US general KIA since General Dillard was KIA in Vi… er… a certain south-east asian locality.
Stop that, JC.
I’m now legit interested and ready to dive down at least one rabbit hole.
Are they really or is it just Russian propaganda? The Ukraine president is a Jew and the nation is swarming with Nazis.
I’m sorry but it just doesn’t sound credible.
Nothing to gloat about …..something to be furious about.
“I still get misty-eyed every time I open that little book.”
I do not have the exact details to hand, however I downloaded (from the Gutenberg Project maybe?) a 19th Century book (or perhaps more accurately tome) entitled along the lines of “The White House Housekeepers Handbook”. It’s well out of copyright and therefore free.
Like your little book, this contains recipes for what is clearly the epitome of fine dining of the day, along with jams, preserves, sauces and so on, as well as cleaning products, polishes and so on and lastly tips for things such as removing stains from silk garments without damaging the silk or it’s initial dye etc.
The food recipes are of course still quite good if somewhat dated and perhaps “plain” by today’s standards, and some of the cleaning/polish recipes are surprisingly good – even when they are not quite as good as modern chemical based products, they have the advantage of being much kinder to both what you are trying to clean and to the user. For older and more cherished goods, this can be invaluable and for such goods as require polishing, is more likely to reflect the decades of previous polish used and hence provide a more “genuine” look and feel.
I highly recommend it if you like this sort of thing.
Dude, don’t do it. He just deserves abuse.
JC says: March 17, 2022 at 2:30 pm
If that is intended for me, they’re big words coming from someone who when called out, backed down in front of me.
If it’s not intended at me, the above still applies.
So as you might expect the humans then built their Orion battleship under a big red cross. They got away with it in the story and won.
I read that again not long ago. Liked the bit where the baby elephants are trying to explore the possibility of surrender: “The Admiral wants you extinct”. Nice nod to Mr Heinlein.
Because the US would be happy to see Ukraine destroyed by a quagmire if it could weaken Russia.
Damn, it has to be that specific now?
I put in “american general officers kia 2001 to present” and all I got was confusion.
Gen. Harold Greene. Killed in 2014 in a Green-on-Blue by an Afghan soldier ‘allegedly’ unhappy about not being given leave for Eid.
How’s that ‘likely story’ gag go again?
Still, do we call that ‘Enemy Action?’ Or something else entirely?
Excellent. Rabbit hole came up with a squeaky baby bunny. Thanks, Sal. 🙂
Tucker: Things are changing very fast
Sure. The Russians communicated their demands to the Ukrainian government a few days after they invaded. I don’t see the Russians backing down on any of them. It’s the Ukrainian side that is caving.
It is also necessary to consider why Russia is doing what it’s doing, as this explains a great deal about the Russian campaign. Russia is fighting a war against a country and a people it does not regard as an enemy, and hopes to rebuild fraternal relations with in the future. Therefore Russia is going in relatively softly. I don’t want to get too heavy in detail, but that’s the jist of it. If you’re measuring this campaign with the fall of Baghdad in 2003, of course you’re going to think the Russians are “bogged down”.
This is mistaken, though. Russia could have turned Kiev and any other Ukrainian city it decided to target into giant piles of concrete powder with its artillery alone. It could have cut off much of the population’s access to power, water, gas, communications, the internet – everything – if it chose to, and really bring the Ukrainians to their knees. It could have rolled over Ukraine easily by now if it threw everything it had at them, but it hasn’t done this. Why not? Maybe because Russia’s objectives in Ukraine are not what you believe them to be.
How can anyone believe anything that is coming out about Ukraine/Russia?
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians says the age of criminal responsibility must be raised to 14 years to end the jailing of mostly Indigenous primary-aged children, warning incarceration is harming their mental health.
Ok lets break that down.
What do these wise mongs think will be the community impact of a self selected ethnic group being seen to be committing crime without sanctions?
a: Just peachy, no one will notice
b: People will become far more suspicious and hostile towards this group
Im also always amused to see teachers/nurses and doctors, who have been marinated in prog-thought for upwards of 18 years being denounced as racists when their opinion of Aboriginals (as a group) changes after they are robbed/bashed/threatened on multiple occasions based on their white (generally) skin.
Tim Gill @Timinator88
· 10m
[four angry, sweary smilies]
Liar Lindsey Graham Threatened to Use the 25th Amendment to Get Rid of Trump on Jan. 6 — HAS NEVER ONCE Threatened to Use 25th to Remove Potato Brain Biden Who Destroying the Country by the Day
Have you forgotten that Lindsey Graham is a notorious liar? We haven’t. HE LIED! Fraudster Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham Has REFUSED to Call any Hearings on FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper… COMPLETE LIST A new book…
Posted on 2:28 PM · Mar 17th, 2022
Spike Protein Gets In The Blood of Vaccinated Individuals (Firm Data From A Stanford Study)
pike Protein Gets In The Blood of Vaccinated Individuals (Firm Data From A Stanford Study)
Pfizer-BionTech vaccinated individuals showed a level of spike protein in the blood that was similar to the amount of spike protein in the blood of an acute COVID patient. This level stayed high for 2 days in 96% of the individuals.
“Loads of garlic, chili and mace.”
I trust you are referring the spice from the “inner” flesh surrounding the seed of nutmeg, rather than the chemical irritant or a spike lead ball, but happy to be wrong about that 🙂
Flip flop, flip flop…….
But ten year olds are old enough to decide if they want a gender flip?
Perfidious Albinosays:
March 17, 2022 at 6:55 am
At the moment, we are in the shoes of the alcoholic who carefully checks the car over in the morning for dents and blood on it after getting home late from a weekend bender.
The next stage is waking up in the car, parked on the median strip in a town you’ve never heard of.
Things get worse after that.
I think people are forgetting that Ukraine has been fighting for 8 years. They have heavily fortified the fronts in the south east. And they been armed continuously by NATO. They are hardly babes in the woods that have never seen combat.
did you watch oliver stones documentary ‘ukraine on fire’ it was done before the war even started. he goes into the long history of pro-nazism and emergence of neo-nazism.
its just a google search away
Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii
· 7h
WTF is Joe Biden even talking about?
No Joe, my friends don’t take naked pictures of each other for blackmail. What KIND of people do you hang out with Joe?
Joe Biden: I Bet Everybody Knows Somebody…that In an Intimate Relationship… the Guy Takes a Picture of His Naked Friend and Then Blackmails
“How many times have you heard – I bet everybody knows somebody somewhere along the line, that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend…
Posted on 7:35 AM · Mar 17th, 2022
From Zipster’s link, being a chicken hawk seems to be a prerequisite to climb the pole in DC.
Looks like this was the price of getting the Omnibus bill through last week.
Everyone gets their pork.
As long as you go along with this insanity in Ukraine.
Google isn’t always an instant answer to all research queries. Alas.
The yanks learned fast & are very good at keeping their generals/HQ to the rear in modern warfare.
They lost about 40 generals KIA in WWII, though I’ve never been able to pin down the number of generals who were casualties.
As for the four Russian generals killed – who’s claiming this? Oh, it’s the same people who lied about how they shot down multiple Russian planes including two Il-76 strategic transport planes. The Ukrainians. Haven’t you noticed they’re kinda-sort full of shit about this stuff?
I know a bloke wot knows a bloke, who had the contract to fly teachers, nurses, doctors and other staff into and out of some of those communities,. He always said it was rather amusing to contrast their changes of opinion after six months of being robbed/bashed/threatened on multiple occasions. He decided he wasn’t renewing the contract after they tried to impose a confidentially clause, preventing him from talking about what he had seen in some of those communities.
Egg Zachary.
OCO gets it
Who’s against Russia?
Soros and the who’s who of the information , narrative controlling global elite left.
WEF for short.
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Some people have been watching too much Rocky and Bullwinkle.
ukraine on fire has been purged from youtube, netflix, amazon and now vimeo.
still available here
Looks like Poland will give Turkey & Colombia a run for their money in the refugee stakes.
I don’t know how they actually work out their status, but it’s amazing how many Syrians are in Turkey & and how many Venezuelans are in Colombia.
Daylight is third after those two.
Exactly. Emma was an adventurous cook for her time, but everything she made was quite edible. 🙂
Thanks for the tip re: “The White House Housekeepers Handbook”. I’ll certainly follow that up.
While on old remedies etc, I read in a very old cookbook* a cure for chest ailments which listed among the ingredients a pennyworth of opium. I’m pretty sure that’s not available from the local IGA.
*It might have been a compilation of Ballarat goldfields recipes, but not certain.
Not all Ukranians.
Just the elite ones owned by the WEF.
The same people who lied to you to make you give up your country and freedoms, and possibly, your life.
Throughout all this, the people of all nations have more in common with each other than they have the elites who rule over them.
Who owns the Ukranian elites?
PS, I think they are called displaced peoples not refugees.
My bad.
Who’s on first?
The same people that own the Central Banks?
***Tinfoil Rustling Intensifies***
Snap, JC!
For those who may have missed it. Below From a Lizzie post just after midnight.
I could make comments but then my opinions might be taken as bullying if she does not like them. Same goes for up ticking it appears.
“Catallaxy is finished for me now but the treatment I received here will not be forgotten. I will write and publish analytically about it elsewhere, not necessarily in Quadrant, in a piece on internet bullying when my anger and sadness has dissipated, for it was a disgrace – the right is just as adept as the left at eating their own. Especially by strangely vindictive women, and by the men who then think they have been granted free run at a target”
Oliver Stone is a conspiracy theorist. He’s just not credible about anything.0
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko @DrZevZelenko
· 22m
WHO (World homicide organization) lied and millions died.
WHO ‘strongly’ against hydroxychloroquine use for COVID-19 prevention
An international panel of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly advises against the use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19.
Posted on 2:38 PM · Mar 17th, 2022
I don’t have a translation but from what I can remember of the language it sounds about right but whether it’s a Putin quote or not, how is it wrong?
But Struth baby,
EVERYONE is in the WEF.
Even Grace Tame and Jessica Mauboy.
You said so.
So, is the WEF truly against Russia, with a side order of murdergenocide, DeAtH CaMps and precious bodily fluid enslavement for the rest of us?
Or is it a lover’s tiff between Globalist Pooftah-Pansies?
Or worse- Is it a Slav-fight that had nothing at all to do with any of the agendas you are so desperate to promote with it, and the Pooftah-Pansies are just as cravenly opportunistic with their chatter as you and your fellow Nuffies?
I suppose I’ll wait two more years for dumb fucks like JC and choo choo man to get it.
J “nothing wrong with buying cheap shit from China”C’s not real bright and heavily in denial these days , so we don’t expect him to look at the word around him with too much interest…..he might find he fucked up.
You really don’t do a lot, do you Comrade choo choo?
JC says:
March 17, 2022 at 2:08 pm
……especially in an urban setting is a 5:1 ratio. Russia doesn’t have the resources for that.
Yes and no. Russia does not have the resources in Ukraine at present. There seems little doubt that the Russian generals underestimated the extent of resources required. Maybe they thought they would be ‘welcomed’ and fewer forces were necessary – I don’t know – but the reputed ~125,000 Russian soldiers was clearly too few. Ukraine’s total armed forces across all services is about 250,000 so a 2:1 ratio is not a good start (to my mind as a non-military person).
Several generals and intelligence officers were sacked by Putin in Moscow a few days ago. Russia is bringing up more reserve forces but this will take a several days to equip, place, command etc. Russia obviously has the resources to overwhelm Ukraine eventually by sheer numbers, but this is not a replay of the Great Patriotic War. Russia cannot/will not mobilise millions of soldiers (unless we move into WW3) so a negotiated peace is really the only viable solution otherwise Ukraine be reduced to a smoking ruin.
Also, can someone explain how the fuck Russia has now lost 4 generals? It is possible the Ukrainians have killed them, but it’s unlikely.
They were killed in action. Russian war fighting doctrine is still primarily based on their WW2 experiences. Their tactics have evolved since then but even very senior commanders still lead their troops. It is considered morale-boosting to have those senior commanders at/or very near, the front.
In fact, I understand that eleven Russian senior officers have been KIA. Four were generals but the others were colonels, Lt. colonels and majors.
It doesn’t matter if country has corrupt leaders. The people deserve sovereignty (and liberty of course).
I don’t get the nationalist argument against Ukrainian sovereignty.
It is an philosophy of Russian irredentism.
The idea that Putin has a right to resort to arms if he is miffed by something is absurd.
If Putin wants to just destroy the Ukrainian military to protect and incorporate 3 new provinces of Russians, good for him.
The problem is he is on record noting his disapproval of Ukraine existing at all.
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko @DrZevZelenko
· 33m
CNN really lied and millions died.
‘Don’t speak for me’: Yale doctor battles CNN anchor over effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine
Yale epidemiology professor Harvey Risch and CNN host John Berman bickered over hydroxychloroquine on Monday during a heated discussion about the polarizing drug, which the president has hailed as a possible treatment for COVID-19.
[video] https://www.foxnews.com/media/risch-cnn-anchor-berman-hydroxychloroquine
Posted on 2:33 PM · Mar 17th, 2022
The only Moose and Skvirrel show is that dancing about in your own head, Kenworth King…
LocalYokel894 @LocalYokel894
Replying to @DrZevZelenko
So suddenly now Drs are coming out in support of Ivermectin and Hydroxycholoquin??
Where were they when we needed them.
All hiding under their desks.
I will never trust a doctor again.
Tucker Carlson clashes with Rep. Salazar over Russia-Ukraine war and borders
It also generally makes very good tactical sense in a war of manoeuvre. Even with modern comms, if you get too far behind the action, you lose all feel for the situation. And bad things occur in response.
This is why Battalion/Regimental commanders try to stay close, but ‘one bound’ behind their troops. Just out of reach if the fighting forces ahead of them get decisively engaged, but close enough to co-ordinate support and reinforcements.
Even the US senior field commanders in the field in Iraq in 1991 and 2003 did this.
I think at least one of the Russian generals killed was VDV, so was in charge of the forces massacred while trying to take Hostomel airport on Days 1-4. In formations like those, it is inevitable that your command Staff is going to be exposed to enemy action from the point of first contact.
off the Irish pub topic. Earthquake in UAE.
Dubai is evidentiality on a fault zone, although this once came from Iran. Burj Khailfa has 11 seismic dampers to stop it quivering like a… well you get the picture . But there is the issue of the liquefaction of the sand foundations of all the new developments off shore (the Palm and the partial World) from a seismic hit. Sort of an Arabic version of Atlantis (ironic, as they built one on the Palm) . Watch that space.
On Kitching: Pauline was simmering in the Sky video posted up thread. Obviously responding in a very normal way to the death of someone she liked a lot.
Much, much more should be made of this but you could never expect our major media organ to report such a wonderful story. Pauline says she had a regular spot in her appointments diary: ‘3 pm afternoon tea with Kimberley.’ When Kimberley got up to leave she would often throw her arms around Pauline, saying ‘I love you.’
Kitching sounds just the opposite of Wong. Not a machine. Not hard boiled. Not controlled.
I think at least one of the Russian generals killed was VDV, so was in charge of the forces massacred while trying to take Hostomel airport on Days 1-4.
The only footage of that that I’ve seen was a couple of presstitutes crawling around while some Russian airborne troops engaged in a desultory firefight with some presumably Ukes. The only damaged aircraft was an AN-24. Anyone got piccies of the two shot down IL-76’s?
I do, in fact, understand that there is always far more going on in the world than the over-simplified and inflammatory hyperbole of Jessica Mauboy and the WEF is gon’ git usz!
And that the minute you fell back into that mindless trope above, you once again signalled surrender.
So, while you’re anklebiting for the next few weeks about ‘dribbling mental cases’ and ‘denialism,’ I’m going to get on with my day.
I wish you the very Nuffiest this St. Patrick’s Day, Kenworth King… 🙂
I have something that looks like that, but I was told it was a retaining pin for some agricultural machinery.
When I looked at the man who gave me this piece of information, he said “Would a man who holds the Queens Warrant lie to you, sir?”
I replied “That’s good enough for me! “
I wonder if one of the things they are worried about is what the Jan 6 people might say. Given the ridiculous narrative they have built up they must be scared to let them go, but if they go to trial all kind of stuff might come out.
The right to lock you down in your homes, force you to take a jab, destroy your income and businesses, to get a fucking green tick is truly absurd as well, don’t you think?
You brain dead fucks.
What has happened to you?
Looking at the left wing elites that now own you, would you not be a little cynical about the bullshit?
About them controlling what you can see and hear?
Our elites are as bad as any Russian oligarch.
If our elites are controlling what we see and hear, we are on the wrong side.
And say, we are on the wrong side.
These covid moves have been made against western nations all at the same time with all of the same things put in place.
I don’t care if you think it’s a cabal of fairy fucking penguins wot dun ut, but it’s been centrally orchestrated and planned.
There is a globalist central planning “department” if you will, if that’s the way to get through to you denialist boof heads, but Kerry Chant didn’t recommend social distancing for the British, and Macron didn’t mandate jabs and passports for Aussies, but it all mysteriously happened, and we’re all still sovereign nations.
What an amazing co-inkydink!
What horse shit.
You great stem heads are in denial of the bleeding obvious, and therefore your musings regarding the Russian / Ukraine war are laughable.
Here’s a fact.
The elite global left that brought the last two years of misery to the west, are up to their nuts in the corruption of the Ukraine.
It’s not just Hunter biden on Ukrainian boards.
It’s a seething, corrupt hell hole of money laundering and Putin knows it, and he knows who has their fingers in the Ukrainian pie.
What’s that got to do with a dead VDV general?
And, in turn, where are all the triumphant columns of airhead-unloaded Russian armour and troops rolling into Kiev, and streams of Russian transport aircraft into Hostomel, sealing the fate of the puppet Nazi regime, if the VDV assault being all but wiped out was untrue?
Who’s on first?
Putin, although I don’t support him, might know what you gooses don’t.
To think he wouldn’t have flattened the place if he really wanted to.
He’s not that short of forces.
Who could believe such shit?
He wants the globalist leftist corruptocrats out of Ukraine and away from his borders, because he knows what they have planned for the world, (so should you dildos by now) and he’s hitting them where it hurts.
In their pockets.
Dud teachers dragging down school results: Minister
Natasha Bita
“Dud teachers’’ and a dense curriculum are dragging down Australian students’ school results, acting federal Education Minister Stuart Robert declared in a provocative speech to private schools in Canberra today.
Mr Robert said it was “nuts’’ that young history students are being taught to identify racist statues.
“Why don’t we … stop pussyfooting around the fact that the problem is the protection of teachers that don’t want to be there, that aren’t up to the right standards, they graduated from university … and they can’t read and write,’’ he said.
“When it comes to teacher quality why don’t we actually face the fact and the brutal reality … that if you knock out the 10 per cent bottom (percentile) of dud teachers you will actually get our PISA results where they should be.’’
Australia’s results have tanked in international comparisons of student achievement over the past 20 years.
PISA, the Program for International Student Assessment, measures the reading, mathematics and science knowledge of 600,000 15-year-old students across 79 industrialised nations of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) every three years.
Australia now ranks 29th among developed countries in mathematics – down from 11th place in 2003 – and has slipped from 8th to 15th place in science and from 4th to 16th place in literacy.
Mr Robert told the Independent Schools Australia and Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia national education forum in Canberra on Thursday that his own three sons attend an Anglican school.
He said “quiet Australians’’ were choosing to pay to send their children to private schools, which educate one in three Australian students, because they value “high quality and high discipline’’.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,’’ he told the private school leaders.
“The system is winning, you are the standout across every area.
“If I could literally bottle the educational excellence and teacher quality that you exude and the quality and discipline in your classrooms, if I could pick that up and take it across the nation, we would rival Singapore in the PISA results and they’re second in the world in maths and science.’’
Mr Robert, a former army officer, said private schools did not tolerate low-performing teachers and suggested that substandard teachers were being employed by state-run public schools.
We stopped listening to outraged nuffies who are so desperate for all their total-loss-of-power-and-agency fantasies to be vindicated, they’ll engage in the same deceitful panic-merchantry as the enemies they’ve chosen for themselves.
Propaganda only works on those who want to believe it, Struth.
And calling me all the names and slanders your limited imagination can conjure for the next 3 days will not change that unfortunate truth of psychology…
Another day, another story about how wonderfully well behaved our indigenous folk are./sarc
And from the ABC no less.
Dot, I’m not at all convinced that Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine will achieve their objectives. I’m not especially pro-Russia or pro-Putin, but I think he’s correct to be concerned about the threat posed to Russia by the encroachment of NATO and the collective West’s attempts to enmesh Russian neighbours into Western institutions like the EU. I also think the West has meddled appallingly in Ukraine and bears a great deal of responsibility for what is taking place in Ukraine today.
Additionally, I cannot stand the volume of lies being directed at me that characterise the West’s propaganda war against Russia.
I have great sympathy for the victims of the war, but I have little time for the cause of Ukrainian nationalism. The creation of Ukraine and the Ukrainian ethnicity/identity that’s distinct from Russia’s, is a Bolshevik innovation that allowed the Soviets to build Ukraine up as a counterweight to prevent Russian domination of the USSR, and the resurgence of Russian nationalism, which they (rightly) identified as an existential threat to their power.
Far-right conspiracy theorist Riccardo Bosi has failed to register his “political party” despite more than two-and-a-half years of promises, and has now almost certainly run out of time to do so before the Federal Election.
Anthony Klan says Bosi has no standing.
Could have sworn there was some scab-picking and a few other breaches of the rules here last night, by someone who tells us she’s no longer here by commenting about why she’s not here. Sort of a Schrodinger’s commenter.
Anyway, I agree with those who decline to blame the Mean Girls – and they are Mean Girls, no doubt about that – for KK’s demise. This woman spent her adult life in the cesspool of the Victorian ALP and the corrupt HSU. She would have witnessed, and been complicit in, many executions, freezings out and other punishments meted out to those who fell out of favour. It’s not as though any of this was new to her.
It’s all very embarrassing to Labor, of course, the Party that trumpets affirmative action and all that. No wonder nobody is talking.
Further to my comments upthread, during WW2 Marshal Zhukov was seen many times at what we would call ‘dangerously close’ to the front. Of course he spent a lot of time away from the immediate front planning offensives but for most in the senior ranks of the Russian army (especially if your command has a tactical role), your rank does not afford you the privilege of being in some fortified bunker 50kms from the actual fighting.
Are there Nazis in Ukraine? Is that what’s upsetting Putin? Is that what all this is about?
“Balancing procedural fairness with national security?”
No contest – must favour procedural fairness, full stop. Arguments can be made about what is allowed to be said in open court and what is available in the public record – there are procedures in place for this – but without the procedures being respected, we have no justice system. Surely any and all judges or justices should know and support this. The bench must control trials, or we risk (more) tyranny.
The neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine was being reported by The Nation, NYT, WaPo , etc. for years. They were also the people Nuland was saying should be kept in the background doing the grunt work post-coup.
Meanwhile in the Territory:
Man shot dead at home near Top End tourist attraction
NT Police are piecing together how a man was shot dead near a Top End tourist attraction, who reportedly wandered semi-naked onto the rural property.
Apparently near the Cutta Cutta Caves in Katherine.
One more time for the people who believe those like JC are being genuine.
I’ve posted these a number of times over the years.
They’re always quickly buried because they contain too much, recorded live at the time, news, that breaks the insanely evil narratives that Team Clinton/Biden/Pelosi & Co. peddle with the help those like JC who keep trying to pretend this information isn’t out there.
8 Months in Ukraine (Euromaidan – MH17)
True story of Ukraine Civil War (from the people of Donbass)
Ukrainian agony – The concealed war
I believe the saying in politics is “the optics weren’t good.”
Anyone interested in some ruminative reading, I can heartily recommend History for Atheists.
It is a site by an atheist historian who is sick of all the anti-Christian propaganda that has been planted. He seems truly motivated by the ahistorical ‘certainties’ which makes a mockery of his field.
I have so far concentrated on The Great Myths, which deals with such persistent errors as the Mediaevals believing the Earth was flat, the Librarian Hypatia being killed by a Christian mob because they hated learning, and the Renaissance as an abrupt outburst of secular wisdom after the suffocating dim ignorance of the middle ages.
Worth a read.
If it is your sort of thing.
No contest – must favour procedural fairness, full stop.
Is this the spying case?
If the state had real evidence, it can be heard/seen in camera.
The idea a defendant can’t see the alleged “evidence” is so ridiculous only a judge hoping for higher office would entertain the concept & not dismiss it immediately.
Seconded. It’s very well done.
On a completely different topic, can any vehicle afficiandos tell me if it is necessary to ‘warm up’ modern light trucks and similar tradie vehicles before driving off? Even at this time of the year, when the minimum is usually 15C-18C, certain motel patrons turn on their vehicles and then go inside for a cup of coffee before driving off. Meanwhile, the joint gets filled with diesel fumes.
I can remember ancient times, including the ‘choke’, when vehicles had to be warmed up like the old tube TVs and radios.
But surely it’s not still so?
“How can anyone believe anything that is coming out about Ukraine/Russia?”
Frankly, given what has transpired over the last 2 years or so, I trust all governments and media outlets even less than I used to – about anything. Cite your sources, show me the alternative viewpoints, allow me to see from my own endeavors what the “other side” is saying, and I’ll make up my own mind on what I think is accurate, thanks all the same.
If you want my trust back, you’ll have to work damn hard to get it – and you have no-one to blame but yourselves for that.
If others have a different view of who is trustworthy, that is their affair.
@ Johanna-
If the vehicles in question have air-operates brakes or ancillary systems, these need to be fully charged before the vehicle is moved.
There are also elements of the culture wars in the Ukraine-Russia strife insofar as the Ukraine (as region) is subject to – or expected by the West to be subject to – so-called progressivist ideologies while Putin’s Russia is ostensibly conservative of an ethos and worldview currently emblematic in Russian Orthodox Christianity.
Mr Robert, a former army officer, said private schools did not tolerate low-performing teachers and suggested that substandard teachers were being employed by state-run public schools.
Well that’s one reason to vote LNP.
Yes, take some chocolate ice-cream, envelope it in toilet paper to make a poultice, apply it to the forehead and Covid is instantaneously cured.
Vanilla ice-cream doesn’t work though.
Hey USSR, any lightening bolts being thrown around today? You’re the last person here to carry any credibility on any single subject. STFU go fuck yourself.
Winston: Are you able to identify this rifle, carried by purportedly a Russian soldier at a checkpoint near Mariupol.
(i.e. is this rifle what I think it is?)
It would indicate that the “Russian backed separatists” aren’t as well equipped as many may at first think.
Are there Nazis in Ukraine? Is that what’s upsetting Putin?
Gay Jewish Illinois Garage Nazis.
The worst kind.
Jeez Lord, you realize that every single publication you reference have suggested virtually every Republican is a Nazi and you imply they have a single shred on this subject?
Are you for real?
johanna says:
March 17, 2022 at 4:05 pm
Generally no. If the driver intends to merely drive away, then a diesel engine reacts (almost) the same way to warming up as a petrol engine. Perhaps a 15-30 second idle if cold/cool weather. The only difference is if a diesel engine is going to be placed under immediate heavy load in cold/cool conditions in which case even a modern diesel should probably be warmed up for 2 minutes.
So, unless these blokes are intending to immediately do some kind of ‘tractor pull’ in the carpark, there is no need to warm up the engine (assuming these are new diesel cars/utes). Light trucks will have different requirements if they require pressurising of air brakes but again, 2-3 minutes should be ample.
Somebody might want to look into what happened to the funds raised by the party recently. Australia One was out in force at a Brisbane anti mandate protest I attended in January. Would have gathered in thousands $’s that day. Don’t you have to have 500 members to register as a party. I would have thought they would have got that number a while ago.
Based on his own previous result at last election he had zero chance of winning a seat in his own right.
Isn’t he the one Aussie Cossack was aligned with ?
“Far-right conspiracy theorist Riccardo Bosi has failed to register his “political party” despite more than two-and-a-half years of promises, and has now almost certainly run out of time to do so before the Federal Election.
Snap Rex.
Rex Anger:
Generals with no battlefield medals trying hard for them?
Not unknown.
NT plod covering themselves in poo, performing naked star jumps in front of a kindergarten at pick up time while screaming “Dont look at me”….
Zachary Rolfe on leave as NT police investigates internal disciplinary matters
NT police union says the force is investigating several matters unrelated to the shooting of Kumanjayi Walker
The point of referencing them was to suggest this was plainly accepted fact until about a month ago. Now they are all pretending that there are no neo-Nazis in Ukraine. None at all.
‘ An evening with Senator Penny Wong.’ I’ll take the Irish Pub thanks.
And 2 scoops of it means you’re a Nasti.
Or something.
If Bosi is so right wing, why does he get what Putin is doing, and Putin is supposed to be hard left?
He is against those elites of the free , democratic nations of the west, you know like Australia, where the unjabbed are imprisoned.
Yes the great warriors for freedom ,like Justin Trudeau.
Like Klaus Schwab.
But mental sickness being what it is, if you aren’t on Trudeau’s and Soros’s side, you’re an evil , conspiracy theorist traitor.
When the truth is, you’re just not a gullible, easily led, sheep.
No imagination, Post it notes, saves Brain Hurt, not to be confused with John Hurt or William Hurt.
Says the jabbed.
zero self awareness.
Agree ++
Why Middle Europe outside of Germany/Austria doesn’t form a bloc is beyond me. All of them have been battlefields for lunatics on both sides.
Could they all hate each other that much that they’d prefer to be invaded every twenty years?
Which, under ideal circumstances (and your reservoirs aren’t leaky as hell), your reservoirs will be nicely charged up, too.
Unless it’s one of these.* 800-850kPa and several hundred litres’ capacity can take a little while…
* Video is sadly missing the chest-slapping ‘gedoonk’ of each compressing cylinder as the generator starts turning the motor over, and that revving by giving the layshaft a shove is a bit gratuitous.
What in sam hell are you talking about here?
Putin enforced all sorts of COVID restrictions and mandates as well.
In short, Putin is a COCID Karen too.
If you are seeking the truth, I hope you find what you are looking for.
Mind you, half of it just now has sublimated into mean jokes. But still…
exactly. my view is very simple, given the aggressive narrative push by the MSM and big tech that we should cheerlead for Ukraine, because good guys vs evil empire. the on the ground reality is that the opposite is almost certainly true. I can not in all good conscious cheerlead for Ukraine. That does not mean I am cheerleading for Russia either, it’s a corrupt mafia state. this you are with us or against us narrative is so 1984
I put more credence on independent sources like southfront over white house directed MSM any day.
So what? So, how does it work then? You didn’t believe then up to “a month ago” And because they lack credibility you therefore believe there are now because those publications say there aren’t any. Am I understanding how it works for you? You believe there are Nazis because the publications you referenced are now pretending there are no Nazis.
Plenty of unjabbed and underjabbed alike wandering about (even) in WA and elsewhere getting on with their lives and businesses, Kenworth King.
You even read about them here.
Is this proclamation about
DeAtHWellcamp again?Yes, well I kinda presumed that Joanna didn’t have any locomotives in the carpark. 🙂
Dot, struth is avoiding the key part of the Klan column I posted.
It looks as if Bosi has been sloppy (at best) regarding the registering of the political party he says he heads up.
Are you? You really have no idea that the ultra violent Ukrainian nationalists have always been open nazi allies and sympathisers? I think not.
Next you’ll be pretending the eastern european right wing don’t all think jews ran the USSR.
Also….1% inflation. LOL.
Agreed. If only Putin went after those provinces this would be all over now. He obviously wants much more than that. If corruption is sufficient reason for military invasion there are a large number of countries on the kill list. Putin doesn’t care about the corruption issue, he cares about his agenda; whatever that is.
They’re as biased as the other mob.
If you have to reference ‘Nazi’ every second word when you’re not describing the Russian Army or the Donetsk/Luhansk militias, you’re probably propagandising…
(Still, once past the more blatant carry-on from either end, you might divine a better picture of what is happening)
I hope some here can see the clutching of straws and the cherry picking of my comments that one who has severe denialism has to partake it.
It’s embarrassing.
Don’t be like choo choo man, kiddies.
Get a real job.
The Nazis also had Hitler youth.
According to this denialists exploded brain above, if Jessica Mauboy joined Hitler youth,claiming the Nazis are still dangerous is tin foil hat stuff..
Completely ga ga…..
The pathetic is overflowing with this one.
OK, so certain types of light vehicles (I’m talking 1-2 tonne trucks and big SUVs) need to be ‘warmed up’ for a couple of minutes? Not 10-15 minutes?
Just trying to get the facts clear.
She’s clearly not trying hard enough… 😉
This is correct.
But there is no durry or brew-up in all of Creation that can be rolled/dipped/fetched/boiled and consumed in just 1-2 minutes.
And that’s before ‘Angry Birds’ gets fired up while the kettle’s boiling… 🙂
Or Vlad the Terrible is channelling the ghost of Georgy Zhukov.
The fascists were too strong, Comrade.
They were too strong and yet you are still alive.
Now you can see it very clearly.
Defend this, any of you?
Go ahead.
Prove to me that’s not denialism and choo choo hasn’t rolled over frothing at the mouth.
Somebody defend this level of capitulation and delusion.
That’s right choo choo, but their not on holidays in Fiji, you absolutely defeated, mental case.
The jab does more to your mind than people are prepared to admit.
Word on the street is that Zelensky is holding out before ceding the eastern regions hoping that the right wing militias bunkered down there get destroyed by Russia.
This makes perfect sense because once they’re ceded, all those violent battle hardened right wing militias who have been fighting there for eight years to prevent them seceding, are going to return to Kiev and start a civil war and kill all the globohomo fags like Zelenksy who betrayed them.
Oh look a Queerslander who was pretending he’s like a Huto radio talk-back host encouraging people to go kill seniors.
Dickhead, I posed the question and if the claim is credible about the place swarming with Nazis , how come they appear to accept a Jew as their leader. If you don’t have an answer fuck off. Dover tried with his publications diatribe and now appears to be walking it all back.
I really don’t care.
Funny as because the only thing left for you is to lie and exaggerate. You’re done, as you’re no better than those other fatmouthed idiots like Struth, Faultytowers and Driller.
You walked backward when I stood up.
Stay in your lane (i.e. folding when it’s time back the mouth)
Putin is NOT hard left, you raving loon. Seriously, go review the schedule for tomorrow’s bread deliveries.
Is there any truth to the news that the Brits have paid the Iranians $US500mill?
It’s coming from Iranian state media.
Looks like the Vienna talks are going just peachy for Tehran.
What a shame I never actually said anything of the sort, Kenworth Mong.
But yes, keep pretending the fellow rolling his eyes at your increasingly unhinged ravings is the one with the problem.
Your audience loves that…
Lol, Fraud alert.
It’s also amusing to watch the change in people who come to work in the settlements – a majority arrive in awe of the opportunity to observe these Third Australians in the flesh. It usually takes six months for them to see the reality. The change from wide eyed innocence is gratifying, but difficult to watch.
JC, you have nothing to say except abuse people.
Sure I abuse people as well, but always put an argument forward, and explain why people get called names that suit them.
You’re defeated and bitter, and you’re just not trying anymore.
Take a break.
Find a hobby.
It’s over.
What’s your favourite window to look out of?
The point being made is/was:
Publications that had been for years declaring Ukraine/Ukrainian nationalists to be fair dinkum Nazis & this was a defining feature of Ukraine, have suddenly gone radio silent on the topic.
Sorta like the same publications were all for cognitive testing of Trump coz “likely unfit to be President” have not made a peep about Biden’s actual cognitive state.
Yes. No. No.
Wiki. Note the year. Putin has made no secret his ambitions for Russia, and unfortunately he got impatient. He also misunderstood the current balance of military power, which again favours the defense. Which is a shame because done right I think he had a good chance of attracting Belarus to join a new Union in the near future, and other states using the early EU as a model.
The point is valid, regardless of how much one poster wishes (via a keyboard) to insult/berate the person who made the point.
Credit where it is due.
It was not I who defeated him.
He folded. When called out, it transpired he had no balls.
Game Over.
From bern’s link, just upthread and apropos of Mr Bosi:
Oh ho ho ho. Not grifting at all.
So – the Five Pillars of Real Leadership book stunk the joint out, and the after-dinner speaking circuit dried up to a crisp.
Time to start something you claim is a political party, and then spend the next three years asking for cash from the gullible to prop up a) your own non-existent party, and b) provide a suitable income for you and your family – who also happen to be the other executives of said non-existent party.
Plus, the accompanying pic in the link shows Ricky Bosi in uniform, sandy beret and all, hugging a chick wearing a T Shirt that says ‘EXPOSE THE PEDOS’.
I’ll give him this – he has enough low-level information on human behaviour to keep the bills paid, his guts full and a roof over the heads of he and his.
Didn’t KRuddy blow off some true believers funeral to meet Kate Blanchett?
I can not in all good conscious cheerlead for Ukraine. That does not mean I am cheerleading for Russia either, it’s a corrupt mafia state. this you are with us or against us narrative is so 1984
Henry Kissinger on the Iran/Iraq War of the 1980s “Can’t they both lose?”
As US state power drains from Ukraine, the war is lost and the eastern european regions are lost, he’ll flee to Israel or the Ukranian nationalists will return from the front and arrest and / or assassinate him and all his friends.
Oh really, you disgraceful Queerslander sack of filth. The very first time we disagreed you came at me with racist taunts and now you’re accusing me of abusing you. You ridiculous fucking clown.
I also mock you because you’re a complete moron who deserves to be mocked and laughed at. And I’m not the only one.
Lol. You’re arguments are trash, if that’s what you really want to call them. They’re laughable trash.
You’re mind reader now.
It’s been over for you since we began sniggering about your pathetic furniture factory.
Oh from my office, where I am now where I can see the north east of the city. Nice view, Smokey the Bandit.
Why don’t you accept what you are. You’re a delivery driver with zero skills in high intellect even though you pretend you do. You’re laughable clown.
How does someone from WA or elsewhere not being on holiday in Fiji prove all people in Australia are ImPriSoNeD, Kenworth Mong?
And please, stop projecting. It’s got all over the carpet, now.
You and you alone, Struth, have decided your that life is over and it’s now just a matter of time until ‘They’ come for you. And you have spent 2 years trying to shift the blame for that decision onto everyone else you’ve come into contact with.
You are unaccountable for your behaviour, and the consequences of that will be on you and you alone.
I refuse to take responsibility on your behalf.
You do more damage to yourself than I can ever do Rex.
I’m still waiting for someone to come to your defence regarding your declaration that the unjabbed are free.
You’re mentally sick, sunshine.
You’re a dribbling cretin.
Unfortunately the half lost…….have just seen a shining example of what I have been describing for months here.
Denialism and delusion.
And you supplied that example, as expect.
You’re a sick puppy, but you may have helped in waking people up to just how prevelent and overwhelming it has become.
Next thing you know people will prefer to believe the early jab death of a seasoned politician was actually a death caused by speech.
Words can kill…what a leftists, authoritarian dream.
The jab didn’t kill her.
Hate speech did……..and this is coming from the once right wing people!!!
Choo Choo has made my point today.
Wake up, fuckers.
Wake up.
JC, you’re all fired up today mate.
What happened, seagull pinch one of your whiting?
Can someone please ask the Driller, what is the point he claims is valid? He won’t talk to be directly because he’s so courageous.
I hadn’t read the following article written by globally renowned international relations prophet, Francis Fukuyama, before. Let’s just say he made a number of predictions about what’s currently going on in Ukraine that I think will soon be dwelling alongside his ‘end of history’ thesis:
Preparing for Defeat
Well, I suppose it could be described as preparing for defeat*, but not in the way Fukuyama thinks.
*self-delusion and denial won’t get you that far when reality clobbers you about the chops
He he, you gotta love this place.
He has zero control over the militias, or the country at large, you silly old dope. He exists to act as a conduit through which US State Dept. money and power can flow into the puppet country, he knows that, the US knows that, the militia’s know that.
And the same publications routinely did and do make the same sort of insinuations about Hungary or any other nation’s populist or non-globalist movements that challenge the Narrative. Even here in Oz. And the USA.
Ukraine so far is the only nation that has had that Narrative picked up and used as a public excuse to invade and occupy parts of it by a third party.
Do I sound fired up? It’s always fun getting stuck into Putin Fanboys. I think they get really excited when he takes his shirt off and wrestles a bear.
Truly, no matter what he does now, Putin has fucked up in Ukraine and is unable to recover. As I said earlier, he could level the entire country but that won’t be a win and he’s destroyed his own country because the sanctions will ruin Russia.
Hey, but as Fisk said last evening about some of the thinking here. Putin is a great guy because he hates drag queens and other assorted poofs so that’s the reason to be supporting the bear wrestler.
Different times, I know, but ‘The Gallant Dead’ lists 123 deaths amongst the 1000 or so General Officers who served in the American Civil war. This included 78 of the 400 Southern Generals, and 45 of the 600 Unionists. Most notable was AS Johnson, the only US 4 star (albeit a Confederate) ever killed in battle ( the 3Star . There were also 16 2 Stars and two 3 stars.
Wikipedia also cites US 2* John Dillard, killed in Vietnam in 1970 when his Huey was shot down, as the last US General killed in action prior to the 911 attacks, when the 3* Timothy Maude died in the Pentagon attack.
The last US general KIA was the 2* Green, who was ‘green on blued’ in Camp Qarga, Afghanistan. A German Brigadier was wounded in the same attack.
Even better:
Russell Coight.
Best part of the past 24hrs has been the constipated look on the faces of Albanese, Wong, Keneally, over the electoral kryptonite that has been exposed re the monstering of Kimberley Kitching.
They really do not like it up ’em.
How will the SFL party find a way to give labor a free pass on this?
Another one shot dead. Word is the intruder was aboriginal.
Also those nurses at the other place that were escorted out to a plane by by police, one of them tells how she was locked in her room terrified while someone was trying to get in through the door with an axe and she didn’t know if her boyfriend would get there in time from Tennant Creek.
So I wonder how they will press gang a quota of observably blackish (HOW F’N RACIST IS THAT?) community jurors onto the next trial, or any trial? Those that do show up will likely be gone the next day, especially if it is an aboriginal in the dock.
Understanding the payback process basically means that no-one will willingly go onto a jury and vote against the tribe. Justice has nothing to do with it. Fear of reprisal or getting even (both ways are payback) has everything to do with it.
And the reason there are so few houses built up North years after the cyclone? Because Government (Bess was the minister at the time) insisted there had to be 51% aboriginal ownership of businesses for NT Government contracts and then that has morphed into aboriginals actually doing the building on community. So that is the reason so few houses have been completed, but of course it is always the government’ s fault, the white man’ s fault. If they actually wanted houses for people they should have had commercial contractors in and they would have been done ages ago. But no, it is the governments fault (and it is, really for such misguided ideals of utopian bespoke builders learning a skill set of house building that will keep them employed)
One guy who was contracting on a community up north (I will not name him) spent all mornings rounding up his aboriginal trainee employees before he could start work. It got so bad they would turn and run away from him the moment they saw him. He had to report their hours of work every week and KPIs had to be met or penalties.
Rubbish strewn on the ground is white man’ s rubbish, because white man made it, even though black fella’s left it there.
I am fed up with this song line.
I’ d better go dig in the garden.
Yea Lol
Yes he does, at least what Putin hasn’t smashed up , Mr Hutu.
Soros! It’s a bird, no it’s a plane. It’s Soros.
The Hutu thing appears to have really hurt, hey? As I said , it’s now Struth, Faultyverse, Driller and Hutustix.
And nobody’s rushing to back up your claim they are ImPrIsOnEd, either.
Instead of proving your ambit, you have repeatedly called me names, slandered my character and doubled down instead. As if attempting to drowning your challenged claim in a sea of abuse to discredit and personally attack me somehow validates it…
Mother Load:
I wonder just how hard it would be to spring them out of gaol?
Are Kelly’s Hero’s still around?
(Just kidding Mr G Man!)
Hands up which states didn’t spend six months of our lives under the most vicious house arrest outside of North Korea and the last two years as oppressed peasants?
Do you really believe the stand up comedian with a hand up his arse, is Putins enemy, JC.
Who do you think Putin is fighting?
Go and have a smoke first, (without your missus finding out) have a hard think, and see what you come up with.
I don’t expect you to come up with anything, I realise you like things less complicated, justa the bada guy anda da gooda guy…….
You left out the other bit where I explain why, you loon.
JC, it’s fair to call some Putin fanboys.
But it’s unfair to call anyone who questions the Zelensky chaps motives a Putin fanboy.
A cute conflation and an admission you are pissed off nobody is rushing off to jump on your ThE JaBz KiLlEd HeR LiEk ThEy DiD EvErYoNe ElZe! JuZt LiEk I SeD AlL AlOnG!Reeeee!!! bandwagon, Kenworth King.
Of course I don’t. It’s all hoax as they play bridge together as a team every Friday night.
The bear. As I said, the bear hunter is fighting the bear.
Struth, are you still married to your sister?
Just asking.
Is there any white froth coming out of your mouth?
The emotion dribble that’s unreadable when you get owned is priceless but may be very confusing for others that give a shit what you say.
Rex, I once had a job (in private enterprise, for the notice of certain eejits) in a wholesaling outfit where our office was next to the loading dock.
What is it with truck drivers and not turning off their engines? They would back in, and then leave the truck turned on while they went for a cup of tea while it was unloaded. Meanwhile, the office was choked with fumes.
Obviously not paying for their own fuel.
With the older guys, I suspect that it is simply a habit from the days when you had to ‘warm up’ your vehicle, any vehicle, on cold mornings and sometimes every time.
Some patrons have trailers, but none even as heavy as a caravan. The load-carrying excuse does not wash.
I ask because I have a window open to the carpark and sometimes awake to diesel fumes, courtesy of those whose ‘warm ups’ can take 10-15 minutes.
Thanks, all for increasing my general resentment. 🙂 Why, I might get cancer or something!
Meh. When I add up all the carcinogens and risk factors, I should have been dead 30 years ago.
However – I’ll start a new comment on this.
Hyperbole doesn’t help your cause.
It proves you’re as dishonest as the governments you’re raging about.
Nobody starved and nobody was murdered for flouting curfew by the Queensland or any other State or Federal Government.
“If whitefella wants us to live in whitefella type houses, then it’s up to whitefella to look after those houses.”
Okay, but explain to me what are Z’s motives because as I see it, the leader of a country that was attacked by a dirtbag. But hey, he hates drag queens so he must be orright then. (That last bit is not directed at you, but Putin Fanboys.)
Normal Victorians I want you to know that Victoria is in the state it’s in because a fairly large chunk of the “non-left” politically interested types down there are extremely aggressive midwits and are a large part of the reason that the left run riot through your state in a way not seen outside of China. Forget “the left”, you and I both see how these bozos knobble (and attempted to knobble last years) burgeoning effective counter-movement with their baffling endless henpecking, effeminate ganging up, and stockholm syndrome.
You’re going to have to figure out a way to sideline them if you ever want to get out of that one party tyranny situation down there.
RDA, etc seem to have the way.
I wonder just how hard it would be to spring them out of gaol?
Are Kelly’s Hero’s still around?
(Just kidding Mr G Man!)
Apparently adding “in minecraft” is the accepted way to make outlandish and violent threats on a public forum without tipping off the alphabet agencies.
An exception at the link.
“In soviet Russia minecraft blow up you”.