He’s doing a lousy job of it.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
Second ball! 0!
Aaaaaahahahahahaaa! We’re on here, Lysander!
Please please please. It’s ex-Captain McSookyCheat now.
Should the martyr be called Himmelstoss from this point forward?
“The fastest and most effective way to protect vulnerable citizens from the impacts of global economic instability is to provide a direct payment through the IRS, similar to the three stimulus checks that were sent to families during the height of the pandemic.”
It must be Monday. I never could understand Mondays.
And top o’ the page as well.
From Net Zero Watch:
Multiple articles from the energy front.
I wasn’t even going to tune in!!! 😛
This is great!
and I don’t care what you ‘genuinely’ want
you’ve been a persistent (self admitted) liar and confabulator for months
I’ve watched you and a couple of others put words in other people’s mouths and then carry on for days mindlessly repeating your own constructs as if it wasn’t yourself that first said it
with your antics sancho, no commentary can ever be offered in good faith.
anyway, I fully expect you take this reply and turn it into some sort of re-imagined gibberish as well.
because that’s the sort of infantile crap that you do.
pretty much all you do as far as I can tell
It is just your nature I suppose
you used to be quite funny but it’s become something else now
It didn’t “set me off”. You can’t debate with the Driller as he’s dishonest to the nth degree and makes appalling assertions.
He was also wrong. Speedbox later explained the situation and he was very good.
Are you?
No I didn’t, you’re lying
I’m not pathetic , you are. Hugely so.
Low levels of SARS-CoV-2 viremia associated with ‘COVID placentitis’ and stillbirths
Liberal Party preferences went to the Greens, hence they have doubled their numbers in the S.A. Legislative Council. Vote Liberal and get a Greenie, there’s not much difference between them anyway.
This stuff is just getting stuck in the weeds. Anyone involved in conventional offensives will suffer losses and logistical issues. What is obvious from the French MoD map and others maps of the strategic situation is that the RUS are pressing on all fronts, particular in the south. Those axes of advance threaten massive encirclements of the UKR forces in the south of anything from a third to a half of UKR armed forces. None of them have been blunted by UKR counterattacks over the weekend. It looks whatever was launched in Nikolaev seems to have done nothing as RUS were just shifting the weight of their forces to advancing on Kryvyi Rih with Dnipro as the objective. If Dnipro is captured, the door has been shut in the south.
Mariupol is done. The land bridge between Crimea and Donbass is already open. UKR can’t launch any offensives out of Mariupol. UKR Command has already said there will be no relieving force attempting to break through and resupply those besieged.
Did official figures overestimate Britain’s Covid death toll? The chaotic way mortalities were recorded during the pandemic could mean thousands were WRONGLY blamed on the virus
The rumoured annual salaries of The Project’s presenters have been revealed.
The Australian reported on Monday that Waleed Aly had inked a ‘seven-figure’ deal with Channel 10 that will see him continue to host the current affairs show four nights a week ‘until the mid-2020s’.
It was previously reported he had been earning an estimated $900,000 a year.
However, Aly’s co-hosts Lisa Wilkinson and Carrie Bickmore are said to be earning almost twice as much.
Wilkinson, 62, out-earning Aly is surprising given she primarily hosts The Sunday Project and makes comparatively fewer appearances on the weekday edition.
However, she likely commands a bigger salary due to her longer career in the media that gives her greater bargaining power in pay negotiations.
In November, The Daily Telegraph claimed Wilkinson was pocketing an enormous $1.7million per year while Bickmore was believed to be on $1.5million.
It comes after Bickmore announced last Tuesday she was taking an extended break from The Project to spend a school term in the UK with her partner Chris Walker and their three children.
‘In April I’m going to be taking a few months off The Project desk. Chris and I and the kids are heading off on a family adventure together,’ she said.
‘We’ve been wanting to do it for a while, but for lots of reasons, the timing hasn’t been right, but we figure it’s never going to be the perfect time to go.
‘It’s something we really want to do before my son starts his final years at school so we’re doing term two in the UK. So I will be off for a couple of months.’
Last year, OzTAM ratings revealed Channel 10’s flagship current affairs program had lost almost a third of its audience since 2011.
The show saw its metro ratings plummet to an all-time low of just 367,000 last year.
That’s a 30 per cent decline from its five-city audience of 538,000 a decade earlier.
How’s the Good Humour and Bonhomie this afternoon?
How Biden Lost Saudi Arabia: WSJ
Oh yes.
Two years of haranguing everyone about what they were and weren’t doing. Then, come the Big Day of National Protest, where was he?
Posted it very late at night hoping no-one would notice but it was picked up by more than one:-
“Can’t make it. I’m in SA.”
So everyone* is held to St Ruth’s high standards, and there is no wriggle room for personal circumstances.
“I got the jab because I have severe asthma”… Traitor!
“I need to visit my dying relative in the UK”… Treason!
“I can’t go to the Melbourne protest. Busy on the farm”… Cocksmoker!
But when it comes to the protest in Canberra, suddenly there is some discretion in the immutable laws of St Ruth (but only for St Ruth).
So, to recap, what has he actually done over two whole years:-
.1 Went to the cenotaph on Anzac Day 2020 and played that tune on his bugle for a week afterwards;
.2 There is no “2”. That’s all folks.
* Everyone else.
Why is there a mental health epidemic among teenage girls?
Um. Because they have been taught it’s cool to be neurotic?
God only knows, and frankly over these spoiled princesses who think the world revolves themselves.
Right Matrix.
So you don’t want to articulate your opposition to something you have been dropping hints about for a week as being the next big imposition on freedoms (or that’s what I can gather from the disjointed stuff posted).
If it was such a big deal it shouldn’t be much of an effort to post your case.
If I have anything to say to JC, I’ll do it under my own handle.
Or via text msg directly, as I always have.
Just to be clear.
Not an invitation to further discussion.
Looks like it’s Good Humour, Bonhomie and Martyrdom.
Sounds like a typical Vegas show.
Australian private schoolgirls are identifying as ANIMALS – walking on all fours and cutting holes in their uniform for a ‘tail’ – sparking major concerns from parents
Students at private school caught walking on all fours as they identify as animals
Brisbane Girls Grammar School group call themselves ‘furries’ and act like cats
Students seen ‘preening’ themselves and licking back of hands imitating pets
Exterminatus Inquisitor?
Or just the regular
The joy and pleasure most of us find in a relaxing walk in a place we like, restoring a complicated piece of machinery, imbibing a draught of fine alcohol with a good meal or operating a vehicle up to and even beyond its very limits (Leaving the NSFW stuff safely to one’s imagination), Struth gets out of screaming at us, calling us collaborators/traitors/Nazis and pretending we’re all the folks with the problems…
Actually , I take it back, Bourne. You’re not who I thought you were initially.
I have a fair idea now because like on the old blog, you appear unable to use the quote function. I don’t recall your name but I will soon enough. Another queerslander with a selective mouthy attitude that usefully comes undone after a couple of jabs.
WEF’s Young Global Leaders program has the world’s most important leaders & tech CEOs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page of Google & the founder of Wikipedia. This was explained by Nick Corbishley, who is the author of Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom. #KlausSchwab #TheGreatReset #WEF
Russell Brand
Where will this stop?
Brisbane Girls Grammar School group call themselves ‘furries’ and act like cats
Bunch of pussies? Might have been better to choose another animal to act like.
Suffer Not the Furry to Live, Brother-Captain.
Leave none alive.
Where were you?
Oh that’s right.
You never did anything except bitched at the people who did.
I think we can work that into the opening credits of Kenn Worth – Road Ranger.
Bonhomie! … [Low shot from the edge of the road of truck passing].
Good Cheer! … [Shot from overpass of truck passing underneath].
Martyrdom! … [Kenn jumping down from his rig to give a little urchin a Teddy Bear].
You won’t ever again text me Arky as you’re been blocked. I never want to hear from you .
Forgive me though. You’ve been so unethical with privacy issues that going under a new name isn’t much of a stretch.
And no, I changed my mind about who it is and it now doesn’t appear to be you.
I thought you said you were never coming back and invited me to do the same and now you’re back. Hilarious.
In Canberra actually.
I attended for a couple of hours on my way through.
Flouncing isn’t what it used to be.
its the name of the evil henchmen
Bonhomie! … Laughing as he tears the head off crying children’s teddy bears
Good Cheer! … Smirking at the ladies in his blue tie & budgie smugglers while eating an onion raw
Martyrdom! … The worlds least successful suicide bomber, every time he pulls his toggle it fails to go off.
I keep hearing this but why does RUS have to enter the cities? It will attempt to destroy the UKR in the field. The only reason you would enter a city is if the enemy retreats therein. How those cities fare without supplies of food, etc. is less certain.
I’m calling it flounce denial but it just doesn’t hit the right note. There’s gotta be something better.
And if since you wish us all to play that silly game, twostix,
Did You?
I’ve got an excuse as I was locked in Fortress McGowan for the last 2 years. What’s yours?
It was previously reported he had been earning an estimated $900,000 a year.
However, Aly’s co-hosts Lisa Wilkinson and Carrie Bickmore are said to be earning almost twice as much.
Fact check: FALSE.
They may be getting paid that much but they’re not earning it.
“The Saudis are rethinking their strategies according to their own interests, because they fear that they will not be able to rely on the United States, amid the Biden administration’s hostility, the terrifying withdrawal from Afghanistan, and reports that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had rejected Biden’s requests to pump more oil, and refused to receive a phone call from the US President.”
AK-47 and T-34 are legendary pieces of old RUS kit that were cheap, reliable, and easy to maintain. I have no idea if the modern kit is the same, but I wouldn’t bet against it.
Flounce Bounce.
Where were you?
Stats are apparently important to Quenthlanders. It’s a bit egg_roomba-ish, but okay.
Been to, and involved in four mandatory anti-vax protests. Did not go to any of the Canberra ones, because I had no desire for my points of view to be herded into any of the following protest hijacking themes:
Indig sovereignty
Sovereign citizenship
Lizard people
Elite peddler rings at the highest levels of government everywhere on the planet
Animal rights and veganism
To summarise, I didn’t mouth off off anonymously on blogs but did something.
Others did mouth off anonymously on blogs and did fuck all.
When the fields are conquered the combatants will move to the cities. They won’t even wait because it is far better to fight armour and artillery in a city than a field.
Three posts by you to me after my last one to you.
Just saying. Is it your full time job now ?
Now You’re Talking: Trump Offers a Proposal to Destroy the Deep State
Other POTUSs before Trump have tried and been assassinated for their troubles. Good essay; 5 minute read; or 2 hours if you’re pissed.
What is obvious from the French MoD map and others maps of the strategic situation is that the RUS are pressing on all fronts, particular in the south.
Usual preamble.
Putin is a monster etc.
If the French map is part way right (which we don’t know).
And if the Russians have any semblance of control of the territory (big if).
Considering the size of Ukraine, this needs to be put into historical perspective.
When was the last time this amount of territory was controlled like this in a 3 & a bit week period?
Non-desert of course.
It’s not even flouncing. Just pulling your jumper over your head for half an hour is now sufficient.
Clayton’s flounce- the flounce you do when you’re not doing a flounce
Because a place is never yours until your infantry have stood on it and then dug a hole in it.
As far as mass encirclements of the Ukranians go, these are great, right up until the point where the UKR battlegroups effect breakout. To win a kesselschlacht, you need not only to surround your enemy, but reinforce your encirclement so strongly that any breakout will falter and collapse, or get broken again into smaller and tighter cauldrons. A fat band of red on a map graphic gives no indication of the strength of the forces involved, merely the breadth of the axis of movement your troops have reported moving through.
If the supply situation is tight, and/or the reinforcement effort is limited and the enemy reacts quickly enough, they will smash clean through at a point of their choosing. And only truly overwhelming force will collapse their breakout corridor. The German experience in the Ukraine from late 1943 to 1945 is instructive.
Putin reads New Cat, obviously. If he accuses anyone of ‘Tartuffery’ in the coming days, take it as read.
There’s a language issue that needs to be taken into consideration, Dover.
The Russian vs. Western definition of ‘reliable’are significantly different. We see ‘reliable’ as being robust enough to keep going for the longest time between failures of major components. Preferably with minimal servicing.
Russian ‘reliability,’ on the other hand, refers to the ease.of
A small flounce is a frill.
I keep hearing this but why does RUS have to enter the cities?
Gas pipelines & hubs aren’t in the cities.
Neither are the nuclear power plants.
Sorry- Pressed ‘Submit’ prematurely.
Russian ‘reliability,’ on the other hand, refers to the ease.of repair when something inevitably does break down.
The T-34 was known to have many automotive issues until very late in the war. Mostly related to the conditions in which they were built, and engineering faults that were ‘tolerated.’ The sheer numbers of available vehicles offset these problems.
Great to see you back here, Arky. I hope everything is going to plan.
by my reckoning it’s been less than 24 hours
I mentioned it once and then Rex went on a confabulatory spazz chuck.
and then you got on board this morning and now here you are having a confabulatory spazz chuck yourself
you just make up childish gibber, dress it up with an air of plausibility, and then crap on incessantly about the lie just constructed.
Sorry, you’ve lost me there.
To expand a little.
Mrs Panzer and I booked to go to Jamala Wildlife Lodge in Canberra for three days around that time.
We went down to the protest for an hour or so to make up numbers between checking out of the Hyatt and checking in to the Zoo Lodge.
I didn’t post anything here because I knew it would just be met with lots of “not good enough”.
To be honest it was only incidental to our trip, so I am not claiming any martyrdom upticks.
A flounce renounce.
As in… “I hereby renounce the flounce and all its works”.
Always good to see.
You put that map of Ukraine over western Europe & you see how much land the Russians allegedly control.
It’s not small.
Which means seizing it is one thing.
Zero chance of it being held without support from the population.
So stop bringing my name up on this blog.
It’s that easy.
We’re not friends. Move on. I have.
There’s a world full of people out there. Find someone else to play with.
You’ll reply to this, you are genetically unable not to.
But I won’t reply to the reply, so whatever the stupid shit it is you drop next, make it comprehensive because that’s it.
Move ON.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses what Biden’s nuclear deal with a global sponsor of terror could mean on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’ #FoxNews #Levin
Field, what field? Ukrainians are using hit and run tactics which is very difficult to quell by a very unimpressive invasion force.
Dover, Russian tactics are shocking. Keep in mind the Americans held Afghanistan with 5000 personnel at the end and it all collapsed when they left. The Russian military is comparably as bad as the Italian military in ww2. A joke. But a joke with nuclear weapons.
Furniture Store monthly meeting:-
“OK. That brings us to the web traffic stats for March. Faulty, you’ve got the floor.
Huh? What? Oh, yes. Well, really not much to report up until the 20th, which I put down to continued Gates/Soros/Klaus denial of service attacks. Then a big spike of referrals from one site mid-afternoon on the 20th.
And after that, it was back to counting tumbleweeds again.”
And what about people who pounce on the flouncer when he renounces his flounce?
There’s a retard retired geriatric group of effeminate midwits here: Rex, Leigh low , etc. Which there has always been and the SNR wasn’t too bad but as they get older and their T drops off a cliff they spend more and more time dribbling here than doing anything else. And in a place like this realestate is a thing and a page can only contain so many comments and the good ones disappear three pages back before anyone reads them. So quantity, tactily organised by an effeminate clutch of domesticated henpecking hens, can indeed beat quality any time.
And boy do they go for quantity over quality.
We get it, Struth the QLD truck driver triggers your semi-retired shiny bum middle class inferiority complex and you can’t get over him being here in your cerebral safe place giving you wedgies.
I keep hearing this but why does RUS have to enter the cities?
Puts on Bomber HARRIS/Curtis LeMay hats….
Because once the cities are encircled and there are pics of kiddies being hungry the drumbeat will start for air supply by NATO for humanitarian reasons.
But to do so they will need to impose a no fly zone.
But they pinky swear it will only be food they drop.
Oh, and if one should stray out and get snotted by a Russkie missile they will invoke NATO and swing into action.
Then its 1980 again baby, 1980
Are you suggesting St Ruth should have broken his wordwalls down into bricks and posted them one at a time?
I have mentioned you once, Arky. That was today, so stop lying as I don’t keep mentioning your name. I’ll respond to anything you direct toward me. So you move on and try to keep your word. Flounce off permanently like you said you would. It’s not as though you’re greatly missed and the blog actually managed to survive without you. Imagine that .. a miracle!
Also, if you do decide to un-flounce and continue expounding verbal diarrhea I will respond. You don’t control who can and will comment. A good example would be we make nafink. You clown.
That’s it.
A flouncer renouncer.
from that link..
When did these things become a mental health problem?
Sorry kids, that’s teenage life. Part of growing up is conquering those fears and learning to ignore what other people think about you.
But if you’re surrounded a city is just a tomb.
Good luck with that. If this was on the cards I would have thought they would have used it in Mariupol.
If NATO [read America] was able to impose a No Fly Zone, they woulda.
What’s stopping them?
Well, it ain’t ethical Considerations, that’s for sure.
NATO is hopelessly outgunned.
All really good.
Now You’re Talking: Trump Offers a Proposal to Destroy the Deep State
I strongly recommend reading this. Some background on the the US ‘spoils’ system and the need to remove obstructive Civil Servants.
What colour is a flounce?
The world is on the cusp of seeing the greatest televised* human tragedy in history.
*televised (broadcast, streamed, tiktok’d, tweeted).
I don’t have the stomach for it.
That’s how it has always been. The USSR did not surrender Leningrad when it surrounded for over 2 years, people were starving death, cannibalism was present, and the only supply route was across a frozen lake. When you’re fighting for your country every inch is yours until taken. Putin wanted a quick war so that there wasn’t enough time to bring in weapons and sanctions. He and Zelensky know that the longer the war continues the less favourable it is for Russia. It is in Ukraine’s and many other countries’ interest to keep the war going. It runs Russia down and creates more opportunities for international support. They don’t have to break out. They just have to hold the cities for as long as possible.
The UKR are not winning anywhere.
This is the Western hubris I was taking about earlier. The cruise missile strike outside of Lviv last week was instructive on a number of points. One of them was the reaction of foreign mercenaries from Western armed forces that got a taste of peer weaponry. None of those fellas would have worried about missile strikes while in barracks several hundred kms from the front. No wonder several of those that survived decided to get the hell out of Dodge; they probably thought this was going to be another fight in which they enjoy superiority in arms and armour only to find that was not the case.
The rest is fluff.
Correct, those programs by Andy Lee are a crime against human intelligence.
Moley and Local Oaf earlier on Kate Stroud from Lismore.
Not sure if anyone else has googled her name. But below is from her website:-
Stroud the Facilitator: Designing experiences that move and connect people leaving them with a lasting impression fuelling the soul, bringing people together to celebrate creative endeavours has been the foundation on which this aspect of her career has been established. Co-founding Dusty Attic Music Lounge which pioneers the contemporary Lismore live music landscape, she holds a degree in contemporary music from Southern Cross University (studying vocals and sound engineering).
Stroud has also held co-ordinating roles with Mullum Music Festival, Bello Winter Music, Falls Festival (2017/18 Programming), SCU Fusion Festival and is a co-founder of the Reel Abrupt Film Festival. Recipient of the 2019 Music Now funding through Create NSW to facilitate a live music programme, Stroud’s newest collaboration is with Lismore’s own NORPA leading into an exciting 2020.
A recipient of government funds complaining about ScoMo. A typical Northern rivers grants bludger surviving on government largess.
Me neither and me too, Lysander, but the prospect of Pat Cummins’ social justice scum getting slaughtered is irresistible. Go Pakis — kick their arses into Afghanistan!
There will be no supply corridor for any of the large southern cities that don’t capitulate like Kherson and others. Leningrad was always a strategic anchor point for the RUS which is why they always kept its supply roads open, even at enormous cost. You are not going to have the same incentives operating in UKR.
Why does a breakout have to be the defenders of a city?
And why specifically Mariupol?
Had you not said there were all these mass encirclements of UKR forces in the field?
19 March 2022 by Larry Johnson 10 Comments
What the MainScreamMedia won’t tell you:
[Larry Johnson’s Blog]
So, all the people who put you back into your rhetorical box with ease, then?
Why did you miss JC?
The bloke must be an idiot because gyms have had cameras for years.
Man jailed for 19 months for ‘accident’ in Darwin gym
Gee Ed-Mong I dont know…
If NATO [read America] was able to impose a No Fly Zone, they woulda.
What’s stopping them?
Haha, let me guess what will happen. In absence of any bags people will be forced to carry their purchases in shopping trolleys. So the hills will be alive with the sound of rusting Woolies trollies.
Woolworths to stop selling 15 cent plastic shopping bags in WA ahead of statewide ban coming into effect in July
Silly people. GWGB.
Raised by Wolves wrapped up series 2 last night.
I will not be watching series 3.
You could have said the Eggsact same thing about the Taliban too.
Okay, but a flexible force won’t be sleeping in a known barrack any longer. And it also works in the reverse too. The Russians require armor to attack and the armor is very vulnerable to having the shit kicked out of it by a missile.
Foreign mercenaries aren’t the rump of the defense.
Really, darling?
So, was this post of yours meant to be a serious commentary?
Because the sarcastic, deliberately cryptic way you wrote it made it sound like you were Nuffing or being a troll.
Crispin Berka said exactly the same thing to you, but you ignored him.
I’m watching the final season of The Walking Dead.
It died in series 8-9, but in true zombie fashion it keeps on going.
Series 11 has been the biggest pile of shit but I feel like I need to watch it to its final death.
Ed Casesays:
March 21, 2022 at 5:27 pm
But to do so they will need to impose a no fly zone.
If NATO [read America] was able to impose a No Fly Zone, they woulda.
What’s stopping them?
The possibility of World War 3, fought with lots of nuclear weapons?
The incentive is the same. Defend the homeland. A modern city has huge food reserves and many more hiding places. If the Ukrainians truly believe they have nothing to gain by continuing the fight they’d be surrendering now. They may have nothing to gain but that’s irrelevant. It is what they perceive that is relevant and on present indications they perceive that continuing to fight is in Ukraine’s interest.
If responding to you in the same manner and language you use on others is spazz chucking, Matrix, perhaps you need to review the way in which you relate to people…
Nice one Rex. I miss out on a provocation and you have to highlight it. Thanks
How does it go in the Godfather..
Thanks Winston — Boris Johnson wants to take back control of energy – ooooh I wonder if Carrie will let him wear the big boy pants again – I hope Carrie didn’t have them taken in.
Defend the homeland.
Can you compare a Ukrainian in 2022 to a Russian from 80 years ago?
Maybe I’m just being too skeptical of everything.
I refuse to go all in on any narrative at this time.
Why would you let your forces in Mariupol get annihilated? The only strategic value of Mariupol is that its the port city for Donetsk oblast, but having allowed RUS forces to capture Berdyansk with its port intact makes Mariupol less significant.
Explain Bern. What do you think is going on?
Kick their arses down a small hill?
I think their perception is being overwhelmed by the media, but when the situation worsens reality will begin to sink in.
You have the problem that sancho has, Rex.
you’re very busy trying to fit people up with foetid constructions from your own head.
pretty much makes engaging with you honestly a complete waste of time.
Yet you keep trying.
In single words and half sentences.
The question remains that you refuse to answer: What is your beef with the DIN?
All you keep giving the Cat in reply is Nuff, and then condescension when your cryptic little messages are not understood.
If you want people to not be SuBsUmEd By TeH NaRrAtIvE, you need to present a compelling counter-case.
And yet all we get is Yooz are not werff my tiem, bitches!
Legitimate question Rex.
I was wondering what the connection was between an ASIC administrative requirement for company director’s ID and:-
Look, you can throw a trillion dollars at it, but in the final count, if the population isn’t totally “domesticated” you can’t win in an invasion.
Iraq was a peripheral victory at best. The Saddam forces were annihilated but opposition counter forces sprang up from the ruins.
Afghanistan is a great recent example.
Vietnam is obviously another example.
Sure, these wars weren’t next door like Russia and Ukraine so it could be much easier to control. However, the Americans threw the kitchen sink at these wars and got nowhere.
To call a win to the Russians is a huge call unless they go absolutely Nazi and start a 10 for 1 scheme of arrangement where 1 Russian killed will mean 10 randomly chosen Ukrainians for execution.
Russia doesn’t have the resources for a sustained invasion.
Why not? After all if a bloke can pretend to be a shiela and vv, and they can have it legally recognised, why not be legally recognised as no longer human ( with all that entails)
JC, take Australia.
Would you compare an Australian today with one from 1943?
An Australian from that era would protect Australia from invasion.
Today, how many would?
Same thing with Ukraine.
Apart from the small groups on either the Western or Russian teat, there’s 40million wondering why they are one of, if not the poorest country in Europe.
Squirrels are so rare these days they probably need to be classified as endangered.
The House of Representatives approved new legislation on Friday that would ban discrimination based on hair texture and style. It now heads to the Senate floor for consideration. (20 Mar)
The Democrats are worried about who is allowed to wear dreadlocks. Nothing else matters.
We need a Bill of Rights.
But NOT one written by the current establishment.
LDP, PHON and UAP should make this into a nice PR project.
Draft an Australian Bill of Rights that doesn’t suck ass and which isn’t subject to “reasonableness”.
Mate, he went out with salmon pink Stubbies and lemon Bonds penguin shirts.
Because the fight might be utterly lost and untenable there, but not elsewhere? And your defenders selling their lives as dearly as possible might well divert and bleed resources that would otherwise carry the day elsewhere?
Just because Ukraine is allegedly full of Nazis, does not mean that they all think like Adolf did when the tide turned against him and he lost all touch with reality.
Brutal pragmatism is in play as well as zeal and fervour. On both sides.
When did they go out of fashion?
And why wasn’t I told?
Fair call, Bern.
Sure. But these days wars don’t appear to be all out wars, so you don’t need the same numbers like in those days. My hunch is that if Australia was invaded we’d be surprised how young fellas would want to put up a fight. Perhaps not in the same numbers as in the old days, but then you wouldn’t need large numbers as I think wars these days are more machine oriented.
I dunno about Ukraine. You can hate your own government for being a bunch of shitbags, but having a bunch of kunts jumping over the border who begin destroying shit is an entirely different pot of borscht. I think.. that’s all.
A definite contender for the new Road Ranger.
Made an unfounded assertion, defended it by calling people names for 10 minutes, then realised the heretics and traitors might actually have had a point when they called him out, retracted and rearranged said assertion, and now claims the heretics and liars are heretics and liars, and contemptibly misrepresenting his Struth.
That’s Day One down, Matrix. You just need to maintain the rage until Wednesday…
From what I’ve read from international (academic and military) strategists, No Fly Zones create more chance of escalation as there more chance of mishaps and the like. Some also argue that anti-aircraft missiles would need to sit in Poland and other surrounding countries (not just Ukraine) which then become a target for Russia as they are, by defacto, a participant in the war (particularly if needing to enforce a No Fly Zone).
I’m relying more on human behavior and history. In times of desperation rationality can be in short supply. Ukrainians obviously believe there are good reasons to keep fighting. History is replete with peoples’ choosing to keep fighting when it was all over bar the slaughter of the remnants. That is what human beings do. Their cities might be demolished but they will continue fighting because if they surrender they might find themselves in prison camps for years or worse. Given all the talk about Nazis how many Ukrainians will fear being labeled as such? That would be a rational fear. Why would anyone trust Putin to treat POWs well? Labeled Nazis would probably undergo summary execution(or already are).
Rationally, to prevent further loss of life and destruction, Ukraine should have surrendered within a fortnight. This is a defining battle in Ukraine’s history. This is about the myth making that defines a nation so I’m not expecting rationality by either side to be in full swing.
Since absolutely for evah (some) teenage girls have had mental health problems. Am I pretty enough… Oh, no! Look at that zit! My ringlets have dropped! My bum is too big. (2022: my bum is too small!) Everyone hates me. I’M GONNA KILL MYSELF!
They make movies about it. Way, way back Jane Austen wrote about it. In general, teenage girls are self-absorbed drama queens. I speak with authority: I’ve been there, done that. If I met my teenaged self today I’d give a her good clip behind the ears and tell her to grow up.
And thankfully, they do grow up (usually).
Ukrainian presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy is campaigning as an outsider who will clean up politics, but he’s backed by one of the country’s richest men. (With reporting by AP, AFP, and Reuters)
what hidden gems are in that legislation I wonder.
One of my associates understanding is that DIN is to allow Australia “to meet its international obligations”. That’s why it’s needs to be a very long number.
If you think about it, there hasn’t been any sensational cock up in Australia that would precipitate the need for DIN, so that means it almost certainly wasn’t cooked up by the local Mongs.
Of course as soon as you hear “international obligations” it’s a pretty clear sign that we’re going to get fucked by it at some point in time.
If planes of aid start flying into Ukraine, it’s nuts.
Too many things to go wrong.
Needs to be trucked in.
Like Gotham city under Bane.
You mean we could put them in sacks and drown them?
If you’re saying that, what you’re suggesting isn’t that RUS is losing the war, its winning it. Rather, you’re saying it will lose the peace.
People overegg the vulnerability of MBTs to A-T missiles. Of course, they work in the appropriate circumstances, but if MBTs was obsolete why would armies still invest in them?
How do you think conscripts will cope with modern warfare compared to foreign mercenaries/ volunteers?
Can anyone imagine the Saudi crown prince refusing Trump’s call?
Did the Saudis really refuse a call from resident Corn pop?
Dont they know hes a bad dude in the hood.
Hey cats, that poor fellow protecting his family at 4.00 am in the morning at Cutta Cutta Caves has now been charged and remanded in custody..
I guess Gunner wants a scalp, any scalp.
He has been remanded until March 31 and hearings moved to Darwin, so not even bail
Here is a sigh gofuckme fundraiser to help with legal bills.
Give if you can. Don’t give a tip. They don’t deserve it after their woke shenanigans with Truckers and Bettina.
As Gray Connolly describes them, they’re a garrison state, so odds-on they do have the resources.
Heh. Not only that, they refused to pump more oil.
The most ineffectual POTUS since Carter.
Do you have a published source for that?
Not doubting it, per se, but from my brief reading of it, the main reason was domestic. That is, to weed out serial offenders walking away from a bunch of debt and setting up next Monday under a different ABN.
Focussed more on SMEs than large corporates.
Good on them!
Kids have been encouraged to believe that they’re wildly special, different, supremely important, homosexual, transvestite, a dozen other genders on whim. The world revolves around them ond only them.
Let them be pussycats. Or maybe they just identify that way to get out of homework.
Whatever. They’re exploiting the depraved system and so I say again, good on them.
Putin has very expensive tastes in wrist watches:
Blancpain Léman Aqua Lung Grande Date. $35,000
Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar. $85,000
F.P. Journe Chronomètre Bleu. $60,000/.
My reasons* for preferring to not hire females aged below 25 include, but are not limited to, the above.
(* based upon hard, expensive experience)
I expect Poot would have a problem with quartz.
I’m in.
But how long before they pull an Izzy Folau on this?
Raising funds for a “legal defence” is (or was last time I read them) prohibited by Gofuckme’s terms of service, & was the excuse used to shut out fundraising for both Israel Folau & Kyle Rittenhouse.
Why get stuck in Mariupol? If this was a miscalculation on their part, and RUS forces caught them unawares, then fine; but geez, what a freaking mistake if it was. Imagine holding out in Mariupol but allowing Kherson fall so cheaply.
A modern city has huge food reserves
Not if post 2011 flood Toowoomba is anything to go by. Took less than 48 hours to empty the supermarkets. No more after that.
That Patek, though.
Draft an Australian Bill of Rights that doesn’t suck ass and which isn’t subject to “reasonableness”
Dover, rickw, how about we have a dedicated thread on this with people able to make suggestions and we have a poll on each proposed part after say a week? Then give the result to LDP/PHON/UAP.
So does the Patriarch of Moscow.
He was photographed wearing a US$30 000 Breguet.
His people photoshopped it out and he denied owning it. Only problem was the image of the watch appeared reflected in the highly polished table he was sitting at and they didn’t edit that out.
Welcome to warfare, Dover.
It has this tendency to surprise everyone.
The only war that ever goes the way someone wants it to, is a novel or movie script writer’s…
that poor fellow protecting his family at 4.00 am in the morning at Cutta Cutta Caves has now been charged and remanded in custody..
What’s the feeling about him in Katherine, Helen?
He had two small kids and the wife in the house, didn’t he?
Re Helen’s link to the cutta cutta fundraiser:
Average donation = $350
This one’s serious.
“The most ineffectual POTUS since Carter.”
He’s worse than Carter. Carter, for all his faults, wasn’t a venal, corrupt and senile old creep who likes to sniff little girl’s hair. This is how far the America has fallen. And just remember, Carter had some decent men in his party in the late 1970s…such as Daniel Patrick Moynihan and others. There’s no one of that calibre remaining in the Demonrat Party in 2022. It’s a shell filled with hard-left progressives determined to destroy America.
C.L., you’re a connoisseur of wrist watches, which do you like the most. The second for mine. Just beautiful, but I’d wear any of them in a pinch.
The Left’s Quest to Remove Whiteness & Undermine Our Culture
Everyone has been surprised at how this is unfolding. I thought Ukraine would hoist up the white flag. I thought the Russian ground forces were so vastly superior the progress would be rapid and complete. I expected the Russian air force alone to be capable of doing all the initial invasion work. I thought many wrong thoughts.
and clothes
The suits and other clothes you see him in are reputed to be Kiton and Brioni. I read once that Kiton sent their master tailor to the Kremlin, and Putin must have been having a great day , shouted his close buddies a Kiton suit each. A bespoke suit by Kiton costs :-
I read about a decade ago in Forbes that a suit made by their master tailor was US$75,000. I think it would be the same with Brioni.
These two brands essentially live off rich Russians. according to American business journals.
Hey, he can afford it, because with he’s made wise investments over the past 20 years by salary sacrificing and sticking the money in great stocks. 🙂 He’s worth US$200 billion plus.
I’m not usually into blingy things, Dover, but that Patek is a thing of beauty.
Hahaha. So much for hysterical wymmnsys. Tom Brown, who was sacked on Friday by Fox Footy for outing a colleague as a lesbian in an old social media post, is now reporting live for the Seven Network as its “chief football reporter”.
Hey, rug munchers, no-one gives a shit if you’re a homosexual so shut the fuck up and just do your job (which you’re probably no good as because you got the job only because you’re a protected species).
No, but I thought it was unnecessary to go to character.
Carter spent his retirement building affordable housing for the poor, among others things.
And when I say building I don’t mean just funding it; he was on site with hammer and nails.
Please, everyone – it’s time to leave Jimmy Carter alone. He was naive in politics but the man was Mensa-intelligent and incorruptible. Biden is the worst ‘President’ in American history, totally corrupt, a pathological liar and flat-out dumb.
“Let Them Eat Cake” Economic Takes All Around from the Pompous Legacy Media
Wearing a Casio.
I am charming to people I like. Not so much to used hamburgers like you, USSR.
Whenever this malevolent scumbag is caught out she accuses people of lying even when it makes zero sense. I’m still waiting for the evidence of the Thing’s assertion the SA election was more corrupt than the US’s in 2020. Still waiting and I’ve been called a liar because I’ve been asking for evidence.
Who started this? You causally avoided mentioning the Thing’s malevolence? No big surprise though.
OK…I’m not sure about the Casio.
Yeah, he does that sort of thing, apparently.
He gave the Blancpain pictured above to a factory worker in 2009.
The bloke was understandably chuffed.
MatrixTransform says:
March 21, 2022 at 4:28 pm
and I don’t care what you ‘genuinely’ want
you’ve been a persistent (self admitted) liar and confabulator for months
I’ve watched you and a couple of others put words in other people’s mouths and then carry on for days mindlessly repeating your own constructs as if it wasn’t yourself that first said it
with your antics sancho, no commentary can ever be offered in good faith.
anyway, I fully expect you take this reply and turn it into some sort of re-imagined gibberish as well.
because that’s the sort of infantile crap that you do.
pretty much all you do as far as I can tell
It is just your nature I suppose
you used to be quite funny but it’s become something else now
The Cat was supposed to die.
The Cat used to dig through shit to find truth.
Too many skeletons in the litter box.
“Please, everyone – it’s time to leave Jimmy Carter alone. He was naive in politics but the man was Mensa-intelligent and incorruptible. Biden is the worst ‘President’ in American history, totally corrupt, a pathological liar and flat-out dumb.”
I agree C.L. Carter was naive and well intentioned.
Just maybe, NATO doesn’t want a no-fly zone because if they can’t enforce it, it will be embarrassing and embolden the Chinese.
They haven’t been up against current generation top class Russian weapons yet. I doubt the Russians are using the top stuff yet, the Khinzal excepted. I’d say the precision missile strikes are pretty convincing. This is what all out war looks like in an era of precision weapons. Having seen Western weapons in GW 1 and GW 2 the Russians appear to have done their homework.
It’s personal taste, but I think the face is just too busy. You really can’t go past the pink-gold Calatrava.
That is a gorgeous watch. I’m sure Putin has one, because he could afford it on his $140, 000 salary.
Twirling flounce.
Big sweeping movements, diaphanous laced fabrics magnificently swirling as if in water, and after, when all has stilled and the skirts and veils have settled in a gentle drapery, the flounced is standing precisely where they were before.
Perhaps a show of hands in here.
Those of Mensa level, or better yet, actual members of what seems to be a wanker-filled bunch of dickheads, put up your hand.
So long as they don’t require cat trays in the classroom. Pretty smelly.
School accused of installing litter boxes for students who identify as cats hits back after parents’ outrage (22 Jan)
Carroll schools try to dispel ‘damaging’ rumors about students identifying as cats (11 Feb)
Sky View principal says there’s no truth to rumor of litter boxes for student said to identify as a cat (10 Mar)
All these denials! C’mon principal types, get with the program. No more excuses, just install the litter box next to the 57 different gender toilets.
I agree C.L. Carter was naive and well intentioned.
Most devastating thing you can say about anyone: ” he meant well”.
What’s Happening on the Ground In Ukraine w/ Gonzalo Lira
Mar 20, 2022
The Convo Couch
Gonzalo Lira joins The Convo Couch from Ukraine to discuss what’s being going on with the Russia-Ukraine situation.
Imagine a rug muncher doing post match for the AFLW. You’d never get them out of the showers. Should help DVD sales though.
A director ID is a 15-digit identifier given to a director (or someone who intends to become a director) who has verified their identity with us.
A director ID:
starts with 036, which is the 3-digit country code for Australia under International Standard ISO 3166
Sancho, 20 seconds of googling. If there’s an ISO standard for it you can bet your balls it’s an international obligation.
After 2 years of shit, abused under laws that you would never imagined used in the way they were, and unprotected by laws that should have offered protection. The starting assumption for any new law is that at best it’s a fucking mess, at worst…..
The point, which we should not lose track of, is;
Carter was wrong, & misguided. vs;
Biden is engaged in deliberate malfeasance.
It possible I guess.
Let’s say Putin has salary sacrificed US$10,000 a year for 20 years. I cut a few corners but in order to attain US$200 billion over that period Putin would be earning ~312% compounded annually over the period.
He’s better than Buffet or any hedge fund manager. Wow!
Most shit laws have 1 degree of separation from the EU.
Lode! The Mata Hari! Very mysterious and exotic.
“Little Egypt” might be a bit too down market.
Carter’s big problem was those hostages. It was a terrible time.
Congratulations to the “Woman” of the Year!
Nothing says “decadent culture” better than people seriously discussing whether to put litter boxes in schools for students who identify as cats. Even the Byzantines didn’t get to this abject level.
Carter actually began deregulation of the US economy. He deregulated the airline industry. His terrible first choice or choices ( I forget) for the Fed chair destroyed him.
I tell you guy what. Trump’s choice for Fed chair would rank close to Carter’s worst choice. Jerome Powell is a shocker.
March 21, 2022 at 7:15 pm
Carter’s big problem was those hostages. It was a terrible time.”
Yep. I remember it well. The hostages taken and then the failed rescue attempt….disastrous for Carter.
that poor fellow protecting his family at 4.00 am in the morning at Cutta Cutta Caves has now been charged and remanded in custody..
What’s the feeling about him in Katherine, Helen?
He had two small kids and the wife in the house, didn’t he?
Justice Australian Style.
Remember what they did to the bloke in Albury who did a citizens arrest with an unloaded .22 after waking up to Pedo attempting to break into his childrens bedroom? Albury police station should have been burned to the ground in a just world, with a few of the leading cops inside.
He’s a thief who made a fortune ripping off the Russian people – specifically his fellow St. Petersburgers.
When he became president the lady who had proven this went into internal exile and silence as a condition of keeping her life.
Carter’s big problem was those hostages. It was a terrible time.
It was a very near run thing to, if he’d played a bit harder the mullah’s would have been toast. The USA had been good to Iran and most locals knew it.
GOP Senator Speaks Out Against Rand Paul Amendment That Would Eliminate Dr. Fauci’s Job
Recalling, they used to say that he would get up in the finer details and always lose sight of the big picture. That rescue was fucked up because he was micro-managing it from the situation room in the White House. He was a disaster.
This was a president who actually spent time figuring out the schedule for the White House tennis court/ when the White House staff could use it. I kid you not that I read this.
Boambee John:
According to Suvorov in his book “Inside the Red Army” the USSR believed it would need to escalate very quickly to full scale nuclear war instead of the series of steps that Western politicians envisaged.
He likened the American view as similar to two cowboys fighting in a bar – first expletives are exchanged then pushing, then fists and then chairs being thrown. Eventually someone pulls a gun and shoots. He reasoned that if you were going to end up shooting, why not shoot immediately?
I’m sure that Russia hasn’t stopped thinking that way. The first NATO aircraft to move into Russian airspace or shoot down a Russian plane will trigger an all out offensive by them.
It bears keeping in mind the opponent may just have a hair trigger response to any NATO incursion – as Putin has been warning for years.
Carter spent his retirement building affordable housing for the poor, among others things.
And when I say building I don’t mean just funding it; he was on site with hammer and nails.
Let’s hope Scumo doesn’t take to welding together homeless shelters.
I joined when I was 17 to see what it was like and dropped out shortly after. Some of them were OK, you could argue with them. They tended to be educated in a bookish way, but some got caught up in language games that bored me.
What’s the IQ level for Mensa. Is it 135 or 145. I’ve seen both.
Fact Check:
Did Jimmy Carter Stop a Nuclear Reactor From Destroying Ottawa?
Answer: Yes.
Now imagine Biden doing that.
Tom, have you got your Toms mixed up?
Tom Morris was stood down by Focks Sport for being a dick.
Tom Brown has worked for Seven for a while. He is a pudgy little nobody but his daddy is President at Collingwood and bestie of Eddie.
I have no sympathy for Morris. He claims posting leaked stuff from clubs is fair game. Maybe it is. But don’t sook when people leak stuff about you from a private chat forum.
Very topical here, actually.
Doc Beaugan:
You do realise, DB, that is not an invalid proposition.
They changed it some time. It was supposed to be the top 1% and they discovered they’d got their numbers wrong and were letting in too many ppl.
Rather funny.
Yes, there were a certain number of intellectual snobs; quite a few were simply lonely. They wanted to be able to talk about the things that interested them and don’t interest the majority at all. Being the only one in your neighbourhood who enjoys thinking and discussing things other than sport can be distressing.
1940’s California, digitally remastered. Looks like the peak to me!
What would be a hoot is if the Saudis told President Corn Pop to deal with the Iranians or he’d cut back oil by 50%.
Could you imagine?
His first fortune, I should have said.
Around US$100m in the early ’90s.
I had a trader who claimed he had an IQ of 155. I believed him because he was actually lightening smart and was an incredibly good trader. He wasn’t a great trader but amazingly consistent. He once had a month and half run of making money every day, which is truly incredible. And when he lost money it was a small amount.
I liked him, but he was also a complete fucking arsehole and very difficult to manage about the crappiest things. Jealousy was his biggest curse. He was a solid trader, but wasn’t spectacular and couldn’t stand a couple of other traders getting the limelight.
Just last week another American trader pal told me he had turned into a whistle-blower and earned several million dollars by ratting on a desk he wasn’t part of as revenge because he believed the bank diddled him on part of his bonus. The desk in question was accused of gouging customers.
I mean just resign and complain to the management that if they don’t change their ways re. gouging you will inform the FBI. And don’t take the money
Delta A:
I don’t understand how they are exploiting the system. Can you mansplain it for me please?
(Short words, only primary colours, no hints, no nuance. Just the facts, Ma’am.)
but if MBTs was obsolete why would armies still invest in them?
Why did armies maintain large forces of horsed cavalry after WW I?
Bolta just waking up to the fact that trioli and the other abc kunts are actively campaigning against scomo:
Trioli at 56 second mark
80th anniversary tomorrow….
The Katherine Raid
On 22 March 1942, Katherine aerodrome, 310 kilometres inland from Darwin was attacked by nine Bettys of Takao Ku.
Led by Lieutenant Yoshinobu Kusuhata the Bettys were armed with 90 x 60kg bombs. The aircraft departed Koepang at 0810 and set a south-easterly course that would take them to their target, Katherine, a small town but nevertheless one of the bigger population concentration centres of the Territory.
The Japanese aircraft were plotted by the operators at 31 Radio Direction Finding (RDF – later Radar) Station at Dripstone Caves north of Darwin, which had only become operational that day. “The first set went on the air in Feb, but could not be said to be 100 per cent until the following month”, one report stated. It was finally calibrated by Dr J Piddington of the Radio Physics Laboratory and declared serviceable on 21 March.
The report continued, “The set was erected on the Saturday night and picked up plots of Jap aircraft the following morning – one 108 miles distant and another 105 miles away.” One of the operators, John Scott recalled that the “…first enemy aircraft were located at a distance of 80 miles…the crew on watch were Bill Wellstead, mechanic, Fred Findlay and Kevin Wass, operators, with Fred Findlay being on the cathode ray tube…”
During that morning the Darwin area was being kept busy with the attack from the three Zero fighters and a reconnaissance aircraft. This may have been a reason for the Betty raid not getting the attention it should have.
At the target area Lieutenant Colonel Ralph C Glover of the recently arrived US 808th Engineer Battalion reported:
At approximately 1330 [hours] the sound of planes flying at high altitude over Katherine could be heard. Their engines made a particular high pitched noise. They were finally spotted. There were nine silver colored planes flying in perfect V formation at an altitude of approximately 20,000 feet…[and] flew in a straight line westward until they disappeared…In about 15 or 20 minutes they could be heard approaching again at about the same altitude and flew eastward on the same bearing until they again disappeared from view.
Indeed, after overflying Katherine from the northeast the formation again turned and headed back and in 15 or 20 minutes they reappeared. They circled three times – something never done in later times when there was possible opposition, and one pass over target was the rule. On one of the passes the aircraft were seen to release a balloon, which would have been used to calculate the prevailing winds and their effect on the ordnance descent. At 1227 the Bettys released their bombs over the aerodrome at 20,000 feet.
Most of the bombs landed on the aerodrome, though one also landed near the Gallon Licence Store leaving a crater and shrapnel damage. An Aboriginal man, 42-year old Dodger Kajalwal, was sheltering behind a rock near the old Licence Store where he was hit and killed by shrapnel.
Turning for home as they released their bombs the Bettys were unhindered during their return trip and landed back at Koepang at 1620.
Local man, Noel Hall, was also injured when one of his fingers was severed by shrapnel while another Aboriginal man, Hector, was also injured by shrapnel. Both were treated at 121 Australian General Hospital. Some days later Dodger’s body “…was put in a bomb crater, not far from where he met his death, and was covered up…” reported Lieutenant Colonel Glover.
Following the raid, military personnel and a group of PMG linesmen who had also witnessed the raid, inspected the aerodrome and assessed the damage. They noted that: “On further examination…about 85 bomb craters of varying sizes were located. The holes were well scattered all over. If there had been any planes on the taxiway system, they would have undoubtedly been destroyed.”
From The Empire Strikes South (Avonmore Books)