I am amazed that a State Constitution isn’t similar to the Australian Constitution and can only amended by a ‘Yes’…
I am amazed that a State Constitution isn’t similar to the Australian Constitution and can only amended by a ‘Yes’…
JUST IN: Radical Mob STORMS Trump Tower—Arrests Are Being Madehttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/just-radical-mob-has-stormed-trump-tower-arrests/ Rep. MTG concluded her tweet with a popular acronym used…
Special outcomes in court for special people….makes a mockery of the legal system: Married At First Sight star Martha Kalifatidis…
JUST IN: Trump To Supercharge Mass Deportations By Invoking 18th-Century Law
Climate Change is a huge propaganda scheme based on manipulation of stats backed-up by dodgy funded academic research and orchestrated…
I was using nicknames well before Trump was even on the scene , your Thought Leadership. You complete buffoon.
Block quote again.
I give up.
Stupid ones, maybe.
All the remotely clever ones you steal off others.
So, how come you are still picking bananas* and he is cruising around in a car as big as a whale** trailing ciggy smoke and wearing patent leather loafers with diamante tassels?
* Not that there is anything wrong with that.
** According to m0nster, so you know …
For Gods sake, Eyrie, don’t give the idiots any funny ideas.
Approaching the church scene in Kingsman level by 9PM is my guess.
First time I did business in the US I got mightily ripped off for truck transport.
After than I delivered stuff to the depot myself.
The depot guys thought I was entertaining but I was not paying $1500 again to get a few pallets shipped 12 miles.
After the depot it was rail to LA and then the slow boat via China (I think).
Just fuck off biggles, tell me where my post is wrong, you know…like critique it you dumb fuck.
You haven’t bragged about your immense success in the financial industry for a day or so, have you found the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?
let me explain why.
I don’t respond to all choo choo’s insanity, but just lately, while trolling away, he sniff, sorry, sniff…..it’s hard for me to relay his sad story, bare with me….sniff……had to get jabbed or he’d be sacked.
Simultaneously he said there were thousands of jobs everywhere.
Especially in road transport.
Why do you think it was truckies and not railworkers in Canada.
Freedom and self reliance are strong in my breed.
Scoff as you will.
But these men will not be told by a fucking bureacrat to take a jab and get a green tick.
We have a keen sense of being nobody’s bitch.
Thousands of truck driving jobs are up for grabs.
There are thousands of us unjabbed fuckers and bloody proud of them I am.
Buy you see, the freight is brought to choo choo.
We go and get it.
From businesses who require enjabbination before we get through the gate.
And three if it’s a mine site.
I can’t destroy all his 24/7 lunacy and trolling.
The fucker does nothing, our little union comrade troll.
There appears to be some dispute here.
I think we need to vote on the best Cat nick-names.
Without wishing to influence anyone, I think St Ruth is a clear winner, followed by Kenn Worth – Road Ranger.
Timing is everything in this game.
Approaching the church scene in Kingsman level by 9PM is my guess.
Dover, could you arrange for some fresh sawdust on the floor, please?
I was expecting blow back but not so quickly:
You know when you’ve lost Panzy Smollett of the Slip lane of lies?
When you aren’t worth replying to.
Do you have a wife?
She must have caught you with your hand on it by now?
Or do you have a good hiding spot?
Or are you like the others who can’t get or keep a woman telling everyone else they are losers in life?
Well, funny you should ask.
I have indeed Ted.
Just updating my SMSF books.
The pot ‘o gold this year comes in the form of the fully franked dividend component of off-market share buy-backs.
CBA, Woollies and Westpac to name just three.
Anything else you’d like to know?
Cassie of Sydney:
Cassie, there will be problems – there always is.
We will solve them – as we always do.
(Except for the truck/train problem.)
If an infantryman stops for more than 10 minutes, he at least digs a shell scrape – an indentation in the ground that allows him to lie flat so shell splinters go over, not through.
Yes it’s what soldiers do – especially the ones who want to make it back home.
What inflation psi do you recommend again?
I thought that Harradine was a good Senator. Senators are supposed to represent their state’s interests, and Harradine certainly did that. Whenever a Prime Minister of any persuasion wanted something passed in the Senate, and he required Harradine’s vote, then Harradine would bargain for something which was in Tasmania’s interest.
This is what we need in the Senate, people who represent their state’s interests rather than another party hack who votes according to his/her party line.
We’re good at solving engineering problems but human behavior problems are still very much a work in progress. That’s another aspect of long distance space travel people don’t think about. How will people respond to the prospect of no hospital, locked away in a small vessel for months on end with only a few people?
Sure biggles, please share the gps coordinates for the holy grail, you know every fucking thing else.
As someone (willfully pricked) said here something like “Stop making victims out of yourselves, get on with the program!”
I’m afraid the gap between “clean” and “unclean” is unbridgeable now. This can only be changed by a massive economic depression, which could be around the corner, btw.
I hear that NSW (this last great hope we had) bans any protest from tomorrow(?), unless you are protesting in a state-sanctioned place, on a state-sanctioned topic, and you have a prior permission of the state. So much for democracy.
They make run flat dollies now you know.
How will people respond to the prospect of no hospital, locked away in a small vessel for months on end with only a few people?
About how they used to on one of the early transoceanic sailing ships.
Also Starship isn’t that small and the way I’ve seen the proposals several ships will travel in loose formation. Transfers should be possible and if they have a JC on board there is the option of out the airlock without a suit.
How will people respond to the prospect of no hospital, locked away in a small vessel for months on end with only a few people?
The interplanetary flights will carry only people who enjoy cruises.
Think B Ark.
Come on biggles….critique that post I made at 4.34.
No insults just say where I am wrong or a different analysis.
Come along you wet fuck.
All you can do is insult.
Dover should boot you and your gang to fuck, you ruin this place.
Compact, extremely advanced medical compartments will be in place for sure.All passengers/crew will be rigorously health screened to minimize any adverse situations. These trips won’t be for the average punter to begin with. And you will sign the obligatory waiver.
Bar Beach Swimmer.
I appreciate your comment.
It is this simple for me.
Now, remember, I think KD is a low fucker.
He was the first to shout and point at me as to being a grifter for wanting to disobey orders and go to our cenotaphs on ANZAC day, somethind I still firmly believe would have given them reason to think twice regarding their next move.
He really started rubbishing me and trying to classify me as a conspiracy theorist etc.
I hold nothing but contempt for him.
However he had good reason to get the jab.
I’ve never had a go at him about that.
(Maybe he would not of had to get the jab, if as a self proclaimed right wing type he supported disobedience early on, but that’s another story)
Up until Kneel dropped his sandwiches, I was praising him for his attitude.
And he’d had the jab.
He was fuming about getting the jab.
What I won’t fucking tolerate anymore, are the jabbed who start excusing themselves and then blaming the unjabbed for not being heroes like they apparently are by allowing a slave collar to be put around their necks without a fight.
Grown fucking men sniffing about it being a personal choice when it’s anything but.
You might expect that sort of irresponsible bullshit from a woman like Notaclue, but men have no excuse.
Every person that surrendered and took a jab hurt other people in doing so.
There should end the discussion and the reasoning.
They helped destroy their nation, destroy children’s lives and their fellow countrymen, and any man, any right wing man that denies it is fooling himself, leading to denialism.
But they’ll have a chance to change things now they know that submission didn’t work.
How many boosters are they going to have?
They problem is right wing men knew better.
I haven’t hurt a soul in all this.
I haven’t become anyone’s bitch.
And yet choo choo keeps making money while he’s fine with all other Wesern Australians being basically imprisoned and faces covered.
Fuck knows how you live with yourselves, because compliance let it happen.
Compliance let it happen.
Personal responsibility.
The women have got mouthy and had too much to say in recent times.
They’ve never had to worry about hard times because when they came, hard men came forward.
They’ve never defended or built any civilisation and therefore have had way too much to say.
But we as men should have, and I did, know when we should have stood firm.
The point being, now you’ve made the situation worse for others and there will be boosters and other things that you’ll “have to do” to keep your green tick and your social credit points….when are you going to stand up?
Dover, please define ’cause’. If a and b are events then if a is the cause of b, then I take it that a must precede b in time. This can’t be the sole condition or the assassination of Julius Caesar would be a cause of my having a shower. So what other conditions are required before we can say that a causes b? Would you, for example, require that b is never observed unless a has occurred? If so, then again, the assassination of Julius Caesar is a cause of my taking a shower. Are you happy with this usage?
As compared to the Judean Popular Peoples’ Front schtick you’ve got going on back at the Furniture Store?
Where between yourself, ‘pete,’ SRR and Bird I’ve been truly and properly elevated to the status of Satan (or at least Emmanuel Goldstein, or Leon Trotsky after Stalin took over rhe Soviet Union)?
How do you rate 10y/2y spread as a predictor of recessions? It’s done very well since 1980.
And children, please stop bickering. It’s tedious and makes me feel mature and wise, which I strongly dislike.
I see that Struth is not going to give it a break.
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Life’s too short.
Dover, can you please change my account name to Emmanuel Goldstein-Devilbastard, please?
My name is in the mouths of many angry, Nuffy people now, and I would like it to have some teeth…
Not warm and fuzzies? 🙁
You will call me by my name, tax-eater.
Emmanuel Goldstein-Devilbastard.
Or you will continue to clash your gears and jake-brake in the impotent frustration you share with your little Furniture Store ‘Friends.’
The Third.
Formerly of the Goldschtein-Teuffelhunden of Potsdam und Pomerania am Zee…
Don’t you fly a coup d’etat?
Like Bons is right now.
Makka , inversions are always problematic. It’s not just the yield curve, but the banks also took a hiding most likely in reaction to the inversion.
Look, it is a pointer to recession but it doesn’t have to be. I think the fed won’t allow tightening to run the place over a cliff.
Here’s my concern though. Commodities prices are causing price hikes. I do not believe that without corresponding wage compensation these price explosions are inflationary. In my mind it’s quite the opposite as it’s disinflationary. Eg. You need more money to fill up your tank and this takes away money from other spending.
I think the market is possibly predicting that the fed may tighten in similar circumstances to what occurred in the GFC and thereby cause another recession.
I don’t think the fed will though as I think they learned their lesson.
Snort, cackle.
And BBS. I enjoyed reading that.
You don’t want it to go down on you, do you?
Well you do.
But you don’t.
Ah, forget I said anything.
I’ve never had the warm and fuzzies. I’m a cold (liquid helium) hard bastard.
Item: on my walk this morning I met three old ladies walking their dogs. One of the dogs growled at me and had to be held back from attacking me. The old lady said ‘He won’t hurt you’. I said I wasn’t afraid because I was much bigger than her dog. Also much nastier. If I wanted to attack someone as her dog did, I wouldn’t growl and show my fangs. I’d be all friendly until I got up close, then, without warning, bite his balls off.
Dogs just aren’t a problem for me. I’m sometimes a problem for them.
Also the blast pressure wave. Destroys lungs and brains. In Iraq the USA developed an intriguing idea: use face shield to protect the brain from a pressure wave. The brain is something like jelly so any pressure wave can damage it. That’s why concussion can be so damaging.
Can’t remember where I heard this but I like it: the only glory in war is surviving.
In canine world, you sound like my excellent guard dog in Goroka. Black as night she would spy suspicious characters but silently wait until a would-be raskol put a foot over the fence.
I’m more of a cocker spaniel without the charm.
Come on biggles, critique my post, is there any truth in it or is there any argument against any of it?
Even your financial hero hasn’t made a comment.
You biggles are full of shit.
None of your tag team have come to dispute it.
As I have said many times biggles you are full of shit.
Critique that post or forever lose what little credibility you ever had.
The Beloved is more Saint Bernard.
Big, lumbering, will find you and dig you out of whatever mess you’ve got into.
And then offer you handy refreshments.
Well that shut everyone up. 🙂
Does Australia now do a pre-emptive invasion of the Solomons?
For Gods sake, Eyrie, don’t give the idiots any funny ideas.
Apparently The Mongs had plenty of advice from the US not to leave after having been invited, until they had supervised elections.
The Mongs having been their earlier assiduously cleaning up all the UXO and firearms also prevented Solomon Islanders from being able to sort out the problem themselves.
Australian Pure Mong Foreign Policy.
Rickw, don’t forget that scummo is a complete cunt.
The ebb and flow of markets and geopolitics alike across the years will sort it out, Dribbler.
Not Vlad Bae, nor his newly-minted entourage of internet Nuffies.
And not Sniffy Joe nor his handlers, either.
Nor the EU, nor the UN, nor the world’s oligarch classes. Not even mighty Elon Musk
Not even your hated… CENTRAL BANKERS!
Remember, China was supposed to be the ultimate and dominant power by now. And it has hitched itself to Russia’s resources because of the sheer stench it has made of itself to the rest of the world since 1997.
Russia has potentially foreit its primacy as a cheap energy seller for at least the next decade, and needs China’s desperate shortages itself to survive.
Smart cookies everywhere from Washington to Wallabah and Waziristan will be looking at the situation and planning accordingly.
Biggles I am still waiting for your rebuttal, or are you getting the groovy gang together?
Seems to me someone who this afternoon demanded ‘Biggles’ and others be booted* is quite the maestro of bonhomie and good cheer itself.
There we go ….one of the tag team turns up…pathetic toss pots.
Check your emails groovy gang.
I wouldn’t encourage handing out too many refreshments here calli.
Get the impression some have already had more than their fair share.
Choo choo man, let biggles reply you insignificant parrot.
Notafan, just fuck off you useless pos.
And if they know they are stopping in place for a few days they dig fighting pits, and then they start connecting them up and thus a trench is born.
I’m sober as a judge. Unfortunately. At least the kilos are disappearing.
Not for long, alas.
Poor Struth-sock.
Incompetent and impotently inchoate as OG Struth, and doubly so under this login…
Courier Mail has a hit piece on Russell Brand via The Sun. Starts off with
“Having seen his Hollywood career flop and TV work dry up, Russell Brand has seemingly reinvented himself as a YouTube conspiracy theorist”.
I must confess to listening to some of his podcasts and he goes out of his way to present the facts and let people make up their own minds. Conspiracies from 2 years ago are now facts.
MSM wish they had 5.3m followers operating out of home with few overheads.
Good luck to him.
Or he’s just a crank using this as an excuse.
I wonder why the spooks haven’t taken him away like his been saying for many years.
Useful tool for undermining the movement or just one many to insignificant not worthy of their time.
All Brand fans will be upticking like crazy, any minute now.
Accident banning trans conversions would have been an interesting kink.
uk conversion therapy banned not banned banned?
Let’s do it in person.
I see you missed my standing invitation again today.
What is it now?
Nine weeks in a row?
Thank you Calli, on behalf of all us dogs, er, I mean husbands.
The critique wasn’t too Ruff…
It’s a popular myth, but it’s not that simple.
Firstly, it only applies in some States. In others, it’s the same as here – a debt is a debt.
Secondly, if you do walk away legally, it is a huge black mark on your credit rating, which is not trivial if you ever want to get a loan of any size in the future. In other words, your chances of ever getting another home loan are vanishingly small. Unless, of course, some idiot politician introduces yet another boondoggle which enables it.
UAP and LDP on Credlin, hosted by Rowan Dean tonight, endorse Nuclear!!
They are both candidates for the seat of Wentworth.
2 words some form of that concept will likely appear under innthe very near future:
“Housing Equity.”
More short-sighted and unthought-out Equality of Outcome politics to satisfy rich ‘radicals.’
I’m pretty sure it was bad loans like that which provoked the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae collapses and the whole GFC business, correct?
The Solomons – Beijing goes Ka-Ching!
And/or us, other Solly elements, the NZers (maybe) and the USMC eventually get to re-enact the Battle of Guadalcanal in 2042…
Not content with the fragmentation of USA politics, education, energy and education, the left has now inserted a hand grenade up the fundamental orifice of entertainment legend Disney.
Indeed, indeed, I do repeat myself.
I’ll have what Lockheed Martin, NuScale and Kirk Sorenson are having.
Urk, that’d be a ghastly place to live right now. Electronic cacophony. Only after the last election has Hunter come into play, and recently the Nat has somehow gotten my email address. I’ve refrained from telling him what I think.
That was a reply to BBS at 4:26 pm
“UAP and LDP on Credlin, hosted by Rowan Dean tonight, endorse Nuclear!!
They are both candidates for the seat of Wentworth.”
As I live in Wentworth I’ll be voting LDP.
Dave Sharma can fuck right off.
“Urk, that’d be a ghastly place to live right now. “
Well no. Wentworth is a nice place to live right now, it just has too many ghastly hypocrites living here right now.
I wasn’t aware of Brand promoting “conspiracy theories”. What he does is present all the aspects of a story in an entertaining way, gives his opinion and asks his audience for theirs.
Compare and contrast with the shrieking partisan monobrowed Imperial Media, pushing one side of a story and one side only, then “interpreting” the story to push their pre-conceived narrative, and only accepting feedback from those who agree.
Hollywood career “tanked”? Laurence Fox could give a useful insight as to why.
TurtleHead is a good one.
Who’d he steal that offa?
Jc and Arky, Siamese Twins conjoined at the head.
Seperate obviously, but still sharing the same brain tumour.
55 posts directed at each other between them.
33 from Arky averaging 10.5 upticks each.
22 from JC averaging 2.5 ticks each.
Worthy winners both of the first ever Will Smith Bitchy Slap award.
preconceived s/b predetermined
I should read my rants more carefully.
Brand is a Flamer, so is PaulJosephWatson, there may be others …
Ben Shapiro, deffo on a watch list for signs of Flamin’.
Did you count them Iron Cove? 😀
On the upticks…be aware that there be dragons.
“Courier Mail has a hit piece on Russell Brand via The Sun.”
Designed to delegitimise and silence…….they tried similar back in January with Joe Rogan. It won’t work.
FMD. I’ve got RSI in my scrolling finger and run of Woodstock cans. I blame you lot.
April 1, 2022 at 8:31 am
Same in one side of my family as well. Grew up in Liverpool/Green Valley then similar areas around Campbelltown. Most turned out very successful to the point of a a few SME’s owners these days, despite humble beginnings. Also probably some of the down to earth people you will meet.
Albo’s academic CV looks nothing like any of my relatives that came out of disadvantage. In all fairness if his mum was instrumental on getting him scholarship to St Mary’s then all credence to her and him but if not who paid for the tuition at St Mary’s? Not a cheap school by the looks.
Would anyone who reads the Courier Mail even be aware of Russell Brand as a social/political commentator?
They may have directed a bit more traffic his way.
New header image for the Open Thread
Albo’s Daddy, who clearly isn’t an Italian steward.
Good luck to Grace Tame’s fiancee.
Lol, Davey. I was thinking something a little cuter.
They can be as queer as clockwork oranges and I don’t give a damn as long as they produce sensible arguments and provide evidence for their claims.
I find brand goes too slowly and dwells on the bleeding obvious. PJW is OK. Shapiro is a bit academic, but usually tolerable. As to whom they shag, I have zero interest.
Cassie – You must have a good ad blocker, a super secret email address, a silent phone, and a large rottweiler with a sign around his neck saying “I eat door-knocking politicians”.
Latest from the wacky world of islam:
Minneapolis allows Islamic call to prayer to be broadcast over loudspeakers three times a day
Nigeria: Muslims raid town, find it largely empty, tear down houses and set fire to 80-year-old man
Pakistan: Three female students slaughter their seminary teacher over alleged blasphemy
How conspiracy theories work.
Introduce some plausibility.
Others take it as gospel.
Such as uptick inflation.
For some real estate pron Teh Paywallian has a $50m house that has not been on the market since 1910 – 83 Fitzwilliam St Vaucluse. You could probably go powerwalking with Lizzie and Hairy!
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and an Imperial Media false narrative?
April 1, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Great comment Tom. Particularly this….
But all of the energy and fund-raising that powered that campaign didn’t suddenly go away after it succeeded. It is now being used to make the whole world “queer” by getting behind the transgender movement.
And this “queering”, which started with SSM, involves the deliberate sexualisation and grooming of children in order for adults to gain sexual access to them.
I believe that the progressive campaign for the normalisation of “minor attraction”, as they so quaintly describe it, is only a few years away……if that.
Just finished listening to an audio book by Andrew Roberts on Winston Churchill. Took a few weeks to find time to listen to all 50 hours of it.
Now as I read Cat blogs all the comments are coming through in my minds voices as the narrators Churchill like voice. Very odd but very funny.
I did like Churchill’s quote from his late 70s. ‘I get all the exercise I need by being a pallbearer for my friends who exercised their whole lives!’
He also enjoyed reading the obituaries of people he knew who were younger than He was and were either tea totalers and/or vegans.
Russell Brand…is he one of those TV chefs plugging a line of kitchenware?
Wrong question I think calli.
Its’s how you approaches them?.
With scepticism not just with them your own confirmation bias.
This is key. The Fed’s record (vs the yield curve) isn’t great by any means. And the current batch of wise men don’t instill confidence. Currently the gap to inversion is a minuscule .04 and with 6 for 6 accuracy since 1980 I’d be very surprised indeed if this Fed can beat history. I do agree though that commodities be going higher and if so bring on the recession eventually- we will be seeing much higher energy and metals prices.
Maximum 6-18 months for the latter to implode or expose itself.
The former is indeterminate, and like bad 1970s fashion, comes and goes in cycles. With periodic renamings to maintain brand freshness.
E.g. 50 years ago, the mass murdergenocidal and bodily-fluid enslaving New World Order was called the Club of Rome and headed up by Maurice Strong. Now it is called the World Economic Forum and is figureheaded by Klaus Schwab…
I’d be interested in knowing where you scored that one?
Russell Brand is in the remake of Death on the Nile, just released. He plays the part of the Doctor and does a reasonable job of it in a fairly forgettable remake. But I’m confused, was his career finished before that, or is it finished now?
Jordan Peterson’s podcasts are now almost entirely unlistenable – he interrupts his guests constantly to talk about himself, his experiences, some observation of his or factoid he knows, and it’s usually something he must have mentioned dozens, maybe hundreds of times before. And very frequently, it’s when one of his guests is in the middle of saying something interesting. It is so frustrating. Stfu and let your damn guest finish a sentence, Jordan.
That’s OK as far as it goes. But, I remember dealing with Harradine during the Telstra sale, and he milked hundreds of millions of dollars for Tasmania. Good stuff, you might say. But 20 odd years later, the money has seeped into the sand, and Tasmania is just as much of a mendicant State as it was then.
The Harradines of this world firmly believe that giving other people’s money to their pet projects will stimulate the local economy. No matter how many times that is proved to be false, they never stop believing it, especially if it coincides with their re-election prospects.
Playing the hero while holding the balance of power is much easier than fixing the structural problems which keep the place permanently broke.
Russel Brand is a brilliant actor. His early work as a guttersnipe intellefty was fun and accessible, but the second act, re-interpreting (or maybe simply re-citing) anti-globalist podcasts is a tour de faux.
I find brand goes too slowly and dwells on the bleeding obvious. PJW is OK. Shapiro is a bit academic, but usually tolerable. As to whom they shag, I have zero interest.
Zero interest, eh?
The issue isn’t “who they shag”[aka their victims],
but the fact that they’re talentless flamers.
Bespoke, so glad you’re here.
I’ve just made you some ultra-yummy Brussel Sprouts baked with bacon, garlic and swirled in a balsamic glaze.
No, no, don’t thank me. 🙂
So Lucy Turnbull put up a tweet (that she’s since retracted) comparing the floods and climate change to the Holocaust.
An utterly repugnant family.
Jordan Peterson, another Spook.
These people’s mission is to demoralise you, not to entertain you.
Deniers= SS.
I just thought Russell Brand played Russell Brand.
And Hollywood got bored with Russell Brand playing Russell Brand, in a way they haven’t yet tired of Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds…*
* Deadpool and Deadpool 2 were pretty good. Ryan Reynolds plays a better Ryan Reynolds than Russell Brand plays Russel Brand, I guess.
We are all spooks in the long run.
We are all spooks now.
ScoMo as Hitler?
Grigory obviously doesn’t like people making their beds as the first step to regaining control of themselves…
Prove I’m not Scott Morrison.
Basically, if you disbelieve me, you’re a discredited conspiracy theorist.
Jordan has not been the same since his life-threatening episode a couple of years ago. It was very very weird (probably due to the nutsy diet he was one) & he ended up in a comatose state in Russia (of all places) being treated for the condition.
I agree he is very “wound up , even more than usual. Even so, he still has much to offer – although I tend to read his offerings, and only watch interviews occasionally.
I am debating whether to purchase tickets for his tour of Oz later this year. I saw him when he toured years ago, and he was inspiring. This time I want to take my 19 year old grandson who is (typically) going through a difficult period of not knowing what direction in life to follow, having dropped out of a Commerce degree. He is not “scholastic”, but has a good “bullshit detector” & is just the sort of lad who responds to what Jordan says – IF you can get them to listen.
Well unlike Winston with his fear driven screeching.
That hit the targed, Delta.
Someone worthy of my declaration of war.
Not very lady like and considering your age to be throwing vegetable poo around.
John H:
I put in for one of the Antarctic jobs as an RN in the support role – coincidentally it was the year the lady doctor found a lump in her breast and removed it herself. Unfortunately I didn’t get the position, it would have been great.
Remote Health personnel are happy to do all kinds of stuff beyond the normal fringes of practice. Perhaps it takes a person of independent character to take on a space travel job, but even now at 70, I’d do it even if it was just doling out the radiation pills. The men on Shackletons voyages had no guarantee of hospitals or even survival, but they went anyway.
Yes, the enclosed environment would be a challenge. Personalities will grate on each other after just a small amount of time, but remember that we’ve been putting men (and Women!) in submarines for a very long time. Long term isolation shouldn’t be a problem especially given the sorts of personalities that would be picked.
The pioneering/explorer gene has not yet been extinguished.
Yeah calli, I did count them. But my mental arithmetic aint what is was so I’d only vouch for 95% accuracy.
As for the upticks, who knows? I wouldn’t put it passed JC to manipulate his numbers! (As Mr. Rock might say, “it was a joke!”).
Brand is a Flamer
In breaking news, Katie Perry outed as a tranny... by our chief tranny sniffer, Ed-Mong.
Ed-Mong has uncovered a whole nest of them..
Ed-Mong can sniff a tucked tockley from miles away!
Its gifted like that.
oops blockquote fail – sorry
He has come a long way from his crack head days and being married to Katie Perry. Don’t know what he was famous for the first time around.
Biggles, you back to growing balls again?
Your way of showing the blog how tough you are again?
What a total wanker.
Hi, Bundy.
and Ed
Don’t know how you do that Winston. I couldn’t handle the constant people contact let alone sick people contact.
For long distance space travel there are so many issues I think automation is a far better option than humans. Besides that we’re going to need some type of field to protect us from G forces during the acceleration phase. Even if we reach light speed that it is still 4 years to the closest star and multiples of that to the closest possibly habitable planet. I think before we get too carried away with the prospects we need a new kind of physics to address speed, G, and radiation issues. At present everything we know limits us to under light speed. If we don’t break that it won’t be worth the effort. The only other alternative would be an artificial planet, perhaps a powered asteroid made livable with humans basically accepting that as their lot in the life. Like The Space Beagle by A.E van Vogt.
Ed has never been the same since mother showed him Hedwig and the angry inch?
Hello Beyonce.
I think the Rantburg header would be appropriate for here:
Conversation about the most decorated Marine in history the other day.
Someone claimed David Hackworth with 10 Silver Stars, but here’s another claimant:
Puller is the most decorated Marine in American history. He was awarded 5 Navy Crosses and one Distinguished Service Cross. With 6 crosses, Puller is second behind Eddie Rickenbacker for citations of the nation’s second-highest military award for valor …
Biggles, once again you threaten me from a thousand miles?
You brag many times of your wealth, so as I have asked you many times fly to Brisbane & we can sort things out.. you won’t as you are a bottleless turd.
Don’t shout out on here, just do it, don’t let fear stop you.
It’s getting to the point where we need to start defending our kids ourselves because the authorities are refusing to do so.
I was never a fan of Peterson and now I feel sorry for him. He is broken. I watched him a few times recently and something is wrong. He hasn’t recovered, he tears up very easily, and he tries to cover too much territory. He did excellent research in his field and should return to that.
I agreed, nodded several times, sighed, and thought “It doesn’t need a rant from me to belabour the point young Eddystone has made.”
But I did give you 11 upticks!
Umm, Grogs, the discussion was about the most decorated United States soldier in history – David Hackworth never served in the Marine Corps…. weapons grade stupidity…
Sancho Panzer:
I give in.
I’ll play your silly bloody game, Why do some people on a blogue crave to meet others on the blogue, have personal contact and learn all about them, and others want to maintain strict distance an anonymity?
Personality types?
I’ll play:
It has ‘fiat’ written all over it, courtesy of the Poot’s current antics;
It’s not backed, or convertible into any of those commodities;
It’s not supported by an independent reserve bank – it could be marked to the Kwacha if the Poot saw some political benefit in doing so;
It’s based on a modest-sized, sluggish economy;
It’s certainly not backed by China. Emperor Xi is more likely to impose Yuan on Russia.
Yes, the trillions of debt is a problem.
Almost certainly.
More this week on BHP Coal haemorrhaging workers especially the skilled ones with experience. Most have had enough with diversity and the hiring of cleanskins it at an all time high.
Peabody have had a merger of Moorevale & Coppabella with regard to the site management. Be interesting to see which SSE got the gig for this one, I hear the one at Moorevale may have been responsible for the dumping overburden on some areas they would have loved to have mined when he was working at Coppabella. Also I know the QG has told them no way on moving the Peak Downs Hwy (again) so they can push across to the south west. Seems to be a cone of silence on the particulars of the death at Goon Nth too which is odd.
Also from those who have connections the predictions of the death of coal in Queensland are overstated. Apparently as usual Queensland Government is speaking on both sides of their mouth…
Two comments, then closed off…
Well said Winston, the idiot does it every other week or so & I should take no notice of the arsehole.
Stella Artois is the beer made on the other side of the planet to XXXX Bitter, and is used to grow hair on the heads of aging Grik tycoons so they can attract nubile young wyminses.
XXXX Bitter is the nectar of the Gods that is the just reward for being Winston.
I can rent you a couple of Gerbils at a good price – blow up valves are an extra.*
*Warranty void if inflated beyond 300psi.
Hackworth wasn’t the most decorated American Soldier in history either.
5 Navy Crosses and 1 Distinguished Service Cross outranks 10 Silver Stars.
‘Whatever is moved is moved by another’ is sufficient. As to the example above, the absurdity you want to illustrate in each itself depends upon the principle of causality otherwise we would have no reason to find ascribing the cause of your taking a shower far-fetched. So, obviously, no.
Here’s the ranking system for U.S. Military Medals:
Dr Faustus, the world’s economy is changing fast & I hope the western central banks get fucked over, it will hurt us all but a proper rebalance needs to occur.
Paper is after all only paper.
That was a reply to BBS at 4:26 pm
Bespoke, that may or may not be true; who’s to know.
But, like Struth, I’m worried that this is never going to end. And if it doesn’t, then that’s the end of all the freedoms that we have known.
this blog needs an ‘ignore’ button that will hide posters.
I only take Woodstock cans as tribute, Winston.
“But, like Struth, I’m worried that this is never going to end. And if it doesn’t, then that’s the end of all the freedoms that we have known.”
It isn’t going to end, the last two years was simply a dress rehearsal.
this blog needs an ‘ignore’ button that will hide posters.
Is that possible on this system?
A Downvote function is enough to identify the Trolls.
That’s what I’ve been afraid of, no, not the virus, but how easily the majority gave in to exchange their freedoms for an experimental toxin that is virtually useless, as we now know. The governments have seen how easy it is to control the population through fear in western countries and they will not give up that little morsel of poison.
I wonder what the governments, backed by their media, will ”mandate” the population to take in future – oh for their own health and for the good of all, of course.
Ek rol op die vloer en lag my moergat af.
The “Lets Go Brandon” has shown us the way forward.
All it takes is one person standing up in the crowd and shouting “Cheater!”
As a secondary problem, we need to investigate how a cult that comprises <0.01% of our society has managed to garner such a huge amount of political clout, because if they can do it, then what happens when the next lunatic cult comes along?
Ed Casesays:
April 1, 2022 at 8:26 pm
this blog needs an ‘ignore’ button that will hide posters.
Is that possible on this system?
A Downvote function is enough to identify the Trolls.
Be careful what you wish for.
If you believe that, then why are you advocating for the destruction of the Morrison Government?
I was just now looking up such things, since I’d earlier read in Long of a native PNG soldier of the Pacific Islands Regiment who was awarded a Bronze Star. The wiki though says it was a Legion of Merit, which was analogous to the Bronze Star before the latter was instituted in 1944. Either way a PNG guy in service of the Australian Army receiving a Bronze Star from the US Army would have quite a tale attached to it. I couldn’t find out anything about the guy or the circumstances though.
So am I, yet the internet is a big place and plenty of people to allied with without dealing with the baggage they carry, BBS.
Fun watching them spin in their own uselessness and empty virute-signalling. What happens when a man has no principles:
Boris goes full-circle on gay conversion ban: Chaos as PM u-turns on u-turn and WILL now proceed with move to outlaw controversial therapy after backlash when plans were ‘quietly dropped’
It doesn’t worry me.
You might get a bit of a reality check yourself, though.
Ed Casesays:
April 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm
. In all fairness if his mum was instrumental on getting him scholarship to St Mary’s then all credence to her and him but if not who paid for the tuition at St Mary’s?
Albo’s Daddy, who clearly isn’t an Italian steward.
Let me guess. The Italian steward was clearly a flamer, and probably also a spook?
Mencken made the same complaint nearly a century ago. Seems to be taking a long time for Fahrenheit 451 to become a reality.
Since when did any Australian unit. let alone Special Air Service regiment, kick out members for heavy drinking and lewd behaviour?
I’ve been trying to see if Woodpress had a plugin to do this to no avail since I started the blog. Locals platform allows muting and blocking. The search continues.
I’ve just made you some ultra-yummy Brussel Sprouts baked with bacon, garlic and swirled in a balsamic glaze
Delta, I love Brussel Sprouts done that way.
A couple of years ago we went out to dinner here and had a slow cooked lamb shoulder, which included 18 baked potatoes (this meal was for only two people!) and Brussel Sprouts done with walnuts and balsamic vinegar – magnificent!
bad guess.
No surprise, since you’re an idiot.
The Italian steward likely didn’t exist, since intelligence is inherited and Albanese is clearly a smart guy.
But, it’s the Labor Party, so Spooks and Flamers are never in short supply.
You’re doing God’s work, dover.
Dover, I am pretty chilled by online standards and I am pretty well much a ghost SM wise. I just scroll if I don’t think if it is worth reading after the first sentence. Like Bob mostly on Sinc’s iteration.
I wouldn’t get too bent round the axles about Kiwi blog type low ratings. Just my 2c worth for what it is worth anyway.
Dover please ban all who like Brussel Sprouts.
claire lehmann thread on home ownership for young Australians
Mmm…Brussels Sprouts!
Their earthy flavours complement the fattiness of lamb very nicely.
As an old usenet nut I advise that while it seems like a good idea to mute comments by certain people that can become very frustrating because the muted are quoted by others and hence the flow of discussion can be lost.
Dover I appreciate what you do, much kudos, but I suggest you don’t sweat this one too much.
Banning the poor sic Brussel Sprouts addicts would not only lift civility of the place but give them time to see help.
I don’t know who this young lady is but she appears to be making some good points, particularly re the connection between accessible home ownership and the aspiration to have children. The solution isn’t more government intervention, but less.
St Ruth – it matters not what I or anyone else thinks of you.
“A man is generally what he perceives himself to be.”
So man up and stop lashing out incoherently, interminably.
You could be so much better than that. Shouting into a void is fine, until the void shouts you down.
We are but pixels on a page. Stop wasting your energy. Channel it into something useful – for a change.
You may just be able to.
Read something yesterday by a Russian convinced that the US has made a blunder of unimaginable consequences in its confiscation of Russian assets. He argued that others have taken a lesson from this: that assets in USD everywhere are vulnerable and that this is so alarming that people and organisations the world over will take steps to secure their finances. No more reserve status for USD.
Dover, since each comment has a linkable timestamp, perhaps a straightforward way is to have a scroll button to it’s right that takes one to the next comment. So, to take the current latest comments as I type:
April 1, 2022 at 8:51 pm………….Scroll
takes one to:
April 1, 2022 at 8:58 pm
No idea about obtaining or self-coding such a feature. I’ve never been under the hood with WordPress.
Pace John, that would seem to aid continuity rather than work against it, the quoters acting as editors. My 2 cents. Off to re-read The Clash of Civilisations now.
It’s interesting, is it not?
Who were the AFrican tribes that decided to kill off their cattle to not anger the Gods?
What happened to them, again?
Look, I have no sympathy for the idiots who have refused to work this out.
I’ve just bought a 300l freezer and filled it with arfur cow, arfur pork, and arfur pig. I also ran the genset for for an hour to turn over the engine oil like I do every month.
Unless it’s an EMP issue, I’ll be able to help out neighbours etc.
And I’ve done it on a Pension.
Next up is a 30k/l rainwater tank.
There’s no excuse for not being at least a bit prepared.
Bespoke was used as an example, not to be made an example. 😉
Bespoke, ok, when we get to the gates of Mordor, for that looks like where we’re headed, I suppose there will be enough time to sit down and make our evaluations.
Yeah, of course not, Rog.
She’s just one of those exquisite brunettes*, but sooner or later, the magic will evaporate.
She’s also correct not all that often. But yeah, our tongues just happen to be hangin’ out for a reason – inexplicable as that might be … 😕
* Just ask conservative spokesdouche, Gray Connolly …
Sure thing Nelson.
And you’re not on my list.
Trust me.
She lost me when she said that for many people of her generation, housing affordability was likely to become the most important factor in both State and Federal elections. I moved out of Sydney,way back when, in the interests of affordable housing, and I never thought of going back.
Which mysteriously is unavailable in this country, continent sized as it is.
Now why might that be, Cats?
There is a one word answer:
Arky, I picked JC about a decade ago on the old Cat. He hasn’t changed – he can’t.
I’ve often thought that people, when given the right social environment, can defeat the reflexive “He doesn’t let me be the dominant in any relationship I have, so therefore he is an enemy and wrong.” but it hasn’t worked with JC. His insecurities are what drives him on, but will end up ruining him.
His problem.
Most people want to live in the city, with all the conveniences it brings.
Also, due to the ever increasing amount of government regulation, starting or investing in businesses is risky, so people invest in real estate as they can almost always find a renter.
Sancho Panzer:
Please can I go back to misspelling peoples names as in Faltyu Twoers?
It gave me endless pleasure and some were quite witty.
Bring it on, Sonny.
Now you bloody well tell me.