Open Thread – Tues 29 Mar 2022

Rasputitsa, Alexei Savrasov, 1894

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March 29, 2022 11:27 am

As the inheritors of the KGB, I doubt that they are that incompetent.

In which case responsibility would fall back on Putin alone, as Jack Barsky said.

March 29, 2022 11:33 am

After that I can get on a plane and piss off. Can’t wait.

If you make it.

And have in the back of your mind the constant nagging suspicion of when your turn to do a Kitchens will be, and that you submitted to the Russian Roullette offered as the only way to get out.

Even B o N and many of the smarter here tend to think that if you’ve survived the first year, few months, then you are safe.
With all that’s been written , I ask you, is there any mental issues in anyone who considers an untested concoction long term safe, because they made it through a few weeks or even a year?
Let’s be honest.
The vaxxed in GB are catching little sniffly colds they would have once taken a codral for, and it is landing them in hospital.

But go on, get your boosters.

We see last night…..think about this……JC calling the bedrock Christian media of the US, “RIGHT WING conspiracy sites”……….
Look, this whole time I’ve remained unjabbed, so I can clearly see the mental breakdown, as it gathers a pace, in the jabbed.
At least admit to yourselves that the crime committed against you (and me)….to all of us, is of such immense and historical….biblical….proportions, that in taking the jab, you might….just might….be letting certain emotions trample clear and logical thinking.

March 29, 2022 11:37 am

What is the limit of mocking your religion? If at all?


Mocking is probably not the right term, though, as it implies contempt.

However, the human side of religion can be a rich subject for satire that serves the purpose of offering a critique of certain trends or practices. The Babylon Bee pokes its stick at evangelical Christians just as much, if not more, than liberals. And anyone who’s read the Gospels will know that some gentle fun is had with the slowness of the disciples at putting two and two together.

March 29, 2022 11:37 am

Meh, the bitch-slap at the Oscars was an attempt to generate interest and ratings, a publicity stunt, IMO.

The Oscars have been spiralling down the ratings drain for years. Then, suddenly! there is this bit of confected drama. Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout it.

I’m not buying it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 29, 2022 11:39 am

As the inheritors of the KGB, I doubt that they are that incompetent.

They aren’t, but you can say the same thing about the CIA and FBI.
In a top-heavy government system the yes-man problem is really dangerous.
Eventually your alphabet agency fills up with yes-men since the realists don’t get promoted.

We see that the CIA and FBI are technically very competent. But they’re also totally beholden to the Democrats. Consequently they’re very competently doing a whole range of nutty stuff.

This is why Shoigu is Defense Minister not Serdyukov. The latter was competent and a free thinker who championed the move from conscription to a professional army. Shoigu is a classic insider who can play the game. He’s also from a small ethnic group far off in SE Russia and has a limited support base, therefore isn’t a threat. So he got the Defense Ministry as a loyal retainer of Putin. ‘Yes Mr Putin, you are so right, the Ukrainian people are our brothers, they won’t fight’.

March 29, 2022 11:41 am

Where are you going to go?

New York first to see my son, my ex and first grandchild (due September 10). After that, Jamaica in and around Dragon Bay/Ocho Rios maybe. Rome, maybe, for a spell. Northern Philippines perhaps, and I like elephants, so Sri Lanka is a possibility. Who knows?

Thing is, elderly parents are gone so I no longer have that responsibility, I have no romantic attachments nor want any, and I can work anywhere if connectivity is decentish.

But there’s more than that to my dour frame of mine. Living here and watching the country I care most about flush itself down an Argentine-style S-bend really hurts. To see the beautest place on the planet betrayed by the worst managerial and political classes you can imagine outside Third World long-drops, well it means either living with an impotent acceptance of culpable cowardice and grand idiocy on the part of so-called conservatives or enduring the reign of Penny Wong et al until Labor implodes and the fauxservatives return to pursue the same policies, but at a trot rather than the gallop.

Being overseas, however, provides some insulation. You’re at the zoo and laughing at the animals, not on the other side of the fence being mauled by them.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 11:41 am

This, from Indolent’s link above to the De Santis way to call out the ‘woke’ media. An excellent read.

The more partisan the big names in media like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and their ilk become, the more inaccurate it is to call them “mainstream.” Call them the corporate media, the propaganda press, legacy media, or use DeSantis’ nickname for them: “smear merchants.”

Yes, don’t let them get away with it. Call them out for who they are and their modus operandi every time and use wit when you point out some of their lunacies. For instance, he recognised the swimmer who came ‘second’ behind Lia-the-Bloke as Florida’s real winner and 500 metre women’s champion. And don’t fight your own and agree with or give credence to various corporate media attacks on others on the right; unite.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 11:42 am

For ’twas at least a few years ago on the old blog that I first told of curry munching crap holes being cut in sleeper cab floors

No, it was ‘cab floors’ and ‘shit while driving’. Anyway, you’d think by now – after the passage of those years – that with the apocalyptic rise of subcon drivers there should be mountains of evidence relating to cabin-cuttery and mobile defecation onto engine blocks, rather than a single anecdote. From Adelaide.

Incidentally, I happen to agree with the ‘new drivers’ and their lack of learnt skills over time being highly dangerous. Many people here have mentioned it, and it is entirely appropriate.

Not many people here have mentioned high-end reticulating saws going through cabin floors, and the transformation of cabins into mobile mini-Calcuttas.

I was at Kenworths in Adelaide speaking to the actually mechanics that had found the disgusting mess.

Accepting that this is true, for the sake of argument, this is a single instance. Let me know when there’s more than one of these stories to go with the exponential rise of non-Anglo drivers, who appear to be the only style of people who need to crap every four hours.

March 29, 2022 11:42 am

Meh, the bitch-slap at the Oscars was an attempt to generate interest and ratings, a publicity stunt, IMO.

100% my impression also…

March 29, 2022 11:45 am

Hope I’m wrong in thinking you are avoiding my point, Roger.

Struth’s escalation for attention and delusions of the being the defender of Christian faith is what I was getting at.

March 29, 2022 11:48 am

People were asked: what would you do if you were in the same position as the Ukrainians now? Some 53 per cent said they would leave the country, while 47 per cent said they would stay and fight. Most Coalition voters would stay and fight – 56 per cent to 44. Most Labor voters would flee, in an exact reverse of the figures: 56 per cent to 44. A much bigger majority of Greens voters, 61 per cent, would flee.

Stay and fight for scomo to be in charge, or swim to UnZud? Hmmm. Tough one.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 29, 2022 11:49 am

Struth – Please don’t try to read my mind. I said no such thing, please do not put words in my mouth that I’ve never said.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 11:50 am

I’m not buying it.

Rita Panahi last night on her own show (9.30 on Sky) anlysed it, saying that firstly she thought it was a fraud and made up publicity seeking, but then said she changed her mind after looking deeper into the past history of the two men and the woman concerned. She played the actual event twice on her show, and looking closely on the second time it was played I did notice a solid redness on the side of the presenter’s face, even under the dark skin. That was a forceful and very much meant slap. And one for which the perp had no wish whatsoever to apologise, although he apologised tearfully in self-pity to everyone else for the interruption.

March 29, 2022 11:51 am

Mariupol has been all but levelled by Russian artillery.
This is an easily confirmed, incontestable fact.
There is even Russian footage showing exactly that.
Yet on this site there are multiple brain damaged fucking dickheads who keep repeating the talking point that Russia never intended to take Kiev or other cities out of concern for the safety of residents and minimising damage.
Again, I don’t give a shit about the rights or wrongs of the thing. Or taking a side.
But for chrissakes stop repeating stupid shit obviously in conflict with reality anyone can see for themselves.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 11:54 am

bespoke, early doors:

Smith didn’t take offence and thought it funny until his wife gave him the stink eye

Absolutely correct.

Hey. HEY! Fresh Prince!

Git mah WIFE’s name, out yo FUCKIN’ mouth! Aiiiight?

Perhaps if Juicy Jada could stop putting other bloke’s cocks in her fuckin’ mouth, all of what transpired could have been avoided. Smith should have just walked up to Rock, given him their hotel room key and said ‘Text me when you’re done.’

March 29, 2022 11:56 am

Hope I’m wrong in thinking you are avoiding my point, Roger.

Er…I simply took it as a genuine question.

Extra context is best supplied since I don’t read everything on this blog.

March 29, 2022 11:56 am

Heart attack, at age 13.

Has it never happend before?

Hope I’m wrong in thinking you are avoiding my point, Roger.

Struth’s escalation for attention and delusions of the being the defender of Christian faith is what I was getting at.

Denialism is strong in this one.
Pray for him.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 11:56 am

“Look, this whole time I’ve remained unjabbed, so I can clearly see the mental breakdown, as it gathers a pace, in the jabbed.”

Struth, it isn’t often that I laugh out loud but that sentence did it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 29, 2022 11:56 am

Enough. Let’s see a real bitch slap:

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 11:57 am

Nobody tried to slap Ricky Gervais, and as an A-list awards compere he was far more brutal.

Just sayin’.

Will Smith. Soft cock. Literally.

March 29, 2022 11:58 am

I suspect that real reason that the Russians are reported to be going soft on de-nazification may be that they are just planning on killing all of them.

March 29, 2022 11:58 am

A Mithi Mithi and Wamba Wamba woman who is pwoud of her speech impediment.

March 29, 2022 11:59 am

So far ONE Cat knew somebody at school who had a heart attack at 14 years old. Anyone else?

March 29, 2022 12:00 pm

Thanks for the cheer-up, Struth

March 29, 2022 12:00 pm

Roger it was.

March 29, 2022 12:02 pm

March 29, 2022 at 11:41 am

Nice post areff.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 12:02 pm

Cassie at 7.56, apropos of Ms Goldberg’s latest whining about the British role in slavery but not the British being a mainstay in ending it:

I note Goldberg is yet to change her surname, a name she culturally appropriated back in the 1980s. She’s a hypocrite.

Caryn Elaine Johnson is her real name. You just knew she was a Caryn.

March 29, 2022 12:02 pm

Meh, the bitch-slap at the Oscars was an attempt to generate interest and ratings, a publicity stunt, IMO.

Personally, I don’t think Smith is that good an actor.

I don’t particularly want to delve any deeper than a report I saw this morning, but he’s a cuckold who has “anger mangement issues” as they say (and a very manipulative wife). Not the first time he’s slapped someone in public, either.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2022 12:04 pm

Via Zulu

A much bigger majority of Greens voters, 61 per cent, would flee.

So increasing the IQ and rationality of the population by a significant number?

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 12:06 pm

“But there’s more than that to my dour frame of mine. Living here and watching the country I care most about flush itself down an Argentine-style S-bend really hurts. To see the beautest place on the planet betrayed by the worst managerial and political classes you can imagine outside Third World long-drops, well it means either living with an impotent acceptance of culpable cowardice and grand idiocy on the part of so-called conservatives or enduring the reign of Penny Wong et al until Labor implodes and the fauxservatives return to pursue the same policies, but at a trot rather than the gallop.”

I wish I had your way with words areff.

A perfect obituary.

March 29, 2022 12:07 pm

Realy! I’m unjabed all I see is some wanker making it about himself and others hand patting the guy because he gets responses from those they don’t like.

March 29, 2022 12:07 pm

Biden walking back his weekend comments made the problem bigger.
In response to the Peter Doocy questioning he confirmed & then reiterated (as forcibility as his porridge brain will let him) that US troops are training Ukraine troops in Poland.

The problem being 40million Ukrainian civilians getting caught up in a proxy war.

March 29, 2022 12:08 pm

But there’s more than that to my dour frame of mine. Living here and watching the country I care most about flush itself down an Argentine-style S-bend really hurts. To see the beautest place on the planet betrayed by the worst managerial and political classes you can imagine outside Third World long-drops, well it means either living with an impotent acceptance of culpable cowardice and grand idiocy on the part of so-called conservatives or enduring the reign of Penny Wong et al until Labor implodes and the fauxservatives return to pursue the same policies, but at a trot rather than the gallop.

Defeatist crap.
Even in my most abrasive telling of the shit vortex I never advocated giving up on our nations.
Get a fucking grip.

March 29, 2022 12:11 pm

Realy! I’m unjabed all I see is some wanker making it about himself and others hand patting the guy because he gets responses from those they don’t like.

OK…no worries, bespoke.

I’m not getting into the other matter because it’s not worth a spike in my blood pressure!

March 29, 2022 12:11 pm

H B Bear says:
March 29, 2022 at 11:56 am

Enough. Let’s see a real bitch slap:

Oh, thank you, Bear. 🙂 Glenn Milne, in the condition I often saw him in at the Press Club after lunch, did what many people wanted to do to the super annoying Stephen Mayne.

Good times.

March 29, 2022 12:12 pm

I never advocated giving up

comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 29, 2022 12:13 pm

I suspect that real reason that the Russians are reported to be going soft on de-nazification may be that they are just planning on killing all of them.

Only the Ukrainian ones.

Russia Sends More Mercenaries To Fight In Ukraine’s East, Per U.S. And U.K. Officials (28 Mar)

Russia is expected to deploy more than 1,000 mercenaries of the Wagner group, including senior leaders of the private defense group, to eastern Ukraine, the U.K. Ministry of Defense said in an intelligence update Monday, echoing reports from unnamed U.S. and western officials who spoke to the New York Times in a story released Friday.

Russia has reprioritized the defense group — which is similar to defense contractors used by Western nations — by pulling personnel away from other assigned missions in Africa and Syria to focus on its war with Ukraine, according to the U.K. intelligence report.

Their boss has interesting tattoos, which I won’t bother linking again. And his guys like to do certain salutes. Maybe they and the Azovs will exterminate each other and do the world a favour.

March 29, 2022 12:14 pm

Good advise Roger. Ill do the same.

At least for today.

March 29, 2022 12:17 pm

areff says:
March 29, 2022 at 12:12 pm
I never advocated giving up

Then there is much work to do, isn’t there?
And the work is to extol the merits of traditional values.
Not the constant rehashing of every ridiculous incident caused by cultural Marxism. That hole of despair we have dropped into is tiresome and has taken us to the brink of thinking our very nations are not worth defending.

March 29, 2022 12:19 pm

Biden has to check his ego when talking to Doocy.
The real Biden comes out, the bully who will do & say anything that makes his porridge brain feel he’s won the verbal stoush, regardless of the ramifications.

March 29, 2022 12:19 pm

As the inheritors of the KGB, I doubt that they are that incompetent.

Unlike any other intel operation in the world.

March 29, 2022 12:22 pm

I never advocated giving up

My health wouldn’t cope with emigration, besides which the only place we have close family is California. Out of the frying pan…! Australia, particularly outside the cities, looks pretty good by comparison.

March 29, 2022 12:23 pm

areff’s rather jaundiced view of this country (see my comment above about the Middle East) is no doubt influenced by his being incarcerated in Danistan for the last couple of years, including what happened when his mother died. Just awful.

We are indeed the Lucky Country. We are not going to run out of food, our currency is pretty stable, and since our politicians will turn on a dime (being devoid of principles) any significant threat will be met by policy reversals as required.

March 29, 2022 12:25 pm

Unfortunately the governments can’t walk this back at all without committing seppuku. They dare not fess up. So all that’s now going to happen is they’ll stop talking about it and hope people will forget.

This is all I mean with you Bruce.
Let’s not say anymore about it and see if that little comment is not a mix of optimism and denialism.
We won’t have to wait long.

March 29, 2022 12:28 pm

So far ONE Cat knew somebody at school who had a heart attack at 14 years old. Anyone else?

What’s the prevalence of heart illness in children and what indicates there is excessive death in children and teenagers at the present time.

Go! We’ll wait

Stuth ,are you able to park the truck and answer the same question?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 12:31 pm

Anyway, Will Smith’s pissweak performance wasn’t a slap.

Wyatt Earp’s slaps on Johnny Tyler (Billy Bob Thornton) in Tombstone were much better, as was the associated commentary:

You just going to stand there and bleed?

I’m gettin’ tired of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work! I SAID THROWN DOWN, BOY!

Simpler times. Better times.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 12:32 pm

“What’s the prevalence of heart illness in children”

It does happen. It’s rare though. My elder sister died of a genetic heart illness when she was young. She, myself and my younger siblings all have a heart condition.

March 29, 2022 12:34 pm
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 29, 2022 12:34 pm

What’s the prevalence of heart illness in children …

Wrong question (for first up).
What’s the prevalence of undiagnosed, in infancy, heart illness in children (i.e. if they have it, it is usually diagnosed within the first year or two or kills them in the first year or two).

March 29, 2022 12:38 pm

Wasn’t it: “Skin that smoke wagon”

March 29, 2022 12:38 pm

From Tombstone, that is?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 12:41 pm

Wasn’t it: “Skin that smoke wagon”

Part of it, yep. Yep indeed.

March 29, 2022 12:41 pm

give it a rest.
Sleeper cab… you said cab!

It’s embarrassing.
It is happening and shit is everywhere it seems now towel heads and Pakis are driving shit box auto euro trucks everywhere.
Go across the Nullabor and see how many white drivers are left.
The linehaul has been taken over by big transport corps pushing the smaller guys like me out.
They then subbie to subcontinent companies doing it for nothing with virtual slave labour.
Whether you want to admit it or not, these people are dirty pigs.
Now, going across the nullabor with the sandal wearing threesomes in these trucks, and rain which means you can’t pull off the bitumen for long enough for a Indian slop food eating curry muncher with the squirts to run into the scrub (which the wouldn’t do anyway), they have been known, on that run, to cut a hole in the floor of the sleeper, so they can lift the mattress and crap throuigh the hole.
They also cook in the trucks.
They are dangerous drivers and they go from depot to depot so they don’t even know how to back.
They have ear pieces in constantly so they can’t hear tyres blowing on back trailers, or any other thing you need hearing for when driving a road train.

So, if you’ve led a sheltered life, you might scoff, but this is Australia 2022.
Deal with it.
The Australian government and police turn a blid eye.

March 29, 2022 12:46 pm

The ‘lucky country’ bit is about the place being derivative rather than it being the providentially elect.

March 29, 2022 12:47 pm

areff says:
March 29, 2022 at 12:12 pm
I never advocated giving up

Off to Montana?

Good choice.

March 29, 2022 12:49 pm

And whites are not as bad, but that is rapidly changing too.
Zero respect for women, how often have you now past a party of bogans on the side of the road hanging it all out and can’t even walk behind a bush.
We all know it isn’t just one race of people, but to deny some groups are more prone to filthy behaviour due to their culture, is leftism.

March 29, 2022 12:50 pm

Russia’s war in Ukraine has sent a shockwave through international food markets

Half of Africa’s wheat imports come from Ukraine and Russia, which is also a major fertilizer exporter. As for Ukraine, its exports have ground to a halt and its capacity to keep growing food this year is hanging by a thread. The crunch point will come in the fall, Beasley said, when the full impact of the war’s disruption is likely to be felt.

“If you think we’ve got hell on earth now, you just get ready,” Beasley warned. “If we neglect northern Africa, northern Africa’s coming to Europe. If we neglect the Middle East, [the] Middle East is coming to Europe.”

March 29, 2022 12:54 pm

Some more rich bastards and useful idiot chalkies kiddie fiddling about gerbil warming:

March 29, 2022 12:55 pm

My Nazi Pass won’t let me get into WA.

I must be the wrong kind of Nazi. The crippled kind.

On the injuries, I can barely use my left arm…will have to get it checked out. And the pain wakes me up at night. The enjabbenator may have clipped a nerve high in the deltoid. Thanks mandates. Thanks government.

Other than that, my “stay and fight” job is the same as it’s ever been – serve my community in whatever capacity I can, look after my parents, encourage my children to be the best, most productive people they can be, and to provide a loving environment for my grandchildren. And that goes for anyone else who walks through my front door.

March 29, 2022 12:56 pm

Child r@p3 gangs hotspot Rotherham is attempting to brand itself “the world’s first Children’s Capital of Culture”, attempting to distance itself from its reputation as the place where 1,400 girls were systematically groomed and r@p3d while officials failed to act.

This push to style Rotherham a “Children’s Capital of Culture” will grate with members of the public familiar with the Jay Report which found that largely men largely of South Asian, Pakistani Muslim heritage systematically r@p3d and groomed at least 1,400 young girls there between 1997 and 2013.

The author of the report, Professor Alexis Jay, said that “no-one knows the true scale of child s3xu@l exploitation in Rotherham over the years” and her “conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were s3xu@lly exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”

Jay uncovered horrors including “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r@p3s and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.”

“It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered,” she continued, suggesting “the authorities involved have a great deal to answer for”.

Jay found police “effectively suppressed” reports of the crimes, …

March 29, 2022 12:59 pm

Gabor:“Not pressing charges?
Blimey, I should think so, according to today’s standards he should be charged for something or other, violating something, rights or whatever, I think.”

I certainly hope you are expressing what you think others would demand, not what is right and proper.

Other than (illegal) calls for violence, opinion and speech should be free, regardless of bad taste, insensitivity etc etc. No-one has the right to NOT be offended by the speech of someone else. Suppression of speech in this way, whether by violence, legal means or self censorship is decidedly wrong in every way, and only forces such speech to be uttered where there is an echo chamber of agreement.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 12:59 pm

New York first to see my son, my ex and first grandchild (due September 10). After that, Jamaica in and around Dragon Bay/Ocho Rios maybe. Rome, maybe, for a spell. Northern Philippines perhaps, and I like elephants, so Sri Lanka is a possibility. Who knows?

Lots to do in New York in Spring if you leave in April, areff. We watched a great doco the other night on the extraordinary techniques of making of the Brooklyn Bridge, the access foundation to the 5 areas that then developed as New York. We always walk over it when we are there, although after that show we know it is walking on many graves, so many died building it, especially of ‘the bends’ due to the unusual way of digging the foundations down to bedrock.

See a show at Radio City, take drinks at The Plaza, and board the Staten Island ferry. All very good things to revisit. As well as drawn there by a grandchild – the completion of one part of life’s circle and I am so happy for you with that, areff, plus family and old friends, old haunts, old good times.
And the same goes for Rome, so much to see and do there, Rosie will have some good tips.

Sri Lanka has good elephants and not just in reserves; we still have a booking to revisit where I lived for a year there in a then-shithole called Matale, a two week already paid 2020 trip which we hope to finally take up sometime this year. And our upcoming Panama Cruise in now in October (the one that in March 2020 dumped us in Mexico) putting us luckily in the US for the mid-terms. On that cruise we will also go to the Carribean. Fond memories for us in particular of Jamaica’s Ochos Rios and Montego Bay.

You will have to take the medical insurance hit though with all of that travel, especially US.

I hope you will still be editing Quadrant Online.

We are also off to the UK in April, end of the month. This follows my sudden hankering to stand once more in an English meadow in Spring, as I did as a child. A sign of advancing years?? We booked when we were similarly feeling fed up with things in Australia too. Fortuitously, the less-than-hairy one is now looking forward to turning 70 back in the company of old Jesus College friends celebrating their recent big win in the Rustat case. This booking has since also dovetailed nicely into me meeting with the Church of England and its hierarchy re finding recently that my ancestral old church is under threat of closure. We are only staying away a month but could consider something longer next year, before doing your highly recommended tall ship cruise we’d already booked for August 2023. If our paths cross anywhere, we should meet up, as you and I did in Sydney at Doyles of fond memory. Guess we’ll hear from you on the Cat as you travel, I’ll bet you would take off the Catallaxy Travelogue Trophy prize of a trip to Lismore here in NSW. Rosie, Calli, Bruce of WA and I, and other entrants in past times, would not be in the Cat’s travelogue race once you entered it.

March 29, 2022 1:00 pm

Based on what the twitterati are saying, if someone said something bad about Melania in from of the Donald, he’d be quite entitled to smack them one.
Or am I missing something?

March 29, 2022 1:00 pm

Muzzie dickhead and rooter of cricket wives, sonny bill, shocked by request to trim his muzzie beard before the Barry Hall debacle.

The idiot is lucky they didn’t treat his chin fluff the way the real muzzies do, which is to remove the whole fucking head.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 29, 2022 1:01 pm

Just to clear up what Putin and Medvedev implied/said to contrary:

PBS NewsHour@NewsHour
spoke to a Kremlin spokesman about Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine and asked about the potential use of nuclear weapons.

“No one is thinking about using…a nuclear weapon,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Sure Buddy.
And nobody in the west is, either.

March 29, 2022 1:01 pm

Has anybody noticed the latest scarcity? Didn’t hit me until this morning at the local hardware.
Heads up for anyone who is developing mould and mildew problems because of the wet weather, the de-humidifier pots and refills are running out fast.

The big electric dehumidifiers that you can move from room to room cannot be had for love nor money. The best the shops can do is place you on a waiting list. For those lucky enough to have dehumidifier mode on their air-con, no problem. I stocked up on the crystals a month ago for my other place, was at hardware this morning, thought I’d grab a couple extra, only had two packs and they don’t know when they will be receiving more.

Looks like it may be the new “toilet paper”, of 2022!

March 29, 2022 1:01 pm

And on the Culture Wars wagon trundles:

When Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara singer Isaiah Firebrace started a petition for First Nations history and culture to be included in the Australian school curriculum he expected no more than 2,000 signatures.
Key points:

Federal Labor will spend $14 million employing 60 full-time First Nations language teachers if elected
Young advocates emphasise the importance of teaching First Nations history alongside language
More than half of the 250 known Indigenous languages are no longer spoken

Today that petition has close to 300,000 supporters, it has been tabled in Federal Parliament by Labor MP Tanya Plibersek, and has been credited in part for a newly announced election promise.

In a statement by Ms Plibersek, the shadow education minister, and five Labor senators last night, Labor committed $14 million to 60 primary schools to hire full-time First Nations language teachers if elected.

When the kids are not grubbing about in the ‘organic’ garden (is there any other kind?), they will be forced to spend time ‘learning’ languages which are in their death throes.

If they can’t read or write, or add and subtract and divide and multiply, or spell, who cares?

Clearly, what is needed is more emphasis on micro-aggressions, masturbation and the limitless possibilities of gender, now including the animal kingdom.


March 29, 2022 1:02 pm

in front of.

March 29, 2022 1:05 pm

Unlike any other intel operation in the world.

If I was running one of those operations, I’d put it about with some desinformatzsiya that the whole mob were a bunch of incompetent screw ups. You do not want a reputation for competence.

March 29, 2022 1:06 pm

Had breakfast?
You can all have a smug laugh at my expense.
I pulled up on the other side of the road from the Caltex at Hay.
In the dark.
I got a coffee and put it in the truck, a cab over Kenworth.
I then got out and checked both sides of the truck with my torch.
Down both trailers, both sides.
Heavy smell of stock crate in the air.
Hopped back up into the cab and just about vomitted on the spot.
I stepped in human excrement of the very worst, sickening diarrhea.
I had climbed up into the cab with it all over my boots, so up the steps, on the cab floor, over the clutch pedal.
Spent the next hour cleaning up…and I am a clean freak.
The boots got thrown away.
I had spares.
I’d lost the plot.
Blokes never came near me.
After cleaning everything I hopped back in the truck knowing that was the last straw.
After everything that happens in trucks, that was it.
I’d disinfected everything, cleaned everything again and again.
As I was driving across the paddock, I thought “I can still smell it”
No, I was just still in shock, senses still on full alert.
It was persistant.
It was also raining.
There was one little spot on the back of my jeans I hadn’t got.
I slowed the truck down, took the jeans off and threw them out the window.
I drove to Balranald in my jocks.
Now, most Roadhouses have toilets you wouldn’t let an animal in, and most are Indian.
It’s a filthy hell hole out there and yet I tell some townies what is going on, and they require proof.
Laugh your guts up at my expense, but be extra careful of the 80 tonnes barrelling toward you these days, because the experienced, clean Aussies behind the wheel, are nearly all gone.
Because it’s a third world SHIT HOLE on our interstate highways.

March 29, 2022 1:08 pm

It can’t happen, Cassie.
That’s because those two large brained mammals (Hallward and stuth) are telling us that every heart related death in a kid is as a result of the vax even if they hadn’t received the shot.

March 29, 2022 1:11 pm

In about 1979 I got out of my car in South Yarra and stood on a recently deceased cat in the gutter.
Thus proving that this could happen to anyone, anytime.

March 29, 2022 1:13 pm

Will Smith is having a Hard Time
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

March 29, 2022 1:13 pm

I’m thinking undiagnosed heart disease in teens was more likely say 60+ years ago. We now have better diagnosis of small children.
ECG’s for school athletics? Ads on buses in the UK for “kids can have strokes too”?
Nothing to see here, all perfectly normal.
The jabs do not prevent you getting the coof or transmitting it and kids never had a great problem with it so why are they being jabbed? Any hope of herd immunity was shown to be futile long ago.

March 29, 2022 1:13 pm

When Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara singer Isaiah Firebrace started a petition for First Nations history and culture to be included in the Australian school curriculum he expected no more than 2,000 signatures.

I would sign if they taught the real history. This would include the violence, initiation ceremonies, rape, infanticide and cannibalism that was rife in Aboriginal tribes. Fat chance of that of course.

March 29, 2022 1:14 pm

Franx says:
March 29, 2022 at 12:46 pm

The ‘lucky country’ bit is about the place being derivative rather than it being the providentially elect.

Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know that. (Where did this moron come from?)

Any other insights?

BTW, Lizzie’s not-very-convincing sock Kneel seems to have quietened down recently.

March 29, 2022 1:15 pm

Struth, you’ve convinced me that driving long distances in cars is a bad idea. Last time was August 2019. Toowoomba to Armidale around 400 or so km. Was a good reminder why I own a small aeroplane.

March 29, 2022 1:16 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:16 pm

Sleeper cab… you said cab!

You did say cab.

It’s embarrassing.

Yes it is.

It is happening and shit is everywhere it seems now towel heads and Pakis are driving shit box auto euro trucks everywhere.
Go across the Nullabor and see how many white drivers are left.
The linehaul has been taken over by big transport corps pushing the smaller guys like me out.
They then subbie to subcontinent companies doing it for nothing with virtual slave labour.

I don’t have a problem with any of these statements. It’s widely known.

Whether you want to admit it or not, these people are dirty pigs.

Here we go.

Now, going across the nullabor with the sandal wearing threesomes in these trucks

You said four, but okay.

they have been known, on that run, to cut a hole in the floor of the sleeper, so they can lift the mattress and crap throuigh the hole.

From your story. Okay. My question was – if the amount of subcons driving heavy rigs has skyrocketed (which it undoubtedly has) then why haven’t reports from mechanics all over the country, company operators and the like about holes cut into cabins anywhere skyrocketed as well? You’re not the only link to the heavy freight industry, y’know.

They are dangerous drivers and they go from depot to depot so they don’t even know how to back.
They have ear pieces in constantly so they can’t hear tyres blowing on back trailers, or any other thing you need hearing for when driving a road train.

Again, I don’t doubt this. Once again, it’s the mayonnaise turning it sour.

March 29, 2022 1:20 pm

With the US on the brink of war with nuclear-armed Russia, the US president is out of control because he can’t regulate his emotions. Tucker Carlson Tonight.

March 29, 2022 1:22 pm

In about 1979 I got out of my car in South Yarra and stood on a recently deceased cat in the gutter.
Thus proving that this could happen to anyone, anytime.

God, are you still married?
I pity your husband.
Actually, no I don’t.

I blame him.

Here’s the point.
That is a bitumen parking bay and two steps to the left is acres of open bush to shit in.
Somebody decided to shit on the bitumen.

Our parking bays are full of dirty long drops and as soon as the wind whips up, there are brown and white paper butterflies swooping you.

We were taught to go for a long walk WITH A SHOVEL.

I could once take fifty people on a bush camp and the only reason you knew anyone had been there were a few spots of turned soil.
It’s a fucking 3rd world shit hole.

And people are surprised that people shit out of moving vehicles?

I’ve seen a gin take a dump on the carpet of the Westpac bank in Alice Springs, and even had one shit on the ground behind the stage I was playing on in full view of the audience.
And I never even charged extra!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:24 pm

I pulled up on the other side of the road from the Caltex at Hay.
In the dark.
I got a coffee and put it in the truck, a cab over Kenworth.

Got the coffee from the roadhouse, walked back to the truck, put it in the truck. Right.

I then got out and checked both sides of the truck with my torch.
Down both trailers, both sides.
Heavy smell of stock crate in the air.
Hopped back up into the cab and just about vomitted on the spot.

I did that too, when I forgot my copy of the Consty.

I stepped in human excrement of the very worst, sickening diarrhea.

So you didn’t realise until you got back in the cab that a) it was diarrhoea, and b) it was human, and c) that someone (presumably some filthy Gupta) had parked some sloppy shit across the road from a functional roadhouse?

Or, more importantly, d) that this poorly thought-out fable was brought into the equation only now, when you’ve been complaining about this for months, if not years?

Righto. Okay then.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:26 pm

I’ve seen a gin take a dump on the carpet of the Westpac bank in Alice Springs

Now THIS I can confirm.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 1:27 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

They had no compunction telling anyone who would listen why they were shot straight out. Top Ender’s book on the subject is well researched and a decent read on the subject.

Do you know which book that was?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:29 pm


Lethality in Combat.

It’s a cracking read.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2022 1:30 pm


March 29, 2022 at 9:41 am

Jada wears the pants in that relationship. Will Smith’s anger was at his own insecurities.

There are suggestions she doesn’t wear the pants as often as she should.

March 29, 2022 1:31 pm

From your story. Okay. My question was – if the amount of subcons driving heavy rigs has skyrocketed (which it undoubtedly has) then why haven’t reports from mechanics all over the country, company operators and the like about holes cut into cabins anywhere skyrocketed as well? You’re not the only link to the heavy freight industry, y’know.

This is why I have to get away from here.
I keep answering dumb questions and then at anythime, Dover will pull my answers.

It’s the Nullabor KD.

Think about it.
It was happening across the nullabor.
With a certain company.
I never said it was happening on short runs like Melbourne Sydney, or anywhere else, just the Nullabor.

The nullabor , combined with big corps now running the show, means a depot each end.

Perfect to stick a few wobble heads in a truck and say follow that road until you get to the end.
Up here, in comparison, the majority of drivers are still white.
But that’s fast changing.

March 29, 2022 1:31 pm

Will Smith is having a Hard Time

Rumour has it his wife is having long, hard and often times.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:33 pm

I never said it was happening on short runs like Melbourne Sydney, or anywhere else, just the Nullabor.

Thank you.

I have now learned that Hay is on the Nullarbor.

March 29, 2022 1:34 pm
March 29, 2022 1:37 pm

Thank you.

I have now learned that Hay is on the Nullarbor.

And again you show the world why your lack of comprehension skills kept you on traffic.

Try to not conflate two different subjects…it would have helped you rise above writing tickets out for 2 k over the speed limit.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:37 pm

Up here, in comparison, the majority of drivers are still white.

Up there, in The Last Holdout, there are shit tins (ha) of Pacific Islanders, who are for the most part devoutly Christian.

Would they be acceptable, given your ‘only white Anglo male Christians can save us’ philosophy?

March 29, 2022 1:37 pm

I may have to rethink my opinion of the average Australians intelligence.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:38 pm

Try to not conflate two different subjects

It’s the same subject. Filthy Indians shitting everywhere, apparently.

March 29, 2022 1:41 pm

Johanna, best not ignore a moron such as Donald Horne who would have serious reservations about his coinage of ‘lucky country’ being a term to claim that Australia is a fine place since it is, as you have, ‘the Lucky Country indeed’.

March 29, 2022 1:41 pm


Kids are born with heart deformities which are not always found.

The point -you blundering idiot- is this. Has the death rate risen in the past few years and if so are those kids vaxxed?

Seriously every time you, stuth and the incel post shitty crap, the trio ought to get the Chris Rock treatment each time.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 29, 2022 1:43 pm

I may have to rethink my opinion of the average Australians intelligence.

Nope. They’re already each spending thousands per year and don’t know it.
If they did the minor party polling would be a LOT higher.

March 29, 2022 1:43 pm

Even in my most abrasive telling of the shit vortex I never advocated giving up on our nations.

Well after having all of my ‘good works’ extinguished by my ‘grateful nation’ over the last 2 years (Specialist Dr – cancelled, Military Officer – resigned, volunteer fireman – labelled a ‘reputational risk’ by the CFS – resigned) I now see nothing worth fighting for here as a NATION. I’m not giving up, I’m just focussing on fighting for those who are worth it – immediate family in particular.

March 29, 2022 1:44 pm

My brother did some work for Robin Williams. Nice guy apparently.

March 29, 2022 1:47 pm

Would they be acceptable, given your ‘only white Anglo male Christians can save us’ philosophy?

Oh, I’m a whites only, redneck from Queensland now, KD?

The picture you are attempting to paint is of a quality of art that may not be appreciated by more than you might realise.

March 29, 2022 1:48 pm

Kids are born with heart deformities which are not always found.

The majority of paediatric heart issues are structural defects from birth (eg ‘hole in the heart’ and are found very early. Most of the rest are hereditary conditions (eg Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) which are discovered during family screening after an adult relative drops dead of the same.

Very few kids drop dead suddenly from heart issues – indeed, we were taught that ‘all paediatric arrests are hypoxic’ – this is why ‘mouth to mouth’ alone may revive collapsed children, and AEDs are rarely if every of any use.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 29, 2022 1:48 pm

Probably linked to above – have not scrolled back so apologies if so – from the NT Independent:

ICAC announces investigation into Zach Rolfe charges

March 29, 2022 1:49 pm

JC’S denialism.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 29, 2022 1:49 pm

In Wiggles news:

Will Smith apologises to Chris Rock and Oscars viewers for slapping comedian

Taking to Instagram, Smith said his behaviour was “inexcusable”.

“Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive,” he wrote.

“My behaviour at last night’s Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable.

“I would like to publicly apologise to you, Chris,” he added.

“I was out of line and I was wrong.

“I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be.

A cynic might think someone important has had a word in his shell-like ear.

March 29, 2022 1:51 pm

“When they shine torches in your eye, that’s where your totem sits . . . shining lights on it and interfering with that is spiritually dangerous, (especially) without my consent,” Mr Walley said.
“And putting electricity in your arms upsets the rhythm of your dance, and how much are electricity are they going to put through you?”

Still trying to work out which of these 2 voodoos is the stronger

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:51 pm

To more important things:

England has lost five series in a row. They have won one Test match in the last 17. As skipper, Joe Root has won 27 and lost 26 Tests, and the majority of the wins have been against minnows.

In the West Indies, Anderson and Broad – with over 1100 Test wickets between them – didn’t get a look in, and the Poms were smashed. Again.

The English press is agitating for Root’s removal as skipper, to be replaced by Stokes as long as he gives up one of the white-ball formats, that Root remain in the team and that Langer be appointed toot suite.

I am down with this. Like it or not, a stronger England means stronger crikkit.

March 29, 2022 1:54 pm

Duk – are you able to practice?

March 29, 2022 1:55 pm


Civilisation is on the brink of collapse because of you, KD.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 1:56 pm

Oh, I’m a whites only, redneck from Queensland now, KD?

Yes, because I’m so frightfully sophisticated.

The picture you are attempting to paint is of a quality of art that may not be appreciated by more than you might realise.

The picture I’m painting is using the materials you’ve given me. Repeatedly.

March 29, 2022 1:58 pm

Duk – are you able to practice?

Surprisingly, they didn’t de-register me, but then again, they didn’t need to – As an unvaxjoo, I am barred from entering hospitals, and you can’t give anaesthetics over Zoom!

March 29, 2022 2:00 pm

Now those 90 odd tonnes hurtling toward you are controlled by a jabbed (Sudden death prone) interstate driver who can’t drive a manual, can’t read signs, can hardly speak English, has music blaring in his ears, doesn’t need to understand weight, load restraint, hot tyres, whatever, and counts any roll over he walks away from as success.
And that’s just the white ones.

March 29, 2022 2:01 pm

The majority of paediatric heart issues are structural defects from birth (eg ‘hole in the heart’ and are found very early.

Thanks Duk. Then there are the soccer players.
Anecdotal but a mate found he had a hole in the heart at age 58 a couple of years ago. Never picked up before. What was diagnosis of these like in the early 1960’s?

As for Has the death rate risen in the past few years and if so are those kids vaxxed?
That is what we are trying to establish.

March 29, 2022 2:01 pm

The picture I’m painting is using the materials you’ve given me. Repeatedly.

Traffic cop for life.

March 29, 2022 2:02 pm


Do you still provide services to motorsport or has that door closed as well?

March 29, 2022 2:03 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
March 29, 2022 at 1:43 pm

I may have to rethink my opinion of the average Australians intelligence.

Nope. They’re already each spending thousands per year and don’t know it.
If they did the minor party polling would be a LOT higher.

“I may have to” doesn’t mean I will!!!

March 29, 2022 2:06 pm

Hi my name is truth mcstruth.
You might remember me from such online tantrums as ‘I got smote from posh cat’.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 2:08 pm

Traffic cop for life.


You’re thinking of someone else.

March 29, 2022 2:08 pm

Thanks Duk. Then there are the soccer players. Anecdotal but a mate found he had a hole in the heart at age 58 a couple of years ago. Never picked up before. What was diagnosis of these like in the early 1960’s?

Yep, probably a ‘patent foramen ovale’ which is pretty benign. When I say ‘hole in the heart’ in kids, I mean the badly scrambled hearts, Tetralogy, Hypoplastic Ventricle etc – these get diagnosed early, often prenatally, and even then, most structural anomalies cause cardiac failure, not sudden death at 8 or 15 years without prior warning.

March 29, 2022 2:11 pm

Do you still provide services to motorsport or has that door closed as well?

Ha!! must be someone who knows me.

I retired from motorsport due to COVID mandates for drivers, and, yes, if I recall, they applied to Officials as well. Pretty much every ‘sporting body’ gets govt money and needs to meet ‘standards’ to get that money. I no longer stand in the paddock at horse trials for the same reason, and even if not technically barred, motorsports and horsetrials are genuine contact sports and you have to be comfortable and current in high end trauma if you are going to play medicine in that arena. Given I can’t work, I can’t remain current, nor can I carry the costs of registration, insurance etc just to do voluntary work.

March 29, 2022 2:13 pm

Hi my name is truth mcstruth.
You might remember me from such online tantrums as ‘I got smote from posh cat’.

Hi my name is Frua Notaclue.
I lie.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2022 2:13 pm

I’ll try to do this Facebook style:-
Kenn Worth, Road Ranger is in …Queensssland and is feeling … disenfranchised.
Actual footage.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2022 2:17 pm

Up there, in The Last Holdout, there are shit tins (ha) of Pacific Islanders, who are for the most part devoutly Christian.

Would they be acceptable, given your ‘only white Anglo male Christians can save us’ philosophy?

But who’s going to tell them.

March 29, 2022 2:17 pm

Can you see how the more you deny the truth , the more left wing you become?
Panzy Smullet is now using the old left wing chestnut, that the “white men are feeling disenfranchised”
Next he’ll be talking about how we’re all feeling left behind, and angry at the world.
Maybe he’ll use the term “deplorables” next.

The mental decline is obvious to those who don’t have to live in fairyland.

March 29, 2022 2:20 pm

Laugh your guts up at my expense, but be extra careful of the 80 tonnes barrelling toward you these days, because the experienced, clean Aussies behind the wheel, are nearly all gone.
Because it’s a third world SHIT HOLE on our interstate highways.

Yep. Drive for the mongrel coming at you and that is why I take the precaution of pulling right off the road when one is barrelling up behind me. I wish to arrive alive!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 29, 2022 2:26 pm

We won’t have to wait long.

Another 12-22 months?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 2:30 pm


Tekkin er jerbs!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2022 2:32 pm

Young advocates emphasise the importance of teaching First Nations history

Bruce Pascoe was unavailable for comment.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Eyrie says: March 29, 2022 at 1:15 pm

Struth, you’ve convinced me that driving long distances in cars is a bad idea. Last time was August 2019. Toowoomba to Armidale around 400 or so km. Was a good reminder why I own a small aeroplane.

Huh? 400km = long distance driving?
??? ????? ?????

Concur totally with flying. It works even for travelling distances as short as several hundred metres.
I used to fly from one side of Archerfield airport to the other, & back. Saved walking.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 2:33 pm

BTW, Lizzie’s not-very-convincing sock Kneel seems to have quietened down recently.

I don’t have an internet sock. Kneel seems a marginally sensible sort, rather dull though.
But he/she can get in here and speak for him or her self. Repeat: Kneel is not me.
I’m busy enough keeping up with myself. 🙂

March 29, 2022 2:34 pm

Eyrie says:
March 29, 2022 at 1:05 pm

Unlike any other intel operation in the world.

If I was running one of those operations, I’d put it about with some desinformatzsiya that the whole mob were a bunch of incompetent screw ups. You do not want a reputation for competence.

I assume that you are excluding Mossad?

A reputation for competence has not done them any harm.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 2:34 pm

Another 12-22 months?

From Friday. It is said. Also, the extermination camps beckon.

By the way – the other death camp in Howard Springs, on the outskirts of Darwin currently has two (2) people in it. The owner of the land, who already made a stack of cash leasing the joint as a mining camp is already flogging it off for several other purposes.

I’m going to roll with this for months.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 29, 2022 2:34 pm

Struth says:
March 29, 2022 at 2:36PM

I didn’t know the lying, fact-twisting Notafan posted long, rantimg screeds on the Furniture Store under the pen-name ‘Struth.’

For a fellow who likes call everyone else ‘denialists’ and questions their collective grip on reality, you sure sound like not all your own cylinders are firing anymore, O Kenworth King…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 2:37 pm

All the old-time remembering reminds me: we haven’t had a fashion parade here on the Cat for ages.
Covid has cancelled two pollies balls where we see them compete as to who can look the silliest.
Bring it on, I say. We could do with the distraction.

March 29, 2022 2:38 pm

Kids are born with heart deformities which are not always found.

Not as much as they should be.
A family in Germany I know were telling me there are 6 mandatory appointments in the first couple of years to check/measure the little ones progress.
That was about a decade ago so don’t know if that is still the case.

March 29, 2022 2:39 pm

Ahhh yes. The Mid-Winter Ball. Good times.

March 29, 2022 2:40 pm

Thank god your mind isn’t overworked by a steering wheel, choo choo.

I’m going to presume your idiocy is due to an over emotional response, and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 29, 2022 2:41 pm

All the old-time remembering reminds me: we haven’t had a fashion parade here on the Cat for ages.
Covid has cancelled two pollies balls where we see them compete as to who can look the silliest.
Bring it on, I say. We could do with the distraction.

What’s that, Lizzie?

A fashion show?

Let me be the first to clumsily sashay my way down the Cat-walk (Honk!) and risk my heels, knees and self-respect for the adoration of the many…

comment image

March 29, 2022 2:42 pm

Also, if you are on government benefits & don’t meet those mandatory appointments, your benefits are reviewed.
Again, that was a decade ago so don’t know if that is still the case.
It’s the ultimate tool in preventative care.

March 29, 2022 2:42 pm

Ha!! must be someone who knows me.

Yes. I was involved in motorsport for many years as a competitor but in my ‘spare time’ (hahaha) I was also CCM, then DCoC and finally CoC in a well known Adelaide event. The CCM and DCoC were under Jeremy and I was CoC (for two years) immediately prior to Ivor.

Memory test: I was driving the chase car and you were beside me. About 1km into a special stage (Montacute) we came across a competitor vehicle that had left the road and was in a ditch. Driver was a bit banged up (but largely ok), co-driver was ok. This was many years ago (20-22).

March 29, 2022 2:43 pm

I was thinking more shades of Bill Leak’s favourite dress for our pollies.

March 29, 2022 2:45 pm

With your screen name…just guessed you were a rev head, Speedy.

Small world.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Knuckle Dragger says: March 29, 2022 at 2:30 pm

Ha. Tekkin er jerbs!

KD, that attitude is very prevalent.
I’ve had it from almost every level of society, every profession, & so on.
It is especially fun to cop this philosophy from ppl who would drop dead before actually doing the actual job themselves & recoil in horror at even thought of … ugh… manual labour.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 29, 2022 2:47 pm

Thank god your mind isn’t overworked by a steering wheel, choo choo.


(* Check out that big round thing in the corner…)

I’m going to presume your idiocy is due to an over emotional response, and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We got him. 🙂


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2022 2:47 pm

Ex-SAS soldier’s testimony may be a ‘path to victory’ for media in Roberts-Smith case, court told
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
March 29, 2022 — 2.16pm

Three newspapers being sued for defamation by war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith say the evidence of a former soldier dubbed Person 66 may be a key to winning the case, as a Federal Court judge considers whether to compel the man to testify about an alleged murder.

Person 66, a former Special Air Service soldier whose identity cannot be revealed for national security reasons, appeared in the Federal Court witness box on Monday and objected to giving evidence about his potential involvement in missions in Afghanistan in 2012 with Mr Roberts-Smith.

His barrister, Jack Tracey, told the court on Tuesday that his client’s evidence may involve “self-incrimination of the gravest kind” in relation to an alleged murder in 2012 in an area of Afghanistan called Siah Chow.

The former SAS soldier was subpoenaed by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times to give evidence in Mr Roberts-Smith’s defamation case against the mastheads.

Mr Roberts-Smith alleges the newspapers defamed him in a series of reports in 2018 by portraying him as a war criminal. The newspapers are seeking to rely on a defence of truth.

Nicholas Owens, SC, acting for the newspapers, confirmed he was seeking to have the court compel Person 66 to give the evidence, in spite of his objection.

Mr Owens said on Tuesday the newspapers could win the defamation case if Person 66 gave evidence about the alleged murder, and Justice Anthony Besanko accepted that evidence.

“I can concede frankly that it is possible for me to win this case without succeeding in proving the murder at Siah Chow, and it won’t shock your Honour to learn that I hope to do so,” Mr Owens said.

“But it is equally possible that I could win this case by only proving the murder at Siah Chow. It is an independent path home to victory.”

Justice Besanko told Person 66 on Monday that the court had the ability to grant him a certificate under section 128 of the Evidence Act, “which means that, if you give the evidence, the evidence cannot be used against you in any proceeding in an Australian court”

But Person 66 objected to giving the evidence even with that certificate, and Mr Tracey said on Tuesday the disadvantage to his client if he were forced to give the evidence “would be very substantial … notwithstanding the existence of a certificate”.

The newspapers have alleged Mr Roberts-Smith directed Person 66 to kill an Afghan prisoner in 2012 as an exercise in “blooding” or initiating a soldier by getting them a “kill”. Under the rules of engagement, persons under the control of Australian troops cannot be killed. A killing in those circumstances is murder.

The newspapers have also alleged Mr Roberts-Smith committed or was involved in five other murders of Afghan prisoners.

Mr Roberts-Smith denies all wrongdoing and has said any killings in Afghanistan were carried out lawfully in the heat of battle.

Justice Besanko said he would reserve his decision on whether to compel Person 66 to give evidence until 2.15pm on Wednesday.

March 29, 2022 2:49 pm

“What men realy want”

Hell no not this one.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Were I trooper 66 I’d have forgotten all this stuff long ago, it wouldn’t have got this far.
They could question me all they liked, my memory would have “faded”.

March 29, 2022 2:53 pm

A cynic might think someone important has had a word in his shell-like ear.
It’s PR scam. You hit a microphone – especially the type Rock had on – you get a big bang through the speakers. It made a barely audible sound. All the cameras were position to not show the hit.
Good PR – it even made this site!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 2:55 pm

I remember as a kid in the 40’s the word around was that ‘rheumatic fever’ in young chidren caused ‘heart problems’ and kids after a bout of it were always wrapped in cotton wool by anxious mums, not allowed to go in the sack race, had to be content with the more sedate egg and spoon race, etc. ‘Scarlet fever’ was another that roused worries. Basically they are the same sort of thing, the result of out of control streptococcal infections, and in its rheumatic expression it is medically known to cause a range of longer term deficits, including joint pain and heart valve problems in ages 8 to 16 particularly. Early treatment of strep throat infections with modern antibiotics has greatly lessened the incidence, and it is now fairly rare. But for all we know sub-clinical infections may still have some play.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

For the benefit of the thirsty, (& those who claim there is no rationing, coz they visited Woolies last week & there was a bottle on the shelf)
The following beers are currently rationed:

XXXX Gold Kegs
XXXX Gold Cans
XXXX Gold Stubbies
XXXX Bitter Cans
Tooheys New Cans
Tooheys Extra Dry Stubbies
Hahn Super Dry Stubbies

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2022 2:57 pm

The newspapers have alleged Mr Roberts-Smith directed Person 66 to kill an Afghan prisoner in 2012 as an exercise in “blooding” or initiating a soldier by getting them a “kill”

I don’t know about any other military Cats, but any unit I ever served in, given such an order, the words “Do your own fvcking dirty work” would figure, prominently, in the reply.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 29, 2022 2:58 pm

Rexie, the fashion show is not us but them.
We lol at the choices pollies make at the annual pollies’ ball.

March 29, 2022 3:02 pm

I’ve told this tale at Sinc’s and will tell it again, re war prisoners.

The old man (Dutch) was part of the UN force in Korea, and was attached to an American unit. The ones with the Indian Head, for those interested in military history.

Anyway, while they were moving forward, they captured some enemy soldiers. The old man was an Intelligence guy, not a rifle-carrier.

The Americans shot all of them, except one, who was a barber. They needed someone to cut hair.

They had no capacity to babysit captured soldiers, they were moving forward. So, they shot all of them except the barber.

My father only told me about this once, and sheered off if it was ever mentioned again.

It haunted him for decades. Armchair gamers have no idea.

March 29, 2022 3:05 pm

calli says:
March 29, 2022 at 2:45 pm

Yeah, bit of a giveaway.

Interesting footnote about the name. Many, many, years ago the company that manufactured the gearboxes for the Brabham F1 team was an English company called……Speedbox. Ta da!! So I snaffled it here in Oz.

March 29, 2022 3:11 pm

“How anyone can take any religious text as truth is beyond me.”

Ok, maybe this bears considering then.

Christian old testament, book of genesis. Part of the Aramaic religions, right?
Written, when? Well certainly more than 2,000 years ago, correct?
Back then, no Darwin’s theory of evolution, no big bang theory, and all the other stuff that you may not understand completely, but have a reasonable grasp of.
So, if God gave you a vision (or, if you prefer, an alien showed you a 90 minute documentary on the evolution of the universe and life on earth, full of stunning CGI) might you write something like what appears in genesis?
“And God said ‘let there be light!’ and behold, there was light” – a bit big bang-ish maybe?
“separate the land from the seas” – a bit planetary evolution-ish maybe?
“lastly created man” – a bit biological evolution-ish maybe?

I can see that you might write something like genesis – and that if you had to do it afterwards, without taking notes as you saw what you saw, you might get things a little bit out of order or otherwise “wrong”, at least compared to what science tells us now, but you’d have the basics.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But oddly aligns very well with what is seen as “truth” these days, isn’t it? Makes you wonder a bit, eh?

God is a very clever fellow, with a twisted sense of humour, if you ask me.

March 29, 2022 3:12 pm

Trucks with hole in the floor for relief of the driver, saw that on the Flintstones once.

March 29, 2022 3:19 pm

What possessed him? Will Smith’s brutal childhood, and that Oscars slap


Will Smith, 9, watched his father beat his mother, punching her so hard that she collapsed. Smith has spent the rest of his life beating himself up for his ‘inaction’.

Victim cards identified, sorted and deployed.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 3:20 pm

“Part of the Aramaic religions, right?”

There are no “Aramaic religions”…there are “Abrahamic religions”…Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are Jewish prayers that are in Aramaic. The Kaddish is in Aramaic. Aramaic was a living breathing language up until a few years ago, there were Christian villages in Syria that spoke Aramaic (along with Arabic). I don’t know the numbers who still speak the language, especially since the upheaval and dispersal of the Christian communities in Syria post civil war and particularly post-ISIS. Oh and it was the Russians who intervened to save the Christian communities in Syria….the UK, France and the US weren’t interested.

March 29, 2022 3:22 pm

Oh dear.
If you follow a sooky lala link at Adam’s which says something like ‘why I got booted from posh cat’
you end up at the junk shop with a post from the 18th March.
“You see, they won’t be “held responsible for my life choices”

The mental sickness is deep.

And it cannot be mentioned without being smote.

It is now a sick little blog of denial and delusion.
Of chatting about whatever it is our overlords deem the conversation to be.
Sheep is not an understatement ”
So yes someone did claim to have been smote.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 3:24 pm

Bruce of Newcastle:
Report: Scientists Seek to Make a ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccine (27 Mar)
We really need to set up a Moon Base so these idiots can make their experiments well away from us. At least they will only kill themselves.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 3:32 pm


Anyone else want to join a mob with pitchforks, torches and boiled rope aimed at doing over these guys?

Count me in.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Re truck cabs & holes in them.
It should be noted that in some trucks the oil is checked, etc. via a downward hatch in the cab.
It even has a handle on it for easy opening.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 3:40 pm


Following a deep forensic analysis of the text one is drawn inexorably to the conclusion, people are just making shit up.

Yes they are.
The 2020 decade’s emblem is a Steaming Pile of Bullshit.

March 29, 2022 3:40 pm

Covid has cancelled two pollies balls

I thought that they were cancelled because they could not find pollies with any balls.

March 29, 2022 3:42 pm
March 29, 2022 3:43 pm

For the benefit of the thirsty, (& those who claim there is no rationing, coz they visited Woolies last week & there was a bottle on the shelf)
The following beers are currently rationed:

XXXX Gold Kegs
XXXX Gold Cans
XXXX Gold Stubbies
XXXX Bitter Cans
Tooheys New Cans
Tooheys Extra Dry Stubbies
Hahn Super Dry Stubbies

Good. They are awful.
The punters might have to try something decent like Stella Artois.

March 29, 2022 3:44 pm
March 29, 2022 3:45 pm

Oh the sadness of the denialist mind.

I give you Notafan as a perfect example and have been since she left the sane world back in February 2020

She’s trying to twist anything and everything.
Dumb broad couldn’t lay straight in bed.

But we are building up to Dover’s little gang needing protection from the truth, because he knows I won’t stop having fun proclaiming it.
Here’s what I said.

I feel sorry for you and your denialist mental sickness.

See Kneel to understand the attitude that sane people exhibit.

But there was no flouncing, and there was no smoting.
There was deleting of my comments, and this allows the delusional to continue unchallenged.

And people like JC, Frank, Notafan, and a few others will visciously defend their right to that delusion, yet cry victim and call names, when receiving an argument that counters that delusion.

And from the fact that you can’t let it go, with all the Ken Worth teenage stuff just means I live in your heads.
I live in your heads because I am right.
How many boosters are you going to get?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 29, 2022 3:49 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 29, 2022 at 8:49 am
Report: Scientists Seek to Make a ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccine (27 Mar)

There used to be a concept of “informed consent” to medical treatment.
If a group of the proposed victims decide that it’s for the good of society that these scientists be given colo-rectal pineapple therapy, presumably medical ethicists would have no objection.
It could even have useful research outcomes. There could be a “smooth end first” control group and a “rough end first” test group.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 3:50 pm


Because they are ineffectual temporisers with no vision extending beyond the next election.

Is this similar to :
Refuses to make necessary decisions on the basis of what the polling may be?

I really hope the electorate points the bone at the Uniparty next election.

Winston Smith
March 29, 2022 3:51 pm


Joe Polanski
1 hour ago
As a sixth generation Australian, the welcome to country ceremonies have made it clear that this is not my country so why would I stay and fight for a foreign land?

A valid viewpoint, young feller.
Why indeed?

March 29, 2022 3:55 pm

The Whitehouse has already walked back the Biden comments to Doocy.
4 hour turnaround.

Obama would not have lost his cool like that.
Trump would have personally attacked the journo or their media organisation.
But neither would have had porridge brain when there were nuclear powers facing off against each other.

March 29, 2022 3:55 pm

Why indeed?

Because there is still a chance, Winston.

March 29, 2022 3:58 pm

Close family and freinds is a good reason.

March 29, 2022 3:58 pm

If Dover smote Struth, Struth would be considered not ‘to have been smote’ but ‘to have been smitten’.

March 29, 2022 4:01 pm

Your word for the day is….


March 29, 2022 4:02 pm

From the last refuge. This is an interesting point.

The only way this conflict could make any sense, is if the G7 energy ministers realize that forcing Russia to trade in non-euros and non-dollars will structurally undermine the G7 unilateral hold of global finance and energy policy. In essence, the G7 see the non-sanction countries, particularly India and China, lining up to replace the petro-dollar, and that not only weakens their position financially, but it also weakens their climate change position.

Silver linings perhaps.

March 29, 2022 4:02 pm


You mentioned earlier you have a pal who ended up with a hole in his heart at 58. I did too a couple of years ago.

Where does your pal live? Like not the address but the state or country?

March 29, 2022 4:03 pm

so why would I stay and fight for a foreign land?

Because you haven’t bought into the gaslighting smoking ceremony b/s and know it’s really your land.

March 29, 2022 4:04 pm


March 29, 2022 4:04 pm

Oh the sadness of the denialist mind.

I give you Notafan as a perfect example and have been since she left the sane world back in February 2020

STFU stuth. Keep your eyes on the road and follow the rules.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 29, 2022 4:06 pm

If Dover smote Struth, Struth would be considered not ‘to have been smote’ but ‘to have been smitten’.

But I thought he already was smitten by the place?

I mean, he comes back here to anklebite and grandstand for his (presumably adoring) audiences about how hard done by he is on a daily basis…

March 29, 2022 4:07 pm

Your grammar lesson for today is…

Smote – past tense of the verb ‘smite’. He was smote.

Smitten – past participle. He has been smitten.

March 29, 2022 4:09 pm

I miss Deadman.

He would give us the lowdown on English as it is spoke.

March 29, 2022 4:09 pm

As bad as things are in Australia right now, people will stay.

Mainly because there are very few places to flee for the average person without connections.

Stay and fight for what’s yours and for what you believe in, preferably with a like minded community that supports your values.

March 29, 2022 4:14 pm

As bad as things are in Australia right now, people will stay.

Mainly because there are very few places to flee for the average person without connections.

Stay and fight for what’s yours and for what you believe in, preferably with a like minded community that supports your values.

It’s not that sort of blog.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 4:15 pm

Smote – past tense of the verb ‘smite’. He was smote.

Smitten – past participle. He has been smitten.

Smut – verb. I smut that Rock bitch for dissin’ my tramp.

March 29, 2022 4:17 pm

STFU stuth. Keep your eyes on the road and follow the rules.

Don’t get your pulse rate up JC.
If you want to talk about travelling, we don’t need those blood clots of yours that are forming , break lose on their own little journey just yet.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2022 4:17 pm

I’ve seen a gin take a dump on the carpet of the Westpac bank in Alice Springs, and even had one shit on the ground behind the stage I was playing on in full view of the audience.

I guess not everyone puts their music reviews on Facebook, hey?

March 29, 2022 4:18 pm

This is from Canada. Absolutely extraordinary.

Leaked Letter Pressures Doctors To Track Down Unvaxxed

March 29, 2022 4:19 pm

I guess not everyone puts their music reviews on Facebook, hey?


You could have scored higher, but it was very year 11 girls school.

March 29, 2022 4:19 pm

Sorry, the past tense usage of the verb “to smite” has to be something like Tolkien or Carroll would say…

He smote the dragon with his mighty sword.


Smith smote Rock.

Had Rock been smitten by Smith, they’d have to get a room.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2022 4:19 pm

Say what you like about Indian truckies, but I’ve never seen one of them touting for business outside the toilets at the Balranald Caltex wearing new boots and old jocks.

March 29, 2022 4:22 pm

Booted and pantsed?

Oh, the humanity!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2022 4:22 pm

Had Rock been smitten by Smith, they’d have to get a room.

If you’re talking about Jada Pinkett Smith, a hotel dunny would probably do.

March 29, 2022 4:23 pm

‘To have been’ is past tense yet not in the active but in the passive voice requiring the past participle.

March 29, 2022 4:23 pm

Huh? 400km = long distance driving?
??? ????? ?????

Nowadays yes. I get bored easily. After one hour it gets like “are we there yet?” even when I’m driving.
Stupid draconian enforcement of speed limits, etc makes driving a chore.
Don’t have the problem in the aircraft. The view is nice, there’s enough to do, the co-pilot, loadmaster, flight attendant makes nice coffee and food and the damn thing goes 1 to 2 knots faster when she flies.

  1. Scoop: FBI finds secret JFK assassination records after Trump order An excuse to hold up the release of files perhaps?…

  2. Hamas has until midday Saturday: Trump issues Gaza ceasefire ultimatum to Hamas as he warns ‘all hell is going to…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x