Open Thread – Weekend 9 April

Yarilin Valley, Viktor Vasnetsov, 1885

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April 11, 2022 7:07 pm

He’s going on 59, his partner is a young looking 40.

partner?? is it a business transaction?

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 7:07 pm

So the po-faced scold Rachelle Miller is going to receive $500,000 dollars for a consensual liaison.

Meanwhile Alan Tudge remains in the political wilderness for his consensual liason with the po-faced Miller.

Clown world.

April 11, 2022 7:07 pm

Wonderful to see Albonayzee hit the hustings – face first.

April 11, 2022 7:08 pm

Albanese beat PeanutHead 2:1 among the Party members in the Leadership vote after Rudd resigned

Twice as popular as tits isn’t a ringing endorsement though.

April 11, 2022 7:08 pm

What’s Hilmer’s stance on renewbulls?

I don’t know what his stance on renewables is/was. All I can remember was that Fred Hilmer virtually destroyed the participation of small family operated dairy farms in this country in the 1990s.

His National Competition policy resulted in the corporatisation of the milk and egg industries and, in the long term, inferior products and higher prices for consumers.

It has taken 20-30 years for “boutique” products from small, specialised producers to introduce diversity and quality into the marketplace.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 7:08 pm

Currently we are a massive energy exporter but are not self sufficient.

Gladstone LNG plant doesn’t help.

April 11, 2022 7:08 pm

BTW, I have now one hypothesis on why the vaccines wane.


April 11, 2022 7:08 pm

I presume you meant vaxx death.
But why do you assume that the certifying doctor hasn’t investigated? Why is a vaxx death different from anything like say an allergic reaction death or a snake bite death? There’s literature on what adverse reactions the vaxxes are known to cause, so it’s not as if a doctor can’t do the normal analysis of known signs same as for expected signs of any other cause of death.

Any time any doctor signs any death certificate they’re making a professional judgment on cause of death after having done whatever investigation they believe is necessary to confirm their opinion. And they’re always allowed to say they don’t know and suggest further tests if they’re not sure. But if they’re sure they issue the certificate.
Unless the government tells them that they’re not allowed to place the blame on the approved vaxxes.

Why is a professional opinion that the vaxx wasn’t a factor absolutely AOK, just sign away, all good, no further questions, while an opinion that the vaxx was a factor something which needs to be scrutinised by government even if the investigating doctor is certain?

Yeah, I meant vax death.

Tim, I don’t believe a regular house doc would be able to determine if a person died from the Covid vax. In fact, death certificates in my view generally aren’t that scientifically based. It’s hard to determine cause of death without a postmortem and or toxicology report. A large number of old folks die of respiratory illness – primarily pneumonia. Was it induced by influenza, the common cold or Emphysema? It’s not an exact science and in order to figure out if people are dying from the vax it needs to be a little more exact.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 7:10 pm

Egg head Hilmer didn’t help Fauxfacts. Except to the grave.

John H.
John H.
April 11, 2022 7:12 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
April 11, 2022 at 6:10 pm
“Rates of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe Covid-19 were lower after a fourth dose of BNT162b2 vaccine than after only three doses. Protection against confirmed infection appeared short-lived, whereas protection against severe illness did not wane during the study period.”

If there were antibodies then infection would not take place. I’d have to go through the paper for the severe illness data, but the error bars are enormous, which suggests very few actual severe illnesses. Which is consistent with omicron being roughly as dangerous as the common cold, for which a vaccine is inane and silly. Especially one as prone to serious side effects as this is.

If there were antibodies then infection would not take place.

That is a misunderstanding because it assumes antibody presence will always be sufficient to prevent infection. It doesn’t work like that, probabilities are in play. If antibodies were sufficient a T cell response would not be required. It is, it is often a vital component of immunity.

The error bars are large because the sample included ages 60-80 years and there is a huge difference in the average immunology across those age ranges.

Which is consistent with omicron being roughly as dangerous as the common cold, for which a vaccine is inane and silly. Especially one as prone to serious side effects as this is.

Not relevant. We are discussing the vaccines not the silliness of the omicron panic.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:12 pm

Albanese has strong support among the Rank and File, the actual Parliamentarians prefer Bill Shorten.
Ever met any ALP Rank and Filers, HB Bear?
Sure, the MSM are puffing Albo, but he’s only gotta have 1 Public Meltdown
and Labor MPs will be going to ground to save their hides.
And he’ll have 1, don’t worry about that.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 11, 2022 7:12 pm

So the po-faced scold Rachelle Miller is going to receive $500,000 dollars for a consensual liaison.

but it must be remembered that she still is the po-faced scold looking back in the mirror; Rachelle Miller is what she is and now the price has been settled on.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 7:12 pm

So the po-faced scold Rachelle Miller is going to receive $500,000 dollars for a consensual liaison.

Always cheaper by the hour. Every time.

April 11, 2022 7:12 pm

Anyone seen the economic model from the Leadership?

April 11, 2022 7:14 pm

I was idly passing some time watching the box last night flicking through channels and 90% of the advertisements featured non white Australians.

Are non white Australians the biggest buying demographic for goods and services being offered on telly? I felt I was in another country.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 7:15 pm

Ever met any ALP Rank and Filers, HB Bear?

I try not to. There were a couple of Socialist Alliance guys recruiting on O Day.

April 11, 2022 7:15 pm

Non white actors, that is, I have no idea if they are Australian or not.

April 11, 2022 7:16 pm

No we shouldn’t. We should be a massive energy exporter.

Of course, but self sufficiency should come first. Currently we are a massive energy exporter but are not self sufficient.

The lack of self sufficiency in certain area’s is purely due to government policy. The Government Mongs have been flogging Refining and Fuels Distribution and Retail every way imaginable for 30 years. Then suddenly a large portion of major players packed it up and left. Then suddenly we’re not self sufficient.

The Australian Government thinks it can fuck all of the people all of the time without there ever being any consequences.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 11, 2022 7:16 pm

Wonderful to see Albonayzee hit the hustings – face first.

The Sunbather received a mail-in ballot today — gettin’ ’em out early before the gaffes — ooops too late the orthodontist’s nightmare face-planted early.

April 11, 2022 7:17 pm

Punk bands had songwriters? I never knew.

April 11, 2022 7:17 pm

So the po-faced scold Rachelle Miller is going to receive $500,000 dollars for a consensual liaison.

Meanwhile Alan Tudge remains in the political wilderness for his consensual liason with the po-faced Miller.

Scomo’s response:

Government sources said the former media adviser was in the final stages of negotiation after mediation talks with the Department of Finance.

‘That’s a private matter between her and the department and it’s not a matter I have any involvement with or for which I have any oversight over.’ Mr Morrison said.

‘If he didn’t do anything wrong what’s the money for and if he did why is he still a cabinet minister,’ Stefanovic pushed.

We had an independent inquiry which found there was no basis for him not to continue on as minister and as for those others matters I can’t say.’

I find it very hard to sustain any support for scomo’s weak arsed dickless tards. The only thing he has going for him is that rub and tug is much worse.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:17 pm

Meanwhile Alan Tudge remains in the political wilderness for his consensual liason with the po-faced Miller.
Didn’t Rachelle abandon her family for The TudgeSter, who then gave her the arse?
Sure, she is old enough to know better, but Tudge doesn’t emerge smelling of roses either.

April 11, 2022 7:18 pm

Anyone seen the economic model from the Leadership?

Less plastic dog shit.

April 11, 2022 7:20 pm

Are non white Australians the biggest buying demographic for goods and services being offered on telly? I felt I was in another country.

I find this particularly amusing with banking ads, same approach plus none of the “satisfied customers” look like they’ve ever have a job.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:22 pm

I find it very hard to sustain any support for scomo’s weak arsed dickless tards.
Alan Tudge is one of those weak arsed dickless tards.
You support Tudge, right?

April 11, 2022 7:23 pm

The only thing he has going for him is that rub and tug is much worse.

Scumo just needs to keep looking as dumb as a house brick and he’s got this.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

No 60 year old bloke can keep the cock up to a 40 y.o. woman

You’re doing wrong: x-20 =< y where y=female contentment.
In fact the sum is: x+w=>y, where
x = age of bloke
w = size of bloke’s wallet

John H.
John H.
April 11, 2022 7:25 pm

April 11, 2022 at 7:16 pm

The Australian Government thinks it can fuck all of the people all of the time without there ever being any consequences.

It is a bet that pays off often enough so they keep doing it. 80% of the population will always vote for the same major party. Until Australians learn the value of the protest vote governments will continue with their behavior.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 11, 2022 7:25 pm

The anal ‘make over’ is so blatant. Especially the new glasses. I wonder how long it took them to settle on the colour of the rims?

The teeth are just soooooooo wrong, when AnAl smiles it looks like he’s borrowed his teeth from a random hobo fitted out by the Uni dental clinic —seriously errk

April 11, 2022 7:26 pm

Alan Tudge is one of those weak arsed dickless tards.
You support Tudge, right?

I support your right to fuck donuts donut.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

So the po-faced scold Rachelle Miller is going to receive $500,000 dollars for a consensual liaison.

For that money I too would not root Alan Tudge.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2022 7:26 pm

There is an article on The Paywallian online from some Liar hack along the same lines “let Albo be Albo”.

They can’t do that, he could sneer for Australia at the Olympics. Tanya also, although she’d only get the silver medal.

The minders will be all over him to control that quirk, as it really isn’t a good look when he does it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 7:27 pm

Scumo just needs to keep looking as dumb as a house brick and he’s got this

SloMo can’t fall any lower and now the spotlight’s on Albo. Bradbury enters the turn.

April 11, 2022 7:28 pm

His problem is that people, in particular women, tend to find him repellant.

My mother switches off the TV if he comes on. She simply can’t stand the sight of him.

April 11, 2022 7:29 pm

‘That’s a private matter between her and the department and it’s not a matter I have any involvement with or for which I have any oversight over.’ Mr Morrison said.

Bear in mind that this is a government that relentlessly pursued innocent citizens for alleged debts many times less than 1% of this settlement and denied them the presumption of innocence in the process even after they were advised their actions were illegal.

Fierravanti-Wells was correct: Morrison has no moral compass.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 11, 2022 7:30 pm

AnAl is such an abject failure, I mean if you want to be a soccer referee you must know what the off-side rule is otherwise don’t get on the paddock. Relying on a luvvie media ain’t gonna cut it — Joanathan Lea showed us that in 2019 — how much is it gonna cost Mr Shorten?

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 7:30 pm

The vacuous Allegra Da Big Spenda, grifter, flake and all round lightweight. Her equally lightweight father, John Spender, has come out to support her, stressing the urgency of climate change. LOL. I wonder if Spender remains a member of the Liberal Party? The Liberal party love to expel members who want suburban members to have a say in pre-selections but they’re happy to keep scum like Spender and Turnbull as members. Unbelievable. But anyway, I digress. I ask the following legitimate question, what exactly will Allega Da Big Spenda accomplish in Canberra if she wins Wentworth?

Well, I’m reminded of the words of her father on election night 1990, when he lost his seat to the independent, Ted Mack (by a large margin). Spender was asked by an ABC journalist what Mack will accomplish in parliament. Upset at his loss to an independent, Spender said this about Mack, “he’ll accomplish nothing, absolutely nothing”. Well Mr Spender, how very prescient, your words will apply equally to your shallow daughter if she wins on 21 May 2022.

April 11, 2022 7:30 pm

Head Prefect we are already an energy exporting country, have you heard of coal?
We should use it more here to power our economy you dumb fk.

It’s not either or.

There’s more than enough coal to export and produce world’s cheapest electricity, except the Government Mongs are obsessed with ending electricity produced with coal, whilst not impeding exports, so that our competitors can have cheap electricity.

April 11, 2022 7:31 pm

Thanks Eyrie, I also fund one at in the Hunter Valley, (dont frighten the horses!) but the machine might still be grounded for some kind of maintenance. The top flight has only 15 minutes of flying time but I might be able to get that extended for a commensurate fee.

Otherwise maybe off to UnZud, where friends are converting a relative’s hut for retirement on the wild side of the south island right on the seaside. Sea air, a few baits, wilderness, what could be better?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
April 11, 2022 7:31 pm

Given most voters tend to vote on superficialities perhaps Scomo has a chance.

“Superficialities” and Scomo – a match made in heaven.

Winston Smith
April 11, 2022 7:31 pm


I too will be a LOT more choosy on what I let them jab me with in future, and thats even before considering the possibility that they might be outright lying about the contents of the shot itself.

Welcome to the club.
Trust once lost etc…
And I don’t trust these bastards as far as I could spit a dead rat.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
April 11, 2022 7:34 pm

Scumo just needs to keep looking as dumb as a house brick and he’s got this.

Excuse me while I mortgage my house and get to Sportsbet…

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 7:35 pm

“His problem is that people, in particular women, tend to find him repellant.”

He is repellant.

April 11, 2022 7:37 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
April 11, 2022 at 7:35 pm

“His problem is that people, in particular women, tend to find him repellant.”

He is repellant.

April 11, 2022 7:37 pm


Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
April 11, 2022 7:37 pm

April 11, 2022 at 7:08 pm

JC that’s all fair comment.
But it still doesn’t explain why any individual practitioner is allowed to certify that the vaxx definitely wasn’t involved, but they’re forbidden from certifying that it was. How is that meant to give us “exact” data?
Well, ok, it will be “exact”, just distorted.

April 11, 2022 7:38 pm

I don’t know what his stance on renewables is/was. All I can remember was that Fred Hilmer virtually destroyed the participation of small family operated dairy farms in this country in the 1990s.

His National Competition policy resulted in the corporatisation of the milk and egg industries and, in the long term, inferior products and higher prices for consumers.

It has taken 20-30 years for “boutique” products from small, specialised producers to introduce diversity and quality into the marketplace.
Yes Hilmer egg head academic filth (AGSM at UNSW) exemplifies everything that is wrong with economic policy in this country. Yes it’s funny what happened when they actually put him in charge of a real business.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 11, 2022 7:38 pm

Ed Case @6:57pm

before too long she’ll be looking for help[ers].

On a power trip supposedly atm attempting to be partner of the PM.

Sorry toots – backed the wrong horse. Might as well have jumped Short Willie.

April 11, 2022 7:38 pm

The Liberal party love to expel members who want suburban members to have a say in pre-selections but they’re happy to keep scum like Spender and Turnbull as members. Unbelievable.

You mean to say the parliamentary Liberal Party is full of unprincipled, self-serving careerist wankers?

No…I won’t hear of it, I tell you!

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
April 11, 2022 7:40 pm

If there were antibodies then infection would not take place.

That is a misunderstanding because it assumes antibody presence will always be sufficient to prevent infection. It doesn’t work like that, probabilities are in play. If antibodies were sufficient a T cell response would not be required. It is, it is often a vital component of immunity.

Wouldn’t there also be at least some time lag? If someone breathed in a giant lungful of virus, wouldn’t it take the antibodies at least some length of time to kill them all? Or can it happen quickly enough that no “infection” is detectable?

April 11, 2022 7:42 pm

But it still doesn’t explain why any individual practitioner is allowed to certify that the vaxx definitely wasn’t involved, but they’re forbidden from certifying that it was. How is that meant to give us “exact” data?

Look, I don’t think it’s an attempt to cover up. I suspect it’s because there would more that goes into a determination the vax caused a death. It’s a defensive posture but it may not be to lie.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:43 pm

Are any of these Climate Independents known Lesbians?
Because there must be an angle, otherwise who’s gonna vote for them?

April 11, 2022 7:45 pm

You tell us, Mr Ed. Who are the spooks and rug munchers?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:47 pm

Does the Apple fall far from the tree?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 7:49 pm

Who are these reprobates upticking JC’s lame commentary?
Identify yourselfs!

April 11, 2022 7:50 pm

The sound of Hell brought to you by the CCP. Dickhead Dan laments not having this much control:

Winston Smith
April 11, 2022 7:51 pm

Farmer Gez:

The economy is in weird territory.
We normally have supply problems from high growth, disasters or wars but now it’s a disease.

It all becomes quite logical when you put it in the framework of an all-encompassing bureaucracy in total control and with no other priority than its continued growth and survival.
And I’m deadly serious about that – if we don’t crush these monsters, they will usher in an age of monotonous uniformity that will make China look like California in the 70’s.

April 11, 2022 7:51 pm

“let Albo be Albo”

Did we not see exactly that today?

April 11, 2022 7:51 pm

Interesting developments in the Rolfe fiasco aftermath: the expert for the prosecution was a US professor geoffrey elpert who admitted to no expertise about Australian law and was paid $100k to write a 12 page report, was called at the committal but not at the trial. This after no Australian expert would support the prosecution. The expert for the defence, McDevitt was paid nothing and did give evidence.

Bolta says heads must roll; fat chance.

April 11, 2022 7:53 pm

Good to know Cronkite, but what the hell is a Rolfe fiasco?

John H.
John H.
April 11, 2022 7:53 pm

Timothy Neilsonsays:
April 11, 2022 at 7:40 pm
If there were antibodies then infection would not take place.

That is a misunderstanding because it assumes antibody presence will always be sufficient to prevent infection. It doesn’t work like that, probabilities are in play. If antibodies were sufficient a T cell response would not be required. It is, it is often a vital component of immunity.

Wouldn’t there also be at least some time lag? If someone breathed in a giant lungful of virus, wouldn’t it take the antibodies at least some length of time to kill them all? Or can it happen quickly enough that no “infection” is detectable?

It depends on T and B cell clonal expansion rates mediated by dendritic cell stimulatory signal being delivered to the lymph network and probably colony stimulating factors. That’s the probability side of the problem.

For a new exposure it can take several days to generate the antibodies and T cells. Hence the old idea of the “fever breaking”. For a previous exposure the T cells and B cells are already present but there is still the requirement for T cell expansion and that can take time. I’d have to check but I have a vague memory that inflammaging, the inflammation associated with aging, can seriously impede T cell function and even induce T cell death.

Viruses replicate at extraordinarily high rates from multitudes of infected cells. T and B cells are produced in huge numbers(billions die per day) but only from a few distinct regions and of course it is much more metabolically expensive to make cells than viruses. That’s the permutation game with the initially the virus having a huge numerical advantage.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Buried in a comment of Cassie’s upthread (previous page) is this, deserving of more emphasis:

The Liberal party love to expel members who want suburban members to have a say in pre-selections but they’re happy to keep scum like Spender and Turnbull as members.

April 11, 2022 7:54 pm

Interesting fact about taxes that few people know.
For almost 130 years, until Reagan, tariffs were a Republican policy, and reducing tariffs a Democrat policy.
Democrats favoured other taxes to build government and intrude into people’s lives.
It’s only because a certain group of individuals keep telling them so that the right and conservatives have come to believe in the absolute good of laissez-faire international trade.
This is not to say that I personally care one way or the other by what mechanism we get to less reliance on trade with the CCP.
As long as we do.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 11, 2022 7:55 pm

No 60 year old bloke can keep the cock up to a 40 y.o. woman

My uncle would disagree. He once kept his cock up to a 40 y.o. bit o’ prospective crumpet for over an hour at the stretch. Both parties thought they had their match for the day.

Right up to the point where Ernie the Hotspur decided he’d had about enough of this shit and bit him…

April 11, 2022 7:55 pm

April 11, 2022 at 7:50 pm


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 7:55 pm

Interesting developments in the Rolfe fiasco aftermath

It’s becoming difficult to escape the conclusion that Rolfe was thrown to the wolves to pacify the B.L.M. crowd.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 11, 2022 7:58 pm

what the hell is a Rolfe fiasco?

Zachary Rolfe standing trial in the NT for justified shooting in defence of his life and his partner.

April 11, 2022 8:00 pm


borrowed his teeth from a random hobo fitted out by the Uni dental clinic —seriously errk

Reminded me of twelfth man when referring to some continental crikit player whose name roughly sounded like

I keep my teeth in a jar beside the bed

How do we know Albo doesn’t? He no doubt takes his glasses off before bed, why not his teeth out? Then the thpittle wouth flyth wheth thaying thweet thingth to hith ladyeee.

April 11, 2022 8:01 pm

but what the hell is a Rolfe fiasco?

Do keep up head prefect: officer Rolfe, the cop attacked by the 5th nations derro, charged with murder after being stabbed and exonerated after the shonky evidence was revealed for what it was. This latest bit is about how the charges were brought and the (non) expert was hired at vast expense.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 11, 2022 8:03 pm

I was idly passing some time watching the box last night flicking through channels and 90% of the advertisements featured non white Australians.

Helen @ 7.214pm.

Snap, Helen.
The very same thing occurred to me last night when loafing in front of the Teev.

Blacks, Indians and Asians must be a tiny percentage of the population but nearly every second ad had a least one * man, woman or child of that ethnic appearance. Any stranger to Oz would think there are multi millions in our population.

* I assumed their gender. I am a bad person.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 8:03 pm


April 11, 2022 at 7:07 pm

Wonderful to see Albonayzee hit the hustings – face first.

This happened last time.
Two years and ten months of carefully controlled Karl/Kochie and ABC interviews (I suspect with advance notice of questions).
Suddenly, out in the open, like a deer in the headlights, with a couple of fully armed free-range journos.
Bambi is brown bread.
Listen up Albo.
You don’t get match-fit for this shit by doing a vagina-knitting segment for Women’s Weekly.

April 11, 2022 8:03 pm

The US also had zero income tax until 1917. What’s your point champ?

We’re still waiting for the economic model. Either present it or fuck off (as you normally do when asked). You shitforbrains nincompoop.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 8:04 pm

“It’s becoming difficult to escape the conclusion that Rolfe was thrown to the wolves to pacify the B.L.M. crowd.”

That was clear to me the moment Rolfe was charged. He was charged because of the baying from the activists. All of this comes out of the same progressive cauldron that led to Pell being charged, to Porter being accused and to the Higgins case.

The scum that make up the progressive left aren’t interested in justice….they only want blood.

April 11, 2022 8:04 pm

Okay, thanks Cronkite.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 11, 2022 8:05 pm

Listen up Albo.
You don’t get match-fit for this shit by doing a vagina-knitting segment for Women’s Weekly.

I didn’t know he was appropriately equipped?


H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 8:12 pm

Given most voters tend to vote on superficialities perhaps Scomo has a chance

SloMo is a good campaigner and works after lunch (cf Lord Waffleworth). Hard to think the job is not too big this time.

April 11, 2022 8:13 pm

The US also had zero income tax until 1917.

..JC, April 1 2022: “I don’t need to know naffing”.
And indeed he doesn’t:

The Civil War led to the creation of the country’s first income tax and the first version of the Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue—the earlier version of what we now call the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This office took over the responsibility of collecting taxes from individual states. Excise taxes were also added to almost every commodity possible—alcohol, tobacco, gunpowder, tea.

The federal income tax as we know it was officially enacted in 1913, while corporate income taxes were enacted slightly earlier, in 1909.2

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 8:15 pm

2019 was a sandbagging effort. That won’t be enough this time around.

April 11, 2022 8:16 pm

A large part of the tariffs his leadership is introducing to the discussion are the Smoot Hawley.

Not a few but many economists believe these tariffs were the main cause of the 30s depression.

Yep, signed into law by the Hoover Administration.

Hawley, it was signed by President Herbert Hoover on June 17, 1930. The act raised US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods. The tariffs under the act, excluding duty-free imports (see Tariff levels below), were the second highest in United States history, exceeded by only the Tariff of 1828.

By 1932 the economy was half the size it was in 29.

April 11, 2022 8:20 pm

1. The civil was tax was temporary and to help finance the war.

2. We’re still waiting for the grand economic model and no bullshit is going to allow you to slip away.

Post it or fuck off, Professor Smoot.

April 11, 2022 8:22 pm

whoops .. 1. the civil war tax.

April 11, 2022 8:23 pm

Alpert received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Oregon in 1969 and 1970, respectively. For one year (1974-1975) he attended the University of Oregon School of Law. In 1975, he received his Ph.D. from Washington State University.

Arts degrees are an absolute menace.

April 11, 2022 8:24 pm

Post it or fuck off, Professor Smoot.

I don’t take orders from shits like you.

April 11, 2022 8:25 pm

… and never just make up dates to things you don’t know with me, boy.

April 11, 2022 8:25 pm

What his Leadership neglected to mention was this:

The financial requirements of the Civil War prompted the first American income tax in 1861. At first, Congress placed a flat 3-percent tax on all incomes over $800 and later modified this principle to include a graduated tax. Congress repealed the income tax in 1872,

Dissembling, dishonest and thick to the bitter end.

We’re still waiting for the model. Hop to it!

April 11, 2022 8:26 pm

Arts degrees are an absolute menace.

Un expectingly timid of you, miltonf

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 8:26 pm

With the death of that Saints guy reminds me of an Ed Kuepper gig I went to at Uni decades ago. He was on stage basically telling the audience they were entitled fuckwits (which they were but didnt really help) and the crowd were seriously drunk telling him to fuck off and play some music. I don’t recall seeing him again after that.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 8:26 pm

2019 was a sandbagging effort. That won’t be enough this time around.

Scotty was killing Shorten in the final week.
Plenty of Labor Seats went to Marginals after that Election and I’d say Albo is an even weaker campaigner than Shorten.
Judging by that performance in Tasmania today, is Albo on Tranquillizers?

Any Doctors here prepared to give an opinion?
I’m thinking Serepax.

April 11, 2022 8:26 pm

And don’t omit dates that are significant, boy.

The model please.

April 11, 2022 8:28 pm

Professor Alpert sounds like yet another ancient american marxist don.

April 11, 2022 8:28 pm

Remember that awful Margaret Mead?

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 8:29 pm

Groogs you are trying to hard again. Do some Googlin’ for Hammy and see how it’s done.

April 11, 2022 8:30 pm

Dissembling, dishonest and thick to the bitter end.

Did you know that you weren’t sure about the correct year when you just spat out a random guess, or was it something you genuinely had wrong all the time?
Just say “I got it wrong, thanks for correcting me”.
And we can be done.
More interesting for you to think about: How did I know you couldn’t possibly have remembered the correct year?

April 11, 2022 8:30 pm

I don’t take orders from shits like you.

That’s convenient. Listen fuckhead you don’t know your fat arse from your elbow. You think that by acting tough and sounding tough it will convince people in your direction. It doesn’t work with me and most people here, no matter how many upticks you give yourself. Now present the economic model you have in mind with tariffs and quotas or STFU.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 8:30 pm

By 1932 the economy was half the size it was in 29.
Nothing to do with the Smoot/Hawley Tariff.
Plenty to do with Bank Crashes, ordinary people being swindled outta their life savings, that sorta stuff.

April 11, 2022 8:31 pm

Snap, Helen.

Snap snap Helen. I am amused by the lovely red/green hair lady who “was living in a domestic violence situation” etc etc but now her credit problems have been cleared up, she can buy a car. If she restricted
her purchases of hair dye and face tackle, she might have been in a better financial position somewhat earlier.

April 11, 2022 8:34 pm

Did you know that you weren’t sure about the correct year when you just spat out a random guess, or was it something you genuinely had wrong all the time?
Just say “I got it wrong, thanks for correcting me”.
And we can be done.
More interesting for you to think about: How did I know you couldn’t possibly have remembered the correct year?

It’s not unimportant to the discussion and an attempt to sidetrack. Either present the model or stop wasting our time.

And the Smoot Hawlet tariffs were a complete disaster, but trust you to think they were a startling success, you dimbulb.

The economic model.


April 11, 2022 8:35 pm


It’s unimportant…

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 8:35 pm

Okay, Serepax dates me a tad.
Albo appears very flat emotionally.
Now, I appreciate that he’s gotta be on the AntiAngry Pills, but perhaps a 5 paper joint first thing in the morning might do him a bit of good?

April 11, 2022 8:35 pm

Catamarans Vs yachts

April 11, 2022 8:36 pm

So you were twice wrong.
You were out by an entire four years with the date, and you were wrong in saying that was the first time there was an income tax.
And then you turn on the person who points out your obvious mistakes and call that person dishonest.
Just admit you were wrong, you utter fool.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 8:37 pm

Is Albo a Vegan?
He looks like a Vegan.

April 11, 2022 8:39 pm

It’s not unimportant to the discussion

No. If it was unimportant to the discussion you would have said “Around 1917 I think”. You gave a specific year as if you knew the correct year.
So which is it, genuine mistake about something you thought you knew but had wrong all this time, or were you trying to bullshit people into thinking you knew something you didn’t but were too fucking lazy to look up?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 11, 2022 8:42 pm

And then you turn on the person who points out your obvious mistakes and call that person dishonest.
Just admit you were wrong, you utter fool.

Look, I ain’t a Dobber, but the above excerpt looks like Thread Derailment.
Yeah, some esoteric topics get raised here, but both these blokes are Googlin’ with the all vigor of Harding in the broom closet with Nan Britton..

April 11, 2022 8:44 pm

So you were twice wrong.

You were out by an entire four years with the date, and you were wrong in saying that was the first time there was an income tax.

That’s one of the biggest errors we’ve ever seen at the Cat. Suggesting the income tax was introduced in 1917 instead of 1913 and not recalling the Civil war levy which was totally removed in 1872.

But Lets forget about Smoot Hawley and you advocating for tariffs and and quotas. How about this, why don’t you fuck off back to NZ and advocate that bullshit there.

And then you turn on the person who points out your obvious mistakes and call that person dishonest.
Just admit you were wrong, you utter fool.

Income tax is a side issue to a discussion about introducing protectionism. That’s why you’re a dishonest dirt bag. Oh look there’s a squirrel. LOL

Get to explaining the Thought Leadership model or go have a little cry. You said it’s manly.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2022 8:46 pm


To answer your question, not necessarily. You could have a ton of coal but no oil or gas.

Before gas was found in major quantities here, it came from coal. As for liquid fuels, there are also processes to derive them from coal.

April 11, 2022 8:48 pm

Before gas was found in major quantities here, it came from coal. As for liquid fuels, there are also processes to derive them from coal.

Yes there were processing plants that I recall as a kid along Footscray Road. Then oil&gas was found in the Strait.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 11, 2022 8:50 pm

Sex Ed-uducation
No 60 year old bloke can keep the cock up to a 40 y.o. woman

Most 60 year old blokes have plenty of lead in the pencil but nothing to write on.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 8:53 pm

plenty of lead in the pencil but nothing to write on

You can’t write properly on scrunched-up letterhead.

April 11, 2022 8:54 pm

Before gas was found in major quantities here, it came from coal. As for liquid fuels, there are also processes to derive them from coal.

People who know anything about history know that.
Gas lighting used to come from coal gas and the Nazis used the other process in WW2.
You’re not dealing with a genius though, so good on you for educating the twit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 8:56 pm

H B Bearsays:

April 11, 2022 at 7:10 pm

Egg head Hilmer didn’t help Fauxfacts. Except to the grave.

Has an Australian company had a longer Conga line of fuckwit CEOs and Chairmen?
Hi Roger!

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2022 8:58 pm


Identify yourselfs!

“Yourselves”, you illiterate idiot.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 8:59 pm

Watching On the Couch.

Jonathon Brown looks like DJT. Someone’s applied the foundation with a firm hand.

A firm, orange hand.

April 11, 2022 9:05 pm

4 corners scum devoting 2nd consecutive week to allegations of mistreatment of prisoners by special forces in East Timor.
How serendipitous it’s while the BRS Defamation trial is still on.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 9:06 pm

Officers escape punishment for commando ‘crimes’

Ben Packham
3 minutes ago April 11, 2022
No Comments

The Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, has shelved any punishment for seven senior army officers who failed to prevent war crimes on their watch in Afghanistan, and has exonerated a further 21, saying they should “learn from their experiences”.

The move follows an edict from Defence Minister Peter Dutton that Defence wait for criminal investigations into the findings of the 2020 Brereton report – a process likely to take years – before officers face any consequences for war crimes by soldiers under their command.

The decision, revealed in documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws, means not a single officer has been sacked or demoted for command failures identified in the four-year Brereton inquiry, which found “credible information” that 25 special ­forces soldiers killed 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians.

All are eligible for promotion and can keep distinguished service medals and Orders of Australia earned on deployments marred by war crimes.

Former Special Air Service and 2nd Commando Regiment chiefs and those who held the role of Special Forces Commander Australia have also been exonerated, despite the Brereton report’s finding that Australian-based commanders bore a “greater responsibility” than those in Afghanistan for “cultures and attitudes that ­enabled misconduct”.

The decision comes despite Defence’s move to issue termination notices issued to 17 lower-ranked soldiers following the Brereton report for “alleged failure to meet ADF expectations and values”. General Campbell said the fact that alleged crimes ­occurred under officers from troop to task group commander level “concerns me”, acknowledging “command accountability is my responsibility”.

He said the officers in question were accountable “for what happened under their command”, and noted Justice Paul Brereton’s finding that there was “insufficient curiosity of tactical commanders in this regard”.

But General Campbell said “potential administrative actions” against seven serving and former officers would be suspended until the Office of the Special Investigator concluded its investigation into the alleged crimes identified by Justice Brereton.

“My decision to suspend ­potential administrative action means that these officers will still be able to continue their careers in the army, which may include currently planned or future promotions, posting selections and changes to service category,” General Campbell said in a July 2021 instruction to Chief of Army Rick Burr.

April 11, 2022 9:08 pm

“Yourselves”, you illiterate idiot.

Cheers, saved me pointing it out.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 11, 2022 9:10 pm

A firm, orange hand.

Orange is the new black.
I remember talking to a young bloke from the NT who came to play footy locally.

He was a tall good looking fella with a good dose of indigenous blood and attracted quite a few girls but the fake tans had him wondering.

He said he liked girls of all skin colours but orange was his least favourite.

April 11, 2022 9:10 pm

Thought leader found another squirrel. Coal.

Lets summarize thoughts of the Thought leadership commencing this afternoon.

1. Claims the leadership was discussing re-routing supply lines from about a decade ago. Bullshit. The leadership has always been chortling about protectionism through quotas and stiff tariffs along with heavy subsidies.

2. The thought leadership claimed that the GOP introduced tariffs and quotas. This is true. The GOP introduced trade regulation through Smoot Hawley that largely contributed to the worst of the 30 Depression.

3. I had a date wrong with respect to the introduction of the income tax as I confused it with the intro of the Fed. I got it wrong by 4 years and has zero to do with protectionism and the leadership sees this as a giant squirrel

4. We’re still waiting for the economic model.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2022 9:14 pm

Farmer Gezsays:
April 11, 2022 at 8:50 pm
Sex Ed-uducation
No 60 year old bloke can keep the cock up to a 40 y.o. woman

Most 60 year old blokes have plenty of lead in the pencil but nothing to write on.

Perhaps Dickless is drawing our attention to his personal problem?

April 11, 2022 9:21 pm

We’re still waiting

Who is “we”?
“We” can wait till the cows come home, no one on here answers to you.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 9:24 pm

4 corners scum devoting 2nd consecutive week to allegations of mistreatment of prisoners by special forces in East Timor.

Michael Smith News ran two very good articles showing up Four Corners for the rubbish it was.

Winston Smith
April 11, 2022 9:27 pm


The sound of Hell brought to you by the CCP. Dickhead Dan laments not having this much control:

The sound has been blocked.

April 11, 2022 9:28 pm

I guess no model this evening. We live in hope though. Never give up on hope.

April 11, 2022 9:41 pm
April 11, 2022 9:52 pm

Is Albo a Vegan?

damn autocorrect. bogan

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 9:55 pm


April 11, 2022 at 7:14 pm

I was idly passing some time watching the box last night flicking through channels and 90% of the advertisements featured non white Australians.

Government adverts almost inevitably feature turbans, hijabs, first nations peoples and others from the four corners of the globe.
But there is balance.
White folks have their place in government advertising.
In domestic violence and drink driving campaigns.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 10:00 pm

the 5th nations derro,

The same 5th Nations derro who forgave his girlfriend because HE bashed HER?

April 11, 2022 10:03 pm

The Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, has shelved any punishment for seven senior army officers who failed to prevent war crimes on their watch in Afghanistan, and has exonerated a further 21, saying they should “learn from their experiences”.


This is bullshit.

It is prejudicial to the NCOs and enlisted under their command, whom they have thrown under a bus.

You should not join the ADF. It is led by scoundrels and administered by jackasses incapable of honour.

I feel sorry for any regular digger who likes their job and country.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 10:06 pm

War in Ukraine: Poland seeks justice for Stalin-era massacre at Katyn
By Afp
5:21PM April 11, 2022
No Comments

Polish President Andrzej Duda has said he would pursue justice through international courts for the Katyn massacre in 1940 when Stalin’s police shot around 22,000 Poles.

“Genocide has no statute of limitations. Therefore, I will demand that this case be settled before international courts. We will submit the appropriate motions in the nearest future,” Mr Duda said.

Poland on Sunday commemorated the anniversary of the 2010 Smolensk plane crash that killed president Lech Kaczynski, wife Maria and 95 others, as well as the 82nd anniversary of the massacre.

“Forgotten, unpunished war crimes, crimes against humanity, are fuelling the sense of impunity among the perpetrators. They are like a green light to their successors and followers,” Mr Duda said. “We can see this today in full scale as the brutal aggression from Russia against independent and democratic Ukraine unfolds.”

Mr Duda said Poland would support Ukraine in any effort to seek justice for crimes “committed by Russians”. “We will do our utmost to make sure that the Ukrainian victims do not have to wait for justice to be meted out for as much as 80 years!”

After the USSR’s invasion of eastern Poland in September 1939 under the German-Soviet pact, 22,000 Polish officers – prisoners of the Red Army – were shot dead in Katyn forest. The Soviet Union for decades accused the Nazis of committing the massacre and it was not until 1990 that Mikhail Gorbachev recognised his country’s responsibility for the killings.

April 11, 2022 10:13 pm

“Genocide has no statute of limitations. Therefore, I will demand that this case be settled before international courts. We will submit the appropriate motions in the nearest future,” Mr Duda said.

Okay. Let’s try the USSR (which obviously no longer exists) and Georgia (where Stalin came from).

82 years after the fact.

Let’s see if the Russians arc up about the False Dimitri.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:20 pm

I don’t want to go all bandwagony here, but at first glance this may be promising. The NT News:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has left the door open to introducing laws that would ban trans women from competing in female sports.

It comes after Mr Morrison on Monday endorsed the campaign of the Liberals Warringah candidate, Katherine Deves, who opposes trans-women competing in female sports.

Mr Morrison said Ms Deves had raised “very important issues” and was “standing up for things she believes in”.

“I share her views on those topics,” Mr Morrison said on radio. “We will have more to say about that at another time …”

This attracted the usual complaints from the usual blokes:

But equality advocates blasted the Prime Minister, including transgender footballer Hannah Mouncey who after years of campaigning, walked away from her dream to play AFLW.

Mouncey, 32, said: “Scott Morrison has never cared about women before, why is he caring now?”

“Of all the concerns women have and are passionate about, this is not one of them. I am exhausted … if it’s good enough for the Olympics, that we play, it should be good enough for Scott Morrison.

“We just want to be allowed to play.”

If you have a cock, Mr Mouncey, you cannot play.

There’s also a pic which makes him look like a retired 80s singer who’s spent too much time at the Sizzler buffet but kept the hairstyle. Or Samantha Fox after a three day meth bender.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:21 pm


In my defence, I was thinking of Samantha Fox as she was then.

April 11, 2022 10:26 pm

Could the Holmes-a-court ‘indies’ be doing us a favour? Targeting the liberal wets ?

Holmes a Court would rather remove the moderates altogether. And he is not funding a challenger to Dutton at all.

The impact could reshape the Liberal Party. If the Climate 200 candidates succeed in large numbers, the effect will not just be to drive Morrison and his government out of power. It will be to sweep moderate Liberals out of parliament while leaving conservatives untouched. The Liberal party room would shift to the right.

Of course, they’re doing this out of self interest – they’re much more likely to win in the doctor’s wives electorates – but it does present a possible opportunity for rebirth of the libs.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 10:28 pm

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has left the door open to introducing laws that would ban trans women from competing in female sports.

In my perfect world he would put some starch in his shirt and stick with it.
But I am not confident he won’t crumble at the first hint of an arched eyebrow from Lisa Wilkinson.
Also in my perfect world, a question for all of them …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:29 pm

Okay. Let’s try the USSR (which obviously no longer exists) and Georgia (where Stalin came from).

I would like to register a complaint in relation to the Holy Roman Empire and its atrocities committed in Bavaria during the War of the Three Henries between 976 and 978AD.

Also Frisia, which sheltered the Vikings while they were raiding my ancestors and Transjordan for inventing the pork roll.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 10:29 pm

“If you have a cock, Mr Mouncey, you cannot play.”

If you have a cock, you are NOT a woman.

April 11, 2022 10:30 pm

4 corners scum devoting 2nd consecutive week to allegations of mistreatment of prisoners by special forces in East Timor.

this would be the same ABC that helped politically manipulate their entry into East Timor in the first place.

scum indeed.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 10:30 pm

Katherine Deves has done some great work fighting this offensive transgender bullshit.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 11, 2022 10:31 pm

If you have a cock, you are NOT a woman.

For shame, Cassie, that’s an over-simplistic view of the situation.

April 11, 2022 10:31 pm

Nobodies girl finds her religion again.

Maybe she really has left the bed-hopping environs of Scotland Island.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:34 pm

If you have a cock, you are NOT a woman.

Define ‘have’.

Obviously, there are no women poultry farmers anywhere.

April 11, 2022 10:35 pm

Also Frisia, which sheltered the Vikings while they were raiding my ancestors

We Friesians did no such thing. We fought the vikings for centuries, only stopping when the Carolingian monarchs came destroyed us from the west.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:35 pm


I think Kneel said something about corned beef the other day, which may have had something to do with it.

April 11, 2022 10:38 pm

We live in hope though.

There is no “we”.
It’s just you. A random idiot with no manners, class or style.
No one here cares.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 11, 2022 10:38 pm

We fought the vikings for centuries

Fair point. Also, the TikTok footage of the Ghost of Emden shooting down all those Viking biplanes was compelling.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 10:45 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:

April 11, 2022 at 10:30 pm

Katherine Deves has done some great work fighting this offensive transgender bullshit.

Is ScoMo onto this on moral and ethical grounds?
Or is it a neat way of pulling back LNP conservatives drifting right and harvesting some disaffected feminists* who might normally lean left.
* Most “traditional” feminists fucking detest the tricked up trans movement. With good reason.

April 11, 2022 10:47 pm

As for class … you started the discussion calling me shitforbrains.

As for who cares? Your upticks care. They’d love to see you win an argument for once.

Picking on more women here calling them old hags or grovelling behind the scenes?

Now fuck off you mentally unstable fatmouth.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 10:48 pm

Just looked at Rita Panahi’s pics of how similar all of the ‘Independent’ candidates are, beautiful blonde well-off bimbos run by a weathy man for his own pleasures.. all dressed the same in blue t-shirts and all smiling and mouthing the same mindless platitudes.

It struck me that they were Stepford Candidates. All nanochipped to conform.

April 11, 2022 10:49 pm

Your upticks care.

No, you care about them. Because you have zero class and no style.
You care about not getting them.
Hence the whinging that those who do must be cheating somehow.
What a pillock.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 10:49 pm

“Is ScoMo onto this on moral and ethical grounds?

Or is it a neat way of pulling back LNP conservatives drifting right and harvesting some disaffected feminists* who might normally lean left.”

My money is on your second statement.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 10:50 pm

“It struck me that they were Stepford Candidates. All nanochipped to conform.”

Yep….nailed it Lizzie.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 11, 2022 10:58 pm

The Temora (NSW) Aviation Museum has a flying example of one of these rare Cessna jet aircraft.

It is a two seater. Hmmmmm. (checks piggy bank).

Behold the A-37 Dragonfly.

April 11, 2022 11:00 pm

beautiful blonde well-off bimbos

Zoe Daniels beautiful?

April 11, 2022 11:02 pm

Here, the lack of upticks makes you so fucking sad, I’m going to go back up the page and tick all of your dumb posts.
Starting with 10.47.
I encourage everyone else to perk this bloke up by giving him a tick.

April 11, 2022 11:03 pm

No, you care about them.

That’s you who cares about them. I couldn’t give a rats. It’s just that quite a few people think you cheat. I wouldn’t put it past you.

Because you have zero class and no style.

Lol. I wish I was you. Picking on women calling them old hags because they think you’re a nimrod.

You care about not getting them.

Mind reading as usual when you have nothing to say. Doofus, no one really missed you after your flounced. You don’t set the world on fire with sharp intellectual wit. You’re a joke.

What a pillock.

The funniest thing this evening was thinking you’re whip smart bringing up the GOP tariffs & quotas and bungling your way to supporting Smoot Hawley. You clown.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:05 pm

Zoe Daniels beautiful?

She is of a type. With Stepfords, you don’t really notice the details.

April 11, 2022 11:06 pm

Arky says:
April 11, 2022 at 11:02 pm

Here, the lack of upticks makes you so fucking sad, I’m going to go back up the page and tick all of your dumb posts.
Starting with 10.47.
I encourage everyone else to perk this bloke up by giving him a tick.

lol. Go ahead. My comments make much more sense than your swill dealing economics. Also, look who’s always talking about upticks. You’re a clown and no amount to ticks will change that.

April 11, 2022 11:07 pm

There you go misery guts.
You now high score with 12 upticks for taking a swipe at the grogs thing at the top of the page.
I hope everyone else helps you overcome your tick complex with much ticking.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:08 pm

Obviously, there are no women poultry farmers anywhere.

Is this about sexing day old chickens? Apparently it is very difficult to do but there are some real experts out there, who have a strike rate near perfect, even though newbies can’t tell the difference at all.

I don’t think we need to go to those extremes with men and women. Or newborns.
So easy to tell.

April 11, 2022 11:10 pm


April 11, 2022 11:10 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 11, 2022 at 10:48 pm
Just looked at Rita Panahi’s pics of how similar all of the ‘Independent’ candidates are,

its pretty obvious, isn’t it? Manufactured candidates.

Stepford indeed!

April 11, 2022 11:11 pm
April 11, 2022 11:13 pm

There you go misery guts.
You now high score with 12 upticks for taking a swipe at the grogs thing at the top of the page.
I hope everyone else helps you overcome your tick complex with much ticking.

This perfectly illustrates what a dishonest clown you are. It suggests more and more that the people who made those claims about you cheating these stupid ticks were right. If you’re dishonestly ticking things you vehemently disagree with, it’s not a stretch to think your pathetically sad ego wouldn’t be ticking yourself to death.

Still no model. The squirrels are out and about tonight, hey mergatroid?

April 11, 2022 11:14 pm

Fuck you are painfully stupid.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:15 pm

The Eminence Grise suggests I run up the road clutching a lipstick and write ‘Stepford Candidate’ on the poster of Allegra within reach on someone’s gate. Too easy. Except it is late and I am in my nightie. Wouldn’t want to be mistaken for some crazy woman under nano-control myself.

April 11, 2022 11:16 pm

Fuck you are painfully stupid.

The model, your thought Leader.

April 11, 2022 11:16 pm

It literally hurts to communicate at your level.
Is this a deliberate tactic so that you chase off critics, or are you genuinely this dismal?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:18 pm

I have just completed my report to the families on the Zoom meeting with the Diocese representative.

Never a dull moment at our place.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 11:19 pm

Wouldn’t want to be mistaken for some crazy woman under nano-control myself.

Gotta start somewhere. I don’t have a nightie which would cause a whole series of different issues.

April 11, 2022 11:20 pm

The model, your thought Leader.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:20 pm

The Man of Knowledge had to show me how to turn my report into a PDF file.
I have been living for years sending out Word files. Apparently they are obsolete now.
PDF is so simple, but you have to know how. Like most things in life really.

April 11, 2022 11:21 pm

On 1 April, ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum said she would deliver a decision “next week” (last week) on whether the Bruce Lehrmann (vs. Brittany Higgins) show trial would go ahead.


April 11, 2022 11:23 pm


That looks like a triumph of thrust over aerodynamics.

April 11, 2022 11:23 pm

It literally hurts to communicate at your level.

Is this a deliberate tactic so that you chase off critics, or are you genuinely this dismal?

No kidding, is there a single thing your have ever got right or done without fucking it up? You’re mentally unstable and can’t handle being made to look a fool.

You introduce the topic of tariffs/quotas and the GOP yet you don’t realize it was Smoot Hawley.

You’re just an angry bumbling idiot who possess zero grace.

Now present your model or just fuck off and go shout at a wall.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 11:25 pm

Caught the final minute of The Project before the dog program on Ch 10. Who should be the guest panelist but Ol’ Leathery, which would have raised a few questions for the target audience such as,”Why am I watching a bloke who looks like my nutsack?” Good question. I used to ask myself the same thing watching Insiders.

Harlequin Decline
April 11, 2022 11:25 pm

No 60 year old bloke can keep the cock up to a 40 y.o. woman

I read somewhere that there are certain medicines that can help prevent such bedroom malfunctions.

I think the name was Bongo Bill’s Banjo Pills with that special ingredient mycoxsafloppin.*

Maybe Albos been gutsing them down.

*H/T Viz

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:28 pm

Next he is going to show me the tricks of the trade, called File Folders.
All the disparate pieces of my life are falling off the top of my overcrowded computer desktop.
I have been keeping all in order by putting the icons in neat lines by subject on the desktop.
But now the computer says no. It exasperates The Man of Knowledge that I have a very JIT approach to tech learning. And that he has to come to the rescue at times occasionally less than convenient to him.
You can show me tomorrow, I soothe. JIT.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 11:30 pm

It would be a “courageous” magistrate to kick out the Brittany trial during an election campaign on an interlocutory hearing. Especially in the ACT. I would expect them to shoulder the bat and just thrust out the pad.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 11:31 pm

Glad you are back, Harlequin. You have been much missed at Cat get-togethers recently.
Keep in touch.

April 11, 2022 11:38 pm

just fuck off

You first.
“Smoot Hawley”. It’s the only thing you know about tariffs because it’s the thing taught, and it suits the narrative taught.
But you never bothered to research the rest of the history of tariffs, and all you can do is mewl “Smoot Hawley”.
No, I don’t owe you a “model”. Or anything.
No one here owes you jack shit with the way you stink the place up daily with your moronic abuse.

April 11, 2022 11:40 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 11:47 pm

Pedro the Loafersays:

April 11, 2022 at 10:58 pm

The Temora (NSW) Aviation Museum has a flying example of one of these rare Cessna jet aircraft.

It is a two seater. Hmmmmm. (checks piggy bank).

Two seater, eh?
Tough call.
Which sheep gets left behind?

April 11, 2022 11:48 pm

just because I wont clear my browser cache unless the world is ending due to the 50 billion site and device credentials that would need to be re-entered for the next 12 months, I decided to do a little exploring in the cookie settings on my machine.

tracked down the cookie cache in Dissenter and located the newcatallaxy cookies.

up-ticked a post.
removed all cookies associated with the site
tried again to up-tick
no luck

restarted the browser
tried again
no dice

look, I dunno where the data store is buried
and I can’t be bothered trying to find it
but I’m calling bull-shit on the fake up-tick issue

maybe … maybe somebody is clearing their whole cache and stored data just to tick the whiners

but I doubt it

I say they’re organic

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 11, 2022 11:48 pm

“. . .thrust over aerodynamics”.
Maybe, but you have to admit the Dragonfly is a good looking thing, and would be a buzz to to fly in.

Now, if we could load the cannons and pop a couple of missiles under the wings, it is just a short from Temora to Canberra.

April 11, 2022 11:50 pm

A comment from a pom.
It’s not just the players.
How many boosters are you going to have?

In England there has been 7 delays to football games in the last few months because people in the crowd are collapsing and need the medical staff of the teams playing to go into the crowd to help them . Up until this year i have heard it once or twice in forty years . The tv reporters at those games always told us about what was happening , until yesterday , when it happened at 2 games , first they said the truth , then they started calling it a crowd disruption and carried on calling it that . So it looks like we’re going to have a lot of crowd disruption from now on .

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 11:51 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:

April 11, 2022 at 11:15 pm

Perhaps park the anarchy until tomorrow.

April 11, 2022 11:54 pm

You first.

Okay thanks

“Smoot Hawley”. It’s the only thing you know about tariffs because it’s the thing taught, and it suits the narrative taught.

No, you’re lying again. You repeatedly bumbled on here, making a claim that the GOP prior to Reagan had been supportive of tariffs and quotas . I then somewhat agreed with you highlighting the damage caused in the 30s by Smoot Hawley. Being the eternal ignoramus, you obviously didn’t know thereby becoming another blunder.

But you never bothered to research the rest of the history of tariffs, and all you can do is mewl “Smoot Hawley”.

So you’re a Tariffian now are you? You’re an expert in this area. I know enough on this subject to appreciate the economic poison you’re peddling.

No, I don’t owe you a “model”. Or anything.

Okay. Can you at least present your argument then and we won’t call the model a model. 🙂

No one here owes you jack shit with the way you stink the place up daily with your moronic abuse.

Ummm everything today was going swimmingly until you turned up all aggressive like calling me shitforbrains after which I’ve been proven to be correct and you’ve been subsequently humiliated. But I’m the abuser?

And you’re still pretending you own the site, aren’t you, you laughable clown.

You’re boring me now. Have your last comment because it’s important to you.

April 11, 2022 11:56 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 11, 2022 11:57 pm


April 11, 2022 at 11:48 pm

Do you really possess the IT skills you claim to have?
Come on, man!

April 11, 2022 11:58 pm

I believe somebody is going to be putting a whole lot of shit about pancho up here about four in the morning.

April 12, 2022 12:05 am

Multiple choice quiz.
Q1. When was income tax first introduced in the US?
A. 1913.
B. The year I just made up.
C. Sometime during the civil war maybe?
D. Shut up xunt, I don’t need to know naffing.

April 12, 2022 12:08 am

I pick C.
I really like your teaching style Arckster, I feel so involved.
You’d make a good teacher.

April 12, 2022 12:13 am

I really like your teaching style Arckster

Thanks man. And I’m not even an economist.

April 12, 2022 12:15 am

Thanks man

But you are obviously a biologist.

April 12, 2022 12:16 am

Do you really possess the IT skills you claim to have?

I did have mind to go find the cookies and write a script to automate the up-ticking so that I could up-tick some of your drivel to the moon but, it turns out that it is not such a simple process

actually it probably is … I just just can’t be bothered hunting it out

but, just lemme get this straight … not only do you fail to fake up-tick your own stuff but, you don’t have a conniving supporter with the dedication to elevate your ramblings either?

dunno but, to me it sounds like your lack support is also organic

perhaps its your people-skills


April 12, 2022 12:25 am

maybe its just me but, The Cartel seems to be floundering a bit lately

is this the smartest they’ve got?

April 12, 2022 12:37 am

When the cops were three times each day, doing a physical headcount of everybody in the building, my focus was heavily on avoiding a $10,000 fine & everybody who entered had to sign in & everything was done by the book, or else!

Sal… from yesterday … sorry I didn’t comment.

what a fucking horrible position to put in.
fuck health and justice.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x