According to government spending tracker website, Politico – which laundered the Hunter Biden ’51 intel officials’ propaganda during the…
According to government spending tracker website, Politico – which laundered the Hunter Biden ’51 intel officials’ propaganda during the…
Genius move, while the Dumbocrats were mirror imaging, expecting and heading off lawfare with preemptive pardons, the God-Emporer went after…
A response to Rococo Liberal’s 9:22 a.m. reply to Sancho’s 1:09 a.m. post: That no-one watches the ABC: Yet all…
Drill baby drill! Trump’s Interior Reopens 625M Acres For Oil, Gas Drilling, Slashes Biden’s Climate Policies (5 Feb) In a…
‘So much winning, you will get tired of all the winning!’ Can The Donald call it?
Same could be said of virtually all current and former sitting members in every parliament up and down the country – very few are decent representatives of their state’s/constituent’s interests. Alex Antic, Malcolm Roberts , Pauline Hanson and Craig Kelly are the only exceptions IMHO
Victoria: named for Queen Victoria.
Queensland: named for Queen Victoria.
Regal privilege right there.
I’d be happy to rename the above. Surely were not that devoid of imagination?
Dover. Just stop.
I picked up the link for someone I follow and read him at times. I didn’t know and if I did I wouldn’t have posted the link. So shoot me. 🙂
In all probability Sleepy Joe will be the last US President I will see in my lifetime.
Nah, camel toe will take over soon when they section 25 the vile old creep. She got the nod of approval when obuma squeezed her arse at the recent Whitehouse shindig and ignored joe as he stumbled around like a senile camel in the desert.
Ed Case (dumbass) says: April 9, 2022 at 10:39 am
The National Party came into being in 1982.
(Now I need brain bleach for actually reading one of this moron’s posts)
Oh God.
NATO Standard when I’m working.
And mocha when I’m feeling fancy, and a Maccas or Muzz Buzz is nearby.
And Cats, never discount the restorative value of a cup of black tea when you’ve been working hard on the footplate. Puts a real pep in your fireman, and cleans the smuts out from between your teeth… 🙂
Since DSP is indexed and pays far more than Old Age Pension, what the fuck are you talking about?
Do your homework .. FFS! .. the rorters is the same rate & indexed exactly the same as the OAP .. do you seriously believe that a two bob watch benefit based, primarily, on ethnicity rather than disability would pay more than the OAP .. by 65 98% of wukkas are, probably, living with a disability that would qualify for the rorters so if it paid more we’d all switch-over .. LOL!
My Broken has called me.
I’m here to help.
Since DSP is indexed and pays far more than Old Age Pension, what the fuck are you talking about?
And further on the subject ED .. never , ever engage with a houso over CentreLink benefits/rip-offs ..
WE IS ALL EXPERTS! LOL! .. don’t take my word tho ,, ask Hank it’s not IF but When .. LOL!
Nelson_Kidd-Players says: WA, SA, NT, ACT
I’d be happy to rename the above.
Don’t go there. Don’t open that door. They’d all end up with unpronounceable un-spellable “aboriginal” names.
Jury Declares 2 Men Not Guilty in Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot
Good news but I have to say the 2 and their 2 mates who had a hung jury and mistrial look as though they’ve just walked out of Deliverance.
Which my Broken is not game to bet on.
Ergo, my Broken concedes the point.
That was the worst, most ridiculous toppering ever attempted at the Cat and you have competition. You laughable clown.
The local cops have a breath test unit, down the street, at 9A.M. local time – seems it’s not unknown for hardened drinkers to blow over the limit the morning after, but also the “yummy mummy” brigade, dropping the kids off at school, or simply “going down the shops..”
Broken, understandable you’re not happy (you’re called a “Broken” for good reason) that your sock (Ed Case) has been humiliated (again)
Apart from that, & your inability/unwillingless to put cash to back your mouth, is there anything else?
See them here quite often breath testing the blue collar light work vehicles at 7am.
Eg, pulling up the tyre service truck, or a diesel mechanic service vehicle.
Must be fertile for Plod, coz they’re consistent, doing it just often enough to not have the public think twice about driving the morning after a blinder.
It’s as if they’re more interested in getting a pinch than in promoting road safety.
Patton that he personally perverted the course of justice and would in all likelihood end up in the bin.
VicPol is a pus-oozing, institutionally corrupt extension of the Premier’s office and state Treasury. On so many fronts it seems The Filth aspire only to disgrace, the careerism of toadies and savouring the incidental perks of office, such as mounting bent prosecutions of conservative clerics.
Apparently there is someone in Victoria by name of Matthew Guy, who is reputed to be the leader of a perhaps mythical entity known as “the Opposition”.
Personally, I believe Guy is a fiction. Were he more than a chimera he’d be demanding a Royal Commission into Lawyer X, Pell, violence against Dan’s critics, rubber bullets fired at fellow citizens, revenue-inspired speed traps, I Cook Food, Red Shirts….
But this is Victoria where the best course — the only course — is to hit the Hume and never turn back.
The Division of Maranoa was held by Labor from 1901-21 and 1940-43. The rest of the time it has been held by the Country/National/Liberal National Party.
Victorian Liberals – We Stand With Dan
(Meme seen online recently, unable to locate it or I’d link – it looks just like an ALP poster, except Mr. Guy is photoshopped in over Dan)
VicPol is simply the armed wing of the Labor Party.
This the new rule. If I see you attempting a pile-on like you tried with Mr. Ed. I’ll drop on you like a ton of bricks. No more pile-ons from you even if it is Numbers. You’re done.
Go ahead and keep gaslighting, because pretty soon you’re going to cause a huge gas leak and blow yourself up. You redneck buffoon.
On the say-so of OSINT. When the incident initially happened, a UKR spokesman said it was an Iskander strike. Then we were told it was a Tochka-U. There isn’t any evidence that RUS have used Tochka-U missiles since this began or since they ‘reportedly’ returned to service. Reports are its trajectory was from the south-west, which is under UKR control. The carcass of the missile could be inspected for a serial number that would easily settle the matter. There is a good thread on this here.
You don’t have what it takes.
You aren’t even game to back your mouth.
Unless you’re actually growing a pair of balls & going to place your bet, do not contact me.
Now bugger off.
JC, you are notorious for giving lookers a pass, now, even if they are ‘Russian-speaking person of color who was born and raised in Ukraine’, who are as fair-skinned as the snow.
Let’s get this straight.
SockPuppetry occurs when someone comments under another person’s identity.
e.g., Struth, Rosie, RunnyBum & etc are Sancho’s creations, but they’re not his SockPuppets, since none of them exist independently of Sancho.
I hope this clears up your confusion.
that your sock (Ed Case)
Shots fired, shots fired….
Hard to disagree with this:
You got me Googlery.
It’s not that bad, TE.
Western Australia (in these dreary McGowanist times) could be very easily renamed Bugardup.
I believe it’s a local word for “It’s f****d, mate!”
Thanks JC, we do everything ourselves. When the kids were children, wife was property manager for our family real estate business, money for jam. Had 150 clients. Never lost a tribunal case.
most ABC watchers have seen enough of Geoffrey Robertson AO QC to last them infinite lifetimes, but here he is on p. 38 of the
Weekend Australian:
I prefer ladies who are like my coffee: white, sweet and instant…
Terry McCrann (Paywallian):
How Clive Palmer’s pot of cash twists the political pot
Journalists in the mainstream media and particularly those in the ABC-Nine-Guardian Axis of Idiocy are utterly clueless about Clive Palmer.
They haven’t the slightest idea of why he does what he does in the political space – something he’s been “doing” far longer than anyone else who’s still there, approaching 50 years now.
They have even less understanding of what his impact has been, most critically over the last 10 years and in particular with Scott Morrison’s 2019 “miracle”.
Like the more generic, more secular, “success”, Morrison’s “miracle” had many fathers – Opposition leader Bill Shorten and Tasmanian Dark Green Bob Brown to name but two – but Palmer’s $70m ad-spend was, arguably, the most potent.
This was because it didn’t only work in the utterly key state of Queensland, where Brown and his convoy did such sterling work, but importantly also in NSW, Victoria and WA, where Shorten did his best to re-elect Morrison.
By the conclusion of this coming election campaign, Palmer will have spent something more than $200m – just let that sink in, nearly a quarter of a billion dollars – in his three key campaigns, 2013, 2019 and now this year.
This is something utterly unprecedented in down under politics; an individual spending that sort of money in political campaigning. And on the surface, it has delivered very little reward.
He personally won a lower house seat in 2013, but that was short-lived and his party imploded as “his” three senators all went rogue, with only Jacqui Lambie reconstructing herself into a successful, separate, personal brand.
In his Covid-delayed speech to the National Press Club – in the very belly of the beltway bubble beast — Palmer unveiled three keystone policy proposals.
They were the 3 per cent cap on mortgage interest rates, the 15 per cent tax on iron ore exports, and mandating superannuation funds “bring back” $1 trillion of money they have invested overseas for reinvestment in Australia.
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Were they serious policy proposals? Of course not. None of them stand even the most cursory scrutiny; but nor were they intended to.
Were they potent political gambits into an election campaign, and very specifically tuned to the Palmer dynamic and his ability to spend tens of millions of dollars in advertising? You betcha.
Each touches on raw points of irritation – both on the right and the left – and in the process hoists both of the major parties on their own petards.
Every pet shop galah, in the words of a former treasurer, is now parroting interest rate rises galore. Never have we had more housing debt. Never has the average mortgage been a greater share of an individual – and even more pungently, of a two-person pairing’s – disposable income.
Palmer has a “solution”: just wave a magic legislative wand and cap the rate at which home loans rates could rise to at 3 per cent.
How could the experts, the insiders ridicule it? After all, we’ve just had two years when the Reserve Bank has done exactly that; mandating a base rate of 0.1 per cent and so, effectively, a mortgage rate of 2 per cent?
If the RBA could “do it” for two years, in the Covid emergency, why couldn’t it be done for five years in a housing debt emergency?
Of course, two years of bad policy – the consequences of which, we are in the process of discovering – does not make a continuation into a further five years of an at least similarly bad and arguably much worse policy either justifiable or effective.
The same formula applies with the other two.
Why should our major iron ore miners wax ludicrously rich for selling our dirt, with the level of prices having nothing to do with the fundamentals of the projects themselves? Why shouldn’t our number one enemy pay 15 per cent more to get our iron ore?
In truth it wouldn’t; the cost would be split between buyer and exporter; and then only while our iron ore was so dominant that we could be price-setters up to a point; after that it could be carried by the exporter, just another tax.
Why shouldn’t super funds which get the multi-billion dollar benefit every year of compulsory super be required to invest some part of that money into Australian jobs and development?
Like all populist proposals, they have more than a kernel of validity in them. Further, pompous “elite” dismissal of them, founded in stupidity, ignorance and arrogance, just serves to make them more credible to the very voters at which they are directed.
What else are existing royalties? Doesn’t the RBA’s official – and officially manipulated – interest rate effectively cap home loan rates?
But, more relevantly, to go down this sort of analytical path is to completely miss the Palmer point. The object is not serious policy proposal, discussion and validation, but vote-harvesting – drawing from both the left and the right – leveraged by Palmer’s unique ability, and willingness, to spend big, very concentrated dollars.
No, it’s not going to elevate him into the Lodge or indeed anywhere near it; of course Palmer knows that and it’s not the point, even in the privacy of Palmer’s fantasies.
But the proposals plus the spend – plus the voter dissatisfaction with the party and the PM in power; the lack of enthusiasm and more than a dash of distrust of the fake seeking to sneak through – will impact on the election outcome just as it did very significantly in 2019.
What should be the “known unknown”, is that whereas in 2019 Palmer spent his $70m in effect as free advertising for the Coalition, this time it is not nearly as clear-cut.
That’s captured in the messiness of how the Senate vote will play out in Queensland, with four “candidates” for the third and fourth slots nominally in the gift of the right. Indeed, worse case, it could “lose” that fourth slot to the left.
Just keep watching those increasingly ubiquitous “yellow spaces”.
Ed Casesays:
April 9, 2022 at 9:56 am
That ancient ALP Stooge that abused Scotty the other day is described as an Age Pensioner and a Disability Pensioner.
It appears that Disability Pensioners don’t revert to the Age Pension once the become eligible, but continue on the DSP for life.
This arsehole was whining about only having $700/week to blow after his Dust Diseases Pension was deducted, yet a factory worker or farm worker on minimum Wage supporting a family wouldn’t even have that much left after PAYE Tax.
You missed the best part, Dickless. His grand daughter is an ALP MP.
I still call it Ayer’s Rock. I can never remember how many loos or roos there are in ooralooraroolaaiaddiay.
Wow, which one is she?
Tom at 12:10.
Shorter McCrann.
Fat Cloive won’t come close to winning government.
But he has advanced three unworkable policies in the hope of harvesting a bunch of low info idiots.
More Discussion of ADE Based Infection of The Immune Cells in Severe COVID
Drbeen Medical Lectures
Fat Clive’s Magic Maths:
The Australian iron ore industry at a glance. Based on record pricing, the realised export value in 2021, all grades, was likely around A$149 bn.
Assuming the high A$ price holds and buyers are prepared to swallow a 15% increase on top and maintain volume, Cloive’s tax would raise ~A$22 bn pa, or ~$335 bn over 15 years.
About 50% of his nominal policy target – which must be built on very, very heroic assumptions.
As Terry McCann observes, the fact that UAP’s policies fall apart at a gentle touch is irrelevant. Fat Bastard is just having a lark with his munni – and taking the piss out of his 70,000 fans.
And Australian politics thoroughly deserves it.
5 shot lead at the Masters. That should scare the pants off anyone.
Gruinaid has the usual “ogga-booga” Le pen story.
But realistically what is wrong with all these bad things?
Le Pen’s economic programme is an incoherent mess. Her European policy is Frexit by stealth* – unilaterally reducing payments to the EU budget and breaking EU laws she does not like**. She also wants to ban all Muslim women from wearing veils in public – not just the burqa***, which was outlawed in 2010. She plans to discriminate against foreigners, including EU nationals, with regards to eligibility for benefits.****
*French been given an opportunity to opt out lately??? No? Then voting for someone who will is the next best proxy.
** So keeping french money from french taxpayers for the benefit of the french?- How old fashioned.
*** So in effect helping liberate these ladies from a shame culture which treats women as second class people and allowing them to assimilate into the wider french culture…
**** Emergeeeerd, shes going to restrict benefits to French people…
Seriously, if thats the worst they can throw at her???
Ayers Rock gets listed on departure boards at Cairns airport.
They probably don’t have enough O’s.
They are lying with impunity now. They don’t care because the Western media and governments will amplify their lies without even attempting to consider the veracity of their claims.
Well yes Dover. I didn’t see her pic. If she’s a looker she gets a pass for uttering stupid shit. Black, yellow or white… no biggie even if they identify as purple. 🙂
Will Smith has resigned from the Academy after slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars – but why are people still talking about it and what is this latest culture war distracting us from? #WillSmith #Oscars #CultureWar
Russell Brand
True, Sancho at 12.34pm. But the Fat Bastard’s policy wishlist, designed as it is to attract low-information voters, is not what he is spending his advertising dollars on.
The TV ads are pure protest party for pissed off LNP voters, of which there is an avalanche on account of Scotty From Marketing believing in nothing and selling out the party base with stunts like Net Zero. a neo-communist strategy designed to destroy capitalism, the free market and Western culture.
The ads are creating plenty of business for the Fat Bastard party, which will probably replace the Filth as the dominant minor party in the next decade – if he stays interested for long enough.
The second major ambition of the Fat Bastard party, as far as I can tell, is to reduce the LNP-ALP primary vote to a record low at the next election, which the FBP will do easily, in my opinion.
God I live in a few little miffed heads here.
Hey KD, you left out the part where I’ve seen all these UFO’s as well.
Drop kick.
So I’ll reiterate .
I believe many of you within a few years will not be with us.
And that may include my son as well.
Many of you are going to at least be more sick mote often and this winter you’ll all be catching the slightest colds that you would have once been able to fight off.
Some of you are going to do a Warnie, and some of you are going to find everything from kidney disease to strokes early in life etc etc.
Depends where and how often you get spiked
Within four to five years.
The evidence is now overwhelming that what the experts predicted would happen is happening.
Yep, I certainly believe it to be true, and many hundreds of links to prove what the jabs have already done IN ONE YEAR, have been posted here.
I’ve collated many of them from experts who cannot be ignored by the sane.
The denialists here won’t hear a word.
Of course they won’t.
They scoff at me for daring to mention it.
They scoff at the very idea that because they’ve done nothing wrong to anyone else, there can’t be a level of evil that hates them so much, they want them dead.
There is, and they are working on it.
So that’s why I ask how many jabs you are going to take.
So KD and Sancho, who do bugger all of their own research, just sit on here 24 hours a day poo pooing what they don’t want to here…are the most ignorant to what’s going on.
But I’m not backing away from the statement.
ACCORDING TO EXPERTS, who warned people not to take the untested, (well that’s not quite right…it was tested on animals who all died of the very next virus they caught)…..many of you won’t be with us within a few years.
And the death rates in Britain and in countries with relatively trustworthy figures, sees the triple jabbed working age falling off the perch in never before seen numbers.
Record death rates and climbing.
Only a fucking idiot would scoff and keep injecting themselves.
So I still stand by every word.
I tried to tell you not to take it.
No one can say I stood back and let you kill yourselves.
Because it canr be said enough.
Biden is a brain diseased old high stepping (When I was at greylands all the loonies had distinctive walks) mong.
Any tech minded people want to opine if this is correct or feasable??
Maxey believes the U.S. government is “hunting down files from the laptop posted online and flagged them” to the file-sharing companies.
“There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the U.K. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can’t look at it,” Maxey said. “These are all Five Eyes countries, English-speaking countries in an intelligence-sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down.”
According to Maxey, this means our intelligence services “were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released.”
“That should terrify every single decent person in the West.”
The mainstream media has recently conceded that the laptop was real and not part of a Russian disinformation campaign, as they had initially claimed. The laptop is reportedly full of incriminating evidence against not only Hunter Biden but Joe Biden as well.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
April 9, 2022 at 12:32 pm
His grand daughter is an ALP MP.
Wow, which one is she?
Sharon Claydon, Member for Newcastle since 2013. Said to be his grand daughter, but I have not done a genealogical search.
Amazingly I got through two months in Europe plus two long plane trips without getting an almost inevitable upper respiratory tract infection.
Mr. Ed
You really make it hard. You’re such an idiot. In any event, Sanchez was a spook for the Mexican government, so he knows how to wear good disguises. Surprised you figured it out. You idiot.
Ground Hog Day. How many times has this ATO story been mentioned now as I have lost count ? and so it goes on. Nobody cares except JC.
It is unfortunately JC’s routine to keep repeating things so each day is a repeat of the day before.
Then when he is called out on it he is like the kid with chocolate around his mouth saying it wasn’t me.
“JC says:
April 9, 2022 at 11:18 am
Oh oh oh I had 4 audits and an apology letter from the ATO in one year. Ho Ho Ho”
And as far as the death camp things go.
Firstly, although I never mentioned them being death camps, or anything about gas pipes etc, that’s just your typical twisting bullshit we have come to expect from the gang of nuff nuffs………..
Anyone, I mean anyone with half a fucking brain, who did not find it strange that immediately on declaring two weeks to flatten the curve, they announced there will be quarantine camps built….that wouldn’t even be ready for two years……has some serious issues.
Now when a government chucks the constitution to the curb, imprisons the people, and generally tyrannises them, and starts building camps, you might want to pay attention.
But that would mean admitting the bleeding obvious, and that is, we’ve been taken over in a coup by the globalists.
That’s too scary for some to contemplate so they just dismiss it all.
People who are deemed “filthy” from what ever the next conjob 2023 will be, and haven’t been obedient enough for the tyrants will be dealt with how?
The WEF countries that are completely under their control, like Canada and Australia and New Zealand started building camps immediately, while still professing to know nothing about how bad covid 19 was!
Nothing to see here, says the sneerers.
You only have to know a little bit about history to know what they are going to be used for.
And if you don’t, the WEF and Bill Gates will tell you.
This is the level of dumb that is out there.
You know, much like watching Trotsky mongs and Stalin spastics attacking each other its enjoyable to see old guard feminists and the twitter feminists at war with each other.
In this case I think the legbeard brigade is bayoneting the wounded and unwell who havent been able to crawl off the battlefield.
Ive got a legbeard crush on Bindel just for her savagery.
Worth a RTWT for savagery and some seriously bizarre connections between mentally ill people.
Gender Goblin Laurie Penny, who is equally invested in the “some women have penises” school of logic, is an ex of Lavery’s. I mention this only because Penny has often bragged about it on social media. Penny was conversing with Lavery, prior to them chickening out, about their debating skills.
As Lavery Tweeted to Penny: “I won Cambridge union in 2000 and 2001, Debater of the Year at Oxford in 2002, was runner-up in the world championships in 2000, and #3 Individual speaker in the world in 2001. So it’s been 20 years, but at least historically this is something I’ve been good at.”
Penny, replied, “Yes darling I know. You told me on our first date. That’s why I’m glad you’re on our side.” The exchange between the pair then turned into discussing Lavery’s skills in the sack, which Penny remarked she* might put on a T-shirt. I will spare you the details.
I think we have a new Liberty Quote here.
I will not use female pronouns for Lavery because of the sheer amount of willy in the book
Keeping it classy.
In their new book, Lavery describes their penis as feeling “as though I were laying my own miscarried foetus across my hand”.
As one feminist friend remarked when I was explaining the use of the term “her erect penis” in a liberal British newspaper when reporting on the trans-identified sex offender Karen White who had sexually assaulted female prisoners: “The only time the use of the phrase ‘her penis’ is acceptable is if a woman castrates her rapist and holds it up as a kind of trophy.”
So St Ruth.
In relation to the quarantine facilities, you never described them as “concentration camps” or “death camps” or used phrases like “Arbeit macht frei” in relation to those facilities?
So to is Manhattan, a native word for island with hills.
I have not been jabbed with an experiMENTAL emergency approved “dose” and I have yet to get the virus thingy. I haven’t had the Flu since 1972 and rarely get colds and sniffles. For some reason I do get hangovers though……………………..My immune system is top notch and I will be 70 years of age in November 2022. I am not at risk. Just look after the weak and the vulnerable and please leave well alone.
Wasn’t it changed to
“Quarantäne macht frei”
Quarantine makes you free.
Yea, Old Bloke, so it is.
leave me well alone I mean…………………..
It’s really a very appropriate name for the place. Maybe it’s because we just got used to it, but it just feels right.
I’m off “home” next month and can’t wait. 🙂
Broken status confirmed.
Lol, it’s like a cracked record.
Quite a potty mouth too.
Could be close to a stroke or other medical event.
Which could be serious in Victoria, where an ambulance brigade does not have a happy record of timely service.
There were variations on the theme.
He has a yuuuge obsession with homosexuality and Nazis.
Maybe he is an Illinois Nazi.
How dare you.
Driving round Townsville this morning, Katter’s candidate here is now outdoing Clive in the advertising stakes. Including a poster on Woolcock st Mt Louisa that has Bob & his candidate all suited up like boxers. I reckon being in close proximity to the Bohle Industrial estate that is marketed at the hi vis crowd who drive past it daily to the engineering shops on Ingham Rd.
Also noticed a prominent local Chris Condon is hosting KAP advertising on some blocks I know he owns, now that is not unusual as he does it every election for all but so far it is only KAP that would raise an eyebrow. Chris rarely weighs into politics but does so from time to time, he used his sway round town and advertising to end Tony Mooney’s reign as Mayor when the two locked horns and to torpedo his bid to run for Fed Parl later.
Cloive however, even up here is off the boil. I was always wary his message would survive the relaxing of COVID rules. Rumour is he is in a big spat with the Townsville Port and State Government again, wants to reopen his berth but someone I know down there reckons the place is going to need a complete rebuild especially the cranes and infrastructure. Knowing Cloive probably over money…
Local LNP Member Phil Thompson is out there but not very visible yet. Same the ALP who I have seen barely any corflutes for.
Weird as I noticed the same thing down Mackay way. Minor parties are very visible but majors are very low key. As if they aren’t wasting resources on a preordained outcome…
Before I answer this lying cockhead, JC, please don’t use the word c..t here, in it’s full.
Have some fucking class.
I am not backing away from anything.
I believe, if we don’t beat these people, YES, they will be concentration camps. Prisons for the innocent, just the wrong people according to the government.
Now if they’ve made the jab mandatory outside the walls of the camps, and people are dying already, Sancho can’t possibly work out what might happen inside the camps.
This level of denialism is so incredibly dangerous.
This delusion.
This complete break from reality.
Fucking Australia is already a big death camp, you great fuckwit, and the people doing the killing via jabs, have built the camps!!
Scoff away, wanker.
It’s either fear or stupidity with denialism.
I believe the correct course of action is to be highly suspect of criminal tyrannical government where you Sancho, believe in waiting to be carted away in the cattle cars before you’ll entertain the idea anything is wrong.
You’re a prize goose.
Thousands of these reports coming out now….all ignored by the jabbed.
Reality’s a bitch .
Don’t take my word for it, here’s the Qld government
How many boosters are you going to get?
One last thing about the total lack of, either objectivity and or awareness, Brett Bourne. The redneck is without doubt the dumbest most repetitive imbecile to ever post on the Cat. If the inbred isn’t plussing people or trying a pile-on, the Kunt is repeating shit constantly. The dumb flea rake thinks that repetition will persuade people. It doesn’t, it just annoys everyone and your lack of objectivity and bias is annoying too. Go kill mosquitoes and remain silent.
yet they’ll blame long covid, or white privilege covid,……
Yes, quite right, Rabz. He has tried to explain capital gains tax to me many times and I always get it wrong. What is tax free proportion and what is not and how to calculate and apply the damned tax and all of that. The accountant does it anyway, but it is good that one of us understands what is going on there.
Critical Grooming Theory though, my sort of CGT, I think it is a very good thing and so easy to apply.
All progressives take part in it, no matter how much they wail and complain they don’t. In that respect, it is like the rest of us with Critical Race Theory. Progressives are complicit with indoctrinating toddlers into gender bending so they are all groomers. Quad erat demonstrandum. Same logic as CRT uses, so they can’t complain.
From today’s party, however, I must say that indoctrinating toddlers into anything is a fairly thankless and difficult task. We’re back home now. Grandpa has had to retire for a lie down and I’m a bit queasy because I OD’d on icecream cake, some which now seems to decorate my clothing. Not my doing, that’s little toddler hands at work there.
Hey Stuth, just out of curiosity you keep repeating the nonsense that people know who you are. Is this some sort of veiled threat that you’ll try on a lawsuit against someone? Supposedly, someone told me that you’ve tried this angle at the furniture store as I wouldn’t go near that radioactive dump. This appears to be the Faulty-verse trick that perhaps you’ve latched onto in the hope of garnering a few dollars legally. If this is going through your granite thick head and I don’t know if it is, then let me disabuse of it here and now. If I find out you’re trying to sue someone I will do the same to you for making abusive racist comments towards me. And I will win and I will make sure you sell the van and the house.
Oh dear, Mariam only gets more interesting:
Destination Fucked.
Whada you fucker talk about, you bloody stupid dago, wop? .
Knowing that the jab also creates neurological disorders it should be funny to hear how me saying people know who I am, to me wanting to sue people.
There’s some fucking big dots to join.
because I’m involved in a round-about way with
HotHealth hotels I can tell youse that since Mickleham opened a couple of things have happened.that hotels are out of the Health/Justice strategic alliance and that all punters that would normally go through the hotels are now going through Mickleham.
got that from the horse itself
its quiet in the media
almost as if Justice/Health media liaison have gone schtum for some reason.
nothing coming out of govt spokes-wonks either
it isn’t transparent … its invisible
and that, is enough to raise questions for me
I’m seriously saying this JC.
Get checked out.
Laurie Penny never fails to come through with the goods. I can’t see these people ever getting better but I can see the movement atrophying due to the generalised short attention span. It would really suck to have deposited your junk in a medical waste incinerator only to find things have moved on and there is no kudos in it any more. That would really suck, considering how well trannies age and all.
All the bright young parents of toddlers arrived carrying their colourful ‘Kidstuff – for a brighter child’ plastic bags containing the present ready-wrapped as part of the service, and we were no different, arriving with our similar offering from the same place too. We know how to behave at such do’s.
The difference is that at the conclusion of the presenting presents my daughter-in-law scoops up all the wrapping rubbish, tips it into one of the bigger Kidstuff bags, and then rams all of the other Kidstuff bags in on top to go to the bins. And she’s a rabid greenie with degrees in environmental engineering! I was shocked. I would have carefully folded up those various sized bags and put them away for further use, not because I’m in any way green but because I come from a generation of savers of useful things. Not so today’s millennial parents.
Apparently this lady ( pennys root) still has a schlong.
Just the sort of lass the legbeard/lezzo brigade love telling them what real women want.
Sancho Panzersays: April 9, 2022 at 9:42 am
Have said that many times.
Fair point though. S’pose it’d be pretty hard when you get down south to be all that far from a golf course. Not that I was in a position to go looking.
A kebab shop takes up 3/4 of the day, every day.
Interesting take on Cloive vs Hatter.
That is where I don’t quite see it as Tom does.
It is a crowded marketplace out there, with UAP, PHON and KAP squabbling over the same territory.
UAP might have appeal in outer suburbs of the capitals where the others don’t, but I genuinely think the LibDems will do well there and cause grief for Fat Cloive.
Oh that’s good the Stuth. I just wanted to get a little ahead of things so you knew what you doing.
Just a question if you don’t mind answering. Why do you often say that people know who you are? Why is that even halfway relevant in your mindless rants?
Well that was fun.
Two young girls on the crew dissing each other Mafs style but with big smiles giggling and in clear English. With there relatives being completely oblivious to what was going on.
Made my day.
Oh and it was said to me on another site, Stuth. I haven’t seen you make the comment.
All good then. Right?
instead of just wanking themselves silly again,
how about the raging shit-talkers add something reasoned
I don’t.
The point is Sal, it is very difficult anywhere in Straya to live more than 60 clicks from a goff course.
Almost every town with a population of more than 3,000 – 4,000 has a goff course of some standard.
DOJ Sentences NextEra Energy for “Blatant Disregard”, Killing 150 Eagles
ESI Energy LLC, Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Nextera Energy Resources LLC, is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Killing and Wounding Eagles in Its Wind Energy Operations, in Violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
According to the information filed in this case:
– ESI and its affiliates deliberately elected not to apply for or obtain any ETP intended to ensure the preservation of bald and golden eagles, and instead chose to construct and operate facilities it knew would take eagles, and in fact took eagles, without any permits authorizing that take.
– Because ESI did not seek any ETPs, it avoided any immediate federal obligation to avoid and minimize eagle take to the maximum degree practicable and to pay for compensatory mitigation for the eagle deaths.
– Because some other wind energy companies (1) altered proposed operations as required to avoid and minimize take levels to the maximum degree practicable, (2) applied for ETPs, (3) obtained ETPs that in some cases were impacted by take levels caused by ESI’s unpermitted facilities, and/or (4) paid mitigation for eagle takings, ESI, by not doing these things, gained a competitive advantage relative to those wind energy companies.
– ESI and its affiliates began commercial operations at new facilities on a schedule intended to meet, among other things, power purchase agreement commitments and qualifying deadlines for particular tax credit rates for renewable energy, and with production amounts not impacted by avoidance and minimization measures that might have been required under an eagle take permit. ESI and its affiliates received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal tax credits for generating electricity from wind power at facilities that it operated, knowing that multiple eagles would be killed and wounded without legal authorization, and without, in most instances, paying restitution or compensatory mitigation.
They need to be shamed for being such hysterics and dilettantes, real men would go the chop.
Wow, Michael Long – Cyril Rioli’s uncle – of all people tells the world that the King has no pants:
Long obviously doesn’t want fake charges of racism to detract from the real thing. Good on him.
Put the bong down.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Ah, yes. I too am an Albert Steptoe when it comes to party detritus. I have a collection of gift bags ready for repurposing and transporting items, and a vast array of the odds and ends of napkins, paper plates, plastic “disposable”
cups and stemware. All unused, all destined for the bin. I saved some particularly nice napkins (about 200) and striped paper plates and platters just recently.
Need a small container for left-overs, some napkins, balloons? Visit the the two vast crates of “Party Stuff” and discover more – plastic tablecloths, straws, glitter scatters, poppers. Ghosts of long forgotten 18ths, 21sts, baby showers, engagement parties, hens, kitchen teas and christenings.
My morning tea girls are still using the napkins from a 21st. We’ll get through them eventually.
And those questions are … ?
Stop your lying, SpongeBob.
Sharon Claydon [b. 1964] can'[t possibly be the granddaughter of a guy 73 years old.
Very scant personal info on Claydon, so there’s definitely more to the story.
pay the government and then you can kill the birds
People know who I am.
JC, that’s just a fact.
Look, every since you took the jab, you’ve been a different boy.
People are suffering all sorts of issues.
I’m serious.
Just go and make sure the blood is getting to all parts of the scone.
But I’m not a hoarder, no, no, no!
Well…maybe just a little bit. In a good sort of way. 😀
Geoffrey Robertsonson’s greatest contribution to Australian public life has been removing himself and Kathy Lette (albeit temporarily) from it. The ALPBC has not assisted him in this endeavour.
We now have a qualifier.
“If we don’t beat these people …”
Define victory and what it will look like to get them to dismantle the concentration camps.
That’s almost impossible in itself and nearly impossible to confirm.
Sure, never had a severe flu, that’s entirely possible.
He’s not a Brit?
No one is ever unknown.
Very strange claim, St ruth.
No it is not.
Lol, you say that like as if towns that size are everywhere.
All I know struth is really Ken Worth, someone who purports to be the fountain of knowledge, a bit like the tree of knowledge. A poisoned old stump.
Palmer is drowning out the ALP messaging.
Simple as that.
Abbott and Campbell Newman got similar help off Palmer, then reneged.
Where are they now?
Well, Abbott is shilling for War in Ukraine and Newman is shilling for, ahahahahahaha,…ahem, … ahahahahaha, … the Liberal Democprats.
People know who I am? Do they point and laugh?
Should have checked out the Woodend Golf Club.
Nice course, reasonable green fees.
I’m pretty boring.
If people want to threaten me, I’m as boring as the guy in Force 10 from Navarrone who gets iced by the allies when he’s making a cup of tea.
“We doxxed the guy who…ZZZzzzzzzzzzz…….”
What are you doing JC?
Trying to fire a shot across St Ruth’s bows?
You can’t do that.
He’s sold the boat.
Palmer owns the billboard space, Labor just makes itself appear tiny by trying to compete.
There’s no fore ordained outcome, the Media are trying to talk up Albanese, but going on the way his minders protect him from unscripted scrutiny, he’s another Joe Biden.
With a nasty temper.
So, his only faint hope is for a Postal Only Election or to be laid low with Covid for the entire Campaign and allow more presentable Surrogates to argue Labor’s case.
I’ll ask again. Is the pope really a Catholic? If so is he a Christian?
You’ve never actually said anything, have you Frank?
You’ve sneered and called people names, keep trying to niggle and when you do finally tell us something, it’s all lies!
The whole story.
You are a sad fuck, with nothing to say.
Your schtick shows you to be lacking in confidence, unhappy with yourself as a man, because underneath you know you lack the integrity found in any average Joe.
Every sneer saying nothing, just here to niggle and cause shit, shows how sad you are.
Yet for someone with no opinions on anything, you are on here rubbishing the opinions of others 24/7.
You’re a sad fuck, that’s for sure.
Ed Casesays:
April 9, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Sharon Claydon, Member for Newcastle since 2013. Said to be his grand daughter, but I have not done a genealogical search.
Stop your lying, SpongeBob.
Sharon Claydon [b. 1964] can'[t possibly be the granddaughter of a guy 73 years old.
Very scant personal info on Claydon, so there’s definitely more to the story.
I’m very disappointed Dickless. I put out some easy bait for one as politically switched on as you, expecting you to produce a complete family tree, and this is the best that you can come up with?
Try harder.
If you say so.
Given what’s going on, the launch of nuclear capable ballistic missiles in Eastern Europe is presumably being fairly carefully monitored by all sides.
If it is, in fact, a Ukrainian false flag (and you can’t discount the possibility) it’s obviously game over for Zelenski and his NATO buddies. It’s also a massive spike in US hegemony, probably the end of Taiwan, and a huge Fuck You Victory of historical proportions for the Poot.
Seems strange then that the Kremlin is relying on ‘Tochka? What is Tochka? Ukrainian missile. We sent a letter to the UN about no Russian Tochka’ – rather than slamming down the satellite evidence and demanding Joe Biden immediately comes to Moscow to perform ritual fellatio – before resigning in shame and dying of dementia.
Perhaps they’re teasing.
Naughty Russians, Faustus.
Born in Sydney according to Gargooglery’s favourite reference source.
Robertson went to school at Epping Boys High. I don’t think that is where he acquired his weird, hybrid upper crust accent.
They must splutter into their Pimms on hearing it, but are too polite to say anything.
New videos expose Disney’s radical turn
Fox News
Bombing their own people is straight outta the NATO playbook.
Operation Gladio, bombing of Bologna Railway Station
USS Liberty, LBJ wanted that boat lyin’ at the bottom of the sea.
Pearl Harbor, the Americans knew it was coming, since they’d broken the Japanese Diplomatic Codes.
Sure, they moved the 4 Carrier Groups outta the road, but left the obsolete Battleships to be junked, along with 3,000 Sailors.
I’m probably way too late but here’s some interesting news:
Acquitted because the FBI interfered.
Calm down Stuth.
They’ll stay right up to the point we start sending out letters ‘inviting’ them to register for the call up. Then watch them scarper.
I wonder if the 3 million or so border crossers have taken that scenario into consideration in the US?
I knew that.
I was being /sarc.
I think they call it an “Epping accent”.
It’s understandable JC.
After all, you just told him “you have no standing”.
Summary – ADE Based Infection of The Immune Cells in Severe COVID
Drbeen Medical Lectures
If only.
Breitbart Business Daily: The Rumble and the Ruble—How the West’s Sanctions on Russia Strengthen the Ruble and Threaten Globalization
Guess who scores billion$$$ in Biden’s Iran deal?
No. No one in Epping speaks like that.
It’s straight out of NIDA – How Posh People Speak 101.
4 unruly teens beat, slash man on NYC train: cops
They want a race war.
The Hyper* Class want a race war because they will be able to get permanent States of Emergency, and because they think they will be safe in their gated communities.
* In relation to the Class War which is being fomented.
No-one else on the planet speaks like that.
A dialect of one.
Yeah Sanchez. It was a warning shot.
One time Faultyverse said that I once gave him heart palpitations and he had to go to ER an get checked out. He then said that his supposedly dead wife (aren’t they all?) had gone to see a lawyer to sue me and he knew who I was. The daft idiot seemed to have forgotten that he had joined a pile-on for years trying to torment me that I had dobbed in Brian-the-cop after I had repeatedly and painstakingly explained it wasn’t me. There were some other false accusations he’d made. On reflection, it’s a pity he quickly backed away. The law firm I use are an expensive bunch of very aggressive Jewish dudes (you should only ever use Jewish lawyers) and the expensive fucker I use there reminds me of Trump’s (Jewish) lawyer , Jay Sekulow. The trouble with my version of Jay is that you only have to call him and it’s costs a new car 🙂 . He’s meaner than the junk yard dog.
You can’t do this with a grader!
Scraper trick:
Heart palpitations!!!
The only thing you could do to other people is bore them to death.
Yea, go ask him or check out the old Cat. He’s a friend of yours. He reckoned I sent him to ER as he thought he was having a heart attack. Hahahahahahahahaha
Yeah Stuth, projecting is a sad reflection on you and the mindless low wattage bullshit you post here.
In fact, you’re so interesting and mentally agile that you have to leave the furniture factory and come here to rant because the factory is so crowded and busy that you come to a quieter place to speak truth to power. You redneck idiot.
But you got your foot.
Is Musk driving a Ferrari? WTF?
He’s a friend of mine?
Never met the bloke.
Never bought him a steak.
Argued with him more than you did.
You get yourself into all sorts of problems if you start believing the little gang of sneerers.
The only thing you could do to other people is bore them to death.
Translated from wog……
Ner ner.
Post a copy of the retainer agreement, signed.
Not making any allusions, but so many people seem to have lawyers and bignote themselves about it that we cannot be sure.
We can’t be sure unless we sight a signed retainer agreement.
Knuckle Dragger:
Why doesn’t he just divorce the skank?
I find his refusal to do so quite inexplicable.
Also please post a photo of the lawyer’s teeth.
Otherwise we won’t know these are lawyers who bite.
Photos, or they’re just gummy bears (that’s if there’s even a retainer agreement, lol)
Is this some form of antisemitism here?
Must be a Woodstock can man.
Fuck off driller. You clown.
No pile ons Driller or you’ll make your sister cry. Rule 101.
Sack him immediately for running an engine at that angle.
FMD I’m sick of these ratbags: Week in Culture focuses on queer fucking teachers:
Punch the screen stuff although the vomiting dog and the tough old biddy going to shit eggs in response to eggs being 8 bucks a dozen are good value.
Lol Driller
You once blowharded about using a “CBD firm”. You couldn’t even afford a free court appointed lawyer to try and get you off some crooked rap. You little crook.
Ignorant 1D flat roader.
the first question is, “wtf is wrong in your head sancho?”
Lol, so no big bitey Jewish lawyer then.
Them who can’t pay their bookie don’t even get a look in with a credible law firm.
Peter Anderson & Co work out of an upstairs office in Frankston, when they’re flush, otherwise from the back seat of their car.
They don’t to welchers though, they’ll require a substantial deposit to their Trust Account before they make a shemozzle of your case.
Yep, you’re Broken, and I own your head.
Albert Steptoe.
I just had a horrible image flash through my mind, Calli sitting in the bath with a large bottle of pickled onions.
Wow! Another son of So You Think, Think It Over ($34), causes a boilover in racing’s autumn’s heavyweight championship, the $4 million Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Randwick, beating Zaaki and favourite Verry Elleegant.
PS: The Bureau of Mythology’s meteorological end of the world in Sydney today failed to show up. That hopeless clown show costs us $1 million +a day.
A propos of areff re Vicpol, IBAC, too, are not bothering to follow through with investigations of misconduct. Not after the Gloucester report.
So Struth:
bespoke, is it your job to keep the presence up for the LGoS, while they call each other in via that new fandangled email thingy?
How long until mother superior graces us with her presence?
Latest ATAGI advice literally permits health professionals to vaccinate you while you’re sedated.
This means you could be in for life-saving surgery, and they will “opportunistically” vaccinate you.
These people are beyond evil.
Ah I was a couple of seconds too late.
Sanchos has called them in.
Grader king – no relation to Plow king
Given those tweets are from early March, it contradicts your earlier report that the were brought into service at the end of the month.
I don’t know if Russia has that satellite capability. I remember hearing they have only limited capacity in detecting incoming ICBMs. However, I think NATO has much better capability in detecting missile launches and could certainly prove the point if it were indeed a Russian missile launch. Nothing would make Biden or his entourage die of shame. They killed a family of 10 in Afghanistan via drone strike trying to recover something out of the shambles departure from Kabul, concocted a story about ISIS-K, and lied about it. I don’t think any of this crew, particularly the neocon class, is capable of shame or guilt.
What broke is you.,Driller. You have zero to do and now angry at the world so you come here to pile-on stoush, blowhard and bignote yourself under an alias.
Who would ever have law firm on retainer unless they were constantly inundated with lawsuits, you incompetent fool.
You try and get in with the lingo of biz while pretending you’re a sophisticate. You’re just worn out rubber on the road. Angry and nothing left. Zilch.
So after all that “I know a bloke who knows a bloke, tick tock, big things are happening at the Quarantine facility” you got nafink?
Cheeky, Bear.
What have you got Sancho?
More importantly, what have you got we can believe?
Does anyone know of any sized business running law-firms on retainers?
I can think of big fat Clive, but no one else the whole.
Sure, a newspaper firm may.
“Check your email”.
Whoever posted that yesterday, I doffs me cap.
A reminder of the trigger for one of the most epic meltdowns in the history of the interwebs.
Three little words which generated raging paranoia for weeks.
Hope it didn’t trigger heart palpitations.
Is 29 – 16 a low score for a game of Australian Rules Football?
Is the recipient on retainer?
I think it was Warren Mundine (??) that wrote an article about meeting him for some reason, perhaps for an ABC gig of some sort. Apparently his bouffant wafts into the room imperiously a few seconds ahead of him.
Nah. My accent is a weird hybrid too, same as David Flint’s. We chatted about that not long ago; he gained that Upper English one from his Malayan schooling and I gained my from my headmistress in a very down and out local school for 18 months in Britain when I had to sit the 11 plus. She was a Bernard Shaw socialist. She saw a great future for me as long as she changed how I speak. Then I went back to Mt. Druit, so that didn’t work out as planned, but I kept the accent, attenuating it as needed.
Any problems with the hybrid, then the Brits just splutter into their Pims about ‘she’s Orstrahlian, dharling’. (Upper crust Brits are never polite. They say anything that comes into their minds).
the 4 Carrier Groups outta the road
The whiiittte carrier group!!!!
No, money down!
Give us the Sancho view of what is happening?
Just out of control bureaucracies, or a takeover by globalists?
Thoughts on the WEF and people like Greg Hunt and his involvement.
Is the vaccine killing people or is it all lies?
Are those mandating jabs that are killing people murderers?
C’mon you can do it…
I have faith in you.
Don’t just sit there sneering from the sidelines.
We all want to know what your position is on things.
Be brave…step up.
Let’s face it, you’ve been here long enough.
It’s time…
So my job is to prove that quarantine facilities are not concentration camps.
What source will you believe?
Gonzalo Peso?
Fat Cloive or Craig Kelly?
What have they said about the “death camps”?
Anything on the record?
They’d say something right?
Why doesn’t he just divorce the skank?
I find his refusal to do so quite inexplicable.
The shame is part of the kink.
Globalism is for the cool kids – including Putin (whom Klaus is so proud of).
The Commonwealth compensation scheme has provision for fatal vaccine injuries.
In a democracy, the final boss is the electorate.
Also this:
BTW, it could be either a false flag or malfunction/ intercepted missile. But if that forensic claim is true re missile debris, it was launched from UKR area given the range of the missile.
But as I said in an unrelated comment, the Western media and governments will evade the truth of the matter if must needs.
It would have to be a tin hip bath to be authentic. Bubbles, of course, and one of those frilly mop shower caps.
No pickled onions. I prefer cornichons. And a nice sharp cheddar.
Will Smith is competing with a dead bad boy guy.
He could never win.
I will unfairly speculate that Tupac Shakur treated her like a groupie and was rough in bed and also had little consideration of her feelings.
Is 29 – 16 a low score for a game of Australian Rules Football?
Oh god.
No your job is to prove they never will be prison/concentration type camps, Sancho.
You smart arses talk in the present tense when it suits your lies and obfuscations.
You can tell my why there should never be any concern regards the camps looking at the situation we are in, the timing and excuses for having them, and the people now governing us and their track record.
April 9, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Does anyone know of any sized business running law-firms on retainers?
Most of them.
Most large corporate groups have a “panel” of law firms which are approved for use by the business lines. There’s a requirement in the legal practice legislation that there be a written engagement letter for all legal work done, with few exceptions. The norm in industry is for there to be a general retainer engagement with each of the “panel” firms. Often it’s used only for small routine work and specific engagement letters are written for large projects. Sometimes the general retainer is just a framework and some specific process has to be followed for each and every instruction. But a general retainer letter is absolutely commonplace.
I must have been best friends with the only polite one. I’m lucky that way.
Her parents had one of those beautiful piles in the Cotswolds with the mellow walls and a garden to die for. Met and married an Aussie when travelling Africa. Sadly, that didn’t last.
I think there is confusion between “retainer” and “service level agreements”.
Quite a few large companies might have SLAs with legal firms, usually for routine stuff.
You also told us we would begin to starve on early 2021. That famous prediction was close to your base – driving a van.
Your predictions are just stupid.