Open Thread – Weekend 28 May 2022

The Japanese Bridge, Claude Monet, 1900

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May 31, 2022 11:45 am

Now I know where Monty has been for the last day and a half coming up with the lipstick on a potato zinger.

May 31, 2022 11:45 am

Green hydrogen is safe, can be easily produced around the country, and once established it will be cheap, and easily exported. We should bury the idea of nuclear power in this country forever and leave the uranium in the ground. It’s time for green hydrogen.
Pam Nankivill, Parkes

we need to seriously rethink universal suffrage

May 31, 2022 11:45 am

I bet Monty wears aviators AND mancapris.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 11:49 am

Have there been any policy changes under Dutton, or is it just putting lipstick on a potato?

He hasn’t committed to the Uluru “Statement.”

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
May 31, 2022 11:51 am

Wait until she hears about lithium-deuterium weapons.

Wait until she hears about the Hindenburg.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 11:53 am

Green hydrogen is safe, can be easily produced around the country, and once established it will be cheap, and easily exported.

Sigh. That’s an impressive number of lies in a single sentence. It’s neither green, easily produced, cheap or easily exported. But what do I know, I only have decades of experience with the stuff.

May 31, 2022 11:54 am

Fooling a military history buff ain’t easy .. LOL!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 12:02 pm

My relative who has the fishing boat down in Coastal Town sent me something on Facebook about whales.
And First Nations Peoples.
And environment.
Apparently Southern Right Whales (or “Koontapool”) do not instinctively chase warm water. They follow “songlines” through “Gundijmara Sea Country” (Southern Ocean).
How do I know this?
Well the Southern Ocean Protection Embassy Collective and the Gundijmara Whale Dreaming Custodians told me so.
But you probably already knew that.
(My rello wants to know who pays if he snags a net on a songline).

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 12:05 pm

I have utmost faith in Twiggy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 12:06 pm

Ruby’s art thrives in her baby son’s shine

Kristin Shorten
Investigative Journalist
5:57PM May 30, 2022

The length of her baby’s black eyelashes, the exact shade of his rosy bottom lip and how his dark hair curls at the nape of his neck are among the details Ruby fought to remember during four months in a Queensland jail.

“When I was in prison, I didn’t want to forget him or his little face,” she said.

“I started imagining his little face and started drawing him.”

Throughout traumatic times in her relatively short life, and there have been too many, drawing has been her “peaceful place”.

“Sometimes it’s like medicine,” she said.

“It can make you feel good and forget about the bad things and everything.”

The 21-year-old, who was released on parole in March, told The Australian she has been diagnosed with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of her father’s physical and sexual violence against her.

The young Warlpiri woman – who fled the Northern Territory for far north Queensland following her father’s trial – said medication hadn’t helped her, but making art did.

For her, it’s a way to feel safe and grounded in the present moment, to process her trauma without words, and to hopefully forget the horrific abuse she has suffered.

In between weekly visits with her 18-month-old son, Ruby draws in her only artbook.

Each picture takes a few hours and all of her focus.

“It’s the only thing that makes me feel calm,” she said.

“When I draw, I just focus on what I’m doing right now and everything just disappears.”

She mostly uses pencils – paint and canvas are luxuries – and draws on her own skin if she runs out of paper.

Back in Yuendumu, before her father starting raping her, Ruby spent hours illustrating relatives including her cousin-­sister, Rickisha Robertson, who she grew up with at house 577 in the remote outback community.

Rickisha’s boyfriend, Kumanjayi Walker, had also lived with them – on and off – for the final five or so years of his life before police fatally shot him during an arrest in November 2019.

Before her father’s four-month reign of terror from late 2017, Ruby drew camp dogs for a local art corporation.

The realistic drawings, for which she was given just $20, have since sold for hundreds.

Now, banished from her traditional land and separated from her loved ones as punishment for speaking out about her father’s offending, Ruby tries to capture on paper the central desert landscape where she grew up.

On Saturday, as The Weekend Australian revealed her shocking story of abuse, Ruby sat by the Cairns Esplanade and pencilled the waterholes around Yuendumu and Nyirripi that she had visited throughout her childhood.

Around the waterholes she depicted – from the sky – tiny emu and kangaroo tracks. Among them are people. Nearby, a man standing on a riverbank brandishes a spear.

“I like how the old days used to be, like how people used to go hunting with their bare foot and everything,” she said. “Sometimes I like to draw them.”

Now, more than 2000km away from home and essentially homeless, the brave young woman dreams of being a professional artist one day, but right now just wants a job and somewhere safe to live with her son.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Top Ender says: May 31, 2022 at 8:22 am

Can’t fathom why we have a separate flag for Aboriginal people either. Surely something dividing us rather than saying we are all equal Australians.

Are ye referring to the Black over Red rising sun flag, or the Torres Strait Flag?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 12:08 pm

H B Bearsays:

May 31, 2022 at 12:05 pm

I have utmost faith in Twiggy

Twiggy is sitting with Fat Cloive in my “Self Interest Runs At 110%” bucket.

May 31, 2022 12:10 pm

Can’t fathom why we have a separate flag for Aboriginal people either. Surely something dividing us rather than saying we are all equal Australians.

Pretty imperialist.

Shouldn’t all 200 ‘nations’ have their own flag anyway?

May 31, 2022 12:11 pm

One Of The Largest Egg Factories In US Torched In The Middle Of The Night Amid Outbreak Of Fires In Food Processing Facilities Across The Nation

Is the amount damage/destruction to food production normal or does it look unusual because we are suddenly looking at it?

May 31, 2022 12:13 pm

” He recommitted the Nats to the Coalition’s policy of last year of nett zero emissions by 2050. “

It’s all in the accounting, you see.
If we account for the huge natural CO2 sinks that we already promised not to destroy (rainforest, stuff like that), Australia is already a “net sink”for CO2. Doesn’t count? Why not? Where is Sherwood forest now, eh? Oh, that’s right – the poms chopped it down and burnt it all. Ditto for much of Europe and even the US. Gee, no wonder you don’t want to include it, you already raped the environment much more than we did, but that was before all the fuss over CO2, wasn’t it?

Also, if we export coal, iron ore etc, and don’t import the entire resultant products, then clearly we should not be responsible for the CO2 emitted mining and transporting that stuff – after all, the end user is the one creating the “demand” for it, “consuming” the product and creating the “pollution”.

So providing we make it clear in international negotiations/treaties/whatever that things like the above are not just common sense but also non-negotiable and how will be doing our accounting, then go for it – we’re already there and have room to create more anthropogenic CO2 than we currently do, while still overall reducing atmospheric concentrations of it. You said “nett” didn’t you?

May 31, 2022 12:20 pm

Is the amount damage/destruction to food production normal or does it look unusual because we are suddenly looking at it?

looks like someone is trying to create serious civil unrest

May 31, 2022 12:25 pm

I wonder how big the grants they are getting?
They must be getting the grants from people who didn’t do high school physics.
Say 100 m tall, 1000 kg mass, so you have 1 MegaJoule of energy which is 0.27 Kw -hours of energy. About 7 cents worth at current prices.
You are going to need a LOT of wet sand.
I remember a few years ago a similar thing was proposed with a giant crane and concrete blocks.
Just build the friggin nukes.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 31, 2022 12:29 pm

One or both Salvatore, who cares.

But yes, if we are going to have separate nation flags, then each Aboriginal tribe should have one. To avoid confusion, number them alphabetically and then put the number on the flag.

(There’s something amiss here, but not sure what….)

Delta A
Delta A
May 31, 2022 12:31 pm

Fooling a military history buff ain’t easy .. LOL!

That’s hilarious, shatterzzz.

May 31, 2022 12:35 pm

It is hilarious that Dutton is going after the “forgotten Australians” after nine years in government. Who forgot them, again? Oh yes, the LNP forgot to put them in their focus groups.

Also he made his leadership about China… and Penny Wong immediately got the biggest win in Pacific relations in the last ten years by getting China to back down on its Solomon Islands deal.

He has also instituted his own national Sorry Tour. He’s sorry for not being sorry about Rudd’s sorry. He’s sorry about cracking a gag about rising sea levels. Apologies all across the media towards those who voted his mob out.

He could try changing some policies, that might work.

May 31, 2022 12:37 pm

One Of The Largest Egg Factories In US Torched

if you wanna make an omelette, you’re gonna have to cook some … wait, no that’s it

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 31, 2022 12:37 pm

Gravy Trains ‘R’ Us:

Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie is calling for an independent speakership to restore public confidence in parliament” – and would be “happy” to discuss fulfilling the role.

The veteran independent for the Hobart-based seat of Clark told The Australian while Labor – with a one-seat majority now apparent in the House of Representatives – need not of necessity support an independent for the role, it should.

May 31, 2022 12:42 pm

From the daily mail

Was the founder of the SAS really just a shameless self-publicist who stole all the glory from true war heroes? GAVIN MORTIMER paints a very different picture of Sir David Stirling – lauded as a lion-hearted maverick and military genius for 80 years

[H/T Vox Day]

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 12:46 pm

Top Endersays:

May 31, 2022 at 12:37 pm

Gravy Trains ‘R’ Us:

Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie is calling for an independent speakership to restore public confidence in parliament” – and would be “happy” to discuss fulfilling the role

He’s 60.
His Defence pension would be fairly minimal.
Three years of super top-up.
Backbencher gets $211k p.a.
Speaker gets $367k p.a.

May 31, 2022 12:50 pm

Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie is calling for an independent speakership to restore public confidence in parliament” – and would be “happy” to discuss fulfilling the role

“Please change the constitution to finance my retirement”

May 31, 2022 12:52 pm

But yes, if we are going to have separate nation flags, then each Aboriginal tribe should have one. To avoid confusion, number them alphabetically and then put the number on the flag.
(There’s something amiss here, but not sure what….)

Won’t someone think of the trees? .. 251 x umpteen gummint buildings (State,Federal, local ect) plus followers of fashion .. we is gonna need more lumberjacks, lotz more lumberjacks .. LOL!

May 31, 2022 12:57 pm

Backbencher gets $211k p.a.
Speaker gets $367k p.a.

$156K extra fer banging a gavil .. un-bloody-believable!

May 31, 2022 12:59 pm

if we are going to have separate nation flags

cultural appropriation!

Flags are definitely an invention of the colonial powers.

May 31, 2022 1:01 pm

May 31, 2022 at 12:35 pm
.. Penny Wong immediately got the biggest win in Pacific relations in the last ten years by getting China to back down on its Solomon Islands deal.

so now you’ve set the precedent that everything from day 1 is the sole result of the government in power (not the one in power last week), you won’t be blaming the LNP for anything from this day forth.

May 31, 2022 1:04 pm

May 31, 2022 at 12:25 pm
I wonder how big the grants they are getting?
They must be getting the grants from people who didn’t do high school physics.
Say 100 m tall, 1000 kg mass, so you have 1 MegaJoule of energy which is 0.27 Kw -hours of energy. About 7 cents worth at current prices.
You are going to need a LOT of wet sand.
I remember a few years ago a similar thing was proposed with a giant crane and concrete blocks.
Just build the friggin nukes.

You’d be better to have a waste-water hydro plant to extract energy from the upper apartments.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 31, 2022 1:15 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 1:19 pm

Voller is due to be sentenced for the drug charge on July 13 when he will attempt to have a domestic violence related common assault charge dismissed on mental health grounds.

Aspiring game-show host or promising young crickit commentator?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 1:20 pm

Compo all gone bro’.

May 31, 2022 1:20 pm

Also he made his leadership about China… and Penny Wong immediately got the biggest win in Pacific relations in the last ten years by getting China to back down on its Solomon Islands deal.

her fearsome demeanour scared the pants of the chinese…. oh wait. anyone who thinks that the end of it is a gullible fool…

May 31, 2022 1:27 pm

They follow “songlines” through “Gundijmara Sea Country” (Southern Ocean).

They’re claiming the oceans now?

How long before fishermen have to pay royalties on their catch?

May 31, 2022 1:29 pm

Probably promised them something even better.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 1:31 pm

Top Endersays:

May 31, 2022 at 1:15 pm

He’s baaaaaack!

Dylan Voller busted with weed at lawyer’s office following scissor incident

Angwy young man takes on armed coppers with scissors.
I’ve seen this one before.
Do it, Dylan!
Do it!

Cassie of Sydney
May 31, 2022 1:33 pm

Just look at this, such winners…

“Political post mortem

Political lobbyist Michael Photios has been reappointed president of the blandly named Liberal Forum, an outfit of party moderates and office holders who contribute to policy discussion within the Liberal Party.

About 200 devotees assembled at The Establishment, in Sydney’s CBD, on Sunday for restoratives and other elixirs after the party’s recent election defeat. The venue is owned by Merivale, which at one stage was a client of Photios’ PremierState outfit.

We’re told there was ample dissection of the election loss, and Photios was said to have given a stirring address, telling everyone not to lose heart at the atomisation of the Morrison government. In a prediction, he said the political centre will be reclaimed – no details of how.

Formerly a leader of its parliamentary left wing, Photios has for nigh on a decade insisted that his role in the machinery of preselections and politics has effectively ended since his departure as the faction’s leader in 2017.

Only a fool would have believed it, of course, and his appointment as Forum President should end the interminable dance of the seven veils that’s shrouded his Svengali-like role in Liberal Party politics under at least three premiers.

Margin Call understands the Forum meets twice annually, sometimes quarterly, and there’s a Christmas bash usually thrown at the home of former Macquarie Group chairman Kevin McCann.

Among the crowd at The Establishment were former communications minister Paul Fletcher, Senator Andrew Bragg, former Goldstein representative Tim Wilson, and Fiona Martin, who lost the seat of Reid. Trent Zimmerman was also on hand, appearing rather Eeyore-like in the wake of his loss in North Sydney.

Making the short walk from Macquarie Street was NSW Deputy Liberal leader Stuart Ayres, Environment Minister James Griffin and Treasurer Matt Kean, who succeeded Photios as the leader of the NSW moderates, and whose relationship with the bespectacled operative always yields, shall we say, a healthy level of tension.”

As for Photios’ claim that the “political centre” will be reclaimed” – he clearly means the political centre between Labor and the Greens. The problem for Photios and his aforementioned comrades, in light of the results of 21 May 2022, that “political centre” is kaputski and amen to that.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 31, 2022 1:33 pm

How long before fishermen have to pay royalties on their catch?

Not really a joke.
That is where my fisher-folk relative reckons it might well end up.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
May 31, 2022 1:37 pm

Its not that hard to get pacific island leaders back in line. You just show them a list of there property investments , bank acct. details held by themselves and family, and threaten to release it to the media or freeze those assets. If they still ignore you, then threaten to stop funding there kids Aust. tuition fees that are paid for by Aust. Aid.

May 31, 2022 1:37 pm

Not really a joke.

Not intended as such.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 31, 2022 2:02 pm

It’s quiet.

Too quiet.

Is that jungle drums I hear?

May 31, 2022 2:07 pm

Zali says next Speaker should be female.

Gee, they’re all trying to get into the trough!!!

May 31, 2022 2:11 pm

Wilkie says
How dare you assume my gender.

May 31, 2022 2:13 pm

Some admiration for Adolfs art.
Does it stand out from all the other stuff churned out by others for the tourists at the time or is it just name recognition?

May 31, 2022 2:16 pm

Aspiring game-show host or promising young crickit

Always an aspiring rapper. Always.

May 31, 2022 2:16 pm

Flags are definitely an invention of the colonial powers.

actually started with the banners of the Roman Legions

May 31, 2022 2:17 pm

I don’t think it does Bespoke.

May 31, 2022 2:20 pm

What could be more diverse than a caterpillar and a dozen different breeds of dog?
Woke books are boring, kids don’t like them.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar warned to be ‘detrimental’ for Aussie kids

May 31, 2022 2:22 pm

Me neither rosie.

May 31, 2022 2:22 pm

I guess that means the Enid Blyton University reseacher wants Noddy back on bookshelves, and of course, Little Black Sambo.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
May 31, 2022 2:31 pm

What could be more diverse than a caterpillar and a dozen different breeds of dog?
Woke books are boring, kids don’t like them.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar warned to be ‘detrimental’ for Aussie kids

How about The Tiger who went for a Pint, A childrens classic

May 31, 2022 2:32 pm

An Australian researcher has warned that classic books including The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Harry the Dirty Dog, could be “detrimental” for kids.

Dr Helen Adam from Edith Cowan University’s School of Education has flagged 10 classic children’s books that fail to showcase diverse characters.

“Purely and simply this research shows, there’s a lack of representation of boys and girls in non-traditional gender roles in these books – this can contribute to children from these families and backgrounds feeling excluded or marginalised,” she said, according to a statement from the university.

this woman is a menace to society

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
May 31, 2022 2:32 pm

Bit of a quote fail there

Winston Smith
May 31, 2022 2:37 pm


But, what is disturbing is that sexual desirability is being equated with pre-pubescence. In the space of a decade, adult women’s genitals looking like pre-pubescent girls’ genitals has become ‘normal.’ Same goes for the gay scene. Hairless pubes are tops.

I stopped a conversation dead in its tracks one lunch time with some of the nurses.
“What message are you trying to project here?”

May 31, 2022 2:40 pm

Zali says next Speaker should be female.

I’ve a rather novel idea…the next parliamentary speaker should be chosen on merit.

Parliamentary experience, knowledge of standing orders, unimpeachable character…that sort of thing.

Who could possibly object but a midwit?

May 31, 2022 2:41 pm


May 31, 2022 2:41 pm

Classic children’s books “reflect outdated viewpoints and lifestyles”

fuck off you stupid woke piece of shit

May 31, 2022 2:49 pm
May 31, 2022 2:49 pm

As much as I hate to say it munty is right. The bald flog is just a potato with lipstick. Not that I care about the bald flog, but munty being right?

Winston Smith
May 31, 2022 2:51 pm


Can’t have nice things, can’t lead a comfortable existence, (almost) everyone must be embeggared so as to satisfy the sanctimonious desires of the new collectivist clerical class. Most of whom are too stupid to realise they’ll be the ones in the crosshairs following this glorious transition – which will be a not so slow and tortuous journey into serfdom for the majority.

I may have mentioned it before, but obviously it isn’t getting through to the NWO Wunderkin – “after the Revolution comes the purges.”
And just who is purged?
That’s right, the Revolutionaries of Less Than Perfect Obedience.
And who does the purging?
The faceless bureaucrats, that’s who.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 2:51 pm

Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie is calling for an independent speakership to restore public confidence in parliament” – and would be “happy” to discuss fulfilling the role

Could restore the prestige in the office lost by Peter Slipper.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 2:57 pm

munty is right

What an extraordinary point of view.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 31, 2022 2:57 pm

Boobs are still “in” though.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

shatterzzz says: May 30, 2022 at 8:26 pm

…leads me to believe they really don’t know what it is all about, but will keep it up coz you never know.

At the going rate of $300 for around 10 minutes a pop I’m sure they know what it’s all about .. LOL!

Crikey shatterzzz, nobody gets paid for saying the acknowledgment.
It’s a last minute thing which someone is asked to do, sorta like being asked to second a motion for a vote or something.

An acknowledgement of elders past present & emerging takes 15 – 30 seconds.
Usually it is spoken (i.e. mumbled unconvincingly) by an indigenous at the suggestion of an anglo-saxon public servant from a regular department (i.e. not from the Aboriginal Industry)

If it weren’t for the public servants ‘suggesting’ the handiest token blakfeller give the acknowledgement, there’s a pretty fair chance it’d never happen.

From private conversation with the public servants, it seems they couldn’t care less, they’re asked every day to do stupider things so no big deal, the acknowledgement is just “words” & most important; nobody wants to be mentioned in dispatches for being the first person to stop clapping. (i.e. for not ensuring an acknowledgement takes place)

This is my experience (up until yesterday anyway – I took care to time the acknowledgement)

May 31, 2022 3:10 pm

Jack Dorsey has officially resigned from the board of Twitter, the company he personally founded, after being accused of helping Elon Musk organize his takeover.

May 31, 2022 3:12 pm

Wilkie, Mike Kelly, Jim Molan- ex ‘professional’ military personnel. Doesn’t say much for the ADF orafacer class. Just canbra pubes really.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
May 31, 2022 3:14 pm

Classic children’s books “reflect outdated viewpoints and lifestyles”

As usual, CS Lewis had this kind of bullshit taped.
First, he pointed out that ideas [i.e. “viewpoints”] don’t have expiry dates like tins of meat – if you want to reject an idea you’ve got to show why it’s wrong, not just that it’s been abandoned for quite possibly spurious or even discreditable reasons.
“We may be sure that the characteristic blindness of the twentieth century [when Lewis was writing] – the blindness about which posterity will ask “but how could they have thought that?” – lies where we have never suspected it … but we shall certainly increase it, and weaken our guard against it, if we read only modern books”.

May 31, 2022 3:14 pm

Classic children’s books “reflect outdated viewpoints and lifestyles”

another marxist don- time to rethink education

May 31, 2022 3:15 pm

These days the apple should eat the caterpillar and hairy mcclairy should get a Brazilian.

May 31, 2022 3:15 pm

India’s dependence on Chinese drug materials; Taiwan military conducts annual missile drills
China in Focus – NTD

01:04 India’s dependence on #ChineseDrug materials
02:59 #UN commissioner takes criticism for China trip
05:04 Taiwan military conducts annual missile drills
05:53 Fmr operator tracks Chinese planes in Taiwan’s skies
08:44 Japan to ‘drastically strengthen’ military power
09:27 Drowning deaths amid heavy rains in southern China
10:50 Keywords in Blinken’s speech on China

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
May 31, 2022 3:16 pm

Dr Helen Adam from Edith Cowan University’s School of Education has flagged 10 classic children’s books that fail to showcase diverse characters.

Fuck off. If you want to replace “James and the Giant Peach”, I’m willing to write the replacement – “Dr Adam and the Giant Pineapple”.

May 31, 2022 3:17 pm

Hey Monty
What kids books are on the shelf at your house?
Let me guess, due to your personal commitment to reducing your carbon footprint you only have one book; the genderless fairy.

May 31, 2022 3:18 pm

dover0beach says:
May 31, 2022 at 10:41 am
the last pirate
Every General Officer should be forced to watch this shitshow video and then explain precisely why they, personably, shouldn’t be fired and retired

Why does that video clip remind me of this video?

McMad’: Pregnant Lakeland woman arrested after tantrum, twerking at McDonald’s

Winston Smith
May 31, 2022 3:24 pm


FAA WILL approve SpaceX Starship testing at Boca Chica on May 31

They ran out of sand to throw in the gearbox?

May 31, 2022 3:29 pm

These days the apple should eat the caterpillar and hairy mcclairy should get a Brazilian.

In the real world the caterpillar would’ve been zapped by insecticide before it took it’s first bite.

May 31, 2022 3:30 pm

Bloody freeloader.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 3:37 pm

Edith Cowan University

The Prof’s old alma mater.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 3:39 pm

hairy mcclairy

Sounds like that would be an extra.

May 31, 2022 3:39 pm

FAA WILL approve SpaceX Starship testing at Boca Chica on May 31

They have not done so yet. Best check with some of the space websites tomorrow our time.
A bunch of enviro groups are now suing because the county closes the beach when hazardous activities are taking place.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 31, 2022 3:48 pm

Don’t know if it has already been posted (can’t be arsed scrolling all the way up fred) but Top Ender has an interesting piece at Quadrant Online about the midget Jap subs that attacked in Sydney Harbour 80 years ago today.

May 31, 2022 4:05 pm

Paramount+ sponsors drag event where child dances on stage for money

NEWS ANALYSIS May 31, 2022 1:51 AM EST
WATCH: Paramount+ sponsors drag event where child dances on stage for money
At least two children are seen on stage with one dancing, “dropping it low,” and collecting money from a crowd of grown adults cheering the child on.

WATCH: Paramount+ sponsors drag event where child dances on stage for money
Ashley St. Clair
Ashley St. Clair
New York, NY
May 31, 2022 1:51 AM
2 Mins Reading

Video has surfaced from a May event in which children were encouraged to go stage to dance for money alongside drag queens.
The event, RuPaul’s DragCon 2022, took place in Los Angeles and welcomed over 60 featured drag queens from across the country. Featured “talent” included drag queens such as “A’Whora,” whose Instagram is ripe with videos of men wearing fake bouncy breasts, “Madame LaQueer,” and “Trinity the Tuck.” “Tuck” refers to the practice of men tucking their genitals in to present as a woman.

The video making its rounds online of DragCon is disturbing to say the least. At least two children are seen on stage with one dancing, “dropping it low,” and collecting money from a crowd of grown adults cheering the child on. The other dances with a drag queen.

May 31, 2022 4:06 pm

Bear, I know, but already the bald flog has proved he’s a jellyback bending to the wets in the SFL.

May 31, 2022 4:24 pm

Dr Helen should write her own childrens books. I was going to give her some ideas but they disgust me too much as they are straight out of the left handbook.

May 31, 2022 4:42 pm

Ejucashum has been in a parlous state for decades- just consider 1984 destruction of Geoffrey Blainey. Nearly 40 years ago. They even got together and wrote a book attacking him.

May 31, 2022 4:43 pm

shatterzzz says: May 30, 2022 at 8:26 pm
…leads me to believe they really don’t know what it is all about, but will keep it up coz you never know.
At the going rate of $300 for around 10 minutes a pop I’m sure they know what it’s all about .. LOL!

That’s the, current, going rate for sporting, etertainment events and gummint depts .. if there are folk out there doing it fer nuttin’ …….. silly buggers! .. LOL!

May 31, 2022 4:53 pm

A fire is not enough Dover. They deserve an end befitting the traitors that they are. The SFL are not the opposition they are the enemy.

May 31, 2022 5:05 pm

Apparently the good bishops of the Catholic Church feel that blasphemy, heresy and animism should now be part of our religious observance.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 31, 2022 5:08 pm

Oh dear….

Northern Territory Police are calling for anyone with information regarding an incident in Coolalinga to come forward.

At 10:30 on Tuesday morning, police were notified of what appeared to be a human leg on the Stuart Highway just north of Coolalinga.

Detective Senior Sergeant Paul Morrissey said details were scant.

“We can confirm the remains are the lower part of a dark-skinned leg. There have been no reports to hospitals or clinics with an injury of this severity.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
May 31, 2022 5:08 pm

May 31, 2022 at 5:05 pm

“I wish to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are gathered – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”.

May 31, 2022 5:09 pm

I’ve been fascistbook banned for 30 days for posting the below TRUTH.

A very interesting read with plenty of perspective
Letter to the Editor
Written By Terence Cardwell*
The Editor
The Morning Bulletin
I have sat by for a number of years frustrated at the rubbish being put forth about carbon
dioxide emissions, thermal coal-fired power stations and renewable energy and the
ridiculous Emissions Trading Scheme.
Frustration at the lies told (particularly during the election) about global pollution. Using
Power Station cooling towers for an example. The condensation coming from those
cooling towers is as pure as that that comes out of any kettle.
Frustration about the so-called incorrectly-named man-made ‘carbon emissions’ which
of course is Carbon Dioxide emissions, and what it is supposedly doing to our planet.
Frustration about the lies told about renewable energy and the deliberate distortion of
renewable energy and its ability to replace fossil fuel energy generation. And frustration
at the ridiculous carbon credit programme which is beyond comprehension.
And further frustration at some members of the public who have not got a clue about
thermal Power Stations or Renewable Energy. Quoting ridiculous figures about
something they clearly have little or no knowledge of.
First, coal-fired power stations do NOT send 60 to 70% of the energy up the chimney.
The boilers of modern power stations are 96% efficient, and the exhaust heat is
captured by the economisers and reheaters and heat the air and water before entering
the boilers.
The very slight amount exiting the stack is moist as in condensation and CO2. There is
virtually no fly ash because this is removed by the precipitators or bagging plant that are
99.98% efficient. The 4% lost is heat through boiler wall convection.
Coal-fired Power Stations are highly efficient with very little heat loss and can generate
massive amount of energy for our needs. They can generate power at an efficiency of
less than 10,000 b.t.u. per kilowatt and cost-wise that is very low.
The percentage cost of mining and freight is very low. The total cost of fuel is 8% of total
generation cost and does NOT constitute a major production cost.
As for being laughed out of the country, China is building multitudes of coal-fired power
stations because they are the most efficient for bulk power generation.
We have, like, the USA, coal-fired power stations because we HAVE the raw materials
and are VERY fortunate to have them. Believe me, no one is laughing at Australia –
exactly the reverse, they are very envious of our raw materials and independence.
A major percentage of power in Europe and U.K. is nuclear because they don’t have the
coal supply for the future.
Yes, it would be very nice to have clean, quiet, cheap energy in bulk supply. Everyone
agrees that it would be ideal. You don’t have to be a genius to work that out. But there
is only one problem—It doesn’t exist.
Yes – there are wind and solar generators being built all over the world but they only add
a small amount to the overall power demand.
The maximum size wind generator is 3 Megawatts, which can rarely be attained on a
continuous basis because it requires substantial forces of wind. And for the same
reason they only generate when there is sufficient wind to drive them. This of course
depends where they are located but usually they only run for 45% -65% of the time,
mostly well below maximum capacity. They cannot be relied upon for a ‘base load’
because they are too variable. And they certainly could not be used for load control.
The peak load demand for electricity in Australia is approximately 50,000 Megawatts,
and only small part of this comes from the Snowy Hydro Electric System (The ultimate
power Generation) because it is only available when water is there from snow melt
or rain. And yes, they can pump it back but it costs to do that. (Long Story).
Tasmania is very fortunate in that they have mostly hydro electric generation because of
their high amounts of snow and rainfall. They also have wind generators (located in the
roaring forties) but that is only a small amount of total power generated.
Based on a average generating output of 1.5 megawatts (of unreliable power) you would
require over 33,300 wind generators.
As for solar power generation, much research has been done over the decades and
there are two types. Solar thermal generation and Solar Electric generation, but in each
case they cannot generate large amounts of electricity.
Any clean, cheap energy is obviously welcomed but they would NEVER have the
capability of replacing Thermal power generation. So get your heads out of the clouds,
do some basic mathematics and look at the facts, not going off with the fairies (or some
would say the extreme greenies.)
We are all greenies in one form or another and care very much about our planet. The
difference is most of us are realistic. Not in some idyllic utopia where everything can be
made perfect by standing around holding a banner and being a general pain in the
Here are some facts that will show how ridiculous this financial madness the government
is following. Do the simple maths and see for yourselves.
According to the ‘believers’ the CO2 in the air has risen from .034% to .038% in air over
the last 50 years.
To put the percentage of Carbon Dioxide in air in a clearer perspective: If you had a
room 12 ft x 12 ft x 7 ft or 3.7 mtrs x 3.7 mtrs x 2.1 mtrs, the area carbon dioxide would
occupy in that room would be .25m x .25m x .17m or the size of a large packet of
Australia emits 1 percent of the world’s total carbon Dioxide, and the government wants
to reduce this by twenty percent or reduce emissions by .2 percent of the world’s total
CO2 emissions.
What effect will this have on existing CO2 levels?
By their own figures they state that the CO2 in air has risen from 0.034% to 0.038% in
50 years.
Assuming this is correct, the world CO2 (in the air) has increased in 50 years by 0.004
Per year that is 0.004 divided by 50 = 0.00008 percent. (Getting confusing – but stay with
Of that, because we only contribute 1%, our emissions would cause CO2 to rise 0.00008
divided by 100 = 0.0000008 percent.
Of that 1%, we supposedly emit, the government wants to reduce it by 20% which is
1/5th of 0.0000008 = 0.00000016 percent effect per year they would have on the world
CO2 emissions based on their own figures.
That would equate to an area in the same room, as the size of a small pin!!!
For that they have gone crazy with the ridiculous trading schemes, Solar and roofing
installations, Clean coal technology, Renewable energy, etc, etc.
How ridiculous is that?!
The cost to the general public and industry will be enormous. Cripple and even closing
some smaller business.
T.L. Cardwell
To the Editor I thought I should clarify. I spent 25 years in the Electricity Commission of
NSW working, commissioning and operating the various power units. My last was the 4
X 350 MW Munmorah Power Station near Newcastle. I would be pleased to supply you
any information you may require.
* Terry is now retired and is in excellent health at age 69. Nobody paid him to write the article which was, (to their credit), published by the local press. ? ?

May 31, 2022 5:11 pm

Not sure whether to be appalled or jealous- 82 years old and still out partying at 4.00 in the morning.

Paul Pelosi, 82, was booked into jail at 4:13 a.m. local time on May 29, and he was released at 7:26 a.m., according to Napa County records. The records, which included his exact birthdate, indicate that his bail was set at $5,000.

May 31, 2022 5:11 pm

Perhaps the religious leaders could reacquaint themselves with their Bibles. Here’s a taste from Psalm 50:

I have no need of a bull from your stall
or of goats from your pens,
for every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird in the mountains,
and the insects in the fields are mine.
If I were hungry I would not tell you,
for the world is mine, and all that is in it.

Instead of paying lip service to the latest political fashion, they should remember the One who owns everything.

May 31, 2022 5:12 pm

Apparently the good bishops of the Catholic Church feel that blasphemy, heresy and animism should now be part of our religious observance.

At this point it can no longer be maintained that the views of Australian Catholic bishops on indigenous reconciliation are merely private matters. Over to you, conservative Catholics.

May 31, 2022 5:12 pm

for the world is Mine, and all that is in it



May 31, 2022 5:13 pm

Ha! Tim got there first!

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
May 31, 2022 5:18 pm

Dr Helen should write her own childrens books. I was going to give her some ideas but they disgust me too much as they are straight out of the left handbook.

I have a few book titles she could use;

Welcome to Uncle Pervy’s Loungeroom
Mr Wibbly Wobbly from Bot Bot Land (shamelessly stolen from monty python)
Sammy has Xirs first Swingers Party
Dogging for Toddlers
Jenny gets a Butt Plug

May 31, 2022 5:31 pm

Wilkie : I begrudgingly accept this pay rise that would choke a bull.

All pokie operators would be wondering what deals have been done.

May 31, 2022 5:33 pm

Netflix has just added the Norm Macdonald final special.

May 31, 2022 5:36 pm

At this point it can no longer be maintained that the views of Australian Catholic bishops on indigenous reconciliation are merely private matters. Over to you, conservative Catholics.

With the Vatican’s restrictions on The Latin Mass

Looks like the various traditional Orthodox churches may get a boost in membership.

May 31, 2022 5:38 pm

I’ve watched the Ricky Gervais special twice since it was added to Netflix.
In some parts it’s just so funny.
But it falls apart a bit towards the end.

For someone who has been around for as long as Gervais, his work lacks the structure of a Louis CK special.
And considering they are great mates, I’m surprised Louis didn’t give Ricky that feedback.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 31, 2022 5:38 pm

Sorry if this has been previously posted – the Bablyon Bee is ahead of the curve:

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 5:41 pm

May 31, 2022 at 5:05 pm

Apparently the good bishops of the Catholic Church feel that blasphemy, heresy and animism should now be part of our religious observance.

Joining the Uniting Church, elements of which have been pagan earth worshippers for many years?

May 31, 2022 5:42 pm

As far as I know every Melbourne parish that offered a Latin mass has been given Archbishop’s Comensoli’s blessing to continue.
Why would we go Orthodox where the services are in Greek, Russian Ukrainian etc?
Not to mention there are eastern rite Catholic churches in about every Australian capital city.

May 31, 2022 5:45 pm

One parish* locally does a aboriginal acknowledgement before the beginning of mass already, I took my mother to mass there when there were restrictions on the number of unvaccinated allowed in churches, haven’t been back since.
*I’m sure there are others

May 31, 2022 5:46 pm

How about some ABC Comedy?

Louise Milligan: My journey to understanding legal discovery.

Collectors: Pedo village, ft Dick Neville & Bob Ellis.

Alex Downer’s Up Late: The Things That Batter with the Chaser “Boys”

Antony Green sings the James Bond theme songs.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 31, 2022 5:46 pm

For someone who has been around for as long as Gervais, his work lacks the structure of a Louis CK special.

Stephen Merchant shouldn’t be underestimated for his role in Gervais’ success.

local oaf
May 31, 2022 5:48 pm

rosie says:
May 31, 2022 at 2:22 pm
I guess that means the Enid Blyton University reseacher wants Noddy back on bookshelves, and of course, Little Black Sambo.

Little Black Sambo is great, I’ve still got my childhood copy.

Sambo’s parents are called Mumbo and Jumbo. 🙂

May 31, 2022 5:50 pm

Yes Carpe along those lines.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 5:51 pm

“I wish to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are gathered – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”.

I wish to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are gathered – the banks and the stock agents.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 5:54 pm

One parish* locally does a aboriginal acknowledgement before the beginning of mass already

Certain country R.S.L. did an acknowledgement of country before the ANZAC Day service – two veterans walked out in disgust, and it was years before I ever went back.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 6:06 pm

Brittany Higgins trial could be delayed as rape accused seeks new barrister
Catie McLeod
Federal political reporter
NCA NewsWire
54 minutes ago May 31, 2022

The man accused of raping former political staffer Brittany Higgins in Parliament House may have his trial postponed after his barrister dropped out of the case.

Bruce Lehrmann’s lawyer told the ACT Supreme Court on Tuesday his legal team was having difficulty finding new legal counsel to represent the former Liberal staffer.

Mr Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual intercourse without consent. His trial was scheduled to run for four weeks from June 6.

Police allege he raped Ms Higgins in the office of senator Linda Reynolds on March 23, 2019.

ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum told the court Mr Lehrmann’s former barrister was unavailable due to a personal reason that was “not the fault of the accused and is beyond the control of the accused”.

But Justice McCallum said if the trial “doesn’t start shortly” there are no other four-week blocks available in the court this year.

“I appreciate that it might be a difficult proposition to obtain a barrister ready to start the trial next Monday. But what you’ve given me is a blanket ‘we can’t find anyone, no one’s available ever’,” she told Mr Lehrmann’s lawyer.

“This matter has been listed for hearing for a very long time. It’s a sexual assault matter, they always take priority.”

Justice McCallum said the trial could potentially be pushed back by two or three weeks, but asked Mr Lehrmann’s legal team to come up with more evidence for why they had found it so challenging to find a barrister.

“I’m not going to make any orders today on the strength of the evidence that has been put before the court. But the court could accommodate commencing on June 20. And possibly on June 27,” she said.

Justice McCallum reserved her decision and asked the respective legal teams representing Mr Lehrmann and the crown to return to court on Thursday.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 31, 2022 6:16 pm
May 31, 2022 6:19 pm

Cranky Frankie banging on again about the evils of nationalism. When are the Vatican walls coming down I wonder. The old turd even looks evil. What side was he on during the dirty war?

May 31, 2022 6:20 pm

I’ve watched the Ricky Gervais special twice since it was added to Netflix.
In some parts it’s just so funny.
But it falls apart a bit towards the end.

Yep, that final segment telegraphed its ending long before he got to the punch line ..
He’s good but not quite the seamless continuity that Billy Connolly had!

May 31, 2022 6:22 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:23 pm

Is the amount damage/destruction to food production normal or does it look unusual because we are suddenly looking at it?

When was the last time you can recall a Food Production Factory in Australia burning down?
Jacksons Meatworks at Geelong burnt down in 1972, are there any others?
There have been fires in flour mills and milk powder plants due to dusts igniting, but not to the extent of burning the Plant down.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 6:27 pm


I have mentioned you in despatches on the Climate War thread, please take a look.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 6:27 pm

When was the last time you can recall a Food Production Factory in Australia burning down?

Ed – Slugs are the go here, not matches.

May 31, 2022 6:29 pm

Didn’t take you for a frump Tinta.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 31, 2022 6:33 pm

WA’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination rules set to stay as experts see no reason to change

only about 1 per cent, or roughly 22,000 West Australians, were not double-dose vaccinated.

The ABC is still claiming only 1% of the WA population is umvaxxed. It’s such a transparent lie. Pretty much everyone who knows a few people (ie isn’t a complete hermit or agoraphobe) knows at least one person who’s not vaxxed.

May 31, 2022 6:35 pm

Top Gun has taken a significant $16m at Australian box office across the opening weekend, making it the highest grossing opening of Tom Cruise’s movie career. In the US, the movie took north of $US100m on the weekend.

Seems lots of people still have the need for speed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 31, 2022 6:36 pm

Zipster, 2.41:

Classic children’s books “reflect outdated viewpoints and lifestyles”

GreyRanga, at 4.24:

Dr Helen should write her own childrens books.

Also mentioned by Carpe et al. Dr. Helen, for mine, displays all the hallmarks of an aspiring children’s book author, but who could also wallpaper her house with the publisher rejection slips.

Petulant ‘everything that’s not mine is shit’. Leave that caterpillar alone, Adams – he’s a fucking icon.

May 31, 2022 6:37 pm

In the US, the movie took north of $US100m on the weekend.

Great balls of fire.

May 31, 2022 6:39 pm

Adams is just jealous because she knows she will never be a sparkling butterfly, just a drab old grub.

May 31, 2022 6:41 pm

From RATs to riches: COVID-19 test importers buy $16.5 million house

Mr Fry’s Bayswater business AM Diagnostics was the first Australian company to receive approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration to supply rapid antigen tests domestically.

Other news about RATS importers from Jan 2022

Inside the glamorous world of Australia’s instant rapid antigen test millionaires

Austender documents confirm the contract was not put out to a normal tender process “for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseen by the relevant entity, the goods and services could not be obtained in time under open tender”.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 31, 2022 6:41 pm

Top Ender, 5.00 – ish:

At 10:30 on Tuesday morning, police were notified of what appeared to be a human leg on the Stuart Highway just north of Coolalinga.

A leg from around the knee down. Guaranteed the owner/operator of that leg will right this second be wrapped around at least one axle of a road train somewhere.

I reckon the leg would have been almost severed by impact, and there was subsequently enough bouncing around under the trailer to break the last bit of sinew. Bouncey, bouncey, bounce, thud.

May 31, 2022 6:43 pm

In the US, the movie took north of $US100m on the weekend.

Great balls of fire.

As a bonus, apparently it’s also upset the Chicoms.

May 31, 2022 6:45 pm
May 31, 2022 6:51 pm

As a bonus, apparently it’s also upset the Chicoms.

Something to do with a Taiwanese flag.

May 31, 2022 6:54 pm

William Porteous sold that house in Perth?
Rose’s husband?

Cassie of Sydney
May 31, 2022 6:54 pm

He’s stuffed..

“Barrister for Brittany Higgins’ accused rapist, Bruce Lehrmann, drop out days before trial

The barrister for Bruce Lehrmann, the Liberal staffer accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins, have dropped out days before the trial was set to begin in Canberra.

The trial of Bruce Lehrmann, the man accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins, appears set for delay after his barrister dropped out days before the case begins in Canberra.

Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to sexual assault against Ms Higgins at Parliament House and was expected to face trial on Monday, June 6.

But ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum convened the court with just a few hours notice on Tuesday afternoon to hear an application.

The court heard Mr Lehrmann’s “counsel”, his barrister, was now unable to appear for him in the trial.

Solicitors for the publicly funded Legal Aid were being urgently briefed on the case but attempts to find a barrister anywhere in Australia had so-far failed.

Chief Justice McCallum told the court she was not prepared to make formal orders to delay the trial until she had seen more evidence about what efforts had been made to secure a new barrister for Lehrmann.

“Attempts to brief someone to start on Monday should continue,” Chief Justice McCallum said.

But, the court heard, the new legal team would still need to acquaint themselves with the evidence and the police case against Lehrmann so a delay may be needed.

Chief Justice McCallum said the court could postpone the trial until later in the month – but the court would have to reconvene on Thursday to decide the next steps.

“This matter has been listed for a very long time, it’s a sexual assault matter they always take some priority,” the Chief Justice said.

Lehrmann denies raping Ms Higgins in the office of Federal Liberal MP Linda Reynolds on March 23, 2019.

Late last month Chief Justice McCallum declined an application by Lehrmann’s legal team for a permanent or temporary stay of the trial.

The trial is now expected to last four weeks.”

This will end up in the HC.

May 31, 2022 7:00 pm

Solicitors for the publicly funded Legal Aid were being urgently briefed on the case but attempts to find a barrister anywhere in Australia had so-far failed.

Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

May 31, 2022 7:01 pm

May 31, 2022 at 6:45 pm

Hilarious, cheers.

May 31, 2022 7:01 pm

Rose’s husband?

Yep…one and the same

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 7:03 pm

Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

That was the conclusion I came to, yes.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 7:05 pm

Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

It means his Legal Team are playing Ducks and Drakes with the ACT Chief Justice.

May 31, 2022 7:05 pm

Roger says:
May 31, 2022 at 6:51 pm
As a bonus, apparently it’s also upset the Chicoms. Something to do with a Taiwanese flag.

I heard about that and it was suggested that the producers caved-in and the scene/flag was edited in the final cut. Apparently not.

(maybe just edited for China release version)

May 31, 2022 7:07 pm

Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

Unless you’re a Robert Richter, it’s a career killer.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 7:07 pm

That was the conclusion I came to, yes.

There’s a thousand Barristers being admitted every year, has his Legal Team given every one of the Squillion Barristers a tingle yet?

May 31, 2022 7:08 pm

(maybe just edited for China release version)

Not being released there, reportedly.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 7:10 pm

This will end up in the HC.

Um, won’t he need a …barrister to go to the HC?

May 31, 2022 7:11 pm

One parish* locally does a aboriginal acknowledgement before the beginning of mass already

If MY local starts with that nonsense the whole church will hear LOUDLY from me as I walk out. I’ve managed to stop the Prayers of the Faithful from including climate change. This might be more of a challenge as it’s come direct from the Bishops Conference and the local Arch is the current chairman. He’s going to get a serious ear chewing tomorrow.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 31, 2022 7:11 pm
Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
May 31, 2022 7:12 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 31, 2022 at 7:03 pm
Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

That was the conclusion I came to, yes.

I’m not so sure.
The story says that the barrister he had dropped out days before the trial, and that the trial is scheduled to last four weeks.
There wouldn’t be many barristers who had four weeks totally free in their diaries on a few days’ notice – not ones with the experience and skill a defendant should be entitled to expect to be represented by in a matter as serious as a rape allegation.

May 31, 2022 7:18 pm

Fucking chunk virus.

Bogart was the luckiest man ever; look how Betty shimmies towards Bogie after she tells Hoagy Carmichael to play her song:

May 31, 2022 7:18 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
May 31, 2022 at 6:54 pm
The barrister for Bruce Lehrmann, the Liberal staffer accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins, have dropped out days before the trial was set to begin in Canberra.

This is just outrageous. The assault (if it happened) allegedly occurred in February 2019 and two years later she went public. The bloke’s name has been bandied around for well over a year, the former PM (and others) have effectively pronounced him guilty by declaring they believe Ms. Higgins. Now, regardless of motive, days before the trial his barrister pulls the pin.

Justice should weep with shame.

May 31, 2022 7:20 pm

There wouldn’t be many barristers who had four weeks totally free in their diaries on a few days’ notice

Not if they’re competent, but the Chief Justice seems determined to press ahead regardless.

May 31, 2022 7:21 pm

Format fail.

May 31, 2022 7:22 pm

Not if they’re competent, but the Chief Justice seems determined to press ahead regardless.

The struggling students always could tell out of the best students, who had done the best work.

May 31, 2022 7:23 pm
Cassie of Sydney
May 31, 2022 7:23 pm

Not if they’re competent, but the Chief Justice seems determined to press ahead regardless.

Well of course she is, it’s the politics.

May 31, 2022 7:25 pm

Fucking chunk virus.

+100 nuke the ccp

May 31, 2022 7:25 pm

Speaking of Brittany Higgins, the jury is still deliberating on the Depp vs Heard trial. Unfortunate timing for her if it goes the wrong way.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 31, 2022 7:30 pm

#believeallwomen never really caught on like #metoo.

May 31, 2022 7:30 pm

Speaking of Amber Heard, you would imagine in this day and age they could do something for her lawyer’s throat.

May 31, 2022 7:32 pm

original paper
Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
Background and Objectives: Various peripheral neuropathies, particularly those with sensory and autonomic dysfunction may occur during or shortly after acute COVID-19 illnesses. These appear most likely to reflect immune dysregulation. If similar manifestations can occur with the vaccination remains unknown.
Results: In an observational study, we studied 23 patients (92% female; median age 40years) reporting new neuropathic symptoms beginning within 1 month after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. 100% reported sensory symptoms comprising severe face and/or limb paresthesias, and 61% had orthostasis, heat intolerance and palpitations. Autonomic testing in 12 identified seven with reduced distal sweat production and six with positional orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
Among 16 with lower-leg skin biopsies, 31% had diagnostic/subthreshold epidermal neurite densities (?5%), 13% were borderline (5.01-10%) and 19% showed abnormal axonal swelling. Biopsies from randomly selected five patients that were evaluated for immune complexes showed deposition of complement C4d in endothelial cells. Electrodiagnostic test results were normal in 94% (16/17). Together, 52% (12/23) of patients had objective evidence of small-fiber
peripheral neuropathy. 58% patients (7/12) treated with oral corticosteroids had complete or near-complete improvement after two weeks as compared to 9% (1/11) of patients who did not receive immunotherapy having full recovery at 12 weeks. At 5-9 months post-symptom onset, 3 non-recovering patients received intravenous immunoglobulin with symptom resolution within two weeks.

May 31, 2022 7:34 pm

I notice he’s being represented by “Legal Aid”. I can only assume that’s a benefit of working in Parliament House.

Just a guess, but maybe legal aid Lawyers (Barristers) are limited by how much they can charge for their services. There may well be much more lucrative gigs on offer.

Delta A
Delta A
May 31, 2022 7:36 pm

#3 granddaughter (13 yo) wandered in this afternoon while I was about to make white sauce (with onion, dijon and cheese). She offered to help and so I grabbed her, explaining about a roux while talking her through the technique, (Granny, it’s getting thicker!), describing how to check that and finally, how to taste/test for perfection.

“Oh, this is soooo good!”

Another Granny task well done.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 31, 2022 7:38 pm

Hey Sancho and Gez, I think I probably am a maverick if it means a wandering scrub animal testing all sorts of pasture and avoiding being roped in by predatory cowboys. Story of my life.

We are now leaving Windsor so that Her Maj can happily come back in. lol.

Hairy asked his friend yesterday what happened to so-and-so, an old girlfriend of them both.
Oh, she’s just sold her castle, came the reply. Did very well out of it too.

Hmm. This little maverick didn’t bring a castle as a dowry, I tell Hairy afterwards.
But there are compensations of the mind that I bring. Apparently she’s busy re-wilding Britain now.

Winging home tomorrow in the one day hiatus between half-term and the Platinum Jubilee in earnest. Joining Hairy’s brother and famiily in Richmond overnight, close enough to Heathrow to make it on time. Fingers crossed.

May 31, 2022 7:39 pm

I wasn’t able to discover this info in the release of Albo’s ministry details, so perhaps one of you Cats can tell me… but who was named as the Minister for Men?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 31, 2022 7:39 pm

Re-wilding means badgers. Lots of them.

May 31, 2022 7:40 pm

I wonder how many people teach their children about food and how to eat these days. It seems like a pretty fundamental skill unless you want to subsist on fast food.

May 31, 2022 7:41 pm

who was named as the Minister for Men

Wong, obviously.

Delta A
Delta A
May 31, 2022 7:46 pm

Hey Monty
What kids books are on the shelf at your house?

That question should be thrown at all Lefties: does your child prefer the lyrical pleasure of Hairy Maclary, or the patronising (and perverted) I Have Two Dads.

May 31, 2022 7:47 pm

Speaking of badgers, I learned this today which will obviously come in handy at some point.

Swedes are terrified of badgers

In Britain, brought up on Wind in the Willows and Rupert Bear, we tend to view badgers as cuddly or even wise, and get very upset when the word “cull” is mentioned. Swedes, on the other hand, have an inexplicably deep and pathological fear of them.

It all stems from a rather gruesome folk belief that badgers will bite on to your arm or leg and not let go until they hear the bone crack. This being Sweden though, the enterprising country that invented the car safety belt and flat pack furniture, they have come up with a clever way to deter the little furry black and white psychopaths. When badgerphobic Swedes go out walking in the forest, they stuff their socks with Ryvita-style crispbread so that, if any marauding badgers should bite, they will hear the crispbread break and be tricked into thinking it’s the sound of snapping bone. Ingenious but deeply bonkers.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 7:50 pm

May 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Solicitors for the publicly funded Legal Aid were being urgently briefed on the case but attempts to find a barrister anywhere in Australia had so-far failed.

Does that mean no one wants to represent him?

Between this and the pre-trial publicity, how can a trial proceed?

May 31, 2022 7:53 pm

Well of course she is, it’s the politics.

It’s always been my rule to give people every opportunity to do the right thing before forming a definitive view on their actions. Call me naive, but there it is. Something to do with “there but for the grace of God…”, I expect.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 7:55 pm

Between this and the pre-trial publicity, how can a trial proceed?

He’s been tried and found “Guilty” by the shrieking sisterhood, why do you want a trial?

May 31, 2022 7:59 pm

Christian Porter should donate his legal fighting fund to old mate.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 8:03 pm

Article over on the Oz about the Voice to Parliament.


“Will Bruce Pascoe have his own “Voice?”

“Yes – the A.B.C.”

May 31, 2022 8:03 pm

Better yet, Ben Roberts-Smith should wind up his defamation case and donate his lawyers. They have been doing a bang up job defaming BRS himself, now if he can just convince them to defame Higgins instead of the defendant…

May 31, 2022 8:03 pm

Safe travels Lizzie.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 8:06 pm

Better yet, Ben Roberts-Smith should wind up his defamation case and donate his lawyers

That’s due to finish this Friday.

May 31, 2022 8:06 pm

No matter how despicable, everyone charged with a crime in Australia gets a lawyer to defend them.
Why would someone in a rape case be any different?
And why is Monty making such stupid remarks?
(The question answers itself)

May 31, 2022 8:07 pm

Oh look, the little turd montifa is beating up BRS. You’re dog-shit on a soldier’s shoe montifa.

May 31, 2022 8:08 pm

That’s due to finish this Friday.

This is excellent news for BRS’s reputation.

May 31, 2022 8:10 pm

Haven’t read back, so not sure if anyone’s noted this already. Labore has 76 (77, possibly?) lower house MPs, 32 of them (not including albansleazey) are either in cabinet, the outer ministry or assistant ministers.

The goat rodeo has commenced with a vengeance. Load those troughs, peons!

May 31, 2022 8:11 pm

My GS likes The Lion in the Meadow.
When he is over next I’m going to read him another oldie but goodie,
Rosie’s Walk.
And then there is the capitalist’s favourite, The Little Red Hen.
I bet Monty just hates that one even though he lives according to its theme..

May 31, 2022 8:11 pm

Another Granny task well done.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 8:14 pm

Oh look, the little turd montifa is beating up BRS. You’re dog-shit on a soldier’s shoe montifa.

I’m trying to imagine Recruit monty, Day One, Kapooka..

May 31, 2022 8:17 pm

Gilmore has 242 votes in it with Labor still leading, turnout a shade below 90%, 2376 envelopes awaiting processing.

May 31, 2022 8:17 pm

This is excellent news for BRS’s reputation.

Your reputation as a dog turd is however safe.

May 31, 2022 8:21 pm

Delta Asays:
May 31, 2022 at 7:36 pm

Baby sitting a friends two year old tonight. Cheeky little thing.

May 31, 2022 8:24 pm

Baby sitting a friends two year old tonight. Cheeky little thing.

Teach him some new words. Nothing filthy – just a few Ayn Rand quotes.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 8:31 pm

Teach him some new words. Nothing filthy – just a few Ayn Rand quotes.

One quote from Winston Churchill should do…Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

May 31, 2022 8:33 pm

Little girl Fleeced and already says shit!!

May 31, 2022 8:34 pm

Rabz says:
May 31, 2022 at 8:10 pm

Haven’t read back, so not sure if anyone’s noted this already. Labore has 76 (77, possibly?) lower house MPs, 32 of them (not including albansleazey) are either in cabinet, the outer ministry or assistant ministers.

The goat rodeo has commenced with a vengeance. Load those troughs, peons!

The first Federal (Barton) ministry had 4 portfolios:
Home Affairs
Trade and Customs
External Affairs

Even if you want to add the Postmaster General and Treasurer, you’re still at less than 20% of today, and 100% Constitutionally based (do you hear me health, education etc….?)

May 31, 2022 8:39 pm

Even if you want to add the Postmaster General and Treasurer, you’re still at less than 20% of today, and 100% Constitutionally based (do you hear me health, education etc….?)

Meddlers gotta meddle.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 8:39 pm

Expelling Turnbull will only create a martyr: Dutton
Noah Yim

Peter Dutton says the NSW Liberal Party needs “cleaning up” but suggested expelling Malcolm Turnbull from the party would turn the former prime minister “into a martyr”.

“There’s a lot of cleaning up to do in the NSW division of the Liberal Party,” the Opposition Leader told Sky News on Tuesday night. “There was an unacceptable arrangement in relation to preselections at the last election.”

Mr Dutton pushed back against suggestions Mr Turnbull should be expelled while admitting it “would be the view of many of our members across the country” that he deserved it.

“Malcolm Turnbull, John Hewson … Sometimes people want to be kicked out of the Liberal Party … to make a point or to make themselves into a martyr,” Mr Dutton said.

In the election campaign, Mr Turnbull said moderate voices had become increasingly marginalised within the party since his ouster in 2018, and that “teal” independents would thwart the “capture of the Liberal Party”.

Public beheading not an option?

Old bloke
Old bloke
May 31, 2022 8:41 pm

Northern Territory Police are calling for anyone with information regarding an incident in Coolalinga to come forward.

At 10:30 on Tuesday morning, police were notified of what appeared to be a human leg on the Stuart Highway just north of Coolalinga.

The gunja is very potent in the Northern Territory, one puff and you’re legless.

  1. Let’s produce a vast quantity of thrones for everyone that is ‘disadvantaged’ by the racist colonisers who built the nation,…

  2. Didn’t the repulsive Dr Ryan say she only got into ‘climate change’ because she was concerned about the future of…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x