And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
feelthebern says:
June 20, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Organic wines are just the thing in a winter.
Young, fresh, everything you want.
You’ll be voting Teal in no time.
Levin: We are living in a post-constitutional America
Dot says:
June 20, 2022 at 9:00 pm
how is money created?
Money is the most sought after commodity and it can be created by acceptance of of even debt instruments at high enough circulation.
Here comes the Dot Bird.
Dotty, dotty. Money is not a commodity. It is only used for transactions. In years gone by money was shells, salt, lumps of rock and then bronze, silver, gold.
Do yourself a favour. Learn some history and get an education. As I indicated before in a previous post, just try and look at http://www.armstrongeconomics.com………………….You might even learn something.
Dot Bird who knows ‘GMB’ intimately and kicked the ferk out of a woman that talked about Walgett wants to chastise me….
I presume you will be hanging on Sydney Harbour Bridge Dot Bird
Seen a bit of Thorium lately?
Stuth , the other store owner , uses a similar term – cocksmoker.
I’ve never visited, but it sounds very homosexual at the store. But don’t misunderstand, I’m not being judgemental.
Everything that doesn’t comport to your sources must be vatnik, whether they’re Russian, American, Austrian, Australian, and so on.
Money is the most sought after commodity.
Yes, commodities that were the most prized. Tell me why you think von Mises is wrong here?
Already have one.
He’s not bad but he’s an amateur.
Those aren’t Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.
Like I said, cute hand-wave.
Look, you incomparable goose:
Whiskey on the table rains heavily while the other side likes to walk in the park because utter nonsense was always the second best.
calli – here’s one for you. Prog rock at its very best, Yes.
Yes. I still don’t believe that person isn’t Grigory. Their answers were bizarre and suspicious.
I have never met Graeme Bird, but he has made bizarre denunciations about me.
I will chastise whomever I want. More so when you have a silly conspiracy idea about everyone being Bird.
What does this mean?
I did but see her passing by. And yet I love her till I die.
Norm Macdonald talking to Andy Dick.
Anyone got any experience with Alaska Mills? Need to cut these up into slabs, in the 400-500mm diameter range, 3.5 and 3.9 length. Alternative is to get someone with a Lucas Mill. Probably cut into 45mm slabs, can then use as either table tops or cut in half and make floor boards:
Eyes On The Sparrow
You’ll be voting Teal in no time.
Nurgle laughs your voting, puny human.
Heard of Titans of CNC?
The monkey pox has you doesn’t it JC.
But real monkeys would type more credible information than you and Dot Bird.
Enjoy your avian flu!
Is this idiot drunk or a Chinese bot?
dot, you adeptus mechanicus son of a bitch.
The LDP have had an adverse decision and need to change our name.
I am thinking, PAL.
Party of Australian Libertarians.
Hey PAL, need a hand?
PUP, why not PAL?
OK, pissing contests everywhere, armchair strategists a dime a dozen.
Reminds me of the chap in The Divine Agatha’s novel who complained that people “know nothing about India.”
I think he’s on Fentanyl with a dash of crack making him more aggressive.
I guess this is what Turnbull was on about.
Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs
Edgar Alan Poe eat your heart out.
D’Souza’s Mules Left Tracks
The LDP have had an adverse decision and need to change our name.
I am thinking, PAL.
Party of Australian Libertarians.
Hey PAL, need a hand?
PUP, why not PAL?
LOL. There was a TV advert in England in the 1960s for PAL. It was a dog food. Prolongs Active Life…………………More LOL.
I would like to inform you that I have nothing to say.
No point.
Sacre merde, mon ami. I imagined Captain Hastings saying that.
Quoth the Raven:
P is John Anderson.
He also has a podcast.
I’m comparing it to other recently occupied territories or civil conflicts. That isn’t hand-waving.
Night shift started early this evening. I’m not drunk enough to keep up.
I’m not drunk enough to keep up.
Conservative Humanist Union of Methodists.
General Order of Ordinary Democratic Operatives.
Update on the story of Bandt refusing to stand with the Australian flag – he does seem to have kicked rather a monumental own goal….
well, I’m not even listening
can’t hear nuthin’
H B Bearsays:
June 20, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Night shift started early this evening. I’m not drunk enough to keep up.
Relax and just go with the flow……………………………
alcohol denier
Heard of Titans of CNC?
Yep! Ex boxer, ex-con, became a Christian, a couple of false starts in CNC machining. His oldest hand bet his life savings on his start up, his machinery dealer also personally underwrote his first machine purchases. He slept in his factory the first couple of years so he could get up and load up new parts whenever a cycle was done. He still does / supports a lot of training in prisons. Just pulled up his whole operation including all his workers and their families and moved from California to Texas.
And we were talking specifically about southern Ukraine, because you were dismissing a claim that the Russians are hated there by posting a pro-RU tweet from Dr. Snekotron that suggested people were happy with being occupied and clamouring for Russian passports.
So yes, hand-waving.
What creates money is humans.
The more humans on Planet Earth the more money in circulation.
The fact is to extinguish money… kill off humans,
JC can then put his head in a jar and the fact is that he and the rest of the Bird flock that hate Jews contribute nothing at all to real life humans.
They are the borg.
I’m so proud I found the right image of Gra-Gra to go with it. 🙂
Go wok go broke. Lightyear crashes:
The disappointing start came after controversy over Disney’s decision to include a brief kiss between a lesbian couple in the movie and to replace the conservative star Tim Allen with Chris Evans as the voice of Buzz Lightyear.
Daily Mail
HB Bear is already a bear in the jar because he fucked it
Money is the most sought after commodity.
In years gone by money was shells, salt, lumps of rock and then bronze, silver, gold.
Yes, commodities that were the most prized. Tell me why you think von Mises is wrong here?
get an education
Already have one.
look at
He’s not bad but he’s an amateur.
LOL. Your first comment is so wrong as I was trying to indicate. Money is not the most sought after commodity. Not at all. And if you think that Martin Armstrong is an amateur then there is no hope for you.
The preceding Toy Story 4 was bitten by that same The Message crap, too.
I saw all of the previous 3 growing up, and the characterisation and writing in 4th movie was such a jarring break from all that went before- since when does Woody just spontaneously abandon every one of his friends and fellows for just one person, and ‘pass on’ his mantle to someone else, and Tim Allen’s Buzz Lightyear reduced to a bumbling halfwit with the cognition of a 6 year old- That the entire film fell flat on its face.
I was utterly confused by what I was watching.
1945 and 1946 in Walgett as elsewhere were no doubt different from the fifties, sixties, seventies or eighties.
You said you had an aunt born 1939, who attended Walgett Catholic school. She may have been in the same class in 46 as I was. I have no doubt that my family would have known yours.
I cannot reveal my maiden name because my birth and marriage are both on the internet.
I have to respect those of the same name still in Walgett to this day and others from many parts of NSW.
Writing a newsletter makes you an expert. von Mises is wrong about money. Anything but cash is a plot to kill people. Walgett Catholic schools were like a Irish hedge school before the 1950s.
Get the fuck outta here you clowns.
And you believe a few attacks over almost four months substantiates the claim of deep and abiding hatred, when compared to the daily attacks in Iraq? Please.
+++Binaric Screeching Intensifies+++
(By the Omnissiah, turn your speakers right down before clicking… 🙁 )
Why is it only a few?
And did the insurgency in Iraq start immediately on Day 1?
As you said:
I thought this was the successor site to Australia’s leading centre-right etc etc economic etc.
At. The. Mint.
Anyone else smell sunflower seeds?
Let’s put it this way, Dover:
You wouldn’t be whatabouting over Iraq, and southern and southeastern Ukraine would not be full of Rosgvardia, and there wouldn’t be public protests, leafleting, killings of occupation troops and collaborators alike and pre-trial detention camp governors exploding if southern Ukraine was totally welcoming of their Russian liberators.
In fact, there’d be pretty much nothing. And your pro-RU channels and Russian media would be publicly reporting on the captures, trials and executions of Ukrainian SF and saboteur squads. Since they’d be the only ones doing anything there.
But yet, no bread and salt for the Russians, and brewing trouble despite all their efforts to tighten their control…
Dot Bird
some excrement used your ip address to talk about ball gagging for thorium and taxing the fundamentals out of people.
naturally I thought of you.
banned ip
You don’t like me doing that?
I think someone might be smelling almonds, and wondering why his left arm and the side of his jaw hurts.
Total cray-cray, probably from the two remaining commenters at The Shop being bored shitless.
June 20, 2022 at 10:29 pm
Writing a newsletter makes you an expert. von Mises is wrong about money. Anything but cash is a plot to kill people. Walgett Catholic schools were like a Irish hedge school before the 1950s.
Get the fuck outta here you clowns.
Wow, you really do have an acid tongue. And what such a great education you must have had…….I will let the amateur Martin Armstrong know about your command of the English language and superb intellect. He will be very impressed no doubt.
Not before you acknowledge my riff on Gra-Gra and Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven!
They’ve occupied Kherson for 4 months now. It’s been very quiet insurgency-wise. Troublingly so for Kiev.
Knuckle Dragger says:
June 20, 2022 at 10:36 pm
Bookmarked for later reference.
Y’all know me. Know how I earn a livin’. I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin’ bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin’, little tenderizin’, an’ down you go.
And we gotta do it quick, that’ll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin’ basis. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I’ll find him for three, but I’ll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you’ve gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter.
I don’t want no volunteers, I don’t want no mates, there’s just too many captains on this island. $10,000 for me by myself.
For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.
Did Zelenskyy tell you this?
But the J6 Committee have Trump in the bag.
Indolent at 6.49, and referring to this quote from a piece linked to earlier:
The comment:
Tinfoil hat nonsense from an equally tinfoil hat site* where every single thing that occurs is going to kill every human on Earth except the elites. The ‘contortion’ is winding disease, cost of living, war and the Government’s apparent ability to change the weather into a single plot to exterminate 6 billion people.
*The Daily Expose, where presumably there is an expose every day. The site where rsrsrssrs goes to regain her perspective.
Good to see you back on newcatallaxy
You are wasted elsewhere.
Dot Bird
The GBH has you as bad as JC Bird
June 20, 2022 at 10:46 pm
Y’all know me. Know how I earn a livin’. I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin’ bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin’, little tenderizin’, an’ down you go.
And we gotta do it quick, that’ll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin’ basis. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I’ll find him for three, but I’ll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you’ve gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter.
I don’t want no volunteers, I don’t want no mates, there’s just too many captains on this island. $10,000 for me by myself.
For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.
Dotty. dotty. dotty. You are off your Rocker. Go to bed now and wake up with a far better attitude………………Please.
Thank God for Quint.
Tell me why von Mises is wrong.
The reason why money is the most sought after commodity (forgetting barter as a route to endogenous money supply) is that it allows you to trade endowments in different markets where the effects of money are clearly not neutral.
If the money supply is increased 20 %, prices of assets in more capital intensive locales will rise more than elsewhere. Money cannot be neutral without the lack of economic geography. The possible arbitrages here is why money, in the absence of barter exchange driven monetary development, is the most sought after commodity.
On the other hand, someone can explain why von Mises and the Austrian School is wrong.
LOL… thanks P but I don’t normally drop in to the Open Thread but do check the other threads.
All the best… and years ago I knew folk from Walgett.
poppy-seed cake
I’ve heard the seeds are irradiated but if you sow ’em some are still viable
He is dead Dot.
And it is humanity that creates wealth.
Not some fucking dead person and the fact is that dumb Bird shit folk like you and JC that have limited the expansion of human kind.
But I am certain one of you bird brained authoritarians will be over at the yuk yuk furniture store to tell us how stupid we are for not listening to you.
Enjoy your typing monkey.
Very amusing. On the last, a lot of talk of heavy fighting in Severodonetsk but never really saw much footage of it.
Had to look it up:
This is a confused ball of nonsense.
Wanting people to be free holds them back and it is authoritarian?
NFI (Faulty?) – I get the feeling you’re a deeply, deeply closeted La Rouchite. Socialist economics on steroids will set us free, etc.
Groundhog day.
All jokes aside.
I’ve put all the socks in the drawer.
What is it NFA?
Tell me.
What troubles you my son?
A pattern emerges.
Looks like NFA has fallen out of the hammock and can’t reach the Bombay Sapphire bottle.
Someone call the house-boy.
The salt of the earth, mate, the salt of the earth.
From an amusing article at American Thinker :
Tom Hanks has announced that, if the 1993 movie Philadelphia, for which he won an Oscar for playing a gay man dying of AIDS, were being made today, he would not be offered and would not accept the role, “…and rightly so,” because today such casting would be at odds with “the modern realm of authenticity” demanding that only a gay actor can play a gay character. Today’s audiences, he said, would find a straight actor in that role “unacceptable.”
On hearing this, the first thing that occurred to me was that, should similar “logic” be applied to everything coming out of Hollywood, we would be hearing that “In other news, Anthony Hopkins has declared that, under today’s sensibilities, he would not be offered nor be able to accept the role of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs (for which he was awarded 1991’s Best Actor Oscar), because he is neither an actual serial killer nor an actual cannibal.”
Other examples are Jodie Foster, Steve McQueen, William Shatner not being able to play a spaceship captain or a cop, and pretty much the whole career of Rock Hudson.
Pity about Hanks going woke.
The art of convincingly portraying something you are not.
Looks like Roman gladiator films are screwed.
What about Marvel super-hero fillems?
If you are not actually Thor, God of Thunder, how can you play him in a movie?
Except Hanks was correctly cast if authenticity is the rule these days. Hanks is gayer than a dancer in a gay parade.
New thread time yet Dover?
As a “kiss my arse” to the outgoing thread-
You can either get tin roof that will bounce off the rain and hail and sun and keep going for a long time, and look stately to boot, or pfaff around with colorbond coulours of Australia.
You can either get a Chef CVE, two knobs and no screens, in white so’s you can wipe off the spillage, or treat the missus to a wanky pastel Smeg 900mm multifunction pyrolitic steam oven that will run at 2/3 capacity most of the time and operate via an impenetrable mini touchscreen which is unintelligible after the third nip of cooking sherry.
You could get in line for a Tesla, and be ready to pay for upgraded connections and charging and a new battery and a new smart battery for the house and a new house for when it all catches fire, or get an 80’s 300D Merc and fang around the corners safe in the knowledge that if you skittle a ‘roo it won’t come in through the lightweight windscreen via a doorwedge “bumper”.
You could get a squinty stockbroker watch with bezelled bevels, five hands, markings like scattered grains of stardust, four buttons, absolutely ludicrous “chronograph” functionality, eighteen-monthly servicing requirements and a hand-stitched bactrian camel hump leather strap… or a $20 Casio that you can read the time off of at a glance with nice big melanoma-growing glow in the dark numbers.
And this should be the final word in the “where does money come from, Daddy?” debate.
Totally agree.
Have you ever been to Walgett, NFA you old fraud?
And if you did, what were you looking for?
Imagine being a gay or lesbian actor and not being able to play straight roles.
I don’t think Hanks has thought it through.
Scarlett Johansen dropped out of a movie about a trans woman because of backlash over fact she was not trans. No idea if movie ever made but a lot more would have watched it if she was in it. Since it was based on a real trans you would think it might help bring more light to trans issues.
Meanwhile no problem having a black Anne Boleyn.
or you could just get a wood fired stove, hand her the axe and say… there is the wood heap… I have to go earn some money to keep you and the kids safe.
So, now we know that Sanchi Panzi is functionally illiterate.
What I actually said you dysfunctional pile of Bird Turd is I knew folk from Walgett.
Can you understand that or are you a North Melbourne magistrate hiding bodies in your basement?
Do you know the best part…. the entire world can now see what you do.
An incredibly sobering account of the battle of Severodonetsk from an American volunteer with the Ukrainian army.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Schrank.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Patrick Cross.
Ben Garrison.
If it was this one, buy it.
To Hell with fuel costs…
Best I can do is watch videos of Woodmizer stuff.
The LT15 looks like your best bet for size.
OK, you mean the type of mill.
The music is a bit late for the weekend, but…
Winston Smith says:
June 21, 2022 at 4:58 am
Seems a bit over investing for a few logs.
Cheers Tom
Willingness to through away money among older adults linked to cognitive profile of early Alzheimer’s
Why Both Republicans And Democrats Are Wrong About Bill Barr
Good, long read on Barr.
If Trump was so smart, why did he employ such swampies.
More importantly, why did he follow such terrible advice post the election.
It’s like he followed every dead end.
Don’t worship false idols.
In the name of our Lord, Jon Caviezel.
Mic DROP! 18-year-old white male DECIMATES white liberal female doctor tsk-tsking white middle school boys for going ‘alt-right’ in EPIC thread
All of us
greatly saddened
if it’s good enough for liars who cost the Australian taxpayer many millions, it’s good enough for everyboatee
New TIK episode 37 on the Stalingrad encirclement mainly covering 20th – 22nd November and the initial breakout option. Also covers the Lascar Group -V Rumanian Corps /+ on the Northern flank as it is cut off.
Normal people barracking for lose lose
Allison bailey barrister case blah blah
Cassie I entirely agree, the defendant in the Higgins matter has been found guilty by so many, so publicly, he is indeed a ‘poor young man’.
Quote of the year from Warren Mundine yesterday, apropos of scrawny Greens dilettante Adam Bandt’s ill-thought-out national flag publicity stunt, and reprised here because it’s excellent:
Wealthy faux-concern trolls, the lot of them.
JC, I don’t know what the furniture store is, much less looked at it. I wrote the post after watching a couple of Neil Oliver videos. He’s smarter than me and makes a good case that the reserve banks of the world essentially enrich themselves and their mates, all paid for by the suckers at the bottom.
Doesn’t make him innocent though, rosie.
It’s not the creation of the money I get how they do it, it’s who gets their hands on it first, the distribution of the newly created money. Creating more money than the available goods and services is a bad idea and will always and eventually end in tears. Why do the banks have a monopoly on the distribution of the new money?
Why not send it direct to every taxpayer? They’ll be the ones paying it back, they may as well have the short term sugar buzz and quickly learn what the money leads to.
Until convicted he is.
Tom Hanks is not a pilot either. No wonder he crashed that plane in the Hudson.
Have a look at this. Just look at the state of some people in this country (the Hun):
Righto. We’ve all been there.
Ah. Forget what I just said.
How could this have happened?
Aaaand the best bit, demonstrating the idiocy of both this man-bunned muppet and people with law degrees:
A natural action. To hold a firearm by the trigger. When showing it to people.
Central banking is bit of a scam. Especially so when rates are low. There’s simply no perfect way of increasing the money supply. Money is not neutral, nor should it necessarily always act as such.
Ideally all cash balances would expand and contract together, that’s impossible unless you have something centralised like BTC when it forks. But really, if the economy of FNQ is faring better than Melbin, does a “perfect” monetary policy even make sense? You don’t want to distort the market signals.
In a free market, banks who printed too much money would depreciate their asset base to the point where they could have an asset-liability crisis. There is obviously an incentive to engage in seignorage in good times. Depositors would also choose banks with the best rates, which would mean no BRRRRR for those who still want a deposit base. Private banks were once normal in England and Scotland, the large ones acted as quasi central banks or clearing houses.
Is it just me, or was last nights bonhomie a tad … disjointed?
Did they even read R v Ryan (1967)???!!!!
Damn straight.
This bloke has been publicly painted as Attila the Hun by the entire femistocracy for months upon months. He has been subject to considerable adverse comment by not only simpering fat-arsed mutton dressed as lamb TV mouthpieces, but by the Prime Minister of Australia.
The entire process has been co-opted into a political campaign running on the premise that a particular government has a ‘woman problem’, and as a direct consequence this bloke is – and has been for months – hanging upside down from a Canberra yardarm by the ankle.
He wants a fair trial. The defence wants him to get a fair trial. I want him to get a fair trial, in which a jury of his peers must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the allegations against him – made by a woman who apparently couldn’t remember the events in question, and who then went out of her way to destroy forensic evidence after being advised not to – are true.
As it stands now he can’t get a fair trial, and this entire shithouse episode is a dagger in the heart of what remains of the judicial (as opposed to justice) system in this country.
Uh oh.
This is one of the situations giving a reason why I think equity and administrative law should apply to criminal law generally, but they don’t.
Do you think Hanks can really spear a fish from ten metres with a spear he can hand-hew from bamboo?
Why no. No he can’t.
Or do actual self dentistry?
That’s the clincher.
How about that – I may have just resurrected an old Imgur account.
OK. Perhaps not.
Anyone want to explain to NFI/Faulty that he’s publishing a list of anonymous dynamic IP addresses that are best the wrong ISPs or bulk upstream suppliers of backhaul bandwidth capacity?
Thanks for doxxing Telstra’s Crows Nest exchange, NFI.
In Everything Old Is New Again news:
New ‘capacity mechanism’ could pay coal and gas generators for reliable electricity supply
I’m old enough to remember when this was the natural way of things.
It’s seriously one of the better ‘gotcha’ moments in blogging history, in this wide brown land at least. Like when the egg_roomba unmasked Delta as Grigory.
The Furniture Shop. Kicking goals since 2020. Home IP address
“Until convicted he is.”
Quite so. Every man and woman is innocent until proved guilty, unless of course, you live in Australia in 2022, where some are now deemed, due to various trendy political and social narratives, to be “guilty until proven innocent”, a complete reversal of common law. My sympathy for the young man in question has nothing to do with whether he’s guilty or not, I have no idea what ensued that night, but there is one thing I know for certain and that is that this young man’s whole case and forthcoming trial has been prejudiced by a disgraceful MSM, elite scum such as Mrs Pirate and her feminist comrades, a nauseating political class willing to throw people on pyres to suit their political narratives and even our most recent unlamented PM who was also very willing to throw people on pyres for political gains. The whole affair, from the beginning, has been utterly disgraceful. Even if he is found innocent, his life is ruined.
One of the reasons why the Pell case distressed me so much was because of the complete trashing of the presumption of innocence. It seems that many have learnt nothing, absolutely nothing since then.
“Knuckle Draggersays:
June 21, 2022 at 7:22 am”
Well said.
A natural action. To hold a firearm by the trigger. When showing it to people.
Yep, bullshit on stilts.
The pistol grip on a long firearm makes it natural to hold the weapon there. You have to reach with your finger past the trigger guard to get at the trigger.
The design is deliberate so you can walk and carry the gun without accidental trigger contract.
Steady on.
Apparently pointing out the idiocy of other posters is scab picking.
It is forbidden by Titus.
Until proven guilty he is.
Did a search for this incident.
Found the original Facebook post where Plod were looking for him.
The comments are revealing.
Surprisingly, he is regarded as a scumbag and all round dickwad of the highest order.
Texas Republicans passed a resolution on June 18 stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected,” and that “substantial” election fraud in key metropolitan areas influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.
This sort of thinking has been working on my mind also.
When I look at all the movies where there is a death but it is not a dead actor, I can hear groans of injustice lifting up from graveyards.
And when you consider dead people are all Democrats they would be a shoo-in in Hollywood.
How about people with diseases? Only they can really know what it is to have death looking over your shoulder, and to have your physiology pulled in multiple directions at once first by medications and then my medications to counteract the medications. Every time an actor dies in a movie and then re-appears afterwards feel this jarring sensation.
I find it very interesting that you seem to find it necessary to constantly ridicule a site which bases the bulk of its content on official government data.
I wonder why that is.
I have a mental picture of Ted Cruz and Alan West side by side defending the Alamo Mission from a horde of purple haired qwerties armed with feather boas.
Texas GOP Pushes for Referendum to Secede (Newsmax, 20 Jun)
Be fun if the referendum happens. Lots of popcorn will be needed.
“The Greens are just a fringe university type group trying to run down the country.”
If present trends continue the Greens will be running the country by 2025, as they’ll hold the balance of power in both houses.
That should be enough to drive an agnostic to prayer.
Rickw I used to have an Alaska mill. With your skills you could knock one up in a few hours of less. Use an aluminium ladder as a guide, wedged and screwed down with coach bolts. I had two ladders that fitted together for long lengths up to 9 metres as I had access to a lot of long timber. I’d cut about 300 mm for the first cut. Turn the log, square the ladder and make the second cut. When I gave the mill to my mate he made a trolley that ran on the ladder to cut the sides, saved a lot of work. The other way is just cut flitches. Use wedges to keep the kerf open have 300mm ladder overhang at each end. Open the oiler for the bar up. You’ll need a ripping chain. I had a 120cc husky with a 1200 bar. Really needed an 1800 bar but then needed another bloke. Its surprising how big a log can be milled with a bit of thought. I had a small forestry business on the side. Nothing goes to waste with the scraps being cut for the fire.
An NFR order put in the records without guardian/parental knowledge 8 minutes after a lethal dose of narcotics given?
… which it mercilessly misconstrues, selectively quotes and/or downright lies about.
Which is beside the point anyway because the piece KD quoted was not Gummint data, btw.
It was a prediction from trusted sources on the innernet that 4 billion people were going to be systematically eliminated over the next thirty years.
The guy is a loon. I put it down to injected nano-metal fragments replicating in his brain.
‘Actors are generally stupid people.’
– Anthony Hopkins
An actor or actress being able to pretend that he or she were homosexual (Tom Hanks, Russel Crowe), or mentally cracked (Geoffrey Rush), or autistic (Russel Crowe), or a psychopath (Charlize Theron, Robert DeNiro, Russel Crowe), or a different ethnicity (Ben Kingsley, Kamahl, Russel Crowe) or actually a woman or actually a man (Dustin Hoffman, Hillary Swank, Russ… maybe not)… used to be a sure-fire route to an Oscar.
It’s actually simpler than that, it used to be the stock in trade of acting.
I’m all in favour of getting off the Hollywood starmaker bandwagon, but the push for reparations via acting equity is stock standard Leftism, taking a cherished cultural institution and gutting it.
Interesting development – but I doubt it will go much further.
The injured party is the middle class and they are the ones the O’Biden/Harris Regime want to bankrupt.
Indolent data from official data sources has now become so manipulated and distorted to become meaningless. Recently I started collating data from the ABS on taxation about something I’d seen about the GFC. Not only could I not find the data but when trying to extrapolate the data from what was available the methodology had changed. This obfuscation at the least. Anything that makes the government look more incompetent is changed for a more favourable picture. We se this in every walk of life. Its called narrative.
Credit where it is due: Rowe’s cartoon of Bowen, while not skewering him for being way out of his depth, at least does not make him look like Alexander about to cut the Gordian knot and have all the intractable problems (that had defied so many ministers and their attempts) fall away and usher in a new Golden Age.
There is an idiotic conviction of politicians and bureaucrats that everything is most efficient when run by a central will in a central location. It is unimaginable to them that a bit of chaos, with its experimentation, newly emerged possibilities that did not exist when the previous solution was implemented, and a spirit of daring, are the real secrets of success.
Imagine if Bowen – resisting the temptation to institute ‘Electricity-Watch’ which will update once a week with the spot price of electricity with the promise you can ‘shop around to find a bargain’ – imagine if he instead set them free and said the Feds will back out of foisting policies on energy and the States must look to their own resources and make their own agreements. Less work for him and better outcomes as the states could not escape responsibility by slipping their problems beneath a sea of acronyms.
Chalmers, not Bowen, leaping into action like a startled slug:
ACCC to launch probe into energy companies amid high electricity and gas prices
Circle the wagons.
Expect nothing.
Avoid disappointment.
ABCcess sticks a fat finger on the scales of justice again…
Äbc mong: “Hey theres a case where adverse publicity might affect the course of justice
Abc Mong enabler: “Better chuck a full page photo of the accused with a rehashing of the allegations on the news website then”…
What is a “Fully automatic firearm round?”
Ammo that is linked? As in a crew served weapon?
Gives me pause for thought.
Should I, a female Turkish professional wrestler, be masquerading as a male Spanish donkey jockey on a blog?
BoN Ted Cruz might be better off having Adam West at his side. POW! BOOF! KAPOW!
FDA approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Data proving Vaccinated Children are 30,200%/303x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
On the “actors must resemble characters” even down to sexuality…
Why then did we have a Sub Continental David Copperfield? Was there a dark secret lurking in the Copperfield family history?
Peggotty probably knew.
A loon? Not in the least.
Whoever writes the Daily Exposé is operating a cynical, well-used business model:
1) Identify a demographic that needs to have something validated;
2) Torture official data to provide EVIDENCES that satisfy that need;
3) Beg for money – ‘Because we’re being shut down and only you can save us…’
Televangelists meet Rug/Kitchenware ‘closing-down-everything-must-go’ stores.
Sometimes people seek out the furniture store, sometimes the furniture store seeks you.
On Titus and scab picking…
That’s what a bath slave is for.
Only been there the once, Bear. They say eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves. It’s true.
But it gave me an insight into where some of the cruelty was picked up and then spewed out here. Thing is…we really aren’t that important.
Yep. It’s … ummm … interesting. The nano wrigglers started playing up.
This ‘poor young man’? You’ve decided that he’s a victim? Judge and jury?
I’m yet to see/hear one thing in the media that provides any evidence of anything of a criminal nature taking place ..
other than BRADBURY inserting his “I’m the PM” overreach I seriously doubt the charge(s) would have gained any traction ……!
Dr F at 8:37.
Spot on.
There’s one born every minute, and some of them are here.
Once you find an audience which has desparation and gullibility in equal measure, the gravy just keeps on flowing.
In my experience at the community level, most get into acting as a way to live life pretending that they’re in an open relationship.
Probably holds true for the pro’s as well.
Winston, I’ve run into that one before.
Something about the problems that can arise from using regular .303 rounds in a Vickers gun, or vice-versa.
I’m now prompted to go & get the full story.
Alas, there were very few of the former last time I looked.
About five regulars (ignoring the many guises of JC Dot-Bird-Sanchez).
What a brilliant idea! Fix the “crisis” with a tax.
Never been done before. Sure to work.
Demanding that people not mock sites like that of the Scunthorpe mechanic on Catallaxy.
Every year the NSW and QLD premiers have a bet on the outcome of the State of Origin series with the wager being flying the flag on the Harbour Bridge or the Storey Bridge. This has been going on for years. So the cost of hoisting the “aboriginal” flag should be no more that this.
All right, West Australian Cats, which of you voted for this mob?
I read the article about the unvaccinated 19 year old Downs Sydrrome girl who died of Covid.
Very sad and very predictable outcome.
And as expected the parents are blaming everyone but themselves.
Every morning I try to guess the top headline before firing up the interwebs.
White House Spox Says Girl Guide Video Taken Out Of Context.
is a bit like starting Wordle with audio.
It probably won’t be the headline of the day, but it does cover a lot.
I note every time or is that all the time, the scum suggesting a tax to fix a problem have no worry about paying the tax as they are on the public teat or have so much it doesn’t affect them.
The problem is in the title.
By definition, the Daily Exposé must come up with a new exposé every day.
A tall order which could lead to corner cutting.
Re the important rape case about to start , firstly I read that he was in the building for 22 minutes from time signed in to time signed out .
Secondly she was nude as seen by Security officer later that night .
Thirdly what rapist bothers to take off all the clothes , rip off panties maybe.
I’d be looking for alcohol and Party drugs , given the time she remained out to it not leaving until 10 next morning .
So here is a possible scenario they go off for sex she passed out after undressing and he leaves.
June 21, 2022 at 12:58 am
Needs more than an uptick. Absolutely correct, except that no LGBTQWERTY performer will ever be refused a straight role. Likewise performers of colour – in the book A Wrinkle in Time Mrs Murray was described as having milky white skin and flaming red hair, but in the film (a woke flop) she was played by a black actress.
And in addition to the black Ann Boleyn, there was a movie about Mary Queen of Scots where a black guy played a sixteenth century English peer of the realm. Nothing against his acting but it made the film look like an Eddie Murphy comedy rather than a serious historical drama.
From the Oz.
If 6 million have not had their booster shot I would suggest most are not likely to by now and technically are no longer considered fully vaccinated.
In other breaking news people are actually dying in aged care. Funny how we never see stats for numbers dying in aged care compared to pre Covid.
As usual no mention of average age 84 and with comorbidities.
“Health Minister Mark Butler has called newly released Omicron figures “staggering”, warning that cases of the strain have “blown out” and that Covid will continue to be “a major health challenge for the coming couple of years at least.”
Following the release of new data this week, which has estimated that the Omicron wave was much larger than originally thought, Mr Butler called the figures “amazing.”
“We thought the case numbers were extraordinary early this year, but this new report is suggesting… that literally millions of Australians caught COVID in the early part of the year. It is just quite staggering,” he said.
The new analysis which saw researchers examine antibodies in more than 5000 blood samples has revealed an estimated 3.4 million Australians or 17 per cent of the population had contracted the virus by the end of February this year.
“We have known for some time that there are people who will catch it but have no symptoms,” Minister Butler said.
But he warned that there were still “substantial case numbers.”
“This virus is still with us,” he said. “We are seeing many thousands of people infected every day. There are still almost 3000 people in hospital today with COVID. We are seeing dozens and dozens of deaths every week.
“This is still very curious.”
Asked how we compare with other nations, following meetings with G20 Health Ministers on Monday, Mr Butler said, “we have performed extraordinarily well.”
“Australians really lined up once the vaccine finally became available,” he said. “We have one of the highest rates of double vaccination in the world.”
While Mr Butler acknowledged we should be “extraordinarily proud” of what has been achieved, he said “there is more to do.”
He noted that we could be achieving higher booster rates, with more than 6 million eligible Australians failing to book in for their third shot, and warned that there “are still dozens of people in our aged care facilities dying every week.”
“We need to get the message out that you were not fully protected, particularly against Omicron, until you have three doses,” he said.
“We need to get through winter. There is still a lot to go.”
Then there is the Susie O Brian column, no comments allowed, in Herald Sun regarding how Aboriginal stuff going to be pushed in schools. Flags, welcome to country and much more.
I looked at the first comment and was…not surprised.
The buzz words ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ are borne about as if they were delivered to us from Heaven, to treat with all reverence and devotion. We might not look at them too closely. They will shine their light like the sun, and like the sun they will burn you if you look directly at them. Anyone who would try to treat them like mortal words or ideas is already blasphemous.
Just uttering the words in any connection elevates it and sanctifies it.
Everyone has their own take on them, but so long as each person’s conception is never referred to with any more detail than ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ it sounds like it is the same thing. Like Wittgenstein’s ‘Beetle in the box’.
Without the laying of a charm of ‘inclusive diversity’ upon things like races no one would ever dream of defending biological males in women’s sporting events.
Because that is now blasphemy.
Yet the Beloved and I still can’t manage to catch the thing. We don’t live in isolation, we socialise both here and in Sydney, yet the dreaded coof eludes us. We’ve been in contact with those who have it, those who have had it and those who are about to get it.
It’s as if we’re armour plated. 🙂
Security officer’s evidence should be interesting.
Who knew Sneakers was a Cheech and Chong fan? Maybe we’ll get funnier movies from Screen West now?
People in aged care facilities die. We once accepted this without demur.
They aren’t called “God’s Waiting Rooms” for nothing.
June 21, 2022 at 9:09 am
“Health Minister Mark Butler has called newly released Omicron figures “staggering”, warning that cases of the strain have “blown out” and that Covid will continue to be “a major health challenge for the coming couple of years at least.”
What a shithead.
More cases for exactly the same number of deaths, ICU admissions and hospitalisations, is meant to be a bad thing? 17% of the population with natural immunity is a bad thing?
From Daily Mail. When the Fed and VIC Govt has opened their Moderna manufacture in 2024 will this be combined with mandates to help use up production ? They would actually be benefitting financially. Based on everything I have seen so far the odds are most likely.
“The single SUPER-SHOT Moderna vaccine protecting against Covid-19 AND the flu coming to Australia – and how you can get it
Australians will have access to a single vaccine for COVID-19 and flu
The combined shot will start trials later this year
Could mean Australians will no longer need to have two seperate vaccines.
The combined shot for flu, COVID-19 and respiratory virus RSV is in early testing stages with trials to start later this year, Moderna chief medical officer Paul Burton says.
Dr Burton expects combined vaccines will be key to fighting respiratory diseases in the aftermath of the pandemic, and to adapt to multiple strains within one season.
Mr Burton said bringing vaccines together and adapting will be the future, as we think about diseases other than COVID-19.
Meanwhile, Australia’s multi-billion dollar mRNA manufacturing hub will be bigger than initially expected.
The first of its kind in the southern hemisphere, the facility was announced in March by the Morrison government as part of an agreement with Moderna.
Finding a location has reached its final stages and a site will be announced in a few weeks, Moderna general manager Michael Azrak said.
‘It’s taken a little bit longer than we anticipated because we’re actually going to be building a larger facility than we anticipated,’ he told Sky News.
The pharmaceutical giant aims to break ground on the Victorian site before the end of the year, Mr Azrak said.
It will be operating by the end of 2024, subject to approval by the medicines regulator.
It should have everything except Richo but I wouldn’t rule that out either.
Or you may have had it but not realised, as a lot of people did, evidently, else they wouldn’t have turned up to give blood.
A natural action. To hold a firearm by the trigger. When showing it to people.
Well yes. That’s what manbun-wearing idiots from Albury do.
Think of it as evolution in action.
This isn’t about giving POC actors better, more interesting roles. There are plenty of excellent stories out there for non-euro actors to star in.
This is about the visual distortion of history. We are being forced to accept things that we know are not true. The more ridiculous the distortion, the more the pressure to conform.
In this way it then becomes easy to replace written history with lies, even obvious ones. They’re only messing around with the edges at the moment. The time will surely come, if we accept this nonsense, that more serious inroads will be made and there won’t be a thing we can do about it.
History will then be well and truly Bunk.
That must be a different one to the one I posted.
Mine was about a Downs Syndrome girl who died after a cocktail of narcotics and other drugs was given against medical warning which was over ruled by medical admin.
And the Not For Resus Order which was documented 8 minutes after the final dose was given – and the NFR Order wasn’t authorised by the parent/guardian.
Precedex is given by slow infusion usually in her circumstances, so I’m not sure where the ‘final dose’ comes in. Does it mean the bag of narcotics etc was hung and commenced at the appropriate rate 8 minutes before the NFR was ordered? In that case the infusion bag and records + whatever cardiac rhythm strips kept need to be examined to see if the infusion/bolus actually put her into a cardiac arrest.
No. This smells like the proverbial dead wombat on the side of the road.
That’s what I’m thinking too Roger.
If we’ve had it and don’t know it, and the Beloved has a raft of co-morbidities including respiratory problems, then it’s been the Tom Thumb of all firecrackers. As I mentioned yesterday, if his immune system’s shot from enjabbenation, it must have been pretty good to start with. He hasn’t had so much as a sniffle.