Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Johannes Leak.
Warren Brown.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Tina Norton.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks, Tom.
BTW, I don’t have to ‘big note’ my family’s military history,
So why have you kept rabbiting on about it for years and years?
And bringing it up at every opportunity?
One mention woulda been one too many.
I still have my 8 year old and somewhat busted Casio Mudman (which just had first battery change since I first bought it about 3 months ago) for when I go railroading for money.
When I worked at Lend Lease in 1988, we were lucky enough to hire a whole carriage being part of the train drawn by the Flying Scotsman from Sydney up to Maitland I think it was and then drawn by the 3801 loco’ back down to Sydney. I do remember lunch near Maitland was at a winery. And we all got dressed up in Scots gear with kilts and everything. A great day out was had by all.
The Flying Scotsman was in Australia as part of the Bi-Centenary celebrations.
Trump J6 Beast Mode Meme Fest
I was talking to an international farm worker at the hotel last night, he mentioned some people were angry about the amount of water cotton farmers use.
Though looking at roadside flooding seems there is plenty for everyone this year.
why would people vandalise cotton crops in remote NSW?
That is probably not akchually true.
No joke.
Pope Francis on liturgy.
Liturgical formation must teach people how to read and understand symbols, he said, referencing the writing of Romano Guardini, a 20th century German Catholic priest and intellectual. The task is not easy because modern man has become illiterate, no longer able to read symbols; it is almost as if their existence is not even suspected,” Francis said.
Seems Barilaro already signed a 3 year contract and the DM article suggests he might get a payout if he can not take up the job. This seems ridiculous as the process by which he got the job is clearly dodgy.
Barilaro always came across to me as a used car salesman. However seeing the whole lot of them like Maguire, Ayers and I’m certain there would be others, que surprise… He seems no different to that other teflon grub Beattie.
Interesting, I reckon the Liberals are stuffed in NSW now. Too much scandal hanging around and with the election due next year what are the media sitting on?
Mothers, stop ironing your sons’ shirts.
Grand Theft Auto VI Capitol City is pretty sick.
The best part is not playing as Donald Trump. It is playing as a pet Gorilla and where Trump and the Gorilla watch Gorillas on TV.
Where are you Rosie? If on NW NSW slopes or up towards St George most of the farming out there is cotton, sounds like a closet green with an agenda.
‘I have never done one single worthwhile thing in my entire miserable existence.’
*Just get married, like I cannot, LOL*
We recognise Ukraine as a sovereign 18th C nation state.
Oh do we now?
(Cue “Ukrainians never die”).
Hard to talk to about that part of the world without talking about the Teutonic Order.
Unfortunately for them a vegetarian chap with one testicle hijacked their history in the 1930’s so their rich history is not as well known as it should be.
The Hanseatic League are absolutely fascinating.
I will try to find the economic history of Europe books I used to read. Brilliant.
BTW, your inter-generational guilt at coming from a long line of shirkers and skivers is now going into overdrive.
The Hanseatic League were a punter’s club from the low countries.
Just heard teaching trans stuff to kids described as “this is the fourth dimension of shit”.
I’ve passed through NW NSW, plenty of cotton on the QLD side of the border too.
Chap I was speaking to works for a Canadian superannuation fund aka ‘Big Wheat’ with properties in southern NSW and over the QLD border.
Like a yacht club for the Baltic and North Seas.
If fact, Ed hates veteran so much, he once stated on here that serving their country oversees should see them disqualified from certain employment on their return.
There’s no compensation scheme or money to be made from inter-generational guilt. My recommendation, give it away. You’re flogging a dead horse.
Strange how the thread mentions “just get married, LOL” and best girl.
I would have, but she got OF.
Visa changes for incoming from 1 July 2022
The age limit for Italian and Danish citizens will increase by five years – from 30 to 35 years of age
The only thing you got wrong Mater. Special ed is flogging himself.
Bird’s been doing a bit of that recently.
Has anyone been to Acre?
If so, is it worth having a look?
I tell you what, Ed, if I makes you feel better and alleviates the anguish, perhaps you could just identify as a bloke who doesn’t emanate from a family of skivers and shirkers.
I doubt it would pass the test to get you a DVA payout for ‘inter-generational trauma’ (if that’s even a thing), but you could run around ticking boxes and flashing your (newly acquired) credentials, and generally feel better about yourself.
I imagine, for you, it would be bliss…kinda like a good shit after a significant bout of constipation. Making stuff up about his forefathers certain made Bob feel better, superior even.
Yep, and we can do one and exhaust. So the base, fed up with Kean the Green, is going to vote PHON, SFF or someone else then not give preference to the Libs. They’re toast.
“Has anyone been to Acre?”
I’ve been to Acre in Israel…..very nice place….very historic.
More popcorn, anyone?
“Interesting, I reckon the Liberals are stuffed in NSW now. Too much scandal hanging around and with the election due next year what are the media sitting on?”
Yep, Parrothead had an opportunity to differentiate himself but as the months went on it became increasingly clear that he’s just a stooge of Kean the Green and Photios and is beholden to the bureaucrats. NSW Labor have, for the first time since 2011, a half decent leader.
When you don’t understand any of the words you tend to shrug and move on. Because if it can’t be said, it can’t be that important.
Thanks for reminding me I need to look up ‘neurodivergent’ Dr Faustus
This is interesting.
I just moments ago got a notification of a new Russell Brand YouTube video dropping, something about a leaked video in which ‘they’ admitted something (don’t know what it is as I can’t see the clip).
When I went to watch it, it strangely demands I provide proof of my being old enough to view it. Only a credit card or photo id (drivers licence or passport) will do. Even if I provide, it’ll take three days to confirm (by which time interest will have abated).
I’ve NEVER had a similar problem with ANY content on YouTube.
Can others check this out, and let me know if you experience the same issue?
To be honest not clear if trans pastor is man trapped in a woman’s body or vice versa.
Yep, Parrothead had an opportunity to differentiate himself
dum parrothead’s only credential for the top job is he drew the short straw when Photios knew not even he could make Keane likeable ……..
Yes and yes.
It’s historical significance is enough to draw you – a citadel, old ramparts, marvellous buildings spanning many centuries, the old harbour. There is also a vibrant market and lots of local produce. I loved the pyramids of spices and huge trays of Mediterranean sweets (your teeth ache and waistline grows just looking at them).
Worth a look.
Sorry. Apostrophe Man struck early today.
We have 16 year old granddaughter visiting with 3 girlfriends. All “gutsy girls” who, in the first week of their school hols, did assisted jump out of an aeroplane. Next day arrived up here, the P plate driver doing her first long country drive. Narrowly missed a roo, but did all that we told them to do if one jumped out.
Lovely, charming girls. But cheeky me couldn’t resist showing them the book I am reading in early evening by the fire …..Ian Plimer’s “Green Murder”. They were shocked when I said he is a climate change sceptic &, as a geologist, can disprove the whole thesis. Granddaughter, with whom I have argued before on this topic, just shrugged, and told them, like her brother, she doesn’t believe in it.
At least it will show them that some people havnt accepted the crap.
Mater says:
June 30, 2022 at 8:09 am
Plays OK for me but I’m not interested, don’t like overenthusiastic presenters.
Too much like evangelical.
My take is that it is intended to paralyse any attempts at refutation by using big words that can be refuted because they are unknown to others.
Just more bad faith debate.
It takes a certain tenacity to put up with this and say “What is neurodivergent?” Once they answer with what they mean in normal English it can be discussed – although the likely response to the question will be “It is too technical. You wouldn’t understand.” Just keeping the claim aloft on hot air.
Fr Z on the word salad that is the pope’s latest ”reflection”.
”The Letter is clearly a pastiche, assembled from various writers and perhaps drafts that didn’t see the light of day for one reason or another. The voices change, the orthography is uneven, and there are profound differences in the quality of thought from section to section. Some bits are redolent of what Card. Sarah might write. Others more likely from the Roche camp (present Prefect of Worship and inveterate enemy of traditional worship), with their betraying blather about “ordained ministers” instead of “priests”, a remnant of writers like Schillebeeckx and darker days.
Also, the Letter is not in anyway binding on anyone. It does not promulgate or command. It contains Francis’ claimed thoughts (written as they may have been by others). ”
Thank you calli & Cassie.
mater, it’s another trick YouTube pulls to divert traffic from content the kiddies don’t like.
Anyone can click click & see a trans activist whipping their cock out in front of kids on a NY street.
But when it comes to a contrary narrative, it has to be age gated.
On things “climate”, once known as “weather”.
Another east coast low is going to pop through this weekend. Another “rain bomb” according to the talking heads. Pity help them if we ever had blizzards like north America.
Vicki, the dismissive attitude is the one I adopt now. I don’t argue technicalities with idiots any more. I just say I don’t believe any of it and trust they’ve stocked up on scented candles to cook their meals.
Suit hits Loudoun schools’ ‘mafia tactics’ against students and parents
Official Admits US Gov’t Hoped, Not Knew, Vax Stopped Covid – Big Tech Narrative Was Wrong
Thanks Gabor, YouTube clearly doesn’t like me.
Ed must be part of the Regulation Team.
They’re not even pretending any more.
FDA Panel Votes to Waive Clinical Trials for New COVID Boosters
mater, I pay 20 bucks a month for YouTube premium (meaning no adds & the channels I follow get a piece of my 20 bucks depending on how much of their stuff I watch).
Meaning they have my details & everything.
I still got a warning before playing the Russell vid.
Thanks, Gab.
It struck me as rather odd that this Pope had suddenly discovered religion. And elevating the family above the state? Couldn’t be him.
They just can’t help themselves. Or perhaps it’s exactly what they wanted in the first place.
Deafening Drumbeats for War – Biden Sends More U.S. Troops to Ukraine Border, 101st Airborne Deployed, Six Destroyers to Mediterranean, F-35 Squadrons to U.K.
Downloading some TV yesterday and came across the new season of one of my favourite shows hadn’t realised it was back cos I don’t watch live TV anymore (except sport) ..
Anyway AUSTRALIAN NINJA WARRIORS season 6 has started .. I know, from family guffaws, that lotz a folk think it’s a joke show but reality is lotza fit folk (all 864 sexes eligible!) doing fairly amazing stuff in some incredible times .. feats that aren’t tricked out but actually take effort .. !
Laff if you must but I thoroughly enjoy it .. just ignore the pointless waffle & BS that they call commentary and download it so as to avoid the incessant adverts and you’ve got a great “reality’ show with real people showing off some seriously physical talents …!
Coming to the top of my “To – Read ” pile. Plimer dedicates the book to Gina Rinehart who has “called human induced climate change for what it is: Nonsense.”
Mr Tedious is tedious.
W.H.O. Chief Tedros Turns on U.S. over ‘Backwards’ SCOTUS Abortion Ruling (29 Jun)
I hope you like making do with less money, because Trump and De Santis are going to defund you. Get woke go broke, as they say.
Within a decedent existence, it gives their lives meaning.
They are about to have their resilience muscles exercised, a muscle group that most don’t yet know exists.
Most think resilience peaks at getting through security at the airport on their way to European Contiki tour.
Do mask mandates work? Bay Area COVID data from June says no.
COVID Measures Should Have Been Targeted, Says Laval University Immunology Prof Whose Article Was Abruptly Pulled
Erdogan, Biden & Boris laughing it up overnight.
Made me feel a bit sick.
data suppression and adulteration or just simple incompetence?
Rabaul was captured to prevent the German Asiatic squadron – two heavy cruisers and three light cruisers using the place as a base.
The German Asiatic Squadron went on to a significant victory over a second-line RN force at Coronel, and annihilation by modern battle cruisers off the Falkland Islands. It was commanded by Admiral Graf Spee, whos name re-appeared on a Panzerschiffe operating in the same region in 1939, with equally unfortunate results for the Germans.
It’s got a whiff about it.
I’m now ultra intrigued about this ‘video leak’.
It’s all a Lie – Government reports prove Cost of Living Crisis & Travel Disruption is being done on purpose to advance ‘The Great Reset’
Hmm, I am also a premium user, and didn’t get the warning
Okay Diogenes, spill it.
What’s the video about?
“If she was telling the truth then the secret service would have been guilty of kidnapping.”
The security and safety of the President is the duty of the SS, and the President MUST obey the legal directions of the SS under that duty.
IE, when Trump went into “the bunker” due to rioters breaching the WH fencing, that was NOT his choice, but the SS being concerned for his security and safety.
The President can decide WHERE he goes for the most part, but the SS decides HOW, and only the SS can decide if the procedures in place for the President’s safety are sufficient to ALLOW the President to go where he wishes.
It’s one of those memes the environmentalists like to trot out, same for rice.
The return on Mgl/ha is substantial which supports a host of manufacturing/trades and ag supplies companies down to small owner operator contractors.
This summer has been “cold” which has meant lower yields and quality and I hear the cotton gins are using a lot of gas to dry the raw product before processing, which must be lopping a lot of the cream off.
Climatically WNSW and CQ/SQ are some of the best areas on the planet for cotton, with the Riverina being the same for rice.
You can’t tell a greenie that though.
They only want less people on the planet.
Re the cotton module cutting; I’d look closely at the demographics of said locals.
Haven’t had a chance to watch it, just fired it up to see if there was an issue.
The title slide refers to the Fizzer yacht parties.
The new Evil Empire.
June 30, 2022 at 6:26 am
The Chermans invaded and colonised England 1600 years ago.
That is probably not akchually true.
No joke.
There were waves of Saxons, Angles, Jutes and many others including the Vikings and Danes.
The Germanic (Germaniac) tribes were in there. Friesians as well (Northern Holland).
Mix this lot up with the Norse language and you get the English language developing over time. Funny old world ‘innit.
Well, parties on yachts (or anywhere else) are hardly big news for pharma companies. I presume they’re celebrating their big vaxx windfalls.
Pope Francis repoprtedly communed Nancy Pelosi in Rome yesterday.
There’s an account by one James Phelps about how the Australians seized German code books from German merchant ships on the outbreak of World War One – by reading the transmissions between the Asiatic Squadron and their colliers, they were tracking the squadron, and had the Admiralty listened to them, the disaster at Coronel may have been avoided.
“Next thing you know, you’ll be dusting off your old claim that 9/11 was an atomic demolition job arranged by those perfidious….CENTRAL BANKERS!”
Rexy, Rexy, Rexy – Central Bankers are under the control of Claus, Bill, and Jeff.
They WANT you to think it’s the central banker
muppetspuppets, so they can continue to remain behind the curtain and pull the strings.Remember the first rule of paranoia: never put down to incompetence what can be explained by corruption, and never put down to corruption what can be explained by conspiracy. It’s all those Club of Rome, WEF and UN people trying to keep from realising your full potential and obtaining the full freedom that is your birthright.
THEY are the ones who killed the 100mpg carburettor, burning salt water, cold fusion and all the perpetual motion machines – bastards!
THEY are the ones that put the mind-control nano-wrigglers inside you.
Must hit “post comment” before the mind control kicks in, must… must… trying… ahhh!
I’d like less people on the planet like greenscum, lefties and muzzies, but then I’d be looking at the bloke in the mirror suspiciously.
Daily Mail.
Half way through. I think the age warnings are because of some of the video of the party has some very attractive young ladies in very skimpy bikinis cavorting.
Narrowly missed a roo, but did all that we told them to do if one jumped out.
If only.
The big bastard came straight across out of the bush, hit me on the drivers door and then did more damage on the wheel arch of the tub. Bull bars aren’t much use when they take a late run at you.
My brand new Ranger ute as well (sob). I’m doing the insurance work this morning.
Ed Casesays:
June 30, 2022 at 4:48 am
BTW, I don’t have to ‘big note’ my family’s military history,
So why have you kept rabbiting on about it for years and years?
And bringing it up at every opportunity?
One mention woulda been one too many.
Dickless seems to be feeling a trifle sensitive about this subject.
Mater, I have only standard youtube, I went to your link and it played fine, no warnings etc. I can’t watch Brand, he’s too over the top and the tatts just make him unwatchable.
^ locales
Terry McRann seems to give loonie turtle Bowen a bit of a slapping in the Melbourne Hun this morning.
Paywalled so can’t post it. Anyone have access?
Certainly gets the heart rate to jump.
Pfizer sponsored a bikini-laden yacht for a bunch of Colombian ‘anti corruption’ politicians.
Nothing to see here.
Interesting post at ‘The Poll Bludger’, he notes in passing that the Libs hold the lowest income seats, there’s a massive opportunity there for the SFL’s, nobody really wants to speak for the less well off, only what are perceived to be oppressed classes. Boris Johnson got his victory from former safe Labor seats turning to the conservatives, he’s since managed to destroy that, the Libs could do the same but they’re too busy chasing the green vote.
” It is notable that all ten of the bottom ranked seats by household income, as well all being in regional areas are held by the Coalition – this was not the case ten years ago, when Lyons, Richmond and Gilmore featured. Labor’s near lock on the most multicultural seats, marred only by the loss of Fowler, has been assisted by the gain of Reid, which in turn was symptomatic of the swing against the Coalition among voters of Chinese heritage. Bennelong and Chisholm are placed twelfth and fourteenth on the list, and first and second for Chinese language speakers.”
JUST IN – US government buys 105 million doses of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for fall “booster” injections, with an option of 195 million more doses.
AEMO CEO Daniel Westerman interviewed on ABC RN AM today.
Would not directly answer any question.
Just repeated pre-written lines using buzzwords “firming”, “transmission”, “investment”…
Didn’t have time to skip a beat Bush. Just on dark and I never saw him coming at all.
A lot of swearing at the roo of course, that always helps.
Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s challenge.
Your Certificates of Participation are in the mail.
And the circle Brand refers to is now complete. In the video he refers to the number of US lawmakers owning fizzer shares and the amount of money fizzer spends lobbying and it’s PACs spend.
Jab jab booster…………………..
Despite 95%+ full vaccination of adult populations in Australia, TrialSite has continued to report on surges in new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. It is a disturbing situation that the mainstream press either completely ignores or summarily embraces as a context to promote further vaccination as the only answer. But is this an evidence-based approach to the problem? TrialSite reported that in the first 14 weeks of 2022, Australian fatalities due to COVID-19 were double that of 2020 and 2021 combined, despite near universal vaccination. By January 2022, TrialSite updated the global audience that in Australian states including New South Wales or “NSW,” the new increasingly Omicron-based cases were surging. TrialSite reviewed the latest data. Now, with a surge in B.4 and B.5 Omicron subvariants which more evade vaccine induced antibodies, a disturbing number of deaths are reported daily. What’s the level of protection the vaccines are affording to the population of NSW now that these subvariants circulate through this southeastern part of Australia?
And the above mentioned Westerman is the man charged with drawing the blueprint.
Australia, your luck just ran out.
That bad huh?
A lot* of people are going to get a very unwelcome surprise. Not Cats though, as it’ll be unwelcome but not a surprise.
* Lowy poll yesterday screeches about da unhappiness of Gaia.
Courier-Mail reports:
Reality check as Qld coal-fired power assets to close sooner
Coal generators are likely to shut sooner and Queensland will need big-scale pumped hydro equivalent to 30 times what is available at Wivenhoe power station before they do, the energy regulator is warning.
It is revealed in the Australian Energy Market Operator’s 30-year road map to be released today, which predicted the last coal generators could shut as early as 2040.
Currently the last coal-fired power station, Queensland’s Millmeran, is scheduled to wind up in 2051.
In another story:
A Queensland supermarket owner has been left reeling by an “impossible” electricity price increase that would nearly quadruple his annual bill from around $58,000 to $218,000.
Lewis “Kelly” Anderson told The Courier-Mail he was shell-shocked after AGL informed him of the looming increase for his IGA supermarket at Mapleton on the Sunshine Coast.
Mr Anderson said the staggering increase would mean 80 per cent of his business expenses would go to paying for power.
“We would find it very difficult, if not impossible to pay that,” he said, adding the family-owned business of 26 years had already installed as many solar panels as it could on the roof.
A copy of Mr Anderson’s electricity bill provided to news.com.au shows the peak energy charge rate for his premises is set to increase from 6.5453 to 25.5743 cents per kilowatt-hour when his 24-month contract period rolls over on November 1 – an increase of nearly 300 per cent.
The off-peak rate will rise from 4.4459 to 16.0345 cents per kilowatt-hour, a 260 per cent increase.
Mr Anderson told the newspaper AGL had informed him the price hike was “out of their control” and had blamed the war in Ukraine.
One commentator said “thousands” of small businesses were in the same boat.
Whilst rumbling around Puckapunyal in an M113 at night, it used to keep us mildly amused listening to them thud into the side armour continuously. They hit and break apart like a dud RPG.
Occasionally one would get it’s head caught in the tracks and rumble around amounts the road wheels before being spat out.
Thoroughly dumb creatures.
there’s a massive opportunity there for the SFL’s
So massive that the Vic Libs under Doormat Guy booted Bernie Finn, from Bulldogs territory in the mighty working-class West, because his views aren’t welcome at the leafy suburbs dinner parties they attend.
Here we are in Sictoria — corrupt courts, colonised bureaucracy, a disgraceful police force, lies and more lies — and Guy not only can’t land a single punch, he expels those who can.
Thanks ZK2A.
Bowen is an imbecile.
In his Wednesday posturing Bowen said the – my words, very definitely not his: utterly insane, devastatingly destructive and completely unachievable – 43 per cent CO2 emissions cuts by 2030 was not a ceiling but a floor.
Sums it up well.
“I still have my 8 year old and somewhat busted Casio Mudman (which just had first battery change since I first bought it about 3 months ago) for when I go railroading for money.”
My Citizen Eco-Drive (quartz with hands, stopwatch, & alarm, 30m water resistant) has never needed a battery in nearly 40 years – about 2 mins/day in full sunlight (which it gets from driving most of the time) is enough to keep it going. Went several years sitting a drawer and was dead flat – at the time I was doing high current 50VDC wiring and had seen someone melt a metal watch band shorting the supply out, so decided probably better not to wear it, which then became a habit until I stumbled across it years later looking for something else. After 4 hours of full sunlight (sat on window sill for a day), it came back and hasn’t missed a beat yet.
Seems to be about +-2 secs/month compared to railway and/or mobile network time.
Damn near impossible to break – I’ve smashed the face into bolt heads etc many times, and the worst is a scratch on the face that you can only see if you hold it just the right way. Titanium case and band, so quite light, and there are no marks on that – anywhere – other than the occasional bits of grunge from skin, sweat, oil and assorted grime etc, which is easily scraped off when it starts to look bad.
Very expensive watch in the day (IIRC, RRP in 1980’s was $800+), but worth every cent.
No idea if they still make them, but if so, highly recommended.
hit me on the drivers door and then did more damage on the wheel arch of the tub
Its awesome when they hit their head on the front panel, swing their arse round to get the second one and leave a big swipe mark down the rest of the car in one hit.
Barstarding bastards.
June 30, 2022 at 9:22 am
Jab jab booster…………………..
Despite 95%+ full vaccination of adult populations in Australia, TrialSite has continued to report on surges in new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.
I remain ‘unjabbed’ and have yet to get this virus thingy. I have a ‘top notch’ immune system it appears. So, I have been talking to a top Pharma Group on how I can replicate my immune system, bottle it and sell the stuff. I could be a Billionaire overnight maybe. Naaaaaaaaaah. They can’t bottle it unfortunately. However, the Australian Federal Government ‘bottled it’ by caving into Big Pharma bigtime. Useless bunch of Muppets these ‘Pollies’ are…………………………..
This was one of the questions put to Westerman:
What happens if coal goes off-line before the renewables slated to replace it come on-line?
The transcript should be up at RN in a day or so.
A nation divided against itself is super cool, according to some of the stupidest people ever to breathe.
The acting treaty commissioner, Tony McAvoy SC, said a treaty with the NT “will go some way to responding to and recognising historical and continuing injustices, and will offer a path forward for First Nations, governments and the wider community to come together in a way that is defined by equality, respect, reparation and a mutual acknowledgment of the First Nations’ inalienable right to self-determination on their land”
McAvoy, a Wirdi man from central Queensland, said the commission determined that “the fundamental objective of treaties in the NT is to achieve the highest levels of self-determination that each First Nation may conceivably attain”.
“Ultimately, treaties between First Nations and the NT must be firmly focused on enabling First Nation self-government,” he said.
The report recommends the government establish a First Nations forum for Aboriginal Territorians to endorse a treaty model, and decide how they should be represented in negotiations – similar to the First People’s Assembly of Victoria.
McAvoy recommended the development of a treaty process that allows for the negotiations of many individual treaties between the state government and individual First Nations or a coalition. The report said it should include a territory-wide agreement negotiated first, setting out the minimum standards for all subsequent treaties.
It recommended the development of a process for Indigenous groups to gain official recognition and transition to a First Nation government.
JC’s Olympic Dam people have started to migrate to the apple isle it seems. Paywalled.
Aboriginal population Tasmania: Rise due to ‘white identity seekers’
Faster please, the sooner the whole festering identity politics edifice collapses in on itself the better.
The turbo died on our Audi Q5 earlier this year, approaching 65 thousand on the clock. $5k to replace, as the engine had to come out first. Then the water pump died. We decided to turn it over after that; once things start to go and warranty is no longer available it’s time to let these Cherman cars go and get another. They are fantastic fun when they are new. On the BMW we are told it is a much easier job to replace the turbo. Good, because I like to use the turbo and so does Hairy.
Bruce in WA, I haven’t dared yet to turn on the Sports mode but will give it a burl on a longer trip soon on the way to my 80th birthday party down south to Jervis Bay. Hearing, reflexes and eyesight still A1 so no worries, fellow road users, and I drive with a good brain in gear too.
Further to the above. It seems Mr Mansell might benefit from a bit of time down at the tanning parlour himself. Apparently the local indigenous population is now at 5%.
neurodivergent == mental
Easily solved with the same welfare system for everyone regardless of “identity.”
To be Indian for all legal purposes in the US you have to meet defined ancestral heritage criteria.
If we get any sort of ‘Voice’ or other aboriginal peccadillo anytime soon without such a requirement then we have even more stupidity in our system than one might think possible.
Jab jab booster…………..
I hope they catch the bastards and flog them.
“The big bastard came straight across out of the bush, hit me on the drivers door and then did more damage on the wheel arch of the tub. Bull bars aren’t much use when they take a late run at you.”
Mate of mine ran a country smash repairs/dealership in northern NSW.
Had the case where one roo damaged two cars (a dusk or dawn thing IIRC – the worst time).
Bastard landed in the middle of the road just as two cars were passing each other.
Head into A pillar/windscreen of one, body into grill/engine bay of the other.
No one hurt other than minor scrapes, but the windscreen guy LOOKED like he was badly hurt because of all the roo blood and brains inside the car.
Only realised it was the same roo because they both ended up in the same shop, and they managed to notice the missing bits of the roo under the bonnet etc matched the windscreen one, then spoke to both drivers and confirmed it was one roo that damage both cars.
Kieth Windschuttle was unkind enough to point out a few years ago, that, if Micheal Mansell’s ancestors were Aboriginal, in the way he claimed, Mansell was also descended from the notorious Bass Strait sealer Edmund Mansell, who had kidnapped, enslaved and probably murdered as many Aborigines as anyone..
Plus eleventy!
The system should be based on ‘need’ not ‘breed’.
Looks like they’re going out at about the same time I expect (with luck) that I will be.
End of an era for sure.
Built some new HILE ones is my solution to the first problem.
Re my own demise, well, we all have to go sometime. Enjoy it while you have it.
A turbo should be designed and manufactured to last the expected life-time of the engine, which would be at least double 65K.
I know of three people who claim to be Tasmanian Aboriginal on the basis a very distant ancestor is one. Their rationale is they may as well as they get benefits out of it.
Yep. It has been claimed that for most of us Europeans, and many others, go back in time enough generations and most people would find themselves sitting in the testicles of a warlord. For warlords it was who had access to all of the women.
Good toons.
The Jan 6 hearings have now officially left the planet. Apparently Trump tried to hijack his car on the way to the Jan 6 riots and insurrection and was wearing a Davy Crocket bear skin cap.
I know of three people who claim to be Tasmanian Aboriginal on the basis a very distant ancestor is one. Their rationale is they may as well as they get benefits out of it.
tbh I don’t blame them. If society is stupid enough to shower benefits on people because of the ethnicity of one great-great-great grandparent, then it would have to be very tempting for someone who genuinely qualifies to hop on board the gravy train.
I vaguely recall someone claiming, based on DNA evidence, that there had been a sizeable Anglo Saxon population in south eastern Britain during and maybe also before the Romans.
In other words, that they didn’t just suddenly “invade” after the Romans took off.
I know Aboriginals (real ones) who are worth more than I could hope to earn in a lifetime, and they are still benefiting (and being actively encouraged to) use the free shit available under ‘Closing The Gap’ provisions.
Their kids have privilege and opportunity that my kids will never even sniff.
Isn’t there the little matter that an Australian State has no power to enter into a formal treaty, recognized at international law?
(Quadrant On- line, “Daniel Andrews Aboriginal Treaty Con Job”, 25th June, 2022.
A very good picture of the results of Covid & Vax coercion in the USA by commentator Alex Berenson:
Mater, it plays OK for me.
They won’t though, more likely to introduce some mechanism that makes proclamations on the basis of ancestry as to who is worthy or not. Some apartheid system of racial purity being sold by the left has a suitably ironic ring to it.
The German cars appear to be crap or they are being senselessly flogged. A modern car should go close to 200,000 km with major mechanical repairs.
Buy Jap. World’s best production engineers.
Sorry, WITHOUT major mechanical repairs.
One of my son’s has a friend from schooldays (private school) who applied for and got a favourable house loan because he identifies as aboriginal. First I’d known of it!
AEMO calls for urgent investment in key projects to shore up electricity supply
A slight understatement, but pretty much correct; Australia has long since passed the point of no return for this complex, but exciting journey.
The ABC piece is worth looking at just for the chart, taken from AEMO’s Integrated System Plan, showing where your power is coming from over the next 30 years.
It shows Australia’s baked-in energy future at a glance.
Current Status
– At present, 80GW of installed renewable capacity in the NEM is propped up by around 35GW of dispatchable coal, hydro and gas generation capacity – which collectively deliver 80% of average electricity demand;
– Just. Network pricing confirms that supply is only barely sufficient at winter demand;
– Peak demand in the NEM is currently just under 35GW;
The AEMO Future
– By 2028/29, after Eraring closes, the NEM will struggle to supply current peak demand most of the time. Brownouts and ‘demand management’ will become the norm;
– By 2033 the NEM will never be able to supply peak demand – unless ‘someone does something‘;
– In 30 years time, Eastern Australia’s power system will be all about batteries and DER (distributed energy resources) Storage;
– Nobody has any clear idea about what form DER Storage will take. Albanese was elected on the basis of $400 million worth of “Community Batteries”, but it could be any other form of distributed storage, perhaps smart meters tapping into your EV battery while you sleep;
– To keep the game going, within 30 years, the current 75GW of non-dispatchable renewables will need to be built out by an additional 200GW of new wind and solar – required to give deliver sufficient storage to support about 20% more demand than we have at present.
– Nobody has any real idea what this will cost, nor how much the ongoing cost of replacing windfarms and storage batteries will be. But, at current pricing, rough as guts, it looks like an initial investment around the $0.6 trillion mark, leading to a $100bill per year to keep things running;
– Gas, scheduled to be the most expensive of fossil fuels, will remain a critical part of supply in 2050.
So, either an absolute orgy of wealth transfer to international renewables rentiers, an ‘Oh Shit’ moment for some future government, or it won’t happen at all. Typical planning outcomes when the planning is done by public sector Arts/Law graduates with an eye to future greatness.
As Daniel Westerman (himself an engineer) wisely statements, we are committed to at least the first 10-15 years of this.
In good hands.
Too cheap to meter.
Prepare yourselves and hug your loved ones.
[Jeremiad off.]
My wife has a penchant for French cars.
I’m trying to convince her to look at a Subaru for her next purchase, which she reckons will see her through to retirement. I have strong doubts about the reliability and parts availability of a French car over that period.
Happy 80th Lizzie! There’s still a lot of living to do! Still love the South Coast of NSW. We had a beach house down there (Manyana) years ago and have many wonderful memories – especially when the grandchildren were small. Beautiful, beautiful beaches and hinterland. I believe that it is starting to suffer the same overdevelopment of many coastal oases – so I guess we had the best years.
Sabra Lane asked Westerman today when will consumers see the benefits of cheaper renewables on their power bills?
She had to ask him twice and still didn’t get a straight answer
Dr Faustus says:
June 30, 2022 at 10:10 am
AEMO calls for urgent investment in key projects to shore up electricity supply
Good analysis. I can sum it up in 2 words: we’re fucked.
Couple of the “faux Aborigines” around here, are sporting shirts emblazoned with the Aboriginal flag, and the slogan “Always was, always will be.” (Aboriginal land.) Some of the local farmers don’t see the funny side…
Sorry Kneel, I do that to wind the avian up.
He loves his anti-semitism intimately, but the euphemisms he uses are so clumsy and obvious that it’s not hard to enrage him into dropping them. As he inevitably did last night after enough of us rolled our eyes at him and hisatest ‘ideas.’ 🙂
John Sheldrick – ditto for me. But just don’t join an anti-Covid vax organisation like I did. I have since had intractable email issues with Optus. Local computer geek company couldn’t fix it ($700 later). After many calls to Optus, finally evaded the OS operators, & spoke to Optus guy in Melbourne. He ran every test & concluded that someone had reported our outgoing emails as Spam. He denied that we are black-listed, but said that, after many efforts, he could not fix it & still retain our email addresses. It looks like we will surrender & get new email accounts, maybe with another ISP.
Maybe its a coincidence, but emails stopped sending after I joined the organisation & began sending on some of their emails.
Sovereign? They were certainly trying their darndest but between the Ottomans, Polish-Lithuanians, and Russians, it always eluded them. Even when they achieved relative autonomy they descended into civil war, split between either bank of the Dneiper.
Does Joe Biden Work For The Chinese Communist Party?
These people are prepared to send the world into another war to promote their “climate change” agenda. Hugging your loved ones is the only thing left to do, because I don’t think it’s possible to stop them.
Mater, “Thoroughly dumb creatures “. Drive through the CBD anywhere the same thoroughly dumb creatures voted for the soon to be worst government ever.
Vicki at 10.05am, do you have a link for that Alex Berenson piece? PS: Links to Alex Berenson are banned by Google.
Someone, apparently the Queensland Leader of the Opposition, talks tough. Damned tough.
Palaszczuk to face ‘day of reckoning’ as ‘damning’ integrity report slams government
Meanwhile, many people are commenting that the Palacechook’s new hair colour makes her look smokin’ hot…
My niece (sister’s daughter) is aboriginal via her father’s father’s mother, i.e. her great grandma, whom I used to know and who was dark-skinned and part of a local Darrug ‘mob’.
She is also quarter Maori by her mother’s father (her grandpa), who was full blood.
Her mother identifies as Maori so my niece is aware more of this heritage than the aboriginal one.
She and her very Christian husband of Scots descent own a house and are raising their family in a working class Newcastle suburb; she’s never claimed anything for her ‘indigenous’ blood and none of them have ever been on welfare of any sort.
My mother helped to raise a young boy of aboriginal heritage who was adopted but the adoptive mother died. In spite of her own problems, my mum took him over, a shared enterprise while he still lived with his adoptive father, a swarthy man of gypsy heritage who was a drunk. This boy, now a middle-aged man, is a major in the Army and has never wanted to claim his aboriginal heritage. He still falls within the ambit of our family for family events. In his memory my mum was his adoptive grandmother. She died in 2009 but he still reccalls her by his pet name for her.
This was the way it was for people of any aboriginal descent when I was growing up in Western Sydney. Well-respected aboriginal people, often our neighbours, helped each other out and were intermarrying with all without anyone thinking it unusual or a problem. Some maintained a proud heritage, others didn’t bother.
It was character not skin colour that mattered then, that’s for sure. Racism? None of that, shove it up ya jumper was the response if any bigotry ever occurred, which was rare indeed.
The salt of the earth old British working class, my mum’s people, translated to Australia (not necessarily all transported) held true to the old saying, often heard back in my day, of ‘black, white or brindle, it’s what’s inside that counts’. When my mother’s sister married a Louisiana oil worker, a GI in the UK during The War, who said racist things about Negro soldiers, mum told me my nana was horrified and told him so when he tried to hustle her across the street to avoid such a one walking towards them.
Can Turtlehead get any worse? Why yes. He must have pictures of that night with the goats and fiddy kiddlers. How else has he ever got where he is. Dumb as a rock.
I note Palaszczuk has pre-empted him by embacing the report enthusiastically.
Queensland, state of corruption.
Unfortunately when the Alamo fell Trump was not there with his mate Crocket but was miles away with Sam Houston.
Megyn Kelly latest show is on the J6 female aide evidence and good analysis with one of the Daily Wire guys.
“Apparently Trump tried to hijack his car on the way to the Jan 6 riots and insurrection and was wearing a Davy Crocket bear skin cap.
The funny thing is he’s pro-Trump!
Meanwhile, many people are commenting that the Palacechook’s new hair colour makes her look smokin’ hot…
Still the same Miss Piggy though. Fantasia Piggychook.
Oaf – One of the pieces of the puzzle is the ending of the Roman Warm Period. Things got a lot colder in Europe from about 400 AD or so.
That’s when you had oodles of people migrating west from Mongolia (think “dzud” on steroids) to Germany. The Germans (eg Franks, Vandals and Goths) were in turn displaced and/or pressured from the east by powerful tribes. So it makes a lot of sense that Angles and Saxons with family ties in England would move there to get away from the ravening horsemen. Britain is an island after all, with a distinct lack of horse-friendly access routes.
I think there could well be a lot of biff associated with the migration to Britain, since there was plenty of that from the Franks and Vandals when they went west too.
Of course the problem now is the historians dare not talk about the Roman Warm Period, since that implies CO2 isn’t the only cause of warming. History is yet another thing that the woke climate crazies are degrading.
I have strong doubts about the reliability and parts availability of a French car over that period.
Unless it’s a Deux Chevaux, don’t go near anything French.
Mate’s wife had a Peugeot convertible, a cute little gal’s car, and couldn’t get the roof to go up or down. Dealer couldn’t solve it, so for a month she had a convertible that wouldn’t convert.
Eventually, problem solved by a chance meeting with a francophile revhead. Turned out the roof mechanism shared a circuit with the boot light, and the roof wouldn’t move because there was a stuffed gravity switch based on a bulb (I think I have the details right). That was replaced and presto it worked again.
Can you imagine the nightmare of idiosyncratic engineering that would have been in those aborted French subs!
Bad Cattitude on data adulteration. Good bit about “climate change” which he looked into a while ago.
Takeaway lines:
after reading 100’s of papers and speaking to many of the top scientists in the space on every side of the issue, i came away staggered at what a towering, tottering mountain of error bars the space was. the claims were outlandish, mostly unfounded, and nothing like the level of validation you’d want to make such important policy. the models had no predictive ability and even simple issues like “do clouds provide positive or negative feedback to temperature rises?” were not understood.
but what REALLY stunned me was the measurement. the data itself is absolute, stunning garbage, everyone serious in the space knows it, and no one cared. because the slant was all in one direction and that was the direction that enhanced crisis and therefore money.
Vicki, we had a beach house on Jervis Bay until fairly recently – sold it at a good profit in 2016 but looking at prices now we sold too early for we could have doubled our money and more given present prices. Still, it was becoming a hassle, and redundant, and we can certainly put the money from it to other good uses now.
We did have some wonderful family times down there though, and I have a nephew, my deceased brother’s son, on the south coast still. His place makes a good half-way stop for some family members who come up there from Bateman’s Bay to meet the Sydney contingent coming down and an occasional drop in from another niece in Canberra. Hence my party! Sort of Christmas in July too.
Vicki, you come to Sydney often don’t you? If you’d like to meet Jupes and a few others at a BBQ on 9th July at ours, get my email from Dover.
Dr Faustus, how do you see the small modular reactors playing in the mix you’re talking about, assuming they are up and running by 2024/5 as Rolls Royce expect? Would that save our bacon?
Having experienced the eccentricities of a number of French cars courtesy the wife…yes, yes I can!
She can’t help her genes, but I’m afraid whenever I see her, I see her father in a wig.
Clouds gather.
Turkey to seek extraditions from Finland, Sweden under NATO deal
I guess it remains to be seen whether Erdogan expected his list of suspects to be promptly rounded up and shipped out without all this stupid legal folderol.
Strongmen are a bit like that.
I will dig up the pro “always here” and “English is almost Irish” DNA and linguistics stuff later.
Jupes, I hope you got my email using the address Rabz sent to me.
So many emails go astray these days. Yahoo for instance have been putting some that are definitely on my contacts list straight into spam when they return email. Weird. I always check my spam now after some key ones to do with my ancestral church in the UK lingered far too long in there.
Wow, small world! We sold our beach house in 2015. The market was starting to escalate & we were pleased with the price – but three years later -whooa!- prices skyrocketed as you say. But we, also, don’t regret it. The grandchildren were then at an age where weekend sports prohibited them them from visiting on w’ends & school holidays were often spent OS with parents. We had walked every beach, and knew the districts very well, and maintenance on the place was onerous. So- like you- no regrets.
Re the BBQ on the 8th July – we would love to come, thank you. We have the Mudgee Show on the 8th, but can return to Sydney the following day. This seems silly – but how do I contact Dover????
Looking forward to those linguistics/DNA links, Dot.
There are so many these days re AS Britain, and often contradictory too.
Thankyou 132.
One of the things I like most is to see is productive farms growing things.
Seems greenies want us to huddle naked in those caves.
Lizzie. have you been reading my plaintive posts re our outgoing email problems? They are exactly the same as you mentioned re Yahoo. We use Optus & ALL outgoing emails are relayed to OUR spam account & are not sent. It is baffling – but I am hearing of many, many people having problems with their servers of late. My theory is that the bleeding Russian hackers are punishing the West for supporting Ukraine! Just joking, but in this crazy world, it is possible.
Its 9th of July, the Saturday, Vicki. Great if you can make it.
I have made one (corrected) mistake here re the date already! It would be great to meet you and yours at ours. We met Megan and her husband when she was up in Sydney in the same way, and it was good to make the contact. Tinta is coming, and Cassie too, both with their better halves.
Bluey: sadly, zero contribution.
Australia’s nuclear politics is stuck firmly in the 1960’s.
And while AEMO is busy pandering to the politics of Net Zero, with enabling cargo cult assumptions about DER, there is zero chance of a sensible debate on the subject.
Spam MP’s offices with Kirk Sorensen?
Easy peasy. Agree, then attempt to extradite them only to be blocked by the courts and ECJ.
Oops, sorry can’t do anything about that Turkish types, the ECJ is holy. Befehl ist befehl.
Maybe a few hot Swedish interns at the court, and several barrels of lakka would help.
Daily Mail. Any Cats care to suggest what the cops should have supplied as reading material?
Vicki. Click on contact at the top of the Catallaxy page, and you get this email:
[email protected]
A hotline to Dover!
Just drove past a yellow beware of the kangaroo sign, dead kangaroo at its foot.
How many shots of neat spirits would that take.
Wonderful. I have contacted Dover via his email – and, given our emails dramas, I hope it arrives!
The 9th is great -as I can’t miss the Mudgee Show on the 8th!!
No health panels in the NHS..
On the one hand its wise to try to encourage weight loss.
On the other its an act of bastardry to leave people crippled and in pain because “computer says no”.
The sainted NHS can claim its inflicting misery for peoples own good, and save money at the same time for more Inuit interpretive racism detection dancers.
The number of knee replacement operations carried out has dropped in regions of England with restrictions on surgery for overweight patients, with people in more deprived areas worst affected, researchers have found.
Patients needing surgery but unable to lose weight are being denied surgery that could ease pain and increase mobility, the team from the University of Bristol said.
Health campaigners expressed alarm, claiming the policy was a “blunt tool” being used to replace conversations between doctors and patients and risked exacerbating health inequalities.
The study found that more than two-thirds of CCGs in England had a BMI policy for knee replacement surgery, with 61% of these policies denying access to surgery or mandating extra waiting time. It said surgery was down by 14% overall on what would have been expected had no policies restricting access been introduced.
This email thingy is a real pain. If I click on the above address, it takes me to the MAIL facility on my computer which sends it to Spam. However, we have discovered another avenue that works, so it should reach Dover. Cheers.
My comment was more aimed at the shallow political accountability in Queensland rather than slagging Palacechook’s personal appearance.
In person she’s an unremarkable, fairly pleasant little thing.
Blockquote fail.
Or just seeming attention.
Maybe seeking attention as well……………………………
Animal Farm.
The irony of the story would have been utterly lost on her, but the title ateast would be enough to cause a damn good triggering.
That too. 🙂
You don’t’ see public outrage at unreliable power changing things? I think it might, people are used to their comforts. Having said that though, I’d imagine TPTB will double down and try to convince people doing the same thing but harder will work. So maybe in the 2030’s SMR’s might get a run?
In this outline we will update on the troop and military movements and then explain why the war with Russia is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. In many ways this will be the “Climate Change War,” you will see why below.
Deafening Drumbeats for War – Biden Sends More U.S. Troops to Ukraine Border, 101st Airborne Deployed, Six Destroyers to Mediterranean, F-35 Squadrons to U.K.
There is a slow-motion buildup to a hot war with Russia happening. The NATO and western alliance motive for the war is clear {Go Deep}. The question is rapidly moving from “if” to “when.”
The NATO and western alliance that is currently engaging in the military buildup against Russia is the exact same alliance of governments’ who are chasing the climate change agenda at all costs.
I know it sounds outlandish, but the World Economic Forum multinational corporations that influence and manipulate geopolitical politics are the driving force for this needed war with Russia. Their holy grail of Climate Change policy, and the massive shift in global economic power that comes with executing the climate change agenda, is so consequential to the geopolitical world that such a massive move is needed.
More specifically, we already know there is going to be a global food shortage as a result of the new world order energy policy that underpins the Build Back Better agenda.
We also know the majority voices, including the United States, within the NATO alliance have decided it is more important to follow the climate change policy than it is to feed people. [Africa Example]
I cannot emphasize this enough. If you do not accept the scale, scope and severity of the collective west’s entrenched commitment to climate change, you will be caught off-guard and not understand what is coming.
NATO and Western Govt, led by the policy of Joe Biden, have placed oil and gas sanctions against Russia. Those U.S-led Russian energy sanctions follow similar sanctions already in place against oil and gas from Iran and Venezuela.
Simultaneously the G7, Western Alliance will not allow Africa to develop their own use of natural gas to produce fertilizer to increase crop yield/harvest. [source] The G7 control food production in Africa by controlling the energy company investment needed to manufacture fertilizer.
Question – Any Bets on this occurring before US November Elections when Democrats face a Wipeout?