On radio listening habits, I’d normally tune into ABC Classic FM as it seemed (other than regional ABC radio) to…
On radio listening habits, I’d normally tune into ABC Classic FM as it seemed (other than regional ABC radio) to…
I’ve mentioned here before that the Zimbabwean chap’s farm used to have a clinic and a school for his workers’…
@JimFergusonUK BREAKING: ALL Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) BANNED in America! Treasury Secretary pick Scott Bessent, during a fiery Senate…
Should get an award for that photo
Many of us would do a far better job. However there is the consideration known as “diplomacy” and one known…
If Pell was acquitted 7-0, what is the basis of the civil claim against Pell and the Catholic Church?
civil has a lower standard of guilt
ask OJ simpson
FFS, the higher and lower standards of proof between criminal and civil liability and OJ are irrelevant. They’re irrelevant because the High Court found there was no offence. There is no offence for either a criminal charge or a civil claim for damages. Shine are looking for some go away money is the only explanation for this ratbaggery. And publicity. But there is no legal basis for this ‘claim’.
jupes says:
July 14, 2022 at 4:18 pm
not only did Tom Roberts neglect to paint Abos and Chinese in his shearing painting, but there were no Germans or Italians! How the fuck would they know?
Quite.. and suddenly they pretended to care about whitey.
University Medallists in the Honours course in Oleaginous bastardry.
Or any other left leaning entity.
I think it was Slugs and Bugs pushing a class action over something or other a few weeks ago.
It might have been ambulance response times or lockdowns or dismissals over mandates, I really can’t remember.
Anyway, they completely dropped the ball after a week.
Leant on by maaaates.
Correct, I am indeed.
I could well be wrong about how the law works in Victoria, but my understanding is that Mr Whippy will need to demonstrate that his little boy was, in fact, possibly molested by someone Catholic – arguably Cardinal Pell – and that’s why he is beyond reasonable doubt traumatised, unable to deliver strict discipline, and needs a bag of money.
Unless the court accepts evidence in transcript and video from another case, young ‘J’, eyes like chocolate drops, will need to reprise his (by now thoroughly practiced) Whitehall-farce-meets-gay-porn script.
Having said that, I wouldn’t exactly collapse and die with surprise if the Victorian court rules now allow the deceased son to give evidence by Ouija board.
Eliminate doubt stirred up by the defence. Best thing to do in these cases is male family members to volunteer.
Remember that fraud Old Salt, who first claimed to be some DFAT insider and then morphed into the country’s biggest cheerleader for the “Firsts”? He was one of the better trolls.
I know, but what is the civil claim?
Tina Peters Challenges Colorado’s Unbelievable GOP SoS Primary Election Results — Where No-Name Zuckerberg CTCL Candidate Came Out of Nowhere, Made Up 35% Vote Deficit, and Won Primary.
Good. The Republicans need to challenge every election result.
I know, but what is the civil claim?
There is none if there is no offence. Even though a civil case would proceed on a lower standard of proof to ground that civil claim would necessitate proving the criminal offence. Normally this is done in civil matters via a voir dire. Legally they can’t do a voir dire because that would contradict the HC’s finding.
On the Pell case, years back I was writing a history book and it seemed necessary to call a dead bloke a liar. (He had claimed he got inside the Japanese submarine outside Darwin, recovered the captain’s safe, and inside it were documents which would rewrite a large section of WWII – the Japanese had opened hostilities to Pearl Harbor.)
I researched in a few areas, and was 99% certain he was lying. He had been sick about a year before, and I had interviewed him personally. He told me the story, and I took it at face value. Then he passed away. The publishers were hesitant and it was suggested legal advice might be worth it. The advice was dead men can’t sue and go ahead.
The father plaintiff in the case today seems to be suing on the basis of psychological distress but only through knowing a third party – eg: his deceased son. Are there other cases along these lines that have been successful, or are Shine breaking new ground here?
I know, Cohenite, but right now they have to rely on some cause of action at law. Anyone know what it is?
I have some sympathy for some of those that make false allegations – some appear to be genuinely broken people who were victims of childhood sexual abuse. Their abuser is not the person they’re accusing of the abuse, however. These people may deserve justice, but they also probably need help as well.
That said, I have a lot more sympathy for the victim of the false allegation.
In a fair and just world, yes.
The HC’s overturning of the Cardinal’s conviction was based on a review of the previous cases. (And didn’t the Victorian DPP make a fool of itself asking for the HC to send it back to them so they could try getting Pell again – only to be rebuffed in unmistakably contemptuous style?)
This is new case.
In this civil case they can fabricate a new modified story – bringing in ‘evidence’ that was (rightly or wrongly) not brought in for the original criminal case. They could parade in front of the court a string of new ‘witnesses’ if they want.
Or am I wrong?
The father plaintiff in the case today seems to be suing on the basis of psychological distress but only through knowing a third party – eg: his deceased son. Are there other cases along these lines that have been successful, or are Shine breaking new ground here?
They’re mental harm cases. There must have been a breach of a duty of care and forseeable damage. If Pell had molested the boy, ie breached his duty of care, then a cause would exist because distress to the parent would be forseeable. The HC found he didn’t molest the boy.
Or am I wrong?
Legally yes. But we’re talking about victoristan
Last month it was revealed that Ms Dyer, had her own sexual history with Mr Porter at university, when both were in debating teams at university.
Sex with women is Russian roulette. The consequences last forever.
These people are shameless.
The mid-terms are fucked:
Just one minor detail.
The High Court did not need to find there was no offence. And no other Court found there was an offence either. Remember, this isn’t the father of star witness “J”. It is the father of J’s mate, who OD’d in 2014 (immediately after one or the other was released from jail, I believe).
So J’s mate was never even the subject of any charges, just free-range innuendo in Court.
You’re right.
This is “go away” money or pure publicity seeking.
It would be a great cross-examination if they chose to go there …
“Did you ever consider legal action for trauma and distress against those who advised you of your son’s overdose?
If not, why not?
Have you considered that the target of your litigation might more correctly be Seven-Nilligan and the ABC, for publishing claims about your son which ultimately proved to be untrue … err, yes, let me re-phrase that … claims which ultimately did not result in a conviction?”
Well put.
Actually, very well put.
ML earlier.
A bit fraught I think.
It would be a stretch to believe that there were witnesses to another event* involving J’s mate who have sat on their hands for the five years that this was on the front page with monotonous regularity, and only now have decided to come forward.
They have to build another story. As cohenite says, hanging this off tge discredited Cathedral tale isn’t going to fly.
+347 Sanchez.
In fact change that to +458
* before “They have to … ”
I hate a hanging asterisk.
If you are going to plus me JC, it has to be multiples of 1,000.
With inflation the way it is, plus 300-400 isn’t worth jack.
I know you mean well, but dig a little deeper.
You find sex with men, less Russian roulette’y, right?
Don’t be freaking greedy Sanchez. In the very same comment I upped the plussing to +458 from +347.
No one has ever done that before in the same comment.
I’m sure the Rats are planing something for the mid terms. Ordinarily I agree with you, however the house elections would be much more difficult to cheat. They would have given it a shot in 2020, but the house seats went with the GOP actually suggesting that the prez election was cheated.
If rats could find it easier to cheat in the senate, but not the house.
The chain of events Shine has to prove:-
.1 That Pell abused J’s mate (let’s call him “K” for the sake of alphabetical continuity) in 1991;
.2 That this abuse was the sole or predominant reason Special K embarked on a life of drug abuse and criminal activity;
.3 This drug abuse directly resulted in Special K’s death, by suicide or accidental overdose, some 23 years after the alleged abuse;
.4 That Special K Senior suffered mental anguish and trauma as a result, and this is wholly attributable to George and the Church.
A longish bow, I think.
In further shakedown news:
Australia urged to do more to tackle climate change
Translation: urged to do more = send used money to this account; or perhaps we should be talking to Beijing?
For all the NSW whaling info you desire visit the Eden Whaling Museum. Elsewhere, the Albany Whaling Museum is extraordinary. (I still have scary shark nightmares from my 3D experience in the converted oil tank theatre.)
“And publicity.”
Any publicity.
This is Dan’s Victoria, the state election is in three months, what ever it takes.
The Mocker in good form. Great last line.
Soft touch Anthony Albanese’s green light to freeloading Kiwis
The right to vote is a fundamental aspect of Australian citizenship. Apart from citizens of other Commonwealth countries who were registered to vote here prior to January 1984, it is exclusive to Australians. But if the Albanese government has its way, that will change.
As announced last week, Labor is considering granting that privilege to New Zealanders living in Australia, who number around 670,000. Notwithstanding that country is our closest ally (so we are told), it would mean allowing foreigners to determine who governs us.
It does not end there. Albanese is also talking of giving Kiwis an easier pathway to Australian citizenship as well as increased access to welfare. This follows New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern’s recent visit here, her second since the federal election. “Our ask has been for there to be a greater acknowledgment of the role that New Zealanders play here in Australia,” she told journalists.
Clearly, Albanese was most attuned to Ardern’s “ask”. So attuned he neglected to tell Australians during the election campaign that Kiwi constituents are his priority. This was the same Albanese who declared during his victory speech, “I can promise all Australians this – no matter how you voted today, the government I lead will respect every one of you every day.”
The same man who lambasted the Turnbull government in 2016 for announcing “policies that were never mentioned before an election that we have just been through”.
But in fairness to Albanese, perhaps in return he secured a commitment from Ardern that will benefit us. Who knows, maybe she has sworn that every fighter aircraft in her country’s air force will be at our disposal should we be attacked. Never mind they haven’t got any. Or perhaps she has promised New Zealand’s navy will one day venture outside New Zealand.
The list of what the Kiwis are potentially offering us is endless. We could get first dibs on concentrated sweetened milk or their goat meat at mate’s rates. Maybe the PM is offering signed copies of her biography Jacinda Ardern: The Story Behind an Extraordinary Leader. For Aussies visiting Wellington, you could even get an extended guided tour of The Beehive. Yay!
But as you already knew, we will get nothing in return. Zilch. Not even a packet of chocolate-coated pineapple lumps. As Ardern explained, our bestowing these privileges is in the spirit of “reciprocity”. We would simply be doing what her country provides for our citizens, she tells us.
It is true that Australians living across the Tasman have the right to vote. It is also true they can apply for New Zealand citizenship after living there for five years.
But it is simplistic to argue reciprocity demands Australia should extend the same rights to New Zealand residents.
To begin with, the trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement burden is lopsided. Less than 0.5 per cent of Australians – only 70,000 – live in New Zealand. Conversely, around 670,000 New Zealand citizens live in Australia. That’s around 15 per cent of the entire Kiwi population.
Impressively though Ardern skews this privilege as discrimination. “If you look at the [Australian] census New Zealanders tend to translate into citizenship at a rate of 30 per cent – for other nationalities in Australia it’s closer to 60 per cent,” she said last week. This is disingenuous. The 60 per cent statistic comprises mostly non-citizens who met the stringent requirements of a permanent residency visa, the precursor to citizenship. Many New Zealanders living in Australia would not satisfy its criteria, but unlike every other nationality they have a blanket entitlement to live here.
The reason New Zealanders lost the easy path to Australian welfare and citizenship was the rorting of the TTTA and Wellington’s disregard of its abuse. By the late 1990s, more than one in nine New Zealand immigrants entering this country was a Kiwi in name only, word having gotten around the Pacific Islands and Asia of a back door to Australia.
Canberra’s suggestion that both countries adopt similar immigration policies to address this was rebuffed. By 2000, Australia was paying $950m per year in welfare benefits to New Zealand-born residents yet Wellington refused to increase the $159m it reluctantly contributed towards that cost. Small wonder the Howard government drastically curtailed the scheme.
Australia was expecting a post-pandemic influx of Kiwi migrants even before Albanese announced these changes. An MYOB’s Consumer Snapshot survey earlier this month revealed about 20 per cent of respondents were considering leaving New Zealand to work offshore. Of that group, 58 per cent nominated Australia as their preferred destination. That extrapolates to around 600,000 people, a number bound to increase considerably if Australian citizenship is in the mix.
This is not just policy on the run: it is also a sweetheart deal. Support for the Ardern government is at its lowest level in five years, and this is a much-needed boost given it faces election next year. But it’s a benefit for both Labour and Labor, as New Zealand Stuff political editor Luke Malpass observed last week. “If a whole pile of Kiwis became citizens, that could create two or three more seats in the federal Parliament, most likely in Queensland, seats Labor would most likely win,” he wrote.
And last weekend, the acclaim “Choice bro!” would have rung out in every Australian prison. Albanese has effectively announced a moratorium on deportations of New Zealand prisoners who have spent most of their life in Australia, saying a “commonsense” approach is required. Ardern, who lambasted then PM Scott Morrison in 2020 with the declaration “Do not deport your people and your problems,” must have been delighted.
But just last week Ardern’s government announced its intention to deport a 29-year-old Samoan prisoner despite the fact he has been in jail since he was 14 and lived in New Zealand since he was four. What’s more, Mose Vaipapa cannot speak his native language and has no family in Samoa. As his lawyer Mike Sceats observed, the New Zealand government “was hypocritical for criticising Australia’s controversial 501 policy when they were essentially doing the same thing to Vaipapa”.
Speaking of hypocrisy, did you know New Zealand does not allow its overseas-based citizens to vote if they have not returned home during the previous three years? Keep that in mind next time Ardern demands host countries give New Zealand citizens a “greater acknowledgment”.
Contrary to what Ardern maintains, many Australians would love to see reciprocity between the two nations. For example, Australia spends 2.11 per cent of GDP on defence whereas New Zealand’s figure is only 1.37 per cent. But why shell out when you have an enormous buffer between you and Asia, especially one you take for granted?
Then there is the issue of asylum-seekers.
Despite having constantly lectured Australia about perceived shortcomings in this area, New Zealand has one of the lowest numbers of refugees per capita. It accepts only 0.3 refugees per 1000 people compared to Australia’s rate of 1.74.
And thanks to Ardern’s government, New Zealand has a well-deserved reputation as the Five Eyes freeloader. By comparison, Blind Freddy would be of more value to that alliance.
Instead of urging Ardern to end her pious grandstanding and start contributing, Albanese has rewarded her with a slice of our sovereignty. Admittedly there was something in it for him, yet that does not explain all of it.
“There can be no argument that the Prime Minister has been very forceful in her views,” he said after their meeting. “We have listened to those views.”
To paraphrase the late Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, our PM is much like a cushion. He bears the impression of the last person who sat on him.
Oz – comments are scathing
The rats could find it easier to cheat in the senate, but not the house.
Well, I reckon it’s safe to say the claimed ~200K people who’ve left Victoria are having an impact. I’ve only seriously been job hunting for a couple of days and I’ve already had an impromptu interview when I’ve been doorknocking, plus a phone interview tomorrow. Only actually applied for maybe half a dozen jobs total.
Major sticking point will be the covid jabs, but there’s still things available for that I suppose. Although I’m reluctant to use them, too damn honest for my own good.
Most interesting was a couple of ads proclaiming they’ll hire you even without the covid vaccines. Maybe the stupid is finally falling away?
C’mon man!
That’s loose fucking change for a high roller like you.
Re the new anti-Pell thing.
In theory the father can have a go. Civil standard of proof is lower than criminal standard of proof etc. But the High Court’s decision was that no jury understanding the evidence and the law properly could possibly have convicted Pell on the criminal standard – it’s hard to see how even a civil standard case is going to get up for what’s essentially the same set of facts (remembering “J” said the same thing at the same time happened to both kids).
Unfortunately, deranged obsessives sometimes can’t be made to see the truth, and even when they lose spectacularly in Court they’ll spend the rest of their lives smashing their heads against a brick wall rather than come to their senses.
Okay then + 2793.
Happy now, FFS?
The rats could find it easier to cheat in the senate, but not the house.
I think the Colorado candidate outcome was a great wake up call.
It’s all about the polls. If he though he could get away with another lockdown it’d be happening.
OTH, sex with the right woman – and no others – brings a lifetime of happiness.
If if makes it to court, wouldn’t Pell’s team then be able to go through father of the years life to ask what other events caused grief?
Unlike the curated criminal proceedings, aren’t civil hearings a lot looser?
I’d heard that quote, but it’s the first I’d heard who the author was!
predominant reason Special K*
* Thank you Eddie Murphy Panzer.
Total I learned that Metal Gear Solid is being made into a movie with Oscar Isaac playing Solid Snake.
Pretty iconic role.
I’m pretty certain Cronkers was suggesting that gay sex has an upside to just run of the mill sex with gals.
Hey, I’m not judging.
Please explain this or a link
Reported in news this morning that NZ is running out of bourbon* and chicken nuggets.
We must expect an influx of refugees at any moment.
Straight onto the electoral roles to boost Labor’s failing primary vote.
* No really; Woodstock cans presumably.
+ $2.
Wealth beyond avarice and you passed it up.
IIRC, Pell was charged for both J and K. Both allegations were rolled into one.
Tl/dr, in case anyone has already posted Hunter’s Music Video.
This guy is cooler than Ronnie Biggs.
H/T: Reminiscence of the Future
Waiting to hear what Sogavare’s conversion to “Australia is our preferred security partner” is going to cost us.
You find sex with men, less Russian roulette’y, right?
Just the right man, head prefect.
A bold move by Germany
Let’s see if it pays off for them…
Get room you too.
Which was impossible for him. Shown three shovels and told to take his pick, M0nty had a breakdown.
Personally, I’m surprised Montifat hasn’t turned up to give us the Pell outcome already..
And on that note, I’m off for a long weekend!!! If you happen to be watching the Swannies Vs Freo on Saturday evening, look out for the lonely, but lovely, Swannies family (us) in the crowd behind the Eastern goals – amidst a sea of Freo karens.
Stick insect sheridan bad mouthing Trump, opining surely America can do better than a biden or a Trump. What a fucking idiot.
Well, I suppose.
I am just a little disappointed that I had to ask.
I just checked the exchange rate.
It is running at 600 pluses = 1 uptick.
So that is the equivalent of 4.5 upticks you gave me, which is pretty good I suppose.
Not everyone cares about pluses and upticks, but I certainly do.
“Our ask has been for there to be a greater acknowledgment of the role that New Zealanders play here in Australia,” she told journalists.
The “role” is a net negative. If we were seriously acknowledging their contribution, we’d be deporting the whole bloody lot.
What a fucking idiot.
Greg hasn’t written anything that made sense for 20 years.
I never figured how one manufactures their own upticks. The leadership appeared to have that sewn up.
On reflection, maybe you are right, Dover.
What a bizarre circumstance.
J gives evidence on behalf of himself and K, and they treat it as corroboration (which was positively denied by K in his lifetime).
I do hope that one day I will be privy to that secret.
I am envisaging a “when you can snatch the pebbles from my hand, Grasshopper” moment.
“Stick insect sheridan bad mouthing Trump, opining surely America can do better than a biden or a Trump. What a fucking idiot.”
Turn the volume down….all Sheridan does is dribble. I think he’s a joke. Earlier this year he wrote in the Oz that he thought that Biden was a good man. LOL….that was a corker.
They have to pay a subscription for heated seats? Fuck off
Big House update, for those interested. Otherwise scroll, and I’ll still love you. 🙂
We will be moving in Saturday week, after BM finishes the bathroom and the airconditioner guy returns to finish his thing. My frail brother is moving in next Monday. Son in Law has set up a fully equipped ‘disabled’ bathroom for him, with additional assistance rails throughout his area. Daughter organised an adjustable therapeutic bed, and bought new ‘manly’ doona and linens.
Our area – two big rooms plus bathroom and kitchenette – was designed especially with my disability in mind. Extra wide doors so that I no longer crunch the doorframes, and a toilet/bathroom I can use (almost) independently. Beautiful Italian tiles in all bathrooms/laundry, kitchens throughout the entire house.
Today, the solar guys started installing the 13KW system, with three batteries to keep us going through blackouts. Happily, due to some sort of Gov mix-up, we scored an extra battery free of charge. If nothing else, they will keep the (many) freezers and fridges running through blackouts.
We’re now ready to go!
Went to the Archibald exhibition at the NSW Art Gallery yesterday..
While waiting for my daughter, I wandered idly into the permanent exhibition. First thing I noted were the additional notes describing some of the paintings.. dripping with woke connotations and imputations that I hadn’t noticed last time I was there, some 4 years ago.
I also went some weeks back. The Archibald entries were generally dreadful. The winner was truly awful. I had noticed the “woke” new notes on the wall next to many of the permanent paintings. The one that stood out to me was the one for the Tom Roberts (?) painting about the shearing shed. It was bleating on about the claimed fact that there were Aboriginal shearers in those days but none were depicted in the painting. Even if that was so, there could have been many reasons why the painter did not depict any – e.g. none were in the shed that day.
The descent of so many institutions into mindless wokery is so depressing. Don’t donate any money to them.
Delta, I am thrilled for you! I hope it all goes smoothly, and you all get your Forever Home.
Sheridan is Washington’s man.
Washington wants the Covid madness [masks/lockdowns/vaccinations] to kick off again, and Washington usually gets what it wants.
Disabled bathroom = rip out everything. Tile what is left.
Surely what will happen here is that Pell’s/Church’s lawyers will ask for confirmation that their fees will be paid by the father or his advisers in the event that the complaint is unsuccessful.
Does anyone know how this works?
Interested to find out that the much praised Melbourne Response involved
claimants signing non disclosure agreements to qualify for payouts.
The Viktorianstan government is now lecturing its people (using their money) on how to eat through the week. Without meat of course. Over at Quadrant.
Some deliciously unsavoury stuff about K’s father and J might surface.
The application is known as a security for costs and can be brought by either party. My understanding is they are quite hard to obtain with the courts taking the view people are entitled to their day in court an order for security for costs may impair that principle.
Tom Robert – “Shearing the Rams?”
Josh’s attempt to bankrupt Staindl wasn’t a good look.
He won anyway, perhaps he might still be Member for Kooyong and probably Opposition Leader if he just taken one in the shorts over his Costs?
Delta, if you have the time, could you describe your ‘leccy setup? With costs if possible?
You never know, the way things are going, more of us might have to manage our own electricity seeing as the incompetents in government can’t…
Will do, TE. But I’ll wait to get accurate info from Daughter and SiL. Might be tomorrow am.
Good to see that vexatious litigant Staindl having to cough 400 large for Josh’s legals.
That on top of his own costs.
That might put a crimp in his retirement funding.
Good news….really good news. Perhaps Staindl could ask his mate Svengali Simon for some financial assistance.
Good to see that vexatious litigant Staindl having to cough 400 large for Josh’s legals.
That on top of his own costs.
That might put a crimp in his retirement funding.
Josh accepted 350K, i’d guess Staindl’s Legals were provided Gratis.
Scotty M accused Staindl of AntiSemitism, did Staindl sue him?
That’d be rich, Josh gets Staindl’s house, Staindl gets Scotty’s house.
Sure they were.
Perhaps that other great work of art ‘Ramming the Shears’ will also be criticised for not enough diversity.
If you mean his lawyers won’t get paid, it could be a rare instance where you are right. Beware the client who says “It’s the principle of the thing.”
Professor Bridges seems to have a demeanour which varies greatly when viewed from different angles. Either that or it is a deep fake, touch and go really since there are images of her with large hoop earrings doing the rounds at the moment which clearly doesn’t match the two other videos.
The Teals are getting wedged by Albo and The Greens over Legislating the 43% by 2030 Reductions, also The Australian Business Section yesterday reckoned Dave Sharma mightn’t be giving up on Wentworth.
Words used in the article included level of apathy, comic ineptitude, poorly resourced and widely regarded as an underperformer.
An in house Wentworth Branch review also blamed Scotty for the loss.
Mr Frydenberg is expected to attempt to return to federal politics.
Dear god, NO. We just got rid of the useless prick.
Looking for an indicator of the tsunami of public support for Michael Staindl.
GoFundMe set up in February.
Target $410,000.
Not quite there yet.
Bwah ha ha ha.
Blot led his 7pm show on Sky with the ABC’s disgraceful continuing witchhunt against Cardinal Pell. Good.
Like others here, I think Pell should have sued the ABC for defamation, which would have stopped this witchhunt in its tracks. The witchhunt continues because his refusal to sue the ABC and other media scum was taken as some sort of proof that their witchhunt had substance whereas it’s a continuation of an attempt to pervert the course of justice by the Victorian government that was thrown out 7-0 by the High Court.
See ya. I’m watching the British Open, which goes all night.
Put me down for a hundred grand – Zimbabwean.
Perhaps Josh picked up more votes than he lost for hounding Staindl?
Climate change is an existential threat till it comes to putting your hand in your own pocket.
“Like others here, I think Pell should have sued the ABC for defamation, which would have stopped this witchhunt in its tracks. The witchhunt continues because his refusal to sue the ABC and other media scum was taken as some sort of proof that their witchhunt had substance whereas it’s a continuation of an attempt to pervert the course of justice by the Victorian government that was thrown out 7-0 by the High Court.”
All Scotty had to do was put Josh and Barnaby in Witness Protection during the campaign and we wouldn’t be facing pensioner succumbing to Hypothermia and petrol at $11/gallon?
Groogs- you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension anybody gives a shit.
This nervous shock stuff is a really high bar.
Let’s hope the grifters become LOL cows like Theodore J Rout, who used to harangue the “duty” justices of the High Court with spiels about how he had legally disproven general relativity and how Paul Davies was violating his civil liberties.
Ed Casesays:
July 14, 2022 at 6:54 pm
Josh’s attempt to bankrupt Staindl wasn’t a good look.
He won anyway, perhaps he might still be Member for Kooyong and probably Opposition Leader if he just taken one in the shorts over his Costs?
Bugger orf. These “activists” need to feel some of the pain they so mindlessly (and dicklessly) inflict on others.
If you feel so badly about it, reimburse Staindl for the costs out of your own ample funds.
I’m more interested in why Jason Roberts had to spend 21 years locked up than the British Open, tho i gotta say this:
Tiger Woods is a dud and a phony, plus he’s a Roider
Happy Bastille day!
Sorry Zippy, reported your comment – vive le maquis de sade!
Mutton tonight Groogs? You’re like the Tom Cruise of mutton.
People don’t give a shit about the Big End of Town reverting to paper shufflin’ mode [thanks Albo] while pensioners freeze?
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
July 14, 2022 at 7:26 pm
Looking for an indicator of the tsunami of public support for Michael Staindl.
GoFundMe set up in February.
Target $410,000.
Not quite there yet.
Put me down for a hundred grand – Zimbabwean.
That’s what? Around $0.50 Australian. You hyper generous man!
I do agree, but perhaps he was an old man, who had just had a gutful of the law and court rooms.
I see that “Scotty” is now back in Dick Ed’s good books. Poor bugger (Scotty, that is).
Staindl knew exactly what he was doing.
He must have been well aware of the circumstances in which Josh’s mother (and all Hungarian Jews) became stateless but went for it anyhow.
For progressives ideology trumps any modicum of decency.
Monty being an exemplar example.
No cares about second and third trimester babies being injected with saline and ripped apart in the womb without the benefit of pain relief, but a ten year old going for a long drive, the horror.
How could his mother be Stateless?
The Arrow Cross was an illegal Government, nothing they did was lawful.
Spot the true Liberal…
When Chris Kenny used to have Liberal wet Katie Allen, former member for Higgins (who lost the seat not to a Teal but to Labor, which shows just how bad Allen was), on his programme, she would sit in front of a bookcase that showcased a book by Barack Obama.
Tonight on Credlin, Cory Bernardi, sitting in for Peta Credlin, had Senator Alex Antic on. Antic was sitting in front of a caricature of the grotesque Nazi Klaus Schwab with the words underneath….”Eat Ze Bugs”.
If you need help as to who the true Liberal is, here’s a clue, it isn’t the former member for Higgins.
It is widely known that my generosity is only surpassed by my wit, natural charm and good looks!
Munty’s fellow travellers:
Cassie, the rot began when Sir Robert Menzies called it the Liberal Party of Australia.
Anthony Albanese calls an urgent national cabinet meeting over Covid after bowing to pressure from lockdown-loving Labor premiers – amid warning country will be hit by ‘millions’ of cases
Millions? So that implies at least two, so one in every 13 Aussies will have Covid!
Forget Blot and Daisy (currently opining about child sex abuse in the UK) – here’s Steyn donning the ten holes and figuratively kicking some heads (with the help of a courageous young abuse victim). Do watch until the end, he’s in top form.
His work on GB News has been incredible.
“As you know, in Britain, everything is policed, except crime …”
Yes, I saw that. Great work, Antic. Now go and do something about the plague of braindead collectivist green pantywaists infesting your stupid useless party.
Fuck off cocksuckers.
If they go ahead with this ridiculous waste of human life and potential by imprisoning millions for no good reason at all without trial, WILL THEY ADMIT THE MASKS, PRIOR LOCKDOWNS, MANDATORY VACCINATIONS, BOOSTERS AND TRAVEL BANS FAILED BIGLY???
Chances are, they brazen gits will demand quintuple mint boosters, three jab minimums before boosters, wear three masks you bigot, just seven years to flatten the curve, etc.
“Yes, I saw that. Great work, Antic. Now go and do something about the plague of braindead collectivist green pantywaists infesting your stupid useless party.”
Antic is trying to, being from South Australia, he’s focusing on his home state. He’s trying to get more conservatives in the party.
I like Senator Antic.
Contemporary Scotland can be nauseatingly PC, but at least this piece of work is on trial:
In the Soviet Socialist Toilet of Yarragrad he would get a medal.
I think Sneakers has sniffed the breeze in the West. Masks only for public transport mugs (like me).
Gee, Rabz, with a review of Steyn like that, next you’ll be overlooking his preferences in music genres! 😉
For reference:
I now live in a plague house.
Omigod in 3/5
I’m still clear so it’s back out spraying toxic chemicals on crops tomorrow for me.
Humphrey, it’s fascinating that there appear to be plenty of seat-warmers inside the WA Liars who think (like me) that the Frank Burns of Australian politics is dispensible – unlike Fuhrer Andrews in Victorianstan – and he’ll he rissoled if the party polling goes south.
Better a Greedy Sanchez than a Dirty Sanchez.
July 14, 2022 at 8:00 pm
Wow very powerful.
That Steyn interview showed us that courage, articulate speech, and values can mount an impregnable argument against the woke, disgusting left.
That’s just Steyn. Samantha has all of that in spades and then more. What an inspirational young woman.
I can’t wait for Steyn to go to “West Mercier” and interview the police.
Noticed that. Got to get us one for the pool room. Goes with the “Jail the gangs” and “The Bill Australia Can’t Afford” posters. And my MAGA hat.
Comment of the month, if not year.
Or that one in 26 will have it twice, and so on.
Later part of an article in Herald Sun. Finally a Dr speaking out about the obvious ie. vax mandates causing staffing problems. I spoke to a dentist months ago and he also mentioned reception staff quitting as did not want to get the vax.
“I work in an emergency department. Three quarters of the patients I have seen over the past three months I’ve treated on ambulance trolleys (ramping) and in the waiting room. Not in the ED. This is caused by the hospital being “bed blocked”. Yet often we have empty beds, but they are closed due to inadequate staffing.
The causes and solutions are complex, but clearly we need more healthcare staff. In this setting, it’s counter-productive to sack or furlough health staff because they aren’t vaccinated.
Maintaining such mandates has minimal direct public health benefit, and potentially further stresses our struggling health system. Maybe strict and prolonged vaccine mandates are one reason why Victoria is specifically struggling. We medics can all name multiple nurses, allied healthcare staff and even doctors who aren’t working due to mandates.
I was speaking with a GP friend who can’t get enough staff to run his practice. They have lost nine nurses and receptionists due to vaccine mandates. I can personally name 15 people who left Victoria as their vaccination status made working in health nearly impossible.
Allowing those unvaccinated staff to work has little risk but carries some benefit. This is perhaps even more true for businesses which unreasonably retain vaccine mandates.
And for health employers, there is no additional liability that unvaccinated staff might catch Covid-19 from a patient, and be at higher risk due to being unvaccinated. In fact, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have delayed prioritising fourth booster doses for healthcare workers partly because healthcare settings probably represent a lower risk than other workplaces. Healthcare staff mostly wear N95s masks and or PPE which is highly effective at preventing transmission. I am more likely to get Covid-19 from shopping than going to work in the ED.
Finally, if we want people to respect necessary public health directions like masks in high-risk
settings, self-isolating when symptomatic and even working from home, then we need to remove unnecessary and ineffective restrictions.
Vaccine mandates are currently ineffective and potentially counter-productive as we seek to respond to this health system crisis.
Prof Nathan Grills is a public health physician at the University of Melbourne”.
CBH Group, the WA based grain handling co-op is desperately casting about for workers at their depots for the upcoming harvest. No experience necessary, training provided.
Would be good experience and would look good on the CV of any youngster at a loose end over harvest (around October – December).
Not a job for the lazy or soft handed, but well paid, you get to see the countryside and much needed.
Have a look here:
CBH Harvest Job Opportunities.
A Tweet from Steven Crowder :
They yelled, “follow the science.” So I did and discovered there are only 2 genders and only women can get pregnant.
They no longer like the science.
Vaccine mandates are currently ineffective and potentially counter-productive as we seek to respond to this health system crisis.
Prof Nathan Grills is a public health physician at the University of Melbourne
Two years is indeed the time it takes the average Australian to wake the fuck up.
Before you ask, I am neither shilling for CBH or putting my hand up for one of these jobs.
I am too old and frail and liable to cause all sorts of chaos at the handling depot when I fall into the bin or pass out from lack of tea and bikkies at my appointed hour for smoko.
Fit and healthy young person’s job, not superannuated gold miners.
Stick insect sheridan bad mouthing Trump, opining surely America can do better than a biden or a Trump. What a fucking idiot.
Sheridan is still sooking because he tipped that The Donald would not be elected president.
Eat crow beardy.
Current data shows up to 300,000 Australians are infected, with the health minister warning the true number is ‘probably twice that’.
Yep, because it’s so fucking deadly you mightn’t notice that you have it.
These idiots need to STFU.
Dr John Campbell, Fetal Development:
What they never comprehend is that if probably twice 300,000 then the death rate amongst 600,000 is probably normal, particularly when look at average dying is 84.
I’m going back a good ten years, but I remember the aftermath of one interview, where one rather aggressive young lady was told “Yeah, we remember you, and all the trouble you caused at (XYZ) bin last year. We don’t want you back!”
Harvest work can be hard because you simply don’t get enough rest.
renovations going on here so we have been slumming at a Quest suite in Brighton and taking in the local fare.
tonight was steak night at the local pub and so we nestled in beside a table of posh thugs who were obviously all old school chums
big fellas, well fed and probably all gravy suppliers for the gravy train or accountants doing the books for Gravy Pty Ltd
so they were talking about ‘lectric vehicles and how to save the planet with proper-think
one bloke was saying that battery tech was like literally 5 minutes away from saving the planet
another bloke was saying that there’s gonna be 5km stretches of road where the road itself charges yr batteries as you drive over it.
where’s the fucking energy coming from you fucking mong?
if that table of retards was even half representative of every other table in Brighton tonight then there’s the reason why we’re rooted.
I could hardly chew my porterhouse through the curses.
Contrary to most opinions expressed here I believe Cardinal Pell acted in the only way possible in accord with the gospel of Christ.
How could he have prayed to God “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” – no way.
Were the Archidiocese to invoke the Ellis defence, would that mean that the case would proceed on the basis of the courts being asked to determine the definition of ‘survivor’, since the plaintiff seems to be claiming that he is a survivor of sorts, not of sexual abuse but a survivor of the failed allegations of sexual abuse?
Greed is a ravenous creature.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
July 14, 2022 at 5:36 pm
About Michael Staindl.
I can’t understand the reasoning of some people, they start a court action, cause costs of 100s of thousands for the other party, and when they lose, they expect that, that other party to wear the costs?
Maybe even come over, shake hands and say, no hard feelings?
They could probably find you a job running the weighbridge – flirting with all the seriously pretty lasses in the sampling shed….
“Not a job for the faint-hearted”
Things may have changed since I last had cause to deliver to the Wheat Board.
Overwork would not have been among the issues faced by them at those times.
(Nor was there any, & I mean any, risk the staff would be accused of “competence“)
Tucker Carlson: This is shameful
“About Michael Staindl.”
Staindl was being manipulated by someone to go after Frydenberg.
One of natures quirks to be sure.
Every season, every stand.
I agree.
I also think that that is why he may have not taken the stand in court, for there he would have had no option but to condemn the complainant as a false witness.
My impression is that Pell had relied on the rational decision making capacities of the jury to apprehend the truth without his needing to decry the complainant.
Pedro the Loafer says: July 14, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Pedro, every year CBH advertise those jobs on backpacker sites.
Haven’t seen any ads this year. Usually the ad is dominated by a photograph that could be the cover of a country music album, soft golden sunbeams shining through a charming old wooden barn, with a Plain Jane hooking her arm around a doorjamb (so that even the pudgiest whiny useless pommy bimbo can relate to the image & think “I could do this“)
New study reveals where memory fragments are stored
You did put your teeth back in?
I seen the CBH harvest job ad on the telly.
7Maaaaate last night. Not a big telly watcher, but never seen one broadcast before.
Looking towards harvest in many months time… I’d say they know what’s happened to seasonal workers these last shamdemic years, and they aren’t taking any chances- lock em in early.
Cassie of Sydney says:
July 14, 2022 at 9:12 pm
Fair enough, but the fact remains, it costs money for the accused, and even if he is wealthy, should he just cop it after “winning”?
I believe that Cardinal Pell relied on God.
It’s an exercise on psychology – they think most farmers or truck drivers are at heart, gentlemen, and not likely to start abusing any young ladies over moisture levels or protein levels.
Grain dust
Quick, cover the bunkers the storms are nearly here!
Cassie of Sydneysays:
July 14, 2022 at 9:12 pm
“About Michael Staindl.”
Staindl was being manipulated by someone to go after Frydenberg.
Then, if Dick Ed won’t cover Staindl’s costs, the anonymous “someone” might come to the party? No? Thought not.
No comment.
Turning the other cheek is a ridiculous notion. You hit back twice as hard. I guess that’s why I prefer the Old Testament over the New.
Then there’s the smell after that.
We can leave fibre levels to the old guys.
these mongs were my age too
and they all had perfect teeth … which was suss
Miltonf says:
July 14, 2022 at 9:25 pm
Ditto, same goes for kicking the enemy when he is down.
When do you kick him?
When he is upright and beating the shyte out of you?
No mention of any of the reality.
The ad says something like “Many different roles available” & gives the impression there are lots of sit-down roles in comfortable office scenarios, without too much intellectual input required.
Staindl is a nasty and vexatious man who has got his just desserts. I have zero sympathy for him. I’m glad, very glad, Josh has gone after him. Too many on the right turn the other cheek. However there was also someone else providing Staindl with “emotional support”, I suspect that “someone”, who’s long held a grudge against Frydenberg, encouraged Staindl in his citizenship crusade against Josh.
Took me a while to find the full version.
Tomi Lahren Says “Men Are Trash” In Rant Against Men (Full Version)
(Yeah. I know it’s old).
She would not date a sparky with a beer gut and a paid off mortgage, an investment property and a nice classic car.
I’m certainly no fan of Josh F but I’m certainly with him in this instance.
I went past Bonnie Rock Bin a few weeks ago….phuk me..its nowhere plus my phone did’nt work.
Both are good.
“My impression is that Pell had relied on the rational decision making capacities of the jury to apprehend the truth without his needing to decry the complainant.”
Well that worked out well for him, didn’t it? A prejudiced jury is unable to engage in “rational decision making”, it can only engage in “tainted decision making” which is what happened in the cases of George Pell.
Which Cat is it drives backpackers to work & back each day?
(Apparently without ever [yet] resorting to homicide)
Hub of the universe.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
My hat goes off to the men and women who first cleared and settled that land. Gutsy.
lasted 30 seconds before closing the window and muttering, “stfu you silly mole”
The application is known as a security for costs and can be brought by either party. My understanding is they are quite hard to obtain with the courts taking the view people are entitled to their day in court an order for security for costs may impair that principle.
You should try suing a bank.
They’ll get a lien against some of your assets as soon as you enter a costs regime.
At the end, she says she gave valuable tips.
You’re not living your best life without these tips from our Kween.
Bourne, re your hospitals comment up thread.
It makes me think that blogger saying NY hospitals are using nappies instead of catheters is close to the truth.
That makes me sympathise with the best tax avoisionists.
The Lancet.
In this Viewpoint we consider the likely effectiveness of policies that require COVID-19 vaccines in improving vaccine uptake and reducing disease in the USA, in view of the evidence from past vaccination mandates and distinctive aspects of COVID-19. Two dimensions of effectiveness in improving uptake are relevant: (1) target-group effectiveness (the extent to which a mandate improves uptake of vaccines in the group covered by the policy) and (2) population effectiveness (the extent to which mandate policies improve vaccination coverage in the US population).
fucking Chermans can’t even heat their own lounge rooms
OCO, 4.40:
Became testpattern. One of the great trolls – past, present or emerging.
Pell the private citizen can do whatever he wants.
Pell the top dog Catholic in Australia had a responsibility from day one to go scorched earth on the ABC, VicPol & all his false accusers.
My grandfather was one of them – he got off the train, in 1920, with a pushbike, a swag, an axe, a .303 rifle, panniers full of bully beef tins, tea and other essentials, and the burning desire never to work for wages again.
First came the grasshoppers, then the Great Depression, and he always said he spent the next thirty years working for the banks and stock agents.
Working the CBH bins was a rite of passage when I was at Uni and jobs were scarce. A few Wolf Creek stories if you found yourself in Lower Nowhere with some alcoholic with the DTs who couldn’t write his own name. Luckily my old man could swing a TA job in the mines over summer and coupled with a fat tax refund was usually enough to keep you in beers for the year.
I’ll have to cope the best I can
Listening to a discussion on Obergefell.
Clarence Thomas has never ruled against a privileges & immunities case.
Which is key in this issue.
Meaning it would be unlikely (not impossible) to be over turned.
Testpattern Vs Muddy at ten paces was good for a laugh.
The quality of trolls is arguably at its lowest ebb. No wonder the place is a circular firing squad.
On the other hand there is the Book of Titus …
Pay that one Sancho.
Cassie at 9:34
I was thinking about that earlier.
Things might be a bit strained over the Staindl dinner table, now that they are $500 large in the hole, and the cheer squad got off without spending a penny.
Verily, I sayeth!