Open Thread – Tues 2 Aug 2022

The Colossus, Francisco Goya, 1812

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August 3, 2022 12:15 pm

Oldie but a Goody – Pfizer & Pepsi to Merge

August 3, 2022 12:17 pm

My major issue with the numerated one was that he could dish it out but not take it.
I used to scroll them most of the time but after one attack on another poster I made a comment that it wasn’t as bad as rooting a hooker in SE Asia.
Which I started dropping into the the thread regularly.
He then complained to the blog owner who in turn told me to stop, which was fine (his blog his rules).
Demonstrated the run to mummy behaviour behind the scenes while being all hot air in public.

August 3, 2022 12:21 pm

$100m Batgirl film reportedly โ€˜shelvedโ€™ by DC Comics
Those tests were said to be so poorly received by moviegoers that the studio decided to cut its losses and run, for the sake of the brandโ€™s future. Itโ€™s a DC disaster.

August 3, 2022 12:23 pm

Anchor Whatsays:
August 3, 2022 at 11:41 am

I wouldn’t be surprised if after the ALP win in NSW next year there is a period of it.
It would make zero sense & would be purely punitive.
But it’s all about demonstrating to the their post politics employers they can be relied on.

August 3, 2022 12:24 pm

Some facts about Taiwan that those on here who seem to be wanting to paint it as a natural possession of the CCP.
Taiwan, previously known as Formosa, was settled by the Dutch and Spanish in the 1600s.
Prior to that, it was inhabited by Pacific island type indigenous peoples similar to Maori.
Having met a number of these indigenous folk, and travelled in the countryside where they remain settled, I can state from personal experience that they are not Chinese.
During more recent times it was a possession of both the Japanese and, very briefly, the pre- communist Chinese Empire.
It is therefore a mix of Pacific Island, Japanese and Chinese cultures.
Then, in the aftermath of the Communist Chinese takeover of the mainland in the 1940s, the Nationalist army retreated across the strait to Taiwan after their defeat.
This influx of Nationalists created modern Taiwan. Mandarin became the national language, schools taught exclusively in mandarin and, after many decades the nationalist (Guomindang) governmentโ€™s ambitions to reunite China under their own banner became increasingly unrealistic. Democratic elections in the 1980s ensued, and eventually, a non- Guomindang government under current president Tsai has a policy of independence, not retaking all of a China.
Thus the CCP has always wanted to take Taiwan, not because of any historic tie to the place, but simply to annihilate what it views as itโ€™s last remaining enemies from the civil war era.

August 3, 2022 12:28 pm

Taiwan has itโ€™s own unique, non- Chinese history, a population the same size as Australia, is a free and democratic nation.
Itโ€™s seizure by the CCP will be an utter tragedy, and an Iโ€™ll omen for our own future independence.

August 3, 2022 12:31 pm

โ€œDelicious cuisine, beautiful women, cheap gas, rich history, world-famous literature, unique architecture, fertile soil, cheap electricity and water, ballet, cheap taxi and delivery, traditional values, Christianity, no cancel culture, hospitality, vodka.โ€

No cancel culture, eh?

Just stay on the right side of the Pute or you’ll be defenestrated.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 12:31 pm

For among them are those who make their way into households and captivate silly women, overwhelmed by their sins and swayed by all kinds of desires
2 Timothy 3:6

Women are turning the tide on climate policy worldwide, and may launch a new era for Australia (, 2 Aug)

When the new federal parliament opened last week, a record number of female politicians took their seats: 38% in the House of Representatives and 57% in the Senate. This changing of the guard, with women at the forefront, brings an opportunity to accelerate Australia’s efforts on climate change.

The major parties were virtually silent on the issues of gender equity and climate change throughout the 2022 election campaign. Yet, both issues proved to be turning points for the Australian electorate.

Climate changeโ€”one of the key platforms on which the teal candidates successfully campaignedโ€”is central to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s parliamentary agenda. A bill to enshrine a climate target into Australian law was among the first introduced to parliament last week.

Women are on the front line of climate change impacts, which makes our experiences and leadership critical at decision-making tables. From Barbados to Finland, we’ve seen women’s leadership on climate bring fair, innovative and ambitious policies. We hope a new era in Australian climate policy is upon us, too.

Oh my. Paul wrote abut these critters nearly two millenia ago. Let’s see who they are…

Jacqueline Peel
Director, Melbourne Climate Futures, The University of Melbourne

Annabelle Workman
Research Fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures, The University of Melbourne

Kathryn Bowen
Professor – Environment, Climate and Global Health at Melbourne Climate Futures and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne

Rebekkah Markey-Towler
PhD Candidate, Melbourne Law School, and Research fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures, The University of Melbourne

Deary deary me. Someone please convert Melbourne Uni into an insane asylum so they can get medication for their weird mental illness.

August 3, 2022 12:33 pm

From a sinophile point of view, most of the worldโ€™s pre- communist Chinese artefacts and culture exist only in Taiwan.
Maoโ€™s lunatics having destroyed almost all of Chinese traditional culture on the mainland.
This includes the language, the Taiwanese keeping the traditional complex writing characters instead of the simplified ones introduced on the mainland by Mao.

August 3, 2022 12:33 pm

Thus the CCP has always wanted to take Taiwan, not because of any historic tie to the place, but simply to annihilate what it views as itโ€™s last remaining enemies from the civil war era.


Unfinished business and purely punitive in intent.

August 3, 2022 12:37 pm

Canadian Dr Death update, Dr Tony Lin, count now 6:

August 3, 2022 12:40 pm

Any AFL fans know what the Eddie Betts story is all about?
Or is it click bait.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 12:42 pm

Just in case Cat farmers don’t fully appreciate the awesomeness of CSIRO.

Research confirms new baiting regime is effective for mouse management in agriculture (, 2 Aug)

New research led by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, has found that mouse populations can be reduced significantly by doubling the amount of zinc phosphide (ZnP) in grain baits used for broadscale agriculture.

Wow, is that awesome or what? I would never have thought of doing such a thing! And to publish this staggering finding in no less than three separate journal articles…how brilliant is that?

August 3, 2022 12:42 pm

Ninety per cent of the worldโ€™s computer chips are made in Taiwan. The US Congress just voted chip-makers billions in taxpayer largesse.

Via Washingtonโ€™s rampant insider trading (itโ€™s different when they do it), Nancy Pelosiโ€™s husband just bought millions of dollars worth of chip-maker shares. Hence the reason for US Speaker Nancy Pelosiโ€™s thank-you tour to Taiwan. Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 3, 2022 12:44 pm

In all honesty, I’d choose Bird over Numbers. Luckily, I don’t have to choose. He who owns the house makes the rules.

Numbers added zero value to the conversation whilst being a constant irritant/fool. I don’t miss his inputs in the slightest. The truth is that he should be kissing the feet of whoever plucked his name out of the hat and put him on a course to him serving in Vietnam. It’s the only thing remotely interesting about him, the only thing that proffers him legitimate credibility – and he knows it. However, he has entirely undermined this credibility due to his willingness to crassly flaunt his time in Vietnam at every opportunity. It’s grotesque.

Delta A
Delta A
August 3, 2022 12:44 pm

This deserves its own post.

August 3, 2022 12:48 pm

He who owns the house makes the rules.


Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 3, 2022 12:48 pm

Just in case Cat farmers donโ€™t fully appreciate the awesomeness of CSIRO.

Because no farmer would throw on higher rates of bait based on experience.
1kg/ha was always too light as a recommendation.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 12:49 pm

August 3, 2022 at 10:59 am
Dover, if you can read this, the site is stuffed again. But you probably know that.

Thatโ€™s the thing. It seems to be working no problem for me (and others). What exactly is the problem now?

Apart from one minor glitch over the weekend, where I had to close all New Cat tabs and then re-open them, all is well here.

August 3, 2022 12:51 pm

Maoโ€™s lunatics having destroyed almost all of Chinese traditional culture on the mainland.

you can get a good idea of what they will do to us by looking at what they are doing to the uighurs

August 3, 2022 12:53 pm

Lots of talk about “productivity” at the moment. While I know it’s not the entire problem, I would ban the use of mobile phones by workers during work hours.
I see workers absorbed in their phones at work all the time, can’t be good.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 12:53 pm

For some time, women have made up 70% of students in art college, selected on merit, and the art world prides itself on its liberal, progressive values. Yet it presides over the biggest pay gap I can think of.

Perhaps there is some unconscious bias inherent in the “merit” selection? Or does that only occur when more men are selected?

August 3, 2022 12:53 pm

People and Cars: 1970โ€™s

A bit of a study of Governments ability to fuck everything it touches. On the cusp of recommend diets and public health officials. Look how skinny everyone is.

August 3, 2022 12:54 pm

We regrettably rely on Chinese manufacturing for a great many things.

The factories are closing. Western investors are pulling out & expats leaving.

They’re finding post-covid China too difficult to do business in.

August 3, 2022 12:56 pm

As to who’s on the blog and who’s off if the criteria is making sense and not being too abusive why is Monty still here??

August 3, 2022 12:57 pm

you can get a good idea of what they will do to us by looking at what they are doing to the uighurs

and tibetans

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 12:57 pm

Gez – Idle question. Why does it have to be zinc phosphide when something like calcium phosphide would be a fair bit cheaper?

I haven’t read up on the area, but I do know zinc is modestly pricey (US$3,300/t today) whereas calcium is reasonably similar chemically but much cheaper.

August 3, 2022 12:59 pm

feelthebern says:
August 3, 2022 at 12:48 pm

He who owns the house makes the rules.


Bullshit, She who has the pussy makes the rules.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 3, 2022 12:59 pm

We used to bank a suburban art college back in the day. They continued to bank copper coins long after most people gave it away.

August 3, 2022 1:00 pm

A few โ€œthoughtsโ€.

1. I can now see Tomโ€™s toons, but couldnโ€™t earlier this morning.
2. Numbers is a senile old dickhead. His War was well before mine, but I stopped talking about mine 25 years ago. (No appreciation from younger peopleโ€ฆ.phooey). Good riddance to bad rubbish.
3. Taiwanโ€ฆโ€ฆwhat Arky said.

That is all, carry on ๐Ÿ™‚

August 3, 2022 1:01 pm

From a sinophile point of view, most of the worldโ€™s pre- communist Chinese artefacts and culture exist only in Taiwan.
Maoโ€™s lunatics having destroyed almost all of Chinese traditional culture on the mainland.
This includes the language, the Taiwanese keeping the traditional complex writing characters instead of the simplified ones introduced on the mainland by Mao.

Can you imagine how much it must rankle the Commie shits on the mainland that a piss ant island, ruled for a long time by some unsavoury types, with a poofteenth of the resources of the mainland has been so successful for so long?

Without the retardedness of the “wests” business/political classes in exporting manufacturing to China through the last 30 years they would still be a 2nd world basket case, a much bigger North Korea.

It cant be emphasized enough that the deliberate offshoring of industry to China will pan out as the worst decision since mad king George double dared the Yank revolutionaries to try him on.

August 3, 2022 1:02 pm

you can get a good idea of what they will do to us by looking at what they are doing to the uighurs and tibetans

Just consider what the CCP does to its own citizens.

August 3, 2022 1:05 pm

Does the Kansas referendum show that states rights work?

Delta A
Delta A
August 3, 2022 1:11 pm

Silly me!

This Arkysays:
August 3, 2022 at 12:24 pm
deserves its own post.

Arky, what’s your take on Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 1:17 pm

Does the Kansas referendum show that states rights work?

I suspect it says that voters distrust pollies wanting to enshrine something in their constitution.
More about what they think of pollies than what they think of abortion restrictions I suspect.

August 3, 2022 1:18 pm

Vax Booster Corruption?
Judicial Watch

August 3, 2022 1:21 pm
August 3, 2022 1:24 pm

Time for dum parrot-head to show a bit of spine and tell V’Landys where to take his thugby competition .. let him take his GF to where ever it suits .. why is the NSW taxpayer paying for upgrades to stadiums so a more-money-than-brains mob can make more money? .. They have no problem paying $250K+ salaries to a lot of very average players but don’t want to pay for ground improvements ..
then again, dum, renovate the grounds and up the rents to match player payments levels .. bleed ’em dry! ..
Time & time again, we are treated to Sunday footy management decisions by V’Landys and co so let ’em take their game to where it belongs on Council operated grounds and maybe, just maybe, some of the rental will flow back into th ecommunities that fund these fields …….

August 3, 2022 1:25 pm
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 3, 2022 1:25 pm

Gez โ€“ Idle question. Why does it have to be zinc phosphide when something like calcium phosphide would be a fair bit cheaper?

Beyond my pay grade BoN.
The phosphide does the gassing and killing. Stability and moisture perhaps?

August 3, 2022 1:27 pm
August 3, 2022 1:29 pm

Drbeen Medical Lectures

Revealed – How SARS-COV-2 Escapes Our Immune System

This thorough study reveals the mechanism of immune escape by SARS-COV-2.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 3, 2022 1:32 pm

The โ€œtough meetings,โ€ according to Friedman, included Biden personally telling Chinese President Xi Jinping that the U.S. would isolate China economically if it helped Russia. The result, again according to Friedman, is that China has refrained from helping its โ€œostensible ally,โ€ Russia, even as the U.S. and other NATO countries have been sending tons of advanced weaponry to Ukraine.

Looking around for a sub-military response, that would fuck Biden over more than Xi, I can see China and Russia announcing a greater level of โ€˜cooperationโ€™ – including CCP support for Pootโ€™s Ukraine adventure.

Daring Scrotum 46 to try to scrape together international support for mutually damaging economic sanctions, in the middle of an inflation outburst and energy hiatus – to support some strange Pelosi political stunt.

August 3, 2022 1:32 pm

This what grade A rorting looks like .. George Christensen .. all whilst on a backbenchers’ $200K + freebies salary ..
Mr Christensen’s ‘extensive’ travel to the southeast Asian country, where he spent almost 300 days across 28 trips between 2014 and 2018.

August 3, 2022 1:36 pm

and they keep coming
PLA ?? equipment massed in downtown Xianmen

Zipster it was a google maps error.
They were looking for their base & ended up down town.

August 3, 2022 1:41 pm

Arky – thanks, good summation.

re Numbers – I always thought he was a lunatic (and a nasty one at that). Rarely read his posts, just scrolled past although the way he was eviscerated by others was often entertaining. I agree with Dover – Numbers was just too much trouble and wouldn’t be in favour of letting him back.

Dover – my Cat access is fine. No issues here at present.

Real Deal
Real Deal
August 3, 2022 1:42 pm

I’d be honoured.
Petrol money for travel. Accommodation 60 bucks for bed, Chardonnay and chicken parmy. I’ll also be bringing autographed copies of my book for sale. It’s titled “Peter FitzSimons; an appreciation” 28 pages. Gold coin donation.

Real Deal
Real Deal
August 3, 2022 1:43 pm

Sorry the previous post was an answer to Bear’s invitation to Toowoomba at midday.

August 3, 2022 1:45 pm

Is the site behaving?

From my android phone via Firefox, no problems. Once you forgot who I am, but that could have been me cleaning junk.

Delta A
Delta A
August 3, 2022 1:49 pm

Site is behaving.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
August 3, 2022 1:49 pm

Iโ€™ll also be bringing autographed copies of my book for sale. Itโ€™s titled โ€œPeter FitzSimons; an appreciationโ€ 28 pages.

Is “pages” another way of saying soft absorbent perforated sheets?

August 3, 2022 1:50 pm

No cold fries please.

August 3, 2022 1:54 pm

Taiwan – grandstanding by pelosi sent on a foolโ€™s errand, the real motives of which errand are hidden from the nation yet which nevertheless augur ill.

August 3, 2022 1:56 pm

Is the site behaving?

If you view hot wax on ones ball bag behaving.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 2:00 pm

From the Oz.

Truth-telling, treaty before voice: Bandt
Sarah Ison

Mr Bandt said the other two parts of the Uluru Statement to the Heart, truth-telling and treaty, could begin before the voice.

โ€œWhen we go into those discussions with the government about proposal for voice, we want to see โ€ฆ progress towards truth-telling and treaty start in this parliament,โ€ he said.

โ€œWe want to see the recommendations from the previous royal commission reports into black deaths in custody and also the bringing them home reports into the stolen generation implemented. That is something that can start now.โ€

“Truth telling” – stories my Nanna told me.

“Treaty” – start of a legal dogfight that will tie up the Courts for the next fifteen years.

August 3, 2022 2:06 pm

Following on from IEA figures last week, which show we could need a ludicrous 60 new nickel mines by 2030 to achieve announced carbon reduction pledges, BHPโ€™s Nickel West boss Jessica Farrell told delegates at the Diggers and Dealers Mining Forum in Kalgoorlie demand for nickel to 2050 would increase 200-300% on the previous three decades.

At ~US$22,500/t, nickel is currently fetching a pretty penny, with BHP selling upwards of 85% of its product into the battery market, including MoUs with current and future EV makers Tesla, Toyota and Ford.

In just eight years, 3 in 5 car sales will be electric.

โ€œElectrification of autos is gathering pace and we expect that by 2030, around 60% of all car sales will be electric,โ€ Farrell said.

โ€œFurtherโ€ฆ we expect that by 2040, 90% of car sales will be electric. The dominant battery chemistry powering this global fleet is expected to rely on nickel.

โ€œLocally, Canberra is the first jurisdiction in Australia to mandate that all new cars must be electric, by 2035. This megatrend, combined with a firm demand base from the traditional stainless and class 1 applications, means we anticipate demand for nickel in the next 30 years will be 200 to 300 per cent of demand, in the previous 30 years.โ€

August 3, 2022 2:12 pm

Arky, whatโ€™s your take on Pelosiโ€™s visit to Taiwan?

Hard to see Pelosi as anything else but a truculent and corrupt witch.
But everything is corrupt. And politics intersects with every other corrupt part of the world.
Eventually, both sides of the aisle will do what is right, but only when forced to out of survival.

August 3, 2022 2:14 pm

Thank you Arky for your comment on the history of Taiwan. It aligns with what I understood about the place too.

Its name means โ€œBeautifulโ€.

Depending on the winds and tides early next year I will be visiting there. I am looking forward to it very much.

August 3, 2022 2:14 pm

Like the game of chicken they are playing with energy and food.
Theyโ€™ll have to eventually do the right thing, but only when itโ€™s too late.

August 3, 2022 2:16 pm

calli says:
August 3, 2022 at 2:14 pm

Youโ€™ll love it.

August 3, 2022 2:17 pm

Mr Bandt said the other two parts of the Uluru Statement to the Heart, truth-telling and treaty, could begin before the voice.

Only ‘truth’ from the Ministry of Truth will be heard.

Not what actually happened.

August 3, 2022 2:17 pm

Interview with 80 year old liquor store owner who blasted armed robbers:

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
August 3, 2022 2:18 pm

Winston Smith would like to announce his computer is working fine.
Prolly because he doesn’t keep stuffing around with the settings!

August 3, 2022 2:19 pm

โ€œThis is Russia,โ€ a narrator speaking English with a Russian accent says in the 53-second ad. โ€œDelicious cuisine, beautiful women, cheap gas, rich history, world-famous literature, unique architecture, fertile soil, cheap electricity and water, ballet, cheap taxi and delivery, traditional values, Christianity, no cancel culture, hospitality, vodka.โ€

And a totalitarian government that can lock you up pronto.

Still – we are reaching that point super quickly here – so it may be evens Stevens in a few years.

August 3, 2022 2:32 pm

โ€œWhen we go into those discussions with the government about proposal for voice, we want to see โ€ฆ progress towards truth-telling and treaty start in this parliament,โ€ he said.

โ€œWe want to see the recommendations from the previous royal commission reports into black deaths in custody and also the bringing them home reports into the stolen generation implemented. That is something that can start now.โ€

It is exasperating that the fools talk about “truth-telling” and “black deaths in custody” and “the stolen generation” in the same breath.

The removal of children from homes of abuse and/or health risk is a practice of modern welfare states, and is not confined to the treatment of Aborigines. It never has been.

The “black deaths in custody” lobby has never addressed the substance abuse that has led to many deaths in custody.

The Left are masters at the distortion of language to suit their purposes. Sadly, terminology is rarely challenged and Conservatives and others get trapped in defending not only ideology – but sound administrative practice.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 2:35 pm

Only โ€˜truthโ€™ from the Ministry of Truth will be heard.

Not what actually happened.

“Me bin see the white police come out of the bushes, me bin see the fires, me bin count the bodies” from an “eyewitness” to a “massacre” who was EIGHTY MILES away, at the time…

local oaf
August 3, 2022 2:37 pm

Is the site behaving?

Desktop, Windows, Firefox, VPN on, VPN off – all good!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 3, 2022 2:46 pm

I have had absolutely no troubles with The Cat. Just using a bog standard Chrome without ad blockers or anything.

August 3, 2022 2:47 pm

Yep, the McCain mafia are trying it on in Arizona.

August 3, 2022 2:52 pm

Sometimes I have to close website & reopen to update. But I am barely computer literate, so my experience or opinion is probably of limited value.

August 3, 2022 2:57 pm

Yep, the McCain mafia are trying it on in Arizona.

I am hoping for KARIZONA.
Been watching Richard Baris with Poso on The Charlie Kirk show live on Rumble.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 3, 2022 2:59 pm

The “Independent” member for Mackellar delivers a Dorothy Dixer on climate change worthy of any ALP dame.

August 3, 2022 3:02 pm

Been watching Richard Baris with Poso on The Charlie Kirk show live on Rumble.

Looks like all the state house primaries are going well for the good guys (less bad?).
Probably harder to play silly buggers with those primaries.

Definitely shenanigans at play with in Pinal county for the important stuff.
Maybe too many resources were all over Maricopa county ensuring that wasn’t too dodgy & not enough resources elsewhere.
Amazing that this is happening with an alleged first world country.

August 3, 2022 3:02 pm

I think Victor Davis Hanson is a fine historian and clever analyst of geopolitics. I don’t, however, agree with his characterisation of Zelensky’s regime as the valiant defender of liberty.

But even Hanson can see the writing on the wall for Ukraine. He now seems to be moving towards a diplomatic solution – which should have been obvious from the start.Nevertheless, it is an interesting article which some on this blog may agree with.

The Ukrainian Verdun
July 28, 2022
Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

Five months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the war is now reduced to one of attrition. The current dirty, grinding slog is fought mostly with artillery and rockets. Everything from Ukraineโ€™s shopping centers to apartment buildingsโ€”and the civilians in themโ€”are Russian targets.

Most outsiders have already forgotten the heroic Ukrainian winter repulse of the botched Russian shock-and-awe effort to sweep into Kyiv, decapitate the government, and declare the eastern half of the country a Russian protectorate within mere days.

Months later, the long war devolves further into a contest of mass and weightโ€”tons of explosives blowing up pathways for massed troops grabbing a few more charred miles of ruined landscape.

Vladimir Putin bets he can throw in more men and more shells than Ukraine and its Western suppliers can match. He is quite willing to โ€œwinโ€ by laying waste to eastern Ukraine even if it means losing three Russian soldiers for every Ukrainian.

When war becomes such gridlocked carnage, each side looks to new game-changing diplomacy, strategies, allies, or weapons to break the deadlock.

For Putin, such escalation means more flesh, steel, and explosives. His country is 28 times bigger than Ukraine, and over three times more populous, with an economy 15 times larger.

As for Putinโ€™s financial reserves, the Western oil boycott means increasingly little to him when 40 percent of the planetโ€™s population in India and China are eager to secure near-limitless Russian energy.

Another 750 million people in Europe once talked tough. But as a second winter nears, their gas and oil imports from Russia will further wither. Then their Churchillian rhetoric may chill.

So, the Ukrainian war increasingly will depend on endless U.S. aid and escalation.

To stop the Russian steamroller, Ukraine demands sophisticated American missiles to sink Russiaโ€™s Black Sea Fleet. Kyiv requests shipments of U.S. jet fighters to knock down Putinโ€™s missiles and planes.

It asks for more rockets and artillery to ensure tit-for-tat retaliation for every incoming Russian shell and bomb. Kyiv negotiates for more Western intelligence to take out more Russian generals and more lift capacity to stage airborne raids into Mother Russia itself.

We in the West abhor Putinโ€™s war as senseless carnage, the last mad act of a vainglorious and delusional dictator.

Yet Putin trusts that future Russian generations will come to appreciate his grinding effort as the brutal restoration work of Vladimir the Great. When the wreckage is forgotten, Putin is convinced he will be viewed as the worldโ€™s most successful irredentistโ€”one who had already battered Georgia, Ossetia, Chechnya, Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine back into the reborn Russian empire.

If Putin can smash Ukraine into submission, the former jewel in the Russian imperial crown, then he thinks he can eventually swallow all the remaining former Soviet republics that are far less formidable than Ukraine.

The United States is nearing a gut-check decision. There are plenty of dangerous firsts in radically upping our role with Ukraine. No one quite knows the post-Cold War rules of engagement when one nuclear power openly fights the surrogate of another.

In the old days of the Soviet Union and a backward Maoist China, conventional American triangulation ensured that neither nuclear power grew closer to each other than to us.

After Ukraine, both nuclear powers are de facto allies, ganging up on a common American enemy. As global inflation spikes, recession looms, and oil prices soar, some of our sworn and de facto allies, including India and Turkey, prefer Russian oil to Western sermons.

The heroic Ukrainian resistance may have brought European NATO states and the United States closer. But oddly, Ukraineโ€™s supporters seemed to have soured the rest of the world on Western economic boycotts and sanctionsโ€”and the torpid leadership of Joe Biden and his European counterparts.

In the West, there are dissident rumblings of a possible plebiscite to adjudicate the Russian-speaking Ukrainian borderlandsโ€”with possible guarantees of an Austria-like, non-NATO neutrality for Ukraine.

But such compromise talk earns charges of appeasement from Western zealots. Apparently, American moralists intend to fight for the principle of the sanctity of national borders to the last Ukrainian.

Vastly upping aid to Ukraine has become the cause cรฉlรจbre of the West. But few have fully explained the ensuing costs and dangers of escalation to the American people. The United States appears to be heading into a stagflationary recession following the loss of deterrence from the Afghanistan catastrophe, and with restive renegades like Iran and North Korea joining the Beijing-Moscow nuclear axis.

For now, no one knows whether greater American escalation would tip the balance for an allied democratic victory, and a repeat of our savior role in the two World Wars. Or will the proxy war suck the United States into a Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan-like quagmire?

Worse: will our intervention trump even the brinkmanship of the Cuban Missile Crisisโ€”with the nuclear standoff nightmarishly unpredictable?

August 3, 2022 3:03 pm

I am hoping for KARIZONA.

If she wins, don’t get too hopeful about her agenda.
Just be happy that the McCain shit stain will be out of play in AZ for a cycle.

August 3, 2022 3:05 pm

My late FIL went to a Real Estate conference in Taiwan in the 80’s. Came away most impressed. Went on a tour in the sticks. Small holdings, each supporting about 50 people of the same family. Everything was grown, including livestock for family consumption with a precision engineering facility making widgets that they worked at, or an electronic goods manufacturer. All high end stuff.

August 3, 2022 3:07 pm

How much more US hardware can Taiwan buy from Pelosi’s biggest donors?

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
August 3, 2022 3:11 pm


The factories are closing. Western investors are pulling out & expats leaving.
Theyโ€™re finding post-covid China too difficult to do business in.

But are the coming back to our countries?
Seeing that the root cause of them leaving – punitive legislation – isn’t being addressed, I’d suggest not.
Put it this way. If I was closing down my doohickey making company in China, would I rebuild in Australia?
Of course not.

August 3, 2022 3:12 pm

Locally, Canberra is the first jurisdiction in Australia to mandate that all new cars must be electric, by 2035.

Because nothing says “this is the best option for people to choose as transport” like mandates.

But BHP wont rock the boat, iron ore at
IRON ORECommodity $113.36 per ton
or nickel at
NICKELCommodity $22,799.00?

Winston Smith
August 3, 2022 3:12 pm


The factories are closing. Western investors are pulling out & expats leaving.
Theyโ€™re finding post-covid China too difficult to do business in.

But are the coming back to our countries?
Seeing that the root cause of them leaving โ€“ punitive legislation โ€“ isnโ€™t being addressed, Iโ€™d suggest not.
Put it this way. If I was closing down my doohickey making company in China, would I rebuild in Australia?
Of course not.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 3, 2022 3:12 pm

All of the ALP members are parroting the phrase “nine long wasted years” as if they were US MSM anchors singing in unison.

August 3, 2022 3:13 pm

Facial recognition for banking online is now accepted in Norway. Similar process occurring in Sweden. Is resistance to this form of surveillance in the West a lost cause?

August 3, 2022 3:14 pm

And a totalitarian government that can lock you up pronto.

Many can attest to this in Victoria.

August 3, 2022 3:18 pm

If I was closing down my doohickey making company in China, would I rebuild in Australia?

No, youโ€™d be moving it to Thailand, Vietnam or the Philippines.

To much Government and Union in Australia.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 3:27 pm

Well, i don’t intend to bore anyone with the myriad arguments against THE VOICE but let me just say this, reprising Jed Clampet’s famous words on ‘revenuers’ ie government agents. If Marcia Langton is in favour of it, I guess I’m mostly agin it.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 3:29 pm

“nine long wasted years”

Actually, Labor’s right, it was nine long wasted years. The Liberals, beginning with Abbott, then Turdbull and finally Scumbag, wasted and squandered opportunity after opportunity. Remember that stopping the boats and getting rid of the carbon and mining taxes happened in the first year under Abbott…and what happened after? Very little but an awful lot of cowardice and capitulation. The Liberals did nothing to fight the climate change scam, they did nothing to about education, they did nothing about their ABC, they did nothing about free speech, they sided with the left to gang up on their own and they did nothing about the religious freedom bill until the eleventh hour when it was sure to fail and the coup de grace? Agreeing to the utter absurdity that is net zero emissions. That was the final nail in the coffin. This Labor government is going to be a disaster, actually it already is with the nonsense that is the “Voice” but the Liberals have contributed to this. I despise them.

August 3, 2022 3:31 pm

Hear hear Cassie.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 3:39 pm

Just today we have the latest in a long string of op-ed pieces in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph by a cavalcade of well paid CEOs etc from government funded lobby groups. Now the St Vincent de Paul Society is blessed with an almighty (or should that be Almighty) amount of community good will, IMHO. Today the good gentleman argued for higher pay for aged care workers and vouchsafed the opinion that they were underpaid. This echoed a column from some bigwig at Woolworths, the retail giant, who lectured the readers of the above publication that he believed his workers should be paid more. Now I hate to break the news to you guys, but you are perfectly at liberty to raise the wages of your employees if you see fit.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 3, 2022 3:39 pm

If you thought those years were wasted, and Cassie makes a good case, hold onto your hats while the ALP and associated Teals and Greens finish us off.
The libs are white-anted almost completely, but I always reserve the largest chunk of blame for Da Media, which is 80% left, fails to keep any of the bastards honest, and facilitates ruination via their boosting of climate change and all that flows from it, siding with eco-activism which won’t rest until it has destroyed Mining and Agriculture, whereupon we can all say we’re stuffed.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 3, 2022 3:42 pm

Has Kieran Gilbert ever met a Labor politician he wanted to ask hard questions?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 3, 2022 3:48 pm

Rather annoying the way they let all of the school kids out at once.

They should do it in stages.

Say, at 3:00, just their heads…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 3, 2022 3:49 pm

Has Kieran Gilbert ever met a Labor politician he wanted to ask hard questions?

I would have thought hard questions would be the last thing you would ask someone you were flirting with.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 3:59 pm

Remember the hope we had in September 2013? That hope evaporated very quickly. I’ll know next time not to have any hope when and if (and it’s a big if) the Liberals are ever elected again federally. In almost every state they’re now a party of permanent opposition. Maybe I’m just being maudlin.

Professor James Allan has written more than once that he wished Labor had won in 2016. I agree, the Liberals under Turdbull choked back in in July 2016, thanks to the Nationals. It would have been better if the Liberals had lost.

August 3, 2022 4:04 pm

This Labor government is going to be a disaster, actually it already is with the nonsense that is the โ€œVoiceโ€ but the Liberals have contributed to this. I despise them.

The failure of the Libs to challenge 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act was “the beginning of the end” for me. Gutless mob who forgot the very principles of free speech on which our democracy once rested.

August 3, 2022 4:08 pm

This Labor government is going to be a disaster, actually it already is with the nonsense that is the โ€œVoiceโ€ but the Liberals have contributed to this. I despise them.

Cassie or anyone else think this would get through on a referendum? I’ve understood it was going to ref.

August 3, 2022 4:09 pm


It’s unstable. Sometimes it works well and other times not so much.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 4:11 pm

August 3, 2022 at 4:08 pm
This Labor government is going to be a disaster, actually it already is with the nonsense that is the โ€œVoiceโ€ but the Liberals have contributed to this. I despise them.

Cassie or anyone else think this would get through on a referendum? Iโ€™ve understood it was going to ref.”

JC, I’m hoping and praying that the result will be an overwhelming NO but I’m worried.

August 3, 2022 4:13 pm

I always reserve the largest chunk of blame for Da Media, which is 80% left…

You idiot, Anchor What.

I conservatively estimate that 95% of the Australia media vote Labor (60%) or Greens (35%).

And no more than 1% of Australian journalists would ever publicly admit to voting for right-wing independents or the Stupid Fucking Liberals.

You’re way off the mark.

August 3, 2022 4:13 pm

Cassie or anyone else think this would get through on a referendum? Iโ€™ve understood it was going to ref.

I think the signs are if the referendum looks like being a fizzer Elbow and the gang-greens will seek to mollify the long nose/centrelink tribe by putting in place pretty well everything else anyway.

So a “truth” commission which will consist of a very “Pascoe’ history.
Some form of self governance paid for by lashings of OPM.
And finally some form of never ending funding free from accountability beyond the fat blokes sitting at the table. (the ATSIC model)

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 3, 2022 4:13 pm

Has Kieran Gilbert ever met a Labor politician he wanted to ask hard questions?

Most jโ€™ismists see their job as an audition tape for the ALPBC. Exhibit A – Andwew Pwobyn. Exhibit B – Australiaโ€™s Most Politically Astute Pumpkin Masher (retโ€™d).

August 3, 2022 4:14 pm


The factories are closing. Western investors are pulling out & expats leaving.
Theyโ€™re finding post-covid China too difficult to do business in.

But are the coming back to our countries?

Unlikely in most cases, but the context for my observation was the need for the West to cease propping up China economically.

Those Western companies pulling out of China will go where the price of labour is competitive and the political regime is stable and open to foreign business investment.

August 3, 2022 4:18 pm


Has there been any early polling?

August 3, 2022 4:20 pm

Maoโ€™s lunatics having destroyed almost all of Chinese traditional culture on the mainland.
you can get a good idea of what they will do to us by looking at what they are doing to the uighurs

โ€˜Weโ€™ are doing a pretty good job of self destruction.
By the time the Chinese turn up it will be a rerun of Cook in 1770.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 4:21 pm

“Has there been any early polling?”

I don’t think so, but it’ll be the same tactics as used in the SSM debate…except this one will be on steroids and people who oppose the “Voice” will be smeared as waaaacists.

August 3, 2022 4:22 pm


Those things are all worrying, sure, but they can be undone and even the threat of them potentially being undone would have a tempering effect. The thing that worries me would be if the ref got through. Then we’re fucked I think.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 4:25 pm

So a โ€œtruthโ€ commission which will consist of a very โ€œPascoeโ€™ history.

I’m going back to the inquiry into the “Stolen Generation” in Western Australia – the Aboriginal Legal Service demanded the right to vet the list of witnesses, and any of the former mounted police officers, station owners or former Native Welfare Officers who might deviate from the official line, weren’t called to give evidence.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 3, 2022 4:26 pm

BOM tomorrow predicting gloom and doom for Canberra – 60-100 mm of rain.

Have taken a screenshot as evidence. If they are way off then what’s the point of paying them?

August 3, 2022 4:27 pm

This is unbelievable. Our own version of a drag queen and corrupt to the core with it. Just who we need to influence young minds.

Zelenskiy to address Australian students

August 3, 2022 4:27 pm

Ed Husic flagging “hard action” to “reform” QLD gas exporters, claiming they have neglected their social license.

So, government threatening to step in with a heavy legislative hand to remedy a situation largely of its making when it first established the ground rules for the export industry (equal blame to go around between Labor & the Libs here).

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 4:30 pm

August 3, 2022 at 4:21 pm”

Agree DB.

August 3, 2022 4:32 pm

The issue of having a percentage of gas extracted reserved for the domestic market has been discussed for the last 40 years.
Maybe when governments sold the permits they should have had that proviso built into the contracts.
This isn’t on the gas exporters.
It’s on the governments who sold the permits.

August 3, 2022 4:35 pm

I donโ€™t think so, but itโ€™ll be the same tactics as used in the SSM debateโ€ฆexcept this one will be on steroids and people who oppose the โ€œVoiceโ€ will be smeared as waaaacists.

I’m not sure it will get through. The gay marriage thing was a plebiscite and not a ref. Sure, it’s semantics but both parties supported that abortion and the initiative actually came from the libs. I don’t believe the libs would support the Voice from Coconut Head. Don’t you need 75% of the vote to get a ref through? Whatever the add, I recall it’s hard to get refs though as it’s some sort of super majority. I suspect the gay marriage proposal was structured as a plebiscite in order to get though on simple majority.

August 3, 2022 4:38 pm


August 3, 2022 4:38 pm

PS totally agree with your comments Roger.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 4:41 pm

Insights from Quadrant
Major ABC blooper:
Truth gets an airing

There is the owner of a tin ear at the ABC who might well be facing a spell in the naughty corner. How could it ever have been allowed to be broadcast, this item from the Tuesday morning edition of AM? Did someone not get the memo about the national broadcasterโ€™s complete, utter and unqualified support for the Voice? Amongst other ABC favours for the โ€˜Yesโ€™ cause, including a refusal to let โ€˜Noโ€™ proponents anywhere near a taxpayer-funded microphone, there is Anthony Albaneseโ€™s weekend address at the Garma Festival to serve as an editorial guide. The Prime Minister, needless to say, laid the blame for the many and various Aboriginal miseries at the feet of white society.

โ€ฆThis torment of powerlessness. A life expectancy gap of 20 years. Some of the worst incarceration rates in the world. A burden of disease beyond imagining for white Australiansโ€ฆ

The PM was in full rhetorical flight by the time he reached that point in the address, having informed his audience that indigenous Australians โ€œhave been given every reason to forsake their hopeโ€ in โ€œAustralian decency and Australian fairness.โ€

Which is why the timing of the Tuesday AM item was so unfortunate. Amid all the finger-pointing at white Australia, here was a report from Warmun, a remote community in Western Australia formerly known as Turkey Creek, where a nurse was forced to flee the town after being made the target of harassment up to and including the stoning of her residence. The shame of the ABC for putting that item to air at a moment when it is white culpability, not the dysfunctional society that produced the rock-throwers, which needs to be kept front and centre in votersโ€™ minds!

To be fair to the reporter who put the problematic item together, the report wasnโ€™t entirely derelict in observing ABC standards. Throughout the piece, the words โ€˜indigenousโ€™ and โ€˜Aboriginalโ€™ arenโ€™t mentioned, not even once.

Ek roll ap die vloor!

August 3, 2022 4:42 pm

The Guardian has discovered a ‘scandal’ regarding Moira Deeming.
As if any dedicated Guardian reader would be voting for her anyhow.
As if anyone else cares.
Incidentally odd but pleasing to see liberals have replaced Bernie Finn with an another anti abortion candidate.
Moira Deeming pictured alongside Liberal colleague at anti-abortion Zoom meeting during Melbourne lockdown

August 3, 2022 4:44 pm

Roger says:
August 3, 2022 at 4:27 pm

Ed Husic flagging โ€œhard actionโ€ to โ€œreformโ€ QLD gas exporters, claiming they have neglected their social license.

So, government threatening to step in with a heavy legislative hand to remedy a situation largely of its making when it first established the ground rules for the export industry (equal blame to go around between Labor & the Libs here).

Sounds like it will turn into a thugacracy. I heard over the tv news yesterday that the Victorian State Liars are legislating property confiscation for certain crimes ranging from sex crimes to owning an unlicensed firearm. Good times

But hey, it’s the Uniparty as the libs would have done the same things as I’m told here at times. ๐Ÿ™‚

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 3, 2022 4:44 pm

A MURDER charge against a Katherine man who allegedly fatally shot an intruder to his family home near the Cutta Cutta caves in March has been dropped, a court has heard.

The ABC reported Kim Jamie Keith Kellettโ€™s lawyer, Peter Maley, told the Darwin Local Court on Wednesday the 38-year-old would instead plead guilty to reckless manslaughter when the case made its way to the Supreme Court next month.

Crown prosecutor Marty Aust told the court prosecutors would not pursue the murder charge and would accept the plea.

August 3, 2022 4:46 pm

But Elbow, you promised.

When it comes to gaia no expense should be spared.
I think that this might be one of those crimes some loon was demanding politicians be gaoled for.

Almost a Sydney Harbour’s worth of water committed to Australiaโ€™s largest river system can’t be delivered by a 2024 deadline, a new report has found, despite a promise from the now-Prime Minister his government would deliver the water.

August 3, 2022 4:49 pm

Those things are all worrying, sure, but they can be undone and even the threat of them potentially being undone would have a tempering effect.

I think the idea is to get enough in place to run a few ‘dead’ court cases (where they bring legal action before a Mordy Judge to make sure it sticks) to challenge some parts of it and cement it as all but done except in name.
Much like the Waffen SSM where everything was already in place for years and people partially voted ‘yes” to just make it go away*

*Howd that work for yas?

August 3, 2022 4:50 pm

Sounds like it will turn into a thugacracy

Yes JC.
The federal government has flagged they will rely on the ACCC to pull the trigger on the ADGSM.
Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism.

Who knows where the legislation, the regulation & the vibe all start & finish.

August 3, 2022 4:51 pm

Time for Guy to step down for the good of the party.
Bring back the other bloke, you know the one, what’shisname.
Andrews Government refers Matthew Guy to Federal Police and IBAC over ‘secret scheme to breach donation laws’

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 4:53 pm

Re: Anchor What
I think I have said it here before but there is no end-game. Look past what you think maybe the upshot of this lunacy and then look further. Population control anyone? One child policies? No cement for construction? Bark huts for all but don’t damage the trees. Tierra del Fuego here we come. Sorry, but it is hard to be optimistic while our children are being miseducated and along with all the rest of the sorry destruction around us, is what Miranda Devine describes as “a good civilisation going to waste”. One day, Pol Pot and Chairman Mao will look good compared to what we are sleep walking into.

August 3, 2022 4:54 pm

โ€˜PREPARE FOR WARโ€™ China vows to โ€˜fight to the deathโ€™ & masses tanks on beaches ahead of โ€˜D-Day style invasionโ€™ on Taiwan fuelling WW3 fear

Quite a show.

Very handy for the enemy to advertise your amphibious invasion before it happens, too.

August 3, 2022 4:54 pm

I’m a Proud Wacist Tribe Member. Vote No!

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 3, 2022 4:55 pm

Wally Dalรญsays:
August 3, 2022 at 8:06 am

Hi Wally – I really like telling that story, it is a David and Goliath tale.

August 3, 2022 5:00 pm

August 3, 2022 at 1:01 pm
From a sinophile point of view, most of the worldโ€™s pre- communist Chinese artefacts and culture exist only in Taiwan.
Maoโ€™s lunatics having destroyed almost all of Chinese traditional culture on the mainland.

This includes the language, the Taiwanese keeping the traditional complex writing characters instead of the simplified ones introduced on the mainland by Mao.

Did Mao want to convert written Chinese into a phonetic system?

Quote from The Economist (April 2009)

for all his success in overturning traditional values and institutions, the founder of modern China came up short in his desire to convert written Chinese from its character-based system to an alphabet.

Update: More similar claims again from The Economist (Jan 2017), this time with Stalin playing a role too!

Mao Zedong (who was Mao Tse-tung before pinyin, under the โ€œWade-Gilesโ€ romanisation system) wanted a radical break with old ways after 1949, when the civil war ended in mainland China. He was hardly the first to think that Chinaโ€™s beautiful, complicated and inefficient script was a hindrance to the countryโ€™s development. Lu Xun, a celebrated novelist, wrote in the early 20th century: โ€œIf we are to go on living, Chinese characters cannot.โ€

But according to Mr Zhou, speaking to the New Yorker in 2004, it was Josef Stalin in 1949 who talked Mao out of full-scale romanisation, saying that a proud China needed a truly national system.

2 Answers

The critical issue was that, for the Chinese Communist Party, the priority was the development of a Common Spoken Language nationwide, which turned out to be Mandarin based on the Peking/Beijing dialect. This then needed to be taught to those who used other dialects or other mutually unintelligible Chinese spoken languages. Classical written Chinese was unsuitable for teaching speech either to those who were literate in it or to the larger number who were not.

In 1951, Mao issued a directive on reform of the Chinese Writing System saying it should develop in the direction of a European-type alphabet. Attempts by the Chinese Writing System Reform Committee to develop a local alphabet failed and by 1957 they had settled on and promoted the Latin-based pinyin. This was endorsed by the People’s General Assembly the next year, so textbooks and newspapers started to appear. Pinyin turned out to be effective in teaching speech both to Chinese people and to foreigners, and for communications such as telegraphy, Morse code and Braille. It met some resistance as the main writing system from those already literate in written Chinese, and other efforts were put into simplifying written Chinese characters.

The Cultural Revolution (which Mao launched) from 1966 to 1976 effectively blocked any further progress. By the time it was over, Mao was dead.

So alphabetical pinyin has become an auxiliary representation rather than the primary written form of Chinese, largely because Mao had other political priorities.

20th of December, 1977 edition of People’s Daily, on the nation-wide announcement of the Second Round of Simplified Chinese Characters. The prominent quotation on the top right is as follows:

Quotations from Chairman Mao

The writing system must be reformed; we must move in the direction of a globally unified phonetic spelling system.

The movement towards a phonetic system, like the further “Simplification” of Chinese, failed to gain support among a literate population, and is now on permanent hiatus.

lots of discussion and answers

The man who helped ‘simplify’ Chinese

Students struggling to learn Chinese might not know it, but their task has been made easier because of the work of one man.

Zhou Youguang helped invent Pinyin, a writing system that turns Chinese characters into words using letters from the Roman alphabet.

This makes it easier to learn how to pronounce Chinese words, and is credited with helping raise literacy rates in China.

Despite his achievements, Mr Zhou remains largely unknown in his home country.

Perhaps that is because the 106-year-old is a defiant character, refusing to take much credit for his work or pander to the Chinese Communist Party.

He is critical of the party that governs China – and old enough not to care who is listening to what he has to say.

“What are they going to do, come and take me away?” he said in an interview with the BBC in his sparsely furnished Beijing home.

Harlequin Decline
August 3, 2022 5:01 pm

Some cartoons from a retired maths teacher. The ‘Almost Closing Time’ one is brilliant.

August 3, 2022 5:02 pm

This isnโ€™t on the gas exporters.
Itโ€™s on the governments who sold the permits.

Meanwhile, you’ve got Elbow’s great mate Andrews sitting on a fracking ban and at least one project tied up for 8 years by red tape in NSW.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 5:03 pm

I canvassed for the LibDems at a large booth in the Parramatta electorate on last election day . Got 8 first preference votes. Long way to go on this journey

August 3, 2022 5:03 pm

August 3, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Time for Guy to step down for the good of the party.
Bring back the other bloke, you know the one, whatโ€™shisname.

Andrews Government refers Matthew Guy to Federal Police and IBAC over โ€˜secret scheme to breach donation lawsโ€™

Andrews Government Pot Kettle Black

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 5:10 pm

People need long memories to understand what is going on here. The companies exploring for gas need to raise finance and have forward contracts. Australian domestic suppliers declined to sign forward contracts. The output was mostly contracted prior to production commencement. We didn’t buy in and we don’t get.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 5:15 pm

Wiser heads than mine might assist. Indonesia, seemingly, has no objection to US nuclear submarines patrolling its borders to the north but draw the line at AUS having them?

August 3, 2022 5:20 pm

Andrews Government refers Matthew Guy to Federal Police and IBAC over โ€˜secret scheme to breach donation lawsโ€™

As oppose to ones that actually breach laws, but are retrospectively ok…
The police decision to arrest Labor Party campaigners in the lead-up to the 2018 election was a mistake, which helped spin a perception that wrongdoing in the so-called red shirts affair had gone unpunished, Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.

Glass said on Thursday there was no justification to use more public resources investigating the red shirts affair, but such scandals would be repeated until genuine reforms were made in Victoria to strengthen integrity.
The ombudsman has handed down her second investigation into the scandal, which she described as an โ€œartificeโ€ in which Labor misused almost $400,000 of public money for campaign purposes.

The red shirts scandal refers to a scheme used in the 2014 election when campaign organisers were employed as casual electorate officers. The staff, who wore red Labor T-shirts, spent most of their working hours campaigning in marginal seats in a misuse of parliamentโ€™s budget.

In her initial report tabled in March 2018, Glass said the scheme was wrong, finding 21 MPs had breached parliamentโ€™s membersโ€™ guide. Labor repaid more than $387,000 as a result.

But the ombudsman said at the time there was no evidence the conduct met the criminal threshold of corruption, and on Thursday said no new evidence had come to light to change that or justify using more public resources.
Premier Daniel Andrews, who has acknowledged that he was aware staff were engaging in campaign work when he was opposition leader, was not one of the 23 MPs connected to the red shirts scandal. Glass found no evidence he had been aware the scheme was an artifice or had played any role facilitating it, despite unsupported claims by Somyurek.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 5:28 pm

August 3, 2022 at 4:22 pm

Those things are all worrying, sure, but they can be undone and even the threat of them potentially being undone would have a tempering effect. The thing that worries me would be if the ref got through. Then weโ€™re fucked I think.

When the corruption and nepotism become too grotesque to ignore, the Liars and the Lieborals will join together to abolish it, as they did with ATSIC. Even the referendum question proposed by AnAl has so little detail, that reducing the “Voice” to a single, sane, hand-picked person (Jacinta P?) could be achieved.

August 3, 2022 5:32 pm

Patrick Kelly @ 5:10pm


August 3, 2022 5:52 pm

โ€œLiberty is traditional and conservative; it remembers its legends and its heroes. But tyranny is always young and seemingly innocent, and asks us to forget the past.โ€โ€” G.K. Chesterton

Forget all the previous apologies and commissions and billions poured into agencies and services.

The Voice will fix things for sure.

August 3, 2022 5:54 pm

Iirc someone from the NT was ticked that Jacinta Price got on the ticket.
She’s already demonstrating it’s a good decision.
She’s getting coverage.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 5:58 pm

@ Boambee John 5:28
I fear you are far too optimistic. Once in place, any such body will make representations to Government. OK we understand that. If the government fails to accept said representation, all hell will break loose. The body will claim it is being ignored. If said government tries to use its proposed constitutional powers to re-constitute the said VOICE, and even greater furore would result. I can’t see anything but pain coming out of this. The end result will be that representations or recommendations or whatever you want to call them will be impossible to turn down. Also, all legislation passed by the government affects all citizens including self identified aborigines. At what point would the VOICE be limited as to its representations. Foreign Affairs, Defence, Taxation Law, Corporate Affairs, Treasury, or any other area where the government may see fit to legislate will all be grist to this mill.

August 3, 2022 6:05 pm

Masters Wins GOP Senate Primary in Arizona

Trump-backed Blake Masters won Arizona’s GOP Senate primary, AP projects. Peter Thiel, his former boss, spent millions of dollars in support of him.

Libertarians rejoice.
The most important primary result in the US went the right way.

August 3, 2022 6:07 pm

PS Trump was very late to endorse Masters.
Masters had already broken from the pack before the endorsement came.
Demonstrates the uneasiness between the Thiel & Trump camps.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 6:08 pm

The Voice will fix things for sure.

How will any “Voice” be chosen?

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 3, 2022 6:08 pm

I canvassed for the LibDems at a large booth in the Parramatta electorate on last election day . Got 8 first preference votes. Long way to go on this journey

The Lib Dems need a Farage type figure. David Leyonhjelm isnโ€™t that person.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 3, 2022 6:11 pm

Birmingham has wasted no time in stepping into Chrissy Pyneโ€™s slippers.

August 3, 2022 6:15 pm

On the voice.

lets say its passed.

The government runs it fairly even handedly.

6 months in a scallywag takes the Government to court basing a load of ambit claims on UN conventions the government has signed up to.

Just how would the government defend against it?

And yes the government has already been mongloid enough to have signed just such a document.

To get really specific, this is one of the little poison pills in it.

Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By that right they can freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. They have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they choose to, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the state.

Lots lots more at the link.

The Declaration confirms the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination and recognizes subsistence rights and rights to lands, territories and resources.
The Declaration recognizes that indigenous peoples deprived of their means of subsistence and
development are entitled to just and fair redress.

August 3, 2022 6:19 pm

6 months in a scallywag takes the Government to court basing a load of ambit claims on UN conventions the government has signed up to.

Just how would the government defend against it?

Fortunately, such international agreements do not become domestic law unless legislated as such.

August 3, 2022 6:22 pm

The output was mostly contracted prior to production commencement. We didnโ€™t buy in and we donโ€™t get.

Spot on Patrick, I think the PNG LNG supply contracts were finalised 10 years before any gas was exported.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 6:23 pm

Patrick K

If said government tries to use its proposed constitutional powers to re-constitute the said VOICE, and even greater furore would result. I canโ€™t see anything but pain coming out of this.

Thirty years ago the same would have been said about any proposal to abolish ATSIC, but the corruption and nepotism became so grotesque that Labor and the Liberals combined to do just that, and the furore, such as it was, soon went away. The problem is the scale of waste necessary before any action will be taken.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 6:28 pm

Not sure what David is doing with the LDP at the moment. He did some good work and some of his speeches in the Senate are worth looking at. You are right about needing a charismatic and media savvy personality If such a person doesn’t arise, it doesn’t make the cause wrong. Realistically there needs to be some sort of alliance. The small parties disagree on many issues but each on its own can achieve little at this stage. Who is the saviour? Left field … Gina Reinhart

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 6:34 pm

Hollyweird is getting weirder. Spending $90 million on a movie then refusing to release it at all? In any form?

Batgirl Wonโ€™t Fly: Warner Bros. Discovery Has No Plans to Release Nearly Finished $90 Million Film. (2 Aug)

Warner Bros. Discovery will not release โ€œBatgirl,โ€ either theatrically or on HBO MAX, TheWrap has learned. The $90 million project is effectively dead. … The leaders of the studio determined ultimately, in spite of reshoots and increased budget, that the movie simply did not work, according to insiders.

That was all very interesting so I had to go dig some more to find the real reason. And this seems to be it:

One of the main reasons behind the cancellation of Batgirl came in the wake of test screenings for the film. As Warner Bros. was initially eyeing up a late-2o22 release date for the film, test screenings began as with all major releases to gauge audience reception. As per a report by the New York Post, the initial test screenings of the film received overwhelmingly poor responses from audiences. According to the report, the reaction was poor enough to make Warner Bros. cut their losses and simply cancel the movie altogether, believing that an irredeemable Batgirl film would be too damaging to the DCEU’s future.

That bad huh? Wow. So much of a stinker they thought it might damage the whole franchise? It’s amusing that when someone made a Supergirl movie it too was a famous turkey.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 6:36 pm

Less than candid here. ATSIC was not enshrined in the constitution.

August 3, 2022 6:36 pm

Fortunately, such international agreements do not become domestic law unless legislated as such.

Weve signed up to it, it allows the Judiciary to take note of these conventions to guide them in their decision making process.

I have a very low opinion of the ability of our courts to resist the siren song of millions of billable hours finding in line with that convention would unleash.

August 3, 2022 6:38 pm

Hollyweird is getting weirder. Spending $90 million on a movie then refusing to release it at all? In any form?

Ancient English wisdom:

‘Don’t throw good money after bad.’

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 3, 2022 6:41 pm

You are right about needing a charismatic and media savvy personality If such a person doesnโ€™t arise, it doesnโ€™t make the cause wrong.

Agreed. Ideas donโ€™t sell themselves. Covid suggests freedom and freedom from government isnโ€™t what many people want.

August 3, 2022 6:42 pm

Most jโ€™ismists see their job as an audition tape for the ALPBC

Another Example: David Speers. Active auditions at the moment Andrew Clennel, Annaliese Neilsen.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 6:42 pm

“The Lib Dems need a Farage type figure. David Leyonhjelm isnโ€™t that person.”

Correct. They actually don’t have a “leader”. I don’t believe it’s charisma they need, what they need is cut through and to get cut through you need a good issue to run with. I bet twenty years ago, if someone had looked at Farage and predicted that he’d be running a political party and that he’d be instrumental in getting the UK out of Europe, people would have laughed. But he did, because he believed in Brexit and because Farage, like him or loathe him, is authentic. Maybe the Lib Dems need to focus on “freedom”.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 6:44 pm

“Andrew Clennel”

Clennell is a sneering, thin-lipped mediocrity. I turn the volume down when he comes on. It was nice to see Credlin last week smack him down.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 3, 2022 6:47 pm

โ€œAndrew Clennelโ€

The journalistic equivalent of a butt plug.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 3, 2022 6:52 pm

The Lib Dems need a Farage type figure.

No Bear, the Libs need a Farage type figure. Or a Trump, or a DeSantis. I’ve just now been giggling at this awesome response from DeSantis’s press guy to an invite to go onto The View, which is notorious in a way that the word “notorious” doesn’t do sufficient justice.

Ron DeSantisโ€™ campaign responds to The Viewโ€™s gracious invite with a gracious mic drop (2 Aug)

You’ll have to open the graphic to be able to read it, but you’ll be glad you did.

Some one should send it to Matthew Guy and suggest he should do the same with the Australian media. The brain explosion when he read it would be fun to watch.

Winston Smith
August 3, 2022 6:55 pm

Old Ozzie:

This includes the language, the Taiwanese keeping the traditional complex writing characters instead of the simplified ones introduced on the mainland by Mao.

Make them speak English.
Next problem?

August 3, 2022 6:56 pm

Maybe the Lib Dems need to focus on โ€œfreedomโ€.

Donโ€™t be silly. Australian libertarians hate freedom and love big government. They would much rather peddle popular dinner party causes like legalising marijuana, which would decimate the brains of those who havenโ€™t already turned their brains into mush smoking dope.

August 3, 2022 6:56 pm

Weve signed up to it, it allows the Judiciary to take note of these conventions to guide them in their decision making process.

It’s not a convention but merely a declaration.

Something nations sign up to when they want to virtue signal.

As such it has no legal basis here unless legislated in part or whole.

August 3, 2022 7:04 pm

With all this bullshit about the Voice I thought I’d put up my account of the Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux talk in Sydney back in 2018. This was originally published in the old The Climate Sceptics blog which was closed down by one of Google’s off-shoots some time ago

I went to the Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern talk at Darling Harbour on the 28th July.

No protestors and a large, no doubt well-paid police and private security presence were in attendance.

We took in the film Farmlands first. This was a bit overwrought even though the subject deserved it but was interesting in that it showed white ghettos and camps developing plus white and black only settlements which were offered as the solution to the racial disharmony in SA.

I was a bit worried because we estimated there were only about 200 people in the large auditorium during the film. After the break however the auditorium filled up and we did a rough count of between 1900 – 2200 people. The audience was mainly young, a few weirdos with antennas sticking out of their collars but predominantly young and very interactive and supporting during the talks. Only one person was removed: a beta male who looked like Justin Beiber was thrown out; he looked very startled but my mate said he had an Antifa scarf around his scrawny neck.

Molyneux kicked off the evening. He was dynamic, one of the best speakers I’ve seen. He was unscripted and paced the stage during his talk which lasted about an hour. His theme was based on a scathing critique of aboriginal culture, an oxymoron since they lived in bands. For Molyneux aboriginal culture was a dead end based as it was and still is on certainties. It was a culture which was not only barbaric, cruel but also did not tolerate any dissent or questioning which for Molyneux is the hallmark of a great society and why Western society is the best. Molyneux raised an interesting point as to why aboriginal culture was so stagnant: it killed off its best and brightest, those who would have questioned its primitive totemism. Aboriginals did not deviate from the spiritual certainty it was based on and remained dependant on nature. Molyneux was fiercely critical with the reverence for nature which underpins modern leftism and concluded by saying the support by leftism for aboriginal culture was because of those shared qualities of certainly, intolerance and nature.

Molyneux was a hard act to follow but Miss Southern matched him. It is extraordinary that she is only 23. She is poised, intelligent and passionate. Like Molyneux, she is a fierce supporter of Western society and its Christian heritage. She based her talk on multiculturalism and how it is the agent of subverting Western society.

Most readers here will be familiar with the arguments that multiculturalism is not about diversity but division and destroying the host culture and replacing it with other cultures so enclaving and balkanisation occurs within the host society. But to hear such a charismatic figure as Miss Southern espouse these obvious aspects of the mass immigration policies being pursued in so many Western nations was invigorating. She had many examples not least her confrontation with the wallopers in Lakemba. It’s interesting that in the auditorium were about a dozen uniformed police who were nodding in agreement during her talk.

Both Molyneux and Miss Southern spoke bluntly about the media and were obvious supporters of Trump. They both spoke about the role the MSM plays in suppressing free speech.

It was a great show with both speakers urging support for Western values and for people to fight back against the elites.

As a footnote, itโ€™s interesting that most of the MSM including the pusillanimous John Laws have been castigating Lauren Southern for trying to go into Lakemba to have a look around. She was stopped because a senior policeman said her presence was likely to cause a breach of the peace. This action by the police seems to have no legal substance as described in the Police powers and Responsibilities Act NSW 2002. It is plain that any breach of peace would not be caused by Miss Southern but would be done by Muslims. This was the case in Melbourne where Miss Southern was charged $67k by Vicpol because Antifa thugs were violent. Here in Lakemba Miss Southern is being punished because Muslims are violent and opposed to free speech.

August 3, 2022 7:06 pm

They would much rather peddle popular dinner party causes like legalising marijuana, which would decimate the brains of those who havenโ€™t already turned their brains into mush smoking dope.

One wonders the cause of Lidia Thorpe’s mushy brains.

August 3, 2022 7:07 pm

Mater says:
August 3, 2022 at 6:38 am
(Not in Oz.)
Colour me surprised.
Weโ€™re so anti-gun, the 2026 Victorian Commonwealth Games has (unless something changes) excluded shooting sports from the programโ€ฆjust as Birmingham has just done.

One, if not the only, sport where women compete on a level playing field with men and quite often beat them.

August 3, 2022 7:09 pm

Maybe the Lib Dems need to focus on โ€œfreedomโ€.

I’m glad you put freedom in inverted commas, Cassie, because it needs to be defined carefully, especially when a political party is making it a plank in their platform.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 7:11 pm

So Albanese holds a press conference today and mocks the Coalition for their new nuclear power position, saying that “they’re obsessed about it”. You wanna know something? Albanese is right to mock the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals for being obsessed with nuclear power. Because Albanese and Labor know that the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals are desperate, totally and utterly desperate. Albanese and Labor know they are wedging the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals who are desperately trying to scramble out of a big hole of their own making and so they have latched onto the idea of nuclear power because they know that is probably the only way they will ever win another federal election. Of course, you might ask why the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals didn’t spruik the idea of nuclear power when they were in power and before May’s election. But that would take courage and courage is not something we see in the stupid fucking Liberal and National parties. So what has happened? Why the sudden change? Oh I know, it appears that the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals have woken up after their election drubbing to the world’s biggest hangover, knowing the reality that last year, under Scumbag the Shoddy Salesman, they sold their souls to the climate con when they capitulated in Glasgow to the ludicrous net zero emissions. That cowardly decision, that craven capitulation, was the biggest policy fuck up in generations by any political party, in one fell swoop the stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals destroyed any hope of reelection in May of this year and probably for many years to come.

The party’s over.

Delta A
Delta A
August 3, 2022 7:14 pm

And yes the government has already been mongloid enough to have signed just such a document.

Mole, dear, you’re one of my favourite posters, but I respectfully request that you refrain from using the term ‘mongloid’ as a pejorative. Down syndrome people are typically gentle and kind (although there certainly are some explosive exceptions) and again, typically, they are a blessing in our lives.

Keep hammering the Left. Your vocab is extensive (and persuasive) enough to ram home the message.

August 3, 2022 7:14 pm

Summo and Trumble (and Howard I suspect) double crossed their base which is now their former base

August 3, 2022 7:16 pm

Wow that Leeser is a waste of space- don’t know a lot about but sounds like another Photios bot.

Winston Smith
August 3, 2022 7:22 pm

Leaked Email Shows NYC Struggling to Cope With โ€˜Drastic Influxโ€™ of Illegal Aliens Amid Border Crisis

This humanitarian crisis shows no sign of abating anytime soon regardless of how many press conferences the Mayor holds to conceal this reality.โ€
The mayor and his officials knew what was brewing on the southern border and could have taken action months ago to avert the crisis, the advocates alleged.

It just didn’t occur to the Mayor that what this administration was doing to the Southern States could also be done to him
Hopefully Texas et al will round up all their illegal aliens and bus them to New York and Washington.

August 3, 2022 7:26 pm

FMD I was on edge all day today over Arizona.
Everything ended the way it should.
Such a critical day as far as the mid terms & 2024 are concerned.

August 3, 2022 7:29 pm

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon joined ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to react to her primary win and says voters will hold Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accountable in November. #foxnews #fox #ingrahamangle

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 7:30 pm

I do like a good rant!

Delta A
Delta A
August 3, 2022 7:32 pm

I do like a good rant!

And you do it sooo well!

August 3, 2022 7:38 pm

I don’t like annelise nielsen, who appears as the US Sky correspondent on bolta. Tonight she was cock-a-hoop about the Kansas abortion vote which resulted in a big win for the abortion activists. She could barely hide her glee about how this would be positive for the demorats.

August 3, 2022 7:41 pm

Cassie, rant away, I read every word with vigorous head nodding in agreement.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 7:48 pm

Patrick Kellysays:
August 3, 2022 at 6:36 pm
Less than candid here. ATSIC was not enshrined in the constitution.

Read the words of the change that AnAl is proposing to the Constitution. It says there shall be a voice, and it will advise the government, and a couple of other platitudes. What it does not do is specify the composition of the voice and how it is to operate, all that is to be set out in legislation.

Unless more details are put into the proposed amendment, then the “Voice” could be as little as one aboriginal, attached to the PS’s Department, or an ATSIC like empire of corruption and nepotism, depending entirely on the legislation, which, like the ATSIC legislation, can be changed by Parliament.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 7:48 pm

@ Tom
I have some, maybe a lot, of sympathy for your view. The Lib Dems, with Leyonhjelm, spent far too much time spruiking social libertarianism and not enough on economic libertarianism. They need to understand that to give people the rights to wreck themselves on drugs, they need to FIRST abolish the welfare state and leave every one responsible for their own welfare. It’s a hard ask. No one will vote for it. They needed to work out whether they wanted to be a Libertarian Party or a Libertine Party. The party is currently trying to re-identify itself. We’ll see. There are some good people there.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 7:52 pm

Boambee John
Not much to argue with there, mate. So what’s the point. All a bit suss to me.

August 3, 2022 7:53 pm

FMD I was on edge all day today over Arizona.
Everything ended the way it should.
Such a critical day as far as the mid terms & 2024 are concerned.

Jack Posobiec Retweeted
Noah Benson @StellarianNoah ยท 1h
@Peoples_Pundit and @RealAmVoice had the best coverage with what โ€” maybe 5% of the resources of the dreadful Fox News? I felt way more informed watching @charliekirk11 @JackPosobiec and Rich and crew. Alternative media is the way.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 7:55 pm

or an ATSIC like empire of corruption and nepotism, depending entirely on the legislation, which, like the ATSIC legislation, can be changed by Parliament.

I’m just seeing a voice as being ATSIC MK2 – a vehicle for corruption, nepotism and activism.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 7:55 pm

PM’s Department …

August 3, 2022 7:56 pm

Another very good Covid article up at the Daily Mail with lots of useful stats. It is obviously no coincidence that the Oz mainstream media seems incapable or unwilling to come up with such articles.

Tried to cut and paste into paras but for some reason can’t.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 7:57 pm

Patrick Kellysays:
August 3, 2022 at 7:52 pm
Boambee John
Not much to argue with there, mate. So whatโ€™s the point. All a bit suss to me.

Virtue signaling, and trying to wedge the Opposition.

August 3, 2022 8:02 pm

Cohenite, I don’t like Annelise Nielsen either. She is completely useless as she spouts the American MSM line. Sky can get the same info she is peddling by tuning in to CNN or any other US network except Fox. She is a complete waste of money and time Sky, I switch channels when she is on.

The other female on Sky I can’t stand is Laura Jaye, don’t know if she is even on anymore.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 8:03 pm

Just watching Bandt at the Press Club. Does anyone know where we can get hold of Jack Reacher or Denzil Washington?

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 8:06 pm


Virtue signaling, and trying to wedge the Opposition.

Mission accomplished.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 3, 2022 8:16 pm

A quick prediction…”the Voice” as a part of the Constitution will be seen over the next six months as not viable, so Albo & Co will merely establish an ATSIC Mk 2 as an alternative.

All done internally and probably run out of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, with a billion or so to get started. Lotsa possum skin-clad people wandering around, etc etc.

if anyone criticises he’ll just blame the Liberals, and if he hates them enough by then, the Greens too.

Next cab off the rank will be the Republic.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 3, 2022 8:20 pm

Next cab off the rank will be the Republic.

Dunno. “Truth-telling, ” and a Treaty will be the next on the agenda,

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 3, 2022 8:24 pm

Re Matthew Guy’s latest.
When confronted with Dan Xi-Man summoning him to the headmaster’s office to get the strap, what does he do?
He fucking curls up in the corner bleating, “Don’t hit me. I have done naffink wrong! I will co-operate with any enquiry.”
As soon as a polly says, “I have done naffink wrong”, the public thinks, “He must have done sumfink wrong.”
The correct approach would be to go on the attack.
“It’s a total nothing-burger! My Chief of Staff got a bit enthusiastic in canvassing for donations, that is all. But, unlike red-shirts, no public money was stolen.”
Maybe throw in a … “I will not be lectured by this man on the ethics of party funding. I will not!
As for co-operation?
There is a perfect line for that.
“I will provide the customary level of co-operation in such matters.”
Say no more.
This forces journalists to speculate as to what “customary level of co-operation” means. Inevitably, they can only criticise Guy by reminding everyone that maybe this means following the ALP’s lead in the red-shirts matter by refusing to be interviewed.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
August 3, 2022 8:24 pm

Well! Nancy is there. Furthermore she can put more than a few sentient sentences together. Hat’s off Madam Speaker, whatever your other failings. Next in line, should the other two donkeys fall up the stairs.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x