quite …. shellfish and insect outer cladding contains chitin, a known allergen – we were warned about it 20 years…
quite …. shellfish and insect outer cladding contains chitin, a known allergen – we were warned about it 20 years…
Chucky, Chucky, Chucky. Give him ideas!
I haven’t seen it or many of the others.
I heard a great suggestion about how to work out where black money goes….cut off *all* agency funding and require…
Our native bush is adapted to, and dependent on, periodic burning via lightning strikes. The real problem is 1) a…
Before global warmenating was a thing…
No 3.
Tom do you ever sleep. See you at 4am hope fully.
Just missed bronze
Top 5!
Covid Vaccine Lawsuits Begin In The USA –
“NorthShore University HealthSystem in Chicago was sued by a nonprofit religious organization called Liberty Counsel. The group claims that NorthShore violated workers’ religious autonomy by dismissing religious exemptions and forcing all workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. NorthShore was in the wrong and decided to settle for $10,337,500.
Over 500 current and past employees will receive a payout, and the group will notify others of the lawsuits and give them the option to submit a claim. “NorthShore will also change its unlawful ‘no religious accommodations’ policy to make it consistent with the law, and to provide religious accommodations in every position across its numerous facilities,” Liberty Counsel stated.
Other groups will follow suit. They may have granted the pharmaceutical companies immunity, but there was a grey area for employers. Countless people lost their jobs due to the vaccine mandate, which likely was a violation of the Constitution.
Lawsuits may begin with large corporations, but if the Republicans regain control, health agencies and government officials may be investigated as well. This lawsuit is a major win for medical autonomy as companies will be less likely to comply with government mandates as they now know they could risk legal retaliation.”
Let’s hope the same thing starts to happen here in Australia and other Countries. Time for more “Push Back” IMHO.
This morning I am changing browsers from Brave to Microsoft Edge for the cartoon download at 0400 to see if it makes a difference to the rejection rate (about 40% in Brave).
It’s not a full selection, but a sample of eight, of which, on recent experience, I’d expect Dover’s website to reject two or three URLs (via Brave).
MS Edge is an older, more mature browser, which I expect to perform better than Brave, although I believe the fault is with Dover’s website and its WordPress software.
Johannes Leak. Brilliant.
Matt Margolis.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Well, that’s progress: seven (not eight as I said above at 3.55am) cartoon URLs posted without problems in MS Edge. Which indicates the fault is either with the website or the Brave browser.
Thanks Tom.
Another good read for us insomniacs.
amongst my ethnic friends, cash is king
What’s the story, morning glory?
What the Biden gang are doing can’t be explained in any other way than that it’s all going to disintegrate the America they want to change.
Meanwhile back here, coal exports are going so well the revenue will help us stave off bankruptcy, while at the same time LaborLotto rejects a planned new coal mine. They must think that (i) it curries favour with the agitprop crowd, and (ii) it’s only Clive Palmer’s latest funding move.
If the media held those in power to account (oh how we laughed) the scrutiny of earmarks/riders in every piece of legislation would be scrutinised.
During March they passed the 2700 page omnibus bill.
Now they’re passing the inflation reduction (more laughter) bill.
Seriously, they are baking in spending that will never be reversed.
I don’t know why some idiots are praising the dirty old woman, the mafia princess for he trip to Taiwan- as if any thing she did would be for the good of the US. Pelosi is dirty, evil and rotten.
I hold no brief for Alex Jones, but it’s a bit rich for a judge to lecture him about lying under oath while such breaches are a daily event at the Capitol.
It’s all an exercise in deflection and mis-direction. Don’t look at domestic problems – look over there!
Ukraine wasn’t delivering. The fact that the Taiwan card was played is ominous. Can’t be too many more up the sleeve.
When even Boob Carr is recommending nuclear power stations be built on the sites of closing coal stations, one is forced to conclude that unless the coalition grows a spine and expunges their wet left component they will indeed be the party of permanent opposition federally, just as they now appear to be in several states.
Sound familiar?
Yes that sounds right Calli. In every western nation it’s the political class at war with the people they purportedly represent. I reckon it’s been that way for decades but they’ve decided that they don’t need to pretend anymore- it’s we’re going to get you. You deserve punishment.
Calli, what’s even more ominous is that the Democrats power elites are geriatric imbeciles while their new generation are all Che wannabes whose motto is burn, loot and murder to get what you want.
Like Da Voice.
That activist jurdge has given Jones a lot of leeway for appeal.
She was doing more prosecuting than the prosecutor!
Not allowed to slay dragons.
‘Animal Cruelty’ and ‘Graphic’ Violence: University Hits Dragon-Slaying Beowulf with Trigger Warnings (5 Aug)
And if you do slay a dragon you are obviously too healthy, therefore ableist.
I noted a couple of news pieces last night about international travel at aussie airports being 80% people leaving, only maybe 20% coming to the country.
Should they start the population ponzi again, we are not going to get the best and brightest. They’ll go elsewhere. Our image is trashed.
An example here, with comments:
Morning. Nice humid overcast morning… 22 deg, low of 20 deg overnight. Going to miss this when I land at Tullamarine on Thurs night/Fri morning…
ALP really rubbing the noses of people in it with these Sri Lankan illegal immigrants. Keep it up boys along with your voice and Albo disappearing all the time. Their arrogance will be their undoing and they won’t be able to help themselves…
How did Thorpe rack up so much debt to the ATO?
Johannes Leak. Brilliant.”
Fuck me dead. I haven’t read it (Paywallian), but PVO is such a 24/7 slave to the leftard tribe:
In other words, the PVO clownshow thinks insects like Matt Kean and the white ants of the Photios Lieboral left must run harder towards oblivion on green left policies.
The November Victorian state election and the NSW election in March will show the lot of them what happens when, like Lord Turnbull, they join the wrong party and decimate it with green-left lunacy, pissing off the party base who run for the exits via the nearest non-leftard independent.
Once the rube in me sees how the magic trick is done, you can never unsee it.
And then you realise how childish it all is. We get all het up about this and that, and play along. It’s just a more sophisticated version of tribal war.
FTB, I thought of that too. I think Thorpe was hinting that it was actually her ex-husband’s debts she was saddled with. I thought in at divorce everything is split, even debts and taxes. If she ended up owing quarter of a million in debts and $50k in back taxes how much was the whole lot?
Hi Dover, today is the first day in almost two weeks that I haven’t had any problems opening the main page here and accessing comments on the side bar. When I press on the sidebar with the last comment posted, it actually took me to the comment. Everything seems to be working smoothly.
You do realise Carr was trying to be satirical? It is obvious he was (in his mind) sooling elements of the coalition on, sort of like Brer Rabbit asking to do anything but throw him into the briar patch.
And from the ALP’s perspective, absolutely correct. The politics of nuclear energy is that an anti nuclear campaign only needs to scare witless a few hundred Helen Lovejoys in two or three marginal electorates to ensure ALP victory, and as an incidental effect kill off nukes as a possibility in this country altogether.
Ahaha! I see Tom is thinking along tribal lines as well.
Of course. How else will they and their hangers-on enrich themselves at the expense of the increasingly hard-up? The worse things get, the more frenzied will be the rush.
Bipartisan policy or forget it.
Of course PVO blames the Liberal voters, those Neanderthal conservatives, for the Teals. I bet he goes to the same dinner parties as Kean, Turnbull and his entourage where they all agree that what’s needed is more moderation.
Entropy, Helen Lovejoys may find brownouts blackouts rather trying in their power hungry Harbourside mansions. A summer or a winter of those may make them reconsider.
Thorpe claims she was a victim of DV and hints the debt was her ex husband’s.
I’m surprised a strong blak woman wasn’t actively involved in whatever business venture it was.
As for news cycles, I’m not seeing anything new or unusual.
Newspapers are always chasing the next big story, I’m sure most people expect there will be both domestic and international events happening, all the time.
“ALP really rubbing the noses of people in it with these Sri Lankan illegal immigrants. Keep it up boys along with your voice and Albo disappearing all the time. Their arrogance will be their undoing and they won’t be able to help themselves…”
I hope so, yesterday I had a very nice lunch with a very wealthy progressive Guardian reader (of course, such a combination is a perfect recipe for hypocrisy), who I’m very fond of but this very wealthy progressive Guardian reader loves to taunt me about politics and whilst I generally ignore the bait, yesterday the very progressive Guardian reader was waxing lyrical about “Albo” and our conversation went as follows..
Progressive Guardian reader: “Albo is doing so well and speaking so well, considering he has a speech impediment, did you know that?”.
Me: “Yes, his articulation has improved”.
Progressive Guardian reader: “Peter Dutton is unelectable and looks like a thug hitman”.
Me: “No, Peter Dutton is not unelectable, people said the same about Albanese two and three years ago, here’s some advice, you should never say never in politics as political cycles turn very quickly. Oh and why are you focusing on what someone looks like and making negative comments about someone’s appearance? That’s mean and unkind, not very “progressive” is it? Oh and here’s a word of warning, those that the progressive left and their media outlets such as The Guardian love to hate, smear and ridicule can end up becoming very popular with the Australian people.”
Progressive Guardian reader: “Yeah you’re right”.
Me: “Yeah I am right”.
“In 2013, Thorpe was declared bankrupt, with over A$700,000 in debts, including monies owed to Indigenous Business Australia, and A$55,000 owed to the Australian Taxation Office.”
“The documents showed more than $611,000 in secured debts and mortgages, including with Indigenous Business Australia.
There was also almost $100,000 owed to unsecured creditors — $55,277 to the Australian Taxation Office, about $38,500 in business loans and almost $3700 in unpaid rates, utilities and childcare.”
a glazing business in Gippsland
August 5, 2022 at 11:43 pm
Strong jobs number.
Seems too strong.
Pity about the participation rate.
Don’t mention the last to Homer P over at CL’s, Homer is convinced that the participation rate has no effect on the unemployment rate. He gets quite agitated if told that it does.
The west has been bankrupt for decades – neither side of politics cares about debt anymore, the only end to this is collapse and start again. Hopefully, after that, diligence, productivity and prudence again become the assets they truly are, and dependence and failure cease to be desirable ‘virtues’
It’s August, which is when pollies like to go on holiday, especially to places like Paris.
So there’s not much news as newsmakers are otherwise engaged.
They should go on holiday more often.
Quite. The same old grist for the mill.
Journalism 101.
there was also an events business in Lakes Entrance
Sorry on Thorpe I don’t believe a thing this woman says. Judges are usually very sympathetic to DV victims.
On the other hand I didn’t think bankrupts could sit in Parliament?
Neither are true measures of the state of dependency in society. Given the growth of the welfare state and the inability of fiat currency to store wealth into the future (by my ‘Pine Lime Splice metric, the AUD has lost 95% of its purchasing power since the 70s – 17c then, $3.50 now) its a reasonably correct to say no one has sufficient savings to fund themselves when not working. Hence if you are not currently working, you are living off those who are.
This means that the *employment rate*, not the *unemployment rate* is what matters, and that is in the 60% range.
August 5, 2022 at 10:27 pm
OK Cats, I’m going to get all controversial.
Fatty Trump needs to stand down for the next election.
This bizarre US Gerontrocracy needs to be brought to a long overdue end.
If the DeSantis runs for the presidency, it will be all over bar the election shenanigans.
Why not if Republicans take House in November 2022?
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
At the House’s pleasure; elected at the beginning of the new Congress by a majority of the representatives-elect, and upon a vacancy during a Congress. The Constitution does not require the speaker to be an incumbent member of the House of Representatives, although every speaker thus far has been.
Wow rosie she has all the morals of an ally cat. Taxpayers well that’s one thing but local businesses that’s another. My parents lived in Gippsland near Sale for a spell, everyone knows everyone. Wonder what her street cred is like now? Perhaps that’s why she is in Melbourne.
This is also the woman that slut shamed another in Parliament despite being a single mum at 17 herself. Holly Hughes should have called her out.
The more I see of this woman the more I despise. However till the Voice referendum is over she needs to stay where she is, people like her will lose the vote on her actions alone…
This means that the *employment rate*, not the *unemployment rate* is what matters, and that is in the 60% range.
By “employment” rate, do you mean the participation rate in the workforce?
Used to have a journalist relative, teased him about how often dog bites were on the news calendar. You know this week we need stories about dog bites. He wasn’t amused.
Daily newspapers have dozens of articles and I believe some people still read them cover to cover but now I only read a couple of articles here and there. I’m not convinced of a distraction agenda, the msm might control what they decide to report on,but that’s isn’t news, but they don’t control world events.
Thorpe was discharged from her bankruptcy eight months before her Northcote by-election win.
It would be interesting to read the bankruptcy documents.
It’s not even clear that it was the glazing business that fell over.
Did the ex husband become bankrupt too?
Many questions.
Of course not. But selective reporting has the power to control thinking and attitudes. And when that reporting becomes partisan it is almost indistinguishable from propaganda.
We know where that leads, and it is nothing new.
Shorter PVO: If you don’t vote for people like me, you’ll get more people like me!
a Canberra times article on Thorpe’s troubles.
Guardian reader was waxing lyrical about “Albo”
Leftists are a cult members. Waxing the lyrical about Kevin, Julia, Albo….
If you can wax the lyrical about any politician, you’re mentally unwell.
Wayne Root’s story is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain if the vaccines are safe
For younger people the msm is whatever appears in their Facebook, Instagram, TIK tok feed. My kids (35 yo) read no newspapers and watch little/no realtime tv and get all of their news either through social media or word of mouth.
Reporting has always been selective and newspapers have been partisan forever, as are their readers.
That’s why some Victorians read the Age, some prefer the Australian, some the Herald Sun, some used to read ‘The Truth’
I prefer what when who etc and drawing my own conclusions.
My father used to complain about Labor teachers and newspaper bias in the 1970s when some of my so aware expensive private school friends were wearing no nukes tshirts on the weekend. Others were constantly wringing hands about apartheid and Vietnam.
Now it’s climate changy.
It might be more intense but it’s not new.
The Harbour Festival is an annual celebration of Bristol’s maritime heritage and the importance of its docks and harbour. The event includes live music, street performances, fireworks and a variety of other live entertainment.
‘Issues’ with festival, according to report by council dominated by Labour and Greens
Too ‘white and middle class’
Features ‘invisible barriers to members of the global majority’
Predecessor celebrated ‘predominantly white boating community’
Perceived as a ‘white English festival’
‘Over-consumption of alcohol’
‘Commercial approach to food’.
If the FBI is investigating violent extremists and domestic terrorists, why doesn’t it investigate the CIA?
Ask him about Adam Tooze’s Wages of Destruction.
Fucking idiot.
I did not know about Alex Jones claiming Sandy Hook was staged gun control theatre.
What a goose.
For the Fall 2022 semester, the history department at the University of Kansasis offering Angry White Male Studies as a course that will explore the “prominent figure” that is “the angry white male.”
“This course charts the rise of the ‘angry white male’ in America and Britain since the 1950s, exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger,” the course description reads.
“Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements
Dr Duk
Look up Shadow Stats.
Thorpe is an nauseating, unpleasant, ranting raving adolescent, an unsavoury female Peter Pan. This is someone who’s fallen out with her father (who happens to be white) and has called him unsavoury names, Blot had him on his programme either last year or the year before. This says everything you need to know about Thorpe’s character. She’s parked her car on the indigenous “victim” gravy train, and why shouldn’t she? It’s a good wicket. We’ve had successive Labor and Coalition governments who’ve thrown money at this industry and so “Indigenous” men and women like Thorpe climb aboard the train and can have lots of fun, particularly when it comes to smearing and ridiculing other Australians. I remember her vicious comment last year about Eddy McGuire, sneering about his “white tears”. Like she does with a lot of other things, Thorpe had appropriated that comment from some BLM activist in the USA. As for the nasty “white tears” comment, I’d never noticed that our tears are “coloured”, so the next time I cried, something thankfully I don’t do very often but I did after my operation last December and so, I checked the colour of my tears and I can assure everyone that tears have no colour.
However it isn’t Thorpe who bothers me, I find her clownish and embarrassing. It’s the likes of Bandt and Faruqi who are much, much more dangerous. And you want to what’s really problematic? That is that people, mostly young people and mostly very well off young people, vote for these dangerous Marxist lunatics.
Exactly Diogenes, like us they control what they see by what they subscribe to on social media.
A couple of my children, children in law work or have worked in the oil and gas industry.
A couple of them are anti-woke, a couple lean progressive but none of them subscribe to the notion of a climate emergency.
UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 Vaccines are at least a shocking 7,402% deadlier than all other Vaccines combined
I also want to know how having delusional beliefs are defamatory. Defaming the anonymous? Surely they’re not in it solely for the money?
If it is delusional, then a reasonable person wouldn’t believe it.
Five Months’ worth of Official Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines destroy the Immune System and cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
The FBI has sounded the alarm about white supremacists and far-right extremists, but the bureau’s own Top 10 “most wanted domestic terrorists” list includes at least two Communists, three black nationalists, one anti-war activist, and a vegan eco-terrorist
August 6, 2022 at 8:49 am
msm might control what they decide to report on,but that’s isn’t news, but they don’t control world events.
For younger people the msm is whatever appears in their Facebook, Instagram, TIK tok feed. My kids (35 yo) read no newspapers and watch little/no realtime tv and get all of their news either through social media or word of mouth.
I hope that you have introduced them to the world of NewCat and CL.
Indigenous Glaziers.
That wasn’t in Gammage!
They were only humble road builders and permaculturists.
Archbishop launches book on medical ethics
Bioethical concerns are front and centre, with Archbishop Anthony Fisher launching a new book on the right to conscientiously object a mere day after the founder of Victoria’s “Reason Party”, Fiona Patten, announced she would introduce a bill to target Catholic hospitals who refuse to provide abortions.
I’ve not been able to piece it together properly, but I’m going to put it out there.
From what I’m hearing, the Victorian health system is in a LOT of trouble ATM. Cascading issues are starting to accelerate in staff issues and stres related leave, etc. Finding any excuse to discharge patients to relieve pressure. Nurses quitting their occupation, etc
Not Covid related, but most definitely the inevitable consequences of the government response to Covid – possibly also to do with the wave of other chronic illnesses that were ignored during the hoax.
As I said, I’m just seeing snippets, but watch this space.
August 6, 2022 at 8:55 am
Homer is convinced that the participation rate has no effect on the unemployment rate.
Ask him about Adam Tooze’s Wages of Destruction.
Homer doesn’t react to doses of reality, or the presence of anything that contradicts his “narrative”.
Johannes Leak pays homage to the masculinity of Albo in a particularly insightful way. Bowen is from the same cloth it seems as late middle age beckons.
You are right Cassie, Thorpe is a hot mess of distractions claiming classic female weakness, a company director who didn’t have a clue while demanding she be in charge of our country.
Can’t stand Faruqi, can’t stand Bandt, Faruqi in particular, will applaud Australia’s destruction.
Nope, I mean what % of the citizens are working. If you are not working, irrespective of reason (children, OAPs, disability, unemployment, at school etc etc) and you dont have savings – someone else is paying for your life.
Charles Payne Points out Problem in Jobs Report, Peter Doocy Drives It Home to WH
The Biden team is trumpeting the new jobs report that came out on Friday indicating that there were 528,000 new jobs, which was far more than expected.
Except not so much, as Fox’s Charles Payne indicates. You can see here from the chart how the labor force participation is continuing to go down from May. So what does this all mean? Payne notes that full-time jobs are down by 71,000. What’s up are part-time jobs by 384,000 and people holding multiple jobs, up by 92,000.
So what does that mean? Labor participation is still lower than it was before the pandemic. It likely means things like retired people having to take a part-time job and other people having to take a second job to keep up with the rising prices in the crush of Bidenflation. If you’ve looked around when you’ve gone out, you may see some evidence of this — retired-age people working jobs that you might generally see teenagers working to supplement Social Security. That’s not exactly a sign of a healthy economy, no matter how the Biden people want to slice it.
The number of people holding two full-time jobs is also at a record high. That’s also not a good thing.
Payne noted how things were not going well for black Americans.
Well, if your delusional beliefs cause you to publish something defamatory, is that still not defamation?
And if the publication incites some nut-job to call you up and abuse you, then we are in the realms of actual damages.
Look, if I have just buried the shredded body of my six year old and then I am being abused as having been part of some fiction to advance gun control, is that not actionable?
Argue that the level of damages is excessive, but don’t tell me there is no case to answer.
Do you know what the proportion of private sector workers to population there is? That to me is the most shocking data point.
How to protect your self from montypox.
rather well done.
Of course it’s not new. If anything, the MSM is less influential has it has been in previous generations – that’s why it’s more shrill and insistent. What is new is that social media and teh interwebs have created multiple sources both of news, and of that which claims to be news. Zuckerberg is just another Fairfax or Murdoch.
This is both a good thing – the august journal of record here is an example – and a hilarious thing, because every notwit* with an IP address (for example, the UK mechanics’ shop site that became the Daily Expose) can market themselves as news outlets.
These nuffies can reach global audiences now. Previously, they were restricted to screeching in parks next to piles of their own faeces until they were beaten into silence.
Can you imagine the heat baking off the Net, had it been around in Industrial Revolution-Europe when there actually were children working and dying in tunnels?
Nothing new under the sun. Nothing.
*That began as a typo, but it works so was left as is.
Remember remember some time in November
Fiona Patten Andy Meddick Samantha Ratman and that Transport doofus have to go.
August 6, 2022 at 9:06 am
By “employment” rate, do you mean the participation rate in the workforce?
Nope, I mean what % of the citizens are working. If you are not working, irrespective of reason (children, OAPs, disability, unemployment, at school etc etc) and you dont have savings – someone else is paying for your life.
The full time/part time jobs argument in a place like the US is not the main game.
A job is a job.
The way they define a part time job is worthy of criticism.
2 hours a week is not a job.
But the main game is the participation rate.
What’s not getting any coverage is that it should be having step ups not step down.
For example college enrolments are down 600k year on year meaning you’d expect those to feed into the participating pool of labor.
Maybe they are, but they are being more than offset by ones dropping out.
You might have a case, but what for?
If you were anonymous before going public about it and it is absurd you may not have a case at all. Some more less used economic torts might apply here; false light, injurious falsehood (which requires some specific losses, I am thinking of white collar professionals like GPs etc – not quite analogous).
The judge is so biased she might fuck it up for them.
I spent 32 years and public and private health and can tell you the public health system is broken – nationwide – because the PUBLIC themselves are broken. Decades of faulty heath advice (contrary to the diet pyamids, fat is good, grains, seed oils and carbs kill), faulty medical practice (modern medicine never asks ‘whats the cause’, instead it asks ‘whats the medication’), fiat currency distorting the economy and preventing saving, and deliberate domestication of the population via welfare, safety culturism and the mainstream media.
Sit in a mall somewhere for an hour and look at the parade of pandas that go past you – we have broken the people, few are fit and self reliant anymore. Winter is coming….
If anything, the MSM is less influential has it has been in previous generations
KD, it’s a fork in the road.
For a portion of the population it’s more influential than ever.
Considering there are more views of Channel 9 clips on TikTok than watch the 6pm news the corporate media is pretty adaptive.
But for another portion, you are 100% spot on, they watch but view with suspicion.
Or not at all.
Im guessing a third?
Must run … off to learn how to butcher sheep … for when our wise overlords outlaw all bar bugs.
Think I posted it at the time, but about 6 weeks or so back a mate was doing a shutdown where a bloke had a red hot go at taking his arm off with an angle grinder. 000 told them to drive him to a hospital, rather than send an ambulance. Fortunately it missed both the bone, and the artery.
Wonder how many in the health system are regretting actively using ambulances etc. to campaign for Labor last time the useless liberals were in power? If it weren’t so serious for everyone I’d have no sympathy whatsoever.
‘BACK to reality’ … Catturd ™ takes Hillary Clinton and her ridiculous tweet thanking Biden for a bunch of RAD things APART point by brutal point
and sums up Hillary Clinton
In one Cartoon
About 10yrs ago a wannabe admitted to me in the front bar of our local pub that climate change was a “wealth redistribution scheme and everyone knows it”.
This person now sits in Federal Parliament and is more interested in the super package than altruism.
It’s notable that climate change religion has become a two tiered wealth redistribution system.
More broadly on an international stage, which is clearly seen.
But also on a local level with the corruption of our current cast of pollies and the slime growing off them.
Remember, the vast majority of these pricks know it’s all bullshit and yet here we are.
Indeed it is.
It’s now baked in.
From what I’m hearing, the Victorian health system is in a LOT of trouble ATM.
My guess is that the ongoing vaccine mandate for health workers is really starting to bite. Each round shaves a few more from their ranks, as they weigh up their personal adverse reaction observations, and rolling the dice yet again.
The only Victorians who should be subject to a vaccine mandates are Dan, Brett and Martin. We should confine all human trials in Victoria to these scum.
They all are. Departments of Health are untouchable, and have been for years. They are beset by untold levels of mid-range bureaucracy that soak up the astonishing budgets they are handed out. Any attempt to scale it back is political death because the now-established and militant trough-protectors go public, screeching about abandonment of the sick and dying.
The actual ED departments have been run on razor-thin margins for decades so that medical administrators can recruit mates and acquaintances as consultants and form steering committees and focus groups.
When covid became a thing, we saw the simultaneous rise to power of said bureaucrats, masquerading as ‘Chief Health Officers’ alongside pleas not to overwhelm the actual hospitals which were actually full of nurses TikTokking their way through the day.
Then the bureaucrats mandated vaccines, which resulted in thousands of nurses and other staff getting the boot or leaving. Which was okay at first, but when the crisis ended (as they all eventually do) hospitals were overwhelmed with ignored and undiagnosed medical conditions from the previous two years, and as a direct result of the lockdowns they themselves had created.
Slash and burn is the only way out, but it won’t happen.
Employing interdisciplinary perspectives
AKA: Muh feelz presented as facts.
Church says family members not included in victim laws
Published: 05 August 2022
Lawyers have argued that a deceased choirboy’s father should not be permitted to sue the Church in response to a civil damages claim lodged in the Victorian Supreme Court involving Cardinal George Pell. Source: ABC News.
We never have.
The most favoured destinations of educated Indian migrants are USA, UK & Canada. We’re down the list after Malaysia.
It’s about 52% if you include all work, even working two hours a week.
About 62% of that is full time employment.
So yes, full time private sector workers is about 1/3 (possibly less) of the population. Then you have to question who are net taxpayers.
Since at least 2018, employment growth has largely been in the public sector, save for mining.
Duk has a good point about the “pandas” seen waddling about during the work day.
Id also add in the twitchweasels, the skinny, hungry looking scaley ones an hour away from needing another fix.
Remember the uproar when the awful, awful Mr Rabbit wanted to introduce a $5 payment to see the doctors?
Nothing is as expensive as free medicine!
Its partially why workers comp is so expensive, berceuse it allows a proper stab at a moneybag to make up for all the “free” stuff elsewhere.
can you post a video, we are all in this together now
The most favoured destinations of educated Indian migrants are USA, UK & Canada. We’re down the list after Malaysia.
Not just Indians, pretty much all countries share the same approach. My wife’s father wanted to send her for overseas education in that order. He was most irritated that she wanted to waste his money on an Australian education.
How To Prevent Monkeypox (PSA)
Australia is the untouchable of migrant visa destinations.
can you post a video, we are all in this together now
I hope you will be doing this old school, knife only! .22’s cost way to much and who wants the brains scramble before they hit the pan!
We get the ones the West rejects.
Here is my theory of at least a partial cause.
I believe we have elevated Tik-Tok nurses to the level of minor deities – “our bwave front line wukkas” – and they have been supping heavily of their own bathwater.
Any job requirement slightly above and beyond now results in Facebook photos of nurses slumped in hallways or sleeping at their desk (hair and makeup in tip-top Tik-Tok condition, though).
That, coupled with a significant portion of the population crippled by fear and ringing 000 at the merest sniffle, leads us to where we are.
Nice pop culture reference.
You can blame covid for a lot of things, but not this (the Tele):
There’s a quote from the obligatory youth psychologist underneath, talking about ‘socialisation and rites of passage’ and similar shit.
When society used to self-regulate more efficiently, the education process around pub etiquette was a lot simpler and quicker.
McDonalds Dumps Trial of Plant Meat Because Customers Would Not Purchase – Next up, Bug Meat
if you don’t have breasts and a dick (NSFW) you are transphobic
That is Jenny Saville postmodernist painter and what passes for “Art” in the end-times.
Just realised why nothing much was on the old thread, I didn’t think of a new one, too focused on the site problems and seeing the bigger picture.
Re Vic health, Mum has been in the RMH for around four weeks after the breaking of the hip. No trouble visiting her, as many visitors as can come welcome. She’s been transferred to a nursing home, max two visitors a day and compulsory RAT tests every visit.
You know Sancho, you’re starting to contribute some pretty sharp stuff here.
Circle Harvest
We’ve been growing our 100% Aussie farmed Crickets on our farm in Western Sydney since 2007. They are fed a nutritious diet of fruit & vegetables. The fruit and veg was destined for landfill so we circled the resources back into our food system as feed for our own nutrient dense little food. The next big thing in food is little, learn more about it on our FAQ page.
WATCH: RSBN LIVE-STREAM VIDEO – THOUSANDS Turn Out Early To See President Trump Speak At 7 PM In Waukesha, WI
Anyone paying attention to what gets marked down close to use by in the supermarket would have been able to predict that.
Look out sheeple, sheep pox is here……………..
Must run … off to learn how to butcher sheep … for when our wise overlords outlaw all bar bugs.
can you post a video, we are all in this together now
Best method for killing is a sharp/pointy knife, push in behind the windpipe and major arteries and cut out towards the front of the throat.
Then its a doddle to break the neck across your ankle.
Gutting and skinning is easy once you do it a few times.
Let the sheep ‘set” overnight, dont try to butcher an animal which has just been killed, the flesh is too soft and mobile under the knife.
Next morning put it up ion the gamble again 9unless you have a bandsaw) and hacksaw down the backbone to cut the animal in half.
You then cut it into 3 chunks, shoulder/ribs/rear leg.
From there its easy to brake it down into chops/roasts etc.
Theres quite a few vids on youtube.
Listening to Brittney Griner last night on 7 News I thought she was a Male as well
Did Brittney Griner have a male or female birth? Cherelle Watson, the spouse, dispels transgender rumors
Hard to have any respect for these agencies any longer.
Not looking great for the “voice”.
The gruinaid has a puff piece up with comments open 9and pre moderated).
So far (very early yet) running 3-2 against/with reservations vs yes.
If this continues they will lock the piece/scrub comments.
Oh no bro.
Be not afraid, Albo has a cunning energy plan:
‘World-class energy potential’: Labor announces plans for six offshore windfarms
In other world class energy potential news, the Norwegian Government discovers that the UK’s Dogger Bank offshore wind project is unprofitable, with a negative £970 million NPV.
The problem turns out to be supply chain related – the EU turbine and blade manufacturers are cashing in on the joke, rather than getting cheaper…
(Technical note: The much larger Dogger project delivered less than 3000 jobs during construction. The costs blew out despite the project having access to a North Sea offshore construction industry. )
Forecast: Doomed, to very doomed.
Griner is an odd one, I suspect she has an unusual set of chromosomes, she has a male shaped body including a male torso. She certainly hasn’t had her chest feeders removed, no scarring at all.
Not to mention what wasn’t bought when hoards stripped supermarket meat cases during covid Roger.
Meanwhile, AEMO says offshore wind is simply too expensive to connect to the grid.
Safe hands.
We’re in a pickle because so much of our outer healthcare system- psychologists, counsellors, pharmacists (maybe)- as well as the nurse-doctor-specialist arc is DOMINATED by females. I can’t be fagged looking up the stats, but from the Diploma level all the way through tertiary study of medicine field, women are in there in a significant majority, and that carries through to the workforce, at least for early career… until they want to have babies.
Saw a complication to this last year, when we were struggling to get our youngest in to a specialist. Waiting lists were out to four months, unless you could get a referral… but there were obvious compactions happening with the batflu dodgy needle regime. It should be freakin’ obvious, but because so many in the surgeries were 30-ish females who wanted to have babies sometime in their lives, they were dodging the needles, sitting out the workforce exclusions, and/or avoiding work if there was the hint of a shadow of a sniffle. Hence the offices were chaos, couldn’t cover shifts, jab dodgers were trying to do everything by zoom or teams. This pre-natal workforce desertion has obviously also knobbled other female industries, like primary education and vets. My wife is actually a vet, I don’t let on much but there you go it’s out there now.
I’m surprised by how often I’ll be having a quiet chat to some femme and they’ll say something like “oh i’ve been locked out of seeing my Queensland family because I’m “unvaccinated” because I’ve heard from my yoga circle that there’s a chance of complications with breastfeeding buk buk buk” and I always think, why the f haven’t you been speaking out a bit, if only to say “hey this is all a bit new let’s steady on a bit” and maybe rising to “I think the jab command is a bit of a breach of law and bodily autonomy rights” if your blood rises to such temper.
But no, I reckon it’s women suspended between wanting to do the right thing by themselves and their kids, and the natural capitulation to authority and need for stability in the interpersonal social strata.
Oh for a new generation of intellectual chicks who would fight against The World Health Patriarchy.
Australia currently had no offshore wind generation, which has previously been considered too expensive and difficult to build compared to onshore wind or solar.
People who have never had anything to do with salt water.
This will make NBN look like a sound investment by a considerable margin.
When Mongs start playing at engineering…..
On the other hand Victorian hospitals, under health minister Andrews, now premier Andrews has been underfunded and understaffed for years and now the chicken is home and the horse has bolted.
There’s no goat pox, right?
After Abbott got up I abandoned the idea of people being unelectable. Except Peanut Head.
Why, thank you Walter.
I will critique your stuff in due course.
And that’s the other issue, too many women doctors who don’t want to work long hours because work life balance but pay gap.
We need to graduate (or import more) twice as many to make up that gap.
The Energy minister, Chris Bowen, has outlined proposals for six offshore wind projects around the country
Weasel faced imbecile.
Have a look at the towers on the cliffs at Cape Bridgewater.
Bleeding rust.
And I can’t imagine what might be in an offshore turbine maintenance EBA.
Haven’t read the article yet but I reckon its got balls. Just watch the way it walks.
Australia currently had no offshore wind generation, which has previously been considered too expensive and difficult to build compared to onshore wind or solar.
People who have never had anything to do with salt water.
I love the way they fly maintenance crews out in twin turbine helicopters.
‘You’re Testifying Under Oath That You Don’t Know?’: Chip Roy Grills Asst AG On School Boards
Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) questions the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, Matthew G. Olsen, about the border and school boards during a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week.
The scolding and teeth sucking for putting The Hospital under stress for not
knowing anyone who could do a 200km round trip to keep me off their In Patient list,
because of their protocols, stopped being funny after a while.
Some drone even saw fit to mention my selfish attitude in a follow up call
a fortnight later.
GFY QLD Health.
Duk, we can get out of our problems. We need to round up the Keynesian/neo Keynesian/MMT etc economists, charge them with Mass Econocide, try, convict and hang. That will be a good start.
and for that extra bit of sickness they pee in the bath.
August 6, 2022 at 10:20 am
The Energy minister, Chris Bowen, has outlined proposals for six offshore wind projects around the country, including a 200-turbine windfarm off the Gippsland coast, claiming the industry could support up to 8,000 jobs and help shore up the nation’s energy security.
Meanwhile, AEMO says offshore wind is simply too expensive to connect to the grid.
Safe hands – Think Salt Water and high winds
Typical gearbox problems
Although there are several uses for gearboxes in wind turbines — including the yaw-drive gearboxes that position the nacelle relative to the wind direction and pitch drives that adjust the blade angle of attack — the main gearbox has garnered critical attention from engineers. It is designed to speed the slow, high-torque rotation into a much faster rotation for the generator. And few of these machines make it past the 10-years mark.
Today’s geared turbine typically has a three-stage gearbox with a low-speed planetary stage and two parallel stages. Engineers use planetary gears to design gearboxes that are durable enough to withstand the harsh loading conditions and small enough to fit into a nacelle.
The harsh conditions typical of wind-farm operation can take a toll on a turbine and its components.
Factors that may adversely affect the main gearbox include variations in wind speed and direction, temperature, vibration, and the ingress of moisture. These factors make the gearbox a vulnerable component of a turbine’s drivetrain.
Problems that occur in gearboxes include surface damage such scuffing and micropitting. Cracks at the surface of gears may also lead to pitting or tooth-root breakage, and possible bearing failure.
Micropitting is a starting point for a chain of destructive events that, if left unchecked, may result in tooth breakage and the need to replace the gears. Along with the stress of a constantly changing load, micropitting is also caused by insufficient lubricant film thickness, incorrect lubricant viscosity, and foaming.
James Allen, Losing Trust in The Science
Season update:
We’ve just had 20mm of rain, which is the largest fall since sowing was wrapped up on June the 16th.
A “hit or miss” front came through three weeks ago which prompted a flurry of urea spreading in the days prior (best described as an orgy of expenditure with urea @$1,300/t).
Dryland crops all got 100kg/ha with irrigated canola and durum 250kg and 300kg respectively.
Further spreading on dryland occurred before this front on barley, durum and hard wheat.
Sowing lasted two days short of two months owing to the fact that the rains which were no longer going to fill our dams and river systems KEPT FILLING OUR DAMS AND RIVER SYSTEMS!!
A more normal time frame for sowing is one month.
All canola, long season wheat and lentil crops are doing well and in a way have benefited from the extended dry with greater root development as they chased moisture.
Later sown barley and field peas have a bit of catching up to do but if the spring is soft will still yield well.
All in all it’s excellent.
APW based multi grade contract prices have come back 17% from their high about a month ago, which is concerning but the outlook weather wise overseas is not great for the US and Europe so my guess is this drop will be clawed back +. Also, I don’t think anyone really knows what’s happening re the Black Sea ports.
My harvesting client at Walgett reports 30mm from this system so things looking good there for early canola crops and hopefully a boost to all the re-sown wheat and late sown chick peas, a symptom of the rains that will not fill our dams and river systems filling our dams and river systems.
Meanwhile there is much to do in the way of R&M, this weekend will see the replacement of a very fatigued RH “breakaway” on the Hardi boom spray which only survived the last paddock with the aid of a ratchet strap and a vastly reduced ground speed!
Will be back in the truck later this month taking durum ex farm down to Graincorp Geelong for export.
Yes it’s a Kenworth.
Yes it has an 18spd box.
I’ll honk if I see you on my road.
August 6, 2022 at 10:22 am
On the other hand Victorian hospitals, under health minister Andrews, now premier Andrews has been underfunded and understaffed for years and now the chicken is home and the horse has bolted.
rosie, from what I hear from people in the health system there’s plenty of money being spent, but it’s being hopelessly misdirected. I’m told it’s pretty much as KD described it above; spectacular incompetence in over-resourcing of already over-resourced areas (including, but not limited to, “admin”) and underfunding of the real bottlenecks.
Purely a Kiwi phenomenon.
Memo to dover: Seems to be back to normal today. So far.
Bowen’s claim of his government offshore wind turbines creating jobs reminds me of Friedman’s experience with some centrally planned fiefdom.
He was shown the people’s digging great earthworks with shovels and was told ‘see we know how to create jobs’, Friedman responded , ‘instead of shovels why not give them spoons’.
Says it all about this lot.
August 6, 2022 at 10:43 am
Season update:
We’ve just had 20mm of rain, which is the largest fall since sowing was wrapped up on June the 16th.
A “hit or miss” front came through three weeks ago which prompted a flurry of urea spreading in the days prior (best described as an orgy of expenditure with urea @$1,300/t).
Dryland crops all got 100kg/ha with irrigated canola and durum 250kg and 300kg respectively.
I assume you have watched
Clarkson’s Farm season 2 potential release date and everything you need to know
Jeremy Clarkson had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
We’ll be honest, before Clarkson’s Farm appeared on our screens, we thought Jeremy Clarkson trading cars for cattle was a disaster waiting to happen.
But lo and behold, when it dropped on to Amazon’s Prime Video in June 2021, the show proved to be a sweet and hilarious insight into rural farmlife, filled with characters so charming it gave Jezza a run for his money.
The show does exactly what it says on the tin, documenting The Grand Tour presenter’s journey as the proud owner of a 1,000 acre Cotswolds farm. But given his total lack of agricultural knowledge and experience, he’s entirely at the mercy of his team. While they are willing to show him the ropes, they will not hesitate to knock him down a peg or two as well when things go wrong.
And things go wrong A LOT.
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For any interested –
Cardinal Pell is in attendance at the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney Priestly Ordinations – 10:30am on Saturday 6 August 2022,
St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney on this the Feast of the The Transfiguration of the Lord
The trouble with Dutton is he’s alienating the people who don’t vote by feelz while chasing the people who do. And those feely tealy types won’t vote for him since he looks like a potato, is male and they all believe the MSM…which detests him for not being Mao Tse Tung.
So yes I think he’s unelectable, not because who he is but what he’s doing. Ditto the NSW Libs.
August 6, 2022 at 9:31 am
Church says family members not included in victim laws
Published: 05 August 2022
Lawyers have argued that a deceased choirboy’s father should not be permitted to sue the Church in response to a civil damages claim lodged in the Victorian Supreme Court involving Cardinal George Pell. Source: ABC News.
If the church is successful in removing itself as a defendant under the Ellis principle that will leave Pell isolated. Burnside for the father wants the church to remain because they have money. An amazing situation since the action is based on the shock of the accusation which was disproved. The police who made the accusation and charge should be the defendant.
As I’ve been slaying dragons (weeds) in the garden, it occurred to me that basically no one wants to do real work any more. And by that I mean hard work.
Tinkering around the edges in admin doesn’t get anything done. Meetings are shirk not work. I used to have a weekly meeting with supervisors and if it wasn’t done and dusted by 8:30am there was something seriously wrong. Now everyone wants a “say”. Everyone is a “stakeholder”. It’s all garbage.
Get back to work you lazy loafers.
August 6, 2022 at 10:47 am
Sancho Panzersays:
August 6, 2022 at 10:23 am
Look out sheeple, sheep pox is here……………..
Purely a Kiwi phenomenon.
Q. How does a kiwi find his sheep in long grass?
A. Quite Pleasant
North Sea average O&M costs US$32/MWh (AUD $40).
This is in a working environment where there is a competitive market for heavy lift cranes and work boats.
Currently seabed wind costs around US$4-5 million/MW installed offshore US/Nordsee. Will be at least double in Australia.
A quick run through Excel at the obligatory NPV15 = $300/MWh minimum.
Hey, enough with all this pessimism. Last night I got a newsletter from my Federal Labor MP telling me, amongst other things, that “Labor’s climate policy will create over 600,000 new jobs, and five out of six of these will be created in regions like the Hunter in new industries like green hydrogen and advanced battery manufacturing”.
How good is that? Oh, and I think they’re going to get electricity prices down too.
Alarmists: ‘Climate Change Is Literally Making the Earth Spin Faster’
The Gods are angry
Lightning strike near the White House leaves two dead
Says one of the biggest wafflers.
it’s a sign, Gaia is angry!
High hopes for Dutton at first, given his performance in Defence.
All hope gone now. If a ‘conservative’ can’t bring himself to oppose the Voice gravy train from the get-go, what good is he?
Oh, and on the subject of SFLs, Vic state Liberal David Southwick yesterday challenged Labor to match his party’s pledge to cut emissions by 50%.
Federally, and especially in Victoria, there is NO ONE to vote for. No one.
…there appears to have been a group of knowledgeable medicos who chose to keep their doubts to themselves. If they lack bravery, why should we show them trust? Frankly, I don’t want to hear those retrospective doubts now. ‘Hoist with their own petard’ springs to mind (if you know your Western canon) because trust in our expert class is going to take decades to recover. It certainly will for me.
The small sample size of my doctor acquaintances suggests that there were lots of doctors who were genuinely on board with vaxxes and a lot of the other things in 2020 but seem much less certain about them now.
If you’re wondering about my Dutton comment, here’s the backstory:
Dutton assures support for a 2030 climate target: Clennell (Sky, 2 Aug)
Peter Dutton tells Liberal Party members he will adopt a more ambitious 2030 emissions reduction target than Scott Morrison (Sky, 2 Aug)
He’s clearly being used by the wet left. Must hate it. He should resign and get out of politics, and leave the wet Libs to own the suicide of the Liberal Party.
That’s epic.
Someone should tell Bowen jobs = expense = cost of product.
I’d have thought melting of the icecaps would result in more water in the oceans hence more of it at the equator which would cause the rotation to slow down. Maybe the icecaps are growing?
Adam Bandt – you’ll have to suffer cold and dark winters because ‘that’s the point’
Eyrie – Tony Heller has a neat GIF of the Petermann Glacier today. It’s a sort of northern iconic canary which is equivalent to da Reef southern iconic canary.
It’s growing not melting. Ditto da Reef. Neither canary shows any sign of expiring, quite the opposite.
Occam’s razor, combined with the butterfly effect.
More spinning bowties = less atmospheric resistance = quicker planetary revs.
Glad you enjoyed the link, Rosie.
Sad she is a warmie, but there you are.
Economics and resource extraction are a little out of her wheelhouse but she still makes a robust case for nuclear on environmental and reliability grounds and the human cost, and she is alive to the fact that whatever the economics now she is still open minded, seeing that things evolve with time – a concept greenies and most warmies are determined to remain blind to.
Typically greenies will insist that nuclear is not economic and then sit smugly back as if they have delivered the last word (this is when talking to someone open to nuclear despite all the ooga-booga that greenies, hippies, and other luddites have been prattling on with since the 60s). But she acknowledges that nuclear would get cheaper, and then went on to discuss new forms of nuclear already heading that way.
One of the commenters is a lecturer at UNSW on a mining discipline who points out to her that the estimate of uranium available to us would be severely limited by the reluctance to search for and identify new reserves in these benighted ‘green’ times. But if, for example, the reserves of copper as known in 1980 happened to be all their was, we would have run out in the 2010’s (or thereabouts).
Clearly we haven’t.
And I love the way she pronounces Einstein – in German!
Bad idea trying to rob the Asian store.
Bloomberg – The US-Led Drive to Isolate Russia and China Is Falling Short
While the US and its allies have sanctioned Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, half of the countries in the Group of Twenty have not signed up.
When Group of Seven leaders gathered in the Bavarian Alps in June, they pledged to stand with Ukraine for the long haul.
Their Group of 20 counterparts are proving less supportive.
Comprising nations that account for some 85% of global economic output, the G-20 is supposed to be more reflective of the world. Yet only half its number has joined the international sanctions imposed on fellow member Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.
Senior officials from the smaller group of wealthy nations have been traveling the world to make the case for a tougher economic net around Russia. They’ve been surprised by the lack of sign-on from G-20 states, even if those countries aren’t going out of their way to help Moscow circumvent the penalties.
‘Number 33, with black bean sauce, is ready you white devil.’
I saw this story yesterday and was trying to work out what the danger was, another Y2K danger. LOL.
Statement from Pauline Hanson – the case for ‘NO’ to Indigenous Voice Referendum
Welcome to the new multipolar world order.
Will you be wearing trousers?
Between uranium and thorium that we more or less know about I think we already have enough nuclear energy resources for the next 30,000 years. I worked it out once give or take a few millenia.
Which should give enough time to crack the fusion problem. After that we’re home and hosed.
If they don’t like the nuclear waste Elon can launch it into the Sun for us.
August 6, 2022 at 11:18 am
Adam Bandt – you’ll have to suffer cold and dark winters because ‘that’s the point’
With Dutton going woke the only option are the small conservative parties, PHON, SFF, Liberal Democrats. But they have to be united like the fucking TEALs and the filth. I get sick of rugged individuals who object to a small aspect of some party and go off screaming. The former Climate Sceptics was ignored because they tried a bit of political practicality by putting the liars ahead of the LNP in preferences. People here got pure and said they’d never vote for them. How’s that working out. Politics is about compromise and the preference list by TCS was to enable them to get someone in which they almost did in SA but missed out by a few thousand.
Especially when so many polls (often self-selected, granted) indicate Australians are overwhelmingly opposed to the stupid thing. And is that a surprise? The Uluru Shopping List from The Heart is a grab bag of activist-porn concocted by a power and money lusting clique without consulting ordinary Australians at all.
Dutton could have been the guy standing up for the average Aussie. He might not realise there would be votes in that.
Sinking a few today to honour the memory of the guys who did the unpleasant but necessary work of ending WW2.
Saved up to a million Japanese and Allied lives and may well have saved western Europe from 50 years of slavery.
What did they get as a reward for their efforts? The hatred of millions of smug morons worldwide ever since.
Between uranium and thorium that we more or less know about I think we already have enough nuclear energy resources for the next 30,000 years. I worked it out once give or take a few millenia.
Which should give enough time to crack the fusion problem. After that we’re home and hosed.
If they don’t like the nuclear waste Elon can launch it into the Sun for us.
Correct. Plus the new IFR and Ultra SuperCritical nukes and coal plants use much less fuel thus greatly increasing the existing stock.
US Prepares To Send $1 Billion In Latest Ukraine Weapons Package
The Biden administration is reportedly about to send $1 billion more in US taxpayer funded aid to Ukraine, in what will be one of the largest packages so far, Reuters reports.
The aid will include munitions for long-range weapons and armored transport vehicles, according to three anonymous sources, who added that the package had not yet been signed by President Biden, and could change in value and content before it’s a done deal. As it currently stands, the assistance includes munitions for HIMARS, NASAMS surface-to-air-missile system ammunition, and up to 50 M113 armored medical transports.
As Reuters notes, the latest assistance – which could come as early as Monday – would bring the total amount given by the Biden administration to $8.8 billion (or 9 fired Ukrainian prosecutors, if one rounds up), since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24.
Just arrived – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/08/05/president-trump-maga-rally-waukesha-wisconsin-8pm-et-livestream/
Conrad Black is great.
Davos man.
More white supremacy:
No, sadly. The Federal election preference system still forces you to then vote for the LNP or the ALP, which are now approximately equally abhorrent. Which I won’t do.
In the Senate the problem with 12 below the line and exhaust is the number 13 can then added by a partisan counting officer. If it is happening so vastly in the US you can be sure it’s happening here too.
Not in absolute terms but relative compared to older coal plants. Do you know how much less emissions the new plants emit?
Also would these new plants cause the world to rotate any quicker as gerbil warming , we’re told, has become a factor.