Open Thread – Tues 16 Aug 2022

Mount Aetna from Taormina, Thomas Cole, 1843

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August 18, 2022 6:34 pm

200,000 migrants a year. Lack of workers as excuse.

So much for Elbow’s campaign promise to keep a lid on immigration and upskill Australians for better paying jobs.

I don’t expect anyone in the press will hold him to account.

They’re preoccupied with Morrison’s multi-skilling.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 18, 2022 6:38 pm

… between two men and their Italian greyhound living together in Paris …

What a tired cliche.

August 18, 2022 6:38 pm

Seven News had a segment (about a minute’s worth) on the labour shortage. Hospitality sector, food prep.

If you were made to wear a mask in a low paid job where previously, no masks were ever required, would you take it? Because everyone naturally assumes you’re a pox ridden filthbot who will breathe pestilence on the food you prepare.

If you submit and wear a mask, constantly touching and rearranging it during shift in order to breathe in the third circle of hell kitchen then continue cooking, the punters will happily gobble up the food…because clean.

No wonder the kids are laying down.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 18, 2022 6:39 pm

flyingduk says:
August 18, 2022 at 2:13 pm
Now there’s a people who know that meat is meat and can be eaten in total glut. Interestingly, no fatties in the streets on this diet either.

We knew this in 1957 (before the experts got into the act) Exhibit A:
Treating Overweight Patients. Thorpe GL. JAMA

I’ve hit a plateau on my weight loss “journey” and have been reading lots of books, recipe ideas, opinion articles etc etc for ways to get back on the downward trajectory.
Thorpe’s theory is so much simpler than anything else I’ve read.
Between him and Banting they should have set up shop, catering (heh) for people seeking practical, accessible, tasty weight loss techniques.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 18, 2022 6:39 pm

Regarding international red meat adventures.
Steak restaurant in Tuscany.
Yuuuuge chunks of beast sitting on the butcher’s block aged for a month or more.
Chunk cut off and thrown in hot-hot wood-fired oven on a rack.
Charred outside, juicy but not bloody inside.
1.6 kg.
Probably 1.2 kg without bone and fat.

August 18, 2022 6:39 pm

You do not care at all about the lifelong trauma this could cause to the mother.

Munty is prepared to feed over 100,000 children, most of them black, into the meat grinder each year to save a few women some trauma.

Child bearing is an amazing but relatively high risk activity. Only a pure Mong would suppose that could be trauma free.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 18, 2022 6:40 pm

Big steak shared I might add.
I’m no m0nster.

Winston Smith
August 18, 2022 6:48 pm


Umm, ammunition resupply flown by 9 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force may have had something to do with the matter.

That was in the later parts of the contact when the diggers were down to their last magazine several hours into the action, wasn’t it?

August 18, 2022 6:50 pm

Charred outside, juicy but not bloody inside.
1.6 kg.
Probably 1.2 kg without bone and fat.

Did they supply you with a complementary an enema bag.

Leon L.
Leon L.
August 18, 2022 6:52 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 18, 2022 6:54 pm

Did they supply you with a complementary an enema bag.

It was a struggle, but we got there.
Forfeited the salad to fit it in.
Really funny.
The bill is delivered by the cook in EUR/kg on a piece of butcher’s paper.
He added a 2 EUR premium to the Yanks next to us for ordering their steak well done.

August 18, 2022 6:54 pm

Sheridan is a tired old turd and a twerp. The meja are steaming, smoldering toxic trash.

August 18, 2022 6:55 pm

It was a struggle, but we got there.


August 18, 2022 7:03 pm

Do. Not. Eat. The Bugs.

The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the developmental forms of parasites colonizing edible insects in household farms and pet stores in Central Europe and to determine the potential risk of parasitic infections for humans and animals. The experimental material comprised samples of live insects (imagines) from 300 household farms and pet stores, including 75 mealworm farms, 75 house cricket farms, 75 Madagascar hissing cockroach farms and 75 migrating locust farms. Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans.

Conclusion: Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.

August 18, 2022 7:06 pm

Is an abortion something other than deliberately destroying the child in the womb? You’re not, for instance, contending that this isn’t something that occurs in an abortion, you’re contending that the child in utero isn’t a person and therefore that destroying the child while in the womb cannot constitute murder because only a person can be murdered. I’m happy to have that debate but that hasn’t been the point of the discussion over the last day or so.

As I said, you are always showing through your language that you assume that the “child” is a “person” even if it’s a microscopic clump of cells moments after fertilisation. This assumes the conclusion of the fetus being a person, thus abortion is murder. Open and shut question begging.

You actually haven’t referred to a law. What you are doing is relying on arguments from authority and pity, both informal fallacies. You think that no one can second-guess the doctors or lawyers even when relying on the same facts; and pity because you believe that given these cases arose pity, that the principles that give rise to the situation must be wrong. None of which necessarily follows.

Neither you or I are doctors or lawyers. Yes, the doctors and lawyers who have to decide these cases have authority, that is the exact position they are in. You just don’t like the conclusions they draw, thus you think you know better than them. You have no relevant expertise, you’re just some jagoff on the Internet (as am I). Authority is not a fallacy if the people making the decisions actually have the exact authority.

This isn’t an argument, monty. Why do the feelings of the mother justify destroying the child in utero? Is such an appeal restricted to cases of severe medical defect or does it apply to any trauma that may be felt by a prospective mother?

Always and forever begging the question. “Abortion is murder, so why can a woman murder her child with an abortion?” That’s your answer to everything. That is the extent of your logic.

August 18, 2022 7:07 pm

Child bearing is an amazing but relatively high risk activity. Only a pure Mong would suppose that could be trauma free.

“Stiff shit lady, I don’t care.”

August 18, 2022 7:08 pm

Abortion, the killing of the unborn, is an industry with shady clientele, perhaps even Pfizer.

August 18, 2022 7:11 pm

Judges in the US state of Pennsylvania are elected.

Notably absent from this ABC report is the party affiliation of the judges involved.

August 18, 2022 7:12 pm

I thought LOTR was extraordinarily popular during Tolkien’s lifetime too.
The books are also, as he himself said, consciously Catholic which, of course is why his legacy must be trashed.
I don’t really care, I won’t be watching any spinoffs.

August 18, 2022 7:15 pm

Clears throat…

I think I have to plead guilty to introducing monty to logical fallacies.

Clearly, I’ve created a…monster.

That being said, have at it.

August 18, 2022 7:15 pm

Yep, Monty is still at it, clump of cells, my body, my choice, terrible muriel, blah blah blah.

August 18, 2022 7:16 pm

But m0nty, the vast majority of abortions don’t take place moments after fertilisation. How could they?

They happen when the mother decides she doesn’t want the baby. Her reason may be poor or for some acceptable but that’s the nub of it.

Is “not wanting it” a good enough reason? I don’t think so – it is a child, her child. With all the potential of you or me or anyone else.

All these edge cases as you call them don’t cover for the reality. That’s why they are on the periphery of the issue.

August 18, 2022 7:20 pm

I would weep at the thought of having to read anything written by Robert F. Kennedy.

August 18, 2022 7:21 pm

The elites are getting more and more unhinged. It seems to be an accelerating process. Why this is happening I have no idea, but it’s very clearly happening.

Masks are ineffectual at suppressing spread of the virus. They are very effective at spreading hysteria. This is why governments and the media want to mandate them.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 18, 2022 7:22 pm

That was in the later parts of the contact when the diggers were down to their last magazine several hours into the action, wasn’t it?

Quite so. It was soon after that action that the powers that be realized that “Front line ammo” of 60 rounds for a SLR wasn’t really adequate.

August 18, 2022 7:23 pm

Most abortions are contraceptive, Monty doesn’t care, his edge case arguments are the same the abortion choir has been singing for decades.
Abortion on Demand.
The End.

Cassie of Sydney
August 18, 2022 7:23 pm

“One of Australia’s premier commentators on American politics.”

Back in February 2020, in pre-Covid times, I attended a talk at the Centre of Independent Studies here in Sydney about the looming US election. The panel had an American commentator, whose name I forget, because he was forgettable, ex-ALP hack Stephen Loosley who is now a fellow at the US Studies Centre, or as Mark Latham accurately called it, the Useless Studies Centre, and a female nonentity also from the Useless Studies Centre. The panel discussed what issues would dominate the election (remember, this was pre-Covid), who would be the Democrat front runner and, if I recall correctly they didn’t think it would be Biden, they thought it might be Pete Buttigieg or Amy Klobuchar. However, just like a Q&A panel, all three panellists agreed with each other about how awful Donald Trump was, the hostility towards Trump was palpable, there was no one on the panel who defended Trump or even tried to present the case for Trump, even though I was pretty sure that most in the audience, it they didn’t like Trump, understood why he became president. It was one big wank fest. After the panel stopped talking and there was audience questions, someone stood up and asked where was someone on the panel to make the case for Donald Trump. Loosley is a tedious bore. After leaving the discussion, I ran into Gerard Henderson and told him what ensued, a stacked panel where no one spoke in favour of Trump or even attempted to understand why Trump is popular. He agreed.

Cassie of Sydney
August 18, 2022 7:24 pm

Funny how Monty is so obsessed with abortion. John Christie was also obsessed with abortion.

August 18, 2022 7:28 pm

Doubtful that the abortionists tell the mother and the father what happens to the body, the body parts, of the life that has been aborted.

August 18, 2022 7:31 pm

that twerp chris smith

An irredeemable imbecile who’s never had an original thought or uttered anything even remotely insightful or interesting in his entire existence*.

*My impression after having been aware of him since starting listening to Sky of an evening about three years ago.

August 18, 2022 7:31 pm


Loosely is a pro superannuation idiot or shill. Or both. He’s an expert on America like how I’m an expert on Westerosi ship design.

FWIW, I thought would run Maggie Hassan against Trump.

August 18, 2022 7:33 pm

Anyone who advocates eating insects is:

A. Barking mad
B. Extremely dangerous
C. Never likely to do so themselves
D. All of the above

You choose, Cats.

August 18, 2022 7:35 pm

Masks are ineffectual at suppressing spread of the virus.

try wearing a mask and sanding back your shit plastering job

it ‘should’ become obvious pretty quickly

August 18, 2022 7:36 pm

E. Identifies as a bird or a fish.

Which would most likely be covered by A. but more colourful.

August 18, 2022 7:36 pm

A. Barking mad
B. Extremely dangerous
C. Never likely to do so themselves
D. All of the above

E. a lizard

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:36 pm


Conclusion: Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.

I suspect that many of the people denying that the Kung Flu came from a laboratory, but rather from animal to human transmission, are the same ones pushing for insect protein to become human food, without long term testing.

August 18, 2022 7:37 pm

Chuckle. I forgot reptiles.

Never forget The Lizard People.

August 18, 2022 7:39 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
August 18, 2022 at 2:12 pm

Eating insects means you eat a lot of crap from rotting debris. I guess they sterilise it. What you also eat is the various poisonous chemicals (to us humans) that insects use to fend of predators.

I can’t think of anything nastier as a culinary innovation. Makes eating eels and lampreys a doddle.

Nothing wrong with eels, and comparing them unfavourably with insects is downright ignorant.

Smoked eel is delicious, very yummy on a cracker as a nibble with drinkies. Add cream or cottage cheese, a bit of crisp greenery and some black pepper – mmm!

Rick Stein did a fried eel dish in his French series – also very yummy.

I was lucky enough to have Dutch parents who knew that eel is great chow. The Brits have been eating eel forever – although jellied eel is a bridge too far for me. 🙂

August 18, 2022 7:39 pm

Hey Bolt and Collignon – I have the memory of an elephant, not a goldfish. You pair of sanctimonious duplicitous turds.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:40 pm

Yes, the doctors and lawyers who have to decide these cases have authority, that is the exact position they are in. You just don’t like the conclusions they draw, thus you think you know better than them.

Having commented very, very, many times in the last three or so weeks about lawyers coming to a conclusion that he doesn’t like, m0nty-fa now demands that the authority of lawyers (but only those whose conclusions he likes) should be respected unquestioningly. He just thinks he knows better than the others.

August 18, 2022 7:41 pm

A. Barking mad
B. Extremely dangerous
C. Never likely to do so themselves
D. All of the above

E. a lizard

F. A chicken.

I believe this is how insect protein got up to scale – as chicken feed.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:41 pm

“Stiff shit lady, I don’t care.”

Does your wife?

August 18, 2022 7:46 pm

But m0nty, the vast majority of abortions don’t take place moments after fertilisation. How could they?

They happen when the mother decides she doesn’t want the baby. Her reason may be poor or for some acceptable but that’s the nub of it.

Is “not wanting it” a good enough reason? I don’t think so – it is a child, her child. With all the potential of you or me or anyone else.

All these edge cases as you call them don’t cover for the reality. That’s why they are on the periphery of the issue.

I do not want the state to be making that decision over the objections of the mother. Particularly not when the relevant laws are written by religious extremists who want to destroy the wall between church and state. I am old enough to remember when the Cat was all up in arms about the advent of sharia law in Western democracies… not so much talk about that now.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:46 pm

August 18, 2022 at 7:23 pm
Most abortions are contraceptive, Monty doesn’t care, his edge case arguments are the same the abortion choir has been singing for decades.
Abortion on Demand.
The End.

Like m0ny-fa, they plead the “edge cases”, then incrementally expand the “right” at any time up to birth, for any reason. Which is where the US (and increasingly us) were until the recent decision.

Remember, R v W gave access to abortion only until “viability”. The rest followed incrementally.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:48 pm


All of the above.

August 18, 2022 7:50 pm

The reason the fat, little turd is obsessed with abortion is because he has no dick.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 7:52 pm

the relevant laws are written by religious extremists

Definition of “religious extremists”: people with whom m0nty-fa has a difference of opinion on abortion.

August 18, 2022 7:55 pm

Masks are a punishment.
Wearing masks makes us less humans, akin to ways whereby people can be deemed vermin. Nothing new.
The wonder of masks, though, is that the wearer is both the person being punished as well as the person inflicting the punishment.
Compliance is compliance not only with the tactics of our tormentors but compliance with being our own tormentors. Neat. They love it. And so do we, it seems.

August 18, 2022 7:56 pm

And the big one – turning off the annoying voice that tells me to “Obey the Road Rules!” in a stentorian Karen tone. It did that when to limit went from 80 down to 50 and I nearly flew through the roof in a panic.

Please tell us the manufacturer so we can avoid that brand.

August 18, 2022 7:56 pm

Cats and dogs.
As much as I dislike it, those two dogs would get a belting with a piece of polypipe.
Not in the mood to put up with naughty, disobedient pets, it’s not cute, and its not tolerable.

Winston, those pups are only about 3 months old. Perfectly normal behaviour. Also for the cat, gazing with contempt on the peons below.

August 18, 2022 7:57 pm

The reason the fat, little turd is obsessed with abortion is because he has no dick.

It is weird the wimmin’s movement and the left in general and their obsession with abortion but mainly in Anglo countries. Never much about China or the Philippines or the Middle East for example.

August 18, 2022 8:03 pm

And the big one – turning off the annoying voice that tells me to “Obey the Road Rules!” in a stentorian Karen tone. It did that when to limit went from 80 down to 50 and I nearly flew through the roof in a panic.

Our dealer spent a good amount of time with us upon delivery, getting all the settings operable the way we wanted them – Kia, 2 yrs ago. No voices yelling at us. Love the car boot opening thingy. Love the Kia.

August 18, 2022 8:12 pm

Particularly not when the relevant laws are written by religious extremists who want to …

gawd yr a shit-talker

I have a cousin who’s mental like you

the only one that doesn’t know he’s insane is himself

hasn’t shut up talking gibber for near 30 years

August 18, 2022 8:12 pm

Most abortions are contraceptive, Monty doesn’t care, his edge case arguments are the same the abortion choir has been singing for decades.
Abortion on Demand.
The End.

Then the next day they have the audacity to come back and complain that this other thing they want must be granted for the sake of the children. This dovetails nicely with being able to wedge opponents as hating children which is a typically sociopathic thing to do.

August 18, 2022 8:13 pm

too many mushrooms and eccies

August 18, 2022 8:19 pm

I’ve hit a plateau on my weight loss “journey” and have been reading lots of books, recipe ideas, opinion articles etc etc for ways to get back on the downward trajectory.
Thorpe’s theory is so much simpler than anything else I’ve read.

I tried ‘5 and 2’ for a couple of years, aiming to drop 2 or 3 kg (my BMI was 25) and never achieved much – felt hungry on the ‘2’ days and didnt lose anything useful.

Switched to full carnivore diet (grass fed lamb and beef in unlimited quantities, and little or no carbs) and lost 18kg in 6 months. Also felt livelier, brain worked better, no hunger at all, eczema and high BP went away. Whats not to like?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 18, 2022 8:20 pm

Milestone reconciliation moment as first South West Native Title Settlement report tabled in Parliament
Jacinta CantatoreSouth Western Times
Thu, 18 August 2022 3:38PM

WA reached an historic milestone in its journey towards reconciliation after the first South West Native Title Settlement report was tabled in State Parliament on Thursday.

The report highlights the progress made to implement the landmark native title agreement between the WA Government and the region’s First Nations landowners, the Noongar people.

Among the key achievements has been the second of 12 annual payments of $60 million made by the State Government in April to the Noongar Boodja Trust. This takes the total amount paid to $123 million so far.

These State Government payments made to the Trust will allow future generations to benefit from culturally-led social, economic and cultural outcomes.

In presenting this pivotal first report to Parliament, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Tony Buti said he was delighted with what had been achieved so far.

“This settlement is the most comprehensive of its kind in Australian history, and something that our State is rightly very proud of,” he said.

“The work to date will provide opportunities for generations of Noongar people to achieve sustainable, self-determined social, economic and cultural outcomes.”

The settlement is made up of six Indigenous Land Use Agreements, covering about 200,000sq km of the South West under the management of the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, which became the Central Services Corporation in June.

WA’s new Regional Corporations are expected to be appointed before the end of the year.

Mr Buti said he looked forward to the next steps in this process, which will involve a five-year plan to transferring up to 320,000ha of crown land to be held and developed in line with the cultural, social and economic goals of the Noongar people.

Another key focus will be solidifying partnerships between the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and six Cooperative Management Agreements in order to boost South West land management with the long-established ancestral knowledge of the Noongar people.

“I look forward to starting the formal partnerships between the six new Noongar Regional Corporations, SWALSC and the WA Government — and the continued flow of benefits,” Mr Buti said.

This was hailed as a “De Facto” Treaty – it was almost derailed when seven Noongars went to Court claiming they hadn’t been properly consulted, and demanding tens of billions of dollars in compensation.

August 18, 2022 8:21 pm

Quite so. It was soon after that action that the powers that be realized that “Front line ammo” of 60 rounds for a SLR wasn’t really adequate.

Our standard carry in Iraq and Afghanistan was 6 mags (180 rounds) of 5.56

August 18, 2022 8:22 pm

Masks are a punishment.

masks are a symbol of compliance and control – why do you think muslims mask their women, dogs wear muzzles and horses are bridled?

August 18, 2022 8:23 pm

Western abortionists like to kill babies everywhere, lots of aid funding tied to abortion ‘rights’.
I remember an African lady responding to some monstryous female at some international thing saying it was so antithetical to her culture there was actually no word for ‘abortion’ in her language.

August 18, 2022 8:26 pm

Did Grigs get banned or something?

August 18, 2022 8:27 pm

Most abortions are contraceptive

Most abortions involve women who were already using contraception.

August 18, 2022 8:31 pm

Love the Kia.
Make sure it isn’t one of the ones that spontaneously catch fire. From one of the guys at the rifle club who is a motor mechanic.

August 18, 2022 8:33 pm

The shorter argument is “it’s only a baby if the mother wants it”.

That’s how it works, isn’t it?

August 18, 2022 8:36 pm

It’s a Toyota this time. I decided to work out all the ins and outs myself.

I’ll probably end up, tail between legs, back at the dealer in a few days. 😀

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
August 18, 2022 8:36 pm

August 18, 2022 at 7:36 pm
A. Barking mad
B. Extremely dangerous
C. Never likely to do so themselves
D. All of the above

E. a lizard

OMG, we really are being ruled by lizard people!!!

August 18, 2022 8:38 pm

Yes masks are a compliance and control mechanism, but a compliance with what, and to what end. And what is the nature of the compliance, given that it is ourselves who pull the wretched things up over our senses.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 18, 2022 8:40 pm

Most abortions involve women who were already using contraception.

Or say they were?

August 18, 2022 8:41 pm

Yes masks are a compliance and control mechanism, but a compliance with what, and to what end. And what is the nature of the compliance, given that it is ourselves who pull the wretched things up over our senses.

I think Dalrymple explained it well:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

August 18, 2022 8:45 pm

OMG, we really are being ruled by lizard people!!!

The thing is, that with the level of (inhuman/inhumane) evil we’re faced with it’s easy to look for something beyond normality because it’s simply beyond the scope of understanding of most people – one of the reasons in fact that it can be so successful. Who wants to look upon the face of evil? It’s easier to pretend and ignore.

August 18, 2022 8:50 pm

Rita subbing in for Paul Murray is aghast that the Andrews govt in Vic is the second largest slender on advertising in Australia. That’s not what it’s about, advertising is a cover for bribes, to make sure the news coverage is not hostile or even true.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 18, 2022 8:50 pm

Our standard carry in Iraq and Afghanistan was 6 mags (180 rounds) of 5.56

From memory, first line ammunition for an SLR went up to 120 rounds, and the 30 round magazines issued for use with the L2A2 became a much sort after article.

August 18, 2022 8:55 pm

Love the Kia.
Make sure it isn’t one of the ones that spontaneously catch fire.

So far we have been terribly terribly lucky, phew, here’s hoping things stay that way !

August 18, 2022 9:02 pm

Yes; it’s just that ditching the emblematic masks would be relatively easy. And with that semiotic piece of signification gone, … . But no. Not happening.

Bar Beach Swimmer
August 18, 2022 9:07 pm

rosie says:
August 18, 2022 at 7:20 pm
I would weep at the thought of having to read anything written by Robert F. Kennedy

You can do what you like but you’ll never learn anything by ruling out things just because of a dislike of the messenger.

On Kennedy, I’m reminded of that well known adage: every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.

If we all ruled people out because of their pasts, or what we were told about them or believed about them, Donald Trump, possibly one of the greatest Presidents of all time, would never have become President.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 18, 2022 9:16 pm

Surprise release of Bali bomb maker on 20th anniversary

Amanda Hodge
South-East Asia Correspondent
An hour ago August 18, 2022
No Comments

Bali bomber Umar Patek will walk free within days from an Indonesian prison, on parole after serving just half of a 20-year sentence over his role in the 2002 terror attacks that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

Patek, whose real name is Hisyam bin Ali Zein, was due for release from Surabaya’s Porong prison next January.

Instead he was granted a five-month remission on Wednesday – Indonesia’s 77th Independence Day, when the government traditionally reduces the sentences of thousands of prisoners.

Zaeroji, a regional director of Indonesia’s Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in East Java, said Patek had “behaved very well” in prison and had vowed to abide by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The remission given has been measured and through careful consideration,” Zaeroji said.

But, he added, Patek had not yet been freed from jail because the ministry was still waiting to receive formal remission documents from the prisons authority.

Patek’s release will come as unwelcome news to survivors of the Bali bombing and relatives of victims, less than two months before many are preparing to mark the 20th anniversary of the deadly terror attack.

Jan Laczynski, a Melbourne man who left the Sari Club just before the blasts but lost five friends in the attack, told The Australian he had not expected Patek to be freed so soon and that his release would cause great distress to many Australians.

“We only just endured seeing Abu Bakar Bashir walk out last year and now we are seeing Umar Patek,” he said, referring to the radical Indonesian cleric and spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiah, the militant group behind the attack, who was released last year. “Who’s it going to be next? Ali Iron, the guy who drove the vehicle? It seems the door has been opened with the release of all these Bali bombers that are in jail but there is no release for Australian families.”

Ali Iron is serving a life sentence in Indonesia for his role in the attack. His brothers, Ali Ghufron and Amrozi, were executed in 2008 for their involvement.

August 18, 2022 9:20 pm

Bar Beach Swimmer says:
August 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

Yes, and thank you BB Swimmer.

August 18, 2022 9:26 pm

that twerp chris smith

An irredeemable imbecile who’s never had an original thought or uttered anything even remotely insightful or interesting in his entire existence*.

*My impression after having been aware of him since starting listening to Sky of an evening about three years ago.

My impression from the ‘children overboard’ way back in 2001.

August 18, 2022 9:28 pm

duk, I eat a high protein diet but my weight is stable and probably 15kg heavier than I’d like. Perhaps it’s the bottle of wine I have each night. How high was your alcohol intake. (If you don’t mind me asking)

August 18, 2022 9:30 pm

Rowan Dean has just had on a Canadian farmer going by the YouTube name of Quick Dick McDick. His real name is rather boring but his commentary is not. Rowan really does have the best weeknight program, he finds the most interesting people worldwide and then interviews them.

August 18, 2022 9:39 pm

duk, I eat a high protein diet but my weight is stable and probably 15kg heavier than I’d like. Perhaps it’s the bottle of wine I have each night. How high was your alcohol intake. (If you don’t mind me asking)

When I first ‘went carny, I hardcored it and was pretty strict – just meat, milk in tea and water. After a month or 2 of excellent results, I allowed in some cheats like alcohol (which is a carb). Currently I would be 90% of my calories as meat/milk and 2-3 glasses of muscat nightly in the winter.

August 18, 2022 9:39 pm
August 18, 2022 9:40 pm

Something is Looming Geopolitically, and We Better Start Taking It Seriously
August 18, 2022 | Sundance

As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.
Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.

August 18, 2022 9:41 pm

Crossie says:
August 18, 2022 at 9:30 pm

QDM is great.

August 18, 2022 9:41 pm

QuickDick McDick is great! A funny Canadian farmer.

Here’s some McDick perfection.

August 18, 2022 9:42 pm

So the Festival of Dangerous Ideas is all about screwing the pooch. And you and I are funding that degeneracy courtesy of the state government grant. But then again, the poor doggy stricken with monkeypox indicates that a certain diverse community is ahead of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas.

BTW, this is just now being covered on Rowan Dean’s show.

August 18, 2022 9:43 pm

Wow! All of you already knew about Quick Dick McDick. I must try to keep up.

August 18, 2022 9:44 pm

Thanks duk, hope for me yet.

August 18, 2022 9:45 pm

Our standard carry in Iraq and Afghanistan was 6 mags (180 rounds) of 5.56
I carried two bandoliers (5 ea) and two pouches 3 each) 5.56 20 round mags so 320 rounds. I reasoned that with all the things that would kill you in a war zone running out of ammo is one I can avoid.

August 18, 2022 9:46 pm

Rugby Skier, I’m thinking about doing a week at Perisher in the second week of September, worth it do you think?

Cassie of Sydney
August 18, 2022 9:49 pm

“So the Festival of Dangerous Ideas is all about screwing the pooch. “

We all know what follows.

August 18, 2022 9:53 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
August 18, 2022 at 9:49 pm
“So the Festival of Dangerous Ideas is all about screwing the pooch. “

We all know what follows.

Interspecie marriage? Love is love.

August 18, 2022 9:55 pm

Here’s some McDick perfection.

…it’s NOT bamboo!!
…it’s NOT unicorn farts!!

One of my favorites is the “Saskatchewan Grain Truck Regulation”

Bar Beach Swimmer
August 18, 2022 9:58 pm

Indolent @ 9:31pm

Sutton’s mea culpa didn’t say what he was sorry for. So not sorry.

Rehearsing for the coming Royal Commission? Or just trying to help out his main man get re-elected?

Cassie of Sydney
August 18, 2022 10:01 pm

“Interspecie marriage? Love is love.”

Children or to use the pervert’s language…”minor attraction”.

Love is love.

August 18, 2022 10:17 pm

two dogs would get a belting with a piece of polypipe

Well really … the threats I receive on this site. Whatever happened to civil discourse?

August 18, 2022 10:25 pm

2 dogs.

It’s the pustules around your nether regions and then jumping up to try and lick peoples faces that’s getting you whacked.

Actually I know the story is the gay blokes dog had mouth/ bum monkeypox and people are drawing the worst conclusions from it. Isn’t it just as possible it could have been the dog licking faces then licking its own arse?

August 18, 2022 10:26 pm

Doubtful that the abortionists tell the mother and the father what happens to the body, the body parts, of the life that has been aborted.

If they explained what happened, maybe even showed a video, most sane people would throw up, repent, and then if munty was around, proceed to beat the shit out of him for being a murderous imbecile.

August 18, 2022 10:27 pm

2dogs says:
August 18, 2022 at 10:17 pm
two dogs would get a belting with a piece of polypipe
Well really … the threats I receive on this site. Whatever happened to civil discourse?

You only have two dogs, my daughter has three huge wolf-like dogs who grovel to their five-foot nothing mistress. Admittedly, she has a generous supply of treats that she carries in her handbag.

August 18, 2022 10:29 pm

Apparently the wise spastics of WA have banned fishing for dhufish and pink snapper for 3/4 of the year every year.

You will eat the bugs.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 18, 2022 10:29 pm

TE, 6.10:

Long on invective but short on detail:

The good mail, the quite reliable mail is:

The little girl in question was abducted by her mother, a member of a whackomundo full-steam, five-alarm SovCit crew up here that runs full Annie scenarios – ie, that everyone above minimum wage is an elite, dedicated to child trafficking, slavery and sexual servitude. Yes, in tunnels.

Mummy abducted the child from a supervised custody visit. When mummies have to have supervised custody visits enforced by the court instead of daddies, you know that this particular chick is fully Ken Bruce. Mummy used another 50-ish tart in the abovementioned crew as a driver*.

Local social media pages are being flooded with comments from the SovCit tunnel enthusiasts saying that Daddy has been raping dozens – yes, dozens – of young boys all over Darwin just this year. And hiding them in pits. And tunnels.

That’s the ‘ideology’ the local jacks are talking about. They’ve dragged the Feds in because they reckon Mental Mummy has dragged the kid interstate somewhere, but the rest of the ‘multi-agency taskforce’ is fluff and padding.

Incidentally, I heard that two days ago the jacks’ media genuises thought an appeal by a lady copper would get the job done – ignoring that both the people they’re searching for are ladeeeees, and the one they’ve got (so far) is also a ladeeee. Unfortunately the chick cop they picked displayed such a perfect example of resting bitch face they switched the day after to blokes.

*Or, if you will, ‘traveller in a conveyance’.

August 18, 2022 10:30 pm

Frollickingmole, yeah, nah.

August 18, 2022 10:30 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
August 18, 2022 at 10:25 pm

Isn’t it just as possible it could have been the dog licking faces then licking its own arse?

Are you volunteering for the clinical trial? Might be wise to see if you can get on the placebo track, though.

August 18, 2022 10:38 pm

Crossie please.

I’m trying to cling to a last forlorn hope for an honest excuse.
At least leave me this frail construct to cling to.

Leon L
Leon L
August 18, 2022 10:47 pm


Your theory is the most likely route (“phrasing”) of transmission.
Don’t think we have to go to clinical trials.
It is a pox virus and highly contagious.
There are people here that only see the “root” of transmission.
I used to think it wasn’t that sort of blog.

August 18, 2022 11:20 pm

rickw, about the abortionists – they make no mention of any trade involving the aborted bodies.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 18, 2022 11:38 pm

My point: eels are a doddle in comparison to insects. They are present on the Suchi-train that I regularly frequent, and I never chose them. Other can, and do.

Just realised too that in my litany of things I consider edible I completely left out our avian friends.
Starting with chicken and ending …. well, some still eat swan on highdays and holidays in Britain (all swans belong to Her Maj, btw). After chicken I do duck and stop at turkey; some still like pigeons.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 18, 2022 11:41 pm

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the collapse in energy production. Beyond the western nations there will be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less industrial food production. This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates are going to be paying much more for scarce heating resources.

That being accepted, what happens geopolitically, even militarily, when the entire global economy starts to feel the impacts from western nation economic contraction on a scale -created by collective action- that has never been seen before.

I have no idea what that big picture consequence looks like, but whatever “that” is, will be happening at the same time as people everywhere will be more desperate as an outcome of their economic position. I don’t have the answers, but I sure as hell can see the problem coming.

From the link above to Conservative Treehouse article.
It’s how I’m feeling lately and I find it not at all up-cheering.
My Polyanna nature says, along with most other people, ignore it and hope it goes away.
My more sensible self says keep on worrying.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 18, 2022 11:44 pm

I shall rephrase that. I stop not at, but after, turkey.

Christmas is just not Christmas without a full turkey dinner at the proper ‘dinner’ time. Lunch.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2022 12:04 am

Daily Mail. Is this how low we are sinking? Year ONE Coloring in posters, FFS?

Year 1 colouring-in posters saying ‘white Australia has a black history’ are slammed as ‘indoctrination’ and ‘propaganda’ by Mark Latham

Colouring-in posters done by Year 1 school children have sparked debate
The posters say ‘White Australia has a Blak History, No Pride in Genocide’
Posters were part of the Indigenous culture NAIDOC Week at a primary school
MP Mark Latham said ‘it’s wrong to be teaching six-year-olds to hate Australia’

August 19, 2022 12:22 am

dover0beach says:
August 18, 2022 at 11:45 pm

So they’re now admitting that monkeypox is most likely spread by sexual contact, not skin to skin contact, so we are left to ponder how toddlers and a pet dog contracted the disease from the gay couples they were domiciled with.

Ponder no longer…

Government-Funded Festival of Dangerous Ideas Endorses Sex With Animals

August 19, 2022 12:36 am

Government-Funded Festival of Dangerous Ideas Endorses Sex With Animals

These people are completely insane, and pushing insanity with our hard earned $.

Going to be one heck of a revolution.

August 19, 2022 12:50 am

These people are completely insane, and pushing insanity with our hard earned $.

Going to be one heck of a revolution.

Something tells me you’re not completely into diversity and inclusion.

August 19, 2022 1:27 am
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August 19, 2022 4:33 am

Thanks Tom.

August 19, 2022 5:02 am

That NAIDOC poster is fatuous, offensive and relegates Aborigines to an illiterate underclass.

It’s Marxist baloney.

August 19, 2022 5:05 am

monty did an excellent job in arguing against abortion restrictions yesterday.

Now the forum should discuss if doctors should be compelled to perform abortions.

August 19, 2022 5:24 am

It’s not merely the past of Robert F Kennedy but the present.
He has an agenda and as a notorious anti vaxxer is a long standing twister of truth.
I respect his views on vaccines as much as I respect Monty’s on prenatal killing of the innocent.

August 19, 2022 5:25 am

Deliberately mis spelling ‘black’ doesn’t change the fact that it’s a European word written with Roman characters. Reeks of spiteful kindergarten marxism.

August 19, 2022 5:26 am

Same mindset as the wimmins movement.

August 19, 2022 5:27 am

The IPA is still good.

The Bureau has a habit of closing inconvenient stations. It closed the Charlotte Pass weather station which holds the record of ?23.0 °C for the lowest daily minimum temperature in Australia, set on 29 June 1994. That weather station was closed in March 2015. Meanwhile, in June 2017, the Bureau opened several new stations in very hot western New South Wales. One of these stations, Borrona Downs, had a hardware fault and in August 2017 was spuriously recording temperatures as low as –62.5 °C. At the same time, in the cold Australian alps a limit of –10.4 °C had been set on how cold temperatures could be recorded.

Which is funny because in the early 1980s lowland southern NSW has low temps like this. They’ve banned low alpine temperatures.

I’d LOL but it ain’t funny.

August 19, 2022 5:29 am

Monty and all other enthusiastic supporters of abortion should be compelled to perform them.

Incidentally would like to know the names of the seven Victorian upper house members who voted in support of compelling Catholic hospitals to perform abortions.
I’m betting one is an ardent animal lover.

August 19, 2022 5:30 am

Psychopathic deadshits like Gen. Michael Hayden prove that so much of the military is just another branch of the pubic service. Look at the mess these people have caused over the last 120 years.

August 19, 2022 5:37 am

Neither Labor nor Liberals come out of this debate smelling of roses either.

August 19, 2022 6:17 am

Rugby Skier, I’m thinking about doing a week at Perisher in the second week of September, worth it do you think?

I gather you have an Epic pass for Hotham/Falls and want to use it over the border? September is spring skiing, so it’s ‘firm and fast’ (icy) early, sublime mid morning and heavy going after lunch. Perisher being a higher elevation has good spring skiing but be aware that the resort closes areas not due to lack of snow but to reduce costs when the demand starts to drop off. Blue Cow and Guthega are usually closed before the end of season. The snowfalls in the past week and forecast this week should set up the NSW resorts for a good cover in Spring.

Are you going to stay up at Perisher or drive up daily from Jindabyne? This year has been hectic for commuting to the resorts. The carparks have been full by 8am and people turned around to go up the Thredbo road and take the Skitube. Although the numbers should start dropping off in September, a few warm days in Sydney stops them thinking about winter sports.

August 19, 2022 6:38 am

The unhinged readership over at Crikey pass judgement on the Governor General.

August 19, 2022 6:40 am

Just heard an ad on the radio for the Gardasil vaccine.

Apparently it’s important for “women and people with a cervix”.

Radio airtime is clearly too cheap if they can afford to air such ridiculous tautologies.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 19, 2022 6:43 am

September is spring skiing, so it’s ‘firm and fast’ (icy) early, sublime mid morning and heavy going after lunch.

How does that affect the boats?

August 19, 2022 6:46 am

How does that affect the boats?

Some slight cavitation around the props!

August 19, 2022 6:48 am

Rugby Skier, thanks for the info, yeh Epic Pass. I’m looking to stay in Jindabyne and commute. I like spring skiing, I like the rock hard in the morning and the softer stuff mid morning, by lunchtime I’ve had enough and head off. I’ve heard that the access is difficult so I’d be up early. They’ve been closing access to Falls by 9.30am on weekends and I hear that Buller closes the gate at around 8am. Pity about them closing areas due to low visitor numbers in spring but I get it. I can get cheap accom in Jindabyne in Spring for one person, I looked at the on mountain but they’re dreaming if they think I’d pay thousands for four nights in spring.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2022 6:59 am

Victim families say they aren’t notified of killers released from Melbourne psychiatric facility

That seems to be a new lefty doctrine, since it surfaced in California.

Los Angeles DA Gascón to disband unit that notifies victims of their assailant’s parole hearings (13 Jul)

Gascon is of course the ultra-Soros DA who narrowly avoided a recall this week after funny business with the petition signatures.

Someone it seems wants murderers and madmen out on the streets and is trying to avoid the victims’ families noticing.

August 19, 2022 7:01 am

Dot says:
August 19, 2022 at 5:27 am

The IPA is still good.

Was speaking with my agronomist cousin last night re this.

La Nina now predicted to extend into summer and given the extremely poor predictive abilities beyond three months who’s to say it won’t persist past the New Year?

Things are staying wet here and we are falling behind with the in crop spraying program but I’ll take that any day over the alternative.

I think it’s about time an article appeared re the construction of all the desal plants.
The premise for their construction being it wasn’t going to rain enough in the future to fill dams.

When it comes to desal plants and “green energy” ideology can only explain part of it, stupidity another part, the only other thing from there is corruption.

“Only a scam if you’re not in on it”

August 19, 2022 7:01 am

Peter Smith has a good summation of the state of the Liberals at the moment. We are essentially in a one party state with different factions. Until the wet dreams about climate etc meet reality nothing is going to change. I reckon that when the wheels fall of the wet green dreams it will happen very quickly, the people will not be happy but the pollies won’t have any idea of what to do and things will get bad, quite bad for a while.

In other times we could recover but with no political talent, no heavy industry, no energy and a demoralised population we will be ripe for someone to walk in and ‘Stabilise the Situation’, just who that will be will be critical to what comes next.

Winston Smith
August 19, 2022 7:02 am

a pox ridden filthbot
I’m stealing that for my next batch of T shirts…
…and not giving you any credit at all.
What size are you?
And ‘gorgeous’ is not a size, young lady.

August 19, 2022 7:02 am

Someone it seems wants murderers and madmen out on the streets and is trying to avoid the victims’ families noticing.

Stalin used the criminal class as part of his machinery. They were class allies…and useful.

August 19, 2022 7:04 am

I said I’d keep off Abbott but I must ask, why did he fold on his promise to have an inquiry into BOM? Does Hunt have a picture of him in an embarrassing situation? If so maybe other Libs had the same pic and used it to get him to renege on promises.

August 19, 2022 7:09 am

To the skiers out there, one of my mates is Canadian. Goes skiing at Whistler, they have the slopes lit at night. He’d skied all day until 10 pm, next day could hardly move. Out of condition. Most of the skiers I know go to NZ or Japan even for a short time.

August 19, 2022 7:21 am

GreyRanga, I’ve done night skiing at Niseko in Japan. It’s fun to do but bloody cold at -12. I organise a couple of small group trips to Japan each northern winter but obviously not since Feb 2020. Hoping to be back in 23 but Japan is reluctant to let gaijin back in without restrictions at this stage.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2022 7:21 am

Solomon Islands mortgage themselves to China. What could possibly go wrong?

Solomon Islands deal with Huawei moves ahead with massive AUD$96 million loan from Chinese investment bank (18 Aug)

Just ask Sri Lanka about that, and many African nations. This is Darwinian evolution in action on a national level. Maybe Solomons peoples should start learning Mandarin.

Btw this month it’s 80 years since the Americans paid in blood to recapture Guadacanal from the Japanese.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2022 7:21 am

“The unhinged readership over at Crikey pass judgement on the Governor General.”

Apparently Lachlan Murdoch is going to sue Crikey. Why? Crikey published a piece back in June, written by Bernard Keane (of course) where it said….“Trump is a confirmed unhinged traitor and Murdoch is his unindicted co-conspirator”. The SMH reported a few days ago that “The Crikey piece alleged that Lachlan and Rupert, through their control of right-wing TV network Fox News, were to blame for the January 6 attack on the Capitol, which attempted to prevent the congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s victory.”

You see, this is where unhinged left-wing invective ends up. The left just can’t help themselves. They want to blame everything on their favourite devils, Abbott derangement, Trump derangement, Murdoch derangement. As Gad Saad says, it’s a parasite that infects minds. I hope Lachlan cleans them out.

August 19, 2022 7:22 am

What size am I? Too big, but shrinking fast across the beam due to much…much gardening. Better than the gym and you get a reward for labour.

I think I got the “filthbot” term from either Dot or Bern a million years ago.

Those poor kids in steaming hot Maccas kitchens in masks. The new Servant Class.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2022 7:23 am

“Stalin used the criminal class as part of his machinery. They were class allies…and useful.”

As did Hitler.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2022 7:28 am

“I said I’d keep off Abbott but I must ask, why did he fold on his promise to have an inquiry into BOM? Does Hunt have a picture of him in an embarrassing situation? If so maybe other Libs had the same pic and used it to get him to renege on promises.”

We were all disappointed in Abbott. But I tell who was more disappointing, and that was Morrison.

And further to Abbott and his crushing electoral win in September 2013, it will never happen again.

August 19, 2022 7:31 am

Wonder what the criteria for borrowing money is after emigrating from Africa to Oz entails? .. Look at this woman 2 years after arriving she can afford a $900K house on an “aged care” wukka’s money .. FFS!

Winston Smith
August 19, 2022 7:32 am


Is “not wanting it” a good enough reason? I don’t think so – it is a child, her child. With all the potential of you or me or anyone else.

I agree. The embryo is a person – incomplete, no doubt, but an adult without legs is also a person despite the incompleteness. The mother is the Guardian of the foetus and has responsibilities concerning that guardianship. One of those responsibilities is to protect the unformed child.
Only incest and rape can deny that state of guardianship. That the child is inconvenient doesn’t remove that state of guardianship.

August 19, 2022 7:32 am

Cassie, agree completely but I believe there can be another crushing win, if and when the Libs rediscover those they have abandoned in their quest to go left.

The big question is if there is another crushing win, will it be followed by another crushing disappointment?

Winston Smith
August 19, 2022 7:34 am


Quite so. It was soon after that action that the powers that be realized that “Front line ammo” of 60 rounds for a SLR wasn’t really adequate.

My understanding is that first line for 7.62 was 120 rounds, 5.56 180 rounds.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2022 7:35 am

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, for the time being the climate wars are over*. The left won, and it was an easy win because the right refused to fight. Here in Oz it culminated in Morrison’s suicidal decision last year to adopt net zero emissions, no doubt at the behest of Rent Zimmerboy, Karma Sharma, Obama loving Katie Allen, Jason Foolinsky and others. And where are these people now? Gonski, purged from parliament.

* until the blackouts start.

August 19, 2022 7:37 am

Night skiing, I see no point in it at all, freezing cold and it’s wasting good drinking and relaxing time. I usually ski alone and fairly fast, if I’m up for first lift as usual by lunchtime I’m knackered and head off, you start to hurt yourself when skiing when weary.

I like NZ, the smaller areas and the club fields are great, but wary of going again after wuflu madness, Japan is off for the foreseeable future, again due to virus derangement. I always wanted to ski Kamchatka but I doubt my finances could handle it. If I was wealthy I’d live in Chamonix most northern winters, best place ever for skiing.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 19, 2022 7:39 am

A tale of idiocy and personal responsibility:

Territory Day here is celebrated with tonnes and tonnes of fireworks made in Asian sweatshops, and sold to the punters in uteloads by local bikies and anyone off the street, as long as they have one of the licences to do so that the government hand out like confetti.

From 6.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. on 1 July (in theory) you can make them go bang anywhere you like. On the road out the front of your house, in your backyard, on the beach, in the scrub, on your boat. In your lounge room, if you want. Naturally, Territory Day is punctuated with scrub fires and trips to hospital, as was the case with this bloke (the NT News):

….. Mr Trouchet was celebrating with his kids in the rural area when a faulty mortar firework went off.

“It exploded off at an angle, struck Duane in the face and then exploded again and caused major head trauma,” [his mate] said.

What actually happened was that this monster cracker only went partially bang. Mr Trouchet, being an unemployed fisherman, tested his expertise on explosives by picking it up and staring at it intently from very close range. In true Wile E. Coyote fashion, it then went BOOM.

Mr Trouchet was taken to Royal Darwin Hospital in a serious condition and put into an induced coma for three weeks. The explosion resulted in the loss of his left eye and significant burns to his face, but Mr Martin said his friend was now on the road to recovery.

This bloke’s mates organised a fundraising fishing day from one of the local ramps to pay for the experience along with his family’s food bills. No suing the government, no ‘somebody else’s fault’, no whining about how someone should have stepped in and warned him fireworks were dangerous.

Stupid, granted, but a laudable aftermath.

Winston Smith
August 19, 2022 7:43 am


Winston, those pups are only about 3 months old. Perfectly normal behaviour. Also for the cat, gazing with contempt on the peons below.

Are you sure?
They looked like about 2 years to me but in case I’m wrong, a loosely rolled up newspaper across the muzzle will do the trick.
…and the damned cat as well – just because. Smug bastard of a thing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2022 7:45 am

Speaking of 80 year anniversaries, today is Dieppe Raid day:

The World War Two suicide mission that went under the radar – Operation Jubilee (18 Aug)

For decades, the Allied invasion of the French coastal town of Dieppe was seen by many historians as one of the most catastrophic failures of the Second World War. More than 3,500 of the 6,000 or so men who had landed on August 19, 1942, were captured or killed before survivors beat a hasty retreat.

But with tomorrow’s 80th anniversary of Operation Jubilee, better known as the Dieppe Raid, this historical narrative is being reassessed. A new account reveals how a little-known British expert discovered vital information about top secret German radar under cover of the raid, information which saved thousands of lives on D-Day.

Under heavy fire, RAF Flight Sergeant and electronics boffin Jack Nissenthall, then just 22, managed to cut off the Nazis’ Dieppe radar station by clipping through telegraph wires.

He examined enough of its sophisticated electronics to understand how it functioned, and forced the enemy radar operators to communicate by radio, leaving their messages open to interception by British intelligence.

It was a mission Nissenthall knew would very likely cost him his life. The 10 Canadian soldiers charged with protecting him had been ordered to shoot him dead the moment capture seemed likely. The risk of him giving away Britain’s radar secrets under Nazi torture was simply too high.

His daughter, Linda Nissen Samuels, 73, has now written a book about his extraordinary war, called The Man Under The Radar. The story is brought to life with eye-witness accounts from her late father’s own unpublished war memoir, The Wizard War.

A brigade of British soldiers suffered terribly in order to capture a German Wurzburg radar dish. How valuable such technology was became apparent when radar was extensively used by the Allies for naval and air warfare especially against the Japanese.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 19, 2022 7:46 am

Wimmera gravel roads are thoroughly wet and in a bad state of repair.
VicPlod brains trust says drivers aren’t driving to conditions and accidents are rising.

The reality is these gravel roads have lost their form and look like two gutters running water after rain. They don’t shed water but hold it and as a result the gravel and base are regularly saturated and soft.

This is entirely a maintenance issue and not bad driving. It might help if Plod actually spoke on the safety issue of bad roads but that would put them at odds with their pay masters.

I’ll check the sheep this morning after 20mm of rain in the past two days. The exercise will involve driving on the edge of the wheel ruts and slowly ploughing through big wet big holes in the middle of the road every few hundred metres. The paddocks are better going than the roads.

August 19, 2022 7:52 am

Re Abbott:

I often see him at the Sydney cafe we frequent – particularly on Sundays when he cycles with a local group. Locals generally are discreet & leave him to his recreation. However next time I see him there I think I will congratulate him on his latest warnings about China & also his fire fighting duties in our valley during the dreadful Gosper Mt fires.

He is a remarkable individual – even if many of us were disappointed with his Prime Ministership. We should also not forget his successful mission to stop illegal immigration during those years. Pity, however, he didn’t resurrect our defence forces from years of neglect.

August 19, 2022 7:55 am

ABC news still leading with Morrison’s multi-tasking.

It’s their very own 6th January!

August 19, 2022 7:56 am

Like the ‘Great Barrington’ declaration, this too will be ignored in favour of the narrative and keeping hold of power. Is it the desire for grant money that makes scientists do dodgy work, maybe a desire to be loved and looked up to. Something is really wrong with nearly all science now, medicine especially. When the public realise they’ve been had, and they will it can take a long time, then I can’t see how the scientific establishment will recover.
From the Daily Sceptic.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2022 7:57 am


Starting with chicken and ending …. well, some still eat swan on highdays and holidays in Britain (all swans belong to Her Maj, btw). After chicken I do duck and stop at turkey; some still like pigeons.

Once the “official” diet consists of insect meal, you will find that Australia’s rabbit, pigeon and Indian Mynah problems will rapidly reduce.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2022 8:03 am

….. Mr Trouchet was celebrating with his kids in the rural area when a faulty mortar firework went off.

“It exploded off at an angle, struck Duane in the face and then exploded again and caused major head trauma,” [his mate] said.

It seems that people called ‘Duane’ are over-represented in incidents of this kind.

Winston Smith
August 19, 2022 8:03 am


You only have two dogs, my daughter has three huge wolf-like dogs who grovel to their five-foot nothing mistress. Admittedly, she has a generous supply of treats that she carries in her handbag.

Didn’t Krudd have a dog? And didn’t he have a pork chop in his pocket to keep it by his side?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 19, 2022 8:06 am

Best place i skied was Telluride Colorado. Heated and fast chairlifts, no line ups, long long runs all corduroy early. Deep powder off piste. Great views.
In the village sidewalks are heated so no ice or snow to worry about. Great bars. Best one had an outdoor spa size 20m x 10m at 36c. Downside is the high altitude. Headaches are a constant, can’t have too many beers.

Got it see Holiday log cabins of Oprah, Tom Cruise and Al Gore. The logs were huge as were the cabins. You could fit a couple of Melbourne McMansions in each one. Reinforced my view of Al Gore, the inconvenient elite.

Haven’t skied in Aus since.

August 19, 2022 8:09 am

Fair Shake, sounds good but never been to the US and likely never will, sounds good though but beyond my means.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2022 8:11 am

August 19, 2022 at 7:04 am
I said I’d keep off Abbott but I must ask, why did he fold on his promise to have an inquiry into BOM? Does Hunt have a picture of him in an embarrassing situation? If so maybe other Libs had the same pic and used it to get him to renege on promises.

Need to check the timings.

My vague recollection is that Turdballs made his move straight after that promise was made, and his first action after becoming PM was to cancel the plan.

Open to correction if my memory is not up to scratch.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2022 8:13 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
August 19, 2022 at 7:23 am
“Stalin used the criminal class as part of his machinery. They were class allies…and useful.”

As did Hitler.

Of course. Communism and fascism are both feathers of the same left wing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2022 8:14 am

Let them eat insects.

Gas Crisis Chaos: Minister Brands Unhappy Public ‘New Enemies of the State’ Amid Riot Warnings (18 Aug)

Those taking the German government to task over the ongoing gas crisis have been branded the “new enemies of the state” by one government minister in the country.

The minister — who is a member of former chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party — made the claim as authorities in the country begin to fear significant backlash for gas shortages in the winter, with one official saying that he is now expecting riots to occur if and when people are no longer able to heat their homes.

According to a report by broadcaster NTV, Herbert Reul, who serves as the Interior Minister for the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, has now labelled members of the public challenging the extremely poor handling of Germany’s energy, cost of living, and COVID crises by the political class as “enemies of the state”.

Freezing pensioners are now terrorists. This sort of approach didn’t work too well in a certain next door country, as I recall.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 19, 2022 8:14 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2022 8:15 am

monty did an excellent job in arguing against abortion restrictions yesterday.

I am sure he sees himself as a sort of gadfly character – bane of the powerful, approaching by stealth and stinging them, irritating them, provoking them, and exposing them.

We know him as more like a piece of dog crap on your shoe.

But he does seem really fixated on abortion with that bizarre argument about extreme cases (not dissimilar to arguing that since you would be justified in speeding to escape an encroaching bushfire then you must concede it is alright to speed anywhere anytime – 100kph through an active school zone if you are late for golf because you slept in, for example).

Normally the loud and feverish demands for unfettered access to abortion – even encouragement to it – comes from angry, gaudy, aged, and shall we say extreme endomorphic (sod it. Fat and blubbery), unhappy women.

Well, he actually ticks all those boxes with the seeming exception of the last.

But in these days of obsessing over all things ‘trans’, do you think perhaps there is something he is not telling us?

August 19, 2022 8:18 am

even if many of us were disappointed with his Prime Ministership

It started badly with Abbott spending the first 3 months as a volunteer firefighter. That was not his job. His job was being PM and reversing the Krudd-Gillard-Krudd fup, but no, it was not to be. It was the mark of his government of do-nothing.

Contrast this with the 30 laws rapidly passed by Parliament by Elbow, to further stuff up Oz.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2022 8:19 am

monty did an excellent job in arguing against abortion restrictions yesterday.

She has his number. Every year at Christmas she sends him a blanket, causing his race memory to kick in and fill him with dread. For a week after he does not know if all those sudden chills and waking in the night shivering in a cold sweat is smallpox or fear of it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2022 8:19 am

Winston Smithsays:
August 19, 2022 at 8:03 am

You only have two dogs, my daughter has three huge wolf-like dogs who grovel to their five-foot nothing mistress. Admittedly, she has a generous supply of treats that she carries in her handbag.

Didn’t Krudd have a dog? And didn’t he have a pork chop in his pocket to keep it by his side?

He didn’t need anything in his pocket. KRudd is a pork chop.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2022 8:22 am

“However next time I see him there I think I will congratulate him on his latest warnings about China & also his fire fighting duties in our valley during the dreadful Gosper Mt fires.”

Abbott’s lucky. The next time I see Dave Karma Sharma, he won’t be so fortunate, the tongue lashing I’m going to give him will leave him reeling.

August 19, 2022 8:24 am

This is where Australia will be very soon, with worse to come.

As UK’s energy crisis deepens new analysis finds that one-in-four people in the UK will not be able to pay for energy bills in October, when the new price cap will come into force.

Citizens Advice suggests in January, when new price hikes are expected to come in, this figure could jump to one-in-three.

The charity notes that more than half of the people predicted to be unable to pay their energy bills are not currently eligible for the government’s targeted support to people on means-tested benefits

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 19, 2022 8:25 am

I was fortunate to have a mate who owns an apartment there. Cooked our own meals. We got some cheap flights. I hired really good gear there at below Aus prices. Another friend bought new ski gear from US online and had it delivered free to the apartment. Local shop fitted it all for him for small fee. Daily Lift prices marginally were less than Aus.
Once the accommodation was taken care of it wasn’t that much more expensive than a week in Aus ski fields… where $100 notes are the new $20 note.

August 19, 2022 8:27 am

He has an agenda and as a notorious anti vaxxer is a long standing twister of truth.

Sounds like a thorough evidence based refutation of his arguments there!

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  4. Effin stupid, still carrying the guilt of WW 2. The Germans were the last country/race t odo this so this…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x