There are some amazingly stupid people in the world and some of them are perverts.
There are some amazingly stupid people in the world and some of them are perverts.
Fatboy isn’t a self proclaimed god oracle. Very definition of a wanker. Busy with the ticking we see.
This may be the most gay thing ever. It’s like Freddie Mercury and Elton John had a butt baby and…
Austraya Day. Dearly Beloved down south with a girlfriend. Thought I should have a coupla lamb chops on the barbie…
I’ll post that later. (Oz day)
How’s the skiing in Telluride in August?
That’s wrongthink, comrade.
You got it wrong Winston, krudd was the pork chop.
Stalin used the criminal class as part of his machinery. They were class allies…and useful.
Stalin used to rob banks for a living. Few politicians aren’t criminals or of the criminal mindset. Most don’t get caught is all.
The Letters to the Editor column in the Age are a constant source of amusement and, yes, contempt, despair and disgust. Today among the howling mob of leftist apparatchiks getting stuck into Morrison there is a letter from a Melbourne “Arts” identity complaining that among his other sins, Morrison has no respect for the Yarts because he didn’t appoint himself Arts minister as well as all the other portfolios.
You can’t make this stuff up!
Duk at 8:27.
Do you endorse RFK Junior’s position on vaxxes?
All vaxxes?
He is a fucking loon.
No need for a detailed refutation of his lunacy line-by-line.
When you look at the great stinking pile of grifters and crooks that is the Kennedy clan, he is at the top.
The only Duane’s that are any good are Duane Eddy and Duane Allman. Both guitarists. The rest, dropkicks.
Dream on, Albo. Reparations, “in perpetuity” have been on the agenda since the draft Treaty of 1988.
Fair Shake, I do it on a shoestring, I live a 40 min drive from Falls, early bird epic pass (over65) plus early bird (over 65) car pass, $1k all up. Take my time driving up to save fuel and tyres, take a coffee and put on an audiobook or podcast and get there for first lift, I’m normally getting weary by midday so in the car, back home and do some work around the place. Usually ski 60 to 80 days a season but this year not so much. Plenty of snow but lots of days with poor visibility or rain and snow. I’m very much a fair weather skier in my old age.
This one today is pretty amazing.
Sweden: Electricity Prices Up 400 Per Cent From 2021 (18 Aug)
The fun thing about this paragraph is that Sweden has no gas power stations at all. Almost all it’s generation is due to either hydroelectricity and nukes (93%).
The problem is the interconnectors – Swedish power generators are in hot demand providing CO2-free electricity to wastrel European countries. So poor Swedes are being financially raped by the EU: if the interconnectors were blown up the electricity price would go down.
He’s not dreaming.
He’s lying.
A point not lost on Queenslanders.
Just got the latest electricity bill, it’s always big in winter but just staggering this time, it’s for four weeks, cost $389.78 most of that $257.06 is for off peak hot water. I’m putting in an LPG instantaneous system next week, looking forward to much lower bills. Until the gov bans LGP that is.
That bill is for four weeks.
Peak315.20 kWh 31.900 c/kWh 11 Jul 202210 Aug 2022 31 $100.55
Off Peak 1,416.28 kWh 18.150 c/kWh11 Jul 202210 Aug 2022 31 $257.06
Supply Charge 31 days110.000 c/day 11 Jul 202210 Aug 2022 31 $34.10
Solar CreditRetail Feed-In Tariff (GST Excl)28.78 kWh-6.700 c/kWh11 Jul 202210 Aug 202231-$1.93
Total New Electricity Charges (Including GST)$389.78 GST$35.61
Brett Baier again sounding like Chris Wallace, oozing anti-Trumpisms.
Just reminded me why we don’t usually bother watching or recording his show.
Liberty Quote
The skin cells on your nose might well be “potential human beings,” in the loose sense in which a rubber ball is a “potential eraser.” But a zygote is not a “potential human being” or a “potentially rational animal.” Rather, it is an actual human being and thus an actual rational animal, just one that hasn’t yet fully realized its inherent potentials.
– Edward Feser
Thomas Massie
CDC lost credibility by
*denying natural immunity
*claiming shots prevent spread
*suppressing possible therapies
*ignoring vaccine injured
*treating all groups as same risk
*flip flopping on masks
*lying to Congress
*fabricating studies
NOW they don’t want to do it by fiat!
Biden Administration Plans for End of Covid-19 Shot, Treatment Coverage
When you look at the great stinking pile of grifters and crooks that is the Kennedy clan, he is at the top.
Thats a pretty big call.
I take it you are restricting yourself to living Kennedys and not dead ones?
I have done a great deal of self education over the last nearly 3 years, including reading ‘The Real Fauci’ – all of it, and it is very detailed. I also read widely on immunology in general, and ‘compared and contrasted’ how big business ( Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Wind, Big Cholesterol etc etc etc) captured government and used it to push their dangerous products upon the people, irrespective of benefit and even risk.
I see a pattern, this shit has been going on for a long time and has corrupted science and medicine to the enormous detriment of the people.
I now question *everything*, including the great bulk of the vaccination programme, which, as I noted yesterday, has spread into the companion and large animal industry as well.
Once you realise they have been lying to you about one thing, you realise they have been lying to you about everything… fiat currency, inflation, taxation, statins, the food pyramid, diversity, multiculturalism, immigration, democracy itself.
Exactly duk.
His anti all vaccine crusade is so lunatic I see no reason to bother considering his position on any topic.
Charging Electric Cars Like “Spilling Liters of Petrol”…(Hidden) Losses During Charging Are Huge
“Hidden gas guzzlers”…The wonders of electric cars are turning out to be pie-in-the-sky fantasies.
Massive energy losses from generation, to transmission, to charging and during battery storage are turning electric mobility into a cost nightmare.
“E-cars lose massive amounts of power during charging,” reports the online 24hamburg-de here, citing results of tests conducted on a variety of electric cars of different price classes and sizes by Germany’s ADAC automobile association.
This makes electric cars even more expensive, and less affordable, than previously thought.
The ADAC’s results show, “electricity consumption when charging electric cars is significantly higher than indicated on the consumption displays.”
Manufacturers forgot to tell e-car buyers that lots of energy – about 10% – in fact gets lost during charging and battery storage.
Wasting huge amounts of energy
“The result is devastating,” reports
“With a gasoline-powered car, that would be like spilling a few liters when refueling,” says the ADAC.
Apparently. significant energy gets lost by all the electrical systems, from the charging station, to the on-board charger and the drive battery in the car itself.
flyingduk, Mrs Eyrie( former RN) used to be a proponent of western science based medicine. After the last two and a half years and much reading, she’s much less convinced about vaccination than she used to be.
I ALMOST NEVER RUN ACROSS A BROKEN GAS PUMP: Electric vehicle owners are fed up with broken EV chargers and janky software.
I realised this decades ago – signal example being of course, gerbil worming, although the new Ice Age scare in the seventies was its precursor, followed by acid rain and the hole in the Ozone layer.
Fact and evidence free anti-scientific horseshit, all of it. Hence my inevitable skepticism about bat flu.
A motto to live by.
Great to hear you out and about sfw. Its not that expensive for you. I wish I could go fly fishing but my neck causes too many problems. Never got into skiing. Love to watch it, got hooked when young seeing Jean-Claude Killy on the box. Too cold for me.
One fat man of paralysing stupidity gone, one more to go.
You would need a heart of stone to even think about hitting these two darlings. And, can you imagine, this cat raised 9 of them. These are the 2 he kept. The others went to wonderful home, mainly in pairs. A couple of them even have their own tweeter feeds.
Penelope “Brownie” Turd
monty did an excellent job in arguing against abortion restrictions yesterday.She has his number. Every year at Christmas she sends him a blanket, causing his race memory to kick in and fill him with dread. For a week after he does not know if all those sudden chills and waking in the night shivering in a cold sweat is smallpox or fear of it.
Shoulda been in response to:
Stan Grant gives Plibbers another tongue bath.
Like selling candy to a baby.
Candy Maker Mars Wins Lawsuit Against Marijuana Dealers Selling Drug-Infused ‘Skittles’ (18 Aug)
The problem being not that sweets had THC in them but that it was infringing Mars’ copyright. Selling stoner sweets is OK. But it’s not OK if your lollies contain a substance which is haram to the Green-Progressive religion.
FDA Warns Manufacturer Marketing Illegal Nicotine Gummies (18 Aug)
It’s fun that THC is holy to the new religion but nicotine666 is banned by it. Maybe they should write a holy book so we can know what is blessed by Gaia and what isn’t.
Four-time Hawthorn premiership coach Alistair Clarkson is the new coach of North Melbourne, where he was once one of the dirtiest backmen in the AFL – ending the coach roulette circus that has gripped Victoria for the past week, in which Essendon has also fired its hopeless coach Ben Rutten (who extraordinarily remains in the job), chased Clarkson and is now facing a new coach hunt (along with Greater Western Sydney).
The Frolicking Moll:
Damn fine question, TFM.
Sorry, left out original link of the two irresistible darlings
Government to impose penalties for dirty car emissions
The Albanese government is resurrecting a contentious plan to impose carbon emissions rules on new car sales to boost electric vehicle take-up and avoid turning the country’s car yards into “dumping grounds” for redundant stock no longer able to be sold in other markets.
In a coup for the electric vehicle industry and mostly European premium manufacturers such as VW, BMW and Mercedes, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen will on Friday declare that “now is the time to have an orderly and sensible discussion” about the idea.
At a function organised by the EV lobby in Canberra on Friday, which will include three teal independents, billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, and the head of VW Australia, Mr Bowen will argue that introducing penalties on the sale of traditional internal combustion engines will “address the cost-of-living impacts of inefficient cars”.
– Utes to be hit hardest
– A ‘game changer’, VW says
– Teals push for more incentives
– ‘Charging anxiety’
The Greens on Thursday reiterated their support for a fuel efficiency standard – starting at 105 grams per km and ratcheting down to zero by 2030, when a “ban on new petrol and diesel” vehicles should take effect.
“We also want to see a $10,000 subsidy on every first electric vehicle, decreasing over time as the take-up of electric vehicles increases,” said Greens Deputy Leader Mehreen Faruqi.
Labor’s move adds to its Commonwealth fleet buying policy, which aims to reach 75 per cent EV leases and purchases by 2025, and a push to expand the charging station network density to an average interval of 150km on major roads.
This has blown up overnight.
Old Ozzie:
I’d always assumed these losses were being factored in to the calculations.
Now you are telling us they weren’t?
Does that mean the amount of work between the power station and the rubber on the road is <40%?
(40% is a number I retrieved from a place the sun doesn't shine on – just a guess.)
sweden birthrate update: june data
Labor Lotto. How many stupid policies can they introduce?
The Albanese government is resurrecting a contentious plan to impose carbon emissions rules on new car sales
Clarkson is a four-time premiership coach because of the almost unprecedented confluence of a) cattle at the time, and b) effective management by the Mayblooms*’ board.
Being the King of Arden Street at present is like handing a bloke a broomstick and saying ‘Over there is a 7×5 trailer full of wet sand. Shovel it out using this stick. You have twenty minutes’.
*Hawthorn’s original name.
We’re gonna need a bigger subsidy.
re electricity prices (rounded):
from end September: Off Peak 17 to 19.6 c/kwh
Peak 34 to 40.8
Supply 104 to 130 c/Day
Total cost has risen over 15 years by a factor of 2.5.
A twin element HWS was replaced by Instantaneous LPG so the relative increase is higher than 2.5.
The Greens on Thursday reiterated their support for a fuel efficiency standard – starting at 105 grams per km and ratcheting down to zero by 2030, when a “ban on new petrol and diesel” vehicles should take effect.
As usual, green ideas are so good they have to be made compulsory and any anything outside their holy writ made illegal.
“Duk at 8:27.
Do you endorse RFK Junior’s position on vaxxes?
All vaxxes?
He is a fucking loon.
No need for a detailed refutation of his lunacy line-by-line.
When you look at the great stinking pile of grifters and crooks that is the Kennedy clan, he is at the top.”
Correct. RFK Jnr is not someone anyone should look up to . He is against all vaccinations and he’s a supporter of that disgraced fraud, Andrew Wakefield. For goodness sake, even his own wife has distanced herself from some of his ravings.
Politispeak for “the decision has already been made, but we’ll test the strength of the public backlash first so as not to damage our re-election propsects.”
The biggest problem I see is the desire of the pharma companies to switch entirely to mRNA vaccines. That is bad news for the same reason that the mRNA covid vaccines are bad news: they cause virus coat proteins and carbohydrates to be expressed on healthy cells, especially lining blood vessels and the heart. So you have the immune system attacking healthy cells causing inflammation. Which leads to the myocarditis issue and the clotting issue. Those problems are going to happen with all injected mRNA vaccines, to greater or lesser extent.
You don’t get that so much with free floating vaccine particles, such as killed-virus ones. Thus conventional vaccines like fluvax and tetanus vaccine are much safer.
Novovax is a bit of a special case since it is a free floating vaccine particle but one which supports the spike protein. Unfortunately the spike protein itself is bad news, and there’ve been official warnings of Novavax side effects similar to the mRNA vaccines, presumably for that reason. But the Novavax model is a good one, since other virus surface groups do not cause the biochemical harm the covid spike does.
Unfortunately I see the whole vaccination industry becoming on the nose with the public because of the huge and seemingly fanatical drive towards the mRNA model. The side effects are going to kill all faith in vaccines in general.
Already I’m concerned about getting fluvax anymore, after about 2 decades of getting it each year. That’s because the pharma companies are pushing hard to convert to mRNA fluvax, and away from the egg-cultured vaccine. How do you explain to a pharmacist or a GP that you want the latter not the former? They will get angry at you since you are implying you don’t trust them.
I wonder if Hodgey is interested in an assistant coaching gig at North Melbourne. He just getting more chins being in the Channel 7 commentary box.
Unless the policy is, at one step removed, to induce poverty as a curb on consumption.
“Sam Harris just admitted he supported censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story because it helped Biden
This man just set his entire career on fire”
Dover, Gad Saad, who was once quite friendly with Sam, has overnight uploaded a short Youtube video re. Harris’ anti-Trump derangement. With this revelation, Harris has outed himself as a totalitarian who’s quite willing to silence the free speech of those he disagrees with.
What ever happened to We’re The Sweeney, Son episode 5.
You might want to embiggen to catch the guest star entering stage right at 29 secs.
. Yep, I’ve never taken to Sam Harris, always struck me as arrogant, humility is not in his character and the admission of his Trump Derangement Syndrome surprises me not a jot.
Good luck with that.
‘No one’ in Australia wants to buy electrical vehicles (Sky News, 19 Aug)
He’s right. Plus electricity is ludicrously expensive, no one wants to spend a vast amount for fast chargers at home, the street-level power infrastructure isn’t there, and owners don’t want to be time limited on charging because of grid overload issues. And the wretched things are a lot more expensive that conventional cars and are going to stay that way for many many years to come because of materials limitations like lithium and rare earths supply bottlenecks. The fire hazard is a cherry on top.
Already there seems to be a general regard that Priuses are uncool and sanctimonious, driven by Greens. That’s going to hit even harder with EVs.
Yeah, I know.
I was including all Kennedys, past present and emerging.
Let’s just say he’s on the podium.
However I think Chris Bowen should announce that all Comcars will hitherto be electric. He can do this right now. Lead by example!
I call them “Toyota Smugs”.
Why Are We in Ukraine?
A steep bill comes due for decades of democracy promotion.
On March 24, a month after Russian tanks rolled across Ukraine’s borders, the Biden White House summoned America’s partners (as its allies are now called) to a civilizational crusade. The administration proclaimed its commitment to those affected by Russia’s recent invasion—“especially vulnerable populations such as women, children, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons, and persons with disabilities.” At noon that same day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken tweeted about the “massive, unprecedented consequences” American sanctions were wreaking on Russia, and claimed Russia’s economic “collapse” was imminent.
Never has an official non-belligerent been more implicated in a war. Russia and its sympathizers assert that the U.S. attempt to turn Ukraine into an armed anti-Russian camp is what the war is about in the first place. Even those who dismiss this view will agree that the United States has made itself a central player in the conflict. It is pursuing a three-pronged strategy to defeat Russia through every means short of entering the war—which, of course, raises the risk that the United States will enter the war. One prong is the state-of-the-art weaponry it is supplying to Ukraine. Since June, thousands of computer-guided artillery rockets have been wreaking havoc behind Russian lines. A second prong is sanctions. With western European help, Washington has used its control of the choke points of the global marketplace to impoverish Russians, in hopes of punishing Russia. Finally, the U.S. seeks to rally the world’s peoples to a culture war against an enemy whose traditionalism, even if it does not constitute the whole of his evil, is at least a symbol of it.
It would be foolish to bet against the United States, a mighty global hegemon with a military budget 12 times Russia’s. Yet something is going badly off track. Russia’s military tenacity was to be expected—bloodying and defeating more technologically advanced armies has been a hallmark of Russian civilization for 600 years. But the economic sanctions, far from bringing about the collapse Blinken gloated over, have driven up the price of the energy Russia sells, strengthened the ruble, and threatened America’s western European allies with frostbite, shortages, and recession. The culture war has found few proponents outside of the West’s richest latte neighborhoods. Indeed, cultural self-defense may be part of the reason India, China, and other rising countries have conspicuously declined to cut economic ties with the Russians.
Anyone who watched the first Trump impeachment in 2019 will know that U.S. Ukraine policy—and the personnel carrying it out—did not change, in its essence, between the Obama and Trump administrations. Through steady deliveries of weaponry and military know-how, the failed state of 2014, defended by a ramshackle collection of hooligans and oligarch-sponsored militias, was transformed by 2021 into the third-largest army in Europe, fully interoperable with that of the United States. Ukraine, with a quarter-million men under arms, was outmanned only by Turkey and Russia. The real caesura came not with Trump’s arrival but with his departure. In the first weeks of 2021, Joe Biden committed his administration to a considerably more aggressive Ukraine policy. Last November 10, Blinken signed a “strategic partnership” that not only reasserted the Bush Administration’s commitment to admit Ukraine into NATO, but also reopened contested sovereignty questions, including that of strategically vital, culturally Russian Crimea.
The Mearsheimer account culminates with an implicit question: What did you think Russia would do?
For more than a century, the United States has entered world conflicts as a tertius gaudens. After two adversaries have bled and exhausted each other, big advantages can be won with a relatively small expenditure of blood and treasure. In this case, the U.S. is making the entirety of its contribution to the Ukrainian war effort in treasure, none of it so far in blood. On top of the armament and training provided over the past eight years, it has provided Ukraine with $50 billion worth of advanced weaponry in the last six months. Since the beginning of the war, the United States has also provided targeting information for drone strikes on Russian generals and missile attacks on Russian ships.
What is new and reckless about these American sanctions is the threat they pose not to Russia but to the United States. The Biden Administration has been abusing—and thus undermining—the American position as custodian of the global economy.
The measures against Russia, though, are of unprecedented scope. Both President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have declared their willingness to seize those hundreds of billions in order to “rebuild Ukraine.” The United States has for a long time lived off the “exorbitant privilege” of its reserve currency and its role as the global regulator of first resort. Neither will survive for long if the United States manages the world’s assets in a non-fiduciary way.
The people who make U.S. Ukraine policy were apparently incapable of thinking things through to this point. Rather than beg its way back into the U.S.-led global financial order, the Russians are trying to build a new one with new partners. They have a chance of pulling it off. In a speech at a June economic forum in St. Petersburg, Putin complained that the roughly $10 trillion that any trading country must hold in dollar and Euro currency reserves is being devalued at 8% a year by U.S. inflation. “Moreover,” he said, “they can be confiscated or stolen any time if the United States dislikes something in the policy of the states involved.” Putin called for a replacement for the SWIFT system. “The development of a convenient and independent payment infrastructure in national currencies is a solid and predictable basis for deepening international cooperation,” he said. Until recently such an appeal would have fallen on deaf ears. This time it did not.
Power and Influence
In part, the great story we see playing out is the fulfillment of a prediction that people have been making for a generation: power and influence are shifting away from the United States and Europe, and toward Asia.
In 2020, the Hamburg-based Körber Foundation took a poll of German adults in their twenties and early thirties, and found that 46% backed closer ties between their country and China, versus only 35% who called for closer ties with the United States. In Italy, 36% of adults wanted ties to China, versus only 30% to the U.S. The difference may reflect that the United States is, on the international level, a police power. The U.S. not only claims a role in Russia’s near abroad; eight years ago it threatened to boycott Russia’s Olympics over its laws about teaching sexuality to schoolchildren. China (to take one example) made no such boycott threats.
A guarantor of economic order, the United States has come to mistake itself for a promulgator of international law, able to consign any country, at any time, to the status of an international pariah. Rival great powers see the United States actively engaged in undermining them, and sometimes they are right to.
Yes, the West “swiftly moved” against Russia, but six months in, these moves seemed surprisingly ineffective. The reason is that, no matter where you place the fulcrum and the lever, Russia, China, and India collectively are now too much for the United States to lift.
The Italian writer Marco D’Eramo reported that, after a March 18 phone call between Biden and Xi Jinping, one Chinese anchorman joked that Biden’s message had been: “Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?”
The attempt to isolate Russia from the American world system has had a striking unintended consequence—the possible founding of an alternative world system that would draw power away from the existing one.
We are displaying an outright genius for identifying our most dangerous military adversary and solving its most pressing strategic challenge.
Problem is, so much of life is about trust; almost everything is built on some sort of trust. Scientific experts, though, can be something else again, and not in the least trustworthy when puffed up with hubris and disdainfully dismissive of hard-won common sense, even though that common sense is not contrary to science and capable of finding expression in science.
You can be sceptical about Kung Flu vaxxes without going the full RFK.
It is a familiar pattern: the Left sees an organization or institution that is widely respected, and takes it over. It then politicizes, degrades and misuses that institution. The predictable result is that the public regard formerly enjoyed by the institution is lost.
That is what has happened with the FBI. The Bureau once enjoyed near-universal respect, but in the wake of a series of scandals culminating in the Mar-a-Lago raid, Rasmussen finds the FBI’s favorability rating dropping to 50%, with 46% disapproving.
This is the most startling finding:
Roger Stone, an adviser to former President Donald Trump, has said there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” A majority (53%) of voters now agree with Stone’s statement – up from 46% in December – including 34% who Strongly Agree. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree with the quote from Stone, including 26% who Strongly Disagree.
It seems shocking to say that the FBI is run by “politicized thugs” who have turned the bureau into “Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo,” but that is the way a little over half of all Americans now see the FBI. Nice going, James Comey and Christopher Wray!
The Toyota Pius.
FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia Investigation
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
August 18, 2022
The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its years-long Russiagate probe of Trump.
The FBI’s nine-hour, 30-agent raid of the former president’s Florida estate is part of a counterintelligence case run out of Washington – not Miami, as has been widely reported – according to FBI case documents and sources with knowledge of the matter. The bureau’s counterintelligence division led the 2016-2017 Russia “collusion” investigation of Trump, codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.”
Although the former head of Crossfire Hurricane, Peter Strzok, was fired after the disclosure of his vitriolic anti-Trump tweets, several members of his team remain working in the counterintelligence unit, the sources say, even though they are under active investigation by both Durham and the bureau’s disciplinary arm, the Office of Professional Responsibility. The FBI declined to respond to questions about any role they may be taking in the Mar-a-Lago case.
In addition, a key member of the Crossfire team – Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten – has continued to be involved in politically sensitive investigations, including the ongoing federal probe of potentially incriminating content found on the abandoned laptop of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, according to recent correspondence between the Senate Judiciary Committee and FBI Director Christopher Wray. FBI whistleblowers have alleged that Auten tried to falsely discredit derogatory evidence against Hunter Biden during the 2020 campaign by labeling it Russian “disinformation,” an assessment that caused investigative activity to cease.
Auten has been allowed to work on sensitive cases even though he has been under internal investigation since 2019, when Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred him for disciplinary review for his role in vetting a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded dossier used by the FBI to obtain a series of wiretap warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz singled out Auten for cutting a number of corners in the verification process and even allowing information he knew to be incorrect slip into warrant affidavits and mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court.
We are always debating if the child in utero is a person. That’s the whole point of the argument. If it is a person then abortion is murder, full stop, the conservatives are steering the ship. If it is in some grey area between blastocyst and person, then there’s an ongoing argument to be had about the line where you say that abortion is wrong – a Roe-style compromise – and the left is in control of that backed by a large majority of the people.
PJW on monkeypox.
Australia won’t be ‘dumping ground’ for clunkers: Bowen
Bowen challenges electric vehicle ‘naysayers’
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has vowed to stop Australia becoming more of a “dumping ground” for high-polluting cars other countries won’t take as he hits back at electric vehicle “naysayers”.
Addressing an electric vehicle summit in Canberra, Bowen has been canvassing proposals to reduce the cost of electric vehicles including fuel efficiency standards.
The minister said passenger cars accounted for nearly 10 per cent of Australia’s CO2 emissions. Yes, EVs were expensive, Bowen said.
“Even if they could access the limited supply, they can’t afford it. The price sends them to petrol or diesel vehicles against their will.
“Now, what the commentators and the naysayers who bag electric vehicles as unaffordable and unavoidable in Australia miss – and I suspect many most cases deliberately ignore – is this unaffordability and unavailability is a direct result of government policy.”
Australia needed the right policy settings to attract electric vehicle imports currently directed towards other nationals with emissions standards, the minister said.
He added now was the time for a “sensible discussion about whether fuel efficiency standards could help improve the supply of electric vehicles into our market”.
This would help ease the cost of living burden from inefficient cars as well as slashing transport sector emissions.
Apart from Russia, Bowen said Australia was the only OECD country not to have or be in the process of developing fuel efficiency standards.
“The lack of standards in Australia is cited as one of the key factors impacting on the supply of EVs into Australia. Why? Because while Australia doesn’t show leadership, manufacturers will prioritise those markets that do.
“It means that consumers aren’t getting the choice available internationally and as the world moves to more efficient and cleaner cars, we risk becoming even more of a dumping ground for older technology which can’t be sold in other markets.”
End of week 1 working for the CCP, day off today. Catch up on domestic duties and admin.
Hmm – So much for Made in Japan
Mazda to reduce dependence on Chinese parts as sales stall
Between April and June, deliveries of new Mazda vehicles in Australia dropped by almost 40 per cent, with Chinese parts suppliers given the blame.
Japanese car maker Mazda says it plans to reduce its reliance on Chinese components, after blaming vehicle manufacturing delays on widespread parts shortages.
The revelation comes as Mazda sales in Australia were down 39 per cent for the three months period from the start of April to the end of June 2022, compared with the same time last year.
Parts shortages – triggered by interruptions to production due to employee absenteeism during COVID waves – have crippled most major automotive companies globally.
However, Mazda appears to be taking a more drastic approach to boost production.
Mazda has reportedly instructed its suppliers to increase parts stockpiles in Japan and diversify production outside of China, as reported by news agency Reuters from a recent Mazda investor presentation.
As reported by Mazda executives late last week, pandemic lockdowns in China have meant ongoing supply disruptions for the carmaker, resulting in a $US144.4 million ($AU204 million) operating loss for the first quarter of the Japanese financial year (April to June).
Contracts held with Japanese and European companies haven’t changed the outcome, with most businesses basing their parts manufacturing in China.
Takeshi Mukai, a senior director at Mazda, says the company will be seeking manufacturing diversification outside of China when it negotiates future contracts with parts suppliers, as well as requesting higher inventory stocks within Japan to help offset supply disruption
The latest script they are all following is: “Mistakes were made and have to be acknowledged”.
Obviously their polling is telling them they really, really are on the nose. Time to let a thousand flowers bloom.
Of course, the major mistake, which was to suspend democracy for two years and unleash their thugs, will not be apologised for.
Toyota Pus, hardly ever see one now.
Yep, and even if it was safe, it’s not effective, and for the same reasons as the Covid shots – the virus mutates too fast, injecting the antigen (instead of inhaling it) results in the wrong sort of immune response, and cheap ‘injected immunity’ results in a weak, obsolete and under exercised immune system, which needs regular exposure to the real thing to keep it fit and up to date.
I’ve already told you that for a large portion of the anti-abortion movement the argument doesn’t hinge on the human being being a person. It is enough that they are are human being. If you want to argue that personhood is determinative then you need to articulate what it is about personhood that confers dignity to the human being such that it only then becomes a subject deserving of the protection of the law. You also need to identify when personhood arises in the human being and given my knowledge of persoonhood arguments you are going to struggle not only limiting abortion to the first or second trimester but to the months after birth.
when a “ban on new petrol and diesel” vehicles should take effect.
If I build a new petrol or diesel vehicle in my shed?
Sam Harris is so rational he supports a senile old man in charge of nuclear weapons.
Only a science denier and charlatan who doubts the self absorbed, self loving “sceptic movement” (and a movement it truly is) would question the IQ of a personage making such a choice.
Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
Issued on: January 19, 2021
SUBJECT: Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
August 19, 2022 at 10:33 am
Sam Harris is so rational he supports a senile old man in charge of nuclear weapons.
Sam Harris clarifies that clip where he says he wouldn’t have cared if Hunter Biden had children’s bodies in his basement
Neuroscientist, author, and podcaster Sam Harris made the rounds on Twitter Thursday in the form of a video clip in which he admitted that suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story was a “left-wing conspiracy” but it didn’t matter because of the danger Donald Trump brought to the presidency.
Here it is in case you missed it:
Dover Beach:
The timeframe is right:
.1 It will take time for the Bidenshit to be impeached.
.2 The incoming President will have <2.5 Terms to carry out their plan. Assume 10 years for the next Democrat President if they win the next 2 elections.
.3 The gibbering dimwit Harris is NOT guaranteed the Presidency – while she is next in line, the Dems can put in anyone they like.
.4 If you were an insurance company, would you insure either Harris, Biden, or anyone else against Hillary Clinton?
As Mussolini said, fascism is best described as a marriage between the corporation and the state….
August 19, 2022 at 10:26 am
The latest script they are all following is: “Mistakes were made and have to be acknowledged”.
Obviously their polling is telling them they really, really are on the nose. Time to let a thousand flowers bloom.
Of course, the major mistake, which was to suspend democracy for two years and unleash their thugs, will not be apologised for.
Walensky Finally Admits CDC Made ‘Dramatic Mistakes’ in Pandemic Response
In the wake of its numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will undergo a series of changes as it tries to modernize the agency and repair its embattled reputation.
“For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations,” CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told agency employees in an email. “As a long-time admirer of this agency and a champion for public health, I want us all to do better.”
To that end, Walensky, who said the agency made “pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes” in its COVID-19 response, announced measures that would allow the CDC to respond better and more quickly to public health emergencies, including making sweeping changes to how the agency analyzes and shares data and how promptly it shares information with the public.
“My goal is a new, public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness,” she wrote in the statement.
Changes in leadership and reorganization of staff will also occur.
Walensky’s big announcement comes after two recent reviews on its pandemic response and agency operations by Health Resources and Services Administration official Jim Macrae and CDC Chief of Staff Sherri Berger.
While acknowledging it failed is a step in the right direction, many argue the biggest change needs to be made at the top.
I learned in the MEAO that there are 2 basic styles of communication, based upon whether the society, and its institutions, are trustworthy or corrupt.
(at the time), The West and its institutions was generally regarded as trustworthy by its citizens, hence conversations were more direct and focussed on ‘getting down to business’, whereas our Middle Eastern colleagues knew their societies to be corrupt (and treated the West the same – it seems they were right). As a result, they focussed on establishing trust first, and could not get down to business until this was done.
As a result, the Westerners regarded the Middle Easterners as evasive and non commital, and they regarded us as rude and overly direct.
New Poll on Climate Change Offers Telling, Sobering Results to Those Making the Issue a Priority
President Joe Biden and Democrats have made it no secret that a major priority of theirs is combating a so-called “climate emergency,” especially when it comes to the recent passage of the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act.” Another poll has revealed that most Americans don’t have the issue as top of mind. In fact, their views of climate change are shifting away from the alarmist view that the Biden administration holds.
The AP-NORC poll in question was released on Monday and conducted from June 23-27, surveying 1,053 adults with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.
A write-up from the Associated Press highlights a contrast between Americans’ attitudes now and in August 2019. While a plurality of respondents in both surveys say they are “extremely/very concerned” about climate change, it was by a much higher amount in 2019.
In that survey, 44 percent said as much, while 29 percent said they were “moderately concerned,” and 25 percent said they were “not very/not at all concerned.”
This time around, however, just 35 percent said they were “extremely/very concerned.” The other options made significant gains. Thirty-three percent said they were “moderately concerned,” while 32 percent said they were “not very/not at all concerned.”
As the write-up acknowledged:
Many climate scientists told The Associated Press that the shifts are concerning but not surprising given that individuals are feeling overwhelmed by a range of issues, now including an economy plagued by inflation after more than two years of a pandemic. In addition to being outpaced by other issues, climate change or the environment are mentioned as priorities by fewer Americans now than just a few years ago, according to the poll.
Cooked duk.
aka ‘The fourth turning…’
What do you think is the difference between a person and a human being?
Fauci Fuck on the superiority of infection to vaccination:
I note that he justifies ignoring corruption on the part of Biden by claiming it pales in comparison to the sheer volume of Trump’s corruption.
They have been trying to get Trump since 2015, threw enormous government resources into catching him out, and even now they are reduced to raiding his residence with a dodgy warrant which is coming back already to bite them in the butt. And all they can do now is ‘leak’ stuff to j’ismists – which is generally them tipping their hand and showing they have no proof: Leaks don’t have proof, just airy ‘claims’.
This Harris guy should run to the DOJ and FBI. If he is able to demonstrate Trump was or is corrupt I am sure they would be grateful.
what’s the plural of ‘ad hominum’ ?? ‘ad famiglia’
I hate to quote him, but this does tie into my belief the US is exporting its inflation because they have this odd belief “theres nowhere else to go”.
In a speech at a June economic forum in St. Petersburg, Putin complained that the roughly $10 trillion that any trading country must hold in dollar and Euro currency reserves is being devalued at 8% a year by U.S. inflation.
Thats not the only cause, nation states also devalue their own currencies over time, but the 10% leap by the US mucks up their own orderly money printing.
the food pyramid
56 year old carnivore Dr Shawn Baker competes with a rowing machine that logs scores on line. He his ranked top for his age category globally and is ranked 4th overall globally.
The food pyramid produced munty’s, clinically obese and cognitively challenged. The Perfect Man.
Teal ‘convert’ Nomi Kaltmann straddles political crossroads ahead of Victorian election
The independent teal candidate in a crucial seat in the Victorian election ran for a series of Labor Party office-holder positions in February, sparking a backlash from the major parties over her loyalties.
Internal Labor Party documents show lawyer Nomi Kaltmann nominated for five local positions including president of Labor’s Caulfield branch but soon after switched allegiances and jumped on the teal bandwagon.
Ms Kaltmann, 30, said the leaking of the form was designed to discredit her in the race to win the marginal Liberal seat, which is crucial to the Coalition having any chance of forming government in its own right.
Don’t you mean ‘pious’?
I hope you’re wrong on that. Wasn’t it just a pretext to allow critics of the regime to relax enough to out themselves, after which they got necked.
Not sure just how much difference an AFL coach can make. I had a mate playing for Carlton when Parkin came back towards the end of the 80s. Not many of them were sleeping too well before pre-season started. The Carlton-Malthouse experience wouldn’t fill you with hope.
Oliver’s Twist, Policymakers Legislating Against the People – It’s Not About Going Green, It’s About Going Without
August 18, 2022 | Sundance
Last Saturday’s weekly monologue by Neil Oliver was a tremendous hit, helping to awaken millions of people from multiple nations about the true intent of this new governing system as promoted by policymakers on behalf of corporate interests [SEE HERE].
Earlier today (UK time) GBNews host Mark Steyn had Mr Oliver appear in studio to expand the conversation. What results from Steyn and Oliver is a brilliant segment outlining the nature of this new governing system. A system structured on the standard that disconnected policymakers are legislating to the needs of corporations.
Video prompted at 13:45 (segment approx. 8 mins)
IIRC, homo – hominis is a 3rd declension noun.
Ergo, it should be ad hominem in the singular and ad homines in the plural 😉
The kids call them Soyjaks these days, they sweat pure oestrogen. Not as valuable as adrenochrome but still worth putting them into battery farms for it.
Oliver’s Twist, Policymakers Legislating Against the People – It’s Not About Going Green, It’s About Going Without
August 18, 2022 – Sundance
Last Saturday’s weekly monologue by Neil Oliver was a tremendous hit, helping to awaken millions of people from multiple nations about the true intent of this new governing system as promoted by policymakers on behalf of corporate interests [SEE HERE].
Earlier today (UK time) GBNews host Mark Steyn had Mr Oliver appear in studio to expand the conversation. What results from Steyn and Oliver is a brilliant segment outlining the nature of this new governing system. A system structured on the standard that disconnected policymakers are legislating to the needs of corporations.
When you remove the old “representative democracy” scales from your outlook and replace the lens with an understanding that representation now means representing the needs of multinational interests, almost all of the contradictions reconcile.
From that perspective, the Build Back Better or Green New Deal (climate change) agenda is not about replacing the system of energy production with a green system that duplicates the output. The intent of the new program is to produce less energy and then modify the uses of the now limited resource. In one of the examples given, 30 million gasoline powered cars are not expected to be replaced by electric vehicles, a personal transportation system of far fewer vehicles is the goal
Snap P
Sure glad I am in the latter stage of my life than at the beginning.
Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.
This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.
Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.
Other than Pol Pot.
That didn’t end well either.
It isn’t about reducing economic activity. Or climate.
Or even about their global Marxist utopia.
It’s about power and control, ownership and submission.
They want to own you.
sfw says:
August 19, 2022 at 8:52 am
Just got the latest electricity bill, it’s always big in winter but just staggering this time, it’s for four weeks, cost $389.78 most of that $257.06 is for off peak hot water. I’m putting in an LPG instantaneous system next week, looking forward to much lower bills. Until the gov bans LGP that is.
That bill is for four weeks.
Peak315.20 kWh 31.900 c/kWh 11 Jul 202210 Aug 2022 31 $100.55
Off Peak 1,416.28 kWh 18.150 c/kWh11 Jul 202210 Aug 2022 31 $257.06
Something does not add up, this means 47.2 kWh a day, unless you are heating a pool or using the hot water for heating.
No, no, Monty, you are raising the importance of personhood here, not me. You can either answer the questions asked or simply admit you have no idea.
Bruce of N
How do you explain to a pharmacist or a GP that you want the latter not the former? They will get angry at you since you are implying you don’t trust them.
Even if they agree to do as you ask, how can you check what is actually injected?
Mr Panzer at 10.07:
You can be sceptical about Kung Flu vaxxes without going the full RFK.
You can be absolutely hostile towards mandated Kung Flu vaxxes without going the full RFK, or any of his comrades on that particular ‘it will turn your blood to sludge’ and/or 8 to 38 months until you all die, and those who survive will wish you were dead’ bandwagons.
Or, for that matter, joining that up with the Sovereign Citizen/tunnel child enslaving red shoe-wearing lizard overlords.
This is a recurring theme. These peanuts both hijacked and destroyed righteous protest movements against mandatory unproven covid vaccinations, and the life/business/soul destroying lockdowns that accompanied them.
Ms Kaltmann, 30, said the leaking of the form was designed to discredit her in the race to win the marginal Liberal seat, which is crucial to the Coalition having any chance of forming government in its own right.
Chalk up a success then.
“The independent teal candidate in a crucial seat in the Victorian election ran for a series of Labor Party office-holder positions in February, sparking a backlash from the major parties over her loyalties.
Internal Labor Party documents show lawyer Nomi Kaltmann nominated for five local positions including president of Labor’s Caulfield branch but soon after switched allegiances and jumped on the teal bandwagon.
Ms Kaltmann, 30, said the leaking of the form was designed to discredit her in the race to win the marginal Liberal seat, which is crucial to the Coalition having any chance of forming government in its own right.”
Ms Kaltmann is an opportunistic party hopper, looking for a political gig. I hope Southwick wins.
Surely this must finally squash the stupid notion that the Teals are “Liberals”?
Speaking of Sovereign Citizen nuffies, they would appear to have found the missing five year old girl her lunatic mother abducted during a supervised custody visit 12 days ago.
Blockquote fail.
These peanuts both hijacked and destroyed righteous protest movements against mandatory unproven covid vaccinations
These peanuts were made the “face” of the injections because it suited the media/wankers in charge to do so.
Every movement attracts fringe mobs wanting to ride a cause to push their own barrow, but its passing curious how effective they are at garnering screen time well beyond their size.
Interesting that Neil Oliver and Katie Hopkins have both started talking about “rationing”.
Hopkins was on about leisure time and holidays, but it’s going to spread a lot wider than that before it’s done. The energy rationing will be the big change – holidays and even certain foods are not deal breakers. Freezing in your home is.
I’ll be in Scotland in October. Definitely packing some extra thermals.
Australians express strong support for abortion
Published: 19 August 2022
In countries allowing abortion on request, the most common gestational limit is 12 weeks, or the first trimester, but abortion is often permitted under a range of circumstances after this limit has expired.
However, Australia has some of the most lenient abortion laws in the world, with states like Victoria pushing the accessibility period out to 24 weeks and after 24 weeks with the approval of two doctors.
you are going to struggle not only limiting abortion to the first or second trimester but to the months after birth.
A concept (post-birth abortion) that is, and has been for some time, the subject of “discussion” among “ethicists”. It was always to be the next step after abortion to full-term.
And if their intentions are as stated, it wont end well for the politicians in this instance.
Even the CCP fears a citizenry driven to civil disobedience by privation.
Monty may choose to look into personhood in terms of id quod and id quo, not that I understand it, although he might. This may give pause to temporarily avoid the ultimately revealed truth, Thou Shalt Not Kill.
My prediction is that you will have learnt nothing from the last three years, and when the next glaringly obvious boot falls you will again post 90% of your comments aimed at those who might have slightly over reacted or used a bit of poetic license or got too enthusiastic or bombastic, rather than oppose the actual tyranny in whatever form it comes.
Enjoy a few months or a year or so of sunshine.
The next iteration will make the last lot seem mild.
Speaking of slippery slopes (it’s not always a fallacy, monty), “progressive” Canada is killing its poor disabled folk.
Poor as in unable to afford the necessities of life, I should say.
The question of when a person is a person is a matter for philosophy. There is no definitive answer. Even such an august tome as the Bible didn’t lay it out in plain language.
What I do know is (a) that declaring personhood for a cell at the moment of fertilisation is pretty dumb, and (b) the state dictating terms to a mother leads to bad outcomes for the mother.
August 19, 2022 at 11:05 am
Time to let a thousand flowers bloom.
I hope you’re wrong on that. Wasn’t it just a pretext to allow critics of the regime to relax enough to out themselves, after which they got necked.
Indeed it was. Soon to be followed by the Great Leap Forward, then the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
As a result of those three campaigns, tens of millions died across China.
Cowardice comes in many forms.
Maybe the most subtle is the instinct to appease your masters by urging restraint upon your fellows when the point of contention arrives.
It’s a fine line between sensible restraint and craven self interest.
I aim this at myself as much as others.
I have pulled many punches and tempered many arguments.
When I knew full well what was being done to us wasn’t right.
August 19, 2022 at 11:50 am
Monty may choose to look into personhood in terms of id quod and id quo, not that I understand it, although he might. This may give pause to temporarily avoid the ultimately revealed truth, Thou Shalt Not Kill.
My (limited) understanding is that the words in the original language were “Thou Shalt Not Murder”. This is a different meaning, allowing for just wars, self-defence, lawful police actions and judicial executions.
Top level coaching is basically getting dickheads to play together. By the the time the dickheads have got to the top level the coach doesn’t teach them new skills apart from what goes on in their heads and that ain’t a lot. Usually its all they can do. Look at Paul Green taking the Cowboys to a GF win. An average team plus JT. They played together well. Didn’t matter how well JT played if the rest of them hadn’t lifted. They didn’t give up. Bellamy for the Storm started off with no names and got them to play together and not give up. I don’t like team sports unless I see a team that doesn’t give up. All the fancy stuff doesn’t make up for not doing the basics right.
Correct. RFK Jnr is not someone anyone should look up to .
This is not about looking up to anyone. It’s about what is really going on.
None of this should be a “Team This” or a “Team That”. We want the truth about what has happened. That’s why there are many calls from around the world for full inquiries into Covid and the pandemic including in Australia for a RC.
But if you’re first willing to undermine a witness because you don’t like the “cut of his jib”, his family connections or because you identify some other human failing in him, then, it’s possible that you don’t really want the truth.
This morning, one of Tom’s cartoons showed a depiction of Scummo as the Hydra. That is an apt description of Anthony Fauci, the NAIAD/CDC/FDA, the media, much of the medical journal industry and Big Pharma, and how previously with AZT and AIDS patients and now with mRNA vaccines, the undermining of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, these people operate.
Don’t like Kennedy: fine. But as Molly once said, “do yourself a favour”; go and borrow Kennedy’s book (if you don’t want to spend your hard-earned) and then come back and give your informed opinion of his contribution to what’s going on.
Correct, although Hebrew words have a wide semantic range on account of the relatively small vocabulary. The word in question literally means to break in pieces, and/so it can also mean to kill accidentally. Needless to say, the rabbis applied the commandment to abortion.
You haven’t articulated any reasons why the human being as an embryo or fetus is not a person, so calling it ‘pretty dumb’ is very dumb indeed. Why should anyone seeing this inability to articulate a moral argument take your position seriously?
No, I will do both.
The spruikers of ‘oppose mandatory covid vaccines, and by the way you must also accept they will kill you all with the Death CamPs with the gas lines and the elites and peddler rings and children’s blood and by the way the Chinese PLA are going to land at Tullamarine on commercial flights and also aboriginal rights and burn it all down’ (and that is exactly what they were doing) did nothing but delegitimise possibly the worthiest cause in 80 years.
It wasn’t a ‘slight over reaction’.
It wasn’t ‘a bit of poetic licence’.
It wasn’t ‘got too enthusiastic or bombastic’. It was stupid people with their own agendas trying to gee up others by either demanding people accept the worst scenario these people were coming up with – up to and including Holocaust events – or outright lying or both, AND then spending months and years stridently abusing those who declined to get on the Insane Train.
You don’t attract people to your cause through overreaction, poetic licence or bombast. But perhaps, for these people at least, the cause wasn’t the end goal anyway.
Top level coaching is basically getting dickheads to play together. By the the time the dickheads have got to the top level the coach doesn’t teach them new skills apart from what goes on in their heads and that ain’t a lot.
Definitely, applies to club management as well! .. LOL!
Parramatta Eels not content with another stalemate season as their remote GF hopes become remoter have just signed one of “top” coachings most prolific loser’s for the 2023 season .. Trent Barrett .. failed at Manly, failed at Canterbury but, apparently, Parramatta can see something the rest of us can’t .. FFS!
Another logical fallacy. No, I don’t have to prove the negative that a blastocyte is not a person. Again you are assuming the conclusion that an embryo is a person, and putting the onus on me to prove otherwise.
No society gives an embryo the full legal rights of a person. This is in part because the consequences of doing so would be ridiculous. You have to prove that society through all of history has been wrong. You are the one upsetting the status quo with your logic-free religious extremism.
“Correct, although Hebrew words have a wide semantic range on account of the relatively small vocabulary. The word in question literally means to break in pieces, and/so it can also mean to kill accidentally. Needless to say, the rabbis applied the commandment to abortion.”
As someone who does know Biblical Hebrew, the Torah doesn’t say “Thou shalt not kill,” the Torah says explicitly that “Thou shalt not murder”. There is a whole theological argument behind this. The Hebrew words for “kill” and “murder” are different.
candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.”
As does the easier manipulation of state-wide votes than multiple congressional districts.
You mean harag & ratzach?
Is this the origin of the brand name Ratsak?
The classical (biblical) word for murder is Tirtzach and that is the word used in the Torah. Lo Tirtzach means “Thou shalt not murder”
Followed by again adding to the 90% of your comments directed mostly one way.
You might have a point if you had a substantial body of work you could point to where you criticise our overlords re Covid.
You don’t.
The name Trent might have something to do with it. Bit like Duane. Sports club hierarchy is always full of woulda shoulda coulda types but never did. I experienced that at the Brumbies. Its like having that twat Vlandies in charge of the NRL. Might be able to read a balance sheet but does nothing to get fans involved. Better off having ex players. Kids need to see their sporting heroes involved and as for talking heads commentating, don’t get me started. Trouble is, games have become business.
Yes; from the root I transliterated, with the addition of vowels.
Harag – to kill -can have the saem meaning depending on verbal form and context.
The meaning of the commandment is clear, though – it forbids unlawful killing (according to God’s law; abortion may be legal in man’s law, but it isn’t in God’s eyes). Since God elsewhere permits killing in justly waged warfare, personal self-defence and lawful execution for capital crimes, it is not a blanket prohibition on taking human life, as the pacifists maintain.
Rabbinical Judaism is not particularly comfortable with “killing” however it acknowledges that in order to protect and preserve life, an individual or a nation sometimes needs to kill…as in war, self defence and so on.
Just no with rfk on covid vaccines; it’s just more of the same.
Children’s Health Defense website.
Maybe there’s some wheat amongst the chaff but as it’s all presented as gospel, why would you bother?
5G, what?
crypto slavery?
Right on the Latin, but remember that ad hominem is an aphorism, meaning ‘towards the man’, i.e. arguing against a man’s personna rather than his argumentation standards. Aphorisms can apply that singular examplar mode towards multiple people. The only changed I’ve seen used for modern tastes is to change it to ‘ad femina’ when it is a woman, but that is not strictly necessary, for the ‘man’ is a generic universal (a usage which feminists can’t stand).
VIDEO: Conservatives split from Anglican Church
Any informative links other than in the Guardian?
I sat through many, many years of meetings where one individual posed time and time again as the “voice of reason” and as the moderate who was willing to find the sensible middle way.
He went from classroom teacher to principal during that time.
Nice bloke. Really. I consider him a friend. But gee, we gave away a lot of ground to the point the overlords transformed the school from a regular place into a woke fuckhole with “learning spaces” containing 100 students in a state of utter bedlam.
Worked out good for him though.
A group of staff opposed much of the crap you are now starting to see leak out into the real world.
We lost.
Remember that next time you hear of the insanity infecting schools.
Maybe there’s some wheat amongst the chaff
Ah! The beginnings of an open mind.
I can see a quantum shift in acceptable side effects for vaccines.
Previously no vaccine would be approved if myocarditis was a side effect. The situation now is that the forced vaccination of billions of people with side effects up to and including death was accepted (and mostly welcomed) by the general population.
So future vaccines will be measured against the side effects of the Covid19 mRNA vaccine, rather than the much more stringent previous standard.
The driver seems to be that mRNA vaccines are much more patentable. Traditional vaccine IP is largely in the manufacturing process. mRNA coding along with algorithmically generated mRNA variants can be protected wholesale and is much more difficult to circumvent. Hence more valuable to the patent holders, many of whom work in the CDC.
One of the cartoonists can’t spell rhinoceros. On second thoughts it was a deliberate but subtle poke at the RINO (Republican In Name Only) republicans that nearly passed me by. How many others didn’t twig? Fess up.
Actually, I do.
You (and a small number of others) just focused on the extremely well-deserved ridicule.
Stop pretending anyone apart from yourself is committing logical fallacies. You have either said or implied that the embryo and fetus are not persons without providing any reasons. You’ve merely asserted it. Not good enough.
‘Full legal rights’ is a red herring. The relevant right is protection from deliberate destruction, which was available even in pre-Christian Rome to some extent and was certainly afforded later and has certainly been a part of Western law for over a millennia. Pretending otherwise is just absurd.
Actually, you don’t.
I read you carefully and have for years.
And I have a good memory,
You are kidding yourself.
too many phyto-estrogens in his soy milk?
Roger says:
August 19, 2022 at 9:36 am
In a coup for the electric vehicle industry and mostly European premium manufacturers such as VW, BMW and Mercedes, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen will on Friday declare that “now is the time to have an orderly and sensible discussion” about the idea.
Politispeak for “the decision has already been made, but we’ll test the strength of the public backlash first so as not to damage our re-election prospects.”
Yep. The decisions were made several years ago. Probably the biggest ‘endorsement’ for EVs was COP21 in Glasgow in late 2015. At that point, the die was utterly and irreversibly cast although the history of transition to ‘low emission vehicles’ had been discussed and agreed well before that in the UN, EU and WEF.
Australia has been slow to react by comparison with the rest of the world – probably because none of our previous politicians really wanted to be the one to pull the trigger. Now, good or bad, the US under Biden are getting in the game and Australia is probably the last (or one of the last) 1st world countries to have a plan, but it is now unavoidable. Now that we have a Labour govt who are entirely captured by the Green lobby, there will be no holding back. I fully expect a ban on the importation of new ICE passenger vehicles from 2035 whilst taxes will ramp up and apply punitive pressure to the ICE fleet from about 2030.
As I said in one of my EV threads on the old Cat back in 2019: “the fundamental decisions have already been made and your input was not required”.
Do so.
Greatly appreciated.
Apparently not. You do, however, tend to get focused on individual stoushes and forget the background discussions which kicked them off.
Also, you would know – as a result of your readings – that not once have I taking the piss out of any bombastic, poetically-licensed over-reactor without having a couple of ill-timed haymakers hit the door frame in front of me first – as a direct result of the ‘substantial body of work’ you say I don’t have.
“A pox on both houses” and “the moderate middle way” are just tactics to manage you into where they want you to go.
Or to get you past a sticking point before the inevitable march resumes.
I have lived it for nearly two decades in schools.
The new boss who comes in and they use him to crash through the horrible garbage they always wanted to. Then they discard him and the next guy says: “Hey, that stuff isn’t really important, you can make your own decisions (sunshine period, thousand flowers will bloom) only their little cadre keeps pushing away at it until the next tyrannical period comes and it’s again “You must do it. If you don’t like it you can leave”.
And always, always, ultimately, they win.
LOL Leadership suggests Stuth is only slightly overreacting. Sweet.
We’re still waiting for that intellectually overpowering opus how full retard protectionism is superior to open markets and while you’re there, you genius, perhaps you could explain why cheaper imported manufactured goods are trading below cost. Someone mentioned that you were over at the Lollipop Cat explaining that cheaper imported goods are priced “below cost”. You absolute Einstein.
Dot, lady on the gruinaid lady pages has a query for you.
As a single almost 36-year-old woman with a successful career*, I feel like the pandemic has robbed me of two prime years of my dating life and has fast-tracked me to the red region of my biological clock.** The pressure I feel to do something about this deadline is massive, but for the first time in my life, I have no idea how to make up my mind. Do I continue to focus on myself, or prioritise dating, or resort to egg freezing?***
I have always assumed I wanted children. But after seeing every one of my close female friends struggle with their Covid babies in one way or another, I have major doubts. Although I have a full and varied post-lockdown social life, I have not met a man to share my life with.****
I have seen firsthand what a burden it is to have a child with an incompetent man***** and I would rather be alone and happy than with a man who makes my life harder.****** There is so much I would like to do with my life before “sacrificing” it for children, but by the time I get all that done, I’ll have no eggs left!******* I also don’t want to be a parent who resents their child for limiting their life – I want to fully devote myself. How do I begin to work out my next steps?
* But somehow havent spawned, tick tock, tick tock…
** Im sorry i thought you said 36, not 26….
*** Sounds a lot like “prioritizing myself” has led you to here, empty egg carton.
**** Bloody men
***** Your lady friends chose them.
****** You see any signal that she sees a relationship as a partnership, or is she giving off the “zero sum game/divorce/you pay for 18+ years vibe”?
******* Are you going to cure cancer? If the answer is no then WTF do you think you are sacrificing exactly?
I suggest this lady not breed. I suggest any wan wooing it do so on a strictly temporary basis and treat her like a bit of used chewing gum so her choice becomes much easier.
Knuckle D, you’ve done godly work in mocking that deadshit, Stuth and it won’t be forgotten here.
With gratitude, Champ.
Lower manufacturing costs too. The idea being once you know the coding RNA you can effectively program the nucleic acid sequence into your line and out pops the vaccine. No capital costs for changing equipment between different vaccine batches, just change one computer file.
I do see a use for mRNA therapies, but not for injected vaccines. Cancer treatment especially. Possibly patch and spray delivered vaccines since the cells affected aren’t likely to cause life threatening problems if there’s a dangerous immunological response.
“Already there seems to be a general regard that Priuses are uncool and sanctimonious, driven by Greens.”
I SO like pointing out to them that, from cradle to grave,and over 160,000km, a V8 Commodore produces less CO2 than a
PuspiousPrius.Uncle Fester considers himself a Nobel prize winning immunologist. Cool as.
To paraphrase.
A metallurgical immunologist.
x + y = z , and z is worserer than w so, z = (like) 2 * w … so you’re a bad person
or at least, youre worserer than him .
mUnty could do this all day
the bloke’s either mad, stupid or conniving … but probably all three
The abortion issue is not really about ways of responding with the force of violence to threat or injustice. Rather the abortion issue has become analogous to the sacrificing of human life at the altar of superior interests.
(And I say this without in any way being condemnation of women who have had abortions – no doubt they made difficult decisions. The question remains as that of the transcendental nature of human dignity.)
No society gives an embryo the full legal rights of a person.
m0nty, show us one example where anyone on this site has argued for that.
A rule that unborn babies shouldn’t be killed is hardly “giving” them “full legal rights” of a “person”.
Forgive me if someone has already responded to this question, I haven’t checked upthread.
The question surprises me as it wasn’t Abbott who backed out of the inquiry, it was his replacement PM and his newly appointed WEF poster-boy Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt, who cancelled the inquiry.
Tony Abbott announced that there would be an inquiry following the BoM’s own audit which said that their processes were very dodgy. Tony made the announcement one evening, the next morning he was replaced by Turnbull. Turnbull appointed Greg Hunt as his Environment Minister, and Hunt immediately shut down the inquiry.
This was the first action of the new Turnbull government.
The whole WEF plan for the collapse of the western nations through energy deprivation, starvation and economic collapse is premised on “dangerous green-house gasses,” if a maverick leader in one targetted nation doesn’t go along with the plan he will be removed.
If an open inquiry into BoM’s record keeping went ahead and the scam was publicly revealed, those who wish to control us would have been damaged.
For those with an interest in EVs, battery development and so on from an investment perspective, see the attached.
From there, open the Investor Guide document or download as required.
From BBS yesterday.
But AZT was the reason that so many AIDS patients died.
Which is why in a righteous world Fauci would have been removed from his role & made to retire in shame.
No society gives an embryo the full legal rights of a person.
They are conceived with full rights of a person, then certain societies work to erase this.
Which is why in a righteous world Fauci would have been removed from his role & made to retire in shame.
To pleasant, designated lab beagle.
Thanks Speedbox. Interesting.
Focus on your career. Men don’t deserve you. You are better than all of them, they are trash.
Having a career and being a good taxpayer is what counts in life.
As a single almost 36-year-old woman with a successful career
So you fell for the propaganda.
The Bunnings playground and cafe used to be a great place to see “new mother old women” offload their offspring for a short while in an attempt to recharge batteries that were already half worn out.
Once again relationship counselor Dot sets the poor lady straight on whats really important in life.
Renowned author of tracts such as “what vintages of boxed wine will keep well in my cellar” and “Toxoplasmosis, does that count as a significant relationship in my life“?
Odds bet on it’s a “successful career” in HR.
Not surprisingly the original source of this claim appears to be an AIDs denialist
Claims that people were being killed by zidovudine (AZT) instead of AIDS are unsubstantiated
Odds bet on it’s a “successful career” in HR.
Certainly not in engineering. Hmmm, she might have terminated me!
Not surprisingly the original source of this claim appears to be an AIDs denialist
Rosie, I think you’ve got plenty of CDC Pfizer trial data to be defending.
Sort of says it all really. This woman should get her tubes tied and join a wine club. Cats don’t talk back either so there is that to console yourself with.
But the law looks more harshly upon you if you kill a pregnant woman.
re your link previous:
If they got the Wuhan Zombie Virus so wrong, what are the chances they are wrong about Gerbil Warming? How about other classic stuff ups like The Ozone Layer Hole?
There are so many we have to wonder if they’re doing on purpose.
Also, dying without heirs so that your property reverts to the state is more considerate.
Ive got my eye on one penny dreadful rare earths stock.
Rumor has it some very good drilling results are on the way.
asraminerals, treat this info as though its been given to you by a scabby derro at a pub and invest accordingly..
“Also, dying without heirs so that your property reverts to the state is more considerate.”
Ah ha! Another supporter of “trans-gender affirming health care” then? If you gotta have ’em, make sure they can’t breed…
Having a career and being a good taxpayer is what counts in life.
Also, dying without heirs so that your property reverts to the state is more considerate.
Living in a small one bedroom apartment and be sure to not go anywhere public transport cant get you.
Consider taking up smoking so as to pay even more tax, and die younger.
I just came across this lighthearted attestation by Hilaire Belloc of the superiority of Catholic culture:
Curiously, the last two lines of his poem Jim were on my mind when I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago. Luckily the anaesthetic meant the slap across my face while I lay there did not hurt so much.
It is common enough, I think, when swept up in reciting a passage from a play or a poem to accompany it with the actions.
So when I was inwardly saying:
President Trump on Thursday shared his “Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation” to his Truth Social page. Legit or not?:
SUBJECT: Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Declassification and Release. At my request, on December 30, 2020, the Department of Justice provided the White House with a binder of materials related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to the Congress or the public. I requested the documents so that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials in the binder should be released in unclassified form.
I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible. In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission.
I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder. This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the redactions proposed in the FBI’s January 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy.
My decision to declassify materials within the binder is subject to the limits identified above and does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and does not require the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information or any other materials that must be protected from disclosure under applicable law.
Accordingly, at my direction, the Attorney General has conducted an appropriate review to ensure that materials provided in the binder may be disclosed by the White House in accordance with applicable law.
100%. It’s crap.
It’s been taught in schools as fact for twenty years.
Anyone under forty has been indoctrinated to accept that a climate apocalypse is imminent and that only drastic action can avert it.
The following things are the main thrust of education in Australia for the decade. If your child is in school, the majority of their lessons will be about these things:
1. Persuasive writing.
2. The wrongs of colonialism.
3. Global village.
4. The environment, climate in particular.
Persuasive writing, on the face of it, might sound like a good thing. It isn’t. Within this domain they are taught all the rhetorical tricks of emotionally manipulating others. Whereas in the past students learnt debate, rhetoric, logic and reasoning, now they learn to manipulate, conceal and deceive.
Global village is very big. In this they learn to put our own culture in the relativistic context, in the guise of preparing themselves for a globalised world.
Climate change is worked into everything from maths to home eco.
Old Ozzie:
How odd it is that the Left always confuse the difference between the nation and themselves.
If only they taught kids about the amazing benefits of full-retard protectionism and why imported goods are currently priced “below cost”.
Be careful, I copped a gobful from a regular here for suggesting that about the food pyramid. I haven’t bothered replying because it isn’t worth my time.
Toxoplasmosis, does that count as a significant relationship in my life“?
I’ve reduced the risk by six over the last few days. Feral cats meet farmer with little pity and an array of dispatching methods.
Not sure you really need to teach those new skills, they come down as with mother’s milk. It seems more a case of deemphasising the fact that they are character flaws and treating them as laudable skills of the those that are switched on. What does a degree in “media and communication” mean anyway, other than you weren’t smart enough to get into law.
“Legit or not?”
I believe it to be legit – certainly Kash Patel has said it is so. I also recall hearing this from other sources at the time – certainly Trump, possibly also via Guiliani, Tim Pool and Dan Bongino (but they may have just been echoing Trump or Kash).
Haven’t seen an “official” doc on it, but it was certainly reported as so in the (US) MSM at the time as well – well, some of it anyway.
IOW, I have every reason to believe Trump did do this at the stated time.
thefrollickingmole says:
August 19, 2022 at 1:51 pm
The interesting thing about rare earths is that very little in our modern world will work without them. Forget your EVs, phone, TV, computer, magnets and a host of other items not to mention a raft of applications in the defence industry.
Most (~88%) of rare earths come out of China and they have a 20 year head start on the West in the mining and refinement of rare earths but this is proving to be a foolish ‘eggs in one basket’ scenario. The US DoD are so concerned they have provided Lynas Corp (ASX:LYC) with $US120m to assist in the building of a heavy rare earth separation facility in the US. Of course there are off-take agreements as part of this.
The world’s demand for rare earths continues to grow apace and the introduction of EVs, amongst other things, further assures the opportunities in rare earth exploration, mining and refinement.
I’m sorry that I’ve never expected all doctors to be infallible or medications to work exactly the same way in everybody and have zero side effects, ever.
asraminerals; if it turns out to be legit, wonder if the government would step in and kibosh the deal if the Chinese were to step in and try to buy them out.
Frank says:
August 19, 2022 at 2:35 pm
Possible but doubt it. ASR are tiny with a market cap around $26m. There are much bigger rare earth miners who are in the process of also building separation facilities in Aust* who would be a much more interesting ‘target’ for China, or anyone else.
* The rare earth companies have woken up to the problems with having their raw material processed in China (as many did) so most are either building facilities on-shore or shipping to other countries (Malaysia, US, Canada, Estonia etc) for processing.
To no one’s surprise
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: The Secret Calls Between Joe Manchin and Bill Gates on the Inflation Reduction Act
Santa Clara County’s public health officer, Sara Cody, just admitted under oath…
The Manchin & Gates relationship wasn’t secret.
It’s be well known & written about since Manchin binned the original bill.
CDC update:
The Biden Administration Ends COVID-19 Testing Aimed at Unvaccinated Workers
Thomas Massie
Retweeting this for
who thinks he’s a fact checker but he either can’t read or he chose to lie. This tweet got 5 million impressions and the regime just couldn’t let that stand. I’ll repeat what I said “This is an actual IRS recruiting program.”
Gabor, “Something does not add up, this means 47.2 kWh a day, unless you are heating a pool or using the hot water for heating”
It’s a 250 litre Rheem outdoor storage heater on off peak. Only used for domestic hot water and now only two of us in the house. I’ve had it checked by a plumber and electrician and both say there’s nothing wrong. It’s horribly cold here in winter but even in summer it uses a heap of electricity. I’m thinking the instantaneous gas will make a big difference.